Rainbow Six Siege switch

Rainbow Six Siege Switch Version ‘Not Possible’

A Rainbow Six Siege Switch port is “not possible,” according to Ubisoft. Despite the French company’s relationship with Nintendo and the platform’s other ports of triple-A, current-gen games, the Tom Clancy title will not be coming to the console.

In a statement given to Metro, Brand Director for Rainbow Six Siege Alexandre Remy, stated that a Nintendo Switch port of the game would be impossible due to the console’s technical limitations. He cited that the destructible environments and high frame rate (60 frames per second) are core to the title’s design. According to him, the console-portable hybrid’s CPU would not be able to handle the game’s technical load. He expressed that the team would want to give the game to more players but that this current Nintendo platform just wouldn’t work.

“But overall it’s true Rainbow Six is very much a game where we just want to expand the player base,” he stated, “because the more player’s [sic] we do have the better the whole game and services. So if at one point that is a possibility that we have new platforms or new hardware, we’ll likely get there.”

Remy’s explanations showed that technical restraints are holding it back from being on Nintendo’s platform, not any sort of bias. He did, however, add that the team’s current focus is on PC hardware since the they believe that “the growth is going to be the fastest and the strongest” on that platform.

Ubisoft also recently announced that it was ceasing development for the Switch version of Steep. The French developers said it canceled development for the portable home console to “focus on bringing new live content and challenges to Steep players instead.”

Rainbow Six Siege originally released on December 1, 2015 for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game still receives frequent updates and has a new season of content coming soon.

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