Days Gone file size and day one patch

Days Gone file size and day one patch confirmed

Days Gone is out in just a few short weeks, and now we have confirmation on how big Bend Studio‘s game will be. Information about the Days Gone file size and day one patch should help prepare you and your hard drives for the game’s release.

This information comes by the way of German publication PlayFront, who received a fancy press kit from Sony. According to PlayFront, the Days Gone file size will come in at 67 gigabytes for the digital version. The physical release will likely have a similar install size, so expect somewhere around 70GB for Days Gone.

Days Gone will also have a day one patch when it releases. Currently, the game will update to version 1.02 and is largely focused on bug fixes for the open-world post-apocalyptic game. The patch’s file size was not specified. Another patch could be in the works for the game, as Bend Studio has over a week before it releases to the public.

We also learned that the Days Gone review embargo will be up on April 25, the day before Days Gone launches. This might be a bad sign for the game, as Sony usually allows reviews of first-party games several days (if not weeks) in advance. It could also just be in place to give reviewers some more time to dig into the game, instead of rushing to get a review done. Either way, we’ll see once reviews start dropping.

Bend Studio announced Days Gone at E3 2016 with a reveal trailer and gameplay demo. That trailer introduces us to Deacon St. John, the player character, and the northwest region of the United States ravaged by “Freakers.” Days Gone is a big third-person action-adventure with around six hours of cinematics and at least 30 hours of gameplay. The game sets itself apart with an emphasis on Deacon’s motorcycle, and massive hordes of zombie-like Freakers. Days Gone releases on April 26 exclusively for the PS4.

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