Sons of the Forest Character Creation Customization

Sons of the Forest Character Creation: Can You Change Your Gender or Race?

The Sons of the Forest character creation has been something fans have been asking about since the game’s reveal. While the game’s predecessor, The Forest, didn’t allow for character customization, many hoped that you could change your gender or race so they could be more immersed in the game. Since Sons of the Forest a first-person game, having a custom character model isn’t as much of a priority, but because it has multiplayer, it’s fair for players to ask whether they can make themselves.

Is there Sons of the Forest character creation?

Sons of the Forest character creation does not seem to be in the game, at least at launch when it finally releases today, February 23, on Steam.

Most of what we know about character customization comes from the multiplayer trailer released on February 20. All of the players in the trailer look as though they have the same character model of a white male with a short haircut. One has a brown shirt and another has a ballistic vest, so it seems like you should be able to change your outfit by equipping items at the very least.

But the fact that the trailer doesn’t show any female or black character model and doesn’t show some character creation screen suggests that there won’t be character creation.

That said, we will learn more when the game comes out officially, and given that the game is launching in Steam Early Access, character creation could be on the roadmap for developer Endnight Games before the full release. The game will likely be in Early Access for 6 to 8 months before it launches on consoles like PS5, PS4, and Xbox.

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