Aside from a Final Fantasy VII remake – which will never happen guys, just give it up – Final Fantasy Versus XIII has got to be one of the cruelest jokes from Square Enix we've ever seen. After announcing the game back in 2006, Square has failed to provide its fan base with any substantial footage.
Now, some six years later, it looks like Square may be renaming the game Final Fantasy XV because, let's face it, the FFXIII brand will be ancient by the time this game sees the light of day. According to MCV, the leaked video below was taken from Square Enix's pre-E3 press briefing, where the company allegedly announced the rebranding as well as the fact that the game will no longer be a PlayStation exclusive.
Now before all of you Sony fanboys start freaking out, don't worry, there was no mention of an Xbox 360 version, so you can still hold this over all of the Xbots. That said, the report does indicate that FFXV will be arriving on the Wii U in addition to the PS3. As far as I'm concerned, this game is incapable of being exclusive to any platform until we get some actual footage of extended gameplay.