1234567891123456789212345678931234567894123456789512345678961234567897123456789 ***************************************************************** *THIS GUIDE CONTAINS THE FOLLOWING: * * * * {Spoilers * * [100% Completion List * * [Mission Solutions * * [Awards/Prizes * * [360 Achievements * * [Other Misc. Spoilers * * * * {Some mature language (Nothing excessive - I promise) * * * ***************************************************************** Date Started: 10/16/08 Finished Date: 10/22/08 contact: Email me at Saints2faq@hotmail.com =*=*=*=*=*=Version History=*=*=*=*=*= Current Version: 3.5 0.5 Main Guide finished. Currently each Main Story Mission and Stronghold only have the quote from the newspaper clippings in-game. Some missions have more detailed walkthroughs. I will detailed walkthroughs for all of them over time. Activity rewards not all complete. Will add as I complete them, or as people send them to me. 1.0 I finished the game, and added a lot more missions to the FAQ I still would like ANY information you have (See below) Saints2faq@hotmail.com Fixed some spelling errors Added "Contributors" Section. please check it out! Added achievements list Added awards for activities. Added spoiler alerts from my Saints Row 1 FAQ. I know you missed 'em. 1.5 Added 100% completion list (Joe Watson) Added numerous suggestions sent in by other people. 2.0 Added a few more sections. Cleaned up some more misc. spots. Added Hitman/Chop Shop info that I have recieved. Chop Shop lists available. Some more errors fixed. More Activity information available Many contributors added to the FAQ. All of their info has been added, and they have all been fully credited. If there has been an error in your contribution, please let me know so I can fix it. Only a few more things to add. 3.0 Chop Shop info pretty much complete. Hitman info pretty much complete. Crowd Control Info completed More suggestions sent in from contributors for activities and some missions. I would estimate this guide at about 97% done. There is some info missing in chop shop tips, but nothing really important. It isn't the final version yet, but it's close, so keep sending in information =D 3.5 Added more shop info sent in from people. Really it is the only thing missing from the FAQ. If you have any other information that I don't have, please send it in! =*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*= You have my permission to post this FAQ on your website, given the following conditions: You do NOT edit and/or change the file in any way It must be clearly stated, in an appropriate position, that I am the writer of this FAQ. You must update the FAQ within a reasonable time of it being posted on Gamefaqs.com I would appreciate an e-mail telling me if you see someone abusing these rules. ****************************************************************** Local [Players 1] [Co-op 2] [System Link 2-12] [512 KB to save game] [HDTV 720p/1080i/1080p] [in-game Dolby Digital] Live [Online multipler 2-12] [co-op 2] [content download] [leaderboards] [voice] My total playtime to complete career 22:47:49 ****************************************************************** Please send any extra information you have to Saints2faq@hotmail.com -Any information you send that I can use will be placed into the FAQ -Mission Strategies, Activity Rewards/Strategies, Typos, ASCII art, Shop Information, Whatever else I can use. -You will be fully credited with your name in the FAQ -Be sure to include your name in the email so I know who to credit -Thanks to anyone who has information I don't. It helps a lot. This guide still needs: - Shop List information Please send in any information you have on missing shop info. This could include shops that aren't listed, inventory that shops have, or errors in the current shop list. ______ _______ . . /. . // . . ./_____ ._ __.____ ________________ /. ___//.___ //. / .__. __ _____ _____/. . / / . / . /./ / //_ ._/ . /./ / ___/ / _ /. ./ ./ . / . /./ / / /./ / .. / / ./.// /./ . . . . / /. /./__/ / /./ / . . / / . / . /./ / / . / /. /. / /./ / ./ .///./ . / /. / / / / ./.___ /__/./__./../ // //./ / / / / / / / / / / / //______//__/ //_/__/ /__/ /_/ / /__/ __ / / / / / Table of Contents I) Controls (Cont123) II) How to use the guide (Howto123) III) The Story (Mstor123) A) You're Alive! (Alive123) IV) The Main Story Missions (MAINST123) A) 3rd Street Saints (SAINT123) 1a) Jailbreak (SAIjb123) 2a) Appointed Defender (SAIad123) 3a) Down Payment (SAIdp134) 4a) Three Kings (SAItk123) B) Ronin (RONIN123) 1b) Saint's Seven (RONss123) 2b) Laundry Day (RONld123) 3b) Road Rage (RONrr123) 4b) Bleeding Out (RONbo123) 5b) Orange Threat Level (RONot123) 6b) Kanto Connection (RONkc123) 7b) Visiting Hours (RONvh123) 8b) Room Service (RONrs123) 9b) Rest in Peace (RONri123) 10b) Good D (RONgd123) 11b) One Man's Junk (RONboss) C) Brotherhood (BROTHER123) 1c) First Impressions (BROfi123) 2c) Reunion Tour (BROre123) 3c) Waste Not Want Not (BROwa123) 4c) Red Asphalt (BROrd123) 5c) Bank Error in your Favor (BROba123) 6c) Thank you and Goodnight (BROth123) 7c) Retribution (BROrt123) 8c) Jail Bait (BROja123) 9c) The Enemy of my Enemy (BROte123) 10c) The siege (BROts123) 11c) Showdown (BROboss) D) Sons of Samedi (SONSOFS123) 1d) Got Dust, Will Travel (SONgo123) 2d) File in the Cake (SONfi123) 3d) Airborne Assault (SONai123) 4d) Veteran Child (SONve123) 5d) Burning down the House (SONbu123) 6d) Bad Trip (SONba123) 7d) Bonding Experience (SONbo123) 8d) Riot Control (SONri123) 9d) Eternal Sunshine (SONet123) 10d) Assault on Precinct 31 (SONas123) 11d) The Shopping Maul (SONboss) E) Ultor (ULTOR123) (Please note) Ultor missions will contain extreme spoilers. 1e) Picking a Fight (ULTpi123) 2e) Pyramid Scheme (ULTpy123) 3e) Salting the Earth...Again (ULTsa123) >>>><<<<<<>>>>>>>><<<<<>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>> GAME ENDING. DO NOT LOOK AT UNLESS YOU WANT TO KNOW THE ENDING OF THE GAME. 4e) ...And a Better Life (ULTboss) 5e) Revelation (ULTextr) >>>><<<<<<>>>>>>>><<<<<>>>>>>><<<<<<<<>>>>>>><<<<<<<<<>>>>>>> V) Strongholds (STRONG123) A) 3rd Street Saints (SAISTRO123) 1a) Stilwater Caverns (SAISst123) B) Ronin (RONSTRO123) 1b) Humboldt Park Science Museum (RONShu123) 2b) Amberbrook Museum Pier (RONSam123) 3b) New Hennequet Rec Center (RONSne123) 4b) Suburbs Strip Club (RONSsu123) C) Brotherhood (BROSTRO123) 1c) Sommerset Apartments (BROSso123) 2c) Imperial Square Pagodas (BROSim123) 3c) Poseidon Alley Docks (BROSpo123) 4c) Wardill Airport Hangars (BROSwa123) D) Sons of Samedi (SONSTRO123) 1d) Elysian Fields Trailer Park (SONSel123) 2d) Bavogian Plaza Drug Labs (SONSba123) 3d) Stilwater University Student Union (SONSst123) 4d) Sunnyvale Gardens Fishing Dock (SONSsu123) E) ULTOR (ULTSTRO123) 1e) Rounds Square Shopping Center (ULTSro123) VI) Activities (ACTIVI123) A) Crowd Control (CROACT123) B) Demo Derby (DEMACT123) C) Drug Trafficking (DRUACT123) D) Escort (ESCACT123) E) Fight Club (FIGACT123) F) Fuzz (FUZACT123) G) Heli Assault (HELACT123) H) Trail Blazing (TRAACT123) I) Insurance Fraud (INSACT123) J) Mayhem (MAYACT123) K) Septic Avenger (SEPACT123) L) Snatch (SNAACT123) M) Hitman (HITACT123) N) Chop Shop (CHOACT123) O) Diversions (DIVACT123) VII) Shops (shop123) A) Customization (CUSSHO123) B) Drugs and Liquor (DALSHO123) C) Music (MUSSHO123) D) Notoriety (NOTSHO123) E) Clothes (CLOSHO123) F) Vehicles (VEHSHO123) VIII) Extras (Extra123) A) Secret Areas List (secret123) A) 100% Completion List (100pc123) B) Achievements (goatse123) C) Money-Making strategies (moneyguide123) D) Zombie Uprising (zombie123) E) F.A.Q. (FAQ123) IX) Contributors (contrib123) ============================================================================== {CONTROLS}(Cont123) ============================================================================== These are the default controls for Saints Row but they are customizable. Thank you again to Levrar for the layout of this control list. He let me use his in the last guide, and since I still can't make it for some reason, I stole his. Thanks! THANKS! On Foot * A | Reload/pick up weapon/object * B | inventory * B + Left Joystick | Select Weapon * B + D-Pad | Select Drug/Food * X | Jump * Y | Action/enter car * Click of Left Joystick | Crouch * Left Joystick | Move * Right Joystick | Look (click-fine aim) * Left Bumper | human shield/HOLD-hold human shield * Right Bumper | Sprint * Left Trigger | Secondary attack/kill shield * Right Trigger | primary attack * Up on D-Pad | Recruit/Dismiss followers * Down on D-Pad | End Activity/Mission * Left/Right on D-Pad | Taunt/Compliment * START | Pause * Select | Bring up map Driving * A | Accelertate * B | Inventory * X | Brake/Reverse * Y | Action/exit car * Click of Left Joystick | Nitrous/Hydraulics * Left Joystick | steer/select weapon * Right Joystick | camera/CLICK-horn * Left Bumper | Cruise control/PLANE-rudder left * Right Bumper | Look behind/reset camera/PLANE-rudder right * Left Trigger | Handbrake/HELI-Alt attack * Right Trigger | Primary attack * Up on D-Pad | Recruit/Dismiss followers * Down on D-Pad | End Activity/Mission * Left/Right on D-Pad | Change radio * START | Pause * Select | Bring up map =========================================================================== {How to use the guide} (Howto123) =========================================================================== This guide is set up to let you enjoy it in the simplest way possible. You'll notice on the Table of Contents that each section has a word followed by 123 next to it. This is for your convenience. if you want to see a certain section and skip right to it, simply copy the word that is in the parentheses and paste it into a search bar for the FAQ. the words in the ( ) appear only twice in the guide, once in the table of contents, and once in the document itself. =========================================================================== {The Story} (Mstor123) =========================================================================== ________________________________. | You're Alive! | (Alive123) | ________________________________| Oh yes, you're alive. You might have thought that being in the midst of a large explosion on a boat would have killed you, but you were wrong. And thats not even the best part! You're in prison. And apparently you've been there for 6 years in a coma. Hmm. . . The doctor removes your bandages and my what 6 years can do. You may have been one person in that explosion, but i guess 6 years can change your sex, race, height, weight, and face. Ok. "Did you do something with you're hair?" Turns out Troy was an undercover officer who is now the chief of Police. He "cleaned up the streets" after the Saints died out, and a company called Ultor owns the land the Saints used to own. Turned it into a tourist trap to show the cities past plight and how they overcame it. whatever. Gat lvies with Aisha and has been wanting to bring back the saints ever since you left. Nobody has seen Julius since, and nobody has any clue what happened to him. Either way, Stilwater is still gang infested and its only about to get one more to deal with. So you woke up, and it's big news for one particular prisoner. Big enough that he gets himself stabbed so he can get sent to the medical ward to talk to you. He has a plan to get you both out of there. This prisoner wants to get back to the mainland. No problem. All you have to do is. . well. . .all the work. He'll tag along and help you out if he can. So, i guess we might as well trust him. =========================================================================== {The Main Story Missions} (MAINST123) =========================================================================== Before starting the main story missions, Melo sent in a suggestion to make the entire game infinitely times easier. Here's Malo's tip: Before completing any missions do the following activities: Airport Drug Trafficking Projects Fuzz Barrio Heli Assult All Hitman locations Factories Insurance Fraud Downtown Snatch Chinatown Snatch Doing the 7 points above will unlock the following perks: X2 Ultimax Shotgun (Best in game) Kobra Pistol Gal 43 SMG Infinate ammo for Pistols, Shotguns, Rifles and SMG's Infinate Sprint 30% reduced bullet damage These perks will make the game more enjoyable, mainly because you never have to worry about ammo. / / / / / _________________/__ / / __ ______/ ____/ / / / / / / / / / / ___ / /_/ / / / / / / / __ / / / / / / / _/_/ / /_/ __ / / / / / /_/ / _________/ / / / / / (SAINT123) __/ /__/ ____/ / / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Jailbreak<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SAIjb123_______________. So time to start the missions. Better get off this island, I guess. It wont be too hard. Just work your way through the prison, and as soon as you get the chance, steal a cop-car (Y). It'll make it easier to get to the opposite end of the island (the dock). Not too hard to start off with. COMA VICTIM WAKES UP, KILLS WAY TO FREEDOM "A former member of the famed Third Street Saints awoke from a coma today, orchestrating a symphony of destruction that engulfed the entire island penitentiary. The inmate had been taken to the prison infirmary after awakening, and from there overpowered a prison doctor before making their way outside. After an intense gunfight, the fugative presumably made their way to the prison's dock and escaped pursuit by boat. Details are sketchy, but it is presumed this dangerous individual was aided by another inmate." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Appointed Defender<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SAIad123_______________. YOU WILL NEED: shotgun ammo You can't own the world on your own. At least at first. You need to rescue your old buddy Gat. He's just been convicted and sentenced to death. conveniently on the same day you wake up from a 20 year coma and escape an alcatraz-like prison. Good timing. So you have to break into the courthouse and go on a massive shooting spree. It isn't too hard, just take cover when you get low on health, and reload by tapping A whenever you have a chance. GAT FOUND GUILTY, STILL GOES FREE "In a stunning turn of events, Johnny Gat has escaped custody moments after being convicted of multiple counts of 1st degree murder. After the guilty verdict was read; an armed assailant, who is presumed to have recently escaped prison, burst into the courtroom and freed Gat. The pair then managed to fight their way out of the courthouse and lost their police pursuit somewhere downtown. The attack has left numerous dead, including one judge." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Down Payment<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SAIdp123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Ammo So you and Gat need somewhere to work from, and the old church is owned by Ultor and made into a landmark. I guess an old rundown werehouse will work. You'll have to go in and clear out a good sized area so that you can have some space to yourself. If you have a shotgun, it'll help a lot. Just do as the mission says and it'll be over in no time. HOMELESS BUMS, NOW MORE HOMELESS "The streets of Stilwater are beginning to overcrowd. A recent surge in the homeless population has been attributed to an attack on an underground shantytown. It is unclear as to what precisely occurred; as attempts to interview the displaced have thus far lead only to rpeated stabbings and wallet theft. We will keep you updated as these attacks directed toward the homeless continue to spike." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Three Kings<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SAItk123_______________. Finally we have a leader or two, a base of operations, now we just need to begin reqruiting some luetinents. You'll have 3 seperate sub-missions to do here. None of them are all that hard. One involves towing a car. Just drive slowly so you dont lose control, and don't take too sharp of turns. Another just involves killing some people. Just go one by one and make sure you are ready to move on before you go onto the next person. One of the longer missions to begin with, but overall not bad. Also, when you are done with this mission is when the actual game can begin. You'll have everything you need for a gang. Time to start some rivalries! SAINTS RESURRECTED "Apparently, it has all been leading up to this. It began with a presumably benign prison break, but it has ended with the resurrection of the dreaded Third Street Saints. Residents have reported multiple sightings of the purple clad crew roaming the area, doing anything and everything to impress possible reqruits -- from gang related killings to dangerous joyriding. The gang has kept relatively quiet, but we at the Stilwater Gazette can only assume this is indeed just the calm before the storm." ____ / / _____ | | | | | | | | .______.____ __ _|_|__|_ ____ __ ._____| |/ |_| __ || _| |(___ ___)| | |_ / | / | { } || | | | | | | | / | / | { } || | | | | | | | | _____| | __| { } || |_ |___/| | | | | | ______| |_ _| {__} || |__ | ___| |__ | |__ |_/ |_| _|______||_| |_|(________)|_| |_| RONIN123| | | | | | | | | ___/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Saint's Seven<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONss123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Shotgun ammo The first Ronin mission starts off with some action. The Ronin are making way too much money from their casino. You'll have to go in (hopefully you have a shotgun) and kill lots of Ronin gangmembers. When you work your way to the back, you'll have to protect Gat as he rigs some explosives to the doors. When I was at this part, Gat got stuck. All i did was run into him a few times to try to get him out of the corner. It won't take too long, but you will have to be ready for quite a bit of Ronin every now and then. POSEIDON'S PALACE ROBBED, SHRIMP NIGHT CANCELLED "Poseidon's Palace was the scene of a deadly robbery today as Johhny Gat and the leader of the Third Street Saints stormed the casino. The pair apparently blasted their way to the back of the casino, and then set explosives to crack the casino safes. The Saints then escaped the casino under a hail of gunfire before somehow eluding police." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Laundry Day <<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONld123_______________. YOU WILL NEED nothing, really, but SMG ammo will help. So now you have a large pile of money. Aisha is a little upset, but oh well. Pierce thinks laundering the money is a bad idea, but like you care. So head to buy a car, and Then head to buy a gun. Then you have to go to re-sell the merchandise. A pretty nice drive, Ronin will probably start attacking soon, but not that bad. When you get to re-sell the product, the lady will have to go to her stash. Grrr. . . Ok well you have unlimited ammo and she's driving. Just protect her car and thats pretty much all you can do. The whole mission isnt too bad. Just tag along and do your best. MONEY LAUNDERING SCHEME UNCOVERED "The third Street Saints and the ROnin cut a swath of destruction downtown today. Prelimary investigations suggest that the ROnin caught the Saints in the midst of trying to launder money recently stolen from Poseidon's Palace. Chief Troy Bradshaw had no comment on the situation brewing between the Ronin and Saints." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Road Rage<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONrr123_______________. So Gat caught some guy riding on your turf. It turns out the Ronin are trying to find the Saints' hideout. Drive around and blow up the other motorcycles. There will be 4 at first, then by the end you will have killed 7. Its not too hard of a mission, just be careful not to run into stuff on the motorcycle or youll be on the pavement in no time. RONIN TERRORIZE CITY IN SEARCH OF SAINTS "A fight between the Ronin and the Saints has left a trail of bodies and officials are still combing through the wreckage for clues. Sections of the Stilwater freeway are currently shut down while investigators continue to piece together exactly what happened, but officials say they expect the highway to return to full capacity soon." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Bleeding Out<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONbo123_______________. you and Gat are about to walk into the house, when you realize something is up. Aisha is being held by the douche with the swords. You bust in for a fight, and take out most of the Ronin, but, something very bad happens. and then another very bad thing happens. SPOILER --- SPOILER --- SPOILER --- SPOILER --- SPOILER --- ok so Aisha got her head chopped off, and Gat got stabbed. Jees. what a bad day. Fortunately Gat isn't dead. Hes just in the process of bleeding to death. Someone is on their way to pick him up and take him to the hospital, but in the mean time you have to protect him. Have fun. Take cover when necessary and reload (A) often. AISHA RUMORED TO BE DEAD ...AGAIN! "In a stunning turn of events, legendary pop singer Aisha was found murdered in a suburban home years after being officially declared dead. When asked, Chief Troy Bradshaw declined to answer if he knew that (until recently) Aisha was still alive." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Orange Threat Level<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONot123_______________. CANCELLED FLIGHT LEADS TO GANG-LAND VIOLENCE "Tempers flared yet again between the Ronin and the Saints today, this time at the Wardill Airport. Authorities say increased security will be the norm for the forseeable future at all terminals, and reminds travelers to always carry a sidearm." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Kanto Connection<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONkc123_______________. YOU WILL NEED The ninja spirit? Drive to the Restaurant, no hurry, just don't die. When you get there it's time for a sword fight. Kill all the smaller people first, and then right before the bigger ninja swings at you, press R or L to counter, then get to hit body and hit him with R or L. If you swing too early during his attack, he will counter you. Get used to when you have to swing to properly counter, because another sword fight will come later on. KANTO CLOSED FOR REMODELING "Bodies litter the popular dining spot, Kanto, after a birthday party was interrupted by members of the Third Street Saints. kanto representatives are confident the restaurant will reopen for business within the week." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Visiting Hours<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONvh123_______________. God i HATE this mission! by far the most frustrating mission I have played so far. You go visit Gat in the hospital, when the Ronin decide to attack. So now you need to get Gat out, while hes on a gourney, while the Ronin attack. Grrr. Be sure to have a LOT of pistol ammo. Go up to his annoyingly large gourney and press Y. You'll have to drag him to the elevator, to the front door, THEN BACK to the elevator, to the heli-pad. While in the hospital. Use your pistol and your map to protect him as much as possible. When you get onto the elevator it will heal him, but but only once. After the second time on the elevator, the heli-pad doors are right around the corner. Then fly the helicopter back to your hideout. Just try to not get frustrated at corners, and work around them the best you can. Suggestion from Smitty Smith Wish I knew this when I did this mission. Apparently you can leave the cart and walk around the corner by yourself. If you kill all the Ronin in the next room before you wheel Gat in there, I found that they won't respawn. Thanks, Smitty, for the info =) HOSPITAL UNDER SIEGE "Stilwater Memorial is a disaster scene today and patients are being transported to nearby facilities. Witnesses describe a mass pandemonium as Ronin gang members stormed the hospital in search of a patient, presumed to be Johnny Gat of the Third Street Saints. Hospital officials are optimistic that power will be restored and patients can begin returning shortly." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Room Service<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONrs123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SHOTGUN Ammo FULL SMG ammo This mission is really a run and gun. Work your way up the hotel, and kill everybody you can. After you plant your first bomb, run to the next ones. You're on a time limit now. After the last bomb is planted, and all the important people are killed, jump over the ledge. I know you might be kind of hesitant, but jump off the top ledge. During your fall, press Y to activate your parachute. Land safely (I hope) on the ground floor. Really its just a longer mission, but it isn't too hard. EXPLOSIONS ROCK DOWNTOWN "Citizens were shocked as a downtown hotel was rocked by explosions earlier today. Witnesses report seeing Ronin and Saints fighting inside the hotel before the explosions began. Claims of an individual base jumping from the top floor of the hotel into the atrium have yet to be confirmed." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Rest in Peace<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONri123_______________. One of my least favorite missions. You will need a LOT of shotgun ammo, and even more pistol or SMG ammo. You are in an open area with lots of enemies. Try to take cover and take out a few at a time. In the end, Gat buries that little bastard alive. Not much more to this mission than that. Pretty awesome scene at the end -- one of my favorite scense in one of my least favorite missions. neat. TEXAS FUNERAL HERE IN STILWATER "The son of Kazuo Akuji is missing and presumed dead after yet another fight broke out between members of the Third Street Saints and the Ronin. Witness say the younger akuji had expressed interest in assaulting the Saints leaders while they were attending a funeral, but the Stilwater Gazette has yet to confirm this." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Good D<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONgd123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Shotgun ammo Pistol OR SMG ammo Well, as the headline says, the Ronin are starting to become desperate. They have pretty much no resources, they are losing territory, and have no control on what happens to them. They decided to attack the Saints' hideout. They found a way in the back and are trying to destroy the support columns. Start off by going to the designated area, and get out your SMG. Once the people start coming in, just shoot em up. Be really careful not to leave anybody, because some of them have rocket launchers, which will really lower the health of the columns. After the first wave, you will have to go to the next area. Do the same here. If you get close to someone, pull out your shotgun and gun em down. From distances the SMG or Pistol. After that wave, you have to kill any remaining Ronin in the area. Just Go to wherever they are at and shoot em. Also, if you press the Back button (Map) while in the underground building, it will pull up a map of the hideout, which will help you find your way around if you get lost. There are also a few tags in here if you run across them. After killing off all the Ronin, the leader of the Ronin shows up. He barely gets away, but it's ok, because theres only one more mission left to go. Buh bye samarai. RONIN BECOMING DESPERATE "After being taken to task time and time again, it seems the Ronin are finally stroking back. Yesterday, the Ronin stormed what is believed to be the hideout of the Third Street Saints. However, with emergency teams too frightened to go near the area, the bodycount is hard to estimate." ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>One Man's Junk<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONboss________________. YOU WILL NEED a lot of Shotgun ammo a lot of SMG ammo some food (not drugs or liquor) SAVE BEFORE PLAYING. . . just incase. Start off by going to the designated area. Basically this is a run and gun mission. You'll have to go into the first boat, head upstairs. Walk across the plank over to the second boat. After that, go down to the lower level, and run across the plank into the final boat. Continue to gun your way up to the top. Just take cover whenever necessary, and it wont be too hard. When you get to the leader of the Ronin, you will have to take him out with a sword. Gah i hate these parts. It really isnt too hard. You can take a bite when you need to. Just keep circling and dont hit him. He will always make the first strike. As soon as he goes for the hit, then you strike. You will counter him and knock him down. After a little while, you'll finally take him out. The final cutscene shows you "cheating" in the sword fight. Basically you shoot him. Cool. So anyways thats it for the Ronin. Not too bad, eh? A suggestion from djg231 When you are fighting Akuji, instead of trying to fight him with the sword, head down one deck and Akuji will follow you. When he does, you can make him walk right into the fire. Do this a couple of times and you will win the fight. Yes, I know it is considered cheating but the damn fight can be very frustrating. HERITAGE FESTIVAL LACKS FESTIVITY "A chinese heritage festival turned into a massacre as members of a street gang known as the Ronin laid siege to the unsuspecting festival goers. While it appeared that no one would be able to stop the wanton violence, salvation to the people of Stilwater was brought in the unlikely form of the 3rd Street Saints. As fire from burning kiosks and junks lit the sky, the Ronin were forced back as the leaders of the Saints drove off the murderous Ronin." / // /// //// ///// ////// ----//---- |//| |//| |//| |//| ------ ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== _______________._____.____________________________ | __ | | || || | | || || | | | | || _ ||__ __|| | | || .__|| | | | | | || | || / | | | | | | || | | | | | |_/ /| |_/ || | | | | | | | | || |__.| |_/ | | / | /| | | | | | | |__| || || / | __ | / | | | | | | | || .__|| / | | | | | | | | | | | .__. || | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | |_/ || | | || _/ | | | | | | || |__.| | | | | /| | | || | | | | | | || || | | | |_____/_|_| |_|| __ | |_ | |_| |_||_____||_|_|_| | | | || || || BROTHER123 | | | || _ || _ || | | | || / || / || | | | | | || | | || | | || || | | |__| || | | || | | || || | | || | | || | | || || | | .__. || | | || | | || || | | | | || | | || | | || || | | | | || _/ || _/ || |/ / | | | || || || / |_|__|_||_____||_____||__/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>First Impressions<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROfi123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Ammo Not too hard to start out with. Just as you're discussing some sort of deal to split Stilwater, the cops show up. Looks like you'll have to bust your way out. Work your way out of the cavern following the map pings. Kill the hitman target in the cave if you havent yet. When you get to the exit you can choose to exit by boat or by car. I chose boat. You'll have to work your way through a few more cops to get to the dock, but once you get there its no problem. Just drive the boat back to his hideout. So the leader of The Brotherhood wants to cut you a deal 80-20. Heh. you don't take kindly to that, and choose to go against the Brotherhood. COPS BOTCH GANG TAKE-DOWN "Stilwaters finest did nothing to silence their critics during a recent shootout in the Caverns. The police raided the caverns after recieving a tip that the leader of the Saints would be meeting with Maero, the patriarch of the Brotherhood. The ensuing battle left numerou police and tourists dead, as both leaders eluded capture and escaped to the Brotherhood's stronghold." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Reunion Tour<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROre123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Shotgun ammo SMG ammo While at the Brotherhood's hideout, you noticed a character from Saints Row 1 -- Lin's boyfriend who happens to be the mechanic for the Brotherhood. You kidnap him and make him plant explosives on some of the Brotherhood's trucks. You'll have to escort him from truck to truck, and defend him as he plants them. If you can find a strong van, take it. Reqruit some followers. When you get to a truck, try to park the van sideways, to make a kind of wall. Just have a shotgun ready, and do your best. If you can go through a forgive and Forget while traveling from one truck to another, do so. It'll help a bit When you finally get done with all the trucks, you'll go drop him off at the Brotherhood's hideout, where he tells the leader what has happened. LOCAL MECHANIC SABOTAGES CLIENTS "Witnesses say a recent string of car explosions may be due to tampering by a local mechanic. Shortly before a string of incidents left membrs of the Brotherhood dead, an eyewitness was quoted as seeing a mechanic, known only as "Donnie" tampering with the vehicles while being overseen by someone fitting the description of the Third Street Saints leader. Phone calls to Donnie's Garage were not immediately returned." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Waste not want not<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROwa123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Shotgun ammo SMG ammo So it turns out the luetinent in charge of the Brotherhood doesn't know much. But you get an idea of your own. This is one of the more annoying missions, so be sure to have plenty of shotgun ammo, and try to reqruit some people to help you out. You'll take a boat to the island, where you will then find radioactive waste. Just go down the shoreline till you find it; it's not too far. Then you'll work your way to the heli-pad. If you can find a car, take it. Otherwise just run, It's not too far. You'll have to kill some people to defend the helipad, where you'll get picked up by the helicopter. Be sure you are stocked on ammo. Checkpoint. Defend the chopper while you fly away. Unfortunately you crash anyways, and have to jack a car. If you pass a Forgive and Forget, go through it, but otherwise just drive. This mission is rather long, but not too bad overall. Terrorists raid nuclear power plant "Security at the Stilwater nuclear power plant is expected to triple after an unkown assailant assaulted the island early this morning. The assailant purportedly assaulted members of the plant's security forces before escaping by helicopter. Earlier reports that the assailant had managed to obtain a small amount of radioactive waste have yet to be confirmed by plant officials." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Red Asphalt<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROrd123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Quite a bit of SMG and/or Pistol ammo God. They have Carlos. You have to go hop in a car and go to the garage. There you'll find the mechanic again. You'll have to beat him up, but DONT KILL HIM. use your fists. eventually hell tell you to go to the docks. Get a strong car and drive it down to that area. The van drives in circles so try to cut it off and have an SMG ready. itll take quite a bit of damage before dying, but keep unloading on it. Unfortunately it's too late. Carlos is chained to the car and those ****ers drove him in circles for a long time. Sucks for both of you. After trying to free Carlos, you end up shooting him to put him out of his pain. What a bad day for the saints. Tip from Justin Park After you beat up Donnie, there is one of the army Bulldogs in the garage. It has a mounted machine gun turret, which make this whole mission a hell of a lot easier. PROMINENT GANG MEMBER FOUND DEAD "A member of the Third Street Saints was found dead today, the victim of a girsly gangland assassination. In a bloody recreation of the late Hector, Carlo Mendoza's body was dragged face down across Stilwater, until mercifully being shot in the head. While no arrests have been made in the killing, the police suspect the Brotherhood as the ones responsible for the vicious attack." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Bank Error in your Favor<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROba123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Pistol ammo a pretty cool mission. Looking for revenge for Carlos, the leader of the Brotherhood's girlfriend happens to bump in Shaundi. Wow thats convenient. Shes at the bank. Lets go get us a hostage. Drive to the bank, and make sure u have lots of pistol ammo. Run up to her and HOLD LB to grab her. You can still run with RB while u have her. Run upstairs and shoot some gaurds as you pass. Grab her again after she turns off the alarm. Run downstairs, kill some gaurds as you pass them, and work your way to the car. Drive. as fast as you can without dying. The longer you take the more beat up your car will get from the cops. In the end you put the car in the Destruction Derby and the leader of the Brotherhood ends up crushing his own girlfriend. Good thing your guy was there to tell him about it, or he would have had no idea. Something tells me this isn't the end. KIDNAPPING TURNS GRUESOME "A monster truck rally turned into a nightmare for spectators at the Ultor Dome as a woman was found crushed to death in the trunk of a car used in the show. The woman found dead matches the description of a woman kidnapped from the Barrio earlier in the day. The kidnapper was allowed to escape with the woman by holding her as a human shield, but officials are adamant there was no way they could have known what was going to happen. Reports that the woman was the girlfriend of Brotherhood gang leader Maero have yet to be confirmed." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Thank you and Goodnight<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROth123_______________. Start off by driving to the area with the truck. This part is very easy. Just drive through the green fence, and kill them all with the car. I killed all of them without firing a single bullet and without leaving the car even once. Now go to the fireworks truck. This is where the fun begins. Throw boxes at the enemy gang cars to destroy them. I just held down LB to throw them and aimed at the cars. It's not too long of a drive, either. Just hold em off and once you get to the arena, you're done. So the tattoo artist tells you the shipment is coming in by boat, but thats all he has to offer, so naturally you burn his with the pyrotechnics. Either way, now you know where the shipments at. FEED DOGS CONCERT HAILED "BEST EVER" "Doctors are not optimistic that the lead guitarist for the Feed Dogs will ever play again after a mis-used pyrotechnic seared his hand earlier today. After leading Brother hood members on a wild chase through the city, witnessess say members of the Third Street Sainrs stormed the stage and assaulted the band before the leader scared everyone out of the area." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Retribution<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROrt123_______________. YOU WILL NEED Lots of SMG and/or pistol ammo. Hop in a car. The Brotherhood are ****in up your turf. Head to the nearest sqaure. There are four parts to this mission 1) The Shop - bust in with a shotgun and shoot the guy with an arrow over his head 2) The Police Lineup - Drive by and SMG the guy with the arrow over his head. Get out of there quick because of the cops 3) The parking garage - Drive up to the top and try to park sideways in front of the ramp. The bastard will try to take it. Shoot up his car till it blows up 4) The Car - Get a good car if possible, and have lots of SMG ammo. Chase the giant car in circle around town and shoot it up. Blow it up before it blows you up. Ok so the leader of the Brotherhood threatens the president of Ultor. He has contacts with Troy Bradshaw and is trying to get the Brotherhood prisoners free so that he can destroy the saints. And it looks like it's going to happen. This is NOT going to be fun. CITY DESCENDS INTO CHAOS Stilwater is trying to peice itself back together as the conflict between the Third Street Saints and the Brotherhood spilled into the streets. Witnessess reported multiple incidents of Brotherhood members assaulting Saints property throughout the Barrio. Numerous shops were destroyed in the resulting chaos, and even the police were unable to prevent the fighting from escalating before the Saints apparently gained the upperhand and forced the Brotherhood members from the area." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Jail Bait<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROja123_______________. YOU WILL NEED A LOT OF SMG AND PISTOL AMMO A LOT OF SMG AND PISTOL AMMO A LOT OF SMG AND PISTOL AMMO and. . A LOT OF SMG AND PISTOL AMMO get some reqruits, too. they will help a LOT. Get in the car and chase the buses. go one by one and take them out. Shoot them up with SMG ammo. Really all you can do is ram them and shoot them. When you kill all three buses, they are also moving in 4 boats. Go to the marker and get on the boat. This is actually the easier part of the mission. The boats will explode after about a round of .44 Shep pistol ammo. SMGs can really take em out quick. After the mission is over, The Brotherhood leader gets his ass handed to him by the Ultor president. Turns out Ultor took their shipment as payment and are done doing them favors. The guards with 'big guns' escort him out of his office. Yay! FREED INMATES WISH THEY'D STAY IN JAIL "Former members of the Brotherhood have learned the hard way that freedom isn't free. Shortly after receiving a full pardon from the city, Brotherhood members being escorted from the prison island to the mainland were assaulted by members of the Third Street Saints. It's unclear why the Saints assaulted the Brotherhood, but it's assumed to be in retaliation for recent attacks by the Brotherhood on Saints controlled property. No survivors have been reported." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>The Enemy of my Enemy<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROte123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL rifle/smg/shotgun ammo as much food/drinks as you can Start off by going to the airport hotel, and grabbing the chopper. Fly to the boat and land on it. Do so quickly because there are people with rockets. Once you land, get out your shotgun and start taking em out. You'll have to go inside the door and upstairs. Once you kill all of them go back downstairs the way you came in. head across the boat and into the other open door. Shoot your way downstairs and kill the remaining enemies. <Cutscene>. Shit. Grab the ammo thats there for you and head up to the main deck. The first wave will come aboard. Kill em as quick as you can. Take cover inside the boat when necesary. When all the people are dead, head to the top deck and get out your rifle or rocket launcher. Take down the choppers. The second wave will come -- repeat. Third wave -- repeat. After the third wave, you call Shaundi and thats the end of the mission Just remember to take cover, especially during the third wave. Go inside the boat and wait for people to walk in front of the door and shotgun 'em down. Take out as many people as you can before headed for the choppers. Also all the choppers fly in a certain pattern. If you dont kill one the first chance you get, it'll make the same rounds soon. WEAPONS SHIPMENT HIJACKED "A cargo shop carrying heavy weapons for Ultor's security forces was hijacked earlier by the Third Street Saints, and officials aren't releasing any details as to how exactly it happened. The Saints commandeered the vessel shortly before it was scheduled to arrive in port, forcing a massive contingency of Ultor forces to attempt to retake it. unfortunately for Ultor, the armaments onboard the ship proved more than capable of holding off an assault, and the Saints escaped with the weapons in tow. Ultor's Dane Vogel declined to comment for this story." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>The Siege<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROts123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SMG AND SHOTGUN AMMO 10-15 ROCKETS Start off by reqruiting another homie on the way to the warehouse. He will help. When you get close to the warehouse keep moving. Never stop. Douchebags with rocket launchers are on the rooftops and will kill you Steal a gangcar after a little bit and work your way towards the back end of the peninsula, killing all of the leutenents. Revive a homie if he dies, it'll help later on. Work your way up the warehouse -- reqruit followers as you go if one dies, there are a few groups of them in the warehouse. Go upstairs and Continue working your way through the checkpoints with the shotgun. Eventually you'll get to the roof, where the leader of the Brotherhood is. Time for a fight. Ok. If you hit him with a rocket, he will drop to the ground. So basically i pelted him with rockets for about 15 seconds or so. Eventually i ran out so i used the rest of my Rifle ammo. Overall not too hard of a fight with the rockets. <Cutscene>. After an intense fight with Maero (the Brotherhood leader), you stab him in the neck and get away. Unfortunately somebody picks him up and he gets away. But not by much. You live, Maero barely lives, and you get $25,000 and another territory. The newspaper headline says it all. "SAINTS CRIPPLE BROTHERHOOD". Wilyem Cain Suggests: As soon as you get to the warehouse, there is a guy on the roof with a rocket launcher. Go ahead and kill him while your still inside the car. Be sure to watch for other Brotherhood members that will try to run you over while you're walking. When you get to Maero, have about 20 rockets and rifle ammo. As soon as the first cutscene is over, immediately switch to your rocket launcher. If you hit him once, he will fall over. Then quickly switch to your rifle and shoot him as much as you can. Right when he looks like he's ready to shoot again, get out your rocket launcher and shoot him again. switching to your rifle inbetween rockets will make this battle go much easier, and drain his health a lot faster. Thanks a lot Wilyem, I appreciate you sending in an alternate strategy. Hopefully Wilyem's suggestions helped you in this mission. Gracias! Leroy Jones Suggests Run to the back of the roof, away from Maero, and fall off onto a ledge. At the far left of the ledge, as you face Maero, you can stand on the rubble. Crouch. Then with the sniper rifle (I always carry alot of ammo for it) you can see and hit him but he can't hit you. I know its a bit of a lame way of doing it but it works! SAINTS CRIPPLE BROTHERHOOD "Another tragic twist has unfolded in the saga of the Feed Dogs, as their former lead guitarist -- and reknowned Brotherhood tattoo artist -- Matt was killed today. The Third Street Saints assaulted the headquarters of the Brotherhood in what was the bloodiest battle yet between the rival gangs. The body count continues to skyrocket and officials are left scratching their heads as to when the violence will end." ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Showdown<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROboss_______________. YOU WILL NEED 15+ rockets Full shotgun ammo. 10 pipebombs All i can say is hollyyy jessuusss. Seems to me like you're screwed from the start. Heres what I did to beat this, and it still took about 5 or so tries. Start out by running out towards the edge, and throw down about 5 pipebombs in one spot in Maero's path (he goes in circles around the outside edge of the arena). Immediately switch to rocket launcher. Once you have him in sight, shoot as much as you can. Hopefully by the first pass, he has less than 50% health. Run the OPPOSITE way as hes traveling, and have the rocket launcher ready. As soon as you see him -- Shoot. A lot. Hopefully by the second pass you take him out. <Cutscene>. Finally. You put a gun to his head and shoot his dam brains out. Thank god. The brotherhood is done with. ULTOR ARENA HOLDS BLOODBATH "The gang known as the Brotherhood of Stilwater came to a bloody end today, as its leader Maero was found dead in the Ultor Arena. No eye witnesses were left alive, but reports from around the neighborhood suggest a person matching the leader of the Saints was seen entering the Arena shortly before the presumed time of Maero's Death. Calls to the Philips Building regarding what occured in their facility were not immediately returned." / // /// //// ///// ////// ----//---- |//| |//| |//| |//| ------ ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== 88_____88 888/ __/888 ____ 888/ / 888______ __ __ / __/ 88 888/ __ // / // /_ ____ 8888 8/ / / // _ / //_ /___ / __/ 888__/ // /_/ // // /__/ /_ // /_ 88/____//_____//_//__//___/ / // __/ 88888888 _____ / /_/ // / __ 888888 / __//_____//_/ /_/ 88888_________/ /____________ _____ __ 8888( / _______ / == / / /__ 88( / // / _ _ // ___/___/ // / 8( __/ // // / // // // // /__ / == // / (_______/____//____/_//_//_//_//____//____//_/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Got Dust, WIll Travel<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONgo123_______________. UNIVERSITY DRUG DEAL GOES BAD "Campus officials are still trying to sort out exactly what took place today after a deadly shootout near the student union. It is presumed that members of the Sons of Samedi were on campus pushing their designer drug "Loa Dust" before being assaulted by the Third Street Saints". However, officials say no Loa Dust has been found, leading many to believe the Saints procured it for themselves before vanishing." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>File in the Cake<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONfi123_______________. YOU WILL NEED >>>FULL SHOTGUN AMMO<<< FULL SMG AMMO It is VERY important that you have FULL SHOTGUN AMMO for this mission. Start by going to the back entrance on the island. Gun your way to the generator. basically for this mission, always have your shotgun out. If you run out of Shotgun ammo, use SMG or Pistol ammo. Work your way through the prison. When you get to the cell block, be careful, because when I went in here for some reason everybody was on fire? Anyways i caught on fire and died. It sucked. So be careful for that, Otherwise just follow the steps in the mission and you'll be in and out in no time. DRUG DEALING MOM ESCAPES PRISON, LEAVES NICE NOTE "A convicted drug felon is back on the streets after escaping prison. An unknown assailant was seen docking the prison island shortly before an explosion near the prison's generator cut all power to the holding cells. The assailant then made their way to the holding cells, where they met up with the drug felon, before being airlifted from the island. Despite the recent rash of break outs, authorities insist nothing is wrong with the prison facility, and remind those seeking employment to please drop off a resume at the downtown police station." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Airborne Assault<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONai123_______________. Be sure that you Kill most of the people you see on the ground, because some of them will have rockets. Just incase you don't know. Rockets > Helicopter. Shoot up the big piles of equipment. If you miss one, he will go around again. Don't take it too tough, I failed once just from stupid little mistakes, so don't get frustrated and it isn't too hard. HIPPIES MOURN LOSS OF DRUG FARM "An aerial assault has left a farm near the university in flames, and numerous Sons of Samedi dead. The Saints assaulted a presumed drug manufacturing facility today, destroying various pieces of equipment, and in the process crippling the Samedi's Loa Dust production. Not satisfied, the Saints then proceeded to wreak havoc down the streets of Stilwater, assaulting the fleeing Samedi vehicles and leaving untold casualties." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Veteran Child<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONve123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SHOTGUN AMMO FULL SMG AMMO I won't cover all of this mission because it's pretty self-explanatory. When you get to Veteran Child, you have to go and pick up the flashbangs. Throw them, and when he lets her go, you can shoot him. Dont use ANY explosives, because Shaundi is very closeby. Just repeat those steps until he loses all his health. An alternate strategy from Russell Make sure all the sons are dead, and have pepper spray with you. When you can, Sprint to Veteran Child and Spray him, it has the same effects as a flashbang, quickly switch to your to your shotgun and unload as many shells as you can into him. As soon as he looks like about to retake Shaundi as a hostage. Repeat. This is a lot easier than using a flashbang. If you can, have as many homies with you as you can, and they help distract him, and lower his health. they also keep the sons off of your back. GEN X DJ FOUND MURDERED "A local DJ is dead after a shootout at On Track nightclub involving Saints and Sons of Samedi. Witnesses describe scenes of terror as the Saints leader burst into the nightclub firing at everything and everyone. It's unclear whether Veteran Child's death was a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time, or if he was in fact connected to the Sons of Samedi in some way. Officials have not yet determined if an earlier shooting at Cocks nightclub is somehow related." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Burning down the House<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONbu123_______________. YOU WILL NEED SHOTGUN AMMO SMG AMMO RIFLE AMMO This is another run and gun mission. There are no real hard parts to it that need special explanations. If you just follow the steps it gives you, you'll be fine. Make sure you have a lot of Shotgun and SMG ammo to start out with. Also when you shoot anything explosive, make sure you're not right next to it. That was a mistake i made once on accident and will never make again haha. SHIVINGTON IN FLAMES! "What began as innocuous raid on drug labs run by the Sons of Samedi has ended in unimaginable tragedy. In their continued quest for dominance, the Third Street Saints descended onto the Sons of Samedi territory intent on destroying the Samedi Loa Dust labs in the projects of Shivington. In the resulting chaos, it is assumed that the fire from one of the labs continued to spread until the entire neighborhood was engulfed in flames. Witnesses say they have never seen anything like it, and many are suspicious about the city's claims that nothing could have been done to prevent it." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Bad Trip<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONba123_______________. YOU WILL NEED SHOTGUN AMMO After a pretty good cutscene, you're standing in the middle of traffic, and you're out of your freakin' mind. Start running down the street, and jack a car as son as you can. Answer your phone and then drive to the hideout. Once you get there you'll have to gun down a lot of Somedi. Get out your shotgun and start working your way through the church. Once you get halfway downstairs, Shaundi will meet up with you. Now go back upstairs and kill more Somedi. Outside you'll have to kill wayyyy too many Somedi. I got to about 45 when the mission ended. Oh well, it could be worse I guess. SAINTS LEADER IN DRUG FUELED ORGY OF VIOLENCE "A reported meeting between gang leaders has ended in violence as the fued between the Third Street Saints and the Sons of Samedi continues to escalate. Witnesses report seeing the Saints leader exit a Samedi vehicle in a hail of bullets before stumbling across town to the nightclub Purgatory. What followed was chaos of the highest magnitude as Saints and Samedi traded gunfire leaving numerous dead at the scene." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Bonding Experience<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONbo123_______________. Well you're trusting Pierce for once. It was ironic because my game glitched on this mission, so I thought it was Pierce messing up. But anyways, You'll Chase after the helicopters for a while, just gun em down. Then you will have to switch to boat. Do the same thing. Then you'll go back to land. It's pretty lame, I know. Just get through it so it can be over with. STILWATER INSTITUTES TEMPORARY NO-FLY ZONE "In a scene reminscent of something found in "Bangers on Fire", the Third Street Saints rained hellfire on Stilwater today. It's still unclear as to why the Saints assaulted several helicopters that were in the area, but it can only be presumed that they were somehow linked to the Sons of Samedi. Multiple aircraft were brought down, many in crowded streets, by gunfire from a car known to be owned by a prominent member of the Saints. Aircraft in the area has been temporarily grounded by Chief Troy Bradshaw." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Riot Control<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONri123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SHOTGUN AMMO FULL SMG AMMO Well the druggies need their stuff. So now they are gonna turn to you for it. Just get out your shotgun and be ready to take out a lot of hobos. It's not a hard fight, it's just kind of long. After a while of fighting off bums, You will hop in a car and trail the Truck and defend it. I had to switch cars once or twice here. It can be tough to do without dying, but if you have to, switch cars. The truck will wait for you. Not too bad of a mission, but it is kind of long. MAYOR: "HOMELESS SHOULD BE EUTHANIZED" "A warehousae full of dead bodies has raised plenty of questions and no answers. Witnesses confess to hearing gunshots coming from inside the building while purple clad individuals, presumably Third Street Saints, scrambled to fill a nearby truck with packages while crazed drug addicts assaulted them. One witness described an individual fitting the description of the Saints leader ruthlessly gunning down people in cold blood as the truck drove away." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Eternal Sunshine<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONet123_______________. SLAUGHTERHOUSE BECOMES A SLAUGHTERHOUSE "A meat packing plant in the Factories district is home to a grisly scene. Countless Sons of Samedi were massacred inside earlier in what is presumed to be another chapter in the gang's run-ins with the Third Street Saints. identified among the dead was an individual known to many as "Mr. Sunshine" a high ranking Samedi lieutenant thought to be the Sons of Samedi second-in- command." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Assault on Precinct 31<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONas123_______________. CHIEF BRADSHAW LEARNS THE MEANING OF "IRONY" "Members of the Third Street Saints disguised as camera repairmen infiltrated the police station today, but were chased off the premises before any real damage was done officials say. The Saints managed to make their way to the security room before the station was put on full alert. After a brief firefight, the Saints retreated. Exactly what the Saints were interested in has yet to be determined." ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>The Shopping Maul<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONboss________________. YOU WILL NEED >>>FULL SMG AMMO<<< >>>FULL RIFLE AMMO<<< You and the crew ambush the Samedi limo (which I think is unfortunate, because that hearse was pretty sweet) It's a pretty awesome cutscene, but when It's over, it's not so awesome. Get out your rifle. SAVE YOUR SMG AMMO!!! kill off the Samedi and then chase the bastard into the mall. Work your way down to where the General is at. Now this can either be very hard, or very easy. It took me about 15 tries to figure it out. Start off with your rifle and gun it as much as you can while you're still close to it. After it drives away DO NOT CHASE IT ON FOOT! Shaundi will come and drop off an ATV. Hop on and chase it. Follow closely behind, but not too close because it has a mounted gun on top of it. Just keep gunning it down the best you can. You'll probably fail a few times at least, but keep trying and you'll get it eventually. Finally, The bastard is dead. Unfortunately his death isn't as cool of a scene as Mr. Sunshine's, but it'll do. An alternate strategy from Chris Young I don't know if this is too much of a tip or not, but it certainly made my life easier on this mission. Continue through the mall towards the last portion where The General hops into the Bulldog and Shaundi runs away to bring you an ATV. Hop on and follow the Bulldog, avoiding the cars the Samedi are driving because they are more dangerous than the Bulldog, especially if you miss a turn and get pancaked between the car and a business in the mall. Anyways, as The General flees through the mall, they will attempt to drive up a set of stairs at some point. For whatever reason (perhaps the Samedi driver had a few too many 40's?), they seem to overshoot this improvised rampway and fall off the edge on the far side. They will not attempt to right or extricate themselves no matter how much damage they sustain. Get your RPG or satchel charges ready and unload on them. Really, the hardest part was avioding the reenforcements that were killing my homies and myself. An alternate strategy from Rune Fostervoll I found that mission annoyingly easy by doing the following: 1: Get two extra homies from the crowd that joins in the ambush. 2: When the near never-ending horde of goons come, just take one of their cars and drive to where the general is, triggering the scene change. 3: Again get in the car and have your homies put lots of bullets in it while you just follow - don't use the ATV. Works like a charm. Although I did get my car destroyed and had to finish the bulldog with the RPG. MALL CLOSED FOR RENOVATIONS "The Rounds Square Shopping Center has been designated a crime scene after a brutal battle between the Saints and the Sons of Samedi. The fighting started when a limo carrying the Samedi leader was ambushed outside the shopping center by the Saints. The Samedi leader, known to many as The General, fled below ground, but was persued by the Saints Leader and eventually killed. Officials are tight lipped on the possible repercussions of these events, but it's safe to assume the Sons of Samedi are effectively finished here in Stilwater." / // /// //// ///// ////// ----//---- |//| |//| |//| |//| ------ ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / ________________ _________ ===============|=======/|| /== ____ ===================== +++++++++++++++| +++++/ || ____ ____/____ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| | / |++/ /++++++++++++++++++++ ===============| |===| || |====| |/ _ |=/ /===================== +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| || /+ || |/ /++++++++++++++++++++++ ===============| |===| || |====| || |===| || ====================== +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| || |+++| || | +++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++| ___/ || |____| || _/ || |+ ++++++++++++++++++++ =============== // | /| |== =================== _____//__________| _______/ /__ /__ULTOR123 So the first "Mission" is really just a cutscene. Basically Ultor is planning to own more land and remodel a part of stilwater. He shows his fancy little slideshow to all the fancy people at the party. Whoopedy Doo. |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Picking a Fight<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTpi123________________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SMG, SHOTGUN, PISTOL, RIFLE AMMO AHH jesus! wtf is goin on! first fight your way out of the club. Find a car and gun it to Pierce. When you get there dish out some grenades if you have em, otherwise SMG or Rifle as many as you can. Kill em all, then hop in another car after you rescue Pierce. Then gun it to Shaundi. Evade road blocks best you can. Once you get to Shaundi, Chase after the van and shoot it up with your SMG. Its a lot tougher than that, I know, but do your best and drive extremely aggresively (ram it sideways if you can). After you help Shaundi, the mission is over. Thank god, but something tells me it isnt over. ULTOR BEGINS "AGGRESSIVE RE-DEVELOPMENT" "Not satisfied with the response of the Stilwater PD, Ultor has deployed their personal security force to help apprehend the Third Street Saints. While the Ultor Mesako Team engaged the Saints in a bold firefight, Ultor happily reports that there were no civilian casualties." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Pyramid Scheme<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTpy123________________. YOU WILL NEED FULL pipe bombs, Some rockets maybe FULL SMG and SHOTGUN Start off by driving with some homies to the designated area. What i did here was drive down the street till i got to a railroad station. Kill cops until you get to level 4 wanted, throwing pipe bombs down after a lot of cop cars pile up. Now once you are wanted level 4, run westward on the track, until you pass the forgive and forget, and see a building close to the track (it will be on your left) with yellow awnings. Jump onto this building, and jump down onto the ground using the scaffolding. Then Run east to the forgive and forget. Now hop in a car and drive over to the Pyrmid. Once inside the Pyramid, run through the hallways until you get to the keycard (beat up cops as you go). Once you get the keycard, run back the way you came from, and upstairs. Pull out your shotgun and run from blip to blip, gunning down officers as you go. Once you plant all 3, a timer will start to go off. You have to exit the base quickly. Run to the blip. Once you get there, it'll be easier. Run to the next blip. There are 3 cops here to shotgun down, then hop in the tank. Drive up the tunnel. Floor it all the way to the top, and gun it out of the door. You'll go right through it, don't worry. And unlock a stunt jump. cool. <Cutscene> So Ultor is getting worried about the Saints. About time. and thats the end of the mission. Also, you'll unlock that big tank thing you drove at the end called the Ultor APC. I also unlocked a Pimp cane at the weapons cache, but im not sure if that was a mission specific thing, or a game progress thing. THE PYRAMID EXPOSED "It was a revelation that no one expected. The pyramid is real. Emergency crews responded to a powerful explosion that started deep within Mount Claflin, not expecting to find the ruins of a major Ultor R&D facility. In other news: Sephren Nichols TV special has been cancelled |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Salting the Earth...Again<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTsa123________________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SHOTGUN ammo only reqruit one homie. When you get the 'watercraft', its more of a jetski. Go the the yacht, and go inside the ground floor. gun down any cops trying to kill you, and kill all the executives. Work your way up to the top, killing any cops and execs you can. Then run out the nearest door and towards the back of the boat. Go down the stairs and go to the blip. When you get in the boat, you will need the SMG ammo. Just chase the boat, ram it, and shoot it. Actually not too hard of a mission -- especially when compared to the other ultor missions. But I'm not complaining. <Cutscene> the president of Ultor is watching out of the window, when he tells his secretary to "move my things to my new office and set up a press conference" the secretary asks if he got promoted, when he says he is about to be. Hmm. . . oookk. . . Moving on. ULTOR EXECS ENJOY SURPRISE RETIREMENT PARTY "Bodies of the Ultor Board of Directors littered the water this morning, as a corporate gala turned into a blood bath. This is the second time a massacre has occured on the open water here in Stilwater... Fortunately there were no explosions." GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>...And a Better Life<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTboss________________. YOU WILL NEED FULL AMMO as many homies as you can Start off by watching the pretty cool cutscene. Then hop in the cop car afterwards. Ride bumper-to-bumper to his limo, because he will plow through any roadblocks for you. Shoot up his limo with your SMG as much as you can. After you kill it, it isn't over though. Follow it to the building. Securitys got the whole building on lockdown, so you need to get to the chopper. Once you get to it, get in it and take off immediately. Kill any choppers they send as fast as you can. Take out each security thing. The fourth one is right below the layer of windows near the top. After you kill all four, kill the last chopper they send, then hover nearby the windows. <Cutscene>. Alright. It's time to kill Vogel. This should probably be more like kill the bastard with a rifle. Pull out your rifle and gun him down. His health goes down fast. After that is probably one of the coolest cutscenes ever. ENDING ENDING ENDING ENDING ENDING ENDING ENDING ENDING You shoot Vogel in the mouth, and Shaundi and Pierce appear at the top of the tower. You call Gat, whos killing cops. then you call a chopper to come pick you up, which is the husband of the lady you broke out of prison a while ago. Heh. As you fly away. Pierce: "What do we do now?" You: "This is our city. Whatever the **** we want to do." DANE VOGEL ASSASSINATED: ERIC GRYPHON NAMED NEW HEAD OF SPECIAL PROJECTS "Recently announced chairman of the Stilwater division of Ultor Dane Vogel has met an early retirement as the man voted the number 1 sexiest power player under 40 was defenestrated today. For more on this Earth shattering news, please turn to page 6." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Revelation<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTextr________________. This is not a normal mission. This is an extra hidden mission. To start it, fgo to the police station (It's in the south/southeastern portion of the Saints Row District) Go up to the Third Floor and into the room that says "Authorized Personel Only". Listen to all three of the wiretap conversations. After that, head into a room connected to this one, and pick up Julius' file. Drive to the church, and call Dex' number in your phone. Then the mission symbol will appear outside the front doors. YOU WILL NEED 15ish rockets FULL shotgun ammo FULL pistol ammo FULL SMG ammo Start off by running inside and shotgunning anybody you can. Head upstairs to kill anybody on the upper floor. After three waves, run outside. If you hit the Tanks with a rocket before they unload the people, they will all die. If you do that, it will make it all a lot easier. When the helicopter comes, it will hover right in front of the door -- just shoot a rocket at it and it'll go down Run to his car. Get out the awesome laser-guided RPG. Just spin and shoot. at the roundabout, shoot the road block out of the way. Do this until you get to the theatre. Get the rocket out, and shoot down the two helicopters. <Cutscene> This, to me, was one of the most important parts of the game. This mission put together so much in just a little bit of time. If you really want to know what happens, then keep reading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ok so Julius tries to explain why he had to end the Saints'. But since your character is a total badass, all he does is call him a ***** and shoot him in the forehead. A pretty important part of the story-line. Julius: "If it wasn't for me, you would have died on that street corner." You: "If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been in a god damned coma." Julius: "I guess that makes us even." You: "Not really" *pulls trigger* A tip from Jimmy J If you do this mission early on in the game (right after you free Gat), it will probably be harder, but it will get you $60,000. Well worth it to have that kind of money so early on. Thanks Jimmy =) <Thank you to Kutekasim for pointing out an error in this section> MUSEUM TOUR GUIDE FOUND DEAD IN AMPITHEATER "The body of Julius Little was found in Thalia Ampitheatre this morning. While Little was the former leader of the Third Street Saints, he is probably most familiar to our readers as the tour guide at the Stilwater Memorial Church." / // /// //// ///// ////// ----//---- |//| |//| |//| |//| ------ ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING GAME ENDING =========================================================================== {Strongholds} (STRONG123) =========================================================================== / / / / / _________________/__ / / __ ______/ ____/ / / / / / / / / / / ___ / /_/ / / / / / / / __ / / / / / / / _/_/ / /_/ __ / / / / / /_/ / _________/ / / / / / (SAISTRO123) __/ /__/ ____/ / / |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Stilwater Caverns<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SAISst123_______________. CIVIC-MINDED SAINTS CLEAN CAVERNS "Tourists to Stilwater's underground caverns recieved a shock today as dozens of homeless flooded into tourist areas and past confused citizens. Caverns authorities believe the homeless had been living somewhere deeper within the facility when people, most likely teenagers, attacked the make-shift shanty town and forced its residents to find safety." ____ / / _____ | | | | | | | | .______.____ __ _|_|__|_ ____ __ ._____| |/ |_| __ || _| |(___ ___)| | |_ / | / | { } || | | | | | | | / | / | { } || | | | | | | | | _____| | __| { } || |_ |___/| | | | | | ______| |_ _| {__} || |__ | ___| |__ | |__ |_/ |_| _|______||_| |_|(________)|_| |_| RONIN123| | | | | | | | | ___/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Humboldt Park Science Museum<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONShu123_______________. MUSEUM MASSACRE "A childrens science museum was revealed to be the epicenter of a web porn ring. This sordid business came to light as the Third Street Saints shot their way through the Ultor funded museum. Dane Vogel was unavailable to comment." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Amberbrook Museum Pier<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONSam123_______________. THIS IS MADNESS! "The thalia Ampitheater, known for Shakespearean productions of dubious quality, started the run of a new show last night; murder. The bodies of several Ronin were found littering the stage as well as the docks below. While at first, citizens thought this was some new form of performance art, police later confirmed that they were indeed corpses." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>New Hennequet Rec Center<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONSne123_______________. REC CENTER HIDES DEN OF DEBAUCHERY "The legacy of Marshall Winslow has been sullied as an underground casino has been found underneath a rec center baring the former maryor's name. Police are reporting that the Ronin have been operating a gambling ring out of the rec center ever since the siege at Poseidon's Palace." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Suburbs Strip Club<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____RONSsu123_______________. NO TOUCHING RULE VIOLATED "A bachelor party took a violent turn as the Third Street Saints laid siege to a local strip club. Blood and pasties flew through the air, as gun fire tore through stripper and Ronin alike." _______________._____.____________________________ | __ | | || || | | || || | | | | || _ ||__ __|| | | || .__|| | | | | | || | || / | | | | | | || | | | | | |_/ /| |_/ || | | | | | | | | || |__.| |_/ | | / | /| | | | | | | |__| || || / | __ | / | | | | | | | || .__|| / | | | | | | | | | | | .__. || | | | | | | || | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | |_/ || | | || _/ | | | | | | || |__.| | | | | /| | | || | | | | | | || || | | | |_____/_|_| |_|| __ | |_ | |_| |_||_____||_|_|_| | | | || || || BROTHER123 | | | || _ || _ || | | | || / || / || | | | | | || | | || | | || || | | |__| || | | || | | || || | | || | | || | | || || | | .__. || | | || | | || || | | | | || | | || | | || || | | | | || _/ || _/ || |/ / | | | || || || / |_|__|_||_____||_____||__/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Sommerset Apartments<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROSso123_______________. Really this is just another run and gun stronghold. Get some followers and drive to the student apartments. Apparently students have raves all day in their apartments. Just gun em down. Then you will have to kill some other Brotherhood members. Just make sure you have a shotgun, and take cover when you need to. VIOLENCE IN SOMMERSET RISES "Students living in Sommerset hoping to get away from the commotion of campus life were in for a rude awakening as the Third Street Saints and the Brotherhood engaged in a brutal gun fight that raged on between mutliple apartment complexes." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Imperial Square Pagodas<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROSim123_______________. Start off by grabbing a car and a few reqruits. Go to the first area and shoot up some tables and people. then when the owner comes out, beat them up with your fists. Run onto the next and do the same for all 4. When thats done, run to the hotel, get out a shotty, and kill all the Brotherhood in the building, but DO NOT KILL THE OWNER. beat him up the same way as the others, and you'll be done. SHOP OWNERS CAUGHT IN CROSSFIRE "The victims of the latest struggle between the Brotherhood and the Saints were the shop owners of Chinatown. Not satisfied with killing each other, the two gangs took to the street, muscling business owners who can barely afford rent, let along protection money." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Poseidon Alley Docks<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROSpo123_______________. I thought this was a pretty smooth stronghold to take. Make sure to begin with you have quite a bit of SMG ammo or Shotgun ammo. Go ahead and run across the street and hop in that big red truck. Dont even worry about killing the people here. Inch your way to the street, and when another large red truck goes by, follow it. Be sure to stay close and not fly off the road When you get to the site, get your SMG or Shotgun out. Head to the back of the warehouse and upstairs. Kill the leutenents. Be careful of explosive barrels scattered about. Shoot them with an SMG from a ways away to make it easier for yourself. POSEIDON ALLEY A HAVEN FOR DRUG SMUGGLERS "A clandestine drug deal between the Brotherhood and an unkown third party was broken up as the 3rd Street Saints waged open war against their rivals." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Wardill Airport Hangars<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____BROSwa123_______________. FOR THIS STRONGHOLD -Have 5-ish rockets -a LOT of RIFLE ammo -as many reqruits as possible. Ok, be SURE TO GET AS MANY REQRUITS AS YOU CAN FOR THIS STRONGHOLD. even one person will help a ton. Drive to the airport with your reqruits. When you get there, run down to the door, and get your shotgun out. work your way up to the computer. Press Y and then defend the room. Your reqruit will help SO much with this its unbelievable. When that's done head downstairs and outside. Use some rifle or shotgun ammo to kill the trucks, but keep some CARS INTACT. when all the trucks are dead, hop in a car with your reqruits. RIGHT NOW there is a plane taking off, chase it and kill it! before it takes off! By now another is probably lined up to take off. Either chase it and kill it, or get out and shoot a few rockets at it. Now get out and use your rifle to kill the other planes. If you wait too long they will take off, so do it as quickly as possible without dying. You might fail this a few times. If a plane manages to take off, just die and start from checkpoint. You might die a few times. Dont get frustrated, its worth it, because now you own the entire airport district. Only a few left to go with the Brotherhood. TERROR ON RUNWAYS "Wardill airport was the latest battleground in the struggle between the Brotherhood and the Saints. Travelers cowered in terror as multiple airplanes were destroyed on the tarmac.. no word has come from Wardill on if the flights were filled with passengers or not." 88_____88 888/ __/888 ____ 888/ / 888______ __ __ / __/ 88 888/ __ // / // /_ ____ 8888 8/ / / // _ / //_ /___ / __/ 888__/ // /_/ // // /__/ /_ // /_ 88/____//_____//_//__//___/ / // __/ 88888888 _____ / /_/ // / __ 888888 / __//_____//_/ /_/ 88888_________/ /____________ _____ __ 8888( / _______ / == / / /__ 88( / // / _ _ // ___/___/ // / 8( __/ // // / // // // // /__ / == // / (_______/____//____/_//_//_//_//____//____//_/ |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Elysian Fields Trailer Park<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONSel123_______________. TROUBLE IN PARADISE "The elysian Fields trailer park is a scarred battlefield today after giant explosions tore throug the complex. Preliminary reports suggest that a few trailers housing illegal drug labs were behind the damage. Witnesses say the Sons of Samedi and members of the Third Street Saints were seen trading gunfire in the area shortly before the explosions began. However, it's unclear if they had anything to do with the explosions at this time." YOU WILL NEED 10ish rockets SMG ammo |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Bavogian Plaza Drug Labs<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONSba123_______________. PEEP SHOW SHOWDOWN "Yet another gunfight between the Sons of Samedi and the Third Street Saints erupted today. The fighting this time took place in Bavogian Plaza. Officials are still combing through the area for clues, but there's little doubt the Samedi drug labs in the area were a main factor in the conflict." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Stilwater Unviersity Student Union<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONSst123_______________. QUAD DAY SPREADS HATE AND VIOLENCE "The University "Quad Day" turned deadly today as members of the Third Stree Saints descended upon the festivities with a hail of bullets. Witnesses say it's possible the Saints were after drug dealers working for the Sons of Samedi, but in the resulting chaos claimed the lives of both gang members and students alike. A candlelight vigil is scheduled to be held outside the student union later tonight." |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Sunnyvale Gardens Fishing Dock<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____SONSsu123_______________. SAINTS FEED SAMEDI TO THE FISH "A fishing boat exploded near the Sunnyvale Gardens dock earier today in what authorities believe was an act of sabatoge by members of the Third Street Saints. Reports of gunfire and minor explosions were reported minutes before the large freighter exploded, and witnesses claim it was the result of yet another battle between the Sons of Samedi and the Third Street Saints. Claims tha the processing plant was a front for a Samedi run drug lab has yet to be confirmed." ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ____ |//| |//| |//| |//| ___|//|___ ////// ///// //// /// // / ________________ _________ ===============|=======/|| /== ____ ===================== +++++++++++++++| +++++/ || ____ ____/____ +++ ++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| | / |++/ /++++++++++++++++++++ ===============| |===| || |====| |/ _ |=/ /===================== +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| || /+ || |/ /++++++++++++++++++++++ ===============| |===| || |====| || |===| || ====================== +++++++++++++++| |+++| || |++++| || |+++| || | +++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++| ___/ || |____| || _/ || |+ ++++++++++++++++++++ =============== // | /| |== =================== _____//__________| _______/ /__ /__ULTSTRO123 |>>>*>>>*>>>*>>>Rounds Square Shopping Center<<<*<<<*<<<*<<<| ____ULTSro123_______________. YOU WILL NEED FULL SHOTGUN and SMG and RIFLE AMMO 5 or so rockets First of all, to get here, go to the point on the map, then head eastward into the Ultor Mall. The entrance is street level. Then take the elevator. Ok now that that's out of the way. . . Run through the mall, killing all of the groups with a shotgun. Work your way from the top to the bottom After that, bust into the conference room and throw some pipe bombs or grenades if you have them, otherwise just gun everybody down. If one of your homies die, then revive them, they will help After the short cutscene, bust out the door, and get out your rifle. When you get to the top of the stairs, KEEP MOVING. there are rocket launchers shooting at you. When most of the people are killed, work your way with your SMG to the last staircase. If a bear is coming at you or in the way, shoot it with some rockets. This is the last territory to take. I had 45/45 now. MALL OFFERS 10% OFF ALL 1ST DEGREE MURDERS "Visitors to the Rounds Square Shopping Center were treated to a scene of chaos and death today as members of the Third Street Saints raided the underground mall in search of Ultor Executives. Ultor officials are downplaying reports that the Saints have seized control of the shopping center, and assure the public that business will continue as usual." / // /// //// ///// ////// ----//---- |//| |//| |//| |//| ------ ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== ========={[(WARNING: MAJOR SPOILER)]}========== =========================================================================== {Activities} (ACTIVI123) =========================================================================== ________________________________. | Crowd Control | (CROACT123) | ________________________________| "Earn money as a bodyguard by keeping obnoxious fans away from celebrities -- by any means necessary." Suburbs Crowd Control Level 3 - 5% Clothing Store Discount Level 6 - 15% Clothing Store Discount Marina Crowd Control Level 3 - Pepper Spray Level 6 - Chainsaw ========================================+==================================== General Tips from DaBugman levels 1-3 are pretty easy, just be sure to utilise the Blue Arrows to score money before the time runs out. levels 4-6 are harder because the number of crazy fans increases dramatically, and you can have 3 or 4 of them attacking the Celeb at once. Throwing the fans into the Blue Arrows can be a waste of time now, and the Celeb will max his Annoyance meter very quickly. A good plan I found was to beatdown the first fan carrying a baseball bat or crowbar, pick up their weapon and swing like crazy. Don't worry about bashing the Celeb - it's much more important to keep the fans away, so stick close to the Celeb at all times, and toss any solo fans into the Blue Arrows for extra points. Locations: The hardest level I found was the Cemetary because of the lack of quick death for the crazy fans, and only a couple of Blue Arrows. The Rooftop and the Train Station are good locations because you can quickly throw fans off the edge to their death. This location is also good because it's a small area, and you can quickly throw fans into either the SWAT van, the Luggage Belt, or the Security Guards for quick money. ========================================+==================================== >>Thank you to DaBugman for this information<< ________________________________. | Demo Derby | (DEMACT123) | ________________________________| "Smash everyone else on the track in a demolition derby. Earn money after each round to better equip your ride." Demo Derby Level 3 - Mechanic Discount Level 6 - Demo Derby Vehicles ========================================+==================================== A Tip from DaBugman After you complete the Demo Derby activity, a special marker appears next to the original activity. It will allow you to compete in a series of Demo Derbys in special vehicles. ========================================+==================================== ________________________________. | Drug Trafficking | (DRUACT123) | ________________________________| "Ride shotgun and protect a drug dealer as they drive over Stilwater and make deals with their unsavory clientele." Airport Drug Trafficking Level 3 - X2 Ultimax (Shotgun) Level 6 - Infinite Shotgun Ammo Hotel and Marina Drug Trafficking Level 3 - Ronin Notoriety Reduced Level 6 - Ronin Notoriety Reduced 2 ________________________________. | Escort | (ESCACT123) | ________________________________| "You are the personal driver for a high-Class hooker. Your job is to evade the paparazzi who want to snap photos of the people who are in need of her services." Red Light Escort Level 3 - Vehicle Delivery Level 6 - Vehicle Delivery (Free) University Escort Level 3 - Sons of Samedi Notoriety Reduced Level 6 - Sons of Samedi Notoriety Reduced 2 Both Escort Complete Escort Vehicles >>Thank you to Donselaar for this info<< ________________________________. | Fight Club | (FIGACT123) | ________________________________| "Step into the ring and join the most violent fights in the city. Brawl your way to the top to earn money and respect." Arena Fight Club Level 3 - 15% more damage with fists Level 6 - 30% more damage with fists Prison Fight Club Level 3 - Legal Lee Level 6 - Troy <Thank you to Richardocool1 for this information> ________________________________. | Fuzz | (FUZACT123) | ________________________________| "Dress like a cop, pick up your cameraman, and become a reality TV star on Fuzz, Stilwater's #1 TV show. Stop crime as sensationally as possible to score the highest ratings in town." Projects Fuzz Level 3 - Kobra Pistol Level 6 - Infinite Pistol Ammo (For the Kobra Pistol) Suburbs Fuzz level 3 - Police Notoriety Reduced level 6 - Police Notoriety Reduced 2 ========================================+==================================== A tip from DrJones If you go to your crib after unlocking the infinite ammo for the Kobra, and equip it from your stash, suddenly all pistols have infinite ammo. ========================================+==================================== >>Thank you to Richardocool1 for this information<< >>Thank you to DrJones for this information<< ________________________________. | Heli Assault | (HELACT123) | ________________________________| "Use a decommissioned attack chopper and rain death from above on your rivals." Trailer Park Heli Assault Level 3 - 5% weapons store discount Level 6 - 15% weapons store discount Barrio Heli Assault Level 3 - 5% reduced bullet Damage Level 6 - 15% reduced bullet Damage ========================================+==================================== Some General Tips from DaBugman You don't need to wait for the Missile Lock-on before firing. You can aim in the general location of your target and fire - just make sure you keep the crosshairs close to your target and the missile will do its work whether you establish a lock or not. NOTE this tactic doesn't work as well against enemy choppers - first establish a lock-on, then fire the missile for a one-hit kill. ========================================+==================================== >>Thank you to Masta G for this info<< >>Thank you to Christian Cantergiani for this info<< ________________________________. | Trail Blazing | (TRAACT123) | ________________________________| "Give new meaning to the term 'burnout' while wearing a flame suit as you drive around Stilwater on a four wheeler. The more damage you create, the more time you have to cause some heavy-duty trouble." Downtown Trail Blazing Level 3 - 5% less damage from explosions Level 6 - 15% less damage from explosions Apartments Trail Blazing Level 3 - Brotherhood notoriety reduced Level 6 - Brotherhood notoriety reduced Both complete - Fire Fighter Suit >>Thank you to Ricky Taylor for this informaton<< ________________________________. | Insurance Fraud | (INSACT123) | ________________________________| "Play in traffic for fun and profit! Fake an injury and try to score some free cash." Factories Insurance Fraud Level 3 - run 2x longer Level 6 - Infinite Sprint Museum Insurance Fraud Level 3 - 5% less damage from vehicles Level 6 - 15% less damage from vehicles ========================================+==================================== Suggestion from Gunk3000 An easy way to beat the first few levels of insurance fraud is to jump out of a helicopter or plane without a parachute. If it's into the designated area it will fill your adrenaline multiplier. The only downside is that you will have to get a new helicopter or plane before each level. Suggestion from DaBugman A quick way to rack up the Damage in Insurance Fraud is to first get your Adrenaline going, then Dive straight into an oncoming car. Pull back hard on the Left Stick (assuming that you're facing the oncoming car) and this will make you fly a huge distance. Now that you're flying, try and bounce off other vehicles - the more vehicles you can contact the more Damage you accrue. Suggestion from Brian Wiggins After time runs out, as long as you're still in adrenaline mode, you can continue to get points. As long as you fall, your adrenaline bar will lower very very slightly, and if you hit a car, it doesn't lower at all. Since you are in adrenaline mode you will get more points bouncing off of stuff. You can get about $1000 from falling, but every so often a car will hit you, triggering a chain. ========================================+==================================== >>Thank you to Angel Azrael for this information<< ________________________________. | Mayhem | (MAYACT123) | ________________________________| "Take to the streets of Stilwater and go on a violent rampage. Just think of it as a slash-and-burn agriculture with more explosions." Red Light Mayhem Level 3 - 15% crib customization discount Level 6 - 30% crib customization discount Nuclear Plant mayhem Level 3 - flamethrower Level 6 - annihilator RPG ========================================+==================================== Having trouble beating later levels of Mayhem? Zephyr Arsland and Nemesis-X sent in a strategy to very easily beat the later levels of the Red Light mayhem Here's what they had to say. a) Fire up the Red Light District Mayhem Activity. You know, the one that's really close to your first crib. b) In the last three levels or so (of the 6 available) you'll have 3 possible destinations for you to go and wreak havoc: The Suburbs Expansion district, the Downtown district, or the Hotels & Marina district. For this to work, you must get the latter. c) Choose the RPG-7 weapon (conveniently packed with infinite ammo, courtesy of Mayhem) and position yourself close to the south-east border of the district. There's an arch that reads 'Marina' or something like that. Bear in mind that the timer will start to tick when you step foot on the district itself. d) Grab a vehicle and enter the district, following the road below the 'Marina' sign. You'll soon come to a elevated area dominating the sea, some sort of coastal walkway. There's a LONG, and I do mean LONG set of rails here... that net little cash on their own, but will provide substantial wealth once you get your combo meter past 100. Get down from your vehicle, and with the RPG selected, fire a rocket to the ground near the leftmost start of the rails, so you can maximize your profit. e) While your character reloads, strafe a bit to the left and fire another rocket to the next set of rails. Your combo meter will start to go up. Keep strafing and firing, without even turning around. Eventually you'll get something like 45,000 or 60,000 dollars per rocket, and more. f) Lather, rinse, repeat. You can make as much as 3,000,000 dollars easily, which is hell of a lot more than really needed to get past lv6 (which only requires 800,000). The activity will end when you lose your combo meter, your time runs out, or you get killed. Keep in mind that if you die, whether from your own fault (firing a rocket at your feet, for example, or falling towards the beach while low on health) or by the cop's diligent attention, you will LOSE, the amount of money you had notwithstanding. Tips from the same contributors A few things to be wary of: Wandering pedestrians (they act as a concrete shield and soak up the rocket, potentially killing you if they're close and/or making you lose your rythm and God forbid, your combo meter), park benches and lamp posts, and cops. They will try to stop you, but fail miserably if you don't pay attention to them. The second you turn around to fire a rocket at them you'll be dead meat. Don't get cocky and keep blasting railings. It's the best way! Also, don't try to hit the railings directly with your rocket. Aim for the ground NEAR them and let the blast work its magic. Not as fun as destroying the universe a car at a time or lobbing grenades all over a quiet suburb, it's a PRACTICAL and SUREFIRE way to get you past Mayhem. Another Suggestion from Richard Warner A really easy way to get plenty of money in the later levels is Satchel Charges. You will have infinite and you can toss all of them on nearby cars, lamp posts, benches, anything in sight, until you can't throw any more, then blow them up. I managed to rack up more than 150 combos in one sitting, and the damage total came to $843,000. Enough to beat the last level on it's own. Also, the cops can't react fast enough to do anything. ========================================+==================================== >>Thank you to Masta G for this info<< >>Thank you to Ricky Taylor for this info<< ________________________________. | Septic Avenger | (SEPACT123) | ________________________________| "Devalue property value in Stilwater as you spray the contents of a septic truck all over town. Everyone loves a nice shade of brown..." Suburbs Septic Avenger Level 3 - 15% improved weapon accuracy Level 6 - 30% improved weapon accuracy Red Light Septic Avenger Level 3 - 15% discount food and liquor stores Level 6 - 30% discount food and liquor stores Both Septic Avengers Complete Septic Truck ________________________________. | Snatch | (SNAACT123) | ________________________________| "This is how life should be. Go around town and murder rival pimps, recruit their hos, and build up a stable of your own." Chinatown Snatch Level 3 - 2x health regeneration Level 6 - 3x health regeneration Downtown Snatch Level 3 - gal 43 Level 6 - Infinite SMG ammo (for the gal 43) ========================================+==================================== Suggestion from Joe Watson For harder levels, or for all levels, use the "Bear"; an Ultor SWAT vehicle. You won't need to change vehicle whilst in the mission, it has an infinite clip and ammo rifle mounted on top AND it has more than enough space for one and one's hoes! You unlock the "Bear" after one of the last Ultor Missions alternatively you can just get 4+ Stars on you in the Saint's Row District and steal one. Suggestion from Dami Adesanya If you do not shoot any of the gang members, then you will be fine. You can kill the pimps and then take the ho's back without problems. Make sure you have a strong car so that you will live through each round. ========================================+==================================== >>Thanks to Ricky Taylor for this information<< >>Thanks to DrJones for this information<< ________________________________. | Hitman | (HITACT123) | ________________________________| Please send in whatever information you have for this section. Complete 1 location Grenades at crib Complete 3 locations Satchel Charges at crib Comple all Unlimited Rifle Ammo I've been informed that the rewards aren't location specific. Just beat one whole list and get the reward, then beat 2 more and you'll get the next reward. Send in any more information you might have. Jeff Wilson contacted me and sent in an organized Hitman list! Yay! Thanks for taking the time to type it out and give some of your own hints for the people. So enjoy the list, and make good use of it! A note from Jeff: These are the complete lists and what the game gives. The ones with a ? are the ones I haven't found yet. Saints Row --------------- Apoop - Barrio night night club. Be patient and he will show up. Larry - Trailer Park I found him on sidewalk. Seabaugh - Wait on the pirate ship in marina district and he will walk along sidewalk. Mr. Fiegel - Go to the tattoo parlor in the red light district and he will be there after you get inkd. Lt Freeball - He is a pantsless cop and he can pop up anywhere you cause trouble. I found him on the prison island. Russell - underground caverns Prison List --------------- Everett - Kill a Pimp in the red lights district and you should find him. Justin - Suburbs Cemetry he will be weeding behind a gravestone between 10 p- 4a Chris - Ride a motorcycle around the arena district and he will show up. Tim - Call 555-Fire(3473) and he will be in the firetruck. Mitri? - Should be under the bridge in the factory districk drink 40's to gain his trust. Frank? - FBI agent Cause trouble Trailer Park --------------- Shannon - Trailer Park - I found him in the laundromat. But start a fight and he will show. Jim - make your way to the nuclear plant island and call 555-oops(6677) he will be in the hazmat truck. Roje - Coming out of the suburbs scratch that music store Mike- Downtown hospital get smoked and then youll find him Clint - got to univerity stadium and drink 40's and he will drive around Greg - Go to freckle *****es and order 1 of everything. then be patient and he will start walking around on sidewalk. Barrio List --------------- Alvan? - Arena Abandoned drive in. Drink 40's to gain trust Brad? - Barrio- Throw down a tag to gain trust Anoop - Police/Pornstar - Cause trouble Frank - call 455- 8008 he will be in taxi Scott - call 555- 6328 and he will be in sandmich car James? - Suburbs - technically legal and take up a ho's time he will show. Hotel and Marina --------------- Jeremiah - Ride a motorcycle around and he will be riding his around Nate? - Marina Poseidon Casino - Play casino games to gain his trust Brian - Call 911 and he will be in the ambulance Chris - is in the museum gift shop Randy - Buy a boat in the marina district and he will come and see what you picked out Nick? - Marina Heron Hotel use elevator to get to his room. >>Thank you to Jeff Wilson for this information<< >>Thanks to Jamy J for this information<< ________________________________. | Chop Shop | (CHOACT123) | ________________________________| Please send in whatever information you have for this section. Complete 1 Chop Shop List Mongoose Complete 2 Chop Shop Lists Combine harvester Thanks to Lex Jansen for this list. Although he didn't make it up on his own, he took the time to type it out and send it in, so much appreciation to him. *clap clap* Also, Nickmaster2007 sent in a detailed strategy and award list for each car, so I added the extra info onto Lex's list. Thanks to the both of them for taking the time to contribute =) Suburbs --------------- Mockingbird Suburbs $1000 200 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Churchill Suburbs Expansion $1250 250 Respect Suburbs Expansion Hammerhead Downtown $1500 300 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Compton Museum $1750 400 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Topher Hotels and Marina $2000 500 Respect Hotels and Marina Quota High end Retail $2500 600 Respect High end Retail Five-O Suburbs (can be found around the whole city , however) $3000 700 Respect Call Troy, he will show up in a Five-O Ambulance Suburbs Expansion (can be found around the whole city, however) $3500 800 Respect Call 911. An ambulance will be delivered to you. Do this nearby a chop shop so you don't have to drive very far with a 3 star wanted level. Downtown --------------- Go! Trailer Park $1000 200 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Taxi Suburbs Expansion $1250 150 Respect Call 555-018-0174. Do it by a Chop Shop for minimal driving. Wellington Downtown $1500 300 Respect Downtown Alaskan Hotels and Marina $1750 400 Respect After you defeat the Brotherhood, it will be available in your garage, otherwise check the Brotherhood turf until you find one. Varsity Downtown $2000 500 Respect Downtown Zenith Hotels and Marina $2500 600 Respect Hotels and Marina Justice Suburbs Expansion $3000 700 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Titan Downtown $3500 800 Respect Only use the road block method with this beast! The driver has a lot of protection while driving, so killing him from your car is nearly impossible. Apartments ---------------- Swindle University $1000 200 Respect University Betsy Arena $1250 250 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. NRG V8 Barrio $1500 300 Respect Barrio Raycaster Chinatown $1750 400 Respect Chinatown Melbourne Airport $2000 500 Respect Airport Bezier Apartments $2500 600 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Cosmos Projects $3000 700 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Status Quo Red Light $3500 800 Respect Red Light Truckyard ---------------- Voxel Barrio $1000 200 Respect Barrio Magma Projects $1250 250 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Attrazione Red Light $1500 300 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Superiore Airport $1750 400 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Venom Classic Chinatown $2000 500 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Eiswulf Saints Row $2500 600 Respect Saints Row District Socialite Apartments $3000 700 Respect Apartments Peacekeeper Saints Row $3500 800 Respect If you don't already have this in your garage, then it isn't hard to find. Go into a store and shoot a gun (Don't kill the cashier!) The alarm should sound. Get in a car and drive until you run into a roadblock. The Peacekeeper should be there. Just take one and go. Factories --------------- Voyage Docks $1000 200 Respect Go to the Saints Hideout and choose this as a gang car. Danville Truckyard $1250 250 Respect Truckyard MAG Projects $1500 300 Respect Projects BagBoy Airport $1750 400 Respect Just go to the airport landing strip, and there should be plenty of these waiting for you. Backhoe Barrio $2000 500 Respect Barrio Bulldozer Factories $2500 600 Respect Factories Delivery Truck Saints Row $3000 700 Respect Saints Row District Longhauler Red Light $3500 800 Respect Looks like the saved one of the hardest for last. This POS is extremely slow and very weak. Use the roadblock method to get it, and don't get upset when/if you blow up. (It's only a game!) Complete 1 Chop Shop List Mongoose Complete 2 Chop Shop Lists Combine harvester ========================================+==================================== Having trouble getting the car once you find it? Maybe it's too damaged by the time you actually have it. Well, here are some ideas: General Strategies from Nickmaster2007 1.When stealing cars, always bring with you a homie. They'll be able to fend off cops as you try to drive to the chop-shop (This can be especially helpful when stealing cars such as the Longhauler, due to its slow pace and weak armor. 2.For the actual jacking, there are really two ways to approach getting in the car (This may seem pointless, but stealing cars in the chop shop can bring much more pressure than a regular car, and you really don't want to slip up when you've been hunting down a car for ages). a. Road Block: Bring a giant car,( bus, preferably) and block off the car's path while it is at a red light ( do not attempt to do this while the car is moving, for you might crash into it, causing it to drive away). Of course, sometimes there isn't a red light to help you, so that's why we have option b. b. Kill and steal: Really simple, find a way to get in front of the car, then shoot the driver with your pistol (Only a pistol because of the better accuracy. If a driver gets wounded and not killed by an SMG bullet, he'll floor it and get the **** out of there). c. Demo Derby: Repetedly ram into the vehicle until the car gets damaged and the driver flees. (This can be really bad because it isn't so easy trying to escape from the police with a car on the verge of explosion). d. EJECTION: Ram head on the the car, hoping to god that he flies through the windshield. (Really not my first choice. There's always the off chance that you'll accidently damage the car beyond repair, or that the driver won't eject. Of course, even IF he doesn't, you will still have made a decent road block. 3. A good car for the jacking would have to be the FBI. It has great speed, and will make a decent barrier for road blocking. If you don't have an FBI, a good other option would be either the Mag, or the Bulldog. I prefer the Mag because of its superior handling, but that's just me. 4. Take breaks! Never try and complete all of the chop shops in one sitting. It can really be tedious at some times. To keep a good morale, I suggest taking short breaks in between locations. 5. DON'T USE A HELICOPTER. If you use a helicopter, you might kill yourself or the car you're trying to get while trying to land. Sure, it makes the traveling much easier, but when you get to the respected district, always ditch the chopper and steal a car. It makes the jackings that much easier. Suggestion from WrexFenix First explore all chop shop locations until you have all 5 car lists. Head to the Saints Row Hideout and customize cars. about 1/3 of the cars you need to find can be set as gang cars. Pick one and set all 3 slots to it, then head outside. Turn on the auto-detector (Start > Activities > Chop Shop > Car), and it shouldn't be too hard to find. About 1/3 of the cars can be done this way, and it should speed things up if you can't find the cars otherwise. ========================================+==================================== And there you have it! After you get all of these cars, you'll earn probably the lamest reward ever; 75% off at the mechanic. But, you also get the "Where's My Car?" Achievement, worth 10 Gamerscore, and you are one step closer to getting 100%! >>Thank you to Nickmaster2007 for this information<< >>Thank you to Lex Jansen for this information<< >>Thank you to Daddyben for this information<< ________________________________. | Diversions | (DIVACT123) | ________________________________| Taxi Diversions --------------- Level 10 - Personalized Taxi Ambulance Diversions --------------- Level 10 - Personalized Ambulance / Shock paddles as melee weapon. Ho-ing Diversions --------------- Level 10 - Pimp Outfit in wardrobe Tow-Truck Diversions --------------- Level 10 - Personalized Tow Truck Base Jumping --------------- Bullseye - no damage from ANY height Muggings --------------- 30 Muggings - Paintball Mask in Wardrobe 50 Muggings - Reporter lady as Homie. Press the right stick while you have a gun to aim. Aim at somebody for 5 seconds and they will drop their money. >>Thank you to Hudson4269 for this information<< >>Thank you to Richard Warner for this information<< =========================================================================== {Shops} (shop123) =========================================================================== This is a list sent to me by Jaquan Lowe. Food stores will be added later. Thank you VERY MUCH to Jaquan for taking the time to make this list; it's definately helped a lot. Also, There was a list on Gamefaqs forums of clothing stores products, which I added into this list. Thank you to _Classic_Gamer_ for writing it. If you happen to be _Classic_Gamer and are reading this, please contact me so I can thank you and ask you for more info =P. If you have any more information (more stores, or stores products), please send it in to Saints2faq@hotmail.com ________________________________. | Customization | (CUSSHO123) | ________________________________| Rim Jobs Image As Designed Rusty's Needle ________________________________. | Drugs and Liquor | (DALSHO123) | ________________________________| Gas Station Night Clubs Brown Baggers Weapons Friendly Fire Location(s): ?? Shopping Mall Most weapons (Including Annihilator RPG) Brass Knuckles ________________________________. | Music | (MUSSHO123) | ________________________________| Scratch That ________________________________. | Notoriety | (NOTSHO123) | ________________________________| Forgive and Forget ________________________________. | Clothes | (CLOSHO123) | ________________________________| Leather and Lace Location(s): 1 Shopping Mall (After taking down the elevator, it is up a level via stairs.) UNDERSHIRTS Womens Bondage Top 1 Womens Bondage Top 2 Womens Bondage Top 3 Womens Camisole 1 Womens Camisole 2 Womens Camisole 3 Womens Camisole 4 Womens Camisole 5 COATS Mens Leather Vest 1 Mens Leather Vest 2 Mens Leather Vest 3 BRA Bikini Top Leather Bra Pasties Womens Bra 3 Womens Bra 4 PANTS Chaps Laced Leather Biker Pants Leather Biker Pants Mens Snakeskin Pants Short Leather Skirt Womens Latex Pants Womens Snakeskin Pants Womens Tight Latex Pants SHOES Mens Snakeskin Boots Stripper Boots Womens High Heels SOCKS Knee Highs UNDERWEAR Bikini Bottom Mens Sexy Swimwear Thong Womens G-String 1 Womens G-String 2 Womens Thong LEFT/RIGHT WRIST Leather Wrist Cuff Looped Bracelet Metal Bracelet GLOVES Latex Gloves Leather Gloves Standard Bike Gloves SUITS Womens One Piece Swimsuit 1 Womens One Piece Swimsuit 2 Lets Pretend Location(s): 1 Shopping Mall HATS Batters Helmet Beenie w/ Propeller Bling Crown Construction Hard Hat Cowboy Hat Deep Sea Helmet Devil Horns Halo Lampshade Mens Straw Hat Novelty Cat Ears Pirate Hat Soldier Helmet Sombrero Viking Helmet EYEWEAR Protective Goggles OVER SHIRTS Scrubs Top COATS Flasher Coat Lab Coat Safety Vest PANTS Scrubs SHOES Boat Shoes GLOVES Construction Gloves OUTFITS Pirate Cat Evil Doctor Slasher Hippie Barbershop Construction Hazmat Clown Mime SUITS Hot Dog Suit Judge Robe Ninja Suit Nobody Loves me Location(s): 1 Shopping Mall HATS Asian Bike Helmet Baseball Cap Biker Helmet Dirt Bike Helmet Modern Motorcycle Helmet Trucker Cap UNDERSHIRTS Basic Tee Womens Baby Doll Tee 1 Womens Baby Doll Tee 2 COATS Mens Leather Biker Jacket PANTS Racing Pants SHOES Biker Boots 1 Biker Boots 2 Biker Boots 3 Futuristic Biker Boots Punk Boots Steel Toe Boots Womens Leather Boots BELT Riveted Belt Tribal Buckle Belt PENDANTS Blood Vial PIERCINGS Left Eyebrow/Right Eyebrow Diamonds Hoop Multi Stud Tribal 3 Two Balls LEFT EAR Multi 2 Multi 3 RIGHT EAR Multi 1 Multi 3 NOSE Hoop, Left Hoop, Right Large Hoop, Middle Loop Nose Bridge Small Hoop, Middle Stud, Left Stud, Right MOUTH Diamond Multi Hoop One Ball One Hoop, Lower Left One Hoop, Lower Middle One Hoop, Lower Right One Hoop, Upper Left One Hoop, Upper Right One Spike Stud, Middle LEFT/RIGHT WRIST Mens Thick Wristband Stitched Long Armband Tribal Wristband 1 Tribal Wristband 2 Tribal Wristband 3 Womens Metallic Wristband Impressions Location(s): 2 High End Retail District - Nob Hill Saints Row District - Harrowgate Items Carried: HATS Bowler Hat Driver's Cap Fedora 1 Fedora 2 Fedora 3 Pimp Hat Top Hat Women's Dress Hat OVER SHIRTS Dress Shirt With Bow Tie Long Sleeve Button Shirt Patterned Silk Shirt Short Sleeve Buttoned Shirt 2 Short Sleeve Dress Shirt 1 Short Sleeve Silk Shirt Women's Sweater COATS Men's Blazer Men's Double Breasted Jacket Men's Two Button Business Jacket Pimp Coat Women's Blazer BRA Women's Designer Bra PANTS Long Slit Dress Men's Pleated Dress Slacks Men's Silk Pants Women's Hot Pants 1 Women's Long Skirt Women's Pleated Dress Capris Women's Pleated Dress Slacks Women's Shorts 1 Women's Shorts 3 SHOES Men's Dress Shoes Men's Flat-Toed Dress Shoes Men's Loafers 1 Men's Loafers 2 Women's Dress Slippers Women's Formal Heels Women's High Heels Women's Platform Shoes SOCKS Women's Fancy Stockings BELTS ***** Belt Oval Belt 1 Oval Belt 2 Oval Belt 3 Rectangular Belt 1 Rectangular Belt 2 Rectangular Belt 3 Rectangular Belt 4 Square Belt UNDERWEAR Men's Euro Boxers Women's Low Cut Panties Women's Thong GLOVES Women's Formal Gloves SUITS Cocktail Dress Prom Dress Women's Dress Sloppy Seconds Location(s): 3 Projects District - Sunnyvale Gardens Barrio District - Cecil Park Barrio District - Encanto Items Carried: HATS Bandana Baseball Cap Doo Rag 1 Trucker Cap UNDERSHIRTS Basic Tee Hensley Muscle Shirt Men's Muscle Shirt Men's Tank Top 1 Torn Tee Women's Baby Doll Tee 1 Women's Baby Doll Tee 2 Women's Lycra Tank Women's Short Tube Top Women's Small Tank Top Women's Tank Top OVER SHIRTS Basketball Jersey Football Jersey Short Sleeve Baseball Jersey Women's Basketball Jersey Women's Football Jersey COATS Backpack BRA Women's Bra 1 Women's Bra 2 PANTS Men's Jean Shorts 2 Men's Jean Shorts 4 Men's Jeans 2 Men's Jeans 3 Men's Jeans 4 Sports Shorts Track Pants Women's Jeans 2 Women's Lycra Pants Women's Sweat Pants 3 SHOES Athletic Shoes Plastic Sandals Running Shoes SOCKS Short Socks UNDERWEAR Men's Tightie Whities Women's Broad Sided Panties Women's Panties LEFT WRIST Arm Sweatband Wristband RIGHT WRIST Arm Sweatband Wristband GLOVES Fingerless Batting Gloves On The Rag Location(s): 4 Suburbs Expansion District - Quinbecca Suburbs District - Misty Lane Arena District - Sunsinger Red Light District - Prawn Court Items Carried: HATS Bandana Dread Cap 1 Dread Cap 2 Floppy Hat Women's Large Floppy Cap UNDERSHIRTS Men's Tank Top 1 Tye Dye Tee Women's Baby Doll Tee 2 Women's Lycra Tank OVER SHIRTS Hippie Shirt Women's Tied Button Shirt COATS Hoodie Hoodie With Hat Men's Denim Vest Track Jacket Women's Denim Vest BRA Women's Halter Swimtop PANTS Bellbottom Jeans Men's Jean Shorts 1 Men's Jean Shorts 5 Men's Jeans 1 Sports Shorts Track Pants Women's Hot Pants 2 Women's Jeans 1 Women's Lycra Pants Women's Short Denim Skirt Women's Tight Jeans Women's Track Hot Pants Women's Track Pants SHOES Athletic Shoes Plastic Sandals Sports Shoes With Strap Women's Fuzzy Slippers BELTS Circular Belt 1 Circular Belt 2 LEFT WRIST Weaved Bracelet RIGHT WRIST Weaved Bracelet Branded Location(s): 3 Hotels & Marina District - Stilwater Boardwalk Downtown District - Filmore Airport District - Wardill Airport Items Carried: HATS Knit Cap 1 Knit Cap 2 Women's Knitted Cap UNDERSHIRTS Hensley Tee Three-Quarter Tee Women's Chest Band Women's Wrap Shirt OVER SHIRTS Baby Doll Blouse Caribbean Vest Long Sleeve Workshirt Long Sleeve Workshirt With Tie Polo Short Sleeve Workshirt 1 Short Sleeve Workshirt 2 Short Sleeve Workshirt With Tie Women's Baby Doll Polo Women's Stretched Sweatshirt COATS Men's Sweater Vest Women's Sweater Vest BRA Chest Bandies PANTS Baggy Cargos Casual Slacks Men's Baggy Canvas Pants Men's Canvas Pants Men's Cargo Pants Men's Cargo Shorts 1 Men's Cargo Shorts 2 Men's Cargo Shorts 3 Women's Canvas Pants Women's Hot Pants 3 Women's Jeans 3 Women's Mid-Length Cloth Skirt Women's Pants Women's Short Cloth Skirt Women's Shorts 2 Women's Sweat Pants 1 Women's Sweat Pants 2 SHOES Canvas Shoes Double Strapped Sandals Leather Hiking Boots Utility Boots Worker Boots SOCKS Shin High Socks Women's Banded Stockings BELTS Large Square Buckle Belt UNDERWEAR Men's Boxers 2 Women's Low Cut Briefs SUITS Short Sleeve Jumpsuit Women's One Piece Swimsuit 3 Spelunkers Location(s): 1 Factories District - Black Bottom Items Carried: HATS Baseball Cap Miner Helmet Stalagmite Trucker Cap UNDERSHIRTS Basic Tee Women's Baby Doll Tee 2 Stilwater U. Girt Shoppe Location(s): 1 Stilwater University District - Stilwater University Items Carried: HATS Baseball Cap Skeeter Antenna Skeeter Beerhat Skeeter Head Truckers Cap UNDERSHIRTS Basic Tee Women's Baby Doll Tee 1 Women's Baby Doll Tee 2 Women's Cheerleader Shirt Women's Lycra Tank OVER SHIRTS Basketball Jersey Football Jersey Short Sleeve Baseball Jersey Women's Basketball Jersey Women's Football Jersey COATS Letterman's Jacket Track Jacket PANTS Cheerleader Skirt Sports Shorts Track Pants Women's Lycra Pants Women's Sweatpants 1 Women's Track Hot Pants Buy Jove Location(s): 1 Museum District - Amberbrook Items Carried: HATS Baseball Cap Gladiator Helmet UNDERSHIRTS Basic Tee Women's Baby Doll Tee 1 Women's Baby Doll Tee 2 SHOES Gladiator Sandals On Thin Ice Location(s): 5 High End Retail District - Nob Hill Suburbs District - Tidal Spring Saints Row District - Mission Beach Chinatown District - Imperial Square Airport District - Huntersfield Items Carried: EYEWEAR 11 Shades Black Out Shades Classy Shades 1 Classy Shades 2 Designer Shades Fancy Shades Geezer Shades Large Round Glasses Men's Glasses Men's Rectangular Shades Nerd Glasses Old Lady Glasses Oval Glasses Retaliation Of The Nerds Glasses Round Shades 1 Sporty Shades Trooper Shades LEFT INDEX FINGER Oval Ring Thick Ring 1 Thick Ring 2 Thick Ring 3 LEFT RING FINGER Oval Ring Thick Ring 1 Thick Ring 2 Thick Ring 3 RIGHT INDEX FINGER Oval Ring Thick Ring 1 Thick Ring 2 Thick Ring 3 RIGHT RING FINGER Oval Ring Thick Ring 1 Thick Ring 2 Thick Ring 3 SHORT NECKLACES Alternating Chain Beads Figure 8 Chain Fine Rope Flat Chain Flat Chain 1 Large Chain Loops Small Ball String Twisted Necklace 1 Twisted Necklace 2 LONG NECKLACES Alternating Chain Beads Figure 8 Chain Large Chain Loops Rope Chain 2 Twisted Necklace 2 PENDANTS Ankh Celtic Cross Cross Diamond Post Italian Horn MEDALLIONS Cross LEFT EAR Diamond Large Hoop Medium Hoop Single Ball Single Diamond Small Hoop Thick Hoop Thin Hoop RIGHT EAR Diamond Large Hoop Medium Hoop Single Ball Single Diamond Small Hoop Thick Hoop Thin Hoop LEFT WRIST Men's Dress Watch Nameplate Bracelet Round Hand Clock Round Watch Segmented Bracelet RIGHT WRIST Men's Dress Watch Nameplate Bracelet Round Hand Clock Round Watch Segmented Bracelet Watch Band ________________________________. | Vehicles | (VEHSHO123) | ________________________________| Cycles Foreign Power Ship It >>Thank you to Jaquan Lowe for this information<< >>Thank you to Ryan McLaughlin for this information<< >>Thank you to DaBugman for this information<< >>Thank you to _Classic_Gamer_ for this information<< =========================================================================== {Extras} (Extra123) =========================================================================== ________________________________. | Secret Areas List | (secret123) | ________________________________| This is a special section that was made entirely by OZ. He made this FAQ for Gamefaqs, but since it wasn't large enough of a size, he decided to send it to me. Muchas Gracias! So here is the entire file of his FAQ -- I decided to keep version info and such on it incase he wants me to update it. Thanks you very much, Oz! ****************************************************************************** Saints Row 2 - Secret Area Guide Version 1.00 - 17th November 2008 Copyright 2008 by A.O.Davis (Oz not Ozzy) ****************************************************************************** There are 32 secret areas to find in Saints Row 2, some of which you will discover during the natural course of game play. However, it is possible to seek all of them out during the early stages of the game if you so choose. One thing worth noting about the island areas, is that I noticed the compass can be a little tricky to use as a guide, particularly as you reach the edges of the map. My advice is to set a waypoint at the location where my directions start, and refer back to the map to make sure that you're continuing on course. ****************************************************************************** 1 - LOST ISLAND A small, grassy island with several trees and bushes. North from the north west corner of the Misty Lane district. 2 - SHIPWRECK COVE An atoll with three rocky outcrops and a partially sunken galleon. Just off the map, west from the University Loft crib. 3 - BONE ISLAND A long, thin rocky outcrap with a plesiosaur skeleton on top. Just off the map, west from the southern end of Prison Island. 4 - SUPER SECRET AREA A slightly larger island with two arch formations and a waterfall. West from the south west coast of Elysian Fields. 5 - VOLITION OASIS Before leaving Super Secret Island, look in the cave behind the waterfall. 6 - RUIN ISLAND A small island with a ruined stairway and a sunken archway nearby. West from the coastal border between Mourning Woods Cemetery and Quinbecca. 7 - LOOKOUT ISLAND A taller island that resembles a large ramp, with a single tree at the top. West, and slightly north, of the north west coast of New Hennequet. 8 - NUKE WASTE DUMP The green patch at the south of the Stilwater Nuclear Power Plant island. 9 - NUKE LAUNCH ROOM North of the NUKE WASTE DUMP is a building marked "STILWA R NUCLEAR". On the south side of the roof of this building is a small hut with a dish antenna on the roof. Kick in the door on the west side of the hut to enter. 10 - UNIVERSITY OBSERVATORY Just east of the University Dock crib, there is a tower structure with a small dome on top. You gain access to this dome via a stairway west of the larger observatory dome. Inside are three coin-in-the-slot viewing scopes. 11 - ROBOT HOUSE The house next to the pier at the south east corner of the lake in the south east section of Frat Row. 12 - PEAK OF MOUNT CLAFLIN The top of the mountain, east of the ROBOT HOUSE, with a huge aerial antenna tower and another tower with dish antenna lower on the mountain side. 13 - SAINTS ROW CANAL Jump in the water east of Impressions in Harrowgate and swim in a northerly direction into the tunnel. 14 - PHILLIPS BUILDING The Ultor tower in the northern most section of the Saint's Row District. 15 - PHILLIPS BUILDING ROOF Fly a helicopter above the top of the PHILLIPS BUILDING, then lower the helicopter down as if you were trying to land on the slanted roof. Do not actually land, as the secret area should trigger just before you touch down. 16 - SAINTS ROW CHURCH The Saint's former headquarters is in the middle of the Saint's Row District, south of the PHILLIPS BUILDING, between the two roundabouts. 17 - ULTOR MEMORIAL STATUE At the northern tip of land between where the two eastern most bridges enter the Saint's Row District there is a plaque and a statue of Alderman Hughes. 18 - DOWNTOWN RIVERWALK South of the large domed structure on the Brighton coastline, there is a wide path with sections of glass in the floor looking down onto the water. 19 - HIGH RISE GARDENS North of the same large domed structure in Brighton there are some gardens on top of The Mix offices, which are next door to a Captain Carbuncles. 20 - DOWNTOWN GLASS WALKWAY West of that same Captain Carbuncles is a fenced off area that opens out to a glass panel floored area below. You can find a stairwell down to that area if you go a little further west. It's under a "BULLDOG" sign. 21 - KINGS PLAZA STATION Located in amongst a group of several high rise buildings in the eastern most section of Filmore, just south of an Apollo's fast food joint. 22 - DOWNTOWN HIGHWAY BALL COURTS The downtown basketball courts are located under the freeway in Filmore, just south of the Brass Knuckles, opposite the multi-storey parking lot. 23 - CEMETERY SEX CAVERN South of the house to the west of the cemetery, there are three crypts. The southern most of these, marked "HAWK", has a hole in the floor. Jump in the hole and follow underground the tunnel to find the cavern. 24 - PRICE MANSION RUBBLE Just south of the northern most road in Misty Lane is a large mansion house. On the north side of the mansion is a large open four archway garage area filled with trash cans and rubbish. 25 - SUBURBS WASTE WATER VENTS Just south of the bridge connecting Misty Lane and Tidal Spring, near the Tidal Spring Crowd Control activity, is a walkway with stairs which heads past the waste water vents before carrying on down to the waterline. 26 - MUSEUM SCULPTURE ROW A group of water features with each sculpture in the middle of its own pool, located in the southern part of Humbolt Park, just to the east of Foreign Power, and south of the south west wing of the Stilwater Science Center. 27 - PARTHENON RUINS Head up to the classical ruins with lots of columns in the north eastern section of Amberbrook. Look for a broken figurine statue in the centre. 28 - CARBUNCLE CARLS Head to the circular end of the pier on the north shore of Centennial Beach. It's just to the west of the water based Racing diversion. 29 - DEVELOPER OFFICES Head to the North Shore Marina Super Mall on the Stilwater Boardwalk, to the north west of the Casino. Between Branded and the Charred Hard Burgers there is an open area where you can walk through under the mall sign with a light display on the ceiling showing sharks, as well as shoals of smaller fish. To the side of this walkway closer to Branded and quite near the road, there is a doorway leading to some stairs. Turn left at the top of the stairs and go through the door to access the offices. 30 - MARINA LIGHTHOUSE The lighthouse is at the north east tip of the small peninsula on the north coast of the Stilwater Boardwalk neighbourhood. Head past the Racing diversion and up the stairs. The lighthouse entrance is at the far end. Climb the stairs inside the tower all the way to the top. 31 - PIRATE SHIP A wooden walkway, north of the Charred Hard Burgers in the Stilwater Boardwalk neighbourhood allows access to the ship, which is just to the south of the MARINA LIGHTHOUSE. 32 - SKULL CAVE The same wooden walkway allows access to the cave. Instead of heading straight onto the PIRATE SHIP, take the turn off to the west and follow the walkway round until you reach a left turn into the cliff face. Follow this tunnel to the cave mouth at the waterline, near the prow of the PIRATE SHIP. ****************************************************************************** ________________________________. | 100% Completion List | (100pc123) | ________________________________| 100% complete, 100% credit to Joe Watson Joe sent in a list of everything you need to do to get 100% completion in the game. Feel free to copy it into another document of your own so that you can X off whatever you have done. I really can not thank Joe enough for this. Here it is: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Missions / Strongholds Total: 42 Missions, 14 Strongholds Prologue - 4 Missions, 1 Stronghold Mission: Jailbreak Mission: Appointed Defender Mission: Down Payment Mission: Three Kings Stronghold: Stilwater Caverns The Brotherhood - 11 Missions, 4 Strongholds Mission: First Impressions Mission: Reunion Tour Mission: Waste Not Want Not Mission: Red Asphalt Mission: Bank Error in Your Favor Mission: Thank You and Goodnight! Mission: Retribution Mission: Jail Bait Mission: The Enemy of my Enemy Mission: The Siege Mission: Showdown Stronghold: Sommerset Apartments Stronghold: Wardill Airport Hangars Stronghold: Imperial Square Pagodas Stronghold: Poseidon Alley Docks The Ronin - 11 Missions, 4 Strongholds Mission: Saint's Seven Mission: Laundry Day Mission: Road Rage Mission: Bleeding Out Mission: Orange Threat Level Mission: Kanto Connection Mission: Visiting Hours Mission: Room Service Mission: Rest In Peace Mission: Good D Mission: One Man's Junk… Stronghold: Humbolt Park Science Museum Stronghold: Amberbrook Museum Pier Stronghold: New Hennequet Rec Center Stronghold: Suburbs Strip Club Sons of Samedi - 11 Missions, 4 Strongholds Mission: Got Dust, Will Travel Mission: File in the Cake Mission: Airborne Assault Mission: Veteran Child Mission: Burning Down the House Mission: Bad Trip Mission: Bonding Experience Mission: Riot Control Mission: Eternal Sunshine Mission: Assault on Precinct 31 Mission: The Shopping Maul Stronghold: Elysian Fields Trailer Park Stronghold: Bavogian Plaza Drug Labs Stronghold: Stilwater University Student Union Stronghold: Sunnyvale Gardens Fishing Dock Epilogue - 4 Missions, 1 Stronghold Mission: Picking a Fight Mission: Pyramid Scheme Mission: Salting the Earth…Again Mission: …And A Better Life Stronghold: Rounds Square Shopping Center Extras - 1 Mission Mission: Revelation +++ Activities Total: 33 Demolition Derby x1 Crowd Control x2 Drug Trafficking x2 Escort x2 Fight Club x2 Fuzz x 2 Heli Assault x2 Insurance Fraud x2 Mayhem x2 Septic Avenger x 2 Snatch x2 Trail Blazing x2 Chop Shop x5 - Suburbs - Downtown - Apartments - Truckyard - Factories Hitman x5 - Barrio - Hotels and Marina - Prison - Trailer Park - Saints Row +++ Extras Collected All CD's - 50 Total Tagged Each Location - 50 Total +++ What you don't need but you can do is: Racing Activities (27) Barnstorming (35) Stunt Jumps (80) Secret Areas (32) Diversions (loads) Zombie Uprising +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Thanks again to Joe Watson for this list. I'm using it myself to try to complete the FAQ. Now everybody in the world can hold hands and rejoice. ________________________________. | Achievements | (goatse123) | ________________________________| I literally took this list off of Gamefaqs. Thank you very much to Gamefaqs for both hosting this FAQ and supplying other sources. Thank you to XX_brawler__XX and Jo_Slim for contributing this list to Gamefaqs. 2 Quick 2 Pissed (15) Complete all races in Stilwater. A Brighter Future (80) Defeated the Ultor Corporation epilogue. All-City (10) Find and spray all 50 tags in Stilwater. Ambulance Chaser (15) Complete all levels of Insurance Fraud. Aww Nuts! (5) Hit 100 lifetime nut shots. Blue Collar (10) Complete all levels of Tow Truck, Fire Truck, Ambulance, and Taxi diversions. Brother’s Keeper (40) Defeat the Brotherhood. Confidence Men (25) Complete all levels of all activities in co-op. Crime Lord (50) Complete all levels of all activities. Demolition Man (15) Complete all levels of Demolition Derby. Do Not Talk About It (15) Complete all levels of Fight Club. Duelist (25) Complete all Ronin missions in co-op. Duke of Stillwater (10) Find all stunt jumps in Stilwater. Going The Distance (5) Throw Someone 20 Yards Or More. Kidnap somebody, then take them to a high point like a mountain (between Sommerset and Sunsinger) then throw them off the highest point on the cliff. HeliGood (15) Complete all levels of Heli Assault. Hello 47 (10) Kill all Hitman targets. Hi Fidelity (15) Find all CDs in Stilwater. Hoodlum (30) Earn 7 Multiplayer Badges. I’m Not Addicted! (5) Gambled $500,000 total lifetime. Kingpin (40) Earn 30 Multiplayer Badges. Love Thy Neighbor (5) Grabbed 50 human shields. Just grab 50 human shields with LB. Grabbing the same person twice doesn't count. Made (30) Earn 15 Multiplayer Badges. Maverick Goose (10) Find all flying stunt locations in Stilwater. Partners in Crime (100) Complete all campaign missions in co-op. Pot Luck (25) Complete all Samedi missions in co-op. Purple Haze (15) Complete all levels of Drug Trafficking. Reality Star (15) Complete all levels of FUZZ. Remind Me of the Babe (40) Defeat the Sons of Samedi. Romero’s Hero (5) Complete the Zombie Uprising video game. Saint’s Seven (30) Win all seven Ranked Strong Arm Activities, and win on all seven Strong Arm maps. Separated at Birth (25) Complete all Brotherhood missions in co-op. Seppuku (40) Defeat the Ronin. Sopranos (10) Sung Along To The Radio. Just turn on the Radio to your favorite station for a long time and you'll get this achievement. Splatster Chief (15) Complete all levels of Septic Avenger. Spread the Love (30) Host and win an Xbox LIVE Party Game. Still addicted to tha Row (20g) Played Saints Row 2 single player or co-op for a combined 50 hours. Stilwater Welcoming Committee (5) Mugged 50 citizens of Stilwater. Mug 50 people. Press the right stick while you have a gun to aim. Aim at somebody for 5 seconds and they will drop their money. Strong Armed (10) Complete the Strong Arm tutorial. Stuntman (15) Complete all levels of Trail Blazing. Surf’s Up (5) Get 3 gold stars in Vehicle Surfing. Jump into a car, and when the Y flashes, press it and you'll be surfing. To get 3 stars, you will have to move the left thumbstick in the opposite side the arrow is pointing. Tested (10) Win 10 Xbox LIVE Strong Arm matches. Trash Talker (5) Taunted 50 gang members. Trickster (15) Complete all levels of Escort. True Pal (10) Defeat your partner in a co-op diversion. Velvet Rope (15) Complete all levels of Crowd Control. Vengeance (15) Exacted revenge on Julius. Welcome Back (5) Complete the Saints Revival prologue. Finish the prologue. Just complete every Saints Mission. Where’s My Car? (10) Deliver all the cars to the chop shops. Wrecking Crew (15) Complete all levels of Mayhem. …But It Sure Is Fun (15) Complete all levels of Snatch. >>Thank you to Cesar Enrich for this info<< ________________________________. | Money-Making strategies | (moneyguide123) | ________________________________| Chop Shop missions allow you to get the same car as much as you want. You will get the same amount of money and respect each time. To do this easily, just find the Chop Shop that requires the Police Car, then get the cops on you and repeatedly drive them into the Chop Shop. This can give you infinite money and respect. CJC Robbing stores could get you up to 10K per store if you're lucky Destruction Derby will get you 2500+ every time Killing people could net you $50-$100 per person if you're in the right spot Bryn Knight To Get extra money from the start of the game, there are certain activities that will become open from the start of the game. The easy ones to start at would be the FUZZ, Septic Avenger, Fight Club, Demolition Derby, Crowd Control and Helli Assult. These are scattered around Stillwater To fill your respect bar easily, get the money from the activities and buy what you want using all your money to get your style points up. Then when you get up to about level 5, you will be able to get a certain percntage extra. EG: Get 6000 Respect when you complete a activatie you will get 15% extra with a level of 3 style. so you will get 6900 respect. When you get your respect level up to 100, you will get unlimited respect and will be able to do as many missions as you want to. Timbo_619 ________________________________. | Zombie Uprising | (zombie123) | ________________________________| Thank you very much to gamefigureouter for submitting this information. He is busy writing his own guide and he decided to submit this to me, so hopefully it is useful to some of you. Muchas Gracias! Now this little random irritating game is played in your crib. You take the role of a survivor and must band together with other survivors (homies) and survive through 6 waves of zombies. Tips for surviving *Note how you dont start with much ammunition in the weapons you pick up. It best to save as much as possible *For wave 1, just try to melee all of them as much as possible, this way you conserve ammo because the zombies tend to drop machettes and bats and such *the handgun is good for killing random walkers, one shot to the head and their done *the shaquil O neil zombies (you'll understand when you see them) are extremely durable and are best handled with anything other than a hand gun, shotgun is prefered. *If there is a giant cluster of them, there is probly food or other items you can use under their feet, just run through wildly swinging a bat and it will keep them off long enough to find the items *use the other survivors as bait for the zombies, if they focus on them, they wont eat you * If you use the survivors, dont forget to heal them when they die *zombies on fire WILL seek only YOU. Kill them before they touch you or you will run around loosing health *save your grenades for when there is a group of those tall bastards so you can save time, health, and ammo *keep running around, dont stay put for too long. You run, your more likely to pick up esential items like ammo and food *If you make it to wave six, then that will be the last amount to kill, you will notice how the screen emptys of them when the number gets low. *If you cant find those last few zombies, look up the stairs they sulk down and you may find the straglers If you win your reward is some respect, and a zombie mask you can access at the crib. Also cant forget the 5pt acheivement you get upon completion. ________________________________. | FAQ | (FAQ123) | ________________________________| Last Ultor Mission. What do I shoot? When you get in the helicopter, there will be small window panes along the sides of the building. Hover up until the map says you are even with the target, then circle the building to find it. The last target is right BELOW the full glass section near the top. When that one is destroyed, then hover close to the FULL glass section to trigger the cutscene. Can't find the _____ mission! 1) Make sure your map filter is set to Missions 2) Sometimes they blend in with the map. To find it, switch between the "Missions" and "Strongholds" filters, until something pops out at you. I can't find the police station! It is located in the Saints Row district (The Gray district towards the East of the map). Go to the main road on the south-end of this district and drive along it. The police station will be along this road. Ultor Stronghold location. Go to the location on the map. Go down to street level and go into the door about one building to the east. This is the same place you go in for the last Sons of Samedi Mission. Take the elevator down into the mall, and then go to the location on the map. =========================================================================== {Contributors} (contrib123) =========================================================================== This is a list of all the generous people who took time to e-mail me info that I ended up putting in my guide. You will see their names scattered throughout the FAQ, and they have all contributed to the 100% completion of this FAQ. Thank you, contributors! Alex Patterson Sent me a suggestion to move the newspaper articles to either the end of the mission, or to a whole new section. I moved them to the ends, but in the future I will probably put them in a whole new section. Angel Azrael Pointed out an error in the Insurance Fraud information. Brian Wiggins Sent in an Insurance Fraud strategy. Bryn Knight Sent in a Money-making strategy. Cesar Enrich Sent in suggestions and tips to get some achievements. Thanks for clarifying some of those. Chris Young sent in an alternate strategy for Shopping Maul. Thanks! Christian Cantergiani Pointed out some errors in the Heli-Assault activity. CJC Sent in a Money-Making strategy. _Classic_Gamer_ Made a list of clothing store product on Gamefaqs forums. If you are _Classic_Gamer_ please contact me. DaBugman Sent in missing Crowd Control information, as well as general tips for Crowd Control. Finally the Crowd Control section is done. Also sent in Heli-Assault info/tips, as well as Demo-Derby Info. And while he was at it, an Insurance Fraud Tip. Pointed out a shop "Ship It" for the vehicles shop list. Daddyben Contributed some Chop Shop Rewards. Dami Adesanya Sent in a suggestion for the Snatch activity djg231 Sent in a tip to beating the Ronin boss. Donselaar Sent in some activity rewards information. DrJones Sent in some activity rewards information. Sent in a correction for some Activity information, adding that the unlimited ammo were only for the guns unlocked by previus activity levels. Says that after equipping the infinite ammo Pistol, that all pistols will have infinite ammo. Dustek Pointed out some more errors in the storyline. Flames2525 Sent in a list of typos throughout the guide. If you spot any common errors around the FAQ, please send 'em in! gamefigureouter Sent in information for Zombie Uprising. I'm sure it will prove useful for many having trouble with this minigame (including me!) Gunk3000 Sent in an Insurance Fraud tip. Hudson4269 Sent in Diversion Rewards. Muchas Gracias =D Jamy J Sent in some activity rewards information. Jaquan Lowe Made a stores list, which is currently the only list I have, so it's been very appreciated. Thanks a lot to Jaquan. Jeff Wilson Sent in an organized Hitman List. This pretty much completed my FAQ, except for some better organizing here and there, and some typos still. Muchas Gracias! Jimmy J Sent in a tip for the Ultor mission "Revelation". Muchas gracias. Joe Watson Sent in a 100% completion list. Thanks soooo much for it, it will definately be used. Sent in Snatch suggestions. Justin Park Sent in a tip for the Brotherhood mission "Red Ashpalt", which makes the mission a lot easier. Kutkasim pointed out that you can do the Ultor mission "Revelation" at any point in the game; You can do it before finishing the last Ultor mission Leroy Jones Sent in an alternate strategy for "The Siege". Lex Jansen Sent in an organized Chop Shop list. Thanks a lot for the contribution! Melo Sent in a list of good activites to complete before starting the Main Story Missions. Thanks, Melo, for taking the time to put it together. It's found at the start of the Main Story Missions section. Nickmaster2007 Sent in a detailed Chop Shop list for all to use =D! Yay! Oz Sent in a whole FAQ he made to include in my FAQ. . .as a sub-faq? Anyways, It's in here under the Extras > Secret Areas section. Thanks! Richard Warner Sent in some Diversions information. Sent in some Mayhem activity information. Ricky Taylor Sent in some activity rewards information. Roger Fox Sent me an email telling me about some details in the storyline i messed up. Looks like I need to pay better attention! Rune Fostervoll Sent in an alternate strategy for the Sons of Samedi boss. Russell Sent in an alternate strategy for the Sons of Samedi Veteran Child mission. Ryan McLaughlin Sent in some missing shop information. Smitty Smith Sent in some tips for the Ronin mission, "Visiting Hours". Timbo_619 Sent in some Money making strategies. If you have any more tips, send them in! Wilyem Cain Was nice enough to send me an alternate strategy for the Brotherhood mission "The Siege". WrexFenix Sent in Chop Shop suggestions. Zephyr Arsland and Nemesis-X Sent in a strategy and tips to beat Mayhem activity missions. Thanks a lot to them for the information, it'll help a lot! Well, thanks for reading my FAQ! I really didn't have any other place for this, so I am just going to put it here. This is an email I recieved from somebody that I thought was worth putting in here. give me the gude in your reply letter o i will spread rumors about the game and it will apear on every news chanel and game the shop and granger ganes and gamestation and evry gamr cheat web site ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha so sent me the whole gude in you next letter you have till monday the 10th of november at 16:00 hours or i will spread rumors about this new game called saints row 2 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. I hope he realizes that he can just copy my guide off of a website if he wants it that bad. . .Anyways. . . Really, ANY extra information or tips you have, I would really appreciate. Thanks for reading what I have so far, and I'm doing my best to complete it 100%. Thanks, Tjofanan
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.