General Formula
The damage is calculated as follows:
Damage = ( Attack x Effectiveness x Difficulty - Defense ) x Multiplier x (200% - Resistance) x Attack Bonus
Most of the multiplications use integer arithmetic only; after each multiplication, all fractions are discarded. That is, you first multiply Attack by Effectiveness, and round the result down. Then multiply by Difficulty and round down again. And so on. However, when multiplying by the Attack Bonus, the previous result is used precisely, with fractions. Damage dealt by enemy is increased with every passing reduction(round) of chain battling, although it is currently unknown where this falls into the formula.
In this table, Atk200 shows damage per hit, under the following (very special) conditions:
- against noise with DEF = 0
- Neku’s ATK = 200
- Normal difficulty
- no bonuses (e.g., Puck)
- no resistance effect (i.e., Resistance = 100%)
- no Attack Break on Neku
- no special pins (e.g., Resonance, Sacrifice, Black planet set)
- for pins using obstacles, damage is shown for the SUV; most obstacles generate much smaller damage
- for pins dealing additional damage after the main attack (e.g., with flak, post-explosion damage, etc), only initial damage is shown