The Starfield power list has a total of 24 distinct powers that you can earn throughout the game. You’ll gain the first artifact and power as a part of the main storyline, but from there, the vast majority of the other powers will require you to find the artifacts and their associated temples. The locations of where these artifacts and temples are placed are pretty much randomized in each person’s playthrough and in new game plus. If you visit the temples again in NG+, you can also upgrade each power as well (e.g. from Solar Flare to Solar Flare II). That said, the descriptions of every power are rather vague and imprecise, so we’ve got a power tier list that goes into which one are best. Also, here’s a handy explanation of every power in Starfield.
![Starfield: a profile shot of someone in a spacesuit sat in a pilot seat.](
![Starfield: a spaceship flying behind an astronaut's shoulder.](
![Starfield: the player walking through the muddy streets of Akila City.](
Full list of all 24 Starfield powers
The following is a breakdown of all the powers in the game, sorted in alphabetical order, along with an official description and an explanation of what they do:
- Alien Reanimation
- Official: “Life, gift of the cosmos, granted once more to a fallen alien beast, so that it may serve thankfully.” Cost: 35 Power.
- Effect: You need to target a corpse with this power. The creature will then revive and follow you for 30 seconds or until it dies.
- Anti-Gravity Field
- Official: “Generate a localized field of intense low gravity and behold a planet’s true power.” Cost: 45 Power
- Effect: For 10 seconds, you create a wide region of space that lifts enemies into the air. After that, they will fall to the ground in a typically prone position.
- Create Vacuum
- Official: “Oxygen, fuel of humanity, is withdrawn from a localized area at your command.” Cost: 25 Power
- Effect: A small dome appears for 15 seconds that deals a small amount of damage to any creatures inside it.
- Creators’ Peace
- Official: “Fill your foes with the silent calm of the universe, compelling them to temporarily abandon their weapons.” Cost: 25 Power
- Effect: This will cause enemies in a small area to drop their weapons and flee.
- Earthbound
- Official: “Earth, the cradle of humanity, shares its gravity in an area of your choosing.” Cost: 15 Power.
- Effect: This makes your jumps smaller, for cases where you are on a planet with low gravity.
- Elemental Pull
- Official: “Elements, the true treasure of planet and moon, are drawn to your being.” Cost: 25 Power.
- Effect: Any mineral ore nodes in a radius around you are instantly mined.
- Eternal Harvest
- Official: “What has blossomed will bloom once more, ripe for the picking.” Cost: 25 Power
- Effect: Any depleted organic resource on a planet instantly regenerates for you to gather again.
- Grav Dash
- Official: “Manipulate gravity to propel yourself forward, and briefly increase any damage you inflict.” Cost: 15 Power
- Effect: This advances you forward about six paces across platforms.
- Gravity Wave
- Official: “Emit a gravitational force strong enough to propel almost anything… or anyone.” Cost: 25 Power
- Effect: Any enemies in a line are knocked prone, forcing them to take a few seconds to get back up.
- Gravity Well
- Official: “Generate a focal point of crushing gravity that draws in anyone caught in its field.” Cost: 45 Power
- Effect: You shoot a projectile at a point on the ground. Then for 10 seconds, enemies close to that point will be pulled toward it, taking a small amount of damage over time as well.
- Inner Demon
- Official: “Tap into the endless multiverse, and summon forth a friendly duplicate of an unfriendly foe.” Cost: 35 Power
- Effect: A projectile is directed at an enemy. If it hits, a friendly duplicate of the enemy appears for about 15 seconds.
- Life Forced
- Official: “Transfer the very lifeforce of an enemy, harming them while healing yourself.” Cost: 25 Power.
- Effect: For 15 seconds, one enemy takes a minor amount of damage over time, and you regain a small amount of health over time as well.
- Moon Form
- Official: “Channel the energy of Luna, Earth’s beautiful moon, to be as unmoving and resilient as stone.” Cost: 35 Power.
- Effect: Your skin becomes stone for 10 seconds, forcing you remain in place but without taking damage. You can still fire guns in this form.
- Parallel Self
- Official: “From across the vast multiverse, a friendly version of yourself arrives, armed and ready to lend aid.”
- Effect: A duplicate of yourself appears for 30 seconds, wielding the same weapon as you (or a Cutter if you are unarmed).
- Particle Beam
- Official: “Emit a powerful ray of cosmic energy, dealing damage to a single target.”
- Effect: A projectile hurls in the target direction, dealing minor damage to an enemy if it hits.
- Personal Atmosphere
- Official: “Oxygen, pure and clean, brought forth to breathe deep and counteract harmful carbon dioxide.” Cost: 45 Power
- Effect: For 20 seconds, your oxygen remains at full and it cannot be depleted.
- Phased Time
- Official: “Time itself is yours to manipulate, as you slow the world… and all those in it.” Cost: 45 Power.
- Effect: In a region around you, time slows down. This includes you.
- Precognition
- Official: “Bend time and glimpse the future, seeing the path someone will walk and the words they may say.” Cost: 35 Power
- Effect: This will usually allow you see the first 15 words or so of someone’s response to a dialogue option.
- Reactive Shield
- Official: “Form a shield of pure cosmic light that can weaken and even reflect enemy projectiles.” Cost: 35 Power
- Effect: A shield around you forms for 15 seconds that repels enemy projectiles.
- Sense Star Stuff
- Official: “Bind yourself to the particles of creation, sensing the life force of any human, alien, or Starborn.” Cost: 15 Power
- Effect: For 10 seconds, any creature around you are highlighted in a white aura.
- Solar Flare
- Official: “Tap into the power of a sun and release a directed orb of searing hot plasma.” Cost: 25 Power
- Effect: A projectile will shoot outward at a point. It will deal damage upon hit and a minor amount of damage over time for a second or so.
- Sunless Space
- Official: “Introduce your enemies to the cold of space, freezing them in their tracks.” Cost: 35 Power.
- Effect: In a small area of effect, any enemies will freeze in place for about 10 seconds.
- Supernova
- Official: “Cosmic energy explodes around you, with the terrible force of a dying star.” Cost: 45 Power.
- Effect: An outward blast centered on you emits outward, dealing moderate damage to any creatures it hits (including your companion).
- Void Form
- Official: “Channel the very darkness of space, rendering yourself nearly invisible to those around you.” Cost: 45 Power.
- Effect: For 20 seconds, you become invisible. Enemies close to you can still notice you. Attacking does not dispel the invisibility.
Starfield Powers List FAQ
A: In Starfield, you can earn a total of 24 distinct powers throughout the game. You’ll obtain the first power as part of the main storyline, and the rest require finding their associated artifacts and temples.
A: No, the locations of these artifacts and temples are randomized in each person’s playthrough, including in new game plus (NG+). If you revisit the temples in NG+, you can upgrade your powers.
A: By revisiting the temples in NG+, you have the opportunity to upgrade your acquired powers, for example, enhancing “Solar Flare” to “Solar Flare II.”