Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

Wattam‘s trophy descriptions as almost as weird as the game. And being so odd, they can be a little difficult to figure out. As such, you’ll probably need this Wattam trophy guide and roadmap to help you unlock this game’s Platinum trophy, which can be achieved after the story wraps up. Just be ready to explode, eat, and poop quite a lot on the way.

All Done (Unlock all trophies.)

  • This is the final step: the Platinum trophy. It will obviously unlock once you’ve gotten everything else.

My First Friend (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the lonely Mayor’s first friend. For the Mayor, this is a graduation from isolation as well.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Grass! Grass! Grass! (Congratulations! The sadness following Spotlight’s sudden disappearance and the happiness following the light of Sun’s return combined in just such a way that grass was able to grow… a feeling commemorated by this trophy. This feeling is not unlike the hurdles of life itself.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Operation Call Back: CLEAR (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the recovery of Phone’s trade tool, the receiver, from Sun. Now, Phone can make international calls to their heart’s content.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

ALSO: Wattam Review | Friendship, farts, and frustration

My First Overseas Trip (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the unforgettable experience that is anyone’s first overseas trip. Be careful not to lose your passport.

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Sea! Sea! Sea! (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the formation of the Sea out of tears. An event truly incredible, yet undeniably real.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Conveyor Belt Sushi-Go-Round Island (Congratulations! The lonely Island, who cried because there was no Sea to carry it, has grown into a fun and lively place, spinning with sushi. This trophy commemorates Island’s growth.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Ikura! Ikura! Ikura! Ikura! Ikura! Ikura! (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the reunion of Ikura Mom and her children. Now she can rest easy!)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Red! Yellow! Orange! (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the return of Autumn colors. This season brings to mind quiet, cozy reading and lively, delicious meals, all heralded by the changing colors.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Operation Saving Face: CLEAR (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the Doll of Sorrows’ new face. Eyes, Nose, and Mouth, please be sure to keep Doll happy from now on.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

The Birth of Hero (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the prophecied moment when the legendary Master Key Sword, long awaiting a hero, was pulled from its resting place. You are the hero! How exciting! How grand! How wonderful RPGs are!)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Snow! Snow! Snow! (Congratulations! Refrigerator brought back snow, and the Poops and Ice Cream Cone brought Refrigerator home. This trophy is filled with gratitude, and commemorates all their efforts.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

We’re Home! (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the moment you used the legendary Master Key Sword to open the long-closed House door. There’s a lot of cleaning to do before you can properly welcome everyone home.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Welcome Home, Mother. (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the return of a long-separated family to a long-abandoned home. Tonight, let us share this table and our stories.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Welcome Home, Everyone. (Congratulations! This trophy welcomes everyone in Wattam back home. Note: the name “Wattam” is a blend word made by combining the Japanese word “wa” (ring) and the Tamil word “Vattam” (circle) together.)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • This is for getting the whole rolodex (hold right on the D-pad) filled out. You’ll get most by completing the story but there are a few hidden ones and subcategories. Here are some easily missable ones:
  • The trees. Highlight each tree on the D-pad menu and it’ll have food associated with it, which you can see in the above picture. If not, play as that tree and keep eating stuff and farting it out. You’ll eventually get them all as you eat different things (so if you’re missing some, cycle in different objects). Each tree has different objects, too, so don’t think one tree completes them all.
  • The balloons, bowling pin, and bowling ball. You’ll get these by finding the bowling pins (located near Shirley the ring on the menu), which you can find below for the Red Balloon! Blue Balloon! Green Balloon! trophy.
  • The toilet. This has items associated with its poop so make different sized poops, which you ca find more about in the Big Poop, Middle Poop, Just a Little Poop trophy.
  • The Prince. At the end of the game, control the moon and move it close to an island. Jump to it as the Mayor and climb to the top. The Katamari Damacy star will be there.
  • Boy. You also have to wait until the end of the game but, as the Prince, go to the island with the big sushi table with four plates on it which is seen in the My First Conveyor Belt Sushi trophy. Then climb to the top of the tower and Boy will show up.

Big Poop, Middle Poop, Just a Little Poop (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the discovery of all three types of Poop. However much the Big Poop may look like ice cream, be sure not to taste it because it is very assuredly Poop and will taste as such.)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • You’re gonna need the mouth character for this trophy. You’ll need to create three sizes of poop: small, medium, and large. To do this, you’ll need to consume one object then poop, then two objects before pooping, then three before pooping. When going for the medium and big poops, make sure to not poop after each object you eat as you’ll need to store them as that, much like real life, is what dictates to size of the poop. The “Poop” prompt will change to “Eat” once you’re near something else you can eat.

Struck Gold (This is a trophy commemorating the success of the Whole Lot o’ Gold Wattam Cast Dream Project. With this, money will no longer be an issue.)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • You’ll need to have everyone unlocked for this trophy so do this after “Welcome Home, Everyone.” You need to convert every possible object into gold to get this trophy. To do this, you’ll need to control the small toilet and walk up to everything and flush it. Make sure to turn the big trees into small seeds by going to the center of most of the islands and transforming in the small hole that’s right in the middle. Don’t forget the balloons or small objects like the Prince, bowling ball, and bowling pin. You can hold right on the D-pad to see what isn’t gold. Some objects have to be eaten by a tree and turned into a fruit first and some, like the giant Grandpa square, toilet, and chimney, can’t be turned int gold.

Red Balloon! Blue Balloon! Green Balloon! (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the return of Balloons of every color. And it appears their acrophobia has improved as well!)

  • This can and should be done after the story is complete. Go around to the different islands until you find a bowling pin wedged into the ground. Go up to it and ask what is wrong (there will be a prompt) and it will flip over and want you to be the same height as it. Just find some nearby objects, stack them on each other by climbing around on them, and then, when you’re the right height, go back up to the pin and use the prompt to compare heights. If done correctly, the pin will get big heart eyes and a balloon will float down. Do this for two other islands. You’ll also have to do the winter island for a different trophy but not this one. Also keep in mind that the seeds and small sushi balls are good for fine-tuning your height.

My First Conveyor Belt Sushi (This is a trophy commemorating the conception of conveyor belt sushi. Up until now, sushi meant sitting at a counter in front of a stern old man… but with this, even kids can enjoy the experience.)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • Go to the summer island with the big sushi table sticking out of the sand. You’ll need to get each of four sushi pieces on top of the four plates on top. Just control as them (hold right on the D-pad to see where they are) and mosey on over to the summer island. Once you position each piece on a plate, hold right on the D-pad once again and control the sushi table. Spin around with the left stick and you’ll get the trophy.

People Power (This is a trophy commemorating the discovery of a secret power invoked by holding hands in a circle. Though individually we are weak, together we can overcome great obstacles!)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • Get a transformed object like a poop and then get like five or so objects to hold hands and form a circle. Get the poop object int the center of the group holding hands and then switch back to someone in the circle. Spin around and you’ll eventually turn the object back into its base state.

They Go Up So Fast (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating the day you threw some round children after mistaking them for balls. It’s a good thing the children enjoyed it.)

  • This is unmissable and part of the story.

Smallest of the Small (This is a trophy commemorating the establishment of the smallest person. Another of life’s great mysteries, solved. Now for the other 2,913,658.)

  • You’ll need to play as the ruler for this trophy. Hold right on the D-pad to find it and go up to one of the seeds and you will see a prompt to measure it. To get one of the seeds, play as one of the trees and transform by going into the hole in the center of most of the islands.

Tallest of the Tall (This is a trophy commemorating the establishment of the tallest person. Another of life’s great mysteries, solved.)

  • You’ll also need to play as the ruler for this trophy. Hold right on the D-pad to find it and go up to the boat ship thing (which is named Mark in the menu) that gets you from one island to another. Measure it with the ruler when the prompt pops up.

ZZZ (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating Pillow successfully getting three people to sleep at the same time. Pillow is currently practicing hard for next year’s Slumber Tournament. We hope you win gold, Pillow. We’re all rooting for you.)

Wattam trophy guide and roadmap

  • Make sure it is night time in the game (if not, zoom all the way out buy holding L1 and making sure the moon is overhead, not the sun) and then find the pillow hanging around. Control it and move around the other objects. This will make them fall asleep.

Circle of Friends (5) (This trophy commemorates holding hands with 5 friends. 5 friends is so many, you may spark some jealousy.

  • This is easy. Just get five objects to hold hands by using the O and Square buttons when near an object. This is technically unmissable.

Circle of Friends (10) (This trophy commemorates holding hands with 10 friends. 10 friends is an almost incredulous number of friends.)

  • This is easy, too, so just get 10 objects to hold hands by linking them up with the Square and O buttons.

Circle of Friends (15) (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates holding hands with 15 friends. 15 friends is a little unbelievable. Are you really sure they’re all your friends?).

  • This is, once again, easy, so just get 15 objects to hold hands by linking them up with the Square and O buttons. You may need to ferry some people over to have enough hands.

5 Go Kaboom (This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 5 troubled friends. Hopefully any bad feelings have been Kaboomed away as well.

  • You’ll likely get this by accident but just explode next to five people by pressing Triangle when playing as the Mayor (or the other explodey guys with hats). Just make sure he’s wearing his fancy hat.

10 Go Kaboom (This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 10 friends, who are in a rough spot. Hopefully this will be the first step in moving forward.)

  • This one is a little trickier but gather 10 people around you and explode as the Mayor (or the other explodey guys with hats). You may need to coordinate and play as those other objects to cram them all in a tight space.

15 Go Kaboom (Congratulations! This trophy commemorates the delight of going Kaboom with 15 friends, who share troubled thoughts about the state of the world. Not everything is right with the world, so it’s okay!)

  • You’re going to need to plan for this one so ferry a bunch of objects on one island and push them all together. Then switch to the Mayor (or the other explodey guys with hats), run into the center, and explode. This can be a little finicky but it isn’t too hard.

10 Times Kaboom (This is a trophy commemorating your 10th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!

  • You’ll likely get this by accident but just explode by pressing Triangle when playing as the Mayor or the three other exploding-hat guys. Just make sure he’s wearing his fancy hat.

50 Times Kaboom (Congratulations! A trophy commemorating your 50th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom kaboom kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!! Kaboom, Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom, kaboom! Kaboom!!)

  • Just keep exploding as the Mayor or the other three guys with exploding hats.

100 Times Kaboom (Congratulations! This is a trophy commemorating your 100th Kaboom. Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom! Kaboom!).

  • This going to be a bit of a grind so wait until you’ve at least got the sword so you can summon your hat. Just be sure to do some of these slowly so you’re not doing a ton at the end of the game. A good pattern would be to switch to the Mayor (or the other three with exploding hats), explode, then go back to whatever you were doing so you don’t have to watch him fall over and over. It’s good to pair with 100 Meals and After 101 Meals so look out below for those tips. This stat is also tracked on your save file in the pause menu and you can see it once you’ve saved.

15m Stack (You’ve climbed and climbed until you reached new heights. This trophy commemorates your 15 meter tall stack, a climb approximately the height of the Eiffel Tower.)

  • You’ll likely get this by accident but stack a few people on top of each other. It’s easy just to climb one of the trees, preferably one with a flat top.

40m Stack (Congratulations! You’ve climbed and climbed and climbed and climbed until you reached new heights. This trophy commemorates your 40 meter tall stack. At this rate, you’ll climb Mt. Everest in no time! Amazing!)

  • Same as the last one so try to climb one of the trees and get more people to climb on top of that person. You’ll eventually get it when you’re high enough.

100 Meals (You’ve eaten and eaten a total of 100 people, a feat commemorated by this trophy. It may not be an exaggeration to say that, for you, to live is to eat.)

  • This is a grind so bundle this with 100 Times Kaboom and After 101 Meals. Get a bunch of small objects on an island and make sure you have the Mayor, one of the large trees, and the mouth. Use the tree to eat things and turn them into food for this trophy. Then use the mouth to eat and poop them out (for the After 101 Meals trophy) and then use the Mayor to explode them back to normal (for the 100 Times Kaboom trophy). This might take over an hour so put on a podcast try to grind this out. The tree can also eat poop and turn them into their base objects but that adds an extra step.

After 101 Meals (Congratulations! You’ve eaten and eaten and as a result, you’ve pooped 101 times, a feat commemorated by this trophy. It may be more correct to say that to live is to eat, then digest and excrete.)

  • This is a grind so bundle this with 100 Times Kaboom and 100 Meals. Get a bunch of small objects on an island and make sure you have the Mayor, one of the large trees, and the mouth. Use the tree to eat things and turn them into food for the 100 Meals trophy. Then use the mouth to eat and poop them out (for this trophy) and then use the Mayor to explode them back to normal (for the 100 Times Kaboom trophy). This might take over an hour so put on a podcast try to grind this out.
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