Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations will show players exactly where the little green helpers are hiding in each of the expansion’s main and side missions. These spirits are a cute part of the series and are even in the other two expansions, unlike the Mujina, brushes, and Grilled Tang Sweets. The hot springs aren’t as cute, but are in this final piece of DLC as well. Getting all of them will unlock the “Spirit Guide” trophy. Here’s how to find all of the Kodamas in the Nioh 2 The First Samurai DLC.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai DLC Kodama Locations | Dawn of the Demon

Kodama location #1

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The first Kodama is near the beginning on the other side of the gate near the starting shrine. Go forward from the shrine past the few samurai in the first section and the yokai samurai in the next. Loop around to get on the other side of that aforementioned gate (which is open in the picture).

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a large burning tree and a triangular structure by the gate. Go there.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a big yokai crouched down in that crevice under the wood triangular structure.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Kill him and grab the first Kodama.

Kodama location #2

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Progress a little more in the level until the big closed gate in the above picture. Go right.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Run across the blood-soaked battlefield and go around the left side where the arrow is pointing.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a big tree there. Go around it and into the trunk.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be nestled under one of its big roots.

Kodama location #3

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go back to that big gate from the aforementioned Kodama. Open it.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go through go down the bloody corridor of shacks. There will be an opening between one of the shacks on the left. Squeeze between them.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once through, go down that path. Watch out for the tough enemy patrolling the ledge.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The little Kodama will be sitting there at the end of that path. The big gate is visible from where the Kodama is as it is very close to it, albeit on the other side of some rocks.

Kodama location #4

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

This Kodama is also near the bloody path of shacks and is very visible from the beginning of the stage. Go down that path until there is a set of two ladders on the left where the first shrine is visible.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go down the first set of ladders.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is right there on that ledge. Kick the ladder down while you’re there.

Kodama location #5

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The fifth Kodama is on that same bloody path of shacks, too.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

However, instead of going left, go right this time. There will be a path between some of the shacks by a corpse with an item on it.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go up the first set of the windy path but loop back around and go on the roofs of the shacks.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be on one of the roofs on the far left near the mountainside. Watch out for the big yokai up there.

Kodama location #6

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The sixth Kodama is in the next set of areas. From the shrine, go left and go on a wooden ramp.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

But instead of going straight, look down.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Drop down to the lower level.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be there and easy to grab.

Kodama location #7

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

This Kodama is hidden well as it is behind one of the Nurikabe walls under the waterfall in the second big area in the level (the one right after the first boss). The arrow is pointing in the general direction of the waterfall.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

It’s on the right side of that big open area.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Kill the enemies around the waterfall then approach the wall. Fight the wall or pick one of the emotes to make it lower without a fight.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go in the new room and walk up the ramp on the left side. The Kodama is in there. There is a hot spring in there as well.

Kodama location #8

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

This eighth Kodama has a similar setup to the sixth. Get to the shrine nearest to the final boss in the area.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Now go up the ramp near the tree that has to be kicked over from the other side. Don’t go up the ramp all the way.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Look down from the ramp and drop down to the flat wooden platform and then again to the area below.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be there under the wooden bridge.

Kodama location #9

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The penultimate Kodama is also near that final shrine (which is in the top left of the above picture). From there, go the direct opposite from the ramp from the last Kodama and toward where the arrow is pointing.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Continue down that short path and the Kodama will be at the end of a short bridge.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

This one is easy to spot when getting the sixth Kodama.

Kodama location #10

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The final Kodama in the stage is the trickiest to find and get. Go across the bridge to the dark area from the final shrine.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go left upon reaching the shallow ponds and head down a path with a smaller red flowers and a big yellow flower hanging overhead.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go through that area, through a tree trunk, and continue up that path through the areas with the flowers on the ground.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

That will eventually lead to an open field with a Kodama on the other side. But be very careful! There a few enemies hiding about in addition to one of hardest enemies in the game, which is new to this DLC. It’s that ball of feathers at the end of the field that is pretending to not be a ball of death.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Kill that bird freak to grab the Kodama.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama DLC Locations | A Distant Dream

Kodama location #1

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The first Kodama is easy to spot.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

From the first shrine, go down the bone stairs and take the first right.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

It looks like a dead end but a Kodama is hiding there near the rocks on the left.

Kodama location #2

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The second Kodama is near the big cyclops fight near the gate.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go into the room on the left instead.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once inside the prison, take the first right.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is sitting on a rock with a short barrier separating it from a yokai.

Kodama location #3

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

After defeating the cyclops, open up the big gate. This will open up the next area as well as the next shrine.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go a little bit up the ramp to that shrine but look to the right. The Kodama is sitting on the ground near the entrance near one of the blue torches.

Kodama location #4

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Continue on into the cave until one of the sections forces the player out of it. It shows them a nice view of the red sky.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a ladder on this wooden respite from the caves. Climb up the ladder. Once at the top of the ladder, go left in the direction of the cave.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be hiding a pole near one of the chests.

Kodama location #5

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Just after the fourth Kodama, players will have fight one of the new baby-ish yokai enemies and go back into the caves.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

After going into the caves again, go forward a bit and look to the left. Go up one of the bone ramps that points back to the entrance near where the baby yokai was.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is at the end of that ramp. The door the player came along with the red sky will be very visible as well.

Kodama location #6

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There is a dark area just after the last Kodama. It is also outside. Go into the dark zone, across the bridge by the corpse with the item, and turn left.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is hiding behind one of those poles near the entrance to the dark area.

Kodama location #7

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

These next few Kodamas are going to be near the shrine near the elevator that requires a key to open.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go up the ladder to the right of the shrine and continue down that path.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Climb all the way up until there is a ladder in a small alcove outside.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go up the ladder and continue the ascent until the ice room with the hard new yokai. Kill her.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once defeated, summon the elevator but do not press down the button in the center. Instead, go around the button and dash off the edge onto a platform just below.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go outside but don’t drop down again into the area with the hot spring!

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama will be just to the left on that stone platform.

Kodama location #8

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The eighth Kodama is right after the previous one so get to the area with the hot spring.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Now drop down into the hot spring area.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is on a small path near the hot spring.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

It can be a little easy to miss.

Kodama location #9

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The final Kodama is fittingly in the final area of the level before the boss. Get to the door that leads to the boss. There is a gorgon-like yokai patrolling that large arena-like area.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once there, turn around and look back to where the shrine is. Look to the left. The Kodama will be near a some yellow flowers.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama DLC Locations | In Search of the Elixir

Kodama location #1

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The first Kodama is a bit hidden but right in the beginning. Get to the spot where there are a few soldiers huddled near a tree. Go right to where the arrow is pointing.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go straight up the rocky hill.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Keep going straight and go peer into an empty tree trunk near the bolder. Drop down.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is in that hollow trunk.

Kodama location #2

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The second Kodama is also in that first area as well and there’s not just one way to get to it. Go into that spiral path up into the tree near the group of soldiers.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Kill the baby-like yokai and go through this entrance.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Aim down at the ground just outside that entrance near the arrow.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Drop down and grab the Kodama near where the crosshair is.

Kodama location #3

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Continue on until there is a gas-filled cave. Go toward the green gassy cauldron.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

But instead of going left to the cauldron, go right. Destroying the cauldron first is a good idea.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a bunch of blue pools of water on the right.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is by some of the stalagmites.

Kodama location #4

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The next Kodama is near that gas-filled cave. Go up the ladder by the torches.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once climbing the ladder, turn around.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is in the back.

Kodama location #5

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Once up that ladder, go through the above archway with the torches.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

That will lead to this room. Go through this hallway and turn around.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

There will be a cracked wall opposite that doorway in the above picture. Slashing it won’t do anything…

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

…But shooting it will. Blow it open with a gun.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go through the newly formed doorway and pull the lever near the chest. Go through the door it opens.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is just to the left outside.

Kodama location #6

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The last Kodama is in the room just opposite the cracked wall from the last Kodama.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

Go into that room to see the rat yokai.

Nioh 2 The First Samurai Kodama locations

The Kodama is in the back to the right of the biggest statue.

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