=============================================================================== Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie for: Nintendo GameCube US Release: 11/21/2005 Publisher: Ubisoft Designer: Ubisoft Version 2.00, 12/18/2005 Copyright 2005 kno33x kno33x@gmail.com *Note: When emailing questions or comments, use the game name as the subject title. Also, please make sure that your question is not already answered in the related FAQ. =============================================================================== Table of Contents =============================================================================== * In order to facilitate easier navigation, this FAQ utilizes a search system based on keycodes. Just bring up the search function using Ctrl+F and search for the keycode within the parentheses. 1. Version History.....................................................(VHIST) 2. Game Features.......................................................(GFEAT) 3. Controls............................................................(CTRLS) i. Jack............................................................(JCTRL) ii. Kong............................................................(KCTRL) 4. Menus...............................................................(KKMNU) i. Play...........................................................(GMPLY) ii. Options........................................................(OPTNS) iii. Extras.........................................................(FTRES) iv. Cheat..........................................................(CHTMN) 5. Characters..........................................................(CHARS) i. Main Characters................................................(MCHAR) ii. Enemies........................................................(ECHAR) iii. Food Chain.....................................................(FCHAN) 6. Weapons.............................................................(WPONS) 7. Health..............................................................(HLTHS) 8. Chapters............................................................(CHPTR) i. The Venture................................................(VNTRE) ii. Skull Island...............................................(SKLIL) iii. Necropolis.................................................(NCRPL) iv. Scorpions..................................................(SCRPN) v. The Wall...................................................(TWALL) vi. Sacrifice..................................................(SCRFC) vii. On Kong's Tracks...........................................(ONKNG) viii. Hayes......................................................(HYESS) ix. V-Rex......................................................(VREXS) x. Ann........................................................(ACTRS) xi. Kong.......................................................(KKONG) xii. The Canyon.................................................(TCNYN) xiii. Millipedes.................................................(MLLPD) xiv. Brontosaurus...............................................(BRNTO) xv. Jimmy......................................................(JMMYK) xvi. On the Raft................................................(ONRFT) xvii. Rapids.....................................................(RAPDS) xviii. Fight......................................................(KFGHT) xix. Swamps.....................................................(SWMPS) xx. Chased by V-Rex............................................(VCHSE) xxi. The Log....................................................(THLOG) xxii. The Skull Islanders........................................(SKLLS) xxiii. To Save Ann................................................(2SAVE) xxiv. The Cave...................................................(TCAVE) xxv. Venatosaurus...............................................(VNTSR) xxvi. In the Mud.................................................(NTMUD) xxvii. Call Kong..................................................(CLLKK) xxviii. Kong to the Rescue.........................................(KKRES) xxix. To the Plane...............................................(TOPLN) xxx. To the Lair................................................(TLAIR) xxxi. Kong's Lair................................................(KLAIR) xxxii. Fight in the Lair..........................................(FLAIR) xxxiii. Free!......................................................(UFREE) xxxiv. Chased by Kong.............................................(KKCHS) xxxv. Heading Back...............................................(HEADB) xxxvi. Back to the Village........................................(BVILL) xxxvii. Kong's Capture.............................................(KKCAP) xxxviii. Kong Struck Down...........................................(KKDWN) xxxix. In the Streets of New York.................................(STNYC) xl. The Empire State Building..................................(EBLDG) xli. Kong's Death...............................................(KKDIE) xlii. Credits....................................................(CRDTS) xliii. Alternative End............................................(ALTND) 9. Unlockables.........................................................(UNLCK) 10. Cheats..............................................................(KKCHT) 11. Glitches............................................................(GLTCH) 12. Online Codes........................................................(ONCDE) 13. Credits.............................................................(THNKS) 14. Legal Information...................................................(LGALS) =============================================================================== Version History (VHIST) =============================================================================== 1.00 (December 18, 2005) First release of FAQ 2.00 (January 6, 2006) Corrected some spelling/grammatical errors. Clarified minor details involving some levels. Added a note concerning glitches. Updated codes section. Also added a small FAQ section. =============================================================================== Game Features (GFEAT) =============================================================================== * 1 Player * Memory Card usage of 30 Blocks * Dolby Pro Logic II * 16:9 Widescreen * French and Spanish Language Support =============================================================================== Controls (CTRLS) =============================================================================== You have the ability to experience the movie as both Jack and as Kong. The following gives the controls of both characters. ******************************************************************************* Jack (JCTRL) ******************************************************************************* Control Stick - Move C Stick - Aim L - Hold to go into Aim Mode R - Shoot/Take/Use/Repel Z - Toggle Zoom Y - Check Reserve Bullets X - Reload B - Crouch A - Call NPC ******************************************************************************* Kong (KCTRL) ******************************************************************************* Control Stick - Move C Stick - Move Camera L - No Function R - No Function Z - No Function Y - Push Back/Bite/Repel/Fury Mode (Tap Repeatedly) X - Grab/Throw/Pick up & Drop Ann/"Throw" Finish (Tap Repeatedly when Enemy goes down) B - Dodge/Jump/Climb/Swing/Move Faster (Tap Repeatedly) A - Hit/"Jaw Break" Finish (Tap Repeatedly when V-Rex goes down) B followed by A - Stun Enemy Y followed by A - Downward Knock Out =============================================================================== Menus (KKMNU) =============================================================================== The following section describes the various menus in the game. ******************************************************************************* Play (GMPLY) ******************************************************************************* This menu takes you to the actual gameplay, allowing you to experience the movie as both Jack and Kong. Once you begin to beat levels, you can go back choose a level to replay. ******************************************************************************* Options (OPTNS) ******************************************************************************* +++++ Audio +++++ Type: Mono/Stereo/Surround Subtitles: On/Off Master: Controls Overall Volume Voices: Controls Volume of Voices Music: Controls Music Volume Effects: Controls Effects Volume +++++ Video +++++ Display Mode: 4:3/4:3 Black Bands/16:9 Special Mode: Old Movie/High Contrast (These modes must be unlocked first) Horizontal Flip: Yes/No (This mode must be unlocked first) ++++++++ Controls ++++++++ Rumble: On/Off Aiming Axis: Normal/Inverted, Either Down=Down or Down=Up on the C Stick Aiming Visor: Yes/No, Turns the crosshairs on or off Inventory: Yes/No, Turns the weapon and bullets display on or off ******************************************************************************* Extras (FTRES) ******************************************************************************* Includes all of the extras of the game that have been unlocked. It also shows you your game progress, overall score, and an internet code that can be entered at the kingkonggame.com website in the world rankings section. ******************************************************************************* Cheat (CHTMN) ******************************************************************************* This menu isn't available until after you've entered the cheat for it (found below in the cheats section). Once you've unlocked this menu, you can enter different passwords to enable various cheats in the game. =============================================================================== Characters (CHARS) =============================================================================== The following section introduces you to the main characters, enemies, and the food chain of the game. ******************************************************************************* Main Characters (MCHAR) ******************************************************************************* Jack Driscoll - The character that you'll be playing most of the game. He is a well-known playwright in New York that has been chosen to be the scriptwriter for Carl Denham's next film. Ann Darrow - The lone female that accompanies you on your trip to Skull Island. She is an aspiring actress that hopes to land the leading role in Carl Denham's next film. Hayes - This former infantryman from WWII is adept at using weapons. He will provide you with guns at various points during the game and help you fend off the incessant onslaught of predators. Carl Denham - The filmmaker responsible for dragging everyone to Skull Island in order make a movie that will save his dying career. Jimmy - The youngest sailor to come along on the journey, he is just a young kid wanting to get back to the streets of New York after a taste of the island. Englehorn - The captain of the ship that sails to Skull Island. He also drops the crates with ammo and guns around the island. Kong - A 25-foot tall gorilla, he is the last of his kind. He is at the top of the food chain on Skull Island. ******************************************************************************* Enemies (ECHAR) ******************************************************************************* (*) Mini Venatosaurus - Small dinosaurs that hunt in packs. Venatosaurus - A formidable hunter that is very similar to a velociraptor. You will occasionally run into pairs of them around the island. Megapede - These giants have hundreds of legs and can crawl on walls and ceilings. You will also see them swimming in the water. They will sit up like a cobra and lunge at you. It can also wrap itself around people to suffocate them. Millipede - A smaller and quicker version of the megapede. Giant Crab - Always living near water, it will vary greatly in size (from 6 to 30 feet wide). The larger version has incredibly strong claws and can destroy stone structures. Mini Bat - Small versions of the bat. Bat - The flying predators that usually fly in packs. Giant Bat - A much larger relative to the bat. Scorpions - These creatures hide in the bushes and come after you when you get close. Spider - These won't attack you unless you get too close. They are easily distracted by bait and hate fire. Swampcrawler - Large swamp predators that will come after when you wade through the water. (*) Mini V-Rex - A much, much smaller V-Rex that's about twice the size of a venatosaurus. V-Rex - The most powerful enemy in the game. None of the weapons used by Jack appear to have any affect, other than the aggravation of the beast. The only way to kill a V-Rex is with Kong. (*) Serpent - Large snakes that come in large groups. (*) Giant Serpent - Enormous and powerful snakes that can inflict some serious pain onto Kong. The enemies with a (*) beside their names are names that I have personally made up for easier referencing throughout the walkthrough. ******************************************************************************* Food Chain (FCHAN) ******************************************************************************* The game utilizes a food chain system that you can use to your benefit. You can divert a predator's attention by tossing them skewed bait. Most of the time, enemies in the game will swarm to a dead creature to devour it. You can stab the following creatures with a spear or bone and toss it as bait to a predator: Giant Dragonfly - They can be seen flying around various parts of the game. Small Larva - They can be seen crawling around on the ground. Small Swampcrawler - These will be found in various pools of water. =============================================================================== Weapons (WPONS) =============================================================================== There are six types of weapons in the game, four of which are guns. Two types of spears make up the remainder of the weapons. You can carry a combination of one gun and one spear, but no more. Ammo and guns can be found in crates scattered across the island. Hayes will also give you a gun at certain points of the game. You can call on Hayes to see if he has a gun or any ammo to give you by pressing A when facing him. Spears can be found lying around many parts of a level. Unlimited supplies of bone spears can be found in bone piles or from some dead animals. ++++ Guns ++++ Pistol - A basic firearm that does not possess much power, but can repel an enemy. If you find yourself up against a large predator, you'll be better off using a developed spear. The magazine contains 8 bullets. Shotgun - The most powerful gun, you'll need to be in close range to the enemy to release its full potential. The firing rate is also fairly low. Try to aim at the center of a cluttered group of enemies to take out more than one with a single blast. The magazine contains 5 bullets. Sniper Rifle - Perfect for taking out enemies from a distance. You'll want to use a sniper rifle at times when you want to take out enemies without drawing attention to yourself. The magazine contains 7 bullets. Machine Gun - The bullets come out at a high rate of fire to compensate for a lack in power. The machine gun has an average range and a magazine containing 50 bullets. ++++++ Spears ++++++ Developed Spear - These do a lot of damage to an enemy when compared to a bone spear. You'll find a limited supply of these scattered throughout the island. Bone Fragment Spear - A smaller and less effective spear, these can be found in bone piles and off of some dead animals in an unlimited supply. Spears can be taken out of an enemy and used again multiple times. However, a spear will eventually break. Once it breaks, you can only throw it one more time. A spear can also be lit on fire. Once it is on fire, you can set long grass or brushwood on fire to engulf enemies within or to clear a path. =============================================================================== Health (HLTHS) =============================================================================== The health system in the game regenerates. You could easily take ten to twenty hits on a level without dying, as long as all of them are spaced out. You can't see your health meter, but each time you are attacked, it goes down by a certain amount. It slowly fills itself back up when you are not being attacked by anything. So, the only ways to die are to fall off of a suspended bride of planks, or to be hit multiple times within a short period. The V-Rex can kill you in one hit, too. =============================================================================== Chapters (CHPTR) =============================================================================== This section provides you with a walkthrough of the levels of the game. Though most of the game is fairly linear, with you going from point A to point B without much deviation, there are some puzzles in the game that may become frustrating at times. When you first play through the game, the weapon(s) that you end one chapter with will be what you start with in the next chapter (with the exception of a few levels). The amount of ammo that you end with will also be carried over to the next level. The gun listed as the one you start with is referring to the gun that you start with when you go back and replay the chapter. This section also outlines the scoring formula, if necessary, for all relevant chapters. Once the game is beaten, you can go back and replay certain chapters in order to score points. The points will accumulate in order to unlock the extras in the game. Positive points are awarded for enemies killed and for completing a level. Negative points are given for each bullet or spear used, and for each time you die or allow yourself or a friend to be injured as Jack. Negative points are given for each attack attempt and for allotted time as Kong. When looking at the scoring formula, you will notice a pair numbers within the parentheses for the enemies killed. The pair will look like AxB, where A represents the approximate number of enemies in the level and B represents the number of points given for killing that type of enemy. The total positive points reflects a best case scenario where you, not your partners, kill the predators and pests. Keep in mind, though, that you will need to use spears or bullets to kill them, so you will always have a negative score of some sort. The negative points summary reflect the negative points per occurrence. So a value of -100 for bullets means -100 points per bullet used. ******************************************************************************* The Venture (VNTRE) ******************************************************************************* You really don't do anything in this level. You get to choose whether you want a normal or inverted aiming axis in the beginning, and then you just sit and watch what happens as you leave the ship for Skull Island. ******************************************************************************* Skull Island (SKLIL) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Pistol - Given by Hayes Shotgun - Found in a crate on the path after the 30-foot giant crab -------------- You awake on Skull Island by the sound of Ann's voice. The two ships that set sail for Skull Island have separated and it's just you, Ann, Carl, and Hayes. Follow the group up the steps to a cave. Ann will light a torch and Hayes will give you a pistol. Inside the cave are bunch of giant crabs that you can barely see. Don't wander too far into the cave. Just let them come to the entrance and pick them off one at a time. Eventually, Ann will go into the cave to a door that you have to knock down. When she gets close to the door, another giant crab will come out of the shadows, so shoot it before it gets to her. Go through the door and follow the path down to the beach. Grab a lever and start to turn it with Hayes on the other lever. Carl will tell Ann that he wants to start filming. You can stop pushing the lever and wait for giant crabs to start coming out of the ocean. After you kill all of them, another giant crab will come out of the ocean, but this time, it will be a 30-foot one. Just use your pistol and the bone spears around the beach to eventually take it out. Then finish pushing the lever to open the giant door. Follow the next path to another door you have to bust down. On the path is a crate with a shotgun in it. Behind the next door are some more giant crabs. Kill them and head to the large door. The lever is on the ground in front of the door. Pick it up, put it in the post, and turn it. Go up the steps and the level will end. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(1x5000)...........5000 Predators Killed..........(0x1000)..............0 Pests Killed..............(16x500)...........8000 TOTAL.......................................23000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Necropolis (NCRPL) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Shotgun - Start with, crate after starting Pistol - In a crate after crossing the plank that collapses -------------- Shortly after you begin, you'll see Jimmy and his crew still at sea trying to get their boat ashore. You can continue on the path afterwards, passing a crate containing a shotgun. Follow the path to the fire and use a spear to burn the bushes. The wooden structure will fall, opening up the entrance to a door. Follow Hayes into a place he calls a graveyard. In here you'll come up against a number of megapedes that you'll need to kill. After killing the first wave, a second wave will knock down a statue and swarm into the room. Kill them and move on. There should be a lone megapede crawling around inside the narrow passageway. You'll also come to a spot where light is shining through the ceiling. If Carl gets here, a megapede will lunge at him from a hole in the wall. You'll emerge from the passage into an area with a couple of megapedes and some bats. Take them out and cross over the plank to the cliff. There's a crate with a pistol there. After you cross over, Ann will climb the wall to meet up with you. Protect her from the megapedes that will come after her. After she safely climbs up, follow the path to a small valley with some more predators. Kill them and burn the bushes blocking your way. Ann will climb the wall to open the door. Use a larva as bait for the spiders blocking the way after the door. The end of the level is right past the small waterfall. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Predators Killed..........(26x500)..........13000 Pests Killed...............(2x250)............500 TOTAL.......................................28500 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Scorpions (SCRPN) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Pistol - Start with, crate in the area with a lot of bushes that you, not Ann, can burn away Sniper Rifle - Hayes gives it to you at the end of the stage -------------- Follow Ann along the path to an area with a lot of bushes. Ann will climb the wall to toss the fire down into the bushes. Protect her as she scales the wall. After she burns away the bushes, wade through the water. Ann will kill the creatures in the water as you wade to the end. After she pulls you out of the water, head to the next part with a lot of bushes. There will be quite a few scorpions hiding within the bushes, along with a few megapedes. You can rush to the fire and burn them out by lighting all of the bushes on fire. Afterwards, you'll notice a crate that has a pistol. Follow Ann up the path. Knock the urn of fire down into the bushes with a spear or by shooting it. You'll run into Carl and Hayes. Get the sniper rifle from Hayes and take out a couple of megapedes that come behind you. Carl will lower the gate for you to cross to the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed..........(9x1000)...........9000 Pests Killed...............(8x500)...........4000 TOTAL.......................................23000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* The Wall (TWALL) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with, in a crate in the field of bushes where you start. -------------- Break down the door where you start and kill the megapede that shows right after. Go the right on the ledge and grab a spear. Look below for an urn of fire hanging on wall. Knock it down into the bushes. If you look across the field to the arch, you'll see another urn of fire and a bat hanging under the arch. Shoot the bat to draw the scorpions to it and shoot the urn to set the bushes on fire. Head across the field, killing the other scorpions as they emerge. Continue along the path to another field of bushes. Use the urns of fire to set the field on the fire, trying to burn all of the bushes. This will help kill as many enemies as possible. Go up the path to the right and jump into the pool of water. Ann will open the door for you. Then continue on to the next pool of water. Ann will open that door and Skull Islanders will be on the other side. They'll knock you out and end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed..........(6x1000)...........6000 Pests Killed..............(20x500)..........10000 TOTAL.......................................26000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Sacrifice (SCRFC) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- You'll start off tied up to a post. Just relax and watch Ann be offered and taken by Kong. Afterwards, Carl will come and cut you loose. Follow him and avoid the flaming spears that the islanders throw at you. Try to pick a spear on fire up off the ground as you're running away. You'll come to an area with tall grass and bushes. Set the tall grass on the right on fire. Straight ahead is a large door that needs a lever to open it. When you approach the door, a venatosaurus will come at you from the left. You can wait until it gets to the tall grass and set the grass on fire to kill it. Afterwards a couple of megapedes and another venatosaurus will try to kill you. After you kill them, turn away from door and head to the far right corner. You'll see an urn burning next to a post in some bushes. Burn away the bushes and take the lever out of the post. Go back and open the door. Then follow the path until the level ends. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(2x5000)..........10000 Predators Killed..........(2x1000)...........2000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................22000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* On Kong's Tracks (ONKNG) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Shotgun - In a crate at the base of the nesting structure Pistol - In a crate in the nesting structure -------------- Follow Carl to a spot where you can see Kong walking along a path. After Kong passes, Carl will start again on the path, so just follow him. He'll get to a spot where he'll stop to start filming. A giant bat will come and take him. It's supposed to take him, so don't bother wasting spears on it. Keep going along the path, past the waterfall and break through the door. You'll run into a pack of mini venatosauruses along the way. Kill them and go on. You'll need to keep along the path all the way to the nest at the top of the valley. You'll have to fend off a lot of bats along the way. At the base of the nesting structure is a crate with a shotgun that you'll want to grab. When you get to the top, you'll need to defend Carl against the swarm of bats that are trying to eat him. Once you kill a decent number of them, the larger giant bat will start to swoop down at you. Two consecutive hits from it and you'll die. Just try to throw spears or shoot it in the head when it comes down at you. After quite a few blows it'll go down. Backtrack down the path back to the waterfall you past much earlier in the level. Past the waterfall and to the left is a door with two levers. Open the door and go through to the fire to end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(1x2500)...........2500 Predators Killed..........(15x500)...........7500 Pests Killed..............(10x250)...........2500 TOTAL.......................................22500 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Hayes (HYESS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Pistol - Start with, in a crate hanging from a tree in the area with the two venatosauruses, and one more on the other side of the first large door Shotgun - In a crate on the other side of the first large door Machine Gun - Given by Hayes -------------- Follow Carl up the path past the spiders swarmed around a post. You'll come to an open area with some venatosauruses eating a dead animal. Find a nearby spear and skewer a giant dragonfly. Run to the shelter on the other side and go up the stairs to the pillar of fire. Throw the bait to lure the enemies to the tall grass. Quickly light a spear on fire and throw it into the tall grass while they eat the bait. There's a crate with a pistol hanging from a tree if you want to get more ammo. The large door requires you to find two levers to open it. One is stuck in the post underneath the shelter to the left of the door. Burn away the bushes to get to it. The other lever is covered by the spiders that you passed earlier. Use a giant dragonfly to lure them away and quickly grab the lever. Continue on, watching out for the megapedes that occupy the caves and water. You'll come to an area where Hayes is stuck on a ledge. There is a pillar of fire on a ledge across from him. You have to get to the pillar and burn the bushes away for Hayes. Go left past the waterfall, but be careful of the two venatosauruses in the area. Navigate through the narrow doorways to safely get to the arch. Once you get past the arch, the two venatosauruses won't follow. Go up the stairs, but be careful of another venatosaurus that will jump over to your side. Take it out and toss a lit spear into the bushes. Go back past the arch and, if you haven't already, take out the venatosauruses from earlier. You'll find the lever for the door along the back wall stuck in a post. Go through the door and follow Hayes and Carl to reach the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(5x2500)..........12500 Predators Killed...........(7x500)...........3500 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................26000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* V-Rex (VREXS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Machine Gun - Start with, in a crate near the start of the level Pistol - Given by Hayes -------------- Follow Hayes and Carl. You'll run into Jimmy and his crew crossing suspended planks. A V-Rex will tear the bridge apart and eat Lumpy, then come after you three. Hayes and Carl will run to the large door and start to open it. You need to keep the V-Rex occupied until they get it open. You can kill the two bats to distract the V-Rex and throw spears or shoot at it. Use the surrounding structures the keep you away from it. Follow Carl and Hayes underneath the structure to keep you away from the V-Rex. It will break down the entrance. You'll hear Ann screaming in the distance, and the V-Rex will go away after a while. Make sure you don't go back out into the open or you will die. Once it leaves, head up the path on the left, grabbing a lever out of the post against the wall, back to the large door that is still closed. Open the door and continue on. Start to cross the planks. They'll collapse under you and you'll fall into the pit shortly below. Continue alone up the path and the level ends soon after. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................20000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed..........(2x1000)...........2000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................22000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Ann (ACTRS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Machine Gun - Start with, in a crate hanging above the ground near the start of the level Pistol - In a crate on the path running parallel to the fallen tree Shotgun - In a crate on the path running parallel to the fallen tree -------------- Go along the path until you come to a large open area with a lot of tall grass. There will be a crate with a machine gun hanging above the ground. There are a lot of mini venatosauruses in this area, so be careful. Once you get past this area, you'll run into Ann. She'll be running along a fallen tree and will need you to keep the enemies off of her. As you run along the path, you'll come across two crates. One has a pistol and the other has a shotgun. Defend Ann until a giant bat comes and takes her away. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus................................5000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed.........(11x1000)..........11000 Pests Killed..............(28x500)..........14000 TOTAL.......................................30000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Kong (KKONG) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Basically, just follow the giant bat that took off with Ann. You'll follow it to its nest. You can take out the giant one by going into Fury Mode and using Kong's stun attack three times when it lunges at you. If you're in Fury Mode, it should only take one hit to swat the regular bats out of the sky. Once the giant bat goes down, do one of Kong's finishing moves to kill it. After you kill the giant bat, throw the pillar blocking the door out of the way and smash through the door. Then catch up to Ann. She will more than likely be on a cliff across from you after you reach the end of the path, fending off some venatosauruses along the way. To get over to her, you'll need to climb the cliff wall. then just go up to her and pick her up, ending the level. *************** Positive Points *************** Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(1x2500)...........2500 Pests Killed..............(48x250)..........12000 TOTAL.......................................24500 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted.............................-25 Time..........................................-10 ******************************************************************************* The Canyon (TCNYN) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Machine Gun - Start with Pistol - In a crate hanging above the ground shortly after you start Sniper Rifle - In a crate at the end of the path before crossing the second set of suspended planks, in a crate hanging in front the second waterfall in the brontosaurus area Shotgun - Given by Hayes -------------- Follow the path and grab the pistol in the crate hanging above the ground along the way. Once you step on the plank, four bats will come after you, so be ready to take them out. Continue along the path to the second set of suspended planks. When you step on the first plank here, a lot of bats will come after you. If you go further along the path, there's a sniper rifle in a crate that you can use to pick off the bats from a distance. You can step on the plank and run up the path a bit to make them go away. Just pick them off one by one until they're all gone. Then cross over the valley to the other side and continue along the path. After a bit, you'll come to a part with a herd of brontosauruses walking by. Wade through the water to go up the steps near the end to light a spear on fire. Burn away the bushes blocking your way and go up the steps. Continue along the path, grabbing the sniper rifle from the crate hanging in front of the waterfall. An entrance to a cave is behind the waterfall. Inside the cave, use bait to lure some megapedes into the water and take them out. You should be able to lure three of them. After you wade through the water, you'll come to a door you need to break down. There's also another megapede over here. Past this first door are a couple of megapedes and another door to break down. Past the second door are three more megapedes and a small millipede. Wade through the water to reach some stairs and another megapede. In this next room are quite a few scorpions and some bats. When you kill them, grab some bait. Head to end of the room to find some more planks to walk across. Throw the bait to lure the spiders away and hurry across the planks to the other side and the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Predators Killed..........(16x500)...........8000 Pests Killed..............(25x250)...........6250 TOTAL.......................................24250 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Millipedes (MLLPD) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with, in a crate past the first door, in a crate on the planks near the beginning, in a crate on the steps before finally catching up to Carl and Hayes -------------- Break through the door at the start and go outside. You'll see Hayes and Carl on the other side. Use the sniper rifle to help protect Carl and Hayes while Carl opens the door. You can shoot the urn of fire hanging over the tall grass to take out a few megapedes. Once Carl and Hayes get through the door, keep going along the path. You'll get to the suspended planks and have some bats to take out to cross. After you take them out, go across and you'll see Hayes and Carl beneath. You need to help protect them while Carl opens the next door. Some giant crabs will start coming through the door as Carl opens it. After taking them out, Carl and Hayes will go through and you can continue along your path. You'll come to an open area with a number of different enemies. You can kill one of the bats hanging from the ceiling to get the other predators to eat it. Then you can pick them off one at a time. Knock the urn of fire down from the wall high above the ground. The pillar on the ground will catch on fire. Light a spear and throw it into the pillar on the other side of the waterfall by using the hole in the wall to the left of the door. Break through the door and go to the other, taking out the megapedes once you get over there. Light another spear on fire and break through the next door. Continue along the path and burn the bushes in the corner. Across the water, you'll see Carl and Hayes. Protect them from the megapedes while fending off the giant grabs that come out of the water. If you need ammo, you can grab the sniper rifle on the steps. Grab the lever out of the post that was in the bushes and head over to Carl and Hayes. Open the door and head through to end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Predators Killed..........(15x500)...........7500 Pests Killed..............(23x250)...........5750 TOTAL.......................................28250 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Brontosaurus (BRNTO) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with Shotgun - Given by Hayes, in a crate hanging by the wall near the beginning -------------- Head out of the cave and into the field with the herd of brontosauruses. Head across the field while avoiding being stomped on. Head in the direction the brontosauruses are going, while maneuvering around the bushes. If you head toward the wall where the cave is, you'll see a crate that has a shotgun in it. Get the shotgun. Be careful of venatosauruses and the mini ones as you follow the brontosauruses. You'll eventually see a pillar with a burning fire along the right wall. Go around and under the waterfall to get to it. Light a spear on fire and throw it into the pillar on the stairs across from you. Now you'll need to head back to Carl and Hayes. Light pillars at the top of the stairs along the way. You will have quite a few venatosauruses coming after you, and you'll need to use your spears to fend them off. Lighting the pillars and fire keeps you from having to constantly go back to light a spear on fire again. Once you get back to Carl and Hayes, light the bushes behind them on fire. A V-Rex will smash down the entrance to where you guys are. Head up the stairs and to the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed.....(10x1000)..........10000 Predators Killed...........(0x200)..............0 Pests Killed...............(8x100)............800 TOTAL.......................................25800 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Jimmy (JMMYK) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Shotgun - Start with Sniper Rifle - Given by Hayes, in a crate near the beginning, in a crate where you first find Jimmy Pistol - In a crate where you get on the raft with Jimmy -------------- Follow Carl and Hayes, picking up the sniper rifle from the crate in the beginning. You'll come to an area with tall grass swarming with the mini venatosauruses and some bats. Take them out and head past the area to the river. You'll see Jimmy across the water. You can grab sniper rifle ammo out of the crate that's hanging in the air when you first see him. Keep the mini venatosauruses off of him until he gets on the raft. Next, follow Carl and Hayes through the water and into an area where the door closes behind you. You'll come up against a wave of mini venatosauruses and a regular venatosaurus. Kill them all and move on. Avoid the spears that the islanders throw at you. Pick up a lit spear to burn the bushes that block the way. You'll eventually come to a part where you can get on Jimmy's raft. Ride the raft to the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(1x2500)...........2500 Predators Killed...........(2x500)...........1000 Pests Killed..............(56x250)..........14000 TOTAL.......................................32500 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* On the Raft (ONRFT) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with Pistol - Given by Hayes -------------- Ride the raft and be aware of things crawling into the water after you. You'll come across a number of bridges of the islanders. You can bring the bridges down by throwing a lit spear into the bushes below them. After three bridges, you should reach the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed.........(19x1000)..........19000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................29000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Rapids (RAPDS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Pistol - Start with, given by Hayes -------------- You're still riding the raft, but this time you need to keep from being eaten by a V-Rex. If it gets near you, then shoot it or throw a spear at it. After a short while, the level comes to end. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................20000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed..........(3x1000)...........3000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................23000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* Fight (KFGHT) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ You'll come up against a total of three V-Rexes in this level. Just keep using your stun attack to take them down and do Kong's finishing move once they go down. Make sure to put Ann down before you take on the first one. After you kill it, continue along the path to reach the second and third one. Kill them and you're done. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(3x5000)..........15000 Pests Killed..............(10x500)...........5000 TOTAL.......................................35000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted............................-100 Time..........................................-40 ******************************************************************************* Swamps (SWMPS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Pistol - Start with, left in a crate by Hayes at the start Sniper Rifle - In a crate above bushes at the beginning, in a crate after the third time you have to wade through the water -------------- You can burn the bushes to the right at the start of the level to get a sniper rifle. Wade through the water, keeping an eye out for swampcrawlers. When you reach the second pool of water, you'll have to cover the guys as they swim to the other side. The next pool of water has a lot of swampcrawlers in it. Once you get to the other side, pick up the sniper rifle from the crate for more ammo. Continue along the path on land. There will be some mini bats hanging from a tree above along the way. You'll get to a spot where bushes are blocking the way. There is an urn of fire on the wall. You can start at the short end of the wall and walk up it to the fire. Set the bushes on fire, keeping an eye on the bats flying around. When the bushes clear, the guys will swim through the water and you need to protect them from swampcrawlers. After they get to land, swim across and meet back up with them. Go up the stairs to the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Predators Killed...........(4x500)...........2000 Pests Killed..............(36x250)...........9000 TOTAL.......................................26000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Chased by V-Rex (VCHSE) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Take out the venatosauruses and pick up Ann. Climb up the stone column that has an urn of fire burning at the top. Put Ann down and she'll burn a path open for you. Climb up the wall and follow Ann down the river. Jump down the waterfall and pick Ann back up. Climb along the wall. Continue along Kong's path, jumping from wall to wall until you come to another flat area. Put Ann down and break down the door. After she lights her spear on fire, pick her back up and climb up the stone column. Put her back down and she'll burn a new path open for you. Climb up the wall and continue along the path to catch back up to Ann. You'll run into a V-Rex that you'll need to kill. After that, move the stone blocking the door and smash through the door. The end of the level is on the other side. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(1x2500)...........2500 Pests Killed..............(61x250)..........15250 TOTAL.......................................32750 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted.............................-50 Time..........................................-20 ******************************************************************************* The Log (THLOG) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Kong will make you fall off of the log into the water below. Once you get down there, swim through the water and meet back up with the rest of the crew. Go outside to end the level. ******************************************************************************* The Skull Islanders (SKLLS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Pick up something to throw at the islanders on the bridges above the door. You can use a tree, stone, or the venatosauruses. Once you take them and the venatosauruses out, push the stone out of the way and break through the door. Pick up Ann and continue, killing the islanders and destroying structures that are blocking your way. You'll come to a part where the islanders come out of caves. Put Ann down and she'll climb up a post to set bushes on fire to open up a path for you. Climb up the wall and continue along the path to another door blocked by a stone. Move the stone. A V-Rex will break through the door and knock you over the edge, ending the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Pests Killed..............(83x250)..........20750 TOTAL.......................................30750 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted............................-100 Time..........................................-40 ******************************************************************************* To Save Ann (2SAVE) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Wade through the water and follow the path on the cliff down to the ground. Go under the legs of the V-Rex and head toward the dry land with all of the stone structures. Quickly grab a spear and head back and hurl it at the V-Rex to get its attention. Ann will open the door for you, but she'll take a while. You need to keep the V-Rex's attention on you. Use the structures to keep some space between you and V-Rex. Go through once she opens the door. There's a crack in the wall that you can go through. Head up the path to the top. Help Ann get up the cliff when you reach the top, then continue on. You'll eventually run into Hayes and Jimmy and the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................25000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed..........(0x1000)..............0 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................25000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-200 Spears Used...................................-40 Deaths.....................................-10000 Injuries....................................-2000 Friends Injured.............................-2000 ******************************************************************************* The Cave (TCAVE) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- You just head along the path until you reach the end of the level. ******************************************************************************* Venatosaurus (VNTSR) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - In a crate on the ground at the top of the stairs at the start Shotgun - In a crate hanging above the ground at the top of the stairs at the start -------------- Head up the stairs to the structure at the top. Smash the crate that's hanging and grab the shotgun. You'll go through a wave of venatosauruses. Just try to stay aware and keep them off of you and the rest of the guys. After about nine of them, a mini V-Rex will come. You can kill the venatosauruses that also come to distract it for a bit. Try to make sure your shots hit it in the head to take it out more quickly. Once you kill them, follow Ann to a tunnel. Be on the lookout for megapedes. At the end of the tunnel is a waterfall. Jump into the water and get out before the giant crabs get to you. Then fend them off when you get to land. Throw a lit spear into the bushes next to the waterfall. Use the slope below the waterfall to get back up. On the way back, light the urns and take out the megapedes and giant crabs that you run into. Backtrack to Jimmy and Hayes and light the bushes on fire. Then follow Ann to the next tunnel. There'll be more megapedes and some venatosauruses in the next area. When you get to the end of the tunnel, toss a lit spear into the tall grass to take out the enemies below. A lever is wedged into the post at the top of the stairs. Grab it and head under the pillars on the other side to get back up to Ann. Then backtrack to Jimmy and Hayes and open the door. Go through to end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(15x1000).........15000 Predators Killed...........(11x200)..........2200 Pests Killed................(8x100)...........800 TOTAL.......................................33000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used..................................-50 Spears Used...................................-10 Deaths......................................-2500 Injuries.....................................-500 Friends Injured..............................-500 ******************************************************************************* In the Mud (NTMUD) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Machine Gun - In a crate near the start Sniper Rifle - In a crate near the start (you need to get to it before Hayes), in a crate after wading through the water after killing the giant bat -------------- Head into the first field and take out the mini venatosauruses. Skew a giant dragonfly and keep going. Lure away the spiders with the giant dragonfly and light a spear on fire at the burning urn. Head back, using the fires to keep the spiders off of you if necessary. Burn the bushes blocking your way and keep going. Go to the edge of the plank above the water and keep the swampcrawlers off of Jimmy and Ann. Swim to the other side and make sure nothing attacks Hayes. Go through the cave and go the steps of the structure at the end. You'll need to take out the bats and the giant bat to move on. Wade through the water, watching your back for swampcrawler. There'll be some mini venatosauruses on the land. Once you get on land, head through the archway, picking up the sniper rifle from the crate beforehand. Swim through the water. You'll come to an area with a lot of wooden barriers that need to be broken through. Just keep heading forward, taking out the swampcrawlers along the way. At the end of the water is the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(1x2500)...........2500 Predators Killed...........(6x500)...........3000 Pests Killed..............(18x250)...........4500 TOTAL.......................................25000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Call Kong (CLLKK) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with, given by Hayes, in a crate in the area at the top of the stairs -------------- Follow everyone to the water, where Englehorn will land. Unfortunately, he can't stay long, because a V-Rex comes out. You'll need to run across the planks on the left and stay ahead of the V-Rex as it comes after you. Throw a spear or shoot it if it gets too close to you or the other guys. You'll get to an area at the top where the V-Rex can't go through. Grab the sniper rifle out of the crate for some extra ammo. The V-Rex will eventually go around. Use the bats as bait whenever you can. Go under the structure with everyone else. Ann will eventually go back to light the urns to call Kong. Protect her as she does so. Kong will come and end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................20000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed.........(11x1000)..........11000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................31000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-200 Spears Used...................................-40 Deaths.....................................-10000 Injuries....................................-2000 Friends Injured.............................-2000 ******************************************************************************* Kong to the Rescue (KKRES) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Take out the V-Rex. A giant bat will come and take Ann. Move the stone column and smash through the door to chase after it. Keep following it, taking out bats that keep you from climbing cliffs. Be careful when jumping between two cliffs, because bats can knock you off and kill you. You'll finally catch up and need to kill two giant bats. Go into Fury Mode once you get to the circular, flat area and do Kong's stun attack when they dive at you. After killing them, climb up the wall and move the stone pillar blocking the door. Pick up Ann and smash through the door. Go past the area with the lava and to the river where you'll run into three V-Rexes. Put down Ann and kill them. Separate them and take them on independently if you can. After you kill them, pick Ann back up and head to the back of the river. Move the stone pillar blocking the door and smash through the door to end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(6x2500)..........15000 Pests Killed..............(35x250)...........8750 TOTAL.......................................33750 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted.............................-25 Time..........................................-10 ******************************************************************************* To the Plane (TOPLN) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - Start with Machine Gun - In a crate hanging above the ground on the path down to the ocean -------------- After Hayes dies, some venatosauruses will come after you and Jimmy. Kill them and open the door past the bushes. Head through the tunnel. You'll come to a place that leads back down to the ocean. You'll notice a small fixture on the right with a door. You can break through the door to keep safe from the two venatosauruses there. Keep going, and be careful of more venatosauruses and bats. Light a spear on fire at the urn halfway down. Burn away the bushes blocking your path. You can use a lit spear to light the bushes on fire that the two venatosauruses are in, eating away. Get to the plane. Jimmy will get in and the plane will take off, ending the level. If he doesn't get in at first, just walk around the plane until he does. The time that passes before the AI script is triggered can vary. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(8x1000)...........8000 Predators Killed...........(8x200)...........1600 Pests Killed...............(0x100)..............0 TOTAL.......................................24600 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* To the Lair (TLAIR) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - In a hanging crate shortly after the start, in a hanging crate at the top of a structure inside the temple, in a hanging crate through a hole in the wall inside the temple Shotgun - In a crate hanging on the other side of the door in the temple -------------- Go along the path, grabbing the sniper rifle from the hanging crate. Swim across the water and head up to the top of the stairs. Be careful of the bunch of bats you'll encounter on the way up. You can use your sniper rifle to take them out before getting to them. Go into the temple and swim through the water. You'll come to the part inside with some mini V-Rexes. You can shoot a bat off of the ceiling for bait. Head into the structure at the bottom of the stairs and break through the door. At the top of the stairs is a crate with a sniper rifle for more ammo. Using more bats as bait, head across to the other structure while they're eating. Break through the door and head to the top. Light a spear and toss it into the bushes. Try to take out the mini V-Rexes with whatever spears you can get a hold of. Once the bushes are burned away, you'll need to skew a larva by the door for bait. Head up the stairs past the burned bushes and lure the spiders away with the bait. Grab the lever out of the post and head down the stairs. You should see a hole in the wall that has a hanging crate beyond it. Grab the sniper rifle from the crate for more ammo. Head back to the door and open it. There is a shotgun from the crate on the other side of the door. Break the door on the right leading into the caves and go through. Go a little ways to end the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(2x2500)...........5000 Predators Killed..........(30x500)..........15000 Pests Killed...............(0x250)..............0 TOTAL.......................................35000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Kong's Lair (KLAIR) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ Sniper Rifle - In a hanging crate shortly after the start -------------- Break through the door at the end of the tunnel and grab the sniper rifle from the hanging crate. Head up the stairs, taking out bats along the way. At the top, go into the cave and to the back. You'll have to wade through the tunnel of water until you get to Ann and Kong. Call Ann and she'll come to you, ending the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus................................5000 Big Predators Killed......(0x5000)..............0 Predators Killed.........(11x1000)..........11000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................16000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Fight in the Lair (FLAIR) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ You'll be up against serpents and giant serpents. Just try to go after the giant serpents one at a time, while keeping the smaller versions off of you. The giant serpents tend to run away after being hit. So go into Fury Mode whenever you have the chance. After it runs away, it will lunge at you from somewhere off of the screen. So just keep moving around. Use Kong's stun attack when you get near a giant serpent. After you hit it, try to grab it. Once you get a hold of it, do his finishing move. It'll be weak enough to finish off after about four stun attacks. After you kill three giant serpents, the level is done. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(3x5000)..........15000 Pests Killed..............(28x500)..........14000 TOTAL.......................................39000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted............................-100 Time..........................................-40 ******************************************************************************* Free! (UFREE) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Just follow Ann to a raft. Then ride the raft to the end of the level. ******************************************************************************* Chased by Kong (KKCHS) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Follow Ann through the cave out to the open area. You can let the mini V-Rex take out the venatosaurus and possibly some bats. Ann will run under a structure that you can use for cover if anything comes after you. After you take out the mini V-Rex, light a spear at a nearby burning urn. Burn away the bushes blocking the path and follow Ann to the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(3x5000)..........15000 Predators Killed..........(2x1000)...........2000 Pests Killed...............(0x500)..............0 TOTAL.......................................32000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Heading Back (HEADB) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Follow Ann to the top of the hill, taking out the bat and venatosaurus at the top. You'll see a burning urn on the wall. Knock it down to clear away the bushes. Keep heading along the path, killing some more dinosaurs and bats. Go through the crack in the wall and continue along the path. You'll come to a field with a lot of tall grass. Skull islanders will through lit spears into the grass to make it start burning. Just move to avoid getting burned or hit by a spear, and move along once the fire burns out. The end of the level is shortly past here. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(2x5000)..........10000 Predators Killed..........(3x1000)...........3000 Pests Killed...............(6x500)...........3000 TOTAL.......................................26000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Bullets Used.................................-100 Spears Used...................................-20 Deaths......................................-5000 Injuries....................................-1000 Friends Injured.............................-1000 ******************************************************************************* Back to the Village (BVILL) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Follow Ann to the area with a lot of bushes. There's a burning urn on a wall. Knock it down and get a lit spear to continue on, burning whatever blocks your way. There's a tunnel along the left wall that you need to go through. Follow the path with Ann to a dead end. Ann will go back to try to create a path to move on, but the islanders have set a trap. Once she steps into the trap, the level ends. ******************************************************************************* Kong's Capture (KKCAP) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Head along the path through the first door. You'll come to a second door to break through on your left. Break through and climb the wall to take out the islanders on the platform. Jump down to the door with a stone pillar blocking it. Climb the wall to the right to get to the islanders on another platform. Jump back down to the door with the stone and there should be a few more islanders behind you to take out. Once done, move the stone and continue on. Go a little further and you'll see Ann tied up. Grab her and climb up the nearby stone column. Put her down so she can clear a path for you. Pick her back up and climb the wall and move on. You'll come to the ocean and the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................10000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Pests Killed..............(48x250)..........12000 TOTAL.......................................22000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted.............................-25 Time..........................................-10 ******************************************************************************* Kong Struck Down (KKDWN) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Available Guns ++++++++++++++ None -------------- Walk to Kong's face to listen to Carl and Ann talk and to finish the level. ******************************************************************************* In the Streets of New York (STNYC) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Once the curtains open up, break free of the chains. Then head through the gate directly ahead. Go left and make a right at the first street and break through the next gate. Go under the bridge and back to the streets. Make the first right and head down the street, looking out for police cars and mobile gun turrets. Turn right at the second street. You'll need to climb onto the roofs and take out the gunners next to the spotlights on both sides. To get to the spotlight on the left, climb the building a few spots over. Then hop from roof to roof until you get to the spotlight. Once done, pick up the bus and move it. Break through the gate and head straight down the street until you come to the blockade. Ann will come out and get into your hand. After that, go to a corner of the Empire State Building that sticks out and climb up it. Keep climbing up until you reach the end of the level. +++++++++++++++ Positive Points +++++++++++++++ Chapter Bonus...............................15000 Big Predators Killed......(0x2500)..............0 Pests Killed..............(34x250)..........17000 TOTAL.......................................32000 +++++++++++++++ Negative Points +++++++++++++++ Attacks Attempted.............................-50 Time..........................................-20 ******************************************************************************* The Empire State Building (EBLDG) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++ Played as Kong ++++++++++++++ Keep climbing up to the needle on top of the Empire State Building. You can keep fighting, but eventually the planes will shoot Kong off and he'll fall back down to the ground, ending the level. ******************************************************************************* Kong's Death (KKDIE) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++ Cutscene ++++++++ This chapter is just a cutscene of the end of the game. ******************************************************************************* Credits (CRDTS) ******************************************************************************* This merely shows the credits to the game, which is the same as the one in the Extras menu. ******************************************************************************* Alternative End (ALTND) ******************************************************************************* ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Played as Kong and Jack in a Plane ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You'll have to unlock this stage first and then access it through the Extras menu. Climb to the top of the Empire State Building and keep fighting off the planes. Eventually, the searchlights will turn on and you'll switch to Jack flying a plane. Take out the spotlights and planes shooting at Kong. Emergency lights will come, but Kong will escape, ending the level and giving you the alternate ending. =============================================================================== Unlockables (UNLCK) =============================================================================== This section outlines all of the extras that can be unlocked and how to unlock them. Three of the unlockables are unlocked by entering an online code. In order to receive these codes, you must go to the www.kingkonggame.com website. Once there, go to the online rankings section and register. You will see a spot where you can enter an internet code that is displayed on the game in the extras menu. The internet is based upon your score and game completion. The online code you receive will correspond to the internet code you enter on the website. This means you cannot use your friend's online code to unlock the extras, unless you somehow manage to have the exact same internet codes. +++++++ Trailer +++++++ A trailer of the movie King Kong. Unlocked after you start a game and watch the opening trailer once. +++++++ Credits +++++++ Shows the credits for the game. Unlocked after you start a game and watch the opening trailer once. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Environments Part 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of the environments. Unlocked after completing 5% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++ "Old Movie" Filter ++++++++++++++++++ Opens up the "Old Movie" mode under the video options. Complete 15% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Environments Part 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of the environments. Obtain online code 1 after completing 25% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Creatures ++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of the creatures in the game. Complete 50% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Kong Part 1 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of Kong. Complete 75% of the game. +++++++++++++++ Horizontal Flip +++++++++++++++ Opens up the "Horizontal Flip" mode under the video options. Complete 100% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++++++ "High Contrast" Filter ++++++++++++++++++++++ Opens up the "High Contrast Filter" mode under the video options. Obtain online code 2 after completing 100% of the game. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Kong Part 2 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of Kong. Obtain an overall score of 20,000 points. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Environments Part 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of the environments. Obtain an overall score of 50,000 points. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Peter Jackson Interview +++++++++++++++++++++++ An interview with movie director Peter Jackson. Obtain an overall score of 75,000 points. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Weta Artworks: Kong Part 3 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of Kong. Obtain an overall score of 100,000 points. +++++++++++++++++++++ Artworks: Kong Part 4 +++++++++++++++++++++ Art gallery of Kong. Obtain an overall score of 150,000 points. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ Philippa Boyens Interview +++++++++++++++++++++++++ An interview with writer Philippa Boyens. Obtain online code 3 after getting a score of 200,000 points and having 100% game completion. +++++++++++++++ Alternative End +++++++++++++++ Gives you an alternate ending to the game. You'll get to play the last level, but with a bit of a change. Once you beat the level, you'll see the alternate ending. Obtain an overall score of 250,000 points and have 100% game completion. =============================================================================== Cheats (KKCHT) =============================================================================== To access the Cheat Menu, at the main menu hold L+R and press Down, X, Up, Y, Down, Down, Up, Up, and release L+R. *Note that this code only applies to the GameCube version. As far as I know, this code does not work for the X-Box 360, and I am also unaware of one that does. **The main menu is the screen with Play, Options, and Extras along the right side of the screen. Once you've unlocked the Cheat Menu, you can go to it and enter the following codes: Level Select - KKst0ry Invincibility - 8wonder 1-Hit Kills - GrosBras Full Ammunition - KK 999 mun (note the spaces between K and 9 & 9 and m) Infinite Spears - lance 1nf (push X to acquire a spear) Revolver - KKtigun Machine Gun - KKcapone Sniper Rifle - KKsn1per All Extras Unlocked - KKmuseum *You may notice the absence of a code for the shotgun. Sources claim that KKsh0tgun or KKBigBlast will give you the shotgun. However, I have not been able to validate either claims. I also have not found one that does work. If any of you know of the working code, you can e-mail it to me and, upon having it validated, be duly credited. =============================================================================== Glitches (GLTCH) =============================================================================== The game contains some glitches that are normally unfavorable. Various stages, such as Hayes and On Kong's Tracks, experience AI script glitches. Many of the stages require one of the computer players to do something for you to continue through a level. For example, in On Kong's Tracks, after you rescue Carl, you need him to help you open the door at the end of the level to finish it. There have been numerous accounts of the computer players' scripts not being triggered. Though it may occur every so often (despite its need of absence from games), the odds of having it occur increase if you are using a cheat. If you can't get past a level because someone isn't doing what he or she should, check if you are using a cheat. Doublecheck and make sure you haven't overlooked something, and then restart the level without using a cheat. =============================================================================== Online Codes (ONCDE) =============================================================================== Many of you have seen the online codes and have wondered what they are and how to use them. First off, under the Extras menu, you'll see something that says Internet Code followed by a random slew of letters and numbers. This is a random passcode generated within the game. It mainly reflects your score. If your score is 0, then chances are you haven't beaten the game yet. You can't earn a score until you do. Then you have to go back and replay certain levels to earn a score. Your individual scores will be tallied up to give you the amount you should see on the Extras menu. This, along with some other minor factors, will generate a random Internet code. Three of the extras are unlocked based upon your Internet code. With your Internet written down, go to www.kingkonggame.com. There is link near the top of the screen that says Online Rankings. The next screen has a spot along the left for you to enter in your Internet Code. If you aren't already registered with Ubisoft, you'll need to click on the Register Here link in that box and follow the steps. Then come back and type in your Internet code. In turn, you will get an Online code that pairs up with your Internet code. You then take the Online code and put it in on the Extras menu for one of the three related extras (found above in the extras section). Keep in mind that the Online code must match with the Internet code. This means you can't share the Online codes with your friends or vice versa. I would've simply given you mine otherwise. Why? In my opinion, it's purely a marketing strategy by Ubisoft. They know you want to unlock everything, so to do so, they make you register at their site. =============================================================================== Credits (THNKS) =============================================================================== The cheat codes were obtained from www.cheatcc.com =============================================================================== Legal Information (LGALS) =============================================================================== This FAQ may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. If you wish to display this FAQ on your site, you can email me at the above address. I will more than likely approve your request. Copyright 2005 kno33x
Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.