halo infinite flight test

Halo Infinite’s community-focused approach is ‘the future of Halo’

The Halo Infinite multiplayer overview went live today as part of Xbox’s E3 2021 presentations. The stream highlighted the work 343 Industries is putting into its PvP component, with the developer making it clear that the upcoming sequel will be community-focused from the get-go. This will include a Halo Infinite flight test, which will become available to players who sign up as part of the game’s Insider Program. Here’s how to sign up and register for it.

How to sign up for the Halo Infinite flight test

how to sign up halo infinite flight test

To sign up and register to join the Halo Insider Program and get into a Halo Infinite flight test, you must do the following:

  1. Go to Halo Waypoint
  2. Go to the ‘Halo Insider’ tab
  3. Select ‘Signup’ beneath ‘Become a Halo Insider’

343 Industries noted in its multiplayer overview that it will be selecting certain players to take part in these flights. This will allow the studio to alter and update the game based on community feedback, effectively creating their own focus group of diehard Halo fans in order to shape its multiplayer component both pre- and post-launch.

This community-led approach follows the negative reaction to Halo Infinite’s first gameplay trailer back in 2020, with the criticisms leveled at it being partially response for it being delayed in order for improvements to be made. Infinite has received much more positive reactions throughout E3 2021, with the game having clearly been overhauled in various areas and its multiplayer shaping up to be a good step forward for the series.

It’s good to see 343 Industries being so responsive to the community, with its team stating in the multiplayer overview stream that they see this kind of transparent and reactive relationship with its audience to be the “future of Halo.” When you consider that some of the most popular games have managed to achieve consistent success as a result of their frequent updates and responsiveness to players, this could be a big step in the right direction.

In other news, recently revealed character bios for Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy suggest that its Drax is much more dangerous than the MCU’s version. Final Fantasy Origin also received its debut trailer, which featured an awful lot of “chaos.”

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