Nintendo Speaks To The Future Of Super Mario Galaxy

After the release of the relatively safe New Super Mario Bros. U for Wii U, many gamers were expecting Nintendo's next Mario game for the tablet-centric console to be a fully 3D game in the vein of Super Mario Galaxy. Instead the company opted for a style similar to the hit 3DS title, Super Mario 3D Land.

Franchise creator Shigeru Miyamoto has since clarified that just because they decided to go with Super Mario 3D World this time around, that doesn't mean they've abandoned the Galaxy series. "Just so there is no misunderstanding, I should point out that this doesn't mean we'll never make another Super Mario Galaxy game," he explained during a new Iwata Asks

"That's right," Galaxy director and producer on 3D World, Yoshiaka Koizumi, went on to add. "When we first started making Super Mario 3D World, Miyamoto-san asked me if this was going to be more like Super Mario Galaxy or more like Super Mario 3D Land. When we made Super Mario 3D Land, we had our eyes on the form of this game, so we made it this way without any hesitation."

"The same team can't make both at the same time," Miyamoto elaborated. "And we can't bring in a second party and slap the name Super Mario Galaxy on it. I suppose we could idealistically make both in Tokyo, but we want to do something new too, so there was that dilemma."

Would you like to see a Super Mario Galaxy 3 come to Wii U? Let us know in the comments below.

[Via IGN]

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