When is the Saints Row 5 release date? shooting

When is the Saints Row 5 Release Date?

When is the Saints Row 5 Release Date? A lot of us are looking forward to a new Saints Row game, but Deep Silver and Volition have been relatively quiet on the matter. Now, we’ve gotten our first hints for when we can expect to get our hands on Saints Row 5.

When is the Saints Row 5 Release Date? | When does it launch?

When is the Saints Row 5 release date? clubbing

If you’re wondering when is the Saints Row 5 release date, we got our first real hint as to when we can expect to get our hands on the next adventure of the Third Street Saints:

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The Saints Row 5 release date is likely to be announced sometime in 2020.

Speaking to GamesIndustry.biz, Koch Media CEO Klemens Kundratitz has given us a timeframe for when we’ll hear more about Saints Row 5.

“Saints Row is very close to our hearts, and we’ll talk about it next year. For the time being, we just wanted to get the word out that it’s coming and it’s going to be great.”

Just as importantly, it seems that they’re dedicated to making sure then next game in the franchise gets done right:

Saints Row is Saints Row,” Mr. Kundratitz said. “[Saints Row and Agents of Mayhem] are similar, for sure, but they’re also completely different. With Volition, we have the creators of all the Saints Row games as an internal studio and they’re not going to be distracted by anything else from creating our next game under this important franchise.

So, there you have it. When is the Saints Row 5 release date? Apparently, we’ll be learning more about the game sometime in 2020. Whether or not the release date will actually be announced at that time isn’t yet known, but it’s sure to be a wild ride that will be jam-packed full of bombastic characters, fast cars, and a spectacular story.

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