PlayStation All-Stars Island Releasing On iOS And Android


A Sony-published mobile game will be arriving on iOS, and is out now currently on Google Play for Android phones. It's called PlayStation All-Stars Islands, and features characters from four of Sony's franchises at the forefront of four mini-games based on successful mobile games. That means you'll see Uncharted's Nathan Drake in a Temple Run rip-off, an inFamous Subway Surfers rip-off, and much more.

The game is some sort of promotional cash-in with Coke Zero, as throughout the game you collect Coke Zero orbs, and perform Coke Zero "MAKE IT POSSIBLE" special moves. Additional, anyone who drinks Coke Zero can find specially marked packs out there that come with codes to unlock additional content for the game.

As strange as all of this sounds, even stranger is the fact that Sony has essentially gone multi-platform here, lending their biggest franchises to iOS and Android……. and further neglecting the PlayStation Vita. C'mon, Sony, at least release it on Vita too.

Maybe Nintendo could learn a thing or two from this…

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