South Park: Chef’s Love Shack
select Select Cartman at the character selection screen. Then,press Up, Up,
Left, Down, Up, on the next screen. A list of mini-games will appear.
More Mini-games:
Play as Cartman if you want more mini-games. He is the only character that can
play the Rodeo and Beefcake mini-games.
Beefcake Bonus:
Eat every can of Weight Gain 4000 in the Beefcake mini-game to access a hidden
animation at the end.
GameShark Codes
0 Pts P1 46492CBC00703040 464A2CBC00000000 0 Pts P2 965B398200703040 9658398200000000 0 Pts P3 C9D8D48D00703040 C9DBD48D00000000 0 Pts P4 28F4503000703040 28F7503000000000
Thanks to Revolution readers Mr. Hankey and Steven Onate!