PC gaming had a strong presence in 2015. Great hardware pushed technology forward, and software was varied. There isn't much more you can ask for as a PC gamer.
There were hundreds of PC exclusives that launched in 2015, and quite a few of them were extraordinary. Unfortunately, a high percentage of them were too low in profile to gain the attention they deserved. So, with the holidays fast approaching, now's a great time to look back at what was missed.
Below you can read about 10 well-received PC exclusives that were commonly missed in 2015. Most of these are playable on low-end rigs, so don't be put off if you're missing a new CPU and graphics card.
Best of 2015: 10 Amazing PC Exclusives You Might Have Missed
Cities: Skylines
Release Date: March 10th, 2015
rnMetascore: 86
rnUser Reviews: Very Positive
rnPrice: $29.99
rnThe world has been in desperate need of a proper city building simulator for a while now, especially with SimCity falling flat on its face in 2013. Paradox Interactive couldn't have chosen a better time to deliver its best work yet, a game that feels like classic SimCity but with the mechanics and presentation you'd expect to see from a modern game. Cities: Skylines was on of 2015's best games, and at its affordable price it's a must-have. -
DiRT: Rally
Release Date: December 7th, 2015
rnMetascore: 87
rnUser Reviews: Very Positive
rnPrice: $49.99
rnOne of the two best racing games of the year was a PC exclusive by the name of DiRT: Rally. It was the latest creation by Codemasters featuring an improved handling model, more cars, and a much improved presentation when compared to previous DiRT games. While its quantity was strong, where it has earned most of its acclaim is from its true-to-life simulation. Racing enthusiasts have commended it for its attention to detail which results in thrilling races that reward you for your racing expertise. -
Duck Game
Release Date: June 4th, 2015
rnMetascore: 82
rnUser Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive
rnPrice: $12.99
rnDuck Game is a fast-paced arena game that features over 50 weapons and levels. Its combat is exciting rewarding not only precision but strategy. With support for up to four players in local and online multiplayer it's a great way to enjoy some healthy competition. There's even a Level Editor in case you want to make your own levels. -
Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes
Release Date: October 8th, 2015 rnUser Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive rnPrice: $14.99 rn rnPart puzzle game, part bomb defusal simulator, and part team building strategy, Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes is a game unlike any other. With only a short amount of time left before a bomb explodes, your team must come together with great verbal communication skills to be successful. The reward is one of the most exciting, panic-inducing games of 2015. -
Kerbal Space Program
Release Date: April 27th, 2015
rnMetascore: 88
rnUser Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive
rnPrice: $39.99
rnAs a physics-based rocket building and Space Flight Simulator Kerbal Space Program is unequaled. In the game you are in-charge of constructing space-bound vehicles to escape the Earth's atmosphere and travel to celestial bodies. It's surprisingly addictive, and teaches you a lot about physics and space travel. Even SpaceX and NASA use it regularly for simulation purposes. -
Pillars of Eternity
Release Date: March 10th, 2015
rnMetascore: 89
rnUser Reviews: Very Positive
rnPrice: $44.99
rnIn a world where games are becoming easier and more simplified as time goes on, Pillars of Eternity has arrived to remind us where we've come from. This classically-inspired cRPG is rich with emotion, depth, and a sense of adventure. It is a compelling experience that gives you much more than you put into it. -
Prison Architect
Release Date: October 6th, 2015
rnMetascore: 83
rnUser Reviews: Very Positive
rnPrice: $29.99
rnRunning a prison is no easy task, or so you learn from Prison Architect. This game simulates the entirety of managing a maximum security facility from housing to recreation. You even have full control over punishment, allowing you to hit those that break the rules with solitary confinement or even death. -
Release Date: September 15th, 2015
rnMetascore: 93
rnUser Reviews: Overwhelmingly Positive
rnPrice: $9.99
rnAt under $10 Undertale will make you laugh and give you a ton of value. It's one of this year's most surprising games, rich with fantastic writing and enjoyable gameplay. It is the true epitome of a hidden gem that can't be missed. -
Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide
Release Date: October 23rd, 2015 rnMetascore: 80 rnUser Reviews: Very Positive rnPrice: $29.99 rn rnWhile Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide doesn't try hard to hide the fact that it's 100% inspired by Left 4 Dead, it manages to provide enough flavor of its own as to not look like a cheap copy-cat. It's a fun co-operative adventure that does a great job of demonstrating Warhammer 40K's fantastic universe, as well as why 4-player co-operative survival games are so captivating. -
StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void
Release Date: October 6th, 2015 rnMetascore: 88 rnPrice: $39.99 rn rnLegacy of the Void is the end of nearly two decades of StarCraft. Although it is a high-profile game, many gamers missed it due to it launching between a flood of other AAA titles. What these people might not know is Legacy of the Void does everything in its power to be welcoming; it has an Archon Mode which allows two players to share control of a single faction, as well as series-first co-op that provides some quick and rewarding fun. Most of all, it's a great StarCraft 2 expansion that brings an end to an epic story arch with fantastic new units and mechanics.