Capcom’s latest hit, Monster Hunter World has sold over 10 million units across the globe. There was a lot of talk about how the game would perform on release, so this is a huge milestone for the biggest Monster Hunter title to make it in the West. If nothing else, the Monster Hunter World sales numbers are representative of the kind of success that Capcom has failed to find internationally with the franchise previously.
In a press release, Capcom rejoiced that Monster Hunter World sales smashed the 10 million copies sold mark across all consoles. In particular, the press release highlighted some of the quality of life improvements provided by this latest entrant in the Monster Hunter series. This included a noticeable upgrade in graphical quality, a new approach to the core multiplayer dynamic of the main franchise, and the fact that it was available to another target demographic via Steam.
However, this isn’t the first sales-related medal that Monster Hunter World should be proud to wear this year. Back in January, it was announced that the game had outsold a bunch of Nintendo exclusives to claim the title of the best-selling game in Japan at the time. Part of that success is likely due to the way that Monster Hunter World streamlined existing franchise systems in a way that made them a lot more accessible to newcomers. Another element of the title’s success could also be the flood of free DLC and crossover events that players are exposed to constantly.
The most recent crossover event has been with popular Final Fantasy XIV, where players of the MMORPG now have a permanent boss battle in the form of Monster Hunter‘s Rathalos. Capcom’s commitment to providing new content to players doesn’t look like it’ll be going away any time soon, and we’re looking forward to bigger and better crossovers that may well lead to the company smashing more sales targets in the future.