Mortal Kombat is no stranger to guest characters and this latest tease could be paving the way for yet another crossover. Some Mortal Kombat 11 Twisted Metal DLC could possibly be on the way, according to a recent tweet. The official Mortal Kombat Twitter account tweeted about an ice cream truck coming to E3 that could just literally be about an truck with frozen sweets or a hint at some Sweet Tooth DLC.
Sweet Tooth has been the mascot for the Twisted Metal car combat series since its inception in 1995 on the original PlayStation. His ice cream truck of death became symbolic of the franchise as well as the fire-headed juggalo clown himself. This connection makes it easier to draw the lines between the tweet and a possible DLC character tease as it seems random otherwise.
However, not everything is so cut and dried. Some of this stems from the mysterious chainsaw sound effects at the end of last week’s Shang Tsung reveal trailer. Along with the sorcerer, Sindel, Nightwolf, and Todd MacFarlane’s Spawn were also confirmed to be coming in the first Kombat Pack as well as two more surprise guests. During this text, a chainsaw revs in the distance, which, as his appearance in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale shows, is a weapon that Sweet Tooth uses.
But it’s also a weapon of another hotly rumored Mortal Kombat 11 DLC character. Evil Dead‘s Ash has also been hinted at, as he was found in the game’s datamined files along with the now confirmed Nightwolf, Shang Tsung, Sindel and unconfirmed Fujin, Sheeva, Terminator, and DC’s Joker. That gives the datamine some credence even if those latter characters are still just rumors. Ash, of course, is known for his signature chainsaw arm.
Ash’s actor, Bruce Campbell, has also not helped clear things up. He performed a “fatality” on these rumors by stating that Evil Dead‘s Ash wasn’t in the game in early May before also responding to the Shang Tsung trailer by calling the game “swell” and saying that he should check out Mortal Kombat 11. Nothing is official but it sounds like we will likely know either way during E3 where Shang Tsung will also be playable before he comes to Kombat Pack owners the following week.
Even if this is Mortal Kombat 11 Twisted Metal DLC comes true, Sweet Tooth is a Sony-owned character, meaning that the house of PlayStation would have to sign him on to show up on other platforms. God of War‘s Kratos was in the PS3 and Vita versions of Mortal Kombat 9 and did not ever come to the PC and Xbox 360. However, as showcased by the partnership with Microsoft and soft introduction of cross-platform play, Sony may be more lax and allow its most iconic clown to come to other systems even if he hasn’t been in game since 2012.
Mortal Kombat 11 Rejects
Characters You Won't See in Mortal Kombat 11's Roster
Few fighting game franchises introduce as many new challenges as Mortal Kombat. This can be a blessing, but also a curse. You might get an evergreen warrior with your new addition, or you might get a generic reject. Not everyone can make it into MK11, but these guys definitely won't make the cut. -
Bo' Rai Cho
Perhaps a controversial pick due to his many appearances, but Bo' Rai Cho never felt like a genuinely popular character. His unique moves and drunken demeanor make him stand out, but that goofiness also leads to a clash with the rest of the cast. Mortal Kombat works best when it's as straight-faced as possible, and that means you can't have vomit attacks. -
Introduced in Deadly Alliance. This Netherrealm Oni relies heavily on his spiked club for combat. In the days between the original trilogy and the modern games, Mortal Kombat introduced character specific weapons to stand out. So, while Drahmin had a place back then, he'd need a full redesign to fit in now. -
Khameleon has made two weird appearances in the franchise so far. She was a new character in the N64 version of Mortal Kombat Trilogy. Then, after being left out of the "everyone in the pool" Armageddon, she premiered in the Wii version due to fan outrage. It would be very strange to see her pop up again unless she somehow ends up in the Switch version of the game. And that is pretty unlikely. -
Premiering in Mortal Kombat Deception, Kira is a recruit for the "new Black Dragon." She's a generically heroic character despite her resemblance to an MK version of Harley Quinn. With the Kombat Kids filling the roles of new heroes, we probably won't be seeing much of Kira going forward. -
Kobra is Kira's counterpart in Deception. He's a fiery recruit that's most notable for resembling Ken from Street Fighter. Kobra was briefly mentioned in Mortal Kombat X, but only as someone who Erron Black killed before the events of the game. That probably rules him out as a future entrant in the tournament. -
Debuting in Deadly Alliance, Mavado uses Kabal's hook swords and grappling hooks in combat. With both Scorpion and Kabal present in Mortal Kombat 11, it'd be hard to fit such a fighting style in without repetition setting in. Plus, in a game filled with flashy ninjas and otherworldly creatures, Mavado is just a dude. -
Despite looking like a human, Sareena is actually a demon, and that's the most notable thing about her. She fights with a pair of knives and her only appearance outside of Armageddon was a Game Boy Advance port of Deadly Alliance and a brief cameo in MKX's campaign. She has some story significance, but she'd basically be a new character if they were to bring her back. -
Taven is one of two new characters introduced in Armageddon's Konquest mode. Since he only appears in Armageddon, he's also one of only two characters who's never had a fatality. There may be some hardcore Konquest fans out there, but considering that his greatest deeds are written out of the current timeline, he's probably not popping up again. -
We will admit, Tremor is pretty cool. He's a ninja who controls rocks, making his debut in PlayStation action game Special Forces. His first appearance in the fighting series was as a DLC character in Mortal Kombat X. He might be the most likely candidate for a revival out of these 10, but NetherRealm's ninja quota is probably already spent for 11.