Little Alchemy 2 Cheats

Little Alchemy 2 Cheats: Cheat Codes For PC & How to Enter Them

Little Alchemy 2 cheats will let players easily combine elements to form new items. All possible combinations of elements for the game are listed. Here’s a Little Alchemy 2 cheats list and how to enter and activate cheat codes in the game.

Little Alchemy 2 cheats list for PC

Here’s every Little Alchemy 2 element combination for PC:


  • Acid Rain: rain + smoke / rain + smog / rain + sickness / cloud + smoke / cloud + smog / cloud + sickness / rain + city
  • Air: Available from start / fire + mist
  • Airplane: metal + bird / steel + bird / bird + machine / bird + steam engine / bird + train / bird + car / bird + boat / bird + steamboat / bird + sailboat / metal + owl / steel + owl / steam engine + owl / metal + vulture / steel + vulture / metal + duck / steel + duck / metal + seagull / steel + seagull / metal + bat / steel + bat / metal + eagle / steel + eagle / steel + pigeon / metal + pigeon / metal + hummingbird / steel + hummingbird / metal + crow / steel + crow / owl + machine / vulture + machine / duck + machine / seagull + machine / bat + machine / eagle + machine / pigeon + machine / hummingbird + machine / crow + machine / pilot + container
  • Alarm Clock: clock + sound / clock + dawn / clock + bell / sound + watch / watch + dawn / watch + bell
  • Alchemist: human + gold / gold + philosophy
  • Alcohol: time + juice / wheat + fruit / wheat + juice / fruit + sun
  • Algae: water + plant / grass + pond / grass + lake / water + grass
  • Alien: life + space / life + galaxy / life + galaxy cluster / life + solar system / life + Mars / life + Venus / life + Mercury / life + Jupiter / life + Saturn
  • Allergy: dust + human / human + pollen
  • Alligator: lizard + river / swamp + lizard / lizard + lake
  • Alpaca: mountain + sheep / sheep + mountain range / sheep + mountain goat
  • Ambulance: car + hospital / car + doctor
  • Angel: bird + human / human + light
  • Angler: human + fishing rod / sailor + fishing rod
  • Animal: life + land / life + forest, life + mountain / life + mountain range / life + beach / life + desert
  • Ant: grass + animal / grass + spider
  • Ant Farm: farm + ant / ant + jar / glass + ant / farm + anthill / jar + anthill
  • Antarctica: desert + snow / desert + ice / snow + continent / ice + continent
  • Anthill: house + ant / ant + container / ant + hill / earth + ant / ant + land / ant + soil
  • Apron: fabric + cook / baker + fabric
  • Aquarium: water + glass / glass + fish / glass + puddle / glass + pond / fish + container / small + swimming pool
  • Archeologist: human + ruins / ruins + science
  • Archipelago: island + island / sea + island, / + island
  • Arctic: ocean + cold / sea + cold
  • Armadillo: animal + armor / armor + dog / armor + cat
  • Armor: metal + fabric / steel + fabric
  • Arrow: bullet + wood / wood + bow
  • Ash: fire + mineral / fire + plant / fire + tree / water + campfire / time + campfire / rain + campfire / storm + campfire / fire + grass / phoenix + paper / campfire + paper / fire + paper / sun + vampire / vampire + dawn
  • Astronaut: human + space / human + spaceship / human + space station / human + rocket / human + moon / human + Mars / human + solar system / human + Mercury / human + Jupiter / human + Saturn / human + Venus / human + moon rover
  • Astronomer: human + telescope
  • Atmosphere: air + planet / air + sky
  • Atomic Bomb: energy + explosion / explosion + big / explosion + explosion
  • Aurora: electricity + atmosphere / electricity + Antarctica / sky + Antarctica / sky + electricity / electricity + arctic / sky + arctic / sun + atmosphere
  • Avalanche: earthquake + snow / wave + glacier / earthquake + glacier / earthquake + mountain / wave + mountain / earthquake + mountain range / wave + mountain range / glacier + sound / mountain + sound / gun + glacier / gun + mountain / gun + mountain range
  • Aviary: birdcage + big
  • Axe: blade + wood / tool + wood / stone + wood / tool + lumberjack


  • Bacon: fire + pig / campfire + pig / fire + ham / campfire + ham
  • Bacteria: life + primordial soup / life + small / mud + life
  • Baker: human + bakery / human + bread / human + banana bread / human + pizza / human + toast / human + batter / human + pie / human + donut / human + cookie / human + cookie dough / human + dough
  • Bakery: house + bread / house + baker / house + donut / house + cake / bread + city / baker + city / city + donut / city + cake / bread + village / baker + village / village + donut / village + cake / baker + container
  • Banana: fruit + monkey
  • Banana Bread: bread + banana / dough + banana
  • Bandage: blood + fabric / sword + fabric / blade + fabric
  • Bank: house + gold / skyscraper + gold / house + safe / skyscraper + safe / house + money / skyscraper + money / city + gold / city + safe / city + money / money + container / house + vault
  • Barn: house + cow / house + livestock / house + hay / house + farm / field + house / livestock + container / cow + container / horse + container / pig + container / hay + container / house + sheep / sheep + container / hay bale + container / house + goat / goat + container
  • Barrel: container + wine / wood + wine
  • Bat: sky + mouse / air + mouse / atmosphere + mouse / bird + mouse / mouse + hummingbird
  • Batter: milk + flour / flour + coconut milk
  • Battery: electricity + container / energy + container / electricity + mineral / electricity + ore
  • Bayonet: blade + gun / gun + sword / axe + gun
  • BBQ: metal + campfire / steel + campfire / campfire + garden / campfire + house / campfire + meat
  • Beach: ocean + sand / sea + sand / sand + lake / water + sand / sand + wave
  • Beaver: wood + animal / animal + dam / animal + river / animal + stream
  • Bee: animal + flower / animal + garden
  • Beehive: house + bee / tree + bee / forest + bee / wall + bee / wood + bee / bee + container
  • Beekeeper: human + beehive / farmer + beehive / human + bee / farmer + bee
  • Beer: wheat + alcohol
  • Bell: metal + sound / steel + sound / wood + sound / metal + hammer / steel + hammer
  • Bicycle: wheel + wheel / wheel + chain / wheel + machine
  • Big: universe + philosophy / galaxy + philosophy / galaxy cluster + philosophy / solar system + philosophy / sun + philosophy / planet + philosophy
  • Binoculars: glasses + glasses, telescope + telescope
  • Bird: sky + animal / air + animal / animal + airplane / sky + egg / air + egg / egg + airplane / time + dinosaur / time + pterodactyl
  • Birdcage: bird + container / bird + wall / bird + safe
  • Birdhouse: bird + house / bird + wall / egg + container
  • Black Hole: pressure + star / pressure + sun / star + darkness / sun + darkness
  • Blade: stone + metal / stone + steel / metal + rock / steel + rock
  • Blender: glass + blade / blade + electricity / blade + windmill / blade + wind turbine / blade + motion
  • Blizzard: storm + snow / snow + hurricane / tornado + snow / wind + snow / snow + snow / snow + big
  • Blood: human + blade / sword + warrior
  • Blood Bag: blood + container / blood + sack / blood + bottle
  • Boat: water + wood / ocean + wood / sea + wood / wood + lake / wood + river
  • Boiler: pressure + metal / pressure + tool / steam + metal / steam + tool / pressure + container
  • Bone: time + corpse / corpse + vulture / corpse + wolf / meat + wolf / meat + vulture
  • Bonsai Tree: tree + scissors / tree + pottery / tree + small / tree + wire
  • Book: paper + legend / wood + paper / newspaper + newspaper / story + container / fairy tale + container / legend + container / idea + container
  • Bottle: milk + container / water + container / coconut milk + container / juice + container / oil + container / alcohol + container / wine + container / beer + container / chocolate milk + container / soda + container / perfume + container / liquid + container
  • Boulder: big + rock / small + hill / rock + rock / stone + rock / earth + rock / stone + big
  • Bow: wood + rope / wood + wire
  • Box: pizza + container / pencil + container / cookie + container / cereal + container / donut + container / cake + container / crayon + container
  • Bread: fire + dough / dough + warmth / energy + dough
  • Brick: fire + mud / mud + sun / fire + clay / clay + sun / stone + clay
  • Bridge: wood + river / metal + river / steel + river / wood + stream / metal + stream / steel + stream
  • Broom: wood + hay
  • Bucket: wood + container / yogurt + container / river + bottle / paint + container / paint + bottle / chicken wing + container / chicken wing + box
  • Bullet: gunpowder + metal / gunpowder + steel / gunpowder + tool / gunpowder + container
  • Bulletproof Vest: bullet + armor / gun + armor
  • Bus: car + car / train + car / car + city / car + big
  • Butcher: human + meat / human + ham
  • Butter: pressure + milk / energy + milk / milk + motion / tool + milk
  • Butterfly: animal + flower / animal + garden / rainbow + animal / double rainbow! + animal
  • Butterfly Net: butterfly + net / bee + net


  • Cable Car: car + mountain / wire + mountain / car + mountain range / wire + mountain range / mountain + rope / rope + mountain range
  • Cactus: plant + sand / sand + tree / plant + desert / tree + desert
  • Cage: metal + wolf / steel + wolf / wolf + wall / metal + fox / steel + fox / wall + fox / metal + lion / steel + lion / wall + lion / hamster + container / house + hamster / wall + hamster
  • Cake: dough + candle / donut + candle / bread + sugar
  • Camel: desert + horse / desert + animal / livestock + desert / cow + desert / desert + saddle / desert + horseshoe / sand + horse / sand + livestock / sand + cow / dune + horse / livestock + dune / cow + dune / animal + dune
  • Campfire: fire + wood / wood + flamethrower
  • Candle: thread + wax / fire + wax / light + wax / flashlight + wax / lamp + wax
  • Candy Cane: Christmas tree + sugar / sugar + Christmas stocking / sugar + Santa / sugar + reindeer
  • Cannon: gunpowder + pirate ship / gunpowder + castle / gun + castle / gun + pirate ship
  • Canvas: fabric + paint
  • Car: metal + wheel / steel + wheel / bicycle + bicycle / wheel + bicycle / motorcycle + motorcycle / wheel + motorcycle / motorcycle + machine / wagon + combustion engine / cart + combustion engine
  • Caramel: sugar + heat
  • Carbon Dioxide: human + oxygen / plant + night / tree + night / grass + night / animal + oxygen / fish + oxygen / bird + oxygen
  • Carrot: snowman + vegetable / sun + snowman / grass + vegetable / garden + vegetable
  • Cart: wood + wheel
  • Cashmere: tool + mountain goat / thread + mountain goat / fabric + mountain goat / scissors + mountain goat / wool + mountain goat
  • Castle: stone + knight / knight + wall / house + knight / stone + warrior / warrior + wall / house + warrior / knight + container / house + vampire / vampire + wall / monarch + container / house + monarch / wall + monarch
  • Cat: milk + animal / animal + coconut milk / night + animal
  • Catnip: plant + cat / grass + cat / cat + flower
  • Cauldron: metal + witch / steel + witch / fireplace + witch / campfire + witch / metal + pottery / steel + pottery
  • Cave: house + wolf / house + lion / house + fox / house + bat / bat + container / wolf + container / lion + container / fox + container
  • Caviar: roe + salt / roe + cook
  • Centaur: human + horse / horse + story
  • Cereal: milk + wheat / wheat + chocolate milk / wheat + coconut milk
  • Chain: metal + rope / steel + rope / metal + wire / steel + wire
  • Chainsaw: axe + machine / axe + electricity / lumberjack + machine / lumberjack + electricity / axe + motion
  • Chameleon: lizard + rainbow / lizard + double rainbow! / rainbow + snake / double rainbow! + snake / turtle + rainbow / turtle + double rainbow!
  • Charcoal: fire + wood / fire + tree / fire + corpse / fire + organic matter
  • Cheese: tool + milk / time + milk / milk + cook / milk + bacteria
  • Cheeseburger: cheese + hamburger / cheese + sandwich
  • Chicken: bird + domestication / bird + livestock / bird + farmer / egg + domestication / egg + livestock / egg + farmer / bird + barn / egg + barn / bird + farm / egg + farm
  • Chicken Coop: house + chicken / chicken + wall / chicken + barn / chicken + container
  • Chicken Soup: water + chicken / water + chicken wing / chicken + liquid / chicken wing + liquid
  • Chicken wing: chicken + bone / chicken + BBQ
  • Chill: air + cold / human + cold / human + ice
  • Chimney: house + fireplace / smoke + brick / fireplace + brick / smoke + fireplace / house + smoke / stone + smoke / stone + fireplace
  • Chocolate: milk + sugar / oil + sugar / sugar + seed / coconut milk + sugar
  • Chocolate Milk: milk + chocolate / coconut milk + chocolate
  • Christmas Stocking: fireplace + wool / Christmas tree + wool / wool + reindeer / wool + Santa
  • Christmas Tree: tree + light bulb / tree + star / tree + candle / tree + light / tree + gift
  • Cigarette: tobacco + paper
  • Circus: tent + big / tent + animal
  • City: village + village / skyscraper + skyscraper / village + skyscraper / skyscraper + container / bank + container / skyscraper + bank / bank + post office / skyscraper + post office / village + big
  • Clay: mud + sand / stone + liquid / sand + mineral / liquid + rock / stone + mineral / rock + mineral / mud + stone
  • Clock: time + electricity / time + wheel / time + tool / time + machine / sundial + machine / tool + sundial / wheel + sundial / electricity + sundial / cuckoo + container / watch + big
  • Closet: broom + container / container + toolbox / umbrella + container / vacuum cleaner + container / robot vacuum + container
  • Cloud: atmosphere + mist / water + atmosphere / sky + mist / water + sky
  • Coal: pressure + organic matter / earth + peat / stone + peat / rock + peat / time + peat / pressure + peat
  • Coconut: fruit + palm / palm + nuts / palm + vegetable / meat + palm / fruit + beach / beach + vegetable
  • Coconut Milk: milk + coconut / tool + coconut / coconut + hammer / sword + coconut / blade + coconut / axe + coconut
  • Coffin: wood + corpse / corpse + container / vampire + container
  • Cold: rain + human / human + mountain range / human + mountain / human + snow / wind + human / storm + human / space + thermometer
  • Combustion Engine: machine + petroleum / steam engine + petroleum / wheel + petroleum / explosion + machine / explosion + steam engine
  • Computer: tool + hacker / electricity + hacker / wire + hacker / hacker + machine / email + container
  • Computer Mouse: computer + mouse / animal + computer
  • Confetti: paper + scissors / blade + paper
  • Constellation: star + star
  • Container: safe + philosophy / pottery + philosophy / house + philosophy / philosophy + box / philosophy + bottle / philosophy + bucket
  • Continent: big + land / land + land / mountain range + mountain range / earth + land
  • Cook: human + fruit / human + campfire / human + vegetable / human + nuts
  • Cookbook: recipe + recipe / book + cook
  • Cookie: cookie dough + heat / fire + cookie dough / baker + cookie dough / cookie dough + cookie cutter / dough + cookie cutter
  • Cookie Cutter: blade + dough / blade + cookie dough
  • Cookie Dough: dough + sugar / dough + chocolate / dough + cookie
  • Coral: ocean + tree / sea + tree / ocean + fossil / sea + fossil / ocean + bone / sea + bone
  • Corpse: bullet + human / human + blade / human + death / human + grim reaper / time + human / explosion + human / human + arrow
  • Cotton: cloud + plant / plant + fabric / plant + thread / plant + wool / plant + sheep
  • Cotton Candy: air + sugar / sugar + thread / cloud + sugar
  • Cow: livestock + barn / field + livestock / livestock + grass / farmer + livestock
  • Crayon: rainbow + pencil / double rainbow! + pencil / rainbow + wax / double rainbow! + wax / pencil + paint / wax + paint
  • Crow: bird + scarecrow / bird + field / scarecrow + pigeon / field + pigeon / owl + scarecrow / field + owl / scarecrow + hummingbird / field + hummingbird
  • Crystal Ball: glass + witch / glass + wizard / glass + magic / witch + snow globe / wizard + snow globe / snow globe + magic
  • Cuckoo: bird + clock / clock + owl / clock + hummingbird / bird + alarm clock / owl + alarm clock / alarm clock + hummingbird
  • Cup: smoothie + container / tea + container / milk shake + container / smoothie + bottle / tea + bottle / milk shake + bottle
  • Current: ocean + motion / sea + motion / ocean + heat / sea + heat / ocean + cold / sea + cold / ocean + science / sea + science
  • Cutting Board: wood + cook
  • Cyborg: human + robot / engineer + robot / lumberjack + robot / robot + sailor / robot + baker / robot + cook / doctor + robot / farmer + robot / firefighter + robot / robot + pilot / astronaut + robot / electrician + robot
  • Cyclist: human + bicycle / human + wheel


  • Dam: beaver + river / wall + river / tree + beaver / beaver + stream / wall + stream / house + beaver / beaver + lake / water + beaver
  • Darkness: sky + night / sky + twilight
  • Dawn: time + night / day + night
  • Day: sky + sun / sun + night / time + sun / time + dawn
  • Death: time + life / corpse + philosophy / skeleton + philosophy / grave + philosophy / graveyard + philosophy
  • Desert: sand + sand / sand + land / sand + cactus / sand + lizard / sand + vulture
  • Dew: grass + fog, / water + grass / plant + fog / tree + fog / grass + dawn / plant + dawn / tree + dawn / water + dawn / fog + dawn
  • Diamond: pressure + coal
  • Dinosaur: time + lizard / lizard + big
  • Diver: human + scuba tank / swimmer + scuba tank / ocean + scuba tank / sea + scuba tank / lake + scuba tank
  • Doctor: human + hospital / human + stethoscope
  • Dog: wolf + domestication / farmer + wolf / wolf + farm / barn + wolf / field + wolf / wolf + bone / campfire + wolf
  • Doge: dog + internet / dog + computer
  • Doghouse: house + dog / dog + wall / dog + container / house + husky / wall + husky / husky + container
  • Domestication: farmer + animal / human + animal / animal + science / farmer + science
  • Don Quixote: windmill + knight / windmill + story / windmill + legend / windmill + hero
  • Donut: dough + oil / oil + cookie dough / wheel + dough / wheel + cookie dough
  • Double Rainbow!: rainbow + rainbow
  • Dough: water + flour / flour + puddle / rain + flour
  • Dragon: fire + lizard / air + lizard / sky + lizard / lizard + airplane / lizard + legend / lizard + story
  • Drone: airplane + robot / robot + helicopter / robot + paper airplane / robot + seaplane
  • Drum: wood + leather / wood + fabric / wood + music
  • Drunk: human + alcohol / human + wine / human + beer
  • Dry Ice: cold + carbon dioxide / ice + carbon dioxide
  • Duck: water + bird / bird + pond / bird + lake / time + duckling / duckling + big / water + owl / owl + pond / owl + lake / water + pigeon / pond + pigeon / pigeon + lake / water + chicken / chicken + pond / chicken + lake
  • Duckling: egg + duck
  • Dune: wind + desert / wind + sand / wind + beach / sand + desert / desert + sandstorm
  • Dust: earth + air / air + soil / air + land
  • Dynamite: gunpowder + wire / gunpowder + pipe / gunpowder + container


  • Eagle: bird + mountain / bird + mountain range
  • Earth: Available from start.
  • Earthquake: earth + motion / motion + continent
  • Eclipse: moon + sun
  • Egg: bird + bird / turtle + turtle / lizard + lizard / vulture + vulture / phoenix + phoenix / chicken + chicken / dragon + dragon / penguin + penguin / owl + owl / dinosaur + dinosaur / duck + duck / seagull + seagull / eagle + eagle / scorpion + scorpion / spider + spider / pigeon + pigeon / fish + fish / piranha + piranha / parrot + parrot / peacock + peacock / hummingbird + hummingbird / chameleon + chameleon / ostrich + ostrich / woodpecker + woodpecker / bee + bee / crow + crow / frog + frog / pterodactyl + pterodactyl / ant + ant / tyrannosaurus rex + tyrannosaurus rex / moth + moth / life + container / butterfly + butterfly / snake + snake / flying fish + flying fish
  • Egg Timer: egg + clock / egg + alarm clock / egg + watch
  • Electric Car: electricity + car / electricity + wagon / car + wind turbine / wagon + wind turbine / solar cell + car / solar cell + wagon
  • Electric Eel: fish + electricity
  • Electrician: human + electricity / human + wire
  • Electricity: wind + wind turbine / wind turbine + motion / storm + wind turbine / sandstorm + wind turbine / sun + solar cell / light + solar cell / solar cell + star / metal + lightning / steel + lightning / storm + science
  • Email: computer + letter / letter + internet / letter + computer mouse / electricity + letter
  • Energy: fire + atmosphere / fire + science / heat + science / fire + fire
  • Engineer: human + machine / human + steam engine
  • Eruption: pressure + volcano / lava + pressure / volcano + time
  • Excalibur: stone + sword / sword + legend / sword + story / sword + monarch / sword + lake / sword + fairy tale
  • Excavator: car + shovel / big + shovel
  • Explosion: fire + gunpowder / gunpowder + electricity / gunpowder + lightning / pressure + volcano / fire + petroleum / explosion + petroleum / pressure + petroleum / heat + petroleum / lava + petroleum / volcano + petroleum


  • Fabric: thread + machine / tool + thread / wheel + thread
  • Factory: house + chimney / house + tool
  • Fairy Tale: story + monarch / story + castle / knight + story / dragon + story / unicorn + story
  • Family: human + human / human + house / love + container
  • Family tree: tree + family / tree + village / time + family
  • Farm: farmer + house / farmer + barn / house + barn / farmer + container / house + tractor
  • Farmer: plant + human / human + grass / human + pitchfork / human + field / human + barn / human + plow
  • Faun: human + goat / human + mountain goat / goat + legend / mountain goat + legend / goat + wizard / wizard + mountain goat / goat + magic / mountain goat + magic
  • Fence: wood + wall / wood + field / field + wall / grass + wall / garden + wall / wood + garden
  • Field: earth + farmer / farmer + land / earth + tool / tool + land / earth + plow / land + plow / farmer + soil / tool + soil / soil + plow
  • Fire: fire + alcohol / fire + coal
  • Fire Extinguisher: fire + carbon dioxide / pressure + carbon dioxide / metal + carbon dioxide / steel + carbon dioxide / boiler + carbon dioxide
  • Firefighter: fire + human / human + firetruck / human + fire extinguisher
  • Fireplace: campfire + house / campfire + brick / campfire + wall / wood + container / campfire + container
  • Firestation: house + firefighter / house + firetruck / firefighter + land / firefighter + village / firefighter + city
  • Firetruck: firefighter + car / firefighter + wagon / fire + car / fire + wagon / car + fire extinguisher / wagon + fire extinguisher
  • Firewall: fire + wall
  • Fireworks: sky + explosion / explosion + atmosphere
  • Fish: water + animal / animal + lake / sea + animal / ocean + animal / water + egg / egg + lake / sea + egg / ocean + egg
  • Fishing Rod: tool + fish / wood + fish / fish + wire / tool + swordfish / wood + swordfish / wire + swordfish / tool + piranha / wood + piranha / wire + piranha / fish + thread / swordfish + thread / piranha + thread
  • Flamethrower: fire + gun / volcano + gun / campfire + gun
  • Flashlight: tool + light / tool + light bulb / human + lamp / tool + lamp
  • Flood: rain + rain / rain + river / rain + lake / rain + big / rain + time / house + river / river + city / tsunami + city / house + tsunami
  • Flour: wheat + wheat / stone + wheat / wheat + windmill / wheel + wheat / wheat + rock
  • Flower: plant + garden / grass + garden / grass + seed / garden + seed / plant + rainbow / plant + double rainbow! / grass + rainbow / grass + double rainbow!
  • Flute: wind + wood / air + wood
  • Flying Fish: bird + fish / sky + fish / air + fish
  • Flying Squirrel: bird + squirrel / squirrel + hummingbird / squirrel + pigeon / seagull + squirrel / air + squirrel / airplane + squirrel / squirrel + seaplane / squirrel + helicopter
  • Fog: earth + cloud / cloud + hill / cloud + mountain / cloud + city / cloud + field / cloud + forest
  • Force Knight: human + light sword / warrior + light sword / knight + light sword
  • Forest: tree + tree / plant + tree / tree + land / earth + tree / tree + container
  • Fork: pitchfork + small
  • Fortune Cookie: paper + cookie / paper + cookie dough / paper + gingerbread man
  • Fossil: earth + dinosaur / stone + dinosaur / dinosaur + rock / time + dinosaur / time + bone / earth + bone / stone + bone / stone + corpse / time + grave / bone + rock / corpse + rock / earth + skeleton / stone + skeleton / skeleton + rock / time + skeleton
  • Fountain: water + statue / statue + stream
  • Fox: chicken + animal / chicken + wolf / chicken + dog / wolf + chicken coop / animal + chicken coop / dog + chicken coop
  • Frankenstein’s Monster: corpse + legend / corpse + lightning / corpse + electricity / corpse + story / zombie + electricity / zombie + lightning / story + monster / corpse + monster / story + monster / corpse + monster
  • French Fries: oil + vegetable / oil + potato / fire + potato
  • Fridge: metal + cold / steel + cold / cold + machine / metal + ice / steel + ice / electricity + cold / cold + container / ice + container / ice cream + container
  • Frog: animal + pond / egg + pond / egg + puddle / animal + puddle
  • Frozen Yogurt: cold + yogurt / ice + yogurt
  • Fruit: time + flower / water + flower / rain + flower / tree + flower / tree + farmer / farmer + orchard
  • Fruit Tree: tree + fruit / wood + fruit / plant + fruit


  • Galaxy: solar system + solar system / star + star / star + solar system / space + space / space + solar system / star + space / solar system + container / supernova + container / star + container
  • Galaxy Cluster: galaxy + galaxy / galaxy + container
  • Garage: house + car / house + ambulance / house + motorcycle / house + bus / car + container / ambulance + container / motorcycle + container / bus + container / car + wall / wall + ambulance / wall + motorcycle / wall + bus / barn + car / barn + ambulance / barn + motorcycle / barn + bus / house + sleigh / sleigh + container / wall + sleigh / barn + sleigh / house + electric car / electric car + container / wall + electric car / barn + electric car / house + snowmobile / snowmobile + container / wall + snowmobile / barn + snowmobile / house + tractor / tractor + container / wall + tractor / barn + tractor / house + RV / RV + container / wall + RV / barn + RV / house + ice cream truck / ice cream truck + container / wall + ice cream truck / barn + ice cream truck
  • Garden: plant + grass / plant + house / flower + flower / grass + flower / plant + flower / house + flower / flower + lawn / plant + lawn / flower + container
  • Gardener: human + garden / farmer + garden
  • Gas: air + idea / air + science / energy + liquid
  • Geyser: earth + steam / steam + hill / steam + mountain / steam + pressure
  • Ghost: graveyard + night / grave + night / night + gravestone / night + castle / graveyard + story / graveyard + legend / grave + legend / grave + story / gravestone + legend / gravestone + story / night + story / night + legend
  • Gift: Christmas tree + Santa / Santa + Christmas stocking / Santa + chimney / fireplace + Santa / cookie + Santa / milk + Santa / Santa + wrapping paper / Christmas tree + wrapping paper / Christmas stocking + wrapping paper / fireplace + wrapping paper
  • Gingerbread House: house + gingerbread man / house + dough / house + cookie dough / house + cookie / house + donut / house + cake
  • Gingerbread Man: life + dough / dough + magic / life + cookie / cookie + magic / story + cookie / life + cookie dough / cookie dough + magic / story + cookie dough / dough + story
  • Glacier: ice + mountain / snow + mountain / ice + mountain range / snow + mountain range / time + ice
  • Glass: fire + sand / sand + heat / sand + electricity / sand + lightning
  • Glasses: glass + metal / glass + steel / glass + glass / glass + human / human + lens / lens + lens
  • Gnome: garden + statue / garden + story / garden + fairy tale / garden + legend
  • Goat: livestock + mountain / livestock + hill / livestock + mountain range / cow + mountain / cow + hill / cow + mountain range
  • Gold: metal + sun / steel + sun / metal + rainbow / steel + rainbow / metal + butter / steel + butter / sand + metal / sand + steel / metal + light / steel + light / metal + alchemist / steel + alchemist
  • Golem: clay + story / clay + legend / life + statue / story + statue / statue + legend
  • Granite: lava + pressure / pressure + stone / pressure + rock
  • Grass: earth + plant / plant + land
  • Grave: earth + coffin / field + coffin / earth + corpse / field + corpse / forest + corpse / forest + coffin / grave + gravestone / coffin + gravestone / coffin + container
  • Gravestone: stone + grave / grave + rock / stone + death / rock + death / stone + graveyard / graveyard + rock
  • Graveyard: grave + grave / field + grave / grave + land / gravestone + gravestone / field + gravestone / gravestone + land / gravestone + container
  • Greenhouse: plant + glass / glass + grass / glass + tree / plant + aquarium / aquarium + grass / aquarium + tree / plant + container / glass + garden
  • Grenade: explosion + metal / explosion + steel / explosion + warrior
  • Grilled Cheese: cheese + toast
  • Grim Reaper: human + scythe / corpse + scythe / zombie + scythe / scythe + death / boat + scythe / scythe + river / death + deity / death + deity
  • Gun: metal + bullet / bullet + steel / metal + bow / steel + bow / bullet + bow / gunpowder + bow / bullet + container
  • Gunpowder: charcoal + mineral / fire + dust / energy + mineral / energy + charcoal / energy + dust
  • Gust: wind + small / air + small


  • Hacker: human + computer / human + computer mouse / human + glasses / human + internet
  • Hail: cloud + ice / rain + ice / storm + ice / wind + ice / steam + ice / sky + ice
  • Ham: meat + smoke / smoke + pig
  • Hamburger: bread + meat / cheese + meat
  • Hammer: metal + tool / steel + tool / stone + tool / tool + rock / tool + woodpecker
  • Hamster: wheel + mouse / mouse + domestication / rat + domestication / wheel + rat
  • Hangar: airplane + container / house + airplane / airplane + wall / airplane + barn / seaplane + container / house + seaplane / wall + seaplane / barn + seaplane / helicopter + container / house + helicopter / wall + helicopter / barn + helicopter / rocket + container / house + rocket / wall + rocket / barn + rocket / spaceship + container / house + spaceship / wall + spaceship / barn + spaceship
  • Harp: angel + music / angel + musician / wire + angel / wire + music
  • Hay: grass + scythe / farmer + grass / grass + sun / grass + grass / grass + barn / grass + farm / grass + pitchfork / barn + pitchfork / pitchfork + farm / farmer + pitchfork
  • Hay Bale: hay + hay / hay + tractor / barn + hay / hay + machine
  • Heat: fire + idea / fire + science / lava + philosophy / air + energy
  • Hedge: plant + fence / leaf + fence / garden + fence / plant + wall / wall + leaf / garden + wall
  • Hedgehog: animal + needle / mouse + needle / needle + rat
  • Helicopter: blade + airplane / windmill + airplane / airplane + wind turbine / blade + seaplane / windmill + seaplane / seaplane + wind turbine
  • Hero: human + legend / dragon + knight / human + story / human + lightning
  • Hill: big + boulder / mountain + small / earth + boulder / stone + boulder / boulder + boulder
  • Hippo: horse + river / water + horse / cow + river / water + cow
  • Honey: flower + bee / bee + beehive / time + bee / bee + bee / beehive + beekeeper
  • Horizon: earth + sky / sky + continent / sky + land / ocean + sky / sea + sky / sky + lake
  • Horse: field + animal / livestock + hay / animal + land / livestock + barn / livestock + horseshoe / animal + horseshoe / animal + saddle / livestock + saddle
  • Horseshoe: metal + horse / steel + horse
  • Hospital: house + sickness / house + ambulance / house + doctor / sickness + wall / wall + ambulance / doctor + wall / doctor + container
  • Hot Chocolate: chocolate milk + heat / chocolate + heat
  • Hourglass: sand + glass / sand + time / glass + time / sand + container / time + container
  • House: wall + wall / human + wall / tool + wall / fireplace + container / family + container
  • Human: time + animal / life + clay / time + monkey / tool + animal / tool + monkey
  • Hummingbird: bird + flower / owl + flower / pigeon + flower / seagull + flower / bird + garden / owl + garden / garden + pigeon / garden + seagull / bird + small / bird + bee / bird + butterfly
  • Hurricane: ocean + tornado / sea + tornado / ocean + storm / sea + storm
  • Husky: snow + dog / ice + dog / Antarctica + dog / dog + arctic / blizzard + dog / dog + glacier


  • Ice: water + cold / water + solid / cold + puddle / puddle + solid
  • Ice Cream: milk + cold / milk + ice / milk + snow
  • Ice Cream Truck: car + ice cream / ice cream + bus / ice cream + wagon
  • Ice Sculpture: ice + statue
  • Iceberg: sea + ice / ocean + ice / sea + Antarctica / ocean + Antarctica / sea + arctic / ocean + arctic
  • Iced Tea: ice + tea / cold + tea
  • Idea: human + light bulb / light bulb + engineer / light bulb + science / science + science / engineer + engineer / hacker + hacker / lumberjack + lumberjack / farmer + farmer / firefighter + firefighter / electrician + electrician / astronaut + astronaut / warrior + warrior / butcher + butcher / doctor + doctor / pilot + pilot / baker + baker / sailor + sailor / surfer + surfer / swimmer + swimmer / cyclist + cyclist / knight + knight / monarch + monarch / angler + angler / mailman + mailman / gardener + gardener / philosophy + philosophy / science + philosophy / skier + skier / diver + diver / librarian + librarian / alchemist + alchemist
  • Igloo: house + ice / house + snow / house + cold / house + snowman
  • Internet: computer + computer / wire + computer / computer + web / computer + net
  • Island: volcano + ocean / volcano + sea
  • Ivy: plant + wall / grass + wall


  • Jack-O-Lantern: fire + pumpkin / pumpkin + candle / light + pumpkin / night + pumpkin / ghost + pumpkin / skeleton + pumpkin / skeleton + vegetable / ghost + vegetable / night + vegetable
  • Jam: juice + sugar / fruit + machine / fruit + juice / juice + machine / fruit + heat
  • Jar: jam + container / jam + bottle / glass + jam / jam + bucket
  • Jerky: meat + sun / sun + steak / meat + heat / steak + heat
  • Juice: pressure + fruit / earth + fruit / stone + fruit / fruit + rock / explosion + fruit / water + fruit / pressure + vegetable / stone + vegetable / vegetable + rock / explosion + vegetable / water + vegetable
  • Jupiter: cloud + planet / storm + planet / planet + big / planet + gas / big + Saturn


  • Kaiju: dinosaur + city / dinosaur + skyscraper / dinosaur + legend / dinosaur + story
  • Katana: blade + heat / blade + shuriken / sword + shuriken / blade + ninja / sword + ninja
  • Kite: wind + paper / sky + paper / air + paper
  • Knife: blade + cook / sword + cook
  • Knight: human + armor / warrior + armor / warrior + hero / warrior + horse


  • Lake: water + pond / pond + big / sea + small / pond + pond
  • Lamp: metal + light bulb / steel + light bulb
  • Land: soil + soil / big + soil / earth + earth / earth + stone / small + continent
  • Laptop: computer + small
  • Lasso: cow + rope / horse + rope / pig + rope / wild boar + rope / sheep + rope / goat + rope
  • Lava: fire + earth / earth + heat / earth + liquid
  • Lava Lamp: lava + lamp / fire + lamp / volcano + lamp
  • Lawn: grass + container / house + grass / field + lawn mower / grass + lawn mower
  • Lawn Mower: tool + grass / electricity + scythe / scythe + helicopter / scythe + windmill / field + helicopter / tool + scythe / scythe + machine / grass + machine / scythe + motion
  • Leaf: wind + tree / wind + flower / wind + orchard / wind + forest
  • Leather: blade + cow / blade + pig / blade + sheep / cow + sword / sword + pig / sword + sheep / tool + cow / tool + sheep / tool + pig
  • Legend: time + story / story + big / story + story / story + fairy tale / time + fairy tale / big + fairy tale
  • Lens: glass + tool / glass + engineer
  • Letter: paper + pencil
  • Librarian: human + library / human + book
  • Library: book + container / house + book
  • Life: electricity + primordial soup / time + primordial soup / storm + primordial soup / volcano + primordial soup / ocean + electricity / sea + electricity / electricity + lake / ocean + lightning / sea + lightning / lake + lightning / primordial soup + lightning / primordial soup + energy
  • Light: electricity + light bulb / electricity + flashlight
  • Light Bulb: glass + electricity / glass + light / light + container
  • Light Sword: light + sword / energy + sword / electricity + sword / sword + space / sword + force knight
  • Lighthouse: ocean + light / sea + light / house + light / beach + light / ocean + spotlight / sea + spotlight / house + spotlight / beach + spotlight
  • Lightning: cloud + electricity / storm + electricity / rain + electricity / energy + storm / energy + cloud / energy + rain / storm + land
  • Lion: animal + cat / blood + cat / cat + big / cat + monarch
  • Liquid: water + idea / water + science / energy + solid
  • Little Alchemy: small + alchemist
  • Livestock: field + animal / farmer + animal / animal + domestication / animal + barn
  • Lizard: stone + animal / animal + rock / stone + egg / egg + rock / dinosaur + small / swamp + animal / swamp + egg / blood + cold
  • Log cabin: wood + house
  • Love: human + human
  • Lumberjack: human + axe / human + chainsaw / human + wood / tree + human


  • Mac and Cheese: cheese + pasta
  • Machine: tool + wheel / tool + tool / boiler + wheel / boiler + tool / boiler + chain / tool + chain / tool + engineer
  • Magic: life + rainbow / life + double rainbow! / energy + wizard / energy + witch
  • Magma: lava + science / volcano + science
  • Mailbox: letter + box / mailman + box / metal + letter / steel + letter / wood + letter / metal + mailman / steel + mailman / wood + mailman
  • Mailman: human + letter / human + newspaper / letter + mailbox
  • Mail truck: car + mailman / car + post office / car + letter
  • Manatee: sea + cow / ocean + cow / fish + cow / cow + lake / cow + river
  • Map: paper + land / paper + hill / mountain + paper / paper + mountain range / paper + continent / ocean + paper / sea + paper / paper + lake / paper + river / paper + city / paper + village
  • Maple Syrup: heat + sap / sugar + sap
  • Mars: rust + planet / desert + planet
  • Marshmallows: campfire + sugar
  • Mayonnaise: egg + oil
  • Meat: tool + livestock / tool + chicken / tool + pig / tool + cow / tool + animal / tool + fish / tool + swordfish / tool + flying fish / tool + shark / tool + frog / axe + livestock / axe + chicken / axe + pig / axe + cow / axe + animal / axe + fish / axe + swordfish / axe + flying fish / axe + shark / axe + frog / livestock + sword / chicken + sword / sword + pig / cow + sword / animal + sword / sword + shark / livestock + butcher / chicken + butcher / pig + butcher / cow + butcher / animal + butcher / fish + butcher / butcher + swordfish / butcher + flying fish / butcher + shark / butcher + frog / fish + net / swordfish + net / shark + net / piranha + net / flying fish + net
  • Medusa: human + snake / snake + legend / snake + story / snake + hero
  • Mercury: planet + small / planet + heat
  • Mermaid: human + fish / fish + legend / fish + magic / swimmer + magic / fish + swimmer
  • Metal: fire + ore / heat + ore / tool + ore
  • Meteor: atmosphere + meteoroid / sky + meteoroid / air + meteoroid / night + meteoroid / day + meteoroid
  • Meteoroid: stone + space / space + rock / space + boulder / stone + solar system / solar system + rock / solar system + boulder / sun + rock / stone + sun / sun + boulder
  • Microscope: glass + bacteria / bacteria + glasses / bacteria + safety glasses / tool + lens / bacteria + lens
  • Milk: farmer + cow / tool + cow / water + cow / farmer + goat / tool + goat / water + goat / cow + liquid / goat + liquid
  • Milk Shake: milk + ice cream / ice cream + yogurt / water + ice cream
  • Mineral: stone + organic matter / rock + organic matter / earth + organic matter / boulder + organic matter / hill + organic matter / mountain + organic matter
  • Minotaur: human + cow / cow + werewolf / cow + story / cow + legend
  • Mirror: glass + metal / glass + steel / glass + wood
  • Mist: water + air / air + steam / air + rain
  • Mold: time + bread / bread + bacteria / bacteria + vegetable / fruit + bacteria / time + vegetable / time + fruit
  • Monarch: human + castle / human + Excalibur
  • Money: paper + gold / diamond + paper / paper + bank
  • Monkey: tree + animal
  • Moon: sky + cheese / sky + planet / sky + stone / night + planet / stone + night / earth + night / cheese + night / sky + time
  • Moon Rover: moon + car / moon + electric car
  • Moss: plant + stone / stone + grass / stone + algae / plant + rock / grass + rock / algae + rock / plant + boulder / grass + boulder / algae + boulder
  • Moth: moon + butterfly / night + butterfly / butterfly + candle / light + butterfly / lamp + butterfly / flashlight + butterfly
  • Motion: wind + science / wind + idea / wind + philosophy / tornado + science / tornado + philosophy / stream + science / stream + philosophy / river + philosophy / river + science
  • Motorcycle: bicycle + machine / steel + bicycle / metal + bicycle / steam engine + bicycle / bicycle + combustion engine
  • Mountain: big + hill / earth + earthquake / earth + hill / hill + hill / earthquake + hill / earth + big
  • Mountain Goat: mountain + goat / goat + mountain range
  • Mountain Range: mountain + mountain / mountain + continent
  • Mouse: cheese + animal / cheese + barn / house + cheese / cheese + farm / cheese + wall
  • Mousetrap: wood + cheese / metal + cheese / steel + cheese / blade + mouse
  • Mud: water + earth / water + soil
  • Mummy: corpse + pyramid / pyramid + fabric / corpse + fabric / human + pyramid
  • Music: flute + musician / sheet music + musician / drum + musician / musician + pan flute
  • Musician: human + flute / human + music / human + sheet music / human + drum / human + pan flute


  • Narwhal: fish + unicorn / ocean + unicorn / sea + unicorn / water + unicorn / unicorn + shark / unicorn + swordfish / unicorn + flying fish
  • Needle: metal + thread / steel + thread / tool + thread
  • Nessie: lake + legend / story + lake / dinosaur + legend / dinosaur + story
  • Nest: tree + bird / bird + hay / egg + hay / tree + egg / bird + grass / egg + grass / bird + house / egg + container
  • Net: angler + rope / fish + rope / swordfish + rope / fishing rod + rope / flying fish + rope
  • Newspaper: paper + paper / paper + story / letter + letter
  • Night: sky + moon / time + day / time + moon / time + twilight
  • Ninja: human + shuriken / human + katana
  • Ninja Turtle: turtle + ninja / turtle + shuriken / turtle + katana
  • Nuts: tree + farmer / tree + domestication / tree + field


  • Oasis: water + desert / desert + puddle / desert + pond / desert + lake / desert + river / desert + stream / tree + desert / desert + palm
  • Obsidian: water + lava / lava + cold / lava + glass
  • Ocean: water + sea / sea + big / tide + container / sea + sea
  • Oil: pressure + sunflower / stone + sunflower / wheel + sunflower / sunflower + windmill
  • Omelette: fire + egg / egg + heat / egg + tool
  • Optical Fiber: wire + light / light + rope / light + internet
  • Orchard: fruit tree + fruit tree / field + fruit tree / tree + fruit tree / farmer + fruit tree / fruit tree + farm / forest + fruit tree / fruit tree + container
  • Ore: hammer + boulder / earth + hammer / hammer + rock / stone + hammer / hammer + hill / mountain + hammer
  • Organic Matter: life + death / life + science / bacteria + death / corpse + science
  • Origami: bird + paper / animal + paper / paper + eagle / paper + seagull / owl + paper / paper + pigeon / cow + paper / horse + paper / dog + paper / paper + cat / paper + lion / paper + hummingbird / chicken + paper / penguin + paper / duck + paper / paper + vulture
  • Ostrich: earth + bird / sand + bird / earth + eagle / sand + eagle / earth + chicken / sand + chicken / bird + big
  • Owl: bird + night / bird + wizard / bird + twilight / bird + moon
  • Oxygen: plant + sun / tree + sun / grass + sun / sun + algae / plant + carbon dioxide / tree + carbon dioxide / grass + carbon dioxide / algae + carbon dioxide
  • Ozone: oxygen + oxygen / electricity + oxygen / electricity + atmosphere / air + electricity


  • Paint: water + rainbow / water + double rainbow! / water + pencil / pottery + rainbow / tool + rainbow / pottery + double rainbow! / tool + double rainbow! / rainbow + liquid / double rainbow! + liquid / pencil + liquid
  • Painter: human + paint / human + canvas / human + painting
  • Painting: canvas + painter / paint + canvas
  • Paleontologist: human + dinosaur / human + fossil / dinosaur + science / fossil + science
  • Palm: tree + beach / island + tree / sand + tree
  • Pan Flute: flute + flute
  • Paper: pressure + wood / water + wood / wood + machine / wood + blender
  • Paper Airplane: airplane + paper
  • Paper Cup: paper + cup
  • Parachute: pilot + fabric / pilot + umbrella / airplane + fabric / airplane + umbrella / sky + umbrella / atmosphere + umbrella
  • Paraglider: kite + big
  • Park: forest + city / forest + village / garden + city / garden + village / grass + city / grass + village / field + city / field + village
  • Parrot: bird + pirate / bird + pirate ship / pirate + pigeon / pigeon + pirate ship
  • Pasta: egg + flour
  • Peacock: bird + leaf / bird + double rainbow! + bird + rainbow
  • Peanut Butter: butter + nuts / pressure + nuts
  • Peat: plant + swamp / pressure + swamp / time + swamp / time + grass
  • Pebble: stone + small / earth + small / small + rock
  • Pegasus: bird + horse / sky + horse / bird + unicorn / sky + unicorn
  • Pencil: wood + charcoal / coal + wood
  • Pencil Sharpener: blade + pencil / pencil + blender / sword + pencil
  • Penguin: bird + Antarctica / bird + cold / bird + ice / bird + snow / animal + Antarctica
  • Penicillin: doctor + mold / mold + science / idea + mold / hospital + mold
  • Perfume: water + flower / steam + flower / alcohol + flower / water + rose / steam + rose / alcohol + rose / water + sunflower / steam + sunflower / sunflower + alcohol
  • Petroleum: pressure + fossil / time + fossil / fossil + liquid / water + fossil
  • Philosophy: human + idea / human + story / egg + chicken
  • Phoenix: fire + bird / fire + death / fire + life / fire + egg
  • Picnic: grass + sandwich / sandwich + beach / sandwich + fabric / sandwich + lawn / sandwich + garden
  • Pie: dough + fruit / fruit + cookie dough / dough + meat / fruit + baker / fruit + bakery
  • Pig: mud + livestock / mud + animal / mud + cow
  • Pigeon: bird + letter / bird + city / bird + statue / bird + skyscraper / bird + village
  • Piggy Bank: pig + money / pottery + pig / pig + gold
  • Pilot: human + airplane / human + seaplane
  • Pinocchio: life + wood / golem + story / wood + story
  • Pipe: wood + tobacco / tool + tobacco
  • Piranha: fish + blood / fish + wolf
  • Pirate: sword + sailor / sailor + pirate ship / gun + sailor / bayonet + sailor
  • Pirate Ship: sailboat + pirate / boat + pirate / steam engine + pirate / pirate + container / house + pirate
  • Pitchfork: tool + hay / metal + hay / steel + hay
  • Pizza: cheese + dough / cheese + bread / cheese + wheel
  • Planet: continent + continent / ocean + continent / earth + space / earth + solar system / earth + sky
  • Plankton: water + life / ocean + life / sea + life / water + bacteria / ocean + bacteria / sea + bacteria
  • Plant: tree + small / water + seed / soil + seed / land + seed / earth + seed / grass + big / algae + land / earth + algae / life + soil / rain + soil
  • Plasma: star + science / sun + science / pressure + heat / heat + heat
  • Platypus: beaver + duck / bird + beaver / beaver + seagull
  • Plow: earth + metal / metal + field / earth + steel / steel + field / earth + wood / wood + field / tool + field
  • Polar Bear: animal + ice / animal + arctic
  • Pollen: dust + plant / wind + plant / dust + flower / wind + flower
  • Pond: water + puddle / puddle + big / lake + small / puddle + puddle
  • Popsicle: ice + juice / cold + juice / wood + juice / snow + juice
  • Post Office: house + mailman / wall + mailman / mailman + container / house + letter / wall + letter / letter + mailman / letter + letter
  • Potato: earth + vegetable
  • Potter: human + pottery / human + clay
  • Pottery: clay + wheel / clay + tool
  • Pressure: air + air / atmosphere + atmosphere / air + atmosphere / geyser + science / ocean + ocean
  • Primordial Soup: lava + ocean / lava + sea / ocean + planet / earth + ocean / sea + planet / earth + sea
  • Printer: paper + computer / newspaper + computer
  • Prism: glass + rainbow / glass + double rainbow! / rainbow + crystal ball / double rainbow! + crystal ball
  • Pterodactyl: air + dinosaur / sky + dinosaur / airplane + dinosaur / bird + dinosaur / dinosaur + eagle / dinosaur + vulture
  • Puddle: water + water / pond + small
  • Pumpkin: field + vegetable / farmer + vegetable / vegetable + jack-o-lantern / plant + jack-o-lantern
  • Pyramid: stone + desert / grave + desert / graveyard + desert / desert + mountain / desert + hill / desert + gravestone / mummy + container


  • Quicksand: sand + swamp
  • Quicksilver: metal + liquid


  • Rabbit: animal + carrot / rabbit + rabbit
  • Rain: cloud + heat / cloud + pressure / cloud + water
  • Rainbow: rain + sun / rain + light / water + light / cloud + light / water + sun / sun + prism / light + prism
  • Rainforest: rain + forest
  • Rat: animal + pirate ship / sailboat + animal / mouse + pirate ship / sailboat + mouse / mouse + city / mouse + skyscraper / mouse + village / mouse + big
  • Recipe: flour + paper / meat + paper / paper + baker / paper + bakery / paper + vegetable / fruit + paper / flour + newspaper / meat + newspaper / newspaper + baker / newspaper + vegetable / newspaper + bakery / fruit + newspaper / paper + cook
  • Reed: plant + pond / plant + puddle / grass + pond / grass + puddle / swamp + grass / plant + swamp / plant + river / grass + river
  • Reindeer: animal + Santa / livestock + Santa / Christmas tree + animal / livestock + Christmas tree / animal + Christmas stocking
  • Restaurant: cook + house
  • Ring: diamond + metal / diamond + gold / diamond + steel / love + gold / diamond + love / metal + love / steel + love
  • River: lake + motion / big + stream / water + mountain / rain + mountain / rain + hill
  • Rivulet: puddle + motion / stream + small
  • Robot: life + armor / metal + life / steel + life / metal + golem / steel + golem / golem + armor
  • Robot Vacuum: robot + vacuum cleaner / robot + broom / computer + vacuum cleaner / computer + broom
  • Rock: big + pebble / small + boulder / pebble + pebble
  • Rocket: airplane + atmosphere / metal + atmosphere / steel + atmosphere / train + atmosphere / atmosphere + machine / boat + atmosphere / steamboat + atmosphere / atmosphere + car / atmosphere + pirate ship
  • Roe: egg + fish / water + egg / ocean + egg / sea + egg / egg + lake / egg + flying fish
  • Roller Coaster: train + park / car + park / cart + park / wagon + park
  • Rope: thread + thread / wire + thread / tool + wire / tool + sailboat / tool + pirate ship / tool + boat
  • Rose: plant + love / love + flower / blade + flower / plant + blade
  • Ruins: time + castle / time + house / time + village / time + city / time + skyscraper / time + farm / time + hospital
  • Ruler: wood + pencil
  • Rust: air + metal / air + steel / wind + metal / wind + steel / metal + oxygen / steel + oxygen
  • RV: house + car / house + bus


  • Sack: flour + container / salt + container / letter + container
  • Saddle: horse + leather / tool + horse / horse + fabric
  • Safe: metal + money / steel + money / metal + gold / steel + gold / gun + container / gold + container
  • Safety Glasses: tool + glasses / explosion + glasses / engineer + glasses / glasses + bulletproof vest / armor + glasses
  • Sailboat: wind + boat / boat + fabric / wind + steamboat / steamboat + fabric
  • Sailor: human + boat / human + sailboat / human + steamboat / ocean + human / sea + human / human + lake
  • Salt: ocean + sun / sea + sun / fire + ocean / fire + sea / ocean + mineral / sea + mineral
  • Sand: air + stone / wind + stone / air + rock / wind + rock / air + pebble / wind + pebble / small + pebble
  • Sand Castle: sand + castle / beach + castle / desert + castle / dune + castle
  • Sandpaper: sand + paper / sand + fabric
  • Sandstone: stone + sand / sand + rock / earth + sand
  • Sandstorm: storm + sand / tornado + sand / sand + motion / storm + desert / tornado + desert / wind + desert / desert + motion
  • Sandwich: bread + meat / bread + bacon / cheese + bread / bread + vegetable / bread + ham
  • Santa: human + Christmas tree / human + Christmas stocking / Christmas tree + legend / Christmas stocking + legend / Christmas tree + story / story + Christmas stocking
  • Sap: tree + blade
  • Saturn: ring + planet / small + Jupiter
  • Scalpel: blade + doctor / blade + hospital / blade + ambulance / sword + doctor / sword + hospital / sword + ambulance
  • Scarecrow: human + hay / hay + statue / golem + hay / statue + farm / barn + statue / pumpkin + sack / jack-o-lantern + sack / hay + sack
  • Science: human + telescope / human + microscope / human + universe
  • Scissors: blade + blade / sword + sword / blade + sword / blade + paper / sword + paper
  • Scorpion: animal + dune / sand + animal / dune + spider / sand + spider / desert + spider
  • Scuba Tank: air + container / atmosphere + container / oxygen + container
  • Scythe: blade + grass / blade + wheat / grass + sword / wheat + sword / axe + grass / axe + wheat
  • Sea: water + lake / lake + big / ocean + small / lake + lake
  • Seagull: sea + bird / ocean + bird / bird + beach / sea + pigeon / ocean + pigeon / beach + pigeon / sea + rat / ocean + rat / beach + rat
  • Seahorse: ocean + horse / sea + horse / water + horse / fish + horse / horse + lake
  • Seal: sea + dog / ocean + dog / dog + arctic / dog + lake / water + dog
  • Seaplane: sea + airplane / ocean + airplane / airplane + lake / water + airplane
  • Seasickness: boat + sickness / steamboat + sickness / sailboat + sickness / ocean + sickness / sea + sickness / sickness + lake
  • Seaweed: ocean + plant / sea + plant / plant + lake / ocean + grass / sea + grass
  • Seed: plant + pollen / bee + pollen / time + flower
  • Sewing Machine: needle + machine / electricity + needle / robot + needle / thread + machine / electricity + thread / robot + thread
  • Shark: ocean + blood / sea + blood / ocean + wolf / sea wolf / fish + blood / fish + wolf
  • Sheep: livestock + wool / livestock + hill / livestock + land / cloud + livestock / goat + domestication / mountain goat + domestication
  • Sheet Music: paper + music / music + book
  • Shovel: tool + gardener
  • Shuriken: blade + star / sword + star / metal + star / steel + star / blade + ninja
  • Sickness: human + bacteria / swamp + human / human + sickness
  • Silo: wheat + container / house + wheat / wheat + barn / wheat + wall / wheat + farm / wheat + safe / wheat + bank
  • Skateboard: wheel + snowboard / wheel + skier / wheel + ski goggles
  • Skeleton: time + corpse / bone + bone / corpse + bone
  • Ski Goggles: snow + glasses / snow + sunglasses / cold + glasses / cold + sunglasses / glasses + glacier / glacier + sunglasses / glasses + skier / sunglasses + skier
  • Skier: human + ski goggles / human + mountain / human + mountain range
  • Sky: air + cloud / sun + atmosphere / light + atmosphere / moon + sun / cloud + atmosphere
  • Skyscraper: sky + house / sky + village / house + big / cloud + house
  • Sleigh: snow + cart / snow + wagon / ice + cart / ice + wagon / cart + arctic / wagon + arctic / Antarctica + cart / Antarctica + wagon
  • Sloth: time + animal / tree + manatee
  • Small: bacteria + philosophy / oxygen + philosophy / carbon dioxide + philosophy / ozone + philosophy / pebble + philosophy / rivulet + philosophy / ant + philosophy / spider + philosophy / bee + philosophy / confetti + philosophy / scorpion + philosophy / seahorse + philosophy
  • Smartphone: tablet + small
  • Smog: smoke + fog / fog + city / smoke + city / atmosphere + city / air + city
  • Smoke: earth + gas / water + campfire / time + campfire / storm + campfire / fire + plant / fire + grass / fire + tree / fire + wood / fire + air
  • Smoke Signal: campfire + fabric / smoke + fabric / smoke + letter
  • Smoothie: fruit + blender / fruit + ice / fruit + cold
  • Snake: animal + rope / wire + animal / electric eel + land
  • Snow: rain + cold / steam + cold / rain + mountain / rain + mountain range
  • Snow Globe: snow + crystal ball / snowman + crystal ball / snowball + crystal ball / crystal ball + snowmobile / Santa + crystal ball / Christmas tree + crystal ball / Christmas stocking + crystal ball / blizzard + crystal ball / ice + crystal ball / cold + crystal ball / glass + snow / glass + snowman / glass + snowball / glass + snowmobile / glass + Santa / glass + Christmas tree / glass + Christmas stocking / glass + blizzard
  • Snowball: stone + snow / snow + rock / earth + snow / human + snow
  • Snowboard: wood + snow / snow + surfer / wood + ice / ice + surfer / mountain + surfer / surfer + mountain range
  • Snowboarder: human + snowboard
  • Snowman: human + snow / snow + carrot / snowball + carrot / coal + snow / coal + snowball / snowball + snowball
  • Snowmobile: snow + motorcycle / snow + car / glacier + motorcycle / car + glacier / ice + motorcycle / ice + car
  • Soap: ash + oil / ash + wax / oil + wax / clay + wax / clay + oil
  • Soda: water + carbon dioxide / juice + carbon dioxide / carbon dioxide + tea
  • Soil: earth + life / earth + organic matter / life + land / land + organic matter
  • Solar Cell: tool + sun / tool + light / sun + machine / sun + electricity / energy + sun
  • Solar System: planet + planet / sun + planet / sun + container / planet + container / Mars + container / Mercury + container / Venus + container / Jupiter + container / Saturn + container
  • Solid: earth + idea / earth + science
  • Sound: air + wave / human + wave / wave + wolf / wave + animal
  • Space: sky + star / sun + star / moon + star / night + solar system / sky + solar system
  • Space Station: house + space / space + wall / space + village / house + atmosphere / atmosphere + wall / atmosphere + village
  • Spaceship: airplane + space / metal + space / steel + space / space + pirate ship / boat + space / steamboat + space / car + space / astronaut + container
  • Spaghetti: thread + pasta / wire + pasta / pasta + rope
  • Sphinx: lion + statue / desert + statue / statue + pyramid / stone + lion
  • Spider: animal + thread / animal + web / animal + net
  • Spoon: shovel + small
  • Spotlight: light + machine / metal + light / steel + light
  • Sprinkles: sugar + confetti / rainbow + sugar / double rainbow! + sugar / sugar + paint
  • Squirrel: tree + mouse / plant + mouse / mouse + nuts / animal + nuts
  • Star: sky + night / night + telescope / space + telescope / sky + space / night + space / sun + space
  • Starfish: fish + star / sea + star / ocean + star
  • Statue: stone + hammer / hammer + boulder / human + medusa / hacker + medusa / engineer + medusa / lumberjack + medusa / pilot + medusa / sailor + medusa / firefighter + medusa / farmer + medusa / surfer + medusa / astronaut + medusa / butcher + medusa / doctor + medusa / baker + medusa / drunk + medusa / mirror + medusa
  • Steak: meat + BBQ / fire + cow / cow + BBQ / fire + meat
  • Steam: water + heat / water + fire / water + lava / water + gas
  • Steam Engine: steam + machine / steam + wheel / boiler + wheel
  • Steamboat: steam engine + boat / steam engine + sailboat / steam engine + pirate ship / ocean + steam engine / sea + steam engine
  • Steel: metal + charcoal / coal + metal / metal + mineral / ash + metal
  • Steel Wool: steel + wool / metal + wool / wire + wool
  • Stethoscope: tool + doctor / doctor + drum / doctor + sound / tool + sound / tool + hospital
  • Stone: earth + solid / earth + pressure / air + lava
  • Storm: cloud + electricity / electricity + atmosphere / cloud + cloud / rain + wind
  • Story: human + campfire / human + hero
  • Stream: pond + motion / big + rivulet / river + small
  • String Phone: wire + paper cup / thread + paper cup / wire + cup / thread + cup
  • Stun Gun: gun + electricity / electricity + bow / energy + gun / energy + bow / gun + wire
  • Sugar: fire + juice / energy + juice / energy + fruit / fire + fruit / fire + alcohol / energy + alcohol / fire + beer / energy + beer / fire + wine / energy + wine
  • Sun: sky + light / fire + sky / day + space / sky + day / fire + planet / light + planet / light + day
  • Sundial: wheel + sun / wheel + day / wheel + light / tool + sun / tool + day / tool + light / sun + watch / sun + clock / light + watch / clock + light
  • Sunflower: plant + sun / sun + flower
  • Sunglasses: sun + glasses / beach + glasses / day + glasses / sky + glasses / light + glasses
  • Supernova: explosion + star / explosion + sun / explosion + galaxy / explosion + space
  • Surfer: human + wave / human + beach
  • Sushi: fish + seaweed / caviar + seaweed
  • Swamp: mud + grass / mud + reed / mud + tree / algae + lake / algae + pond / lake + reed / pond + reed / tree + lake
  • Sweater: tool + wool / human + wool
  • Swim Goggles: water + glasses / water + sunglasses / glasses + lake / sunglasses + lake / sea + glasses / sea + sunglasses / ocean + glasses / ocean + sunglasses / glasses + river / sunglasses + river
  • Swimmer: water + human / human + swim goggles / human + pond / human + swimming pool
  • Swimming Pool: house + lake / house + swimmer / aquarium + big
  • Sword: blade + wood / metal + blade / steel + blade
  • Swordfish: fish + sword / blade + fish / sword + shark / blade + shark
  • Syringe: doctor + needle / tool + needle


  • Tablet: laptop + small
  • Tailor: human + sewing machine / human + needle / human + thread
  • Tank: armor + car / gun + car / metal + car / steel + car
  • Tea: water + leaf / human + leaf / leaf + heat
  • Telescope: sky + glass / glass + star / glass + space / glass + moon / glass + planet / glass + Mercury / glass + Mars / glass + Jupiter / glass + Saturn / glass + galaxy / glass + galaxy cluster / glass + universe / glass + supernova
  • Tent: wood + fabric / house + fabric / village + fabric / wall + fabric
  • The One Ring: volcano + ring / ring + magic
  • Thermometer: glass + quicksilver / tool + quicksilver / engineer + quicksilver
  • Thread: tool + cotton / cotton + cotton / wheel + cotton / cotton + machine
  • Tide: ocean + moon / sea + moon / ocean + time / sea + time
  • Time: Unlocked through progression.
  • Titanic: steamboat + iceberg / boat + iceberg / iceberg + legend / steamboat + legend
  • Toast: fire + bread / fire + sandwich
  • Tobacco: plant + smoke / grass + smoke / fire + plant
  • Tool: metal + human / steel + human / human + wood / stone + human / human + rock / metal + wood / steel + wood / stone + wood / wood + rock
  • Toolbox: tool + container / tool + safe / hammer + container / hammer + box / tool + box / ruler + container / ruler + box / steel wool + container / steel wool + box / chain + box / chain + container
  • Tornado: storm + storm / storm + wind / storm + motion / wind + big / wind + wind / wind + motion
  • Toucan: bird + rainbow / bird + palm / palm + seagull / palm + pigeon / palm + owl / bird + double rainbow!
  • Tractor: farmer + car / field + car / farmer + wagon / field + wagon / cow + car / cow + wagon
  • Train: steel + steam engine / metal + steam engine / steam engine + wheel / steam engine + wagon
  • Trainyard: train + container / train + house / train + wall / train + garage
  • Treasure: pirate + treasure map / pirate ship + treasure map / island + treasure map / sailor + treasure map
  • Treasure Map: pirate + map / map + pirate ship / map + treasure / island + map
  • Tree: plant + big / plant + wood / nest + container
  • Treehouse: tree + house / tree + wood
  • Trojan Horse: wood + horse / horse + machine / horse + statue
  • Tsunami: ocean + earthquake / sea + earthquake / ocean + explosion / sea + explosion / ocean + meteor / sea + meteor
  • Tunnel: engineer + mountain / engineer + mountain range / engineer + hill / train + mountain / train + mountain range / train + hill / mountain + cave / hill + cave / mountain range + cave
  • Turtle: sand + egg / beach + animal / lizard + beach / egg + beach
  • Twilight: day + night / time + day
  • Tyrannosaurus Rex: meat + dinosaur / blood + dinosaur / dinosaur + monarch


  • UFO: rocket + alien / airplane + alien / alien + spaceship / alien + space station / sky + alien / alien + container
  • Umbrella: rain + tool / rain + fabric / storm + fabric / storm + tool
  • Unicorn: horse + legend / rainbow + horse / double rainbow! + horse / horse + story / horse + magic
  • Universe: galaxy cluster + galaxy cluster / space + container / galaxy cluster + container


  • Vacuum Cleaner: electricity + broom / broom + machine
  • Vampire: human + blood / human + vampire / human + bat
  • Vase: plant + pottery / pottery + flower / rose + container / flower + container / pottery + rose / rose + bottle / flower + bottle / plant + bottle
  • Vault: safe + big
  • Vegetable: field + farmer / forest + farmer / plant + farmer / plant + field / plant + domestication
  • Venus: acid rain + planet / planet + smog / volcano + planet
  • Village: house + house / family + family / house + container / bakery + container / house + bakery
  • Vine: rope + rainforest / thread + rainforest / wire + rainforest
  • Vinegar: wine + oxygen / air + wine / time + wine
  • Volcano: lava + mountain / fire + mountain / pressure + mountain / earth + lava / lava + hill / fire + hill / pressure + hill / lava + container
  • Vulture: bird + corpse / corpse + eagle / corpse + hummingbird / corpse + owl / corpse + pigeon / corpse + penguin / chicken + corpse / corpse + duck / bird + desert / desert + eagle / desert + hummingbird / desert + owl / desert + pigeon / desert + penguin / desert + duck


  • Wagon: horse + cart / cart + fabric / house + cart / cart + wall / cow + cart
  • Wall: brick + brick / wood + wood / stone + stone
  • Wand: wood + wizard / sword + wizard / tool + wizard / pencil + wizard
  • Warmth: air + heat / human + heat
  • Warrior: human + sword / human + bow
  • Watch: human + clock / clock + small
  • Water: ice + heat / snow + heat
  • Water Gun: water + gun / gun + stream / gun + puddle
  • Water Lily: pond + flower / flower + puddle / flower + lake / flower + stream
  • Water Pipe: water + pipe
  • Waterfall: mountain + river / river + mountain range / river + hill / mountain + lake / mountain range + lake / lake + hill
  • Wave: ocean + wind / ocean + storm / sea + wind / sea + storm / wind + lake / storm + lake / ocean + hurricane / sea + hurricane / lake + hurricane
  • Wax: bee + beehive / wall + beehive / blade + beehive / sword + beehive / tool + beehive / beehive + beekeeper
  • Web: thread + spider / cotton + spider / fabric + spider / spider + net
  • Werewolf: human + wolf / human + werewolf
  • Wheat: grass + domestication / farmer + grass / field + grass
  • Wheel: tool + motion / stone + motion / metal + motion / steel + motion / water + tool / tool + stream / tool + river
  • Wild Boar: animal + pig / forest + pig / pig + hill
  • Wind: air + motion / atmosphere + motion / air + pressure
  • Wind Turbine: electricity + windmill / windmill + machine / electrician + windmill / electricity + wind
  • Windmill: wind + house / wind + wheel / wind + wheat / wind + flour / wheel + wall
  • Windsurfer: wind + surfer
  • Wine: fruit + alcohol / juice + alcohol
  • Wire: metal + electricity / steel + electricity / electricity + rope / metal + rope / steel + rope
  • Witch: wizard + broom / human + broom / broom + legend / story + broom / broom + magic / broom + cauldron / cauldron + legend / story + cauldron
  • Wizard: human + magic / human + rainbow / human + double rainbow! / human + unicorn
  • Wolf: moon + animal / animal + dog / forest + dog / blood + dog
  • Wood: tree + tool / tree + axe / tree + chainsaw / tree + sword / tree + lumberjack / tool + forest / axe + forest / forest + chainsaw / forest + lumberjack
  • Woodpecker: bird + wood / tree + bird / bird + forest
  • Wool: tool + sheep / scissors + sheep / blade + sheep
  • Wrapping Paper: paper + gift / Christmas tree + paper / paper + Christmas stocking / paper + Santa
  • Writer: human + book / human + pencil


  • Yeti: mountain + story / story + mountain range / glacier + story / Antarctica + story / mountain + legend / mountain range + legend / glacier + legend / Antarctica + legend /
  • Yogurt: milk + bacteria / bacteria + ice cream


  • Zombie: life + corpse / corpse + story / corpse + bacteria / human + zombie
  • Zoo: animal + container / animal + cage

How to enter and activate Little Alchemy 2 cheats

To enter and activate Little Alchemy 2 cheat codes, you must first acquire the elements/items required to make the desired elements.

To activate the cheats, follow these steps:

  1. Refer to the list above and collect all required elements.
  2. Follow the combinations and put the required elements together to form the new combined element.

Little Alchemy 2 cheats explained

Little Alchemy 2 cheats list down all the possible combinations in the game. Hence it becomes very easy to find the desired element and the combination required for it. Players can quickly refer to the list instead of actually having to use logic or a trial and error method to combine elements.

The game’s description is as follows:

“Little Alchemy, the crafting game enjoyed by millions of players, is back with more items, fresh, new art style and charming music!

Mix items and create the world from scratch! Discover exciting items accompanied by funny descriptions and lose yourself exploring the huge, new library!”

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