The Call of Duty franchise has long been criticized for its short single-player campaign length. Campaign length is just one area in which Battlefield 3 hopes to best the reigning champion of shooters.
At EA's Las Vegas showcase last week, we had the chance to speak with Patrick Liu, producer for DICE, about the upcoming Battlefield 3 campaign, which Liu says will last around "6-7 hours".
6-7 hours seems to be the sweet spot on campaign length, but for anyone feeling that it's too short, there's a completely separate campaign for co-op.
"…co-op is a whole campaign by itself. It is story driven but not the same story as the single player, but there is a lot of stuff that is related like the locations. The missions are made specifically for the co-op", Liu said.
Aside from campaign length, we asked Liu in what other ways Battlefield 3 beats Call of Duty.
"We have a lot of stuff that no one else does, just the scale and sandbox experience, no one does it as well as we are. The vehicle gameplay–people have tried to emulate that but no one is even getting close, either. Destruction is something we are doing best".
Battlefield 3 releases on October 25th on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Stick with GameRevolution for the latest on Battlefield 3.