Gearbox Software must be pretty busy. Not only are they finishing up Duke Nukem, developing Aliens: Colonial Marines and probably Borderlands, but they now have announced that they are working on a new Brothers in Arms.
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 promises to “spin the series in a new direction” and is set in perhaps the usual era of World War II. Looking more like an Inglourious Basterds tie-in rather than a Brothers in Arms game, it will be playable with four players in co-op.
Adam Novickas, US director of marketing at Ubisoft, said:
The Brothers in Arms franchise has been renowned for its gritty direction that has dropped players into the middle of World War II. With Brothers in Arms Furious 4, Gearbox brings the action to a whole new level filled with unexpected twists and over-the-top battles that are sure to please new players and fans alike.
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 is currently scheduled for a release in 2012 on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC.