Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

The Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap should help anyone who wants to get the platinum trophy or all 1,000 achievements. Getting the platinum in this 2020 remake is not that hard and is significantly less tedious than the trophy list from the PS2 version that came out on PS4 in 2016. There’s no need to grind DNA for hours on end here. Here’s how to get all of the trophies and achievements in the Destroy All Humans remaster.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)


  • Estimated trophy difficulty: 3/10
  • Offline trophies: 41 (26 bronze, 11 silver, 3 gold, 1 platinum)
  • Online trophies: None
  • Approximate amount of time to platinum: ~10 hours
  • Minimum number of playthroughs: 1
  • Number of missable trophies: None
  • Glitched trophies: None
  • Does difficulty affect trophies?: N/A, no difficulty settings
  • Do trophies stack?: N/A
  • Do cheat codes disable trophies?: N/A, no cheat codes
  • Additional peripherals required?: None


Step 1: Complete the game and do the optional challenges along the way along with a couple of the early side missions

This is an platinum trophy that you get mostly by just playing the game. The optional objectives are not hard for the most part and you can even replay missions if you fail them. You can also purposely die to restart the checkpoint as well.

The four classes of side missions unlock as you play the game. Do some of the early ones as you progress through the campaign to break up the monotony of doing story mission after story mission and to avoid cramming them all in at the end. Just be warned that some will basically require upgrades for you to get three stars.

Step 2: Wrap up the rest of the optional objectives and get three stars in every side mission

Now that you have beaten the game, you should be able to afford almost every upgrade in the game, granted you’ve been

Step 3: You do not need to find all of the probes for any trophy

You just need to find one probe. That’s it. Don’t spend hours looking for them only to look at the trophy list a lot later only to realize that you played yourself scouring every single corner in every map. Just find one for the one and only trophy and move on. They are still worth 100 DNA so you can grab them if you see them, but don’t waste your time tracking them all down.

Destroy All Humans trophies and achievements

Furon Perfection (Obtain all trophies)

  • This is the platinum trophy you’ll get from getting all the other trophies.

Goin’ to Seed (Invade Turnipseed Farm)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the first level.

Rockwell Death Knell (Invade Rockwell)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the second level.

Immodesta (Invade Santa Modesta)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the third level.

Area of Dissect (Invade Area 42)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the fourth level.

Union Busting (Invade Union Town)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the fifth level.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Capitol Punishment (Invade Capitol City)

  • Story-related. You’ll get this after landing in the sixth level.

A Pox on Your Gear (Upgrade Crypto at Pox’s Lab in the mothership)

  • After every main mission, you’ll go back to the mothership and you’ll see Pox at the upgrade screen where you can upgrade Crypto or the saucer. Just buy an upgrade for Crypto.

And a Pox on Your Saucer Too (Upgrade your saucer at Pox’s Lab in the mothership)

  • After every main mission, you’ll go back to the mothership and you’ll see Pox at the upgrade screen where you can upgrade Crypto or the saucer. Just buy an upgrade for your saucer.

Down to the Challenge (Revisit a missionless invasion site and complete a challenge there)

  • You can do this any time at the main mission screen. Hover over a mission site and press the Square button on PS4 or the X button on the Xbox One to just go into a mission site without a mission. From there, do one of the four side missions: Armageddon, Race, Abduction, or Rampage. They are icons on your map. Just remember that you might have to progress in the story to unlock these.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Invasion of the Body Swappers (Try out a new look for Crypto in the mothership’s archives)

  • At the menu screen between missions, you’ll see the Archives screen next to Pox’s Lab and the Missions Selection menu. Go to the Archives and pick the Skin Selection option and choose a new skin. You have to unlock these skins but they’re mainly tied to completing certain optional objectives.

Return of the Clone II – Reloaded (Re-visit a mission in the mothership archive’s Holopoxdeck)

  • At the menu screen between missions, you’ll see the Archives screen next to Pox’s Lab and the Missions Selection menu. Go to the Archives and pick the Holopoxdeck to go into an old mission. This is invaluable for attempting to complete optional mission objectives you missed the first time around for The Mandatory Option trophy.

Swift Harvest (Accelerate Brain Extract or Transmog by mashing that button like you mean it)

  • You’ll probably get this without meaning to after you get the Brain Extract ability very early in the game. Just mash the Square button on PS4 or X button on Xbox One while looking at a human. This will extract their brain, but mashing it will speed up the process and get you a trophy.

No Time to Waste (Destroy a human with a weapon and another with a psi ability at the same time)

  • Grab a human with your psychokinesis and then shoot at another with a weapon. Just try to kill them at the same time. You’ll probably get this on accident.

Covert Thoughts (Stay covert by scanning primitive human thoughts)

  • You can’t miss this. Just scan a human’s thoughts by pressing the Triangle button on PS4 or the Y button on Xbox One when you’re close to them.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Harvest Season (Recover a Furon Probe)

  • The probes are floating, flashing robots strewn around the levels. There are quite a few so you shouldn’t miss them. Just remember that you don’t need all of them for any of the trophies! There’s not need to scour, which is great because some of them are hidden very well.

Rejected for Probing (Throw something into something else with the saucer’s Abducto Beam)

  • Use the R1 on PS4 or RB button on Xbox One pick up something in your saucer. Target something and release the button to get the trophy. Very easy.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Furonigami (Explore the more offbeat parts of the mothership)

  • At the menu screen between missions, you’ll see the Archives screen next to Pox’s Lab and the Missions Selection menu. Go to the Archives and go look at the concept art in the Furonigami section. The trophy should pop there.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Reduce, Abuse, Recycle (Transmogrify an object to replenish your ammunition)

  • You’ll get the Transmogrify ability from the second game a few missions in. Just target a non-living object and mash the Square button on PS4 and X button on Xbox One and you’ll turn that junk into ammo. You’ll need an upgrade to use this on bigger objects.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Hot to Trot (Evade a rocket by dashing)

  • You also now have a dash button on the Circle or B button depending on your console. The game signals when a rocket is coming at you (which you can see in the above picture). Just press the dodge button before it hits you to get this trophy. Army soldiers have rocket launchers and will often stay a bit further back than their peers.

Brain Drain (Consume a human brain to kickstart your shield regeneration)

  • This is also an easy one. Just mash Square or X depending on your system on a human or use the Anal Probe to extract their brain. Take some damage then go collect the brain.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Simply Repulsive (Use your saucer’s Repulse-O-Tron to fend off homing missiles)

  • Your saucer can repel rockets with the Circle or B button. Just wait until one of the anti-air stations fires at you. Sometimes they can come at you rather quickly but it’s not hard since there is an icon signifying the incoming rocket that’s exactly the same as the on-foot one. You’ll probably get this in Santa Modesta.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Gas-Guzzler Guzzler (Abduct and drain a vehicle to replenish your saucer’s shields)

  • When in your saucer, get over a vehicle and mash the Triangle or Y button. This will drain that vehicle and give you back some shields.

When Two Humans Collide (Use PK to destroy a human with another human)

  • You can pick up almost any human in the game with psychokinesis. Once you grab someone, target someone with the L2 (PS4) or LT (Xbox One). Then release the R1 or RB button to fling them. The targeting can be a little wonky but that is the gist.

Man’s Inhumanity to Man (Destroy multiple humans with a human-made explosive)

  • There are multiple human-made explosives in the game. Red barrels are the most common type. Just pick one up with psychokinesis, target someone with L2 or LT, and then release R1 or RB to let it rip.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Hop the Hoop (Display Furonic aeronautic prowess by soaring through giant human pastry without soiling your feet)

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Do Feed the Sharks (Demonstrate Furon free spirit near a warning sign placed by the human authorities)

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

As Is Tradition (Abduct a cow with your saucer)

  • Get in your saucer in Rockwell or Turnipseed Farm. Go over one of the many cows in the fields. Then press R1 or RB to abduct it. Make sure it is targeted. You can even do one of the glowing cows in one of the missions in Area 42, as you can see in the above picture.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Pyrokinesis (Set something on fire, then use it to destroy a hapless human)

Fly, My Pretties (Throw a human into the air and juggle them)

  • Grab a human with psychokinesis and hit them with something after you fling them in the air. It’s unclear if you can use a weapon to shoot them as they fall.

Unilateral Disarmament (Destroy a certain irritating simian warlord once and for all)

  • Story-related. Beat Armquist in the mech suit.

Impeached (Destroy the pathetic human attempt at a robot overlord)

  • Story-related. Beat the giant robotic president.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Champion of Abduction (Ace an Abduction challenge with a three-star rating)

  • These challenges are in the open world that you must do in free roam and are signaled by the arrow with a beam on it that’s on your mini-map at all times (granted you’ve unlocked the mission by playing through the campaign first). These missions task you with using your psychokinesis ability to toss the specified objects into the giant tractor blue tractor beam. Just get three stars on one of these types of challenges to get this trophy. The easiest one is on Turnipseed Farm. There will be general tips below on the Ace of Space section.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Furon Faster Race (Ace a Race challenge with a three-star rating)

  • These challenges are in the open world that you must do in free roam and are signaled by the checkered flag icon that’s on your mini-map at all times (granted you’ve unlocked the mission by playing through the campaign first). These task you with following a drone as it spits out DNA. The faster you are at collecting these, the higher your score will be. The S.K.A.T.E. ability is very useful for this. Get three stars in any of these types of challenges to get this trophy. The easiest one is on Turnipseed Farm. There will be general tips below on the Ace of Space section.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Righteous Rampage (Ace a Rampage challenge with a three-star rating)

  • These challenges are in the open world that you must do in free roam and are signaled by the fireball icon that’s on your mini-map at all times (granted you’ve unlocked the mission by playing through the campaign first). These task you with causing mayhem as Crypto. Get three stars in any of these types of challenges to get this trophy. The easiest one is on Turnipseed Farm. There will be general tips below on the Ace of Space section.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

The Art of Armageddon (Ace an Armageddon challenge with a three-star rating)

  • These challenges are in the open world that you must do in free roam and are signaled by the icon that looks somewhat like a broken bone on your mini-map (granted you’ve unlocked the mission by playing through the campaign first). These task you with causing mayhem while in your saucer. Get three stars in any of these types of challenges to get this trophy. The easiest one is on Turnipseed Farm. There will be general tips below on the Ace of Space section.

Jerk of All Trades (Obtain at least a two-star rating for each challenge type)

  • You’ll naturally get this while trying to get the Ace of Space trophy. Just get at least two stars in at least one challenge for each type of side mission.

Destroy All Humans trophy guide and roadmap (2020 remake)

Grade A Upgrade (Fully upgrade one of the branches of a weapon or ability)

  • This is very easy. Just upgrade one of Crypto’s weapons all the way. It only has to be one of the branches, too.

Ace of Space (Ace all challenges!)

  • Getting three stars in every challenge isn’t too difficult, but it might take you a few tries to get some of them. Here are some general tips:
    • Don’t be afraid to revisit a challenge after you have some more upgrades. Some seem to depend on you having a good Zap-O-Matic or other upgrade. Just come back later when you’re better suited for the challenge.
    • Always prioritize the bonus objectives! Getting three-stars is contingent on doing this in almost every instance.
  • Here are some tips for the Race challenges:
    • If you have a controller with paddles, make one of the paddles the dodge button so you can easily hold it down to skate while also moving the camera.
    • Always be holding down the skating button as jumping in and out of skating is rather fluid.
    • You need the maxed out S.K.A.T.E. ability for the races. It gives you infinite skating, which makes these way easier.
  • Here are some tips for Armageddon challenges:
    • Just beeline back and forth between the special drainable cars. Draining these is comically more effective than leveling an entire block.
    • It is a good idea to do these once you have a decently leveled up saucer. A leveled up Quantum Deconstructor is a great thing to have, especially if it recharges when you shoot other stuff.
  • Here are some tips for the Rampage challenges:
    • The Rampage challenge in Area 42 (blow up the tanks) can be tricky if you have the Transmogrifier upgrade for the Ion Detonator since it takes forever and doesn’t always count as an exploding kill (which are vital). To do this more easily, shoot the tanks a little with your Disintegrator Ray first to soften them up before landing the final blow the the Ion Detonator to get your bonus points.
    • Again, character upgrades are pretty important for this one.
  • Here are some tips for thec Abduction challenges:
    • Do these during the day so it is easier to see as most objects can hide easily among the darkness. Just load into a level until it is not nighttime.
    • The fully upgraded Zap-O-Matic is vital for the Rockwell and Capitol City Abduction missions since it can kill a bunch of people very quickly without disintegrating them.
    • The Area 42 Abduction mission is the one of the hardest ones. Just be sure to fling everything you can find into the beam and listen to what Pox does and doesn’t like. Don’t follow the beam exactly either. Search around the beam to find special army equipment. Again, prioritize big things like planes, spools, and trucks.
    • Get good at grabbing something and flicking it to the beam. You’re going to have to be fast so get into a rhythm. Thankfully, your powers aren’t limited by a bar this time around so go nuts. Also make sure your targeting icon is on the right thing.

The Mandatory Option (Complete all optional mission objectives! (Use the Holopoxdeck if you have to.))

  • Most of the optional objectives are very, very easy so you shouldn’t have too big of an issue getting these done. You can always replay them in the Holopoxdeck in the Archives part of the main menu if you miss one. They even tell you what optional objectives you haven’t done. However, there are a few that are troubling.

For the Glory of the Furon Empire! (Destroy humanity’s last hope and initiate the subjugation of the species)

  • Story-related. Beat the game!
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