Evil Dead: The Game Cover

Evil Dead: The Game Player Count: How Many People Are Playing in 2022?

Evil Dead: The Game was released a couple of weeks ago, and now that the hype has worn off, you may be wondering what the player count is like. All too often, as soon as the marketing bucks run out for a game and the Twitch viewer count drops, then the show is over. So, we’ll take a look at the Evil Dead: The Game population and whether the game is still living or if it’s undead.

How many people are playing Evil Dead: The Game?

We don’t have a player count for Evil Dead: The Game. Unfortunately, on it’s only available on platforms that don’t publish their game populations. Usually, we’d check the current Steam player count and extrapolate from there, but it’s exclusive to Epic Game Store on PC.

The only hard numbers we have about Evil Dead: The Game is how many copies it’s sold and the current Twitch statistics. According to Wccftech, the game sold 500,000 copies across all platforms during its first week. That seems pretty successful for a lower-budget game, and we’d assume that plenty of those who purchased it are still playing.

However, the Twitch stats are a little harsher. Around its release, the game had approximately 111,000 viewers across 1,497 channels. As of today, that’s dropped to 2,085 viewers across 220 channels. Of course, Twitch viewership isn’t necessarily indicative of a game’s success, but that sharp drop-off does have us questioning the game’s longevity.

Fortunately, the game has cross-play, so the player count forms one pool instead of being spread across five platforms. As of now, we were able to almost immediately get into a match, and cross-play should help prolong the game’s popularity and keep it from dying too quickly.

So, while we don’t have exact numbers, we’d say the current player count is reasonably healthy right now.

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