Survey Says HTC Vive Is Most Popular VR Headset For Developers

Following the debut of several VR devices in 2016, consumers are able to choose from an assortment of headsets, each with their own strengths. The same can be said of developers, although their best interest is in choosing what is trending with consumers.

The ultimate question at this point is, which headset is leading the pack?

Speculation has placed Oculus Rift at the top of the heap due to its early entry to the market and greater brand awareness. Although it’s wrestled with its own controversies, including criticism of its closed ecosystem, it’s commonly brought up as the leader in the discussion. However, a new survey is showing a different result than many would believe.

VRFocus has polled more than 4,500 developers to get an idea of how much attention each VR headset is getting. The results were as follows:

The HTC Vive took an even larger lead (33%) when developers were asked which device they plan to develop on next.

Some of this can be owed to how publishing is handled on each device. Valve has been notoriously friendly with developers who are interested in releasing a game on Steam, while Sony and Oculus VR enforce stricter processes.

Due to this, it’s likely the HTC Vive will be the recipient of the most game releases in 2017. That’s not to say that it’ll get the games of the highest quality, but software quantity is certainly a desirable trait for VR headsets right now.

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