What’s the correlation between Ben Shapiro’s sister and Halo Infinite? Earlier today, I would have replied, “Who cares?!” While those are still my feelings on the topic, after some research, I’ve found some people seem to think Ben Shapiro’s sister, Abby, bears a resemblance to The Weapon from Halo Infinite.
Does Abby Shapiro play The Weapon in Halo Infinite?

While we’re not sure who The Weapon is modeled on specifically. It’s almost certainly not Abby Shapiro. Ben Shapiro’s sister does have a minor following on YouTube and social media but hasn’t done any work in the gaming industry from what we can find.
We also can’t find the origin of the comparison between Halo Infinite’s The Weapon and Abby Shapiro. Several memes popped up in our searches, but none seemed to have definitively sparked the trend. It’s possible that it could have sprung up from several sources independently.
We doubt that Microsoft or 343 Industries would cast Shapiro in any role given her alt-right leanings and her brother’s reputation. We agree that the image above shows a resemblance between Abby and The Weapon, but it’s unlikely that there’s any sort of connection.
In Halo Infinite, The Weapon is an anti-Cortana AI that serves as the Master Chief’s partner throughout the campaign. One of the big mysteries of the game is why The Weapon didn’t delete complete her mission of containing Cortana then deleting herself.
In contrast to The Weapon, Abby Shapiro primarily seems to make “traditional value” YouTube videos. These feature helpful tips about modesty hacks and two-piece modest swimsuit try-on hauls.
So, despite the memes, Ben Shapiro’s sister didn’t play The Weapon in Halo Infinite. There’s no evidence of her ever being involved in the production of or even playing a Halo game. Those looking for how to stay ladylike, EVEN at college, might find Abby is up their alley. Gamers, not so much.