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Far Cry 5 Grizzly Bear Locations: Where to Find Grizzly Bears

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

Grizzly Bears are one of the many animals you can hunt in Far Cry 5. Not only can you sell undamaged Grizzly skins for a handy profit, but you’ll also need to kill three of them for the Clinical Study mission. Grizzly Bears are more rarely seen than black bears, and they’re only guaranteed to show up in specific hunting locations. Below we’ll show you where to find Grizzly Bears in Far Cry 5 and the best way to fight and skin them.

Where to Find Grizzly Bear Hunting Locations in Far Cry 5

There are a total of six Grizzly Bear hunting spots in Far Cry 5. Both Holland Valley and Whitetail Mountains has at least one place you can find bears to skin. Even in the designated hunting locations, Grizzly Bears can be rare, so you may have to run between a few spots before you find them.

Far Cry 5 Grizzly Locations Holland Valley

In Holland County, you can find Grizzly hunting locations just west of the crop circles across the road and south-southwest of the crop circles near where Deadman’s River curves north.

Far Cry 5 Grizzly Locations Whitetail Mountains

In Whitetail Mountains you can find a Grizzly spot just north of the Jefferson Lookout Tower, west of the North Park Entrance, west-northwest across the lake from Cooper Cabin, and east of the Haskell Lookout Tower.

How to Kill a Grizzly Bear in Far Cry 5 and Skin It

Bears are tough and dangerous foes in Far Cry 5, and the Grizzlies are even tougher than the more common Black Bears. When approaching a Grizzly Bear location in Far Cry 5 your best bet it to bring Boomer along. He can sniff out bears long before you’ll be able to see them, and have as much distance as possible between you and the bear is essential to taking them down without dying.

You can’t use explosives or Molotov Cocktails to hunt bears if you want to take their skins undamaged, so your best bet is to equip the strongest rifle you can. The MBP .50 or the SA-50 sniper rifle is your best bet for taking down a bear fast. If you trust your aim, an AKM assault rifle on burst or auto or an M60 or M249 light machine gun works good as well.

The key is just to keep pouring rounds into the beast until it goes down. Aim for the head, and dodge out of the way when it charges you. If you’re lucky, Boomer will face it down and stall it for a moment to allow you to plug it with more rounds before it turns its attention on you.

Once you take down a bear, you’re free to skin it, and you can turn the fur in for a mission or sell it in shops for a hefty sum.

For more info on Far Cry 5 check our game hub or the articles below.

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