The Devil May Cry 5 battle theme has been pulled by Capcom, Best Dressed Video Game Characters

Devil May Cry 5 Battle Theme Pulled from Game Due to Harassment Allegations Against Singer

Capcom is removing the recently debuted song “Subhuman” from Devil May Cry 5. The song was going to be protagonist Dante’s battle theme throughout the game. “Subhuman” is a collaboration between the deathcore band Suicide Silence and DMC 5 developers Capcom. The band’s lead singer was accused of “emotionally and sexually manipulating” a 17-year-old fan.

Capcom debuted the song yesterday in a music video that has since been pulled from YouTube (here’s an audio-only version). Fans heavily criticized the song. “Subhuman” had more dislikes than likes on its YouTube video. Forum threads about the song were negative, and some commenters mentioned the allegations against Suicide Silence singer Eddie Hermida. Capcom pulled the video and has deleted any mention about it on Twitter as well.

Capcom told Kotaku in a statement that they will not be using the song to promote the game. They also said they “are also currently evaluating what options are possible for the full game at this point, which is dependent on various factors such as resources.” Capcom claims that the music was recorded prior to these allegations coming out against Eddie Hermida.

Loudwire reported the allegations against Hermida in November 2017. Hermida’s accuser said he solicited nude pictures from her while she was underage, and used his star power to get what he wanted. Hermida responded to the allegations in a Facebook post on the band’s page. In it, he apologized for how his accuser felt and he apologized to the larger music scene. He asked the band’s fans to not harass his accuser, and ended the post with “I am here and I am listening.”

Cody Matthew Johnson collaborated on the song with Suicide Silence and Capcom and mentioned that it was “two years in the making” in a tweet from September 19. The song may be present in Devil May Cry 5 when the game releases on March 8. Suicide Silence has not commented about the song or its removal from, at the least, Devil May Cry 5‘s marketing.

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