1. Controls 2. Story Mode 2.1 - Training 2.2 - Boston 2.3 - Barcelona 2.4 - Berlin 2.5 - Australia 2.6 - New Orleans 2.7 - Skatopia 2.8 - Pro Skater 3. Classic Mode 3.1 - Barcelona 3.2 - Australia 3.3 - Skatopia 3.4 - Berlin 3.5 - Airport 3.6 - School 3.7 - Downhill Jam 3.8 - New Orleans 3.9 - Training 3.A - Boston 3.B - Canada 3.C - Philadelphia 3.D - Los Angeles 3.E - The Triangle 4. Gaps 4.1 - Training 4.2 - Boston 4.3 - Barcelona 4.4 - Berlin 4.5 - Australia 4.6 - New Orleans 4.7 - Skatopia 4.8 - Pro Skater 4.9 - The Triangle 4.A - School 4.B - Philadelphia 4.C - Downhill Jam 4.D - Los Angeles 4.E - Canada 4.F - Airport 5. Multiplayer 5.1 - How to Score Big 5.2 - 2 Player Mode 5.3 - Online Mode 5.31 - Connecting to the Online Game 5.32 - Error Messages 5.33 - Games 5.33TA - Trick Attack 5.33SH - Scavenger Hunt 5.33ES - Elimiskate 5.33SC - Score Challenge 5.33CM - Combo Mambo 5.33S! - Slap! 5.33KH - King Of The Hill 5.33GI - Graffiti 5.33GA - Goal Attack 5.33CF - Capture The Flag 5.33FF - FireFight 6. Extras 6.1 - Tricks 6.2 - Story Mode Stats 6.3 - Classic Mode Stats 6.4 - Skater Stats and Specials 6.5 - Unlockables 6.6 - Music Lyrics 6.7 - Codes 6.8 - Interesting Things ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Controls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PLAYSTATION 2 CONTROLS GAMECUBE CONTROLS XBOX CONTROLS PC CONTROLS o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o | PLAYSTATION 2 CONTROLS | o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Crouch - Hold the X Button Ollie - Press and release the X Button Grab Trick - Circle Button + a direction when in the air Flip Trick - Square Button + a direction when in the air 50-50 - When parallel to the rail press Triangle Nosegrind - Up + Triangle 5-0 - Down + Triangle Boardslide/Lipslide - When perpendiculat to the rail press Triangle Noseslide/Tailslide - Press left or right and Triangle on the end you want to grind Smith/Feeble - Press diagonal down left or diagonal down right and Triangle Crooked/Overcrook - Press diagonal up left or diagonal up right and Triangle Lip Trick - Go straight up a vert ramp and press Triangle, use left and right to balance Manual - Press Up then Down to perform a manual and Down then Up to Nose Manual Revert - Press L2 or R2 when landing in a vert ramp No Comply - Press Up and then quickly press the X Button Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant - Press Up + Up and quickly press X Pressure Flips - Hold the L2 Button to get into the pressure flip stance, then press X and perform a flip trick move Nollie - Press the L2 Button to get into Nollie stance and press X Switch Stance - Press R2 Wallride - Go at the wall at a 45 degree angle and press Triangle Wallie - While wallriding press X Wallieplant - Up and X Vert Wallplant - Press X while pressing forward on the way up a vert ramp Sticker Slap - Jump straight into a wall and press the X button Wallpush - Skate or manual into a wall and hold Triangle Spine Transfer - Press L2 or R2 when going up the side of a Spine Skitch - Go behind a vehicle and press Up Flatland Tricks - Get in a manual and press combinations of Circle, Square, and Triangle Double-Tap Flips and Grabs - Instead of pressing the grab or flip button once, press it two or three times Grind/Lip Branching - In the middle of a Grind or Lip double tap the Circle, Square, or Triangle Buttons Flips/Rolls - While holding Square or Circle in a move press Up and Up, Down and Down, Left and Left, or Right and Right Powerslide - Press Down, Down, R1 Instant Stop - Down + R2 Dragging Stop - X + R2 Acid Drop - While jumping over a ramp press R2 Focus Mode - Press L3 when Special Meter is Full Projectiles - Press Circle to pick them up and Square to throw them Tantrums - When you bail a meter shows up, quickly tap Triangle Walking/Running - Press L1 and R1 to get off your board to walk around, hold X to run Climbing/Hanging - In walk mode jump up to a ledge and press R1 to hold on, press Up to climb Tagging - Press Triangle on a flat surfaced wall Natas Spin - Ollie onto a Pole or a fire hydrant and press Triangle and R1 or L1. ///////////////////// //GAMECUBE CONTROLS// ///////////////////// Crouch - Hold the A Button Ollie - Press and release the A Button Grab Trick - X Button + a direction when in the air Flip Trick - B Button + a direction when in the air 50-50 - When parallel to the rail press Y Nosegrind - Up + Y 5-0 - Down + Y Boardslide/Lipslide - When perpendiculat to the rail press Y Noseslide/Tailslide - Press left or right and Y on the end you want to grind Smith/Feeble - Press diagonal down left or diagonal down right and Y Crooked/Overcrook - Press diagonal up left or diagonal up right and Y Lip Trick - Go straight up a vert ramp and press Y, use left and right to balance Manual - Press Up then Down to perform a manual and Down then Up to Nose Manual Revert - Press R when landing in a vert ramp No Comply - Press Up and then quickly press the A Button Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant - Press Up + Up and quickly press A Pressure Flips - Press Left, Right, R to get into the pressure flip stance, then press A and perform a flip trick move Nollie - Press Up, Up, R to get in Nollie stance and press A Switch Stance - Press R Wallride - Go at the wall at a 45 degree angle and press Y Wallie - While wallriding press A Wallieplant - Up and A Vert Wallplant - Press A while pressing forward on the way up a vert ramp Sticker Slap - Jump straight into a wall and press the A button Wallpush - Skate or manual into a wall and hold Y Spine Transfer - Press R when going up the side of a Spine Skitch - Go behind a vehicle and press Up Flatland Tricks - Get in a manual and press combinations of B, X, and Y Double-Tap Flips and Grabs - Instead of pressing the grab or flip button once, press it two or three times Grind/Lip Branching - In the middle of a Grind or Lip double tap the B, X, or Y Buttons Flips/Rolls - While holding B or X in a move press Up and Up, Down and Down, Left and Left, or Right and Right Powerslide - Press and hold R Instant Stop - Down + R Dragging Stop - A + R Acid Drop - While jumping over a ramp press R Focus Mode - Press L when Special Meter is Full Projectiles - Press X to pick them up and B to throw them Tantrums - When you bail a meter shows up, quickly tap Y Walking/Running - Press Z to get off your board to walk around, hold A to run Climbing/Hanging - In walk mode jump up to a ledge and press R to hold on, press Up to climb Tagging - Press Y on a flat surfaced wall Natas Spin - Ollie onto a Pole or a fire hydrant and press Y and R or L. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o | XBOX CONTROLS | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Crouch - Hold the A Button Ollie - Press and release the A Button Grab Trick - B Button + a direction when in the air Flip Trick - X Button + a direction when in the air 50-50 - When parallel to the rail press Y Nosegrind - Up + Y 5-0 - Down + Y Boardslide/Lipslide - When perpendiculat to the rail press Y Noseslide/Tailslide - Press left or right and Y on the end you want to grind Smith/Feeble - Press diagonal down left or diagonal down right and Y Crooked/Overcrook - Press diagonal up left or diagonal up right and Y Lip Trick - Go straight up a vert ramp and press Y, use left and right to balance Manual - Press Up then Down to perform a manual and Down then Up to Nose Manual Revert - Press L or R when landing in a vert ramp No Comply - Press Up and then quickly press the A Button Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant - Press Up + Up and quickly press A Pressure Flips - Hold the L Button to get into the pressure flip stance, then press A and perform a flip trick move Nollie - Press the L Button to get into Nollie stance and press A Switch Stance - Press R Wallride - Go at the wall at a 45 degree angle and press Y Wallie - While wallriding press A Wallieplant - Up and A Vert Wallplant - Press A while pressing forward on the way up a vert ramp Sticker Slap - Jump straight into a wall and press the A button Wallpush - Skate or manual into a wall and hold Y Spine Transfer - Press L + R when going up the side of a Spine Skitch - Go behind a vehicle and press Up Flatland Tricks - Get in a manual and press combinations of X, B, and Y Double-Tap Flips and Grabs - Instead of pressing the grab or flip button once, press it two or three times Grind/Lip Branching - In the middle of a Grind or Lip double tap the X, B, or Y Buttons Flips/Rolls - While holding X or B in a move press Up and Up, Down and Down, Left and Left, or Right and Right Powerslide - Press Down, Down, R Instant Stop - Down + R Dragging Stop - A + R Acid Drop - While jumping over a ramp press R + L Focus Mode - Press White when Special Meter is Full Projectiles - Press B to pick them up and X to throw them Tantrums - When you bail a meter shows up, quickly tap Y Walking/Running - Press Black to get off your board to walk around, hold A to run Climbing/Hanging - In walk mode jump up to a ledge and press R to hold on, press Up to climb Tagging - Press Y on a flat surfaced wall Natas Spin - Ollie onto a Pole or a fire hydrant and press Y and R or L. /////////////// //PC CONTROLS// /////////////// Up - W Down - S Left - A Right - D Crouch - Hold the Keypad 2 Key Ollie - Press and release the Keypad 2 Key Grab Trick - Keypad 6 Key + a direction when in the air Flip Trick - Keypad 4 Key + a direction when in the air 50-50 - When parallel to the rail press Keypad 8 Key Nosegrind - Up + Keypad 8 Key 5-0 - Down + Keypad 8 Key Boardslide/Lipslide - When perpendiculat to the rail press Keypad 8 Key Noseslide/Tailslide - Press A or D and Keypad 8 Key on the end you want to grind Smith/Feeble - Press S and A or S and D and Keypad 8 Key Crooked/Overcrook - Press W and A or W and D and Keypad 8 Key Lip Trick - Go straight up a vert ramp and press Keypad 8 Key, use A and D to balance Manual - Press W then S to perform a manual and S then W to Nose Manual Revert - Press Keypad 7 Key or Keypad 9 Key when landing in a vert ramp No Comply - Press W and then quickly press the Keypad 2 Key Boneless/Fastplant/Beanplant - Press W + W and quickly press Keypad 2 Key Pressure Flips - Hold the Keypad 7 Key to get into the pressure flip stance, then press Keypad 2 Key and perform a flip trick move Nollie - Press the Keypad 7 Key to get into Nollie stance and press Keypad 2 Key Switch Stance - Press Keypad 9 Key Wallride - Go at the wall at a 45 degree angle and press Keypad 8 Key Wallie - While wallriding press Keypad 8 Key Wallieplant - W and Keypad 2 Key Vert Wallplant - Press Keypad 2 Key while pressing W on the way up a vert ramp Sticker Slap - Jump straight into a wall and press the Keypad 2 Key button Wallpush - Skate or manual into a wall and hold Keypad 8 Key Spine Transfer - Press Keypad 7 Key + Keypad 8 Key when going up the side of a Spine Skitch - Go behind a vehicle and press W Flatland Tricks - Get in a manual and press combinations of Keypad 4 Key, Keypad 6 Key, and Keypad 8 Key Double-Tap Flips and Grabs - Instead of pressing the grab or flip button once, press it two or three times Grind/Lip Branching - In the middle of a Grind or Lip double tap the Keypad 4 Key, Keypad 6 Key, and Keypad 8 Key Flips/Rolls - While holding Keypad 4 Key or Keypad 6 Key in a move press W and W, S and S, A and D, or D and D Powerslide - Press S, S, Keypad 9 Key Acid Drop - While jumping over a ramp press Keypad 7 Key + Keypad 9 Key Focus Mode - Press Keypad 0 Key when Special Meter is Full Projectiles - Press Keypad 6 Key to pick them up and Keypad 4 Key to throw them Tantrums - When you bail a meter shows up, quickly tap Keypad 8 Key Walking/Running - Press Keypad 1 Key or Keypad 3 Key to get off your board to walk around, hold Keypad 4 Key to run Climbing/Hanging - In walk mode jump up to a ledge and press Keypad 9 Key to hold on, press W to climb Tagging - Press Keypad 8 Key on a flat surfaced wall Natas Spin - Ollie onto a Pole or a fire hydrant and press Keypad 8 Key and Keypad 7 Key or Keypad 9 Key. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Story Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ You can play Story Mode in three different Difficulties. The only difference is the time limits to perform things, scores needed to win, physics, and requirements to get stats. Easy - Less difficult goals for those fairly new to the Tony Hawk Series. Normal - Challenging goals for the average to good Tony Hawk Player. Sick - For hardcore veterans who have mastered the Tony Hawk games. In this game you have to find and switch to the other skaters in order to complete other goals. You can also switch between other pros when it allows you to pick them from the options menu. ****************************************************************************** 2.1 - Training ****************************************************************************** Go find Rodney Mullen by the puddle of water. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Learn to Ollie | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Ollie three times in a row. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Learn to Manual | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate towards the cones and press Up, then Down and manual through the cones. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Grind the Rail | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate over to the rail and ollie up to it, then grind the rail to the other end. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | No Comply Over the Taxi | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - As you skate towards the taxi quickly press Up, then ollie to No Comply over the taxi. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Boneless Over the Taxi | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - As you skate towards the taxi quickly press Up twice, then ollie to Boneless over the taxi. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Kickflip Over the Gap | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate towards the kicker and ollie. While in the air press Left and flip trick button to perform a Kickflip. Land on the opposite kicker to complete it. Rodney Mullen will now tell you to go see Bob Burnquist over in the half pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Lip the QP | O~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go straight towards the ramp and press the grind button to lip trick. Either press the ollie button to hop back down or lean in. O~~~~~~~~~~O | QP Grind | O~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate at the half pipe at the angle they start you at. Then press the grind button to grind down the edge of the half pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Melon off a Vert | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Use the half pipe to go in the air and perform a Melon grab by pressing left and the grab trick button. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Learn to Spin | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Use the half pipe to perform a trick while pressing left or right so you make at least a 360 degree spin. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get out of a Half Pipe | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the half pipe and when you are in the air, hold the right spin button to pop out of it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | QP Transfer | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go at an angle up the quarter pipe and ollie over to the next quarter pipe. Talk to Chad Muska right at the end of the slope. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Sticker Slap the Walls | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Ollie into a wall and Press ollie button when you hit it to place a sticker. Repeat this process five times. Now head over to the Arcade machine in the middle of the left wall, up on the concrete platform. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Arcade Machine High Score | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Press the grab button to activate the goal. You will have to beat a score of 1,000 points. Normal Mode - Press the grab button to activate the goal. You will have to beat a score of 3,000 points. Go to the back left corner and talk to Mike Vallely. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tear Down the Wall | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Grind towards the wall and ollie when you are close to it. Right before hitting the wall, press ollie again. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Open the Door | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Wallride the red Fire alarm on the left wall to open the door. Head over to the large funbox in the new area and talk to Bam Margera. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Wallie and Grind the Rail | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go forward at the angle the game starts you at, then ollie into the wall. Press the grind button to wallride, then press the ollie button to wallie up higher. Now when you are near the rail, press the grind button to grind it. You can now walk under the large funbox and bust out the drywall from the inside. Head to the back corner to talk to Eric Koston. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Fun with Tomatoes | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Turn around and go next to the crate of tomatoes. Press the grab button to pick up ten tomatoes. Walk over to Phil and press the flip button while facing him to hit him five times. Go over to the crates against the wall and talk to Mike Vallely. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Caveman Time | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get off your board jump in the air and then get back on your board in the middle of the air. Do the process a total of three times. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Jump on the Crates | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get off your board and walk over to the crate. Jump onto the crate with the forward button. Now hop off this box and walk over to the double stacked boxes. Jump once pressing forward and the ollie button, then press the ollie button again to jump once more and make it on top of the crates. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Jump and Hang | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Run and jump over to the transformer straight ahead. Right when you hit, press the hanging button to hang on. Now press Up to pull yourself up. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Climb the Ladder | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Walk into the ladder and press Up to climb to the top. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Shimmy to the Opening | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Use the Direction Pad to walk off the edge, your skater will automatically hold onto the edge. Now press Right and shimmy over to the other opening. Press Up to pull yourself in. O~~~~~~~~~~~O | Acid Drop | O~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate to the edge, ollie and press the acid drop button to acid drop down into the bowl. Head back into the new area and over to the large funbox to talk to Chad Muska. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | My First Combo | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the quarter pipe and grind the top of it. Then jump off and grind the rail on the funbox. Then at the end of the rail jump off and grind the next quarter pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Side Jumping Combo | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Grind the top of the quarter pipe, then side jump to the left by pressing the ollie button and Left onto the left rail. Then side jump to the right by pressing the ollie button and Right, and grind the next quarter pipe. Now head over to the entrance of the original area, talk to Chad Muska inbetween the concrete bowl and the right wall. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tag the Place | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head over to the right corner and jump onto the top of the quarter pipe. Climb the yellow air duct in the corner to make it to the top right next to the spot. Press the grind button to spray the spot and hop back down. Get on top of the large funbox on the right side and spray the spot. Go to the opposite side of the large funbox and hop down to the lower box. Spray the spot against the wall. Continue over to the back corner and spray this spot. Head to the double stacked crates and jump up them. Spray the spot to finish. O~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Hang'n Tag | O~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Double jump onto the stacked crates and run jump over to the transformer. Climb the ladder and walk off the edge with the Directional Pad. Shimmy over a bit to be hanging over the poster. Now press the grind button. Head under the large funbox to talk to Bam Margera. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Spine Transfer the Fun Box | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head straight ahead and go up the quarter pipe. When you are in the air press revert button to spine transfer into the pool. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Hip Transfer | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate at an angle up the quarter pipe and press the revert button when you are in the air. This will have you hip transfer down the side of the quarter pipe. Head back into the original area and over to the Arcade Machine. Talk to Chad Muska. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Skitch the Forklift | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up to the forklift and press Up to grab on. Use the Left and Right buttons to keep skitching for ten seconds. In the new area, head to the corner with the water pool to talk to Bob Burnquist. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Vert Wallplant Session | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the quarter pipe and press ollie button to ollie up, then press the ollie button again to get a little extra boost when against a wall, repeat the process until you finish it. Head to the opposite end of the room in the corner to talk to Bam Margera. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Do a Real Combo | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the quarter pipe and perform a grab move in the air. Then Revert with the revert button when you land back in the quarter pipe. After that do a manual by pressing Up, and then Down, and then land it. Now talk to Bam Margera again in the same spot. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Do a McTwist | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Perform a combo to fill up your special bar, then quickly launch off of a quarter pipe into the air and press Right, Down, grab trick button to perform the McTwist. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Do a Backflip | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the quarter pipe and hold the grab button, then press Down, Down to perform a backflip. O~~~~~~~~~~~O | Do a Roll | O~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go up the quarter pipe and hold the grab trick button, then press Right, Right to perform a roll. Head back up the slopes in the original area and talk to Tony Hawk by the gate. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Keep the Focus | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Fill your special to the max and then start a combo. While in the combo press the focus button to activate Focus control. Continue your combo in this view for five seconds and then land. ****************************************************************************** 2.2 - Boston ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** ////////////////////////////////////// //Find the Special Guest (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - From the starting point of the level, walk up the street to Jeers. A man on the sidewalk will ask you to run downstairs and get him a drink. Walk down the ramp and inside the door to find Jesse James. ///////////////////////////////// //Find Ben Franklin (25 points)// ///////////////////////////////// All Modes - Next to Jeers is the Statehouse. Go in the courtyard to the left of the stairs and use the quarter pipe against the front foyer to get inside the building. Ben Franklin will then down the center hall. Chase after him to come back outside in front of the Statehouse. /////////////////////////////////// //Mark Your Territory (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - First Spray spot is in the Statehouse courtyard on the right side of the stairs. Look just to the right of the quarter pipe leaning against the bank. Next run to the front of the church steps. Just to the right of them on the building getting remodeled before the blue scaffolding is another spot to spray. Head to the hospital and use a quarter pipe near the entrance to get onto the roof. In the left corner is another spot to paint. Enter the construction site and turn left towards the hospital. On the left side of the large vent ramps is another spray spot. On the outside of the construction site, head towards the apartments. On the left just after the yellow pipe is the last spray spot. ///////////////////////////// //Hospital Duty (50 points)// ///////////////////////////// All Modes - Go over to the hospital entrance and take the gurney away from the nurse and ambulance driver. Head through the alley inbetween the library and renovated building. Turn left at the road, then turn right. Follow the road to the apartments and turn right again passing the two doctors trying to stop you. Turn left to get the gurney to Tony Hawk. ///////////////////////////////////////// //Arcade Machine High Score (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - At the starting point of the level, turn left to see it outside the Welcome Center. You have to beat a score of 7,500 points. Normal Mode - At the starting point of the level, turn left to see it outside the Welcome Center. You have to beat a score of 10,000 points. Sick Mode - At the starting point of the level, turn left to see it outside the Welcome Center. You have to beat a score of 100,000 points. Go to the subway entrance in front of the State house coming towards the starting point. Air up the entrance and perform some vert tricks landing into a grind on the entrance. Ollie off into a manual and grind the green benches to the right. Ollie off into another manual and go across the street and air up the quarter pipe in front of the construction site. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie off and manual the street on the right, then go over to the orange rail and grind it. Ollie off and manual up the street, wallie up the side of the small wall before the intersection in the street to the left. Grind the rail and ollie off into a manual. Go across the street and grind the rail in front of Jeers, ollie into another grind on the rail ahead, then transfer to the next rail. Ollie up into a grind on the bus stop roof and flip trick off the end into a manual up the subway entrances side. Ollie off the top like a kicker ramp and perform some air tricks as you land in a manual. Wallie up the brick stairway and grind the top around the bend. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the side of the church. Grind the flower pot on the side and ollie off into a manual to start the combo over again. //////////////////////////// //Dance, Sucka (50 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - From the starting point, head over to the parks entrance with the stairs. You will see a boombox shaking. You will have to perform ten tricks that it calls out by pressing the trick button right when it turns red. ////////////////////////////////////// //Decapitate the Statues (50 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the statue in the middle of the park and climb up to its head. You should be able to jump over it and knock the head off with your feet. Now head to the Statehouse and go up the center stairs. The remaining two statues are near the top. Just jump on top of them to knock the heads off. //////////////////////////////////// //Combo on the RV Ramp (75 points)// //////////////////////////////////// Only can be done after finishing Jesse James Jump the Cars goal. Easy Mode - Get on the half pipe and jump onto one of the edges. Acid Drop in and get a 2,000 point combo while skating in the half pipe. Normal Mode - Get on the half pipe and jump onto one of the edges. Acid Drop in and get a 5,000 point combo while skating in the half pipe. Sick Mode - Get on the half pipe and jump onto one of the edges. Acid Drop in and get a 25,000 point combo while skating in the half pipe. ***** *PRO* ***** Located on the side of the library facing the construction site. /////////////////////////////////// //Combo the 4 Benches (25 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - On the side of the park with the two subway entrances are four benches. Grind across each one in a continous combo. //////////////////////////////////// //Ye Olde Cannon Grind (25 points)// //////////////////////////////////// All Modes - At the edge of the park facing the construction site are two canons. Grind either one to get the goal. ////////////////////////////////////////// //Skitch a Seaworthy Vehicle (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Find the Water Tour Boat Car and skitch the back of it for twenty seconds. ////////////////////////////////// //Salute the General (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the statue in the middle of the park and perform benihana while spine transfering it. /////////////////////////////////// //Great Balls of Fire (25 points)// /////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Go to the bonfire on the corner of the park and ollie through it. While your board is on fire, perform a 5,000 point combo. Normal Mode - Go to the bonfire on the corner of the park and ollie through it. While your board is on fire, perform a 15,000 point combo. Sick Mode - Go to the bonfire on the corner of the park and ollie through it. While your board is on fire, perform a 50,000 point combo. ////////////////////////////// //Slap the Signs (25 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Grind the black railing on the Statehouse towards Jeers and Wall Slap the No Skateboarding sign. Go to the City Hall plaza area and grind the brick ledge against the stairs. Ollie off at the end and Sticker slap the sign. Head to the hospital corner next to the construction site. Grind the blue and gold fence towards the hospital and Sticker Slap the sign. Go to the front of the church and over to the blue scaffolding. In front of the scaffolding is the last sign. ////////////////////////////////// //Tag a Big Bilboard (50 points)// ////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the construction site and climb the yellow tube, jumping over to the plywood stacks. Run to the higher stack of plywood and jump up to it. Spray the square to get the goal. ////////////////////////////////////// //Finest Rails in Boston (50 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// This goal seems to have a hidden timer. All Modes - Go up to the City Hall plaza area and grind the weird metal art sculpture outside the bank. Go over to Jeers and grind the rail out front. Turn left from here and grind the rails leading up to a raised walkway. ************** *Ben Franklin* ************** Located at the top of the stairs of the Statehouse when you unlock him. /////////////////////////////////////// //All About the Benjamins (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Head to the front of the Riboff Bank and use the quarter pipe to the left of the front door to air transfer inside the bank. ////////////////////////////////////// //Combo On the High Seas (50 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Get onto the Boston Tea Party Boat and perform a 3,000 point combo on it to get the goal. Normal Mode - Get onto the Boston Tea Party Boat and perform a 10,000 point combo on it to get the goal. Sick Mode - Get onto the Boston Tea Party Boat and perform a 40,000 point combo on it to get the goal. /////////////////////////////////////// //Skate the Liberty Trail (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////////// This goal seems to have a hidden timer. All Modes - Starting on the top steps of the Statehouse, perform a Pop-Shove It down a flight of the stairs. Now go to the library and use the quarter pipe to air over the mural and land on the other quarter pipe. Finally get on the Boston Tea Party Boat and climb the Crow's Nest in the back of the boat. Acid Drop to the deck below. ////////////////////////////// //Team Challenge (50 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - For this goal you have to have three of your skaters do a Kickflip over the in-line skater, skating around the park. Have Ben Franklin pick up some apples out of the basket near the corner of the park and hit the in-line skater. While he is down do a Kickflip over him and get the Blader Hop gap as well to make it count. Repeat the process with your Created Skater and the Pro you picked. Another easy way to do this goal is to knock the in-line skater down by skating or walking into him. Then quickly ollie over him and perform a kickflip. ************* *JESSE JAMES* ************* Located next to Jeers after you find him. /////////////////////////////////////// //Kill the Grind Blockers (25 points)// /////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - To the right of the hospital is a large vent with Grind Blockers installed. Have Jesse grind around the vents edge to knock all four blockers off. ///////////////////////////// //Jump the Cars (50 points)// ///////////////////////////// All Modes - Car Hop any three cars. ////////////////////////////////////// //Scooter Vs. Wheelchair (50 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the Boston City Hall plaza area. Behind the closed subway entrance is Paulie the wheelchair kid. Before you start, aim towards the church so you can go the right way. Start the goal and drive over the church steps. Go under the scaffolding and around the library corner. Head to the hospitals entrance and then back to the City Hall stairs. /////////////////////////////////// //Spine Transfer Tour (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////// This goal seems to have a hidden timer. All Modes - Spine transfer the closed subway entrance, then head over to the hospital and spine transfer one of the volcanoes. Finally head through the construction site and spine transfer onto the Boston Tea Party boat. /////////////// //Destruction// /////////////// Light your board by ollieing over the bonfire in the oil drum. Go over to the canons and grind both of them right after the other. The drummer will then have a cut-scene and the canons will fire at the construction site building, bringing it down. ****************************************************************************** 2.3 - Barcelona ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Free the Bull Fighter (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the bridge and get the tomatoes from the man in the bull suit. Take them down the sidewalk, along the MAMO building. At the end of the building is a Bull Fighter hanging on a wire above the bulls cage. Throw a tomato at the bull to activate a cut-scene and save the Bull Fighter. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Find the Special Guest (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Enter the Plaza Paralela to locate Steve-O. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Hit 5 Peds with Tomatoes (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get some tomatoes from the man in the bull costume. Now hit 5 different pedestrians with them. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Spine the Guell Planters (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the back of the large area to reach the Guell Park area. Climb the ramps all the way to the picnic area and head over to the pink building. Spine transfer down towards the city and then spine transfer once more to go over the planter. Run back up to the picnic area and spine transfer the opposite side three times to reach the bottom. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Help Peg Leg (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - To the right of the bridge is a fishing net with a boat stuck in it. Grind the top of the net and free the boat. This will also activate the bridge. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Mark Your Territory (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Ollie onto the Sants awning, then jump over to the roof of the Sants building. Spray the spot in the middle of the wall. Next get on the balcony of the hospital and move to the right along the scaffolding. Hang off the edge of the building and spray the spot. Head along the side of the La Perdrera towards the MAMO building. Turn right down the alley right before reaching the plaza. The spot is just before the La Perdrera back enttrance. Go to the Guell Park all the way on the right side near the bull's cage. On the wall in the first quarter pipe area is the spot to spray. Now head to the MAMO building, all the way on the opposite side of the bull cage, right after the window is the last spot. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Take Out the Trash (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Find four different trash cans and either Natas Spin or grind them to spill out the trash. This can be easily done at the Sants awning area. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Arcade Machine High Score (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Go to the Sants building and to the front left of its doors. Activate the Arcade Machine and beat the score of 15,000. Normal Mode - Go to the Sants building and to the front left of its doors. Activate the Arcade Machine and beat the score of 30,000. Sick Mode - Go to the Sants building and to the front left of its doors. Activate the Arcade Machine and beat the score of 250,000. Go to the small island across the bridge once you have access and turn left. Go all the way to the edge with the quarter pipe with the water and air up to perform some vert tricks. When you come down, land in a grind heading towards the Nixon billboard. Right before reaching the billboard ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe running perpendicular to the one your on now. Air up and perform some vert tricks and land in another grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie over with a flip trick in between to the benches on the right, grinding the top of them. Quickly ollie back into another grind on the rail to the left, then ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe and ollie off into a manual, head over to the movie theater while performing flip tricks in the combo along the way. Wallride into a grind on the ledge of the theater. Flip trick out into a grind on the awning and then flip trick into another manual to continue the combo from the beginning. ***** *PRO* ***** Located inbetween the subway entrance and the Museo Del Medievel. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Combo the Sants Benches (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Grind the multiple benches near the Sants building. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Catapult 720 Grab (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Skate into the Museo Del Medevil and get launched out of the catapult. Now hold a grab trick and turn so you are at 720, then land the trick. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tag the Big Billboard (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Enter the Plaza Paralela and go out onto the balcony with the red fencing. Jump onto the roof using the elevators outter wall. Now climb the ladder in the middle of the yellow structure. Jump over to the billboard and spray it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Focus Combos (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and then land. Immediatly activate Focus Mode and perform a 1,000 point combo, land it and repeat it during the same maxed special meter. Normal Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and then land. Immediatly activate Focus Mode and perform a 2,500 point combo, land it and repeat it during the same maxed special meter. Sick Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and then land. Immediatly activate Focus Mode and perform a 50,000 point combo, land it and repeat it during the same maxed special meter. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Rail Rated Challenge (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Under the Sants front balcony you will find three chain link rails. Grind the one closest to the Arcade Machine and ollie onto the next rail. Then transfer onto the last rail, ollie up to the Jeep sign and Sticker Slap it. This will bounce you up onto the top of the Sants, grind the rail on top and land the grind. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Transfer Over the Guell Entrance (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the picnic area of Guell Park and spine transfer down to the last quarter pipe. Air transfer over the lizard and onto the opposite quarter pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Acid Drop Off a Tram (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get in a Sky car on the park side of the level. Riding towards the water get on the bottom back end of the car. Acid drop the quarter pipes on the roof of one of the buildings. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Team Challenge (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Take the pro skater and skate straight into the bull after you release it. This will cause him to go in the air with the bull air gap. Perform a 5,000 point combo with him and then land it, with the bull air gap in the combo. Repeat the process for the other three playable characters. ************** *BULL FIGHTER* ************** Located next to the bull's cage after you save him from the bull. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | La Perdrera Spiral Rail (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get on the roof of the La Perdrera building and grind the spiral insides all the way down to the bottom. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Smells Like Bull Dung (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - After releasing the bull, find a pile of bull dung and launch off of it. While in the air, perform a grab trick and land it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Make Your Own Phoenix (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the bridge and light your board on fire with the car that the bull hit. Now while it is on fire, skate into the Museo Del Medevil to get launched off the catapult and catch a bird on fire. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Don't Touch the Ground (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head over to the bridge and grind the triangular sign. Launch up onto the wavey metal piece. Transfer the grind onto the one in the middle and then transfer back to the third piece. Land on the other side without touching the actual bridge. ********* *STEVE-O* ********* Located inbetween the plaza at the last brick tower facing the Guell Park area. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Steve-O Vs the Bull (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - With the bull loose, hold the ollie button to go fast and drive right into the bulls face. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Parc Guell Combo (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Go into the Guell Park area and land a combo of more than 15,000 points. Normal Mode - Go into the Guell Park area and land a combo of more than 25,000 points. Sick Mode - Go into the Guell Park area and land a combo of more than 100,000 points. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Yee Haw fan boost (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get on the roof of the pharmacy (Farmacia) and then spine transfer onto the roof higher than that one. Turn back around towards the plaza and spine transfer down both the buildings to the ground and then spine transfer up onto the plaza roof. Use the air coming out of the fan to jump extra high and perform a grab trick with Steve-O, launching out into the Guell Park area and acid dropping into a quarter pipe out here. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Flip Barcelona's Finest (100 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the MAMO building and grind the green ledge found all over the front entrance of it. Flip trick out and land to get part 1 of 3. Go under the Sants awning and fliptrick over one of the benches with the table attached to it, to get part 2 of 3. Go across the bridge to the smaller area and ride the concrete rollers to the opposite side and flip trick over the metal gate. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Destruction | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Throw a tomato at the bulls cage. ****************************************************************************** 2.4 - Berlin ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** ///////////////////////////// //Inliners Rule (25 points)// ///////////////////////////// All Modes - In the corner between Gretchen's Bar and the gold building is a sign that you have to either grind or lip trick so it falls off the wall. Across the street from the Berlin Platz against the middle of the red and white building is the last sign you have to lip trick or grind down. //////////////////////////////// //Free the Spirits (25 points)// //////////////////////////////// All Modes - Spine Transfer into the church and sticker slap the broken wall inbetween the quarter pipes two times. ////////////////////////////////////// //Find the Special Guest (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Enter the Sonata building to the right of the church. //////////////////////////// //Help Wee-Man (25 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the zoo-aquarium to the right of the church and sticker slap the aquarium that Wee-Man is standing next to, two times. ////////////////////////////////////////// //Stop the Kids From Smoking (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go down in the Ausfarht Center area, look on the left wall next to the Arcade Machine. Sticker slap it to break it. Go behind the Galerie building,look on the right corner against the ledge of the building. Sticker slap it to break it. Finally go across the street from the Berlin Platz to the red and white building area. On the gold buildings wall to the left is the final machine. Sticker slap it to break it. ///////////////////////////////////////// //Arcade Machine High Score (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - The Arcade Machine is found down in the Ausfarht Center area on the left wall. You will have to beat a score of 25,000. Normal Mode - The Arcade Machine is found down in the Ausfarht Center area on the left wall. You will have to beat a score of 55,000. Sick Mode - The Arcade Machine is found down in the Ausfarht Center area on the left wall. You will have to beat a score of 400,000. Go to the gold and blue building by the bar and use the quarter pipe to air up with vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge above. Grind it around the bend allowing the vent to fall to the ground. Ollie off while performing vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery. Ollie over to the smaller ledge to the left and grind it near its bend. Ollie off and use the quarter pipe ahead to air up while performing vert tricks. Grind the awning above to the right, ollie off into a manual. Grind the curved ledge to the left and use the kinked end to air up to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery and shuffle your grind along its edge. Ollie off into a manual and go back to the gold and blue buildings quarter pipe. Air up and perform some vert tricks landing through the now exposed vent hole. Land in a grind on the steps below, going around the bend and grinding the rail to the right. Use the kinked end to air over to the ledge left of the gallery and continue the combo over again. //////////////////////////////////////// //Find the Graffiti Tagger (50 points)// //////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the gold building in the back left corner and use the quarter pipe to the left of the stairs to get onto one of the three ledges. Now walk over to the right along the ledge and climb up to the third ledge if you aren't already there. Walk over to the Graffiti Tagger. ///////////////////////////////// //Berlin Gets Owned (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the Downzekd! building to the right of the Uber Sports building. Grind the long concrete wall in front of the building to ollie over and grind the yellow beam up and lip trick the "D" off. Now grind the outter edge of the Galerie ledge towards the building, ollie up to the yellow beam and lip trick the "Z" off. Finally grind the inner edge of the Galerie ledge towards the building, ollie up to the yellow beam and lip trick the "K" off. You can also easily complete this by grinding straight across the top of the blue ledge and knock off the letters. ************* *BAM MARGERA* ************* Located on the side of the long wall in front of the Downzekd! building. //////////////////////////// //Grind N Barf (25 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the long wall where you got Bam and fill up your special. Now do the Grind N Barf grind on the top of the wall. Go over to the top rail above and to the right of the Ausfarht Center and do the Grind N Barf grind from the beginning to the end to get the guard below. ////////////////////////////// //Almighty Combo (25 points)// ////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Go inside the church and perform a 15,000 point combo within it. Normal Mode - Go inside the church and perform a 40,000 point combo within it. Sick Mode - Go inside the church and perform a 200,000 point combo within it. //////////////////////////////////// //Learn the Natas Spin (25 points)// //////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Outside the church in the middle of the planters is Natas Kaupas. Talk to him and then do three Natas Spins on the poles in front of him next to the cafe. //////////////////////////// //Hats on Fire (50 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - Grind the flaming pipe in the trench near the church towards the zoo-aquarium. Look around the circular area in front of the zoo doors and the surrounding area for two police officers in green suits. Ollie over there heads to catch their hats on fire. Now quickly cross the street to the Ausfarht Center and locate the officer around here, ollie over his head. This must all be done with the board being lit once to jump over all three of them. //////////////////////////////////// //So Focused, So Clean (50 points)// //////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Max out your special and then land the combo. Press the focus button and perform a 2,000 point combo with at least a 180 spin landing it perfect so the Clean landing shows up in the corner. Do this three times, an easy place to do this is at the quarter pipes in front of the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz. Normal Mode - Max out your special and then land the combo. Press the focus button and perform a 10,000 point combo with at least a 180 spin landing it perfect so the Clean landing shows up in the corner. Do this three times, an easy place to do this is at the quarter pipes in front of the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz. Sick Mode - Max out your special and then land the combo. Press the focus button and perform a 100,000 point combo with at least a 180 spin landing it perfect so the Clean landing shows up in the corner. Do this three times, an easy place to do this is at the quarter pipes in front of the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz. //////////////////////////// //Tourist Line (50 points)// //////////////////////////// This goal seems to have a hidden timer. All Modes - Grind the ledge in front of the zoo heading towarsd the Uber Sports building. Then grind the pipe in front of the Uber Sports building. Ollie into a grind on the street block and then grind the stairs ahead. Now grind the ledge of the Galerie over towards the back wall. Sticker slap the glowing sign and grnd the ledge again. Use the kinked piece at the end to air up and acid drop the large wall ahead. ///////////////////////////////////// //Disrupt Communication (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Enter the door through the Ausfarht Center to get on the Berlin Platz roof. Use the vent to give you a high boost over to the Galerie building and acid drop into the quarter pipe on the roof. Now air up the quarter pipe next to the satelite and perform a rocket air over both dishes and land in the opposite quarter pipe. ///////////////////////////// //Pro Tour Line (75 points)// ///////////////////////////// This goal seems to have a hidden timer. All Modes - Go to the gold building in the lower left area of the level. Air up the ramp to the left of the stairs and grind the lower ledge. Use the kinked air duct to go up to the next ledge and grind it. When you come around the bend ollie off the kinked air duct to the third level. Then wallie onto the grey duct against the wall and ollie off onto the ledge next to the Galerie building. Ollie up to the yellow beam on the awning ahead and lip trick a letter off the sign. ***************** *Graffiti Tagger* ***************** Located in the right corner of the gold building when you finish the Find the Graffiti Tagger goal. //////////////////////////// //Paint Bomber (50 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - Go behind the Galerie building and pick up some spray paint can ammo. Climb the Rasta Blume awning and get on the roof. Hit the tagger up here. Go to the left corner of the Uber Sport building, stand in the street and throw a paint can up at the graffiti kid. Go to the right side of the church. Hit the graffiti kid spraying the wall. Go to the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz building. Get on the first ledge and climb the ladder in the left corner of the building. Take it all the way to the top and hit the kid up here with a can. Go through the Ausfarht Center doors to get on the Berlin Platz roof. Drop off the right side onto the balcony and hit the last tagger. /////////////////////////////////// //Mark Your Territory (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - First spot is to the right of where the graffiti tagger starts. Next go behind the Galerie building, look inbetween the two yellow arrows. Now head to the large concrete wall in front of the Downzekd! building. The spot is on the Galerie side, towards the middle. Go to the front of the church. On the right side of the large window is the next spot. Finally Spine transfer up the Sonata building and air up the side of the next part to spray the last spot on the left side. ///////////////////////////////////// //Tag the Big Billboard (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Climb up to where you found the Graffiti Tagger and walk along the ledge to the right. When you make it around the left turn, climb the grey air duct part and then double jump and hang from the billboard, spary to complete. ///////////////////////////// //Tagger Skillz (50 points)// ///////////////////////////// Only can be done with the Graffiti Tagger All Modes - Go into the church and use the quarter pipe opposite the ladder on the ground to get some air. When you come back down, grind the ladder on the ground and go up the quarter pipe straight ahead. Jump off the board in mid-air and hold onto the ladder. Climb up and spray the whole wall in front of you to fix the mural. This will open the Galerie building. ******** *PAULIE* ******** Located outside the Sonata building once you found him. /////////////////////////// //Berlin Tour (25 points)// /////////////////////////// All Modes - Grind the steps outside the Sonata building towards the red and white building. Head into the red and white building area and grind the planter in the middle. Use the quarter pipe straight ahead to air up and grind the ledge to the left. Ollie over to the Berlin Platz and grind the edge. Jump off at the end and land in a grind on the fountain. ////////////////////////////// //Wheelin' Combo (50 points)// ////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - While you are Paulie, do a 5,000 point combo. Normal Mode - While you are Paulie, do a 15,000 point combo. Sick Mode - While you are Paulie, do a 125,000 point combo. //////////////////////////////// //Skills on Wheels (50 points)// //////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go through the door of the Ausfarht Center to get on the roof of the Berlin Platz. Acid drop between the ramps to the right and launch off the ramp below. Do a flip trick and acid drop in the quarter pipe across the street. ////////////////////////////// //Team Challenge (50 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Take Bam over to the Sonata building. You will see two orange cones to the right of the building. Use the quarter pipe behind them and manual through, then continue down the street towards the gold building and turn right into the area where the Graffiti Tagger is standing. Manual straight through the cones sitting here to pass. Take Paulie to the zoo-aquarium and grind the circular slab in the pit for 10 seconds. Take your Created Skater and go inside the church. Perform a 5,000 point combo in here and land. /////////////// //Destruction// /////////////// Go up to the ledge where you found the Graffiti Tagger. Acid drop down onto the quarter pipe below, spine transfer the construction ramp, and then launch up the quarter pipe next to the bar and lip trick the yellow and black bar high above. You can also go up to where you found the Graffiti Tagger and grind the ledge towards the bar. ****************************************************************************** 2.5 - Australia ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Arcade Machine High Score (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - The arcade machine is found to the left of the cop holding two skateboarders near the crane. You must beat a score of 35,000 to win. Normal Mode - The arcade machine is found to the left of the cop holding two skateboarders near the crane. You must beat a score of 80,000 to win. Sick Mode - The arcade machine is found to the left of the cop holding two skateboarders near the crane. You must beat a score of 600,000 to win. From the starting point, turn right and go to the quarter pipe across from the butterfinger billboard. Air up and perform a vert trick landing in a grind to the left. Ollie off to the left and land in a manual on the mini half pipe. Ollie up the right side and perform a vert trick landing in a grind on the top of the half pipe. Air off towards the lifeguard building and land in a manual. Turn back towards the starting point and manual over to the wall of the ramp. Wallie up the wall and perform a vert trick off it, into a grind on the rail leading down. Land in another manual and wallie up the blue wall into a grind on the rail above. Ollie off into a manual and air up the quarter pipe at the end to perform some more vert tricks. Revert back off and wallie into a grind back up the rail on the right going up the ramp. Ollie off the rail into a grind on the log to the right. Take the curve in the log and ollie off into a manual heading to the ramp walkway. Use the quarter pipe to air up over the opening and land in a grind on the opposite quarter pipe. Ollie off to the left and grind the blue edged quarter pipe next to the butterfinger billboard building. Ollie off at the end and land in a manual, heading back to the original quarter pipe to continue it all over again. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Boardwalk Grind Combo (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - From the starting point, go down the steps to the left. Grind the railing on the left side of the half bowl and ollie over the bowl to the other railing. Use the kink in the rail to ollie up to the life guards roof and grind the edge. Now ollie down and grind the last section of railing. Normal Mode - From the starting point, go down the steps to the left. Grind the railing on the left side of the half bowl and ollie over the bowl to the other railing. Use the kink in the rail to ollie up to the life guards roof and grind the edge. Now ollie down and grind the last section of railing. Ollie off before the quarter pipe and go into a manual. Use the quarter pipe to transfer down to the quarter pipe below and rack up enough points to break 50,000. Sick Mode - From the starting point, go down the steps to the left. Grind the railing on the left side of the half bowl and ollie over the bowl to the other railing. Use the kink in the rail to ollie up to the life guards roof and grind the edge. Now ollie down and grind the last section of railing. Ollie off before the quarter pipe and go into a manual. Use the quarter pipe to transfer down to the quarter pipe below and rack up enough points to break 300,000. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Lipping the Mini (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Go over to the mini half pipe to the right of the life guard building and perform a 5,000 point combo with a lip trick anywhere in the combo. Normal Mode - Go over to the mini half pipe to the right of the life guard building and perform a 15,000 point combo with a lip trick anywhere in the combo. Sick Mode - Go over to the mini half pipe to the right of the life guard building and perform a 175,000 point combo with a lip trick anywhere in the combo. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Find the Special Guest (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - After completing the Wake Up Sleeping Beauty goal, enter the newly opened wall. You will find a door back here for you to enter. Run along the path into the large open area to find him past the pool. Talk to him to have him wait for you outside. Leave through any of the three dark areas. Head across the street to the busted fire hydrant to find him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Drain the Tide Pool (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - From the starting point, head left and down the ramp. Continue straight across to go up another ramp and turn right to go down to a little pool. A little off to the left you will see a power box with a yellow sticker on it. Grind the box to complete the goal. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Interrupt a Meal or Six (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Get on the roof above the arcade machine by jumping on the bus stop seats and jumping into a hang on The Stein Hotel. Walk over to the left and knock over all six tables. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Find the Shrimp Vendor (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go down to the last walkway before the beach and head to the right. The Shrimp Vendor will be standing by a door and runs in when you get near him. Go in the door and come out at the top of the level to catch him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Wake Up Sleeping Beauty (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go over to the yellow crane by the koala statue. Look across the street and you will see a yellow fire hydrant. Natas Spin on it for about 5 seconds to make it explode and wake the driver of the crane wake up. ***** *PRO* ***** Located at the turn in the main street leaving the level. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Jumping Without a Parachute (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - From the ground, go to the right of the large Emu Burger Billboard and climb the ladder in the little alcove. Walk to the edge on the right and acid drop into the tidal pool below. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tag the Big Billboard (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - From the ground, go to the right of the large Emu Burger Billboard and climb the ladder in the little alcove. Jump over to the next building on the left to be above the billboard and hang off the edge to spray it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Treasure Huntin' Hank (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Across the street from the location of the pro is a circular trash can, natas spin it and ollie off to make some bottles come out. Now head to the front of the life guard building and natas spin the trash can found here. Head towards the big billboard staying on the same level as the last trash can. Near the end of the path you will find the last trash can to natas spin. Now go onto the beach and look for a man walking around with a metal detector. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Focusing on a Clean Double Flip (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - From the main starting point, turn around and then turn right. You will see two parked cars in the parking lot. Max out your special and go into focus mode. Ollie over the two cars while doing a 180 Double Kickflip, landing it cleanly. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Kenny's Real Feelings (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go over to the green headless statue and use the fountains rim to ollie up to the fingers and natas spin them to break away its index finger. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Team Challenge (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - To the left of the starting point you will see a brick building sitting by itself with the Motorola banner hanging from it. Use a kicker on either side of the awning to launch up and grind the edge with the Pro skater, your custom skater, and the shrimp vendor. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Everybody Loves Bigguns (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - On the level just down from the top streets one, go towards the large billboard. You will find a wooden quarter pipe bowl. To the right of this, you will find a single quarter pipe. Air transfer to the right, skipping the quarter pipe in the middle and landing on the last one just before the beach. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Balance Up and Over (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Max out your special bar and spine transfer down to the parking lot, using the quarter pipe next to the Aborigine. Manual up the stone walkway, across the path, and down the opposite side. *************** *SHRIMP VENDOR* *************** Located in front of the arcade machine after you unlock him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Shrimp Slap (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - On the second to last walkway before the beach, you will find a box of shrimp you can pick up for ammo by the life guard building. Take five shrimp and walk down to the beach. You will find one life guard dancing for a woman and another walking the beach. Head up the next level and hit the life guard walking near the life guard building. Then go to the opposite end, staying on the first level of the walkway and hitting the life guard here. Next, climb one level and walk around the life guard building's balcony to locate the last life guard to hit. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Rollin' Rollin' Rollin' (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the single tan building opposite the red brick one. Go on the side of the Butterfinger poster, max your special and spine transfer the two quarter pipes. When you go across the turbo launcher perform 2 Rotisseries over to the red brick buildings roof. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Seagull Scatter (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go onto the ledges on the other side of the level from the tidal pool. Grind the edge towards the beach busting through the glass. Scare four seagulls and then get onto the wire above the beach. As you grind this you will scare two more birds. Wrap around the rock to scare some more and ollie off into another grind on the railing. Ollie onto the next railing and scare the final bird. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Real Men Flip Stairs (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - From the starting point you will see the large stair set a little off to the left. Max out your special and then go into focus mode, do a 360 Double Heelflip and land it clean down the stairs. *********** *ABORIGINE* *********** Located by the yellow fire hydrant after you find him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Handicap Havoc (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Start off by going down the big stair set and to the left to get the first handicap sign, jump into it with the Aborigine to knock it over. Go back up the stairs and towards the two parked cars. On the corner of the sidewalk is sign number 2. Now head down the road away from the big billboard staying in the lower parking lot, going under the walkway to see the third sign on the left corner. Head out the little road, onto the main street and turn left, then a right at the bend in the road for the next sign. Turn back around and head for the yellow fire hydrant, right before the hydrant you will get the last sign. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Paradise Combo (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go inside the secret room where you originally found the Aborigine. Grind the three ledges in one combo. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Mini Go-Kart Blast Off (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - With the Aborigine, use the quarter pipe next to the two parked cars to launch over the stone walkway while performing a 540 spin. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Help Local Skate Rats (75 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - With the Aborigine grind the left or right side of the crane to make the koala head fall off the hook and roll onto the cops car, freeing the two skaters. ************** *YOU AS NIGEL* ************** O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Piss off the Construction Workers (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O This goal requires you to perform a special called the Beaver Blast (left, Right + Flip Trick) All Modes - Head up to the top of the level with the green statue. Go over to where the Pro Skater starts and max out your special. You will see a construction worker standing on the quarter pipe. Do the Beaver Blast move near him to piss him off. Head back up the street towards the statue and a construction worker will be walking on the left sidewalk. Ollie over him while doing the Beaver Blast. Now go up to the crane, a worker is walking around it in circles. Wrapping around the statue, you will see the fourth worker walking around the Aborigine's area. The last worker is on the quarter pipe leading down to the parking lot with the two cars. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Piss off the bikini girls (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go over to the buildings opposite the tidal pool and climb up the first ledge. Head to the left and grind the ledge with the gulls sitting on it. Take it over the wire and grind across the beach. This will make the gulls on the wire crap on the bikini girls below. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Destruction | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Natas spin the yellow fire hydrant across the street from the crane for 5 seconds. This will make the crane go out of control, smashing down a wall and knocking over a few things. Next use the go-kart to grind the left or right side of the crane to detach the koala head and have it roll down the street smashing a few more things. ****************************************************************************** 2.6 - New Orleans ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** ///////////////////////////////////////// //Arcade Machine High Score (25 points)// ///////////////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Get on the third floor of the red brick building facing the ferry boat. It will be in the burned down part of the building, tucked in the wall. You must beat a score of 45,000. Normal Mode - Get on the third floor of the red brick building facing the ferry boat. It will be in the burned down part of the building, tucked in the wall. You must beat a score of 100,000. Sick Mode - Get on the third floor of the red brick building facing the ferry boat. It will be in the burned down part of the building, tucked in the wall. You must beat a score of 800,000. Skate into the car lift across the street from the cemetary. Air up and Acid Drop down into the street in front of the building while performing vert tricks. Revert on the bottom and air up the other side and perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer onto the roof above. Revert the ramp and air up the other side spine transfering down to the bar as you perform vert tricks. Grind the railing as you come down and go towards the church. Ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the right side of the church. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer into the courtyard. Grind the edge of the inner quarter pipe and ollie over the statue into another grind. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the tram tracks. Swap between the rails back and forth. Ollie off into a manual and go into the cemetary. Air up the quarter pipe on the left and perform some vert tricks. Land in a manual and go over to the back wall, wallie up into a grind and grind around the cemeterary along this wall in a complete circle. Once you get back to the far side away from the ferry boat ollie off into a manual and go into the car elevator to continue the combo. /////////////////////////////////// //Dance, Dance, Dance (25 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof of The Absinthe House of Olde Yonder Lorn by going into the laser dancing area and ollie up through the vent. Turn to see the boombox in the red lined bowl. Perform the tricks as the boombox hits the beat. ///////////////////////////////// //Riverboat Slapper (25 points)// ///////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the riverboat ferry and sticker slap the back red paddle wheel 3 times. As you sticker slap it, the ferry will move a little ways away. On the third slap it's easier to use the railing to grind out to it and ollie over into a slap. /////////////////////////////// //Find the Jester (25 points)// /////////////////////////////// All Modes - Stand at the starting point in the level and eventually a shark float will drive up to you. Jump on top of the float to locate the Jester. /////////////////////////////////// //Mark Your Territory (25 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Turn left from the starting point to see Tony Hawk in front of the Lil' Business Corner building. On the ledge with the sign on the front of the building is the first spot. In the alley with the Humidity banners hanging up is a spot above a spine. Use the car launcher in the parking spot to launch up to the roof with the helipad. The spot is on the wall as you go up the ramp to the helipad. In the alley with the trash dumpster is a spot on one of the sides right before the dumpster. The last one is on the roof of with the water tower sitting on the back of the large Butterfinger billboard. //////////////////////////////// //Water Tower Slap (25 points)// //////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof of the water tower. Use the quarter pipes next to the door down to the street and air up to the launcher above. Launch over to the water tower and sticker slap it. ////////////////////////////// //Raise the Dead (25 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Head into the cemetery, grind the skulls off of the five main crypts to activate a movie. This will start a somewhat destructive piece to the level. ///////////////////////////// //Save Nawlins (100 points)// ///////////////////////////// All Modes - After opening all five of the crypts from the cemetery, go to the middle of the four main buildings. You will see a tornado like vortex spinning around a hole in the street. Spine transfer down inside. As you fall in, hit the grind button to grind on the circle railing below. Ollie off at anytime to exit this area and get launched out of the underworld. Now head over to the church and do an airwalk over the statue in the courtyard. This will shoot a laser beam at the witch doctor reseting the level. ***** *PRO* ***** Located on the side of Boo-Ya's near the door to the roof. //////////////////////////////////// //Nawlins Street Spine (25 points)// //////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the rooftop of Josh O'Briens, use the quarter pipe to spine transfer over the street to the next quarter pipe. ////////////////////////////////// //Wallie the Trolley (25 points)// ////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Wallride the trolley and then ollie off the wallride to perform a wallie. //////////////////////////////////// //Spine Transfer Combo (25 points)// //////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof with the helipad and spine transfer down into the street. revert and spine transfer the red building ahead. Revert the quarter pipe and spine transfer the last quarter pipe. ///////////////////////////////////// //Tag the Big Billboard (50 points)// ///////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof of the of the bar in the lower bowl. Air up the side beneaththe large billboard, jump off the board and climb the water drain. Spray the large billboard. ////////////////////////////// //Manhole Manual (50 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the riverboat dock and head into the center of the street. You will have to manual across the 5 small sewer covers, zig-zagged down the street in one combo. ///////////////////////////// //For the Birds (50 points)// ///////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof with the helipad and and spine transfer the quarter pipe down to the street below towards the cemetery. Now launch up and out with the quarter pipe against the cemetery gate. hit the three birds up in the air, may take one launch per bird. //////////////////////////////// //Gaslamp District (50 points)// //////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the river with the ferry boat. Grind the purple railing on the planters to launch up and grind the tall lamp tops. /////////////////////////////// //Big and Focused (50 points)// /////////////////////////////// Easy Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and land the combo. Now with the special still maxed, press L3 to activate the focus mode and perform a 40,000 point combo, land it. Normal Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and land the combo. Now with the special still maxed, press L3 to activate the focus mode and perform a 100,000 point combo, land it. Sick Mode - Fill your special bar to the max and land the combo. Now with the special still maxed, press L3 to activate the focus mode and perform a 500,000 point combo, land it. ******** *JESTER* ******** Located next to the large hurricane drink in the red bar area after you find him. /////////////////////////////////////// //Girls Gone Crazy Parade (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to a box of beads, like the one next to Tony Hawk by the church, and get on top of the shark float driving around. As you go by the girls, throw your beads at them and hit 5 of them. //////////////////////////////// //Drop a Hurricane (50 points)// //////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go into the bar with the huge alcoholic beverage. Use the small bump in the concrete leading to the eating area to ollie up to the drink and acid drop inside it. ////////////////////////////// //Team Challenge (50 points)// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Take your custom skater, the Jester, and your pro skater to the church courtyard and land any special trick within the courtyard. /////////////////////////////// //Balcony Breaker (50 points)// /////////////////////////////// All Modes - Use the large plater next to the dance room to air up and wall ride through two balconies, then wallie through the third in one combo. ************** *Witch Doctor* ************** Located behind the crypt in the back middle of the cemetery after you wake the dead. /////////////////////////////////// //Tricycle Vs. Zombie (50 points)// /////////////////////////////////// All Modes - Open all 5 crypts if they aren't already open. Now go out into the streets and run over 10 zombies. /////////////////////////// //Super Trash (50 points)// /////////////////////////// All Modes - Go down the allie with the huge dumpster in it and perform a superman seat grab over it. /////////////////////////////// //Natas Neversoft (50 points)// /////////////////////////////// All Modes - Go to the cemetery gate in the front, use the quarter pipe to air up and land in a natas spin on the top of the neversoft eyeball. Jump off after the 10 second timer is done. //////////////////////////// //Sign Spinner (50 points)// //////////////////////////// All Modes - Smash the green goddess sign by the cemetery and river corner, then head into town and and hit the Nawlins and Boo-Ya signs. ******************** *YOU AFTER COMPLETE* ******************** /////////////////////////////// //The Equilizer (1000 points)// /////////////////////////////// All Modes - Get on the roof with the helipad and use the quarter pipe against the helicopter's tower to launch up over the railing. Get off your board and grab onto the side of the heli. When you stop above the building, acid drop down and go up the side straight ahead and grab on to the heli again. Now acid drop one last time and spine transfer over the heli onto the opposite roof. /////////////// //Destruction// /////////////// Go into the cemetary and grind the skulls off all five crypts. ****************************************************************************** 2.7 - Skatopia ****************************************************************************** You must achieve 400 points on Easy difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 500 points on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must achieve 800 points on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. ***** *YOU* ***** O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Arcade Machine High Score (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Enter the bottom of the mine shaft in the side of the mountain and activate the arcade machine to get your score timer started. You can start a combo from the top of the mountain and make your way to the bottom for an easy score well over a million, but all you need to pass is 50,000. Normal Mode - Enter the bottom of the mine shaft in the side of the mountain and activate the arcade machine to get your score timer started. You can start a combo from the top of the mountain and make your way to the bottom for an easy score well over a million, but all you need to pass is 150,000. Sick Mode - Enter the bottom of the mine shaft in the side of the mountain and activate the arcade machine to get your score timer started. You can start a combo from the top of the mountain and make your way to the bottom for an easy score well over a million, but all you need to pass is 1,000,000. Enter the green shack with a manual and go up the left quarter pipe into a grind. Ollie off and air up the quarter pipe to the left of the bigfoot face graffiti on the blue and yellow edge. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer down to the quarter pipe below. Revert into a manual and air up the opposite side with the open garage building. Perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer through the hole in the roof into the garage. Land in a grind on the bowls edge and ollie out towards the blue skatopia sign. Land in a manual if you have to and grind the quarter pipe towards the blue skatopia sign. Ollie off the end and manual on the ledge with the blue skatopia sign to grind the ledge on the left. Ollie off and go back through the green shack to continue the combo. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Locate the Chainsaw (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Talk to Jesse James in front of the barn. Now head up to the top of the mountain and climb the tree next to the shed to grab the chainsaw. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | The Legend of Bigfoot (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - You must first locate the chainsaw. Now go to the top of the mountain and head down the mine shaft. Just outside the mine to the left you will find Bigfoot. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Zipline Toss Drop (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Ride the zipline on the right side of the mountain and acid drop into the bowl on the top of the mountain. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Launch the Firework (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the large burning trash pile found near the bus and ollie towards the barn just as you reach the peak of the pile. You will need to land on the roof of the barn, usually best to land off the board so you don't fall when landing on the angle. Now while back on the board, skate over the firecracker with the board still on fire. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tag the Big Billboard (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Climb to the third level of the mountain to spray the empty billboard. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Mark Your Territory (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go behind the large blue Skatopia sign in the front of the skate park. Now go behind the house that is behind the blue Skatopia sign, climb the first level of the mountain. Hang off the edge and spray the tag. Enter the mine shaft and climb the rope ladder found in the back right of the tunnel. Walk around to the opposite side of the hole and look at the mine shaft's brown shack wall. Run down the road towards the barn and enter the left side of the bowling alley area on the left side. Half way on the right wall will be the tag. Walk around the corner in the bowling alley and wrap around the last corner. Climb the ladder to get on the roof of the smaller barn section. Look on the side of the barn for the tag. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Find Ryan Sheckler (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Climb the ladder in front of the barn and jump inside the tunnel to find Sheckler. ***** *PRO* ***** Located on the front porch of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Tree Top Spin and Bomb (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go Behind the house that is behind the blue Skatopia sign and climb up two levels of the mountain. Now climb the tree that is just right on top of the mine shaft and Natas Spin the top of it, ollie off and acid drop the quarter pipe below. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Mountain Top Manual (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Climb the mountain and manual down following the road to the right. When you reach the house, turn left and manual through the front gate to get the gap allowing you to complete the goal. The actual hard part to this goal is the fact that a car is constantly driving up and down this road. For the best results, wait until the car is at the top of the mountain as well and manual in front of it so it drives slowly behind you. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Lumberjack Combo (25 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head up the zipline slope and grind the log at the top towards the back of the level. Ollie off into a grind on the next log waiting below and do the same to the third and final log. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Spine the Mine (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and spine transfer over the brown shack into the mine shaft on the opposite side. Land it to get the goal completed. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Skatopia Spine Combo (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and spine transfer off the quarter pipe towards the open garage with the pool in the middle. When you hit the quarter pipe below revert and go up the quarter pipe next to the garage. Spine transfer into the bowl of the garage and revert once you get inside. Air up the opposite side and once more spine transfer out of the garage to the outter quarter pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Downhill Line (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and grind the edge of the quarter pipe that goes downhill towards the pond. You will then have to transfer to the pond's grindable lip. Ollie off the pond grind and land in a manual to cross the street. Go up the quarter pipe on this end and grind the top of it towards the open garage. Ollie off into a manual if necessary and grind the right side of the pool. Ollie off the pool into the grass and manual towards the mobile home, wallride into a grind on the uncovered side. Now ollie into a grind on the horseshoe shaped quarter pipe, ollie into one last grind on the skatopia sign's wooden edging. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Jump to the Weather Balloon (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and use the quarter pipe under the fly zapper to spine transfer the small quarter pipe on the grass above. You will want to aim at the Skatopia graffiti. Right after you launch into the air switch to walking mode and grab onto the rope that is dangling under the weather balloon. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Scrape the Hives (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head to the top of the mountain and climb down one level. Go on the side of the open garage. Use the funbox to ollie into a wallride on the hive. Go to the right side of the barn and enter the bowling alley. Wallride the wire fence on the right to knock off the next hive. Turn around and go to the opposite side of the wooden ramp. Use the cement quarter pipe with the fence on the top to grind the top of the fence. Head towards the open garage and wallride the cliff to hit the hive. Head down the road towards the entrance and grind the outside of the open garage on the side of the road. Ollie into a wallride to knock it down. Head to the opposite side of the level to reach the zipline slope. Go to the top of the slope and grind the quarter pipe against the edge of the level. Ollie into a wallride on the cliff edge to hit the last one down. *************** *RYAN SHECKLER* *************** Located in the tunnel of the barn after finding him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | One Long Electrical Line (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and use the ramp to the right of the bus. Launch up into a grind on the electrical wire above and grind it all the way to the entrance of the level. When you get the gap, you will earn the goal. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Shack Attack (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Start a combo and enter the red shack, as you fall from entering the shack continue the combo. Head all the way back to the green shack this time and go through keeping the same combo all the way through. You will get the goal once you activate the gap. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Over the House (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and acid drop onto the very bottom quarter pipe. Use the ramps in the back of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign to launch over the house. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Zipline Wire Bomb (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the zipline slope on the left side of the level. Grind the zipline rope downhill and acid drop the quarter pipe at the end of the slope. ********* *BIGFOOT* ********* Located directly behind the house after finding him. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Skatopia Transfer (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the blue Skatopia sign and stand behind it. Use the quarter pipe to the left or right of it and air transfer over to the signs quarter pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Grow Some Plants (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Using Bigfoot only, go to the left side of the house and before the zipline machine. Ollie over the seed box while doing the Bigfoot Flip to make the plants grow. Head up the zipline slope and down to the last of the three logs. On the side of the last log is another seed box. Head over to the pond and go in the grass towards the funbox that is sitting on the side of the mountain. Inbetween the funbox and the pond you will see the last of three seed boxes. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | A Clear Path (50 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the zipline slope and turn around. You will see a yellow piece of wood, manual down the left side of this board. When you reach the board at the bottom, ollie to get some air. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Manual Up a Slope (100 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Using Bigfoot only, go to the bottom of the zipline slope and use the wooden ramp on the bottom to ollie into a manual on the slope. The power of the chainsaw motor will kick in and bring you up to the top of the slope. ***** *BAM* ***** After you have reached at least 400 points on Easy difficulty, 500 on Normal difficulty, talk to Bam outside Skatopia's entrance. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Spin Bomb (200 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Climb on top of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign and use the cable in the center to climb to the top. Now grind the edge of the wheel four times. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Rockets Battery (200 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Go to the side of the road next to the open garage and climb onto the top of the box. Natas spin the fireworks inside the box. Normal Mode - Go to the side of the road next to the open garage and climb onto the top of the box. Natas spin all four sections of the box in one combo to activate it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Fountain O Glory (200 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Head up towards the barn to see a large firecracker. Get off your board and climb the green cable up to the top of it. Grind the cable back down to the bottom to activate it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Box Bombs (200 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Jump on all eight boxes to activate them. Normal Mode - Start a manual towards the boxes and jump out of the manual into a run out. Quickly jump on as many boxes as you can then hop back on the board performing a Caveman. Use this last trick to land on the top of another box. Now jump off the boxes and start another manual towards the boxes. Ollie into another run out and jump on the remaining boxes. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Giant Bomb (200 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - Go to the top of the mountain and double jump the large bomb to get on top, activating it. ****** *TONY* ****** You will automatically switch to Tony Hawk for this goal once all fireworks are activated. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Evacuate the Dogs (1000 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O All Modes - You will be starting at the top of the mountain with five seconds to make it out the front entrance. Hold the ollie button for speed and go down the road, collecting the dogs. For every dog that follows 1 second is added to the time clock to help you escape. Making it around the first bend you can get five dogs. Head along the inner side of the road to collect another dog, then quickly go on the left side of the tall firecracker to get another. Head straight up the large square box ramp getting the dog as you go. Now go inbetween the red shack and the house, wrapping around the back side of the Skatopia sign and out to the exit. ***** *YOU* ***** You will now automatically be switched back to your skater and find yourself still in the park. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Escape Line (1000 points) | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Easy Mode - Quickly grind the inner quarter pipe along the mountain side and grind it around the edge to reach the Skatopia sign, ollie over to the quarter pipe on the back of the sign and land in a grind to finish. Normal Mode - Spine transfer over the quarter pipe straight ahead to make it inside the L shaped quarter pipe. Revert on the bottom and go up the opposite side, grinding to the right. Ollie off and land in a grind on the quarter pipe leading up and down the mountain. Grind down the hill towards the house and ollie off into a manual onto the side porch of the house. Ollie off into another manual and go to the rear of the blue Skatopia sign. ****************************************************************************** 2.8 - Pro Skater ****************************************************************************** You will have to complete Story Mode to access this level. All the goals are worth 0 points. ////////////////////////////// //Activate the Red Circuitry// ////////////////////////////// All Modes - Use a quarter pipe along the sides to launch into a grind on a pipe above. Then ollie into another grind on the balcony railing. Hop off to reach the balcony and enter the lift, talk to the alien at the top. Go back down to the original starting point and go up to the opposite balcony. Climb the wall of the train and enter the room above the train tracks. The two center exits have green pipes leading out of them, grind each one of these around to the other side and sticker slap the red buttons. After hitting both switches the spacecraft in the center of the room will fly through a newly opened airlock. Jump in after the spacecraft to teleport to a new place. //////////////////////// //Tagging Monkey Idols// //////////////////////// All Modes - Talk to the Mayan to the left of the temple entrance. Go to the carving of the monkey on the wall of the temple behind the Mayan you just talked to. Spray it with your spray can. Go to the other side of the ramp and spray the next monkey idol. Enter the temple and turn left, go to the wall and jump on the ledge. Spray the monkey Idol. Now turn completely around from the monkey idol and head straight across the room to the opposite wall. Climb on a similar ledge and spray the monkey idol. Now hop off the ledge and head to the back of the area. On the right side of the large monkey statue you will find a rope hanging from the balcony above. Climb it and head to the back of the level. Spray the last monkey idol to activate another portal. /////////////////// //Break the Ropes// /////////////////// All Modes - Go to the back of the area and to the right of the large monkey statue. Climb the rope hanging from the balcony above to get up to the next floor. Come out towards the front of the statue, staying on the balcony. Turn around and grind the lip of the pool, causing the rope to break. Ollie across the gap and grind the next pool causing the last rope to break. This will send a large stone ball on top of the monkey statue to fall and break the floor, revealing a new room. Drop to the ground and go over to the newly made hole. Get in walking mode and jump out to the rope, climb it up to the little walkway. Grind either edge and enter the portal. Welcome to hell. ////////////////////// //Light up the Runes// ////////////////////// All Modes - On the floor that you start on head over to the large beast face in the back and talk to the red imp. On both sides of the quarter pipes you will see ribs coming up off of them. Lip trick the short broken ones on both sides to knock them down. Now grind each one and activate the switches on the pillars by sticker slapping them to open the large gargoyle's mouth. Enter the mouth to go to a lounge, on the right wall is a doorway leading to a disco room with the devil. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Classic Mode ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This mode comes in two difficulties, Normal and Sick. It is set-up like the original Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 through 3 games. You will be given a list of goals to complete within two minutes. All skaters start with 3 stats in each slot, when you find a stat point it will be added to every skater you can select so you don't have to play with every one to get them maxed. ****************************************************************************** 3.1 - Barcelona ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind the fish netting to free the boat and close the bridge, giving you easy access to the other side. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 30,000 points | High Score - 100,000 points | | Pro Score - 60,000 points | Pro Score - 200,000 points | | Sick Score - 100,000 points | Sick Score - 300,000 points | | High Combo - 10,000 points | High Combo - 75,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the small island across the bridge once you have access and turn left. Go all the way to the edge with the quarter pipe with the water and air up to perform some vert tricks. When you come down, land in a grind heading towards the Nixon billboard. Right before reaching the billboard ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe running perpendicular to the one your on now. Air up and perform some vert tricks and land in another grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie over with a flip trick in between to the benches on the right, grinding the top of them. Quickly ollie back into another grind on the rail to the left, then ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe and ollie off into a manual, head over to the movie theater while performing flip tricks in the combo along the way. Wallride into a grind on the ledge of the theater. Flip trick out into a grind on the awning and then flip trick into another manual to continue the combo from the beginning. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - Grind the yellow bus stop near the Sants building. K - Use the quarter pipe in front of the hospital to grab this letter. A - Grind across the white and brown striped walls to get it. T - Grind the green ledge closest to the MAMO building and ollie up and across the street to reach it. E - Use the triangular sign near the bridge to launch up onto the wavey metal structure to get the final letter. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Grind the ledge next to the long row of wooden benches by the Sants building for the "C". Ollie over to the red roped rail for the "O" and grind it. After grabbing the "M" ollie down into a manual. Manual up towards Guell Park and wallride into a grind on the top of the wall with the "B". Ollie off the wall and use the quarter pipe to get the "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect 5 Tapas | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Cross the bridge to the smaller area of the level. 1. Grind the yellow railing near the bridge as you get off of it. 2. Use the planter in front of the movie theater to launch on top of the balcony. Grind the edge and grab the second one. 3. Wallride up the side of the painted wall in the middle of the area. 4. Go into the pool near the Tram tower and up the edge of the pool. 5. Go onto the walkway below and grind the railing, transfer over to the wire over the water to reach it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Grind the triangular sign near the bridge and ollie up onto the top of the wavey metal part. Then ollie over and grind the middle wavey structure to reach the secret tape. An easy way is to double jump the little leg on the middle structure and crawl over to the tape. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Manual the subway | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Manual down into any of the three subway entrances and come out the other side manualing up the ramp. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Grind the World's Longest Bench | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the top of Guell Park and into the large circular area. Grind the huge bench from one end to the other. ****************************************************************************** 3.2 - Australia ****************************************************************************** Complete 6 goals in Australia or Skatopia in Normal Mode to move to the next level. Complete 8 goals in Australia or Skatopia in Sick Mode to move to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Natas Spin the yellow fire hydrant to open the secret area. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 65,000 points //High Score - 150,000 points// //Pro Score - 130,000 points //Pro Score - 300,000 points // //Sick Score - 200,000 points//Sick Score - 450,000 points// //High Combo - 30,000 points //High Combo - 100,000 points// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// From the starting point, turn right and go to the quarter pipe across from the butterfinger billboard. Air up and perform a vert trick landing in a grind to the left. Ollie off to the left and land in a manual on the mini half pipe. Ollie up the right side and perform a vert trick landing in a grind on the top of the half pipe. Air off towards the lifeguard building and land in a manual. Turn back towards the starting point and manual over to the wall of the ramp. Wallie up the wall and perform a vert trick off it, into a grind on the rail leading down. Land in another manual and wallie up the blue wall into a grind on the rail above. Ollie off into a manual and air up the quarter pipe at the end to perform some more vert tricks. Revert back off and wallie into a grind back up the rail on the right going up the ramp. Ollie off the rail into a grind on the log to the right. Take the curve in the log and ollie off into a manual heading to the ramp walkway. Use the quarter pipe to air up over the opening and land in a grind on the opposite quarter pipe. Ollie off to the left and grind the blue edged quarter pipe next to the butterfinger billboard building. Ollie off at the end and land in a manual, heading back to the original quarter pipe to continue it all over again. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - Spine transfer the side of the red brick building to get onto the roof and use the bowl on the top to air up to it. K - Go down the small street that turns right, it is on the right quarter pipe. A - Climb up to the second balcony fire escape and grind over to the other building. T - Spine transfer the tannish building on the butterfinger sign's side and air up the quarter pipe in the middle. E - Grind the wire that goes across the beach. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Grind the railing straight ahead at the starting point off to the right. Get the "C" in front of the yellow van, ollie to the next rail and get the "O" in front of the planters. Continue the grind to the end of the rail for the "M". Land in a manual and go up the quarter pipe into a grind off to the left for the "B". Ollie over into a grind on the next ledge to get the "O". /////////////////////// //Smash 5 Flower Pots// /////////////////////// 1. Back of the tannish building to the right of the starting point. 2. Grind the ledges of the buildings on the right side of the level, going towards the beach. 3. From #2, grind the wire across to the other side of the level. Then get up to where the ladder in the alcove is. To the right of the ladder on a ledge is the next flower pot. 4. Now wrap back over to the front of the red brick building. It is sitting on the top step, in front of the door. 5. The last flower pot is on the ledge to the left of the arcade machine. //////////////////////// //Find the secret tape// //////////////////////// Climb the balcony fire escape all the way to the top and grind towards the big billboard, ollie in the gap to the next ledge to grab it. /////////////////////////////////////// //Find and Hit 5 G'Day Ramp Transfers// /////////////////////////////////////// 1. Come out from the starting tunnel and turn around. Transfer the two quarter pipes over the tunnel entrace. 2. Use the wooden bowl quarter pipes near the wooden logs to ollie over the brick stairs. 3. Go up to the headless green statue and air transfer the quarter pipes behind it, over the tree. 4. To the left of the headless green statue, air transfer over the red door. 5. Go down the street to the building with the bay windows. Use the checkered quarter pipe to transfer over the door to the other quarter pipe. ////////////////////////////////// //Bust All 5 Yellow Street Lamps// ////////////////////////////////// From the starting point, turn to the right and go down the parking lot. You will see a white climbable pole near the sidewalk. Climb it and grind towards the street. Take it all the way to the end of the wire to bust them all. ****************************************************************************** 3.3 - Skatopia ****************************************************************************** Complete 6 goals in Australia or Skatopia in Normal Mode to move to the next level. Complete 8 goals in Australia or Skatopia in Sick Mode to move to the next level. 5 Stat points available. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 65,000 points | High Score - 150,000 points | | Pro Score - 130,000 points | Pro Score - 300,000 points | | Sick Score - 200,000 points | Sick Score - 450,000 points | | High Combo - 30,000 points | High Combo - 100,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Enter the green shack with a manual and go up the left quarter pipe into a grind. Ollie off and air up the quarter pipe to the left of the bigfoot face graffiti on the blue and yellow edge. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer down to the quarter pipe below. Revert into a manual and air up the opposite side with the open garage building. Perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer through the hole in the roof into the garage. Land in a grind on the bowls edge and ollie out towards the blue skatopia sign. Land in a manual if you have to and grind the quarter pipe towards the blue skatopia sign. Ollie off the end and manual on the ledge with the blue skatopia sign to grind the ledge on the left. Ollie off and go back through the green shack to continue the combo. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - Go to the L-shaped quarter pipe behind the barn and wallride up the barbed wire fence on the top of the deck into a grind to get the "S". K - Grind the wooden ramp down towards the road on the right side of the barn. A - Heading down the road towards the house behind the blue Skatopia sign, use the quarter pipe right after the Free Land graffiti for the "A". T - Go to the house behind the blue Skatopia sign and climb on the roof. Go around to the back side of the hosue to get it. E - Use the quarter pipe to the left of the house and in front of the cement mixer to air up and grab it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Starting up at the quarter pipe next to the open garage with the bowl in the middle. Grind the top of the quarter pipe downhill to collect the "C". Continue down the ledge to get the "O" and ollie into a grind on the back of the blue Skatopia sign grabbing the "M". Ollie over to the next quarter pipe in line with the combo and take the "B" in mid-air. Continue to grind up the quarter pipe to get the last "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect 5 Bags of Dog Food | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. Go on the porch of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign. On the right corner by the two dogs is a bag of food. 2. As you are coming down the road, climb up to the open garage with the bowl in the middle. It is sitting on the open end of the garage. 3. Go into the bowling alley entrance to the left of the barn. 4. Head up the road to the top of the mountain. To the right of the mine shaft hole is the dog food. 5. Drop down the mine shaft and turn left as you exit the tunnel. Right next to the ladder leading to the billboard sign is the last bag. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the left side of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign and use the zipline to launch up to the top of the slope. Climb the quarter pipe to your left and grind the orange construction site fence towards the bottom of the slope. Ollie off at the end to grab the tape. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Front Flip the Skatopia Sign | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From the starting point, skate straight ahead to the blue Skatopia sign. Use the quarter pipe in front of it to air up and spine transfer over it. While in the middle of the spine transfer, perform a front filp. (Grab Button + Up, Up) O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Hit the 5 skunk grinds | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. From the starting point, turn sharp left just after entering the fence. Go up the path on the left and jump on to the roof of the little shed just to the right. Grind the edge around to collect the skunk. 2. Take the zipline up the slope and grnd the log waiting for you at the top. 3. Head to the bowling alley of the barn and climb the ladder by the bowling pins. Grind the edge of the small roof here. 4. Jump on the ledge level with the pond and walk to the front of the mountain staying at this level. After passing the rope ladder going to the big billboard climb the red wire fencing on the mountain side. Grind the yellow wire. 5. Grind the top of the red shed. ****************************************************************************** 3.4 - Berlin ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind the yellow and black rail high above Gretchen's Bar, it's a little off to the right. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 100,000 points//High Score - 200,000 points// //Pro Score - 200,000 points //Pro Score - 400,000 points // //Sick Score - 300,000 points//Sick Score - 600,000 points// //High Combo - 60,000 points //High Combo - 150,000 points// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Go to the gold and blue building by the bar and use the quarter pipe to air up with vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge above. Grind it around the bend allowing the vent to fall to the ground. Ollie off while performing vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery. Ollie over to the smaller ledge to the left and grind it near its bend. Ollie off and use the quarter pipe ahead to air up while performing vert tricks. Grind the awning above to the right, ollie off into a manual. Grind the curved ledge to the left and use the kinked end to air up to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery and shuffle your grind along its edge. Ollie off into a manual and go back to the gold and blue buildings quarter pipe. Air up and perform some vert tricks landing through the now exposed vent hole. Land in a grind on the steps below, going around the bend and grinding the rail to the right. Use the kinked end to air over to the ledge left of the gallery and continue the combo over again. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - Use the small quarter pipe to the right of the zoo to grind the blue pipe and transfer the grind around the top of the zoo. K - Use the quarter pipe to the right of the Uber Sport store to air up and grab it. A - Go to the yellow building in the back left corner of the building. Use the quarter pipe over by Gretchen's Bar to air up to the vent. Go towards the corner and climb the ladder up to the top. T - From the "A" walk around the ledge to the front of the building. Grind the wire to the Berlin Platz building. E - Use the quarter pipe on the rear of the building (facing the starting point) to gain speed. Launch off the left air vent to get the letter. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Grind the silver railing above the Ausfart Center to grab the "C". Ollie into a grind on the steps ahead to get the "O". Ollie off the steps into a manual and ollie once more to grind the steps straight ahead. Ollie over the break in the steps and land in another grind, taking the "M". Use the bend in the stairs and manual towards the Sonata building. Spine transfer up the quarter pipe to the lower roof, getting the "B". Now air up on the next quarter pipe to get the "O". //////////////////////// //Find the secret tape// //////////////////////// Spine transfer into the church and get on the long ladder leading to the top of the church. Walk around the balcony to enter the second room and exit out the right doorway. Jump to the ledge to the left and walk up the front incline to reach the top. //////////////////////// //Madonna the soldiers// //////////////////////// From the starting point head to the road straight ahead. Wait for a a car to drive up and skitch the back of it towards the Sonata building. At the third planter release from the skitch and launch up the side to get over the sign of the soldiers. While going over perform a Madonna. (Grab Button + Diagonal Up and Right) //////////////////////////////////// //Acid Drop from the 4 Beer-steins// //////////////////////////////////// 1. Enter the Ausfarhrt Center doors to get on the roof. Go up the vent on the right and acid drop to the quarter pipe below. 2. Go to the yellow building in the back left corner of the building. Use the quarter pipe over by Gretchen's Bar to air up to the vent. Go towards the corner and climb the ladder up to the top. Turn to the right and acid drop off the ledge. 3. Go to the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz and ollie into one of the ledges. Climb the ladder in the corner to the top and walk over to the right. Acid drop at the beer-stein. 4. Spine transfer into the church and get on the long ladder leading to the top of the church. Walk around the balcony to enter the second room and exit out the right doorway. Acid drop at the beer-stein. //////////////////////////////////////////// //Put the Space Monkey back together again// //////////////////////////////////////////// 1. Grind the yellow railing straight ahead at the starting point. 2. Enter the Ausfarhrt Center doors to get on the roof. Use the quarter pipes straight ahead to air transfer over the vent and grand the part. 3. From part #2 use the vent to air boost over to the Galerie and air up the quarter pipe on the roof. 4. Go to the right of Gretchen's Bar and use the quarter pipe below the inliners rule sign to get the part. 5. Spine transfer onto the roof of the Sonata building and use the next quarter pipe to get on the middle roof of the building. ****************************************************************************** 3.5 - Airport ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. New quick way to get to the far back of the level fast, jump over the counter on the left at the starting point and enter the baggage drop off. New quick way to reach the starting point from the far back of the level, go into the basement and enter any of the do not cross doors. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 125,000 points | High Score - 250,000 points | | Pro Score - 250,000 points | Pro Score - 500,000 points | | Sick Score - 400,000 points | Sick Score - 750,000 points | | High Combo - 80,000 points | High Combo - 200,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Ollie up the first telephone booth and wallie off the wall. Perform some vert tricks and land in a manual. Wallie up the side of the wall and perform another vert trick. Land in another manual and wallie up the wall again to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on the escalator, transfer to the rail to the left, and then wallie off the wall. Perform some vert tricks in the air and land in a grind on the moving walkway. Transfer your grinds between the rails on the walkway, then ollie off into a manual at the end. Go to the right wall and wallie up the side to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the monitors and ollie off into a manual at the end. Go across the hall and wallie off the wall to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on the escalators below then ollie off to manual across the pathway. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some more vert tricks. Land in a revert and manual back across the floor. Ollie into a grind back up the escalator, then grind the couch on the left side. Ollie off into a manual and go across the hallway to air up the quarter pipe just before the alarm system. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge above. Ollie off the ledge and grind the light fixture to the left. Ollie off the light fixture to the next light, then ollie down into a grind on the moving walkway. Ollie off into a manual and grind up the escalator. Ollie off and grind the baggage rail to the left, then ollie into a manual, and grind the moving walkway. Ollie off the end and go over to the counter on the right to grind it towards the starting point. Grind the benches on the right wall and go back onto the counter to continue the grind. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - Use the first payphone structure off to the left of the starting point to grind the light fixture above. Ollie in the middle of the lights. K - At the bottom of the first slope, on the middle black and white railing. A - Go through the security alarms before the last slope down to the planes and climb the middle palm tree. T - Use the middle black and white railing on the last slope to air into a grind on the light fixture straight ahead, ollie off at the end. E - Go up either quarter pipe A or C located to the left and right of the middle of the quarter pipe as you fall from "T". Grind the red railing towards the other gate. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Grind the horizontal escalator path and ollie off the end to grab the "C". Land in a manual, using the speed from grinding, ollie off the middle railing into a grind on the light fixture getting the "O". Transfer the grind onto the next light, then ollie over to the far right light, grind it to get the "M". Ollie into another grind to the next light at the end, then transfer over with the "B". Ollie off at the end of the last light to get the "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Crush the Suspicious Suitcases | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. At the starting point, jump the counter on the right and grind the conveyor belt to the helicopter. 2. Go down the escalator and jump on the top of the circular baggage machine. 3. Exit the circular baggage room and enter the bathroom on the right, next to the metal detector guy is the suitcases. 4. Exit the bathroom and go on the other side of the security system. Facing the entrance, it's on the right conveyor belt. 5. Go to the very end of the level and drop to the basement. Climb the single line of crates in the middle of the basement. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Nose Manual the Escalator Slope | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From teh starting point, go forward and you will come to the first slope. It actually doesn't matter which manual you do, as long as you get the gap, Manual the Slope!. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Nosegrab Over the Copter! | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From the starting point, jump the right counter and grind the conveyor belt outside to the helicopter. Use the kicker right before the helicopter and perform a nosegrab (Up + Grab Button) over the helicopter and get the gap to complete it. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the airplane terminals at the far back of the level. Use the second quarter pipe labeled "C" to the right of the middle quarter pipe. Air up to the top rail and grind it to the right around the bend. ****************************************************************************** 3.6 - School ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 125,000 points//High Score - 250,000 points// //Pro Score - 250,000 points //Pro Score - 500,000 points // //Sick Score - 400,000 points//Sick Score - 750,000 points// //High Combo - 80,000 points //High Combo - 200,000 points// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Some good places to rack up points is to go behind the gymnasium in the alley and use the quarter pipes. After performing some air tricks through the alley grind down the railing and into a manual. Do a trick over the kicker gap and go over to the funbox on the right, by the single wall. Ollie off the funbox into a grind on the wall heading towards the swimming pools. Ollie off into a manual and use the quarter pipes to add to the score. By the time you reach the pools you should have well above two million. Get on the roof of the gym and go towards the edge with the shutter door side. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some vert tricks, landing in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe. Going left ollie off into a manual over the kickers and go up the next side of the quarter pipe. Perform some vert tricks in the air and come down into a grind on the quarter pipe. Before reaching the covered part of the ramp, ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the rear side of the building. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on the top. Ollie off into a manual and go to the side of the building, air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe and ollie off before you hit the covered ramp. Land in a manual and head over to the quarter pipe in the front again, air up performing some vert tricks to land in a grind on the top. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - Grind the ledge to the left of the railing and ollie over towards the rail to get it. K - Go into the ditch under the footbridge and use the ramp to air over the bridge. A - Climb the single brick wall over by the funboxes. T - On the path towards the pool, climb the quarter pipe on the left. Then hop onto the building here. E - Inbetween both pools, jump while standing to get the E. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Grind the ledge by the first picnic table at the bottom of the stairs to get the "C". Ollie over the drainage ditch grabbing the "O" and land in a grind on the next ledge to get the "M". Ollie off the ledge and manual to a grind on the next ledge. Go through the "B", then ollie into another manual. Go up the side of the quarter pipe and get the "O". ///////////////////////// //Set off 5 Fire Alarms// ///////////////////////// 1. Wallride the alarm to the left of the gym shutter door to get the alarm. 2. Head down the stairs and go to the side of the building with the large blue Matix banner. Wallride the wall before getting to the quarter pipe. 3. Go behind the single brick wall and over to the corner of the building part that sticks out with the two rails on the slanted roof. 4. Go behind the diving boards, on the left side of the large screen if you were facing it. 5. Heading up the path towards the starting point of the level, look to the left on the side of the building. //////////////////////////// //Smash the 5 School Books// //////////////////////////// 1. From the starting point air up the quarter pipe straight ahead. Aim towards the right corner to hit the books. 2. When facing down to the bottom of the stairs, turn left and grind the ledge towards the starting point. 3. Go down the stairs and use the quarter pipe to the right. 4. Follow the path down to the pool and wrap around the left quarter pipe as you enter the area, jump on the wall to break it. 5. Head up towards the starting point and grind the right ledge. ////////////////////////////////// //Double Kickflip the Kicker Gap// ////////////////////////////////// Go down the stairs and you will see a large kicker off to the left a little. Ollie over the kicker to the kicker on the opposite side while performing a double kickflip in the middle. /////////////////////// //Get the Secret Tape// /////////////////////// From the starting point, turn right and go up the ramp to reach the gymnasium roof. Head over to the front of the building by turning left once you reach the roof. Get on the square block area and grind the board down to the metal awning. Skate down the awning and ollie at the end to grab the tape. ****************************************************************************** 3.7 - Downhill Jam ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 165,000 points | High Score - 325,000 points | | Pro Score - 325,000 points | Pro Score - 650,000 points | | Sick Score - 500,000 points | Sick Score - 1,000,000 points| | High Combo - 100,000 points | High Combo - 250,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O A good way to get points is by adding a few things on to the COMBO collection line. From the start air up the kicker on the right and grind the pipes above. Ollie into a manual and use the quarter pipe on the right side to perform a trick, then revert back into a manual. Grind the sorta pyramid like wooden rail in front of the funbox to regain some speed. Ollie into a manual and then hop into a grind down the railing over the large hole. Ollie off into a manual and use the quarter pipe on the left to perform another trick. Revert back into a manual and use the kicker on the right to air up into a grind on the pipes ahead. Ollie off and land in a manual heading through the dam. Trick off the left and right side, at least one time each and grind the left side to the end of the dam. Ollie off and land in a manual going up the sorta concrete hill and down the other side. Get in the middle of the path and use the indented jumper to air up onto the top of the large rock. Land in a manual and go down the other side of the rock. Air up on the launcher below and perform a trick, landing in a manual. Use the kicker in front of the large grate to air over it while performing a trick to the other side. Land in a manual and ollie off the funbox ahead performing a trick, land in a grind on the rail to the left. Ollie into another grind on the next railing straight ahead and ollie off at the end performing one last trick. To make the line even longer, land in a manual and go through the finish line. This will teleport you back at the top allowing you to repeat the line over as many times as you wish. One run should score you almost a two million point combo each time. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - From the starting point, use the kicker on the right to air up and grind the pipe ahead. K - Follow the concrete path around the two large kickers, air up on the third. Grind the rail to the left of the rock. A - Go up the ramp on the left, ollie off the kicker. Land in a grind on the pipe above and grind it over to the dam. T - Continue down the path towards the end of the level. Air off the kicker in front of the Hawk Shoes billboard and grind the top of it, ollie at the end. E - At the end of the level, grind the railing next to the slope. Stay on the level that you came on and ollie off at the end to get the letter and go through the finish line. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Grind down the railing to cross the gap and take the "C". Ollie off the rail and get the "O" in the air, landing in a manual. Using the speed from the grind, go up the quarter pipe and get the "M". Revert into a manual and use the kicker off to the right and air into a grind on the pipes ahead. Ollie off the end and grab the "B". Land into another manual and go down the dam's path. Grind the left side of the dam and ollie at the end for the "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Smash 5 Crates | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. At teh starting point, air up the quarter pipe on the left for speed. Now launch up the kicker straight across from it to reach the area above the pipes, you will get another quarter pipe along with the first crates to smash. 2. Head down the path and use the second kicker to air up on to the top of the mountain rock and smash the crate. 3. From #2, drop down and use the ramp on the left to get up into a grind on the pipe leading over to the top part of the dam. Near the end of the dam up here you will get the crate. 4. From #3, grind the pipe leading over the large drop off and get to the other side of the level. Use the quarter pipe wall to transfer over the hole in the road to get to the other side with the crate. 5. Head towards the end of the level now, instead of going down the ramp stay on this level. Go past the two funboxes to see the last crate. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Japan Over The Giant Grate | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Head to the pretty much end of the level. After the tall rock with the tunnel jump built in it, you will see a kicker on two ends of a large grate. Using the speed built up from coming down the hill, perform a Japan from the front kicker over the grate and down the other side. (Diagonal Up, Right + Grab Button) O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Manual Through the Puddles | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. From the starting point, a puddle is in front of the funbox in the middle of the quarter pipe and kicker. 2. Head down the concrete path past the first two kickers. In front of the third kicker is another puddle. 3. Right before getting on the dam is another puddle. 4. On the hill leading down to the tall rock with the tunnel jump attached to it is another puddle. 5. At the end of the level, go down the slope and manual the last puddle before the finishing line. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From the start, go down the path and use the ramp leading up with a kicker to grind the pipe leading over to the top of the dam. Go to the end of the dam and grind the pipe over to the other side of the level. Use the quarter pipe against the wall to transfer over to the other side. Now jump off the board and climb on top of the rock and walk across to the side you were on originally. Use the quarter pipe against this wall and transfer over the gap once again. Ollie off the slanted path to the really high rock in the middle to reach the tape. ****************************************************************************** 3.8 - New Orleans ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind all the skulls off the five tombs in the cemetary. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 200,000 points//High Score - 400,000 points // //Pro Score - 400,000 points //Pro Score - 800,000 points // //Sick Score - 600,000 points//Sick Score - 1,250,000 points// //High Combo - 150,000 points//High Combo - 300,00 points // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Skate into the car lift across the street from the cemetary. Air up and Acid Drop down into the street in front of the building while performing vert tricks. Revert on the bottom and air up the other side and perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer onto the roof above. Revert the ramp and air up the other side spine transfering down to the bar as you perform vert tricks. Grind the railing as you come down and go towards the church. Ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the right side of the church. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer into the courtyard. Grind the edge of the inner quarter pipe and ollie over the statue into another grind. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the tram tracks. Swap between the rails back and forth. Ollie off into a manual and go into the cemetary. Air up the quarter pipe on the left and perform some vert tricks. Land in a manual and go over to the back wall, wallie up into a grind and grind around the cemeterary along this wall in a complete circle. Once you get back to the far side away from the ferry boat ollie off into a manual and go into the car elevator to continue the combo. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - Go to the cemetary and climb the large crypt in the middle with the pole on the top. K - Enter the parking garage in front of the cemetery and ollie to make the elevator raise. Use the quarter pipe at the back of the roof. A - Spine the quarter pipe while collecting the "K" and go to the other building. Use the quarter pipe in the back of the roof. T - Use the quarter pipe in front of the fan club to air into a grind on the ledge above. Go towards the ferry boat. E - Go to the end of the street cars track towards the cemetary and go up the quarter pipe on the corner building. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Go over to the Mardi Gras Empire building to the right of the ferry. Use a quarter pipe and grind the ledge above towards the church. At the edge, ollie off getting the "C" and land in a manual in the church courtyard. Use the quarter pipe and air transfer over the statue getting the "O". Coming down the other quarter pipe, spine transfer the quarter pipe ahead of you and go down the street towards the center of town. Use the small kicker on the side of the building to wallride through the balcony above, collecting the "M". Land in a manual and ollie into a grind on the railing to the right. Grind around the curve getting the "B". Ollie off the railing and land in a manual on the street below. Use the quarter pipe at the end of the street to get the "O". /////////////////////// //Japan the Big Crypt// /////////////////////// Go to the cemetary and to the large crypt in the middle. Spine transfer over it while performing the Japan trick. (Diagonal Up, Left + Grab Button) ////////////////////////// //Collect 5 Voodoo Dolls// ////////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn left and enter the bar with the large hurricane drink in it. Climb up to the highest roof of this red building with the satelite. Go to the corner towards the church, you will see some lights that go across the bar floor and the voodoo doll in the middle. Grind across to get it. 2. Spine transfer over to the helipad roof and grind the yellow railing on the top. 3. Go up to the helipad and grab the doll. 4. go to the cemetary gate in the middle and air up to the doll. 5. Wallride off the street car and grind the wire above. /////////////////////////// //Collect 5 Crystal Balls// /////////////////////////// 1. Climb the ladder to the left of the yellow Nawlins front door. 2. Ollie over to the roof of the Green Goddess and use the quarter pipe to the left of the water tower. 3. Enter the cemetary and go to the very back, where the air boat dock starts. grind the top of the fence and ollie over the opening. 4. Go to the side alley of the cemetary and use the quarter pipe at the end. 5. Enter the alley with the Humidity banners hanging in it, use the quarter pipe to air straight up. /////////////////////// //Get the Secret Tape// /////////////////////// Go to the middle of the level with the four doors. Enter the yellow Nawlins building and skate over to the board leading up to the smokey chimney. Ollie at the top to grab the tape. ****************************************************************************** 3.9 - Training ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 200,000 points | High Score - 400,000 points | | Pro Score - 400,000 points | Pro Score - 800,000 points | | Sick Score - 600,000 points | Sick Mode - 1,250.000 points | | High Combo - 150,000 points | High Combo - 300,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Use the quarter pipe behind you to gain speed and go into a manual down the slope on the right side. Air over the half pipe and land back in a manual then hop over the taxi back into the manual. Go up the quarter pipe and grind the top of it towards the half pipe. Transfer the grind onto the next pipe and use the kinked end to air up into a grind on the pipes ahead. Transfer between the next sets of pipes and ollie through the hole in the wall. Land in a grind on the pipes and take it around the curves. After you take the second curve, transfer over to the circular piping and go around as many times as you like. Then transfer teh grind back over to the original pipe. Grind it until it ends and drop down into a manual. Go up the quarter pipe ahead and grind it to the left. transfer over to the pipe on the left and then back to the quarter pipe on the right. Take it around the bend and ollie into a grind on the rail on the top of the quarter pipe. Ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe to perform a trick. Go to the back left section of the old warehouse. Air up the quarter pipe on the back wall and perform some vert tricks, land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe and ollie over the piece that sticks out. Land in a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the right wall. Air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind and go across the rails over the half pipe. Ollie down into a manual and air up the quarter pipe to perform some more vert tricks. Come back down to the top of the quarter pipe and land in a grind. Ollie into a grind on the second quarter pipe and then ollie off into a manual. Manual over to the ledge with the arcade machine and grind it back over to where you started the combo. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - From the starting point, turn around and use the quarter pipe that is directly behind you. K - Go down the slope and air up the small quarter pipe in the middle of the two slopes. A - Enter the new warehouse section, jump on the double stacked crates. Then jump over to the power box in the middle of the water. Climb the ladder to the top and shimmy across the Bladers Rule banner. Climb back up into the little cubby. T - Drop back into the new warehouse section, turn towards the door entrance to the old warehouse. Use the quarter pipe against the wall in the indent to air transfer over the quarter pipe. E - Air up the side of the big funbox and land in a grind on the pipe above. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Ollie over the kicker towards the back wall and land in a manual for the "C". Go up the quarter pipe and grind it to the left going through the hole in the wall for the "O". Grind to the end of the quarter pipes section and use the kinked part of the top to air into a grind on the rail above to grab the "M". Ollie into a wallride immediatly after collecting the "M" on the right wall. Wally off and land in a grind on the upper railing to collect the "B". Ollie over to the left to land in a grind on the light fixture and transfer the grind one last time to get the "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go down the slope and use the quarter pipe to your far left, the front of the spine to the wooden bowl. Air up to grind the pipe above towards the new warehouse section and ollie through the hole. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Break All the Sprinklers | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O It's possible to get all the sprinklers in two combo's, but I will write a way to get them in groups and the combo way for people that want a little better challenge. Smaller Group version 1, 2, & 3 - In the old warehouse, use the quarter pipe behind the taxi to air up into a grind on the railing above. Grind the two valves on and take the curve into another grind on the light fixture. Ollie off the light to the railing ahead and get the third valve. Hop off the railing before entering the hole. 4, 5, & 6 - Enter the wooden pool by the starting point and start a grind on the pipes above to get the three sitting up here. 7 to 15 - Use the quarter pipe behind the taxi once again to grind the top of it to the right. Transfer your grind over to the rails just above the half pipe and ollie at the kinked end. Land in a grind on the pipes above transfering to each section. Ollie through the hole into the new section. Take it around the loop and transfer the grind when the pipe gives a gap. 16 to 19 - Go to the left side of the big funbox and air up the side. Grind the pipe that you were previously grinding before and this time transfer the grind over to the loop of the last sprinklers. Combo's Version 1 to 14 - Enter the wooden pool off to the left of the old warehouse. Air up and grind the pipe above from the wall on the new warehouse side towards the starting point. Transfer the grind across the light fixtures and onto the pipe, above the quarter pipe, behind the taxi. Grind this around the bend and transfer your grind from the pipe, to the light fixture and back to the next pipe. Ollie through the hole in the wall and grind the pipe in front of you. Now transfer the grind over to the left pipe circle and make at least one complete pass for all four sprinklers. You should now have 10 of them checked off. When you make a pass to the next set of pipes close to the middle of the room, transfer the grind over to it. You will then have to ollie over the gap and continue the grind, the total will be 14 sprinkler's. 15 to 19 - Hop off the pipe and enter the old warehouse section. Grind the top of the quarter pipe on the backwall towards the half pipe. Transfer the grind to the pipe sort of above the half pipe and launch off the kinked end to the pipe above. Transfer the grind to each pipe and take it around the bend. Ollie through the hole and land in a grind on the pipe ahead, take it around the bend to get the last sprinkler. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Benihana Over the Half Pipe | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O At the starting point, ride down the right slope and ollie over the half pipe. While in mid-air perform the benihana (Diagonal Down, Left + Grab Button) to get the goal. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Grab All the Skateboards | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. From the starting point, go through the left slope and wallride the right side of the wall. 2. Go to the halfpipe and ollie from the half pipe into the little room suspended above it. 3. Go in the wooden bowl and air into a grind on the pipe above towards the starting point. Transfer your grind to the light fixtures and ollie in the middle of them. 4. Continue the grinding combo from #3 and get to the pipes behind the taxi. Grind around the curve and transfer to the light fixture and then the next set of pipes. Ollie through the hole into the new warehouse. 5. Enter the new warehouse room and climb the yellow pipe in the corner to the right of the big funbox. ****************************************************************************** 3.A - Boston ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Ignite your board on fire and grind the two cannons. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 235,000 points//High Score - 500,000 points // //Pro Score - 350,000 points //Pro Score - 1,000,000 points// //Sick Score - 700,000 points//Sick Mode - 1,500,000 points// //High Combo - 175,000 points//High Combo - 375,000 points // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The easiest combo to rack up millions is a continous monkey line I have seen whored online. Start off by grinding the bottom yellow Jeers rail and ollie into a grind on both blue rails in front of the State house. Use the kink in the rail of the last blue one to air up into a grind on the lower bank rail. Take it around the bank and sticker slap the wall, landing back into a grind on the same bar you left off on. Grind it back around the bank and drop down to grind the blue railing again. Ollie the gap to grind the next rail and jump off into a manual. Use the quarter pipe at the end of the street to perform a trick. Land in a manual and repeat the process all over again. Go to the subway entrance in front of the State house coming towards the starting point. Air up the entrance and perform some vert tricks landing into a grind on the entrance. Ollie off into a manual and grind the green benches to the right. Ollie off into another manual and go across the street and air up the quarter pipe in front of the construction site. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie off and manual the street on the right, then go over to the orange rail and grind it. Ollie off and manual up the street, wallie up the side of the small wall before the intersection in the street to the left. Grind the rail and ollie off into a manual. Go across the street and grind the rail in front of Jeers, ollie into another grind on the rail ahead, then transfer to the next rail. Ollie up into a grind on the bus stop roof and flip trick off the end into a manual up the subway entrances side. Ollie off the top like a kicker ramp and perform some air tricks as you land in a manual. Wallie up the brick stairway and grind the top around the bend. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the side of the church. Grind the flower pot on the side and ollie off into a manual to start the combo over again. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - Grind the fence of the State house and ollie over the front gate. K - Double jump the end of the ledge to the right of the bank in the brick plaza area. A - Transfer onto the awning of the hospital on the right side. T - In the construction site, use the blue tarp covered plywood ramps to air up to it. E - Enter the apartment courtyard next to the construction site and air transfer over the door. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Grind between the blue rails in front of the State house to get the "C". Then air up into a grind on the bus stop roof to get the "O". Land in a manual and use the quarter pipe under Tony Hawk's picture to air transfer over to the other quarter pipe, taking the "M". Land in another manual and come towards the street. Grind the row of planters towards the hospital and transfer it to the yellow no stopping ledge. Grab the "B" and ollie into another manual. Go up the blue and gold cement quarter pipe at the construction site and grind it to the right, get the "O" at the end of the grind. /////////////////////// //Smash 5 Tea Barrels// /////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn right and head up the stairs to the above walkway of the children's museum. 2. On the deck of the ship out by the construction site. 3. Climb on top of the scaffolding to the right of the church. 4. Across the street from the scaffolding, in front of the green benches. 5. Go to the right side of the bank and jump on the top of the closed subway entrance. /////////////////////// //Get the Secret Tape// /////////////////////// Go to the side of the library and use the quarter pipe to reach the roof. Spine transfer onto the roof of the building being remodeled and then get on the roof of the church. On the edge towards the bank, you will see a wire attached to the right side. Grind the wire to the tape. /////////////////////////////////// //Backflip down the Common Stairs// /////////////////////////////////// From the starting point, head forward to the main entrance of the park on the right. Ollie and perform a quick backflip (Grab Button + Down, Down) and land at the bottom of the steps. //////////////////////////// //Grind the 5 Pigeon Rails// //////////////////////////// 1. At the starting point, turn right and go up the stairs to the children's museum. Wallride the wall and wallie into a grind on the banner above. 2. Grind the left blue rail in front of the State house. 3. Go to the brick area plaza by the bank and walk up the stairs in the corner of it. Grind the police barrier on the upper ledge. 4. Go inside the construction site and wallride the back gold and blue wall on the water's edge. Grind it behind the porta-potty. 5. Go to the park and climb on the roof of the subway closest to the boat. Get off your board and hang on the wire above, get into a grind on it and grind it towards the cannons. ****************************************************************************** 3.B - Canada ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 275,000 points | High Score - 600,000 points | | Pro Score - 475,000 points | Pro Score - 1,200,000 points | | Sick Score - 850,000 points | Sick Score - 1,750,000 points | | High Combo - 200,000 points | High Combo - 450,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Start off by grinding the rail to the right of you as you come down the slope at the start of the level. Transfer the grind over to the fence and then over to the funbox's high lip. Ollie off into a manual and do a trick up the quarter pipe landing in another manual. Go towards the downward slope and grind the rail transfering to the next rail. Ollie off into a manual and air up the quarter pipe, performing a trick. Come back down and manual back up the quarter pipe. Grind the top and head right along the curve. transfer inbetween the signs. You can manual back to the top with the speed you have and repeat the process all over again. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - From the starting point, go forward and use the bulldozer to air up and grind the banner to the left. Ollie off the end and grab the letter. K - Go back to the starting point and air up the ramp to get the "K". A - Enter the wooded area and go up the quarter pipe under the boardwalk. T - Head up the far path and grind the blue rope to activate the raising quarter pipe. Launch from the quarter pipe up to the covered half pipe. Ollie onto the leaning half pipe and grab the "T" in the middle of the air. E - Continue from the "T" and grind the train track furthest from the half pipe. Grind it all the way around and ollie off at the end to catch the letter. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Smash 5 Snowmen | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. At the starting point, turn to the left and hop the wooden fence. Next to the light pole on the left is the first snowman. 2. Head towards the long parking lot and hop the fence on the left side before the light pole. 3. Enter the skatepark and go to the back middle area with the snow mounds. 4. Head to the log cabin right outside the wooded area. Cross the broken bridge and turn left after the tree. 5. Jump into the area with the very large tree trunk in the center. Go around the trunk to the left to find it in a patch of snow. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the outskirts of the wooded area and use the pile of snow right outside the log cabin to air into a grind on the peak of the roof. Ollie off into a manual to collect the "C". Grind the tree branch off to the right and get the "O". Ollie off the branch and transfer the grind to the next branch with the "M" on it. Ollie off into a manual on the boardwalk and quickly grind the blue rope to the left for the "B". Ollie off the rope into a manual and air up the quarter pipe at the end for the "O". O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Completely Scrape the 5 Icy Rails | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. At the starting point of the level, grind the rail of the chain link fence to the right. 2. Go to the sloping parking lot and grind the second railing on the left side to get the ice. 3. Go to the corner of the fence with the cement bowl on the other side. Jump over and grind the rail of the large triangular shaped pyramid box sitting above the bowl. 4. Grind the red curved rail to the left of the totem pole. 5. Go to the back section of the skatepark and in the middle of the two spine boxes. Grind the rail in the middle of the two snow piles. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | FS Boardslide the Entire Log QP | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Enter the wooded area with the large tree stump. Go to the end of the large log quarter pipe near the totem pole. Make sure you aren't in "Switch Stance" and boardslide the top of the log quarter pipe off to the right. Grind it all the way to the opposite end to get the gap and goal. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the very far back end of the skatepark. Climb the tall piece of the quarter pipe and grind it towards the right (totem pole's side), ollie off at the end and land on the iceberg floating in the water. Double jump the peak to reach it. ****************************************************************************** 3.C - Philadelphia ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind the ramp leading up to the balcony of the blueish green building in the far front corner of the main area. Take the grind up the electrical line and grind over the first pole to open the skatepark. At the starting point turn right and go down the steps. Air up the kicker planter and get on the balcony of the red brick building. Grind the valve in the back center of the building to drain the fountain. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 275,000 points//High Score - 600,000 points // //Pro Score - 475,000 points //Pro Score - 1,200,000 points// //Sick Score - 850,000 points//Sick Mode - 1,750,000 points// //High Combo - 200,000 points//High Combo - 450,000 points // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Go up the side of the half pipe in the skate park and spine transfer into the larger area while performing some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the other side and ollie off towards the left edge of the bowl in the back of the park. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some vert tricks and land in a grind. Ollie off the end towards the alley by the park. Wallie up the wall on the right and perform a vert trick off it, landing in a manual. Go over to the yellow rail on the left and grind it out of the skate park area. Ollie off the end into a manual, then ollie up into a grind on the planter ahead. Ollie off towards the fountain and land in a grind on the other side of the planter. Grind towards the greenish blue building going over the benches and ledges. Before the end, ollie off into a manual on the top of the planter, then go to the edge and grind back to the park. Ollie off into a manual and cross back over the street, then wallie off the pillar performing a vert trick in the air. Land in a manual and go to the yellow rail to grind it back to the half pipe. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - From the starting point, go forward and jump on the planter to the right. Boneless off the edge and grab the letter. K - Use the sculpture under the blue awning to air up into a grind on the awning. Ollie off the end of it and move to the right a little. A - Go to the red brick building and air up to the balcony. Double jump to the roof and grind the wire down across the fountain and to the planter. T - Go up the ramp of the bluish green building and grind the wire towards the starting point. Near the turn of the wire, ollie off and grab the letter, don't worry about landing in a grind. E - Enter the skatepark, should have opened when getting the letter "T". Go to the far back of the skatepark and hip transfer from the right quarter pipe of the three sitting next to eachother to the middle one. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Air over the steps down to the fountain to get the "C". Land in a grind on the bronze piping in the middle of the water and ollie through the fountain spraying to get the "O", landing in a grind on the other side. Ollie off into a manual on the cement and grind the planter to the left. Get the "M" then ollie into a manual and go up the ramp of the bluish green building. Ollie into a grind on the left rail to go up the electrical wire with the "B". Continue up and around the wire getting the "O". ////////////////////// //Smack All the Bags// ////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn right and hop down the stairs. Ollie up onto the balcony of the red brick building and smash the bag. 2. Drop back down and go into the street on the left. Head up the street towards the starting point and turn left onto the sidewalk. In the corner of the level is the bag. 3. Head up the next road along the side of the skatepark to the opposite end. Somewhat under the balcony of the blueish green building is the bag. 4. Turn to the right and head towards the awning. Right before the awning look to the left next to the quarter pipe. 5. Go up the ramp of the blueish green building and grind the electrical wire up to the first pole to open the skatepark. Enter the entrance to the park closest to the starting point and go to about the middle of the wall. ////////////////////// //Smash the 5 Hogeys// ////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn a little to the right and go over to the THPS sign in front of the fountain. Get off your board and climb to the top. 2. Go to the right and down the stairs. Use the kicker planter and air into the balcony above. Now jump off the board and double jump onto the roof. 3. Drop off the building and go to the tall planter in front of the building. Go to the end of the planter towards the awning. 4. Grind the awning towards the skatepark. 5. Go up the stairs in front of the blueish green building. Jump on the top of the tall planter and run towards the starting point. ////////////////////////////////////// //triple Heelflip Over the THPS Sign// ////////////////////////////////////// At the starting point, turn to the right and use the green kicker to air over the THPS sign in front of the fountain. As you are airing over it, perform a triple heelflip and land it before you crash into the water. /////////////////////// //Get the Secret Tape// /////////////////////// From the starting point turn right and go to the tall planter in front of the red brick building. Jump on the top of it and grind the ledge closest to the red brick building and use the kinked piece at the end to air up to the tape. ****************************************************************************** 3.D - Los Angeles ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind the four quake rails to cause an earthquake and destroy the highway above. Behind the Wash & Wax and Findley Tower (blue with lots of windows) grind the curved ledge on the top of the walkway to drop the grates. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | NORMAL MODE | SICK MODE | | High Score - 325,000 points | High Score - 750,000 points | | Pro Score - 650,000 points | Pro Score - 1,500,000 points | | Sick Score - 1,000,000 points | Sick Score - 2,000,000 points | | High Combo - 250,000 points | High Combo - 550,000 points | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From the starting point, ollie and trick down the stairs straight ahead to get the gap and land in a manual. Turn right and manual over to the rail next to the road and grind it. Ollie off at the end and grind the curved piece of stone on the ground. Quickly transfer the grind over to the circular pond and grind it around as many times as you can to build up the score. Ollie off the fountain towards the street and perform a few more flip tricks to add to the multiplier. Go through the middle glass covered hallway of the Findley Tower building and air up the quarter pipe. Perform some vert tricks in the air and land in a grind. Grind it towards the end and ollie over the edge into the area with the car wash, landing in a manual. Go over to the quarter pipe across from the car wash and air up to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the top and ollie across the gap in the quarter pipe to grind the next quarter pipe. Ollie off the quarter pipe into a grind on the ladder of the fire truck. Ollie off and wallie off the side of the building, performing some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge, then ollie into a wallie just before the end of the building. Land in a grind on the ledges below and ollie off into a manual on the sidewalk. Ollie into a grind on the ledge in front of the theater, then ollie off into a manual across the street. Air up the quarter pipe and perform a vert trick, land in a grind towards the library. Ollie off the end and land in a manual to cross the street. Grind the front ledge of the library towards the towers. Ollie over the stairs and land in another grind on the ledge. Ollie off the ledge and land in a grind on the quake rail then ollie off into a manual to cross the street. Air up on the quarter circle kicker to perform some vert tricks, go through the covered walkway and air up the quarter pipe. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect S-K-A-T-E | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O S - At the starting point of the level, turn to the right and wallride the building on the corner. Wallie off across the road to the "S". K - Go to Findley Tower and air up into the roof of the lower piece inbetween the two towers. Air up on the left side to grab the letter. A - Go behind Findley Tower and to the left. Spine transfer over the brick walkway towards the right of the Wash & Wax sign. T - Grind the quarter pipe across the pathway from the front of the car wash. Transfer the grind over to the fire truck and air up into a wallride on the side of the building. Wallie off into the "T" E - Go to the column underneath the highway in front of the library and skate into it, pressing the grind button. This will allow you to wallride up the column in a spiral way to get the letter. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Collect C-O-M-B-O | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go behind the Findley Tower building and air up the quarter pipe on the back right wall. Air up and transfer into a grind on the curved ledge above while getting the "C". Transfer the grinds along the ledges and ollie off the end for the "O". Land in a manual and go up the quarter pipe straight ahead and grind it. Ollie into another grind on the next quarter pipe, then air off and grind the edge of the fire truck, picking up the "M". Use the kinked end of the fire truck to air into a grind on the ledge above. Ollie into a wallride right before the end and wallie out to the "B". Land in a grind on the steps below and grind them around the corner. Ollie at the gap and land back in a grind to reach the "O" at the end. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Blow Up the 5 Ice Lattes | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. At the starting point of the level, turn around and grind the quarter pipe behind you. 2. Turn back around and hop down to the road. Turn right and wallride the side of the building, wallie up into a grind on the ledge above. 3. Get on the roof of the car wash and grind the quarter pipe facing the front door of the building. 4. Enter the Morehead courtyard to the left of the fire truck, grind the ledge above the door. 5. Go to the building to the left of the Morehead building with the courtyard. Get off your board and double jump to the roof with the Doors billboard. Go behind the billboard and wallride into a grind on the ledge above the back wall. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Roll the Purple Gap | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O Go to the purple structure straight ahead of the starting point. Using the kicker edging on the outside of the half pipe, air over the half pipe while performing a side roll (Grab Button + Left Button + Left Button) and land it on the other side. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Crush 5 Low Carb Dishes | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O 1. From the starting point, grind the cable up to the roof of the building straight ahead. Go around to the right of the building and walk over the dish. 2. Go to the building to the left of the purple movie theather. Jump on the ledge to the left of the door, then double jump to hang on the awning above. Walk over the platter. 3. Go to the small building inbetween the car wash and Findley Tower, jump on the roof. 4. Go up the brick walkway ramp and to the corner behind Findley Tower. Grind the curvey brick ledge to drop the grate, now hope down and go to the middle section. 5. Enter the Findley Tower from the back section and turn left towards the movie crew's vehicles. Grind the bench next to the wall. O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O | Get the Secret Tape | O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~O From the starting point, turn left and grind up the cable to the top of the building straight ahead of you. Hop off the board and climb the tall tower on the roof to the very top for the tape. ****************************************************************************** 3.E - The Triangle ****************************************************************************** You must complete 6 goals on Normal difficulty to continue to the next level. You must complete 8 goals on Sick difficulty to continue to the next level. 5 Stat points available. Grind the missile on the right side of the helicopter to open the secret room. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NORMAL MODE // SICK MODE // //High Score - 500,000 points //High Score - 1,000,000 points// //Pro Score - 1,000,000 points //Pro Score - 2,000,000 points // //Sick Score - 1,500,000 points//Sick Score - 3,000,000 points// //High Combo - 400,000 points //High Combo - 750,000 points // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Start off with some tricks on the half pipe straight ahead of the starting point. Before you lose to much speed, grind the left half pipe towards the mountain. Ollie off into a grind on the U-shaped quarter pipe and ollie off at the end into a manual. Ride up the side of the half pipe and grind it towards the starting point. Ollie off and grind the U-shaped around the bend, ollie off and grind the helicopter blades. Right when you reach the edge of the blades ollie into a grind on the triangle and ollie off into a manual. Go to the brick walkway and grind it to the left. Transfer up to the higher ledge and hop over the walkway to the opposite ledge. Ollie off into a manual on the half pipe to the right. Perform a few tricks off the sides, then spine transfer into the large ship. Use the quarter pipes to perform a few more moves. Enter the Secret tunnel and grind the vent on the floor to air up into a grind on the black and red rail above. Grind it around counter-clockwise and ollie into the tunnel on the opposite side. Manual up through the grate above using the quarter pipe and spine transfer down the other side while performing some vert tricks. Revert when you come down and manual into the quarter pipe straight ahead, air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on top od the walkway, then ollie off into a manual and go back up the quarter pipe to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge again, then ollie into the sand with a manual. Head over to the finger quarter pipes and air up and perform some air tricks, then land in a grind on the top. Ollie over to the top of the half pipe and grind across it, ollie off near the end and land in a manual. Air up the finger quarter pipe on this side to perform some air tricks. Grind the top of the quarter pipe to the left and ollie off the end to grind the top of the helicopter blade. Ollie off the blade into a manual. Enter the tunnel that you started in and grind the vent on the floor to air back up into the red and black rail above to start the combo over. ///////////////////// //Collect S-K-A-T-E// ///////////////////// S - From the starting point, turn right and go inside the split part of the plane. K - Continue along the beach in the direction you were heading, go up the back of the little ship end. A - Go to the bottom of the helipad around the back side of the mountain and use the quarter pipe. T - Jump up onto the brick walkway and go to the left. Get over to the half pipe area and air up over the raised piece of wood. E - Transfer over to the big ship and use the quarter pipe near the front of the ship. ///////////////////// //Collect C-O-M-B-O// ///////////////////// Grind the top of the left half pipe at the start of the level to get the "C". Ollie off into a grind on the U-shaped quarter pipe ahead to get the "O". Ollie off the end into a manual and ride up the side of the half pipe into a grind. Ollie off the half pipe and land in a grind on another U-shaped quarter pipe. Ollie off the end to land in a grind on the helicopter blades and taking the "M". Ollie off the end of the blade and manual over to the brick wall ahead. Grind the top edge of the wall to get the "B". Grind along the ledge and transfer the grind over to the outter edge of the walkway. Ollie off into a manual on the half pipe ahead to the right. Air up the quarter pipe ahead and move over the gap to the pirate ship without spine transfering to get the "O". ///////////////////////////// //Collect 5 Treasure Chests// ///////////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn around and climb the square structure on the beach to the left. 2. Turn towards the split plane and run past the nose of the plane. In front of a horseshow shaped quarter pipe is the chest. 3. Turn to the mountain, use the quarter pipe at the bottom of it to get on the path above. Go to the left to the end of the path. 4. Drop off the mountain and get on the brick path along the ocean's edge. Walk down the path to the left to the patched up area with boards. 5. Go to the otehr side of the mountain, inbetween the mountain and the large ship is the last chest. //////////////////////// //Find the Secret Tape// //////////////////////// From the starting point, turn right and head to the split up airplane. Use the quarter pipe in front of the nose of the plane to spine transfer into it. Air around the edges to get high enough and reach the tape. ////////////////////////// //Activate the Triangles// ////////////////////////// 1. From the starting point, turn around and hop over the quarter pipe. Turn to the left and grind the triangular shape on the ground. 2. Turn back around and head straight to the mountain. When you reach the U-shaped quarter pipes, turn right and grind the triangular shape on the ground. 3. Turn to the large half sunken ship in the water and run over in that direction. Before you reach the ship you will find the last triangular shape to grind in the ground. //////////////////////////////// //Bust a Lip Trick on the UFO!// //////////////////////////////// Skate around to the back side of the mountain to see a UFO hovering over the brick walkway. Spine transfer up to the helipad and take the small path up to the higher level. Use the quarter pipe in the back to build a little speed and go back down the small path. Spine transfer down to the ground and air up to the ship with the other quarter pipe. Perform any lip trick on the UFO to get the goal marked off. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. Gaps ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section explains a way to recieve the gaps for the main 15 levels. All gaps can be checked off in story mode, classic mode, freeskate, and online mode unless otherwise noted on the gap. If you are getting new gaps online it will not pop up on the screen as if it was a newly found gap, but it will still be marked off the list. If you need a visual aide you can download all the gaps movies off a site at www.metroid2002.com/llcooldave/ ****************************************************************************** 4.1 - Training (25 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Rail Pop (25 points) - Enter the new warehouse area, and look for the first fun box on the left. Ollie from the slant and grind the rail. Beam Lip (50 points) - From the start, wrap around the left ramp into the pool above the quarter pipe. Lip trick the wooden beam on the back wall. Half Pipe Lip (50 points) - In the original warehouse area, lip trick the half pipe. Pool 2 Pool (50 points) - Enter the new warehouse area, grind the edge of the pool on the left and transfer over to the edge with the water. QP Transfer (50 points) - In the original warehouse, transfer from one quarter pipe over either slope at the starting point, to the other quarter pipe. Rail 2 Light (50 points) - In the original warehouse, use the back quarter pipe near the taxi to launch up to the rail above. Then grind it to the left and ollie over to the light fixture straight ahead. Ramp Hop (50 points) - In the original warehouse, use the kicker ramps near the puddle and new area entrance to ollie to the next kicker. Red Button Wallride (50 points) - Right when you enter the new warehouse area, there is a red fire alarm on the wall to your left. Wallride it. Car Hop (75 points) - Jump over the taxi in the back of the original warehouse area. Funbox Spine (75 points) - Enter the new warehouse area, turn left at the kicker just past the funbox. Use the quarter pipe on the side of the funbox to transfer into the concrete pool. Going Up (75 points) - In the original warehouse area, grind the rail on the right wall inbetween the half pipe, towards the starting point. Use the kinked part to launch into a grind on the sprinkler pipe above. Light Hop (75 points) - Do the Rail 2 Light gap again, when you grind the light fixture, transfer to the next light fixture. Hippin (100 points) - Enter the new warehouse area and go to the left wall. Do a hip transfer on this quarter pipe. Recessed Transfer (100 points) - Enter the new warehouse area and look on the right wall. Go into the indented area and air transfer from this quarter pipe to the next recessed quarter pipe. Sprinkler Lip (100 points) - In the original warehouse, air off the quarter pipe at the back wall near the taxi and lip trick the sprinkler above. Upper Rail (100 points) - Enter the new warehouse area, air off the large funbox in the middle and then land in a grind on the sprinkler rail. High Wire (150 points) - Enter the new warehouse area and go under the large funbox in the middle. Use the quarter pipe on the back wall to air up into a lip trick on the highest wire. Otherside 1 (150 points) - From the original warehouse area, grind the back left rail above the blue quarter pipe to grind from the original room through a hole in the wall into the new area and land in a grind on the rail up in the air. Otherside 2 (150 points) - From the starting point, go down the slopes and use the blue quarter pipe right against the slopes to get to the rail above. Grind towards the new area and curve around, ollie through the hole in the wall and land in a grind on the rail in the new area. Passage Hop (150 points) - In the new warehouse area go to the back left corner. Use the rail above the quarter pipe to grind along the left wall towards the original area. Jump the kink at the end and land in a grind on the rail in the little passage to the original area. Big Ole Lip (200 points) - Go into the new warehouse area and jump in the concrete pool to your left. Air up on the far left side and lip trick the rail up above. Big Rail (200 points) - In the original warehouse area, grind the long rail to the left of the half pipe. Over The Half Pipe (200 points) - In the original warehouse area, ollie over the half pipe. Downward Manual (300 points) - From the starting point, manual down either slope. Holy Shi... (3000 points) - Starting in the original warehouse side, grind the back quarter pipe all the way into the new room. ****************************************************************************** 4.2 - Boston (40 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Ledge Hop (25 points) - From the start of the level, go over to the tall wall around the park entrance in the middle of the level. Grind from one wall, ollie across the stairs and land in a grind on the other tall wall. Rail hop (25 points) - From the start of the level, head down the road to the State House and you will see some blue rails in front next to the street. Grind it and ollie into a grind on the next set. Bus Stop Pop (50 points) - From the start of the level, head straight down the road to the blue railing in front of the State House. Grind the far one, to take the kink in the rail up and ollie over into a grind on the bus stop roof. Dumpster Up (50 points) - From the start of the level, head straight down the road and turn right at the intersection in front of the church. After you pass the blue scaffolding, turn left into the alley. Ollie off the ramp leaning against the dumpster and land in a grind on the ledge above. Fence Lip (50 points) - Go over to the construction site and lip trick any of the blue and gold fence along the road side. Hospital Volcano Spine (50 points) - In front of the hospital are two brick exhaust structures that look like volcanoes with the black smoke coming out the top. Spine trasfer from one side of one to the other. Plater 2 Planter (50 points) - By the canons in the park are two planters. Grind one to the other on the closest side. Planter Up (50 points) - Head straight up the road to the church. Use the planter on the left of the church to air up and grind the ledge above. Subway Spine (50 points) - On the far end of the park from the starting point, is two Subway entrances. Go up one side of the quarter pipe and spine transfer down the opposite side. Tea Party Transfer (50 points) - Go through the construction site to the back fence. Spine transfer over the fence and into the Boston Tea Party boat. Boston Commons Stairs (100 points) - From the starting point head straight up the road to the park entrance with the stairs leading to the statue. Ollie down to the park. Brownstone Transfer (100 points) - from the starting point, turn right down very first streetand enter the apartment courtyard. Use the quarter pipe to the left or right to air transfer over the brownstone door and land on the other quarter pipe. Car hop (100 points) - Ollie over any car driving around the streets. Hospital Transfer (100 points) - In front of the hospital are two quarter pipes to the left and right of the front doors. Use one of them to transfer onto the quarter pipe on the roof of the hospital. Library Manual (100 points) - Head to the library, building with the five picture mural. Manual into the spinning doors continue across the library floor and out the opposite side, landing when you make it through. Library Mural (100 points) - On the side of the library facing the park or the side facing the construction site, use the quarter pipe on the left or right of the mural and air over to the opposite side of the mural, landing on the quarter pipe. Mural Ride (100 points) - Go to the library and wallride any of the three murals on the outside wall. Riboff Lip (100 points) - Go in the courtyard of the Statehouse on the right side of the stairs. use the ramp on the Riboff Bank to launch up and lip trick the rail above. Statehouse Stairs (100 points) - Go to the top of the Statehouse stairs to the front door. Turn around to face the street and ollie at least one of the two sets of stairs. Subway Manual (100 points) - Go to one of the two subway entrances on the other side of the park. Manual through the door and continue through until you reach the opposite side, it should give it to you then. Tea Bomb (100 points) - Get on the Boston Tea Party boat and get on the back end. Climb to the top of the Crow's Nest using the rope ladder. Acid Drop off the Crow's Nest onto the quarter pipe below. Washington Air (100 points) - Spine or Hip transfer the statue in the middle of the park. Bank Transfer (200 points) - From the starting point head all the way down the street to the Bus Stop. Behind the Bus Stop is the Riboff Bank with a quarter pipe to the left of the front door. Use it to air transfer inside the upper floor of the bank. Flirting with Disaster (250 points) - Go down into the subway and when no train is passing, sticker slap the wall past the tracks. Roof Spine (250 points) - Go to the blue scaffolding next to the church and climb on top of it. Jump up the side of the building using the ledges to get to the second highest one. Now jump over to the library roof and use the quarter pipes to spine transfer into the higher roof. Also works from the church roof to the building being remodeled. Statehouse Stair Spine (250 points) - Go into the Statehouses courtyard on either side. Face the stairs and use the quarter pipe to spine transfer to the opposite side. TH Transfer (250 points) - From the start of the level, head all the way down to the end of the road. Straight ahead on the City Hall building is a picture of Tony Hawk. Using the quarter pipe next to the picture, air transfer behind the red brick wall and down the other quarter pipe. Wire Transfer (250 points) - Get on the roof of the church by doing the Roof Spine gap and grind the ledge towards City Hall. You will then take a wire over to City Hall, making it across gets you the gap. Big Dig Big Air (500 points) - Next to the hospital is a large fan, Standing on your board ollie straight up to be sucked in. Boston By Wire (500 points) - Do the Hospital Transfer and then spine transfer onto the roof of the Boston Tea House. Grind the ledge against the building towards the hospital. Ollie over to the blue rail and grind it around the front of the hospital, you will then get on a wire. Grind it all the way around to the church ledge. Church Sign Slap (500 points) - Get on top of the blue scaffolding next to the churches front doors. Climb up both of the brownish orange ledges and grind it towards the library. Take it around both turns around the building. At the last second ollie off and sticker slap the church sign. Reading is Fun (500 points) - Get on the roof of the hospital and grind the blue rail away from the Boston Tea House. When the rail ends ollie over into a grind onto the library roofs edge. Riboff 2 Church (500 points) - Go into the courtyard of the Statehouse on the right side of the stairs and use the quarter pipe to air up to the rail. Grind this towards the church and ollie off the rail before turning around the side. You will want to land on the top of the churches stone awning past the little flat edge. Street Crossing (500 points) - Get on the roof of the library and use the quarter pipe to go in the air to get speed, come back down and use the wooden board to launch over to the other side of the road. Wall Slap (500 points) - From the starting point, head straight down the road to the City Hall. Go left of the Tony Hawk picture and grind the red brick stair ledge. Ollie to the bank wall and sticker slap it, bouncing back to the ledge and land in a grind. Yellow Pipe Climb (500 points) - Go over to the construction site and grind the blue and gold striped fence towards the yellow pipe. Ollie off, get off your board and cling onto the ladder to get the gap. Apartment Spine (1000 points) - From the starting point, turn right down the first road and in to the apartment courtyard. Spine transfer the quarter pipe heading towards the road so you smash through the glass and land on the quarter pipe outside the near the road. High Slap (1000 points) - Go into the courtyard of the Statehouse and go to the right sided one. Use the quarter pipe against the bank wall and grind the rail towards the church. Take it around the bank and ollie off and sticker slap the wall and bounce back onto the rail. I'm a little teapot (2000 points) - Go to the Boston City Hall area. Use the quarter pipe to the right of the Tony Hawk picture leaning against the Boston Tea House and grind the top towards the teapot sign. Ollie off and land in a grind on the teapot, then you will air over to the yellow and green street light. Grind the top to get the gap. Bank Drop (5000 points) - Do the Bank Transfer gap into the bank. Continue out the back of the bank and launch over the closed subway entrance, spine transfering the far end of it. ****************************************************************************** 4.3 - Barcelona (33 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Bench Hop (25 points) - In front of Estacio Barcelona Sants under the metal awning are some benches with tables attached to them. Grind from one bench to another. Ledge Hop (25 points) - In front of the hospital on the bottom of the steps are three quarter pipes. Grind the top of one, ollie, and land in a grind on top of another one. Rail Hop (25 points) - Right in front of the Barcelona Sants building you will find three chain link rails. Grind one, ollie, and land in a grind on another. AC Boost (50 points) - Go across the bridge to the smaller area and enter the movie theaters doors to be launched out the AC vent. Land in a grind on the top of the boats wire and grind it back to the bridge. Bridge Rail Transfer (50 points) - Grind the rail of the bridge and ollie over to one of the curved structures on the side or middle of the bridge. Ledge 2 Rail (50 points) - Grind the yellow road blocks in front of the Sants building and ollie into a grind on the chain link rail. Rail 2 Ledge (50 points) - Grind the chain link rail in front of the Sants building and ollie into a grind on the yellow road blocks. Taking out the Trash (50 points) - Natas spin any of the grey and yellow trash cans found around the level. Four can be found under the awning near the Sants building. Besos (100 points) - Go to the smaller area across the bridge and manual the concrete rollers from one end to the other. (Make sure you start before the dark line at the beginning) Besos Flip (100 points) - Go to the smaller area across the bridge to the concrete rollers. Skate through the rollers and kickflip over the metal gate. Car Hop (100 points) - Ollie over any of the red cars driving by the main road. Catapult Launch (100 points) - Enter the Museo Del Medevil to the right of the starting point. You will be launched out of a catapault towards another roof. Dragon's Breath (100 points) - In the middle of the gardens, in the back of the level is a statue of a dragon. Grind the tail towards the head, and the water will shoot you forward. Fan Boost (100 points) - Enter the Plaza Paralela and walk out the window onto the balcony with the red fencing. Use the outter elevator wall to get on the roof of the plaza and use the blowing fan to launch you off. Guell Entrance (100 points) - Just before the dragon fountain you will see two brown stone buildings with white and brown striped walls. Grind the top of one wall to the other. Guell Planter Dragon Transfer (100 points) - Climb to the very top of the Guell gardens area with the picnic tables. Spine transfer down three times to build up speed. On the next quarter pipe, air transfer over the dragon statue and into the other quarter pipe. Guell Planter Spine Transfer (100 points) - Go into the Guell gardens area and stay below the top picnic area. Spine transfer down the hill. Hospital Transfer (100 points) - To the right of the Barcelona Sants is the hospital. In front of the hospital, before the stairs are three quarter pipes. Air transfer from one to another to get the gap. La Perdrera Spiral (100 points) - Get on the roof of the La Perdrera building and grind down the spiral insides. Mamo Flip (100 points) - To the right of the Museo Del Medevil is the Museo Del Arte Moderno O. (AKA MAMO building) Grind any of the green ledges outside the building and do a flip out of the grind. Nixon Plant (100 points) - Go across the bridge to the smaller area and go to the back corner with the large red Nixon sign. Sticker Slap it and land back on the land. Rambla Del Agua (100 points) - At the beginning of the bridge, there is a triangular sign with the words Rambla Del Agua on it. Grind it and ollie up to the large wavey metal structure and grind it. Sants Awning (100 points) - On either end of the metal awning are plywood ramps. Use them to ollie on the top of the awning and grind the bar up here. Sants Bench Flip (100 points) - Underneath the Sants awning are some benches with tables attached to them. Grind one and ollie out of the grind with a flip trick. Sants Benches (100 points) - Off to the side of the Sants awning is a long row of benches. Grind from one end to the other. Subway Manual (100 points) - Find one of the three subway entrances and manual down it, picking either tunnel. Come out the other side and up the ramp. Tick Toc (100 points) - From the hospital's side of the Sants awning, grind the awning furthest away from the Sants building, Sticker Slapping the clock when you get to it. World's Longest Bench (100 points) - Go to the very top of the Guell gardens and into the circular area in the middle. Grind the huge bench from one end to the other. Dragon's Tail (300 points) - Go to the dragon statue and grind from the head to the tail. The tail will then move to the right and angle up, ollie up to the World's Longest Bench and land in a grind. Rambla No Terrano (300 points) - Do the Rambla Del Agua gap and transfer over to the next large metal beam, grind that until it ends, and transfer over to another large beam. grind it to the end and ollie off landing on the red brick. ARGHHH! (500 points) - To the right of the bridge on the large area's side, is a fishing net. Grind the top of it until the gap shows up, then ollie out and grind the red railing. Butterfinger! (1000 points) - Underneath the Barcelona Sants building is a Butterfinger candy bar machine. Grind the top of it, you can only do this gap once every run. Tower 2 Tower (2000 points) - Enter one of the tram tower doors on either end of the level to get to the top of the tower. Now grind the wire from here to the opposite end. For best results, grind around the starting tower and then grind the long wire to the next tower, and go from the smaller area to the larger area so you don't fall in the water. ****************************************************************************** 4.4 - Berlin (49 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Ausfarht Lip (25 points) - Go down the stairs to the red and white Ausfarht Center and perform a lip trick above it's sign. Ledge Hop (25 points) - Grind a planter in the middle of the street, in front of the church. Then ollie and grind another planter. Level 1 Lip (25 points) - Go to the right of the tall yellow building and you will enter a large open area with a red and white building. Lip trick the first red and white ledge. Rail Hop (25 points) - Go over to the top of the Ausfarht Center and grind a rail up here and ollie over to one of the tannish rails next to the Club Cafe. Ausfarht Transfer (50 points) - Go down the stairs to the red and white Ausfarht Center and use the quarter pipe at the centers door to air over the door and down onto the other quarter pipe. Awning Lip (50 points) - Use the concrete quarter pipe below the Downzekd! sign to air into a lip trick on the blue beam. Bench 2 Ledge (50 points) - On the left side of the Galerie when looking at the front door, you will find a long bench. Grind the right side of it and ollie in to a grind on the lower ledge to the left. Dropoff Lip (50 points) - On the right side of the Berlin Platz is a loading dock. Use the quarter pipe under the loading platform to air up and lip trick the ledge just above the door. Fountain Manual Down (50 points) - Manual down the ramped walkway towards the Ausfarht Center. Galleria Spine Down (50 points) - After smashing through the glass from the inside of the Galerie. Spine transfer from the quarter pipe on the roof down through the broken glass and onto the quarter pipe below. Galleria Spine Up (50 points) - Use the bowl inside the Galerie to ollie up and smash out of the glass and spine transfer onto a quarter pipe on the roof. Gold Lip 1 (50 points) - Go to the large gold building in the back left corner of the map, and near Gretchen's Bar. Use the quarter pipe to the left of the gold buildings stairs to lip trick the first ledge in the air. Gold Lip 2 (50 points) - Go to the large gold building in the back left corner of the map, and near Gretchen's Bar. Use the quarter pipe to the left of the gold buildings stairs to lip trick the second ledge in the air. Gold Lip 3 (50 points) - Go to the large gold building in the back left corner of the map, and near Gretchen's Bar. Use the quarter pipe on the far end of the bar away from the gold building to spine transfer on the roof. Then use the opposite end to spine transfer back down to the ground. Launch up the gold buildings quarter pipe and lip the third ledge. Hittin' the Pipe (50 points) - To the left of the Uber Sport building but before the zoo-aquarium is a pipe above the road. Use the quarter pipe in the middle of the road to lip trick the pipe above. Ledge 2 Bench (50 points) - On the left side of the Galerie, grind the low ledge and ollie over to the long row of benches and grind them. Ledge 2 Rail (50 points) - Across the street from the Berlin Platz building, grind the third or fourth ledge towards the large gold building. Ollie over and grind the rail on the red and white striped quarter pipe. Level 2 Lip (50 points) - Go to the right of the tall yellow building and you will enter a large open area with a red and white building. Lip trick the second red and white ledge. Over the Pipe Hop (50 points) - In front of the church is a trench with plywood along the edges. Grind one side of the plywood ollie over the trench and grind the opposite side. Rail 2 Ledge (50 points) - Across the street and to the left on the side of the gold building is a red and white quarter pipe with a bar on it. Grind this towards the four dark ledges to the right. Ollie over and grind any of them. Sonata Spine (50 points) - Go to the yellow and white building to the left of the church. On either end of the white part of the building is a quarter pipe, use it to spine transfer onto the roof. Vent Transfer (50 points) - Enter the Ausfarht Center doors and you will be taken to the roof of the Berlin Platz. Use the quarter pipe straight ahead to ollie over the vent and land on the opposite quarter pipe. Wire Lip (50 points) - Across the street from the front entrance to the Berlin Platz, up on the red and white buildings open walk area. Use the quarter pipe in the middle planter and lip trick the wire above. Wire Pop (50 points) - Go over to the last planter by the Uber Sport building in the middle of the street. Ollie up the middle of the skinny end and grind the wire found in the middle of the trees. Art Drop (75 points) - On the roof of the Galerie, use the quarter pipe to go over the satelite dish and down through the broken glass roof onto the bowl below. Art Lip (75 points) - Go inside the Galerie and use the bowl to air up and lip trick one of the colorful pipes. Rooftop Transfer (75 points) - Get on the roof of the Berlin Platz. Use the quarter pipe on the right to air over the two kickers and land on the opposite quarter pipe. Car Hop (100 points) - Ollie over any car driving around the streets. Fountain Escape (100 points) - Grind the fountain at the starting point towards the Uber Sports building. Take it down the slope and at the end ollie up and into a grind on the railing above the arcade machine. High Lip (100 points) - Across the street from the Berlin Platz and to the left is a red and white quarter pipe with a rail on it. Use this to lip trick the rail on the second ledge. Into Church (100 points) - Spine transfer one of the two quarter pipes on the sides of the church so you go into the church. Out of Church (100 points) - Spine transfer one of the two quarter pipes on the inside of the church to get out of the church. Second Tier (100 points) - Go to the large gold building in the back left corner of the map, and near Gretchen's Bar. Use the quarter pipe to the left of the front steps to grind the lower ledge to the right. Ollie up to the next ledge and grind when you reach the kinked fan unit. Smack My B!*@H Up! (100 points) - In the middle of a street planter inbetween the Sonata building and the red and white building is a sign with pictures of two people. Use the planters base to ollie up and Sticker Slap it. Sonata Hip (100 points) - After doing the Sonata Spine gap, continue to the next higher part on the roof and hip transfer from one side to the other to land on that quarter pipe. Third Tier (100 points) - After doing the Second Tier gap, continue around the bend in the ledge and ollie up to the third ledge using another kinked fan unit. Wall Drop (100 points) - Go behind the Galerie building to be at the rear of the building. Grind the ledge here towards the tall wall and ollie off the kinked end piece. Acid Drop on the large wall ahead. Backdoor Drop (150 points) - Get on the roof of the Berlin Platz and spine transfer the quarter pipe on the left or right of the air vent. Level 3 Lip (150 points) - Go to the right of the tall yellow building and you will enter a large open area with a red and white building. Using the quarter pipe furthest from the building, air up then revert when you come back down. Spine transfer the planter in the middle and revert when you land again. Now use the quarter pipe against the building to air up to the third ledge and lip trick it. Checkpoint Transfer (200 points) - Use the quarter pipes on the road block to the left of the Sonata building to air transfer up to the quarter pipe in front of the red and white building. Low Church Lip (200 points) - Using the quarter pipe on the left side of the church, ollie up into a lip trick on the blue ledge. To the Galleria (200 points) - Do the Second Tier and Third Tier gaps. Right when you get on the third tier wallride and grind the ledge higher up on the left. Launch off the end and grind the roof of the Galerie. Wall Hip (200 points) - In the lower left corner of the zoo-aquarium area, two concrete wall pieces are angled for you to hip transfer them. Ausfarht Drop (300 points) - Get on the roof of the Berlin Platz building by going through the door under the Ausfarht sign. Use the quarter pipe next to the door you came out of to air transfer into the quarter pipe under the Ausfarht sign. Church Drop (400 points) - Grind the pipe to the right of the zoo-aquarium above the street towards the zoo. Grind the ledge of the zoo building and ollie off at the end, acid dropping onto a quater pipe inside the church. Fountain Manual Up (400 points) - Acid Drop down onto the quarter pipe below the Ausfarht sign and manual up the ramped path. Extreme Church Lip (500 points) - After completing the Ladder Skillz gap, acid drop down into the secret room of the church and come up another side and lip trick the ledge you just jumped from. Ladder Skillz (500 points) - After opening the sealed church wall, grind the ladder on the ground and go up the quarter pipe straight ahead in the secret room. Jump off your board and grab onto the ladder in midair. OWNED!!! (500 points) - You must get rid of the "D", "Z", and "K" in the Downzekd! sign to the right of the Uber Sports building. You can either grind across the top of the sign and knock them down or get them one letter at a time. Grind the long tall wall to the left of the Galerie building, launch up onto the yellow beam and lip trick the "D" off. Now grind the ledge of the Galerie on the left side, using the kinked end on the outter edge to launch up andgrind the yellow beam, lip tricking the "Z" off. Finally use the same ledge that you just did, but on the inner side to get the "K". ****************************************************************************** 4.5 - Australia (40 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Balcony Lip (25 points) - From the starting point, turn right. Go past the yellow flowers and use the quarter pipe to the right of the brick path and lip the "U" shaped railing above. Chain Gang (25 points) - From the starting point, grind the chain railing to the right, ollie over into a grind on the ledge right after the chain. Homemade Handrail (25 points) - Before you can attempt this gap you must have a way to play as the Aborigine on the gokart, so this can only be done in story mode. Natas Spin the yellow fire hydrant across from the crane. After the scene, have the Aborigine grind either side of the crane to activate the second half of the destruction. Now grind the newly fallen lamp post and ollie over into a grind on the ledge a little to the right of it. Ledge Drop (25 points) - From the beginning of the level, walk up the stone walkway and head towards the street ahead. Grind the ledge on the left heading towards the second road. Ollie off and land in a grind on the brick wall below. Ledge Hop (25 points) - From the beginning of the level, walk up the stone walkway and head towards the street ahead. Grind the ledge on either side, ollie over the walkway path and land in a grind on the next ledge. Rail 2 Rail (25 points) - From the starting point, grind the white curved railing that turns to the right and goes in front of the yellow van. Ollie the gap and land in a grind on the next rail ahead. Rock Lip (25 points) - Go into the little tidal pool off to the left of the starting point. Use the bowl side to air into a lip trick on the rock above. 9 Point Landing (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right and go towards the apartments on the edge of the level. Grind the top of the concrete quarter pipe towards the beach. Ollie off and land in a grind on the rail next to the half pipe. Archway Roof Tap (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right to see a tannish building all by itself. Head to the front covered porch and ollie up the kicker to grind the edge of the roof. Balcony Hop (50 points) - Get on the roof of the bus stop near the crane and grind the planter up here. Transfer the grind over to the front of the stores roof. Balcony Lofty Lip (50 points) - Go to the green statue, use the quarter pipe on the back buildings to air up to the second balcony and perform a lip trick. Big Stair Set (50 points) - From the starting point, go to the left of the white railing and ollie down the stair set. Bus Stop Hop (50 points) - Ollie off the bus stop benches side and grind the store ledge above. Crane Vault (50 points) - Use one of the ramped edges of the crane and ollie into a grind on the red or green store awnings. G'Day Ramp 2 Ramp (50 points) - From the beginning, exit the tunnel and turn around. Use the quarter pipe leaning against the walkway to air up and over the tunnel and onto the other quarter pipe. High 2 Low Transfer (50 points) - From the starting point turn left to go past the front of the red brick house. You will come up to a wooden bowl and a quarter pipe off to the right. Use this quarter pipe to air down one level onto the quarter pipe below. Hot Wire Lip (50 points) - Go over to the yellow fire hydrant and use the quarter pipe behind it to air up and lip trick the wire above. Life Guard Roof Tap (50 points) - On the second walkway level, grind the railing and use the kinked end to ollie up into a grind on the life guard's roof. Low Bay Window Lip (50 points) - Use the quarter pipe behind where the Pro Skater sits and air up into a lip trick on the first bay window. 10 Point Landing (75 points) - On the side of the wooden half pipe is a white metal fence. Grind it towards the beach, ollie off, over the phones and first walkway ledge. Landing in a grind on the railing that curves around the front of the life guards building. Balcony Climb (75 points) - In the corner near the crane, you will see some metal balcony fire escapes. Get on the first balcony and grind the railing towards the crane. Using the kink in the rail, ollie off and sticker slap the wall, this will raise you up a level and grind the balcony above. Can Skip (75 points) - Locate the circular spinning trash can by the wooden half pipe. Angle yourself towards the payphones and grind the trash can, ollie, and land in a grind on the ledge. Coping Jump (75 points) - From the starting point, go down the big stair set and turn left. Using the brick quarter pipe at the end, grind the top and ollie into a grind on the tide pools edge. Low 2 High Transfer (75 points) - From the starting point, go down the big set of stairs and turn left. Using the brick quarter pipe air up a level and land on the quarter pipe above. Car Hop (100 points) - Ollie over any car. Fountain Touchdown (100 points) - Air off the curved part of the crane or grind the ledge across from the crane to air into a grind on the fountains circular edge. From Brass Over 10 (100 points) - Go down the street opposite the crane and turn right. You will see a brass railing on the side of the blue and white building. Grind it out towards the beach and ollie the stair set. High Bay Window Lip (100 points) - Grind the store awning edge and the restaraunt railing for speed. Ollie off before the railing turns and air up the checkered quarter pipe to lip trick any bay window higher than the low ones. Peace Out! (100 points) - Natas spin the headless green statue's fingers and ollie out of the spin. TC's Grass Gap (100 points) - Go to the brick walkway area by the headless green statue. Ollie inbetween the quarter pipe by the Go-Kart's sitting place and the stair set, over the grass, and into the parking lot. Big Coping Jump (150 points) - From the starting point, turn left in front of the red brick building and grind the log on the left for speed. Now grind the top of the wooden quarter pipe to the right and ollie into a grind on the tide pools edge. Lofty Roof Gap (150 points) - From the starting point turn to the right to see a tannish building. Get on the opposite side with the Butterfinger sign. Spine Transfer into the roof, then spine the middle quarter pipe. Use the turbo ramp to launch you over to the opposite roof. TC's Awning (150 points) - From the starting point, turn left to see a red brick building. Use the kicker in the front to ollie up to the awning above and grind the edge. Fotbridge Flyover (200 points) - From the starting point, turn around and use a quarter pipe on one of the sides of the walkway to air over the walkway path and land on the other quarter pipe. Up and Over Manual! (20 points) - Head over to where the Go-Kart sits with the yellow fire hydrant. Spine Transfer down into the parking lot and manual up the walkway ahead. Then go across, and down the opposite side. Big Street Cross (250 points) - Grind the awnings of the stores and then the railing of the restaraunt. Use the quarter pipe up here to air transfer across the street and land on the quarter pipe below. Biggun's Ramp 2 Ramp (250 points) - From the starting point turn left and grind the left log rail for speed. Then use the wooden quarter pipe to air over the middle quarter pipe and land on the outter one. Check Your Pants (250 points) - From the ground, go to the right of the large Emu Burger Billboard and climb the ladder in the little alcove. Walk to the edge on the right and acid drop into the tidal pool below. Peace Off! (250 points) - At first you can only do this on Story Mode until you finish the goal. You must land in a natas spin on the fingers of the headless green statue to break off the index finger. NO @$%#@$%# WAY!!! (5000 points) - Climb the ladder in the alcove to the right of the billboard. Jump over to the top of the billboard. Grind it out towards the beach and when the ledge curves ollie off landing in a grind on the rail leading to the tidal pool below. ****************************************************************************** 4.6 - New Orleans (38 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Church Statue (25 points) - Air transfer the two quarter pipes behind the statue in the church courtyard. Into the Underworld (25 points) - After activating the voodoo doctor scene in the graveyard, there will be an entrance to hell in the center of town. Spine transfer into the hole and grind the rail down below. Nawlins Street Spine (25 points) - Spine transfer between Josh O'Briens rooftop and Boo Ya's Bottomless rooftop. Grave Gate Transfer (50 points) - At the graveyard entrance there is a small quarter pipe at the center gate. Air transfer from it to either the quarter pipe on the left or right at the base of the wall. Helipad Spine 1 (50 points) - Spine transfer from the quarter pipe on the helipad, which is on Boo Ya's Bottomless rooftop, down to Nawlins Street. Helipad Spine 2 (50 points) - After completing Helipad Spine 1, spine transfer from Nawlins Street to the bowl on Josh O'Briens roof. Helipad Spine 3 (50 points) - After completing Helipad Spine 2, spine transfer from the bowl on Josh O'Briens roof to the patio of Josh O'Briens. Pole Pop (50 points) - Along the road adjacent to the train tracks there is a series of poles with horse heads on top. Line up with the line of poles and jump to grind. Hold down the grind button and you should skip between a couple of them giving you the gap. Alley Transfer (100 points) - Across from the graveyard there is a building with an alley that has a dumpster in it. What you want to do to get this gap is air transfer between a Green Goddess Door quarter pipe to a Vegas Show Door quarter pipe. Big Easy Roof Gap (100 points) - Get up on Boo Ya's Bottomless Rooftop. Get some speed using the QP at the base of helipad and ollie when you get over the air air vent. This should launch you over to the Nawlins Rooftop giving you the gap. Boo Ya's Sign (100 points) - Get up on Boo Ya's Bottomless rooftop. Go to the corner of the roof so you have the sign below you. It's over the entrance to the rooftop. Jump off of the rooftop and land on the sign. Car Hop (100 points) - Across from the graveyard is a PARK sign. In the small alley under it is a car you can ollie to get the gap. Crypt Keeper (100 points) - Spine transfer over the large crypt in the center of the graveyard. Dumpster Dive (100 points) - To get this gap you need to clear the dumpster that is in the alley between the Green Goddess and Vegas Show doors. Build up speed on the Nawlins Street side by spine transferring the quarter pipe at the entrance to the alley and then boneless off the edge of the dumpster. Grave Gates Transfer (100 points) - At the graveyard entrance there is a small quarter pipe at the center of the gate. Your goal here is to air transfer from one graveyard wall to the other over this quarter pipe. Get the speed needed by acid dropping from Boo Ya's Bottomless rooftop. Grave Wall Spine (100 points) - Spine transfer from the street into the graveyard. Grave Wall Transfer (100 points) - Remember where the Grave Gate Transfer gap is. Do the same thing except on the inside of the graveyard. Graveyard Transfer (100 points) - If your looking from the big crypt in the center of the graveyard towards the buildings in Nawlins you'll see a couple brick quarter pipes. Air transfer between the two. Green Goddess Door Transfer (100 points) - Across from the graveyard is the Green Goddess Door. Air transfer the two small quarter pipes on either side of it. Green Goddess Sign (100 points) - Get up on Green Goddess Rooftop. Go to the corner of the roof so you have the sign below you. It's over the entrance to the rooftop. Jump off of the rooftop and land on the sign. Nawlins Sign (100 points) - Get up on Nawlins Rooftop. Go to the corner of the roof so you have the sign below you. It's over the entrance to the rooftop. Jump off of the rooftop and land on the sign. Onto the Roof Ramp (100 points) - On the Green Goddess Rooftop, one side has three quarter pipes, two low ones separated by an elevated one. Air transfer from one of the lower quarter pipes to the higher one. Over the Roof Ramp (100 points) - On the Green Goddess Rooftop, one side has three quarter pipes, two low ones separated by an elevated one. Air transfer from one of the lower quarter pipes to the other one. Streetcar Ride (100 points) - Wallride the Streetcar. Vegas Show Door Transfer (100 points) - Across from the graveyard is the Vegas Show Door. Air transfer the two small quarter pipes on either side of it. Over the Alley Transfer (200 points) - Get on top of the Green Goddess Rooftop and air transfer right from the long single quarter pipe over to the Nawlins rooftop. Dance Floor Skillz (250 points) - Enter the small dance club in the bottom of the Ye Absinthe House of Olde Yonder Lorn building. Ollie over the air vent in the center of the dance floor to get the gap. Humidity Drop (250 points) - There is an alley running next to Boo Ya's Bottomless building with a couple quarter pipes in it and Humidity banners. If you notice on the edge of the QP there is a small kicker. Launch off of the kicker and acid drop the second quarter pipe. Humidity Lip (250 points) - There is an alley running next to Boo Ya's Bottomless building with a couple QPs in it and Humidity banners. Launch off of a quarter pipe and lip trick the banner. Wire Lip (250 points) - Go to the building off to the right of the cemetary, with the graffiti of the blue kid spraying with a steam pipe. Use the concrete quarter pipe to lip trick the wire above. Air Boat Sign Slap (500 points) - In the corner of the graveyard there is a billboard advertising Air Boat tours. You need to build speed by grinding the edge on the long crypt heading toward the sign. Launch off it and sticker slap the sign. Hip Bone (500 points) - In the same corner where the Air Boat Tours billboard is, head parallel to the billboard and hip transfer off of the quarter pipe to the left into the alley. Huge Alley Drop! (500 points) - Get up on the Green Goddess Rooftop and spine transfer right from the long single quarter pipe down to the quarter pipe in the alley where the dumpster is. Nawlins Street Manual (500 points) - Manual from where the steamboat is all the way down Nawlins Street to the quarter pipe. Obrien's Balcony Manual (500 points) - Start a manual on the green wooden floor next to the bowl on Josh O'Briens. Manual down the slope, turn right and continue the maual down the next slope and to the street. Super Duper Lip (500 points) - Spine transfer from the bowl on Josh O'Briens to gain speed and lip trick the helipad on top of Boo Ya's Bottomless building. Gas Lamp (1000 points) - Launch off of one of the purple rails that run parallel to the train tracks. Hold grind and hit one of the gas lamps. Smoke Bomb (1000 points) - Get up on the Nawlins Rooftop. You'll notice a chimney with a plank leaning against it. Ride up the plank and acid drop into the graveyard to get the gap. ****************************************************************************** 4.7 - Skatopia (43 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** DownStairs (1 point) - Perform a Combo Run out on the porch of the house behind the Skatopia park sign and run down the stairs. UpStairs (1 point) - Perform a Combo Run out on the porch of the house behind the Skatopia park sign and run down the stairs. Green Shack (5 points) - Grind the top of the green shack to the left of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign. House Step (5 points) - Grind any of the steps of the house. Garbage Blast (10 points) - Ollie off of the top of the burning garbage pile to get a bouncy boost off the pile. A-Frame Grind (50 points) - Grind the top peak of the house found behind the blue Skatopia sign. Barn Pool Hip (50 points) - Go behind the barn and skate up towards the hip on the inside, head towards the covered half pipe. Hip transfer to the other side to get it. barn ramp manual (50 points) - Manual down the wooden ramp to the right of the barn. End Spine (50 points) - Go to the very far back left corner of the level and turn towards the barn. Spine transfer the rounded corner over the barbed wire fence and into the L-shaped bowl. GaragePool Manual (50 points) - Go to the wide open barn looking building on the right side of the level. Manual along the bowl in the middle. Mobilehome Drop (50 points) - On the right side of the mobile home right before the garage is a blue tarp with boards on it. Use this to air up and acid drop on the quarter on the opposite side of the mobile home. MobileHome Wall Bomb (50 points) - Go on the right side of the open garage with the pool on the side. Grind the quarter pipe with the orange, green, and blue graffiti towards the starting point of the level. Land on the grass, then using the gained speed wallride into a wallie the side of the mobilehome and acid drop into horseshoe shaped bowl. Over the Porch Drop (50 points) - Launch off the ramps on the right side of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign towards the front. When you clear the porch, acid drop onto the quarter pipe below. Shack 2 Sign (50 points) - Grind the top of the red shack and jump to a grind on the rail at the base of the Skatopia sign. Side Bomb (50 points) - When facing the wooden ramp on the right side of the barn turn around to face some wooden boards. Ride up the side of them and acid drop into the quarter pipe to the right. Sidewall Bomb (50 points) - To the right of the wooden ramp on the right side of the barn is a wooden fence above a cement quarter pipe. Grind it down towards the start of the level and wallride the mountain cliff. Acid drop into the quarter pipe below. Sign Spine (50 points) - Spine transfer over the blue Skatopia sign at the start of the level. Stair Transfer (50 points) - Use the quarter pipes found at the base of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign to air transfer over the stairs. Big Slope HipTransfer (100 points) - Behind the house that is behind the blue Skatopia sign you will see a big slope on the left side of the level. At the end of the slop is a tall hill you need to hip transfer. Bowling Manual (100 points) - Manual through the bowling alley behind the barn. Car hop (100 points) - Ollie over the car that is driving around found in Story Mode. Hellskull gap (100 points) - Grind the right side of the open garage with the pool in the middle towards the mobilehome. Ollie off the ledge into a grind on the side opposite the covered end. Huge Shack Gap (100 points) - Climb to the top of the large mountain and use the wooden ramp next to the purple bus to air up into a grind on the electrical line above. Grind it all the way to the open garage with the pool in the middle. Ollie off when you are grinding it and land in a grind on the bar just above the one you came in on. Ollie off into a grind on the red shack below. Over the Road Garage Bomb (100 points) - Across the road from the open garage is a tall cliff on the mountain with a large lettering saying Free Land. Use the kicker right above this to air over the road and acid drop into the inside of the open garage. Pond x 5 (100 points) - Grind around the pond 5 times. Porch Manual (100 points) - Manual underneath the front porch of the house behind the blue Skatopia sign. Cliff Spine (200 points) - Climb to the top of the mountain and spine transfer from the top down to the street below next to the open garage. Drop from the Wire (200 points) - Go to the top of the big slope on the left side of the level. Use the log at the top to launch into a grind on the zipline wire. Ollie off and into an acid drop on the quarter pipe at the base of the hill. Garage Wall Spine (200 points) - Spine transfer from the road into the open garages roof and land in the bowl inside the garage. Into the Garage (200 points) - Go on the right side of the open garage and use the quarter pipe with orange, green, and blue graffiti to spine transfer into the bowl of the garage. Mine Spine (200 points) - Spine transfer from the horseshoe bowl on top of the peak into the mine shaft next to the tiny shack. Over the House (200 points) - Get on the top of the mountain and spine transfer to hit the ramps on the rear of the house. Air over the house and acid drop on the quarter pipe in the front of the house. Sign Transfer (200 points) - Facing the back of the blue Skatopia sign, look to the left. Use the quarter pipe to air over the road and land on the quarter pipe behind the Skatopia sign. Weird Transfer (200 points) - Coming up the hill on the left of the house, use the quarter pipe made out of cement with a blue stripe to the left of the cement mixer. Go at an angle to the right and hip transfer to the quarter pipe on the back wall. Zipline Drop (200 points) - Use the zipline that is on the side of the mountain and acid drop onto the quarter pipe on the top. Shack Combo (500 points) - Manual into the green or red shacks and make your way back to the opposite shack that you didn't enter, manual inside it to get the gap. Water Pipe Grind (500 points) - There is a water pipe near the pond. Grind it to opposite end by the zipline slope. Manual 1.BigSlope 2.Cement Mixer 3.FrontGate (1000 points) - Go to the top of the zipline slope and manual down to the cement mixer. Go past it staying on the upper part and manual along the fence down to the main entrance. Out the Bus, grind 2 trees, grind house (1000 points) - Go to the top of the mountain and ollie into the bus. Land in a grind on the fallen tree, then ollie a little further into another grind on the next fallen tree. Ollie off the second tree and land in a grind on the side of the house. Sideways House Launch (1000 points) - Go into Story Mode and go to the top of the mountain. Skitch the car when it comes up here and ride it to the bottom releasing and launching off the boards on the side of the house. Air over the house and land on the other side. Top Grind (1000 points) - Go to the top of the mountain and grind the inner edge of the quarter pipe just to the left of the bus. Grind it all the way down to the entrance of the park. Mountaintop Manual (15000 points) - Go to the top of the mountain and manual down the road, turning to the right, then go over to the left and exit the park still in a manual. Huge Electric Wire (20000 points) - Go to the top of the mountain and use the kicker to the right of the bus to land in a grind on the electrical wire above. Grind this wire all the way to the entrance of the park. ****************************************************************************** 4.8 - Pro Skater (31 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** You will have to open the portals to access all three areas of the level. Use Story Modes section on this. Ledge hop (25 points) - From the starting point in the space station turn around and hop down to the lower level. Grind a green glowing ledge, ollie to another green glowing ledge and grind it. Rail hop (25 points) - In the space station, grind the quarter pipe around the bottom edge. When you hit one of the hangers ollie into a grind on the green rail above. Wire hop (25 points) - In the space station, use the quarter pipe along the bottom of the hangar to air up into a grind on the green cable above. Ollie over the gap when the colored cables disconnect from eachother on the left side of the level. Spine the Landing Pad (40 points) - In the space station, spine transfer over the ship found in the middle of the hanger. Craneless (50 points) - In the space station, use the quarter pipe along the bottom of the hangar to air up into a grind on the green cable above. Ollie over the gap when the colored cables disconnect from eachother on the right side of the level. Holo Boy (50 points) - In the space station, go straight ahead to the green and yellow quarter pipe against the back wall. Use it to air onto the balcony, then enter the door with the green treads. Skate forward and ollie over the pit with the aliens sitting inside. Ledge 2 Rail (50 points) - In the space station, get on the balcony. Grind the ledge against the wall of the level and ollie into another grind on the orange glass railing. Portal Hop (50 points) - Outside the temple, face the portal leading back to the space station. Grind the quarter pipes on the left and right sides to ollie over the portal waklway and land in a grind on the other side. Rail to Ledge (50 points) - In the space station, get on the balcony. Grind the orange glass railing and ollie into another grind on the ledge against the wall. Temple Wall Transfer (50 points) - Outside the temple, go up the ramp towards the inside of the temple. Before entering, turn left or right. Spine transfer the quarter pipe down to the lower one, in the direction of the portal. Cable Plant (75 points) - In the space station, grind the red or blue cable up in the air towards the airlock door with the portal in it. Grind the bend in the cable to get the gap. Clear the Entrance (75 points) - Inside the temple, turn around to face the entrance. Grind the top of the quarter pipe on either side of the entrance and ollie over to the other side, landing in a grind. CLear the Fighter (75 points) - In the space station, air transfer over any of the small hangars labeled 1, 2, or 3. Star Transfer (75 points) - In the space station, go straight ahead to the green and yellow quarter pipe against the back wall. Use it to air onto the balcony, then enter the door with the green treads. Turn around to see two quarter pipes on both sides of the door. Use one to air transfer to the quarter pipe below. Hop the Hell Beams (80 points) - In hell, drop down to the floor with the portals. Use a quarter pipe to launch up to the highest beams and grind it. Ollie over to the outter beam and grind it. High lip (100 points) - In the space station, enter of the smaller hangars labeled 1, 2, or 3. Use the quarter pipe in the far back to lip trick the ledge above. Ramp Transfer (100 points) - Outside the temple, spine transfer over the ramp that leads you inside the temple. Rubble Jump (150 points) - Inside the temple, there is a ledge to the left of the large monkey statue. Grind it and use the broken stone on this ledge as a rail kink to air up and grind the ledge above. Spinal Columns (150 points) - Inside the temple, you will see two large columns as you enter. Spine transfer through the center of one of them. Go to Hell (175 points) - In hell, spine transfer down to the very bottom floor from the top floor. Double Monkey (200 points) - Inside the temple, go to the end of the large room before the smaller indent with the large monkey statue. You will see a red quarter pipe on the left and right of the room with a smaller stone quarter pipe in the middle. Grind one of the red quarter pipes towards the middle one, ollie into a grind on the middle quarter. Now ollie onto the next red quarter pipe to get the gap. Triple Rail Skip (200 points) - In the space station, get on the balcony and grind the orange railing. Ollie and grind the rail to hit the three sections on the left or right side. Space Leap (250 points) - In the space station, get on the balcony and grind the orange railing. Ollie into another grind across the gap made by the large air lock door with the temple portal in it. Temple Platforms (350 points) - Inside the temple, go to the right of the large monkey statue and climb the rope up to the balcony. Head towards the front of the temple staying on this balcony. Use the red quarter pipe on the wall to gain speed and ollie off the green and red kicker over the large pit area and land on the balcony opposite to the one you are on. Hop the Pools (400 points) - Inside the temple, go to the right of the large monkey statue and climb the rope up to the balcony. Grind the pool right here towards the far back area of the level, ollie over the monkey idol and land in a grind on the next pool. Clear the Monkey (600 points) - Inside the temple, turn around at the entrance and grind the left or right quarter pipe towards the large monkey statue. When you reach the end of the red quarter pipe you should be awarded the gap. The real way to get the gap is to grind the quarter pipe, ollie over the small middle quarter pipe and land in a grind on the next quarter pipe. Cable Man (750 points) - In the space station, when the large airlock door with the temple portal is closed, you will have a small quarter pipe on the hangar floor. Air up using this to lip trick the cable above. Cutting Edge (750 points) - Inside the temple, use the quarter pipe on the front of the large monkey statue to air up into a lip trick on the blade that the monkey is holding. Monkey Transfer (750 points) - Inside the temple, go to the right of the large monkey statue and climb the rope up to the balcony. Go in front of the pool and use the quarter pipe on the end of it to air transfer down to the quarter pipe on the large monkey statues feet. Spine Drop (2000 points) - In the space station, go straight ahead to the green and yellow quarter pipe against the back wall. Use it to air onto the balcony, then enter the door with the green treads. Go onto the observation balcony and spine transfer from this pool down on to the landing pad quarter pipe below. Snake Acid Lip (3500 points) - Inside the temple, go to the right of the large monkey statue and climb the rope up to the balcony. Grind the ropes off both pools to drop the large stone ball. Drop into the now open hole in the middle of the temple. Walk through the door down here and acid drop off the ramp. Come up the opposite side and lip trick the highest ledge of the column. ****************************************************************************** 4.9 - The Triangle (22 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** You will have to grind the right missile on the green apache helicopter to open the secret area. Kick 2 Blade (25 points) - From the starting point, turn right and go to the second crashed helicopter site. Use the white kicker with the label USS - McCrevis to air into a grind on the helicopter's blades. Ledge 2 Log! (25 points) - From the starting point, turn to the left and use the outter edge of the finger ledge to grind towards the fallen tree, ollie off and land in a grind on the fallen tree. Lifeboat Gap (25 points) - Just past the second helicopter is a red, yellow, and green boat half buried. Grind the edge in either direction and ollie off into a grind on the tree or quarter pipe. Log 2 Ledge (25 points) - From the starting point, turn to the left and grind the fallen tree in either direction, ollie at the end and land in a grind on one of the finger ledge quarter pipes. Wee Channel Gap (25 points) - Head around to the rear of the mountain and air up to the helipad part. Use the quarter pipe to the left and right of the narrow ramp to air over it. Blade 2 Ledge (50 points) - Go to the first crashed helicopter and grind the a blade and ollie into another grind on a ledge. Crossing Your Rock Fingers! (50 points) - At the starting point, grind the half pipe on the left and ollie off into a grind on the finger quarter pipes ahead. High to Low (50 points) - Go to the rear of the mountain and get on one of the small side paths by airing up from the base of the mountain. Using the quarter pipe at the end of the path, against the helipad building, air down to the quarter pipe at the base of the mountain. Into the CORE! (50 points) - Grind the highest missile on the second crashed helicopter to open the secret area. Enter the secret area and grind the black and yellow vent on the ground. Use the kink in the end to air up into a grind on the red and black moving rail. Ledge 2 Blade (50 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and grind the finger ledge quarter pipe and ollie into a grind on the helicopter blade. MAN OVERBOARD! (50 points) - Go to the large half sunken ship and climb up to the back. Jump in the bowl and spine transfer the right side of the bowl to the broken half pipe on the brick wall. Mini Hip! (50 points) - From the starting point, go up the left half pipe and hip transfer onto one of the small quarter pipes on the top of the half pipe. Wall Crossing (50 points) - Head towards the rear of the island and grind the railing ledge of the brick walkway. Ollie into a grind over the walkway to the other railing ledge. Wing 2 Rock Hop! (50 points) - Go to the right of the starting point and grind the split airplanes wing to the ledge underneath the nose of the plane, grinding it. Wingin' It! (50 points) - At the starting point, turn around and grind the back kicker of the finger ledge quarter pipe. Go to the split plane and ollie into a grind on the airplanes wing. Canyon Jump (75 points) - Go to the side of the mountain and grind the bottom quarter pipe towards the rear of the mountain. When you reach the end ollie over the grass and land in a grind on the bottom ledge of the brick walkway. AROUND the CORE! (100 points) - Grind the highest missile on the second crashed helicopter to open the secret area. Enter the secret area and grind the vent on the floor to perform the "Into the CORE!" gap and grind the red and black rail around the loop once. Low to High (100 points) - Go to the rear of the mountain and use the quarter pipe on the side of the helipad building to air up to the quarter pipe on the small path above. Pirate Ship Lip (100 points) - Go to the large half sunken ship and air up the left side to perform a lip trick on the mast. Wide Chin Gap (100 points) - From the starting point, air off the end of the half pipe on the left side and transfer the air gap over to the finger ledge quarter pipe. Power Tap! (150 points) - Activate all three triangles to create power beams to spread to each one. Now use a triangular base as a kicker and air up into a grind on the blue beam. Mother Ship Lip (250 points) - Go to the rear of the mountain and climb to the helipad. Use the small path to go up one more area higher and air up the quarter pipe. Come back down the path and spine transfer down to the base of the mountain. Air up the opposite side and perform a lip trick on the UFO. ****************************************************************************** 4.A - School (47 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Garbage Ollie (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head down the alley with the dumpsters. Grind the ones in the corner towards the back wall and ollie over the single garabage dumpster. Gimme Gap (50 points) - From the starting point, grind the left side of the awning and drop into a grind on the planter below. Kicker Gap (100 points) - From the starting point, go left down the long stair set and use the large kicker at the bottom of them. Air from one kicker to the other. Planter Gap (100 points) - Underneath the starting point, grind the planters from one to the other. Strange Transfer (123 points) - From the starting point, turn right and go underneath the sky bridge. To the right of the ramp leading to the roof you will see a small quarter pipe. Air transfer off this to the planter to it's right. Brick 2 Metal (150 points) - Go down the long stair set grinding the ledge to the left of the railing. Ollie off the ledge and land in a grind on the railing. Planter 2 Bench (200 points) - Underneath the starting point, grind a planter and transfer the grind to the red picnic table. Small Transfer (200 points) - From the starting point, turn left and go down the long stair set to the large commons area. Go to the right and behind the single brick wall. Head towards the pool section and you will see two quarter pipes against the wall before having to turn left. Air up one side of the quarter pipe, go over the small gap and land on the other. Ditch Slap (250 points) - From the starting point, head left and go down the long stair set and into the large commons area. Turn left and go past the picnic table, grinding the rail for speed. Use the kicker to ollie over the ditch. Dumpster Rail Gap (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head towards the alley with the dumpsters. Grind the rail leaning against the dumpsters and transfer it over to the rail ahead. Funbox To Rail Transfer (250 points) - Go into the large commons and to the end of the tall single wall on the pools side. Use the funbox on this end to air up into a grind on the quarter pipe leaning against the wall. Funbox To Table Transfer (250 points) - Go into the large commons and to the end of the tall single wall on the pools side. Use the funbox on this end to air into a grind on the picnic table. Mini Gap (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and go up the ramp to the roof of the gym. Turn towards the commons and use the quarter pipe edging to air over the gap straight ahead. Air Bridge (300 points) - Go down to the large commons area and over to the ditch. Go up the side of the bridge and use it as a kicker to air over the rest. Rail 2 Rail (300 points) - Go to the pool section and grind the rail inbetween both pools. Ollie into a grind on the rail near the edge of the pool. Manual The Bridge (350 points) - Go to the large commons area, over to the ditch and manual up and over a bridge. QP 2 Metal (400 points) - Go to the large commons area, over to the right of the wall. Air up the quarter pipe and land in a grind on the rail on the roof of the school piece that pops out. Ride the Corner (400 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head down the back alley. Turn down the two left turns and pass the second ramp leading up to the roof. Wallride the wall on the right and go around the corner to get the gap. Triangle 2 Triangle (400 points) - Go to the large commons area and grind the triangular rail that is parrallel to the single wall towards the large stair set. Ollie off into a grind on the perpendicular triangular rail. Handicap Rail (500 points) - From the starting point, go to the large stair set and grind the handrail all the way to the bottom. Park Gap (500 points) - Go to the large commons area and use the grey quarter pipe to the right of the large kickers to air over the gap to the next quarter pipe. Playground Rail (500 points) - Go to the large commons area and use the funbox on the end of the single wall closest to the large stair set to air into a grind on the wall. Grind it all the way to the end. Roof Bomb (500 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head up the ramp to the roof of the gym. Use the quarter pipe on the edge of the roof to spine transfer down to the alley below. Air Conditioner Hip (750 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head to the roof of the gym. Go to the left of the cieling window and hip transfer the large air conditioner unit. M To The Air (750 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head up the ramp to the roof of the gym. Launch up the metal kicker to the left of the large cieling window. Land in a manual on the large square air conditioner and go to the edge to get the gap. Over the Air Conditioner (750 points) - From the starting point, turn right and go up the ramp to the roof of the gym. Head to the back side of the roof on the other side of the ceiling window. Use the quarter pipe back here to air up for speed and come back down using the large kicker in front of the square air conditioner, air all the way to the opposite side. Rail To Rail Transfer (750 points) - Go to the large commons area and grind the ledge by the ditch. Ollie over into another grind on the opposite side to complete the gap. Roof 2 Awning (750 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and head up the ramp to the roof of the gym. Now get on the top of the large air conditioner and ollie over to the metal awning. Flat Roof Drop (800 points) - Go through the large commons area to the path that leads to the pool. Climb up the side of the quarter pipe and then onto the low building part. Skate towards the path and ollie into an acid drop on the quarter pipe below. Lip The Kicker Edge (800 points) - From the starting point, go straight and up the quarter pipe straight ahead. Lip trick the kicker above to get the gap. Hall Pass (1000 points) - From the starting point, turn around and drop down. Get on the back planter and go right towards the pools. Grind the rail up to the buildings and ollie through the hole and land in a grind on the quarter pipe on the other side. Huge Rail (1000 points) - Go to the end of the large commons area to the path that leads to the pools. Grind the quarter pipe on the side with low building from one end to the other. Manual The Handicap Slope (1000 points) - From the starting point, turn left and manual down the slope. Over A Footbridge (1000 points) - Go into the large commons area and into the ditch. Air up one of the kickers found down in there to air over the bridge. QP 2 Pool Edge (1000 points) - Go to the end of the large commons area and to the end of the path. Grind the quarter pipe on the left and ollie into a grind on the pools edge. Swim Team Gap (1000 points) - Go to the pool section and climb the middle diving board. Acid drop into the pool and launch over into the next one. Huge Ledge 2 High Rail (1100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and drop down. Grind the ledge behind the starting point and ollie into a grind on the rail leading up to the building. T 2 Ditch (1250 points) - Go into the large commons area and use the grey quarter pipe on the corner to gain speed. Air off the curved triangular rail to go over the funbox into the ditch ahead. T Launch 2 T (1250 points) - Go into the large commons area and air off the curved triangular rail after the kicker ramps and land in a grind on the triangular rail that is perpendicular to the wall. Wallride Over Butterfinger! (1250 points) - Go to the pool section and over to the corner. You will see a butterfinger vending machine. Wallride over it. Big Kick 2 Metal! (1420 points) - Go to the large commons area and behind the brick wall. Use the large funbox to air up into a grind on the rail above the building piece that is sticking out. Lip Diver (1500 points) - Go to the pool section and lip trick any of the three diving boards. 2 Brick! (1750 points) - Go to the large commons area and air off the triangular rail that is perpendicular with the single wall and land in a grind on the top of the wall. Manual The Big Slope (2000 points) - From the starting point, turn around and manual down the big sloped path. Long Ass Rail (2500 points) - From the starting point, turn around and grind the right ledge all the way to the bottom. Sick Hip Transfer (5000 points) - From the starting point, go straight and down the alley along the side of the gym. Go up the ramp to the roof and air up and out the edge of the roof on the quarter pipe. Hip transfer down on the quarter pipe at the bottom of the building in front of the second awning. Drop The Giant Bomb (6000 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump on the planter to the right. Shimmy across the rail to the top of the building. Then double jump up to the upper part of the building. Go over to the path linking the pools with the large commons area. Jump off the building and acid drop the quarter pipe below. ****************************************************************************** 4.B - Philadelphia (54 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Easy Post Hop (10 points) - Head down the steps along the right side of the fountain. Grind the low ledge to the right with the signs that say no skateboarding and no swimming. Ollie over the first post. Post Hop (50 points) - Head down the steps along the right side of the fountain. Grind the low ledge to the right with the signs that say no skateboarding and no swimming. Ollie over the first two posts. Statue Hop (50 points) - On the other side of the fountain are two quarter circle kicker ramps. Ollie up one and over the other. Track Smack (50 points) - Enter the skate park from the entrance closest to the left. Grind the yellow rail here and ollie into another grind on the yellow rail ahead. Boob to Box (69 points) - Go to the back left of the skatepark and use the concrete hill to air over to the top of the funbox. Bench Gap (100 points) - At the starting point, turn left and grind the ledge ollieing over the bench and land in another grind on the ledge. Car Hop (100 points) - Ollie over a car that is driving along the road on the outter edge of the level. Funbox Wheelie (100 points) - At the starting point, manual up, over, and down the other side of the large funbox in front of you. Hobo Grind (100 points) - Enter the left most entrance to the skate park and grind the yellow rail all the way to the end. Phillyside Big Bowl Lip (100 points) - Enter the skate park and turn towards the city section. Lip trick the large wall area on the right. Phillyside Hop (100 points) - Enter teh third from the left entrance to the skate park and air off the kicker ramp through the low wall, landing in the skate park. Phillyside HP Lip (100 points) - Go to the skate park and enter the far right entrance. Get on to the half pipe and lip trick the top of the ramp. Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip (100 points) - Jump into the main skate park area and lip trick one of the two bowls on the right side. Phillyside New Bowl Lip (100 points) - Lip trick one of the three bowls in the back of the skate park. Pillar Hop (100 points) - Grind the bowl in the back of the skate park to the right and ollie into a grind over the cement sticking out of the pillar. Planter Transfer (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head to the street. Turn to the left and grind the planters edge closest to the street. At the end ollie off into a grind on the planter in front of the brick building. Railing To Planter (100 points) - Grind the balcony railing on the brick building to the right of the starting point. Ollie off into a grind on the planter below. StairSet (100 points) - From the starting point, turn right and ollie down the stairs found in front of the brick building. THPS Sign Gap (100 points) - From the starting point, turn a little to the right and use the kicker to air over the THPS sign. Up The Small Step Set (100 points) - From the starting point, go forward to the green building with the ramp on it. You will hop down some stairs, turn around and ollie back up them. Worlds Most Obvious Gap (100 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and use the kicker at the end of the wooden spine rail to air over the trash cans and onto the next kicker. Just Visiting (150 points) - Go forward a bit and grind the planter to the right. Ollie off at the end and grind the planter below. Planter Double Pillar Gap (150 points) - From the starting point, turn right and head to the street. Grind the ledge on the streets side and ollie over the two posts into a grind on the ledge after them. Short Stair (150 points) - Grind the length of the top step in front of the THPS sign in front of the foutain. Funbox Transfer (250 points) - Go to the back of the skate park and grind the ledge on the funbox to the left of the concrete hills. Ollie off and land into a grind on the yellow railing. Long Stair (250 points) - Grind the length of the bottom step in front of the THPS sign in front of the foutain. Medium Stair (250 points) - Grind the length of the middle step in front of the THPS sign in front of the foutain. Philly HP Transfer (250 points) - Go to the skate park and to the right side, on to the half pipe. Spine transfer the left side into the main skate park area. Telephone Co. Gap (250 opints) - From the starting point, turn to the right and air up onto the balcony of the brick building. Grind the balcony railing and ollie into a grind on the telephone wire next to the street. Awning Grind (500 points) - Go behind the fountain and use the right quarter circle to air into a grind on the awning edge. Chillin On The Balcony (500 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and hop down the stairs. Air off the kicker up to the balcony above. Concrete Transfer (500 points) - Enter the skate park and turn back to the city section. on the right side, air up the bowl and transfer over the concrete piece to the other bowl. Death From Above (500 points) - Turn to the right at the starting point and get onto the balcony of the brick building. Get off the skateboard and double jump to the roof. Go to the left and grind the wire leading across the fountain. Ollie off and land in a grind on the center piece of the fountain. Flatland Techin' (500 points) - From the starting point, go forward and hop down the stairs. Turn around and ollie up the steps landing in a manual. Manual forward back the way you came and take a left. Manual to the steps in front of the brick building. Fly By Wire (500 points) - Turn to the right at the starting point and get onto the balcony of the brick building. Get off the skateboard and double jump to the roof. Go to the left and grind the wire leading across the fountain to the end of the wire. Grind Up Dem Stairs (500 points) - Turn to the right from the starting point and hop down the stairs in front of the brick building. Turn around and grind the short rail up the stairs and ollie up the rest of the way. Little Corner Grind (500 points) - From the starting point, turn around and go to the street and turn left. Head to the corner, grind the railing on the corner. Manual Stimulation (500 points) - Go to the skate park and manual the green rollers on the right side. Pillar Fight (500 points) - At the back of the skate park after the rollers, use a pillar on the left or right to air up high enough to get the gap. THPS Fountain Gap (500 points) - Drain the fountain by going onto the balcony and grinding the valve. Ollie from the THPS sign, down the stairs, and land in the now drained fountain. Train Hard (500 points) - Go to the back of the skate park and grind the back right most bowl from the left edge all the way to the pillar, allowing the cement that is sticking off to push you off. Fountain Ping (750 points) - Drain the fountain by going to the balcony of the brick building, grinding the valve. Use the quarter pipe to the left of the blue awning to get some speed. Coming back down revert and air off the kicker on the fountains edge, landing in a grind on the center fountain piece. Worlds Second Most Obvious Gap (750 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and use the wooden spine rail to gain speed. Air off the kicker, over the trash cans and kicker, landing in a grind on the railing ahead. Cool QP Transfer (800 points) - Go to the back of the skate park and air up the middle quarter pipe bowl. Hip transfer over to the quarter pipe bowl to the right. Grind Of Faith (1000 points) - Go down to the fountain and ollie into a grind on the pipes leading to the center of the fountain. When you reach the center, ollie off and go over the center piece, landing in a grind on the opposite pipes. Manual Mid Stair Set (1000 points) - Go to the middle stair in front of the fountain and manual from one end to the other. Air The Funbox (1100 points) - At the starting point, ollie the top of the large funbox right in front of you. Flatland Techin' To The Street! (1100 points) - From the starting point, go forward and hop down the stairs. Turn around and ollie up the steps landing in a manual. Ledge 2 Handrail (1100 points) - From the starting point, go forward and grind the ledge to the right as soon as possible to gain speed. Right before you reach the curve in the ledge, ollie off into a grind on the handrail to the right of the ramp. Behind The Pillar (2000 points) - Jump into the skatepark using the kicker and turn to the right. You will see a pillar with red and white signs saying graffiti free are. Go into the bowl to the right of this pillar and hip transfer over the back to the bowl on the left. Sticker Slap The THPS Sign (2000 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and use the kicker in front of the THPS sign to air up into a sticker slap on the sign. Manual Big Stair Ledge (2500 points) - Go to the bottom stair in front of the fountain and manual from one end to the other. Rockin' The Stairs (2500 points) - Turn a little to the right and head down the ledge steps by the fountain. When you reach the checkered flooring, turn around. Get into a manual and ollie into another manual up all three steps next to the planter reaching the top with the THPS sign. Manual Small Stair Ledge (5000 points) - Go to the top stair in front of the fountain and manual from one end to the other. ****************************************************************************** 4.C - Downhill Jam (18 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** 25ft (25 points) - Go to the last steep hill in the middle of the path downhill and climb to the top of it. Head down the ramp and enter the underground tunnel, hit the ramp at the bottom and air up and out of the hole. Manual Through The HP! (100 points) - Go down the downhill path and manual the length of the half pipe dam. Over The Giant Grate (100 points) - Right before the steep drop to the finish line is two kickers on the sides of a large grate. Air off a kicker and land on the other side of the grate. 50ft (150 points) - Go to the last steep hill in the middle of the path downhill and climb to the top of it. Head down the ramp and enter the underground tunnel, hit the ramp at the bottom and air up and out of the hole. Lip Bar (250 points) - From the starting point, pass the rock structure and look to the left. You will see an opening with dirt, air up the quarter pipe and perform a lip trick on the bar above. Rail 2 Rail (250 points) - From the starting point, right after the first funbox use the two triangular rails to transfer a grind between them. 75ft (450 points) - Go to the last steep hill in the middle of the path downhill and climb to the top of it. Head down the ramp and enter the underground tunnel, hit the ramp at the bottom and air up and out of the hole. Neversoft Elec. Co. Gap (500 points) - At the end of the downhill path, use the quarter pipe on the right side to air up into a grind on the rail on the ledge above. Pipe 2 Triangle (500 points) - At the starting point, air up the kicker on the right and land in a grind on the pipes above. Ollie off into a grind on the triangular rail below. High Up transfer (800 points) - Head down the hill and use the kicker on the left side of the path before the dam to air into a grind on the pipe above to grind over to the top of the dam. Go to the other end and grind the pipe over to the mountain on the other side. Now air up and over the globe billboard and land on the other side to get the gap. Hit Ledge Left (800 points) - Go down the path and when you reach the second tall rock structure with the ramp leading to the underground launching tunnel, grind the rail on the right. Ollie off the end of the rail and land in a grind on the ledge to the left. Hit Ledge Right (800 points) - Go down the path and when you reach the second tall rock structure with the ramp leading to the underground launching tunnel, grind the rail on the left. Ollie off the end of the rail and land in a grind on the ledge to the right. 100ft (1000 points) - Go to the last steep hill in the middle of the path downhill and climb to the top of it. Head down the ramp and enter the underground tunnel, hit the ramp at the bottom and air up and out of the hole. Huge Water Hazard Gap (1000 points) - From the starting point, go down the hill and grind the first triangular rail ollieing off about midway to the right. Go over to the two pipes leading down as a steep shortcut across the water. Ollie across the gap instead of using the pipes. Smack The Pole (1112 points) - From the starting point, head down the path and use the third kicker to air up into a grind on the rail to the left of the mountain structure. QP 2 Pipe (4000 points) - From the starting point, use the quarter pipe on the right side after the pipe and kicker under it. Air off them into a grind on the pipes crossing the water drop. Box 2 Box (6969 points) - At the very end of the path go to the right of the last steep ramp down to the finish line. Air off the funbox and land on the next funbox ahead. Kicker 2 Pipe 2 Pipe 2 Pipe!! (10000 points) - From the starting point, use the second kicker with the valve on it to air up onto the rock formation on the right side. Use the kicker up here to air into a grind on the pipe ahead. Now ollie into another grind on the left of the two pipes. Take a large leap off the very end to land in a grind on the pipe going across the dam. ****************************************************************************** 4.D - Los Angeles (74 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Doorway Hop (50 points) - Go behind Findley Tower and up onto the upper walkway with the steaming black grates and brown brick ledges. Grind the brick ledge and ollie into a grind over the door gap onto the next ledge. Burrito Canitas (100 points) - Go to the side of the carwash with the Carnitas sign above the door. Use the quarter pipe on the right side to air into a grind on the full service sign above. Burrito Grande (100 points) - Go to the side of the carwash with the Carnitas sign above the door. Use the quarter pipe on either side of the door to air over it and land on the opposite quarter pipe. Bustin Cherries! (100 points) - Start the earthquake by grinding the four tremor rail gaps. Go back to the starting point and climb the cable attached to the library roof. Ollie off the roof to the now destroyed highway and air off the broken boards to the ledge high above. Now jump over to Cherry Busters' and grind the edge out to the point. Ollie off the end and land in a grind on the rail sticking off the purple building. Car hop (100 points) - Ollie over a car driving around the street in the center of the level. Cold Chillin' (100 points) - Across from the car wash building and to the right of the firetruck you will see a blue building with quarter pipes on the bottom part of it. Use one quarter pipe to air over the indention to the opposite quarter pipe. Down the Stairs (100 points) - From the starting point, go down the bunker steps towards the library. Turn to the right and get on the sidewalk and go inbetween the pools of water and the rail on the right. Ollie down the first two sets of steps. East Side!' (100 points) - Go behind the Findley Tower and up the first set of steps to the walkway. Grind the rail back down on the side closest to thecurved ledge for speed. Go through the tower and over to the quarter circle kicker ramp closest to the movie set trailers. Grind the top of it and ollie across the street to the library. An easier way to complete this goal is to go up the ramp to the right of the carwash. Turn around once you reach the top and grind the rails on the left side down towards the street. Ollie into a grind on the square kiosk building and ollie off at the end across the street. EasternTremor! (100 points) - From the starting point, turn left and go over to the ramp on the left side of the library. Grind the left rail all the way down to the street. Goin' Ballistic (100 points) - Go to the Findley Tower and use the quarter pipes just behind the fountain to air up onto the walkway inbetween the two towers. Use a quarter pipe up here to air up. Grind Illin' (100 points) - Go to the side of the carwash where there is a sign saying Carnitas above the door. Turn around to face the blue building. Grind the top of the quarter pipe and air across the indented gap to grind the other. Hotel Lip Smackin' (100 points) - Enter the Morehead Hotel courtyard and air up a quarter pipe in here to lip trick the ledge above. Hung Over (100 points) - Enter the Morehead Hotel courtyard and air up and over the Morehead front door awning. Indiana Style! (100 points) - From the starting point, Go straight through the library and down the stairs. Hop into a manual and go through the yellow building out the opposite side and into the purple buildings half pipe. Kiosk! (100 points) - Go over to the small square building inbetween the carwash and Findley Tower. Use the quarter pipe on one of the sides to spine transfer over the building. Lip Wash (100 points) - Go on the side of the carwash with the Carnitas sign above the door and use the left quarter pipe to air into a lip trick on the white full service sign above. Northern Washer Lip (100 points) - Go over to Findley Tower and use the right quarter pipe just behind the fountain to air up into a lip trick on the window washer scaffolding above. NorthernTremor! (100 points) - From the starting point, go down the bunker stairs and turn right. Grind down the rail on the left side of the street. NoseBleed Time (100 points) - Go to the Findley Tower and use the quarter pipes just behind the fountain to air up onto the walkway inbetween the two towers. Use a quarter pipe up here to air up higher than the Goin' Ballistic gap. Over the Yellow Stone Shack (100 points) - Go across the street from the library to the yellow building in the middle area. On the side closest to the carwash grind the ledge that is slanted down, up to the yellow buildings roof. Ollie over the roof to the opposite side. Pershing Ramp (100 points) - Go across the street from the library and grind the long ledge just outside the yellow building to the right. Ollie across the yellow ledged ramp and land in a grind on the steps just past it. Pure Air! (100 points) - Go behind Findley Tower and go up the stairs to the walkway in the back. Grind the brown brick curved ledge to activate the They're grate! gap. Go back to the library and climb the cable to the roof. Drop down into the newly opened roof access. Ollie over the air gap to the other side. Purple Skippin' (100 points) - Go over to the purple building in the middle of the level and use the kicker on either side of the purple half pipe to air over it and land on the opposite kicker. Purple Transfer (100 points) - Go over to the purple building and walk up to the wall. Head down the hall to the small quarter pipe and air transfer over to the left, landing in the half pipe. Rail Skip! (100 points) - From the starting point, grind the left handrail of the bunker stairs. Ollie across the street into a grind on the left westerntrmor! gap rail. Southern Washer Lip (100 points) - Go over to Findley Tower and use the left quarter pipe just behind the fountain to air up into a lip trick on the window washer scaffolding above. SouthernTremor! (100 points) - From the starting point, head through the library tunnel and down the stairs. Turn to the right and walk a little ways towards the Findley Tower. Grind the rail that is sitting behind the newspaper machines. Squeaky Clean! (100 points) - Go inside the carwash and grind the yellow rail, transfer the grind over to the opposite yellow rail. They're GRATE! (100 points) - Go behind the Findley Tower and up onto the walkway with the brown brick ledges. Grind the curved brick ledge. This opens the grates right next to the ledge and on the roof of the library. Tower Lockin' (100 points) - Go behind the Findley Tower covered walkway and use the quarter pipe to the left of it. Air up onto the roof of the walkway. Tower Poppin' (100 points) - Go over to Findley Tower and use a quarter pipe just behind the fountain to air transfer on to the top of the tunnel walkway that connects the two towers. Tower Rail Swap! (100 points) - Go to the left of the Findley Tower to the kiosk. Air up the back side of it to gain some speed and grind the rail of the stairs on the left side. Ollie into a grind onto the ramps railing. Tower South (100 points) - Go to the left of the Findley Tower and behind the kiosk. Go up the stairs to the ramp and grind the railing of the ramp. Air over the opening to the stairs and land in a grind on the next railing on the ramp. Triple X Hop! (100 points) - Grind the front step of the movie theater in the direction of the starting point. Ollie across the gap and land in a grind on the next buildings ledge. West Side!' (100 points) - From the starting point, head down the bunker stairs and turn right. Grind the NorthernTremor rail and ollie across the street. WesternTremor! (100 points) - From the starting point, go down the bunker stairs and grind the left rail in the library tunnel. WireRidin 1! (100 points) - Go to the Morehead Hotel to the left of the firetruck and air up the left quarter pipe into a grind on the wire above. Head to the right, making your way to Findley Tower. When you reach the sidewalk to the middle area you will get the gap. Yellow Cutter! (100 points) - Enter the yellow building in the middle of the level and ollie through the square window opening towards Cherry Busters' street. Yellow Fall! (100 points) - Get on the roof of the yellow building and fall through a hole in the roof. Bunker (200 points) - From the starting point, ollie down the wavy stairs to the street below. Don't Fall!!! (200 points) - Start the earthquake by grinding the four tremor rail gaps. Go back to the starting point and climb the cable attached to the library roof. Ollie off the roof to the now destroyed highway and air off the broken boards to the ledge above. Grind the edge of this building and ollie into a grind on the edge of the movie theater. Hot, hot, hot! (200 points) - Grind the quarter pipe to the right of the firetruck and ollie over the flaming trash can. Over The Fountain! (200 points) - Go to the middle of the Findley Tower and use the edge of the fountain as a kicker to air over it. Overpass Leap (200 points) - Start the earthquake by grinding the four tremor rail gaps. Go back to the starting point and climb the cable attached to the library roof. Ollie off the roof to the now destroyed highway and air off the broken boards to the ledge high above. Passin' Gas (200 points) - Go to the side of the gas station with the carnitas sign. Go up a quarter pipe next to the door and grind the top towards the street. Ollie off and wallride the gas pricies sign. Ridin' The XXX! (200 points) - Go to the building just to the left of the Morehead Hotel and double jump up to the roof. Grind the edge towards the movie theater and go up the wire and around the front awning. Shoots n' Ladders (200 points) - Climb the ladder up on the side of the firetruck and grind it back down. To The Ladder (200 points) - Use the kicker ramp to the left of the firetruck and air into a grind on the ladder. Tower Rails Gap (200 points) - Go behind the Findley Tower and up onto the walkway. Grind the walkway railing and ollie over the Venting Frustration (200 points) - Go behind the Findley Tower and go up to the upper walkway. Grind the curved brick ledge to open the grates. Go back down to the side of the covered walkway. Use the quarter pipe here to air up and land in the quarter pipe inside the newly opened grate. Washin' Windows (200 points) - Go down to Findley Tower and use the quarter pipe just behind the foutain to the right. Grind the window washer scaffolding to the right, transfering the grind to the wire attached to the side. WireRidin 2!! (200 points) - Go to the Morehead Hotel to the left of the firetruck and air up the left quarter pipe into a grind on the wire above. Head to the right, making your way to Findley Tower. When you reach the end of the tan half pipe you will get the gap. All The Way (300 points) - From the starting point, go down the bunker steps towards the library. Turn to the right and get on the sidewalk and go inbetween the pools of water and the rail on the right. Ollie down all three steps to the street. Electrified (300 points) - Go to the front of Findley Tower and turn around. Use the quarter circle kicker to the left of the fountain to air into a grind on the wire to the left. Nice Move! (300 points) - Grind the quarter pipe to the right of the firetruck and ollie into a grind to go up the ladder. Now transfer the grind onto the ledge of the Morehead Hotel and grind it towards the movie theater. Ollie off the end of this ledge and land in a grind on the ledge with The Doors billboard. Wire Drop (300 points) - Go to the Morehead Hotel to the left of the firetruck and air up the left quarter pipe into a grind on the wire above. Head to the right, making your way to Findley Tower. When you reach the end of the wire ollie into a grind on the fountain below. WireRidin 3!!! (300 points) - Go to the Morehead Hotel to the left of the firetruck and air up the left quarter pipe into a grind on the wire above. Head to the right, making your way to Findley Tower. When you reach the end of the wire you will get the gap. Fountain Hop (400 points) - Go to the front of Findley Tower and grind a quarter circle kicker and ollie into a grind on the fountain. Roll Hump Jump (420 points) - From the starting point, turn left and head down the slope along the side of the building. Before you reach the curved glass, ollie over the hump in the cement pathway. From Purple To Street (500 points) - From the starting point, Go through the library to the center area and go to the purple structure. Using the back kicker of the half pipe, air over the purple wall and land in the street. Manual Cut Ledge (500 points) - Go to the side of the yellow building facing the library and manual the ledge along the side. Manual Down The Bunker! (500 points) - From the starting point, manual down the grass on either side of the white wavy stairs. Nachos 'n Queso y'all (500 points) - Go on the side of the carwash with the Carnitas sign above the door and use the quarter pipe on the left side to spine transfer into the half pipe on the roof. Production Drop (500 points) - Go to the Liqour Store behind the carwash and walk into the front door. Ridiculous Spine (800 points) - Behind the carwash to the right of the Liqour store is a tall quarter pipe leaning against the upper walkway. Hip transfer over the walkway to the small quarter pipe on the other side. Manual Up The Bunker! (1000 points) - From the starting point, go down the grass on the left side and use the quarter pipe to the left to air up to gain speed. Come back across the road and manual up the grass to the starting point. Orange Wallie 2 Street (1500 points) - Go to the tannish orange half pipe and get inside. Air up either side and when you come back down, quickly wallride and wallie up and out of the half pipe and land in the street. Manual Deck Over Pillars (2150 poinst) - Go to the middle area in front of the yellow and purple buildings. Manual the ledge in front, up the grey stone and down the other side, over to the six pillars and ollie over them. Post To Stair! (2500 points) - Go to the corner of the purple building and grind one of the six pillars out into the street. Land in a grind on the stairs across from the pillars. Morehead Ledge (3000 points) - Grind the quarter pipe to the right of the firetruck and ollie into a grind on the ladder going up to the ledge of Morehead Hotel. Ollie off the ladder into a manual and manual all the way to the end of the building's ledge. Post To Wire! (5000 points) - Go to the corner of the purple building and grind one of the six pillars, ollie off and land in a grind on the wire above the street. Huge Launch!!! (10000 points) - Grab on to a vehicle that is going in the direction of the library, theater, Morehead Hotel and release it to gain a lot of speed when you reach Findley Tower. Air up the quarter pipe to the right of the fountain and air transfer over the covered walkway to the quarter pipe on the other side. Oh Yeahh! You Are Good! (10000 points) - Go to the purple building in the middle area and grind the wall towards the movie theater. Ollie off the end of the wall and sticker slap the movie listings. Firetruck Stomp!! (10069 points) - Start the earthquake by grinding the four tremor rail gaps. Go back to the starting point and climb the cable attached to the library roof. Ollie off the roof to the now destroyed highway and air off the broken boards to the ledge above. Grind the edge of this building and ollie into a grind on the edge of the movie theater. Ollie off the peak of the theater sign and land in a grind on the rail sticking out of the purple building. Fall down into the quarter pipe for speed. Now quickly ride forward and hit the zipper ramp straight ahead. Boneless across the street and land in a grind on the firetruck. Another way to get the gap is to enter the liquor store door in the corner by the carwash. Acid drop onto the movie theater sign and launch across the street and over the purple building. Acid drop into the small quarter pipe and boneless off the zipper kicker ramp and land in a grind on the fire truck. ****************************************************************************** 4.E - Canada (63 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Funbox Hop (10 points) - From the starting point, jump the fence to the right and enter the skate park. Go in between the bowl on the corner and the curved bowl. Use the kicker to air over the quarter pipe in the middle to the other kicker. Over The Blade (25 points) - From the starting point, turn around and use the quarter pipe shaped bulldozer blades to air up over the kicker ramp and down the other side. ...Just Went Bankrupt (50 points) - From the starting point, head straight and turn to the right to head down the parking lot. Turn back around and grind the billboard with Birdhouse on it up the hill. Ollie off the billboard into a grind on the rail to the right. All That Glitters (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and use the snow pile to air onto the roof of the cabin. Transfer onto the boardwalk above and grind the rope railing to the left. Ollie off into a grind on the rope railing straight on the right side. Bowl to Bowl (50 points) -From the starting point, turn to the right and jump the fence. Grind the lip of the curved bowl and ollie into a grind on the lip of the bent bowl. Bowl To Rail (50 points) - From the starting point, jump the fence to the rightand grind the edge of the bent bowl. Ollie off into a grind on the large metallic railing along the edge of the skate park. Cut The Corner (50 points) - From the starting point, grind the rail to the right and ollie off into a grind on the triangular concrete corner. Dead Man's Slide (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Go straight ahead and grind the log sticking on the boardwalk. At the end of the log, ollie into a grind on the log with the rope attached to the top. Fence transfer (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence into the skate park. Head to the back of the park and grind the quarter pipe and transfer to the fence on the top. IPO Funding (50 points) - From the starting point, head straight and turn to the right into the parking lot. Grind the rail closest to the skate park on the right, and ollie into a grind on one of the two billboards. Load And Go (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and cross the river following the path underneath the boardwalk. At the end jump up to the top of the quarter pipe to reach a boardwalk leading to the bottom of a covered half pipe. Grind the bluish green rope on the left to activate the raising ramp at the end. Use the quarter pipe shack to air up to the now raised ramp and air off the end to the covered half pipe. Look, MA! No Talent (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Go straight ahead and grind the rope to the left of the log and ollie into another grind on the next rope. Manual Transmission (50 opints) - From the starting point, jump the fence to the right and enter the skate park. Go in between the bowl on the corner and the curved bowl. Now go to the left side near the parking lot of the quarter circle shaped quarter pipe. Manual the ledge found against the quarter pipe. Over The Hump (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence into the skate park. Head to the very back and grind the fence on the top of the quarter pipe up and over the large hump in the fence. Parking Lot Mini Gap (50 points) - From the starting point, head straight and turn right to face down the parking lot. Grind one of the two rails in the middle on top of the red paint. Ollie off at the end into another grind on the rail in front of it. Prospector Path (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Grind the rope to the left and ollie into a grind on the log to the right. Rail Bank Shot (50 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump the fence into the skate park. Facing the back section turn to the right and head to the side of the park. Grind the grey railing next to the bowl and ollie off into a grind on the red rail. Rail Cheater (50 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump the fence into the skate park. Facing the back section turn to the right and head to the side of the park. Head around to the corner of the fence in front of the totem pole. Grind the red rail and transfer the grind onto the grey rail along the side of the bowl. Rail Stomp (50 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump over the fence to the skate park. Head to the back of the park and grind the right side of the quarter pipe back towards the starting point. Ollie off and land in a grind on the red railing. Rail To Bowl (50 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump the fence into the skate park. Facing the back section turn to the right and head to the side of the park. Grind the grey railing next to the bowl and ollie off into a grind on the edge of the bowl. Still Bootleggin' (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Walk around the path and drop down to the boardwalk below. Use the path that branches to the left and ollie over the break in the path to the boardwalk ahead. Tree air Gap (50 points) - From the starting point, turn around and air off the center kicker to the boardwalk in the middle of the two trees. Now air off the end of this boardwalk to the next boardwalk ahead. We Don't Need No Steeenking Rails (50 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump the fence to enter th skate park. Go to the back of the park to the rollin and turn back around to face the starting point. Ollie over the mound of snow and down the opposite side. Around The Horn (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to teleport up to the boardwalk above. Go around the boardwalk and grind the wire after the small gap on the right to the end. Banner Ad Dot Com (100 points) - From the starting point, head straight and turn right. Wallie off the right wall into a grind on the first billboard. At the end ollie off and grind the next billboard. Climb The Tree (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and use the center kicker to air up to the boardwalk in the middle of the trees. Corral Gap Transfer (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Along the large outside quarter pipe, air up any of the snow banks and air transfer over the bare logs to the other side. Corral To Tree Grind (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Grind the outter quarter pipe towards the skaet park and ollie into a grind on the sideways tree sticking out of the ground. Crooked Extension (100 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump over the fence into the skate park area. Go into the bowl near the corner and lip trick the funbox on the inner side of the bowl. Curb Hoppin (100 points) - From the starting point, grind the speedbump like ledge and ollie into a grind on the small yellow parking block to the left. Dozer Blade Gap (100 points) - from the starting point, grind the yellow parking ledge to the left towards the bulldozer. Ollie across the gap in front of the bulldozer and land in a grind on the next yellow parking ledge. Enim Detnuah Eht (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and cross the river following the path underneath the boardwalk. At the end jump up to the top of the quarter pipe to reach a boardwalk leading to the bottom of a covered half pipe. Grind the bluish green rail towards the starting point. Ollie off at the end and land in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe. Fence Extension (100 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump over the fence into the skate park. Jump into the bowl on the corner and lip trick on the fence. Fence Hoppin (100 points) - From the starting point, grind the fence on the right side. Ollie off and grind the funbox near the end of the rail. Flying Fencemen (100 points) - From the starting point, jump the fence to the right to enter the skate park. Grind the quarter circle quarter pipe towards the totem pole and ollie off into a grind on the fence below. Grind The Pine (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Ollie up into the large tree trunk and get off your board. Now jump to one of the branches and grind it out away from the trunk. Hitch Knot Gap (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Walk around the path and drop down to the boardwalk below. Grind the rope to the left and ollie straight off the path into a grind on the rope ahead. Light It Up! (100 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence into the skate park. Drop into the bowl to the right of the bowl on the corner. Spine or hip transfer out of the bowl into the bowl next to it. Mine Cart Launch (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and cross the river following the path underneath the boardwalk. At the end jump up to the top of the quarter pipe to reach a boardwalk leading to the bottom of a covered half pipe. Grind the bluish green rope on the left to activate the raising ramp at the end. Use the quarter pipe shack to air up to the now raised ramp and air off the end to the covered half pipe. Ollie out of the covered half pipe to the slanted uncovered half pipe. Go up to the top and grind the rail furthest away from the half pipe. Take it towards the starting point and ollie off the end into a grind on the electrical wire. Pickaxe Sluice (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and cross the river following the path underneath the boardwalk. At the end jump up to the top of the quarter pipe to reach a boardwalk leading to the bottom of a covered half pipe. Grind the bluish green rope on the left to activate the raising ramp at the end. Use the quarter pipe shack to air up to the now raised ramp and air off the end to the covered half pipe. Ollie out of the covered half pipe to the slanted uncovered half pipe. The Haunted Mine (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Grind the top of the quarter pipe towards the mountainside and ollie off into a grind on the bluish green rope with the generator on it. The Old Wing Dam (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and grind one of the two outter logs going across the river. The Panhandler (100 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Go to the side of the quarter pipe near the mountain and air up into a lip trick on the rope above. Tree To Corral Grind (100 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence to enter the skate park. Go to the right towards the large tree trunk area. Grind the sideways tree and ollie off into a grind on the top of the quarter pipe. Ahhh! My Head! (200 points) - From the starting point, turn to the right and jump over the fence into the skate park. Head to the rear of the park and turn around. Grind the fence on the totem poles side, ollie off into a grind on the totem poles wing. Go through the head and onto the opposite wing. Ollie off the totem pole and land over the fence. Car Gap (200 points) - From the starting point, go forward and use the kicker straight ahead to air over the cars and land on the other kicker. There's Gold In Them Thar Hills (200 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence to enter the skate park. Go to the right towards the large tree trunk area. Use the ramp to air over the river and land on the opposite ramp. Air Over The Blade Grind (250 points) - From the starting point, grind the wooden fence to the left and air over the bulldozer blade, landing in a grind on the wooden fence. Antenna Stomp (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump over the fence into the skate park. Spine transfer the funbox sitting above the bowl on the corner, revert and air up the opposite side of the bowl landing in a grind on the wire above. Aurora Burly-Alis (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and ollie over the fence to get into the skate park. Drop into the bowl in the middle and spine transfer to the bowl on the corner. Breezy Channel Gap (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump over the fence into the skate park. Head to the back and use the quarter pipe to air over the rollins to the opposite quarter pipe. Chainsaw Buzzin' (250 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Walk around the path and drop down to the boardwalk below. Take the path that branches off to the right and grind the log with the railing on it. At the end of the log, ollie off and land in a grind on the bluish green rope with the generator on it. Crossover The Easy Way (250 points) - From the starting point, go straight and turn right at the parking lot. Grind the railing in the middle and ollie over diagonally to the next one at the bottom set. Curb Bomb (250 points) - From the starting point, head straight and air off the kicker on the side of the cars. Land in a grind on the yellow parking block curb to the left. Fence Bomb (250 points) - From the starting point, head straight and air off the kicker on the side of the cars. Land in a grind on the wooden fence to the left. Funbox To Rail Stomp (250 points) - From the starting point, jump the fence to the right and enter the skate park. Go in between the bowl on the corner and the curved bowl. Use the kicker to air into a grind on the quarter circle quarter pipe ahead. Go Long And Grind (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence over to the skate park. Head to the left side of the park and grind the fence towards the back. Ollie off the fence and land in a grind on the ledges edge next to the quarter circle quarter pipe. Park to Lot Launch (250 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence over to the skate park. Head to the left side of the park and grind the fence towards the back. Ollie off down into the parking lot to the left and land in a grind on the rail below. Sap Slapper (250 points) - From the starting point, turn around and use the kicker in the middle of the quarter pipe to air up into a grind on the rope of the right side of the quarter pipe. Buck Wild (500 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence to enter the skate park. Go to the right towards the large tree trunk area. Walk past the sideways tree and turn around. Air up the dirt bank and spine transfer into the pool in the skate park. Whoa. That Was Cool (500 points) - From the starting point, turn around and head diagonally left into the large tree trunk area. Turn to face the cabin and air up the quarter pipe to the right of the hollow tree. Air over the boardwalk path and land in a grind on the wooden logs that are sitting above the water. Saved By The Generator (1000 points) - From the starting point, turn around and jump into the water to be teleported to the boardwalk above. Walk around the path and drop down to the boardwalk below. Take the path that branches off to the right and grind the log with the railing on it. At the end of the log, ollie off and land on the power generator. The Log QP! (5000 points) - From the starting point, turn right and jump the fence to enter the skate park. Go to the right towards the large tree trunk area. Grind the top of the quarter pipe all the way around to the other end. ****************************************************************************** 4.F - Airport (35 Gaps) ****************************************************************************** Claim Hop! (50 points) - Head down the first slope and turn right. Enter the baggage area and grind the luggage cart rails, ollie off into a grind on the escalator ahead. Heliport Baggage (50 points) - From the starting point, jump the right counter and enter the baggage section. Grind the conveyor belt and ollie into a grind on the opposite side. Rail Hop (50 points) - Go to the end of the level and head down to the basement. grind the ledges down here and ollie into a grind on a red rail found near the spiral ramps. Walkway Hop (50 points) - From the starting point, Grind the middle section of the moving walkway. Depending on what side of the middle you are on jump to the edge rail of that same side and grind it. Now ollie back to the middle section and grind the other side of the middle section. Draining The Vein (100 points) - From the starting point, Grind the rail leading into the men's bathroom, ollie into a grind on the top of the urinals, and ollie off into a grind on the opposite rail exiting the bathroom. Droppin' Science! (100 points) - At the first slope, use the kicker in the middle to air into a grind on the light fixture above. Ollie into a grind on the angled light fixture to the right, about two-thirds down ollie off into a grind on the lower light fixture. Escalatin' The Situation (100 points) - Head down the first slope and turn right. Enter the baggage area and use the quarter pipe on the back wall to air over the escalator. Gate Hop! (100 points) - Go to the end of the level and grind the red rail along the floor level. Ollie across the gate doorways and land in a grind on the next red rail. Illuminatin' (100 points) - From the starting point, move forward and ollie off the domed payphone booth to the left into a grind on the light fixture above. Last High Light! (100 points) - On the second slope, use the kicker in the middle to air into a grind on the light fixture straight ahead. Light Hop! (100 points) - Go to the end of the level and drop down into the basement. Grind a light fixture and hop into a grind on the next light fixture. Light Pop! (100 points) - Go to the end of the level and drop down into the basement. Grind a ledge and transfer the grind onto a basement light fixture. Lighten Up! (100 points) - Go down the first slope and air off the domed phone booth down here to grind the light fixture above it. Local Call (100 points) - From the starting point, go straight and over to the domed phone booth to the left. Grind up and down to the other side. Mulin' (100 points) - Head down the first slope and turn right. Enter the baggage area and turn around. Use the kicker ramp on the end of the bomb detector to air over the whole device. Musical Chairs (100 points) - Head down to the end of the level and go to the right. Grind the top of the last benches to the left and ollie off into a manual. Go over to the last benches on the right and grind them. O The S (100 points) - Use the kicker in front of the bomb detectors before the second slope to air over them. Off The Couch (100 points) - Go to the end of the level and turn left or right using the quarter pipe monitor at the end to pick up speed. Come back down and land in a manual, go all the way across the terminal to the other quarter pipe monitor. S Look Out!! (100 points) - Head down the first slope and grind the rail entering the womens restroom. Ollie off into a grind on top of the sinks, then ollie into a grind on the rail leaving the bathroom. Spiral Stairs North (100 points) - Head to the end of the level and turn to the right. Grind the rail leading down the spiral stair ramp to the bottom. Spiral Stairs South (100 points) - Head to the end of the level and turn to the left. Grind the rail leading down the spiral stair ramp to the bottom. Spotted Bags (100 points) - Head down the first slope and turn right. Enter the baggage area and lip trick the back wall in between the two escalators. Takin' The High Road (100 points) - At the first slope, use the kicker in the middle to air into a grind on the light fixture above. Through The Pad! (100 points) - From the starting point, jump over the counter and grind the conveyor belt. At the end of the conveyor belt, ollie off into a grind on the escalator's railing. Walkway Ride1! (100 points) - Grind the middle of the first moving walkway towards the slope. Walkway Ride2! (100 points) - Grind the middle of the second moving walkway towards the end of the level. X-Ray (100 points) - Ollie over the right corner at the starting point and ollie into a manual on the conveyor belt, ride it through the machine. Flying High In The Sky (200 points) - Go down the first slope and use one of the two skinny computer terminals to air up into a lip trick on the All Gates sign above. The Hard Way Up! (200 points) - From the starting point move straight and to the right. Wallie off the lockers into a grind on the locker and transfer it to the next locker. Now ollie off into a grind on the top of the computer monitor panel and then grind the light fixture. Economy Class Lip (250 points) - Head to the end of the level and drop down into the basement. Ollie up one of the quarter pipes and lip trick the red rail above. Gate Transfer! (300 points) - Head down to the end of the level and grind the back side of a couch. Ollie over the gate walkway into a grind on the red rail. Business Class Lip! (500 points) - Head to the end of the level and drop down into the basement. Ollie up one of the quarter pipes and lip trick the red rail above the economy class rail. Start To Finish!!! (600 points) - At the start of the level, turn around and sticker slap the front doors. Land in a manual and combo your way all the way down to the end of the level. Helicopter Hop! (2000 points) - Jump the right counter at the start of the level and grind the conveyor belt for speed. ollie off and use the kicker to air over the helicopter. Manual The Slope! (5000 points) - From the start of the level, move forward and perform a manual down the first slope. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5. Multiplayer ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section will focus on the multiplayer modes of THUG 2, 2 player, Online, and LAN modes. You are able to get gaps while playing in any of these three modes, as long as you save your game before turning off the system to keep them in your progress list. Due to only having a PlayStation 2, this section will only be based on the PlayStation 2 options. XBOX, GameCube, and PlayStation 2 can all go online via a third party program found on the internet; however I will not be covering it in my guide. ****************************************************************************** 5.1 - How to Score Big ****************************************************************************** The following is gathered information from THUGLiVE.COM written by jinz0 *The perfect trick setup* This special trick setup is based on the amount of points you earn and how fast and easy the trick is to land. 1. 360 GhettoBird 2. 360 Varial Heelflip Lien 3. 360 Varial McTwist 4. FS 540 5. BackSpinAir 6. Halfcab Underflip 7. Casper Flip 360 Flip 8. Double Kickflip Varial Indy 9. McTwist 10. The 900 11. Indy 900 *Lines* Lines are there to be used to get a highscore. A Line should include 1 or less reverts and should not degrade your balance fast. This means it should include short manuals and possibilities to bounce from rail to rail. *Base* Here are some hints to get a higher base: 1. Try to use Baser/Basebuilds if possible more than once - Baser/Basebuilds are done before you start your line, so you start with a high base. 2. Look if you used your specials on normal or on switch value to figure out the maximum of points 3. Try to land perfect after a trick in a pipe or after a grind. This will give you +1000 (Normal value) / +1200 (Switch value) more base - Example: You land perfect 20 times so you get around 22k more base and you got a multiplier of 300. That means with perfect landing you receive 6.6 million more. 4. If all your special tricks are wasted, try to use normal grabs combined with an FS/BS Roll or Front/Backflip. Good grabs for higher base are Madonna, Judo and Sacktap. *Multiplier* Here are some hints to get your multiplier up: 1. Do lateflips - There is always some time to do a Kickflip/Heelflip after a trick like FS 540 or McTwist - Also try to do them after an Inward Heelflip/Varial Kickflip when you get off a rail. 2. Find a line which includes some gaps - Gaps are transfers like from pipe to pipe or rail to rail, which give you extra multiplier. 3. Do FS/BS Rolls and Front/Backflips 4. If your balance is done, go to a pipe and do some Lip Tricks to get your multiplier up. *Rolls* Rolls are a good addition to THUG2 to get highscores. To do a FS/BS Roll you have to hold Grab/Flip and press left,left / right, right. To do a Frontflip/Backflip you have to hold Grab/Flip and press up,up / down, down. ****************************************************************************** 5.2 - 2 Player Mode ****************************************************************************** This option is to use one PlayStation 2 on one television only. You will need the PlayStation 2, an extra controller, a copy of Tony Hawk's Underground 2. You can change the split screen to either horizontal or vertical in the end of run menu. The games you can play in 2 Player Mode are: Trick Attack - You and the second player compete against eachother to add up your score until the end of the run. Highest number wins. Scavenger Hunt - Each player places 5 tokens around the level within a set limit of time. When everyone has placed there tokens, you will then have to try to find yours and the other players tokens. Highest number wins. Score Challenge - You will set the target score from a range of 100,000 to 100,000,000. You will have no time limit to worry about, the game ends once a player reaches the score. Combo Mambo - During the time limit each player will be trying to get the highest combo. Slap! - You will be facing the other player by trying to go faster than them and run through them to slap them down for a point. King of the Hill - You must seek out the crown and have it in your possession for a set number of time. Graffiti - You must perform tricks on the objects around the level and land to get the object coloured for you. In order to steal the other players tagged piece is to perform a trick on it and land in a larger combo then them. So if you want to keep your objects, you will have to perform larger combos. Horse - You will take turns performing combos at spots around the level. If you mess up or don't reach the needed amount of points you will gain a letter of whatever was written for the Horse Word. The loser is the one that spells out the whole name. Free Skate - In this game you do nothing but skate around for meaningless fun. FireFight - You must launch a fireball at the other player in order to take off their hitpoints. The larger your combo is, the more hitpoints will be reduced when you hit them with it. ****************************************************************************** 5.3 - Online Mode ****************************************************************************** This option is to use one PlayStation 2 on one television only, allowing to play online with up to seven other players around the world. You will need the PlayStation 2, a network adapter, Ethernet or dial-up cables, network configuration file. A copy of Tony Hawk's Underground 2, and an ISP (Internet Service Provider). o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 5.31 - Connecting to the Online Game o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o First start up your Network Adapter Configuration disc and setup the Network Configuration File so it connects your PS2 to the internet. To get the IP Address info you will need to get on your computer and look up the information. Windows 95/98/ME Select the STARTmenu , and then RUN. Type in WINIPCFG. Hit Enter. You should see the IP configuration screen open up. Click on the "More Info" button, and you should see a window similar to the one pictured to the right. Write down these settings displayed in this window: If the DHCP Server is filled in, then your network is DHCP enabled. If the DHCP Server field is blank, then note down your IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and Host Name. This is the info you will need to input for your PS2. Windows NT Select the STARTmenu , and then RUN. Type in COMMAND and you'll open a Dos box. 3. Type IPCONFIG /ALL in the Dos box and you should see the IP configuration information print out. Write down these settings displayed in this window: If the DHCP Enabled is YES, then your network is DHCP enabled. If the DHCP Enabled is NO, then note down your IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and Host Name. This is the info you will need to input for your PS2. Windows 2000/XP Select the STARTmenu , and the RUN. Type in COMMAND and you'll open a Dos box. Type IPCONFIG /ALL in the Dos box and you should see the IP configuration screen open up. Write down these settings displayed in this window: If the DHCP Enabled is YES, then your network is DHCP enabled. If the DHCP Enabled is NO, then note down your IP Address, Subnet Mask, Default Gateway, and Host Name. This is the info you will need to input for your PS2. Macintosh Select the APPLE menu Select CONTROL PANELS Select TCP/IP to display Write down these settings displayed in this window: If Configure: is set to Using DHCP Server, then your have DHCP enabled and no further settings are needed. If DHCP is NOT enables, then you will need to write down you IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Router Address (Gateway). If you are plugging your PlayStation 2 into a router, you may have to forward port 5150 (UDP and TCP/IP) to be able to host your games. From your PC you will need to access the Router. Open up a web browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, etc.). In the address bar, input the IP address of your router. By default, many routers are set to an IP Address of Your particular router or device may be different; consult its manual to find out how to change its settings. It will be your default gateway that you can obtain by doing the steps above on your PC. You should see a login screen come up, asking for your router's username and password. If you have never changed the default password, check your router's documentation to find out what the factory default is, and enter it. Usually will be "admin" without the qoutes. With the PS2 online from the Netwoek Adapter Configuration disc, click the DHCP tab and then click the DHCP Clients Table button. The PlayStation 2 is the one with a blank Client Hostname. Write down the IP Address, you will need this in a moment to forward the port. Next, you should see the router's main setup page. You will need to click on the Advanced tab. Next, click on the Forwarding tab. You should see the screen pictured to the right. Next, you will need to forward all traffic on port 5150 to the IP address of your PS2. Enter 5150~5150 in the service port range box. Then enter the destination IP of your PS2 in the IP address box. Click Apply. Remember, if you need to enable port forwarding, you will also need to configure a static IP address for your PS2, as otherwise the PS2's address could change, and the forwarded traffic would not get to it. If you don't want to make a static IP then you will have to change the IP Address on the router that is forwarding to the PS2 when the IP Address changes. Now that you have your Network Configuration File saved on your memory card and the port forwarded if you needed to, load up Tony Hawk's Underground 2. Select Online Play and choose a skater. Go down to Online Preferences. Under Player Name, enter a nickname for your skater. In Network Configuration load the memory card and select your Network Configuration File that you saved from the Network Configuration Disc. Save the preferences so you don't have to bother with any of these options anymore. Select Done, and then press ready. *NOTE* When you are saving buddies to your buddy list online, you must come back to this part and save the settings again to keep that buddies name correct on your list. Otherwise it will be turned into ProSkater and you may forget who they were. You will then connect to the internet and Accept the Terms of Use. Go past DNAS and recieve the Message of the Day. Press ok to go to the online main menu. You will now be asked if you want to create a profile for the game. This will keep track of your scores in all the levels you play, allow people to add you to the buddy list, and allow you to add people to your buddy list. Click play Online to get to the server list and enter a region, then either host or join a game. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 5.32 - Error Messages o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o Always verify your settings and connections. Next, try powering off, then back on your network devices (modems, routers, etc.) and then your PlayStation 2. Additionally, check all cables, and refer to the instruction manual that came with your network hardware device (modem or adaptor). "Your network device is not properly connected to the network. Check your cables or contact your network administrator for LAN connections." This indicates that your hardware is properly connected to PlayStation 2, but the PlayStation 2 is unable to get out on to the network. Check that your cables are seated properly, and any network devices (DSL or Cable modems, routers, etc.) are powered on. "Your network device is not configured properly or may not be properly connected. See the Tony Hawk's Pro Skater&153; 3 manual for troubleshooting." This indicates that your hardware is properly connected to PlayStation 2, but the PlayStation 2 is unable to get out on to the network. Check that your cables are seated properly, and any network devices (DSL or Cable modems, routers, etc.) are powered on. "Could not automatically detect network settings. Check connections and DHCP server or choose a static IP." If you selected AUTO-DETECT (DHCP) in your CONNECTION SETTINGS, make sure your network is running DHCP, and your DHCP server is up. If your network is not running DHCP, then you may need to modify your connection settings and switch to a STATIC IP ADDRESS. "You have lost connection to the server. Press the x button to return to main menu." Either you've lost connection to the Internet, the server player has lost connection to the Internet, or you've lost connection to each other. Simply try again with a different server before making any changes to your network settings. "Your game was not posted on to the master server (GameSpy). Check your network cables as well as any Firewall settings you may have." If you receive this message when starting a server, it means that your game did not register with GameSpy, and therefore other players will not be able to see it and join it. This is most likely due to a firewall issue. You may need to enable port forwarding, and forward all traffic on port 5150 (UDP) to the IP address of your PlayStation 2, in order to successfully host behind a firewall. "Failed to connect to master server" This is most likely due to a lost internet connection or improper GATEWAY setting, but there is also a chance that GameSpy may be temporarily down. Simply try again, from the Main Menu. "Failed to connect to GameSpy. Check your connection and settings." This is most likely due to a lost internet connection or improper GATEWAY setting, but there is also a chance that GameSpy may be temporarily down. Simply try again, from the Main Menu. "Failed to connect to GameSpy. Check your Gateway and/or Firewall settings." This is most likely due to a lost internet connection or improper GATEWAY setting, but there is also a chance that GameSpy may be temporarily down. Simply try again, from the Main Menu. "You have yet to setup your connection settings. Would you like to do so now?" This is most likely due to: a non configured memory card, no network settings have been saved to a memory card, or a missing phone number in the CONNECTION SETTINGS. Double check all connection settings, save them to memory card, and try again. "Connected, but could not log in. Check your username and password in your connection settings." Double check all connection settings, and try re-entering your password. Make sure your username and password was entered with the proper upper and lower case keys. If you have AUTHENTICATION set to YES, and you are not sure if your ISP requires Authentication, try setting it to NO. "DNAS" (Dynamic Network Authentication System), a proprietary authentication system created by Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. ("SCEI"). "DNAS" retrieves information about a user's hardware and software for authentication, copy protection, account blocking, system, rules, or game management and other purposes. The information collected does not identify the user personally. A publisher can combine this information with personally identifying information from the publisher's records if the user provides the personally identifying information. Before providing any personal information to a publisher please be sure to review the publisher's privacy policy and terms and conditions of use. Do not provide personally identifying information to a publisher unless you accept the conditions of use and terms of their privacy policy. SCEI, Sony Computer Entertainment America ("SCEA") and their affiliates cannot guarantee the continuous operation of the "DNAS" servers. SCEA shall not be liable for any delay or failure of the "DNAS" servers to perform. Authentication Errors: 101 sceDNAS2_SS_SERVER_BUSY DNAS server is busy. "DNAS Error (-101) The network authentication server is busy. Please try again later." 102 sceDNAS2_SS_BEFORE_SERVICE DNAS authentication service period has not started for this title. "DNAS Error (-102) This software title is not in service." AKA - the servers aren't turned on yet 103 sceDNAS2_SS_OUT_OF_SERVICE DNAS authentication service period has ended for this title. "DNAS Error (-103) This software title is not in service." AKA - The servers are turned off 104 sceDNAS2_SS_END_OF_SERVICE All DNAS services have stopped. "DNAS Error (-104) The network authentication server is not in service." AKA - The servers are turned off 105 sceDNAS2_SS_SESSION_TIME_OUT Session timeout. "DNAS Error (-105) Connection to the network authentication server has timed out. Please try again later." 106 sceDNAS2_SS_INVALID_SERVER DNAS library (PS2) received an invalid server response. "DNAS Error (-106) A network authentication system error has occurred." 107 sceDNAS2_SS_INTERNAL_ERROR DNAS library (PS2) internal error while authentication DNAS server. "DNAS Error (-107) A network authentication system error has occurred." 108 sceDNAS2_SS_EXTERNAL_ERROR DNAS server received corrupted data. "DNAS Error (-108) A network authentication system error has occurred." Data Downloading Errors -201 sceDNAS2_SS_DL_NODATA This title does not have a data download service. "DNAS Error (-201) A download error has occurred." -202 sceDNAS2_SS_DL_BEFORE_SERVICE Data download service has not started for this title. "DNAS Error (-202) A download error has occurred." -203 sceDNAS2_SS_DL_OUT_OF_SERVICE Data download service has ended for this title. "DNAS Error (-203) A download error has occurred." -204 sceDNAS2_SS_DL_NOT_UPDATED No new download data. "DNAS Error (-204) A download error has occurred." -401 sceDNAS2_SS_INVALID_PS2 Invalid PS2 hardware. "DNAS Error (-401) A PS2 hardware information error has occurred." -402 sceDNAS2_SS_INVALID_MEDIA Invalid disc. "DNAS Error (-402) A PS2 disc information error has occurred." -403 sceDNAS2_SS_INVALID_AUTHDATA Invalid or corrupted disc authentication data. "DNAS Error (-403) A PS2 disc information error has occurred." -404 sceDNAS2_SS_INVALID_HDD_BINDING Current PS2 and HDD combination is different than registered combination. "DNAS Error (-404) A PS2 hardware information error has occurred." Network Errors -601 GLUE_ABORT An network connection was aborted. "DNAS Error (-601) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -602 NET_PROXY Proxy server error. "DNAS Error (-602) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -610 NET_SSL An SSL session error occured. "DNAS Error (-610) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -611 NET_DNS_HOST_NOT_FOUND The DNS resolver did not recognize the DNAS server host name. "DNAS Error (-611) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -612 NET_DNS_TRY_AGAIN The DNS resolver cannot be found. "DNAS Error (-612) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -613 NET_DNS_NO_RECOVERY The DNS resolver response is invalid. "DNAS Error (-613) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -614 NET_DNS_NO_DATA The DNS resolver found no IP address for the DNAS server host name. "DNAS Error (-614) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -615 NET_DNS_OTHERS Other DNS resolver-related errors. "DNAS Error (-615) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -616 NET_EISCONN A server connection already exists from this client IP address. "DNAS Error (-616) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -617 NET_ETIMEOUT A network timeout occurred. "DNAS Error (-617) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -618 NET_ECONNREFUSED The connection was refused (the server is not running). "DNAS Error (-618) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -619 NET_ENETUNREACH The network destination is unreachable. "DNAS Error (-619) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -620 NET_ENOTCONN The network connection is down. "DNAS Error (-620) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -621 NET_ENOBUFS An out-of-memory error occured. "DNAS Error (-621) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -622 NET_EMFILE Unable to create any more network connections. "DNAS Error (-622) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -623 NET_EBADF The title requested a network connection using an invalid value. "DNAS Error (-623) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -624 NET_EINVAL The title requested a network function using invalid options. "DNAS Error (-624) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. -625 NET_OTHERS Other network-related errors. "DNAS Error (-625) A network error has occurred." Please double-check your network connection and/or network configuration. Unique ID Errors -701 sceDNAS2_SS_ID_NOUSE The title does not use the unique *category* ID feature. "DNAS Error (-701) A software category error has occurred." -702 sceDNAS2_SS_ID_CAT_NOT_EXIST The specified unique *category* ID category does not exist. "DNAS Error (-702) A software category error has occurred." -703 sceDNAS2_SS_ID_NOT_JOIN_TO_CAT The title does not belong to the specified unique *category* ID category. "DNAS Error (-703) A software category error has occurred." Unexpected Errors -832 Unregistered title ID. Incorrect title ID in SYSTEM.CNF. Using the wrong regional DNAS library, thus talking to the wrong DNAS server. Using the production server (debug=0) without DNS redirection. -848 Wrong authentication data or passphrase. -864 Invalid media, e.g. using CD-R and DVD-R discs against the production server, or using manufactured discs against the development server. -xxx "DNAS Error (-xxx) An authentication error has occurred." -402 Playing an original while the modchip is turned on. AKA - Incorrectly patched or haven't patched, maybe more then one patch needed. -403 Playing an original while the modchip is turned on. AKA - Incorrectly patched or haven't patched, maybe more then one patch needed. -611 Firewall or network with closed ports. -612 Firewall or network with closed ports. -880 PS2 hardware incompatibility. -881 PS2 hardware incompatibility. -833 Region Error. -840 Server is down, try again later. -864 Invalid DNAS Disc ID. AKA - Media Error. o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 5.33 - Games o~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~o In this section will be information on the games you can play online, as well as strategies to help you play some of them. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33TA - Trick Attack ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You and the second player compete against eachother to add up your score until the end of the run. Highest number wins. TA is the online abbreviation to ask to play this game. TRAINING Go to the back left section of the old warehouse. Air up the quarter pipe on the back wall and perform some vert tricks, land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe and ollie over the piece that sticks out. Land in a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the right wall. Air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind and go across the rails over the half pipe. Ollie down into a manual and air up the quarter pipe to perform some more vert tricks. Come back down to the top of the quarter pipe and land in a grind. Ollie into a grind on the second quarter pipe and then ollie off into a manual. Manual over to the ledge with the arcade machine and grind it back over to where you started the combo. BOSTON Go to the subway entrance in front of the State house coming towards the starting point. Air up the entrance and perform some vert tricks landing into a grind on the entrance. Ollie off into a manual and grind the green benches to the right. Ollie off into another manual and go across the street and air up the quarter pipe in front of the construction site. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie off and manual the street on the right, then go over to the orange rail and grind it. Ollie off and manual up the street, wallie up the side of the small wall before the intersection in the street to the left. Grind the rail and ollie off into a manual. Go across the street and grind the rail in front of Jeers, ollie into another grind on the rail ahead, then transfer to the next rail. Ollie up into a grind on the bus stop roof and flip trick off the end into a manual up the subway entrances side. Ollie off the top like a kicker ramp and perform some air tricks as you land in a manual. Wallie up the brick stairway and grind the top around the bend. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the side of the church. Grind the flower pot on the side and ollie off into a manual to start the combo over again. BARCELONA Go to the small island across the bridge once you have access and turn left. Go all the way to the edge with the quarter pipe with the water and air up to perform some vert tricks. When you come down, land in a grind heading towards the Nixon billboard. Right before reaching the billboard ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe running perpendicular to the one your on now. Air up and perform some vert tricks and land in another grind on top of the quarter pipe. Ollie over with a flip trick in between to the benches on the right, grinding the top of them. Quickly ollie back into another grind on the rail to the left, then ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on top of the quarter pipe and ollie off into a manual, head over to the movie theater while performing flip tricks in the combo along the way. Wallride into a grind on the ledge of the theater. Flip trick out into a grind on the awning and then flip trick into another manual to continue the combo from the beginning. BERLIN Go to the gold and blue building by the bar and use the quarter pipe to air up with vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge above. Grind it around the bend allowing the vent to fall to the ground. Ollie off while performing vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery. Ollie over to the smaller ledge to the left and grind it near its bend. Ollie off and use the quarter pipe ahead to air up while performing vert tricks. Grind the awning above to the right, ollie off into a manual. Grind the curved ledge to the left and use the kinked end to air up to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge of the gallery and shuffle your grind along its edge. Ollie off into a manual and go back to the gold and blue buildings quarter pipe. Air up and perform some vert tricks landing through the now exposed vent hole. Land in a grind on the steps below, going around the bend and grinding the rail to the right. Use the kinked end to air over to the ledge left of the gallery and continue the combo over again. AUSTRALIA From the starting point, turn right and go to the quarter pipe across from the butterfinger billboard. Air up and perform a vert trick landing in a grind to the left. Ollie off to the left and land in a manual on the mini half pipe. Ollie up the right side and perform a vert trick landing in a grind on the top of the half pipe. Air off towards the lifeguard building and land in a manual. Turn back towards the starting point and manual over to the wall of the ramp. Wallie up the wall and perform a vert trick off it, into a grind on the rail leading down. Land in another manual and wallie up the blue wall into a grind on the rail above. Ollie off into a manual and air up the quarter pipe at the end to perform some more vert tricks. Revert back off and wallie into a grind back up the rail on the right going up the ramp. Ollie off the rail into a grind on the log to the right. Take the curve in the log and ollie off into a manual heading to the ramp walkway. Use the quarter pipe to air up over the opening and land in a grind on the opposite quarter pipe. Ollie off to the left and grind the blue edged quarter pipe next to the butterfinger billboard building. Ollie off at the end and land in a manual, heading back to the original quarter pipe to continue it all over again. NEW ORLEANS Skate into the car lift across the street from the cemetary. Air up and Acid Drop down into the street in front of the building while performing vert tricks. Revert on the bottom and air up the other side and perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer onto the roof above. Revert the ramp and air up the other side spine transfering down to the bar as you perform vert tricks. Grind the railing as you come down and go towards the church. Ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the right side of the church. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer into the courtyard. Grind the edge of the inner quarter pipe and ollie over the statue into another grind. Ollie off into a manual and go over to the tram tracks. Swap between the rails back and forth. Ollie off into a manual and go into the cemetary. Air up the quarter pipe on the left and perform some vert tricks. Land in a manual and go over to the back wall, wallie up into a grind and grind around the cemeterary along this wall in a complete circle. Once you get back to the far side away from the ferry boat ollie off into a manual and go into the car elevator to continue the combo. SKATOPIA Enter the green shack with a manual and go up the left quarter pipe into a grind. Ollie off and air up the quarter pipe to the left of the bigfoot face graffiti on the blue and yellow edge. Perform some vert tricks as you spine transfer down to the quarter pipe below. Revert into a manual and air up the opposite side with the open garage building. Perform some more vert tricks as you spine transfer through the hole in the roof into the garage. Land in a grind on the bowls edge and ollie out towards the blue skatopia sign. Land in a manual if you have to and grind the quarter pipe towards the blue skatopia sign. Ollie off the end and manual on the ledge with the blue skatopia sign to grind the ledge on the left. Ollie off and go back through the green shack to continue the combo. PRO SKATER Enter the section with hell and air up the quarter pipe in the middle to perform some vert tricks going down into the pit. Revert at the bottom and spine transfer up the quarter pipe as you perform some vert tricks. Revert into a manual and move over to the quarter pipe on the side to air up into a grind on the ledge above. Ollie off into a manual and go into the mouth of the large stone demon. Ollie into a grind on the fire line gapping across into another grind on the next fire. Ollie off into a manual and go through the door, grind the bones on the outside and land in a manual to go up the quarter pipe into a spine transfer down into the pit, continue the combo back over again. THE TRIANGLE Enter the Secret tunnel and grind the vent on the floor to air up into a grind on the black and red rail above. Grind it around counter-clockwise and ollie into the tunnel on the opposite side. Manual up through the grate above using the quarter pipe and spine transfer down the other side while performing some vert tricks. Revert when you come down and manual into the quarter pipe straight ahead, air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on top od the walkway, then ollie off into a manual and go back up the quarter pipe to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge again, then ollie into the sand with a manual. Head over to the finger quarter pipes and air up and perform some air tricks, then land in a grind on the top. Ollie over to the top of the half pipe and grind across it, ollie off near the end and land in a manual. Air up the finger quarter pipe on this side to perform some air tricks. Grind the top of the quarter pipe to the left and ollie off the end to grind the top of the helicopter blade. Ollie off the blade into a manual. Enter the tunnel that you started in and grind the vent on the floor to air back up into the red and black rail above to start the combo over. SCHOOL Get on the roof of the gym and go towards the edge with the shutter door side. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some vert tricks, landing in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe. Going left ollie off into a manual over the kickers and go up the next side of the quarter pipe. Perform some vert tricks in the air and come down into a grind on the quarter pipe. Before reaching the covered part of the ramp, ollie off into a manual and go up the quarter pipe on the rear side of the building. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on the top. Ollie off into a manual and go to the side of the building, air up and perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the top of the quarter pipe and ollie off before you hit the covered ramp. Land in a manual and head over to the quarter pipe in the front again, air up performing some vert tricks to land in a grind on the top. PHILADELPHIA Go up the side of the half pipe in the skate park and spine transfer into the larger area while performing some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the other side and ollie off towards the left edge of the bowl in the back of the park. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some vert tricks and land in a grind. Ollie off the end towards the alley by the park. Wallie up the wall on the right and perform a vert trick off it, landing in a manual. Go over to the yellow rail on the left and grind it out of the skate park area. Ollie off the end into a manual, then ollie up into a grind on the planter ahead. Ollie off towards the fountain and land in a grind on the other side of the planter. Grind towards the greenish blue building going over the benches and ledges. Before the end, ollie off into a manual on the top of the planter, then go to the edge and grind back to the park. Ollie off into a manual and cross back over the street, then wallie off the pillar performing a vert trick in the air. Land in a manual and go to the yellow rail to grind it back to the half pipe. DOWNHILL JAM From the start air up the kicker on the right and grind the pipes above. Ollie into a manual and use the quarter pipe on the right side to perform a trick, then revert back into a manual. Grind the sorta pyramid like wooden rail in front of the funbox to regain some speed. Ollie into a manual and then hop into a grind down the railing over the large hole. Ollie off into a manual and use the quarter pipe on the left to perform another trick. Revert back into a manual and use the kicker on the right to air up into a grind on the pipes ahead. Ollie off and land in a manual heading through the dam. Trick off the left and right side, at least one time each and grind the left side to the end of the dam. Ollie off and land in a manual going up the sorta concrete hill and down the other side. Get in the middle of the path and use the indented jumper to air up onto the top of the large rock. Land in a manual and go down the other side of the rock. Air up on the launcher below and perform a trick, landing in a manual. Use the kicker in front of the large grate to air over it while performing a trick to the other side. Land in a manual and ollie off the funbox ahead performing a trick, land in a grind on the rail to the left. Ollie into another grind on the next railing straight ahead and ollie off at the end performing one last trick. To make the line even longer, land in a manual and go through the finish line. This will teleport you back at the top allowing you to repeat the line over as many times as you wish. One run should score you almost a two million point combo each time. LOS ANGELES Go through the middle glass covered hallway of the Findley Tower building and air up the quarter pipe. Perform some vert tricks in the air and land in a grind. Grind it towards the end and ollie over the edge into the area with the car wash, landing in a manual. Go over to the quarter pipe across from the car wash and air up to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the top and ollie across the gap in the quarter pipe to grind the next quarter pipe. Ollie off the quarter pipe into a grind on the ladder of the fire truck. Ollie off and wallie off the side of the building, performing some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the ledge, then ollie into a wallie just before the end of the building. Land in a grind on the ledges below and ollie off into a manual on the sidewalk. Ollie into a grind on the ledge in front of the theater, then ollie off into a manual across the street. Air up the quarter pipe and perform a vert trick, land in a grind towards the library. Ollie off the end and land in a manual to cross the street. Grind the front ledge of the library towards the towers. Ollie over the stairs and land in another grind on the ledge. Ollie off the ledge and land in a grind on the quake rail then ollie off into a manual to cross the street. Air up on the quarter circle kicker to perform some vert tricks, go through the covered walkway and air up the quarter pipe. CANADA Air up the left side of the blade quarter pipe at the starting point of the level to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the top and ollie over into a grind on the side wall of the quarter pipe. Ollie off into a grind on the silver railing below. Transfer the grind over to the chain link fence and then over to the funbox wall to the left. Ollie off into a manual and go to the quarter straight ahead. Air up to perform some vert tricks, then revert at the bottom and manual over to the yellow parking line to the right. Grind it and ollie in front of the bulldozer into a grind on the opposite yellow block. Transfer the grind to the wooden fence and then ollie off into a manual and grind the speed bump like rail to the left. Ollie off into a manual and go back up the quarter pipe blades. AIRPORT Ollie up the first telephone booth and wallie off the wall. Perform some vert tricks and land in a manual. Wallie up the side of the wall and perform another vert trick. Land in another manual and wallie up the wall again to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on the escalator, transfer to the rail to the left, and then wallie off the wall. Perform some vert tricks in the air and land in a grind on the moving walkway. Transfer your grinds between the rails on the walkway, then ollie off into a manual at the end. Go to the right wall and wallie up the side to perform some vert tricks. Land in a grind on the monitors and ollie off into a manual at the end. Go across the hall and wallie off the wall to perform some more vert tricks. Land in a grind on the escalators below then ollie off to manual across the pathway. Air up the quarter pipe and perform some more vert tricks. Land in a revert and manual back across the floor. Ollie into a grind back up the escalator, then grind the couch on the left side. Ollie off into a manual and go across the hallway to air up the quarter pipe just before the alarm system. Perform some vert tricks and land in a grind on the ledge above. Ollie off the ledge and grind the light fixture to the left. Ollie off the light fixture to the next light, then ollie down into a grind on the moving walkway. Ollie off into a manual and grind up the escalator. Ollie off and grind the baggage rail to the left, then ollie into a manual, and grind the moving walkway. Ollie off the end and go over to the counter on the right to grind it towards the starting point. Grind the benches on the right wall and go back onto the counter to continue the grind. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33SH - Scavenger Hunt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Each player places 5 tokens around the level within a set limit of time. When everyone has placed there tokens, you will then have to try to find yours and the other players tokens. Highest number wins. SH is the online abbreviation to ask to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33ES - Elimiskate ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This game is played like Trick Attack except that at certain times, the game will check to see who has the lowest score and bump them into observation. It is best to use the Trick Attack strategy online make sure you land once in a while to stay on the score board. ES is the online abbreviation to ask to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33SC - Score Challenge ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You will set the target score from a range of 100,000 to 100,000,000. You will have no time limit to worry about, the game ends once a player reaches the score. Use the Trick Attack strategy to get points fast. SC is the online abbreviation to ask to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33CM - Combo Mambo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// During the time limit each player will be trying to get the highest combo. Use the Trick Attack strategy to get points fast. CM is the online abbreviation to ask to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33S! - Slap! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You will be facing the other players by trying to go faster than them and run through them to slap them down for a point. Slap or Slap! is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33KH - King Of The Hill ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You must seek out the crown and have it in your possession for a set number of time. KOTH is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33GI - Graffiti ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You must perform tricks on the objects around the level and land to get the object coloured for you. In order to steal the other players tagged piece is to perform a trick on it and land in a larger combo then them. So if you want to keep your objects, you will have to perform larger combos. Graff is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33GA - Goal Attack ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In this game the host loads either the goals from Classic Mode or their own home made goals for the level. Everyone must then compete to finish the list first. If the goals are from classic mode, they will be placed exactly in the same location as they were in the offline version. You can use this game to also get visual help on finding something in a level if you wish. GA is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33CF - Capture The Flag ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In this game you will have to seek out another teams flag and return it to your own base while your flag is still sitting in your possession. To get your flag back from the enemy, you will have to travel faster than them and skate through them to knock them over, making them return the flag to your base. Watch out for other teams camping on the flag spawn point. CTF is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 5.33FF - FireFight ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// You must launch a fireball at the other player in order to take off their hitpoints. The larger your combo is, the more hitpoints will be reduced when you hit them with it. FF is the online abbreviation to as to play this game. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6. Extras ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This section holds all the odds and ends of things I felt like adding in. ****************************************************************************** 6.1 - Tricks ****************************************************************************** You will first have the tricks name, how to perform the trick, and then the score you get in normal and switch stances. Some tricks will need you to go into the edit trick section and swap out the tricks for a different one in order to use it. Ground Tricks Ollie Jump 0/0 Nollie Jump (with nollie stance) 200/NA Fakie Ollie Jump (with switch stance) NA/240 Pressure Jump (with pressure stance) 200/240 No comply Up + Jump 100/120 Beanplant Up, Up + Jump 250/300 Boneless Up, Up + Jump 250/300 Fastplant Up, Up + Jump 250/300 Pressure Tricks FS 360 Flip Flip, Up 200/240 BS Toe Flip Flip, Left 100/120 BS 360 Flip Flip, Down 200/240 BS 180 Flip Flip, Right 100/120 Running Tricks Caveman Off board jump into trick 750 Combo Run Out Ollie into air go off board 50 Wall Tricks FS Wallride Jump, Grind (facing wall) 200/240 BS Wallride Jump, Grind (back to wall) 200/240 Wallie Jump, Grind, Jump 250/300 WalliePlant Jump, Grind, Up, Jump 500/600 Wallplant Jump, Grind, Down, Jump 750/900 Wallpush Grind (when hitting wall) 10/12 Sticker Slap Jump (when hitting wall) 750/900 Vert Wallplant Jump (airing up wall) 750/900 Skitchin' Tricks Skitchin' Up (behind the car) 500 Flatland Tricks Anti Casper Flip, Grab 1100 Casper Flip, Grind 1100 To Rail Grab, Flip 1050 One Foot Manual Grab, Grab (in a manual) 1050 One Foot Nose Manual Grab, Grab (in a nose manual) 1050 Spacewalk Left, Right, Flip 1200 Pogo Grind, Grind 750 Switch Foot Pogo Grind, Grab 800 Truckstand Grind, Flip 800 Handstand Grab, Grab 1100 Half Cab Impossible Flip, Flip (in a nose manual) 750 360 Fingerflip Flip, Flip (in a manual) 750 Grind Tricks 50-50 Grind 100 Boardslide Grind (perpendicular to ledge) 200 Lipslide Grind (perpendicular to ledge) 200 Tailslide Left or Right + Grind 150 Noseslide Left or Right + Grind 150 Nosegrind Up + Grind 100 5-0 Down + Grind 100 Crooked Up/Right or Up/Left + Grind 125 Overcrook Up/Right or Up/Left + Grind 125 Smith Down/Right or Down/Left + Grind 125 Feeble Down/Right or Down/Left + Grind 125 Bluntslide Down, Down + Grind 250 Nosebluntslide Up, Up + Grind 250 Nosegrind to Pivot Up + Grind, Grind 400 5-0 Overturn Down + Grind, Grind 400 Hurricane Left + Grind, Grind 400 Salad Right + Grind, Grind 400 Hang Ten Nosegrind Up/Left + Grind, Grind 400 Crail Slide Up/Right + Grind, Grind 400 Double Blunt Slide Down/Left + Grind, Grind 400 Darkslide Down/Right + Grind, Grind 400 Lip Tricks Nose Stall Grind 300 Andrecht Invert Direction, Grab 550 Axle Stall Direction, Grab 400 Blunt to Fakie Direction, Grab 500 BS Boneless Direction, Grab 550 Disaster Direction, Grab 600 Eggplant Direction, Grab 550 Gymnast Plant Direction, Grab 575 Varial Invert to Fakie Direction, Grab 450 Invert Direction, Grab 500 FS Noseblunt Direction, Grab 550 FS Nosepick Direction, Grab 550 One Foot Invert Direction, Grab 500 Rock to Fakie Direction, Grab 500 The Switcheroo Direction, Grab 600 Flip Tricks Kickflip Direction, Flip 100/120 Double Kickflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Triple Kickflip Direction, Flip, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 Heelflip Direction, Flip 100/120 Double Heelflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Triple Heelflip Direction, Flip, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 Impossible Direction, Flip 100/120 Double Impossible Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Triple Impossible Direction, Flip, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 Pop Shove-It Direction, Flip 100/120 360 Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 540 Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 FS Shove-It Direction, Flip 100/120 360 FS Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 540 FS Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 Back Foot Kickflip Direction, Flip 150/180 Double Back Foot Kickflip Direction, Flip, Flip 550/660 Back Foot Heelflip Direction, Flip 150/180 Double Back Foot Heelflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Back foot Shove-It Direction, Flip 150/180 360 Back Foot Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Old Skool Kickflip Direction, Flip 300/360 Varial Kickflip Direction, Flip 300/360 360 Flip Direction, Flip, Flip 550/660 Varial Heelflip Direction, Flip 300/360 360 Heelflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Hardflip Direction, Flip 300/360 360 Hardflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Inward Heelflip Direction, Flip 350/420 360 Inward Heelflip Direction, Flip, Flip 500/600 Front Foot Impossible Direction, Flip 525/630 Double Front Foot Impossible Direction, Flip, Flip 1075/1290 Ollie Airwalk Direction, Flip 500/600 Ollie Airwalk Late Shove-It Direction, Flip, Flip 1050/1260 Ollie North Direction, Flip 169/203 Ollie North Back Foot Flip Direction, Flip, Flip 1050/1260 Bigspin Flip Direction, Flip 500/600 FS Bigspin Direction, Flip 500/600 BS Bigspin Direction, Flip 500/600 FS Flip Direction, Flip 500/600 BS Flip Direction, Flip 500/600 Fingerflip Direction, Flip 700/840 Double Fingerflip Direction, Flip, Flip 1000/1200 180 Varial Direction, Flip 700/840 360 Varial Direction, Flip 900/1080 Heelflip Varial Lien Direction, Flip 800/960 Sal Flip Direction, Flip 900/1080 360 Sal Flip Direction, Flip, Flip 1150/1380 Grab Tricks Japan Direction, Grab 350/420 One Foot Japan Direction, Grab, Grab 800 Crail Grab Direction, Grab 350/420 Tuck Knee Direction, Grab, Grab 400/480 Wrap Around Direction, Grab 450/420 Body Wrap Direction, Grab, Grab 600/720 Cannonball Direction, Grab 250/420 Fingerflip Cannonball Direction, Grab, Grab 500/600 Stalefish Direction, Grab 350/420 Stalefish Tweak Direction, Grab, Grab 400/480 Benihana Direction, Grab 300/420 Sacktap Direction, Grab, Grab 1500 Crossbone Direction, Grab 425/510 Crooked Cop Direction, Grab, Grab 550/660 Airwalk Direction, Grab 450/540 Christ Air Direction, Grab, Grab 550/660 Indy Nosebone Direction, Grab 350/420 Del Mar Indy Direction, Grab, Grab 400/480 Tailgrab Direction, Grab 300/360 One Foot Tailgrab Direction, Grab, Grab 500/600 Madonna Direction, Grab 750/900 Judo Direction, Grab, Grab 1150/1380 FS Shifty Direction, Grab 500/600 BS Shifty Direction, Grab, Grab 800/960 Melon Direction, Grab 300/360 Method Direction, Grab, Grab 400/480 Nosegrab Direction, Grab 300/360 Rocket Air Direction, Grab, Grab 400/480 Mute Direction, Grab 350/420 Seatbelt Air Direction, Grab, Grab 500/600 Indy Direction, Grab 300/360 Stiffy Direction, Grab, Grab 500/600 Barrel Roll Direction, Grab 800/960 Flip and Roll Tricks Frontflip Grab + Up, Up 1000 Backflip Grab + Down, Down 1000 Roll (left) Grab + Left, Left 1000 Roll (right) Grab + Right, Right 1000 Transfer Tricks Spine Transfer Spine Transfer Button 300 Hip Transfer Spine Transfer Button 300 Acid Drop Spine Transfer Button 300 Revert Spine Transfer Button 300 Special Air Tricks 1-2-3-4 Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 360 Varial McTwist Directions, Grab or Flip 5750/6900 540 Flip Directions, Grab or Flip 2250/2700 540 Tailwhip Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 360 Varial Heelflip Lien Directions, Grab or Flip 3500/4200 Beaver Blast Directions, Grab or Flip 1000/1200 Back Spin Air Directions, Grab or Flip 3500/4200 Double Kickflip Varial Indy Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 FS 540 Directions, Grab or Flip 5500/6600 Fingerflip Airwalk Directions, Grab or Flip 2750/3300 Gazelle Underflip Directions, Grab or Flip 3500/4200 360 Ghetto Bird Directions, Grab or Flip 3500/4200 Hardflip Late Flip Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 Indy 900 Directions, Grab or Flip 11000/13200 Kickflip Backflip Directions, Grab or Flip 3750/4500 Kickflip Underflip Directions, Grab or Flip 1750/2100 McTwist Directions, Grab or Flip 5000/6000 Quad Heelflip Directions, Grab or Flip 3250/3900 Semi Flip Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 The 900 Directions, Grab or Flip 9000/10800 Head Kick Backflip Directions, Grab or Flip 2550/3060 Half Cab Underflip Directions, Grab or Flip 3500/4200 No Problem 900 Directions, Grab or Flip 1750/2100 Salute Directions, Grab or Flip 1000/1200 Rotisserie Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 Board Snap Directions, Grab or Flip 2750/3300 Special Grab Tricks Double Kickflip Madonna Directions, Grab or Flip 2250/2700 Casper Flip 360 Flip Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 Bam Bend Air Directions, Grab or Flip 1300/1560 BigSpin Shifty Directions, Grab or Flip 2000/2400 360 Flip Tail Grab Directions, Grab or Flip 1750/2100 Flamingo Directions, Grab or Flip 2000/2400 Samba Flip Directions, Grab or Flip 1850/2220 Shifty Shifty Directions, Grab or Flip 2500/3000 Sit Down Air Directions, Grab or Flip 1200/1440 Endless Kickflip Directions, Grab or Flip 1200/1440 Darkside Japan Directions, Grab or Flip 1200/1440 Endless Handflip Directions, Grab or Flip 1200/1440 Double Fistin' Directions, Grab or Flip 1450/1740 Don't Feed Phil Directions, Grab or Flip 1800/2160 Sheckler Grab Directions, Grab or Flip 2000/2400 Special Lip Tricks Heelflip FS Invert Directions, Grind 6500/7800 Ho Ho Sad Plant Directions, Grind 6750/8100 Russian Boneless Directions, Grind 6500/7800 Around The World Directions, Grind 7250/8700 BAM Directions, Grind 6750/8100 Special Grind Tricks 360 Shove-It Nosegrind Directions, Grind 800 5-0 Fingerflip Nosegrind Directions, Grind 500 Big Hitter II Directions, Grind 500 Coffin Directions, Grind 500 Crook BigSpinFlip Crook Directions, Grind 500 Elbow Smash Directions, Grind 500 Franklin Grind Directions, Grind 600 Nollie 360Flip Crook Directions, Grind 800 Fandangle Directions, Grind 500 5050 Switcheroo Directions, Grind 400 Grind N Barf Directions, Grind 500 Crooks Darkslide Directions, Grind 800 Moonwalk Five-0 Directions, Grind 800 One Foot Darkslide Directions, Grind 800 One Foot Smith Directions, Grind 500 Primo Handstand Directions, Grind 800 Rodney Primo Directions, Grind 400 Darkslide Handstand Directions, Grind 800 Stupid Grind Directions, Grind 500 Tailblock Slide Directions, Grind 500 Muska 5-0 Flames Directions, Grind 600 Worm Grind Directions, Grind 600 The Bird Directions, Grind 600 Espana Sword Slide Directions, Grind 600 Bite Board Directions, Grind 600 Chainsaw Rocker Grind Directions, Grind 600 Swimming with Sharks Directions, Grind 800 Wax Slide Directions, Grind 600 Hero Directions, Grind 600 Boardslide Bodyvarial Directions, Grind 600 Special Manual Tricks Ahhh yeahhh! Directions, Grind 4000 Casper Handstand Directions, Grind 4500 Ho Ho Street Plant Directions, Grind 4500 Flip 2 Switch Directions, Grind 4500 Mix It Up Directions, Grind 4500 No Comply 360 Shove-It Directions, Grind 4500 One Wheel Nosemanual Directions, Grind 4100 Primo Directions, Grind 4000 Rusty Slide Manual Directions, Grind 4500 Slam Spinner Directions, Grind 3500 Sproing Directions, Grind 4500 Yeah Right Directions, Grind 3100 Primo Spin Directions, Grind 4500 Paulie Butt Manual Directions, Grind 4000 Manual Entertainer Directions, Grind 4500 Hot Rod Directions, Grind 4250 Surfer Directions, Grind 4500 Running Manual Directions, Grind 4500 Boomerang Directions, Grind 4500 ****************************************************************************** 6.2 - Story Mode Stats ****************************************************************************** Unlike the previous Tony Hawk's Underground game, you can now take earned stat points off your Created Skater. You also don't have to wait to get to a certain point in the game to get all your stat points. *********** *EASY MODE* *********** ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Air // Spin // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Your jump height out of a half pipe// How fast you spin in the air // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Air transfer 15 feet //Land a 360 grab or fliptrick // //Air transfer 20 feet //Land a 540 grab or fliptrick // //Land 1 Backflip grab //Land a 720 grab or fliptrick // //Land 1 BS Roll grab //Do 2 grabs in a combo // //Land a 500 point air //Do 3 grabs in a combo // //Land a 1,000 point air //Do 4 grabs in a combo // //Land a 2,000 point air //Do 5 grabs in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lip // Ollie // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Improves lip stall balance // How high you jump on flat ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Hold a liptrick for 1 second //Ollie 15 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 3 seconds //Ollie up 5 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 4 seconds //Ollie up 10 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 6 seconds //Ollie down 10 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 7 seconds //Ollie down 15 feet // //Nose Stall 1 time in a combo //Sticker Slap 1 time in a combo // //Nose Stall 2 times in a combo //Sticker Slap 2 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run // Speed // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // How long the run timer lasts // Top speed on the ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Caveman 1 time in a combo //Land a 1,000 point combo // //Caveman 2 times in a combo //Land a 7,500 point combo // //Throw something at 1 ped in a combo//Land a 10,000 point combo // //Throw something at 2 ped in a combo//Land a 20,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 1 time in a combo //Land a 30,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 2 times in a combo //Spine Transfer 1 time in a combo // //Get mad and Freak Out //Spine Transfer 2 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flip Speed // Switch // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Makes flip tricks go faster // Max to equal Switch with normal // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Do 2 fliptricks in a combo //Acid Drop 1 time in a combo // //Do 3 fliptricks in a combo //Air 20 feet high // //Do 4 fliptricks in a combo //Air 30 feet high // //Do 5 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 3 trick combo // //Do 6 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 5 trick combo // //Double Kickflip 1 time in a combo //Land a 7 trick combo // //Double Kickflip 2 times in a combo //Land a 9 trick combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rail // Manual // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Improves rail balance when grinding// Improves manual balance // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Grind for 2 seconds //Manual for 2 seconds // //Grind for 4 seconds //Manual for 4 seconds // //Grind for 8 seconds //Manual for 5 seconds // //Grind for 10 seconds //Manual for 8 seconds // //Natas Spin 1 time in a combo //Manual 1 time in a combo // //50-50 2 times in a combo //Manual 2 times in a combo // //50-50 4 times in a combo //Manual 3 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ************* *NORMAL MODE* ************* ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Air // Spin // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Your jump height out of a half pipe// How fast you spin in the air // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Air transfer 30 feet //Land a 540 grab or fliptrick // //Air transfer 40 feet //Land a 720 grab or fliptrick // //Land 1 Backflip grab //Land a 900 grab or fliptrick // //Land 1 BS Roll grab //Do 3 grabs in a combo // //Land a 5,000 point air //Do 4 grabs in a combo // //Land a 10,000 point air //Do 6 grabs in a combo // //Land a 15,000 point air //Do 8 grabs in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lip // Ollie // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Improves lip stall balance // How high you jump on flat ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Hold a liptrick for 2 seconds //Ollie 20 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 4 seconds //Ollie up 10 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 5 seconds //Ollie up 20 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 7 seconds //Ollie down 15 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 8 seconds //Ollie down 20 feet // //Nose Stall 2 times in a combo //Sticker Slap 2 times in a combo // //FS Noseblunt 2 times in a combo //Sticker Slap 4 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run // Speed // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // How long the run timer lasts // Top speed on the ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Caveman 2 times in a combo //Land a 10,000 point combo // //Caveman 3 times in a combo //Land a 30,000 point combo // //Throw something at 2 ped in a combo//Land a 50,000 point combo // //Throw something at 4 ped in a combo//Land a 100,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 2 times in a combo //Land a 250,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 3 times in a combo //Spine Transfer 2 times in a combo // //Get mad and Freak Out //Spine Transfer 4 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flip Speed // Switch // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Makes flip tricks go faster // Max to equal Switch with normal // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Do 3 fliptricks in a combo //Acid Drop 2 times in a combo // //Do 4 fliptricks in a combo //Air 40 feet high // //Do 5 fliptricks in a combo //Air 70 feet high // //Do 8 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 4 trick combo // //Do 10 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 6 trick combo // //Double Kickflip 2 times in a combo //Land a 10 trick combo // //Triple Kickflip 2 times in a combo //Land a 20 trick combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rail // Manual // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Improves rail balance when grinding// Improves manual balance // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Grind for 5 seconds //Manual for 4 seconds // //Grind for 10 seconds //Manual for 6 seconds // //Grind for 15 seconds //Manual for 8 seconds // //Grind for 20 seconds //Manual for 10 seconds // //Natas Spin 3 times in a combo //Manual 3 times in a combo // //50-50 3 times in a combo //Manual 5 times in a combo // //Crooked 3 times in a combo //Pogo 2 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// *********** *SICK MODE* *********** ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Air // Spin // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Your jump height out of a half pipe// How fast you spin in the air // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Air transfer 40 feet //Land a 720 grab or fliptrick // //Air transfer 60 feet //Land a 900 grab or fliptrick // //Land 2 Backflip grab //Land a 1080 grab or fliptrick // //Land 3 BS Roll grab //Do 5 grabs in a combo // //Land a 10,000 point air //Do 10 grabs in a combo // //Land a 20,000 point air //Do 20 grabs in a combo // //Land a 40,000 point air //Do 30 grabs in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lip // Ollie // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Improves lip stall balance // How high you jump on flat ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Hold a liptrick for 3 second //Ollie 30 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 5 second //Ollie up 20 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 8 second //Ollie up 25 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 10 second //Ollie down 25 feet // //Hold a liptrick for 13 second //Ollie down 35 feet // //BS Boneless 3 times in a combo //Sticker Slap 4 time in a combo // //Gymnast Plant 3 times in a combo //Sticker Slap 6 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Run // Speed // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // How long the run timer lasts // Top speed on the ground // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Caveman 3 time in a combo //Land a 100,000 point combo // //Caveman 4 times in a combo //Land a 400,000 point combo // //Throw something at 4 ped in a combo//Land a 750,000 point combo // //Throw something at 7 ped in a combo//Land a 1,500,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 2 time in a combo //Land a 3,000,000 point combo // //Graffiti Tag 3 times in a combo //Spine Transfer 3 time in a combo // //Get mad and Freak Out //Spine Transfer 6 times in a combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Flip Speed // Switch // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Makes flip tricks go faster // Max to equal Switch with normal // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Do 5 fliptricks in a combo //Acid Drop 4 time in a combo // //Do 10 fliptricks in a combo //Air 60 feet high // //Do 20 fliptricks in a combo //Air 100 feet high // //Do 30 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 25 trick combo // //Do 50 fliptricks in a combo //Land a 50 trick combo // //Double Kickflip 2 time in a combo //Land a 75 trick combo // //Triple Kickflip 2 times in a combo //Land a 100 trick combo // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Rail // Manual // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Improves rail balance when grinding// Improves manual balance // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Grind for 10 seconds //Manual for 6 seconds // //Grind for 15 seconds //Manual for 10 seconds // //Grind for 20 seconds //Manual for 14 seconds // //Grind for 25 seconds //Manual for 17 seconds // //Natas Spin 5 times in a combo //Pogo 5 times in a combo // //Crooked 5 times in a combo //Casper 6 times in a combo // //Darkslide 5 times in a combo //Half Cab Impossible 6 times in a combo/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ****************************************************************************** 6.3 - Classic Mode Stats ****************************************************************************** *********** *Barcelona* *********** 1. Grind the fishing net off to the right of the bridge. 2. In front of the hospital across the street, high above the quarter pipe with the multiple window balconies. Either climb the balconies or air off the quarter pipe. 3. Go to the top of Guell Park and enter the Tram tower door to get on top. Drop off the front side of the roof to grab the stat. 4. Release the bull, you will then be teleported back to the starting point. Go to the right of the subway entrance and use the brick quarter pipe to air into a grind just below the roof's ledge to the Museo Del Medevil. When you grind around the corner you will recieve the point. 5. Wallride the side of the movie theater on the smaller area across the bridge. Grind the top of the wall and ollie into the stat point. *********** *Australia* *********** 1. from the starting point turn right and go along the front of the tannish building. Go straight ahead to the buildings on the right wall, use the quarter pipe in the pinkish buildings alcove and grind the U shaped railing to the left. 2. Go down the big set of stairs and grind the railing on the right. Use the kinked end to ollie up onto the roof of the life guard building and grind around it. 3. From the starting point, turn to the right and go down the parking lot. You will see a white climbable pole near the sidewalk. Climb it and grind towards the street. Get the point on the sign. 4. Get on the balcony of the restaraunt and use the quarter pipe in the back corner. 5. Air over the headless green statue, where the head should be. ********** *Skatopia* ********** 1. Go to the house behind the blue Skatopia sign and climb on to the top of the A-Fram roof. 2. Go to the right side of the open garage and climb the tree closest to the Bigfoot graffiti, on the side of the garage. Jump over and grab the lowest railing on the garage and shimmy over to the edge. Climb up the railing and quickly jump over to the solid rooftop. Carefully walk over to the stat point making sure not to fall in any holes. 3. Climb the mountain side across from the open garage. Use the vertical zipline to launch up in the air, move off to the left a little to fall back down on top of the stat point. 4. Go to the right side of the barn on the edge of the level. Use the concrete quarter pipe to air up and grind the wooden fence towards the start of the level. Wallride the mountain side and wallie at the end to grab the point. 5. Go to the left of the barn on the edge of the level. Climb the tree that is all by itself to grab the point. ******** *BERLIN* ******** 1. From the starting point, jump in the fountain and drop down one section. 2. Go to the yellow building in the back left corner of the building. Use the quarter pipe over by Gretchen's Bar to air up to the vent. Go towards the corner and climb the ladder up to the top. Walk around to the front of the building and climb the concrete blocks, then double jump on the billboard. 3. Gotten when you do "Acid Drop from the 4 Beer-steins" at drop #3. 4. Go to the red and white building across from the Berlin Platz and ollie onto one of the ledges. Climb the ladder in the corner to the top and grind the ledge towards the Sonata building. 5. Go to the front of the church and jump on the ledge. Go to the left side and double jump off the building to grab it. ********* *AIRPORT* ********* 1. From the starting point, move forward and air off the middle black and white railing in the middle of the first slope leading down. Grind on the light fixture straight ahead and transfer it over to the next light. Ollie off into the point. 2. Go back to the circular baggage conveyor belt, air up the back left quarter pipe. 3. Heading towards the bottom of the airport, climb on top of the white dome payphone structure. Then jump and climb on top of the light fixture over head, grinding back towards the starting point. 4. Climb on top of the security system before the circular chairs leading to the back part of the level. Jump off the highest point of the security device. 5. Get in the basement of the airport at the very end of the level. In the middle of this area, use the crates to reach it. ******** *SCHOOL* ******** 1. From the starting point, use the quarter pipe straight ahead and launch up onto the roof. Turn around and use the kicker. 2. Go down the stairs to the large area below. Climb the brick wall that is by itself and grind it towards the stat point. 3. Heading towards the swimming pools, climb the left quarter pipe and then jump up to the roof of the school building. 4. Climb the ladder to the middle diving board. 5. Heading up the path to the starting point from the swimming pools, take the rail over to the building. ************** *DOWNHILL JAM* ************** 1. From the starting point, ollie up the kicker on the right side to grind the right pipe above. Ollie off to grab it at the end. 2. Following the concrete pathway downhill instead of the pipe over the gorge, air off the second to last kicker with the valve on it. Land on the rock across the gorge and air off the next kicker towards it. 3. Right after landing, use the kicker on the right side to air into a grind on the pipes above. Grind them to the end and ollie off into the point. 4. After passing through the dam, air off the kicker on the right side. Grind the top of the billboard and ollie off. 5. Before the last slope to the finish line, use the quarter pipe on the right side to air up into a grind on the rail high up. Grind it all the way to the end and ollie off. ************* *NEW ORLEANS* ************* 1. From the starting point, turn left and head to the end of the street. Get off your board and jump underneath the point. 2. From #1, jump the fence and head through the bar with the huge hurricane drink. Use the quarter pipe outside the Back door jazz building. 3. Next to the entrance of the yellow Nawlins building is a ladder to the left. Climb it to the second balcony. 4. Get on the roof of the yellow building by climbing the rest of the ladder. Jump over to the Green Goddess roof and use the quarter pipe to the right. 5. Go to the corner of the Mardi Gras Empire building to the right of the ferry. Jump up to the ledge and get it. ********** *TRAINING* ********** 1. Air over the half pipe in the original warehouse room. 2. In the original warehouse, use the quarter pipe against the back right wall to air up and grind the rail to the right. Ollie off and grind the light fixture above. 3. Go into the new warehouse, jump on the double stack of boxes and over to the power box in the pool of water. Climb the ladder to the top. 4. Use the quarter pipe to the right of the funbox behind the tomato crate to air into a grind on rail overhead. Then air transfer over to the parrallel rail. 5. Go underneath the large funbox and use the quarter pipe on the back wall to air up to the stat point. ******** *BOSTON* ******** 1. From the starting point, turn down the right road and use the first quarter pipe you see on the right side. Air up and smash through the window to enter the room. 2. Go to the side of the library facing the boat. Use the right quarter pipe to air up and grab the point. 3. Get on the roof of the library and spine transfer to the roof of the building getting renovated. Use the quarter pipe up here, against the church to air up to the point. 4. Go to the right of the State Building, next to Jeers. Use the quarter pipe on the bank wall to air into a grind on the rail above and grind it all the way around to the opposite side of the bank. 5. Get on the awning of the hospital. Using the right quarter pipe, air up into a grind on the rail above and grind it to the right. You will then go on a phone wire and grind it to the end of the construction site. ******** *CANADA* ******** 1. From the starting point, head forward and use the bulldozer quarter pipe to air up and grab the banner up on the top. Pull yourself up and jump over to the electrical wire behind the banner and grab on to it. Shimmy over to the corner away from the starting point. Jump up to grab the stat point. 2. Jump the fence into the skate park, and go to the back half of it, standing next to the totem pole. Grind the fence from the totem pole to the back of the skate park and ollie off at the end, landing on the iceberg across the water. 3. grind the rail in front of the large totem pole towards the wooded area. Your grind will automatically transfer you into a grind on the wire going from the skatepark to the wooded area. 4. Climb the large stump in the middle of the wooded area and jump towards the point. Hang on to the branch it is attached to if you have to. 5. Head up the back path and grind the rope next to the machine with the lever on it, this will raise the quarter pipe ahead. Now launch off the quarter pipe to reach the covered half pipe. Ollie over to the leaning half pipe and grind the train track rail closest to the the half pipe. ************** *PHILADELPHIA* ************** 1. From the starting point, turn around and head to the street. Turn left at the street and jump off your board. Double jump the side of the building. 2. Continue down the street from #1 and turn left at the last sidewalk in front of the red brick building. Use the kicker planter in front of the building to air up to the balcony above. Now hop off the board and double jump onto the roof of the building. 3. Drop off the building and head to the large fountain in the middle of the area. Grind the bronze pipe leading to the middle of the fountain and transfer the grind to the circular piece. 4. Climb the tall planter to the left of the fountain and boneless off the end to grab the point in mid-air. 5. Go to the blueish green building and grind up the ramps railing on the left side. transfer the grind up the electrical wire and grind past the first pole. This will smash the gates to the skatepark. Drop down and enter the second to the right entrance. Use the kicker to air into the stat point. ************* *LOS ANGELES* ************* 1. At the starting point, go down the steps and turn to the right. Wallride up the side of the building and grind the ledge near the end. 2. Use the quarter pipe on the side of the Findley Tower building to air up into a grind on the scaffolding above. Ollie off into the point above the street. 3. Go behind the Findley Tower building and wallride up the front of the brick steps into a grind on the ledge. Quickly transfer the grind onto the rail above and ollie into the point. 4. Follow the road to the fire truck by the flaming barrell. Turn left on the road, climb the last tree on the left. 5. Grind the four earthquake rails around the building in front of the starting point. One to the left of the building, one going through the main hallway of the building, one in front of the building, and one off to the right of the back of the building. Go back to the starting point and turn towards the building in front of you. Grind the cable attached to the sidewalk up to the roof of the building, ollie over to the now ruined road. Air up using the plywood leaning against the road to reach the ledge ahead. Now jump out to the point to get it. ************** *THE TRIANGLE* ************** 1. From the starting point, turn right and air up on the tail side of the crashed plane to bust through the tail to the point. 2. Turn to the left a little more and head over to the crashed helicopter. Go on the other side of the hill and turn back to the helicopter, use the quarter pipe to air up into the point. 3. Turn to the mountain and use the quarter pipe to air up onto the path on the mountain. go around to the right until you come to another quarter pipe and spine transfer over into a helipad area. Go up the ramp in the middle and use the quarter pipe in here to grab the point. 4. Drop off the mountain and climb the stone walkway to the second level at the left end. Walk to the end of the path and enter the opening to the right. 5. Jump onto the large half sunken ship and go to the front of it. Grind the front post out to the point. ****************************************************************************** 6.4 - Skater Stats and Specials ****************************************************************************** Finding Extra Skaters opens additional Special Trick Slots for a total of 11 slots. Certain skaters in the Secret Skaters section unlock new special tricks but they aren't put in the trick slots automatically so I didn't list them. ///////////////// //Custom Skater// ///////////////// Air - 3 Spin - 3 Lip - 3 Ollie - 3 Run - 3 Speed - 3 Flip - 3 Switch - 3 Rail - 3 Manual - 3 McTwist - Right, Down + Grab button Kickflip Underflip - Up, Right + Flip button Tailblock Slide - Right, Down + Grind button One Wheel Nosemanual - Down, Up + Grind button ///////////// //Tony Hawk// ///////////// Air - 10 Spin - 10 Lip - 9 Ollie - 7 Run - 6 Speed - 10 Flip - 7 Switch - 8 Rail - 9 Manual - 7 360 Varial McTwist - Right, Left + Grab button Indy 900 - Right, Down + Grab button Endless Handflip - Left, Down + Grab button Surfer - Up, Down + Grab button ///////////////// //Bob Burnquist// ///////////////// Air - 8 Spin - 9 Lip - 9 Ollie - 7 Run - 7 Speed - 10 Flip - 8 Switch - 10 Rail - 9 Manual - 7 Shifty Shifty - Up, Down + Grab button Samba Flip - Left, Right + Grab button Darkside Japan - Left, Down + Grab button Boardslide Bodyvarial - Left, Right + Grind button /////////////// //Eric Koston// /////////////// Air - 7 Spin - 7 Lip - 6 Ollie - 9 Run - 8 Speed - 8 Flip - 8 Switch - 10 Rail - 10 Manual - 10 Fandangle - Up, Right + Grind button Yeah Right - Right, Left + Grind button Endless Kickflip - Left, Right + Grab button No Problem 900 - Right, Up + Grab button /////////////// //Bam Margera// /////////////// Air - 8 Spin - 8 Lip - 9 Ollie - 8 Run - 10 Speed - 8 Flip - 8 Switch - 9 Rail - 9 Manual - 8 Bam Bend Air - Up, Right + Grab button BAM - Down, Up + Grind button Grind N Barf - Left, Right + Grind button Chainsaw Rocker Grind - Down, Right + Grind button ///////////////// //Rodney Mullen// ///////////////// Air - 7 Spin - 9 Lip - 7 Ollie - 8 Run - 7 Speed - 6 Flip - 10 Switch - 10 Rail - 10 Manual - 10 5-0 Fingerflip Nosegrind - Right, Left + Grind button Rodney Prime - Right, Down + Grind button HalfCab Underflip - Up, Down + Flip button Primo Spin - Left, Right + Grind button ////////////// //Chad Muska// ////////////// Air - 7 Spin - 8 Lip - 7 Ollie - 10 Run - 8 Speed - 8 Flip - 9 Switch - 8 Rail - 10 Manual - 9 Moonwalk Five-O - Right, Down + Grind button Rusty Slide Manual - Left , Right + Grind button Muska 5-0 Flames - Left, Right + Grind button Worm Grind - Down, Up + Grind button ///////////////// //Ryan Sheckler// ///////////////// Air - 10 Spin - 8 Lip - 10 Ollie - 7 Run - 4 Speed - 8 Flip - 10 Switch - 8 Rail - 10 Manual - 10 Swimming with the Sharks - Up, Down + Triangle Sheckler Grab - Up, Right + Grab //////////////// //Mike Vallely// //////////////// Air - 8 Spin - 8 Lip - 8 Ollie - 9 Run - 10 Speed - 10 Flip - 8 Switch - 7 Rail - 8 Manual - 8 Flip 2 Switch - Down, Up + Grind button Flamingo - Down, Right + Grab button Around the World - Up, Right + Grind button Boomerang - Right, Left + Grind button /////////// //Wee-Man// /////////// Air - 8 Spin - 5 Lip - 10 Ollie - 9 Run - 10 Speed - 10 Flip - 5 Switch - 10 Rail - 8 Manual - 10 Elbow Smash - Left, Right + Grind button Headkick Backflip - Down, Up + Grab button Flamingo - Down, Right + Grab button Slam Spinner - Left, Right + Grind button //////////////// //Ben Franklin// //////////////// Air - 6 Spin - 5 Lip - 4 Ollie - 1 Run - 2 Speed - 5 Flip - 6 Switch - 6 Rail - 6 Manual - 6 Franklin Grind - Down, Up + Grind button //////////////// //Bull Fighter// //////////////// Air - 6 Spin - 9 Lip - 9 Ollie - 3 Run - 9 Speed - 7 Flip - 3 Switch - 8 Rail - 9 Manual - 9 Espana Sword Slide - Down, Left + Grind button /////////////////// //Graffiti Tagger// /////////////////// Air - 8 Spin - 7 Lip - 7 Ollie - 7 Run - 10 Speed - 8 Flip - 8 Switch - 6 Rail - 6 Manual - 6 Double Fistin - Down, Left + Grab button ///////////////// //Shrimp Vendor// ///////////////// Air - 8 Spin - 8 Lip - 8 Ollie - 8 Run - 9 Speed - 8 Flip - 8 Switch - 7 Rail - 8 Manual - 8 Rotisserie - Left, Down + Grab button ////////// //Jester// ////////// Air - 10 Spin - 10 Lip - 9 Ollie - 9 Run - 9 Speed - 9 Flip - 9 Switch - 9 Rail - 9 Manual - 9 Manual Entertainer - Up, Down + Triangle ///////// //Shrek// ///////// Air - 10 Spin - 10 Lip - 10 Ollie - 10 Run - 10 Speed - 10 Flip - 10 Switch - 10 Rail - 10 Manual - 10 Board Snap - Right, Left + Circle Wax Slide - Left, Down + Triangle ////////////////// //C.O.D. Soldier// ////////////////// Air - 10 Spin - 10 Lip - 10 Ollie - 10 Run - 10 Speed - 10 Flip - 10 Switch - 10 Rail - 10 Manual - 10 Hero - Left, Right + Grind Salute - Right, Down + Circle ****************************************************************************** 6.5 - Unlockables ****************************************************************************** THPS1 Tony Hawk has appeared in my list to be playable when completing 100% of story mode, but he doesn't appear in the list of unlocked characters until you complete classic mode on normal difficulty. This was verified multiple times, so I have added this skater twice to the list. When collecting all the gaps I only recieved five cheat codes as an award, but with a cheat device you can unlock four more codes. There is NO cheat codes movie, it is a rumor. /////////// //SKATERS// /////////// Ben Franklin - Complete the Find Ben Franklin goal in Boston's Story Mode Bull Fighter - Complete the Free the Bull Fighter goal in Barcelona's Story Mode Graffiti Tagger - Complete the Find the Graffiti Tagger goal in Berlin's Story Mode Shrimp Vendor - Complete the Find the Shrimp Vendor goal in Australia's Story Mode Jester - Complete the Find the Jester goal in New Orleans Story Mode Ryan Sheckler - Complete the Find Ryan Sheckler goal in Skatopia's Story Mode Shrek - Complete Story Mode (Easy Difficulty) Phil Margera - Complete Story Mode (Easy Difficulty) Alien - Complete Story Mode (Easy Difficulty) Geeky Kid - Complete Story Mode (Easy Difficulty) Space Monkey 1 - Complete Story Mode (Easy Difficulty) The Hand - Complete Story Mode (Normal Difficulty) Paulie 'Wheels of Fury' Ryan - Complete Story Mode (Normal Difficulty) Alien Doctor - Complete Story Mode (Normal Difficulty) Boat Captain - Complete Story Mode (Normal Difficulty) Lost Soul 1 - Complete Story Mode (Normal Difficulty) Call of Duty Soldier - Complete Story Mode (Sick Difficulty) Nigel Baeverhausen - Complete Story Mode (Sick Difficulty) German Drunk 1 - Complete Story Mode (Sick Difficulty) Mime - Complete Story Mode (Sick Difficulty) Zombie 1 - Complete Story Mode (Sick Difficulty) Aborigine - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Camera Man - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Construction Worker - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Cut Chemist - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) German Drunk 2 - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Graffiti Punk - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Hospital Attendant - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Lifeguard - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Mayan - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Revolutionary Soldier - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Voodoo Doctor - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) THPS1 Tony Hawk - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) THPS1 Tony Hawk - Complete Classic Mode (Normal Difficulty) Steve-O - Complete Classic Mode (Normal Difficulty) Alien Leader - Complete Classic Mode (Normal Difficulty) Inline Skater - Complete Classic Mode (Normal Difficulty) Ramp Kid - Complete Classic Mode (Normal Difficulty) Jesse James - Complete Classic Mode (Sick Difficulty) Natas Kaupas - Complete Classic Mode (Sick Difficulty) Bigfoot - Complete Classic Mode (Sick Difficulty) The Imp - Complete Classic Mode (Sick Difficulty) Space Monkey 2 - Complete Classic Mode (Sick Difficulty) Australian Cop - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Bratwurst Vendor - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Corn Vendor - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) German Cop - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) German Drunk 3 - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Horn Player - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Lost Soul 2 - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Metal Detector Guy - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Pirate - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Skatopia Punk - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Zombie 2 - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Boxer - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Flute Player - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Guitar Player - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Lounge Singer - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Lost Soul 3 - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Mayan with Tiki Mask - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Paramedic - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Security Guard - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Skaboto - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Space Monkey 3 - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Wiener Vendor - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Bigfoot One - Collect gaps on all 15 levels ////////// //LEVELS// ////////// Pro Skater - Complete Story Mode (Any Difficulty) The Triangle - Complete Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) ////////// //VIDEOS// ////////// Skatopia - Unlock Skatopia in Story Mode World Destruction Tour - Complete Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Pro Bails 1 - Complete Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) Pro Bails 2 - Complete 100% goals in Story Mode (Any Difficulty) Neversoft - Complete 100% goals in Classic Mode (Any Difficulty) ////////// //CHEATS// ////////// Always Special - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Perfect Rail - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Perfect Skitch - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Perfect Manual - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Moon Gravity - Collect gaps on all 15 levels Cool Specials - Cheat Device only (?) Rollerskates - Cheat Device only (?) Kid Mode - Cheat Device only (?) Fire - Cheat Device only (?) ****************************************************************************** 6.6 - Music Lyrics ****************************************************************************** The Doors Faith No More Jimmy Eat World Less than Jake Living Legends Rancid The Ramones The Sugarhill Gang Violent Femmes ****************************** *The Doors - Break on through* ****************************** You know the day destroys the night Night divides the day Tried to run Tried to hide Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side, yeah We chased our pleasures here Dug our treasures there But can you still recall The time we cried Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Yeah! C'mon, yeah Everybody loves my baby Everybody loves my baby She get She get She get She get Yeah I found an island in your arms Country in your eyes Arms that chain us Eyes that lie Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through, oww! Oh, yeah! Made the scene Week to week Day to day Hour to hour The gate is straight Deep and wide Break on through to the other side Break on through to the other side Break on through Break on through Break on through Break on through Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ******************************** *Faith No More - Midlife Crisis* ******************************** Go on and wring my neck Like when a rag gets wet A little discipline For my pet genius My head is like a lettuce Go on and dig your thumbs in I cannot stop giving I'm thirty-something Sense of security Like pockets jingling Midlife crisis Suck ingenuity Down through the family tree You're perfect, yes, it's true But without me you're only you Your menstruating heart It ain't bleedin' enough for two It's a midlife crisis... What an inheritance The salt and the Kleenex Morbid self attention Bending my pinky back A little discipline A donor by habit A little discipline Rent an opinion Sense of security Holding blunt instrument I'm a perfectionist And perfect is a skinned knee You're perfect, yes, it's true But without me you're only you Your menstruating heart It ain't bleeding enough for two It's a midlife crisis... ************************ *Jimmy Eat World - Pain* ************************ I don't feel the way I've ever felt. I know. I'm gonna smile and not get worried. I try but it shows. Anyone can make what I have built. And better now Anyone can find the same white pills. It takes my pain away. It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes. And she's not breathing back. Anything but bother me. (It takes my pain away) Never mind these are horrid times. Oh oh oh I can't let it bother me. I never thought I'd walk away from you. I did. But it's a false sense of accomplishment. Every time I quit Anyone can see my every flaw. It isn't hard. Anyone can say they're above this all. It takes my pain away. It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes. And she's not breathing back. Anything but bother me. (It takes my pain away) Never mind these are horrid times. Oh oh oh I can't let it bother me. I can't let it bother me. It takes my pain away. It's a lie. A kiss with opened eyes. And she's not breathing back. Anything but bother me. (It takes my pain away) Never mind these are horrid times. Oh oh oh I can't let it bother me **************** *Less than Jake* **************** There's a black cloud over this house That's been around for 3 years now There's a thunderstorm inside And it won't go away That's why they call it a union That's why they call it a union So both of you please forgive me tonight That's why they call it a union So please forgive me tonight I remember him turning around He said, "Son, I'll be leaving now, I can't be the person that you want me to be And then she said, "So things aew finally ending now, I knew you'd be walking out, You can't be the person that you want me to be." 3 years of all the arguments 3 years of all this silence Has been enough to last me a lifetime 3 years of all the arguments 3 years of all this pain That's why they call it a union That's why they call it a union So both of you please forgive me tonight That's why they call it a union So please forgive me tonight I can't look at the pictures anymore Because i know how it's run its course And i know hoe the story ends I know it ends There's a black cloud over this house That's been around for 3 years now There's a thunderstorm inside, And another fight tonight There's a black cloud over this house That's been around for 3 years now There's a thunderstorm tonight And it won't go away, no it won't go away ******************************** *Living Legends - Night Prowler* ******************************** [Chorus](Slug) You don't know me but you'd like to Why'd you think I stood beside you? Not concerned with how this might fall Nature become prowl at nightfall (Grouch) When the sun begins to dim And eventually the day dies And the mood prepares to sway That's where another way lies Glow of the liquor store lights Set the scene for no rights Let's convene, discuss the scheme And hope it flows how we dream Tonight can make or break you if you let it Someone set it out for you to let it out Now don't regret it Get embedded to the back drop Positioned there with your cash crop Envision night as the last stop Don't miss the train It's time to gain, strain, aim, fire Blame, reign, **** and then retire I'm liar past eleven, after one I'm on the run Till the sun comes up tomorrow I'm working, you're having fun Not too devious, but that's me Spontaneous if you ask me But then again, I'm blending in. (Sunspot) Step to the beat, walk to the beat Talk to the beat, live to the beat Rock to the beat, **** to the beat Dance to the beat, pay to the beat Fight to the beat, you get l-l-lost to the beat Police walk the beat, kill to the beat Steel to the heat, terrorize kill no retreat Prowl to the beat, how did a V-O weak scandal oh spray vandal Walk the streets I hear footsteps on the streets Someone's following me on the streets Like racism on the streets Can't even have a new car on the streets Police prowl on the streets They got you sittin' on the streets Runnin' ya L's, what in the hell? Runnin' on tell, they see a black man they get scared as hell Like did somebody escape from jail You feel em' prowlin' when you walkin' Some rooms when you walk in like boom I wanna just break ****, I wanna re-create **** I wanna take **** you say and use it against you Act a damn fool like crackheads do Like your mama do [Chorus](Slug) You don't know me but you'd like to Why'd you think I stood beside you? Not concerned with how this might fall Nature become prowl at nightfall (Slug) Dusk, thus the beginning is on until dawn Trust regardless of the daily Really nothings wrong I'm still breathin' and here's another evening From the fortress I leave for my course of tonight's achievements There's no grievance in my pocket Just a couple of dollars, a pen and hopefully my wallet Because my man over here has got the hook up at the front door Long as my ID's right what more could they want for? Yeah we in there Like fluoride, off the wall on the left side A room full of pride, I'm consumed by the tune applied This ****in' DJ is tight man I can already feel the minutes being added to my life span MC Lyte paper thin drink tickets from the staff Now it's time to make a friend and see if I can make her laugh Hey princess, I got a lot of dialog So I'm gonna line it up for you to get high and try to follow Light up another false sense of security Play a game of twenty questions You can test my purity And as the world comes down on me And as I go down on her�¦ night prowler (PSC) I'm out when the freaks come out Way after dusk After the time when the opening acts get they time to bust The nightshift I prowl and observe like the owl Surroundings minus the scowl Wise and well endowed In the mental! Well renowned Ghetto pass every town PSC! Nice 2 meet you, oh you know about this wow! Your ex-boyfriend showed you all about this how? Can I thank him for training such a beauty It fits my style Compliments exchanged Plus 5 dollars change Signed my name on the poster And I kept it in the holster like I'm supposed ta Now, what would you do in the clutch If you get a ***** hug after dusk? [Chorus](Slug) You don't know me but you'd like to Why'd you think I stood beside you? Not concerned with how this might fall Nature become prowl at nightfall ************************* *Rancid - Fall Back Down* ************************* Don't worry about me, I'm gonna make it alright Got my enemies crossed out in my sight I take a bad situation gonna make it right In the shadows of darkness I stand in the light You see it's our style to keep it true I've had a bad year, a lot to go through I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue She's not the one coming back for you She's not the one coming back for you If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend It takes disaster to learn a lesson You're gonna make it through the darkest night Some people betray one and cause treason We're gonna make everything alright Well the worst of times, now, they don't phase me Even if I look and act really crazy I went way down, she betrayed me Now my vision is no longer hazy I'm very lucky to have my crew They stood by me when she flew I've been knocked out, beat down, black and blue She's not the one coming back for you She's not the one coming back for you If I fall back down, you're gonna help me back up again If I fall back down, you're gonna be my friend ***************************************** *The Ramones - Rock and Roll High School* ***************************************** Well I don't care about history Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school 'Cause that's not where I wanna be Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school I just wanna have some kicks I just wanna get some chicks Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school Well the girls out there knock me out, you know Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school Cruisin' around in my GTO Rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school I hate the teachers and the principal Don't wanna be taught to be no fool Rock, rock, rock, rock, rock'n'roll high school Fun fun rock'n'roll high school Fun fun rock'n'roll high school Fun fun rock'n'roll high school Fun fun, oh baby ************************************** *The Sugarhill Gang - Rappers Delight* ************************************** i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat now what you hear is not a test--i'm rappin to the beat and me, the groove, and my friends are gonna try to move your feet see i am wonder mike and i like to say hello to the black, to the white, the red, and the brown, the purple and yellow but first i gotta bang bang the boogie to the boogie say up jump the boogie to the bang bang boogie let's rock, you dont stop rock the riddle that will make your body rock well so far youve heard my voice but i brought two friends along and next on the mike is my man hank come on, hank, sing that song check it out, i'm the c-a-s-an-the-o-v-a and the rest is f-l-y ya see i go by the code of the doctor of the mix and these reasons i'll tell ya why ya see i'm six foot one and i'm tons of fun and i dress to a t ya see i got more clothes than muhammad ali and i dress so viciously i got bodyguards, i got two big cars that definitely aint the wack i got a lincoln continental and a sunroof cadillac so after school, i take a dip in the pool which really is on the wall i got a color tv so i can see the knicks play basketball hear me talkin bout checkbooks, credit cards more money than a sucker could ever spend but i wouldnt give a sucker or a bum from the rucker not a dime til i made it again ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what) ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin drive off in a def oj everybody go, hotel motel holiday inn say if your girl starts actin up, then you take her friend master gee, am I mellow its on you so what you gonna do well it's on n on n on on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn i said m-a-s, t-e-r, a g with a double e i said i go by the unforgettable name of the man they call the master gee well, my name is known all over the world by all the foxy ladies and the pretty girls i'm goin down in history as the baddest rapper there could ever be now i'm feelin the highs and ya feelin the lows the beat starts gettin into your toes ya start poppin ya fingers and stompin your feet and movin your body while youre sittin in your seat and the damn ya start doin the freak i said damn, right outta your seat then ya throw your hands high in the air ya rockin to the rhythm, shake your derriere ya rockin to the beat without a care with the sureshot m.c.s for the affair now, im not as tall as the rest of the gang but i rap to the beat just the same i dot a little face and a pair of brown eyes all im here to do ladies is hypnotize singin on n n on n on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn singin on n n on n on on n on like a hot buttered a pop da pop da pop dibbie dibbie pop da pop pop ya dont dare stop come alive yall gimme what ya got i guess by now you can take a hunch and find that i am the baby of the bunch 'but that's okay i still keep in stride cause all i'm here to do is just wiggle your behind singin on n n on n on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn singin on n n on n on on n on rock rock yall throw it on the floor im gonna freak ya here im gonna feak ya there im gonna move you outta this atmosphere cause im one of a kind and ill shock your mind ill put t-t-tickets in your behind i said 1-2-3-4, come on girls get on the floor a-come alive, yall a-gimme what ya got cause im guaranteed to make you rock i said 1-2-3-4 tell me wonder mike what are you waitin for? i said a hip hop the hippie to the hippie the hip hip hop, a you dont stop the rock it to the bang bang boogie say up jumped the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat skiddlee beebop a we rock a scoobie doo and guess what america we love you cause ya rock and ya roll with so much soul you could rock till you're a hundred and one years old i dont mean to brag i dont mean to boast but we like hot butter on our breakfast toast rock it up baby bubbah baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang da boogie to the beat beat, its so unique come on everybody and dance to the beat [funk] i said a hip hop the hippie the hippie to the hip hip hop, a you dont stop rock it out baby bubbah to the boogie da bang bang the boogie to the boogie da beat i said i cant wait til the end of the week when im rappin to the rhythm of a groovy beat and attempt to raise your body heat just blow your mind so that you cant speak and do a thing but a rock and shuffle your feet and let it change up to a dance called the freak and when ya finally do come in to your rhythmic beat rest a little while so ya dont get weak i know a man named hank he has more rhymes than a serious bank so come on hank sing that song to the rhythm of the boogie da bang bang da bong well, im imp the dimp the ladies pimp the women fight for my delight but im the grandmaster with the three mcs that shock the house for the young ladies and when you come inside, into the front you do the freak, spank, and do the bump and when the sucker mcs try to prove a point we're treacherous trio, we're the serious joint a from sun to sun and from day to day i sit down and write a brand new rhyme because they say that miracles never cease i've created a devastating masterpiece i'm gonna rock the mike til you cant resist everybody, i say it goes like this well i was comin home late one dark afternoon a reporter stopped me for a interview she said she's heard stories and she's heard fables that i'm vicious on the mike and the turntables this young reporter i did adore so i rocked a vicious rhyme like i never did before she said damn fly guy im in love with you the casanova legend must have been true i said by the way baby what's your name said i go by the name of lois lane and you could be my boyfiend you surely can just let me quit my boyfriend called superman i said he's a fairy i do suppoose flyin through the air in pantyhose he may be very sexy or even cute but he looks like a sucker in a blue and red suit i said you need a man who's got finesse and his whole name across his chest he may be able to fly all through the night but can he rock a party til the early light he cant satisfy you with his little worm but i can bust you out with my super sperm i go do it, i go do it, i go do it, do it , do it an i'm here an i'm there i'm big bang hank, im everywhere just throw your hands up in the air and party hardy like you just dont care let's do it dont stop yall a tick a tock yall you dont stop go hotel motel what you gonna do today(say what) im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spank drive off in a def oj everybody go hotel motel holiday inn you say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friend i say skip, dive, what can i say i cant fit em all inside my oj so i just take half and bust them out i give the rest to master gee so he could shock the house it was twelve o'clock one friday night i was rockin to the beat and feelin all right everybody was dancin on the floor doin all the things they never did before and then this fly fly girl with a sexy lean she came into the bar, she came into the scene as she traveled deeper inside the room all the fellas checked out her white sasoons she came up to the table, looked into my eyes then she turned around and shook her behind so i said to myself, its time for me to release my vicious rhyme i call my masterpiece and now people in the house this is just for you a little rap to make you boogaloo now the group ya hear is called phase two and let me tell ya somethin we're a helluva crew once a week we're on the street just a-cuttin' the jams and making it free for you to party ya got to have the movies so we'll get right down and give you the groove for you to dance you gotta get hype so we'll get right down for you tonight now the system's on and the girls are there ya definitely have a rockin affair but let me tell ya somethin there's still one fact that to have a party ya got to have a rap so when the party's over you're makin it home and tryin to sleep before the break of dawn and while ya sleepin ya start to dream and thinkin how ya danced on the disco scene my name appears in your mind yeah, a name you know that was right on time it was phase two just a doin a do rockin ya down cause ya know we could to the rhythm of the beat that makes ya freak come alive girls get on your feet to the rhythm of the beat to the beat the beat to the double beat beat that it makes ya freak to the rhythm of the beat that says ya go on on n on into the break of dawn now i got a man comin on right now he's guaranteed to throw down he goes by the name of wonder mike come on wonder mike do what ya like like a can of beer that's sweeter than honey like a millionaire that has no money like a rainy day that is not wet like a gamblin fiend that does not bet like dracula with out his fangs like the boogie to the boogie without the boogie bang like collard greens that dont taste good like a tree that's not made out of wood like goin up and not comin down is just like the beat without the sound no sound to the beat beat, ya do the freak everybody just rock and dance to the beat have you ever went over a friends house to eat and the food just aint no good i mean the macaroni's soggy the peas are mushed and the chicken tastes like wood so you try to play it off like you think you can by sayin that youre full and then your friend says momma he's just being polite he aint finished uh uh that's bull so your heart starts pumpin and you think of a lie and you say that you already ate and your friend says man there's plenty of food so you pile some more on your plate while the stinky foods steamin your mind starts to dreamin of the moment that it's time to leave and then you look at your plate and your chickens slowly rottin into something that looks like cheese oh so you say that's it i got to leave this place i dont care what these people think im just sittin here makin myself nauseous with this ugly food that stinks so you bust out the door while its still closed still sick from the food you ate and then you run to the store for quick relief from a bottle of kaopectate and then you call your friend two weeks later to see how he has been and he says i understand about the food baby bubbah but we're still friends with a hip hop the hippie to the hippie the hip hip a hop a you dont stop the rockin to the bang bang boogie say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie the beat i say hank can ya rock can ya rock to the rhythm that just dont stop can ya hip me to the shoobie doo i said come on make the make the people move i go to the halls and then ring the bell because i am the man with the clientele and if ya ask me why i rock so well a big bang, i got clientele and from the time i was only six years old i never forgot what i was told it was the best advice that i ever had it came from my wise dear old dad he said sit down punk i wanna talk to you and dont say a word until i'm through now there's a time to laugh a time to cry a time to live and a time to die a time to break and a time to chill to act civilized or act real ill but whatever ya do in your lifetime ya never let a mc steal your rhyme so from sixty six til this very day ill always remember what he had to say so when the sucker mcs try to chump my style i let them know that i'm versatile i got style finesse and a little black book that's filled with rhymes and i know you wanna look but there's a thing that separates you from me and that's called originality because my rhymes are on from what you heard i didnt even bite and not a god d--m word and i say a little more later on tonight so the sucker mc's can bite all night a tick a tock yall a beat beat yall a lets rock yall ya dont stop ya go hotel motel whatcha gonna do today (say what) ya say im gonna get a fly girl gonna get some spankin drive off in a def oj everybody go hotel motel holiday inn ya say if your girl starts actin up then you take her friends a like that yall to the beat yall beat beat yall ya dont stop a master gee am I mellow? its on you so whatcha gonna do well like johnny carson on the late show a like frankie croker in stereo well like the barkay's singin holy ghost the sounds to throw down they're played the most its like my man captain sky whose name he earned with his super sperm we rock and we dont stop get off yall im here to give you whatcha got to the beat that it makes you freak and come alive girl get on your feet a like a perry mason without a case like farrah fawcett without her face like the barkays on the mike like gettin right down for you tonight like movin your body so ya dont know how right to the rhythm and throw down like comin alive to the master gee the brother who rocks so viciously i said the age of one my life begun at the age of two i was doin the do at the age of three it was you and me rockin to the sounds of the master gee at the age of four i was on the floor givin all the freaks what they bargained for at the age of five i didnt take no jive with the master gee its all the way live at the age of six i was a pickin up sticks rappin to the beat my stick was fixed at the age of seven i was rockin in heaven dontcha know i went off i got right on down to the beat you see gettin right on down makin all the girls just take of their clothes to the beat the beat to the double beat beat that makes you freak at the age of eight i was really great cause every night you see i had a date at the age of nine i was right on time cause every night i had a party rhyme goin on n n on n on on n on the beat dont stop until the break of dawn a sayin on n n on n on on n on... like a hot buttered de pop de pop de pop a saying on n n on n on on n on cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike i am the definate feast delight cause i'm a helluva man when i'm on the mike i am the definate feast delight come to the master gee you see the brother who rocks so viciously **************************** *Violent Femmes - Add It Up* **************************** Day after day I will walk and I will play But the day after today I will stop And I will start my way Why can't I get just one kiss Why can't I get just one kiss Believe me there'd be somethings that I wouldn't miss But I look at your pants and I need I need a kiss Why can't I get just one screw Why can't I get just one screw Believe me I know what to do But something won't let me make love to you Why can't I get just one f*ck Why can't I get just one f*ck I guess it's something to do with luck But I waited my whole life for just one Day afterday I get angry And I will say That the day Is in my sight When I'll take a bow And say goodnight ****************************************************************************** 6.7 - Codes ****************************************************************************** PlayStation 2 In-game Codes XBOX In-game Codes PlayStation 2 Code Breaker Version 7+ Codes PlayStation 2 Action Replay MAX Codes Gamecube Action Replay Codes /////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 In-game Codes// /////////////////////////////// oldskool - Unlocks Natas Kaupas straightedge - Infinite Rail Balance sellout - Unlocks Nigel Beaverhausen aprilsman - Unlocks Phil Margera likepaulie - Infinite Special ////////////////////// //XBOX In-game Codes// ////////////////////// 4wheeler - Unlocks Paulie straightedge - Infinite Rail Balance /////////////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 Code Breaker Version 7+ Codes// /////////////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode (Must Be On) B4336FA9 4DFEFB79 0090E7C8 17B24F4C 8341C29D 9D30092F E4019D86 359533ED Infinite Special (Must perform one trick to activate) 658C5C9E 9DA1539F 15A7D32E F8E1AAC9 Quick Score Gain 7557362C 70015BE6 Super Score Gain E95D8B7E AA1396C8 Hella Score Gain B3630F96 AA24E468 Max Score After 1 Trick EB56C489 63CBC807 98E07CF1 0EBA99AA 53DB3DD9 538EF68F B7CA5C54 4DA3BADB Infinite Run During Combo 4D85E8CC 5633F0B9 692C6E50 0CD74A40 Infinite Time 79B2A99F 258DB650 All Gaps (View the Gap List for the current level, maxes current gap list) 3BFDAFE6 0299D9AD EE7158F8 440E2F4D 36FA325A 8F1C6BC7 32C62116 EFCD621F Have All Stat Points Story Mode (View stats and add stars) E6299938 D967E55D 5AE755B1 DAAB3B24 150A548E 98463E1C D658EDA0 C7AE4C6C Unlock Everything (Use by itself with no other codes on) 93ADF544 7D589754 (All Movies, All Modes Complete, All Skaters, All Cheats, 00BCC087 2A140BF7 All Levels) DE9912D0 A1F31605 (Save game, reset, go through the options turning settings B0DACFB7 66A982B5 back to normal, use the "remove invisible players" code) 4A03F054 4C576641 Max Story Mode Points B7CC6F63 DCF02414 86E2BD22 BF632392 0DCC945C EB046734 4F26E27B 8BC49E7A View Game Progress For Classic Mode Goals Complete 74A7D783 7A336EC8 333F5B63 8197A5C6 D1DCC2CD 5B38E879 714E8EF6 F5F21860 Change Level For Max Points For Story A0734993 A66BF2CF 22CB103F 0DE9CF07 9DA69BF6 8BD8A3FE 3DC01068 DD17DC3E Invisible Skaters (saveable code, makes the skaters you start with invisible) D825D1B2 37D6CE7E Remove Invisible Players (If you saved the Invisible Skater code, this lets BA5B51DE 80CC6405 you see them again) Max Story Mode Points (Alternate) 0D6697B0 42510E57 Have All Classic Mode Goals Complete 03831CFC 952BE5F7 Have All Modes Complete D4B77541 D43439D2 Always Win Goal CF6F4F02 CEF92FCA Super Slow Motion 9E6C2CB0 1D3DA72E Slow Motion 08C86F69 5B093386 Hyper Mode 5602DACA E9EC2651 Super Hyper Mode 8EB5BB90 EEABC32D Paper Thin Skater F8BCB12A 4EB617BB Ultra Tiny Skater F8BCB12A 4EB617BB 013818C0 E9A771E4 19816761 E24531E5 Super Tiny Skater 4585F937 DF822D80 A6880786 4D416DFB 56CA7F6D 01E7D537 Tiny Skater CF540EAA 0CA72BE3 5CE8A861 36F99E3D 8B34ED36 B8234289 Halfsize Skater EAE848C1 00BF8C0D 32BD7CB4 CB7078D0 ECCE3285 4A35389F Larger Skater 45D69CA8 767F5231 B64789FD 476A0C88 D54D2D66 1860CE0E Huge Skater A781737E D61FA9E3 D585F236 7EA8A71B 12FD7ADC DBCE385C Ultra Huge Skater C18D5144 C0837DA8 D4F72E92 2C07F402 2CC778B1 B5A14D7E Max Story Mode Points All Levels 8269EAF8 AEA183EA 8375C565 94DD243A 99B2063F 8FE384E7 F2C70CA6 B0603D74 Max Classic Mode Goals Complete All Levels B249FA84 B1BD3B77 DB56088B 1EAD0FF2 60DDC6D3 109BF14A 8FEDB155 BBA7622A EC093496 28A03516 3C76ABBA 30E93AF8 DED143D4 B1666B8C Unlock All Free Skate Levels FA405105 DF101096 2447D18A 8774567F 1667E795 FEEE3C8F Unlock All Story Mode Levels 59E0AAD8 43D053DD Unlock All Classic Mode Levels 09002E34 06F31082 B7C42265 C63FEA4D CB530152 C45CFA6A Unlock All cheats 6E04F2E2 BBB20512 14C45662 047A0F88 FD06EA89 D729C150 Unlock All characters 21C3DFD5 126AD684 4F90FB70 ED38F003 ///////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 Code Breaker Version 1+// ///////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode FAA259A9 3208D15F Always Special 2A532E2B 24030001 Infinite Special 2A072AE8 34020C00 2A032AE8 AE22007C 2A0B2AE8 34020001 2AF72AE8 AE220080 Run (Mid Combo) 2A7F1398 00000000 Press R3 For Slow Motion 2AF32E26 24020001 10* Score Multiplier 2AB72AFD 3C014120 2A832AFD 3C014120 100* Score Multiplier 2AB72AFD 3C014C28 2A832AFD 3C014C28 1000* Score Multiplier 2AB72AFD 3C01447A 2A832AFD 3C01447A 8000* Score Multiplier 2AB72AFD 3C0145FA 2A832AFD 3C0145FA All Arcade Levels & cheats 2AA79B8D FFFFFFFF 2ABB9B8D FFFFFFFF All Story Levels & Shrek & Cheats 2ADF9B8C FFFFFFFF 2ADB9B8C FFFFFFFF All Classic Mode Levels 2A5CC8FD 9488060E 2A58C8FD 35080001 2A44C8FD A488060E 2A40C8FD 8C880624 2A4CC8FD 3401FF80 2A48C8FD 00010900 2A34C8FD 01014025 2A30C8FD AC880624 2A3CC8FD 8C880628 2A38C8FD 35084000 2A24C8FD AC880628 All Story Mode Levels 2A20C8FD 8C8805FC 2A2CC8FD 35083FE0 2A28C8FD AC8805FC 2A14C8FD 94880622 2A10C8FD 35087E00 2A1CC8FD A4880622 All Free Skate Levels 2A18C8FD 8C8805FC 2A04C8FD 35080002 2A00C8FD AC8805FC 2A0CC8FD 9488060A 2A08C8FD 3508FFC0 2AF4C8FD A488060A 2AF0C8FD 8C88060C 2AFCC8FD 350800F1 2AF8C8FD AC88060C Freeze Arcade Timer Press Select & L1 To activate, Select & R1 to stop. DA26A565 B20EFD29 2A7B29F8 00000000 DA26A565 B20EF129 2A7B29F8 00621823 Never Fail Goal 2A0B2A94 080AA184 2AF72A94 00000000 Easy Story Mode Complete 2AE4C8FD 8C88060C 2AE0C8FD 35080800 2AECC8FD AC88060C Normal Story Mode Complete 2AE8C8FD 8C88060C 2AD4C8FD 35081000 2AD0C8FD AC88060C Sick Story Mode Complete 2ADCC8FD 8C88060C 2AD8C8FD 35082000 2AC4C8FD AC88060C Normal Classic Mode Complete 2AC0C8FD 8C88060C 2ACCC8FE 35084000 2AC8C8FE AC88060C Sick Classic Mode Complete 2AB4C8FE 8C88060C 2AB0C8FE 35088000 2ABCC8FE AC88060C All Story Mode Points 2AB8C8FE 24081770 2AA4C8FE A48805D8 All Classic Goals Complete 2AA0C8FE 24080082 2AACC8FE A08805EE All Level Gaps (View gaps through pause menu) 2ACCC8FD 24020063 2AC8C8FD 03E00008 2AB4C8FD AC820044 2A532F88 08030800 Unlock All Skaters 2ABCC8FD 8C8805FC 2AB8C8FD 3508C000 2AA4C8FD AC8805FC 2AA0C8FD 8C88062C 2AACC8FD 35080595 2AA8C8FD AC88062C 2A94C8FD 8C880600 2A90C8FD 35084000 2A9CC8FD AC880600 2A98C8FD 94880626 2A84C8FD 3508F700 2A80C8FD A4880626 2A8CC8FD 8C880628 2A88C8FD 350803FC 2A74C8FD AC880628 Unlock All Cheats 2A70C8FD 948805FE 2A7CC8FD 35081500 2A78C8FD A48805FE 2A64C8FD 8C880600 2A60C8FD 3508003A 2A6CC8FD AC880600 2A68C8FD 94880622 2A54C8FD 35080003 2A50C8FD A4880622 Very Small Player 2ADBA1B4 3F000000 2AC7A1B4 3F000000 2AC3A1B4 3F000000 Small Player 2ADBA1B4 3F400000 2AC7A1B4 3F400000 2AC3A1B4 3F400000 Big Player 2ADBA1B4 3FC00000 2AC7A1B4 3FC00000 2AC3A1B4 3FC00000 Giant Player 2ADBA1B4 40000000 2AC7A1B4 40000000 2AC3A1B4 40000000 Monster Player 2ADBA1B4 40400000 2AC7A1B4 40400000 2AC3A1B4 40400000 Maxed Ollie 2A67A2B4 43800000 Maxed Spin 2A6FA2B4 43400000 Maxed Speed 2A63A2B4 42800000 Maxed Run 2A7BA2B4 7F000000 Other Stats Maxed Out 2A7FA2B4 42000000 2A6BA2B4 42000000 2A57A2B4 42000000 2A53A2B4 42000000 2A5FA2B4 42000000 2A5BA2B4 42000000 Ultra Slow Motion 2A631DAE 3E800000 2A6F1DAE 3E800000 Slow Motion 2A631DAE 3F000000 2A6F1DAE 3F000000 Quicker Game 2A631DAE 40000000 2A6F1DAE 40000000 Hyper Mode (walk through walls) 2A631DAE 40400000 2A6F1DAE 40400000 Speed Enabler (Use for the speed codes below) 2A64C8FE 03E00008 2A60C8FE C620515C 2A9333CB 0C030854 Super Slow 2A7CC8FE 3C013E80 2A78C8FE AE21515C Slow 2A7CC8FE 3C013F00 2A78C8FE AE21515C Fast 2A7CC8FE 3C014000 2A78C8FE AE21515C Super Fast 2A7CC8FE 3C014040 2A78C8FE AE21515C No Out of Bounds (Set custom restart) 2A1B02C4 00000000 Create A Park Space (Adds more space to the meter) 2A87173A 00000000 no slow reverts 2AB72CA6 00000000 Infinite Typing (Needs keyboard) 2A5B0317 00000000 Infinite Typing (Alternate, Needs keyboard) 2A400317 00000000 ///////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 GameShark Version 3// ///////////////////////////////////// Mastercode 980AA9F7 78388E55 28160665 A148B26C 2836CBD6 7842696F Mastercode (Alternate) F0363F40 0000000E Always Special 202ED668 24030001 Infinite Special 202A13B4 34020C00 202A13B8 AE22007C 202A13C0 34020001 202A13C4 AE220080 Run (Mid Combo) 2031834C 00000000 Press R3 For Slow Motion 202ED9C8 24020001 10* Score Multiplier 202A2004 3C014120 202A2038 3C014120 100* Score Multiplier 202A2004 3C014C28 202A2038 3C014C28 1000* Score Multiplier 202A2004 3C01447A 202A2038 3C01447A 8000* Score Multiplier 202A2004 3C0145FA 202A2038 3C0145FA All Arcade Levels & cheats 20B97014 FFFFFFFF 20B97010 FFFFFFFF All Story Levels & Shrek & Cheats 20B96FEC FFFFFFFF 20B96FF0 FFFFFFFF All Classic Mode Levels 200C2070 9488060E 200C2074 35080001 200C2078 A488060E 200C207C 8C880624 200C2080 3401FF80 200C2084 00010900 200C2088 01014025 200C208C AC880624 200C2090 8C880628 200C2094 35084000 200C2098 AC880628 All Story Mode Levels 200C209C 8C8805FC 200C20A0 35083FE0 200C20A4 AC8805FC 200C20A8 94880622 200C20AC 35087E00 200C20B0 A4880622 All Free Skate Levels 200C20B4 8C8805FC 200C20B8 35080002 200C20BC AC8805FC 200C20C0 9488060A 200C20C4 3508FFC0 200C20C8 A488060A 200C20CC 8C88060C 200C20D0 350800F1 200C20D4 AC88060C Freeze Arcade Timer Press Select & L1 To activate, Select & R1 to stop. D0B4AF02 0000FBFE 202B2350 00000000 D0B4AF02 0000F7FE 202B2350 00621823 Never Fail Goal 202A87C0 080AA184 202A87C4 00000000 Easy Story Mode Complete 200C20D8 8C88060C 200C20DC 35080800 200C20E0 AC88060C Normal Story Mode Complete 200C20E4 8C88060C 200C20E8 35081000 200C20EC AC88060C Sick Story Mode Complete 200C20F0 8C88060C 200C20F4 35082000 200C20F8 AC88060C Normal Classic Mode Complete 200C20FC 8C88060C 200C2100 35084000 200C2104 AC88060C Sick Classic Mode Complete 200C2108 8C88060C 200C210C 35088000 200C2110 AC88060C All Story Mode Points 200C2114 24081770 200C2118 A48805D8 All Classic Goals Complete 200C211C 24080082 200C2120 A08805EE All Level Gaps (View gaps through pause menu) 200C2000 24020063 200C2004 03E00008 200C2008 AC820044 202D7368 08030800 Unlock All Skaters 200C2010 8C8805FC 200C2014 3508C000 200C2018 AC8805FC 200C201C 8C88062C 200C2020 35080595 200C2024 AC88062C 200C2028 8C880600 200C202C 35084000 200C2030 AC880600 200C2034 94880626 200C2038 3508F700 200C203C A4880626 200C2040 8C880628 200C2044 350803FC 200C2048 AC880628 Unlock All Cheats 200C204C 948805FE 200C2050 35081500 200C2054 A48805FE 200C2058 8C880600 200C205C 3508003A 200C2060 AC880600 200C2064 94880622 200C2068 35080003 200C206C A4880622 Very Small Player 20A367F0 3F000000 20A367F4 3F000000 20A367F8 3F000000 Small Player 20A367F0 3F400000 20A367F4 3F400000 20A367F8 3F400000 Big Player 20A367F0 3FC00000 20A367F4 3FC00000 20A367F8 3FC00000 Giant Player 20A367F0 40000000 20A367F4 40000000 20A367F8 40000000 Monster Player 20A367F0 40400000 20A367F4 40400000 20A367F8 40400000 Maxed Ollie 20A26754 43800000 Maxed Spin 20A2675C 43400000 Maxed Speed 20A26758 42800000 Maxed Run 20A26750 7F000000 Other Stats Maxed Out 20A2674C 42000000 20A26760 42000000 20A26764 42000000 20A26768 42000000 20A2676C 42000000 20A26770 42000000 Ultra Slow Motion 203F5158 3E800000 203F515C 3E800000 Slow Motion 203F5158 3F000000 203F515C 3F000000 Quicker Game 203F5158 40000000 203F515C 40000000 Hyper Mode (walk through walls) 203F5158 40400000 203F515C 40400000 Speed Enabler (Use for the speed codes below) 200C2158 03E00008 200C215C C620515C 20113628 0C030854 Super Slow 200C2150 3C013E80 200C2154 AE21515C Slow 200C2150 3C013F00 200C2154 AE21515C Fast 200C2150 3C014000 200C2154 AE21515C Super Fast 200C2150 3C014040 200C2154 AE21515C No Out of Bounds (Set custom restart) 204237B0 00000000 Create A Park Space (Adds more space to the meter) 2035E534 00000000 no slow reverts 20305904 00000000 Infinite Typing (Needs keyboard) 20420A70 00000000 Infinite Typing (Alternate, Needs keyboard) 20420A7B 00000000 ///////////////////////////////////////// //PlayStation 2 Action Replay MAX Codes// ///////////////////////////////////////// Mastercode J1PZ-DTVU-PX3QG TR9G-PD1V-31QPD VQJE-J2GT-CY2GC HMMK-3YAX-UNRK3 DAA3-QWNU-68M2X 8J24-6EVP-RRZBZ E1NT-T8FA-7VFPY 1FMA-QGPK-7FZDG N5HY-64DR-UFRMY 0MZQ-V7PA-ZH7MN U84T-J65P-XKCRJ E541-YRB2-BH996 89MB-6KE1-RXHP6 KZZC-BG2V-EHYX7 6FY9-4T0Y-HP56E 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 KXKA-ERKY-56G8F AR Below 3.14 Fix Use this code if you have an AR max below 3.14 RK49-2HKF-DCD6J 8TXM-DB5J-VWBW1 HJ1N-8ZXP-2E5G6 2DYC-PWYN-ZRGHW WEYM-M2QP-W5N0Q 4YG4-TXZ5-VZRKD Always Special QZBZ-EA2D-DG8Z6 NK6Z-3MTB-N33DK Press R3 For Slow Motion 84PX-VF05-R3JZR T5BB-KXUY-KX4XW All Arcade Levels & cheats G7ZJ-YQXF-B606R 1651-478K-HUUCR 0WME-JA9K-JT6FH All Story Levels & Shreck & Cheats TTQP-NAQN-HU5PG P5UG-Q12X-ZCQ9J C6TK-ZV9T-N7T58 Freeze Arcade Timer Press Select & L3 To activate, Select & R3 to stop. 0BM7-8WY0-8DU2M EEWE-4VDB-NX921 20JA-3T8U-CP4DK KGC5-B005-0VK50 ZMQN-032U-P7A8B Never Fail Goal 4H09-HGA1-NC8XP QQQK-WVFT-WUYWC 467T-8E9V-X0N6X Size Codes F19N-MTHX-ZGRT3 Very Small Player NPW3-NUK0-C15BC NDGG-0CNH-DXE5E 52JG-V3ZZ-QP8MA UDQ4-BYYG-RTPAG Small Player TPQ0-YZWD-RJKYA 1KW1-NTAW-DXHFF 3RR1-1NBW-EKZ6V 858K-9WBQ-573VQ Big Player N76T-AUDG-98DRR VG91-3MJD-ZYH22 WT5Z-667Q-4QBUZ UBFE-7T0K-W1P54 Giant Player Z5EG-64BH-27778 GQZ0-DB3K-CFK4E TTN4-52KD-JAA0D KPK6-5NV0-X0N9E Monster Player Q4RP-4GD8-D046J NUG6-28K0-6F2UV JCA9-M1NU-5KHZT 4XHZ-FCGZ-GEEU5 Stats Codes 4UGZ-PDV2-09GJY Maxed Ollie GHDG-B3KT-F52N6 2HCY-K72R-XEG4W Maxed Spin UM0J-WKD4-CXYDQ DPTX-D42H-75AR2 Maxed Speed K5VE-DGYX-5T50N TN59-A35K-M61K7 Maxed Run PHH0-XFPE-P2Q4A 1648-G46V-JJ3HP Other Stats Maxed Out WP6R-T631-0CGKJ 5BPZ-XPN8-J78CH Z5TH-21T7-JYZTC QRFU-WXKX-HTZVZ AWU5-6DYB-PGAWE 10V4-596V-W75PZ FAEQ-W7RG-05Y4E Speed Codes NRZR-HZAJ-7H81Q Ultra Slow Motion 569V-Y0CW-W1CZR QRN8-U1E0-ZP39D E28T-BG3Y-YEX8Q Slow Motion 88KX-FB9M-BBFV5 TDMR-ZHFP-VCCZT FBYF-F7FQ-YGF7Y Quicker Game RRB9-D90A-J8NQJ FENT-YH9N-4N0MQ KAF0-CM0K-MAY63 Hyper Mode WGAM-RNU8-6P6F5 C6FW-MWED-M5A93 GB8N-UF73-D87WV //////////////////////////////// //Gamecube Action Replay Codes// //////////////////////////////// (M) 4XV8-4XEB-KFTNJ 5HQE-FCM2-B3JMG Max Score FPQF-7ZE1-PEF51 R841-C7EU-20QPY All Stat Goals Complete WH95-NBE3-PGNYG E7P5-YNPP-X94RN 39AR-R1TV-YJYDD ZAEY-DFBT-REUY8 39AR-R1TV-YJYDD Hold A For Super Jump (Off Board) N38P-7FBR-8B81U 4J0B-GNAR-VRKVN V5FT-3ZMY-2YV26 8NG6-PVA3-KX3PQ SUPER STAT CODES: 1MUB-TGZT-RNFZB Super Ollie 1XYE-QZ9X-ADQY9 ANK8-Z98F-P0GR2 Super Speed V5D9-6V8B-VCZC3 D2VH-QNMY-9U5MV Super Spin 3MPN-197W-W06G1 3QGC-5YMZ-G3NET UNLOCK CODES: P69Q-97QP-700CQ All Levels Unlocked MRRY-T9DG-UUQP6 7UBP-673Y-FMEMC CD0U-KG5T-K8J2H All Game Modes Complete FUQW-WRP6-ZARGY XMJG-TM83-D09B8 All Classic Mode Goals Complete 7JKW-BK17-UEFZC 9DAP-XUFF-36TR6 Lots Of Cheats Unlocked VV9T-KHJD-2AW37 2RTJ-M4V5-TXA6A JTQ1-4HE7-JAQ4A 9CWB-UG86-ME5M3 ****************************************************************************** 6.8 - Interesting Things ****************************************************************************** Some things may be unsuitable for children under the age of thirteen, which is why the game is rated Teen. ///////////////// //Create-A-Park// ///////////////// Floating Objects - Lower the ground once and place whatever object you want. Now cut it into the clipboard. Now lower the ground twice and past what you just cut. Now cut the sunken object again. Now lower the ground all the way down. Paste the object and lower some more. Now select test play, save it and load it up again, or switch themes. The object will now be floating high above the hole. To lower the ground, raise a piece of land next to it and place an object on the raised object, as well as the raised ground. You can now lower the object down. Leaving one space in between the normal ground and the raise object, you can put another object under the half pipe and raise the ground. Repeat until the ground under the floating object is level with the rest of the ground and you still have your floating object. To raise the floating object place a hole in the ground and stick an object in the hole and lower the ground under the floating object, now raise the ground with the non-floating object under the floating object. //////////// //TRAINING// //////////// No Secret Room - The Secret Room gap is no longer in the level. This was achieved by an ollie off the outside of the half pipe into the room suspended above the middle of the half pipe. ////////// //BOSTON// ////////// Cheers joke - From where you start, second building to the left with the red awnings above the windows. A sign that says Jeers imitating the tv show Cheers. Star Wars Kid - From the starting point, turn right and head to the apartments right before the construction site. Using the quarter pipe on the right side, jump through the window into the room above. Here you will see the Star Wars Kid and can have him dance for you. Goat "Dancer" - From the starting point, turn right and head to the apartments right before the construction site. Using the quarter pipe on the left side, jump through the window to the room above. Here you will see a random pedestrian dancing to a goat sitting in the chair. 800-555-2151 - This phone number is found on the side of the Water Tour car. Calling it gets you a number that doesn't exist. The Lon Wang Theater - From the starting point tunrn around and look at the sign hanging on the right. It says The Lon Wang Theater The Bailey Ballet presents the Nutbuster. Balzack Lumber - Go on the roof of the Boston Tea House, read the words on the wood. Harry Avenue - On the side of the hospital is the address, Harry Ave. Peephole Pub - From the starting point turn around and look at the sign hanging on the left. No laughing Matter - In the top hall of the Statehouse where you find Ben Franklin, all the pictures have clown faces on them. The Ripoff Bank - The Riboff Bank on the corner of the City Hall plaza has a sign for 100% Intro APR. Church Sign - On the rear side of the church is a white sign that says "What is missing from CH RCH? U R" If you don't understand it, it means you are missing from church. What the Crap - Sticker slapping the porta-potty makes the top fall off, exposing human urine and feces. Don't Read a book - Inside the library on the wall you will find a poster that says "Don't read a book, play a video game". Reading Cures Insomnia - Inside the library on the wall you will find a poster that says "Reading cures Insomnia". Biznatch - Some women wearing white shirts with red trim have the word Biznatch printed on it. ///////////// //BARCELONA// ///////////// Shaking Gurney - Go to the hospital to the right of Estacio Barcelona Sants. Inbetween the green drop cloths with scaffolding use the quarter pipe to get on the hospitals second floor balcony. In the middle set of windows is a bloody gurney bouncing up and down. Biznatch - Some women wearing white shirts with red trim have the word Biznatch printed on it. ////////// //BERLIN// ////////// 420 - From the starting point look over at the Berlin Platz building, rear of building. On the middle of the three rows of windows is a sign of Exercize 420 degrees. Toilet Sport - Look at the red pictures on either side of the door to the Uber Sport building. You will see one on each side is of a stick man sitting on the toilet. Spankasses - Look past the U.S. Army Checkpoint on the left side, third store. Paulie inside walls - With Paulie in his wheel chair, you can bail around the middle of a quarter pipe and when he gets on his chair he will ride through the wall. Biznatch - Some women wearing white shirts with red trim have the word Biznatch printed on it. Beer Sign - At the Out of Bounds street with the U.S. Army checkpoint, look on the left wall to see a Beer sign. Drunk men - Across the street from the gallery at Gretchen's Bar you can see four germans walking around drunk. ///////////// //Australia// ///////////// Teleporting Koala - Jump up to the green koala statue and walk into the front of it. Press the jump button everytime you come back onto the slab it is standing on. You will soon be teleported straight back a random distance. Get Crabs - On the roof of The New Righton Hotel is a restaraunt with the "Get Crabs Here" on all the table umbrellas. Thunder Buns - The shop to the right of the Arcade Machine is called Thunder Buns Bakery. Skate on the Sand - Climb a white pole and grind the black wire above. Perform a backflip and land just as you come out of the backflip. This will cancel the life guard from blowing his whistle and telling you to get off your board. Limpy's - The shrimp vendor's shrimp company is called Limpy's Shrimp. Kenny the Koala - The statue of Kenny the Koala is a reward for the character that played as the Koala mascot in the Zoo level back in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4. Angry Koala - In the goal, Kenny's Real Feelings, you must natas spin the fingers to break it away and reveal the statue flipping everyone off. Biznatch - Some women wearing white shirts with red trim have the word Biznatch printed on it. /////////////// //New Orleans// /////////////// Bead Girls - Grab some beads from the ammo boxes found all over the level and throw them at a girl to have her lift her shirt up. Alcohol References - All over the level is signs referring to alcohol. Swamp monster - Go to the far back side of the level and stand on the dock looking out to the swamp. You will see some creature walking back and forth in the distance. Voodoo Doctor - Grind all the skulls off the five tombs to make the voodoo doctor come out. Voodoo Shop - Across the street from the cemetary is a voodoo shop. Sheeyat - In the graveyard some grave stones will this for a name. Disco - In the graveyard some gravestones will have this for a name as well as the years 1974 - 1980. Jingo Ya Homo - In the graveyard some gravestones will have this for a name. The walking dead - Make the voodoo doctor come out and he will make everyone turn into the wakling dead. Happy Hour - On the red brick building that has the Arcade Machine is some posters advertising Happy Hour. Hell - Make the Voodoo Doctor come and in the center of the level will be a hole you can jump in to go to a little room in hell. Back Door Jazz - There is a blue sign across the street from the hurricane bar and on the corner of the Humidity alley. If Nudity Offends you - Two signs are on a red building across the street from the cemetary. Gentlemen's Club - Across the street from the cemetary is a strip club with dark blue signs. Church of Jeff - On the statue in front of the church is a small plaque saying "Jeff Loves you!....Give yourself to Jeff" Biznatch - Some women wearing white shirts with red trim have the word Biznatch printed on it. Bleed you dry - In a window on the side of the Lil' Buisness Corner building, you will find a sign that says Bleed You Dry Tax Service. Napster Sign - On the roof of the Mardi Gras Empire by the water is a Napster billboard telling you to steal money to buy music. Weapon Selling - On the side of the Mardi Gras Empire building is a white sign that lists Masks, Costumes, Beads, Baseball bats, Mace, and Fire arms. Booya's Sign - In the center street a building is called Booya's, The sign advertises a strip club. Hand Grenades - At the entrance to the Nawlin's building there is a sign saying Hand Grenades N Beer To Go. Voodoo Dolls - In the Classic Mode of the game you have to collect voodoo dolls. //////////// //Skatopia// //////////// Anarchy Symbol - An anarchy symbol is above the entrance to the mine. UCK Off - At the end of the quarter pipe with a yellow lip behind the mobilehome is some spray painted words with the F removed. ////////////// //Pro Skater// ////////////// Possible Defender reference - The spaceship area of the level may be a from the remade game of Defender for PlayStation 2, but that was made by Midway. Tomb Raider reference - A Mayan in the temple asks you if you have seen the woman with the two mighty guns. Go to Hell - A gap in hell is labeled this. Pouring blood - Some statues in hell are dripping with blood. Satanic symbols - You will find satanic symbols carved in the ground all over the hell section. Dancing Devil - Inside the gargoyles mouth you can dance with the devil. //////////////// //The Triangle// //////////////// Dead Passenger - In the crashed split passenger plane where you can grind the wing going through the middle, you will find a skeleton of a passenger still strapped into the seat. Escaped Mutant - Inside the secret area where you fire the missiles, go into the right doorway. Look in the first window to your right to see large containers filled with green liquid. The container to the left is broken and green wet footprints are seen going to the door. Star Wars Kid fending off aliens - Inside the secret area where you fire the missiles, look in the middle window section to see the Star Wars Kid standing on an examination table fending off the alien doctors. Alien with woman - Inside the secret area where you fire the missiles, go into the left doorway. Look in the first window to your left to see a woman laying on the examination table with an alien doctor dancing. ////////// //School// ////////// Attend School Message - On the giant television in the pool area where music videos used to play for THPS 1, you will find a message that comes on periodically. Ditching is bad... ...Homework is cool. Your teachers rock...Tagging will get you a cool job someday! //////////////// //Philadelphia// //////////////// Graffiti Free Area - In the skate park on a pillar to the right you will find two signs that say Graffiti Free Area, Report Graffiti or Tagging 1-800-555-TAGR. When I called the number a recording told me the number was either blocked or invalid in my area code. Margeraville - Above the street tunnel on the left side is a road sign saying Margeraville Next Bend. //////////////// //Downhill Jam// //////////////// Nothing of interest at this time. /////////////// //Los Angeles// /////////////// Tony Hawk's Underground 1 cars - Before causing an earthquake go up the cable onto the roof of the building at the beginning of the level. Ollie onto the highway straight ahead to see cars used in Tony Hawk's Underground 1. Have gas - The carwash and gas station is called havgas. Liquor - In the corner of the level by the carwash is a Funn Tyme Liquor store. Neversoft Fire Dept. - On the sides of the firetruck it says Neversoft County Fire Department. Morehead Hotel - The building to the left of the fire truck is called Morehead Hotel. The Doors - There is a billboard of The Doors to the left of the Morehead Hotel. Cherry Busters II - The movie theater is called Cherry Busters' II with hot action. Rear Admiral - One of the movie showings at the movie theater is called Rear Admiral. Come Hither - One of the movie showings at the movie theater is called Come Hither. ////////// //Canada// ////////// No more peeing man - The man that used to stand on the top of the wooden shed at the end of the boardwalk with the raising quarter pipe kicker has been changed to the little skateboard boy and he doesn't pee. Neversoft Rules - Under the boardwalks past the cabin is the saying Neversoft Rules written in the snow..... /////////// //Airport// /////////// The Future of Fun - Above the men's restroom is a huge 3D sign of the neversoft eyeball saying Neversoft The Future of Fun. A Vacation - On the first text scrolling board by the starting point it says Neversoft Las Vegas Trip. No Bomb 2000 - On the sides of the metal detectors you can see the words No bomb 2000. Customs - On the sign with the metal detectors by the baggage area it says Customs Prepare for full body cavity search. Lost Bags - Above the circular spinning baggage machine is a sign that says we lost your bags again. Welcome! - On the walls facing the exit to the baggage area, back towards the metal detectors, you will see a welcome sign. It will say welcome! All passengers subject to full body cavity search. Don't be unattended - Above the two skinny quarter pipes at the bottom of the first slope is a sign with text saying Do not leave yourself unattended.

Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.