Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas The Completist’s Guide

            Grand Theft Auto - San Andreas: The Completist's Guide 
                          (A 100% [plus] completion FAQ) 
                                 Version 1.0

                               By Ron Hiler

| A. Table of Contents |                                             [GTASATOC]

A. Table of Contents.................................................[GTASATOC]
B. Legal.............................................................[GTASALEG]
C. Contact Information...............................................[GTASACON]
D. Introduction....................................................[GTASAINTRO]
E. Recommended Maps.................................................[GTASAMAPS]
F. Player Statistics............................................[GTASASTATSTOP]
  F1.  Health....................................................[GTASASTATS01]
  F2.  Armor.....................................................[GTASASTATS02]
  F3.  Wanted Level..............................................[GTASASTATS03]
  F4.  Stamina...................................................[GTASASTATS04]
  F5.  Respect...................................................[GTASASTATS05]
  F6.  Muscle....................................................[GTASASTATS06]
  F7.  Fat.......................................................[GTASASTATS07]
  F8.  Sex Appeal................................................[GTASASTATS08]
  F9.  Luck......................................................[GTASASTATS09]
  F10. Lung Capacity.............................................[GTASASTATS10]
G. Player Skills...............................................[GTASASKILLSTOP]
  G1.  Driving..................................................[GTASASKILLS01]
  G2.  Flying...................................................[GTASASKILLS02]
  G3.  Bike.....................................................[GTASASKILLS03]
  G4.  Cycling..................................................[GTASASKILLS04]
  G5.  Pimping...................................................[GTAASKILLS05]
  G6.  Gambling..................................................[GTASASKILL06]
  G7.  Pistol...................................................[GTASASKILLS07]
  G8.  Silenced Pistol..........................................[GTASASKILLS08]
  G9.  Desert Eagle.............................................[GTASASKILLS09]
  G10. Shotgun..................................................[GTASASKILLS10]
  G11. Sawn-off Shotgun.........................................[GTASASKILLS11]
  G12. Combat Shotgun...........................................[GTASASKILLS12]
  G13. Machine Pistol...........................................[GTASASKILLS13]
  G14. SMG......................................................[GTASASKILLS14]
  G15. AK47.....................................................[GTASASKILLS15]
  G16. M4.......................................................[GTASASKILLS16]
H. Los Santos and Red County (Beginning).........................[GTASALSRCTOP]
  H1. City Overview...............................................[GTASALSRCOV]
  H2. 100% Completion List.......................................[GTASALSRC100]
  H3. Other Activities.........................................[GTASALSRCOTHER]
  H4. Dramatis Personae...........................................[GTASALSRCDP]
  H5. Walkthrough............................................[GTASALSRCWALKTOP]
     Big Smoke................................................[GTASALSRCWALK01]
     Sweet and Kendl..........................................[GTASALSRCWALK02]
     Duality (Video Game 1)...................................[GTASALSRCWALK03]
     They Crawled From Uranus (Video Game 2)..................[GTASALSRCWALK04]
     BMX Challenge............................................[GTASALSRCWALK06]
     Taxi Driver..............................................[GTASALSRCWALK08]
     Tagging Up Turf..........................................[GTASALSRCWALK11]
     Gang Tags, Part 1........................................[GTASALSRCWALK12]
     Gang Tags, Part 2........................................[GTASALSRCWALK14]
     Cleaning the Hood........................................[GTASALSRCWALK15]
     The Gym..................................................[GTASALSRCWALK17]
     Gang Tags, Part 3........................................[GTASALSRCWALK18]
     Nines and AKs............................................[GTASALSRCWALK19]
     Drive By.................................................[GTASALSRCWALK20]
     Sweet's Girl.............................................[GTASALSRCWALK21]
     Gang Tags, Part 4........................................[GTASALSRCWALK22]
     Cesar Vialpando..........................................[GTASALSRCWALK23]
     High Stakes, Low Rider...................................[GTASALSRCWALK24]
     Gang Tags, Part 5........................................[GTASALSRCWALK25]
     Inside Track Betting ....................................[GTASALSRCWALK26]
     Gang Tags, Part 6........................................[GTASALSRCWALK27]
     Learning New Moves.......................................[GTASALSRCWALK28]
     Home Invasion............................................[GTASALSRCWALK29]
     Burglary Vehicle Mission ................................[GTASALSRCWALK30]
     Gang Tags, the Finale....................................[GTASALSRCWALK32]
     Robbing Uncle Sam........................................[GTASALSRCWALK33]
     OG Loc...................................................[GTASALSRCWALK34]
     Unique Jumps.............................................[GTASALSRCWALK35]
     Running Dog..............................................[GTASALSRCWALK36]
     Wrong Side of the Tracks.................................[GTASALSRCWALK37]
     Paramedic Vehicle Mission................................[GTASALSRCWALK38]
     Buying Property, Part 1..................................[GTASALSRCWALK39]
     Just Business............................................[GTASALSRCWALK40]
     Life's a Beach...........................................[GTASALSRCWALK41]
     Madd Dogg's Rhymes.......................................[GTASALSRCWALK42]
     Oyster Collection........................................[GTASALSRCWALK43]
     Management Issues........................................[GTASALSRCWALK45]
     House Party..............................................[GTASALSRCWALK46]
     Firefighter Vehicle Mission..............................[GTASALSRCWALK47]
     Buying Property, Part 2..................................[GTASALSRCWALK48]
     Burning Desire...........................................[GTASALSRCWALK49]
     Dating Denise Robinson...................................[GTASALSRCWALK50]
     Gray Imports.............................................[GTASALSRCWALK51]
     Turf Wars................................................[GTASALSRCWALK53]
     Buying Property, Part 3..................................[GTASALSRCWALK54]
     The Ammu-Nation Challenge, Pistol and Micro-SMG..........[GTASALSRCWALK55]
     Los Sepulcros............................................[GTASALSRCWALK56]
     Go Go Space Monkey (Video Game 3) .......................[GTASALSRCWALK57]
     Let's Get Ready to Bumble (Video Game 4) ................[GTASALSRCWALK58]
     Other Bars and Strip Clubs...............................[GTASALSRCWALK60]
     Reuniting the Families...................................[GTASALSRCWALK61]
     The Green Sabre..........................................[GTASALSRCWALK62]
  H6. Taking Stock..........................................[GTASALSRCSTOCKTOP]
I. The Badlands and San Fiero....................................[GTASABDSFTOP]
  I1. City Overview...............................................[GTASABDSFOV]
  I2. 100% Completion List.......................................[GTASABDSF100]
  I3. Other Activities.........................................[GTASABDSFOTHER]
  I4. Dramatis Personae...........................................[GTASABDSFDP]
  I5. Walkthrough............................................[GTASABDSFWALKTOP]
     The Chiliad Challenge....................................[GTASABDSFWALK01]
     Dating Helena Goodpoke...................................[GTASABDSFWALK02]
     Photo Ops, Part 1........................................[GTASABDSFWALK04]
     Blood Bowl...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK05]
     Buying Property, Part 1..................................[GTASABDSFWALK06]
     First Date...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK07]
     Small Town ank...........................................[GTASABDSFWALK08]
     The Ammu-Nation Challenge - Shotgun......................[GTASABDSFWALK09]
     Body Harvest.............................................[GTASABDSFWALK10]
     King in Exile............................................[GTASABDSFWALK11]
     First Base...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK12]
     Against All Odds.........................................[GTASABDSFWALK13]
     Gone Courting............................................[GTASABDSFWALK14]
     Tanker Commander.........................................[GTASABDSFWALK15]
     Big Smoke's Cash.........................................[GTASABDSFWALK16]
     Yay Courier..............................................[GTASABDSFWALK17]
     Trucking Vehicle Mission, Part 1.........................[GTASABDSFWALK18]
     Photo Ops, Part 2........................................[GTASABDSFWALK19]
     Made In Heaven...........................................[GTASABDSFWALK20]
     Local Liquor Store.......................................[GTASABDSFWALK21]
     Wu Zi Mu.................................................[GTASABDSFWALK22]
     Farewell, My Love........................................[GTASABDSFWALK23]
     NRG-500 Challenge........................................[GTASABDSFWALK24]
     Unique Jumps.............................................[GTASABDSFWALK25]
     Are You Going to San Fierro..............................[GTASABDSFWALK26]
     Wear Flowers in Your Hair................................[GTASABDSFWALK27]
     Buying Property, Part 2..................................[GTASABDSFWALK28]
     Air Raid.................................................[GTASABDSFWALK29]
     Supply Lines.............................................[GTASABDSFWALK30]
     New Model Army...........................................[GTASABDSFWALK31]
     The Beefy Baron..........................................[GTASABDSFWALK32]
     Learning New Moves.......................................[GTASABDSFWALK33]
     555 We Tip...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK35]
     Buying Property, Part 3..................................[GTASABDSFWALK36]
     Valet Parking............................................[GTASABDSFWALK37]
     Back to School...........................................[GTASABDSFWALK39]
     Dating Michelle Cannes...................................[GTASABDSFWALK40]
     Photo Opportunity........................................[GTASABDSFWALK41]
     Oyster Collection........................................[GTASABDSFWALK43]
     T-Bone Mendez............................................[GTASABDSFWALK44]
     Mike Toreno..............................................[GTASABDSFWALK45]
     Snail Trail..............................................[GTASABDSFWALK47]
     Dating Katie Nookie......................................[GTASABDSFWALK48]
     Ice Cold Killa...........................................[GTASABDSFWALK49]
     Pier 69..................................................[GTASABDSFWALK50]
     Toreno's Last Flight.....................................[GTASABDSFWALK51]
     Mountain Cloud Boys......................................[GTASABDSFWALK52]
     Ran Fa Li................................................[GTASABDSFWALK53]
     Amphibious Assault.......................................[GTASABDSFWALK55]
     Buying Property, Part 4..................................[GTASABDSFWALK56]
     The Da Nang Thang........................................[GTASABDSFWALK57]
     Yay Ka-Boom-Boom.........................................[GTASABDSFWALK58]
     Buying Property, Part 5..................................[GTASABDSFWALK59]
     Zeroing In...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK60]
     Test Drive...............................................[GTASABDSFWALK61]
     Customs Fast Track.......................................[GTASABDSFWALK62]
     Export Board, List 1.....................................[GTASABDSFWALK63]
     Export Board, List 2.....................................[GTASABDSFWALK64]
     Export Board, List 3.....................................[GTASABDSFWALK65]
     Buying Property, Part 6..................................[GTASABDSFWALK66]
     Puncture Wounds..........................................[GTASABDSFWALK67]
     Trucking Vehicle Mission, Part 2.........................[GTASABDSFWALK68]
  I6. Taking Stock..........................................[GTASABDSFSTOCKTOP]
J. The Desert and Las Venturas...................................[GTASATDLVTOP]
  J1. City Overview...............................................[GTASATDLVOV]
  J2. 100% Completion List.......................................[GTASATDLV100]
  J3. Other Activities.........................................[GTASATDLVOTHER]
  J4. Dramatis Personae...........................................[GTASATDLVDP]
  J5. Walkthrough............................................[GTASATDLVWALKTOP]
     Buying Property, Part 1..................................[GTASATDLVWALK04]
     Collecting Horseshoes, Part 1............................[GTASATDLVWALK05]
     Verdant Meadows..........................................[GTASATDLVWALK06]
     Buying Property, Part 2..................................[GTASATDLVWALK07]
     Learning to Fly (Pilot School)...........................[GTASATDLVWALK08]
     N.O.E. ..................................................[GTASATDLVWALK09]
     Black Project............................................[GTASATDLVWALK11]
     Green Goo................................................[GTASATDLVWALK12]
     Collecting Horseshoes, Part 2............................[GTASATDLVWALK13]
     Buying Property, Part 3..................................[GTASATDLVWALK14]
     Photo Ops, the Finale....................................[GTASATDLVWALK15]
     Street Racing, San Fierro................................[GTASATDLVWALK16]
     Fender Ketchup...........................................[GTASATDLVWALK18]
     Explosive Situation......................................[GTASATDLVWALK19]
     Boating School...........................................[GTASATDLVWALK21]
     You've Had Your Chips....................................[GTASATDLVWALK22]
     Don Peyote...............................................[GTASATDLVWALK23]
     Oyster Collection........................................[GTASATDLVWALK24]
     Dating Barbara Schternvart...............................[GTASATDLVWALK25]
     Intensive Care...........................................[GTASATDLVWALK26]
     Unique Jumps.............................................[GTASATDLVWALK28]
     Beat the Cock, Part 1....................................[GTASATDLVWALK29]
     The Meat Business........................................[GTASATDLVWALK30]
     Fish In a Barrel.........................................[GTASATDLVWALK31]
     Madd Dogg................................................[GTASATDLVWALK32]
     Street Racing, Las Venturas..............................[GTASATDLVWALK33]
     Air Racing, Las Venturas.................................[GTASATDLVWALK34]
     High Noon................................................[GTASATDLVWALK36]
     Quarry Challenges........................................[GTASATDLVWALK37]
     Freight Train Challenge..................................[GTASATDLVWALK38]
     Beat the Cock, Part 2....................................[GTASATDLVWALK39]
     Saint Mark's Bistro......................................[GTASATDLVWALK40]
     Architectural Espionage..................................[GTASATDLVWALK41]
     Kick Start...............................................[GTASATDLVWALK42]
     Dirt Track...............................................[GTASATDLVWALK43]
     Key to Her Heart.........................................[GTASATDLVWALK44]
     Dating Millie............................................[GTASATDLVWALK45]
     Dam and Blast............................................[GTASATDLVWALK46]
     Cop Wheels...............................................[GTASATDLVWALK47]
     Bike School..............................................[GTASATDLVWALK48]
     Learning New Moves.......................................[GTASATDLVWALK49]
     Up Up and Away...........................................[GTASATDLVWALK50]
     Courier Mission - Burger Shot............................[GTASATDLVWALK51]
     The Ammu-Nation Challenge - AK-47........................[GTASATDLVWALK52]
     Breaking The Bank At Caligula's..........................[GTASATDLVWALK53]
  J6. Taking Stock..........................................[GTASATDLVSTOCKTOP]
K. Return to Los Santos (Ending)..................................[GTASARLSTOP]
  K1. City Overview................................................[GTASARLSOV]
  K2. 100% Completion List........................................[GTASARLS100]
  K3. Other Activities..........................................[GTASARLSOTHER]
  K4. Dramatis Personae............................................[GTASARLSDP]
  K5. Walkthrough.............................................[GTASARLSWALKTOP]
     A Home in the Hills.......................................[GTASARLSWALK01]
     Vertical Bird.............................................[GTASARLSWALK02]
     Race Tournaments - Los Santos.............................[GTASARLSWALK03]
     Home Coming...............................................[GTASARLSWALK04]
     Cut Throat Business.......................................[GTASARLSWALK05]
     Beat Down on B-Dup........................................[GTASARLSWALK06]
     Grove 4 Life..............................................[GTASARLSWALK07]
     Taking Back the Streets...................................[GTASARLSWALK08]
     Los Desperados............................................[GTASARLSWALK10]
     End of the Line...........................................[GTASARLSWALK11]
  K6. Taking Stock...........................................[GTASARLSSTOCKTOP]
L. Checklist....................................................[GTASACHECKTOP]
  L1. Los Santos and Red County (start).........................[GTASACHECKLS1]
  L2. The Badlands and San Fierro................................[GTASACHECKSF]
  L3. The Desert and Las Venturas................................[GTASACHECKLV]
  L4. Return to Los Santos (end) ...............................[GTASACHECKLS2]
M. Sex Appeal and Respect Modifiers..............................[GTASASARMTOP]
  M1. Haircuts..................................................[GTASASARMHAIR]
  M2. Tattoos..................................................[GTASASARMTATTS]
  M3. Clothing.................................................[GTASASARMCLOTH]
  M4. Vehicles...................................................[GTASASARMVEH]
N. Ammu-Nation Weapon Availability..................................[GTASAAMMU]
O. Conclusion.......................................................[GTASACONC]
P. Acknowledgements..................................................[GTASAACK]
Q. References........................................................[GTASAREF]
R. Version List..................................................[GTASAVERSION]

| B. Legal |                                                         [GTASALEG]

The only sites currently allowed to host this guide are:

If you are not on this list, contact me and I will add your site to it. The 
only reason I ask is so that I can maintain a list of sites with the FAQ so 
that when I update something, the new version can be properly distributed to 
everyone. Failure to get my permission before posting my FAQs will result in 
your site being blacklisted. Please see the contact information below for 
instructions on getting in touch with me.

(c) Copyright Ron Hiler 2005. All rights reserved.

This guide may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for 
personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise 
distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide (in 
part or whole) on any site without prior permission or as a part of any public 
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

| C. Contact Information |                                           [GTASACON]

Feel free to contact me via email if you have questions, corrections, or 
additional information you think might be useful.

E-mail Contact:

In order to get around my spam blocks, please format your subject line as 

[GTA:SA Guide] - "whatever subject is appropriate"

The bracket part ensures your message doesn't get dumped into my spam folder 
(where I will never see it, as about 600 spams get dropped there on a daily 
basis). Also, please do not use leet speak. I failed that course in college and 
as such, will not be able understand what you are saying. I'll simply ignore 
any messages that I can't easily read (I have too many projects going on to 
spend time deciphering gibberish!)

Don't send me your save games with requests that I finish something for you. I 
apologize for this in advance, but my schedule simply doesn't allow me to 
complete missions for other people. Regretfully, I will have to decline your 
request. You may send me save games (along with detailed directions) if there 
is something specific you think I need to see that is relevant for addition 
into the guide, but I won't be sending them back to you under any 

I WILL ignore any questions about cheat codes. Don't even ask. If you ask me a 
question where the answer is already found in the guide, I may or may not 
answer it, depends on my mood. Otherwise, I should answer any questions or 
concerns you may have. All submissions and thoughts for improving the guide are 
encouraged and gratefully accepted.

| D. Introduction |                                                [GTASAINTRO]

I'm a completist. That is to say, when I play a game, I want to see and 
experience everything the designers put into the game to be seen and 
experienced. If there comes a point in a game where I find out (that for 
whatever reason) I cannot see some aspect of the game, that's generally around 
the time I lose interest, and the game gets shelved. What can I say, it's an 
affliction. However, I know for a fact that I'm not the only one who has this 
particular disease. Many people out there share this same problem that I have. 

A game like GTA:SA has an enormous number of things to do and see. So many, in 
fact, that unless you use some form of a guide, you are unlikely to encounter 
all of them. If you only play through the story missions (the missions the game 
points you to), you've only played half the game (or less), and arguably not 
even the most interesting half.

While there are a couple of 100% completion FAQ available for GTA:SA, the 100% 
completion number is what they focus on (which is fair enough, they ARE 100% 
completion FAQs, after all). You will get to 100% completion by following this 
guide, but only as a result of seeing the entire game from start to finish. 
However, along the way, you will also do a lot of things that don't directly 
affect your completion statistic. These will be labeled as "optional". If all 
you want to do is get the magical 100% completion number, you can safely ignore 
them, secure in the knowledge that you will still have seen the vast majority 
of the game (far more than if you only played through the story missions).

But for those of you who want to see and do it all, this guide is written for 
you. Read on, and enjoy yourself. One word of warning, there may be spoilers 
contained within this guide. If you don't want to read the spoilers, why are 
you reading a guide in the first place? But I'll try not to give away anything 
that you wouldn't already see at that point in the game anyway. For that 
matter, I'll try not to give anything away at all. I'm deliberately going to be 
terse in describing the story missions, and the focus will be on strategies for 
beating the mission rather than describing what happens. But I'm not going to 
make any promises; there may be the occasional slip of a plot line here and 

I'm not going to go over the keyboard controls like some FAQs do. Read the 
manual, that's what it's there for. That being said, the game is sometimes a 
bit bad about telling you exactly what buttons control what (for example, 
nowhere in the manual does it tell you that quickly tapping the forward arrow 
key when you are on a motorcycle will keep your head down and give you a speed 
boost). In cases where the controls are not standard, I will let you know which 
buttons are the relevant control buttons.

As I was writing this guide, I ran through the game in very nearly the exact 
order I describe (I moved a couple of the girlfriends in San Fierro around a 
bit to better balance things out, but other than that what you see below is 
exactly how I ran my own game (my third time through it)). So I know it's 
entirely possible to complete the game using my order. However, don't feel like 
you're bound to the exact same order I went in. If you want to change things 
up, be my guest! If you want to run all 100 gang tags at once, feel free (it'll 
give you the bonus weapons earlier than you would get them otherwise). Just 
don't skip over something and forget to come back to it! Inevitably, someone is 
going to ask "Why did you do X before Y?" or "Doing this before that is better 
because...". The order I've put stuff in is the order I did them in; there's no 
better reason I can give. I tried to strike a balance between keeping the story 
missions moving forward, collecting the hidden packages (tags, oysters, etc.), 
and doing the optional stuff. I make no promises or presumptions that my order 
is the best possible way to complete the game, it's just one way to do it.

Those funny codes on the right side of the table of contents are search codes. 
It took a lot of tedious effort to put them in for you, so don't let them go to 
waste! They're very easy to use. Double click on the code inside the brackets, 
hit Control-C, then hit Control-F, then Control-V, then the return key. You 
will instantly be taken to the correct place in the guide.

One last thing before we get to the interesting stuff. I'm not going to talk 
about cheat codes. They don't interest me, and therefore I don't know anything 
about them (seriously, I don't even know how to activate them). To me, there's 
little point in playing with a cheat code on. The only time I consider them 
valid to use is if you are stuck on something so frustrating that the
alternative is to delete the game from your hard drive (and I've never had this 
happen in this or any other GTA game). Otherwise, I fail to see the point. I'm 
also not going to use anything I consider exploit-ish. These are things in the 
game that are legal, but were not intended (in my opinion) to be used by the 
designers in quite the way they are being used (for example, there is a way to 
make a whole lot of money without any effort betting on the ponies, essentially 
making money a non-factor in the game from very early on. This is, in my view, 
an exploit). Sometimes it's a bit of a grey area (for instance, I use a bit of 
an underhanded method to pass the BMX challenge). Use your own judgment on that 
stuff and do it however you like (it is, after all, your game), but I won't be 
describing them here.

(A side note about cheat codes. It is entirely possible to activate a cheat 
code accidentally. Apparently, to turn on a code, you just type in the 
appropriate characters. Unfortunately, there are so many different codes that 
you can actually type in a cheat character sequence in the normal course of 
driving. This is a very bad design flaw in the game, in my opinion (the correct 
way to have set this up is to have a special key set up (such as the tilde key 
or perhaps F12) that you press before entering the code so that the game knows 
you are about to purposely enter a cheat code, and I'm astonished the designers 
didn't do this). Anyway, if you accidentally enter a code and see the message 
"cheat activated", or when you try to save you get a warning about having 
activated a code, there's nothing for it except to exit out of the game and 
restart (or just load a save game). Fortunately, this hasn't happened to me 
very often (I had it happen twice during the course of writing this guide), but 
it generally will happen at the worst possible time (just as you finish the 
really difficult or tedious mission). Will saving the game with a cheat code 
affect your 100% completion score? I honestly don't know. It might (it did in 
Vice City). I just went the safe route and reloaded a save when it happened to 

Okay, enough exposition from me, let's get to the good stuff.

| E. Recommended Maps |                                             [GTASAMAPS]

During the course of this game you will be collecting various items and going 
to specific locations to accomplish certain things (these include spraying gang 
tags, collecting horseshoes, collecting oysters, performing unique jumps, and 
taking snapshots).

Alex Bates has done an absolutely brilliant job of putting together maps 
showing the locations of these items. They are formatted to print onto a single 
page, and are an invaluable resource to have. I highly recommend you get these 
maps and print them out for reference. I will be using the numbering system 
that Alex set up when describing these items in the text of this guide.

Links to the maps are as follows (in the order we will use them):

Tag Locations Map

Unique Jumps Map

Oyster Locations Map

Snapshot Locations Map

Horseshoe Locations Map

The above maps are (c) Copyright Alex Bates 2005, and are referenced with the 
permission of the author.

| F. Player Statistics |                                        [GTASASTATSTOP]

Let's take a look at your character's statistics. Some will be familiar to you 
if you've played the previous games, while others are brand new. Most of these 
can go up or down depending on your actions in the game, but a couple can only 
go up.

F1. Health                                                       [GTASASTATS01]
This doesn't really need an explanation, does it? If it hits zero, you are 
wasted, and get a free trip to the hospital (minus weapons, armor, and some of 
your money used to pay your medical bill). There is a sub-statistic called Max 
Health, which, naturally enough, is the maximum you can raise your health bar 
to. This goes up (to a maximum of 100) as you get stronger and have more 
stamina, and can go down if you are wasted a lot. If you do a particular 
mission, you can raise your Max Health to 150 (after which it never goes back 

F2. Armor                                                        [GTASASTATS02]
Armor protects you from certain types of damage (bullets and explosions). It 
does not protect you from things like falling damage or drowning damage. If you 
are wearing armor and get hit by a bullet, the damage will come off of your 
armor before coming off of your health (naturally enough). There is a mission 
in the game you can complete which will raise the maximum armor level from 100 
to 150. You always start off with the maximum armor level whenever you grab a 
new armor icon.

F3. Wanted Level                                                 [GTASASTATS03]
If you do something illegal where a police officer can see you, you will get a 
wanted level. The wanted level ranges from 1 to 6 stars. The more stars you 
have, the more interest the police take in you:

1 star - If a police officer happens to see you while on their normal patrol, 
they will chase you if it's not to inconvenient (they may shoot at you, but 
often not, they are more interesting in busting you at this point). Otherwise, 
they don't bother to converge on you. A 1 star wanted level will go away on its 
own after a period of time if you stay on your best behavior.

2 stars - Now the police will begin to converge and you will see foot patrols, 
police bikes, and police cars coming your way. Additionally, the police will be 
much more likely to be shooting at you with pistols.

3 stars - This is the same as two stars, only you have a police helicopter 
joining in on the action, which will attempt to reign down death from above.

4 stars - More choppers come into the hunt, only these guys will have SWAT team 
member repel down. You'll most likely also get SWAT vans showing up. The SWAT 
teams carry micro-SMGs for fun and enjoyment.

5 stars - Now the FBI get involved (they will show up in Ranchers), and these 
guys are packing MP5s. They are not happy to see you.

6 stars - If you make it this high, the army shows up in Rhino Tanks and 
trucks, and they bring M4s with them. Good luck, you'll need it.

F4. Stamina                                                      [GTASASTATS04]
Simply put, the higher your stamina, the longer you can sprint, fast pedal a 
bike, and fast swim. Once you max out your stamina, your ability to move 
quickly is pretty much unlimited.

F5. Respect                                                      [GTASASTATS05]
The more respect you have, the more gang members you can control at once. 
Controlling gang members is sometimes useful, though more often than not they 
just get in the way.

Respect comes through a variety of means:

40% of the total comes from running respect, which can go up or down based on 
your actions (killing a dealer, killing an enemy gang member, and taking over 
territory all add to your running respect, while killing a member of your own 
gang, losing a controlled gang member, or losing a territory will drop your 
running respect).

36% of the total comes from doing missions. Many of the story missions give you 
respect as part of the reward. This value cannot go down, only up.

The other 24% is about equally divided between girlfriend progress, territories 
controlled, money in your possession, your fitness level, and your clothes 
(including tattoos and haircut). Each contributes about 4-6% to the total 
respect value.

F6. Muscle                                                       [GTASASTATS06]
The more muscle you have, the more damage you do in melee combat. Muscle also 
contributes to your fitness level, which contributes to your respect and sex 
appeal. You can gain muscle by running, bicycling, swimming, and working out in 
the gym.

F7. Fat                                                          [GTASASTATS07]
Naturally, fat detracts from your fitness level. You may be tempted to keep it 
at zero, but a small amount of fat is a good thing. You want a little bit of 
buffer so that you don't start immediately losing muscle mass when you get 
hungry. Eat the salad meals to get rid of your hunger without building up more 

F8. Sex Appeal                                                   [GTASASTATS08]
Sex appeal helps you get the girls. Without a high enough sex appeal, the 
potential girlfriends in the game will not agree to go out with you. Sex appeal 
is gained through a variety of means. Your fitness level (which itself is a 
combination of the muscle and fat statistics), your haircut, any tattoos you 
may have, and the last car you drove all affect your sex appeal. Once you 
finish a particular task in the game, your sex appeal will automatically be 

F9. Luck                                                         [GTASASTATS09]
In theory, luck plays a part in gambling. Personally, I have never noticed an 
effect, but that doesn't mean anything. Your luck will stay at zero until 
relatively late in the game, at which point you will complete a task that will 
bring it up to maximum.

F10. Lung Capacity                                               [GTASASTATS10]
Lung capacity is a measure of your ability to stay underwater. The higher the 
capacity, the longer you can stay down. Building up this stat is a matter of 
practice; the longer you are under water, the more you will build up this stat.

| G. Player Skills |                                           [GTASASKILLSTOP]

With GTA:SA, Rockstar Games has steered the franchise a little toward the role 
playing element in that your character can upgrade his skills. This is done 
simply by using the skills in question. We'll go over them and see how they 
affect your game play. 

G1. Driving Skill                                               [GTASASKILLS01]
As your driving skill increases, the tendency of your car to fishtail and/or 
spin out decreases. Driving skill increases linearly as a function of distance 
driven, but its rate of increase is very slow.

G2. Flying Skill                                                [GTASASKILLS02]
The higher your flying skill, the easier you will find it is to control planes 
and helicopters. You will gain more granularity with the controls, which means 
less overcompensation. As with driving, flying skill increases as a function of 
the distance flown.

G3. Bike Skill                                                  [GTASASKILLS03]
This is your skill on a motorcycle (it has nothing to do with bicycling). The 
higher your skill, the more likely you are to stay on the bike during a 
collision or a landing. As with the other vehicle skills, the skill goes up the 
farther you drive a motorcycle.

G4. Cycling Skill                                               [GTASASKILLS04]
Cycling is similar to the Bike skill, except it pertains to bicycles rather 
than motorcycles. As your skill increases, the chance of you falling off the 
bike decreases during a collision or when coming down from a jump.

G5. Pimping Skill                                               [GTASASKILLS05]
The higher your pimping skill, the less likely you are to have a "problem" 
customer (that is to say, one that won't pay or who wants to rough up your 
girl). Pimping skill is raised while pimping (naturally enough). It goes up 
pretty quickly (one time through the pimping mission ought to max it out).

G6. Gambling Skill                                              [GTASASKILLS06]
The higher your gambling skill, the more you can bet, and the more you can 
borrow from the casino. Gambling skill is raised by gambling, which seems 
perfectly reasonable. Note that the skill does not affect your chances of 
winning (that's the Luck statistic).

G7. Pistol                                                      [GTASASKILLS07]
At Gangster level (100) you get better lock on range, accuracy, and rate of 
fire. At Hitman level (1000) you can duel wield the weapon (one in each hand).

G8. Silenced Pistol                                             [GTASASKILLS08]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

G9. Desert Eagle                                                [GTASASKILLS09]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

G10. Shotgun                                                    [GTASASKILLS10]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can duel wield the weapon (one in each hand).

G11. Sawn-off Shotgun                                           [GTASASKILLS11]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

G12. Combat Shotgun                                             [GTASASKILLS12]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

G13. Machine Pistol                                             [GTASASKILLS13]
This skill applies to the Tec-9 and Micro-MP5 machine pistols. At Gangster 
level (100) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe 
speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level (1000) you 
can duel wield the weapon (one in each hand).

G14. SMG                                                        [GTASASKILLS14]
This skill applies to the MP5 submachine gun. At Gangster level (300) you get 
better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, and strafe speed. Also, you can 
move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level (1000) you can fire while moving.

G15. AK47                                                       [GTASASKILLS15]
At Gangster level (300) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

G16. M4                                                         [GTASASKILLS16]
At Gangster level (200) you get better lock on range, accuracy, rate of fire, 
and strafe speed. Also, you can move while in aiming stance. At Hitman level 
(1000) you can fire while moving.

| H. Los Santos and Red County (Beginning) |                     [GTASALSRCTOP]

H1. City Overview                                                 [GTASALSRCOV]

Welcome to Los Santos. The first thing you should know is that a major 
earthquake has recently occurred. While damage to the city was minimal, all 
bridges out of the county were affected, and leaving the county has temporarily 
been declared illegal for the protection of all citizens. Any violation of this 
rule will immediately result in a four star wanted level. Residents of Los 
Santos are strongly advised to stay within the confines of the city limits and 
Red County.

To the far southeast are the ocean docks, where large ships load and unload 
their cargo. Directly west of the docks is the Los Santos International 
Airport, the fourth busiest airport in the world. To the northwest of the 
airport is Verdant Bluffs, home of the historic Los Santos Observatory.

West of Verdant Bluffs is Verona and Santa Maria Beach, a must see for sun 
worshipers, and home of the Boardwalk and Los Santos Lighthouse. North of the 
beaches you will find the posh districts of Rodeo, Marina, and Vinewood. North 
of Vinewood are the even more exclusive Richman and Mulholland estates.

Downtown Los Santos and the City Hall can be found in the center of the city. 
To the east is Glen Park, heart of Balla territory. Further to the east you 
will find Los Flores, where the Vagos hang out. The Los Santos Stadium can be 
located on the southeastern side of the city, near the Eastern Beach. Nearby is 
Ganton, the area that CJ calls home.

Beyond the city limits to the north are the rural towns of Blueberry, 
Dillimore, Montgomery, and Palomino Creek nestled among the farms. To the far 
west is the Panopticon, a hilly area with windy roads.

H2. 100% Completion List                                         [GTASALSRC100]

Here are the things we will be doing in Los Santos and Red County that are 
required for the 100% completion score:

Story Missions: From "Big Smoke" (The Beginning Strand) to "The Green Sabre"
    (The Sweet Strand).
Complete the BMX Challenge.
Complete the Commerce 24-7 Courier Asset Mission.
Spray 100 Graffiti Tags.
Collect Oysters (15 out of 50).
Complete the Los Santos Forum Arena Event (8-Track).
Purchase six available Safe houses (plus your free one, you'll end up with
    seven total save points in this city by the time you leave).
The Ambulance Vehicle Mission.
The Taxi Vehicle Mission.
The Pimping Vehicle Mission.
The Firefighter Vehicle Mission.
The first two Challenges at Ammu-Nation.
Upgrade your Muscle past the Buff stage and learn new moves from the gym 

H3. Other Activities                                           [GTASALSRCOTHER]

These are the things we will be doing in Los Santos and Red County that don't 
contribute to the 100% completion score. We will do them for the sake of 
completeness. Some of them impart game play benefits, while others are just for 

Unique Jumps (28 out of 70).
Girlfriends (Denise Robinson).
Video Games (4).
The Burglary Vehicle Mission.
Bars and Strip Clubs.
Inside Track Betting.

H4. Dramatis Personae                                             [GTASALSRCDP]

(In order of appearance)
Carl Johnson (CJ) - This is your character.
Officer Frank Tenpenny 
Officer Eddie Polaski   > Police officers, they "greet" you when you get in
Officer Hernandez      /
Big Smoke - An old friend and fellow Grove Street gang member, now moved out of
            the Grove, but not too far away.
Sweet Johnson - Your brother, lives next door to where your mom used to live.
Kendl Johnson - Your sister.
Ryder - Another long time friend that lives on Grove Street.
Cesar Vialpando - Your sister's boyfriend. 
OG Loc - Another homie, he's been busted, but is due out soon.
Denise Robinson - Your first girlfriend.

H5. Walkthrough                                              [GTASALSRCWALKTOP]

The start of the game appears very much like a mission, with the program 
directing you to do certain things. Technically, you are not actually on a 
mission at all, so you can feel free to ignore the suggestions and do a little 
exploring, if you like.

There are a number of things you could do right now, but I'm going to hold off 
doing them until later on for the very simple reason that you don't yet have 
access to your save games at this point. Once we can save the game, we'll do a 
few of side missions.

When you are done exploring, head for the CJ icon on your radar (you can also 
find it on the main map). When you get to your house and step into the red 
marker, your first real mission will start.

Big Smoke                                                     [GTASALSRCWALK01]
Map Icon - CJ [The Beginning Strand]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (0.00% Total)
Unlocks - None

This is a cut scene mission; you don't do anything except watch. Basically, it 
introduces you to Big Smoke, an old friend. The second mission immediately 

Sweet and Kendl                                               [GTASALSRCWALK02]
Map Icon - None (this mission immediately follows "Big Smoke") [The Beginning 
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Respect (3), the Johnson House
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (0.53% Total)
Unlocks - Ryder Mission, BMX Challenge

Hop on the bike and follow Sweet. While it's a bit hard to follow your brother, 
keep out of the firing line of the Balla car, and read the tips all at the same 
time, do your best. The most important tip is about quick tapping the forward 
key (W) to sprint.

The Balla car will tend to stay to your left, so if it's giving you trouble, 
brush it off by drifting left and causing it to hit fences, pedestrians, and so 
on. As you come into the parking lot, you can even get it to hit the shack and 
cause it a lot of damage.

Soon you'll split up and you'll follow Ryder back home. Once you get there and 
ride into the marker, the mission is over and you have access to your first 
safe house (the Johnson House). Put the BMX into the garage, as we're going to 
use it in just a minute, and head inside to save. Explore around the house if 
you like. In addition to the save marker, there's a wardrobe upstairs (the 
yellow marker) and a camera (which you don't really need at the moment, but you 
should be aware that it's there).

The Ryder mission opened up next door, but before we do that, we need to do 
something about our finances. Tenpenny didn't leave us with much. So grab your 
BMX from the garage and start pedaling west. Follow the road as it turns south, 
then go west again when it ends. Once you hit the Commerce District (and head 
under the freeway overpass), start watching to your left for the Roboi's Food 
Mart. There's a yellow marker in front of the door and another BMX parked 
outside. Go inside the Mart and we'll hit the first optional part of the 
walkthrough, a couple of video games.

Duality (Video Game 1) - OPTIONAL                             [GTASALSRCWALK03]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - High Score
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (0.53% Total)
Unlocks - None 

In Duality, you can either score black or white, and each has its own set of 
high scores. If you are going for black, shoot the large white orbs and collect 
the small black orbs to increase your score. Shooting the black orbs or 
collecting the white orbs will decrease your score. If you are going for white, 
the exact opposite is true. If you touch a large black orb, your health drops. 
If you touch a large white orb, your health goes up. The game ends when your 
health reaches zero.

They Crawled From Uranus (Video Game 2) - OPTIONAL            [GTASALSRCWALK04]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - High Score
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (0.53% Total)
Unlocks - None 

This game is kind of like Tempest. Enemy ships appear in the center in waves. 
You circle around the edge of the screen firing away. If you shoot all the 
ships in a wave, they drop a bonus blob you can catch for an extra 100 points.

Courier                                                       [GTASALSRCWALK05]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Roboi Mart Asset ($2000 per day)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (1.07% Total)
Unlocks - None 

If you are not already inside the Roboi Mart, go in, there's something you need 
to see. To the right (as you go in), just past the video games is a Sprunk 
machine. Drinking Sprunk will increase your health, if you should be wounded. 
On the other side of the store is a snack machine, which will come in handy if 
you get hungry (since the restaurants aren't open yet). I mention this because 
we are about to do the Courier asset mission. It can take a while to get used 
to using the bike, and the first time I did it, hunger definitely became an 

Head out of the Mart and look to your right. You should see another BMX. Get on 
to start up this side mission. The deal is to deliver some set number of 
packages in a certain time limit, and there are four levels. I found levels 1 
and 3 to be very easy, while 2 and 4 were a bit more challenging.

You may fail this mission a few times while you get used to riding the bike and 
using the Q and E keys (not to mention learning the best course to take), but 
it gets easier with practice. There are two keys to winning this mission. One, 
use the quick-tap W to sprint up hills and on straight-aways. Two, use the big 
map to plan your route (especially on level 4, where the deliveries are spread 
out all over Los Santos).

I'll leave it up to you to plan out your routes; it's not rocket science. But I 
will give a couple of tips for the fourth level, where the packages are spread 
out all over the city. You're first stop should be the boardwalk (to the west, 
it's the one at the end of the road). There are lots of straight shots, so make 
sure to sprint. Once you get that one delivered, and are heading north back up 
the boardwalk, be sure to drop off to the right down the stairs. Do NOT 
continue on the road up the hill. If you do this, you'll waste a lot of time 
trying to circle back to reach the drop off point at the lighthouse. Instead 
drop down the stairs to the right at the end of the boardwalk and go underneath 
it. From there it's a straight shot west to the next point (but stay off the 
sand as it'll slow you down). Then head back north to the main street and move 
through the city in a clockwise direction. The general route should be fairly 

Once you complete all four levels, the Roboi's Mart becomes an asset, building 
up $2000 per day. Remember to stop by every once in a while to collect your 
money (the icon appears in front of the store).

By the way, you can do this courier mission as many times as you like. It's an 
easy (but entirely game-legal) way to build up some money in the early stages 
of the game. I've found I can make 1.5K on level 1, 1K on level 2, and 3-5K (!) 
on level 3. I don't generally bother with level 4 as it takes too long and 
doesn't pay all that well for the amount of time put into it (if I make 2K on 
it, I'm doing real well).

We've improved our financial situation enough to do the next story mission, but 
as long as we're on the bike (and hopefully have a fairly decent Cycling skill 
now), let's go finish up the BMX Challenge.

BMX Challenge                                                 [GTASALSRCWALK06]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - 20% Cycling Skill, Sweet and Kendl Mission
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (1.60% Total)
Unlocks - None 

Before heading to the park, we're going to make a side trip. Head south to the 
Ocean Docks. What we are after is a Packer, which is a big truck with an empty 
car carrier (it is essentially a big moving ramp), and there are lots of them 
around the dock area (at least during business hours, if you get there at 
night, it may be a bit harder). Once you've grabbed a Packer, drive it north to 
Glen Park (it's the big park area in the center-right of the map). The BMX 
Challenge is south of the actual park (it's a couple blocks to the south if you 
drive along the western edge). There is an L-shaped cement depression in the 
middle, and two wooden half pipes. You may recognize the challenge area, since 
you rode through it in the "Sweet and Kendl" mission.

Now, you want to position the truck such that the ramp will let you jump onto 
the wooden half pipe platform (this is the wooden half pipe near the entrance, 
not the one on the hill). I found it's easiest to face the ramp so that you are 
coming down off the hill where the other half pipe is. This gives you good 
speed for your jump (if you have a spare BMX around, you may want to practice a 
bit to make sure you have the truck positioned properly).

I'm now going to save you a lot of grief. By default, the bunny hop key is the 
Left Control key. This is no good (if you can control steering, sprinting, and 
bunny hoping with one hand, you're better at this game than I am). Go into the 
options menu and into Controls. Under Driving Controls, switch the right mouse 
button (which is currently set for Mouse Look) and the Left Control button. 
This puts your bunny hop control on the right mouse button, making your hop 
timing a whole heck of a lot easier.

Once you feel you have everything set up correctly, get on the BMX bike that is 
sitting on the hill. Immediately turn to your left to grab the first corona 
(although it looks like it is elevated, you don't need to bunny hop, you can 
just ride through it). Immediately do a short bunny hop to grab the second 
corona at the bottom of the hill, and continue forward to get the corona just 
in front of you (at the edge of the cement half pipe, don't fall in!).

At this point I work my way around the outside of the cement half pipe 
counterclockwise grabbing everything I can (ignoring the wooden half pipes for 
now). If you do this, the last corona you get should put you at the fence near 
the southwest corner. Now it's time to handle the coronas inside the cement 
half pipe.

We'll get the hard one first, which is the elevated corona at the northern side 
of the pipe. You can't get this one by bunny hoping inside the pipe; you have 
to get it from outside. Line up against the eastern fence so it is in front of 
you and sprint toward it. There is no need to bunny hop (the lip of the half 
pipe will give you just enough lift to grab the corona).

You'll now be inside the pipe, where you can get the remaining coronas by bunny 
hoping and sprinting (the one on the southeastern edge is a little tricky, you 
need to sprint at it to have the speed to get up the wall, or you could get it 
from the outside if you ride very close to the edge of the drop).

That leaves only the three coronas on the wooden half pipes. Hopefully you have 
enough time built up at this point that you don't need to panic. Head up the 
hill and get in the pipe. These two are actually fairly easy; you just need to 
keep moving in an oval pattern, building up height, until you get high enough 
to grab the two coronas. One left.

Come down off the hill and sprint to the ramp you set up. If you positioned the 
truck properly, you should fly through the final corona, winning the challenge 
(note that I usually don't actually get on the platform, I hit the bottom of 
it, but the game credits the corona anyway).

If you fail the challenge, you now have a chance to do a little practicing 
without the bother of the timer. This is especially useful for setting up the 
truck and making sure you can get onto that platform. When you are done 
practicing, you can simply park the bike about where you started, get off, then 
get back on, and the challenge will restart (convenient!) 

For some of the bunny hops (especially the one in the eastern part of the 
cement half pipe), you are going to need a pretty high cycling skill (at least 
80%), and your fat level has to be reasonably low. If your skill isn't high 
enough, ride around a bit, as it doesn't take long to build up. Better yet, run 
the courier mission again and make a bit of money while you're improving your 
skill. The cycling skill is a function of distance ridden.

In this early part of the game, I often had trouble keeping the truck spawned. 
If it despawns on you, you'll just have to go get another one.

Note that, in theory, it is possible to get that last corona by using the same 
oval riding technique to get on top of the platform. I have NEVER been able to 
accomplish this, no matter what combination of sprinting, leaning, and bunny 
hopping I try. Never. Not even just in practice, never mind when there is a 
timer running. If you can pull this off, you're a better person than I am.

You probably ran this challenge a few times, so once you complete it, ride back 
home and save your progress.

Pimping                                                       [GTASALSRCWALK07]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - The girls pay you instead of you paying them
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (2.14% Total)
Unlocks - None 

Before we start up this vehicle mission, let's get heated up. As you exit your 
house, you will see a grayish-blue house to the right (it's the third house 
down from yours). Head into its backyard on the left side (not the basketball 
court, your other left). Follow the back wall to a corner where you will find a 
pistol. Now follow the back wall the other way until you reach a gap that let's 
you get into the drainage canal. Turn left and head down the ramp. Under the 
bridge in front of you, you will find armor. Now turn around and head back to 
the next bridge (that was behind you when you came down the ramp). Under there 
is a Micro-MP5. Remember where these three items are, and pick them up as 
needed during the game.

Okay, we're all ready for our first vehicle mission. We'll do an easy one 
first. We need a Broadway, and fortunately, there is one just waiting for us 
not too far away. Head back to the house and pick up a bike or a car, and drive 
west. Follow the road when it turns south, and turn west when it dead-ends. Up 
ahead you should see a car wash behind which sits your Broadway. Hop in and hit 
the 2 key to start up the mission.

The only time limit you have is when you are dropping off your girl to meet her 
customer. Otherwise, you are free to take as long as you like picking them up. 
What few time limits you have are pretty generous. So concentrate on keeping 
your Broadway in good shape, and visit the Pay-n-Spray when needed. If a John 
refuses to pay or gets rough with your girl, just run him down or get out of 
the car and shoot him in the head. Collect any money he may have dropped and 
hop back into the car. Once you reach level 10 you are done with this mission.

Taxi Driver                                                   [GTASALSRCWALK08]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Nitro on all Taxis
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (2.67% Total)
Unlocks - None 

Okay, one more before we get back into the story line. Grab a taxi, you can 
find them just about anywhere. Hit the 2 key to start up the mission. You 
aren't going to make a whole lot of money on this mission (compared with 
Pimping, for example), but it's another step toward 100%, and it'll improve 
your driving skill, so we may as well do it now.

Just grab a fare, take them where they want to go, rinse and repeat. If your 
taxi gets to beat up, be sure to stop off at the Pay-n-Spray to get it fixed 
up. There is no requirement that you do all 50 fares in one go, but the more 
you do in a row the more money you will make (every 5 you do in a row gives you 
a bonus, which starts out small but can really build up).

It's a little tedious to do all 50 here, but the time limits are pretty 
generous and you'll get to learn the city layout a little better. You've 
probably also raised your driving skill a bit.

Ryder                                                         [GTASALSRCWALK09]
Map Icon - R [The Beginning Strand]
Prereqs - Sweet and Kendl
Rewards - Respect (3)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (3.21% Total)
Unlocks - Tagging up Turf Mission, Barber shops, Restaurants, Tattoo parlors

Okay, you should have a pretty decent bankroll now (I had about 35K at this 
point). That ought to be enough to get a haircut and something to eat. Head for 
the R icon and talk to Ryder.

At the barber, get whichever cut you like (the cornrow is the best since it 
gives you the highest respect and sex appeal boost, in fact, it's the highest 
in the game, so if you get that one, you really never have to get another cut 

After a brief conversation with Ryder, you'll be getting something to eat 
across the street. This basically is an introduction to eating (though you've 
probably been eating snacks up to this point, you can now actually go inside 
several restaurants). Don't eat too much or you'll throw up and lose the 
benefits you gained from the food (you can eat up to 11 meals a day).

Ryder comes in a makes a mess of things, so jump back into the car and return 
to the hood.

Tattoos                                                       [GTASALSRCWALK10]
Map Icon - Fancy T
Prereqs - Ryder
Rewards - Increased Sex Appeal
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (3.21% Total)
Unlocks - None

This is not a mission or anything. We're going to raise CJ's sex appeal and 
respect a bit by tatting him up. Head to any parlor (they are marked by an odd 
looking symbol on the map which I think is supposed to be a fancy T). Go in (it 
makes no difference which one you go into) and get markings everywhere you can. 
Which ones you get are of no matter, as they all give the same bonuses. Unlike 
in real life, you can change or remove any of your tats at will (as long as you 
have the money).

Tagging Up Turf                                               [GTASALSRCWALK11]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Ryder
Rewards - $200, Respect (3)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (3.74% Total)
Unlocks - Cleaning the Hood Mission, Gang Tags, Spray Can in Johnson House

Time to get out your Tags Map. Hop in the car and head for the marker. Sweet 
will spray the first tag by way of showing you how it's done, after which you 
will spray the second and third (these are #1-3 on the map). Then it's back in 
the car to get #4-6. Just follow the directions the game gives you. Get back to 
the car and return home, mission done.

(Technically, the gang tags were already open for you to spray from the start 
of the game, but as they were officially introduced with this mission, we'll 
start doing them now).

The game gives you 1000 ammo for your spraying enjoyment after the Tagging 
mission, but let's add a bit to that. A spray can is now upstairs in the 
bedroom of your house for your use. That'll add another 1000 sprays. When you 
come out of your house, run past your garage toward the back yard. Climb up 
onto the short wall and from there onto the roof of your garage. Jump up to 
your house roof and turn south, where you will see the flat roof of the 
pawnshop. Drop down to it, and you'll find yet another spray can worth 500. You 
should now have 2500 shots in your spray can, not too shabby.

Gang Tags, Part 1                                             [GTASALSRCWALK12]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (3.74% Total)
Unlocks - None

You have another 94 tags to spray, but I'm not going to go through all of them 
right now. After about the 40th tag, it starts to feel a lot like work, so 
we'll do a few at a time so they don't get real old real fast. Although I will 
try to give driving directions in most cases, you really should be able to get 
to the general area by using the map. You did print out the gang tags map I 
recommended at the top of this guide, didn't you? If you haven't, print it out 
now, I'll wait.

We'll start at tag 39, so head south toward the docs and hit the road along the 
west side. When you get there, run down the stairs, you'll find the tag on a 
crate facing the water.

Now drive back north and take the second left so you are going northwest. You 
will find tag 38 where this road meets the highway, it's on the northwest side 
of the main road, pretty easy to find.

From here, go northwest to tag 40. You should spot it on the northwest building 
behind the chain link fence. The tricky thing about tag 40 is that you need a 
bit of elevation. So park a car underneath it and hop onto the hood (or roof) 
to reach the tag.

Go northeast up the road, and then take the next right, we need to get onto the 
bridge that runs over to the docs. At the first bridge tower, stop, you will 
see the tag (#37) on the support to your left. That's 10 tags done.

All right, let's go catch a few on the southeast side. Follow the road 
northwest and turn to the northeast at your next right. The road will curve 
east and you'll go over a bridge that spans the drainage ditch. As soon as you 
come off the bridge, make a U-turn so that you are driving under the bridge you 
just came off of (it should be to your right). Stop at the ditch. Run down into 
the culvert, you will see the tag (#36) on a bridge support in the middle. 

Run back up the ditch wall to your car, we'll hit tag #34 next. It's a bit 
north of the barbershop icon on a wall surrounding a power relay station. You 
should have no problem finding this one.

Turn around and head south to the end of the road. At the intersection you will 
see tag #35 on a wall to the west.

Follow the road going east and curve to the north. Take the first left and stop 
when you reach the end of the basketball court. Hop out of the car and run 
along the court (to it's west), you'll see tag #33 on the wall of the apartment 
complex. You should have 14 tags done now.

As long as we're here, let's take a little break.

Basketball - OPTIONAL                                         [GTASALSRCWALK13]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (3.74% Total)
Unlocks - None

Pick up the ball on the court (sometimes the ball isn't spawned. If this is the 
case, drive around the block and come back until it shows up). Hold down the 
middle mouse button for a second or so to start the challenge mode. The idea is 
to hit as many points as you can before time expires, and you shoot from the 
markers. As the game tells you, hold down the space bar to shoot, and release 
at the top of your jump for the best accuracy. When you are done, press return 
to exit. There's no reward (that I'm aware of) for this challenge, it's just 
for fun.

Gang Tags, Part 2                                             [GTASALSRCWALK14]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (3.74% Total)
Unlocks - None

Back to the tags. Head for tag #32 (turn around and go back to the north-south 
road). The tag is on the rock wall in front of the apartments on the west side. 
It's a bit hard to see since it's on rock, but look for the blue Bravura parked 
in one of the driveways, the tag is pretty close to it.

Right across the street is a stairway heading down to the beach. Go down it and 
follow the wall to the north, and you'll hit tag #30.

Remember the apartments whose wall you just tagged? On the north side you'll 
run across tag #31.

Next we'll hit tag #29 on the stadium wall. It's pretty much right where the 
map shows it to be, so just head in that general direction and you should find 
it with no problem.

Continue north on the main highway, and when you reach the pedestrian over-
cross, turn left into the alley. Follow the building and you should run into 
tag #13.

On the next block north is a parking garage. Just inside the entrance, on the 
eastern wall you will see tag #12. By the way, on the second level of this same 
garage is an NRG-500 motorcycle, the world's fastest bike. Remember where this 
is, as we'll be using that bike for unique jumps a little later on.

At this point I have roughly 1000 sprays left. Head north on the highway again 
and we'll catch tag #9. Watch for the apartments on your left with the green 
garage doors. Climb onto the roof (you can get there from the northern side), 
run south until you drop down to the next level and turn around to find the 

Head north again. Just before you reach the bridge, pull in to your left (you 
may see a yellow marker in here; it leads to Colonel Fuhrberger's house, which 
you'll be going into later). The tag (#8) is to the south, on the northern wall 
of the apartment.

Okay, one more. Go north again. After the bridge, pull into the driveway on 
your left. The tag (#7) is in the entryway of the high-rise (I presume it's a 
hotel), you should spot it with no problem.

At this point you're probably down to 500 sprays or so, and we've caught 23 
tags. Let's take a break. Grab some food if you need it, head back for the home 
front, and save the game.

Cleaning the Hood                                             [GTASALSRCWALK15]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Tagging Up Turf
Rewards - Respect (3)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (4.28% Total)
Unlocks - Drive-Thru Mission

Let's advance the story a bit. Grab your armor and weapons and head for the S 
marker. Sweet is not happy about the drug situation. Go see what's what with 
Ryder. Take down a pusher, and then the crack den. That ought to clean things 
up a bit.

Drive-Thru                                                    [GTASALSRCWALK16]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Cleaning the Hood
Rewards - $200, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (4.81% Total)
Unlocks - Nines and AKs Mission, Gyms

It starts out well enough; y'all are just going to get a bite to eat. What 
could possibly go wrong? Yeah. Naturally, it turns bad pretty quick. I hope you 
have your Micro-MP5 handy so you can do some drive by shooting during the 
upcoming battle. Concentrate on keeping up with the Balla car so your homies 
can take shots, and help out where you can with the shooting. Once the Ballas 
bail don't bother trying to shoot them down, just run 'em over. Drop off Ryder 
and Sweet, and then drive Smoke home.

Return to the hood and save. Grab your two paint cans so we can go do a few 
more tags. At some point during this Sweet ought to give you a call and tell 
you to buff up. This opens up the gyms around town.

The Gym - SEMI-OPTIONAL                                       [GTASALSRCWALK17]
Map Icon - Dumbbells
Prereqs - Drive-Thru
Rewards - Increased Strength, Increased Stamina, Reduced Fat
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (4.81% Total)

Grab a car and drive west until you see the dumbbell icon. Go into the gym and 
lift some dumbbells or do some bench presses to increase your strength. The 
more weight you pick, the faster you'll buff up, but the harder it will be to 
do each rep. Start off with something in the middle, don't try to go for the 
max right at the start. You can also use the treadmill (or stationary bike) to 
increase your stamina. Although we won't be able to do it all in one session 
(there's a per day limit on what you can do at the gym), our goal is to max out 
both our strength and stamina.

What I will do is alternate gym visits, tag sprays, and a couple of missions 
per day for a while. This should keep any particular activity from getting too 
tedious. Make sure to save at least once per game day so you don't lose too 
much progress if your power goes out or something.

For doing replicates, the game tells you to use the space key and the left 
mouse button. Forget the mouse, use the left control key instead, it's a lot 
easier to use two keyboard buttons than it is to try and use the space key and 

Once you hit your limit for the day, head out and let's get on with a few more 

Gang Tags, Part 3                                             [GTASALSRCWALK18]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (4.81% Total)
Unlocks - None

We're already right next to tag 25, just run around behind the gym in the 
alley, and you should spot the target easily enough.

Drive east until you see the bridge north (you'll be close to your house). Get 
out of the car and check under the bridge for tag 24.

Drive south just past the Cluckin' Bell, and take a left at the intersection. 
When you hit the 6th street plaza (on your right), pull in to find tag 28.

Return to the Cluckin' Bell and you'll find tag #26 on the southern wall. Go 
another half block south again, and you'll find tag #27 on the southern wall of 
a dime store (it's on the street that has a house icon showing on the map).

From this road, drive straight west (you'll drive down an alley). When you hit 
the next street, turn left (southeast). Take your first right, cross the train 
tracks, and take another right so that you are driving along the side of the 
culvert. Stop where the culvert goes underground (under a big pile of compost 
(?)). Run into the culvert and check out right side of the tunnel entrance for 
tag #41.

Abandon your car and run north by northwest (you'll weave through the garbage 
and hit a gap in the fence). We're after tag #47 now, and it's in the parking 
lot of the small strip mall on the corner of the two streets in that direction.

From the corner market, head north and take a left once you see the Well 
Stacked Pizza place on your right. About halfway down the street, you should 
spot the tag (#51) on the north side of the street on a grating.

Turn back around and return to the Well Stacked Pizza. Take a left and then 
your first right. Turn into the motel parking lot (you have to pass the motel), 
and you'll tag 52 on the wall of the building.

Exit the hotel parking lot and drive west a couple of blocks until you see a 
gas station on the left. The west side of the gas station has a car wash. Look 
on the car wash roof and you'll spot tag #50. To reach the roof, you will have 
to park a car next to the wall to get the height you need to reach the eave.

Return to the road going west. At the next intersection, look at the building 
on the northwest corner (it's a pink building surrounded by a green wall). Head 
through the gap in the wall, and you should run right into tag #54.

At this point you may be running low on ammo. If so, run back home and restock 
another 1500 shots, we'll do 10 more tags this time around and call it a day.

From the previous tag go west. Just before the next intersection stop and you 
should see tag 53 on a building to the south.

Go back east again to the intersection (near tag 54) and turn south. You want 
to stop less than a block later, when you reach the culvert. There will be a 
gap in the wall to your left. Face the culvert and you'll see tag 49 below in 
the culvert. Once you hit it, you have to get back to where you were. Run east, 
and when the culvert splits, follow it southeast. The wall here is slightly 
less steep, and you can run up it, and then hop over the wall. Return to where 
you left your car (to the northwest).

Drive south and when you see the 69-cent mart, pull into the parking lot. You 
should also see a liquor mart. The tag (48) is on a graffiti covered wall on 
the south side of the liquor mart. 

Continue on the road south, and then follow it as it turns east. As soon as the 
green fence ends, turn south to the train tracks. There is a chain link fence 
right in front of you. Crash through it, then stop. On one of the grey 
apartments above the door you will run across tag 46. Once again, you'll need 
to use the roof of your car to get some height for this one.

Drive south and then east when you reach the road. At the intersection, check 
the wall of the bar on the northwest corner for tag 45. Drive south from the 
intersection until you see the Nude XXX Shop. Tag 42 is on the southern wall 
(it's a bit hard to see the orange tag against the pink wall, but it's there).

Catch the road to the south and drive west. The next tag (#43) is right on the 
north side of the road on a fence (just past the intersection). After getting 
that tag, return to the intersection you just passed and go north. Watch to 
your left, tag #44 is on the side of a grey house just a block up.

Okay, let's hit the airport. Drive south then west to get back to the tag on 
the fence you just did. Cut across the median to the airport road, and as soon 
as the building to your south ends, turn south across another median (we're 
trying to get to the central airport terminal). You'll find tag 99 on the south 
side of the terminal building.

From here, drive south across the grass again to hit the outer airport road, 
and follow it west. Go through the loop-de-loop, and catch the highway going 
south. It curves to the east. Stop right at the point where the road begins to 
descend in preparation for going through the tunnel. You have to get out of 
your car at this point and walk along the southern sidewalk (you will get 
higher and higher above the road). When you reach the tunnel wall you will be 
in front of tag #100.

Okay, that's another 21 tags down (you should have 44 tags finished in total), 
and you've completed the entire southeastern section of the city. Head back to 
the hood and save the game. 

Nines and AKs                                                 [GTASALSRCWALK19]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Drive-Thru
Rewards - Respect (4)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (5.35% Total)
Unlocks - Drive By Mission, OG Loc Mission, Binco Clothing, ProLaps Clothing, 
          Suburban Clothing

This barely qualifies as a mission; it's more just an introduction to weapons 
(as if you need it) and clothing. Do some target practicing, take Smoke home, 
then do a bit of shopping. If you want to raise your respect and sex appeal as 
much as possible, get an Eris T-shirt, Green Jeans, a Green Rag Back, an Africa 
pendant, and Hi-Top Sneaks. Then return home.

Drive By                                                      [GTASALSRCWALK20]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Nines and AKs
Rewards - $500, Respect (6)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (5.88% Total)
Unlocks - Sweet's Girl Mission, Home Invasion Mission

This is a little more like it. You can make this mission easier on yourself by 
just running down the enemy. The homies ought to get anyone you miss. Make 
another pass if you need to. When you're done, make a run for the Pay-n-Spray 
to lose those two stars, and then head back to the hood.

Sweet's Girl                                                  [GTASALSRCWALK21]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Drive By
Rewards - Respect (7)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (6.42% Total)
Unlocks - Cesar Vialpando Mission

We'll do one more since the first mission wasn't really much of one to talk 
about. All of the sudden you seem to have quite a few choices for mission 
sponsors, but let's stick with Sweet for now.

Make sure you have armor, a gun, and a car, as you don't have a lot of time to 
go fetch this stuff once the mission starts up. Fire up the mission, and head 
for the marker. Make things a bit easier on yourself by running over as many of 
the enemy as you can in one pass, then get out, crouch, and start taking head 
shots. Once you drop all the bad guys, grab a four door. Once Sweet and his 
lady get in, head for the home front. You've got a car on your tail, but you 
should be able to avoid it, and it gives up after not too long.

Save the game. By now, you should be on the next day, so return to the gym and 
buff up a little more until you hit your limit for the day (if you've already 
maxed out muscle, work on endurance, or visa versa). Use a bit higher weights 
or settings than you used before, since you're stronger now.

When you're done with that, grab a bite to eat (if you need to, it's a good 
idea to keep your fat up around 10 or 20% so you have a buffer for when you get 
hungry. If you have no fat, you will start losing muscle instead!).

Gang Tags, Part 4                                             [GTASALSRCWALK22]
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (6.42% Total)
Unlocks - None

Now return to the hood and grab your spray cans, time to polish off a few more 

Head west out of the hood and take your first right over the bridge, then your 
second right (past the Mexican food restaurant). At the next intersection, look 
ahead and to your right for a gap in the wall into a parking lot. When you 
enter, check the wall to your left for tag 23.

Continue up the parking lot as it goes north, and take a right onto the street 
going east. As the street curves north, you should take an immediate left into 
a car wash. Watch to the left for a little tunnel, inside of which you will 
find tag 22.

Get back onto the road and continue north. When you see the banner that spans 
the street take a left into an alley. As it turns the corner, you will find 
you've hit the jackpot, as tags 20 and 21 are both right in front of you.

Back out of the alley and continue up the street north. Just before the 
intersection, look to your right, tag 16 is on the wall. Continue north through 
the intersection, and take a right when the street ends. Stop and go through a 
gap in the bushes on the right, you will see tag 17 on the wall of some 
apartments (congratulations, that was your 50th tag, halfway there).

Continue on the road east, and turn north when it ends, following this main 
road north and then west. When this road ends, you will be facing some brown 
houses and some blue ones to the left. Tag 19 is between the brown and blue 

Get back in the car, turn around and go back down the street you just came 
from. As you turn south, just after the bridge is the Golden Palms. Head into 
the entryway to its north and follow it behind the building east. You should 
see an armor pickup (useful). Hop over the wall and you'll see tag 10.

Return to the road and drive south past the next intersection. Watch to your 
left for tag 11 on the wall of one of the buildings (it's a bit hard to see as 
the tag is orange on an tan wall, but the building address is 2026).

Continue south down the road and take your first right. This puts you on a 
short windy road. Watch to your right for tag 14. Continue to the end of the 
road and when it ends, take note of the building in front of you. Follow it 
around back (go to your left and down the stairs) to find tag 15.

If you need more ammo, now's a good time to go get it, we'll hit a few more 
before going back to the story missions.

We're going to start at tag 62. From your hood, go west, then north over the 
first bridge. Continue on that road until it ends. Enter the alley between the 
shop and the wall you'll find the tag on the south side of the wall.

Continue north out of the alley and go left onto the street. Make a right at 
the intersection. The third building on your right has an underground garage, 
look for tag 63 on the wall.

Return to the street (either exit) and go north. When the road ends, turn east. 
Head up the incline, and stop when you see the stairs to your left. Go forward 
slowly on the street and watch to your left, about half way between where the 
wall started and the overpasses is tag 18. It's pretty hard to see (orange on 
orange) so watch carefully.

Turn back around and drive west. When you reach the train tracks, look to your 
north where the tracks go into a tunnel to find tag 69. Just across the street 
you will see an orange building, which is the Jefferson Motel. The tag (#64) is 
on the back of the motel; you'll have to hop a fence to get to it.

Continue west on the street you are on, it will shortly split in three 
directions. Take the middle road. Watch to your right until you see two palm 
trees. Stop there, tag #68 is on the stair wall.

Go back to the split and take the steep road that goes north. Turn right at the 
end of it. Stop at the last house on the left (before the trailers). You will 
find tag 70 on the back wall.

Now turn around and follow the road west. Just before it bends south, look for 
an alley to your left between a tan and blue house, where you will find tag 71.

Okay, enough tags for now (you should have 63 now, another couple of passes and 
we'll be done with them). Go back to the house and save, and we'll see what 
Smoke is up to.

Cesar Vialpando                                               [GTASALSRCWALK23]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Sweet's Girl
Rewards - Wager Winnings
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (6.95% Total)
Unlocks - High Stakes, Low Rider Mission, TransFender, Locos Low Co. 

It seems Sweet isn't overly thrilled with Kendl's boyfriend, and he wants you 
to check it out. Go get a low-rider (one is provided for you), and modify it 
however you like (but don't go too crazy, you are going to need your cash soon, 
and chances are you won't be keeping this car very long anyway), then head over 
to the car meet (but don't get in the red marker yet).

This is one of those areas where the game doesn't really tell you what controls 
to use. So before you start up the actual mission, you may want to practice a 
bit. The number pad arrows will control your car's suspension. When you get 
into the challenge, just hit the appropriate key as its icon comes into the 
circle. From time to time, a diagonal icon will appear. You need to press two 
buttons to get the correct response (e.g. 4+8 for upper left, not the diagonal 
numpad key (1, 3, 7 or 9) as you may think).

Once you win, there's a near confrontation, but Cesar cools things down. Maybe 
he's not such a bad guy after all.

High Stakes, Low Rider                                        [GTASALSRCWALK24]
Map Icon - CV [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Cesar Vialpando
Rewards - $1000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (7.49% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families)

Yay, a race! Follow Cesar to the starting point. The low-rider doesn't handle 
well around the corners, so make sure to slow down coming into the turns, and 
floor it in the straight-aways. As long as you don't spin out, winning this 
race shouldn't be too tough, as the other drivers tend to crash quite a bit. If 
needed, tap the rear panel of the car in front of you to make it spin out (just 
don't lose control yourself).

If you do lose, just return to Cesar's hood to try again. If you need a new 
car, there are a couple of low riders on the street you can grab for the race.

Go back to the hood and save. Grab your spray cans, as we gear up for another 
installment of:

Gang Tags, Part 5                                             [GTASALSRCWALK25]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (7.49% Total)
Unlocks - None

As usual, before we start doing tags, run over to the gym and upgrade your 
strength and stamina. When you've hit your limit, drive back north to Grove 
Street, and take a left (going west). When you cross the tracks, take your 
second left (it's a little street, there will be a bunch of grey houselets to 
your left). Stop and run in through the alley in the middle, and then through 
the archway to the south, tag #58 will be to your left on the east wall.

Hop back in the car and drive south. See the bridge to your right? Once you 
can, make a u-turn and get on it driving north. When you come to the large tan 
building on your left stop. You'll find tag 60 on the wall of this building 
(the wall facing the street you were just on, it's a bit covered in plant 

Jump back in your car and go north, taking your first right. Look for an alley 
going south (this is where you started the game). As you go down the alley, 
watch to your left, you should spot tag #59.

Come back out of the alley to the north. When you hit the street, look to your 
northeast, where you should see a church. You'll find tag 61 on the southern 
wall of the church.

Drive west from the church and take the first right going north. Drive through 
the first intersection, and start looking for an alley to the left. Tag 65 will 
be at the end of the northern fence.

Continue north out of the alley and take a left (Glen Park will be to your 
left). Go into the alley just behind the Discount Warehouse, you'll find tag 
#66 on the wall of the warehouse to your south.

Go back out of the alley and turn north. When the road ends, you will see an 
alley between a blue and red house. The tag (#67) is on the wall of the blue 
house (this should be your 70th tag).

Come back out of the alley to the south and drive west. When you pass the next 
intersection, you will see some tan duplexes on the south side of the street 
(they are surrounded by chain link fences). Go into the third duplex, and 
you'll see tag 73 on the western wall. 

Okay, we're moving into the heart of Balla territory now, so be careful (no 
doubt they've been a nuisance already). Drive east to the intersection you just 
passed and turn south into Glen Park. If you continue south, you'll drive over 
a bridge that crosses the lake. We want under that bridge on the north side of 
the lake. This is where you'll find tag #74. If you need it, to the north 
(still under the bridge) is a little tunnel that contains a police bribe.

Get back on that bridge and drive south. When the road ends, keep going down 
the alley. Tag #75 is the on the wall to your left.

Continue down the alley to the south (you may have to abandon your car, it's a 
pretty tight squeeze). When you come out, the skate park is right in front of 
you. Go in, and you'll find tag 76 on the fence near the wooden half pipe on 
the hill.

Come out of the southern entrance of the skate park. In front of you is the 
freeway in a lowered ditch. Just drive off the edge onto the freeway and take 
the exit  (up the hill to your left). This may seem familiar to you, as it's 
the exact same route you took on they bicycle during the "Sweet and Kendl" 
mission. When you come to the end of the curved off ramp, take a right. On your 
right you will see some tan buildings (which are situated diagonally on the 
map), follow them back watching to your left for tag 57.

From the tag go south to the street. In front of you will be a large official 
looking building with palm trees and a hedge surrounding it. Take a right and 
follow it to the next intersection. Tag 55 is on the western wall of this 

Tag 56 is real easy, just go west on the street, and you'll see it on the 
building to your south about half a block down.

Return to the intersection you just left and drive north (we're finally coming 
out of Balla territory, yay. Of course we're entering Vagos territory, but at 
least they don't seem to be as aggressive as the dratted Ballas are). At then 
next light, make a left going west, and then make an immediate right into what 
seems to be a sort of mini outdoor mall. Drive up the stairs to your left and 
go north, then west. Tag 77 is on the wall to your south.

Continue through the mall from the tag and go down the stairs. Right in front 
of you is an intersection, and tag 78 is on the building that is kitty-corner 
to the mall. Just drive half a block north and it'll be on the left. Go up the 
steps and it's towards the northern end of the building.

Get back onto the road going north, and take a left when it ends so that you 
are going west. Stop when you see the yellow entrance marker on your left 
(south side of the road). We'll take a mini-break here and do an optional task. 
Skip it if you like.

Inside Track Betting - OPTIONAL                               [GTASALSRCWALK26]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (7.49% Total)
Unlocks - None

Head into the door marker. Play the ponies by walking up to the ATM-like 
machines, picking a horse, picking a bet amount, and starting. Do this until 
you get bored with it and head back out.

(This is where you can make a ton of money without any effort, due to a 
questionable design decision by the coders. If you don't want to have to worry 
about money for the rest of the game, feel free to use the exploit. However, I 
prefer not to, so I'm not going to describe the technique here. It's your game, 
so do whatever you want).

Gang Tags, Part 6                                             [GTASALSRCWALK27]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (7.49% Total)
Unlocks - None

We are almost done with this session of the gang tags, we'll only do three more 
for now.

Continue down the street to the west. At the first opportunity, turn right into 
a courtyard. You will find tag 79 on the west side of the courtyard on a wall 
facing north.

Turn around and head back out of the courtyard, and catch the closest road 
going north. When it ends, follow the building in front of you to the east, and 
pull in on its eastern side. Behind the trash bins, you will find tag 80.

Go back west on the road your on, and take the first left onto the main road. 
Take the first right so you are headed for Mulholland intersection. When you 
reach the intersection, you have a lot of choices, but just go straight. Once 
you pass the actual intersection, watch to your left, tag 72 is on the support 
for a raised section of the road.

We've now finished 82 tags. We've also done most of the ones in Balla 
territory, so the hardest of them is finished. The last 18 cover the western 
half of the city, so they are a lot less dense than the areas we've already 
gone over.

Return home and save the game. Before we do missions, return to the gym.

Learning New Moves                                            [GTASALSRCWALK28]
Map Icon - Dumbbells
Prereqs - 20% muscle
Rewards - New Fighting moves
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (8.02% Total)
Unlocks - None

Work out to increase whatever stat you need (either muscle or stamina). By this 
time, if you are not already maxed out, you at least have enough strength to 
qualify for the gym training. Walk over to the red marker in front of the 
trainer, and reply positively (press the Y key) when he asks if you want to 
learn new moves.

Beat the tar out of him. When he goes down, he'll teach you a few new melee 
moves (I never personally found these to be of any use, but use them if you 
like them).

I won't talk about going to the gym any more, but you should remember to go 
until you max out both your strength and stamina. You are probably not all that 
far off of maxed by now anyway.

Home Invasion                                                 [GTASALSRCWALK29]
Map Icon - R [The Ryder Strand]
Prereqs - Drive-By
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (8.56% Total)
Unlocks - Catalyst Mission, Burglary Vehicle Mission

Let's go check out what Ryder is up to. This is a night mission; you can only 
start it from 12:00 to 20:00, so kill some time (you can just save the game to 
advance 6 hours of time if you like).

Take the truck over to the marker and head into the house (remember we saw the 
yellow entrance marker when we were doing gang tags earlier). There are six 
crates in the house, one in the front room, one in the back room (through the 
door to the right as you come in), two at the top of the stairs, and two in the 
colonel's bedroom (last room at the end of the hall). Hold down the left Alt 
key while inside the house to avoid making any noise. As long as you have at 
least 5 minutes left when you get there, you should be able to grab all six 
crates if you like (though you are only required to grab 3).

Drop the truck off, mission passed.

Burglary Vehicle Mission - OPTIONAL                           [GTASALSRCWALK30]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Home Invasion
Rewards - Amount Stolen + $3000
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (8.56% Total)
Unlocks - None

This is a fairly easy moneymaker. From your house, head west and take a left at 
the first intersection so you are going south. At the end of the road you will 
see some blue apartments. Go to the one all the way to the west, and you'll 
find the van you need to start up the mission. You can only start up the 
mission between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00 (but you should aim for as close 
to 20:00 as you can, because the mission ends at 06:00, and you want to give 
yourself as much time as possible).

Hit the 2 key to start, then head for some houses. You are looking for houses 
with yellow entry markers in front of them. For best result, look for two that 
are right next to each other. Park the truck between them and go into a house. 
Hold down the sneak key (left Alt) and grab anything in the front room that 
looks valuable (TVs, VCRs, or radios) and return it to the truck (hint, once 
you have an item let go of the sneak key and just run for the door, you'll be 
long gone before the cops get there). Once you've cleared out the house, move 
to the one next door. Keep going back and forth between the two houses until 
you accumulate enough stuff (or your time runs low) then take the truck to the 

You can only enter houses up until 06:00 and you have until 07:00 to get the 
truck back into the lockup, so keep an eye on your timer. You need to steal 
$10,000 worth of items to pass this mission, which is roughly 25 items (you 
don't have to do it all in one night, though it is certainly possibly to do so 
if you use two houses next to each other).

From time to time, there will be someone in the front room when you come into 
the house. If that happens, just turn around and leave, and reenter the house. 
Usually they will be gone the second time (if not, you may have to find a new 
house, as they probably won't leave).

For some reason, this particular vehicle mission doesn't add to your completion 
percentage, but it does give you quite a bit of cash. If you need money at any 
point, consider doing this mission again (although you only get the $3000 bonus 
for the first completion, you still get the cash you make off of items stolen, 
and at $10,000 per day, it's not too shabby).

Catalyst                                                      [GTASALSRCWALK31]
Map Icon - R [The Ryder Strand]
Prereqs - Home Invasion
Rewards - Respect (7)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (9.09% Total)
Unlocks - Robbing Uncle Sam Mission

Let's go check out what Ryder is up to again. Hey, he's a chef! All right, 
looks like there's a job to do for the three stooges. Head to the train, take 
out the Vagos. Naturally, the Ballas show up, so take them out too. For the 
next part holding down the mouse button increases the strength of your throw. 
You shouldn't have any problem filling up the truck in the time allotted. Take 
the truck over to the nearby Paint-n-Spray, and then home.  Mission complete.

Gang Tags, the Finale                                         [GTASALSRCWALK32]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Respect (6)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (9.63% Total)
Unlocks - AK-47, Tech9, Sawn Off Shotgun, Molotov cocktail inside Johnson House

Before we do Ryder's next mission, it would be good to have a little more 
firepower. So let's finish off the gang tags, as there are only 18 left.

Start off at the Roboi Food Mart. Pick up your $2000 from in front of the 
store, and then look across the street to locate tag 88. Now go one block east 
on the road and look south at city hall to find tag 87. Continue east, just 
after the next intersection, check the building to the north (it's the police 
station) to find tag 86. Those were easy!

(By the way, feel free to go inside police headquarters if you like. Just don't 
be holding any weapons when you get in, or you get an automatic 2 star wanted 
level. Explore around a bit, there's plenty of weapons to be had (it seems as 
though it's okay to pick up a weapon while inside, just don't switch weapons, 
or it's the same as drawing one, and you'll get your two stars). There are two 
sets of armor in the station (one in the locker room, one in the back by the 
cells). Also in the showers is the double-ended *****. I'm sure we don't want 
to know what that's doing in police headquarters).

Drive back south, then west and pass the Roboi Food Mart again. When you get to 
the main road, turn north, and then take the first left west. Immediately stop. 
To your north is a building with stairs. Go up the stairs around to the front 
of the building (the back stairs dead end in a handicapped entrance), where you 
will find tag 89.

Drive a block north until you see the futuristic looking buildings with the 
green windows on the left. Go to the northern-most building and check it's 
northern wall for tag 85.

Get back on the road going north, and take your second left. Just before the 
road ends, you will be near tag 84. To find it, look at the shops on the south 
side of the road, and look up. There's a ledge above the stores that you can 
climb onto to grab the tag.

Turn around and go back down the street to the east, and take your second left. 
Watch for tag 83 on the left side of the road near the next intersection. Take 
a left at the intersection you are at, and then your second right (you'll be 
near the Pay-n-Spray and Trans-Fender. As you pass the next intersection, you 
will see tag 81 on the left on a wall.

Continue north up the road and take a left when it ends. Drive a couple of 
blocks down and watch to your left (south) until you see tag 82 (it'll be just 
as you enter the Vinewood district).

Remain on the same road going west. You'll go down a ways. When you see the 
shirt icon appear on your radar (for Prolaps), start looking for the Vinyl 
Countdown record store to the right. The tag (#93) faces west on a small wall 
behind a palm tree.

From the Vinyl Countdown, turn around and go east. Take a right at the next 
intersection (with the tunnels to the north) and go south. When you pass the 
large grey building on your right (there will be a police bribe in front of 
it), pull into it's parking lot and catch tag 92 (it's purple on grey, so it's 
a bit hard to see at first glance, but if you're looking for it, you should 
find it).

We want to go around the block. So get back on the road going north, take the 
first right east, then the first right south. Now take a look at the map, and 
you will see there is an inlet of water that runs all the way up to this block. 
At the end of this inlet is a mansion. You will find tag 91 on the dock that is 
on the south side of this mansion.

From the mansion, go directly east. You'll travel down a mini-road that just 
barely appears on the map. At the next intersection, your mini-road becomes an 
actual road. Pass the intersection and stop in the next alley to the north (at 
the huge palm tree). Park your car right up against the western wall and use it 
to get yourself onto the roof of the building, where you will find tag 90.

Five more to go, and they're all to the south. We'll start on the western end 
and work our way east. The first stop is the end of the boardwalk (not the 
lighthouse, mind you, the boardwalk, east of the lighthouse). Go to the end of 
the road, and check out the small building to the left (up the stairs) for tag 

Go back north, but don't go up the hill. Instead, drop off the stairs to the 
right and follow the small road east. Just in front of you is a brick building. 
At the sand level you will find tag 95 facing south.

Get back on the road and go north up the hill. Take a right past the Pay-n-
Spray and head east for a few blocks. Watch to your left for a building with 
Bobo signs on it. Directly across the street from that building you will find 
tag 96.

Continue on the road to the east. As soon as it curves to the south, you will 
see tag 97 on the wall to your left (it's on a brick wall near some shops). One 

Drive west on the road near the tag you just sprayed. After a couple of blocks, 
you'll see a long and windy road to your south. Take it and go up the hill. At 
the end of it is the Observatory. Get out of your car and go up the ramp 
(either one will do). The tag (#98) is on the northern dome.

And that's it! Return home and save. When you get there, you will find a nice 
surprise. There are now four new weapons that spawn in your kitchen. Grab some 
of them and let's see what Ryder is up to these days. Make sure you're fully 
armored for the next mission.

Robbing Uncle Sam                                             [GTASALSRCWALK33]
Map Icon - R [The Ryder Strand]
Prereqs - Catalyst
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (10.16% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families), SMG unlocked 
          at Ammu-Nation

Damn, you gotta give it up for Ryder, he has cojones. Either that, or he's 
totally insane! I found the AK-47 particularly useful for this one. All right, 
jump up on top of the wall and cap the guard. A couple more will come running 
so take them out too. Jump down and blast the gate control. Head over to the 
garage and open that up in the same manner. There are a couple more guards 
inside the warehouse to take down.

Hop on the forklift. Use the numpad 8 and 2 keys to control the forklift up and 
down. Load up the boxes one by one into the truck. Help out Ryder with the 
steady stream of guards so his health doesn't get too low (he may be crazy, but 
he's an awful shot). Once you have all six crates in the truck, head for the 
lockup. Now the game tells you to toss crates out at the following guards, but 
I never had too (and I was dammed if I was going to give up my hard earned 
crates). Up to you, though.

(Note that if you're having a hard time with this mission (in the respect that 
you can't keep Ryder alive), you can cheat a little by opening up the warehouse 
first and stacking the crates closer to where the truck will be before Ryder 
comes in. I never had a problem with this mission, but some people seem to, so 
that may help a bit).

Once you're back to the lockup, mission accomplished. Note that, although the 
SMG is in fact now available at Ammu-Nation, you can't actually go into the 
store to get it yet (unless you are doing an alternate order than what is 
presented here).

OG Loc                                                        [GTASALSRCWALK34]
Map Icon - BS [The Big Smoke Strand]
Prereqs - Nines and AKs
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (10.70% Total)
Unlocks - Running Dog Mission, Life's a Beach Mission

All right, time to go pick up OG. Make sure you have some sort of decent weapon 
before you start. There is nothing hard about this until you get to the 
motorcycle chase. Just keep up with Freddy. Loc will shoot at him, but he's a 
worse shot than Ryder. You can try to help out, but I was having enough trouble 
keeping up with all of the tricky turns so I didn't bother.

After a tour of the city, Freddy will stop. Hop off the bike and take him and 
his friends down. Now things get interesting, as you have the cops swarming all 
over the place (you have one star but there's like 30 cops around for some 
reason) and the Ballas being their usual pain in the rear. Sprint out of there 
and get some distance (don't grab a car right away because OG takes about a 
decade to get into the damn thing and by then you've been busted by the cops). 
Grab a car down the road somewhere and pick up OG. Floor it out of there before 
the hail of bullets fires up your car. I went as far as the freeway and got a 
new car (as both the back tires of the car I was in were blown out and it was 
tricky to drive at that point). Once you leave the immediate area, things cool 
down a bit. Drive OG to his job, and its mission accomplished.

Unique Jumps - OPTIONAL                                       [GTASALSRCWALK35]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - $500 per jump ($16,500 in this set)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (10.70% Total)
Unlocks - None

We're out of gang tags (thank God!) so it's time to do something else. There's 
nothing else in the game that you have to collect 100 of, the gang tags were 
the most tedious. But there are two other things we can collect in Los Santos 
(and Red County), namely Unique Jumps and Oysters. Both of these are actually 
spread out all over San Andreas, so we can only get some of them right now. 
Let's start off with the 33 unique jumps we have access to at the moment (there 
are a total of 70 in the game, so this is nearly half of them). Get out your 
Unique Jumps map now.

First, let me give you a word of warning. Make absolutely sure the game tells 
you that you've gotten your Unique Jump bonus ($500). Usually you also get an 
insane stunt bonus at the same time, so it's easy to miss that you didn't 
actually qualify for the Unique Jump, and there is nothing more frustrating 
than finding out later that you missed one (because there's no way to know 
which one was missed short of going back and doing them all over again). Check 
your stats every once in a while (under Achievements) and make sure your Unique 
Jumps Found number matches your Unique Jumps Done number. If it doesn't, that 
means you got the slow motion effect, but weren't credited with the actual 
jump, and it's time to go back and figure out which one you missed (good luck). 

All right, first we need a decent vehicle. Fortunately, I can tell you exactly 
where to get one. From your house, go down into the culvert (where you get your 
armor from) and go north almost to the end. Near the back on the right you'll 
see a tunnel, which you should enter. Follow it (and the alley it comes out in) 
until you hit the street and make an immediate U-turn to your right into a 
parking garage. Now go up to the second level. There for your motor biking 
enjoyment sits an NRG-500, the world's fastest motorcycle. Cool.

Before we start, there's a control you need to know about when on a motorcycle 
(this is another thing the manual forgets to tell you about). If you quick-tap 
the up arrow key (not the numpad arrow, the other arrow), it makes CJ duck his 
head. This gives the bike a speed boost. Don't hold it down because then CJ 
actually stands up, which will slow you down. Just quick tap it repeatedly. 
Many of the unique jumps require this extra speed. I'm going to give my jump 
distances so that you have some idea of how far you need to go to qualify for 
the jump. In some cases you don't need to go as far as I did (I tend to gun the 
jumps quite a bit), but at least it will give you a rough idea of what is 

Now that we're all vehicled up, it's time to find the jumps. We may as well do 
them in order, so let's go to #1. Head back down to the docks and get on the 
longer of the roads that goes north-south that is actually on the island (does 
that make sense? Use the map if not, there aren't a lot of landmarks in the 
docks area that I can direct you from). Start at the northern end so you're 
facing south (you should be just to the right of the actual road). You should 
see a ramp in front of you. The jump is successful if you make it onto the w-
roof. I got it at 140 feet.

Okay, onto #2. Drop off the roof and follow the road west. When it turns north 
look for a set of stairs down just to the right. Go down and drive all the way 
to the end of the road (another set of stairs) and turn around so you're facing 
south. Gun it and hit the southern stairs. You may not want to duck your head, 
because if you go too far you'll end up in the drink (I completed this one at 
243 feet, but ended up in the water and had to go get a new bike).

For #3, just go to the other side and do the other stairs (driving north). I 
got this one at 214 feet (would have been farther but that building got in my 

Now to get to #4 drive north and catch that little road to the northwest that 
takes you off of the docks, then go southwest at the freeway. Follow the 
freeway until you get to the tunnel. See the ramp in the middle of the causeway 
just before the tunnel?  That's your jump #4. This one is, in my opinion, the 
hardest of the bunch in Los Santos, since you have to duck freeway traffic, 
light posts, come around a curve, and be hitting max speed by head bobbing all 
at the same time. I got this one at 170 feet, which I think is just enough. I 
found it easiest to use the right lane (so you're going with traffic), get a 
good running start, and don't bother with the head bob until you are nearly 
there and pretty well lined up with the ramp.

Jumps 5 and 6 you can't do right now, the area is restricted to licensed pilots 
(well, you could do them as it is possible to get into the airport with some 
work, but it's not really worth the effort, you may as well just wait until we 
can get in legitimately). We'll come back to them later in the game.

To get to jump 7, turn around and go back the way you came. Take your first 
right, and when you hit the train tracks, follow them southeast. Watch the 
fence on your left for a gap. See the dirt pile up against the fence in the 
corner? There's your ramp. I made this one at 143 feet (not very impressive I 
know, a bunch of people got in my way on the sidewalk, but it counted).

You're probably on the airport/docks freeway now. Follow it east until you can 
turn north, and then turn left again so you go across a bridge. Once you come 
off the bridge, work your way south. We want to be on the eastern side of the 
culvert where it ends (above it, not in it). At that point there is a stairway 
(facing west) that is your ramp for jump 8. I made 166 feet with this one.

You probably ended up in the culvert, didn't you? It's okay, so did I. Just 
take your first left into a tunnel and you'll come out on street level. The 
next jump (#9) is a little ways away. Open your map and head to the tattoo 
parlor that is closest to you (it's the southeastern most one). From there, go 
north up the street to the train tracks. When you hit the tracks look to your 
left, see the ramp? There are two sides to it; you want to jump east toward the 
v-shaped roof. You can get quite a running start, and I qualified on this jump 
at 196 feet.

Come off the roof and follow the tracks east and then north. When you cross a 
bridge, look right. The bridge rail thing to your right facing south is your 
ramp for jump 10. What makes this tough is the damn palm tree right in front of 
the ramp. Drive south (stay off the tracks as they'll slow you down) and try to 
catch just to one side of the tree so you can pull the bike over to hit the 
bridge. You should land more or less in the intersection. I made this one at 
170 feet.

Okay, drive east to the stadium. When you hit the freeway on it's east side, 
drive north until you see the pedestrian over-crossing. The stairway facing 
west is your ramp for jump #11. I made 156 feet on this one.

Go to the Cluckin' Chicken to the north of your house. Just to the west is a 
basketball court. There's a set of stairs facing west that is your ramp for 
jump 12. There's a little bit of hazard involved as you have to weave through 
lampposts, pedestrians, and probably Ballas shooting at you. I made 210 feet.

From the last jump, drive north past those sculpture things and a bit west to 
the train tracks. You should see another pedestrian over-crossing. You want the 
western one for jump 13. Come at it from the south, and try to stay off the 
tracks. Again, there's a ton of traffic, posts, trees, and petulant Ballas 
taking potshots at you to deal with. My jump was 203 feet.

From where you are, look for a set of stairs to your right (east, past the 
train tracks, there are actually two sets, you want the southern-most stairs). 
Go over them to the other side (east) where another set of stairs goes down, 
this is the ramp for jump 14. Drive down the street a bit get some distance, 
turn around, and let fly (you are driving west). You can get some pretty decent 
speed on this one, and I made 280 feet, not too shabby.

You're back at the tracks now. Drive north then turn east right before the 
tracks go into the tunnel. Now you need to gain elevation. When you come out 
onto the freeway (the eastern most one bordering the ocean), turn south, and 
make a U-turn when the road to your right comes down enough for you to get onto 
it so that you're going north and up. Then take the first left up the hill. 
When you reach the top, make another U-turn to your left so you're going east 
again. Follow the road as it curves to the south. Right after you cross the 
bridge go into the courtyard next to the building (this is the same place you 
did tag 10, and there is armor to your right if you need it). Check out the 
wall at the end of the courtyard and notice there's a bit broken out, that's 
your ramp for jump 15. Get a running start and fly, it's pretty cool, for a bit 
it looks like you're going to go right into the ocean (although I've never 
actually made it). I went 300 feet on this one.

For the next jump (#16) you want to get onto the Mulholland Intersection. You 
want the highest elevation and you'll be facing south (so it's as if you're 
coming south from Red County). Drive against traffic down the left side of the 
road (on the sidewalk). Eventually you will see the ramp. My jump was 243 feet.

Now, I said we'd do these in order, but I'm going to make one exception, we're 

going to do jump 18 right now. Just continue south and make a U-turn when the 
median breaks to go back north again. Shortly, you will come across a ramp just 
like the last one, except facing the other direction. I got 206 feet out of 
that one (a car got in my way at the on-ramp so I didn't get the speed I did 
for #16).

For jump 17, you need to go pretty much directly down. Head north up the 
freeway and when there's a break in the median make a U-turn, then take the 
exit to the left. From there I just cut across the grass to get down as quickly 
as possible. You should end up exactly under the middle of Mulholland 
Intersection, one level above the parking lot. If you're in the right place, 
you will be facing south and see two ramps in front of you and the parking lot 
below you. The ramp you want is the one on the right. My jump ended up being 
146 feet.

The easiest way for me to describe how to get to jump 19 is to start off at the 
Roboi Mart. Take a left out of the parking lot, then a right onto the main 
street. Take the second right to that funky split street. At the southern end 
of this little street, there's a drop off into a culvert. Drop into that, go 
down a ways (to the bridge is good), and turn around. In front of you to the 
left is a ramp you will use to jump back up to street level. I made 203 feet 
before the building got in my way.

Head back south again toward the Roboi Mart. When you get to the second 
intersection, instead of turning left toward the Mart, turn right. Watch to you 
right (north) for a set of stairs, which is your ramp for jump 20. I went 240 
feet and landed on the roof of the building with just enough time to slam on 
the brakes.

Okay, check your map, you are looking for the Cluckin' Chicken on the northwest 
side of the city (there's only the one). Go there then go north up the street. 
Watch for the alley to your right. At the end of the alley is a stairway, which 
will be your ramp for jump 21. My distance was 170 feet for a successful jump.

Head for the boardwalk. As you are driving up the boardwalk north, drop off the 
stairs to the right (rather than going up the hill) and follow the road to the 
east. You may remember this is right where we did one of the last gang tags. 
Right in front of you as you drive west is a stairway that is the ramp for jump 
#22. I went 213 feet.

Get back on the boardwalk again and drive north. This time stay on the 
boardwalk all the way up the hill. Right where the road ends look to your left. 
About 8 feet away you should see a mound of grass that has grown up onto the 
fence. There's your ramp for jump 23. I qualified for that jump with 283 feet.

Go to the Pay-n-Spray and Car Modification shop that is in the northwest side 
of the city (it's the Trans-Fender place). From there drive west and then turn 
north. When you hit the main highway (Sunset Road), turn west again. Take your 
first left, and watch to your right for an opening. If you look carefully, you 
will see there is a slight upturned lip at the ledge, which serves as your ramp 
for jump 24. Now this is a tricky jump because you can't hit it straight on. 
You have to land on Sunset Road, so you have to hit the ramp going southwest 
rather than west. This means that as soon as you pass the building on your 
right, you have to pull the bike to the right then immediately to the left. I 
found the easiest way to make this jump was to go up the street, drive west 
along the sidewalk to the right. Toward the end of the sidewalk there is a 
pole, you need to squeeze between the pole and the wall. Once you do that, you 
are pretty well lined up with where you need to be. As soon as you pass the 
last building just before the ramp, pull right then left very quickly (you only 
have about half a second to do both). Don't bother with the head bob on this 
one, you don't need that much distance and in fact it hurts you because you 
have even less time to get that final lineup with the ramp right. I went 160 
feet to qualify.

Okay, we're done with the jumps in Los Santos, but there are a few in Red 
County. You may not have been to Red County yet (unless you've done a bit of 
exploring). There are essentially four little townlets up there (from west to 
east, they are Blueberry, Dillimore, Montgomery, and Palomino Creek). Head for 
the eastern-most one (Palomino Creek). To its west is a river over which runs a 
bridge. The normal road bridge is in good shape, but there's another one 
slightly to the north of it, which has not fared so well. Jumps 25 and 26 are 
off this bridge (the first going west and the second going east). My distances 
were 186 feet and 283 feet, respectively. Note that you should not use the head 
bob for the first one. For some reason, you can over jump the unique jump and 
it won't count. So do it at regular speed and it's a piece of cake.

Head west toward Montgomery. Just to the east of Montgomery is a main highway 
that ends in a pair of curly-queue types exits (by the way, there's a police 
bribe underneath one of them on the dirt road if you ever need it). Now, get on 
the main highway and get some distance, then turn around. You are going to go 
right between the two curly-queues driving west toward Montgomery to hit jump 
27. I went 310 feet.

Go to Dillimore next. You want to get on the road that comes into the town from 
the north, facing south. Directly in front of you (at the south end of this 
north-south road) is the ramp for jump 28. I went 233 feet.

Jump #29 is easy; the hardest part is actually finding it. Head for Blueberry 
and catch the southern of the two roads going west out of town. In front of you 
will be a big factory with smokestacks. There is a sign on the building that 
names it FleischBerg. Once you see the sign, you've gone too far. Turn around 
and go back until you can enter the factory yard to your right. Just in front 
of you is a ramp that jumps over a trailer, and that's your target. I went 256 
feet. For jump #30, just turn around and do it from the other side. This one 
doesn't even need a head bob, and I went 156 feet.

Head back into Blueberry on the same road and take your first left north. Look 
down the road at the first right. At the end of this east-west road you should 
see a set of wooden stairs, which serves as your ramp for jump 31. I went only 
136 feet (you don't have much room for acceleration) to qualify.

The next couple of jumps are in Blueberry Fields, which are just west of the 
town. In the center are some barns. If you look around, you should see a large 
stack of hay bales in the center upon which are sitting your ramp for jump 32. 
Start all the way to the north (near the factory) and gun it south through the 
interior of the barn to get the maximum distance. This one is fun because you 
don't have any obstacles to worry about and can get a pretty good running 
start. I went 296 feet.

Go back and look at the ramp from the last jump. The ramp for jump 33 is in the 
barn just to your right. The only tricky thing about this one is that you can't 
hit it too fast, or it won't count (you won't even get the slow motion effect). 
Seriously, take this one pretty slow. I have no idea how far I went (because I 
didn't get an insane stunt bonus on it), but I'd be surprised if it was even 
100 feet.

To the west of Blueberry Fields (across the road) is a logging camp (you can 
see it on the map as a square area). Go there and take the dirt road that comes 
out of the camp's southeastern side. This road curves north, and then makes a 
quick jag around a small ravine (just after the wooden fence ends). Notice that 
the lip of the ravine is raised (as you are facing south). All you have to do 
is jump the ravine to get credit for jump 34. I went 136 feet. 

For the last jump (#35) you want to get on the road south of the logging camp 
(the actual road, not the dirt road). At the western end of this road the 
railing is broken out and there is a grassy hill in front of the cliff. You 
will see the San Fierro Airport over the water. Now, you are going to lose your 
bike and probably your life doing this one, because we are about to enter 
unwelcome territory. You want to get a good running start, because we need to 
clear the water to make it onto the airport tarmac, which is a good 350 feet 
away (the elevation helps). Check out the nearest point of the tarmac to your 
ramp and aim for that point. Use the trick with the head bob and let fly. As 
soon as you cross into San Fierro you will get a four star wanted level. Do 
your best; if you can live to get back into Red County you're a better person 
than me. I jumped 374 feet on this one.

Congratulations, you've done nearly half the Unique Jumps in the entire game 
and made a fair bit of cash doing it. Go save now.

Running Dog                                                   [GTASALSRCWALK36]
Map Icon - BS [The Big Smoke Strand]
Prereqs - OG Loc
Rewards - Respect (3)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (11.23% Total)
Unlocks - Wrong Side of the Tracks Mission

All right, let's go see what Smoke is up to. This is a pretty easy mission, 
just run down the Vagos and take him down with your Tech9. You should have no 
problem keeping up with him with your maxed out Stamina.

Wrong Side of the Tracks                                      [GTASALSRCWALK37]
Map Icon - BS [The Big Smoke Strand]
Prereqs - OG Loc
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (11.76% Total)
Unlocks - Just Business Mission, Sawnoff Shotgun unlocked at Ammu-Nation

This is a bit of a tricky mission. Wait about 4 years until Smoke decides to 
get his fat ass onto the bike while the Vargos are getting away. Gun it after 
the train. The best bet is to stay to the right of the train on the right side 
of the tracks. This gives Smoke his best line of fire. As per usual, Smoke 
couldn't hit the backside of a barn from 10 feet, so you'll have to stay with 
the train for a while. At one point Smoke tells you to "take the high road" 
which is off to the right. Your choice, you can either stay with the train or 
drive up the hill. If you head up you'll fall behind the lead car, but you 
won't have to avoid the oncoming train (and it's a tight squeeze). Once Smoke 
caps all four Vargos, return back to Smoke's crib to finish off the mission.

Note that, although the Sawnoff Shotgun is in fact now available at Ammu-
Nation, you can't actually go into the store to get it yet (unless you are 
doing an alternate order than what is presented here).

Paramedic Vehicle Mission                                     [GTASALSRCWALK38]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - 150 Max Health, $3000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (12.30% Total)
Unlocks - None

Before we do Smoke's next mission, let's take care of a little business first. 
It will be helpful at this point to max out our Health level. Drive north into 
Red County and go to Montgomery. You may want to grab a bite to eat, as this 
will take a little while and you don't want to start having problems with food 
when you reach level 11. Find the hospital (it's on the western side of the 
town) and jack the ambulance. Hit the 2 key to start up this mission.

There isn't much really to say about this one. You have room in the truck for 3 
patients; so once you get past level 3, make sure to plan out your route 
strategically with the big map so that you do the minimum amount of 
backtracking. You get a time bonus for each passenger you pick up (the further 
away from the hospital they are, the more you get) as well as one for the first 
load of patients you drop off.

Patients will start off around Montgomery, but by around level 7, they'll start 
appearing in Dillimore and Palomino Creek as well. For each successful level 
you complete, you get a cash reward. Like other vehicle missions, this starts 
out small but goes up to a very nice sum by time you reach level 12.

It's a good idea to grab the farthest ones out first and work your back in 
toward the hospital, since they give you the best time bonus. Use your siren, 
as most cars will get out of your way. Once you finish level 12, your max 
health goes to 150, not to mention you get an extra $3000 bonus.

You should come away from this mission with a very nice sum of cash, so let's 
go spend it.

Buying Property, Part 1                                       [GTASALSRCWALK39]
Map Icon - Green House
Prereqs - None
Rewards - New Save Point
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (12.83% Total)
Unlocks - None

Hopefully by now you have at least $120,000 in your pocket. If not, pick up the 
difference (you have a couple of choices for getting easy money. Pimping is a 
very simple and quick way to earn cash. There is also the Robbery mission, 
which will give you around $10K a day. Personally, I prefer the pimping, since 
you don't have to wait for a particular time period, you get about $10,000 out 
of the 12 levels, you raise your driving skill, and you can keep doing it over 
and over again).

Anyway, once you have put together $120K, open up your map. You are looking for 
the green house icon farthest to the north (ignore the red house icons, they 
are not available for purchase yet). This one is in Mulholland (the best way to 
get at it is from the south on the freeway, be sure to take the first exit once 
you get out of the city). This property comes with a one-car garage and a 
wardrobe. Go ahead and buy it, and check out the inside. Don't miss the three 
back bedrooms (there's nothing in them, but it's nice to know you can have 
guests). Most importantly, there's a save icon in the kitchen. Go ahead and use 
it to save the game.

Congratulations! You just bought the most expensive property in the game. I did 
this now since we just did the ambulance mission and you probably have quite a 
bit of cash to spend, so I figure we may as well get this one out of the way. 
You may be close to broke now, but that's okay, we'll pick up some more cash as 
we go along.

Just Business                                                 [GTASALSRCWALK40]
Map Icon - BS [The Big Smoke Strand]
Prereqs - Wrong Side of the Tracks
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (13.37% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families)

All right, get some armor and plenty of machine pistol ammo; you're in for a 
fight in this next one. When all hell breaks loose, charge in and start head 
shooting the Russians. Once they're down in the hotel lobby, make sure to grab 
the duckets they drop (there's some armor in the back as well), and join Smoke 
to head outside where another battle awaits. Take down these guys as well. Now 
you're in a driving battle. Just follow Smoke's suggestions, you'll mostly be 
shooting behind you, but keep half an eye in front of you as well. When 
prompted, make sure to take out the grate covering the tunnel up ahead. Use the 
explosive barrels to finish off the pursuit, and you're done.

Life's a Beach                                                [GTASALSRCWALK41]
Map Icon - OG [The OG Loc Strand]
Prereqs - OG Loc
Rewards - Respect (3)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (13.90% Total)
Unlocks - Madd Dogg's Rhymes Mission

There's not much to this one, actually. You can only start up this mission 
between 22:00 and 06:00 (presumably when OG is at work). Seems like OG needs a 
bit of help putting together his party, so head down to the beach to procure a 
sound system. Dancing is the same deal as the low-rider competition; just 
follow the arrows. However, instead of using the keypad, you'll be using the 
actual arrow keys to control your dancing moves. You need 2500 points to get 
invited into the van, which shouldn't be a problem (I ended up with 6800). Once 
you're in the van, high tail it out of there and drive over to the lockup, 
mission complete. [Note that some people report that if you are having trouble 
with this mission (or the low-rider challenge) you can turn down your video 
settings toreduce the lag time between the music and the video display, so give 
that a try if you can't seem to get this one].

Madd Dogg's Rhymes                                            [GTASALSRCWALK42]
Map Icon - OG [The OG Loc Strand]
Prereqs - Life's a Beach
Rewards - Respect (4)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (14.44% Total)
Unlocks - Management Issues, Burning Desire Mission

Okay, trigger the mission and head up to the hills of Mulholland. Crouch, time 
your moves and take down the guards with the knife from behind. When you get to 
the book, go ahead and take it (you can explore the mansion if you like, it's 
pretty huge, but there's not much else of interest here (yet)). Once you've got 
the book, a whole new set of guards spawn. Take one out and you get a silenced 
pistol, just the thing for taking down guards without alerting the whole place. 
Make your way back out of the mansion. Once you're out, grab the mountain bike 
and head down the hill. Drop the book off at OG's job, and it's another mission 

Oyster Collection                                             [GTASALSRCWALK43]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Increased Lung Capacity
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (14.44% Total)
Unlocks - None

So let's grab a few oysters. There are only 50 in the game, and they are spread 
out all over the state, so only 20 can be gotten at this point. Grab a car or a 
motorcycle and let's get started. Once again, we'll do these in order, so get 
out your oyster map.

Your first stop for oyster 1 is the eastern beach (go east of the stadium to 
the beach and run south). There's a short pier sticking out into the water. Go 
to the very end of the pier and look down, you should see the oyster just under 
water. Hop in and hit the left mouse button to dive (while under water, hit the 
space bar to swim).

You're next stop is the ocean docks. Go to where the big ship is docked (to the 
far east), then run south. You should find a set of stairs that go down to an 
empty docking platform right at sea level. Oyster 2 is right near this 
platform. You can climb back onto the platform once you have your prize using 
the shift key.

Now drive west until you get to the first bridge. Oyster 3 is directly below 
you. Jump in, there's another empty docking platform you can climb up onto to 
your north.

Continue on the road the way you were going until you hit the next bridge. 
Oyster 4 is right underneath it again. This time you have a bit longer of a 
swim to the north to find an empty docking bay to climb onto. And with that 
you're done with the docks. Our next stop is the airport, so grab a car.

You want to catch the airport freeway that runs south of the airport. Right 
when the freeway turns north (on the west side), stop and get in the water. 
Look for oyster 5 just off the beach (you need to be swimming to get it, but 
you don't actually even need to dive).

Get back in the car and drive north, and catch the first road going west. Just 
before this road goes into the tunnel, pull over. Cliff dive into the water, 
and you should just about be right on top of Oyster 6.

Swim north along the cliff. Soon you will see a pier to your northwest. Swim 
toward that (when you're on the surface, hold down the space bar to swim 
faster). When you reach the pier, check your radar to the left of it. You 
should see where there's an inlet (this is the same inlet that eventually 
reaches the mansion inland where we did a gang tag). Swim up the inlet until 
you get underneath the pair of pedestrian bridges, and dive for oyster 7.

Stay in the water and continue to swim north. Underneath the last bridge before 
you reach the mansion, dive for oyster 8. Continue north to the mansion to get 
yourself out of the water.

Your next stop is the lighthouse (west of the boardwalk). Just go to the very 
end of the pier and dive off. Oyster 9 is directly south of the lighthouse 
right next to it. You can climb back up right where you jumped in.

Okay, drive back north and keep to the coastline. Shortly you'll see a bridge 
to your left (it's closed). Park your car here and jump into the water. You're 
going to be doing a lot of swimming from here (note that under no circumstances 
should you set foot on San Fierro soil to your left, or you'll instantly get a 
four start wanted level). Swim north to the next bridge (it's a big two span 
affair). Under the west side of the northern span you'll find oyster 10.

Keep swimming to the north. After a while you'll spot the train tracks above 
you, and oyster 11 is right underneath them. Keep following the river as it 
turns west. At the next bridge you'll locate oyster 12. Boy, this is easy.

Shortly, the river empties into a bay. Follow the coast to your right (the Los 
Santos side) and a small beach comes into view. You may as well get out of the 
water and run along the beach for a while. Before too long you'll be forced up 
onto the road, and shortly after that you'll reach another bridge (so many 
bridges). Take a guess where oyster 13 is.

Swim north up the river to get to a place where you can climb out of the water. 
Procure yourself a car; the next oyster is a ways away. Drive west along the 
coast and make your way north (you'll go through that really twisty highway). 
Past the twisty highway, when you see and sandy area to the left with a wooden 
fence, stop. You should see the Kincaid and Garver bridges across the bay. Jump 
into the water for oyster 14.

Get back in the car and head for Blueberry. Leave the town by the eastern road 
and take your first right to a bridge. If you look down, you'll notice a wooden 
bridge below you. Head down there. Hop on into the water; Oyster 15 is (say it 
with me) under the bridge. Get out of the water (to your west) and get back in 
the car, the next oyster is a ways off.

Head for Palomino Creek. Just west of the town is a lake (called Fisher's 
Lagoon). In Palomino, you can take a dirt road down to a pier in the eastern 
end of that lake. Right at the end of that pier you will find Oyster 16.

You may as well stay in the water. Swim north past a bridge (and past the 
broken wooden bridge where you did a couple of unique jumps). At the next 
bridge, start looking for oyster 17.

Swim north until the river opens up into the ocean and follow the coastline to 
the east. It's quite a swim, but eventually you will reach Frederick Bridge 
(it's a train bridge). Look just north of the fourth bridge support (from the 
south) to find oyster 18.

Drive back south into the city; your next stop is Glen Park. Just walk into the 
lake to grab oyster 19.

All right, one more to go. Head back up to the Mulholland mansion where you 
stole the rhyme book (it's just southwest of your save point). On the second 
level deck is a pool, where you will find oyster 20.

And congratulations, you have now completed all the collectables in Los Santos. 
Whew! If you lost any muscle during all that swimming, hit the gym (lot's of 
swimming tends to get rid of fat pretty quickly, and once you run out of fat, 
you will actually start to lose muscle).

8-Track                                                       [GTASALSRCWALK44]
Map Icon - Trophy
Prereqs - 20% Driving Skill
Rewards - $10,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (14.97% Total)
Unlocks - Monster Truck and Hot-Ring Racer Spawn at Stadium

Drive over to the stadium and step into the red marker to start up this race. 
It's a simple figure 8 race. Unfortunately, the car you are using is apparently 
made of paper mache filled with Molotov cocktails, because it likes to catch 
fire and explode at the slightest bump. Also, the tires apparently have no 
traction treads on them and the course is covered with cooking oil, because the 
car loves to spin in random directions at the smallest provocation, usually 
leaving you facing backward (no, I'm not bitter at all, why do you ask?)

But with practice, this course does get easier. Also, as you drive around and 
around, your driving skill will go up, which helps to reduce the fishtailing 
the car will tend to do. The trick here is to lay off the accelerator going 
into the turns so that you stay off the walls (you'll never make it past lap 9 
if you're constantly hitting the walls). Don't worry too much about the other 
drivers; you can pass them without going full out. Take the inside tracks on 
the curves and you'll do fine.

The tricky thing is getting ahead of the pack. The other drivers will try to 
spin you out, and they tend to get in your way at the worst possible times. Do 
your best to get around them (use the maneuver with the tapping of the rear 
quarter panels to cause them to spin out where you can). I found once I got 
into first place, even with very careful driving to stay off the walls, I 
easily stayed ahead of the second place driver.

Just don't try to get into first place all at once or you're going to be eating 
a lot of wall. If you do catch on fire, bail out and sprint away so you don't 
get wasted. You'll fail the mission, but at least you'll be right back outside 
the stadium instead of all the way at the hospital, and you can just get back 
inside to try again.

Chances are you are going to fail this mission a lot of times until you get the 
hang of the course. Consider it driving skill practice. And you will get better 
at it. My second time through the game I beat the course on my third try (my 
first time through I must have run it thirty times).

Good luck. Remember to go save once you win the race.

Management Issues                                             [GTASALSRCWALK45]
Map Icon - OG [The OG Loc Strand]
Prereqs - Madd Dogg's Rhymes
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (15.51% Total)
Unlocks - House Party Mission

Back to the story line. Go see OG at work (you have to catch him between 12:00 
and 17:00). Seems he's a little upset. What else is new?

You're on a time limit, but it's a pretty generous one. There's really not too 
much to this mission. Ram the car to make the driver get out, and then steal 
his ride. There's a nearby Pay-n-Spray that you can use to fix things up, then 
get over to the meeting point. Once the manager gets in, lose the pursuit and 
head for the indicated pier. Gun it down the pier, and when you get close 
enough, hold down the Return key or the F key (it takes a second to bail, so 
don't cut it too close). Mission accomplished.

House Party                                                   [GTASALSRCWALK46]
Map Icon - OG [The OG Loc Strand]
Prereqs - Management Issues
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (16.04% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families), Silenced 9mm 
          Pistol unlocked at Ammu-Nation

Go see Loc at his job. Seems the party is on, but you probably have some time 
to kill. Take OG's advice and grab some new threads. You've already got the 
best stuff from Binco's, so head over to Prolaps (the best stuff there is 
probably the Mid-Top Sneakers and the sun glasses) and Suburban (in the 
northeast, the best things to get there are the Base 5 Hood for your torso, a 
Sliver Cuban chain, and a Face Black watch). You now have the best haircut and 
clothes in the game (that you have access to now anyway, there's better clothes 
available later on).

Now head back home and save (make sure to strap up and grab your armor if you 
need it, because things will soon get a bit hairy). When 10:00 hits (or any 
time after but before 06:00), head over to OG's place (the icon has moved to 
across the street, which is presumably his house).

Naturally, you have a few party crashers. I used the AK-47 for best effect. 
There are three waves of Ballas to take down (the second wave will be above you 
on the bridge, while the third wave will come at you from all sides).

Note that, although the Silenced 9mm Pistol is in fact now available at Ammu-
Nation, you can't actually go into the store to get it yet (unless you are 
doing an alternate order than what is presented here).

Firefighter Vehicle Mission                                   [GTASALSRCWALK47]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - CJ is fireproof
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (16.58% Total)
Unlocks - None

Before we go talk with the fine officers of the LSPD, there are a couple of 
things we need to do first.

Go into your kitchen and grab some Molotov cocktails, we need to summon a fire 
engine. Now go outside and toss one into the road so that a fire starts up. You 
may get a wanted level, but as long as you only have one star, it's not a big 
deal. When the fire truck shows up, steal it. Get a little distance (so that 
the original owners don't take your truck back) and hit the 2 key to start up 
the mission.

This is a very easy vehicle mission, just go the fire, press the left mouse 
button to shoot water, and aim with the mouse. When the people get out, hose 
them down as well. You get a cash bonus for every level you pass, which adds up 
pretty quickly (I made $13K for all 12 levels). 

Once you get through all 12 levels, you become fireproof. In the future, should 
you need the money, you can always redo the mission, since it's quick and easy 
and gives a lot of cash.

The fireproofing will be useful for the next story mission you do. But before 
we get there, let's take a bit of a detour and spend some of our newfound 

Buying Property, Part 2                                       [GTASALSRCWALK48]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - None
Rewards - New Save Points
Completion Percentage - 0.53% + 0.54 (17.65% Total)
Unlocks - None

At this point you should have built up quite a bit of cash (I'm going to 
presume you have at least $40K on hand, if not, run the firefighter mission 
another time). Let's go spend a bit of it on new properties.

Open up your map and take a look at the two properties to the southwest (one is 
near the boardwalk, and the other is just a bit to the west. Go ahead and buy 
both properties. The Santa Maria Beach house will cost you $30K, and it comes 
with a two car garage, a wardrobe, and a save icon. The Verona Beach property 
only costs you $10K, but it is missing a garage.

Burning Desire                                                [GTASALSRCWALK49]
Map Icon - C [The C.R.A.S.H. Strand]
Prereqs - Madd Dogg's Rhymes
Rewards - Denise Robinson
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (18.18% Total)
Unlocks - Gray Imports Mission, Doberman Mission, Denise Robinson Girlfriend

All right, let's go see what the three stooges want. Head into the donut shop 
and have a sit down with them. Now, for some reason, even though you have 
probably 300 Molotov cocktails from your kitchen, the game requires you go pick 
up this special set from the alley. Whatever, go get them.

Now drive over to the indicated Vagos house. Equip your AK-47 and take out any 
Vagos hanging around out front. Torch the place by throwing the cocktails 
through the window (remember, you're fireproof now, so you can stand right next 
to them and just toss in the bottles without fear of harm. Keep an eye out for 
Vagos as you get all of the windows.

Seems there's an innocent in the building, so I guess we ought to save her. 
Rush in and go upstairs (it can be a little hard to navigate with all the 
smoke, but you should eventually find the stairs. The girl is trapped behind 
the wall of flames. Too bad she's not fireproof like you. 

Run back downstairs and grab the extinguisher. Go back upstairs again and start 
putting out the flames. Lead her outside as the building is coming down around 
you. Once you get outside, she gives you a little somethin' somethn' for saving 
her. Now just drive her home. Congratulations, you have your first girlfriend, 

Sweet gives you a call around now. It sounds pretty urgent, but we'll leave him 
hanging for a while, while we take care of a few things.

Dating Denise Robinson - OPTIONAL                             [GTASALSRCWALK50]
Map Icon - Heart
Prereqs - Burning Desire
Rewards - Hustler Vehicle, Pimp Suit
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (18.18% Total)
Unlocks - None

You now have a girlfriend. Denise is available for dating any time between 
16:00 and 06:00 the next day, but you can only go on a date with her once per 
day. First off, let's get her a gift. There are some flowers nearby, so drive 
west from her place. Once you cross the train tracks, turn south and follow the 
road as it turns west. Before it turns back north again, you will see some 
houses to your right. Go into the second to last yard on the street to find 
some flowers.

Return back to your place and save until the correct time arrives. You also 
need a good car that raises your sex appeal. Fortunately, Ryder's car is pretty 
decent for this task, and it's readily available. We've already done as well as 
we can at the moment with your clothes, hair, and tattoos, so your sex appeal 
is about as high as it's going to get at the moment.

When you get to Denise's place, give her the flowers (equip them, stand near 
her, and hold down the tab key). This gives you a 1% bonus for the date. Don't 
kiss her until you get your relationship bar up to around 20% or so (it's a -1% 
penalty to kiss her too early, if she pushes you away or just stands there, you 
blew it. On the other hand, if you have enough on the relationship bar, kissing 
actually gives you a +1% bonus, you'll know when a kiss is successful because 
she'll return the affection).

Once you get the relationship bar to about 40%, Denise will invite you in for 
"coffee" (always reply yes, as this gives an extra 5% or 10% bonus to the 
dating bar [I think it's 10% for first coffee and 5% for subsequent coffees, 
but don't quote me on that]). When your bar reaches 50%, Denise will give you 
the keys to her car (a Hustler). At 100% Denise will buy you a Pimp suit (which 
gives you an even higher sex appeal and keeps your respect about what it was).

Denise's three types of dates are:
Food: She like the bar just around the corner (Ten Green Bottles), or you can 
      go to a fast food place. Don't use the formal sit-down places, she 
      doesn't like them.
Driving: Drive around the immediate neighborhood. Let her shoot at Ballas for 
         extra fun.
Dancing: You only have one choice, the Alhambra. Get around 4000 points to 
         knock her socks off (less points is adequate as well I think, you 
         don't seem to get any extra relationship percentage for higher 

Once you make it to 100% and get the suit, you can pretty much ignore Denise.

Gray Imports                                                  [GTASALSRCWALK51]
Map Icon - C [The C.R.A.S.H. Strand]
Prereqs - Burning Desire
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (18.72% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families)

Return to the doughnut shop to talk to the nice police officers. Looks like we 
have a meeting to bust up. Go get some armor if you need it, and make sure 
you've got ammo for you AK-47 and Tech9.

Crouch and go in shooting, these guys aren't in a talking mood. There's plenty 
of armor around, and even a health icon in the warehouse. Use the explosive 
barrels to your advantage.

When you get into the office, the head honcho makes a run for it. If you can't 
get him right away, chase him down (switch to the Tech9 so you can run faster). 
Take out the guards outside if you like, but don't let the Russian get away. 
When he gets into the car, hop on the bike and shoot until the thing explodes. 
Mission complete.

Doberman                                                      [GTASALSRCWALK52]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Burning Desire
Rewards - Respect (40), Money Icon on Grove Street
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (19.25% Total)
Unlocks - Los Sepulcros Mission, Ammu-Nation Shops [9mm Pistol, Tech-9, 
          Micro-SMG, Shotgun, Grenades, and Body Armor], Gang Wars

All right, armor up and grab all your weapons, then head over to the S icon 
(it's not in its usual place). The game gives you a few tips on Ammu-Nation. 
Get some ammo if you need it (you probably don't). Drive on over to Glen park 
and take it from the evil clutches of the Ballas. In between waves of Ballas 
(there will be three of them), armor and health icons will appear in random 
spots in the area. Grab them if you need them.

Once you take the territory, the head Balla makes a run for it (coward!). Shoot 
him down and it's mission accomplished. The reward for this one is a 
significant bump in respect, not to mention you now have a money icon right in 
front of the Johnson house.

Note that if you've done the guide in the order as presented, the Ammu-Nation 
shop will also have the SMG, Sawnoff Shotgun, and Silenced Pistol in stock in 
addition to the items listed above.

Turf Wars - OPTIONAL                                          [GTASALSRCWALK53]
Map Icon - Any non-green shaded territory
Prereqs - Doberman
Rewards - Respect, Money Added to Icon on Grove Street (amounts depend on 
          territories taken)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (19.25% Total)
Unlocks - None

Completing the Doberman mission opens up the possibility of doing turf wars. 
Basically, you simply go to any territory on the map that is not controlled by 
Grove Street (so either Balla (purple) or Vagos (yellow) territory), and while 
on foot, take down three enemy gang members. This triggers a gang war.

The idea is very similar to what happened in Doberman. Three waves of enemy 
will come at you with increasingly heavy weaponry. Health and armor icons will 
spawn in random places in the territory for you to grab. Defeat all three waves 
to claim the territory in the name of Grove Street. In most territories, you 
can take the area by yourself, but in the more dense populated sections (the 
darker shaded areas on the map), you may want to recruit a few homies to help 

From time to time, a Grove Street territory will come under attack. You must 
head to the affected area and defend it from the enemy. There will be only one 
wave in this situation.

Now, there is no requirement that you take over all the territories, or even 
any of them. There are a few good reasons to do so, but one very good reason 
not to, so if you work on this now or not is entirely a matter of personal 
preference. I took over Los Santos at this point, but that's just me (I happen 
to think the turf wars are a lot of fun).

The reasons to do the turf wars include: Very good money (gang members often 
drop a fair bit of cash, not to mention the more territory you control, the 
faster the money icon in front of the Johnson house goes up), practice with 
weapons (you can easily reach hitman level with several weapons going through 
the wars), no more annoying "our territory is under attack" messages (these 
will come up with very irritating frequency until you completely eliminate the 
enemy gangs in Los Santos), very good respect (taking over turf gives you an 
insane amount of respect), and finally you will no longer have to deal with the 
potshots taken at you from other gangs while doing missions.

The one extremely good reason to not do turf wars now (and this is a bit of a 
spoiler, but I think you need the warning before you invest several hours of 
time taking over Los Santos) is that shortly, you are going to lose all the 
territory in Los Santos (this is by game design), so all of your hard work will 
be for naught (well, except for the benefits I described in the last paragraph 
anyway). There is no way to get around this, even if you take over the entire 
city and remove all enemy gang presence, they will take it all back at a 
particular point in the game.

If you are going to do the turf wars to completion, be aware there are two 
territories that are kind of tough in that they are so small that it's hard to 
find enough enemies spawned to actually trigger the war. The first is the 
Jefferson Motel parking lot and the second is on the south side of Los Flores 
(immediately north of the end of the drainage culvert (and I mean right next to 
it, if you look at the street north of the culvert, there are little ledges 
over the culvert, stand in them. You could also actually go into the culvert, 
but it's hard to shoot at the enemy from down there)). The trick to these is to 
stand inside the territory you want to trigger and shoot any passing enemy you 
may see (even in cars). It makes no difference where the enemy dies; it only 
matters where you are standing as far as which territory triggers. So do those 
small areas before you do the surrounding ones or you'll have a very hard time 
with it.

Here are a couple of strategies that might be of use. One, your best weapons 
(at this point) are the AK-47 and the Molotov cocktail. Both are easy to get 
(they spawn in the Johnson house kitchen), and both are useful for taking down 
many enemy gang members. The second strategy is to use elevation. Climb onto 
rooftops (use cars to get up to them) preferably flat ones that are big enough 
to keep enemy fire from reaching you. From this vantage, pick off enemy as they 
converge with your AK-47 (use that right mouse button for precision aiming). 
For those that make it to where you are (they'll virtually be underneath you), 
send a cocktail their way. Don't be shy with the cocktails, remember you are 

Buying Property, Part 3                                       [GTASALSRCWALK54]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - None
Rewards - New Save Points
Completion Percentage - 0.54% + 0.53 + 0.54% (20.86% Total)
Unlocks - None

If you just did the turf wars to completion, you are rich (I had over $100K at 
this point), both from money dropped by ex-gang members and money collected 
from outside your house. If you didn't do the turf wars to completion (or did 
only part of them), what you need right now is $30K. Shouldn't be too hard; 
just do the firefighter or pimping missions a time or two.

We have three properties left available to us (Jefferson, El Corona, and 
Willowfield), and each costs only $10K apiece. The properties in Willowfield 
and Jefferson are studio apartments (exactly identical) which have a save icon 
and a wardrobe (no garages). The El Corona property is your best value, since 
you also get a two car garage for the same price.

The Ammu-Nation Challenge, Pistol and Micro-SMG               [GTASALSRCWALK55]
Map Icon - Gun
Prereqs - Doberman
Rewards - Bonus to Pistol and Micro-SMG Skills
Completion Percentage - 0.53% + 0.54% (21.93% Total)
Unlocks - None

Head to the Ammu-Nation store in Market (the other Ammu-Nations are too small 
to have a shooting range) and step into the red marker in the back (not to buy 
weapons from the merchant, the other red marker). This starts your weapon 
shooting challenge. There are four in all, but only two are open for you to do 
now, the pistol and micro-SMG. There are three stages, just follow the 

You really shouldn't have any problem winning these challenges. Your 
competitors are even worse shots than Ryder (who would have thought it 
possible!), at least for these first two rounds.

Despite popular belief, winning these challenges does not grant you automatic 
hitman level in pistol and micro-SMG. It does boost both skills significantly, 
though (about 200 points worth out of 1000)

Los Sepulcros                                                 [GTASALSRCWALK56]
Map Icon - S [The Sweet Strand]
Prereqs - Doberman, 10% Respect
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (22.46% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required to complete Reuniting the Families)

Make sure to recharge your armor, have full heath, and be fully strapped before 
starting this mission. You can only start the mission between 09:00 and 17:00, 
so hit the save point a couple of times if you need to.

Recruit a couple of gang member (aim at them with the right mouse button and 
press the G key). You have a timer to get to the cemetery, so don't waste any 
time (if you know the freeway pretty well, you can use it to get there in 
plenty of time, if you don't I would stay away from it and just use the side 

Once there, take down the enemy forces, but keep an eye on your target and 
don't let him get away. Once he is down, finish clearing out the area, and then 
take Sweet back home, mission accomplished.

If you've done the guide in order, this is the final mission (of 6) required 
for opening up the Reuniting the Families mission. If so, the S icon will 
reappear in its normal place. If not, you've missed something, so open up your 
map and go do whatever mission is still pending.

Go Go Space Monkey (Video Game 3) - OPTIONAL                  [GTASALSRCWALK57]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - High Score
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (22.46% Total)
Unlocks - None 

We're going to be leaving Los Santos soon, and before we do, it's a good time 
to see a few of the sights. All of these things are optional, so if you're not 
interested, you can skip down to Reuniting the Families, below.

From your place drive west down the street a couple of blocks until you see The 
Ten Green Bottles (where you take Denise on food dates), and go inside, there's 
a couple of interesting things to see in here.

First, we'll take a look at the video games, which are both on the left side of 
the bar (as you come in). 

The first game is Go Go Space Monkey, a side scrolling shooter. If you manage 
to take out an entire wave of enemy, a bonus icon will appear. Catch the icon 
to increase your firepower (there are four, and each gives you a slightly 
stronger punch).

Let's Get Ready to Bumble (Video Game 4) - OPTIONAL           [GTASALSRCWALK58]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - High Score
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (22.46% Total)
Unlocks - None 

The other game in the bar is this one. Hold down the space bar to flap your 
wings, and use the WASD keys to move around. Avoid the spiny bushes and grab 
all the flowers in the time allowed.

Pool                                                          [GTASALSRCWALK59]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Money (amount depends on bet)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (22.46% Total)
Unlocks - None 

Also in the Ten Green Bottles bar are a few pool tables. Next to one is a man 
whom you can challenge to a game of pool. You can bet anywhere from $50 to 
$1000 (on this particular table), and standard barroom 8 ball rules apply.

Other Bars and Strip Clubs                                    [GTASALSRCWALK60]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (22.46% Total)
Unlocks - None

There are three clubs of interest in Los Santos. While the bars and strip clubs 
don't appear as icons on your map (unless you are on a date), they are marked 
on the paper map that came with your game. We've already visited the Ten Green 
Bottles, so let's go check out the other two.

To the north of your house (in Los Flores) is the Pig Pen, a strip club. 
Despite what it says on the sign out front, the girls are not totally nude (or 
even partially nude). There are (usually) two dancers on separate stages. Throw 
them twenties to have them perform special moves for you. You can also go into 
the back for a private dance for $100.

In Little Mexico, you will find the Alhambra, a dance club. There is the usual 
assortment of video games in here, and you can do the dance challenge if you're 
bored and have nothing else to do (I find the dancing quite a bit harder when 
you do it for fun than when you are on a date, and can only manage about around 
2500 points or so).

Reuniting the Families                                        [GTASALSRCWALK61]
Map Icon - S [Los Santos Finale]
Prereqs - Gray Imports, Robbing Uncle Sam, Just Business, High Stakes, Low 
          Rider, House Party, and Los Sepulcros
Rewards - Respect (15)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (22.99% Total)
Unlocks - The Green Sabre

All right, if you've done all the required missions, Sweet has set up a meet 
with all the former Grove Street families. Drive the homies over to the 
Jefferson Motel.

Naturally enough, things don't go as planned. Don't bother with a protracted 
gunfight in the parking lot (unless you really enjoy a challenge), just run 
into the hotel lobby. Note the Sprunk machine here, which you can use to fill 
up your health bar.

Work your way through the hotel (when they appear, follow the girls into their 
room for a small health boost) until you come across Sweet. Now it's time to 
shoot down the helicopter, and then follow Sweet down to street level, where 
the guys will pick you up. Once again we have a running battle, just shoot down 
the cars and motorcycles, following Smokes verbal cues.

Once the gun jams, you're essentially done. Watch the cut scene (be amused by 
the new billboard slogan) and head for a save point.

The Green Sabre                                               [GTASALSRCWALK62]
Map Icon - S [Los Santos Finale]
Prereqs - Reuniting the Families
Rewards - Respect (15)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (23.53% Total)
Unlocks - Badlands, Zip Clothing

Make sure to be fully armed and armored before starting up this mission (also, 
pick up any money built up in front of your house). There's really nothing very 
tricky about this one. Once you're done talking with Cesar, make a dash for 
your brother, then start picking off the Ballas (as usual, I found the AK-47 to 
be an exemplary weapon for this task).

Once you're done, things take a pretty nasty turn. There's nothing you can do 
about it, so just sit back and watch how it turns out. When you are dumped in 
Angel Pine, go to the save icon (it's right next to the C icon) and save the 

And with that, we've officially come to the end of the first section of the 
game. Let's take stock of where you should be at right now.

H6. Taking Stock                                            [GTASALSRCSTOCKTOP]

Check your stats. You should have the following values (these are only the ones 
that apply to what we've done so far, you will have more, but they're not 
particularly important at the moment).

Player                                                       [GTASALSRCSTOCK01]
Stamina - Full Bar
Muscle - Full Bar
Current Number of Girlfriends - 1
Luck - 0

Money                                                        [GTASALSRCSTOCK02]
Property Budget - $190,000
Money Made from Burglary - $10,000 (or higher)

Weapons                                                      [GTASALSRCSTOCK03]
Pistol Skill - 200 (or higher)
Micro-SMG Skill - 200 (or higher)

Crimes                                                       [GTASALSRCSTOCK04]
Various statistics, none of which are important

Gangs                                                        [GTASALSRCSTOCK05]
Territory Under Control - 0
Biggest Gang - Ballas (40)
2nd Biggest Gang - Los Santos Vagos (13)
3rd Biggest Gang - Grove Street Families (0)

What?!?! This is the point where you lose your territories (if you did the Turf 
Wars, you've now lost all that work). It's just part of the game, don't worry 
about it, you'll get them back later (and it'll be much easier the second time 

Achievement                                                  [GTASALSRCSTOCK06]
Unique Jumps Found - 33 out of 70
Unique Jumps Done - 33 out of 70
Tags Sprayed - 100 out of 100
Snapshots Taken - 0 out of 50
Oysters Collected - 20 out of 50
Horseshoes Collected - 0 out of 50

Mission                                                      [GTASALSRCSTOCK07]
Missions Passed - 34
Highest Firefighter Mission Level - 12
Highest Paramedic Mission Level - 12
Passengers Dropped Off - 50 (or higher)
Pimping Level - 10
Packages Delivered - 19
Best Position in 8 Track - 1
Shooting Range Levels Passed - 6 out of 12
Best Position in Low Rider Race - 1

Misc                                                         [GTASALSRCSTOCK08]
Progress Made - 23.53%

| I. The Badlands and San Fiero |                                [GTASABDSFTOP]

I1. City Overview                                                 [GTASABDSFOV]

You'll begin in the Badlands, which consists of Flint County to the east and 
Whetstone County to the west. Whetstone County is dominated by Mount Chiliad, 
and is also where you will find Angel Pine. There is a whole lot of nothing in 
Flint County.

North of these two counties you will find Foster Valley (home of the San Fierro 
Mall). To the northeast of the mall is the Easter Bay Airport, and directly 
west of the airport you will find the San Fierro stadium.

The city itself is fairly compact. The downtown and financial district are on 
the east side of the city, while Calton Heights, Juniper Hill, Paradiso, and 
Juniper Hollow are on the northwest side, and are characterized by very hilly 
roads. South of these areas you will find City Hall. On the southwest side of 
the city is Hashbury and Garcia.

The Avispa Country Club is on the southern end of the city, and just south of 
the club you will find Missionary Hill, where a broadcasting tower can be 

The entire city is surrounded by docks, most of which are freely accessible to 
the public. However, Easter Basin, to the east, is a naval base and off limits 
to civilians. Three major bridges are considered city landmarks, and include 
Gant Bridge, to the north, Garver Bridge, on the eastern side, and the Kincaid 
Bridge (which is a rail bridge next to Garver).

I2. 100% Completion List                                         [GTASABDSF100]

Here are the things we will be doing in The Badlands and San Fiero that are 
required for the 100% completion score:

Story Missions: From "Badlands" (Badlands) to "Puncture Wounds" (The Steal Cars 
Complete the Chilliad Challenge.
Complete the Hippy Shopper Courier Asset Mission.
Complete the Zero's RC Shop Asset Missions.
Take Photo Op Pictures (47 out of 50).
Collect Oysters (14 out of 50).
Complete Exports Boards (3 boards).
Complete the NRG-500 Challenge. 
Obtain at least all Bronze Medals in Driving School (12 challenges).
The third Challenge at Ammu-Nation.
Complete the Blood Bowl Challenge.
Complete the Valet Parking Challenge.
Complete the Trucking Vehicle Missions.
Purchase (or otherwise obtain) ten available save points.
Learn new moves at the gym.

I3. Other Activities                                           [GTASABDSFOTHER]

These are the things we will be doing in Los Santos and Red County that don't 
contribute to the 100% completion score. We will do them for the sake of 
completeness. Some of them impart game play benefits, while others are just for 

Unique Jumps (17 out of 70).
Girlfriends (Helena Goodpoke, Michele Cannes, Katie Nookie).
Big Smoke's Cash Mission.
Yay Courier Mission.
Beefy Baron.

I4. Dramatis Personae                                             [GTASABDSFDP]

(In order of appearance)
Carl Johnson (CJ) - This is your character, still.
Officer Frank Tenpenny 
Officer Eddie Polaski   > Police officers; once again, they start things off.
Officer Hernandez      /
Helena Goodpoke - A girlfriend.
Cesar Vialpando - Your sister's boyfriend.
Kendl Johnson - Your sister.
Catalina - An interesting woman you meet.
The Truth - Hippy guy, reminds me of Tommy Chong.
Wu Zi Mu - An interesting man you meet.
Jethro - An employee.
Dwaine - An employee.
Zero - A shop owner.
Michele Cannes - A girlfriend.
Jizzy B - A club owner and member of the Syndicate.
T-Bone Mendez - A member of the Syndicate.
Mike Toreno - A leader in the Syndicate.
Katie Nookie - A girlfriend.

I5. Walkthrough                                              [GTASABDSFWALKTOP]

The Chiliad Challenge                                         [GTASABDSFWALK01]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (24.06% Total)
Unlocks - None

Unfortunately, you have been disarmed except for a camera, so don't get into 
any fights just now. There is a red marker here in front of your save point 
(which leads to the first C.R.A.S.H. mission, but we'll save it for a bit 
whilst we go and take care of the mountain).

Look to the northwest, you should see the Chiliad Mountain (you can hardly miss 
it). Drive west out of the city and take a short jag south when you hit the t-
intersection. To your left will be the entrance to mountain path (you should 
see a trailer and a series of fabric barriers that serve as the end point for 
the races you are about to run).

Near the trailer, grab a Sanchez motorcycle and head up the mountain (the 
easiest way is to go up path that leads to the series of switchbacks). It takes 
about 2 to 3 minutes (2 to 3 hours game time) to get up this mountain to the 
top. When you reach the top, you will see a mountain bike parked at the 
beginning of the path. Get on this bike (any time between 07:00 and 18:00) to 
start the first race.

Note that it is possible to cheat by getting off of your bike at the end and 
shooting the competition after all of them have crossed the finish line (but 
before you do). All of your competitors must have already crossed or you will 
be disqualified. Once they are all dead, cross over the line to win the race. 
But seriously, don't do this unless you are really pulling out your hair. At 
the very least, wait until your bike skill is maxed (from driving back up the 

At the end of each race, you will be on the Mountain bike. Get off of it and 
get a new Sanchez to go back up to the top. This will help increase your bike 
skill (which will be useful later on). There are three races you have to win.

Scratch Bonnet Yellow Route - This race goes down pretty much the exact way you 
came up the mountain. You'll be racing against five other competitors in this 
one. The trick is to take it fairly easy. Cut the corners where you can, and be 
careful not to fall over the edge. If you do, the game will put you back on the 
trail, but you'll probably have lost some time. The competitors tend to pile up 
at the beginning, so if you can avoid them, you'll be in good shape (second or 
third place) right from the start. The other racers don't go particularly fast, 
so you should have no problem getting ahead of them as long as you don't wipe 
out yourself. You should sprint on the straightaway at the end of the race 
(coming at the finish line) if necessary to get ahead of anyone in front of 
you. This race takes about 2 minutes (2 hours), so you can do it about three 
times a day. If you end up past 18:00, run back to the save point and save 
(don't reload, you want to get your bike skill up). Remember to use that 
Sanchez to get back up the hill.

Birdseye Winder Yellow Route - This race starts out the same as the previous 
one, and there are the same number of racers. However, pretty soon it diverges 
from the last track. In this race, your competition moves a bit faster, so they 
may pass you if you don't sprint. Don't let it worry you too much; you have two 
places to make up ground. There is a very long straight path that goes through 
some woods (and past a cabin on your right, which we'll come back to later in 
the game). At the end, past the last hairpin turn, is another straightaway to 
the finish line (this is the same ending stretch from the last race). On these 
two straight-aways, you should be sprinting to pass anyone ahead of you. Just 
be careful after the first one, as there are a fairly tricky couple of turns at 
the end of it.

Cobra Run - I found this race to actually be the easiest of the three courses. 
For this one, there are only two competitors to race against. At first, it may 
seem impossible, since you have to stay on a very narrow boardwalk. But in 
fact, there's nothing to it. When you fall off the boardwalk (and you almost 
certainly will), don't bother to get back on, just bunny hop under the markers 
to trigger them, and continue downward. Your competition takes this race very 
slowly (they crash a lot in the rocks, although they don't seem to have any 
problems with the narrow path), so even if you have issues falling off your 
bike, keep going and you may catch up. After going through the hole in the 
rock, it's a pretty straight shot to the finish line, so gun it.

Once you've finished all three races, sit back and enjoy the fact that you've 
completed one of the more annoying challenges in the game (but not the hardest 
one, that distinction goes to the NRG-500 challenge, which we'll come to 

Dating Helena GoodPoke - OPTIONAL                             [GTASABDSFWALK02]
Map Icon - Heart
Prereqs - Burning Desire
Rewards - Bandito Vehicle, Rural Outfit
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (24.06% Total)
Unlocks - None

You'll find Helena on the rooftop of the Ammu-Nation in Blueberry, practicing 
with a pistol. Before she'll agree to see you, you have to lose all of your fat 
and most of your muscle. The easiest way to do this is to simply not eat (or 
save or be wasted or be busted, as all of them reset your hunger level). When 
your muscle gets down to about 40% or so, grab a car that gives you a good 
boost to your sex appeal and approach Helena. Once she agrees to go out with 
you, run over to the pizza place around the corner and get some food to stop 
your muscle loss. Then it's off to Flint County to start building up her 
relationship bar. The dirt path to her house starts across the street from the 
truck icon (where you get the trucking missions from).

Helena is available for dates during odd hours. You can find her at home from 
00:00 to 02:00, from 08:00 to 12:00, and from 14:00 to 24:00.

Helena is probably the most difficult girlfriend in the entire game for two 
reasons. One, if she asks for a dancing date, there just isn't anything close. 
It's about equal distance to the club in either San Fierro or Los Santos (I 
prefer the one in Los Santos; it seems a bit easier to get to). The second 
reason Helena is a pain is that she won't invite you in for coffee until her 
relationship bar is up to 70%! This means the best you can do with Helena on 
any given date is 7% (gift, kiss, and successful date) until you are 
practically done with her. (And this doesn't even take into account you had to 
undo all your hard gym work just to get her to agree to see you in the first 
place). And for all this, the rewards you get from Helena are of questionable 
use. Still, she's part of the game, so here we are.

There is a safe house nearby in Los Santos (just follow the road from the truck 
icon south past the loop-de-loops (which is Flint Intersection), and over the 
bridge). When you are going to (or coming from) Helena's house, make a slight 
detour to the top of Flint Intersection, where you will find flowers (they are 
in the median, right at the point where the road splits). 

For driving dates, take it pretty slow; Helena is not a speed freak. For 
dining, she likes the fancy restaurants (the ones with the fork and knife 
icon). There is a convenient one just across the bridge in Los Santos (in the 
Rodeo district) that works pretty well.

When you are done with Helena, make sure to rebuild up all that muscle you 
lost. Near the safe house you've been using is a gym (it's not marked on the 
map, but you will find it on the east side of the beach, past the boardwalk), 
or use the one in San Fierro. Don't do this while you are dating her, you have 
to keep your below average build intact to take her out.

Badlands                                                      [GTASABDSFWALK03]
Map Icon - C [Badlands]
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (24.60% Total)
Unlocks - First Date

All right, let's go do Tenpenny's little errand. Before we start it up, we will 
need a new AK-47. Fortunately, there's one available for our use. From your 
save marker, leave the town going northwest, then turn right (to go northeast) 
at the t-junction. When you get over the next bridge in Whetstone, take the 
next left. Follow the road to the next right and take that so that you are 
traveling north. You should end up on a freeway. Watch for the round buildings 
on the left. Just in front of them is a mall (it's the white building with a 
glass roof in the center covering a walkway), you need to get down to that mall 
(however you want) and drive along its western side. In one of the alcoves 
behind a rock, you'll find a shiny new AK-47. Before you start up the mission, 
you may want to run to the Ammu-Nation (there's one near your home base) and 
grab some ammo for a micro-SMG (so you can shoot from a motorcycle).

Drive back to the trailer park and step into the red marker near your save 
point. The game will give you some instructions on using the camera as you make 
your way up Chiliad Mountain (don't worry, you don't need to go all the way up, 
we're just going to that cabin we passed on the way down during the Cobra Run 
race). Take a Sanchez (or equivalent) to get up the mountain. When you get 
close, hop off the bike and get close using the trees for cover. Use your AK-47 
to take down the FBI agents and quickly run up to grab their guns (if you don't 
already have enough micro-SMG ammo). Hop on the nearest bike to give chase to 
the snitch. Be careful, you don't want to blow up his car, just shoot it enough 
to catch it on fire so he has to bail.

Once you get him out of the car, shoot him dead, and then get a picture. Return 
the picture to the drop off point to get the mission accomplished message. In a 
bit, Cesar will call you, which opens up the next mission. You will also get a 
call from your brother, but it doesn't open anything (he's just checking in).

Photo Ops, Part 1                                             [GTASABDSFWALK04]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - $100 per shot ($2,600 this set)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (24.60% Total)
Unlocks - None

We've been introduced to the camera, so let's get a few shots. First off, we 
may need to acquire a camera (you probably have a few shots from the camera 
that Tenpenny gave you, but just in case you need more, I'll give you 

Remember the AK-47 we got for the last mission? There is also a camera not too 
far from it. Just to the south of the mall are a couple of office buildings. 
The eastern one has a loading dock where you will find a camera worth 50 shots. 
Between that and the film you already had, you should have plenty to get 
started. We'll pick up another camera along the way.

Get out your snapshots map. A quick note about the snapshot icons. You can only 
see them through the viewfinder of your camera (press and hold the right mouse 
button while your camera is equipped to look through the viewfinder). If you 
are pointed in the right direction, you will see the purple spinning icon. Zoom 
in or out (using the mouse wheel) until the icon just fits in the center circle 
of the viewfinder and you'll be at the right magnification to take the shot. 
The snapshot icons can be seen (sort of) during the night as a purple glow, but 
they're hard to make out unless you already know where they are.

Once again, we'll do the photo ops in the order they are presented on the map. 
The first icon (#1) is on the bridge between Red County and the Panopticon 
(just east of the Easter Bay Airport and just north of Easter Bay Chemicals). 
Point the camera at the center of the bridge, a bit above it.

Photo Op 2 is easy. Head for the entrance to the Easter Bay Airport and stop 
when you see the sign with the airplane. The sign is your next photo (you have 
to zoom in on it pretty far to get the icon the correct size).

For Photo Ops 3 and 4, you need to get onto the tarmac of the Easter Bay 
Airport. There are a few ways to do this (you could get a Packer and jump the 
fence, or jump across from the Panopticon the way you did for the unique jump 
(there are easier places to jump from that side that the unique jump point)). 
Once you are on the tarmac, look between two of the fuel tanks on the eastern 
side of the airport for #3, and you'll find #4 at the top of the air traffic 
control tower, which you can snap from ground level at maximum zoom.

For Photo 5, go to the mall. The picture icon is on the north side just above 
the glass roof. You can't get #6 right now, so ignore it. For Photo 7, go back 
up to the top of Missionary Hill, you'll find the icon next to the red and 
white broadcasting tower, about halfway up. In the parking lot in front of the 
building you will find another camera tucked into a corner. You may as well 
grab it while we're here.

Drive down to the far southwestern bridge (it connects Mount Chilliad with 
Missionary Hill). Park just north of the bridge and look out over the top to 
catch Photo Op 8. Drive back north again (and get off the freeway on your first 
left) until you see a church-like building on your right. This is the Avispa 
Country Club. Turn into the club and point your camera at the tower to get shot 
#9. Shot #10 is very close, just drive over to the tennis courts and look above 

Drive north out of the country club and straight into an alley. You'll pass 
some flowers and a police bribe. At the north end of the alley you'll find a 
white building with a spire. Look at the base of the spire for Photo 11. The 
next Photo Op (#12) is across the street to the east, next to a telephone pole.

Go east a couple of blocks and look for the block with the Burger Shot and the 
Gym. On the north side of the block is a construction site. The sign for the 
contractors (Final Build Construction) is your Photo Op 13. Now go a block west 
and a block north and look for a banner that crosses the street (Hashberry & 
Garcia Joint Festival) for Photo Op 14.

Drive west another block or so until you see the Hippy Shopper to your right 
(more on this store later). In front of the store you will find Photo Op 15. 
Drive a block north to reach the Queens Theater (the Wizard of Ass is playing) 
and you'll find Photo Op 16.

From the theater, drive east and go to the red house icon to your northeast. 
The sign in front of the building is your Photo Op 17. To find Photo Op 18, go 
around to the back of the hotel and look up a few floors.

Drive west from here until you reach the thick square roads (on the map), which 
is the city hall area. Photo op 19 is on the building on the west side of the 
thick roads. Now just go around to the back of that same building and look up 
at the dome for Photo Op 20.

Drive north from city hall square to your second right. When you reach the 
point that is almost directly north of your red house icon (where you took 
Photo 17), you will see a brick structure with a huge round chimney. Look above 
the chimney to catch Photo Op 21. Now drive another block east and look for a 
Chinese style building to your left for Photo Op 22.

Now drive north one block (there's another red house icon here) until you see a 
Chinese arch. Photo Op 23 is just above it. From the arch, drive west through 
an alley. You'll come out in front of a Supa-Save. Pull into the parking lot 
and look for Photo Op 24 above the front door.

From the Supa-Save, drive west. As you come to another red house icon, look for 
a big donut sign, where you will find Photo Op 25. Now check your map. East and 
slightly north of your current position is a Burger Shot. Photo Op 26 is a 
picture of the giant burger.

Now drive north and west to the Gant Bridge (it looks remarkably similar to the 
Golden Gate bridge). The bridge is closed, but you can go past the tollbooths 
to the first support tower. Look up to the second crossbeam to find Photo Op 

Congratulations, that's over half of the snapshots you can take in the game. Go 
ahead and return to your save point, we'll take a break from them for now.

Blood Bowl                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK05]
Map Icon - Trophy
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - $10,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (25.13% Total)
Unlocks - Bloodring Banger Spawn at Foster Valley Stadium

Drive up to San Fierro to the stadium (just west of the airport). This is 
actually not all that tough a challenge. Your job is to collect markers (which 
increases your time by 15 seconds each). If your time reaches zero, you lose. 
If your time reaches one minute, you win.

Concentrate more on collecting markers than on taking out the enemy cars, and 
let your gunner worry about the other cars.

Buying Property, Part 1                                       [GTASABDSFWALK06]
Map Icon - Green House Icon
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% + 0.53% + 0.54% (26.74% Total)
Unlocks - New Save Points

We're shortly going to go talk to our new contact (the one at the ? icon), but 
it's a long drive over to Red County from where we're at, so once we get there, 
let's just go ahead and buy the three properties that are available to us 
(you'll notice they became available once you went into Flint County for some 

The Dillimore property costs $40,000, and comes with a two car garage, a 
wardrobe, and a save icon. The identical property (except without the garage) 
in Blueberry will only cost you $10,000. Finally, the property in Palomino 
Creek will set you back $35,0000, but it does come with a two car garage. All 
three of these properties have the exact same interior layout (CJ must really 
like that style).

Hopefully you had $85,000 to lay down on new save points. If not, you should be 
pretty close, so run a couple a vehicle missions of your choice to get the cash 
you need.

First Date                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK07]
Map Icon - ? [Badlands]
Prereqs - Badlands
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (26.74% Total)
Unlocks - Tanker Commander, Against All Odds, Local Liquor Store, or Small Town 
          Bank Mission

This is not much more than a cut scene mission. Meet up with the Cesar's cousin 
and hightail it out of the area. After a brief conversation, you are given the 
choice of four targets. We'll eventually do all four. I like to start farthest 
out and work my way inward, so I picked the one in Palomino Creek to do first, 
which is robbing the Small Town Bank.

Small Town Bank                                               [GTASABDSFWALK08]
Map Icon - ? [Badlands]
Prereqs - First Date
Rewards - $10,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (27.27% Total)
Unlocks - Body Harvest Mission

Hold the people in the bank at gunpoint. Eventually an alarm goes off, so blow 
the ATMs and fight your way out of there. It's a quick motorbike ride before 
Catalina is thrown. Be chivalrous and rescue her, then head for the hideout. 
Overall it's a pretty simple mission. You get a cool 10K for your troubles, not 
bad for a few minutes of work.

After the mission, you'll get a call from a new contact that calls himself "The 
Truth". He sounds a lot like Tommy Chong to me.

The Ammu-Nation Challenge, Shotgun                            [GTASABDSFWALK09]
Map Icon - Gun
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - Bonus to Shotgun Skill
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (27.81% Total)
Unlocks - None

Head for the Ammu-Nation in San Fiero city (it's a fairly long drive from Red 
County, but we're heading back over there anyway for the next mission).

Similarly to your previous Ammu-Nation challenge, you'll be taking on your 
competitors with a shotgun. Unfortunately, you do have to redo the pistol and 
micro-SMG challenges first, but this should be no problem for you.

Once again, this should pose no particular problem, although it is certainly 
harder than the first two. The tricky bit comes with the third part of the 
challenge. With a shotgun, you don't generally miss, so it's a real competition 
to get the targets on the dummy before your opponents do. Even so, this should 
not be difficult.

Before you leave stock up on SMG or micro-SMG ammo and some body armor, you'll 
need them in your next mission.

Body Harvest                                                  [GTASABDSFWALK10]
Map Icon - TT [Badlands]
Prereqs - First Date
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (28.34% Total)
Unlocks - King in Exile Mission, Rifle unlocked at Ammu-Nation

Head for the TT icon and get the great news as to whom you're working for and 
why. Drive over to the cult location and get ready (I recommend a motorcycle 
for the ability to shoot straight ahead). Your best bet is to not try to take 
on everyone on the way in. Just buzz past them north to the wall, take a left 
to the end where there's a gap, and get into the field.

Once you're in the field, make passes with your machine gun to take down the 
cultists, especially the ones on tractors. Grab the combine when you're ready 
and head for the exit. A bunch more cultists will get in your way, but just run 
them down and turn them into mulch (hence the name of the mission). At the main 
road, take a left, and then your next right onto a dirt track to get back to 
Truth's farm. A truck will be in pursuit, but he can't do much harm to you. 
Push him off the cliff to get him out of your hair. Once you have parked the 
combine in the barn, it's another mission accomplished. Cesar will give you a 
call that opens up the next mission.

The Rifle is now available for purchase at Ammu-Nation. If you are doing the 
guide in the order presented, the Remote Explosives will also now be available 
(the latter actually unlock with the "Against All Odds" mission, but unlocking 
the Rifle over-rides this requirement).

King in Exile                                                 [GTASABDSFWALK11]
Map Icon - CV [Badlands]
Prereqs - Body Harvest
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (28.34% Total)
Unlocks - First Base Mission

This is just a cut scene mission. Things don't seem well back in Los Santos, 
but you have other things on your plate at the moment.

First Base                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK12]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - King in Exile
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (28.34% Total)
Unlocks - Tanker Commander, Against All Odds, Local Liquor Store, or Small Town 
          Bank Missions

It's a long haul from the trailer park back to Catalina's place. Fortunately, 
her place is now also a save point (hey, a free property), so once you get 
there, be sure to save the game. Once again, this is just a cut scene mission, 
and once it's over, you have a choice of three robberies you can do. All of 
them are pretty close; so let's do the one in Montgomery.

Against All Odds                                              [GTASABDSFWALK13]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - First Base
Rewards - $2,000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (28.88% Total)
Unlocks - Gone Courting Mission, Wu Zi Mu Mission, Remote Explosives unlocked 
          at Ammu-Nation

Not a whole heck of a lot to this mission. It's a short drive over to the 
inside track betting place. Blow the back door, then blow the safe. Then make a 
quick dash to the nearest Pay-n-Spray to lose your wanted level. After that, 
it's a nice leisurely drive back to the hideout. Nothing to it.

Cesar gives you a call once the mission ends and offers some racing 
opportunities. We'll get back to that.

The Remote Explosives are now available for purchase at Ammu-Nation. If you 
have been doing this guide in order, they may have already been unlocked when 
you did Body Harvest.

Gone Courting                                                 [GTASABDSFWALK14]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - First Base
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (28.88% Total)
Unlocks - Tanker Commander, Against All Odds, Local Liquor Store, or Small Town 
          Bank Missions

We're standing right here, and it seems Catalina is ready for another mission, 
so go ahead and enter the marker. After an, um, interesting cut scene, it's 
time to pick one of our last two robbery missions. Let's go over to Dillimore.

Tanker Commander                                              [GTASABDSFWALK15]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - Gone Courting
Rewards - $5,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - Made in Heaven, Trucking Vehicle Mission

Back slowly into the trailer to hook it up to the cab. Now open the big map and 
plan out your route. With the white car shooting at you, you need to take the 
shortest route to get there in one piece. If the car becomes too big of a 
nuisance, push him off the first bridge. Once you get to the truck yard, it's 
mission accomplished.

After a bit, Catalina calls and "requests" your presence. But she's left us all 
the way in Flint County right in front of a mission marker, so she can just 

Big Smoke's Cash - OPTIONAL                                   [GTASABDSFWALK16]
Map Icon - Red Blip [Courier]
Prereqs - Tanker Commander (or whatever you chose as the third Catalina 
Rewards - Up to $1,800
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - None

After the third Catalina mission, Cesar will start calling you about the 
deliveries (he'll call four times a week, in fact, but for this one he calls on 
Mondays and Fridays). If you feel like making a bit of extra cash, go track 
down the courier (red blip on the map) and ram him. Each ram causes him to drop 
a bit of cash, which you can catch for $300 each. These aren't required, so 
don't get too crazy with them unless you really need the money.

The calls will keep coming twice a week even if you do this mission (at least 
for a while, they do eventually stop after a particular part of the game).

Yay Courier - OPTIONAL                                        [GTASABDSFWALK17]
Map Icon - Red Blip [Courier]
Prereqs - Tanker Commander (or whatever you chose as the third Catalina 
Rewards - Up to $2,000
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - None

The other two times a week that Cesar calls (Wednesdays and Saturdays) will be 
about the yay courier, which is a backpack full of drugs carried by someone on 
a motorbike. Track him down on your own bike (or whatever you prefer, but a 
bike is best as it goes well cross country and you can shoot straight ahead 
with it). Once you take down the courier, the backpack he was carrying is worth 
as much as $2,000. Once again, these tasks aren't required, so feel free to 
ignore it if you like.

Like the other half of the drug deal, these calls will come in from Cesar twice 
a week whether you do the mission or not.

Trucking Vehicle Mission, Part 1                              [GTASABDSFWALK18]
Map Icon - Truck
Prereqs - Tanker Commander
Rewards - Up to $16,500
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - None

We are standing at the marker for the trucking missions, so let's get started. 
There are eight in total, but you can only do the fist six right now. Take it 
easy with the truck; you don't want to lose the trailer. If the trailer should 
come off, you have one minute to reconnect it. The key with these missions is 
to use the big map to plan where you want to go. There is nothing worse than 
getting lost in a semi truck. There are three types of missions:

Timed - You have until a certain time of the day to get your trailer to a 
particular place. Take it easy, but keep moving toward your target. Generally 
the time limits are pretty generous.

Fragile Goods - There is no time limit here, you just have to avoid hitting 
other cars. This is a very simple mission, just go very slow and watch out for 
the traffic (as usual, the other drivers can be unpredictable at times, so you 
may have the occasional unavoidable collision).

Illegal Goods - This is the only one that really presents any sort of 
challenge, because the cops will be a constant pain in the butt. Concentrate on 
getting to your destination and brush off the police (off cliffs, into poles, 
whatever) when you see the opportunity.

When you've finished six missions, you are done for now (the marker for the 
seventh will appear, but the game won't let you start it until you unlock Las 

Photo Ops, Part 2                                             [GTASABDSFWALK19]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - $100 per shot ($2,100 this set)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - None

Grab a camera or two if you need it and drive to the far northeast side of San 
Fierro, where the docks are, we're going to finish up the remaining Photo Ops 
that we can get at. We actually left off on #28, but we can't get to that one 
at the moment, so we're going to start with #29.

To start off, look for the dock that is jutting off to the northwest. Parked 
next to it is a submarine (the USS Numnutz). Your picture (#29) is on the conn 
tower of the sub.

Just to the southeast (near the pizza joint) is a sign for Pier 69, which is 
Photo #30. On the east side of the pier is an interestingly shaped rock 
formation. That rock will be your Photo 31.

From pier 69 there is a road that goes southwest and then curves south. Take 
this road and then make your second left. To your right is a skyscraper, and 
Photo 32 is about half way up the northern side of this building. From the 
skyscraper drive west until you reach the beginning of a tunnel. Stop there and 
take a photo of the tree above the tunnel to catch Photo Op 33.

If you look at the map directly south of where you are you should see a very 
windy street that looks a lot like Lombard Street (note that I'm going to refer 
to this street quite a bit since it's an easy landmark to find, and I'll 
usually call in Lombard Street, even though in game it doesn't really have a 
name). Photo Op 34 can be found in the center of Lombard Street. A block to the 
east (on the north side of the street) is a statue that serves as Photo Op 35.

Continue another block east. When you pass the pizza joint to your left, look 
south for another tall skyscraper. Photo Op 36 is on the top of this 
skyscraper. You can get it from ground level (though you'll need to get a bit 
of distance from the building to get the right angle). Continue driving east 
until you hit the end of the road, where you will see a big clock tower. I'm 
guessing you won't have much trouble finding Photo Op 37 at this point.

From the clock, drive south and take your second right. Head up the hill and 
drive west a few blocks until you see a building to your south with plants 
inside. Go inside (it the Zombotech building, "Sinister Zombie Virus Research 
Corporation") and go to the back where you will see a sculpture of a DNA 
strand. Photo Op 38 is in the middle of the strand.

From the Zombotech building, drive south one block to the trio of buildings and 
catch Photo Op 39 on the western side of the eastern-most of the trio. Drive on 
the road to the east of the trio of buildings (the road with the curve in it). 
You want to get on the Garver Bridge. The bride is still closed, so you may 
have to walk. Go as far as you can on the bridge (which is roughly to the first 
support tower) and look for Photo Op 40 partway up the tower.

You can't get Photo 41 at the moment, so skip it for now. Drive back off of the 
bridge and go west again to the trio of buildings. On the block that is to the 
southwest of the trio is another skyscraper (it's L-shaped). At the very top 
(just above the three spires) you will find Photo Op 42.

Now drive exactly one block west. On the west side of this street you should 
find a very unremarkable grey and white building. Its one distinguishing 
feature is that it has a tower on the southeast side, which is your Photo Op 

From this point check your map. To the southwest you will see two baseball 
fields. Photo Op 44 is just above home plate on the northern field. From the 
fields, take the road going east (directly from the northern baseball field). 
Shortly it ends in a construction site. To the north is a big construction 
crane, and you find Photo Op 45 at the top of it.

It's time to look at the map again. To the northeast of where you are (starting 
in the bay) is a railroad track (the red line) that runs northeast to 
southwest. At its southwest end (just after it reaches land) it stops, and 
right next to it is a building. This is the Xoomer gas station. Photo Op 46 is 
just above the big rotating X.

Photo Op 47 is a little tricky. You have to go onto the Naval base (from the 
Zoomer station, look to your east where you will see the fence, just follow it 
north to the gate), which is an instant 4-star wanted level. Immediately drive 
to the east and stop at the back of the ship's conn. Your shot is of the ship. 
Grab your car and hightail it to the nearby Pay-n-Spray to get rid of the cops.

Assuming you made it to the Pay-n-Spray, you are very close to Photo 48. Just 
look to your south at the train station. The photo is in the glass overhang. 
Follow the tracks to the south until you come to the first road that crosses 
the tracks, and look to your left for four tall rusty tanks. Photo Op 49 is 
between the tanks.

Continue past the tanks going east until the road curves north. Follow it up 
and head into the freight yard to your right. In one of the larger buildings 
you will see an NRG-500 (hmmmm). Photo Op 50 is above this warehouse.

And you now have 47 out of 50 possible snap shots completed. We'll get the last 
three in a bit. Let's go save the game. Drive back to Red County to Catalina's 
place and save there. It's a long drive, I know, but we have to go there anyway 
for the next mission.

Made In Heaven                                                [GTASABDSFWALK20]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - Gone Courting
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (29.41% Total)
Unlocks - Tanker Commander, Against All Odds, Local Liquor Store, or Small Town 
          Bank Missions

Go see Catalina. She's her usual cheery self. Once again, we are prompted to 
select a target. Of course, at this point, you have only one left, in 
Blueberry, so head over there now.

Local Liquor Store                                            [GTASABDSFWALK21]
Map Icon - Pink C [Badlands]
Prereqs - Made In Heaven
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (29.95% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required for Farewell, My Love mission)

Seems someone else had the same idea you did. Concentrate on keeping up with 
the quads and let Catalina do the shooting (for a change, Catalina is a pretty 
decent shot, unlike some of your previous partners). Don't worry about grabbing 
the briefcases if you miss them on your way by, they won't go anywhere, just 
stay with the thieves. The quads will sometimes split up, but don't worry, 
eventually they come back together. Once all the quads are done, return to the 
blue radar markers to grab any briefcases you may have missed.

Wu Zi Mu                                                      [GTASABDSFWALK22]
Map Icon - CV [Badlands]
Prereqs - First Two Catalina Robbery Missions
Rewards - $5,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (30.48% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required for Farewell, My Love mission)

Grab a decent car. Speed is not as important as its ability to handle on dirt. 
You cannot, however, use a bike, it must be a car. Drive to the marker and get 
ready to race. Nothing much to say about this one, but you shouldn't have too 
much of a problem with the competition. Watch for the dirt road shortcut you 
can take on the Panopticon to shave a little time off your run. Come in first 
place to complete this mission.

Farewell, My Love                                             [GTASABDSFWALK23]
Map Icon - CV [Badlands]
Prereqs - Wu Zi Mu and all four Catalina Robbery Missions
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (31.02% Total)
Unlocks - Are You Going to San Fierro Mission

The CV icon appears right next to you when you finish the last mission, so we 
may as well run it. What do you know, it's another race.

Strangely, this is the exact same course you just finished running, only in 
reverse. It should give you no trouble at all, since you get to use the car you 
won in the Wu Zi Mu mission (which handles very nicely and has a pretty decent 
acceleration). Don't bother to get too crazy with the accelerator, or you'll do 
a lot of spinning (especially on the dirt roads). You don't need to floor it to 
win the race.

NRG-500 Challenge                                             [GTASABDSFWALK24]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Green Sabre
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (31.55% Total)
Unlocks - None

Drive down to Angel Pine and save the game. We are about to do an 
extraordinarily difficult mission, so prepare yourself. You may remember when 
we were doing photo ops, we ran across an NRG-500 bike in Eastern Basin (it was 
Photo Op #50, if you don't remember). Go there now (it's the dock area between 
the airport and the naval base) and hop on the bike.

You start off with 10 seconds (awful nice of them to give you a little time, 
eh?). For each corona you collect, you get another 10 seconds added to your 
timer. Collect them all before time runs out to win. Simple!

Before we start, you should know that, like the BMX challenge, if you fail (and 
you will fail), just park the bike where you got it, get off, and get back on, 
and the challenge will restart. There is no need to respawn the bike.

For the purposes of this guide, we are going to call the tip of the round part 
of the docking bay the front, and the doors that hold back all the water the 
back. That means you start near the front facing the back on the right side. 
With me?

Here is my suggestion for your route. If you can come up with one that's 
better, feel free to use it; this is just the method that I used. When you 
start, you have two choices, down the ramp or level. I suggest staying on the 
level path moving toward the back. Be careful not to fall into the drink at the 
end. Turn onto the top of the doors and cross to get the corona there. When you 
come out the other side (the left side of the course), come out slowly so you 
can make a hairpin turn to grab the corona to your right. Then gun it and fall 
into the docking bay so that hopefully you land right on the corona in the 
middle back. Now spin around to grab the one partway up the wall behind you.

Now drive toward the front and grab the four remaining coronas at the bottom of 
the bay (including the one partway up the wall). I do this in a clockwise 
manner so that I end up near the ramp. Get on the ramp to grab the last two 
easy coronas.

At this point, you hopefully have about 1:20 or so with seven coronas left. You 
will need every second of that time to get these last ones. Unfortunately, 
there isn't much I can tell you about getting those coronas; you simply have to 
figure out the best angle and speed to hit the wall. Eventually you will get 
the hang of it and be able to get the markers consistently, and it just becomes 
a matter of grabbing them before time runs out. I will try, however, to give a 
few tips.

Take a look at the ramp from inside the docking bay. You will notice there is a 
point that the ramp changes slope. This is a good reference point. For the two 
coronas on the right side of the course (near the ramp), I found the best 
technique was to start in the far back left corner and drive at an angle such 
that you would hit the middle of the bay (the black grate) at around the place 
where the ramp changes slope. Probably just before you actually reach that 
grate, pull the bike right so that you come at the wall at a pretty sharp 
angle. You will hit the wall just past the ramp's slope change point. If you do 
this perfect, you can even get both coronas with the same jump (I managed this 
twice out of about 50 attempts, so it's not easy). Still, you should be able to 
refine your approach such that you nearly always get at least one of two 
markers. If you don't get them both at once, just go back for a second pass.

For the corona at the very front of the course (it's the highest one), take a 
look down the middle of the bay. Naturally you will notice the black grate. 
Next to it (on its right as you are looking at the target corona) is a line in 
the cement. Run straight down this line from the very back. Just as you hit the 
wall, pull the bike just slightly to the right, and you should run right 
through the corona.

For the markers to the left and right of the last one, you can treat them both 
the same. Simply drive along the opposite side of the bay to the target you are 
after (if you are after the one on the right side, drive along the left side of 
the bay). As you approach the curved part of the bay, pull the bike toward the 
target so that you hit the wall straight on right under the corona, and you 
should fly directly into the marker. I never had much trouble with these 
particular coronas.

Then we come to the two coronas on the left side. These were the thorn in my 
side, and I can't offer much in the way of advice, since neither has a good 
reference point. I had my best luck with these two starting at the back right 
side of the bay, driving along the right side, then pulling sharply left. You 
want to hit the wall at an angle rather than try to go straight up it, as that 
gives you the best chance at catching the corona.

Good luck with this, it is extremely difficult to pull off. While it may look 
easy enough on paper, in reality, you'll spend a lot of time lining up angles 
only to miss the marker and have to repeat it. Keep at it; you'll get it 

If you are truly desperate and about to throw your computer out a window, you 
can cheat. It turns out that (just like the BMX challenge) if you grab a marker 
after your time runs out but before the mission failed message appears, the 
timer goes away and you now have unlimited time to get the coronas. It's not at 
all easy to get this to happen (you only have a fraction of a second, too soon 
and the timer stays put, to late and you fail the mission), but it's a heck of 
a lot easier than grabbing all those coronas within the time limit. Resist the 
urge to do this as long as you can, as it is an exploit (just think how great 
you will feel once you've fairly beaten this mission), but I will forgive you 
if you just have to use it (I was sorely tempted myself after about the 80th 
time running this track, and we all know how I feel about exploits).

Amazingly, given the difficulty of this course, there is no reward for 
completing it. Life is not fair.

Unique Jumps - OPTIONAL                                       [GTASABDSFWALK25]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - $500 per jump ($8,500 in this set)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (31.55% Total)
Unlocks - None

We have an NRG-500 (or we know where to get one). So therefore it must be time 
to do our unique jumps! Go save in Angel Pines, and make sure to bring your 
bike. There are only 17 jumps in this set, significantly less than what we did 
in Los Santos.

The first jump is #36 on the map. From your save point, leave town heading 
southwest. Where the road ends there will be a beach in front of you. Drop down 
onto it, and look around for a very large dune (there is usually a dune buggy 
behind it). The dune is your ramp for the jump, and you'll be jumping east. Be 
careful not to jump into the ocean if you can help it. I went 253 feet on this 

Return to your save point in Angel Pine and take a look to the southeast, where 
you will see a rusted out car with some metal planks against it. Take a wild 
guess where jump 37 is located. Clear the building to qualify for the jump, I 
made 167 feet.

Remember the Cobra run in the Chiliad challenge? Unique jump 38 uses the final 
boardwalk ramp from that race as its ramp. You can actually get to it without 
going up the entire mountain (start up as usual, but at the first hairpin turn 
continue straight, you'll find the rock hole and the boardwalks not to far up. 
You don't have to jump very far (in fact, it's pretty hard to line up properly 
if you go too far back). I went less than 100 feet and still qualified for the 

All right, head back into San Fierro. Specifically, go to the stadium (it's the 
big trophy icon on the map), and look on the south side parking lot. You should 
find a ramp to use for Jump 39 on the east side. Just jump the ramp and land on 
the freeway, I went 196 feet.

The next two jumps both happen inside the airport. Unlike the Los Santos 
Airport, getting into Easter Bay Airport with your bike is pretty easy; there 
are any number of ways to do it. The road by Easter Bay Chemicals (for 
instance) has a very narrow gap between it and the tarmac. However you manage 
it, get inside the fenced area and go to the northwestern portion (use the 
bridge if you need to).  Northwest of where the bridge ends, you will find your 
ramp for Jump 40, which actually takes you off the airport grounds. I went 190 

Return to the airport again and look north of your last jump. At the end of the 
runway, facing northwest is another ramp (it looks just like the ramp for the 
last jump we did). Once again, you'll be leaving the airport grounds. I went 
300 feet to qualify for Unique Jump 41.

Okay, head for the gym (near the burger shot) and face south toward the 
freeway. You will see a pedestrian over crossing that goes over the freeway. 
The bottom set of stairs is your ramp (driving south) for jump 42. This is a 
bit of a tricky jump, as you don't have a lot of runway and you have to clear 
the freeway to make it count. Tap the forward arrow key to build up speed, and 
just as you get to the ramp hold it down (so that CJ stands up) to pull the 
bike up. My distance was 220 feet.

A block east of the gym is a large city block that is grey on the map. It is 
surrounded by a wall, but you can get in from the north. Make your way inside 
and you will find (near the northwestern end) is a building that is 
degenerating. The roof has fallen down and will serve nicely as a ramp for 
Unique Jump 43. You don't want to go too fast on this one, as you want to land 
safely in the street (not crash into the building on the other side). I went 
149 feet.

Open up your map and look for the eastern Pay-n-Spray in San Fierro. Head there 
and drive a little south until you see a rusty metal ramp in front of the 
freeway. The ramp is your jump 44. You have to clear the freeway to make it 
count. I went 210 feet.

Now look for the other Pay-n-Spray in the northwest of the city. Two blocks 
south is the Supra-Save (you may remember the market from the Photo Op). If you 
look in the parking lot (to the southeast), you will see a cement ramp. You 
want to jump it east into the alley to qualify for jump 45. My distance was 166 

Open the map again and look for the red house icon in San Fierro that is 
furthest to the west (it's in Paradiso). To the south is a series of two story 
apartments. Go to the last driveway on the eastern side of that block. As you 
are looking south down this driveway, you ought to be looking right at the San 
Fierro Medical Center (which is written in big letters on the building). At the 
end of the driveway is a bump in the grass, which will be your ramp for jump 
46. You have to clear the buildings to the south. I qualified with 200 feet.

Drive to the top of the Lombard street look alike (the real curvy street). As 
you are looking at the street (from the top), there is a staircase to the left. 
There is your ramp for jump 47. You probably don't need to bother with the head 
bob, since when you come up the hill if you are going too fast you'll make a 
slight jump that will slow you down anyway. I did this at 152 feet.

Break open the map again and look for the only true square block that is near 
the northeastern side of the city (it's in the Financial district just south of 
Downtown, you'll be one block west of the main road near the coastline). On the 
southeastern side of this block you will find a set of stairs that go up to the 
east. This, naturally, is your ramp for jump 48, which I managed 216 feet with.

To get to jump 49, travel back to the ramp you just used, then go one block 
north and one block west until you see Michelle's Garage to your right. Note 
carefully the set of stairs next to the garage. I went 230 feet and smacked 
into the parking garage on the next street over.

For unique jump 50, you want to find the northeastern burger shot, then go one 
block to the east (to the main road), and slightly north. Watch for an alley 
with a ramp in it (as you are traveling north, it will be to your left). You 
can drive at it going west down a convenient street. Don't head bob, as you can 
over jump this one. I went 240 feet.

From where you landed that last jump, look north for the apartments. There are 
a few alleys between them. You want to locate the alley which is second from 
the west. Drive south up the hill to get some running room, turn around, and 
let fly. When you come out of the alley, you'll hit the bump in the grass and 
catch quite a bit of air for jump 51. I qualified for the jump at 250 feet (I 
also did it just for fun with a head bob and went 375 feet, but that may over-
jump the task (but by all means give it a try)).

Return to where you jumped, and take a look on the west side of the apartments. 
You will find a cement ramp similar to ones you've already used. This jump 
(#52) is a bit tricky because of the small wall in front of the ramp. Use the 
street to build up speed and hit the ramp as straight as you can while still 
avoiding that wall. I found using the lean keys (arrow keys) to work the best. 
The strategy that finally worked for me was to start at the top of the hill on 
the west side of the street and come at the ramp at an angle, then lean right 
just as you reach the ramp. It is a pretty tricky jump to qualify for, but keep 
at it, and you'll get it. I landed with 280 feet of distance (just in front of 
the diner on the road that goes through the tunnel).

And that's it for now (Jump 53 is actually in this city at the Gant Bridge, but 
you can't do it yet as you'll just hit the inviso-barrier that prevents you 
from going to Las Venturas, so we'll wait to do that one until later).

Are You Going to San Fierro                                   [GTASABDSFWALK26]
Map Icon - TT [Badlands]
Prereqs - Farewell, My Love
Rewards - Respect (15), New Save Point
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (32.09% Total)
Unlocks - Wear Flowers in Your Hair Mission

All right, let's go talk to Truth. Help him with his gardening. Since you're 
fireproof, there should be nothing to it. Just walk forward with the 
flamethrower on. Don't worry about spraying all the plants, the fire will 
spread to the sides and get them. Just keep the thrower pointed straight ahead 
and walk steadily through each row.

Now shoot down the chopper. Nothing too it, just follow the directions on the 
screen. For some reason, the cops now lose interest in you (odd, since you just 
took down a chopper, but whatever). Drive up to the garage and it's mission 

Most importantly, you now have a save point in San Fierro!  It's about time. By 
the way, this officially concludes the story missions in the Badlands. 
Obviously, there was nothing preventing CJ from going into San Fierro before, 
but now the missions will begin to center around the city. Also, a whole mess 
of safe houses just became available for purchase (and yes, I know there are 
still two more down in the Badlands we haven't purchased yet). Unfortunately, 
we would need something on the order of $370,000 to buy all eight of them. You 
almost certainly aren't going to have that level of cash right now (unless 
you've used an exploit), but we'll get there. I'm going to assume you have $60 
or $70K right about now (it's what I have at this point).

Wear Flowers in Your Hair                                     [GTASABDSFWALK27]
Map Icon - CJ [Garage]
Prereqs - Are You Going to San Fierro 
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (32.62% Total)
Unlocks - 555 We Tip mission, Zero's Property

Okay, we need a few good men to work the new business. This is basically just a 
quick tour of San Fierro (the game kind of assumes this is your first time 
here). Obviously, we don't really need a tour at this point, but whatever; it's 
an easy mission, good for a few laughs. The bad news is that because it's so 
easy, there's no real reward for it. It does open up Zero's property to buy 
(great, another $30,000 we need for property).

Buying Property, Part 2                                       [GTASABDSFWALK28]
Map Icon - Z
Prereqs - Wear Flowers in Your Hair 
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (33.16% Total)
Unlocks - Air Raid Mission

We may as well head over to Zero's and grab his property (that'll cost you 
$30,000). Don't worry; you'll eventually make it back. You don't get a save 
icon, but a yellow marker does appear at the door, and after a moment Zero will 
call, which opens up a new mission strand.

Air Raid                                                      [GTASABDSFWALK29]
Map Icon - Z [The Zero Strand]
Prereqs - Buying the RCZero Shop 
Rewards - $3,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (33.69% Total)
Unlocks - Supply Lines Mission

After the phone call from Zero, walk into the red marker (where the Z icon is). 
This is a pretty easy mission, just shoot down the enemy planes. The mini-gun 
has a nearly unlimited range, so if you can see them, you can shoot them. Watch 
especially for one area where the planes come in a group of four. It's best to 
get that group when they are far away (you don't have to move the mouse very 
much to get the entire formation). On the PC, this mission is a piece of cake 
(not so much on the Playstation version, from what I understand).

Supply Lines                                                  [GTASABDSFWALK30]
Map Icon - Z [The Zero Strand]
Prereqs - Air Raid
Rewards - $5,000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (34.22% Total)
Unlocks - New Model Army Mission

Supply Lines is one of those missions that can seem really difficult (or even 
impossible), but really isn't so bad once you get the hang of using the right 
buttons. A lot of people have trouble controlling the plane. Here's how to fix 

Open your options menu and go to Controller Setup, and then Mouse Settings. 
Make sure Fly With Mouse is set to off (Fly With Mouse seems like a good idea 
until you actually try it and your plane flops around on the ground like a 
dying fish; forget it, it's worthless, turn it off).

The game goes on to tell you to steer with the Q and E keys. Ignore it. You 
want to use the arrow keys almost exclusively for steering (unless you are on 
the ground, then and only then should you use the Q and E keys). Also, the up 
and down arrow keys control your attitude (e.g. up or down). By using the arrow 
keys to control the plane, flying becomes a lot easier (and don't bother with 
the camera too much, it'll follow the plane just fine most of the time unless 
you are making very sudden turns, which you shouldn't be doing anyway). Use W 
and S to accelerate and decelerate as needed. Try not to overcompensate and 
keep your altitude up (so you don't run into light poles and such), and you 
shouldn't have too much of a problem with this mission.

When you get close to your target and have him lined up, drop your left hand to 
the arrow keys and your right to the mouse to control firing (get in the habit 
of using the right mouse button to control the guns, because often the left 
mouse button changes from firing to self destruct, and there is nothing more 
annoying than lining up your last target only to accidentally blow yourself up 
when you meant to shoot). The machine guns auto-aim to some extent, so you 
don't even need to be pointed exactly at your target. Don't worry about 
accelerating at that point, just let the plane glide. Once your target is down, 
reset your hands so that you can speed up again to get to the next victim.

If you prefer, you can land the plane and shoot from the ground. Be aware, 
though, that the couriers will shoot back, and will have a much easier time 
hitting you when you are stationary. Your call.

Once you take down all five, return to the rooftop, mission accomplished.

New Model Army                                                [GTASABDSFWALK31]
Map Icon - Z [The Zero Strand]
Prereqs - Supply Lines
Rewards - $7,000, New Asset
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (34.76% Total)
Unlocks - New Model Army Mission

Controlling a helicopter is more or less the same idea as controlling a plane. 
Use the arrow keys for the most part, although you will use the Q and E keys a 
bit more than you do with a plane.

In this mission, you have a pretty tight time limit, so it behooves you to 
multitask. In other words, do something both on the way out and on the way in. 
Before you leave the base for the first time, grab a bomb (use the right 
control key when you are over an item to pick it up). Fly over to the first 
tank (the leftmost one), and drop the bomb on it (you are over the tank when 
your shadow appears on it). Make sure not to be too close to the ground or you 
will be caught in the explosion.

Turn around and head back to the car. Move the barrel blocking the bridge to 
allow the car to pass. Return to the base and grab another bomb. Take out the 
next tank (the rightmost one). On your way back, remove another barrel to allow 
Zero to continue.

Return to the base, but this time grab a plank. By now, Zero is probably stuck 
at the river, so create a bridge for him with the plank. Return to the base 
again and grab another bomb to take down the last tank.

On the way back, move some more barrels to allow the car to advance. You may 
have to move quite a few, as Berkeley likes to block this particular spot. Once 
Zero is moving again, return to the base for the last time and grab another 
plank, and set it across the second river.

Now it's just a matter of opening up the road to allow Zero to keep moving. 
Once Zero makes it to the enemy base, it's another mission accomplished.

All together, Zero's missions have made you $15,000, exactly half of your 
initial investment. The good news is it is now an asset that will build up to 
$5,000 per day (that's quite a lot of rent Zero is paying!). Remember to stop 
by every once in a while to pick up your money, it'll take you three full 
pickups to break even, everything after that is profit.

The Beefy Baron - OPTIONAL                                    [GTASABDSFWALK32]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - New Model Army
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (34.76% Total)
Unlocks - None

Walk into Zero's shop and head into the back room

This is just a "for fun" mission. It's more or less the same as Supply Lines, 
just shoot as many of Berkeley's vans as you can in the three-minute time 
limit. The vans don't appear on the radar, you have to find them (but it's not 
hard, they are mostly the only vehicles on the road, and there are a ton of 

The little plane is pretty tough, but it's not indestructible. Don't get too 
close to the explosions or they will take you out.

Learning New Moves                                            [GTASABDSFWALK33]
Map Icon - Dumbbells
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - New Fighting Moves
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (35.29% Total)
Unlocks - None

We've done quite a few missions; so let's take care of a few things. Head for 
the San Fierro Gym (at the dumbbell icon) and go inside. You should have a high 
enough Muscle stat to just walk into the red marker. Beat the tar out of the 
instructor (or just force him off the mat) to win the battle and learn some new 

Courier                                                       [GTASABDSFWALK34]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - New Asset
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (35.83% Total)
Unlocks - None

Let us add another asset to our portfolio. Head into Queens to the Hippy 
Shopper (there are no real good landmarks to guide you to the shop.  It's 
essentially a couple of blocks directly south of the San Fierro barber shop).

Hop on the motorcycle out front to start up the mission. Compared to the Roboi 
Food Mart mission, this one is a piece of cake. Just make sure when the markers 
first come up to open up your big map and plan out your route.

Just like the other courier mission, there are four levels to get through, and 
you get bonus cash for time left over and packages left over at the end of each 
level. Complete all four levels, and the shop becomes a new asset, generating 
up to $2,000 per day. Don't forget to stop by every now and again to pick up 
your cut.

555 We Tip                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK35]
Map Icon - CJ [The C.R.A.S.H. Strand]
Prereqs - Wear Flowers in Your Hair
Rewards - Valet Uniform
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (36.36% Total)
Unlocks - Deconstruction, Valet Parking

We've put our financial situation in order as much as we can for now, so let's 
advance the story a bit. Looks like we're doing another little errand for 

The only hard part about this mission is the time limit. You have two and a 
half minutes to get to your garage and back to the valet parking. Not only 
that, on the way back, you have to keep the car spotless.

My advice is to drive straight west until you come to Lombard Street, then it's 
a straight south drive to the garage. Use the opposite route on the way back. 
This minimizes the amount of turning you have to do (and makes it easier to get 
the car back without damage).

If you take damage on the way back, it's pretty much mission over, unless it 
happens very close to the garage. If you have plenty of time, you may be able 
to pull it out, but most likely not. So drive very carefully on this stretch of 
the mission.

Once you get the car to its designated parking spot, sprint to the marker to 
call to tip line, and it's another mission accomplished. When the mission ends, 
you get a brand new uniform put into your wardrobe.

Buying Property, Part 3                                       [GTASABDSFWALK36]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - Are You Going to San Fierro 
Rewards - New Save Points
Completion Percentage - 0.54% + 0.53% (37.43% Total)
Unlocks - None

Okay, before we can take advantage of our new uniform, let's grab a couple of 
properties so that there is a convenient place to change (driving all the way 
down to the Badlands would be a bit of a pain, as I'm sure you'll agree). For 
this part of the walkthrough, you'll need $70,000. If you are not quite there, 
don't forget to collect your assets at Zero's and the Hippy Shopper. You could 
also run the courier mission again. However you manage it, just make sure to 
have the money.

The first one we'll pick up is the hotel suite. It's the green house marker a 
couple of blocks east of the city hall square (northeast of the barber). You 
don't get a whole lot for your $50,000 here, just a wardrobe and a save icon.

For the next property, drive northwest into Paradiso (about three blocks north 
of the city hall square). This is a little bit better of a deal, as your 
$20,000 gives you a wardrobe, a save icon, and a two car garage.

Valet Parking                                                 [GTASABDSFWALK37]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - 555 We Tip 
Rewards - New Asset
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (37.97% Total)
Unlocks - None

Use either of your new wardrobes to change into the valet uniform (it's under 
the Special category). Then return to where you did the last mission (remember 
it's directly east of Lombard Street). Walk into the red marker to start up 
this challenge.

There are five levels to complete, and you get a tip at the end of each level 
(although the actual money amounts are negligible). You start off with 2 
minutes, and you get a bonus for not damaging the cars and parking straight 
(you can get up to a minute for each parking job). The cars come pretty quick, 
and you shouldn't have much trouble keeping your time around the two-minute 

As tempting as it may be, don't take out the competition. You'll get a wanted 
level and a time penalty for killing any of the other valets. Just ignore them; 
they don't get in the way very much.

When you finish all five levels, the garage becomes a new asset, building up to 
$2,000 per day. You can do the valet mission over again if you like (though 
there is very little point, as the money you make from this mission is almost 

Return to your wardrobe and get back in your civvies.

Deconstruction                                                [GTASABDSFWALK38]
Map Icon - CJ [Garage]
Prereqs - 555 We Tip 
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (38.50% Total)
Unlocks - Photo Opportunity Mission, Driving School

Time to teach some construction workers the consequences of disrespecting your 
sister. There's nothing too hard about this, grab a tractor and run through the 
portables (don't hit the barrels). When that is done, push to porta-potty into 
the hole, grab the cement truck and back it into the marker, mission 

There's a new red marker in the construction field. This let's you play around 
with the wrecker crane, although it doesn't actually appear to wreck anything. 
When you are done with it, return to the garage to save.

Back to School                                                [GTASABDSFWALK39]
Map Icon - Red S
Prereqs - Deconstruction
Rewards - Driving Skill bonus
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (39.04% Total)
Unlocks - Super GT (at least all bronzes), Bullet (at least all sivers), and 
          Hotknife (at all golds) vehicles

From your garage, head south to the Red S marker. Go inside the school and find 
the red marker at the TV console. You have a total of 12 challenges to 
complete. For the most part, you should just follow the directions given to 
you, there's not much strategy I can impart other than to practice, and you'll 
eventually get the bronze (or gold, if that's what you are after). However, I 
will give some tips on some of the tougher challenges:

Pop and Control: Just before you hit the spikes, let off the accelerator so you 
don't spin out of control. As soon as you pass them, floor it again, or you 
won't make it to the stopping point in time. Just as you get to the stopping 
point, slam on both brakes (S key and Space Key) so you don't hit the front 

Burn and Lap: This is probably the hardest mission of the 12. To get bronze, 
you only need to do the course in 40 seconds, which is not so hard. But to get 
Gold, you need to do it in 36, which is surprisingly difficult. For some 
reason, turning off the Frame Limiter seems to help (Options, Display Settings, 
Advanced). Then go into first person mode (V key). The trick is to keep the 
accelerator down at all times, and use the space bar to slide around the 
curves. I found it was best to come into the turns along the outside edge. This 
let's you come off the break as soon as possible so you don't lose as much 

Wheelie Weave: The tough part of this mission is not so much landing correctly 
in the red marker as it is avoiding damage. I'm more than half convinced that 
the damage value is randomly generated. I had the best luck letting go of the 
accelerator as soon as I came off the ramp, then steering very slightly to the 
right (not too much or you'll fall off your two wheels) to avoid damage to the 
side of your car. Use the accelerator only to keep the car balanced (your 
advance should be relatively slow), and work your way to the marker. As you get 
close, adjust your heading so you're facing straight.

P.I.T. Maneuver: This can be kind of tricky, as you have to hit another car 
without taking any damage. The trick is to right next to him when you hit, as 
close as you can possibly get. Don't initiate the maneuver until you are about 
a third of the way up the side of the other car.

Alley Oop: The main mistake most people will make here is on the landing. 
Accelerate toward the ramp and hit so that your inside wheels are as close to 
the edge as possible. As soon as you come off the ramp, let go of the 
accelerator and hit the left or right arrow key (depending on which way you are 
spinning) to help get your car spun around. When you hit the ground, do not 
slam on the brakes! If you do, your car will still be bouncing on its tires, 
and you will have more traction on one side than the other, resulting in a 
slide that will pull you right or left. Instead, give the car about half a 
second to let the wheels stabilize, and then slam on both brakes. 

City Slicking: The car you are using for this timed event is quick, but 
unfortunately is also very squirrelly around the turns. The best thing is to 
keep the turning to a bare minimum. I took a right out of the parking lot and 
then a left on the first street. This puts you on a straight-away all the way 
up to the northern end of the city. At the double road (where the road you are 
on ends), take a right and then your next left to get on the correct street, 
then just follow it to the marker (slow down when you hit the hill). Reverse 
your path to get back to the school. You need to complete this event in 100 
seconds (or less) to get gold.

Getting golds in all 12 events isn't exactly easy, but it's not all that hard 
either. And the reward is pretty nice, as you get all three cars spawned in the 
school parking lot (and all three of them are pretty nice vehicles).

Dating Michelle Cannes - OPTIONAL                             [GTASABDSFWALK40]
Map Icon - Red Heart
Prereqs - Green Sabre
Rewards - Free Car Repair, Monster Truck, Racing Suit
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (39.04% Total)
Unlocks - None

We've been ignoring the girlfriends for a while now, so let's do one now (no 
pun intended). Head to the driving school, where inside you will find Michelle 
hanging around. Michelle likes a big guy, so chow down on the fatty foods 
(remember you can only eat 11 per day) until you catch her interest. When you 
are big enough, she will give you her phone number, at which point you can call 
on her at her house between the hours of 0:00 and 12:00.

First, let's talk about the gift. Head for the bottom of Lombard Street, where 
you will find flowers in one of grassy medians near the bottom of the street.

For food dates, Michelle seems to like the bars the best. Unfortunately, they 
are all the way across town, so take a fast car (like the Bullet you hopefully 
got from the Driving School).

Michelle will sometimes like to take the wheel. Just sit back and watch as she 
drives around town for a bit, then returns to the house. This is an easy date.

When you hit 100% with her, she'll buy you a racing suit. Another girlfriend 

Photo Opportunity                                             [GTASABDSFWALK41]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Deconstruction
Rewards - Respect (15)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (39.57% Total)
Unlocks - Jizzy Mission

I'm not entirely sure what that symbol is supposed to be (it kind of looks like 
a stylized A), but it first appears near your garage (where the CJ icon was). 
I'll just call it Syndicate, and you'll get what I'm talking about.

Grab a fast car or bike and go pick up Cesar. The dingbat has placed himself 
just about as far away as he possibly can, so drive over to Red County to go 
pick him up. On top of that, once you get him, you are forced to drive his 
P.O.S. low-rider, which just loves to spin out on all the cliff roads you're 
about to take as you drive the long trip back to Angel Pines.

Once you finally make it there, head up to the roof and get in position. Zoom 
all the way out with the camera and wait. As the cars pull in, zoom in to get a 
good face shot (wait until the occupant gets out of the car first). The first 
two will be in the alley, while the second two will be to your right. When you 
have all four pictures, it's another mission accomplished.

Jizzy                                                         [GTASABDSFWALK42]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Photo Oportunity
Rewards - $3,000, Respect (20)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (40.11% Total)
Unlocks - T-Bone Mendez Mission, Mountain Cloud Boy Mission

Head back for the garage again and hit the marker. You now get a new icon on 
the board (a green skull, I guess) up near Gant Bridge. Head over there and 
talk with Jizzy.

At this point you'll be gaining Jizzy's trust by doing a few errands for him. 
Just do what he asks, there's nothing very tough about these until the final 
mission where you have to run down the two cars. Use drive-bys to shoot at the 
vehicles. Try to get the limo first, because as soon as it blows, the other car 
will stop and the two occupants will get out (making it much easier to just run 
them over or pop them in the head).

Oyster Collection                                             [GTASABDSFWALK43]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - Increased Lung Capacity
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (40.11% Total)
Unlocks - None

We haven't done any collectables in a while. You may remember we have already 
gotten 20 of the 50 possible oysters while we were in Los Santos. It's now time 
to grab another 14 oysters available to us now.

To find oyster 21, go to the tucking mission icon (the truck) and drive south 
past the loop-de-loops. The road goes south, takes a quick jag to the west, 
then turns south again. As soon as the road turns south, look for a very small 
bit of land that juts out into the water, facing east (it's a grassy knoll, and 
there is a bit of beach south of it). The oyster is a little hard to see as it 
is right against the rock, but it's not very deep. Look around the point where 
the beach meets the rock and you should find it.

Now open up your map. To the far south you will see a bridge going over an 
inlet of water. You can reach it by going south on the road you are on, and 
when you get to the freeway overpass, drop off of it to the freeway below. Then 
just drive south, then west until you reach the bridge. Oyster #22 is under the 
center of this bridge.

Oyster 23 is pretty easy from here. Just swim north until you reach a wooden 
bridge. Look under the center of the bridge for this one. Climb up to land on 
the west side up to the dirt road. With any luck, there should be a truck 
sitting there for your use.

Drive into Angel Pine and leave using the road to the northeast. When you come 
to the next bridge, stop (you can drive down to the beach under the bridge if 
you like). Look near the center bridge support to find oyster 24.

Drive back toward Angel Pine (but don't go into it, just drive past it). When 
you reach the main freeway on the west side of the county, get on it going 
north (you'll go through the Mount Chiliad tunnels). Stop when you reach the 
next bridge. Oyster 25 is under the bridge, roughly in the middle. 
(Congratulations, you've now collected half of the oysters in the game).

Continue on the freeway to the north until you come into the southern part of 
San Fierro. To your right is a small lake and oyster 26 can be found in this 

Drive over to the docks north of the airport (near where you did the NRG-500 
challenge). Look for the big ship (you can hardly miss it). Oyster 27 is near 
the stern of the ship (it's fairly deep, hopefully you have built up a pretty 
decent lung capacity by now).

The next two oysters are tricky. We have to enter the navy base again, and this 
is going to give you an automatic 5 star wanted level. I suggest grabbing the 
NRG-500 from the challenge area to the north, then continuing north to the 
base. The large building actually holds three ship docking bays. When you come 
in the gate, follow the building east (parallel the ship), and pull a u-turn to 
get to the back of the first bay. From there, there is a doorway to the second 
bay. Jump in to grab oyster 28. Swim out of the bay toward the big ship. You 
will find oyster 29 near the bow. Chances are you have about 200 cops shooting 
at you, so you may not make the long swim. If not, grab a car at the hospital, 
return to the base and drive alongside the ship to the front, and dive in. Good 
luck getting back out and to the Pay-n-Spray without dying.

Get into the airport (using whatever method you find easiest). Follow the long 
runway to the northeast. Continue to where it ends, and hop in the water. You 
will be right on top of oyster 30.

You may as well stay in the water for the next two oysters. Look to your 
northwest where you will spot two bridges. Swim that way, and pass under the 
railroad bridge, continuing on until you reach the suspension bridge (this is 
Garver Bridge). You will find oyster 31 underneath the northeastern most 
support tower.

From there, look directly north where you will see a cargo ship anchored in the 
bay (unless it is foggy, in which case you'll just have to trust me that it's 
there). Swim to the ship (once again, it is quite a swim), and you'll find 
oyster 32 near the bow (western side of the ship).

Return to dry land to your southwest and make your way over to the other bridge 
(Gant Bridge, on the northwest side of the city). There is another cargo ship 
docked nearby, and you will find oyster 33 near its stern (the western side). 
This oyster is hella deep, and you may drown before you get back to the 
surface. Good luck (you may want to do Oyster 34 first so that if you die you 
don't have to come all the way back here, up to you).

Oyster 34 is under Gant Bridge. Look near the first support tower on the 
eastern side.

And with that, you've picked up the last of the oysters you can (or should) get 
for now.

T-Bone Mendez                                                 [GTASABDSFWALK44]
Map Icon - Green Skull [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Jizzy
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (20)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (40.64% Total)
Unlocks - Mike Toreno Mission

Drive over to where the van is being robbed. Things get interesting as you have 
to chase down the four thieves on bikes. Just come up behind them and hit the 
right mouse button to grab the Yay. Once you have all four, return to the 
pleasure dome to complete the mission.

Mike Toreno                                                   [GTASABDSFWALK45]
Map Icon - Green Skull [Syndicate]
Prereqs - T-Bone Mendez
Rewards - $7,000, Respect (25)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (41.18% Total)
Unlocks - Outrider Mission

All right, we need to work on our finances a little more (we do still have a 
whole mess of safe houses to purchase). Return to Jizzy's club. Things seem to 
have escalated, as the hijackers now have a hostage. Follow the clues within 
the time limit (should be no problem). When you get to the van, you want to 
damage it, but don't blow it up. Eventually the goons bail out, and it's your 
job to take them down. Do this however you like (I enjoy a combination of 
running them down followed by a few shots to the head with my AK-47 to take out 
any stragglers). Blow up the van (remember the gas tank trick), then hop into 
the limo to hightail it out of there. Now just get to the Pay-n-Spray and from 
there back to the club. Mission accomplished.

Head back for your garage and store that limo; it will be useful later on.

Outrider                                                      [GTASABDSFWALK46]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Mike Toreno
Rewards - $9,000, Respect (25)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (41.71% Total)
Unlocks - Snail Trail Mission

This is a pretty tough mission, not because of the enemy, but because you have 
a fairly tight timeline. Armor yourself up at the Ammu-Nation, and head to the 
gas station. Mentally mark T-Bone for a painful and gruesome death some time in 
the near future. Then drive to the next marker. Before you get on the bike, 
grab the sniper rifle and rocket launcher, they will be useful.

Here's where it gets tight. The van will drive pretty slowly, but even so, you 
have a lot of work to do before it catches up with you. Drive like a maniac to 
the first roadblock (use the tunnel, it's faster). Your best bet, in my 
opinion, is to first take out the guys on the ground with the sniper rifle, 
then do the cars with the rocket launcher (if you have a clean shot at a gas 
tank you can also use the rifle if you like). If you take out the cars first, 
the guys tend to run around like headless chickens, making it a lot harder to 
bring them down.

At the second and third block there will be snipers in the windows. Take care 
of the ground level stuff as usual, and then go after the snipers. If needed, 
drive a little closer. Remember, you have to keep ahead of that van, so keep 
moving at a brisk pace. The fourth roadblock doesn't have any snipers. At this 
point the van may be getting pretty close, so you might have to take out the 
cars first (or you risk blowing up the van right along with the blocking cars).

Once all four blocks are down, follow the van to its destination (it's not very 
far). Once it gets there, it's mission complete. Return to the garage to save.

Snail Trail                                                   [GTASABDSFWALK47]
Map Icon - C [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Outrider
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (42.25% Total)
Unlocks - Ice Cold Killa Mission

The Syndicate symbol has been replaced by the C symbol, a sure sign Tenpenny is 
somewhere in the neighborhood. There's nothing overly difficult about this 
mission. Go get the rifle, then head across the street to the train station. 
Your target is on board, so you have to follow the train. Fortunately, someone 
left a Sanchez sitting right there for your use, so get on and follow the train 
for the long trip back to Los Santos. Once you get to Market Station and the 
train stops, gun the bike up the stairs and wait up top (but not too close, you 
don't want to spook your target). Wait for him to get in the cab and continue 
to follow. Watch your spook meter and don't get too close.  When the target 
reaches his destination, cap him and his contact. Mission accomplished.

Dating Katie Zahn - OPTIONAL                                  [GTASABDSFWALK48]
Map Icon - Red Heart
Prereqs - Green Sabre
Rewards - Keep weapons when wasted, Romero Vehicle, Medic Uniform
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (42.25% Total)
Unlocks - None

You can find Katie near the country club (just south of the Burger Shot and Gym 
icons) practicing martial arts or some such. Once you've secured her as a 
girlfriend, you can find Katie at her home in northwestern San Fierro between 
12:00 and 24:00.

Dating Katie is easy for a couple of reasons. One, you have a save point just 
south of her (so it's easy to advance time), and there are flowers just across 
the street from your save point (go across the street into the cul-de-sac 
behind the apartments and down the hill, you will find the flowers in someone's 
backyard at the bottom of the hill).

Another reason why Katie is pretty easy is that for food dates, she likes 
diners, and there is a diner about 30 feet away. Convenient! The hardest date 
with Katie is the driving date, as she likes to go real slow. 

Dating Katie gives a nice bonus. Whenever you are wasted, you get to keep your 
weapons and there is no cost for the medical bills. Cool. 

When you are done with Katie, you've completed four out of the six girlfriends 
in the game. The last two aren't available yet, so you're done with the women 
for now.

Ice Cold Killa                                                [GTASABDSFWALK49]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Snail Trail
Rewards - $12,000, Respect (30)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (42.78% Total)
Unlocks - Pier 69 Mission

All right, we've fooled around for long enough. It's time to start taking down 
the Syndicate, starting with the small guy. Head over to the club. 
Unfortunately, the goons won't let you in, so you need an alternate route of 
entry. They seem to be doing some work on the bridge and there's some 
scaffolding you can climb up to the south of the club. Go up and get onto the 
roof, and head inside. Crouch and work your way down to the ground floor. When 
you get close to Jizzy, a cut scene starts up. After it ends, take down the 
guards and everyone else who is shooting at you. Don't worry too much about 
Jizzy, you'll catch him. When you're done in the club, head outside and give 
chase, a drive-by style shooting or two ought to blow his car. When he bails, 
run him down, or just get out and cap him. Grab his phone, and it's yet another 
mission accomplished. We made $12K on that mission; these things are really 
starting to pay off! Hopefully you have a good $50K by now (you are grabbing 
your asset money from time to time, right?)

Pier 69                                                       [GTASABDSFWALK50]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Ice Cold Killa
Rewards - $15,000, Respect (40)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (43.32% Total)
Unlocks - Toreno's Last Flight Mission, Sniper Rifle unlocked at Ammu-Nation

Okay, join Cesar up on the roof. Once Woozie's men make a mess of things, snipe 
the guys on the roof. Unfortunately, things don't really go as planned. Run 
back down to street level and go after T-Bone. Take down some of the enemy if 
you like, but your main focus should be on getting the target. Once you catch 
up with him, it's pretty much the end of the line for old T-Bone. That ought to 
teach him to choke poor CJ; perhaps in the future he'll be a bit more selective 
about that kind of thing (well, if he had a future, anyway). 

Ryder makes a run for it, so give chase. Get in the boat and hunt the traitor 
down. I personally never had much luck with drive-bys in a boat, but you can 
give it a go if you like. I just shoved his boat into a dock and then pushed it 
upside down, which killed Ryder nicely (once he's up against the docks, you can 
also disengage from the boat (F key) and start shooting at him, but if he 
manages to get away, don't forget to re-engage the boat controls).

Make a nice leisurely drive back to the garage and save the game, you've 
finished another exciting mission. Only one Syndicate member left to take out.

Toreno's Last Flight                                          [GTASABDSFWALK51]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Pier 69
Rewards - $18,000, Respect (50)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (43.85% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required for Yay Ka-Boom-Boom)

Time to go after the big guy. You may want to grab some armor for this mission. 
What makes this more of a pain than anything else are the cops, who seem to 
take exception at you shooting down Toreno's goons (for some reason). Anyway, 
as you get near the chopper, start taking down guards (use the AK-47 or sniper 
rifle, whichever you like better). The chopper takes off as you reach the 
rooftop, so go grab the rocket launcher and go after it. There is an FCR-900 
bike to grab if you need it (it's no NRG-500, but it's pretty fast). Get onto 
the freeway, as the chopper will follow it south. You may have several stars 
worth of wanted level by the time you hit the freeway, but do the best you can.

Get ahead of the chopper, pull out your rockets, and let fly. If you don't take 
it down before it gets past you, continue south and repeat. As long as the cops 
don't get you, it's not really much of a problem to shoot down that chopper. So 
much for Toreno.

Mountain Cloud Boys                                           [GTASABDSFWALK52]
Map Icon - W [The Woozie Strand]
Prereqs - Jizzy
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (44.39% Total)
Unlocks - Ran Fa Li Mission, AK-47 unlocked at Ammu-Nation

Bring some armor and a good weapon (such as the trusty AK-47). Pick up Woozie 
and drive around the block to the next marker. Crouch down when all hell breaks 
loose and start popping enemies in the head. Watch out for the sniper up on the 

Once you get into the car, drive until Woozie takes out the rest of the ambush. 
Help him out with some drive-by style shooting if you like. When you're done, 
Woozie gives you a cool 5K for your help.

Ran Fa Li                                                     [GTASABDSFWALK53]
Map Icon - W [The Woozie Strand]
Prereqs - Mountain Cloud Boys
Rewards - $6,000, Respect (15)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (44.92% Total)
Unlocks - Lure Mission

This is a fairly easy driving mission. Head over to the airport parking garage 
(while you are down here, look for the armor that is near the entrance to the 
garage, on the right). The sabre you are after is in the back. As soon as you 
get into the car, the ambush is sprung (naturally). The Da Nang boys will block 
most of the exits, but they leave enough open so that you can make your way 
out. When you come out of the airport (run the blockade), take your first right 
and head up the coast road. A motorcycle or two may follow you, so brush them 
off. Continue up the road to the marker and it's yet another mission 

Lure                                                          [GTASABDSFWALK54]
Map Icon - W [The Woozie Strand]
Prereqs - Ran Fa Li
Rewards - $8,000, Respect (50)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (45.45% Total)
Unlocks - Amphibious Assault Mission

Make the long journey from Woozie's place down to the starting point, where you 
will pick up your two tails. From there, just follow the markers. The Da Nang 
boys will be shooting at you the entire time, so try to keep ahead of them far 
enough so that they don't hit too often. Easier said than done, I know. There 
are places where you are going up hill on the dirt road, and your SUV won't go 
all that fast. If they get right next to you, brush them off into a cliff (or 
preferably off the edge of one).

Amphibious Assault                                            [GTASABDSFWALK55]
Map Icon - W [The Woozie Strand]
Prereqs - Lure
Rewards - $11,000, Respect (25)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (45.99% Total)
Unlocks - The Da Nang Thang Mission

Although there are plenty of knives in this mission, the real weapon of choice 
is the silenced pistol. Hopefully you still have the one Cesar gave you a few 
missions back, but if not, make a quick stop at Ammu-Nation and pick one up. 
You don't need a whole lot of ammo, one set should be enough.

Walk into the red marker (between the hours of 20:00 and 06:00) to fire up the 
mission. There is a minimum requirement for lung capacity, but if you've been 
following this guide (and collecting the oysters), this should not be an issue. 
Drive down to the docks and hop into the water. Just follow the onscreen 
prompts to get through the first part; all of this should be old hat to you by 

When you reach open water, it gets a little trickier. Don't swim on the surface 
or you'll attract the attention of the guards on the boat. If you hear them 
make a comment, immediately dive under water. Swim toward the ship (always 
under the surface). Make sure that when you come up for air, you keep out of 
the spotlights (dive under water when they get near). Once you are alongside 
the ship, I found the spotlights couldn't see you.

The platform is on the northern side of the ship, near the middle. Climb up and 
head up the stairs. Go into a crouch and start watching for guards. This is 
where the silenced pistol comes in handy. Make your way east and then down into 
the interior of the ship and finally come to the marker to plant the bug. You 
can continue into the ship if you like (though there is nothing really very 
interesting to see).

When you're done, return to the stairs and back into the water. From here it's 
another long swim back to the docks. Just take it nice and easy, stay 
underwater when swimming, and you'll be fine.

Buying Property, Part 4                                       [GTASABDSFWALK56]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - Green Sabre 
Rewards - New Save Points
Completion Percentage - 0.53% + 0.54% (47.06% Total)
Unlocks - None

We've made a ton of cash in the last batch of missions. There's a whole mess of 
safe houses we still have to buy, so you may be wondering what the heck I'm 
waiting for. Well, I was waiting until we had about $120,000 so we could finish 
off the two remaining properties in the badlands. You should have that amount 
now (if you aren't quite there, you'll need to make it. Remember you have 
$9,000 in assets that can be picked up, and if that still isn't enough, cap a 
few drug dealers or something).

Drive down to Angel Pine where your other save point is. Just down the street 
is a green house icon. This one will cost you $20K, and it only comes with a 
wardrobe and a save icon (but at least it's slightly better than the original 
point, which doesn't even have a wardrobe to use).

The second property we are going to acquire is in Whetstone. It's a big old 
farm, and you can only get to it from the north. This sucker will set you back 
$100K. Ouch. It's big, but in the end, there's nothing here more exciting than 
a wardrobe and a save icon. There are some vehicles outside you can play around 
with, as well as some fun jumps (no unique jumps here, though).  

We just bought what are pretty much the two most useless properties in the 
game. If you're like me, you're probably about broke now, but at least we're 
done with the badlands. Just a few more properties to buy in San Fierro now.

The Da Nang Thang                                             [GTASABDSFWALK57]
Map Icon - W [The Woozie Strand]
Prereqs - Amphibious Assault
Rewards - $15,000, Respect (30)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (47.59% Total)
Unlocks - None (but required for Yay Ka-Boom-Boom)

Armor up for this mission, but don't bother with buying any weapons.

This starts out pretty cool; you're the gunner on a helicopter. Shoot down as 
many of the Da Nang as you can, but before too long things get bad and you end 
up in the drink. To make matters worse, the only weapon you managed to hang 
onto is your knife. Great.

Swim toward the marker and get aboard. Though the game seems to want you to 
treat this as a stealth mission, in reality it's not. It's more of a go in 
blazing mission. Take down the first guy with your knife to get a rifle. That's 
slightly better, but subsequent guys will have machine guns (silly CJ, always 
bringing a rifle to an SMG fight), so take out a few of those to get some real 

Work your way toward the stern of the ship (you'll be climbing over the 
crates). Watch for the health icon as you make your way back. Before you reach 
the superstructure, you'll find the entrance to the hold. Head down and take 
out a few more guards. Watch out for the guy throwing the grenade. When you 
make it to the end, release the prisoners. 

Now head for the bridge, taking down guards as you go. When you get there, you 
get to have a big knife fight with the boss guy. He's really not all that 
tough, and a couple of good whacks ought to do it. Return to where the 
prisoners are to complete another mission and earn some much-needed cash.

(By the way, this is where one of your three remaining photo ops is, but 
unfortunately you lost your camera in the crash. Too bad. We'll come back for 
it later).

Yay Ka-Boom-Boom                                              [GTASABDSFWALK58]
Map Icon - Syndicate [Syndicate]
Prereqs - Toreno's Last Flight and The Da Nang Thang
Rewards - $25,000, Respect (60)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (48.13% Total)
Unlocks - Monster Mission, Wang Cars Property, Victim Clothing, M4 unlocked at 

We finished off the members of the syndicate, now it's time to shut down the 
operation once and for all. Pick up the specially modified car from the garage, 
and head over to the factory. Take out the two goons in front to get through 
the gate. Run over the guards inside if you like on your way in, but don't get 
carried away, your main goal is to reach the marker. Make a short jump to get 
onto the factory floor, and park the car where indicated. Hit the left mouse 
button to arm the bomb, and high tail it out of there.

When you are out front, make your way to the gate. Grab the car and return back 
toward the factory, you'll need to jump your way out. You may remember this 
jump, since we've already done it as a unique jump. This time, though, you are 
in a P.O.S. low-rider instead of a super fast NRG-500, so get up a little speed 
to get over the wall. Keep it centered on the ramp or you'll hit the crates. If 
you don't make it, another car will be provided for you, you'll just have to 
fight your way to it. Once you are out of the compound, return to the garage 
for another mission accomplished. You'll get two phone calls. The first is from 
an unknown source and will be your first mission in the Las Venturas area. The 
second is from Jethro, who alerts you to a little business opportunity.

Buying Property, Part 5                                       [GTASABDSFWALK59]
Map Icon - CV
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom 
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (48.66% Total)
Unlocks - Zeroing In Mission

To buy this next property, you need $50,000. Since our last buying spree, we've 
already made $40K off missions, so we only need another $10K. Easy! Grab your 
three assets (Zero's RC Shop, the Valet Parking, and the Hippy Mart). Hopefully 
all three have maxed out by now, so that's $9,000 right there. For your last 
thousand, take out a drug dealer (or a couple enemy gang if you can't find a 
dealer), or just wait a bit for Zero's shop to build up a little more cash.

Once you have your $50K, head down the street from your garage to the Auto 
Dealership (where the CV icon is) and buy it. This opens up your next mission.

Zeroing In                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK60]
Map Icon - CV [Steal Cars Strand]
Prereqs - Bought Wang Cars 
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (49.20% Total)
Unlocks - Test Drive Mission

Follow the markers, and be somewhat snappy about it (you don't want them to 
fade to zero or you lose her). When you see the target car, ram her (the game 
tells you to do a P.I.T. so do that if you prefer. Personally I just ram the 
crap out of her and take the car over to the Pay-n-Spray to get it fixed up, 
but whatever you want to do). Once she exits the car, grab it and return to the 
garage. There's nothing hard about this mission unless you drive too slowly and 
lose the signal.

Test Drive                                                    [GTASABDSFWALK61]
Map Icon - CV [Steal Cars Strand]
Prereqs - Zeroing In
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (49.73% Total)
Unlocks - Customs Fast Track

This mission would be a piece of cake if it weren't for the small problem that 
Cesar takes you on a tour of the damn city. After all, why go straight back to 
the garage when you can zip down every road in San Fierro with the cops on your 
tail? Anyway, just stay close to Cesar and do what he does (except for that 
spin around thing, don't do that). When Cesar is finished messing around, you 
will end up back at the garage. 

By the way, you can check out the cars you've stolen so far in your dealership, 
Wang Cars.

Customs Fast Track                                            [GTASABDSFWALK62]
Map Icon - CV [Steal Cars Strand]
Prereqs - Test Drive
Rewards - Up to $10,000, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (50.27% Total)
Unlocks - Puncture Wounds Mission, Exports and Imports (list 1), Wheel Angels

Head to the docks (the easiest way to get there from your garage is to drive 
across the street to the train station and follow the tracks south. One of the 
tracks veers off to the left, follow it east to the end and you're at the 

Grab the crates one by one and put them in the markers. Once you get the third 
crate unloaded, hop out of the crane and help Cesar. You have three sets of 
goons to take down. When they're done, return to the garage. Try not to damage 
the car on your way, as your reward is deducted for car damage.

Export Board, List 1                                          [GTASABDSFWALK63]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Customs Fast Track
Rewards - Up to $429,000, Monster Car, Windsor Car
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (50.80% Total)
Unlocks - Exports and Imports (list 2)

No, that isn't a typo. Almost half a million dollars is up for grabs in this 
mission, and it's just one of three lists to complete. Basically, this is the 
end of your money problems for the rest of the game. The money you get for a 
car is reduced if the car is damaged. Fortunately, there is a Pay-n-Spray just 
up the street (from the crane, follow the tracks to the station, the spray shop 
is just to the north near Wang Cars). Use it! The $100 you spend to fix up the 
car will repay in the thousands when you get the car onto the ship.

Every car you bring to the ship can be imported later on for a price. If you've 
done the driving school, you probably don't need them, but it's nice to know 
they're there. In addition, when you bring in the fifth car on the list, you 
get the first bonus car available for import. Similarly, you get another bonus 
car at the completion of the list. This is true for all three boards.

The mission is simple; just deliver the cars that are listed on the board (near 
the water doors you used for the NRG-500 challenge). It helps if you have been 
paying attention to the cars and what they are called. I'll try to help you out 
a bit. Here is a list of the cars you need for this board, and how much you 
will get for each one. Don't worry about doing them in any particular order, 
just bring them in as you find them.

Patriot ($40,000) - This is a Hum-Vee look alike. You really can't miss it. 
Unfortunately, you don't often see them on the street. But lucky for you, 
there's one parked in the parking lot of Easter Bay Chemicals (south of the 

Sanchez ($8,000) - This is the 2-stroke dirt bike you used to get to the top of 
Mount Chiliad. You can find them all over the place on the street in the 
country. If you are really stuck, look at your newly acquired farm property in 

Stretch ($40,000) - Another easy one, it's the limo. If you followed my advice 
and parked the Stretch you got from one of the earlier missions, you already 
have this car sitting in your garage. If not, look around the Paradiso or 
Juniper Heights area.

Feltzer ($35,000) - This is a 2 door convertible. You can find them pretty 
readily on the streets of San Fierro. If you are really stuck, there is one 
parked at a gas station in the Badlands (take the main coastal freeway to the 
far southeast corner of the Badlands).

Remington ($30,000) - The Remington is a low-rider, and you can find them on 
the streets of San Fierro easily enough. There is also one spawned near where 
Cesar used to live (east of the Observatory in Los Santos).

Buffalo ($35,000) - This is a muscle car with twin hood scoops on the hood. I 
had a hard time finding this anywhere, but there is one parked outside of 
Catalina's hideout. It's a bit of a drive.

Sentinel ($35,000) - The Sentinel is a 4-door luxury sedan. Look for the raised 
ridge down the center of the hood, and the thin stripe along the side. 

Infernus ($95,000) - The Infernus is a high performance sports car. It has a 
flat sloped front end, and a low profile spoiler on the back.

Camper ($26,000) - This is a VW Bus look alike. You can find one in an alley 
near the Burger Shot in Garcia (in San Fierro).

Admiral ($35,000) - Another 4 door luxury sedan, this one has two stripes on 
the side (one at mid level, one along the bottom). You can usually find one 
parked outside of Jizzy's club.

When you finish all ten cars, you get a $50,000 bonus, as if you didn't already 
get paid enough. Let's do another board.

Export Board, List 2                                          [GTASABDSFWALK64]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Export Board, List 1
Rewards - Up to $452,000, Bandito Car, Turismo Car
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (51.34% Total)
Unlocks - Exports and Imports (list 3)

Slamvan ($19,000) - This looks like a really buffed out El Camino. They're 
pretty tough to find. The best advice I can give is to get the one parked in 
Los Santos. Get on the train tracks and follow them all the way to the El 
Corona station. When you come out head for your nearby save point, then drive 
east. You should run across the vehicle shortly, parked in front of a small 
house. You can also find them driving around the Prickle Pines in Las Venturas.

Blista Compact ($35,000) - This is a two door hatchback, one of the smaller 
cars in the game. It is dual color, and you can find one just inside the 
airport grounds (near the entrance, but behind the fence). They're common 
enough driving around on the street, and fairly distinctive.

Stafford ($35,000) - This is a four door luxury car. You can find one parked in 
front of the hotel in Queens (you have a save point there).

Sabre ($19,000) - On the street the runs in front of your garage, about every 
third car is a Sabre. It's a muscle car with a fastback rear end.

FCR-900 ($10,000) - This is a crotch rocket. They aren't as easy to find as you 
may think (most people on the street will be driving PCJ-600s). If you can't 
find one, you can make the very long drive into Las Venturas. Take the Garver 
Bridge, follow the freeway to the south and into the city. At the Blackfield 
Intersection, head north, and then east at the Pilson Intersectin. Parked at 
the pizza place in Roca Escalante, you will find the bike.

Cheeta ($105,000) - The Cheeta is a hella expensive sports car (it looks like a 
Lamborghini, with the slightly exposed engine in the back), and they aren't 
easy to find. Your best bet is to check out the high-end areas. I found one in 
Las Venturas (just follow the train tracks until you reach Prickle Pine 
(there's a Red House icon nearby)). Supposedly, there is one parked in front of 
one of the houses here, but I never saw it spawn. Still, if you drive around a 
bit, you should see one on the street.

Rancher ($40,000) - This is the dual colored SUV you see all over Red County. 
Just drive over there (the Easter Bay Tunnel is the easiest route) and you 
should have no problem picking one up.

Stallion ($19,000) - This is a convertible that looks a lot like a Mustang. You 
can often find one parked behind the Supa Save (about a block south of the 
Binco clothing store in Juniper Hill.

Tanker ($35,000) - This is a semi-truck. You can find one in the desert area 
(go across Gant bridge, go ahead, it's okay to go into Las Venturas now). Stay 
on the freeway until you see the diner on your right.

Comet ($35,000) - This is a two door convertible sports car. You can find one 
parked at the Avispa Country Club.

When you finish all ten cars on this list, you get an extra $100,000 bonus.

Export Board, List 3                                          [GTASABDSFWALK65]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Export Board, List 2
Rewards - Up to $561,000, Vortex Car, Bullet Car
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (51.87% Total)
Unlocks - None

One last board to go. Let's get started.

Blade ($19,000) - This is the convertible low-rider. There are plenty driving 
around San Fierro, just hang out near your garage and you should see one drive 
by soon enough.

Freeway ($10,000) - The Freeway is the Harley Davidson looking bike you see 
driving the roads of Red County. I trust you won't have much of a problem 
tracking one of these down.

Mesa ($25,000) - This is a Jeep. The only place I could find one is parked at 
Mount Chiliad, near the finish line for the race challenges you did earlier.

ZR 350 ($45,000) - This is another high performance sports car. You can find 
one in The Clown's Pocket parking lot (there's a red house icon on the casino).

Euros ($35,000) - This is a two door sports car. You can find a Euros at the 
Camel Toe Casino in Las Venturas. There is another red house icon right where 
the car is parked.

Banshee ($45,000) - The Banshee is a convertible sports car. There is one 
parked on the same block as the Gym in San Fierro.

Super GT ($105,000) - This one is easy. If you've done all the driving school 
missions and gotten at least bronze medals, the Super GT is parked outside the 

Journey ($22,000) - This one is tricky. Go to the very top of Mount Chiliad to 
find the vehicle. That was the easy part. Now drive that big old RV down the 
dirt path. That's the hard part. Once you're down, take it pretty easy going 
back to the crane, you don't want to tip it over and have to go get another 
one. (You actually may find one on the way down to the mountain; they're not 
really all that uncommon on these country roads).

Huntley ($40,000) - This is a high end SUV. Unfortunately, it's one of the 
rarer cars in the game, and there is no consistent spawn point. You can cruise 
the upper level neighborhoods (such as Prickle Pine or Mulholland) and see what 
you find. The other option (and perhaps your best bet) is to cruise the driving 
school parking lot. Sometimes the car will spawn there. Drive around the block 
a few times. If you've gotten all gold and the Hotknife is outside, be sure to 
take that to get it out of the way (the Huntley spawns in the same place).

BF Injection ($15,000) - Drive down to the beaches in the far south side of 
Flint County (you may remember we did a Unique Jump off a sand dune down here). 
You'll find this car parked on the beach next to a giant dune.

At the end of this (rather difficult) list, you make a cool $200,000 bonus. You 
should, at the end of all three boards, have around $1.4 million or so. This is 
more money than you will need for the rest of the game.

Buying Property, Part 6                                       [GTASABDSFWALK66]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - Are You Going to San Fierro 
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% + 0.53% + 0.54% + 0.53% (54.01% Total)
Unlocks - New Save points

Now that we're rich, let's go ahead and buy the four remaining properties in 
San Fierro. They are in Doherty, Hashbury, China Town, and Calton Heights. 
There's nothing special about these, the interiors are all ones you've seen 
before, except for Hashbury (which has a nice entryway to it). These are just 
steps to 100% completion.

Puncture Wounds                                               [GTASABDSFWALK67]
Map Icon - CV [Steal Cars Strand]
Prereqs - Customs Fast Track 
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (54.55% Total)
Unlocks - Wang Cars Asset

This is a pretty easy mission. Get in front of the target car and drop a 
stinger to blow her tires. Once she gets out, grab the car and return to the 
garage. Nothing to it. At this point, Wang Cars becomes an asset, worth up to 
$8,000 per day (not that you need it now).

Trucking Vehicle Mission, Part 2                              [GTASABDSFWALK68]
Map Icon - Truck
Prereqs - Tanker Commander
Rewards - Up to $17,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (55.08% Total)
Unlocks - RC Haul Asset

We're just about done in San Fierro, but before we leave, let's go finish off 
the last two missions of the Trucking Vehicle set. Both missions involve 
bringing a truck into Las Venturas. In the first, you have some delicate goods 
that have a time deadline, so you must both drive carefully and quickly. Don't 
stress too much over the time limit, just take it nice and easy, your deadline 
is pretty generous.

The second one is a bit harder. Like previous missions, you have the police on 
your tail, and with a four star wanted level, it's not easy to make it all the 
way into Las Venturas. Speed helps here, and push the cops off into the water 
or buildings or whatever as the opportunity presents itself.

Once you deliver the last truck, you get the property as an asset, which 
generates up to $2,000 per day. Don't bother to return to San Fierro once you 
finish the final trucking mission, you may as well go to your only save point 
in the new city; we'll be going on from here.

I6. Taking Stock                                            [GTASABDSFSTOCKTOP]

Player                                                       [GTASABDSFSTOCK01]
Stamina - Full Bar
Muscle - Full Bar
Current Number of Girlfriends - 4
Luck - 0

Money                                                        [GTASABDSFSTOCK02]
Property Budget - $725,000
Money Made from Burglary - $10,000 (or higher)

Weapons                                                      [GTASABDSFSTOCK03]
Pistol Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Micro-SMG Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Shotgun Skill - Gangster (or higher)

Crimes                                                       [GTASABDSFSTOCK04]
Various statistics, none of which are important

Gangs                                                        [GTASABDSFSTOCK05]
Territory Under Control - 0.00%
Biggest Gang - Ballas (40)
2nd Biggest Gang - Los Santos Vagos (13)
3rd Biggest Gang - Grove Street Families (0)

Achievement                                                  [GTASABDSFSTOCK06]
Unique Jumps Found - 50 out of 70
Unique Jumps Done - 50 out of 70
Tags Sprayed - 100 out of 100
Snapshots Taken - 47 out of 50
Oysters Collected - 34 out of 50
Horseshoes Collected - 0 out of 50

Mission                                                      [GTASABDSFSTOCK07]
Missions Passed - 78
Highest Firefighter Mission Level - 12
Highest Paramedic Mission Level - 12
Passengers Dropped Off - 50 (or higher)
Pimping Level - 10
Number of Vehicles Exported - 30 out of 30
Packages Delivered - 36
Best Position in 8 Track - 1
Shooting Range Levels Passed - 9 out of 12
Most Cars Parked on 'Valet Parking' - 25 out of 25
Best Position in Low Rider Race - 1
Best Position in Badlands A - 1
Best Position in Badlands B - 1

Misc                                                         [GTASABDSFSTOCK08]
Progress Made - 55.08%

| J. The Desert and Las Venturas |                               [GTASATDLVTOP]

J1. City Overview                                                 [GTASATDLVOV]

There are essentially two sections to this area, the desert (which consists of 
Tierra Robada and Bone County) and the city (Las Venturas). To the far west is 
Tierra Robada, a rural area with lots of canyons. You'll find Bayside to the 
west, home of the boating school. El Quebrados is east of Bayside, and has a 
small rural hospital and police station. East of El Quebrados are Aldea 
Malvada, Valle Ocultado, and Arco Del Oeste, canyon areas with a collection of 
high bluffs. You will discover the Sherman Dam to the south of these landmarks.

On the eastern side of the desert, to the north, is an aircraft graveyard. 
There is a functional landing strip here, though it has been abandoned for a 
long while. South of the airport is a no fly zone (however nothing should be 
read into this, the government has confirmed there is nothing there, so don't 
bother to go there as they will not be responsible for any stray SAM missiles 
that may accidentally be launched in your direction).

To the south is Fort Carson, a touristy area (home of the worlds biggest ****), 
and Hunter Quarry.

East of the desert is the city of Las Venturas, ("it used to be a patch of 
desert, then it was a mob town. Now, it is the corporate headquarters of 
America"). The west side of the city is dominated by the Las Venturas Airport. 
To the north of the airport is the exclusive area of Prickle Pine, where the 
rich and famous live. 

Down the center of the city is the Strip, where many famous casinos are to be 
found, such as the Four Dragons, The Camel's Toe, Caligula's, and the Come-A-
Lot. Around the edges of the city are the residential areas, such as Rockshore 
West and Spiny Bed. To the far northwest is the KACC Military Fuel base. Hotels 
and marriage chapels are scattered throughout the city.

J2. 100% Completion List                                         [GTASATDLV100]

Here are the things we will be doing in The Desert and Las Venturas that are 
required for the 100% completion score:

Story Missions: From "Monster" (The Toreno Strand) to "Breaking the Bank at 
     Caligula's" (The Heist Strand).
Take Photo Op Pictures (3 out of 50).
Collect Horseshoes (50 out of 50).
Collect Oysters (16 out of 50).
Obtain at least all Bronze Medals in Bike School (6 challenges).
Obtain at least all Bronze Medals in Boating School (5 challenges).
Obtain at least all Bronze Medals in Pilot School (10 challenges).
The fourth Challenge at Ammu-Nation.
Purchase (or otherwise obtain) ten available save points.
Learn new moves at the gym.
Complete the Burger Shot Courier Asset Mission.
Complete the Freight Train Challenge.
Complete the Quarry Mission Challenge. 
Complete San Fierro Race Tournaments (6).
Complete Las Venturas Race Tournaments (10).
Win the Dirt Track and Kickstart Stadium Events.
Complete Vigilante.

J3. Other Activities                                           [GTASATDLVOTHER]

These are the things we will be doing in The Desert and Las Venturas that don't 
contribute to the 100% completion score. We will do them for the sake of 
completeness. Some of them impart game play benefits, while others are just for 

Beat the Cock Triathlons (2).
Unique Jumps (20 out of 70).
Girlfriends (Barbara Schternvart, Millie).

J4. Dramatis Personae                                             [GTASATDLVDP]

(In order of appearance)
Carl Johnson (CJ) - Still you.
Mike Toreno - Hmmm, apparently he survived the last chapter.
Jethro - An employee.
The Truth - Hippy dude.
Wu Zi Mu - Still around from the last chapter.
Kent Paul - Band Manager.
Maccer - Band Lead Vocalist.
Barbara Schternvart - A girlfriend.
Ken Rosenburg - Mob Lawyer, if you played VC, you've met him before.
Officer Frank Tenpenny 
Officer Eddie Polaski   > Police officers; a constant pain in your side.
Officer Hernandez      /
Madd Dogg - You screwed him over in the first chapter, now you're helping him 
Salvatore Leone - Head of the Leone Family.
Millie - A girlfriend.

J5. Walkthrough                                              [GTASATDLVWALKTOP]

Monster                                                       [GTASATDLVWALK01]
Map Icon - ? [The Toreno Strand]
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom 
Rewards - Up to $5,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (55.61% Total)
Unlocks - Highjack Mission

Go to the marker to get in touch with your mysterious mission sponsor. You 
still don't yet know who he is, nor will you find out from this mission. First 
you have to pass a little test.

Nice truck. Time is less your enemy here than the terrain is; take it fairly 
easy or you'll find yourself tipped over, or worse, dunked into the ocean. Use 
the four-wheel steering to make the sharp turns where you need to, but use it 
sparingly, as it's easy to spin out with the extra steering on. If you want to 
come in first (and make the entire $5,000), you need to beat 4:20. Five minutes 
will put you in third place. To pass the mission, you have to complete the 
course in 6:30.

Highjack                                                      [GTASATDLVWALK02]
Map Icon - ? [The Toreno Strand]
Prereqs - Monster 
Rewards - $7,000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (56.15% Total)
Unlocks - Interdiction Mission

The only tricky part of this mission is staying alongside the truck until Cesar 
finally decides to jump for it, especially when the truck is throwing cars your 
way. Stay even with the door of the cab as best you can. Once Cesar is in the 
truck, wait until he gets control. Then it's a nice leisurely drive back to the 

Interdiction                                                  [GTASATDLVWALK03]
Map Icon - T [The Toreno Strand]
Prereqs - Highjack 
Rewards - $1,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (56.68% Total)
Unlocks - Verdant Meadows Mission

Back at Toreno's place, grab a car and head for the ghost town. From there, you 
need to grab the rocket launcher and the vehicle of your choice (I prefer the 
Sanchez, but it's your call. I dare you to take the Quad). The path up the 
mountain starts just to your south.

Once you're up top, a couple of bogies appear. Shoot them down, but try not to 
make them crash right on top of you. There is a health icon in the barn if you 
need it. Unfortunately, more choppers appear once the first two are down. Keep 
bringing them down, eventually the enemy runs out of copters. 

For some reason, your guys decide to drop their cargo halfway across the 
desert. There's nothing for it but to go retrieve it, with a two star wanted 
level. Once you grab the package, your wanted level drops to one star, so 
getting back is not quite as dangerous.

Buying Property, Part 1                                       [GTASATDLVWALK04]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Booom-Boom
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% + 0.53% + 0.54% (58.29% Total)
Unlocks - New Save points

We have the money, so let's go buy the three safe houses that are available to 
us in the desert. The house in Fort Carson will cost you $30K, while the other 
two are $20K apiece. The interiors are all the same, and nothing special, they 
have a save icon and a wardrobe. None of the three have a garage.

Collecting Horseshoes, Part 1                                 [GTASATDLVWALK05]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Booom-Boom
Rewards - Increased Luck, $100 per shoe ($2,500 in this set)
Completion Percentage 0.00% (58.29% Total)
Unlocks - None

Let's do the first half of the horseshoes, as it'll serve as a good tour of the 
new city anyway. So go ahead and get out your horseshoe map. Note that all 50 
shoes are in the actual city; none of them are in the desert.

We'll start, naturally enough, with shoe #1. Open up your map and find the 
airstrip to the north (there's a red house icon near it). Directly to the east 
of the airstrip is a freeway running north to south. Go to the north end of it 
and follow the freeway to the east until you see the "Welcome to Fabulous Las 
Ventura" sign in the median. Your horseshoe will be right under it.

Continue east on the freeway, and when you see houses to your left, cut across 
the sand to reach them. Make your way to the train tracks and follow them west 
to where they leave the development. Check the last house south of the tracks 
for horseshoe #2.

To the north of you is a golf course. Drive over to the entrance (it's on the 
western side). The horseshoe is actually on the club building near a window at 
the back. Climb onto the roof to find horseshoe #3.

To the east of the Prickle Pines development is a set of apartment buildings, 
in the center of which is a pool. You will find horseshoe #4 on the northern 
side of the pool. To the east of the apartments are a series of tennis courts, 
and you'll find shoe #5 is in the southeast court.

From the courts, drive south back onto the road, and follow it south and then 
east as it curves. Turn right (south) to leave the Prickle Pine district. You 
will cross over the freeway, and to your left is an unmarked business (a 
storage facility, maybe?). Go in and past all the garages to the back, where 
you will find shoe #6.

Come out of the storage place and get on the road south of it, going east. 
Watch for the Soapy's car wash sign, and a billboard with a cereal ad on it. 
Shoe #7 is at the base of that billboard (you can go through the car wash to 
get to it).

You can't get horseshoe #8 right now, so we'll move on to horseshoe #9. Drive 
back west on the road you are on and then go south when it ends. Watch for a 
short wall on your right (it's attached to the gift shops). Climb over to get 
your prize. You also cannot get shoe #10, so we'll continue with the next one.

Drive south past the gift shop and look for a hotel on your left (it's in the 
same block as the Pay-n-Spray. Pull into the parking lot. Now you have to climb 
up to the third level, but this is pretty easy to do (you don't even need to 
use a car roof). Horseshoe #11 is on the western side of the hotel. Note that 
there is some armor on the second level, if you need it.

To the north of the hotel is an alley (there are a series of power lines 
running down it). You will find Horseshoe #12 in this alley. Continue to the 
end of the alley and crash through the gate. Drive north and take your first 
left. Pull into the parking lot to your right (there are green bushes bordering 
it), and climb onto the roof of the western building to find Horseshoe #13.

Continue to the west (cross over the freeway). Soon you will see a steakhouse 
and a small casino to the left. Stop here and get on the roof of the 
steakhouse. You shouldn't have any problem locating shoe #14 (it's near the 

Horseshoe #15 is to your north, in the cargo storage yard. Go into the entrance 
and head to the northwest side. Use your car to get onto the wall, and from 
there you should be able to jump over and get on top of the cargo crates, where 
you will find the shoe.

Leave the yard driving west. At the end of the street you will see a restaurant 
(there's a baseball stadium to your south). You should see a blue wall 
connected to the restaurant, and you'll notice shoe #16 on top of it (you'll 
need to use a car to get up to it).

Now open your map. To the west (and a bit south) you will see a red house icon. 
Go there now. Once you are there, look to your north to find a red building 
surrounded by a wall with barbwire on it. Circle the building until you find a 
way in and look on the western side to locate shoe #17.

Get back on the western most road and drive past your red house icon again 
going south. When the road curves to the east, there is an office complex to 
your south. Horseshoe #18 is in the bushes. You'll need to make a jump to grab 
it out of the air.

Horseshoes 19, 20, and 21 are inside the airport grounds. We could get them 
now, but it's more trouble than it's worth, so let's leave them for a bit. 
Instead continue south along the road you are on, and you will eventually see 
the college in front of you. You will find horseshoe 22 in the center of the 

Get back on the road north of the college and drive east over the freeway. Once 
you cross over the freeway and get past the storage crates, turn right into the 
businesses. Drive south and stop at the garbage cans to the south of the 
building with the yellow roof (the Sumo building). Hop the wall to find 
horseshoe 23. Drive around the building just to your south to the truck bays to 
find horseshoe 24. 

To the south of you across the freeway is a big church. You will find horseshoe 
#25 on the roof near the main eastern entrance. You can actually run up the 
side of this sloped building to grab the prize.

From the church, make your way east to get underneath the freeway (where the 
Mako Span starts). You will find shoe 26 under the bridge at one of the support 

Continue past the bridge to the east. You will pass the Last Dime Hotel and 
reach a series of houses. Look in the backyard of one of the houses to catch 
Horseshoe #27. To reach Horseshoe #28, just go north across the street to 
another series of houses and check their backyards as well.
Don't worry about horseshoes 29, 30, and 31 right now; we'll come back for them 
later. Instead drive east along the freeway to your north. As the freeway 
begins to curve to the north, you should see a church to your left. Get onto 
the roof (you may have to use a car to get up there) to grab Horseshoe #32.

From the church, go directly east past the train tracks, where you will find 
more blue-collar businesses. Look toward the truck bays to the south to find 
horseshoe 33.

Okay, that's half of the shoes, go back and save. We'll hit a couple of 
missions before we continue on.

Verdant Meadows                                               [GTASATDLVWALK06]
Map Icon - T [The Toreno Strand]
Prereqs - Interdiction
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (58.82% Total)
Unlocks - Abandoned Airstrip property, Race tournaments

This is just a cut scene mission. Toreno wants you to go buy the abandoned 
airstrip up north for one dollar. Once you're done talking with Toreno, the 
mission is over. You can go buy the property (which now has a green house icon 
on it, as well as a plane icon) whenever you like.

You will also get a call from Jethro about street races. If you open your map 
and look closely, you will see four checkered flag icons (one in Los Santos, 
one in San Fierro, and two in Las Venturas). They're a bit hard to see (being 
mostly white on white), but look closely and you'll find them (hint: the one in 
Los Santos is in Little Mexico). Note that you won't get the call from Jethro 
right away. I think you have to be actually standing in the abandoned airport 
ready to buy it (but he will definitely call before you make the purchase).

Buying Property, Part 2                                       [GTASATDLVWALK07]
Map Icon - Green House and Plane

Prereqs - Verdant Meadows
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (59.36% Total)
Unlocks - Learning to Fly (Pilot School)

Head north and go buy the airport. It will cost you more than one dollar (in 
fact, it'll cost you $80,000). This unlocks a new save point and the pilot 

Learning to Fly (Pilot School)                                [GTASATDLVWALK08]
Map Icon - Plane [The Airstrip Strand]
Prereqs - Buying Property, Part 2
Rewards - Respect (5), Increased Flying Skill, Pilot's License
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (59.89% Total)
Unlocks - N.O.E. Mission and Fender Ketchup Mission, Airports

Don't kid yourself, Pilot School is hard, especially if you want to get golds 
in all 10 tests. You only need bronze to continue the story line (N.O.E. will 
open up after you finish "Circle the Airstrip", while Fender Ketchup requires 
at least bronze in all 10 tests).

Like driving school, you get vehicle rewards depending on the level of 
proficiency you acquire. For a minimum of bronzes (or higher) in all missions, 
you get a Rustler plane for your use. If you get all silver medals or better, 
you will also get access to a stunt plane. If you can manage to get gold in all 
10 tests, you get a Hunter helicopter, which is one badass piece of equipment. 
Here are a few tips:

Takeoff: You need to go through all three coronas in 30 seconds or less for 

Land Plane: Again you need to do this in 30 seconds or less for gold. Note that 
you can use the Q and E keys while on the ground to steer.

Circle Airstrip: This one is a bit tough. The real trick is to go through each 
corona so that the next corona is visible in front of you. That reduces your 
natural tendency to start over compensating (and once you over compensate, it 
becomes increasingly difficult to get the plane back on track). The most 
important thing is to be gentle with the controls. Once you panic, it's all 
over. Finish the course in 60 seconds or less for gold (you'll have to keep the 
W key down at all times to make this limit). By the way, the game suggests you 
use the Q and E keys to steer, however, I found the arrow keys much more 
responsive. Q and E were only useful to me when I was on the ground. Your call, 

Circle Airstrip and Land: If you thought the last one was hard, wait until you 
get to this one. It's the same exact course, but this time you have to land the 
plane on the runway, oriented properly and in the correct position to finish. 
You get an extra 20 seconds to make the landing (so you must get 80 seconds or 
better to make gold). The best advice I can give is to try to hit the last 
corona such that you're banked toward the runway. Once you go through that last 
marker, let off the accelerator, line up (as best you can), drop your landing 
gear, and hit the S key to slow down. Keep the nose up (with the down arrow 
key) to prevent damage. To make the time limit, you have to hit the runway a 
pretty good ways along it. Remember that the planes don't stop on a dime, so 
give yourself room to brake when you're coming up to the red marker.

Helicopter Takeoff: After that last hard mission, this one is much easier. Just 
follow the onscreen instructions. Finish in 30 seconds for gold.

Land Helicopter: Land in 30 seconds for gold. Unlike the planes, a helicopter 
can take a pretty rough landing without damage, so don't be afraid to come down 

Destroy Targets: This is the hardest of the bunch. The time limit for gold is 
insane (80 seconds), and you'll have to practice a lot to get the chopper down 
in that amount of time. First, go into first person view immediately (the V 
key). Then move forward quickly. When the trucks come into view, let off the W 
key and hit the guns and missiles. Really let fly with the missiles, you don't 
have a limit. When all three are toast, you'll probably have to slam on the W 
key to gain altitude (or you'll hit the back cliff behind the trucks). At the 
same time, jab the E key to spin toward where the two cars are. As soon as you 
get around, move forward. Again, let off a lot of rockets coming toward the 
cars. When you get a little closer, add in the machine guns (the guns auto aim 
for you to a pretty good extent, so don't forget about them). Once the two cars 
are down, spin around again and make a beeline for the runway. You need to both 
land in the marker and be straight (facing east) to get a 100% position score, 
but the position limit is pretty generous (if just about any part of the copter 
is touching the red marker, it will count).

Loop the Loop: The rest of these missions are pretty easy, just follow the 
instructions on screen. You need to do this one in 21 seconds for gold.

Barrel Roll: Do this in 18 seconds for gold.

Parachute onto Target: You need to do this one in 55 seconds for gold and hit 
the target right in the center. You'll have to do it a few times to get a feel 
for when to pull the chute. I found going forward in freefall until you are 
just past the last building marker (to the right) on the radar was a good place 
to be, then I continued down in freefall for a bit (long after the game tells 
you to pull the chute). I spent maybe 15 seconds descending with the chute 
open, without much leg lifting (this will move you forward faster, but will 
also slow your descent). If you get right over the target early, spiral in, you 
can actually turn in a pretty tight spiral and may hit the target fairly well. 

N.O.E.                                                        [GTASATDLVWALK09]
Map Icon - Plane [The Airstrip Strand]
Prereqs - Learning to Fly
Rewards - $15,000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (60.43% Total)
Unlocks - Stowaway

N.O.E. is a pretty tough mission. Basically, you have to fly a plane down to 
Angel Pine, drop off a package, and return to your airport within 9 minutes. 
That's not the tricky part though; the tricky part is you have to keep under 
the radar, which means flying low.

I had the best luck turning left once in the air (you fly between two canyons) 
and going over the no fly zone (they'll shoot a rocket at you, but it's not 
fast enough to catch you). Once you reach water to your south, follow it south 
and west until you come to the San Fierro airport. Cut across here (watch the 
round buildings), and when you reach the river between Mount Chiliad and 
Missionary hill, follow it west to the ocean. Turn south and go past the 
mountain's western side.

I find it easiest to continue south to give yourself plenty of turning room. 
Approach the corona from the south. It's kind of trick to get at, since there 
are trees everywhere, but you should be able to weave your way to it (the 
corona is huge compared to those you are used to seeing from the school tests).

Once you drop your package, reverse the course to get back to the airport. When 
you get near the landing strip, you need to land the plane (don't forget to 
drop your landing gear). You can land anywhere you like on the strip; you don't 
need to get into the marker. When making your approach, don't worry about the 
height issue too much, by the time you are detected and enemy jets appear, you 
should have long since been safely on the ground.

The time limit is almost a non-issue, nine minutes is a ton of time to get this 
done (especially if you've done well in the school missions and can control a 
plane with some skill). If you are detected by radar and jets show up, get 
below the radar limit and stay there. Eventually they give up. Watch your 
radar, if the jets find you and start shooting missiles, immediately take 
evasive action. Chances are that once they start shooting at you, you're 
doomed, but it doesn't hurt to give it a try.

Stowaway                                                      [GTASATDLVWALK10]
Map Icon - Plane [The Airstrip Strand]
Prereqs - N.O.E.
Rewards - $20,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (60.96% Total)
Unlocks - Black Project

As soon as you get control, gun the bike. Tap the forward key to make CJ lean 
forward to get the extra speed you need, or you'll never catch the plane. The 
tricky bit is getting up the ramp while avoiding the barrels. I found it 
easiest to actually get alongside the plane (on the right side) and then stop 
tapping so that you gradually fall back. As you reach the ramp, gun it to get 

Once in the plane, you can't really use your weapons, so change to melee mode 
and start working your way forward. Some joker up front is sending more barrels 
your way, so make sure to use the side areas to avoid them. Just beat the crap 
out of the agents as you are moving forward. When you get to the front, take 
out the last guy and get his chute. Now drop your charge, equip the chute, and 
run out the back (don't worry about the charge, it'll go off automatically). 
Mission accomplished!

But wait, you're in the air! Good thing you got that chute. You are way above 
the landscape, so freefall for a while (unless you just love drifting downward 
forever). Pull the cord when you're ready, and make your way back to the 

Black Project                                                 [GTASATDLVWALK11]
Map Icon - Plane [The Airstrip Strand]
Prereqs - Stowaway
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (61.50% Total)
Unlocks - Green Goo, Desert Eagle Pistol unlocked at Ammu-Nation

You may want to grab some armor for this one (there's a suit in your airstrip. 
On the map, check the northern line of plane icons, near the third one from the 
right, the armor is inside the body of a plane).

You can only start this mission at night (between 20:00 and 06:00). Truth drops 
you off without much fanfare. You need to be inside the compound by 05:30. You 
can do this either by getting to the control tower and opening the blast doors, 
or (if the alarms go off) by reaching a vent.

Take out some guards with your sniper rifle before going in to make your life 
easier. When you get inside, watch out for those lights. Unfortunately, 
shooting them will also alert the compound that something is up, so avoid 
taking them out unless the alarm is already been tripped. If you are spotted by 
a light, the base goes condition blue for a short while. You need to get into 
the shadows until things calm down. If you are spotted while in condition blue, 
the base escalates to condition red, which means they know your there, and 
stealth is no longer an option.

Reach the tower and open the gates, or alternately reach the grate and shoot it 
out to get inside the base. Once in, the base automatically goes condition red. 
Take down the guards as you advance into the base. There are plenty of armor 
icons and even a few health icons if you need them. Your first stop ought to be 
the control room, where you can shut down the SAM sites (the control room is 
not marked on your radar, but it's more or less on the same level as the 

Once the SAMS are down, find the keycard and open the door. Now proceed down 
the stairs, taking out guards as you go. Once you hit the bottom, get the pack 
and fly out of there. Without the SAMS, you should have an easy time of it. 
Just fly to the marker and it's another mission accomplished. 

Green Goo                                                     [GTASATDLVWALK12]
Map Icon - Plane [The Airstrip Strand]
Prereqs - Black Projet
Rewards - $20,000, New Asset ($10,000 per day)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (62.03% Total)
Unlocks - Jet Pack, Required for Saint Mark's Bistro

One more mission before we take care of more business. Strap on the pack and 
fly over to the train station in Prickle Pines. Keep in mind you can still 
shoot from the air, and there are quite a few guards on the train to deal with. 
The easiest thing to do is to land on the train, take out any remaining guards 
in range, and start blasting the green crates. The first two won't have 
anything in them; the third will contain your prize. You may have to get back 
in the air to go over some of the obstacles. 

Once you have the item, blast out of there and back to the airstrip for another 
mission accomplished. The airstrip now generates a fairly impressive $10,000 
per day, not to mention you have a permanent Jet Pack spawn near the door to 
the save icon. We'll be using that Jet Pack to finish off the horseshoes.

Collecting Horseshoes, Part 2                                 [GTASATDLVWALK13]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Booom-Boom
Rewards - Increased Luck, $100 per shoe ($2,500 in this set), $100,000 bonus
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (62.57% Total)
Unlocks - SMG, M4, Satchel Charge, Combat Shotgun spawn outside the Four 
          Dragons Casino.

Okay, let's finish off the second half of the horseshoes. We'll start by 
grabbing all of those that we couldn't get before, and then finish up the 
remaining few. Grab the Jet pack from your airstrip and fly east.

As you are coming into the city, you will see a few skyscrapers. Head for the 
tallest one (it's the Emerald Isle Casino) and get on its highest point, where 
you will find Horseshoe #8.

South of the casino (below you) you will see that building with the red stripe 
along its roofline (these are the souvenir shops). Land on top of it to get 
horseshoe #10.

Now fly southwest until you reach the airport (the big one, not your airstrip). 
We have a pilot's license now, so we could just walk right in the front gate 
(this is true of all airports in San Andreas), but as long as you have the Jet 
Pack, just fly in. Horseshoes 19, 20 and 21 are all on the tarmac. You'll find 
#19 on the west side of the northern end of the runway. Number 20 is on the 
east side of the runway, not far from a stack of cargo crates. Head over to the 
gate terminal (to the east) to find shoe #21.

Now head for Woozie's icon (it looks like the Syndicate icon, only in yellow). 
You are going toward the Four Dragons Casino. Land on the overhang over the 
door to find shoe 29 (you will probably get a mini-cut scene telling you to go 
inside to see Woozie, which you should ignore for the moment).

East of the Four Dragons Casino is the Come-a-Lot Casino. Land on the sign in 
the parking lot to find shoe #30, then go inside the castle walls to find shoe 
#31 (it's on the northwest tower).

To the east of the Come-a-Lot (past the city planning building with the blue 
windows), there is a block with six buildings in it. Look for the red one with 
the balconies, you'll find horseshoe #34 in one of the balconies. From this 
building, look northwest and gaze at the wonder of the pyramid. Then take a 
wild guess as to where you will find horseshoe #35 (hint: top of the pyramid).

Horseshoe 36 is on the east side of the pyramid, on the wall that surrounds the 
giant building. Just to the northwest from here you will see a parking garage. 
Head to the north side of it and find horseshoe #37 in the third level.

Fly northwest past Caligula's, to your green house icon (it's the Pirates in 
Men's Pants building). You will find Horseshoe #38 on the northeastern side of 
the building near the rock-skull thing. Now fly northeast to your next green 
house icon (this will be over the Clown's Pocket Casino) and land on the roof 
over the entrance to find Horseshoe #39.

These are pretty easy with the Jet Pack, no? All right, look west from where 
you are to find the Visage Hotel. There's a waterfall display out front, and 
you will find Horseshoe #40 underneath one of the waterfalls (near the top). 
Don't worry, the water won't damage your Jet Pack.

Horseshoe #41 is directly to your east. Fly over the top of the Starfish Casino 
and then back down to street level. You want to look in the northeast corner 
(the shoe is tucked into the corner of the L-shape, behind the 24-7).

Now fly east to the Cluckin' Bell. There will be a roof connector running 
between the Bell and a steak house. You'll find Shoe 42 on this connector. Fly 
southeast toward the Zip clothing store. Above the entrance is a balcony where 
you will discover shoe #43.

East of the Zip shop, on the edge of the freeway are two billboards. You will 
find shoe #44 between them. Continue east until you see the train tracks and 
follow them north. Shortly you will enter a tunnel. Go through the tunnel to 
find Shoe #45. Come out of the tunnel to the north.

Fly to the southwest over a tall building and down the other side (there is a 
green house icon near you). Check the sign of the building (Casino) to find 
horseshoe #46. Fly back over the building again and below you (and to your 
left) you should see the heart shaped sign of the Erotic Wedding Chapel. Land 
on the roof to locate shoe #47.

To your northeast you will see the Rock Hotel. Look in the guitar shaped pool 
to find shoe 48. Continue to the northeast to the strip mall (where there are a 
bunch of shops you can enter). Look in the back to find shoe 49. From here, fly 
northwest to what is apparently a military fuel base (amazingly, you can fly 
here without getting any wanted stars). Look on the northern side to find your 
final horseshoe.

And that's it for the horseshoes; you've now collected all 50 and unlocked a 
few weapons at the Four Dragons Casino entrance. Go save at your favorite save 
point (or do the next section first).

Buying Property, Part 3                                       [GTASATDLVWALK14]
Map Icon - Green Houses
Prereqs - Learning to Fly
Rewards - New Save Points
Completion Percentage - 9 x 0.535% (67.38% Total)
Unlocks - None

It's kind of a pain in the butt to have to run all the way to the airstrip 
every time we want to save, so let's fix that. There are no less than nine 
available save points in Las Venturas.

Go buy them all.

Seriously. Just open up your map and hit each of the nine green houses one at a 
time. Take the Jet Pack if you like, it makes it easier to get around. You 
should have the money, presuming you did the export cars mission, and you only 
need $164,000 to buy the whole lot of them (several are hotel suites, which 
will only cost you $6k per shot). None are remarkable in any way, so I won't go 
over them individually, but the one in Prickle Pines is really nice!

Photo Ops, the Finale                                         [GTASATDLVWALK15]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - The Green Sabre
Rewards - $100 per shot ($300 this set), $100,000 bonus
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (67.91% Total)
Unlocks - Shotgun, Micro-SMG, Sniper Rifle, and Grenades spawn at San Fierro 

We'll get back to the plot in a while, but first I want to take a detour and 
finish off the last of San Fierro. So get back to your airstrip and grab the 
Jet Pack, then fly down to San Fierro and grab a camera, we'll start by 
finishing off the last three photos.

We'll start off at the mall, just southwest of the airport. Look for the five 
cylindrical buildings to the west of the mall. Land on the roof of the northern 
most building and look south through the viewfinder to find Photo #6 atop the 
next building (note that you have to take off your Jet Pack to take the 

Now fly north toward the Gant Bridge. You need to land on the ship where you 
released those prisoners (from The Da Nang Thing mission). The cargo crates 
will do nicely. Now point the camera at the mast to find Photo #28.

Now fly southeast to the Garver Bridge. We couldn't get this one before because 
Las Venturas was still closed to us, but now we can snap it. Land on the bridge 
and point the camera at the top of the span nearer to LV to get Photo Op #41, 
and our last photo.

A whole mess of weaponry now spawns at your garage. Better late than never. Go 
save the game at your garage in Doherty. We're going to go check out the street 
races next.

Street Racing, San Fierro                                     [GTASATDLVWALK16]
Map Icon - Checkered Flag
Prereqs - Verdant Meadows
Rewards - $10,000 per win ($60,000 this set) 
Completion Percentage - 6 x 0.535% (71.12% Total)
Unlocks - None

From your garage, drive over to Wang Cars and look around back for the red 
marker to access the street-racing menu. You have a choice of six races. You 
have to come in first in each race to get credit for completing it.

I'm not going to go through each race individually, because by now you 
shouldn't have very much trouble with them. On the long races (5 miles or more) 
concentrate on keeping your car in good shape, because it has a long way to go 
and you don't want to destroy it. In long distance races, the other drivers are 
easy to beat, so you should be more worried about finishing the race rather 
than the competition. In the shorter races, you don't have as much time to wait 
for the other drivers to make mistakes, so you'll have to be a little more 
aggressive. Use the P.I.T. maneuver to spin out the competition when the 
opportunity presents itself. Be careful steering with the go-carts, they're 
pretty squirrelly.

Gambling - OPTIONAL                                           [GTASATDLVWALK17]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - Depends on amount bet 
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (71.12% Total)
Unlocks - None

All right, let's get back to the missions. Return to Las Venturas and head for 
the Four Dragons Casino (where Woozie's symbol is). Go inside. We'll talk to 
Woozie in a bit, but first, as long as we're here, let's do a little gambling. 
Just walk up to any of the machines, or a table with a dealer, and press return 
to start playing

Video Poker - Depending on the machine you use, each coin is worth anywhere 
from $1 to $10,000. You can put in up to five coins per deal. You win on a pair 
of Jacks or better.

Slots - The slot machines go anywhere from $1 to $50 per pull. Everyone knows 
how to play slot machines, right? One cherry in the first spot pays the least, 
two cherries in the first and second slot pays a bit more, everything else 
requires a match of three.

Wheel of Fortune - Place a bet on any of the six spaces. If the number you bet 
on comes up on the wheel, you win that amount multiplied by how much you bet 
(for instance, if you put $50 on the $5 slot, you win $250 if the wheel stops 
on the $5 slot). Naturally, the higher values (like $20) have a lot fewer spots 
on the wheel than the lower values (like $1).

Roulette - The roulette wheel bets range anywhere from $20 to $1,000,000. You 
can bet on a specific number, or any of the various combinations that are 
normally available in roulette. The table is pretty self explanatory.

Blackjack - Bets start at $10 and go up to $100,000. This is another game that 
everyone knows how to play, at least if you are old enough to be playing San 
Andreas in the first place. Get as close as you can to 21 without going over 
(busting) and then stop. If the dealer gets less than you or busts, you win.

Fender Ketchup                                                [GTASATDLVWALK18]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Learning to Fly
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (10) 
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (71.66% Total)
Unlocks - Explosive Situation Mission

When you're done with gambling, go see Woozie (the red marker is inside the 

This mission can either be tough or easy, depending on how you do it. First 
off, there's a bit of a glitch in the game where the car won't leave the 
garage. When you see it get stuck, just hit the space bar to advance.

Now, stay off the freeway or you'll get a three star wanted level. Instead, 
drive northwest to the airport, and head through the gate so that you are on 
the tarmac. Without the distraction of traffic, you can speed around the runway 
scaring the guy on your hood to your heart's content. Once he's done, drive 
back to the casino. Mission accomplished.

Explosive Situation                                           [GTASATDLVWALK19]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Fender Ketchup
Rewards - $7,000, Respect (15) 
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (72.19% Total)
Unlocks - You've Had Your Chips Mission, Architectural Espionage Mission, 
          Quarry Challenge

Okay, you need a bit of firepower. Drive over to the quarry. You have 2:30 
minutes to grab all four sticks of dynamite. The problem is that they are in 
boxes, so you'll have to use the truck to break them open. You should have 
plenty of time to grab all four. One of them is being moved around by forklift, 
so just run it down at take the stick.

Naturally, it isn't that easy. Grab the bike and follow the markers. The jumps 
are fairly easy, but if you miss one, depending on where you land, you may have 
to start over. Take your time and line things up before committing. Once you're 
out, drop off the stolen goods at the drop point, and it's another mission 

Vigilante                                                     [GTASATDLVWALK20]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - None
Rewards - 150% Health, $150 per kill
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (72.73% Total)
Unlocks - None

I've waited all this time to do this last vehicle mission because, depending on 
the vehicle you use, it can be keyboard-breakingly frustrating, or trivially 
easy. We have access now to at least one vehicle that makes this mission a 
piece of cake.

You essentially have three choices for Vigilante (well, you have more than 
three, but the others make doing the mission nearly impossible unless you are 
super elite).

1) Stock up on Micro-SMG ammo and use a police bike
2) Use a Hunter Chopper
3) Use a Rhino Tank

The first option is okay, but it's still fairly hard. You don't have much 
protection, and when the bad guys start shooting at you with M4s, it's not real 
easy to take them down with your machine gun.

The second option is better (in my opinion), but it may not be all that easy to 
find a Hunter. If you've done all golds in the flight school missions, there is 
one sitting in your airstrip for you to use. If so, you may want to try using 
that machine. But I will assume for this guide that you don't have the Hunter 
to use.

So the last option is the tank. This is a good option, as you are nearly 
invulnerable (as long as you keep moving and don't let the cops bust you), and 
have great firepower (anything you hit with the tank will explode, not to 
mention you have that great turret to use).

If you want to use the tank, we have to go get you one. Fortunately, I know 
just the place. Go to your airstrip and save the game. Then grab your Jet Pack. 
Directly to the south is the restricted area (Area 69) where you stole the Jet 
Pack in the first place. Fly over the fence and land near the northern most 
garage, where you'll find the tank. You have a five star wanted level now, so 
quickly ditch the Jet Pack and hop into the Rhino. Drive south to where you'll 
find a weak point in the fence that you can break through. Now drive north back 
to your airstrip, park the tank in your garage (or the big hanger if you like, 
though the garage is closer to safety), run in and save the game to get rid of 
your stars.

Once the heat is off, get back in the tank (or whatever vehicle you chose to 
use) and start up the mission (the 2 key). You now have to get through 12 
levels, chasing down the criminals and killing them. Undoubtedly, you will pick 
up wanted levels as you progress. Unless you're on the bike, don't worry about 
it, they can't hurt you. Once you finish level 12, you get 150% boost in health 
(your health bar won't get bigger, but your health will drop less when you take 
damage, so it works out).

You can continue on with Vigilante as long as you want, but there's not a lot 
of point once you have your health bonus. 

Boating School                                                [GTASATDLVWALK21]
Map Icon - Red S
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (73.26% Total)
Unlocks - Marquis (at least all Bronzes), Squallo (at least all Silvers), 
          Jetmax (at all Golds)

While we're out this way (sort of), let's do another school, this time Boating 
School. There are four Red S's on the map (two of which you've already done). 
The boating school is the one in the far northwest corner (in Bayside Marina).

Don't panic. Boating School is a piece of cake compared to driving and pilot 
schools. It will only take you a few minutes to get through all five tests, 
even if you are going for all golds.

Basic Seamanship - Drive a boat straight, yeah real hard. The only hard part is 
knowing when to take off the gas and hit the brake. Stop in under 10 seconds to 
get gold.

Plot a Course - Go through the buoys. Like the plane school missions, the 
easiest way to do this is to have the next buoy in your sites as much as 
possible as you go through the current set. Don't hit the buoys or you'll lose 
time for damage. Use the spacebar as needed. Finish in under 30 seconds to get 

Fresh Slalom - Just like the last one, only longer and with a Dinghy. The 
Dinghy is a bit squirrelly, so don't overcompensate, and avoid taking damage by 
hitting the buoys. A lot of the turns are pretty sharp, but you can reduce the 
turning by coming at them from the right angle. Do this course in 80 seconds or 
less for gold.

Flying Fish - This is a distance test, and you need to reach 65 meters to get a 
gold medal. Come at the ramp as straight as you can (and with enough of a 
running start to get as much speed as possible). When you hit, push the down 
arrow key to raise the nose of the boat. Just as you are getting close to the 
water, switch to the up arrow key to raise the back of the boat. This will get 
you a bit more distance.

Land, Sea, and Air - The final course combines everything you've learned, so 
there's not much new to tell you. Careful at the end of the bridge not to hit 
the ground too hard or you'll get a damage penalty (and obviously avoid hitting 
any of the buoys). You must finish in 135 seconds to get a gold certificate.

You've Had Your Chips                                         [GTASATDLVWALK22]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Explosive Situation
Rewards - $10,000, Respect (20)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (73.80% Total)
Unlocks - Don Peyote Mission, Combat Shotgun unlocked at Ammu-Nation

This is a fighting mission, so make sure you're armed (the weapons outside the 
casino should do nicely) and armored (in case you've forgotten, there's an 
armor suit across the street from the casino at the Come-a-lot, under the 
parking lot sign).

Drive over to the compound. The only entrance is being watched, so don't go in 
that way. On one side is a parking garage, so head up to the roof. From there 
you can drop inside the yard. Go around the back of the building (so the goons 
in the car can't see you). When you get inside the building, you're going to 
have a fight on your hands.

I found the easiest thing to do was to duck back out of the building and go 
around the corner (where the chainsaw was) and wait. Four or five guards will 
chase you over there, so pick them off one by one. Now move toward the entrance 
again and take out as many guards as you can from there. Watch out for the 
sniper on the left. Keep taking out the enemy until none are left. 

Pull out your combat shotgun and blow a couple of the machines (with the blue 
arrows), then switch back to your weapon of choice (I like the M4 personally). 
More guys will appear at the entrance, so take them out. There will be a couple 
more outside (including one up on the crates), so finish them off as well. Once 
the area is clear again, you can finish off the rest of the machines.

Run outside and grab the car. Now it's a nice leisurely drive back to the 
casino, another mission accomplished. 

Don Peyote                                                    [GTASATDLVWALK23]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - You've Had Your Chips
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (74.33% Total)
Unlocks - Intensive Care Mission

Go to see Woozie again. But before you can get into the casino, you get a call 
from the Truth. Great, time to play Taxi Driver and give everyone a ride. Go 
find the guys on Arco Del Oeste. From there, drive over to the snake farm.

There's a bit of a shootout, take everyone down. You probably have a wanted 
level now, so grab the car and make a run for the casino. Once you get there, 
it's all over, meet up with Ken Rosenberg.

Oyster Collection                                             [GTASATDLVWALK24]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - Increased Sex Appeal and Lung Capacity, various girlfriend bonuses
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (74.87% Total)
Unlocks - None

Before we continue on with the story missions, let's do a couple of things 
first. We'll start by getting the remaining oysters.

Drive to the Gant Bridge (the one on the far west side). Jump off the northern 
end into the water. Between the northernmost support and the cliff is a narrow 
area where you will find oyster #35.

There's no real easy way to get back onto land from here, so just look to your 
east where you will see a lighthouse. Swim toward it, and then past it. As you 
are swimming east, you want to go slightly north as if you were going toward 
the boating school (where your boats are parked). At the beginning of the 
inlet, on the eastern shore, there is a bit of land that points to the 
northwest. At the tip of this bit of land you will find oyster #36.

Continue over to the boat school and grab one of your boats. Follow the 
coastline to the south and east. Watch for a rock retaining wall that runs 
along the side of the road. You will find oyster #37 in front of this wall.

Get back in the boat and continue along the coastline. When you pass under the 
rail bridge, go north into the small inlet (there are two minor road bridges 
that go over it). Go up as far as you can, then get out and swim north under 
the second bridge, where you will find oyster #38.

Continue following the coastline as it turns to the north. Pretty soon you will 
see a dock to your left (it's near one of your save points). In one of the bays 
you will find oyster #39.

Go north again and pass underneath a couple of bridges. After the rail bridge, 
there will be a narrow inlet that goes west. You will find oyster #40 at the 
end of this inlet (under a road bridge).

Continue north until you hit the dam. Unfortunately, the next oyster is on the 
other side. On the good side, there is a Seasparrow helicopter on the right 
side. Get out of your boat and grab the chopper. Fly over the dam to the other 
side and look for oyster #41 near the western set of towers.

To the west of the dam is a bridge for a dirt road. You will find oyster #42 
under this bridge. Continue to fly north until you see another road bridge. To 
the right is a dock, at the end of which you will find oyster #43.

Now fly north over the small bit of land until you reach the ocean, and then 
follow the coast to the east. Watch for a small dock that is directly to the 
north of your airstrip, and continue east past it. Once past the dock watch the 
coastline, and stop when the cliff turns into a beach (the first place you'd be 
able to get out of the water onto land). You'll find oyster #44 just off this 

Fly to the far northeast corner of the map (just past that military refueling 
base where we found the last horseshoe). Anchored out in the water is a boat 
and you will find oyster #45 on the bow side of the boat. It's pretty deep, but 
you should be able to get it without losing any health.

Fly to the southwest just over the freeway until you see the Rock Hotel, where 
the guitar shaped pool is (you'll remember we found a horseshoe in here). You 
will find oyster #46 under the diving board.

If you want, ditch the chopper now for a car, as the rest of the oysters are 
inland and it can sometimes be tough to find a parking spot for the chopper. 
Grab a car and drive over to the strip, where all the casinos are. Find one of 
your save points (the one on The Pirates in Men's Pants building) and look to 
the north of it to find the Visage Casino. This is the one with all the 
waterfalls out front. You will find oyster #47 underneath where one of the 
waterfalls hits the pool.

Drive south to the next casino (Pirates in Men's Pants). Look for that skull 
rock sculpture thing again where you found a horseshoe. In front of that 
sculpture in the water you will find oyster 48.

Oyster 49 is directly to your east. Go past Caligula's Palace (where the dice 
icon is), and you'll see a block with a curvy street in it on your radar (to 
the east). There is a pool on that curvy street with the oyster in it. It's not 
even under water, you can see the top part of it spinning above water.

For the final oyster, head back to the Four Dragons Casino (just follow the 
green money icon if you've forgotten where it is). Across the street is the 
Come-a-Lot casino, and there are a couple of moat things in the northwest 
corner. Get in the northern one to find oyster #50.

When you finish all 50 oysters, you get a bonus to your sex appeal, not to 
mention $100,000. Also, your girlfriends will always take you back without 
question, no matter how unsexy you are and new girlfriend requirements (high 
fat, low fat and so on) are tossed out the window, they will always give you 
their numbers. Finally, girlfriends will always invite you in for coffee at the 
end of every date and will be responsive to your kisses (which means you will 
always get the full 12% bonus from a successful date, 5% for the date, 5% for 
coffee, 1% for a gift and 1% for a kiss) which makes getting to 100% quite a 
bit faster. Whew, those oysters were tough to collect, but definitely make the 
girlfriend aspect of the game a lot easier.

Dating Barbara Schternvart - OPTIONAL                         [GTASATDLVWALK25]
Map Icon - Red Heart
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - Ranger Vehicle, Cop Outfit
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (74.87% Total)
Unlocks - None

Let's take advantage of our new found power over women. Drive over to El 
Quebrados (it's the small town in the desert to the west. Not the town where 
the boat school is, but one town east of that. There is a save point there). 
You will find Barbara on the east side of town at the police station. Get her 
number, and go save. Barbara is available for dating between 16:00 and 06:00 
the next morning.

For gifts, there are flowers at the gas station that is just behind the police 
station. If you are bored with flowers, you have an alternative, though it take 
a little more driving. Head over to Bayside (the town where the boat school is) 
and look for the construction area (it's pretty much right in the center of 
town, there are wooden barriers in front of it, and there's not much there, 
it's basically a dirt-grass lot with a dumpster in it). Behind the dumpster you 
will find a vibrator which can also be used as a gift.

For food dates, take her to the diner that is not far from her house. Easy. For 
driving, Barbara likes the El Quebrados area, and take her at a moderate speed. 
The hard one is the dancing date, because there isn't a club anywhere near. San 
Fierro is probably your best bet, although you also have the choice of Las 

You should finish up with Barbara pretty quickly, and that's five out of six 
girlfriends complete.

Intensive Care                                                [GTASATDLVWALK26]
Map Icon - Dice [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Don Peyote
Rewards - $5,000, Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (75.40% Total)
Unlocks - Misappropriation Mission, The Meat Business Mission

Go see Rosie. After he gives you his life story, drive over to the hospital. 
Looks like we're a little late. Grab a bike and run down the three ambulances. 
The first two won't be the ones you are after (put a few shots into them to 
stop them), so it must be the third.

It takes quite a few bullets to get the ambulance to stop. Once it does, jump 
off the bike and take out the drivers. Now hop in and get the vehicle back to 
the meat mart. Mob backup will arrive, but they shouldn't pose too much of a 
threat. Once you reach the red marker, it's another mission accomplished.

Misappropriation                                              [GTASATDLVWALK27]
Map Icon - C [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Don Peyote
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (75.94% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for High Noon Mission

Uh oh, the C icon is back on the map, which means the three stooges are 
"requesting your assistance". Joy. Let's go see what they want.

Drive over to Terra Robada and up the dirt path to the red marker. The place is 
crawling with Feds. If you have your sniper rifle, this is a good place to take 
it out and cap some of the guards from a distance. As soon as you do, the 
target gets in a helicopter and takes off. Fortunately, there's another one, so 
make a run for it and go after him.

The enemy copter doesn't go very fast, so you should have no problem chasing 
him down. At one point he goes over the Area 69 (the Restricted Area), so don't 
follow him over that (unless you want to do the rest of the mission with five 
stars and a jet shooting missiles at you). Instead go around the base to the 
north and meet up with him on the other side.

Continue to follow him to the Emerald Isle building, where he'll land on the 
roof. Land along side him (or anywhere on the roof really) and follow him on 
foot down the stairs. He'll grab a car and take off, jumping from the fifth 
level. Follow him to another parking garage where he'll go underground to ditch 
the car and then comes back up on foot.

This is a good place to get him. There's only one exit, so if you stand there, 
he has to come back through you, and he'll be on foot. When he appears, shoot 
him in the head and take his briefcase. Mission accomplished.

Unique Jumps - OPTIONAL                                       [GTASATDLVWALK28]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - $500 per jump ($10,000 this set)
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (75.94% Total)
Unlocks - None

Let's finish off the rest of the unique jumps. Amazingly, there is not a NRG-
500 anywhere to be found in Las Venturas (until you score all golds in bike 
school, which we haven't done yet). So we'll have to get one somewhere else.

Los Santos isn't really all that far away, and you do remember where the bike 
is in that city don't you? If not, go to your house in Ganton, head out back to 
the culvert, follow it to the tunnel, and make a u-turn when you come out onto 
the street. You should remember where you are by this time.

As long as we're down here, we may as well get those two unique jumps we 
skipped so long ago. Head to the Los Santos Airport and go through the gates 
(they're on the north side of the airport) so that you're on the tarmac. Drive 
down to the runway and find the three cement ramps on the eastern side. These 
are not your ramps. However, on the north side of them are small yellow signs 
with numbers on them which serve as the ramps for jump #5. I think you can hit 
these from either direction, though I went west to east. Get a good running 
start and use the head bob, because you need quite a bit of distance to qualify 
for the jump. I went 290 feet.

Now, if you look at your map, there are six round bays (where planes park to 
unload passengers). Look east of the set of four to find a stairway cart. This 
is your ramp for jump #6 (you'll end up on the other side of the fence). I went 
193 feet.

We're done in Los Santos. The next jump (#53) bites for any number of reasons, 
and reason one is that it is hella far from where you are at right now. You 
need to get to the south side of the Gant Bridge, underneath it (where Jizzy 
used to own his club). The easiest way is probably to go north into Las 
Venturas, then take a left into Bone County and then into Tierra Robada, but 
however you do it, get back to Jizzy's club. You remember the construction 
scaffolding we used to get into the club? Go up it on the bike (not very easy 
making those hairpin turns, but you can maneuver the bike up them). Only this 
time keep going up until you are under the bridge. You will see where the 
planks end and this is where you will launch out over the water. Back up as far 
as you can and use the head bob. Chances are you are going to hit the bridge 
tower, but that's okay. I went 176 feet to qualify for this one. Another reason 
this jump sucks is that you lose your bike. Swim back to shore and grab a car. 
Drive south to where the NRG-500 is (the one that starts the challenge, near 
the export/import crane) to grab a new bike.

Jump #54 is almost as big a pain in the rear as the last one. Drive to your 
airstrip (however you want to get there) and park your NRG-500 either in the 
garage or in the hanger. Then grab the PCJ-600 that spawns outside of the 
garage. Get on the road north of your airstrip and drive west (past Las 
Payasadas) until you see the teepees on your left, and a very short road on 
your right that goes off to the southwest. At the end of this road is a house, 
and you'll see a metal ramp in front of it. This is your jump, and you should 
drive a bit up the road to the east to get some running room. You may have to 
do it a couple of times to get a feel for where the ramp is (as you have to 
turn onto it and can't really see it until the last minute). You will end up 
losing your bike in the water (which is why we grabbed the PCJ-600 instead of 
our very valuable NRG-500 for this one). I don't know how far I went (because 
you won't get an insane jump bonus for landing in the water), but it looked 
like about 150 feet or so.

Grab a car and return to your airstrip. You have a bit of a choice now. In the 
next jump you will go over a lot of water, so there is the possibility of 
losing your bike. However, to be successful, you actually need to land on the 
opposite shore. Jump #55 can easily be done with a PCJ-600, though, so I 
recommend you take that rather than risk losing the NRG-500 at this point. In 
either case, head back to where you did jump 54. Just before you get there, you 
will find a road going south, take that. After a bit, you should see a dirt 
path to your right, follow that until you reach a ghost town, then look for 
another dirt path to your right that goes up the mountain. Follow this up (past 
the place where you picked up Truth's friends). The jump should be fairly 
obvious, there's a metal track that goes from a shack to the end of the cliff. 
You will use this track to jump the water and make it to the other side. I went 
473 feet.

Get back on the road to your north and drive east into Las Payasadas (home of 
the world's biggest ****). You should see the aforementioned **** pretty 
easily, and jump #56. Look for a green ramp to its west. I went 223 feet.

For the next jump, get next to the big **** on its west side and look south, 
where you'll see a rest stop. On its left side you will see some stairs that 
will serve as your ramp for jump #57. Get some distance and let fly. I went 363 
feet and ran into the opposite canyon wall.

Get back to your airstrip (it's just to the east now) and grab your NRG-500 if 
you haven't already. Jump #58 is right on your strip. Go to the last plane on 
the northern row all the way to the west. You will see a wing sitting up 
against the fuselage of a plane. This is your ramp. Don't over jump it, you 
only need to go about 120 feet to make it count.

We're done out in the desert, head into town and go to Prickle Pine, and hit 
your save point. From there, drive north and then east until the road ends in 
an apartment complex. Follow the parking lot all the way to the end where you 
will find your ramp for jump #59. I flew 315 feet on this one.

Jumps 60 to 63 are all out of the Emerald Isle Casino parking garage. I won't 
give distances for this one, because I don't think you can fail them as long as 
you hit the jumps straight. You will find Jump #60 on Level 6 facing east. The 
same sort of jump is found on Level 10 facing south (Jump #61). For Jumps 62 
and 63, go up to level 10, then drive the bike up the stairs. When you get to 
the roof, check out the building to the east. You will notice two ramps on them 
(one on the north side and one on the south side of the building), which are on 
a rooftop that is slightly lower than the one you are on. Start your jump for 
these on the higher rooftop and make the slight drop before hitting the ramps. 
Note that your bike is probably taking damage from all these jumps, so hit the 
Pay-n-Spray to fix it up (unless you want to drive all the way back down to Los 
Santos to get a new one).

From the Emerald Isle, drive south to the street with the Gym on it, and go 
east. Where the road ends, look in front of you and you should see a police 
bribe in the air. The ramp is just behind it. Drive past and turn around. You 
have to break through the fence to get at the ramp for this jump (#64). Don't 
gun it too hard, you have to land safely. I qualified at 160 feet.

For jump #65, go to your save point in Creek (it's the farthest one to the 
east). Look north and you'll see the wooden ramp facing west next to a palm 
tree. I went 280 feet.

Get back on the road that runs past the Gym going west, following it all the 
way until it ends, then turn north. Just before this north-south road ends, 
pull into the container storage place on your right. You will drive north past 
a bunch of truck bays, and you'll find the wooden ramp for jump #66 to the 
right of the stack of containers. My jump was 223 feet.

Open up your map and take a look at the airport (not yours, the other one). 
There is a part of the runway that runs north to south. You should be at the 
north end of the runway, but not inside the airport, just outside the fence. 
Face north and gun it down the street. At the end of it you'll enter an 
apartment complex and the wooden ramp for jump #67 is right in front of you. My 
bike went 203 feet, but I hit the building on the other side or it would have 
been farther.

Drive south and find the Camel's Toe Casino (you have a save point there). 
There is a big lion statue out front, and the casino itself is a big pyramid. 
There are stairs on all four corners of the pyramid leading down to a moat like 
area surrounding the entire structure. Get on the east side of the pyramid and 
drive north. Land on the building to the north of the pyramid to make jump #68 
count. My distance was 213 feet.

For jump #69, we will launch at almost the same point, except using the 
stairway facing east rather than north. I went 206 feet for this one.

For your final jump, drive south. Open your map and look for the checkered flag 
icon (the southern most one, it is in the LVA Freight Depot district). To the 
south of that you will find the Randolph Industrial Estate. Look along it's 
western side for an entrance, then drive all the way to the back (east side). 
Your ramp for jump #70 is to the north, next to a garbage dumpster. I went 180 
feet (don't gun it too hard, it's possible to over-jump this one).

And that's it! Not only have you completed all 70 unique jumps in the game, in 
fact you've completed all the collections across the entire landscape. 
Congratulations! Go save the game.

Beat the Cock, Part 1 - OPTIONAL                              [GTASATDLVWALK29]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - $10,000
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (75.94% Total)
Unlocks - None

When you are on foot, hit the tab key. At the bottom of the display it will 
tell you the day of the week. If it is anywhere near the weekend, head down to 
the Los Santos lighthouse, where you will find a red marker on the beach. Any 
time on Saturday or Sunday you can take part in a triathlon race worth a cool 
10K. You need to be in good shape for this race (low fat, in other words) or 
you don't stand much of a chance. You also need a high Stamina, but we've 
already maxed that out. (If it is not near the weekend, you can continue on, 
just remember to come back to this one when you get near the weekend).

There's not much to say about this one, it'll take you roughly eight minutes to 
do the entire course. You start by swimming, followed by a bike race, and 
finally a foot race. By the end of the race, you will finish up at the top of 
Missionary Hill in San Fierro, quite a ways from where you started!

You'll probably fall behind in the swimming part, for some reason the other 
guys can swim a lot faster than you can. When you get to the bikes sprint as 
much as you can without losing control. You may make up some time, but probably 
not much. Your goal here should be to keep the other competitors in sight.

The foot race is where you will pull into the lead if you are not already 
there. You should find you can outrun the entire lot of racers, and if you were 
anywhere near them at the end of the bike race, it should be no problem to beat 
them up the hill. Good luck.

The Meat Business                                             [GTASATDLVWALK30]
Map Icon - Dice [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Intensive Care
Rewards - $8,000, Respect (25)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (76.47% Total)
Unlocks - Fish In a Barrel Mission, Madd Dogg Mission

Head into Caligula's again, and talk to Rosie. Man, this dude needs to lay off 
the caffeine, or whatever it is he's taking. Anyway, grab a vehicle and take 
him over to see Johnny.

For some reason Johnny doesn't seem pleased to see you. Things get kind of ugly 
now, so start taking out the bad guys. There's a health icon in the first area 
if you need it. When Rosie runs into the freezer, you can follow him in and 
you'll find an armor icon in the back. But don't go in until you've cleared the 
room first, or you may find yourself locked in with Rosie. If the goons manage 
to lock Rosie in the freezer, open it back up (don't stand too close to the 
controls or they don't work) before he freezes to death.

Now it's just a matter of carefully working your way out. When you get outside, 
take Rosie back to Caligula's, and it's another mission accomplished.

Fish In a Barrel                                              [GTASATDLVWALK31]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - The Meat Business
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (77.01% Total)
Unlocks - Freefall Mission

Not a mission really, just a cut scene. Congratulations on your new business 

Madd Dogg                                                     [GTASATDLVWALK32]
Map Icon - D [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - The Meat Business
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (77.54% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for Saint Mark's Bistro Mission

Head over to the D icon. Things aren't looking real good. Grab the indicated 
truck and stay under the guy until he finally decides to jump (easier said than 
done to be sure, it may take a bit of practice or luck until you figure out 
where to position the truck). Once you've caught him in the back, drive him 
carefully over to the hospital. Mission accomplished.

Street Racing, Las Venturas                                   [GTASATDLVWALK33]
Map Icon - Checkered Flag
Prereqs - Learning To Fly (Pilot School), Driving School
Rewards - $10,000 per race ($40,000 this set)
Completion Percentage - 4 x 0.535% (79.68% Total)
Unlocks - None

There are two checkered flags in Las Venturas. One is at the airport (for a 
good reason), but let's do the other one right now. There are only four races 
in this set, two on bikes and two in cars. One again, in the long races (the 
car races) concentrate on keeping your car in good shape. One of the courses is 
essentially an oval, so you can go flat out (just watch the traffic). Nothing 
here is particularly hard.

Air Racing, Las Venturas                                      [GTASATDLVWALK34]
Map Icon - Checkered Flag
Prereqs - Learning To Fly (Pilot School), Driving School
Rewards - $10,000 per race ($60,000 this set)
Completion Percentage - 6 x 0.535% (82.89% Total)
Unlocks - None

Go to the other checkered flag (in the airport) and get ready for some flying 
fun. There are no other competitors here; you are strictly racing against the 
clock. In fact, you are not really even doing that much, the time is just a 
bragging rights sort of thing. The only requirement to finish each race (and I 
use the term race loosely) is that you go through all the checkpoints. You 
could spend an hour doing each one, and you'd still pass. That being said, 
going through all the checkpoints is easier said than done.

Barnstorming - The stunt plain is very difficult to control, keep a very light 
touch. Once you start over correcting, it's difficult to get the plane back on 
course. If things are getting too far out of control, you may want to ignore 
the next corona in favor of settling down the plane, and come back when you can 
grab it without crashing.

Military Service - Hold down the numpad 8 key to go into jet mode, and hold 
down the numpad 2 key to return to helicopter mode. I'd recommend staying in 
helicopter mode at least until you get out of the canyons, and then switch to 
jet mode.

Heli Hell - This is the same idea as the other two helicopter challenges, but 
the coronas are mostly in pretty tight spots. Fortunately, you are in a Hunter, 
which can take a fair amount of damage.

Freefall                                                      [GTASATDLVWALK35]
Map Icon - Dice [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Fish In a Barrel
Rewards - $15,000, Respect (30)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (83.42% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for High Noon Mission

Return to Caligula's. There seems to have been a slight change in management. 
Whatever. Head for the airport and grab the plane (note the body armor in the 
back of the hanger). Fly north to meet the incoming jet. Once you see it, bank 
around and get behind it. There is a corona that you have to catch in order to 
get to the next part.

CJ makes a jump for it (that's one way to transfer fights!) and makes it to the 
jet. Now, hold the left or right arrow key to duck behind the bulkhead. Take 
out the four goons, and then the pilot. No problem, right?

Now it's just a matter of bringing the plane down in the Las Venturas airport. 
The jet handles pretty well, so hopefully by this point you won't have any 
problems landing the bird. Don't forget to put down the landing gear. You don't 
have to stop in the marker, anywhere in the airport will do.

High Noon                                                     [GTASATDLVWALK36]
Map Icon - C [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Freefall and Misappropriation
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (83.96% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for Saint Mark's Bistro

Meet the three stooges out in the ghost town. Oops, looks like that's about it 
for one of them, and things aren't looking all that great for you either. 
Fortunately, a distraction is provided, and you get your chance to pull things 

You won't be able to take out Pulaski before he gets into the car, but do make 
sure you get both his tires that are facing you before he takes off. This will 
make your life a lot easier. Now make a run for the Bandito and chase him down.

If you've gotten his tires, he's not going anywhere very fast (although to give 
him credit, he still has a fairly decent level of control of the car given its 
condition). Now it's just a matter of drive-by shooting until the vehicle 
catches fire and he bails. Now just run him down or get out and start shooting 
until one of you goes out (preferably him).

Quarry Challenges                                             [GTASATDLVWALK37]
Map Icon - Bulldozer
Prereqs - Explosive Situation
Rewards - $29,000
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (84.49% Total)
Unlocks - $2,000 per day asset

Head for the Bulldozer icon on the map (it's in Bone County, just west of the 
city). This is a series of seven challenges.

Mission 1: Just push the rocks over the edge, nothing tricky here.

Mission 2: Don't go too fast with the barrels, or you'll end up running over 

Mission 3: Time to take revenge. Catch up with the other Dumper. You can try to 
ram it, but it's a lot faster to just do a drive-by. It really doesn't even 
take very many shots to bring down the behemoth.

Mission 4: Grab the Sanchez next to the trailer and head out of the quarry to 
the north. Take the road west until you reach the Dumper. Now bring it back and 
carefully work your way down into the quarry. Back up to the fire and hit the 
numpad 2 key to drop the bodies into the flames.

Mission 5: The deadline for this mission seems totally unreasonable, but 
actually, you can make the trip in about 1:30 if you take the correct route. 
Come out of the quarry and follow the road north. Take the first right and 
cross the train tracks. Then turn left to go south for a short way, and take 
your first right. This will bring you on the road going north that cuts just 
south of your airstrip. Watch for the dirt path on your right that leads to the 
eastern end of the property. Once there, just drive down the strip and dump the 
bombs at the end (use the numpad 8 key again).

Mission 6: Take more or less the same route as you took in the previous 
mission. You can drop onto the tracks before reaching the crossing in order to 
catch the first barrel to the south. Just clear them off the tracks south to 
north, shouldn't be much of a problem. Try to get a few at a time in front of 
you before actually clearing them off the edge, or you'll run out of time. Like 
before, however, you can't move too fast or they'll go underneath the dozer.

Mission 7: This one is hard. You have a lot to do in the eight minute time 
limit. Grab the Sanchez and just jump off the cliff to get to the bottom of the 
quarry as fast as possible. Get in the dozer and move the bike and body to the 
designated spot. Once there, get the dozer out of the way and jump back on the 
Sanchez again to get back up to the crane. Get in the crane and move the two 
items into the truck (use the S and W keys to move the crane forward and back, 
while the shift and space key will move the winch up and down). Try to get the 
two items as far forward in the truck bed as you can, because you don't want 
them to fall out.

Get in the truck. The body and bike won't move unless you hit a wall, so don't. 
Carefully make your way up to the entrance of the quarry. Now you have to cross 
a freeway, so do this very carefully (if a car hits you, you may lose your 
load). Back up to the water (anywhere, it doesn't have to be at the mark), and 
dump both items in.

And that's all seven missions, the quarry will now generate money for you as an 
asset. Stop by every once in a while if you're in the neighborhood to collect 
your cash.

Freight Train Challenge                                       [GTASATDLVWALK38]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - $50,000+
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (85.03% Total)
Unlocks - None

Head to any train station on the map (I use the one in Prickle Pines, but it 
really makes no difference) and wait for a train to pull in. When you see one, 
pull the conductor out (just like you do when you jack cars) to steal the 
train. Hit the 2 key to start up the challenge.

There are only 2 levels to this challenge, and for each level you must deliver 
five sets of cargo in a row to pass. You have a time limit to get to each 
station. There really isn't much to it, you just go around the tracks and stop 
at the stations. It's sort of like you're on a rail!

The train is safe to push to about 45 miles per hour, but you probably want to 
let off the gas going around the sharp bends (especially the hairpin turn in 
Red County). As you approach the stations, slow down early. I found a good rule 
of thumb is to let off the gas at about 1000 feet (if you are doing the full 
speed), and start to break around 500 feet. Keep your speed about 1/10th of the 
distance you need to go (so if you have 200 feet to go, you should be doing 
around 20 miles per hour). If you overshoot, stop and back up. 

You have to come to a complete stop to finish the drop off, but you can 
immediately take off again (don't wait for the message to start, get going 
right away to build up speed again).

When you complete level 1, hop out of the train and back on, then hit the 2 key 
to start up level 2. Once you finish level 2, you are done with the train 
mission. You get a cool $50K plus the incidental money you made for each drop 

Beat the Cock, Part 2 - OPTIONAL                              [GTASATDLVWALK39]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - $20,000
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (85.03% Total)
Unlocks - None

Once again, check the day. If you are near the weekend, head down south to Red 
County and Palimino Creek (you have a save point there if you want to advance 
time). There is a small beach on the lake to the southwest of the town. Head 
down there and step into the red marker (only appears on Saturday or Sunday) to 
start up the race.

Like before, the competition (8 of them this time) are faster swimmers than you 
are, so they are going to get ahead of you. You'll spend about four minutes in 
the water, so once you get out, you'll probably have quite a bit of time to 
make up.

The bike race is long, you'll travel across the entire San Andreas landscape on 
the bike. Make sure to sprint, as you need to gain on your competition here. 
You'll finally ditch the bikes in Las Venturas for the foot race. 

Hopefully you've made it into a position where you can overtake the 
competition. The footrace part isn't all that long (compared to the bike race), 
but you are a much faster runner than the other racers. If you had the leader 
in your sites at the end of the bike race, you should have no problem 
overtaking him to win the race.

Conveniently, this race puts us in Las Venturas, right where we need to be to 
continue the story missions.

Saint Mark's Bistro                                           [GTASATDLVWALK40]
Map Icon - Dice [The Casino Strand]
Prereqs - Green Goo, Madd Dogg, Freefall, High Noon
Rewards - $20,000, Respect (30)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (85.56% Total)
Unlocks - A Home in the Hills Mission, required for Breaking The Bank At 
          Caligula's, Didier Sachs Clothing

Well, this is pretty cool; we're going back to Liberty City. Before you start 
up this mission, you may want to grab some armor and a bit of weaponry, the 
fighting is going to be pretty intense.

First, CJ conspires to get his friends out of Salvatore's clutches. Then it's 
off to the airport and on to Liberty City. Once you get there, the fighting 
starts right away. It's just you, your favorite weapon, and about 10 bad guys 
(including Foreli, who will take quite a few shots to bring down). Once the 
place is cleared out, you return to the jet. Come at the airport from the north 
or south to give yourself a good approach angle and land the plane, mission 

At this point, your phone is going to just about ring itself off the hook as 
you get several phone calls. Nothing terribly important, just everyone checking 

Architectural Espionage                                       [GTASATDLVWALK41]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Explosive Situation
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (86.10% Total)
Unlocks - Key to Her Heart

Okay, we've had those explosives sitting around for a while now, it's time to 
put them to use. Er, wait, seems like we forgot a minor detail, like having the 
plans to the casino.

Grab some body armor, you'll need it.

Head over to the planning department. Put away all weapons (including the 
camera) before going in. Talk to the lady behind the desk, then head up the 
stairs. At the top, you notice a guard standing right in the way, so go back 
down a floor and create a diversion.

Once everyone is gone, go back up and take a shot of the casino plans. Now you 
can pull out your weapon, you're going to have to fight your way out. Once you 
get outside, make a beeline for the Four Dragons back entrance to complete the 

Kick Start                                                    [GTASATDLVWALK42]
Map Icon - Trophy (in Las Venturas)
Prereqs - 50% Bike Skill
Rewards - Dune Vehicle spawns outside stadium (except on Mondays and 
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (86.63% Total)
Unlocks - None

This challenge is available at the stadium every day of the week except on 
Mondays and Wednesdays. You do not need to get every single corona, you only 
need to score 26 points to win the challenge, so go after the ones you are 
comfortable with. It's not really very hard to get 26 points in this 
competition, especially with your maxxed out bike skill.

Dirt Track                                                    [GTASATDLVWALK43]
Map Icon - Trophy (in Las Venturas)
Prereqs - 50% Bike Skill
Rewards - BJ Injection Vehicle spawns outside stadium (On Mondays and 
          Wednesdays), $25,000
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (87.17% Total)
Unlocks - None

The other two days a week will have this competition available. You are on a 
Sanchez racing against 11 other bikes. The Sanchez is a lot more durable than 
the car you used in 8-Track, so you can hit the walls a bit more, but even so, 
try to keep off of them as they'll slow you down. There is one hill in 
particular that is problematic, and you'll get to know it pretty quickly. When 
you come to this hill, drop your hand from the mouse to the arrow keys to 
adjust the landing angle of your bike (otherwise you'll likely end up landing 
on your back wheel and crashing). The other racers wipe out here a lot, so if 
you can stay on your wheels here, it gives you a big advantage.

Key to Her Heart                                              [GTASATDLVWALK44]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Architectural Espionage
Rewards - Respect (10)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (87.70% Total)
Unlocks - Millie as a Girlfriend, Dam and Blast Mission

Follow the Croupier in the usual manner, don't get too close but don't get too 
far away either. When she goes into the sex shop, follow her in and check it 
out. Once she leaves, you will find a Gimp Suit in the back. Grab it and 
continue to follow the girl.

Once she makes it back to her place, wait around for a bit. Pretty soon you'll 
see a guy heading for her house with a *****. Shoot him dead (and take his gift 
while you're at it).

Go up and ring the doorbell to complete the mission. Millie is now one of your 

Dating Millie - SEMI-OPTIONAL                                 [GTASATDLVWALK45]
Map Icon - Heart
Prereqs - Key to Her Heart
Rewards - Keycard
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (87.70% Total)
Unlocks - None, but keycard required fro Breaking the Bank At Caligula's

The reason I call this semi-optional is that you have to date Millie long 
enough to get her keycard, which she will give you at around 35% relationship 
bar. Everything after that is optional. In fact, if you really hate the dating 
thing, you don't even have to do that much, just shoot her in the head and 
you'll get her card anyway.

But if you want to go the dating route, Millie is available from 12:00 to 
22:00. You can do the usual kind of dates (she likes the fancy restaurants for 
food, with the fork and knife icons), or you can skip that route and do 
something a little different. If you go to her house wearing the gimp suit, you 
immediately enter for coffee, which will give you a 10% push in the 
relationship bar each time. Do that a few times and you are at 100%, just that 

And with that, you are finished with the girlfriend aspect of the game. 
Congratulations! Since you got all 50 oysters, your relationship bars no longer 
drop over time, so if this is the sort of thing that bugs you (not having 100% 
on all six of them), go patch up the relationship bars by taking them on dates. 
It won't get you anything other than knowing you are at 100%, so don't bother 
if you are okay with them the way they are.

Dam and Blast                                                 [GTASATDLVWALK46]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Key to Her Heart
Rewards - Respect (5)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (88.24% Total)
Unlocks - Cop Wheels Mission

You're job, should you chose to accept it, is to rig the dam with explosives so 
you can knock out the city's power supply during your heist. Get in the plane 
and head for the corona. When you get to it, hit Return to jump. Land on (or 
near) the red marker.

Now it's just a stealth mission. Take out guards with your knife (or silenced 
pistol if you have one). Once inside, clear the place out, plant the charges 
and get out of there. Nothing to it.

Cop Wheels                                                    [GTASATDLVWALK47]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Dam and Blast
Rewards - Respect (20)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (88.77% Total)
Unlocks - Up Up and Away Mission

You have twelve minutes to steal four bikes. What makes this tricky is that you 
are going to pick up wanted levels. Some of the bikes are vacant, with the 
officer standing nearby, and you can just steal them without any trouble, but 
others still have a cop attached. In these cases I used the AK-47 or M4 to kill 
the cop and take the bike. Needless to say, the police were less than happy 
about this.

You should try to get the bikes in order of the location of the truck, which 
probably means doing them in this order:
1) Linden Station
2) Julius Throughway East
3) Las Venturas Airport
4) Roca Escalante

This gives you the shortest distance you need to take the bikes to get them 
back to the truck (which is moving in a clockwise direction). Just drive up the 
back of the packer and when you get the thumbs up signal, get off and jump onto 
the freeway. Grab a new car and head for the next bike. When you have all four, 
it's another mission accomplished.

Bike School                                                   [GTASATDLVWALK48]
Map Icon - Red S
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - Increased Bike Skill
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (89.31% Total)
Unlocks - Freeway (at least all Bronzes), FCR-900 (at least all Silvers), NRG-
          500 (all Golds)

This is a six-mission challenge. Nothing here is very difficult, even if you 
are going for all gold medals. Here are some tips for some of the trickier 

The Wheelie - The trick here is to not over do it. You have to be on your back 
wheel before reaching the 'zone' (the area between the two rows of cones). Lean 
back just enough to keep the front tire up and gun it through the area. Once 
you are past, hit the space bar a bit to bring the front tire down and glide 
into the stop area.

Jump and Stop - This is just a jump, no big deal. Use the arrow keys to adjust 
your landing angle or you may come down too hard on your back tire and fall 

The Stoppie - This one takes a bit of practice. Once you are up on your front 
tire, you have no acceleration capability, so you need to have enough speed 
built up to get through the entire zone. When you get near the cones, lean 
forward and tap the S key quickly to bring your back tire up. Let off the lean 
key or you'll flip forward. Use it when you feel like the bike is going to drop 
back down.

Jump and Stoppie - This is arguably the hardest of the bunch, but it is easier 
when you realize that the bike does not really need to stay on its front tire 
the entire way into the stop zone. If you drop down to your back tire, the game 
will stop you at that point, so the real trick is to land pretty close to where 
you want to end. Prior to the ramp, use the head bob technique to gain extra 
speed. When you come off the ramp, lean forward (up arrow key) so that you hit 
on your front tire, then slam on both brakes. With practice (and a little luck) 
you will learn the proper angle and in a few tries should get a perfect score.

Learning New Moves                                            [GTASATDLVWALK49]
Map Icon - Dumbbells
Prereqs - 20% muscle
Rewards - New Fighting moves
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (89.84% Total)
Unlocks - None

Go to the gym in Las Venturas and step into the red marker. It's the regular 
sort of deal, all you have to do is beat the tar out of the trainer. Once you 
put him down, he will teach you the usual assortment of useless fighting moves.

Up Up and Away                                                [GTASATDLVWALK50]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Cop Wheels
Rewards - Respect (25)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (90.37% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for Breaking the Bank at Caligula's

Get some heavy duty weaponry and armor for this one.

Grab a bike or car and head for the fuel depot to the northeast. You can't get 
through the gates with what you're driving, but every so often a Patriot will 
come out, so you can sneak through the gates at that point. As soon as you get 
through, the alarm is going to go off. Start taking down guards.

When you've cleared the outside, you should look for an open door to the left 
of the gate entrance. There are a bunch more guards inside. The good news is 
that once you've cleared them out, you will find a health and armor icon. 
Continue through the warehouse to the back. More guards will greet you here.

When things are clear again, head up the stairs. At the top, make a run for the 
gun emplacement and take down the two gunships. These guys are getting serious! 
Once they're done, continue to the chopper.

The Sky Crane is pretty heavy and will tend to lose altitude pretty quickly, so 
be careful around the tall buildings. Head for the indicated marker to go pick 
up the truck (use the numpad 2 and 8 keys to lower and raise the magnet).

Nab the truck and head for your airstrip. You are even heavier now, and you'll 
be going right over the strip, so watch your altitude carefully. Once you reach 
the airstrip, drop the truck in the indicated marker (left mouse button), and 
then land the chopper. Mission accomplished.

Courier Mission - Burger Shot                                 [GTASATDLVWALK51]
Map Icon - Burger
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - None
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (90.91% Total)
Unlocks - Asset worth up to $2,000 per day

Head over to the Burger Shot in Redsands East (it's just south of the Gym). You 
will notice a Faggio (a scooter) sitting on side of the building. Get on to 
start up the courier mission.

What can I say about this that I haven't already said twice before? Use the big 
map to plan your route, and you shouldn't have any problems passing all four 
levels. The Faggio doesn't exactly go fast, but even so, you have quite a bit 
of time for each level.

The Ammu-Nation Challenge - AK-47                             [GTASATDLVWALK52]
Map Icon - Gun
Prereqs - Yay Ka-Boom-Boom
Rewards - Increased Skill with AK-47
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (91.44% Total)
Unlocks - None

There is an Ammu-Nation on the Old Venturas Strip. Go inside and walk into the 
large red marker (not the small one, that's for buying guns).

This is the final round of the Ammu-Nation challenge. Unfortunately, just like 
before, in order to reach the AK-47, you have to go through the Pistol, 
Shotgun, and machine pistol challenges again. These shouldn't be too much of a 
problem (with the possible exception of round 3 of the shotgun competition). 
Once you complete the three rounds with the AK-47, you're done.

Breaking The Bank At Caligula's                               [GTASATDLVWALK53]
Map Icon - Green Money [The Heist Strand]
Prereqs - Up Up and Away
Rewards - $100,000, Respect (100)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (91.98% Total)
Unlocks - None

This is it! Head for Caligula's, and make sure to put away all of your weapons 
as you go through the casino. Swipe the card you got from Millie and head 
downstairs. On the next level down, pull out your gas grenades and throw one 
into the open grate (it's on the left).

Soon, things will go dark. Pull out your night vision goggles and turn them on 
(left mouse button). Head for the next marker to find another door with a 
keycard access.

Now go grab the forklift and open up the back door. Time to pull out a decent 
weapon and start clearing the way for the rest of the team. When you get to the 
safe, grab the satchel charges and go back upstairs to destroy the generators 
(use a couple to get both of them). Get a little distance and blow the charges, 
then head back down to the safe.

There's an armor in the back of the safe if you need it. Time to get back out, 
and you'll need to clear the way again. Escort the team back to the van. You're 
on your own now. Head back up, taking out the enemy as you go, until you 
finally reach the rooftop. Follow it over to the parachute. When you jump, you 
need to immediately pull the chute open and bring your legs up, or you'll miss 
the next rooftop (if you do miss it, it's not a big deal, drop to street level 
and grab a car instead). Assuming you got to the helicopter, grab it and take 
off for your airstrip.

Turns out Zero was a bit lose-lipped. You should raise his rent or something. 
Anyway, you've completed yet another mission. Sweet.

And that's it, folks. We are done with Las Venturas! Don't go rushing off to 
Los Santos just yet, the next mission actually starts in The Four Dragon's 
Casino, but we'll be heading for Los Santos very soon now.

J6. Taking Stock                                            [GTASATDLVSTOCKTOP]

Player                                                       [GTASATDLVSTOCK01]
Stamina - Full Bar
Muscle - Full Bar
Current Number of Girlfriends - 6
Luck - 1,000

Money                                                        [GTASATDLVSTOCK02]
Property Budget - $1,039,000
Money Made from Burglary - $10,000 (or higher)

Weapons                                                      [GTASATDLVSTOCK03]
Pistol Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Micro-SMG Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Shotgun Skill - Gangster (or higher)
AK-47 - Gangster (or higher)

Crimes                                                       [GTASATDLVSTOCK04]
Various statistics, none of which are important

Gangs                                                        [GTASATDLVSTOCK05]
Territory Under Control - 0.00%
Biggest Gang - Ballas (40)
2nd Biggest Gang - Los Santos Vagos (13)
3rd Biggest Gang - Grove Street Families (0)

Achievement                                                  [GTASATDLVSTOCK06]
Unique Jumps Found - 70 out of 70
Unique Jumps Done - 70 out of 70
Tags Sprayed - 100 out of 100
Snapshots Taken - 50 out of 50
Oysters Collected - 50 out of 50
Horseshoes Collected - 50 out of 50

Mission                                                      [GTASATDLVSTOCK07]
Missions Passed - 131
Highest Vigilante Mission Level - 12
Highest Firefighter Mission Level - 12
Highest Paramedic Mission Level - 12
Passengers Dropped Off - 50 (or higher)
Number of Truck Missions Passes - 8
Pimping Level - 10
Number of Vehicles Exported - 30 out of 30
Packages Delivered - 54
Best Position in 8 Track - 1
Best Position in Dirt Track - 1
Shooting Range Levels Passed - 12 out of 12
Most Cars Parked on 'Valet Parking' - 25 out of 25
Kickstart Best score - 26 (or higher)
Best Position in Low Rider Race - 1
Best Position in Badlands A - 1
Best Position in Badlands B - 1
Best Position in Dirtbike Danger - 1
Best Position in Bandito County - 1
Best Position in Go Cart - 1
Best Position in San Fierro Fastlane - 1
Best Position in San Fierro Hills - 1
Best Position in Country Endurance - 1
Best Position in SF to LV - 1
Best Position in Dam Rider - 1
Best Position in Desert Tricks - 1
Best Position in LV Ringroad - 1

Misc                                                         [GTASATDLVSTOCK08]
Progress Made - 91.98%

| K. Return to Los Santos (Ending) |                              [GTASARLSTOP]

K1. City Overview                                                  [GTASARLSOV]

You don't really need a tour do you? It's the same place you started from. The 
only thing that has changed since you left is that the Ballas and Vagos have 
taken over. Not so good.

K2. 100% Completion List                                          [GTASARLS100]

We're coming up on the end of the game. Beyond the story missions, there's 
really not a whole lot left to do, since we're going back to territory that 
we've already been to (Los Santos). Here's what we have to do in this section 
for a 100% completion score

Story Missions: From "A Home in the Hills" (The Mansion Strand) to "End of the 
      Line" (The Riots Strand).
Obtain ten available save points.
Complete Los Santos Race Tournaments (6).

K3. Other Activities                                            [GTASARLSOTHER]

There's only one, Gang Warfare. You need to do some of this before one of the 
story missions becomes available, but you can continue on if you like to get 
100% of all territories.

K4. Dramatis Personae                                              [GTASARLSDP]

(in order of appearance)
Carl Johnson (CJ) - You guessed it, still you.
Kendl - Your sister.
Woozie - Your partner.
Madd Dogg - A famous rapper that you recently saved.
Kent Paul  - Band Manager.
Maccer - Band Lead Vocalist.
Mike Toereno - Another guy pulling your strings.
Sweet Johnson - Your brother.
OG Loc - Apparently he's back out of jail.
Cesar Vialpando - Your sister's boyfriend.
Big Smoke - an ex-homie.
Officer Tennpenny - The last member of the three stooges.

K5. Walkthrough                                               [GTASARLSWALKTOP]

A Home in the Hills                                            [GTASARLSWALK01]
Map Icon - Woozie [The Mansion Strand]
Prereqs - Saint Mark's Bistro
Rewards - Respect (40), New Save point (but see warning!)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (92.51% Total)
Unlocks - Vertical Bird Mission

Definitely make sure you are fully armed and armored before going into this 
mission. Once you're all set, head into Woozies office in the Four Dragons 
Casino. Prepare for a long cut scene before you regain control.

When you jump out of the plane, immediately pull open your chute. You'll need 
to pull up your legs to make it to the rooftop, but don't dally, your boys need 
your help (if you miss the roof, you can get back onto it with the use of a 
car, but your team is probably dead before you'll make it up there). Once 
there, keep the enemy off the roof until reinforcements arrive. Grab the armor 
when you need it.

Before long, the troops arrive, so lead them into the mansion. You are in for a 
fight here. Enemy will keep arriving as you make your way deeper into the 
mansion. There are a couple of armor and health icons (in one of the rooms off 
the corridor you are in, and in the kitchen).

Once you get far enough in, Big Poppa makes a run for it. Don't go after him 
too quickly, he won't get away. Make your way through the mansion until you 
make it to the front door. Now it's just a matter of running down the car and 
blowing it up. A drive-by or two ought to do it.

You now have a save point at Madd Dogg's mansion. As convenient as it might be, 
I highly recommend you don't ever save there. This save point is bugged. At the 
very least you will permanently lose your ability to play basketball. At the 
worst, it will corrupt your save game. There is a save point just up the 
street, use that instead.

By the way, those health and armor icons are permanent; you can come back for 
them at any time. The health icon is the only one available to you in the 
entire game that is not associated with any mission.

Vertical Bird                                                  [GTASARLSWALK02]
Map Icon - CJ [The Mansion Strand]
Prereqs - A Home in the Hills
Rewards - $50,000, Hydra Military Jet
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (93.05% Total)
Unlocks - Home Coming Mission

Once again be armed and armored for this mission, as there will probably be 
fighting involved, and it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

Get on the boat and head for the ship. When you get reasonably close (but not 
too close), jump off the ship and swim for the entrance. Hop out of the water 
on the left side so the guards don't see you. 

It's pretty dark in the ship, so if you have them, the thermal goggles come in 
handy here. Pull out your silenced pistol. The idea is to sneak to the SAM 
site, but if your spotted, don't be afraid to shoot. Take a few out as a 
preventative measure if the opportunity presents itself.

Once the SAMs are down, turn around and head for the Hydras. Get in on of them, 
preferably one that isn't underneath anything (you'll be going straight up). 
Once you're in, hit the W key to get some altitude.

Turn toward your goal. You'll have to raise up a bit to get over the bridges. 
Don't forget to raise your landing gear. When you're high enough, hold the 8 
key for a bit to switch to jet mode. You are going to have company (boring 
conversation anyway), so get ready for it.

You're in a dogfight with three other jets. Circle around behind them and hold 
the space key to get a lock. When you have a red targeting circle, quickly take 
your hands off the arrow keys and hit the right mouse button to fire. Continue 
until you down all three jets.

Now head for your targets. When you get there, switch back to helicopter mode 
(hold the 2 key for a bit). Get down so you're in range. It's now the same deal 
as with the jets, when you get a red circle, fire at will. Take down all the 

Now, what to do with your stolen jet? Toreno doesn't seem to want it. 
Fortunately, your airstrip is close by, so go land on the strip. Try to get 
nearer the eastern end than the western end. It's easier to land in helicopter 
mode than in jet mode, but it's your call. Once you're down, you have to 
maneuver the jet into the hanger. Not really easy, as this thing doesn't handle 
very well on the ground, but switching to jet mode makes it a bit easier. Just 
be gentle and very careful getting it in there. Once you are in the marker, 
hold the S key to keep it on the ground, and it's another mission accomplished.

Not only that, you now have a Hydra Jet as a permanent fixture in your 
airstrip. Not bad!

Race Tournaments - Los Santos                                  [GTASARLSWALK03]
Map Icon - Checkered Flag
Prereqs - Driving School, Learning to Fly
Rewards - $1,060,000 
Completion Percentage - 6 x 0.535% (96.26% Total)
Unlocks - None

We need to get back to Los Santos. You're at the airport, so take your new jet, 
or a Jet Pack, or a helicopter, or really whichever piece of hardware you 
prefer and head over to the Los Santos Airport. From there, drive north to the 
checkered flag, let's finish off the race tournaments.

You'll notice that some of the races listed you've already won during the 
normal course of the missions. However, there are six more races to win. You 
will get $10,000 per race, and at the end of all six, you will get a cool one 
million dollars for winning every race in the game. Nice!

All the same advice applies here as for the other sets of races. One of the 
hardest races in the game is here, Little Loop. At less than a mile long, you 
don't have time to wait for the other racers to make a lot of mistakes. You 
pretty much have to drive this one perfectly to win it. Even one small mistake 
will put you too far back to catch up in time to take the flag.

Also in this set is the Vinewood race, which has some pretty tricky hills and 
turns to deal with. You'll probably have to run it a couple of times to learn 
the course before you win it.

With another million, you are probably around 3 mill in spare change now. Who 
says crime doesn't pay?

Home Coming                                                    [GTASARLSWALK04]
Map Icon - CJ [The Mansion Strand]
Prereqs - Vertical Bird
Rewards - Respect (40) 
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (96.79% Total)
Unlocks - Cut Throat Business Mission, Beat Down on B-Dup Mission

Go pick up your brother. He is not happy about what you've been up to while 
he's been away. Take him home. Now the fun begins; pull out a decent weapon and 
start blasting away at the Ballas. You should have a much easier time of it 
than you did in the previous gang wars, as you have better weapons, more armor 
and health, and mad skills.

After this mission ends, you are effectively locked out of your house on Grove 
Street, because the red corona appears right in front of the door. Swell. You 
can go in, but you'll trigger the mission (which is certainly your prerogative 
to do if you like, but I'm going to wait to finish off this strand first).

Cut Throat Business                                            [GTASARLSWALK05]
Map Icon - CJ [The Mansion Strand]
Prereqs - Home Coming
Rewards - Respect (40) 
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (97.33% Total)
Unlocks - None, but required for Riot Mission

Hmm, this could get awkward, since Madd Dogg isn't really aware of CJ's 
involvement in the disappearance of a certain rhyme book. But in any event, 
take the Dogg down to the video shoot.

OG takes off, so follow him in the hovercraft. Don't bother with trying to 
drive-by him, it's hard enough staying with him. After a while, he ends up at 
the end of a pier, where he switches to a go-cart.

Okay, another squirrelly vehicle to drive. OG will make some tricky turns to 
try to shake you, just stay with him. After a while, it's mission accomplished. 

Beat Down on B-Dup                                             [GTASARLSWALK06]
Map Icon - S [The Grove Street Strand]
Prereqs - Home Coming
Rewards - Respect (40) 
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (97.86% Total)
Unlocks - Grove 4 Life Mission

Head to Glen Park and provoke another gang war. Take out the three waves, just 
like normal. Now it's a fight to get into the heavily guarded house. Take out 
the guards, and that's all she wrote, another mission accomplished.

Grove 4 Life                                                   [GTASARLSWALK07]
Map Icon - S [The Grove Street Strand]
Prereqs - Beat Down on B-Dup
Rewards - $10,000, Respect (40)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (98.40% Total)
Unlocks - Riot Mission

Same deal as before, only this time you need to take two areas instead of one. 
Sweet is pretty much worse than useless as he runs in front of your automatic 
weapon fire (not the sharpest tool in the shed, that Sweet). Be sure to grab 
armor and health icons, as you have to take two territories in Idlewood before 
the mission ends.

Taking Back the Streets - SEMI OPTIONAL                        [GTASARLSWALK08]
Map Icon - None
Prereqs - Home Coming
Rewards - None 
Completion Percentage - 0.00% (98.40% Total)
Unlocks - None

Gang warfare is back! If you took over Los Santos in the first part of the 
game, you should be pretty familiar with the process. Go to a territory you 
want to take, and kill at least three enemy gang members. This will provoke a 
gang war consisting of three waves. Take out all three waves, and the territory 
is yours.

The reason this is semi-optional is that you must have greater than one third 
of the territories in the game to continue past a certain point in the story 
missions. It is best to do this now, because an event is going to happen soon 
that will make it much more difficult to take territory. So even if you don't 
want to completely take over Los Santos, spend some time now and take over at 
least one third of it (you can see the territory percentages on the stats page 
under Gangs).

If you are going to take over the whole city, all the same advice applies as 
from before. Remember there are two very small territories you need to grab 
before taking the ones around them, or it becomes difficult to find enough gang 
members to start the war (these are the Jefferson Motel parking lot and the 
north side of the culvert in Los Flores).

If you only take a part of the city, you'll have to deal with the occasional 
territory attack. But other than that, we are done with everything in the game 
other than that last few story missions!

Riot                                                           [GTASARLSWALK09]
Map Icon - CJ [Riots Strand]
Prereqs - Grove 4 Life
Rewards - Respect (40)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (98.93% Total)
Unlocks - Los Desperados Mission

This barely qualifies as a mission. Just drive Sweet to his place on Grove 
Street. You may have to avoid the occasional car explosion or rioting 
pedestrians, but it's hardly going to be a challenge to your mad driving 

Los Desperados                                                 [GTASARLSWALK10]
Map Icon - S [Riots Strand]
Prereqs - Riot
Rewards - Respect (60)
Completion Percentage - 0.54% (99.47% Total)
Unlocks - End of the Line (with at least 35% territory)

Bring body armor and a good weapon (the M4 or SMG is a good choice, as usual). 
First you have to grab a couple of homies. This can be a little tricky, as they 
tend to get distracted easily by gun battles. Even once you get them in the 
car, sometimes they will jump out for no apparent reason. Panic, maybe.

There's not much in the way of strategy here, except to keep your head down and 
take out the Vagos as quickly as possible. Advance slowly as you clear the 
area. Inside one of the garages is a health icon, if you need it.

Once you take out the last set (with the guy on the roof), that's another 
mission down. Only one left.

End of the Line                                                [GTASARLSWALK11]
Map Icon - S [Riots Strand]
Prereqs - Los Desperados, at least 35% territories owned
Rewards - Respect (40)
Completion Percentage - 0.53% (100.00% Total)
Unlocks - See Text

This is it!  This is a long mission with lots of gunplay, so make sure you are 
armored up and heavily armed before you start it up.

Sweet will give you a call letting you know he's on the case. As soon as you 
get at least 35% of all the territories, he'll call you back (if you already 
have that level, he'll call back right away). It's time to finish up some 
unfinished business.

Drive over to the marker. When you get out of the car, grab the cycle and get 
the SWAT tank. Now smash through the door and run down all the Ballas. Once 
you're at the back, exit the vehicle and go through the doorway. Take down a 
few Ballas and Vagos. At the point where you get some armor, there is a door. 
Be prepared for a pretty major fight in the next room, you have a whole mess of 
gang members to take down, and to top it off, a tank comes smashing through the 
wall and you have to take down all the SWAT team as well. Beyond this room are 
a few more enemy gang. At the end (up the stairs) you'll find a health icon and 
a combat shotgun. You are now starting floor 2.

There's another armor at the top of the next flight of stairs. Through a couple 
of doors, and you'll have another fight on your hands. Clear the room, then 
head up the stairs. The door on your left is locked, you'll have to move along 
the catwalk. As you make your way around, more enemy appear below, and finally 
in front of you just before you reach the next door. Take them out. In the next 
room is another health icon. Through the doors you begin the third floor.

Once again the Ballas politely provide you with another body armor at the top 
of the stairs. Through the doors and you'll come into the lounge area. You're 
in for some pretty heavy fighting here as you come across Ballas, Vagos, and 
Mafia guys. Take them all out. When you come to a corridor, check the room on 
the left (with the stripper) for some armor and on the right for a health icon.

Continue up to the next floor, where you'll find Big Smoke. After a cut scene, 
it's time for a shootout. Take out the guards and then Smoke. One less drug 
dealing ex-homie in the world.

Another cut scene, and now you've got a time limit. Turn on your night vision 
goggles and start making your way back downstairs. There will be resistance 
again (though perhaps not quite as much as there was coming up). Fortunately, 
the armor has regenerated again, so grab them on your way back down. Ignore the 
fires, since you're fireproof there's no need to waste time putting them out. 
Once you get out of the building, we're in for a chase.

Don't hit or otherwise damage the truck, just follow it. Do you best to stay 
out of the Molotov Cocktails (you don't want the car to be destroyed). After a 
while, a cop will jump on the truck and start making problems for sweet. Pull 
up and get under him before he loses his grip.

Once he's in the car and takes over the driving, you become the gunner. Take 
out the various cops, gang member and such that come after you and keep your 
car in good shape. After a while, the truck crashes.

There's a lengthy cut scene, and that's it, game over! Well, sort of. You now 
have 100% completion, which means you get extra armor and health, you can never 
run out of ammo, there's a Rhino parked under the overpass, and a Hydra parked 
on top of Sweet's house. Enjoy your ability to create massive havoc with few 

K6. Taking Stock                                             [GTASARLSSTOCKTOP]

Player                                                        [GTASARLSSTOCK01]
Stamina - Full Bar
Total Respect - Full Bar
Muscle - Full Bar
Current Number of Girlfriends - 6
Luck - 1,000

Money                                                         [GTASARLSSTOCK02]
Property Budget - $1,039,000
Money Made from Burglary - $10,000 (or higher)

Weapons                                                       [GTASARLSSTOCK03]
Pistol Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Micro-SMG Skill - Gangster (or higher)
Shotgun Skill - Gangster (or higher)
AK-47 - Gangster (or higher)

Crimes                                                        [GTASARLSSTOCK04]
Various statistics, none of which are important

Gangs                                                         [GTASARLSSTOCK05]
Territory Under Control - 35.00% (or higher)
Biggest Gang - Grove Street Families
2nd Biggest Gang - Los Santos Vagos (13)
3rd Biggest Gang - Grove Street Families (0)

Achievement                                                   [GTASARLSSTOCK06]
Unique Jumps Found - 70 out of 70
Unique Jumps Done - 70 out of 70
Tags Sprayed - 100 out of 100
Snapshots Taken - 50 out of 50
Oysters Collected - 50 out of 50
Horseshoes Collected - 50 out of 50

Mission                                                       [GTASARLSSTOCK07]
Missions Passed - 146
Highest Vigilante Mission Level - 12
Highest Firefighter Mission Level - 12
Highest Paramedic Mission Level - 12
Passengers Dropped Off - 50 (or higher)
Number of Truck Missions Passes - 8
Pimping Level - 10
Number of Vehicles Exported - 30 out of 30
Packages Delivered - 54
Best Position in 8 Track - 1
Best Position in Dirt Track - 1
Shooting Range Levels Passed - 12 out of 12
Most Cars Parked on 'Valet Parking' - 25 out of 25
Kickstart Best score - 26 (or higher)
Best Position in Low Rider Race - 1
Best Position in Little Loop - 1
Best Position in Backroad Wanderer - 1
Best Position in Circuit City - 1
Best Position in Vinewood - 1
Best Position in Freeway - 1
Best Position in Into the Country - 1
Best Position in Badlands A - 1
Best Position in Badlands B - 1
Best Position in Dirtbike Danger - 1
Best Position in Bandito County - 1
Best Position in Go Cart - 1
Best Position in San Fierro Fastlane - 1
Best Position in San Fierro Hills - 1
Best Position in Country Endurance - 1
Best Position in SF to LV - 1
Best Position in Dam Rider - 1
Best Position in Desert Tricks - 1
Best Position in LV Ringroad - 1

Misc                                                          [GTASARLSSTOCK08]
Progress Made - 100.00%

| L. Checklist |                                                [GTASACHECKTOP]

Here is the obligatory checklist for completing the game. Items that are in 
(parentheses) are optional (they have no effect on the completion score). Items 
that are in [brackets] are semi-optional, which generally means you need to do 
parts of them (see the walkthrough text for more details).

L1. Los Santos and Red County (start)                           [GTASACHECKLS1]

[ ] Big Smoke (0.00%)
[ ] Sweet and Kendl (0.53%)
[ ] (Duality) (0.53%)
[ ] (They Crawled From Uranus) (0.53%)
[ ] Courier (1.07%)
[ ] BMX Challenge (1.60%)
[ ] Pimping (2.14%)
[ ] Taxi Driver (2.67%)
[ ] Ryder (3.21%)
[ ] (Tattoos) (3.21%)
    Tagging Up Turf (3.74%)
      [ ] 1       [ ] 4
      [ ] 2       [ ] 5
      [ ] 3       [ ] 6
    Gang Tags, Part 1 (3.74%)
      [ ] 33      [ ] 37
      [ ] 34      [ ] 38
      [ ] 35      [ ] 39
      [ ] 36      [ ] 40
[ ] (Basketball) (3.74%)
    Gang Tags, Part 2 (3.74%)
      [ ] 7       [ ] 29
      [ ] 8       [ ] 30
      [ ] 9       [ ] 31
      [ ] 12      [ ] 32
      [ ] 13
[ ] Cleaning The Hood (4.28%)
[ ] Drive-Thru (4.81%)
[ ] [The Gym] (4.81%)
    Gang Tags, Part 3 (4.81%)
      [ ] 24      [ ] 47
      [ ] 25      [ ] 48
      [ ] 26      [ ] 49
      [ ] 27      [ ] 50
      [ ] 28      [ ] 51
      [ ] 41      [ ] 52
      [ ] 42      [ ] 53
      [ ] 43      [ ] 54
      [ ] 44      [ ] 99
      [ ] 45      [ ] 100
      [ ] 46
[ ] Nines and Aks (5.35%)
[ ] Drive By (5.88%)
[ ] Sweet's Girl (6.42%)
    Gang Tags, Part 4 (6.42%)
      [ ] 10      [ ] 22
      [ ] 11      [ ] 23
      [ ] 14      [ ] 62
      [ ] 15      [ ] 63
      [ ] 16      [ ] 64
      [ ] 17      [ ] 68
      [ ] 18      [ ] 69
      [ ] 19      [ ] 70
      [ ] 20      [ ] 71
      [ ] 21
[ ] Cesar Vialpando (6.95%)
[ ] High Stakes, Low Rider (7.49%)
    Gang Tags, Part 5 (7.49%)
      [ ] 55      [ ] 66
      [ ] 56      [ ] 67
      [ ] 57      [ ] 73
      [ ] 58      [ ] 74
      [ ] 59      [ ] 75
      [ ] 60      [ ] 76
      [ ] 61      [ ] 77
      [ ] 65      [ ] 78
[ ] (Inside Track Betting) (7.49%)
    Gang Tags, Part 6 (7.49%)
      [ ] 72      [ ] 80
      [ ] 79
[ ] Learning New Moves (8.02%)
[ ] Home Invasion (8.56%)
[ ] (Burglary Vehicle Mission) (8.56%)
[ ] Catalyst (9.09%)
    Gang Tags, The Finale (9.63%)
      [ ] 81      [ ] 90
      [ ] 82      [ ] 91
      [ ] 83      [ ] 92
      [ ] 84      [ ] 93
      [ ] 85      [ ] 94
      [ ] 86      [ ] 95
      [ ] 87      [ ] 96
      [ ] 88      [ ] 97
      [ ] 89      [ ] 98
[ ] Robbing Uncle Sam (10.16%)
[ ] OG Loc (10.70%)
    (Unique Jumps) (10.70%)
      [ ] 1       [ ] 14       [ ] 25
      [ ] 2       [ ] 15       [ ] 26
      [ ] 3       [ ] 16       [ ] 27
      [ ] 4       [ ] 17       [ ] 28
      [ ] 7       [ ] 18       [ ] 29
      [ ] 8       [ ] 19       [ ] 30
      [ ] 9       [ ] 20       [ ] 31
      [ ] 10      [ ] 21       [ ] 32
      [ ] 11      [ ] 22       [ ] 33
      [ ] 12      [ ] 23       [ ] 34
      [ ] 13      [ ] 24       [ ] 35
[ ] Running Dog (11.23%)
[ ] Wrong Side of the Tracks (11.76%)
[ ] Paramedic Vehicle Mission (12.30%)
    Buying Property, Part 1
      [ ] Mulholland (12.83%)
[ ] Just Business (13.37%)
[ ] Life's a Beach (13.90%)
[ ] Madd Dogg's Rhymes (14.44%)
    Oyster Collection (14.44%)
      [ ] 1       [ ] 11
      [ ] 2       [ ] 12
      [ ] 3       [ ] 13
      [ ] 4       [ ] 14
      [ ] 5       [ ] 15
      [ ] 6       [ ] 16
      [ ] 7       [ ] 17
      [ ] 8       [ ] 18
      [ ] 9       [ ] 19
      [ ] 10      [ ] 20
[ ] 8-Track (14.97%)
[ ] Management Issues (15.51%)
[ ] House Party (16.04%)
[ ] Firefighter Vehicle Mission (16.58%)
    Buying Property, Part 2
      [ ] Santa Maria Beach (17.11%)
      [ ] Verona Beach (17.65%)
[ ] Burning Desire (18.18%)
[ ] (Dating Denise Robinson) (18.18%)
[ ] Gray Imports (18.72%)
[ ] Doberman (19.25%)
[ ] (Turf Wars) (19.25%)
    Buying Property, Part 3
      [ ] Jefferson (19.79%)
      [ ] El Corona (20.32%)
      [ ] Willowfield (20.86%)
    The Ammu-Nation Challenge
      [ ] Pistol (21.39)
      [ ] Micro-SMG (21.93%)
[ ] Los Sepulcros (22.46%)
[ ] (Go Go Space Monkey) (22.46%)
[ ] (Let's Get Ready to Bumble) (22.46%)
[ ] (Pool) (22.46%)
[ ] (Other Bars and Strip Clubs) (22.46%)
[ ] Reuniting the Families (22.99%)
[ ] The Green Sabre (23.53%)

L2. The Badlands and San Fierro                                  [GTASACHECKSF]

    The Chiliad Challenge (24.06%)
      [ ] Scratch Bonnet Yellow Route
      [ ] Birdseye Winder Yellow Route
      [ ] Cobra Run
[ ] (Dating Helena Goodpoke) (24.06%)
[ ] Badlands (24.60%)
    Photo Ops, Part 1 (24.60%)
      [ ] 1       [ ] 15
      [ ] 2       [ ] 16
      [ ] 3       [ ] 17
      [ ] 4       [ ] 18
      [ ] 5       [ ] 19
      [ ] 7       [ ] 20
      [ ] 8       [ ] 21
      [ ] 9       [ ] 22
      [ ] 10      [ ] 23
      [ ] 11      [ ] 24
      [ ] 12      [ ] 25
      [ ] 13      [ ] 26
      [ ] 14      [ ] 27
[ ] Blood Bowl (25.13%)
    Buying Property, Part 1
      [ ] Dillimore (25.67%)
      [ ] Blueberry (26.20)
      [ ] Palomino Creek (26.74%)
[ ] First Date (26.74%)
[ ] Small Town Bank (27.27%)
    The Ammu-Nation Challenge
     [ ] Shotgun (27.81%)
[ ] Body Harvest (28.34%)
[ ] King In Exile (28.34%)
[ ] First Base (28.34%)
[ ] Against All Odds (28.88%)
[ ] Gone Courting (28.88%)
[ ] Tanker Commander (29.41%)
[ ] (Big Smoke's Cash) (29.41%)
[ ] (Yay Courier) (29.41%)
    Trucking Vehicle Missions, Part 1 (29.41%)
      [ ] Mission 1         [ ] Mission 4
      [ ] Mission 2         [ ] Mission 5
      [ ] Mission 3         [ ] Mission 6
    Photo Ops, Part 2 (29.41%)
      [ ] 29      [ ] 40
      [ ] 30      [ ] 42
      [ ] 31      [ ] 43
      [ ] 32      [ ] 44
      [ ] 33      [ ] 45
      [ ] 34      [ ] 46
      [ ] 35      [ ] 47
      [ ] 36      [ ] 48
      [ ] 37      [ ] 49
      [ ] 38      [ ] 50
      [ ] 39
[ ] Made In Heaven (29.41%)
[ ] Local Liquor Store (29.95%)
[ ] Wu Zi Mu (30.48%)
[ ] Farewell, My Love (31.02%)
[ ] NRG-500 Challenge (31.55%)
    (Unique Jumps) (31.55%)
      [ ] 36      [ ] 45
      [ ] 37      [ ] 46
      [ ] 38      [ ] 47
      [ ] 39      [ ] 48
      [ ] 40      [ ] 49
      [ ] 41      [ ] 50
      [ ] 42      [ ] 51
      [ ] 43      [ ] 52
      [ ] 44
[ ] Are You Going to San Fierro (32.09%)
[ ] Wear Flowers in Your Hair (32.62%)
    Buying Property, Part 2
      [ ] Zero's RC Shop (33.16%)
[ ] Air Raid (33.69%)
[ ] Supply Lines (34.22%)
[ ] New Model Army (34.76%)
[ ] (The Beefy Baron) (34.76%)
[ ] Learning New Moves (35.29%)
[ ] Courier (35.83%)
[ ] 555 We Tip (36.36%)
    Buying Property, Part 3
      [ ] Queen's (36.90%)
      [ ] Paradiso (37.43%)
[ ] Valet Parking (37.97%)
[ ] Deconstruction (38.50%)
    Back To School (39.04%)
      [ ] The 360
      [ ] The 180
      [ ] Whip and Terminate
      [ ] Pop and Control
      [ ] Burn and Lap
      [ ] Cone Coil
      [ ] The 90
      [ ] Wheelie Weave
      [ ] Spin and Go
      [ ] P.I.T. Maneuver
      [ ] Allie Oop
      [ ] City Slicking
[ ] (Dating Michelle Cannes) (39.04%)
[ ] Photo Opportunity (39.57%)
[ ] Jizzy (40.11%)
    Oyster Collection (40.11%)
      [ ] 21      [ ] 28
      [ ] 22      [ ] 29
      [ ] 23      [ ] 30
      [ ] 24      [ ] 31
      [ ] 25      [ ] 32
      [ ] 26      [ ] 33
      [ ] 27      [ ] 34
[ ] T-Bone Mendez (40.64%)
[ ] Mike Toreno (41.18%)
[ ] Outrider (41.71%)
[ ] Snail Trail (42.25%)
[ ] (Dating Katie Zahn) (42.25%)
[ ] Ice Cold Killa (42.78%)
[ ] Pier 69 (43.32%)
[ ] Toreno's Last Flight (43.85%)
[ ] Mountain Cloud Boys (44.39%)
[ ] Ran Fa Li (44.92%)
[ ] Lure (45.45%)
[ ] Amphibious Assault (45.99%)
    Buying Property, Part 4
      [ ] Angel Pine (46.52%)
      [ ] Whetstone (47.06%)
[ ] The Da Nang Thang (47.59%)
[ ] Yay Ka-Boom-Boom (48.13%)
    Buying Property, Part 5
      [ ] Wang Cars (48.66%)
[ ] Zeroing In (49.20%)
[ ] Test Drive (49.73%)
[ ] Customs Fast Track (50.27%)
    Export Board, List 1 (50.80%)
      [ ] Patriot            [ ] Buffalo
      [ ] Sanchez            [ ] Sentinel
      [ ] Stretch            [ ] Infernus
      [ ] Feltzer            [ ] Camper
      [ ] Remington          [ ] Admiral
    Export Board, List 2 (51.34%)
      [ ] Slamvan            [ ] Cheeta
      [ ] Blista Compact     [ ] Rancher
      [ ] Stafford           [ ] Stallion
      [ ] Sabre              [ ] Tanker
      [ ] FCR-900            [ ] Comet
    Export Board, List 3 (51.87%)
      [ ] Blade              [ ] Banshee
      [ ] Freeway            [ ] Super GT
      [ ] Mesa               [ ] Journey
      [ ] ZR 350             [ ] Huntley
      [ ] Euros              [ ] BF Injection
    Buying Property, Part 6
      [ ] Doherty (52.41%)
      [ ] Hashbury (52.94%)
      [ ] China Town (53.48%)
      [ ] Calton Heights (54.01%)
[ ] Puncture Wounds (54.55%)
    Trucking Vehicle Missions, Part 2 (55.08%)
      [ ] Mission 7         
      [ ] Mission 8

L3. The Desert and Las Venturas                                  [GTASACHECKLV]

[ ] Monster (55.61%)
[ ] Highjack (56.15%)
[ ] Interdiction (56.68%)
    Buying Property, Part 1
     [ ] Fort Carson (57.22%)
     [ ] Tierra Robada (57.75%)
     [ ] El Quebrados (58.29%)
    Collecting Horseshoes, Part 1 (58.29%)
      [ ] 1       [ ] 16
      [ ] 2       [ ] 17
      [ ] 3       [ ] 18
      [ ] 4       [ ] 22
      [ ] 5       [ ] 23
      [ ] 6       [ ] 24
      [ ] 7       [ ] 25
      [ ] 9       [ ] 26
      [ ] 11      [ ] 27
      [ ] 12      [ ] 28
      [ ] 13      [ ] 32
      [ ] 14      [ ] 33
      [ ] 15
[ ] Verdant Meadows (58.82%)
    Buying Property, Part 2
     [ ] Abandoned Airstrip (59.36%)
    Learning to Fly (59.89%)
     [ ] Takeoff                     [ ] Land Helicopter
     [ ] Land Plane                  [ ] Destroy Targets
     [ ] Circle Airstrip             [ ] Loop the Loop
     [ ] Circle Airstrip and Land    [ ] Barrel Roll
     [ ] Helicopter Takeoff          [ ] Parachute onto Target
[ ] N.O.E. (60.43%)
[ ] Stowaway (60.96%)
[ ] Black Project (61.50%)
[ ] Green Goo (62.03%)
    Collecting Horseshoes, Part 2 (62.57%)
      [ ] 8       [ ] 39
      [ ] 10      [ ] 40
      [ ] 19      [ ] 41
      [ ] 20      [ ] 42
      [ ] 21      [ ] 43
      [ ] 29      [ ] 44
      [ ] 30      [ ] 45
      [ ] 31      [ ] 46
      [ ] 34      [ ] 47
      [ ] 35      [ ] 48
      [ ] 36      [ ] 49
      [ ] 37      [ ] 50
      [ ] 38
    Buying Property, Part 3
      [ ] Whitewood Estates (63.11%)
      [ ] Pilson Intersection (63.64%)
      [ ] Redsands West (64.17%)
      [ ] Old Venturas Strip (64.71%)
      [ ] Creek (65.24%)
      [ ] The Clown's Pocket (65.78%)
      [ ] The Camel's Toe (66.31%)
      [ ] Pirates in Men's Pants (66.85%)
      [ ] Rookshore West (67.38%)
    Photo Ops, the Finale (67.91%)
      [ ] 6       [ ] 28
      [ ] 41
    Street Racing, San Fierro
      [ ] Dirt Bike Danger (68.45%)
      [ ] Bandito County (68.98%)
      [ ] Go-Go Karting (69.52%)
      [ ] San Fierro Fast Lane (70.05%)
      [ ] San Fierro Hills (70.59%)
      [ ] Country Endurance (71.12%)
    (Gambling) (71.12%)
      [ ] Video Poker
      [ ] Slots
      [ ] Wheel of Fortune
      [ ] Roulette
      [ ] Blackjack
[ ] Fender Ketchup (71.66%)
[ ] Explosive Situation (72.19%)
[ ] Vigilante (72.73%)
    Boating School (73.26%)
      [ ] Basic Seamanship
      [ ] Plot a Course
      [ ] Fresh Slalom
      [ ] Flying Fish
      [ ] Land, Sea, and Air
[ ] You've Had Your Chips (73.80%)
[ ] Don Peyote (74.33%)
    Oyster Collection (74.87%)
      [ ] 35      [ ] 43
      [ ] 36      [ ] 44
      [ ] 37      [ ] 45
      [ ] 38      [ ] 46
      [ ] 39      [ ] 47
      [ ] 40      [ ] 48
      [ ] 41      [ ] 49
      [ ] 42      [ ] 50
[ ] (Dating Barbara Schternvart) (74.87%)
[ ] Intensive Care (75.40%)
[ ] Misappropriation (75.94%)
    (Unique Jumps) (75.94%)
      [ ] 5       [ ] 61
      [ ] 6       [ ] 62
      [ ] 53      [ ] 63
      [ ] 54      [ ] 64
      [ ] 55      [ ] 65
      [ ] 56      [ ] 66
      [ ] 57      [ ] 67
      [ ] 58      [ ] 68
      [ ] 59      [ ] 69
      [ ] 60      [ ] 70
[ ] (Beat the Cock, Part 1) (75.94%)
[ ] The Meat Business (76.47%)
[ ] Fish In a Barrel (77.01%)
[ ] Madd Dogg (77.54%)
    Street Racing, Las Venturas
      [ ] LV Ringroad (78.08%)
      [ ] SF to LV (78.61%)
      [ ] Dam Rider (79.15%)
      [ ] Desert Tricks (79.68%)
    Air Racing, Las Venturas
      [ ] World War Ace (80.22%)
      [ ] Barnstorming (80.75%)
      [ ] Military Service (81.29%)
      [ ] Chopper Checkpoint (81.82%)
      [ ] Whirly Bird Waypoint (82.36%)
      [ ] Heli Hell (82.89%)
[ ] Freefall (83.42%)
[ ] High Noon (83.96%)
    Quarry Challenges (84.49%)
      [ ] Mission 1       [ ] Mission 5
      [ ] Mission 2       [ ] Mission 6
      [ ] Mission 3       [ ] Mission 7
      [ ] Mission 4
    Freight Train Challenge (85.03%)
      [ ] Level 1       [ ] Level 2
[ ] (Beat the Cock, Part 2) (85.03%)
[ ] Saint Mark's Bistro (85.56%)
[ ] Architectural Espionage (86.10%)
[ ] Kick Start (86.63%)
[ ] Dirt Track (87.17%)
[ ] Key to Her Heart (87.70%)
[ ] [Dating Millie] (87.70%)
[ ] Dam and Blast (88.24%)
[ ] Cop Wheels (88.77%)
    Bike School (89.31%)
      [ ] The 360
      [ ] The 180
      [ ] The Wheelie
      [ ] Jump and Stop
      [ ] The Stoppie
      [ ] Jump and Stoppie
[ ] Learning New Moves (89.84%)
[ ] Up Up and Away (90.37%)
[ ] Courier Mission - Burger Shot (90.91%)
    The Ammu-Nation Challenge
      [ ] AK-47 (91.44%)
[ ] Breaking the Bank At Caligula's (91.98%)

L4. Return to Los Santos (end)                                  [GTASACHECKLS2]

[ ] A Home in the Hills (92.51%)
[ ] Vertical Bird (93.05%)
    Race Tournaments - Los Santos
      [ ] Little Loop (93.58%)
      [ ] Backroad Wanderer (94.12%)
      [ ] City Circuit (94.65%)
      [ ] Vinewood (95.19%)
      [ ] Freeway (95.72%)
      [ ] Into the Country (96.26%)
[ ] Home Coming (96.79%)
[ ] Cut Throat Business (97.33%)
[ ] Beat Down on B-Dup (97.86%)
[ ] Grove 4 Life (98.40%)
[ ] [Taking Back the Streets] (98.40%)
[ ] Riot (98.93%)
[ ] Los Desperados (99.47%)
[ ] End of the Line (100.0%)

| M. Sex Appeal and Respect Modifiers |                           

M1. Haircuts                                                    [GTASASARMHAIR]

| Old Reece's Barber Shop  | Los Santos (Idlewood)             |
| Haircut                  | Cost   | Respect   | Sex Appeal   |
| Cesar                    | $50    | 5%        | 15%          |
| Cesar & 'Stash           | $50    | 10%       | 10%          |
| Cesar & Goatee           | $100   | 10%       | 0%           |
| Cesar & Beard            | $50    | 10%       | 10%          |
| Afro                     | $150   | 15%       | 10%          |
| Afro & 'Stash            | $200   | 20%       | 5%           |
| Afro & Goatee            | $300   | 20%       | 0%           |
| Afro & Beard             | $250   | 20%       | 5%           |
| Flattop                  | $500   | 25%       | 25%          |
| Jheri Curl               | $350   | 5%        | 25%          |
| Cornrow                  | $500   | 30%       | 30%          |
| High Fade                | $150   | 20%       | 20%          |

| Barber Shop              | Los Santos (Playa Del Seville)    |
| Haircut                  | Cost   | Respect   | Sex Appeal   |

| Cesar                    | $50    | 5%        | 15%          |
| Red Hair                 | $200   | 10%       | 0%           |
| Blue Hair                | $200   | 10%       | 0%           |
| Green Hair               | $200   | 20%       | 0%           |
| Bald Head                | $10    | 10%       | 20%          |
| Bald & 'Stash            | $25    | 15%       | 15%          |
| Bald & Goatee            | $25    | 15%       | 10%          |
| Bald & Beard             | $50    | 15%       | 15%          |
| Slope                    | $200   | 20%       | 10%          |
| Mohawk & Beard           | $250   | 10%       | 0%           |
| Elvis Hair               | $1000  | 0%        | 0%           |

| Barber Salon                  | Marina (Los Santos)               |
| Gay Gordo's Bouffant Boutique | Queens (San Fierro)               |
| Barber's Pole                 | Redlands East (Las Venturas)      |
| Haircut                       | Cost   | Respect   | Sex Appeal   |
| Cesar                         | $50    | 5%        | 15%          |
| Blonde Hair                   | $50    | 0%        | 15%          |
| Pink Hair                     | $200   | 0%        | 0%           |
| Blonde Afro                   | $300   | 15%       | 15%          |
| Blonde Cornrow                | $550   | 30%       | 30%          |
| High Afro                     | $150   | 15%       | 0%           |
| Wedge                         | $150   | 20%       | 20%          |
| Detail Cut                    | $400   | 25%       | 30%          |
| Groove Cut                    | $500   | 30%       | 30%          |
| Mohawk                        | $200   | 20%       | 10%          |
| Blonde Mohawk                 | $250   | 10%       | 15%          |
| Pink Mohawk                   | $400   | 0%        | 0%           |

M2. Tattoos                                                    [GTASASARMTATTS]

| Tattoo Parlor        | Idlewood (Los Santos)           |
| Tattoo Parlor        | Willowfield (Los Santos)        |
| Tattoo Parlor        | Hashbury (San Fierro)           |
| Tattoo               | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal   |
| Upper Left Arm       |       |          |              |
|    Grave             | $45   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Left Arm       |       |          |              |
|    Gun               | $50   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Upper Right Arm      |       |          |              |
|    Africa            | $90   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Right Arm      |       |          |              |
|    Cross             | $70   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Back                 |       |          |              |
|    Grove St.         | $150  | 3%       | 3%           |
|    Westside          | $200  | 3%       | 3%           |
|    Los Santos        | $150  | 3%       | 3%           |
|    Gun               | $450  | 3%       | 3%           |
| Left Chest           |       |          |              |
|    Gun               | $50   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Bullet            | $90   | 2%       | 1%           |
| Right Chest          |       |          |              |
|    Los Santos        | $80   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Los Santos        | $45   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Los Santos        | $50   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Los Santos        | $100  | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Los Santos        | $65   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Stomach              |       |          |              |
|    Grove             | $75   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Grove             | $125  | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Grove             | $100  | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Back           |       |          |              |
|    Angel             | $450  | 3%       | 3%           |
|    Dagger            | $350  | 3%       | 3%           |

| Tattoo Parlor        | Redsands East (Las Venturas)    |
| Tattoo               | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal   |
| Upper Left Arm       |       |          |              |
|    Spider            | $72   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Left Arm       |       |          |              |
|    Cross             | $84   | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Clown             | $36   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Upper Right Arm      |       |          |              |
|    Web               | $60   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Right Arm      |       |          |              |
|    Mary              | $120  | 2%       | 2%           |
| Back                 |       |          |              |
|    Card              | $240  | 3%       | 3%           |
| Left Chest           |       |          |              |
|    Crown             | $150  | 1%       | 2%           |
|    Homeboy           | $120  | 2%       | 2%           |
| Right Chest          |       |          |              |
|    O.G.              | $108  | 2%       | 2%           |
| Stomach              |       |          |              |
|    Dice              | $108  | 2%       | 2%           |
|    Dice              | $60   | 2%       | 2%           |
| Lower Back           |       |          |              |
|    Masks             | $720  | 3%       | 3%           |
|    Cross             | $600  | 3%       | 3%           |

M3. Clothing                                                   [GTASASARMCLOTH]

| Bincos                    | Ganton (Los Santos)                       |
|  (Opens after completing  | Juniper Hill (San Fierro)                 |
|   Nines and Aks           | Emerald Isle (Las Venturas)               |
|   [The Sweet Strand])     | Harry Gold Parkway (Las Venturas)         |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    White Tank                        | $10   | 2%       | 3%          |
|    Black Tank                        | $10   | 2%       | 3%          |
|    Green Hoody                       | $45   | 15%      | 5%          |
|    White T-Shirt                     | $15   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    L.S. T-Shirt                      | $10   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Sharps T-Shirt                    | $20   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Green Shirt                       | $40   | 15%      | 3%          |
|    Checkered Shirt                   | $20   | 3%       | 0%          |
|    Combat Jacket                     | $30   | 10%      | 0%          |
|    Eris T-Shirt                      | $35   | 15%      | 7%          |
|    Eris T-Shirt 2                    | $35   | 5%       | 7%          |
|    Track Top                         | $70   | 5%       | 9%          |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Black Boxers                      | $10   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Heart Boxers                      | $12   | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Woodland Camo                     | $55   | 6%       | 1%          |
|    Urban Camo                        | $55   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Gray Pants                        | $55   | 0%       | 1%          |
|    Olive Pants                       | $55   | 5%       | 1%          |
|    Sweat Pants                       | $60   | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Blue Jeans                        | $50   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Track Pants                       | $70   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Beige Pants                       | $35   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Jeans                       | $60   | 15%      | 5%          |
|    Green Track Pants                 | $40   | 9%       | 2%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Sandals                           | $15   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Sandals & Socks                   | $20   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Flip Flops                        | $15   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Cowboy Boots                      | $100  | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Hi-Top Kicks                      | $50   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Hi-Top Sneaks                     | $100  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Green Low Tops                    | $50   | 3%       | 1%          |
|    Blue Low Tops                     | $50   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Black Low Tops                    | $50   | 1%       | 1%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Dog tags                          | $10   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Africa Pendant                    | $12   | 1%       | 1%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    Pink Watch                        | $15   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Yellow Watch                      | $15   | 0%       | 0%          |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Joke Glasses                      | $10   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Joke Mask                         | $20   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Eye patch                         | $5    | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Red Rag                           | $50   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Rag                          | $50   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Rag                         | $50   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Black Rag                         | $50   | 1%       | 0%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Red Rag Back                      | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Blue Rag Back                     | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Green Rag Back                    | $25   | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Black Rag Back                    | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Red Rag Front                     | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Blue Rag Front                    | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Green Rag Front                   | $25   | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Black Rag Front                   | $25   | 3%       | 1%          |
|    Watch Cap                         | $15   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Trucker Hat                       | $5    | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Cowboy Hat                        | $10   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Leopard Cowboy                    | $10   | 0%       | 0%          |

| SubUrban                  | Glen Park (Los Santos)                    |
|  (Opens after completing  | Hashbury (San Fierro)                     |
|   Nines and Aks           | Creek (Las Venturas)                      |
|   [The Sweet Strand])     |                                           |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    White Heat T                      | $35   | 5%       | 0%          |
|    Bobo Ape T                        | $115  | 17%      | 13%         |
|    Red Bobo T                        | $80   | 12%      | 12%         |
|    Base 5 T                          | $80   | 15%      | 12%         |
|    Suburban T                        | $60   | 15%      | 10%         |
|    Mercury Hood                      | $70   | 15%      | 10%         |
|    Base 5 Hood                       | $105  | 20%      | 14%         |
|    Rockstar Hood                     | $120  | 17%      | 15%         |
|    Vest & T-Shirt                    | $30   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Green Windbreaker                 | $30   | 13%      | 5%          |
|    Black Windbreaker                 | $30   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Rockstar Sweat                    | $60   | 10%      | 10%         |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Gray Shorts                       | $30   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Olive Shorts                      | $30   | 5%       | 0%          |
|    Gray Chonglers                    | $50   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Green Chonglers                   | $50   | 6%       | 0%          |
|    Red Chonglers                     | $50   | 6%       | 2%          |
|    Blue Chonglers                    | $50   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Green Shorts                      | $30   | 0%       | 5%          |
|    Red Jeans                         | $60   | 0%       | 0%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Black Hi-Tops                     | $55   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Red Hi-Tops                       | $55   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Orange Hi-Tops                    | $50   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    White Low-Tops                    | $70   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Gray Low-Tops                     | $65   | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Black Low Tops                    | $65   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    White Hi-Tops                     | $80   | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Strap Sneakers                    | $80   | 3%       | 2%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Silver Cuban                      | $200  | 2%       | 2%          |
|    L.S. Chain                        | $50   | 2%       | 0%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    Face Watch                        | $70   | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Face Black                        | $120  | 2%       | 2%          |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Red Tint                          | $200  | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Blue Tint                         | $220  | 1%       | 1%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Red Cap                           | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Red Cap (Back)                    | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Red Cap (Side)                    | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Red Cap (Tilt)                    | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Red Cap (Up)                      | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Cap                          | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Cap (Back)                   | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Cap (Side)                   | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Cap (Tilt)                   | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Blue Cap (Up)                     | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Black Skully                      | $60   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Skully                      | $60   | 3%       | 0%          |

| ProLaps                   | Rodeo (Los Santos)                        |
|  (Opens after completing  |                                           |
|   Nines and Aks           |                                           |
|   [The Sweet Strand])     |                                           |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    Rimmers Jacket                    | $150  | 10%      | 5%          |
|    R-Star Jacket                     | $200  | 10%      | 5%          |
|    Dribblers Vest                    | $30   | 7%       | 5%          |
|    Saint's Shirt                     | $30   | 7%       | 5%          |
|    69ers T-Shirt                     | $50   | 7%       | 5%          |
|    ProLaps T-Shirt                   | $50   | 7%       | 10%         |
|    ProLaps Black T                   | $50   | 7%       | 10%         |
|    Bandits Top                       | $70   | 7%       | 5%          |
|    Track Top                         | $85   | 10%      | 15%         |
|    Leisure Top                       | $30   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Slappers Top                      | $150  | 5%       | 2%          |
|    Baseball T                        | $80   | 10%      | 5%          |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Track Pants                       | $100  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Black Track Pants                 | $120  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Blue Track Pants                  | $140  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Ball Shorts                       | $60   | 5%       | 1%          |
|    Boxing Shorts                     | $60   | 5%       | 1%          |
|    Dribbler Shorts                   | $60   | 5%       | 1%          |
|    Leisure Pants                     | $50   | 0%       | 0%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Mid-Top Sneaker                   | $115  | 5%       | 3%          |
|    Black Hi-Tops                     | $70   | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Blue Hi-Tops                      | $65   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Green Hi-Tops                     | $60   | 5%       | 2%          |
|    Red Sneakers                      | $80   | 2%       | 3%          |
|    Blue Sneakers                     | $75   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    White Sneakers                    | $70   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    White Mid-Tops                    | $70   | 4%       | 2%          |
|    Black Mid-Tops                    | $70   | 4%       | 2%          |
|    Boxing Shoes                      | $70   | 0%       | 0%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Stop Watch                        | $20   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Saints Chain                      | $25   | 1%       | 0%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    ProLaps White                     | $440  | 0%       | 1%          |
|    ProLaps Black                     | $700  | 1%       | 0%          |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Aviators                          | $150  | 1%       | 1%          |
|    Sun Glasses                       | $150  | 2%       | 1%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Green Cap                         | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Cap (Back)                  | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Cap (Side)                  | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Cap (Tilt)                  | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Green Cap (Up)                    | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Boxing Helmet                     | $80   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Hockey Mask                       | $40   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Fullface Helmet                   | $150  | 2%       | 1%          |
|    MotoX Helmet                      | $100  | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Helmut                            | $100  | 1%       | 0%          |

| Zip                       | Downtown (Los Santos)                     |
|  (Opens after completing  | Financial (San Fierro)                    |
|   Green Sabre             | Emerald Isle (Las Venturas)               |
|   [The Sweet Strand])     | Starfish Casino (Las Venturas)            |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    Blue Hoody                        | $65   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Black Hoody                       | $65   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Striped T-Shirt                   | $10   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Brown Shirt                       | $40   | 5%       | 10%         |
|    Sky Blue Shirt                    | $40   | 7%       | 10%         |
|    Yellow Shirt                      | $40   | 7%       | 10%         |
|    Gray Shirt                        | $40   | 7%       | 10%         |
|    Plaid Shirt                       | $20   | 3%       | 0%          |
|    Cream Logo T                      | $35   | 0%       | 5%          |
|    Gray Logo T                       | $35   | 0%       | 5%          |
|    Jean Jacket                       | $90   | 10%      | 20%         |
|    Bowling Shirt                     | $70   | 7%       | 13%         |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Beige Khakis                      | $150  | 10%      | 7%          |
|    Olive Khakis                      | $150  | 10%      | 7%          |
|    Black Khakis                      | $150  | 8%       | 8%          |
|    Blue Khakis                       | $150  | 8%       | 7%          |
|    Beige Shorts                      | $80   | 6%       | 3%          |
|    Blue Shorts                       | $80   | 6%       | 3%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Gray Boots                        | $125  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Red Boots                         | $135  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Brown Boots                       | $115  | 2%       | 4%          |
|    Hiking Boots                      | $110  | 4%       | 2%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Leaf Chain                        | $100  | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Gold Chain                        | $350  | 2%       | 2%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    Zip Blue                          | $100  | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Zip Gold                          | $220  | 2%       | 22%         |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Black Shades                      | $100  | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Brown Shades                      | $150  | 2%       | 2%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Black Sun Hat                     | $20   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Plaid Sun Hat                     | $20   | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Cap                               | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Cap (Back)                        | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Cap (Side)                        | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Cap Tilted                        | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Cap Rim Up                        | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |

| Victim                    | Rodeo (Los Santos)                        |
|  (Opens after completing  | Financial (San Fierro)                    |
|   Yay Ka-Boom-Boom        | Creek (Las Venturas)                      |
|   [Syndicate]             |                                           |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    Hooded Jacket                     | $75   | 17%      | 15%         |
|    Gray Jacket                       | $1620 | 20%      | 25%         |
|    Black Jacket                      | $300  | 10%      | 20%         |
|    Biker Jacket                      | $320  | 17%      | 15%         |
|    Chore Coat                        | $320  | 15%      | 10%         |
|    Hawaiian Shirt                    | $200  | 7%       | 13%         |
|    Blue Hawaiian                     | $300  | 7%       | 13%         |
|    Sports Jacket                     | $450  | 13%      | 7%          |
|    Madd Tagg T                       | $30   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Green Tagg T                      | $30   | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Loc-Down T                        | $200  | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Loc-Down Vest                     | $300  | 5%       | 5%          |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Leather Pants                     | $875  | 8%       | 8%          |
|    Leather Chaps                     | $80   | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Gray Pants                        | $800  | 8%       | 10%         |
|    Black Pants                       | $800  | 8%       | 10%         |
|    Jean Shorts                       | $1000 | 9%       | 7%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Cowboy Boots                      | $500  | 4%       | 5%          |
|    Biker Boots                       | $145  | 3%       | 3%          |
|    Snake Skin                        | $1000 | 5%       | 5%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Silver Chain                      | $450  | 2%       | 1%          |
|    Gold Chain                        | $550  | 2%       | 2%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    Gold Gnocchi                      | $1500 | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Silver Gnocchi                    | $3000 | 2%       | 2%          |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Black Shades                      | $500  | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Green Tint                        | $400  | 2%       | 2%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Red Beret                         | $900  | 1%       | 3%          |
|    Black Beret                       | $900  | 1%       | 3%          |
|    Black Cap                         | $40   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Black Cap (Back)                  | $40   | 2%       | 0%          |
|    Black Cap (Side)                  | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Black Cap (Tilt)                  | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |
|    Black Cap (Up)                    | $40   | 1%       | 0%          |

| Didier Sachs              | Rodeo (Los Santos)                        |
|  (Opens after completing  |                                           |
|   Saint Mark's Bistro     |                                           |
|   [The Casino Strand]     |                                           |
| Item of Clothing                     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
| TORSO                                |       |          |             |
|    Tweed Jacket                      | $5500 | 25%      | 25%         |
|    Red Jacket                        | $4000 | 23%      | 25%         |
|    Blue Jacket                       | $3000 | 22%      | 25%         |
|    Yellow Jacket                     | $6000 | 25%      | 25%         |
|    Tuxedo                            | $7000 | 20%      | 25%         |
|    Green Jacket                      | $5500 | 25%      | 15%         |
|    Letterman Top                     | $1525 | 15%      | 5%          |
| LEGS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Red Pants                         | $2000 | 9%       | 10%         |
|    Blue Pants                        | $2500 | 9%       | 10%         |
|    Yellow Pants                      | $4000 | 10%      | 10%         |
|    Tweed Pants                       | $3000 | 10%      | 10%         |
|    Tuxedo Pants                      | $3000 | 9%       | 10%         |
|    Green Pants                       | $1500 | 10%      | 6%          |
| SHOES                                |       |          |             |
|    Black Shoes                       | $2500 | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Brown Shoes                       | $1100 | 4%       | 5%          |
|    Spats                             | $350  | 5%       | 5%          |
| CHAINS                               |       |          |             |
|    Cross Chain                       | $5000 | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Dollar Chain                      | $2000 | 2%       | 2%          |
| WATCHES                              |       |          |             |
|    Gold Crowex                       | $8000 | 3%       | 3%          |
|    Silver Crowex                     | $5000 | 3%       | 3%          |
| SHADES                               |       |          |             |
|    Black Shades                      | $600  | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Black Rim                         | $800  | 2%       | 2%          |
| HATS                                 |       |          |             |
|    Dark Trilby                       | $300  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Light Trilby                      | $300  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Black Derby                       | $500  | 1%       | 2%          |
|    Red Derby                         | $600  | 2%       | 3%          |
|    Blue Derby                        | $600  | 2%       | 2%          |
|    Yellow Derby                      | $700  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Green Derby                       | $550  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Gray Boater                       | $800  | 3%       | 2%          |
|    Black Boater                      | $700  | 3%       | 2%          |

| Special Outfits           | The method for getting each outfit is     |
|  (Given by girlfriends    | shown in parentheses after the outfit     |
|   or through completion   | name                                      |
|   of missions)            |                                           |
| Outfit (in order of acquisition)     | Cost  | Respect  | Sex Appeal  |
|    Pimp Suit (Denise)                | NA    | 10%      | 15%         |
|    Country (Helena)                  | NA    | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Valet (555 We Tip)                | NA    | 0%       | 0%          |
|    Racing (Michelle)                 | NA    | 5%       | 5%          |
|    Paramedic (Katie)                 | NA    | 15%      | 10%         |
|    Policeman (Barbara)               | NA    | 5%       | 10%         |
|    Gimp Suit (Key to Her Heart)      | NA    | 10%      | 10%         |
|    Croupier (Breaking the Bank at    | NA    | 0%       | 15%         |
|              Caligula's)             |       |          |             |

M4. Vehicles                                                     [GTASASARMVEH]

My intention was to list all ~150 vehicles in the game and their effect on Sex 
Appeal (they don't have any effect on Respect). However, after scouring the 
text files in the game directory and even hunting on the Internet, I quite 
simply cannot find these values. Unfortunately, the game itself only gives you 
a bar for sex appeal, not a hard number, so I can't even accurately measure the 
values myself (I could give an estimated value based on how far the bar moves, 
but that seems less than useful to me). So I will leave this section here for a 
future update, and if anyone knows where these values can be found and feels 
like passing this info my way, I will add them in.

| N. Ammu-Nation Weapon Availability |                              [GTASAAMMU]

Not every weapon is available at Ammu-Nation from the start of the game. For 
that matter, you can't even get into Ammu-Nation during the first part of the 
game. Here is a list of the weapons available at Ammu-Nation and when they can 
be purchased. Note that you must complete the mission shown to have the items 
become available for purchase. The exception to this is the weapons that become 
available during the Doberman mission (Ammu-Nation opens up during this 
mission, so you must start, but don't have to complete Doberman to have these 
weapons available to you).

Note that the prices are typical, but do vary a bit from store to store, so 
they may not exactly match up with what you see.

| Mission                              | Item                 | Cost    |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | 9mm Pistol           |   $200  |
| House Party [The OG Loc Strand]      | Silenced 9mm Pistol  |   $600  |
| Black Project [The Airstrip Strand]  | Desert Eagle Pistol  | $1,200  |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | Tech-9               |   $300  |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | Micro-SMG            |   $500  |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | Shotgun              |   $600  |
| Wrong Side of the Tracks             | Sawnoff Shotgun      |   $800  |
|     [The Big Smoke Strand]           |                      |         |
| You've Had Your Chips                | Combat Shotgun       | $1,000  |
|      [The Casino Strand]             |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | Grenades             |   $300  |
| Against All Odds                     | Remote Explosives    | $2,000  |
|      [The Badlands Strand]           |                      |         |
| Doberman [The Sweet Strand]          | Body Armor           |   $200  |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Robbing Uncle Sam [The Ryder Strand] | SMG                  | $2,000  |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Body Harvest [The Truth Strand]      | Rifle                | $1,000  |
| Pier 69 [The Syndicate Strand]       | Sniper Rifle         | $5,000  |
|                                      |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |
| Mountain Cloud Boys                  | AK-47                | $3,500  |
|      [The Woozie Strand]             |                      |         |
| Yay Ka-Boom-Boom                     | M4                   | $4,500  |
|      [The Syndicate Strand]          |                      |         |
|                                      |                      |         |

All that being said, these missions are the latest you will unlock each of 
these particular items. It is possible in fact, to unlock some of them a bit 
earlier, depending on the order you do certain missions in. The weapons in 
Ammu-Nation are always unlocked in this exact order:

0) 9mm Pistol  
0) Tech-9       
0) Micro-SMG     
0) Shotgun        > Initial stock, always unlocked 
0) Grenades      /
0) Body Armor   /
1) SMG 
2) Sawnoff Shotgun 
3) Silenced 9mm Pistol
4) Remote Explosives
5) Rifle
6) Sniper Rifle
7) AK-47
8) M4
9) Desert Eagle 
10) Combat shotgun

If you do a mission that unlocks a weapon that is later on this list than 
another weapon you have not unlocked, both weapons will unlock, even if you 
haven't yet done the mission that unlocks the earlier one.

Where you are most likely to encounter this is with the Remote Explosives and 
the Rifle. You have four choices for robbery missions with Catalina. If you 
select "Against All Odds" to do first, it will unlock the explosives. However, 
if you select any of the other three, the explosives will not yet be available 
at Ammu-Nation. The next mission will generally be "Body Harvest" with Truth. 
This unlocks the Rifle, which is after the Remote Explosives. If you haven't 
unlocked the explosives already by doing "Against All Odds", doing "Body 
Harvest" will unlock them automatically, since it unlocks the Rifle, which is 
after the explosives on the list. It's a rather complex system to explain, but 
the bottom line is that the weapons you unlock will usually be the unlocked by 
the missions as listed, or at least very near there (but never after).

[Special thanks go out to Mike Healan and Craig Kostelecky for their invaluable 
help compiling this list and figuring out this system].

| O. Conclusion |                                                   [GTASACONC]

Well, that's the end of the game, and not coincidentally, also the end of this 
walkthrough. I hope you have found it useful and informative (but without 
giving too much away). I knew when I started this would be a lot of work (which 
I really didn't have time for), but it was something that just hit me that I 
felt I had to do. I am, overall, fairly pleased with the results (though to be 
sure there are a few areas I'm not happy with, but I suppose anyone who creates 
a large project will be unhappy with some part of it). Now that I've gotten it 
out of my system, I can move on with other projects :)

Once again, if you have a correction or suggestion for improving the guide, 
please contact me and let me know. While the bulk of the work is over, I will 
update this guide as needed, and I will always be grateful for any suggestions 
on improving this document.

| P. Acknowledgements |                                              [GTASAACK]

I would like to thank Alex Bates (Dark52) for graciously allowing me to use his 
maps as a player reference for this guide.

Thanks have to go out to Mike Healan and Craig Kostelecky for the work on the 
Ammu-Nation stock unlocks. We threw lists back and forth at each other for a 
few days trying to figure this out, and between the three of us, I think we got 
it right.

| Q. References |                                                    [GTASAREF]

No guide is an island. The compiling of the information contained within this 
document would not have been possible without the hard work and dedication of 
the authors of the following references, for which I am duly grateful:

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Official Strategy Guide (Signature Series), Tim 
Bogenn and Rich Barba, (C) 2005 Pearson Education.

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas FAQs (Playstation Edition) Version 0.76, (C) 
2004 - 2005, Robert Carr 

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas FAQs (Playstation Edition) Version 1.32, (C) 2004, 
Kevin Butler 

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas 100% Completion and Strategy FAQ/Walkthrough (PC 
Edition) Version 3.00, (C) 2005, Brad Wollangk 

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas Import Export List (Playstation Edition) Version 
1.3, (C) 2004, Nega Elemental

Horseshoe Locations Map, (C) 2004, Alex Bates 

Item/Weapon Locations Map, (C) 2005, Jennifer Lynn 

Oyster Locations Map, (C) 2004, Alex Bates 

Secrets Locations Map, (C) 2005, Jennifer Lynn 

Tag Locations Map, (C) 2004, Alex Bates 

Unique Jumps Map, (C) 2004, Alex Bates 

Vehicle Locations Map, (C) 2005, Jennifer Lynn 

| R. Version List |                                              [GTASAVERSION]

Version 0.0 (June 13, 2005) - Guide begun

Version 0.1 (July 2, 2005) - Completed Los Santos / Red County walkthrough 
                             section, most introductory material, and most 
                             epilogue material (size 141 KB, 53 pages).

Version 0.2 (July 16, 2005) - Completed Badlands / San Fierro walkthrough
                              section, more introductory material, and 
                              added Sex Appeal and Respect Modifiers section. 
                              (size 294 KB, 107 pages).

Version 0.3 (July 25, 2005) - Completed Desert / Las Venturas walkthrough 
                              section, added special outfits, finished player 
                              skills and stats section, all introductory 
                              material complete (size 392 KB, 143 pages).

Version 0.4 (July 29, 2005) - Completed Return to Los Santos walkthrough 
                              section, added checklist, search tags (size 
                              460 KB, 158 pages).

Version 1.0 (July 31, 2005) - Added all Ammu-Nation unlockable stock 
                              information, finished city overviews, added 
                              conclusion, and completed final read over. First 
                              public offering. (size 483 KB, 165 pages).
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