Earth Defense Force 2017 FAQ/ Walkthrough

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This is a FAQ for the Xbox 360 game Earth Defense Force 2017.

It is a guide designed while mainly thinking about

the Hard difficulty level which means it should be useful

on the Hard, Normal, and Easy difficulties.

The achievements for this game are:

All Stages Cleared (Easy) for 50 gamerpoints.

Clear all stages on easy difficulty.

All Stages Cleared (Normal) for 100 gamerpoints

Clear all stages on normal difficulty.

All Stages Cleared (Hard) for 150 gamerpoints

Clear all stages on hard difficulty.

All Stages Cleared (Hardest) for 200 gamerpoints.

Clear all stages on hardest difficulty.

All Stages Cleared (Inferno) for 300 gamerpoints.

Clear all stages on inferno difficulty.

All Weapons Acquired for 200 gamerpoints.

Get all of the weapons.



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I. Introduction

II. Table of Contents

III. Contacting Me

IV. Version History

V. Controls

VI. Level Walkthrough

VII. Legal Stuff

VIII. The End



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You may contact me at but only for the

following things.

*Errors in my guide

*Spelling Mistakes




*Constructive Criticism

*Asking if you can use this FAQ on your site

Things you should not email to me:


*Things that have nothing to do with Oblivion

*Hate Mail/Flames




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Version Number: 1.0

Date Added: 06/27/07

What's New: Everything.

Version Number: 1.01

Date Added: 07/02/07

What's New: Updated Legal Stuff

Version Number: 1.02

Date Added: 07/03/07

What's New: Fixed date of last update and added and to sites

allowed to use this guide.




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~~~~The Basic Controls~~~~

Right Control Stick - Camera up and down

Right Control Stick Click - Nothing

Left Control Stick/D-pad - Move and Turn

Left Control Stick Click - Zoom or Set up emplacement

Left Trigger - Strafe to the Left

Right Trigger - Strafe to the Right

Left Bumper - Roll to the Left

Right Bumper - Roll to the Right

A - Jump or Roll

B - Switch your Weapons

X - Fire your weapon

Y - Aim Upwards

Select - Enter or Leave a Vehicle

Start - The Pause Menu

~~~~The Advanced Controls~~~~

Left Control Stick/D-pad - Move or Strafe

Left Control Stick Click - Nothing

Right Control Stick - Aim or Turn

Right Control Stick Click - Nothing

Left Trigger - Jump or Roll

Right Trigger - Fire

Left Bumper - Zoom or Activate something

Right Bumper - Switch Weapons

A - Not Used

B - Not Used

X - Not Used

Y - Not Used

Select - Enter or Leave Vehicle

Start - Pause Menu

~~~~Vehicle Controls~~~~

---Combat Vehicle E551 Gigantus---

Left Control Stick - Move

Right Control Stick - Aim the Turret

Right Trigger/A/B/X/Y - Fire the Cannon

---SDL2 Airbike---

Left Control Stick - Move

X - Fire Machine Gun

---Combat Helicopter EF24 Bazelato---

Left Control Stick - Move

Right Control Stick - Elevation

Right Control Stick Click/B/X - Fire Machine Gun

Left Trigger - Strafe Left

Right Trigger - Strafe Right

Y - Fire Missile

---Battle Machine Vegalta---

Left Control Stick - Move

Left Control Stick Click/A - Jump(Hold to Hover)

Right Control Stick - Aim Arm weapons

Right Control Stick Click/Y/Right Bumper - Fire Flamethrower

Left Trigger/X - Fire the Machine gun

Right Trigger/B - Fire a Missile



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__/ |



To find a specific mission just use control+F (Find) and put

Mission #* and replace the asterisk with the mission number.

The levels:

1. Arrival

2. Invasion

3. Melee

4. Landing

5. Search

6. Airforce

7. Takedown

8. Mobilization

9. Tsugawa

10. Arms

11. Infiltration

12. Reinforcement

13. Retaliation

14. Fortress

15. Blockade

16. Multiplication

17. Nesting

18. Dino-mech

19. Umbra

20. Artillery

21. Crimson

22. Trapped

23. Expansion

24. Interception

25. Descent 1

26. Descent 2

27. Descent 3

28. Descent 4

29. Assault

30. Anchored

31. Advance

32. March

33. Surprise

34. Breach

35. Sweep

36. Thunder

37. Eruption

38. Surrounded

39. Legion

40. Return

41. Occupation

42. King

43. Spearhead

44. Extermination 1

45. Extermination 2

46. Extermination 3

47. Uprising

48. Wrath

49. Elite

50. Unknown

51. Convergence

52. Inferno

53. Starship


_ _ _

/_ _ _ _ _(_)_ ____ _| |

/ _ | '_| '_| V / _` | |

/_/ __| |_| |_|_/__,_|_|

Description: An extraterrestrial spaceship has appeared above the city.

The Alien force is so large in number that it covers the entire sky.

Negotiations are currently underway, but in case of an emergency, all

Ranger Teams and Storm Teams are to report to their designated posts.

Weapons I used:

AF18 Assault Rifle - Good at close range when fighting the bugs

Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher - Good for hitting big groups of bugs

When you start the level you will see a cut scene with civilians

running towards the screen while the screen pans up to look upon

the massive alien spaceships while the reporter talks about how

the aliens have been named The Ravagers.

When you take control of your character also known as Storm 1 you

will see many spaceships in the sky but for this level ignore all

of them. As you move forward you should see civilians running towards

you and away from the aliens. Here you will encounter the first and

weakest of the Ravagers, the Black Terror Ant.



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Description: The Black Terror Ant looks just as it sounds. It

is a rather large black ant. It is much taller then a normal

human. It's attacks include trying to bite you to shooting

out some sort of orange liquid acid at you. They are the

weakest and most common of the Ravagers, for now at least.


As you move up you will encounter a large group of these bugs

which you have to kill. Use the Cascade 1 or any rocket launcher

you have as you move towards them and then use the assault rifle

if the bugs get close to you. As you kill them power-ups will

sometimes drop from their bodies. The green ones are weapons,

the reddish ones are armor upgrades which increase your health

by 1 after you beat the level. The white ones heal you and the

darker green ones heal you more then the white ones.

After you finish off the Black ants here look at your radar

and move towards the new mass of red. You will end up at a

small park where you are supposed to meet up with another

Ranger Team and help them annihilate the surrounding bugs.

As you approach them it is best to use a ranged weapon

such as a rocket launcher or sniper rifle, the Cascade 1

in my case and then once you get right up next to them

use your assault rifle.

Also watch out and try not to get surrounded as their

acid can hurt a lot when their is a big group of them.

Once you finish this group up a third group will appear

so use your radar and head towards them. They are most

likely already heading towards you crawling up and down

the buildings so be ready and hit them with a ranged

weapon until and try to eliminate most of them that


After you defeat these enemies you will get a mission cleared.

The weapons you receive will vary but the ones I got are:

MMF41-B3 (Sniper-Rifle)

C24 Bomb (Special Weapon)

MMF42-RA (Special Weapon)

Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon)

UM3-J Grenade Launcher (Grenade)

Buffalo G3 Burst (Shotgun)

Mission #2:

___ _

|_ _|_ ___ ____ _ __(_)___ _ _

| || ' V / _` (_-< / _ '


Description: The city is in a state of panic because of the sudden

appearance of giant insects. All available Ranger Teams and Storm

Teams are to report to the scene at once. You must protect the civilians

from the bugs. At this time, we do not know the relationship between The

Ravagers and these giant bugs, but we are gathering data as quickly as


Weapons I used: I used the same as the las level as you will be mainlky

fighting more Black Terror Ants and these weapons are good against them.

AF18 Assault Rifle

Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher

As the level starts you will immediately gain control of your character.

You will see the spaceships in the sky again but still keep ignoring

them because you cannot do anything about them. You will also hear

civilians screaming. If you look up ahead you will see why as you will

see more Black Terror Ants and they are now attacking the civilians.

You should be able to see their orange spray flying out. There are a lot

of them so try and take as many as you can out from a distance and try not

to get overwhelmed by them. Once you defeat all of the bugs the mission is


What I got:

AF17 Assault Rifle

Lysander Sniper Rifle

Mission #3:

__ __ _

| / |___| |___ ___

| |/| / -_) / -_) -_)

|_| |____|_______|

Description: There are still a large number of bugs throughout the city.

The Ranger Teams are continuing to carry on the fight. All deployable

troops are to enter combat at once.

Weapons I used: Just like the last level.

AF18 Assault Rifle

Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher

As you start you will gain control of your character and the general will

tell you how you must exterminate the bugs as they are now attacking

civilians. You should be able to see the bugs ahead of you walking accross

the road so head towards them and kill them. It should be just like the

last level with nothing new added yet. Try and meet up with the soldiers

to your right in the park first and help them and then head over to kill

the rest of the bugs. The bugs are positioned all around you so just use

your radar and head towards the large groups of them and usually most of

them will end up running towards you whereas you can kill them. Also

do not worry about destroying the buildings they are walking on with a

rocket launcher as there is no consequence for doing so.

Once all the bugs on your radar are destroyed the mission is cleared.

What I go: No weapons.

Mission #4

_ _ _

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| |__/ _` | ' / _` | | ' / _` |

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Weapons I used:

AF18 Assault Rifle

Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher or Volcano 3w-Burst

Description: The giant bugs continue to be deployed throughout the city.

They are attacking civilians and eating them. This threat needs to be

eliminated at all costs. Storm 1 and 2 are to go into battle at once

and support the Ranger Teams that are already engaged in combat.

As the level starts you will immediately gain control of your character.

You will see no enemies but if you look at your radar their is a large

concentration of them. So you must head towards that concentration

of red dots on your radar and get ready for a fight. When you get to them

just use your rocket launcher to annihilate most of them and then your

assault rifle if they get to close or to kill all the stragglers. After

you defeat the first group keeping moving on towards the large needle

building where the second group is. Use the same tactics to kill all

of them.

After you defeat them the camera will look up and lock onto the

alien spacecrafts, two of them to be exact. Their bottom doors will open up

and many Black Terror Ants will fall out of it onto the ground. Kill all

of them and the mission will be cleared.

Weapons I found:

ZE Sniper (Special Weapon)

Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon)

AF16-RA Assault Rifle

ZER-GUN (Special Weapon)

Mission #5:

___ _

/ __| ___ __ _ _ _ __| |_

__ / -_) _` | '_/ _| '

|___/_____,_|_| __|_||_|

Weapons I used:

AF18 Assault Rifle: For the bugs

Cascade 1 Rocket Launcher or any other Rocket Launcher: For the gunships

Description: From the EDF Command Center: "We regret to inform you that

we have no choice but to officially recognize the Ravagers as a full

invasion force." An assault on the Ravagers will begin at once. Air

forces around the world will team up to perform a joint strike their

spacecraft fleet. Meanwhile, ground infantry units are to seek out and

eliminate the giant bugs on the ground.

When the level starts you will be told that your job is to take out the

enemies on the ground while they attack the enemies in the air. So you

must head towards the concentration of red on your radar and confront the

Black Terror Ants. Over the course of fighting them you will hear the

reporter talking about how the EDF is attacking the Mothership and then

how the Mothership deploys countless warships. You will then hear how

the EDF Fighters are being rapidly destroyed and how the attack on the

Mothership was a failure. You will then be told to retreat as the gunships

are heading towards you. You must now destroy the enemy gunships.



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The Ravager gunship is a flying spaceship with a silver color. It

is equipped with multiple laser cannons which it will shoot at you

when it flies down upon you. You may destroy them with whatever

type of weapon you please. Assault rifles work good when they fly close

and sniper and rocket launchers are also very effective against them.


As you look forward you will see that a very large number of gunships just

appeared right in front of you and to clear the mission you must destroy

them all. Fire your rocket launcher or sniper rifle to kill them before they

get to close. When they do get close you can use your assault rifle to take

them out. The ships have the habit of flying around you and then stopping to

shot so use this time to take them out before they fire. Also keep moving

throughout the entire fight. Once they are all dead the mission is complete.

Weapons I got:

Firecracker 2 (Special Weapon)

C24 Bomb (Special Weapon)

AF-V Assault Rifle

AF16 Assault Rifle

Mission #6:

_ _ __

/_ (_)_ _ / _|___ _ _ __ ___

/ _ | | '_| _/ _ '_/ _/ -_)

/_/ __|_| |_| ___/_| _____|

Description: The joint air force has been annihilated by the gunships.

Air supremacy is now in the hands of the enemy. The enemy mothership

continues to float above the city launching a fleet of gunships.

The city will be destroyed unless they are stopped at once. Attack the

gunships and give the civilians time to evacuate.

Weapons I used:

AF18 Assault Rifle: For the bugs and gunships

A Sniper or Rocket Launcher for the gunships.

When the level starts you will be shown a mini cut scene of the mothership

and you will see how the gunships are pouring out of it.

When the level starts your camera is locked on the mothership and how

the gunships are pouring out of it. After you defeat the first wave the

mothership will unleash more gunships. After you defeat this second wave

yet another wave will be let out of the mothership. After you defeat this

third wave the mission is complete.

Weapons I got:

Splash Grenade

Buffalo G3 Burst Shotgun

MMF42 Sniper Rifle

Lysander Sniper Rifle

Mission #7:

_____ _ _

|_ _|_ _| |_____ __| |_____ __ ___ _

| |/ _` | / / -_) _` / _ V V / '


Description: The Ravagers' large UFOs are deploying giant bugs around the

globe. It appears these UFOs act something like aircraft carriers. If we

don't stop the UFOs, the giant bugs will continue to cause more damage.

These UFOs need to be taken down at once.

Weapons I used:

AF18 Assault Rifle

Lysander Sniper Rifle

As the level starts you will be shown a cutscene of the dropships dropping

of the giant bugs and you are told how they must be destroyed.

As you gain control of character you will see a dropship in front of you

dropping down the giant bugs. Immediately use your sniper and aim for the

reddish spot where the bugs are coming out of as that is it's week spot

and fire at it until the color vanishes and ship begins to fall.


NEW ENEMY ENCOUNTER (Well sort of new)

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The Ravagers' Flying Saucers or UFOs are their transport ships. They

stay up in the sky and their bottom part opens up and anything form giant

bugs to enemy robots can fall from it. This is also though it's weak spot.

When it's underside doors open you can attack any part of this reddish

opening and the UFO will be hurt.


You probably won't be able to destroy one of them right away but just wait

and kill the bugs until it opens again and fire at it until the ship

comes falling to the ground. Once these two ships are destroyed and all

the enemies they dropped your mission is complete.

Weapons I god:

ZER-GUN (Special Weapon)

Wideshot VR Shotgun

Mission #8:

__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

| / |___| |__(_) (_)_____ _| |_(_)___ _ _

| |/| / _ '_ | | |_ / _` | _| / _ '

|_| |____/_.__/_|_|_/____,_|__|____/_||_|

Description: The UFOs have been successfully destroyed, but the remaining

bugs need to be eliminated. However, there are reports of more UFOs heading

this way. Despite having taken down the last fleet, it's clear that they

still pose a considerable threat, If the reports are correct, you are to

join the Ranger Teams in battle and combine your forces.

Weapons I used:


Cascade 1 or Volcano 3W-Burst or basically any other rocket launcher

For this level just follow your radar towards the group of red dots.

Once you get their eliminate all of the black ants. Once you eliminate

them another group will appear on your radar. Head over to this group and

defeat all of them. One you defeat this group you are told to meet up

with Ranger 5 who are in battle with more of the bugs so head on over

to them and defeat all of the black ants around them. After you defeat

these ants you hear word that the mothership has arrives with some

UFOs. You will have to destroy two UFOs which will fly towards you

but one to the right and the other to the left. Once you destroy these

UFOs and the bugs they release the mission will be cleared.

Weapons I found:

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher

Sparrow Shot Shotgun

Lysander Sniper Rifle

UMRA Grenade Launcher

Buffalo G3 Burst Shotgun

Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon)

AF18 Assault Rifle

Mission #9:


|_ _|___ _ __ _ __ ___ __ ____ _

| |(_-< || / _` / _` V V / _` |

|_|/__/_,___, __,_|_/_/__,_|


Description: We have reports of a new type of Ravager soldier, dubbed Walking

Arms. They look like giant shiny silver robots. They are currently

assembling at the Tsugawa Inlet and Senjogahara. We will split into two

units and attack them at both locations. Storm 1 is to take part in the

Tsugawa Inlet defense. The enemy is to be destroyed before they reach

Japanese soil. Storm 1 and 5 will be our assault teams.

Weapons I used:

Lysander Sniper Rifle

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher



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// / _` | | / / | ' / _` | / _ | '_| ' (_-<

_/_/__,_|_|___|_||___, | /_/ __| |_|_|_/__/



The Walking Arms also called Hektors by the EDF are large bipedal silver

robots. It is equipped with a pair of lethal arm weapons that come in two

varieties. The first is a plasma-based Gatling gun that has an extremely

high rate of fire. The second is an artillery arm that is capable of

lobbing explosive plasma orbs great distances.


When you start the mission you start away from the beach on the road. You

must walk foward some and you get a good view of the beach. From this view

you should be able to hit all of the robots with either a sniper or rocket.

Just attack them all until they are destroyed and then the mission will

be cleared. So just sniper all of the robots and kill any gunships that

come near you.

Weapons I got: None

Mission #10:


/_ _ _ _ __ ___

/ _ | '_| ' (_-<

/_/ __| |_|_|_/__/

Description: The enemy was successfully prevented from landing ashore at

the Tsugawa Inlet. However, our defense forces at Senjogahara were

destroyed , A large army of Walking Arms are about to invade the city.

The city is in danger. All deployable troops are to converge on the city

and intercept the enemy.

Weapons I used:

AF18 Assualt Rifle

Lysander Sniper Rifle

As you start the mission you are shown a mini cutscene of the walking arms

marching through the city and destroying it as they move. Your mission

will be to destroy these enemies. As you start you will see that there

are many of them on your radar. You will see one directly in front of you

and one marching towards you from the left. You must quickly move and begin

firing at the one in front of you and then keep moving on to the next. Try

and keep moving the entire time for they won't be able to hit you

with their weapons and knock you down. The AF18 is rather effective

against them along with a rocket launcher or sniper. About a whole

clip of the AF18 will just kill one of them and when you are shooting at

them with it they usually cannot hit you. Just get close, maybe even under

them, and unload. When you kill all of them you will hear a news report

about how a large nest of the giant bugs has been found in eastern Japan.

Weapons I found:

C24 Bomb (Special Weapon)

Sparrow Shot Shotgun

UMRA Grenade Launcher

Stingray M2 Rocket Launcher

ME3 Emerald Missile

Y10 Wide Impulse (Special Weapon)

Mission #11:

___ __ _ _ _ _ _

|_ _|_ _ / _(_) | |_ _ _ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _

| || ' | _| | | _| '_/ _` | _| / _ '

|___|_||_|_| |_|_|__|_| __,_|__|____/_||_|

Description: We've got some terrible news. The giant bugs have begun to

build an underground nest. If they begin to reproduce, this planet will

be overrun by those bugs. The nest needs to be destroyed at once. We will

infiltrate this nest and eliminate the giant bugs from within.

Weapons I used:


Goalith D1, others like the cluster grenade weapon or the Cascade would also

be good.

When the level starts a mini cutscene shows some of the underground tunnels

and the black terror ants moving through them. When you gain control of

Storm 1 you are in the tunnels and must move forward and begin to fight the

bugs. After you kill this first group of black ants, continue through the

tunnel and you will run into another. Eventually you will here about the

teams are being overrun and you are ordered to kill all bugs in sight

and retreat.

Weapons I found:

Firecracker 2 (Special Weapon)

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher

Splash Grenade

C24 Bomb (Special Weapon)

Firecracker 3 (Special Weapon)

Mission #12:

___ _ __ _

| _ ___(_)_ _ / _|___ _ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ _| |_

| / -_) | ' | _/ _ '_/ _/ -_) ' / -_) ' _|

|_|____|_|_||_|_| ___/_| _____|_|_|____|_||___|

Description: The Ravagers' UFOs are deploying a new type of giant bug.

They need to be destroyed before the situation gets out of hand. The

Ranger teams are already engaged in combat. Reinforce them immediately.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1

When you first start the level you will be shown a sceene of the UFOs

deploying the new type of bugs which resemble spiders. You are told

that you must eliminate them at once.



_ _ _ ___ _ _

/_ ______ __ _ _ _| | |_ / __|_ __(_)__| |___ _ _ ___

/ _ (_-<_-</ _` | || | | _| __ '_ / _` / -_) '_(_-<

/_/ _/__/__/__,_|_,_|_|__| |___/ .__/___,____|_| /__/



The Ravagers' Assault Spiders were engineered to be high-flying,

silk-spinning death machines. They can leap several city blocks

in a single jump and their spinnerets produce a sticky, acidic

thread that is easily capable of plucking a jet or helicopter

from the sky. The silk thread is also effective against ground

units because it slows them down on contact. They are now one of

the new general enemies you will fight along with the black terror ants.

Do not get overwhelmed by them as their silk will hurt you and slow you



As you gain control of your character you will immediately see the spiders

jumping towards you. There are a lot of them so get ready for a fight.

Try taking as many of them as you can out from a distance but when they get

close be ready and use your assault rifle to take them out. They are not

much stronger then the terror ants but their numbers are strong. Once you

defeat the surrounding spiders the mission is cleared.

Also if you want to use it their is a tank forward to your left you can get

into and use to fight the spiders until they destroy it but it really isn't

that usefull.

Weapons I found: None.

Mission #13:

___ _ _ _ _ _

| _ ___| |_ __ _| (_)__ _| |_(_)___ _ _

| / -_) _/ _` | | / _` | _| / _ '


Description: The UFOs are continuing to deploy giant spiders. They've

caused much destruction in the city. These creatures are extremely deadly

in battle and the Ranger Teams are having a tough time fighting them. You

are to go and aid them in battle.

Weapons I used:


Goalith D1

When you start the level in front of you will be a group of spiders along

with some EDF troops fighting them. There is also a UFO to your left

floating up in the sky. For right now move forward and help the EDF troops

fight the spiders and ignore the UFO as you cannot destroy it. Once you

defeat the spiders in front of you there are two more locations that you

must go to so look at your radar and choose one to head over too to assist

the rangers in defeating the spiders. Once you defeat one of those two

groups of spiders head over to the other one and kill all of them. Once you

have done this then head to where the UFO is dropping off more spiders and

kill them all. Once you do this the UFO will drop off one more group before

it flies away. So once you kill all of them the mission is cleared.

Weapons I found.

Firecracker 2 (Special Weapon)

Firecracker 3 (Special Weapon)

MG14J Grenade Launcher

AF17 Assault Rifle

Mission #14:

___ _

| __|__ _ _| |_ _ _ ___ ______

| _/ _ '_| _| '_/ -_|_-<_-<

|_|___/_| __|_| ___/__/__/

Description: We have an urgent report from our intel center. The mothership

that was floating over the Atlantic Ocean has changed course and it now

heading for Japan. We're gathering the finest men from the Storm Teams

to intercept it. Scout 4 is on their way as well.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1



___ ___ _

| _ __ ___ ____ _ __ _ ___ _ _ | __|__ _ _| |_ _ _ ___ ______

| / _` V / _` / _` / -_) '_| | _/ _ '_| _| '_/ -_|_-<_-<

|_|___,_|_/__,___, ___|_| |_|___/_| __|_| ___/__/__/



The Ravager Fortress is a massive walking weapon. It stands taller then

many buildings. It is a moving weapon and fortress. It can drop off

giant bugs and the Hektor walking arms. It is also equipped with

several laser cannons to defend itself and it's main weapon is a massive

plasma artillery cannon when can shoot several miles away and destroy

almost a mile in length at a time. As of right now you cannot destroy

the fortress but do not worry as in a future mission you will be able too.


When the level starts you will be looking forward at the mothership

was has something else below it. Soon you will find out that the thing

below it is some sort of fortress with a very powerful plasma artillery

gun on it. The fortress has powerful armor and shields around it but

do not worry as you cannot destroy it now. Your mission will just

be to destroy all enemies it deploys and wait until the fortress

walks away and the mission is pronounced a failure. As the level

starts the mothership flies up into the air leaving the fortress

behind. The fortress will then start moving towards the beach. You

will see the fortress begin to deploy gunships. So you will have to deal

with and destroy all of them. As the fortress gets to the beach you find

out it has laser cannons so if you like you can target and destroy the laser

cannons. Once the fortress reaches the beach it will stop for a second and

deploy some walking arms which you will have to defeat. It will deploy

about five walking arms before it turns and starts to move towards the

city. Just ignore the fortress and defeat the enemies around you. It

will also deploy some more gunships which you will have to deal with.

As it moves away you will hear about how it is charging some sort

of weapon which is found to be a massive plasma cannon which hits

the city six miles away and destroys about 700 meters in length

of the city.

Weapons I got:

Splash Grenade

MMF42 Sniper Rifle

Sticky Grenade Prototype

Buffalo G3 Shotgun

Mission #15:

___ _ _ _

| _ ) |___ __| |____ _ __| |___

| _ / _ / _| / / _` / _` / -_)


Description: The walking fortress is heading for Tokyo. If we don't stop

it here and now, it's plasma cannons will destroy the entire metropolitan

area. We need to deploy immediately, but there aren’t many troops on standby.

Having said that, there are several teams that are currently heading for

this area.

Weapons I used:


Any powerful rocket launcher or sniper

When the level starts you are shown a cutscene of the fortress walking

through the city firing it's cannons. When you start out as Storm 1 you

are in front of the massive fortress and it is walking towards you. Don't

let it's foot step on you or it will hurt you. As it walks over it's hatch

will open (do not fire at it now as while it is it's weak point you cannot

kill it yet) and it will deploy some walking arms. As you follow the fortress

it will continue to move around and deploy some gunships and walking arms.

The walking arms are the most challenging part as in groups of like 5 or

6 they can easily kill you if you get to close so I suggest constantly moving

away from them and firing at them with some sort of rocket or sniper rifle.

Eventually you will be ordered to retreat once you eliminate all enemies

in the area. The gunships are not that hard as they don't hurt you that

much, the walking arms will be the real challenge. Once they are all

dead the mission is cleared.

Weapons I found:

UM3-J Grenade Launcher

AF18-RA Assault Rifle

C24 Bomb (Special Weapon)

Prominence M1 Missile

AF17 Assault Rifle

Mission #16:

__ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

| / |_ _| | |_(_)_ __| (_)__ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _

| |/| | || | | _| | '_ | / _/ _` | _| / _ '

|_| |_|_,_|_|__|_| .__/_|_____,_|__|____/_||_|


Description: The assault on the walking fortress was a failure. Also, some

new intel just came in and the situation keeps getting worse. Giant bugs

have been spotted outside eastern Japan and it appears they are coming

from beneath the ground. Several bugs have been seen emerging from

these holes. The holes need to be blown up to prevent the damage from

spreading any further.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle

When you start out run forward and to the right you will find some black

terror ants which you must kill. Also you will find a large mound or hole

to the right which you must destroy as that is where the black terror ants

are coming from. After you destroy the hole and defeat all the ants another

hole will be found and new targets will appear on your radar. So now head

towards the new targets. When you get there you will encounter more black

terror ants and have to destroy another hole. It's best to try and

destroy the holes from a distance and then finish off the remaining

bugs. After you destroy the second hole another one is found so

look at your radar and head towards it. This hole unleashes

even more black terror ants. Once you destroy the hole and all

of them you hear word of yet another hole so head towards this

one. This hole will be different though as the spiders come

from it instead of the black ants. Another good tip may be at the

second hole to get into the mech suit once the second hole is destroyed

and use it to slowly move towards the other holes and fire upon them. The

main challenge is the final spider hole as if the spiders surround you

it can be a very very fast death. After you destroy the spider hole the

mission is cleared.

Weapons I got:

ZE Sniper (Special Weapon)

UMRA Grenade Launcher

MLRA-3 Missile

Mission #17:

_ _ _ _

| | |___ __| |_(_)_ _ __ _

| .` / -_|_-< _| | ' / _` |

|_|____/__/__|_|_||___, |


Description: More bad news. It appears the giant bug nests extend into

an underground network. The bugs have begun to reproduce within the nest.

It's only a matter of time before they take over the planet. Their nest

needs to be destroyed at once. We know that entering the nest to combat

the bugs is a dangerous mission, but this is all we can do to combat this

new threat.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1

In this level you will start out in the tunnels with black terror ants

running towards you. The tactic I used was to actually run foward while

shooting them and get into one of the tunnels and go back as far as I can

while shooting missiles at the enemies trying to get me since the tunnels

are small the enemies are easily bunched up to whereas a rocket kills

a lot of them. I stayed back in the tunnels until they stopped coming

for me and then I slowly moved my way back up and killed the remaining

bugs. While fighting in the tunnels towards the end you will hear a

report about a large 120 foot tall creature attacking the city and how

the EDF is planning an attack on it, this will be your next mission.

So continue finishing off the stragglers and once they are dead the

mission is cleared.

Weapons I got:

Governor 50 Shotgun

Buffalo G3 Shotgun

Sticky Grenade Prototype

Mission #18:

___ _ _

| (_)_ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __| |_

| |) | | ' / _ ___| ' / -_) _| '

|___/|_|_||____/ |_|_|______|_||_|

Description: A gigantic alien creature has been spotted! From

the looks of it, it's about 120 feet tall. All units are ordered

to combine their forces and take down the monster.

Weapons I used:

Prominence M1 Missile

Zero Laser Rifle



___ _ _

| (_)_ _ ___ ___ _ __ ___ __| |_

| |) | | ' / _ ___| ' / -_) _| '

|___/|_|_||____/ |_|_|______|_||_|


This enormous, dinosaur-like creature has been outfitted with powerful

armor that gives it substantial protection from normal weapons. Despite

its massive size, this creature can still move with alarming speed. It

is capable of destroying massive areas with its fire breath and a

devastating smash attack that can level buildings.


When the level starts you see a cutscene of the Dino-mech moving through

the city destroying things. That is your target.

When you gain control of your character you can see the Dino-mech off

in the distance. At this time I would use the Zero Laser Rifle and unload

all of it's shots on it and then continue after that to fire the missiles

at it until it dies. All you have to do is keep firing and keep your

distance from the dino-mech. Once you kill it the mission is cleared.

The battle should be rather quick.

Weapons I got: None

Mission #19:

_ _ _

| | | |_ __ | |__ _ _ __ _

| |_| | ' | '_ '_/ _` |

___/|_|_|_|_.__/_| __,_|

Description: Several large UFOs have been spotted deploying giant bugs

in the mountains. Now that we know these bugs build nests, we cannot afford

to leave them be. You are ordered to go up into the mountains and destroy

those UFOs.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle

As you start you will see two UFOs in front of you. To complete this

mission you must destroy both of them and all of the spiders they

release so as the mission starts use the Zero Laser Rifle and unload

into them. You should be able to destroy them both if you are quick

enough. Then you just have to finish off the remaining spiders and

the mission is then cleared.

Weapons I got: None

Mission #20:

_ _ _ _ _

/_ _ _| |_(_) | |___ _ _ _ _

/ _ | '_| _| | | / -_) '_| || |

/_/ __| __|_|_|____|_| _, |


Description: An army of Hector Walking Arms is advancing.

According to our intel, they are a new type equipped

with plasma cannons, possibly a support artillery unit. They are reducing

everything in their path to rubble. They cannot be allowed to cause any

further destruction. You are to head out immediately and destroy them.

Weapons I used:

MMF42-RA Sniper Rifle

Zero Laser Rifle

When you start out you will see several blips on your radar which

are all the walking arms. If you keep moving you should be able to

avoid their plasma cannons. Use some sort of sniper to take them out

from a distance. After you defeat the ones on your radar several more

will appear. Just stay your distance and keep moving and fire upon them

all until they are all dead. When you defeat them all but about one

you find out that you are in a trap. On both sides of a large number

of gunships appear along with a few more of the walking robots. Continue

to systematically take out the walking arms while shooting down a few

gunships in between them. If you keep moving the gunships are not much

of a threat compared to the walking arms. Once all of these enemies

are defeated the mission is completed.

Weapons I got:

AF18 Assault Rifle

Prominence M1 Missile

MMF43 Sniper Rifle

Stingray M2 Rocket Launcher

Mission #21:

___ _

/ __|_ _(_)_ __ ___ ___ _ _

| (__| '_| | ' (_-</ _ '

___|_| |_|_|_|_/__/___/_||_|

Description: A large number of giant bugs have been spotted along the

coast. They are a much tougher species then the ones you've encountered

so far. Work with Ranger Teams to eliminate this new threat.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1



___ _ _____ _ _

| _ ___ __| | |_ _|__ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ /_ _ _| |_

| / -_) _` | | |/ -_) '_| '_/ _ '_| / _ | ' _|

|_|______,_| |_|___|_| |_| ___/_| /_/ __||___|


Description: The Red Terror Ant looks just like the black version

but as it's name suggests it is red. The red ants are tougher

then the black ones in that they have more health and their

physical attack is stronger. They, however, do not have a acid spit

attack like their black counterparts.


As you start the level a swarm of the red terror ants are right in front

of you. You will have to kill all of these ants. They will make quick

food of your fellow EDF soldiers so use this time to unload upon them

with the Goliath and blow as many up as you can. Once they start coming

towards you all you really have to do is constantly move away from them

which makes it hard for them to attack you and well you are moving away

use the assault rifle to slow them and then use the goliath to blow

up several at a time. Keep doing this until the first wave is dead.

Once they are all dead another wave of the red ants will start moving

towards you. You will have to defeat all of them too. After you defeat

all of them use the same tactics to defeat the third and final wave.

Once this next wave is dead the mission is cleared.

Weapons I found:

MMF42-RA Sniper Rifle

AF18 Assault Rifle

Mission #22:

_____ _

|_ _| _ __ _ _ __ _ __ ___ __| |

| || '_/ _` | '_ '_ / -_) _` |

|_||_| __,_| .__/ .__/_____,_|

|_| |_|

Description: The giant bugs were successfully defeated, but on their way

back, the teams were ambushed. Our Ranger teams have been destroyed and

the surviving Storm Team members are stranded in the mountains, surrounded

by enemies. With no way to rescue them, it's only a matter of time until

Storm 1's amazing luck runs out.

Weapons I used:

AF18-RA Assault Rifle

MMF43 Sniper Rifle

At the start of this mission you start in a canyon with two Walking Arms

in front of you and the black terror ants approaching. The best thing to do

would be either to use the mech in front of you to take out the walking arms as

it is faster then using the sniper but once they are taken out leave it as the

ants can easily destroy it. After the walking arms are destroyed run towards

where they were and turn back and fight the ants. As you fight the black ants

some more walking arms will soon start appearing from the other side of the

level. You will have to keep moving as one of these walking arms is equipped

with a plasma cannon. Once you take out these walking arms and the ants the

mission is completed.

Weapons I got:

AF18-RA Assault Rifle

FORK-A20 Missile

AF18-X Assault Rifle

Mission #23:

___ _

| __|_ ___ __ __ _ _ _ __(_)___ _ _

| _| / '_ / _` | ' (_-< / _ '

|___/__ .__/__,_|_||_/__/____/_||_|


Description: Holes leading to the aliens' underground nest have

been discvoered inside the city. Giant bugs are pouring out of them.

It appears the nest has expanded over time and now extends as far as

the city. You are to head out there at once and take out those holes.

Weapons I used:

AF18-RA Assault Rifle

Governer 50 Shotgun

As you start the level you should see some black terror ants in front

of you. So head towards them and get ready to fight. The first hole

which you have to destroy is right near them in the middle of the

road. So quickly destroy that hole (if you use the Governor it only

takes 3 shots to destroy a hole) and defeat the remaining bugs. Once

you defeat all of them head off to the next group of bugs on your

radar. The next hole is actually right around the corner from the

one you were just at so quickly destroy it before you move on.

After it is destroyed move on forward up the street towards the

next one. You will encounter some Red Terror Ants along with some

spiders at this one so be ready for them. After you destroy one

of these holes look around as their is another nearby. After you

destroy that the hole the final two, the spider and red terror ant hole

is the one you have to go to so try and quickly finish off the

nearby enemies and head over to that one to finish them off. If

too many of them start rushing towards you then you may have

retreat for a little bit to finish them off and then move back towards

the hole. Once you destroy one of them head over to the other one

and finish the bugs off. Once they are all dead the mission is completed.

Weapons I found:

AF19 Assault Rifle

AF18 Assault Rifle

MMF43-B2 Sniper Rifle

Firecracker 3 (Special Weapon)

AF18-X Assault Rifle

MLRA-3 Missile

Sparrow Shot M2 Shotgun

UM4 Grenade Launcher

MLRA-3 Missile

Mission #24:

___ _ _ _

|_ _|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ __ ___ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _

| || ' _/ -_) '_/ _/ -_) '_ _| / _ '

|___|_||______|_| _____| .__/__|____/_||_|


Description: We have received intel that a large Ravager unit is converging

along the coast. Deploy your forces at once. You are to ambush and eliminate

them. The EDF is currently planning a massive operation to infiltrate the

aliens' nest. We need to hit the enemy hard now to give us more time to

plan for this operation.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle

When you start the level you will see a large amount of gunships heading

towards you. I would suggest looking to your left and using the mech

to take down as many as you can before it get destroyed. If you could

also use it to take out the Walking Arms that would be useful but if not

try and take them out from a distance using the Laser Rifle. It shouldn't

be that hard, when I did I took out all of the gunships and the walking arms

of the first wave and my mech still had a little over 1500 health. Now

once they are dead brace for the second wave of enemies. The second wave

consists of even more gunships and some walking arms which come from

the opposite side of the level as the gunships. You must watch out though

as these walking arms are the ones with the plasma artillery cannons. If

you keep moving and shooting at all times you should be able to easily

destroy all the enemies while in the mech.

Weapons I found: None

Mission #25:

___ _ _

| ___ ___ __ ___ _ _| |_ / |

| |) / -_|_-</ _/ -_) ' _| | |

|___/___/__/_____|_||___| |_|

Description: We are about to begin our operating to infiltrate the giant

bugs' nest and destroy them once and for all. According to our intel, the

entrance is a very deep pit. In phase one of this operation, an advance

team will descent the pit and secure the area below for the following

teams. Storm 1 is to accompany the advance team.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Governor 50 Shotgun

As you start the level you should see some black terror ants in front

of you moving around. You are in their tunnels. You are actually in

a large pit right now and you are up a little ways so you can slowly make

your way down by following the paths while taking out all enemies you

encounter. After you defeat all the enemies on your radar the mission

is cleared.

Weapons I got:

Sparrow Shot M2 Shotgun

AF18-RA Assault Rifle

Splash Grenade

Mission #26:

___ _ ___

| ___ ___ __ ___ _ _| |_ |_ )

| |) / -_|_-</ _/ -_) ' _| / /

|___/___/__/_____|_||___| /___|

Description: Begin phase two of the operating. You are to

follow the tunnels to the deepest part of the nest. Each team

will take a different route. Exterminate all giant bugs you

encounter along the way.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Governor 50 Shotgun

In this mission you will start on the bottom of the tunnels instead of up

top. If you look forward you will some EDF already engaging some Black

Terror Ants. Move up and help them kill all of the bugs. You have to

get ready for a big fight as there are a lot of black ants and they

will overwhelm the other EDF troops rather quickly. Once you get close

to defeating them all new targets will appear on your radar so head on

towards them once you kill all the bugs and get ready for another fight.

As you pass through the large pit ignore all the paths leading up and just

move through it to the other side. At this group of bugs you will encounter

black terror ants along with some assault spiders. As you defeat most of

them a lot more enemies will appear on your radar so move up towards them

and get ready for a big fight. After you move through the tunnels and

defeat all of them the mission is cleared.

Weapons I got:

BRUTE-J Triple Grenade Launcher

Sticky Grenade Prototype

FORK-A20 Missile

A2 Plasma Launcher

MG20 Grenade

Prominence M1 Missile

P80 Bound Gun (Special Weapon)

MMF43 Sniper Rifle

Governor 50 Shotgun'

Mission #27:

___ _ ____

| ___ ___ __ ___ _ _| |_ |__ /

| |) / -_|_-</ _/ -_) ' _| |_

|___/___/__/_____|_||___| |___/

Description: Casualties are mounting from the giant bugs' counterattacks.

Many units have become stranded in this underground maze. The giant

bugs are finding these units and surrounding them with greater numbers

before collectively attacking them. Be very careful.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Governer 50 Shotgun

In this level you start in a little conjunction where a bunch of tunnels

meet. Giant bugs will come out of all of these tunnels, the black and red

terror ants along with the spiders will be attacking you so I would

advice to pick on tunnel and kill all inside of it and then turn around

and use that tunnel to lure the enemies in and kill them. After all enemies

on your radar are dead the mission is cleared.

Weapons I found:

Wideshot A1 Shotgun

FORK-A20 Missile

Sticky Grenade Prototype

Flame Thrower Alpha (Special Weapon)

Mission #28:

___ _ _ _

| ___ ___ __ ___ _ _| |_ | | |

| |) / -_|_-</ _/ -_) ' _| |_ _|

|___/___/__/_____|_||___| |_|

Description: We have finally begun the last phase of our operating. There

have been many casualties, but we have reached the deepest part of the nest.

The core of the nest should be somewhere around there. Look for this core,

killing any giant bug you see on the way.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Governer 50 Shotgun

When you start the mission move forward through the tunnels and follow

them until you meet up with the enemy bugs which should be right

through the next room. In the room you will meet up with some troops

who will join you. You should be able to see the giant bugs in the

tunnel up ahead. Once you kill all of these bugs move forward through

the tunnel until you meet up with another group of EDF troops. When

you meet up with them you will have to fight two groups of ants from each

side so watch out and be ready. You can take either tunnel and as you

go through one of them you will meet up with some EDF under attack by

some spiders so use your shotgun or rockets to kill them off. Once you

kill all of the spiders more will appear so look on your radar and move

towards them. Use your shotgun or rockets to take out this new group of

black terror ants rushing towards you. Try to keep moving to avoid their

aciod spray. Once you defeat all of them move down the tunnel to get to

the core of the nest. In the core you will find a massive ant.



___ _ _

/ _ _ _ ___ ___ _ _ /_ _ _| |_

| (_) | || / -_) -_) ' / _ | ' _|

____,_______|_||_| /_/ __||___|


Description: The Queen Ant is the leader of the nest. It

controls the giant bugs of the nest. The queen resembles

a giant ant with some wings. It has the same acid shot

ability as the Black Terror Ants but on a much larger

scale. It is very powerful so watch out.


This is the nest's leader. Watch out as the massive ant's acid spray is

very large and makes it so you can barely see what is going on so

continue to fire down the tunnel until you see on your radar that the

enemies have thinned down. If the large ant isn't dead yet just continue

bombarding it with attacks until it does. Once it is dead kill all of

the surrounding ants and the mission is cleared.

Mission #29:

_ _ _

/_ ______ __ _ _ _| | |_

/ _ (_-<_-</ _` | || | | _|

/_/ _/__/__/__,_|_,_|_|__|

Description: A unit of smaller Hector Walking Arms has invaded the city.

It appears they were deployed from above by a UFO. The Walking Arms have

penetrated our defense line and launched a sudden attack, bringing the city

into a state of panic. All deployable teams are to head out there at once

and protect the civilians.

Weapons I used:

Cascade 2

Zero Laser Rifle

As you start level you should be able to see 3 UFOs around the city.

These UFOs will drop the Walking Arms so you must take them out

as quickly as you can. Use the laser rifle to take out the UFOs.

You should be able to take out at least one of them. Use the Cascade

to take out the Walking Arms until the UFOs open again and then

repeat by using the Zero Laser Rifle to take out one or maybe

even both of then. If not then repeat the same method for the

third one.

Mission #30:

_ _ _

/_ _ _ __| |_ ___ _ _ ___ __| |

/ _ | ' / _| ' / _ '_/ -_) _` |

/_/ __||___|_||____/_| _____,_|

Description: The Ravagers' mothership has been spotted along the coast.

Our intel says it appears to have shut down it's functions. We suspect

it has been forced to land there to refuel or for repairs. You are to go

across the mountains, surprise the enemy, and destroy the mothership's

defense fleet.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle or Cascade 2

When the level starts you must destroy all the UFOs. Ignore the Mothership

as it will eventually just fly away. Quickly roll and move to the right and

jump down onto the beach and use your Zero Laser Rifle or rockets to destroy

one of the Motherships there. You should be able to get there and blow up

the closest one. Then use your AF19 to kill the bugs and gunships moving

around the area. Once you kill enough of them and the other UFO opens

it's hatch use your Rifle or rockets again to quickly blow this one up

before it drops too many more enemies. Then just finish up all the enemies

on the beach. After they are all dead move up the hill and towards the other

UFO. If you get to the right spot you should be able to hit the opened

hatch as you walk up the hill and destroy it. As you move you will here

the other teams talking about how it seems the mothership is shut down

but as you get closer to it the mothership will slowly reactivate and

eventually just fly up into the clouds. After this happens you will be

told to finish off all the enemies in the area and then the mission

will be cleared. After that one is destroyed you should be able

to see two more. One right ahead of you and one off to the right

some. The one ahead you should be able to be sniped if you get

yourself into the right position. Once that one is destroyed.

Walk along the hillside to the right until you can see the final

UFOs open hatch and blow it up. Once all the UFOs are gone the

Mothership will fly away and you will just have to finish off

all the remaining bugs and gunships.

Mission #31:

_ _

/_ __| |_ ____ _ _ _ __ ___

/ _ / _` V / _` | ' / _/ -_)

/_/ ___,_|_/__,_|_||______|

Description: A large army of Hectors consisting of both large and miniature

Walking Arms is advancing. You are to intercept them with the Ranger Teams

and destroy them.

Weapons I used:

Cascade 2

Zero Laser Rifle

In this level you will be only fighting some Walking Arms so it will

be useful to have the Laser Rifle to unload on them until it is out

of ammo and then use the Cascade. You start out near the tank and

the walking mech. The walking mech is very good against the Walking

Arms so I would say to get into that which is a little forward to your

left and use it to destroy the Walking Arms directly in front of you.

Then continue using it to eliminate the other Walking Arms and if

they destroy it and then use your Zero Laser Rifle first until it

runs out of ammo and then use the Cascade to finish off the rest of

the Walking Arms.

Mission #32:

__ __ _

| / |__ _ _ _ __| |_

| |/| / _` | '_/ _| '

|_| |___,_|_| __|_||_|

Description: A swarm of giant spiders is on the move. We are putting

a sniper team together to take them out. Storm 1, your mission is to

protect the sniper team.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher

In this level you start out with a group of EDF snipers all around you.

Over the course of the mission Assault Spiders will attack from

different sides. All you really have to do is keep firing the rockets

at them and the snipers will help pick many of them off. The first wave

comes from the direction you start out looking. After they are all dead

the second wave will come from the left of where you start out. Do the

same thing for the second wave, it shouldn't be much of a challenge.

After they are all dead one more wave will come from behind you so

repeat all the same tactics and the mission will be cleared.

Mission #33:

___ _

/ __|_ _ _ _ _ __ _ _(_)___ ___

__ || | '_| '_ '_| (_-</ -_)

|___/_,_|_| | .__/_| |_/__/___|


Description: The walking fortress is still wreaking havoc in the city.

According to our recon team, however, the fortress is currently stationary,

most likely for resupplying. This is our best chance. You are to make

a surprise attack on the fortress and destroy it.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Launcher or Cascade 2

In this mission you get to meet the Ravager Fortress again. You will still

not be able to destroy it though so don't even bother firing at it. You

should see two UFOs with one on each side of the Fortress. Use the rifle

or rockets to quickly destroy one of them. If you have the laser rifle

you should be able to easily take down one. You will be attacked by

the terror ants on the way to the UFOs so just kill them with your

assault rifle. Once you destroy one of them the camera will lock

onto the fortress as it starts to move. Once you can control the

camera again quickly destroy the other UFO if you can, if not

destroy all the nearby bugs until it opens again. Once they are

destroyed the fortress will walk around the city deploying several

waves of Terror Ants and Gunships. To complete the mission you just

have to destroy all of these gunships and ants.

Mission #34:

___ _

| _ )_ _ ___ __ _ __| |_

| _ '_/ -_) _` / _| '

|___/_| _____,___|_||_|

Description: The walking fortress is on the offensive once again. Its

plasma cannons are reducing one city after another to rubble. It needs to

be destroyed, but we have yet to destroy any of these fortresses anywhere

else in the world. It's time for use to set and example.

Weapons I used:


MMF43 Sniper Rifle

In this level you can actually hurt the giant fortress form it's weak spot

which was mentioned earlier. It's weak spot is the same as the UFOs, the

little hatch that opens to drop enemies. When the level starts you are

shown a cutscene of the fortress walking through the city and firing it's

massive plasma cannon as you hear your orders. When you gain control of

your character you will see the fortress in front of you moving towards you.

I would suggest that you quickly move and get under and behind the giant

walking fortress. Then as it starts dropping enemies shot it's hatch unload

with the sniper onto it. When it is closed kill as many bugs as you can

around you. You can most likely try and ignore the Walking Arms it drops

as they will take too long to kill. Eventually the fortress will start

to blow up and fall over. Once it is dead the mission is cleared. So

you don't even have to worry about the remaining enemies.

Mission #35:


/ __|_ __ _____ ___ _ __

__ V V / -_) -_) '_

|___/_/_/______| .__/


Description: The walking fortress has been destroyed, giving us a bit

of breathing room. Our next target is a group of giant bugs gathering in

the mountains. Ranger Teams are already preparing for an offensive.

Storm 1, you are to support the Ranger Teams and eliminate the giant bugs.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1

In this level you will just have to kill off several groups of bugs.

Usually I just grab the air bike and head to the left to take out the

red ants as they are sort of the strongest. As you are fighting them

though the spiders like to jump in the battle so you will have to be

ready and able to take the red ants and spider out. Just kill all

the nearby enemies and follow to where the spiders came from and finish

off all of the spiders. Once they are dead you must head over to the

third group of enemies the Black Terror Ants. They shouldn't be that

hard so quickly eliminate all of them. After they are eliminated move

over to the next group which is just more Black Ants so like before

kill all of them. After they are dead you have one more target, some

red Terror Ants and some Spiders. Kill as many as you can from a

distance and then just use the AF19 to finish them off as they

close. Then the level should be cleared.

Mission #36:

_____ _ _

|_ _| |_ _ _ _ _ __| |___ _ _

| | | ' || | ' / _` / -_) '_|

|_| |_||__,_|_||___,____|_|

Description: The walking fortress and the giant bugs' nest have been

destroyed. We paid a high price, but things are finally looking up on

the Japanese war front. Wait a moment, we are receiving a new report...

Emergency! The mothership has flown into the skies above the city. It

appears it is now ready for own final battle. You must destroy the

mothership and its defense units.

weapons I used:



In this mission you will get to see the mothership but you won't

be destroying it yet, you still have awhile to go before that.

You will start out in the street with some EDF soldiers nearby.

You should be able to some enemies up ahead, some Black Terror

Ants. Also be ready as there are some Walking Arms you will

have to take out. The mothership will also deploy some

gunships which you will have to destroy. After many of

these enemies are dead a giant weapon like thing will

deploy from the bottom of the mothership. You have

two choices with it. You can either avoid it because it

usually doesn't hit you or fire at it until it goes away.

So after whatever you choose to do with that just finish

up the bugs that are roaming around and destroy the gunships.

The mothership should eventually deploy a final wave of gunships.

Once they are dead the mission is cleared.

Mission #37:

___ _ _

| __|_ _ _ _ _ __| |_(_)___ _ _

| _|| '_| || | '_ _| / _ '

|___|_| _,_| .__/__|____/_||_|


Description: More bad news. New holes have been discovered in teh city.

More giant bugs are pouring out of those things. Those holes need to

be destroyed at once. Most seem to be located around the river. You can

expect the bugs to put up fierce resistance as you get closer to the holes.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle

When the mission starts you will see a bunch of EDF soldiers charging

forward ahead of you. They are charging towards some enemy bugs and

a hole. You should be able to quickly take out the hole with the Zero

Laser Rifle or some other rocket or sniper from a distance. As you get

closer you will find that all of the holes in this mission are in the

river and around it. So you should be able to quickly take them and if

the Laser Rifle runs out of ammo use unload onto them with the assault

rifle. Once you destroy all of the holes and kill the bugs which

came from them the mission is cleared.

Mission #38:

___ _ _

/ __|_ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ __| |___ __| |

__ || | '_| '_/ _ || | ' / _` / -_) _` |

|___/_,_|_| |_| ___/_,_|_||___,______,_|

Description: The units sent in to destroy the alien nests were intercepted

and are now surrounded by several large UFOs. It appears the UFOs are

deploying giant bugs to attack the units. Given the incoming numbers,

there is no way reinforcements can arrive in time. But... Storm 1

is with them. Maybe they can pull of another victory.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle or Cascade 2 or Goliath D1

When you start in this level you will see a large circle of UFOs around

you. They will all be dropping bugs so you will in for a fight. Right

at the beginning you should be able to take out at least 1 UFO right

away. Then shoot at another if they are still open. When they close

get ready to fight some bugs. Your EDF troops will be able to

kill some of the bugs but they will be wiped out eventually.

So just keep switching from taking out the bugs to taking

out a UFO one or two at a time. Once all the UFOs are dead

finish off the remaining bugs and the mission is cleared.

Mission #39:

_ _

| | ___ __ _(_)___ _ _

| |__/ -_) _` | / _ '

|_________, |____/_||_|


Description: The Ravagers have deployed a large number of Vallak Dino-mechs

around the world, and they've caused massive destruction everywhere they

were deployed. Two have invaded this region as well. Omega Team has already

been sent in to stop the beasts, equipped with the latest Assault Laser

Guns. You are to join them in combat.

Weapons I used:

Zero Laser Rifle

Goliath D1

This mission is just like the Dino-mech mission but instead of only

one Dino-mech you now get to fight two at the same time. There are

two ways you can choose to beat this mission. You can choose to use

your weapons by unloading the Zero Laser Rifle into one and then

firing rockets at it or you can get into the nearby mech and use it

to fire it's cannon and plasma shots at the dino-mechs. If you keep

constantly shooting you should be able to take both of them out

rather easily and without even having to leave the mech.

Mission #40:

___ _

| _ ___| |_ _ _ _ _ _ _

| / -_) _| || | '_| '

|_|____|__|_,_|_| |_||_|

Description: The beasts have been killed. You are to now pass through the

canyon and return to base. We have intel of a few giant bugs still roaming

around the mountains. If you happen to encounter any, kill them on sight.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Goliath D1

In this mission you are back inside of a canyon, hence the name return.

In the mission you will start in the middle of the canyon with a squad

of EDF soldiers. You will have to fight the Red Terror Ants which will

approach from both sides of the canyon. Use the Goliath to hit them

as they approach from a distance and then use the AF19 when they get

close. The EDF troopers around you should help some and if you can take

out enough of the Red Terror Ants some of them will survive. After you

defeat all of the ants a second wave of them will move in to attack you.

Do the same thing for the second wave and once they are dead the mission

is cleared.

Mission #41:

___ _ _

/ _ __ __ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _

| (_) / _/ _| || | '_ / _` | _| / _ '

___/____|_,_| .__/__,_|__|____/_||_|


Description: A fleet of large UFOs have landed in the city and are

deploying giant bugs. The city is now completely overrun with them.

You are to act as a Scout Team and sneak into the city, hiding behind

buildings as you approach the enemy to take them by surprise. This is a

dangerous mission. Good luck.

Weapons I used:

Zero Laser Rifle


In this level you will start out in an unusual place, on the balcony of a

building. You should be able to see about two UFOs around the area and a

bunch of gunships flying around. You can choose to attack the gunships

with the assault rifle or you can choose to quickly jump off of the

building and aim up at the UFO to the right and blow it up with the

zero laser rifle before the hatch closes. This UFO also happens to be

the one deploying the Assault Spiders so it will be good to quickly

take it out. After this one there are two more UFOs, one dropping

the Black Terror Ants and the one dropping the Red Terror Ants. You

can choose what one you want to attack first but most likely you will

arrive at the one dropping the Black Ants. Just shoot the ants until

it opens it's hatch and take it out and then repeat for the third one.

After they are destroyed finish off the remaining bugs and gunships

and the mission will be completed.

Mission #42:

_ ___

| |/ (_)_ _ __ _

| ' <| | ' / _` |

|_|__|_||___, |


Description: An extremely large number of giant bugs are patrolling

the city. Recon has identified a leader-like creature that we believe

is controlling the bugs. This leader is apparently enormous and highly

combat capable. Be careful.

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1

In this mission you have to fight a lot of giant bugs along with the

even larger ones, the nest leaders. When you start the level you

should be able to see the enemies in the distance. It is best to

take out all of the smaller bugs nearby before trying to take

one their leaders as the leaders are best to try and take on one

on one. In this level you will encounter about 3 of the massive




_ ___ ___ _ _

| |/ (_)_ _ __ _ / __|_ __(_)__| |___ _ _

| ' <| | ' / _` | __ '_ / _` / -_) '_|

|_|__|_||___, | |___/ .__/___,____|_|

|___/ |_|


Description: The King Spider is a leader of the spiders.

They basically just look like even larger spiders. They have

the same attack of shooting out web at you so make sure you

avoid the giant web. Mainly they are just larger and tougher



All you really have to do for this level is systematically

move and eliminate the spiders first and then their leader

either last or when it starts attacking you. Once you defeat

all the enemies on our radar then the mission is completed.

Mission #43:

___ _ _

/ __|_ __ ___ __ _ _ _| |_ ___ __ _ __| |

__ '_ / -_) _` | '_| ' / -_) _` / _` |

|___/ .__/_____,_|_| |_||______,___,_|


Description: A nest has been discovered in the mountains. Giant bugs are

pouring out of the nest's hole in huge numbers. The hole needs to be

destroyed to put a stop to the influx of bugs. In addition, it appears

that the bugs are now being protected by Walking Arms. Fight your way

to the nest and destroy the hole leading into it.

When you start the level you will be by a few groups of EDF soldiers.

Around you are a few vehicles around if you want to use them.

You can then use your radar to head towards what group of enemies

you want. You will have to destroy around 4 holes. Two of them will

be letting out Black Terror Ants, one of them Red Terror Ants, and

the final the Assault Spiders. Each of these holes is guarded by

a Walking Arms os be ready to face them. If you can run under them

just unload into them with the AF19 and they will die eventually.

After all of the holes are destroyed and the bugs killed the mission

is cleared.

Mission #44:

___ _ _ _ _ _

| __|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)_ _ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _ / |

| _| / _/ -_) '_| ' | | ' / _` | _| / _ ' | |

|___/_______|_| |_|_|_|_|_||___,_|__|____/_||_| |_|

Description: The giant bugs are becoming more aggressive. It appears they

have dug a new nest and are beginning to reproduce. We cannont allow them

to further increase their numbers any further. We need to go underground

and exterminate the giant bugs once and for all. The tunnel advance team

is to enter the tunnel and secure the area.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Governor 50 Shotgun or a rocket launcher or sniper rifle

For this mission you are back in a tunnel like environment, this time

to completely destroy the final giant bug nest. When you gain control

of your character you start out towards the top of a large pit much

like before. I would advise that you don't drop down as there are

tons of spiders down at the bottom that would quickly kill you. Just

follow the paths down and shoot the spiders from a distance as you see

them. Just keep going down and attacking them. Once they are all dead

the mission is cleared and you move on to the next extermination


Mission #45:

___ _ _ _ _ ___

| __|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)_ _ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _ |_ )

| _| / _/ -_) '_| ' | | ' / _` | _| / _ ' / /

|___/_______|_| |_|_|_|_|_||___,_|__|____/_||_| /___|

Description: A new nest has been discovered underground. We have confirmed

a large number of aliens in the upper reaches of the nest. You are to climb

up the pit and eliminate the threat.

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle

In this mission you will start out up on one of the paths leading up the pit.

You will have to travel up the paths and destroy the holes that the bugs are

emerging from. All you have to do is follow the paths upward until you get to

a hill and then shoot the holes with the laser rifle to quickly take them out.

If you run out of ammo with the rifle then just unload into them with the AF19

when you get close. The mission shouldn't be that challenging if you keep moving

up and destroying all the holes. Once they are gone finish off the remaining

bugs and get ready to move to the next part of the extermination, in other

words the mission is cleared.

Mission #46:

___ _ _ _ _ ____

| __|_ _| |_ ___ _ _ _ __ (_)_ _ __ _| |_(_)___ _ _ |__ /

| _| / _/ -_) '_| ' | | ' / _` | _| / _ ' |_

|___/_______|_| |_|_|_|_|_||___,_|__|____/_||_| |___/

Description: We have reached the deepest part of the nest. The enemy is

putting up heavy resistance, but not a single one of them must be allowed

to survive. You are to continue fighting the enemy until the nest is

completely empty of all threats.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher

This is the final extermination mission and the final mission in the

tunnels. In this mission you will get to take out some spiders.

Just use your radar and continue to move forward using the rocket

launcher to eliminate groups of the spiders and if you have to

use the AF19 to kill them when they get close and you have to

reload. Once they are all dead them mission is completed and it

will be time to return to the surface.

Mission #47:

_ _ _ _

| | | |_ __ _ _(_)__(_)_ _ __ _

| |_| | '_ '_| (_-< | ' / _` |

___/| .__/_| |_/__/_|_||___, |

|_| |___/

Description: The alien nest has been destroyed! A large portion of their

population has been wiped out, with the lord of their nest forced out

to the surface. He has gathered his remaining followers for an assault.

It is time for a showdown with the giant bugs.

Weapons I used:

AF19 Assault Rifle

Goliath D1 Rocket Launcher

Now the battle to kill the giant bugs is taken to the surface. This time

you will have to fight both Queen Ants and King Spiders in the same mission.

When you start the level you should able to see some Terror Ants up ahead

and one of the Queen Ants up at the top of the Space Needle. You can either

snipe it from a distance or even if you like take the nearby helicopter

and fly up and kill it. After it is dead you should be able to see

another of the massive bugs nearby most likely one of the Spider Kings.

You can choose to continue using the helicopter until it is destroyed

or just fire at it with the rocket launcher until it dies or even

use the AF19 if you like. Just keep moving. You should be able to

see and avoid the massive spider's web shots due to their size.

Now there are still two more Queen Ants and two more King Spiders

left. So for now just finish off all the smaller bugs around you

before you try and confront the large ones. Choose what one you

want to target and try to kill it from a distance. Then repeat

the same strategy with the other three. Once they are all dead

kill the remaining normal sized giant bugs and the mission

will be cleared.

Mission #48:

__ __ _ _

/ / _ __ _| |_| |_

// / '_/ _` | _| '

_/_/|_| __,_|__|_||_|

Description: The lord of the giant bugs has been killed. This has, however,

caused the remaining giant bugs to become even more aggressive. Every giant

bug across the country is now making a beeline for our location. Troops,

get ready to fight the largest enemy army yet!

Weapons I used:


Goliath D1 or Cascade 2 or Volcano-3W

This mission is rather difficult, even more so on the higher difficulties.

You will be swarmed with a large amount of enemies. So you must be ready

and learn to be on the move while taking out the bugs. Soon after you

take control of your character you should see a massive wave of enemy

bugs charging towards you from the direction you are facing. Try and

take out as many of the bugs you can from a distance as if too many

get around you then you will die rather quick. Just keep moving back

while shooting at the bugs. When the bugs reach the other EDF soldiers

and attack them use this extra time to take out more bugs. You should

be able to hopefully take out the first wave before they have a

chance to get close to you. After you finish of all of them the second

wave of enemies comes towards you but this time from two opposite

directions. It would be good to choose the closest group and keep

firing into them and kill as many as you can before they get close.

Hopefully you will be able to kill off most of one of the groups

before the other one gets too you. Once it does though you will

have to keep moving away from them while shooting back to kill

them. Use the AF19 to slow them and then blast them away with

some rockets. One thing you have to avoid is getting webbed up

by the spiders and then being surrounded by the Red Terror Ants.

If this happens you will most likely die rather quickly. After

you kill all of this second wave you will have to defeat one

more. This time three groups of bugs will attack from three

different directions. Usually most of the bugs will move in

and attack the remaining EDF soldiers so if some are alive

use this time to your advance and take out as many bugs as

possible. If you stay far back and keep moving you can hopefully

kill most of the bugs before they get too close. Once they do

however just use the same tactics as before and constantly move

away while firing. Once they are all dead the mission is completed.

Mission #49:

___ _ _ _

| __| (_) |_ ___

| _|| | | _/ -_)


Description: Emergency! Elite Red Gunships are approaching. These ships

managed to destroy our European command center. A direct assault will

almost certainly result in massive casualties. A small squad of our best

troops has been assembled to surprise them and take them out before

they can recover.

Weapons I used:


FORK-A20 Missile



___ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _

| _ ___ __| | | __| (_) |_ ___ / __|_ _ _ _ __| |_ (_)_ __

| / -_) _` | | _|| | | _/ -_) | (_ | || | ' (_-< ' | | '_

|_|______,_| |___|_|_|_____| ___|_,_|_||_/__/_||_|_| .__/



Description: The Red or Elite Gunships are basically just gunships

that are colored red and have more armor.


In this level your only enemy is the Elite gunships. If you keep

moving throughout the level you most likely won't get hurt that much

Just keep shooting the FORK-A20 in their direction and the missiles

will harm then. Then when they get close use the AF19. You will find

that they can take a lot more damage then the normal gunships so

just keep firing at them and they will blow up eventually. Once you

blow them all up the mission is over.

Mission #50:

_ _ _

| | | |_ _ | |___ _ _____ __ ___ _

| |_| | ' | / / ' / _ V V / '


Description: A new type of alien creature has appeared. It appears to be

a cyborg version of the Vallak Dino-mech. Several units were already

deployed to combat the creature, but we have been informed that we had

nearly 100% casualties due to the creature's tremendous firepower.

We will deploy three Ranger Teams to provide backup. You are to go

with them and destroy the beast.

Weapons I used:

Zero Laser Rifle

Prominence M1 Missile



_ _ _

| | | |_ _ | |___ _ _____ __ ___ _

| |_| | ' | / / ' / _ V V / '


___ _

/ __|_ _ ___ __ _| |_ _ _ _ _ ___

| (__| '_/ -_) _` | _| || | '_/ -_)

___|_| _____,_|__|_,_|_| ___|


Description: While similar in appearance to the Dino-Mech, this

unknown creature appears to have been biomechanically altered by

The Ravagers. Heavier armor has been added to protect the beast's

soft spots and its arms have been removed to make room for two

massive laser cutting cannons.


This whole mission is just fighting against this unknown Dino-mech

hybrid. When it starts just unload all the Zero Laser Rifle shots

into it and then use the missile launcher to fire keep firing at

the creature until it is defeated. The mission itself shouldn't

be that challanging or long.

Mission #51:


/ __|___ _ ___ _____ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ __ ___

| (__/ _ ' V / -_) '_/ _` / -_) ' / _/ -_)

______/_||__/___|_| __, ___|_||______|


Description: With the exception of our division, EDF forces around have

been beaten to the brink of defeat. Without reinforcements available, our

defeat too, seems inevitable. A large division is gathering in the ruins

of what was once Tokyo. It appears they are preparing for an all-out

assault. We will issue a preemptive strike and fight back no matter what

the cost is!

Weapons I used:


Zero Laser Rifle or Cascade 2

In this level you will have to destroy the final UFOs, there are 5 of

them. Right when the level starts use whatever weapon you chose to

quickly eliminate at least one or maybe two if you are lucky. Then

well you wait for the others to reopen up use your AF19 to attack

the giant bugs. The UFOs may even drop some Walking Arms so be sure

to take them out for they won't start blasting you as you try to

destroy the UFOs. Just keep doing this process until you get close

enough to each of the UFOs to destroy them. Once they are dead

along with the bugs then the mission is cleared.

Mission #52:

___ __

|_ _|_ _ / _|___ _ _ _ _ ___

| || ' | _/ -_) '_| ' / _

|___|_||_|_| ___|_| |_||____/

Description: The enemy army division has been destroyed, but other units

scattered throughout the country have changed course and are headed for

our location. We are now surrounded. It appears all is lost. We may have

no chance, but we will show the Ravagers that the EDF will never back

down until the last of us has fallen.

Weapons I used:

AF19 but use the AF20 if you got it

Cascade 2 or some other rocket or sniper

When you gain control of Storm 1 you will be with some EDF soldiers and

you should be able to see a large enemy army in front of you. This is

one of the final missions so it will be tough. You should be able to

see almost every normal enemy, the Black and Red Terror Ants, some Walking

Arms, and some Gunships. First I would advise you use the nearby mech to

take out all the enemy bugs and maybe even a Walking Arm or two before

they overwhelm and destroy it. Once it is dead use your AF19 to finish

the rest of the enemies off. Once they are all dead the mission isn't

over yet. You will then see two UFOs drop down from the sky and start

to drop more enemies. Some Elite gunships will also be flying in so

get ready to fight those. Right when you see the UFOs come down

see if you can quickly destroy at least one when it opens and then

be ready to destroy the other when it reopens it's hatch. Once you

destroy both of them and finish off the remaining giant bugs and

the Elite gunships the mission will be cleared and it is time to

fight the mothership in the final mission.

Mission #53:

___ _ _ _

/ __| |_ __ _ _ _ __| |_ (_)_ __

__ _/ _` | '_(_-< ' | | '_

|___/____,_|_| /__/_||_|_| .__/


Description: The mothership has finally shown its true form. It appears

it is intent on destroying us and putting an end to our existence. There

is nowhere to run. We will gather our remaining troops and conduct one

final assault on the mothership.

Weapons I used:

AF19 or AF20

Cascade 2 or Goliath D1 or one of the high Lysanders if you found one.

In this mission you will actually be able to fight the Mothership and even

destroy it. It will be a challenge but you can do it. When you gain control

of your character you will be by a few squads of EDF troopers. If you can

aim up and take out the UFOs around the mothership when they open for they

can't drop any more enemies. Then just wait and take out any enemies that

come close to you. After a short amount of time you will see the Mothership

open it's bottom hatch and deploy the giant weapon which you saw in an

earlier level. As soon as the giant weapon deploys began to fire at it

constantly. you must keep moving as you do this. After some time of firing

the weapon will drop from the mothership and crash into the ground. While

your teammates will think this is victory they are wrong. Panels will

float off the mothership and hover around it. Each of this panels is

a laser cannon. You must keep moving at all times and watch for the bottom

of the mother ship to open and unleash it's core which is a glowing red

object much like the other alien vehicle's weak spots. After it gets damaged

some more the mothership will deploy even more cannons. You will just have

to remember that even with all the craziness you must focus your weapons

on the core when you can see it. Once you see it start exploding just keep

moving and run away from it. After it hits the ground and explodes you will

here the general talking some and then the mission will be completed.

You have now completed Earth Defense Force 2017. The credits will then come

up but you can easily skip them. If you want to get all the achievements you

will have to replay all these levels 4 more times. Also to get all the weapons

you will be replaying them some more.



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This guide is Copyright © 2007 ShadowDragon777

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or

otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.

Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public

display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.


please notify me at if you see it elsewhere



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This is the end of the FAQ, thank you for reading it

and hopefully it was helpful.


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