The Best Upcoming Racing Games of 2014

Even with the main two racing series of Forza Motorsport and Gran Turismo taking a much-needed break, Microsoft and Sony have been dominating the air waves when it comes to the racing genre with its respective exclusive titles Forza Horizon 2 and Driveclub. But let's not forget a few upstarts from Slightly Mad Studios as well as the stalwart Codemasters for its commitment to the genre.

Both developers are hanging in there with the best of them, and a few are already committed to virtual reality between Sony's Project Morpheus and the Oculus Rift. With the following five titles, the racing genre has plenty of fuel for 2014. Which ones are you most excited for?


Upcoming Releases
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.
Development of Titanfall 3 was confirmed in the acquisition of Respawn Entertainment by Electronic Arts in November 2017.
Damnview: Built From Nothing is a simulation sandbox game about occidental culture and its different social classes. Immerse yourself into a decadent urban sprawl, all while working precarious jobs where you will either be absorbed into the system, or cast out of society’s machine. Damnview: Built From Nothing is a game about despair, the hostility of capitalism, and the need…
Star Citizen is an upcoming space trading and combat simulator video game for Microsoft Windows. Star Citizen will consist of two main components: first person space combat and trading in a massively multiplayer persistent universe and customizable private servers (known as Star Citizen), and a branching single-player game (known as Squadron 42). The game will also feature VR support.