Left 4 Dead 2 FAQ/Walkthrough


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Left 4 Dead 2 FAQ/Walkthrough
For the PC
By Raining Metal
Version 0.98

>Table of Contents<

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Version History

2.00 Basics
2.01 Controls
2.02 Heads Up Display
2.03 The Survivors
2.04 The Infected
2.05 The Director
2.06 Weapons & Items
2.07 Difficulty
2.08 Voice Commands
2.09 Game Modes
2.10 The Lobby
2.11 The Environment
2.12 Achievements
2.13 Glossary
2.14 Types of Players

3.00 Campaign/Survival Walkthrough
3.10 Dead Center
3.11 The Hotel
3.12 The Streets
3.13 The Mall
3.14 The Atrium Finale
3.20 Dark Carnival
3.21 The Highway
3.22 The Fairgrounds
3.23 The Coaster
3.24 The Barns
3.25 The Concert
3.30 Swamp Fever
3.31 Plank Country
3.32 The Swamp
3.33 The Shantytown
3.34 The Plantation
3.40 Hard Rain
3.41 The Milltown
3.42 The Sugar Mill
3.43 Mill Escape
3.44 Return to Town
3.45 Town Escape
3.50 The Parish
3.51 The Waterfront
3.52 The Park
3.53 The Cemetery
3.54 The Quarter
3.55 The Bridge

4.00 More Tips
4.01 General Tips
4.02 Working Together
4.03 Versus Tips
4.04 Against Infected
4.05 As Infected
4.06 Supply & Demand
4.07 Environmental Tips
4.08 Survival Tips
4.09 Scavenge Tips
4.10 Achievement Tips

5.1 And The Rest!
5.1 F.A.Q
5.2 Email Guide
5.3 Website List
5.4 Credits
5.5 Legal Disclaimer

To search for the section wanted in this Guide, Highlight the Number beside the
subject (Such as 3.3) and press Ctrl + C, then F, and then V. This will
activate a finding system to look for the text put in (in this case, a number
with a decimal) and simply click “Next”.

1.0 >Introduction<
Yeah! That's right! RainingMetal pre-ordered and had his head start on Left 4
Dead 2! Released a mere year after the previous installment, the Left 4 Dead
series revolves around zombie-killing and escape. This time, the game all goes
down south...

1.1 >Version History<

Version 0.98

Added more info on map-specific Survival tips.


Version 0.97

Added new ASCII art to the title. Added the Achievement tips.


Version 0.96

Added the One-Way Passage article in the Environment section, and added notices
regarding One-Way Passages and Crescendo Events throughout the walkthrough.
Added GameRevolution to the website list. Added a strategy on Scavenge by Teh


Version 0.95

Initial release. Could use a bit more information on map-specific Survival and
Scavenge tips.

2.00 >Basics<
This section will provide the basics to Left 4 Dead.

2.01 >Controls<
These are the controls for the PC version of Left 4 Dead. Note that the
controls can be changed via the options menu.

Both Sides
Mouse: Look around.
W: Move Forward.
A: Move Left.
S: Move Backward.
D: Move Right.
Space Bar: Jump.
Ctrl: Crouch (hold).
Shift: Walk (hold).
C: Voice Chat.
U: Type Team Only Message.
Y: Type Public Message.
T: Spray logo.
M: Select Team (Versus Mode only).
H: See Server info.
Tab: Scoreboard/Status Screen.
Esc: Main Menu.
F1: Vote Yes.
F2: Vote No.
F5: Screen Capture

Left Click: Fire Weapon/Throw Grenade/Use Item.
Right Click: Shove Attack/Heal Other/Give to Other.
Middle Click: Scope.
1: Select Primary Weapon.
2: Select Secondary Weapon.
3: Select Grenade.
4: Select Pack.
5: Select Consumable.
R: Reload.
E: Use.
Q: Select previous Item.
F: Turn on/off Flashlight.
Z and X: Voice Commands.

Left Click: Infected Ability.
Right Click: Melee Attack/Throw Rock.
E: Move to Survivor position (spawning mode only).

Screenshots can be found under C:/Program Files/Steam/steamapps/common/
left 4 dead2/left4dead2/screenshots.

2.02 >Heads Up Display<
This is a brief description of the Heads Up Display, which is visible
throughout the escape of the Survivors.

The following are displayed in the HUD throughout the game (besides the
givens, such as current Weapon and crosshairs):
-Direction of where any damage taken came from (red lines appearing in the
middle of the screen)
-Occasionally a bit of blood
-Tutorial Notes (will appear from time to time)

The following are displayed in the HUD for Survivors :

-Player's Current & Temporary Health (bottom-right)
-Teammates' Current & Temporary Health (bottom-left to bottom)
-Player's Inventory & Ammunition (right)
-Teammates' Inventory (next to Teammates' Current & Temporary Health)
-Who protected/saved who recently (left)
-What Special Infected was killed recently (left)
-Time endured (top, Survival only)
-Record Time/Goal Time (top, Survival only)
-Special Notes (will appear from time to time)

The following are displayed in the HUD for Infected (the Infected view the
world in a distorted, coloured vision):

-Player's Current Health (bottom-right)
-Teammates' Current Health (bottom-left to bottom)
-Ability status meter (bottom-left)
-Type of Infected currently playing as (bottom-left)
-Teammates' status meter (bottom-left to bottom)

All of the Survivors start out with 100 Health points. Should they run out of
Health points, permanent or temporary, they will become Incapacitated, and will
need help getting back on their feet. Should they get Incapacitated a second
time, they will die the next time they run out of Health without having a
Health Kit applied to them. It is impossible to get back to 100 HP after being
hit once. When a Survivor's Health drops below 40 HP, their speed will
decrease. A Survivor clinging onto 1 HP will be VERY slow.

All Survivors can be seen through walls, as they will be shown as a blue
silhouette. Any Survivor who is under attack by a Special Infected (being
pounced on, got puked on by a Boomer, got incapacitated, etc.) will have an
orange outline, or will have an orange silhouette. This also applies to
Survivors trapped in Rescue Closets. Enemies covered in vomit will have a
purple outline.

The Infected can see how heavily damaged each Survivor is, by identifying the
colour of their outline (Green, Yellow, or Red). They can also see the
Survivors' silhouettes as well as their fellow special Infected (save for the

2.03 >The Survivors<
There are four playable Survivors in Left 4 Dead 2. Presumably immune, they
must travel across hazardous lands in order to escape from the calamity that is
the Infection.


Appearance: Short brown hair, a bit of jewelry, green eyes.
Attire: White suit.
Preferred Weapons: Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles.
Subtitle Colour: Blue.
Former Occupation: Gambler, Conman.
Likes: Money, bling, candy, billiards.
Dislikes: His ex-wife, people who suck at shooting, peanuts, roller coasters,
Ellis, Francis.

He thought he would make a quick stop at the casinos in the riverboats, but
since the Infection came along, Nick will have to stay down south a bit longer
than he planned.


Appearance: Brown eyes, brown hair, short.
Attire: T-Shirt, baseball cap.
Preferred Weapons: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Subtitle Colour: White.
Former Occupation: Mechanic.
Likes: Horses, cars, Jimmy Gibbs Jr, The Midnight Riders.
Dislikes: Special Infected, Nick.

Ellis, the optimistic vehicle mechanic, doesn't fear the Infection all that
much. He's pretty sure he's indestructible, he enjoys the simple pleasures in
life, and he might even enjoy fighting the Infected, one by one.


Appearance: Black, short hair, brown eyes.
Attire: T-Shirt.
Preferred Weapons: Submachine Guns, Assault Rifles.
Subtitle Colour: Pink.
Former Occupation: News Reporter.
Likes: Socializing, discovery.
Dislikes: Being stuck in the middle of things, popularity contests.

An unpopular news reporter from Cleveland, Rochelle was supposed to get some
information out of Savannah after a promotion. But, like everyone else, she got
stranded in the midst. She won't simply stay there though!


Appearance: Black, bald, chubby.
Attire: Short-sleeved shirt.
Preferred Weapons: Pump Shotguns, Auto Shotguns.
Subtitle Colour: Purple.
Former Occupation: Teacher.
Likes: Chocolate, the Bible, The Midnight Riders, Jimmy Gibbs Jr.
Dislikes: Witches, stairs.

Coach used to be a teacher (first in football, then in health), but now it
seems that the Infection will teach him a few more things. He's ready to take
on the hordes of Infected, if it means to restore the simple life.

2.04 >The Infected<
This is the main antagonist of the game: The Infected. Along with the
predictable and numerous Common Infected, there is a bunch of more mutated and,
hence, much more dangerous variations. Special Infected often appear throughout
the levels, and will always try to attack the Survivors on sight. Most of them
can take down a lonely Survivor without resistance. Boss Infected are even
rarer than the Special Infected, as they often have the strength to kill off,
or at least Incapacitate a careless Survivor without much difficulty. Expect a
Boss Infected to be up ahead when there are few Common Infected around...

*The Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Normal-looking, save for blank eyes and pale skin.
Abilities: Claw, Climb.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

The Common Infected is a typical zombie character. They aren't very strong, but
in numbers, they are very difficult to get through without any firepower. They
often attack by simply charging at the Survivors head-on, but sometimes they
are simply wandering around certain areas of the map. Take advantage of this
and kill the idle ones with Pistols to conserve ammo. Numerous things attract
hordes of Infected (known as simply Hordes), such as Car Alarms, noises, and
the Boomer's Vomit. They do more damage to the front than to the back.

*Hazmat Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: In yellow/green hazard suits.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Immunity to fire.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard. 
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

Hazmat Infected aren't too different from regular Infected, save for being
impervious to flames of any sort. Don't waste Moltovs, Gas Cans, and the like
on these enemies and simply shoot or smash them. Some Hazmat Infected drop Bile
Bombs that the Survivors can use.

*Clown Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Clown makeup, striped pants.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Attract Infected.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting, squeaky noises.

Clown Infected can be quite a nusiance when there are other Common Infected
around, since their squeaky shoes attract them (and spawn a few more) whenever
they see a Survivor. Take them out quickly before they can fill the area to the
brim with Infected! Their noses can be honked by shoving them in the face.

*Mud Men*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Covered in mud, crawls on all fours.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Swim, Mud Smear.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

Some people like swamps, but not nearly as much as Mud Men. Mud Men are more
agile than the regular Infected, and are rather fast in the water. When they
attack Survivors, they smear mud on the Survivors' faces, obscuring vision.

*Construction Worker Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Construction uniforms and hats.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Ignore Pipe Bombs, Resistance to Melee weapons and
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

Thanks to their equipment, Construction Worker Infected can ignore Pipe Bombs,
and can take a beating against Melee weapons and Headshots. Nobody really talks
about them that much...

*Riot Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Riot gear.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Immunity to damage to the front.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When a Panic/Crescendo Event has been triggered, when they
notice any Survivors, when someone has been vomited on by a Boomer, when the
Horde chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

For some reason, the Survivors don't use the vests used by the Riot Infected
when finished. Riot Infected are fully armoured in the front, forcing Survivors
to shove them in order to spin them around. Their weak portions are at the
rear. Riot Infected sometimes drop Tonfas.

*Fallen Survivor Infected*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Ammo belts, helmet.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Explode.
Health: 30/50/90.
Anticipate them: When somebody activated cheats in the game.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

A cut Infected, Fallen Survivors will explode in a gulf of fire when killed.
Maybe they'll return in an upcoming update...

*Zombie Gibbs Jr*

Type: Common Infected.
Appearance: Racecar Uniform.
Abilities: Claw, Climb, Oil Smear, Immunity to fire.
Health: 1000.
Anticipate him: At the Atrium near his car.
Sounds Emitted: Generic grunting, generic shouting.

Poor Jimmy Gibbs. He might be stumbling in the Atrium if the Survivors are
lucky (or unlucky) enough to meet him in person.


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Wears a damaged hoodie. Sometimes crawls on all fours.
Abilities: Pounce, Claw.
Health: 250.
Anticipate him: When there's a zombie that's jumping far in the sky, when the
Hunter chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Growling, high-pitched screams (when attacking).

Hunters are extremely dangerous to any lonely Survivor. They jump and pounce on
their prey, and when they get on top of a Survivor, he will claw the Survivor
to death until the Hunter is pryed off of the Survivor, the Hunter is killed,
or the Survivor is killed. Be sure to stick around with a buddy upon locating a


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Tall, has a few rather long tongues. Has green spores surrounding
Abilities: Tongue drag, Claw.
Health: 250.
Anticipate him: When there are green spores in the distance, when the Smoker
chime is heard.
Sounds Emitted: Coughing, hacking, Smeagol-esque screams (when attacking, AI

The Smoker is the only Infected (save for the Tank) that can attack the
Survivors from a distance. The Smoker drags his victims towards him until the
victim is stuck, or the victim is close enough to the Smoker for him to whack
him or her to death. When trying to stick together, put the Smoker on the top
of the "Must kill" list. Upon dying, the Smoker leaves behind a green cloud
that impairs vision and speech for the Survivors when near it.


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Fat. Really fat.
Abilities: Vomit, Claw, Explode.
Health: 50.
Anticipate him: When his/her fat belly is spotted, when the Boomer chime is
Sounds Emitted: Obese grunts.

One of the first special Infected ever conceived by the guys at Valve, the
Boomer doesn't have many direct attacks. However, his/her Vomit attracts the
Horde when put on a Survivor, so try to stay away from them. When killed,
his/her belly explodes, covering any Survivor nearby with Vomit. He/she
doesn't pop when pushed away, so take advantage of this.


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Huge, has one bulky arm.
Abilities: Charge, Claw.
Health: 600.
Anticipate them: When there's a fast-moving big zombie running around, when a
wall has been smashed.
Sounds Emitted: Grumbles, Shouts.

Chargers, like Hunters, are devastating to lonely Survivors. When they are
about to charge, try to run out of the way before he can grab anyone. When
charging, they can only run in a straight direction. They can deal lots of
damage to their targets, so eliminate them quickly.


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Tall and lanky, has spit coming out of her mouth.
Abilities: Spit, Claw.
Health: 100.
Anticipate them: When there's drool coming out of an Infected's mouth, when she
Sounds Emitted: High-pitched squeals and shouts.

Due to the excessive corner-camping of Survivors, some Infected got jealous and
took the Spitter course (okay, maybe it didn't happen THAT way). Spitters are
basically the Molotov Cocktail for Infected. The acidic pools that emit from
their spits become rather large, and are extremely devastating. Spitters don't
usually make much sounds, which makes them even more dangerous. They take a bit
of time in order to be able to spit again, and they will release a small pool
of spit when they die.


Type: Special Infected.
Appearance: Hunched.
Abilities: Latch, Claw.
Health: 325.
Anticipate them: When there's a midget Infected spotted.
Sounds Emitted: Abnoxious laughs.

Jockeys are also  much like Hunters. However, Jockeys do less damage over time,
but can move their targets to certain places, like towards Spitter pools,
Witches, Boomers (anything that comes to the Jockey's imagination). Survivors
latched to Jockeys can resist such movement, but it's rather difficult.


Type: Boss Infected.
Appearance: Huge, muscular. Walks on all fours.
Abilities: Claw, Rock Throw.
Health: 3000-8000.
Anticipate him: When the Tank's theme is heard, when there are hardly any
Common Infected around.
Sounds Emitted: Deep grunts and snarls. Hulking shouts.

The Tank is one of the two Boss Infected, and he's very powerful! Along with
being able to knock away Survivors with his fists, he can also throw Rocks at
far away Survivors. The Tank can also knock cars and other similar objects out
of his way, or towards Survivors. To defeat him, the Survivors must concentrate
fire on him.


Type: Boss Infected.
Appearance: Female, wears barely any clothing, pale.
Abilities: Claw.
Health: 500-1000.
Anticipate her: When the Witch's theme is heard, when there are hardly any
Common Infected around.
Sounds Emitted: Cries, growls, shouts, screams.

The other Boss Infected. The Witch, unlike most other Infected, is only
aggressive when she is startled. She is initially set at one spot, crying. The
best way to get past a Witch is to sneak past her. The Witch will get startled
by Flashlights, people who get too close to her, or by being shot or lit on
fire. If anyone gets too close to her, she'll get more and more angry (listen
to her voice to hear how angry she is). If she's left alone long enough, she'll
begin to cry again.

If the Witch is startled, she'll go after whoever startled her (this will be
notified on the HUD immediately). If the Witch manages to reach her startler,
the startler will get Incapacitated. Upon startling the Witch (hopefully not on
purpose), shoot her!

Witches act differently in certain times of the day. During the night, she just
sits idly until startled. During the day, she slowly walks and wanders around.

2.05 >The Director<
The Director is a special sort of AI that determines where certain items appear
throughout the levels (most importantly, Health Kits and Pain Pills). The
Director is known to be easy-going on Easy, but ruthless and sadistic on
Expert. The Director also coordinates when the Horde attacks, depending on how
the Survivors are doing. The Director also controls the music in the game. The
Director can also change the pathways in various levels. They still lead to the
same areas though.

2.06 >Weapons & Items<
These are the Weapons and items that will be needed in order to escape the
dangers of the Infected. Included amongst all of these are the Flashlight and
Melee attacks. The Flashlight can be used to see in the dark, and the Melee
attack can be used to shove away Infected.

Recoil affects every weapon, and firing consistently will increase the amount
of recoil, thus decreasing the accuracy of the weapon. Moving around also
increases recoil. To decrease recoil, crouch and stay still while firing in
controlled bursts.

When reloading, the clip goes down to 0, but the capacity will increase by how
many bullets there were in the previous clip. In short, this does not waste
away any clips, but when reloading, the Survivor must finish reloading in order
to fire again.

*Uzi Submachine Gun*

Clip Size: 50.
Carrying Capacity: 650.
Power per shot: 20.
Rate of Fire: Automatic.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Medium.
Reload Speed: Medium.
Type: Primary Weapon (1st Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hunters, Smokers, Boomers, Spitters, Jockeys.

The Uzi is a very balanced Weapon. It's pratically useful against most
Infected, and is effective at any range. It runs out of ammo quickly though.

*MAC-10 Silenced Submachine Gun*

Clip Size: 50.
Carrying Capacity: 650.
Power per shot: 25.
Rate of Fire: Automatic.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Medium.
Reload Speed: Medium.
Type: Primary Weapon (1st Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hunters, Smokers, Boomers, Spitters, Jockeys.

The MAC-10 is more powerful, albeit less accurate than the Uzi. There's little
difference between the two SMGs otherwise.

*M3 Pump Shotgun*

Clip Size: 8.
Carrying Capacity: 56.
Power per shot: 25-250.
Rate of Fire: Pump.
Range: Short.
Recoil: Low.
Reload Speed: Fast to Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (1st Tier).
Best paired up with: P220 & Glock, Magnum .50.
Best used on: Hunters, Boomers, Witches, Chargers.

The Pump Shotgun, much like all other Shotguns in various games, is deadly up
close, but weak at long range. The Pump Shotgun is effective at slaying Hordes
up close, and can also be used to kill off Hunters after knocking them back.
Shotguns, including the Pump Shotgun, are capable of killing the Witch in one
hit (see Tips Against Infected).

*Remington Chrome Shotgun*

Clip Size: 8.
Carrying Capacity: 56.
Power per shot: 25-248.
Rate of Fire: Pump.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Low.
Reload Speed: Fast to Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (1st Tier).
Best paired up with: P220 & Glock, Magnum .50.
Best used on: Hunters, Boomers, Witches, Chargers.

The Chrome Shotgun has less spread in its shots than the Pump Shotgun, making
it more effective at slightly longer ranges. Shotguns, including the Chrome
Shotgun, are capable of killing the Witch in one hit (see Tips Against

*Ruger Hunting Rifle*

Clip Size: 15.
Carrying Capacity: 150.
Power per shot: 90.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Long.
Recoil: High.
Reload Speed: Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (1st Tier).
Best paired up with: Melee Weapons.
Best used on: Smokers, Boomers, Tanks, Spitters.

The Hunting Rifle is a powerful sniper rifle, making it very dangerous against
Smokers and Tanks (in fact, it's good against all special Infected). It's also
good for getting headshots. Contrary to popular belief, it's not capable of
killing Witches in one hit (but it does good damage against the Witch
nonetheless). The Hunting Rifle is extremely inaccurate when on the move, but
any shot fired when standing still is a guaranteed hit. It is also capable of
killing Common Infected in a single hit. Its bullets can also penetrate through
multiple Common Infected.

*M16 Assault Rifle*

Clip Size: 50.
Carrying Capacity: 360.
Power per shot: 33.
Rate of Fire: Automatic.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Medium.
Reload Speed: Medium.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hunters, Smokers, Boomers, Spitters, Jockeys.

The Assault Rifle a straight upgrade from the Submachine Gun in almost every
category (except Ammunition). A few shots from the Assault Rifle is enough to
kill off a single Common Infected. It's very effective against Hunters,
Smokers, and Boomers. Just be sure not to run out of ammo!

*AK-47 Assault Rifle*

Clip Size: 40.
Carrying Capacity: 360.
Power per shot: 58.
Rate of Fire: Automatic.
Range: Long.
Recoil: High.
Reload Speed: Medium.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hunters, Smokers, Boomers, Spitters, Jockeys.

The AK-47 is accurate, but suffers more to recoil when moving. Much like the
Hunting Rifle, the AK-47 is best used when stationary.

*SCAR-L Combat Rifle*

Clip Size: 60.
Carrying Capacity: 360.
Power per shot: 44.
Rate of Fire: Burst.
Range: Long.
Recoil: Low.
Reload Speed: Long.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hunters, Smokers, Boomers, Spitters, Jockeys.

The Combat Rifle fires in bursts of 3 shots, although it's not necessary to
keep pressing the trigger to keep firing. Like the AK-47, it's more effective
at longer ranges, although it doesn't get as affected by accuracy as much. It
takes quite a while to reload.

*M4 Tactical Shotgun*

Clip Size: 10.
Carrying Capacity: 90.
Power per shot: 30-253.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Short.
Recoil: Medium.
Reload Speed: Fast to Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: P220 & Glock, Magnum .50.
Best used on: Hunters, Boomers, Witches, Tanks, Chargers.

Like the Assault Rifle, the Auto Shotgun is a straight upgrade from the Pump
and Chrome Shotguns. Not only does it have two extra shells in its clip, but it
can fire must faster! It also has a higher carrying capacity than the Pump and
Chrome Shotguns It's especially deadly against Tanks. Shotguns, including the
Tactical Shotgun, are capable of killing the Witch in one hit (see Tips Against

*SPAS-12 Combat Shotgun*

Clip Size: 10.
Carrying Capacity: 90.
Power per shot: 28-252.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Medium.
Reload Speed: Fast to Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: P220 & Glock, Magnum .50.
Best used on: Hunters, Boomers, Witches, Tanks, Chargers.

The SPAS-12 is equally as deadly as the M4, as well as being more accurate in
exchange for reduced pellets per shot. Shotguns, including the Combat Shotgun,
are capable of killing the Witch in one hit (see Tips Against Infected).

*G3 Sniper Rifle*

Clip Size: 30.
Carrying Capacity: 180.
Power per shot: 90.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Long.
Recoil: High.
Reload Speed: Very Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (2nd Tier).
Best paired up with: Melee Weapons.
Best used on: Smokers, Boomers, Tanks, Spitters.

The G3 is superior to the Ruger Rifle in almost every way. It's insanely deadly
against almost any Infected at long ranges. It's also respectably accurate when
on the move too.

*M79 Grenade Launcher*

Clip Size: 1.
Carrying Capacity: 30.
Power per shot: 400.
Rate of Fire: Single.
Range: Long.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: Slow.
Type: Primary Weapon (Special Tier).
Best paired up with: Any Secondary Weapon.
Best used on: Hordes, Tanks, Chargers.

Grenade Launchers are insanely powerful against crowds and big targets.
Although they can't stumble Tanks, they can do lots of damage against them.
Beware of friendly fire; a Grenade is capable of cutting a healthy Survivor's
stamina in half! Grenades for Grenade Launchers cannot be found in Ammo Caches.

*P220 & Glock Pistols*

Clip Size: 15/30.
Carrying Capacity: Infinite.
Power per shot: 36.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Medium.
Recoil: Low.
Reload Speed: Fast/Medium.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Any Primary Weapon.
Best used on: Various.

The P220 & Glock Pistols are essentially the same pistol. The Pistol never runs
out of ammo, and, if another Pistol (of either kind) is found, these Weapons
can be dual-wielded. If a Melee weapon-wielding Survivor is incapacitated,
he/she will use a single Pistol instead.

*Magnum .50 Pistol*

Clip Size: 8.
Carrying Capacity: Infinite.
Power per shot: 80.
Rate of Fire: Semi.
Range: Long.
Recoil: High.
Reload Speed: Medium.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Pump Shotguns, Auto Shotguns.
Best used on: Smokers, Spitters, Boomers.

The Magnum Pistol cannot be dual-wielded due to its immense recoil and
strength. It packs enough of a punch on its own, as it can kill Common Infected
in one hit (most of the time).


Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Melee weapons are very effective against crowds (maybe even legions) of
Infected. Just swing away and watch the Infected perish! Keep in mind that hits
from Melee weapons can also hurt teammates. The Axe, other than the pre-order
exclusive Baseball Bat, might be the most common Melee weapon in the game.

*Baseball Bat*

Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Those who pre-ordered Left 4 Dead 2 will be able to use the Baseball Bat. Those
who didn't can still use this weapon if they are playing with someone who did.

*Cricket Bat*

Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

What kind of an American neighbourhood plays Cricket? Common in Dead Center and
Swamp Fever.


Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Those who want to become badass physicists can use the Crowbar. Common in Dead
Center and Hard Rain.

*Electric Guitar*

Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Real Guitar Heroes smash their insturments on Zombies! Common in Dead Center,
Dark Carnival, and The Parish.

*Frying Pan*

Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

A comedy tool, equally as effective as a Zombie killing utility. Common in
Swamp Fever and The Parish.


Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Likely the most popular Melee weapon in the game! Common in Dead Center, Dark
Carnival, and Hard Rain.


Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

The Machete can cut through Infected just as easily as it does to plants.
Common in Swamp Fever and The Parish.

*Tonfa Baton*

Clip Size: N/A.
Carrying Capacity: N/A.
Power per shot: 500.
Rate of Fire: Swing.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected.

Riot Infected often drop these weapons, but they can also be found elsewhere.
Common in The Parish.

*STiHL Chainsaw*

Clip Size: 100 cells.
Carrying Capacity: 
Power per shot: 100.
Rate of Fire: Automatic.
Range: Melee.
Recoil: N/A.
Reload Speed: N/A.
Type: Secondary Weapon.
Best paired up with: Hunting Rifles, Sniper Rifles.
Best used on: Common Infected, Witches.

The Chainsaw stands among the rest of the Melee weapons, as it doesn't require
one to keep swinging to deal damage! It's very effective in certain Crescendo
Events, and against Witches! The Chainsaw requires to be revved up in order to
be used, which takes a few seconds. If the Chainsaw runs out of power, it will
automatically be replaced by a P220 Pistol.

*Pipe Bomb*

Explosion Type: Explosive.
Type: Grenade.
Best used on: Hordes.

Having trouble with meddling zombies? The Pipe Bomb is the solution! Throw a
Pipe Bomb at a vacant location, and the stupid zombies will be attracted to its
pretty light! Then get ready to witness a spectacular explosion of satisfaction
and gore! Disclaimer: The Pipe Bomb does not attract Special Infected, and the
makers of Pipe Bombs do not claim responsibility for this quirk.

*Molotov Cocktail*

Explosion Type: Fire.
Type: Grenade.
Best used on: Boss Infected.

The Molotov Grenade instantly explodes when the bottle hits something, so try
to throw it at something hostile. It's very effective against the Tanks (it
makes killing Tanks easier!), and it's also useful for slowing down a Witch,
should the need to get her out of the way arise. Try not to light a Hunter on
fire though, searing hands can hurt! The fire caused by the Molotov can also
damage Survivors as well, so take care when using these cocktails!

*Bile Bomb*

Explosion Type: Bile.
Type: Grenade.
Best used on: Special Infected, Boss Infected.

Bile Bombs summon a Horde to attack its target, or attracts Common Infected
towards that area. Effective during Finales.

*Health Kit*

Type: Pack.
Left Click to: Heal self.
Right Click to: Heal a teammate.

The Health Kit is capable of healing Survivors. It takes five seconds to heal,
so use it when there are no hostile zombies around. The Health Kit restores 80%
of one's lost health, so use it wisely.

*Ammo Pack*

Type: Pack.
Left Click to: Deploy Pack.
Right Click to: N/A.

Ammo Packs come in two varieties: Incendiary and Explosive. When receiving Ammo
from these boxes, the Survivor's Primary Weapon will receive its respective
Ammo Upgrade. The Ammo Upgrades will be immediately applies to the weapon. An
Ammo Pack can only be used once by each Survivor.


Type: Pack.
Left Click to: Revive dead Survivor.
Right Click to: N/A.

A Defibrillator is especially useful in Versus and Realism levels. When
revived, the Survivor will start off with 50 Health.

*Pain Pills*

Type: Consumable.
Left Click to: Consume Pills.
Right Click to: Give Pills to a teammate.

Pain Pills give a Survivor temporary pain relief (which is 50 temporary Health
points in gamer talk). The temporary health diminishes overtime, so it's best
to use it in the middle of a fight (yes, it's quick and easy to swallow these
Pills). Pills can be donated to another Survivor to help them out, or when
there's spare Pills/Adrenaline in sight.

*Adrenaline Injector*

Type: Consumable.
Left Click to: Inject Adrenaline.
Right Click to: Give Injector to a teammate.

Adrenaline Injectors provide a Survivor 25 temporary Health points, and will
give them a boost in speed and immunity to melee fatigue and slowing attacks
for 15 seconds. In this state, they can also swing Melee weapons faster.

2.07 >Difficulty<
Left 4 Dead has 4 levels of Difficulty; Easy, Normal, Advanced, and Expert.

Notable Easy Notes:
-The Tank has 3000 health points.
-The Witch has 500 health points.
-Friendly Fire does not inflict damage on teammates (except fire and
-Health Kits and Pain Pills are common and easy to find.
-This difficulty is an easy (and cheap) way of earning most Achievements.

Notable Normal Notes:
-The Tank has 4000 health points.
-The Witch has 1000 health points.
-Friendly Fire inflicts 10% damage on teammates.
-Health Kits and Pain Pills are often hidden in secret areas (outside of the
Safe Zones).

Notable Advanced Notes:
-The Tank has 6000 health points.
-The Witch has 1000 health points.
-Friendly Fire inflicts 50% damage on teammates.
-Health Kits and Pain Pills are scarce.

Notable Expert Notes:
-The Tank has 8000 health points.
-The Witch has 1000 health points, and can kill a Survivor instantly.
-Friendly Fire inflicts 100% damage on teammates.
-Health Kits are never found outside of the Safe Zones.
-Pain Pills are fairly common.
-The Infected will react much more quickly.

2.08 >Voice Commands<
There are two menus for Voice Commands. There's one for Orders (Z) and one for
Replies (X). To use the menu, hold the Voice Command key and then point at a
quote on the menu with the mouse. Release the key to speak.

Orders Menu:
Center: "Look!"
North: "Let's Go!"
Northeast: "You take the lead"
East: "Hurry!"
Southeast: "Nice Job!"
South: "Wait here!"
Southwest: "I'll save you!"
West: "Be Careful!"
NorthWest: "I'm with you!"

Center: "Ready?"
North: "Laugh"
Northeast: "Taunt"
East: "Argh!"
Southeast: "No"
South: "Sorry"
Southwest: "Yes"
West: "Hurrah!"
NorthWest: "Thank you"

Characters will also say various other things when certain actions occur. Some
of them are scripted in the Campaigns.

2.09 >Game Modes<
There are a number of game modes available. All of them, however, contain the
slaughter of zombies, and the goal of making it out alive.

Co-op Campaign/Single Player:
In this mode, the four Survivors must make it through the Campaign in order to
escape from certain calamity. Each level is divided by a Safe House, which is
the area the Survivors must travel to in each level. At the end of the
Campaign, the Survivors must complete an objective for rescue to arrive. Single
Player is a lot like the regular Campaign, except that nobody else can join the

This is similar to the Campaign mode, but four additional players can take
control of various Special Infected. There are two teams of four, and each team
must make more points than their opponents to win the game. Teams swap roles of
being the Survivors and Infected, and the winning team in each round gets to
play as the Survivors first. Points are determined through how far each team
got through the level. Bonus points are awarded to those who make it to the
Safe Room and do more damage as the Infected. There are also various level

Survival is another game mode where the Survivors must hold out as long as they
can to achieve their own records on the maps. This mode requires proper
planning and decisive decisions (or in some cases, glitches). Bronze Medals are
awarded to those who last longer than 4 minutes, Silver Medals are given to
anyone who participates in 7 minute escapades, and only the best of the best
will earn the Gold Medal for enduring 10 minutes!

There's an objective in the middle of the map, and it needs to be fueled. Fuel
Cans are littered throughout the field, and it's the Survivors' jobs to collect
them and fill up the object with gas before time runs out. Every Fuel Can
collected will buy the Survivors 20 seconds on the timer. The Infected team
must stop the Survivors from collecting Fuel Cans at all costs. When the round
ends (either when the timer reaches zero and nobody has a Fuel Can in their
hands, or when the Survivors are all killed), teams switch, and the process
repeats itself. Scores are determined by rounds won, Cans collected, and time
taken. There are up to 1, 3, 5, or 10 rounds in a game.

There's no way the Survivors can see through walls in real life! Realism
changes all that, among other things. Realism can be applied to Co-op mode, and
on any difficulty. Auras around objects and players are no more, and Common
Infected are much stronger! The only way to bring back dead Survivors is with
the Defibrillator, or by advancing to the next round (no Rescue Closets!).
Witches kill players instantly, regardless of the actual difficulty.

2.10 >The Lobby<
Upon starting a game, players will be sent to a Lobby. Campaign and Survival
Lobbies can carry up to four players, while Versus Lobbies can have a maximum
of eight.

Lobby Options:
-Game Options: The Lobby Leader can change the settings of the game, including
Difficulty, Campaign, Level, and Server Type.
-Character Selection: Anyone can select any of the four Survivors to play as,
although any characters already picked by players cannot be selected.
-Invite Friends: Anyone can invite their Friends over to play on any server if
there's room.
-Permissions: Want to play with only Friends? The Lobby Leader can make it so
that only Friends can join the game.

The Lobby Leader can also kick a player in the lobby.

Players can also vote in the middle of the game. Votes types consist of
Campaign changes, player kicking, and restarting the game if something goes 

2.11 >The Environment<
Along with the various Weapons the Survivors will carry, there are several
other objects and items they must take note of:

*Propane Tank*

Type: Explosive Can.

The Propane Tank can be carried around with a Survivor, but they must drop it
if they want to use their Weapons. If a Propane Tank is shot, it will explode
instantly. Try using these as traps during Crescendo Events and Finales (I
guess Hank Hill really did have a good reason to respect Propane). The Propane
Tank is white and round.

*Gas Can*

Type: Explosive Can.

The Gas Can can also be carried around. However, it needs to be dropped in
order to use any regular items. Gas Cans explode in a firey blaze when shot,
much like a Molotov. The Gas Can is a red gasoline bottle.

*Oxygen Tank*

Type: Explosive Can.

Rarer than the Propane Tank or Propane Tank, the Oxygen Tank explodes when
shot. It takes a few seconds for it to explode (not unlike a fuse), so get away
from it when it's about to blow! The Oxygen Tank is thin and green.

*Fuel Can*

Type: Goal Object.

During Scavenge games, Fuel Cans must be collected in order to win the round.
Fuel Cans are orange, but function similarily to Gas Cans. Dropped Fuel Cans
are vulnerable and can be detonated by a Spitter. Don't worry if they explode;
more can be obtained at the spot that the Fuel Can started from! It takes 2.5
seconds to pour in all the Fuel from the Can to the object. Any damage will
interrupt the process. Untouched Fuel Cans have a white outline, while dropped
Fuel Cans will have an orange outline.

*Cola Six-Pack*

Type: Goal Object.

Sold at Safe 4 Less convinience marts, the Cola Six-Pack contains six bottles
of the finest Cola. Features unbreakable bottles and attracts gun store owners.

*Gnome Chompski*

Type: Goal Object.

Gnome Chompski was a popular gift to whoever could score 750 points in the
shooting gallery game until the Infection hit. Now there's only one of them
left. The Gnome Chompski gnome is invulnerable.

*Machine Gun*

Type: Environmental Object.

Replacing the Minigun is the Machine Gun. It is insanely deadly against Common
Infected, so long as they are within range. Try not to let it overheat!

*Ammo Cache*

Type: Environmental Object.

Ammo Caches are very important, as it fills up ammunition levels completely.
Don't be afraid to visit them multiple times. Ammo Caches come in two forms;
Ammo Dumps and Ammo Cans.

*Laser Sight Installer*

Type: Environmental Object.

The Laser Sight increases the accuracy of a Primary Weapon. Be sure to pick a
good weapon to stick with!


Type: Environmental Object.

Doors are pretty much self explanatory. However, the Infected will not open
doors, and will instead claw their way at it. Be sure to close any Doors once
everyone's passed through it to slow down the Infected. Tanks and Witches can
break through most doors easily. Some doors lead to dead ends. These dead ends
aren't entirely pointless though, as they may have supplies or extra Infected
in them.


Type: Environmental Object.

Ladders frequently appear throughout various levels. When climbing them,
Survivors nor Infected can attack or reload until they reach either end of the
ladder, or jump off. There are certain ladder-esque objects that only the
Infected can climb (they are indicated as paths with hand icons printed on
them). If a Survivor is reloading, and then goes onto a ladder, he/she will
have to start reloading all over again after dismounting.

*First Aid Station*

Type: Environmental Object.

First Aid Stations are nailed to the wall, and are red and have the words
"First Aid" written on them. Obvious statements aside, they usually carry
Pills, or in rarer and far luckier circumstances, Health Kits. Know where these
gems are: they can save lives!


Type: Environmental Object.

Cars are usually harmless, unless they have flashing lights inside (which means
that they will alert the Horde if touched or shot at), or if a Tank's around
(which means the Tank can easily throw them at the Survivors). In general, it's
not usually safe to stand around most Cars. Trucks and Vans, however, are
usually good vantage points.

*Safe House/Safe Room*

Type: Zone.

The Safe House is a sanctuary filled with Supplies (such as Medkits and Ammo
Caches). The Safe House also hosts a metal red door (known as a Safe House
Door). All types of Infected (except for Tanks) cannot pass a closed Safe House
Door. When leaving a Safe House, be sure that everyone has a Medkit (or all the
Medkits in the Safe House are taken). There are signs throughout the level that
point to the direction of the Safe House (they look like houses with a cross in
it). The level will only end once the Safe House's door is closed and no
Infected have made it into the Safe Room (if they have, kill them).


Type: Zone.

Closets are those little rooms to the sides of the main path of the level. They
often contain various supplies, like Pills or Grenades. More importantly, if a
Survivor has been killed in battle, they can be brought back into the game if
another Survivor opens the door of the Closet they are trapped in. During Panic
Events, Infected can also appear inside them, so be sure to close the Doors of
these Closets whenever possible!

*One-Way Passage*

Type: Zone.

One-Way Passages are passages that players cannot go back through. Before going
through a One-Way Passage, be sure to collect any supplies on this side of the
Passage before crossing to the next. Also, make sure everyone passes through
safely; the Infected love to take advantage of any Survivors that fall behind
when the rest of them already crossed the One-Way Passage! Survivors and
Infected MUST take note of One-Way Passages.

*Panic Event*

Type: Avoidable Horde-drawing event.

Panic Events attract the horde, usually at the worst times. Panic Events must
be avoided at all costs, so try not to get vomited on by a Boomer, touch a
flashing Car, or go through Metal Detectors! Panic Events caused by too much
dawdling will have its unique chime before the action starts. Fierce storms can
also attract lots of Infected, apparently.

*Stationary Crescendo Event*

Type: Unavoidable Horde-drawing event.

Crescendo Events also anger the Horde, but they must often be activated to get
through the level. A notice will always pop up when a Crescendo Event's nearby,
so be prepared for some fighting! Stationary Crescendos simply require the
Survivors to hold out long enough for the Hordes to expire.

*Gauntlet Crescendo Event*

Unavoidable Horde-drawing event.

Some Crescendo Events require another trigger to be activated in order to make
the Horde stop coming. Others just won't stop until the Survivors reach the
Safe Room! For the Gauntlet-style Crescendos, Melee Weapons shine (especially
the Chainsaw!).


Type: Unavoidable Horde-drawing event.

The Finale is always located at the end of the Campaign. It takes considerable
planning to prepare for certain Finales. Most require the Survivors to hold out
in one area until rescue arrives (and fight off four waves of Infected).
Traditional Finales consist of a wave of Infected, followed by a Tank, then
another wave of Infected, and another Tank! When rescue arrives, both a Horde
of Infected and a Tank will be chasing the Survivors in hot pursuit! Other
finales have different strategies, such as a Scavenge-style game, or a race to
another point! In Versus Mode, Infected cannot spawn wherever and whenever they

2.12 >Achievements<
This is a list of Achievements obtainable in the game.  Campaign Completion
Achievements can only be obtained on Official Campaigns.

Campaign (Instant):
-Acid Reflex: Kill a Spitter before she is able to spit.
-A Ride Denied: Kill a Jockey within 2 seconds of it jumping on a Survivor.
-Armory of One: Deploy an Ammo Upgrade and have the entire team use it.
-Burning Sensation: Ignite 50 Common Infected with Incendiary Ammo. 
-Chain of Command: Kill 100 Common Infected with the chainsaw.
-CL0WND: Honk the noses of 10 Clowns.
-Club Dead: Use every melee weapon to kill Common Infected.
-Crass Menagerie: Kill one of each Uncommon Infected.
-Dead in the Water: Kill 10 swampy Mudmen while they are in the water.
-Dismemberment Plan: Kill 15 Infected with a single Grenade Launcher blast.
-Fried Piper: Using a Molotov, burn a Clown leading at least 10 Common
-Gong Show: Prove you are stronger than Moustachio.
-Head Honcho: Decapitate 200 Infected with a melee weapon.
-Level a Charge: Kill a Charger with a Melee Weapon while they are charging.
-Robbed Zombie: Collect 10 Bile Bombs from Hazmat Infected you have killed.
-Septic Tank: Use a Bile Bomb on a Tank.
-Shock Jock: Revive 10 dead Survivors with the Defibrillator.
-Stache Whacker: Prove you are faster than Moustachio.
-Tank Burger: Kill a Tank with Melee Weapons.
-The Quick and the Dead: Revive 10 Incapacitated Survivors while under the
speed-boosting effects of Adrenaline. 

Campaign (Campaign Completion):
-Price Chopper: Complete the Dead Center Campaign.  
-Midnight Rider: Complete the Dark Carnival Campaign.
-Ragin' Cajun: Complete the Swamp Fever Campaign.
-Weatherman: Complete the Hard Rain Campaign.
-Bridge Burner: Complete the Parish Campaign.
-Confederacy of Crunches: Complete a Campaign using only Melee Weapons.
-Guardin' Gnome: Rescue Gnome Chompski from the Carnival.
-Still Something to Prove: Complete all Campaigns on Expert.
-The Real Deal: Complete a Campaign on Expert with Realism enabled.

Campaign (Level Completion):
-Bridge over Trebled Slaughter: Cross the Bridge Finale in less than three
-Sob Story: Navigate the Sugar Mill and reach the Safe Room without killing any
-Violence in Silence: Navigate the impound lot and reach the cemetery Safe Room
without tripping any Car Alarms.
-Wing and a Prayer: Defend yourself at the crashed airliner without taking

-A Spittle Help from my Friends: Spit on a Survivor being choked by a Smoker as
a Spitter.
-Back in the Saddle: Ride the Survivors twice in a single life as a Jockey.
-Great Expectorations: Hit every Survivor with a single acid patch at once as a
-Heartwarmer: In a Versus round, leave the Safe Room to Defibrillate a dead
-Long Distance Carrier: Grab a Survivor and carry them over 80 feet as a
-Meat Tenderizer: Grab a Survivor and smash them into the ground for 15
seconds as a Charger.
-Qualified Ride: Ride a Survivor for more than 12 seconds as a Jockey.
-Rode Hard, Put Away Wet: Ride a Survivor and steer them into a Spitter's
acid patch as a Jockey.
-Scattering Ram: Bowl through the entire enemy team in a single charge as a
-Strength in Numbers: Form a team and beat an enemy team in 4v4 Versus or

-Beat the Rush: Get a medal only using Melee Weapons. 

-Cache and Carry: Collect 15 Fuel Cans in a single Scavenge round.
-Fuel Crisis: Make a Survivor drop a Fuel Can during overtime.
-Gas Guzzler: Collect 100 Fuel Cans in Scavenge.
-Gas Shortage: Cause 25 Fuel Can drops as a Special Infected.
-Hunting Party: Win a game of Scavenge.

2.13 >Glossary<
There are many terms in Left 4 Dead that are quite important, and will
prominently be mentioned during gameplay or in this guide.

1st Tier Weapons: Submachine Guns and Pump Shotguns.

2nd Tier Weapons: Assault Rifles, Auto Shotguns, and Scoped Rifles.

9mm Pistols: P220 & Glock Pistols.

Acid: Spitter Spit.

Barf: Boomer Vomit.

Bile: Boomer Vomit.

Boss Infected: The two greater Special Infected; Tank and Witch. They appear
occasionally throughout the Campaigns, and often appear without the Hordes of
Infected around.

Constricted: Being damaged by a Smoker. When a Survivor is pulled close enough
to the Smoker, or the Survivor cannot be pulled farther any longer, the
Survivor begins to take damage.

Graffiti: Graffiti, which may provide the Survivors a bit of entertainment on
the wall.

Grenade: Pipe Bomb, Molotov, or Bile Bomb.

Helpless: A Survivor being pounced on by a Hunter, choked by a Smoker, bashed
by a Charger, or ridden by a Jockey.

Mollie: Molotov Cocktail.

Pounced: Being damaged by a Hunter.

Protect: Kill an Infected harming another Survivor's back.

Rescue: Get a Survivor back into the game from a Rescue Closet.

Save: Kill a a helpless Survivor, or help a Survivor back on their feet.

Special Infected: The six lesser Special Infected; Hunter, Smoker, Boomer,
Charger, Spitter, and Jockey. They appear frequently throughout the Campaigns.

Supplies: Various usable items including Pain Pills, Health Kits, and Weapons.

The Midnight Riders: A Metallica-esque band.

Uncommons: Uncommon Infected.

Zombies: Common Infected.

2.14 >Types of Players<
There's many types of people to encounter online. Most of them are okay, but
some are even better and care about the safety of others more than maybe even
themselves (be sure to add these kinds of people as friends). Others are
completely rotten, and should be kicked out of the game immediately. Left 4
Dead is much like MMORPGs such as World of Warcraft, and the likes of Ninjas
and griefers must never be tolerated.

Good Players (very good to stick around with):
-Are adept and they know what they're doing.
-Know all the maps inside and out.
-Will do their best to not leave their teammates behind.
-Use their Mics responsibly, or uses Voice Commands.
-Stick together with the rest of the group.
-Will tell others where supplies are at.
-Wait for everyone else before initiating Crescendo Events.
-Will apologize for anything bad they've done.

Bad Players:
-Leave players behind because "the game's called Left 4 Dead".
-Always shoot their teammates intentionally.
-Rush through the level ahead of their teammates.
-Berate their teammates.
-Will waste Medkits, Pills, etc intentionally.
-Spam songs through their Mics.
-Initiate Crescendo Events on sight.

New Players (not to be confused with Bad Players):
-Don't really know the game all that well.
-Often shoot their teammates by accident.
-Don't use communication well.
-Usually get lost.

What to do with these players? Let's see...

Good Players:
-Feel free to invite them to be a friend! Play again sometime!
-Have fun!

Bad Players:
-Leave THEM 4 Dead as a sign of poetic justice.
-Boot them out of the game with extreme prejudice.
-Convince the other players to vote him out.
-Constantly berate THEM in order to make them quit (Warning: may backfire).
-Kill them over and over and over, and refuse to help them at all.

New Players:
-Give them advice and orders.
-Tell them that they should play on Easy difficulty first.
-Tell them to press Y to talk.

3.00 >Campaign Walkthrough<
This is the walkthrough for each Campaign. Although the locations of Weapons,
supplies, passages, enemies, etc. will vary due to the nature of the Director,
the general path to escape will remain the same. I'll only state the paths that
must be taken to simply pass the level (should any Boss Infected be
encountered, try to take the Against Infected tips into consideration. Also,
try to work as a team throughout these journeys). Some parts of the Campaigns
will differ between Co-op and Versus mode (other than the actions of the

3.10 >Dead Center<

Tagline: "Prices aren't the only things getting slashed."
Objective: Head to Liberty Mall and get out of the city using a car.
Location: The Vannah, Liberty Mall.
Uncommon Infected: Hazmats.
Setting: Urban.
Rescue Vehicle: Racecar.

The first Campaign in Left 4 Dead 2. This Campaign will show how much harder
Left 4 Dead 2 is compared to Left 4 Dead 1.

3.11 >The Hotel<

Difficulty: Easy.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Elevator Escape.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: 4 Melee Weapons, 9mm Pistol, 4 Health Kits.

Grab the weapons on the table after seeing the helicopter fly away. Make sure
at least one person is armed with Pistols in order to deal with Boomers and
Spitters. Head down the stairwell and fight the Infected in the hallways. The
hallways lead to various rooms that may contain extra supplies. One of the
rooms has a map, along with more weapons. Keep advancing across the halls.

Okay, there's no way the Survivors can pass through the hallways now with the
fire in the way. The elevators here are out, so head down the stairwell and
continue on the lower floors. One of the rooms is filled with fire, so don't
open it! If it's too late, the Survivors will have to resort to walking on the
ledges of the windows to get past it. Keep advancing across the hallways
(checking every room for supplies). There should be some working elevators at
the end of the path, so make sure everyone is inside before activating it.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

After the Survivors introduce each other, the elevator will stop. The Survivors
will have to open the elevator doors and engage the Infected! A Bile Bomb
thrown at one of the many fires on this floor can take care of the majority of
the Horde. There is also a Silenced Submachine Gun on the floor, so take it!

The only way out is towards the right end of the hall. To the right of this
hall is a room with Chrome Shotguns and other precious supplies. Advance into
the kitchen. Hop over the table to get past the fires, and head towards the
firey lobby. Avoid the flames and run towards the reception room (there may be
supplies in the corners of the lobby). The Safe Room is directly across from
this point, so run!

3.12 >The Streets<

Difficulty: Medium.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Cola Heist.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, 9mm Pistol, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Once everyone's made their pick on a weapon, head out. Clear the marketplace of
any Infected, and head towards the road. Check the tents and moving trucks for
some goodies, then run on the road leading downwards. Head into the passage to
the right. There's an Axe hanging on the wall. Go down the stairs.

Check the closet at the other end. A Chainsaw or a Grenade Launcher may be in
there. The door to the right leads to the road (be sure to check the rest of
the room for more guns and whatnot). The way across is to the left (the right
is blocked). There's a primary weapon on the truck. Cross the grass.

There's another truck on the other road, containing various weapons. On the
same road is a dumpster. Climb it to get on the other side of the wall. Enter
the building.

There's a closet in here, which may contain some useful supplies. The stairs
leads to Tier 2 Weapons, an Ammo Cache, and a First Aid Station. Once
everyone's picked their piece, head out onto the catwalk. A Pipe Bomb can flush
out the Infected that's likely to be hanging around on the road below.

One Way Passage

Hop down onto the vehicle and onto the road. Since the road's blocked, head up
the stairs near the road to advance. Just keep walking across the linear path,
keeping an eye out for Infected along the way. The path leads to Whitaker's Gun

There's a collection of (nearly) every Primary Weapon in the game here, along
with four Health Kits and a Laser Sight Installer. Pick a weapon and be sure to
stick with it for the rest of the game (or for as long as possible). Answer the
door to chat with the owner.

He's barricaded himself in a room, and will clear a path to the mall for the
Survivors if they get him some Cola from the Save 4 Less store. The store is
directly across from the gun shop. Head to the front door of the store.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

When prepared, open the doors (it will sound an alarm). The six-pack of Cola is
located at the end of the store. Someone will have to pick it up. The Horde is
coming! A Pipe Bomb or a Bile Bomb can distract the Hordes of Infected long
enough for the Cola carrier to make it out of the store. A good idea is to have
two Survivors watch the door outside the store to carve a path for the Cola

Head left around the hedges and then go up the stairs back to Whitaker. Put the
Cola in the slot, and Whitaker will blow up the barricade blocking the way to
the mall. Fight off the remaining Infected and then go across the roads.

Check the various tents for supplies. The mall is hard to miss, so head there
as soon as possible!

3.13 >The Mall<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Glass Window/Emergency Door.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Try not to switch weapons from the last level in order to keep the Laser Sights
Upgrade. Clear out the Infected outside on the other side of the Safe Room Door
and then head out. Try not to get caught by the Special Infected here. Search
the furniture for supplies and then walk up the escalator.

Although the gate behind the top of the escalator is the Survivors' next
destination, the furniture in this room and the dressing rooms may contain some
extra supplies. Check those before heading towards the gate. There's a pistol
under the gate.

Head down the escalator. In open areas like these, watch out for Smokers.
There's an item next to the vase. Keep advancing through the corridors and then
head up the escalator (but check the bathrooms; they may contain valuable

One Way Passage

At this floor, hop on top of the broken door leading to the narrow hallways.
Examine the various rooms to the side; there's weapons and maybe even an Ammo
Cache in one of the rooms.

There's a forking point at this intersection. The left path will lead to some
more hallways on the same floor towards a Glass Window in a clothes shop. The
right path leads downward towards an Emergency Door. Be sure to examine each
and every room on the way. There's also a First Aid Station on the way too,
both of them next to the Crescendo Event.

For the Glass Window, DO NOT SHOOT IT. Damaging the Window will raise the
alarm. Be very careful in the clothes shop, as there are still some Infected
wandering around here.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

When ready, hit it! The alarm's all the way on the third floor. Navigate up the
escalators to get up there (a Pipe Bomb or a Bile Bomb can buy the Survivors
some time). Melee weapons are effective at carving through hordes of Zombies
like these. Quickly head into the security room on the third floor and shut off
the alarm to stop the waves. There's an abundance of supplies here too, if
anyone needs them.

Head down the stairwell and then turn right. The narrow corridor is the perfect
place for a Charger to be waiting, so prepare for any. The corridor leads to a
room with boxes and hopefully some supplies. The exit is hard to miss.

Move up the escalator and then head towards the Safe Room (it's at the far end
of this floor). Run inside!

3.14 >The Atrium Finale<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Racecar Scavenge.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Before heading out, consider splitting up into two teams of two while the
Survivors talk about the legacy of Jimmy Gibbs Jr. Remember who to stick by and
what to do during this finale.

Grab some gear and head on out. Examine the bathrooms (the Survivors will never
know what they could find in there!). Head to the atrium and cross the bridge.
Enter the elevator.

The Survivors will discuss their plan to escape. Notice all the Fuel Cans (with
white outlines) lying around the place. Those are all the Cans required to fill
up the Racecar lying in an inneglectible area.

Finale! Prepare to fight!

Now here's where the teams system comes into play: Team A must search for Fuel
Cans throughout the atrium and they must pass them to Team B, who will stand by
the Racecar to fill it up with Fuel (this is to prevent long walks and Spitter

Both stairwells leading to the second and third floors can only be accessed on
the first floor. The stalls near the Racecar contain Medkits, Weapons, and
Ammo. There are also Consumables and Grenades lying about. The Infected will
come through the doors on the walls.

As with all Scavenge games, DO NOT SHOOT THE FUEL CANS. However, if they are
shot, don't worry! They will respawn at the place they were first found. Try
not to let any Special Infected ambush a lonely Survivor!

Team A can also monitor the safety of Team B if Team A has a long range Weapon
with them. A Sniper Rifle can take out a Charger on a Survivor from Team B from
a great distance! Don't even think about jumping off the rails (unless jumping
onto a stall)! When half of all the Fuel Cans have been collected, a Tank will
show up. Destroy the Tank before collecting any more Cans! When he's out,
continue on the search.

When the Racecar is fueled up, get in!


No need to scurry around the map this time. The tops of the stalls are a good
place to fight.


The same rules apply here. Treat this game like a Versus match and focus more
on gathering and loading Fuel! What's worse is that Infected can actually spawn
anywhere they want this time! The Survivors are short on time, so head to the
nearest Fuel Can!

3.20 >Dark Carnival<

Tagline: "You must be this tall...TO DIE!"
Objective: Reach the concert and set up the rock show for a helicopter rescue.
Location: Whispering Oaks Amusement Park.
Uncommon Infected: Clowns.
Setting: Amusement Park.
Rescue Vehicle: Helicopter.

Thought Dead Center was hard? Dark Carnival's even harder! With all the
Infected roaming the place, the Survivors must do what they can to break
through! Not even Moustachio (the park's mascot) can help the Survivors!

3.21 >The Highway<

Difficulty: Easy.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: None.
Unique Panic Events: Alarm Cars.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, 4 Health Kits.

Grab the supplies and then head on towards the cars on the highway when
everyone's prepared. Whispering Oaks is where the Survivors are headed, so hop
on top of the cars and navigate through. There's usually something cool in the
truck ahead.

Go around the bus and the truck by heading left. Follow the off-ramp (but check
the road in front of the blocked bridge for supplies). The off-ramp leads to a
humvee with weapons and an Ammo Cache beside it. Follow the road that it's on,
leading under the bridge.

Either head up left before crossing the second bridge or head right after
crossing aforementioned bridge. Either way, the best way forward is to head up
onto the second bridge. From there, the Survivors can board the billboard,
which has a Hunting Rifle on it. Jump off the billboard onto the roof of the
kitchen quarters.

There's another weapon on this roof. Examine the rooms of this building, as
they WILL contain various supplies. When all the rooms have been peeked, head
to the two-story motel.

Check every single room in the motel, including their bathrooms for more and
more supplies! The room in the corner of the second floor is broken, but will
likely contain something sweet, like a Chainsaw or a Health Pack. Avoid the
parking lot, and keep an eye out for any Infected hoping to force the Survivors
towards that Alarm Car!

Eventually, the Survivors will reach a fence, blocking the first floor. To get
past it, head through the rooms to the right; they lead to the other end of the

When all of the rooms on this end have been explored, follow the stone road to
a hill. The campsite on the lower end of this hill is home to (more) supplies.

One Way Passage

Time to slide down the hill! Don't worry, the Survivors won't take any damage
from this fall! Try landing on the flat areas, where supplies usually lay. Make
sure everyone slides down before a Hunter/Smoker/Charger/Jockey ambushes the
last guy.

Upon reaching the valley, advance right, and keep straight. Eyes out for
supplies, and avoid the water (it's not toxic, but it will certainly slow down
the Survivors). There's a hill leading upward to the left of this river. The
Infected will likely pop up from behind the plants.

There it is, Whispering Oaks! Check the truck, then advance towards the trailer
behind the Alarm Car. Make a run for the Safe Room!


This is a relatively easy Survival map with bots. Head to the corner on the
street next to the fence (where the Survivors first enter this area). The
Infected will only come from one direction, and with bots alone, the Survivors
should be able to get a bronze medal. Perfect for Beat the Rush!


There's numerous Fuel Cans sitting on the billboard. They can be thrown to
ground level where the Survivors can easily retrieve and use them for the
Generator. Some of the Fuel Cans are lying out far on the road!

3.22 >The Fairgrounds<

Difficulty: Medium.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Merry-Go-Round.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, Magnum Pistol, 4 Health
Kits, Ammo Cache.

Gather the weapons and then head on out. The gates are to the right. Pass them
and search the ticket booths. The trailer to the right also contains valuable
items. Other places of interest in this area include the bathrooms to the left
of the central stall, and the kitchen to the extreme left.

There's also a minigame at the far end of this region. A shooting gallery that
functions with REAL guns. Pick up the weapons on the picnic table nearby and
use them on this game if the Survivors have the time.

To play this game, the Survivors must shoot at thieves and Moustachios, and not
at Lil' Peanut (despite how much we hate him!). Gnome Chompski is rewarded to
whoever gets 750 points here! Like any carryable item, he needs to be carried
and whoever carries him cannot fire.

Keep moving among the tents. To the right is a building, so enter it. There are
supplies in the rooms of this building. The exit is on the other side. Just
keep following the path.

There are weapons under the tent. Collect them and follow the road. We've
reached Kiddieland! Settle down Ellis. Start exploring this juvenile land by
heading right, and checking the picnic tables. Then head into the two
washrooms. Advance towards the left side of this area and take a look inside
the kitchen.

The alley near the kitchen is the way to go. Check the truck to the left and
the storage room to the left after turning right. Ahead is a room with a First
Aid Station, Weapons, and an Ammo Cache. Go up the stairs and up the ladder to

On the roof, there's a small room to the left at the back end. It contains
Weapons and other useful devices. Go up the stairs and then slide down the
slide (or go down the stairs, whichever's closer). There's another flight of
stairs at ground level, leading towards the other end of the noticeable fence.

After going up the stairs, head into the room to the left to find more Weapons,
more Ammo, and a First Aid Station. Make use of all of the items here, because
the Survivors will need it!

One Way Passage

Jump down onto the cement. There's a room in the building behind. With luck,
the Survivors will find a Chainsaw or something.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Head to the Merry-Go-Round. See that switch on the wall? Left 4 Dead mechanics
dictate that the Merry-Go-Round is noisy, and that this switch activates it.
Flip the switch, and the gates will open! Rush around the ride to the other
side and flip the switch on that end to stop the ride! Infected will be rushing
from every end, so use Melee Weapons or Shotguns to carve through! The end of
this level is located farther behind the termination switch, within the Tunnel
of Love!

A Pipe Bomb or Bile Bomb can keep the Infected at bay while the Survivors make
a run for the Safe Room. Jump over the line ropes and dive in!

3.23 >The Coaster<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Screaming Oak Roller Coaster.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: 2 Tier 2 Weapons, 4 Health Kits, Ammo Cache.

Tunnel of Love? Why not a Haunted House Ride? Never mind.

Collect any necessary equipment and then exit the Safe Room. Go up and down the
ramps accordingly and then notice the Tunnel of Love's river. There's always a
Melee Weapon inside the ticket booth of love to the left. In the Tunnel of
Love, be sure to check ALL the rooms with pictures in them, even if supplies
seldom appear in them.

Eventually, the Survivors will come across some doors or vents leading to some
plumbing rooms of love. There's bound to be supplies of love in these rooms

Nearby is the maintenance room of love, to the left. Head in there since the
river of love is blocked by a gate of love. Go up the stairs (there may be a
gun in the corner) and walk on the catwalks of love.

The storage room of love often contains another gun and some other supplies.
Exit through the door towards the vents of love.

One Way Passage (of love)

There's a hole of love in the floor, so go down there (a Pipe Bomb or Molotov
can flush out the Infected below). Drop down (make sure nobody is left
behind!) and then keep following the river of love again. The exit is to the
right, so ditch the Tunnel of Love along with these lame puns (of love).

There's a few Weapons in this room. Collect them if necessary. Head to the
building directly across. It has a First Aid Station, filled with Pills (or
hopefully, Medkits!). When the building's clear head out and see the Screaming
Oak Roller Coaster! Before going over the fence towards the ride, check the
nearby truck for anything interesting (Ammo Packs, Weapons, etc).

One Way Passage

When everyone's over the fence, head towards the ride entrance and get ready.
Whenever prepared, hit the switch and watch the Screaming Oak zoom across its
tracks (don't worry, it only does one circuit). Once the gate opens, move!

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Careful on these tracks! A Charger, Smoker, or Jockey could easily ruin things
here! A Spitter can also deny access across, so keep an eye on them too!
Grenades are especially useful here, as they draw the Hordes away. Chainsaws
are also insanely effective.

One Way Passage

There's a steep drop on the track, so don't run too fast to prevent any
accidents. Just keep focusing on turning off the switch on the other station
of the ride!

If not everyone makes it to the station, keep covering fire to whoever did.
When all the Infected have been destroyed, go over the bridge towards the Safe
House. Whew!

3.24 >The Barns<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Ticket Gate.
Unique Panic Events: Moustachio Minigames.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Grab some gear and head on out after shooting up some Infected outside. This
area is relatively open, and there are two ways of entering the next; in
between the tents or through the eating shack.

There's Moustachio's strength tester! The Survivors can try on their own, they
will never be able to outdo Moustachio without being healthy and without having
Adrenaline benefits. Aim carefully at the red block to ring the bell. Whoever
broke the tester gets the according Achievement. Beware! Breaking this machine
will attract the Horde!

Cut through the bumper cars and exit on the other side. The entrance to the
stage (and the exit of this level) is located on the other end of the fence. Go
towards the tents in this area.

Another Moustachio game. This one involves the Survivors hitting Moustachio
moles. Pistols are a good weapon to use here. Just keep "inserting tokens"
until 42 Moustachio moles have been hit. Anyone who participated gets the
Achievement! The celebratory noises made by the machine also attract the Horde.
Check the nearby buildings and tents for supplies.

Get into the barns and go through the doors through more barns. Some may have
ladders that lead to supplies. The last barn contains Weapons and the exit.
Climb on top of the hay and navigate across the barn rooftops (walk on the
ladders to get over them).

One Way Passage

Hop down at the end. There may be some Health Kits here if the Survivors are
lucky. Turn right and then climb the scaffoldings. There's an Ammo Cache here.
The Hordes will be alerted forever once the Ticket Gate's button is hit, so be
prepared! There are a few Gas Cans littered here.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

The scaffolding itself is a formidable place to hold out until the Gate opens.
Destroy any Spitter, Smoker, or Jockey in sight! When the Gate is open, make a
run through it!

Molotovs, Chainsaws, and Incendiary Ammo are the Survivors' most valuable
assets in this frantic hour! A Molotov can be thrown at the back to prevent
Infected pursuits. A Pipe Bomb or Bile Bomb can also be thrown to repel the
Common Infected.

Hop over the fences and dash into the Safe Room! Hurry!


Survival tips COMING SOON!

3.25 >The Concert<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Rock Concert.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Recover from the last level's escapade, and then head on out. The hallway
leading to the stadium is fairly linear, with bathrooms on the sides on the way
(they contain supplies). Upon reaching the stadium, the area's filled with
Infected! A Pipe Bomb can flush them all out.

Survey the scenery. There's Health Kits located in a First Aid Station at the
top of the central bleachers or on the stage, and there's Weapons and an Ammo
Cache on the stage or at the bottom of the central bleachers. There's various
Grenades on the equipment boxes, and some Adrenaline Shots and Pills scattered
on both of the scaffolding towers and near the DJ equipment. A Grenade Launcher
is always standing at the top of the lower tower, and a Sniper Rifle at the top
of the higher tower. Several Guitars are available for use on the stage, and
there are a few Defibrillators on both towers. A bunch of Fireworks are in some
boxes next to the central bleachers (they act like Gas Cans), and some actual
Gas Cans near the ends of the stadium.

Whew! Think this is a godsend? The Survivors will need it, as the fighting
space is very open! Grab any gear that's necessary, and the find a hiding spot.
The stage and the towers are among some places. When everyone's ready, turn on
the lights and initiate the music! Feel free to scream into the microphone too.

Finale! Prepare to fight!

Here they come! From either location, the Grenade Launcher is going to be a
wonderful asset in this crazy finish! When on the stage, there's a button next
to the microphone that activates the pyrotechnics, lighting any Infected on
fire that's stupid enough to run through them. Some Special Infected will
appear on the bleachers. Take them out with the Sniper Rifle or Grenade

That's one bad Tank! Focus fire on it! From Fireworks to Molotovs, just do
anything that will hinder its process! When the Tank and the guitar solo have
ended, another wave of Infected will press the attack! Repeat the process to
both the Infected and the Tank. In the middle of the break, feel free to use
a Medkit to recover.

The helicopter's here! Pay attention to where it flies. If it appeared to the
left, it will head to the right bleachers (assuming the Survivors are looking
at this from the stage). If it appeared to the right, it will head to the left
bleachers. Get on top of the bleachers and hop onto the helicopter!


There are various areas to hold out. One is the stage, of course, as it
contains loads of supplies. Another is one of the bleachers. For that, the
Survivors should deploy some Ammo Packs to even the odds. In both cases, Tanks
can be seen far away.

3.30 >Swamp Fever<

Tagline: "The only cure is dying."
Objective: Carve through the swamps to a plantation house where a boat is
coming to the rescue.
Location: Jungle Plantation.
Uncommon Infected: Mud Men.
Setting: Swamps.
Rescue Vehicle: Virgil's fishing boat.

Since this campaign only contains Stationary Crescendo Events, Left 4 Dead 1
players will feel most at home here. There's a lot of water here, imparing
movement throughout this level. This campaign is also home to a lot of Ammo
Packs and Grenade Launchers.

3.31 >Plank Country<

Difficulty: Medium.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: River Raft.
Unique Panic Events: Jukebox.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, 4 Health Kits.

Nick shot the pilot, and now the Survivors need to find their way out of the
swamps. Collect the gear inside the boxcar and then head on out. There's
supplies near the gas station and the garage. There's also a road leading to
a village.

The various buildings in the village will contain precious supplies, such as
Ammo Packs, Defibrillators, and Consumables. The Survivors might find a Grenade
Launcher or a Chainsaw if they're lucky. In the cookhouse is a Jukebox. The
Survivors can listen to it if they want, but they need to keep on moving.

The town ends at the river, and the only way across it is on the River Raft. On
the other end. Know what this means?

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Get prepared at the docks and then hit the switch. There's bound to be a gun or
two on the picnic tables. The Hordes of Zombies will come after the Survivors
here until the Survivors board the Raft! When the Raft arrives, waste no time
on hopping in!

After a bit of chit-chat, walk out of the Raft onto the planks. The planks are
a good place to walk on, as the water will certainly slow down the Survivors.
The planks lead left or right. Both paths lead to areas containing supplies (a
shack to the left and a picnic plateau to the right). There's another building
on the way containing even more supplies.

When the two paths converge, they lead to a covered section of the bridge with
a Hunting Rifle and a few other interesting things. Go down the stairs. The
planks lead to the right, so walk on them (or cross the disgusting waters).

The path to the Safe Room (inside a pipe) is non-linear, but isn't too easy to
get lost in. It has a light above its entrance. There may be a Grenade or two
near some trees as well.


Survival tips COMING SOON!


Scavenge tips COMING SOON!

3.32 >The Swamp<

Difficulty: Medium.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Airplane Breach.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, 4 Health Kits, Ammo Cache.

Grab the items inside the tunnel and the exit into the water. The Survivors
will have to traverse through this yucky region, and will also have to deal
with groups of Infected (less if they throw a Pipe Bomb out there). There's
also the Mudmen lurking around the waters.

At the end of the pond is a boat containing lucious supplies. It's also near
a path through the swamp. Head towards the sunlight and stay on the ground;
nobody likes to get wet with their clothes on (and don't even think about
stripping nude!).

There's a dead parachutist near here, along with the remains of a shack. Both
contain some supplies. On the way is also a dock, containing more supplies.

Eventually, the Survivors will reached a crashed plane, with Tier 2 Weapons and
various other goodies inside (if it can be called that). The emergency exit
leading to the other end of the swamp will trigger an alarm.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Either the elevated wing of the plane or near one of the seats is a good place
to hold out. The Infected will come from both ends of the plane. Try not to
jump off the wing of the plane; it's not easy to get back.

One Way Passage

There are multiple ways to get through the swamp from here, but on the way, the
Survivors should encounter a dock, a ground-level shack, the remains of a
shack, and a shack underwater, all of them containing valuable supplies. Near
the water shack is the shores to some land and the road.

The humvee to the left on the road also has more supplies next to it. Follow
the road and then head right when the road is blocked. The Safe House is just
ahead. Avoid the forest to the right and head inside.

3.33 >The Shantytown<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Crossing the Plank.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Refuel and exit after flushing out the Zombies. Check every building in the
village for supplies, then enter the building with the lantern on it. Exit on
the other side after grabbing its contents. Ignore the dead cows in the field.

The path here is lit up by burning barrels and more lanterns. Be sure to
examine EVERY SINGLE BUILDING in this area. Follow the boardwalk instead of
crossing the waters for speed.

There's a point where the Survivors will have to go up the stairs on the
boardwalk to some elevated planks. They lead to houses on the edges of cliffs.
Each of these houses also (and predictably) contain some supplies. There's one
house with a lit lantern on it; this is the way to the next area.

It also contains supplies more valuable than the ones in the other houses
combined. Likely Health Kits, Defibrillators, and Weapons! Exit on the other
side of this house and then follow the path (the one that's not full of trees).
The path leads to another village; this one having a bunch of elevated shacks
on top of waters.

Cross the planks leading to the shacks and cross through them. One of the
planks needs to be lowered in order to cross. Unfortunately, it's rather rusty
and noisy. Guess what happens next.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Try to cross the plank as soon as possible and try to hold out in one of the
shacks. The shacks will contain Propane Tanks and Gas Cans, so throw them out
before somebody accidentally shoots them! Watch out for Infected climbing out
of the waters, and keep an eye out for Spitters, Chargers, and Smokers trying
to ruin the fun!

Cross the shacks and exit to the landmass on the other end. It leads to the
Safe Room, elevated in a building. Go up the stairs and head inside.

3.34 >The Plantation<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Virgil to the Rescue.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Make use of all the supplies in this Safe Room and then exit into the sunlight.
Witches here will still think it's night time. Clear the woods of Infected, and
head to the town. Each of the town's buildings contain supplies, but watch out
for crafty Special Infected taking advantage of the Survivors' greed.

Follow the road leading to the plantation building. Take advantage of the back
yard's open field and use a Pipe Bomb or something to lure any Hordes here. Go
up the ladder leading to a window to enter the plantation chateau.

One Way Passage

What a desolate building! But somebody forgot a few supplies; namely Grenades
on the cabinet. There's also Weapons and Medkits in the front yard (on the
tables or near the hedges). An apparently poorly placed Machine Gun is on the
front deck, overviewing the front yard (it's not as useful as the Survivors
will think it is). There's also a radio next to the door of the front yard.

Speak to the radio. Why hello Virgil! Good to hear from someone for, well,
however long it was to get through this campaign! Although it's rude to keep
someone waiting, don't answer him again until the Survivors have a game plan.

Usually the best place to fight is at the stairwell of the chateau. Others are
some of the dead-end rooms on the first floor. Another is in the front yards
directly in front of the gate. When ready, answer Virgil (someone can use the
Machine Gun to cover the caller's run to the others, and then ditch the
weapon if the Survivors are hiding in the chateau).

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Yikes! The Infected are coming from all sorts of directions! Just keep fighint
and fighting and fighting! Take out any Spitters on sight! When the chaos
reaches an intermission, a Tank will arrive! Shoot the crap out of the Tank
before he can inflict harm on our heroes. Use any Medkits in the aftermath if

And another wave of Zombies attacks. Repeat the first step of the previous
paragraph. After this, there will be a Tank to fight. Kill it, and...

There's another Tank?! Try not to get caught off guard! Work together to
destroy this second monstrosity! Try to recover from this disaster and head to
the yard door.

Kaboom! Somehow the door exploded and now the Survivors must head to the dock
to reach Virgil before the Infected catch up! Jump on the Boat!


It just doesn't get any easier, does it? The foyer is still a formidable place
to fight.

3.40 >Hard Rain<

Tagline: "Come Hell and high water."
Objective: Get some gas for Virgil's boat, but be careful on the way back; a
little rain may become a terrifying storm any second.
Location: Ducatel.
Uncommon Infected: Worker Infected.
Setting: Suburbs, hurricane.
Rescue Vehicle: Virgil's fishing boat.

Ever notice how remembering environments are not really important except for
writers like me? Now ordinary players must remember environments here, as this
brutal campaign forces the Survivors to trek back to where they started! Oh,
and there's also the infamous Witch-infested mill...

3.41 >The Milltown<

Difficulty: Easy.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: None.
Unique Panic Events: Car Alarms.
Safe Room Inventory: 4 Melee Weapons.

No gun bag, no problem! This is all part of the "Director's" plan! Grab a Melee
Weapon (or stick with the P220) and then head into the Burger Tank restaurant.

Collect the two Health Kits in the First Aid Station, as well as two more
Health Kits on the counter from the group of four (or save some for the
Finale). There's also Grenades on the same counter; a Pipe Bomb can get rid of
all these pesky Infected! Grab the guns on the table (Bots will ALWAYS take the
Hunting Rifle) and then exit the building.

Head to the nearby gas station. No gas, as expected. The only other gas station
in this district is beyond the local sugar mill.

One Way Passage

Go up the ramp over the fence and then climb onto the trailer and hop down on
the other end. And now it's raining.

Feels like a daytime Death Toll doesn't it? What? Never mind. Explore all the
buildings in the neighbourhood (but if the Survivors are at full capacity, save
the supplies). Among the places they will visit are a playground, a
construction site (usually containing an Ammo Pack or something), and a garage
sale (with Weapons for only $5.99, but it's free anyways!). There's also
certain buildings that contain Tier 2 Weaponry (they're much bigger than the
average house). One of them is near the aforementioned site.

There's also a treehouse with a Hunting Rifle in it, plus an ambulance with
Pills and Adrenaline (sometimes a Health Kit too) near the garage sale. Keep
cutting through the houses until the Survivors reach a huge warehouse with a
Safe Room in it. It's nice to spare the supplies in the buildings near it.


Survival tips COMING SOON!


There's Fuel Cans on both ends from the playground's Generator. Try to throw
down the Fuel Cans from the buildings to save time.

3.42 >The Sugar Mill<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Site Elevator.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
First Aid Station, Pills, Adrenaline, Grenades, Ammo Cache.

Wowzers! That's a lot of supplies. First off, BE SURE TO USE THE HEALTH KITS IN
Health Kits on the table, the ones in the First Aid Station often get replaced
by more. Once everybody has a decent weapon, open the Safe Room.

Check the room to the right. Although rare, it may contain an Ammo Pack or
something. Exit this building and fight the wandering Infected idling around
the entrance to the sugar mill.

Enter the large building and check each of the little rooms for supplies (if
full up, remember where these supplies are at). Exit on the other end and
notice the rain getting harsher and harsher. Enter the building through the
open room. There might be something of interest on the table.

Head through the open passage. A Witch is usually wandering around here, so try
to avoid her. The rooms to the right contain a few lockers, vending machines,
and, more importantly, Consumables! Yeah! Well, if the Survivors are not
interested in using them now, they can save 'em for later.

Head to the wall, then make a u-turn around the wall to the left. There may be
another Witch around this region. There's also a shack, that could contain more
items of interest. Go up the ramp and enter the generator room.

Why couldn't Witches like sulfur instead? Why couldn't the Survivors enjoy the
smell of sugar instead of watching out for the immense amount of Witches? And
why couldn't Tanks be repelled by sugar? Ahem. Excuse me.

There's a room on top of the catwalks next to the generator often containing
more Weapons, and more supplies (if there's a Witch in there, wait for her to
wander herself out and pass through). In order to get there, simply hop onto
the parts of the generator to get on top of the catwalks. There's also a small
hard-to-notice room with lockers and supplies in it on the other end of the
generator. No matter how good one's CR0WNING skills are; it's still a good idea
to politely let a Witch alone, especially here.

Exit this area to a field with puddles and silos. The trailer next to them also
contains some valuable stuff (Weapons, Grenades, etc). Enter the large
unfinished site.

It's dark in here. Go up the stairs and check each floor for supplies (this is
even more important if the Survivors had some unfortunate encounters with the
Witches). The only way down to the cane fields is down the noisy Elevator.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Get ready, and get set when the Elevator ascends to this floor. The Infected
will come by to say hello, so fight them all off until the Elevator arrives!
Most will be coming from the stairs or from the cane fields, but some will
climb up the pipes! Shoot them before they can reach the Survivors! When the
Elevator's here, get in (unless there's a Spitter around; shoot her first).

Dum de dum, the Elevator's bringing the Survivors down to the cane field.
Examine the shack nearby for supplies (it's quite important for Survivors who
have suffered through the Elevator fight). Then head into the cane field.
Follow the pipe until it ends.

More Witches? Will the sadism never end? Be careful as the Survivors trek
through the cane field; the Witches are not easy to spot in the midst of the
agriculture. Ears out for the telltale music. Or just run towards the sign and

Whew! Made it out alive? Head into the gas station and into the Safe Room!


In this strange layout, the Survivors can access the generator room or the
lands near the trailer. Among the places to hold out are the trailer, the
generator cabin, and the locker room. Be sure to hog all the Explosive Cans and
bring them to wherever the Survivors are holding out. There's only one entrance
to each of the locations (except the trailer, with the broken roof and all).
Use Gas Cans to light up the only entrance to bring on the hurt to the
Infected. Avoid using the Grenade Launcher until absolutely necessary.


Scavenge tips COMING SOON!

3.43 >Mill Escape<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: None.
Unique Panic Events: Hurricanes.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 9mm Pistols,
Melee Weapons, 6 Health Kits, Melee Weapons, Pills, Adrenaline, Grenades, Ammo

Recharge with whatever's inside the Safe Room. Everyone's already carrying a
Fuel Can on their backs, so all the Survivors have to do is to return to the
Burger Tank Restaurant. Doesn't sound too hard, does it?

Go out and clear out the Infected. The Storm will really hit here, and the
Infected will arrive! Shoot them all and stick together! Whenever the Storm
booms, the Infected will usually attack! Cross the cane field.

Luckily, the rain drove most of the Witches away, and the ones who didn't leave
are stationary. Trek through the field and try to find the pipe. Then board the
elevator. Try to go through the part of the field that the Survivors didn't go
through before, as there may be Health Kits lying near the crops.

No Hordes this time. Head down the stairs and reach the Trailer to refuel on
Ammo. Climb onto the silos and cross them towards the generator room. Land on
the catwalks and head into the room with the supplies in it.

Exit through the catwalks. Try to stay on the pipes and avoid the water. Check
the trailer and the vending machine room to reuse supplies left behind. Cross
the pipes above and try to enter the big building from here.

The second floor of this building is a place where the Survivors haven't
reached on their first trip here (or maybe they did and they went back for some
reason). Check the rooms on both of the floors before making a run to the Safe

3.44 >Return to Town<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: None.
Unique Panic Events: Hurricanes.
Safe Room Inventory: Remains of Sugar Mill's Safe Room Inventory.

Take everything the Survivors can get their hands on in this Safe Room; they
won't be coming back. Open the Safe Room door and head towards the roof of the
nearby building.

The entire town's flooded! Stay on the high ground to maintain a good
travelling velocity (speed). Check each of the open buildings for supplies left
behind and keep going through the waters if necessary. Go through the various
checkpoints (the garage sale, the treehouse, and the playground). The path is
fairly linear here, albeit flooded and foggy.

If a Tank is every encountered here, try to get onto high ground and shoot it
before he can toss a vehicle onto an unfortunate Survivor! A Molotov still
works on the water, strangely.

Lights can also guide the Survivors, as the lights on the buildings somehow
came on during this time. There's a Safe Room in one of the buildings (not
accessible before). Enter it, quickly!

3.45 >Town Escape<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Night.
Crescendo Event: Burger Tank signal.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Pills, Adrenaline, Ammo Cache.

One Way Passage

Take everything from this building and then exit the Safe Room. Cross the ramp
over the fence and head straight to the Burger Tank.

Whatever remained in the Burger Tank Restaurant is still here, so grab some
gear and then head to the roof. The switch to activate the sign to signal
Virgil is on the roof. The roof itself is by far the best place to fend off the
Infected in a traditional Finale fashion.

Finale! Prepare to fight!

Activate the sign and fight off the bad guys! Snipers can easily spot Smokers
and Spitters from this view, and the Infected are fairly easy to pick off.
There's also a few consumables on the roof, and there's a hole leading to the
rest of the supplies in the restaurant. Enter the Tank, then another horde,
then another Tank. For the Tanks, they'll usually enter through where the
Survivors came from. Shoot him down before he can get to the building! Watch
out for any crafty Special Infected coming to ruin the battle!

Virgil's here! He's here! Get out of the building and make a beeline for the
docks, where his boat is waiting. Hop on in before the Tank can toss the nearby
van at the Survivors, killing them instantly!

3.50 >The Parish<

Tagline: "This time it all goes south."
Objective: Fight through zombie-infested New Orleans to the bridge, where the
military has a chopper waiting.
Location: Bienville.
Uncommon Infected: Riot Infected.
Setting: Urban.
Rescue Vehicle: Rescue Helicopter.

It's come to this. The big uneasy. The rescue site is on the other end of this
city, but the military has something other than evacuation on their minds...

3.51 >The Waterfront<

Difficulty: Easy.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: None.
Unique Panic Events: Jukebox, Car Alarm.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, Melee Weapon, 4 Health Kits.

So long Virgil! Take the items from the table and then go up the ramp leading
to the town. Flush out the Infected on the roads, then cross through the hole
in the wall straight ahead.

One Way Passage

There's even more Zombies on the other road. The road itself is blocked, so go
up the ramp and enter the room to the right; it contains a few more Weapons.
Hop down on the other end of the blockade and head into the tavern.

There's a Jukebox here, and maybe a door leading to the yards. Other ways into
the yard is through the alley near the road ahead, or over a fence. One or two
of these ways are usually blocked. There's also a Pistol at the end of the

Enter the yard and head into the white building's kitchen. There's another
Weapon on the counter, as well as numerous Frying Pans. There's absolutely
nothing in the freezer or the washrooms (except for possible replacement
Survivors). Exit the restaurant and avoid the Alarm Car right in front of the
sidewalk. The Safe Room is right next to the riot fence.

3.52 >The Park<

Difficulty: Medium.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Trailer Alarm.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Submachine Gun, Pump Shotgun, Frying Pan, 4 Health Kits,
Grenades, Pills, Adrenaline, Ammo Cache.

Feel free to read the graffiti on the walls and then exit the Safe Room. A Pipe
Bomb can easily kill off the Infected lurking in the plaza. There's a humvee
with items in its trunk and to its side. Go up the stairs and enter the park.

There's three ways to get through the park, all of them open and all of them
containing some sort of Weapon. There's the tea house to the left, the hedge
field to the center, and the washrooms to the right. Try to reach all of them
to gain more and more supplies. Exit on the other end.

Follow the road and head to the tent. There's always two Health Kits here.
Enter the alley and try to cross it before a Charger can bowl through. On the
other end is what used to be a queue.

A bunch of Weapons are on the table, and there's another one next to a door on
the left sidewalk. Grenades can be found near the luggage piles. Enter the

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Warning: Alarm will sound if door is opened. That's a decent reason why there
are so many Consumables on the table. When everyone's prepared (be sure to use
all the supplies provided on the table), head on out (the Alarm will actually
trigger when one Survivor steps outside). The button to turn off the Alarm is
located on a construction site in the middle of the plaza.

Rush through the lanes and navigate through the maze of fences. Beware of
Chargers and Spitters taking advantage of this tight space. On the way to the
scaffolding is a table containing a Weapon and a Consumable. Make use of them
and continue towards the site.

Go up the ladders and shut off that Alarm ASAP. Fight off the remaining Zombies
at the top of the scaffolding (there's a Scoped Rifle and some Melee Weapons on
the top). When the area's clear, go down and check the bodies next to the bus
station for some Grenades. Enter the bus station's entrance to the right.

Head on through (there's more Grenades within the station) and head into the
parking lot with the buses in it. There's more Grenades lying around the
sidewalks. Turn right and head straight for the Safe Room.


The scaffolding is the best place to hold out, open as it may be. Plant the
Explosive Cans near the scaffolding to fend off the Infected. There are
numerous Grenades on the site, as well as a Submachine Gun and a Scoped Rifle.
Don't forget about that Grenade Launcher!


Scavenge tips COMING SOON!

3.53 >The Cemetery<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Impound Lot.
Unique Panic Events: Car Alarms.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 4 Health Kits,
Ammo Cache.

Head on out and follow the supports of the freeway. There's often some supplies
near the supports or near that camping bag over there. The Survivors should run
into a small town.

Head into the far building. The first floor contains a Pistol (or maybe a
Chainsaw). Go up the ramp and enter the second floor; it contains more Weapons,
and more supplies. Follow the long balcony and hop down onto the bus, then hop
down onto the side opposite of where the Survivors came in.

The road's blocked by a fence. Get around it to the left and take the supplies
from the shelves. There's a trailer on the road often containing more valuable
stuff. Notice the house with the stairs outside. It can be accessed by going
straight through the hole in the fence, or through the unfinished building to
the right.

One Way Passage

Inside this building is even more supplies. Exit through the gap in the wall
and make a 10-point landing onto the roof of the trailer. There's a lot of
unfinished or desolate buildings in this neighbourhood...

Enter the building that looks the most complete (not including the previously
mentioned building). The second floor has a room with supplies and a tally on
the wall (if it isn't Zombies, I wouldn't want to know). Cut through the first
floor and exit through yet another hole in a wall.

Feel free to think there's some supplies on top of the trailer to the right
(some might be there). The way forward is left, however. Enter through the hole
in the house and take all of the supplies from this building (there's often an
Ammo Cache around here somewhere). Exit through another hole in a wall and onto
the street.

One Way Passage

Clear out the Infected walking around here and then enter the sewer. Don't
worry, nobody is going to break their legs when they enter it. However, this is
the perfect spot for a Spitter to severely weaken the Survivors, so don't waste
time here. There's an Auto Shotgun (and maybe a Grenade Launcher) at the bottom
of the hole.

Trek through the large, stinky room and climb up the ladder in the center.
Woah! That's a lot of Cars! To make things worse, some of them are rigged with
Alarms! And to top it all off, it IS possible for a Tank to be waiting here!

Crescendo Event, maybe! Prepare to fight, maybe!

There's a couple of Weapons (including Melee ones) behind, feel free to take
them. Navigate carefully through the Impound Lot (Melee Weapons can help out a
lot here). Identify which Cars are rigged (they have glowing lights) and pass
through them quickly. There's sometimes supplies in the ticket booth. Go up the
ladder and onto the freeway.


The path across the freeway is no more. Check the ambulance for supplies
(usually Health Kits and Weapons), then head towards the gap in the road.

One Way Passage

Clear out the Infected below and then jump down onto the pile of rubble. Check
the shack at the bottom of the hill for more Weapons. Enter the graveyard (at
least the Infected aren't actually undead!).

Here's where it gets a bit inconvinient for writers like me. The path through
the graveyard varies due to the fences and tombs changing between games. The
path is still linear, and regardless of what path they take, the Survivors
should search every nook and cranny for supplies. There's a lot of Machetes in
this forsaken field.

Eventually, the Survivors will reach the exit out of the cemetary. Head onto
the road (check the truck at the end of the road for more supplies) and then go

The Safe Room is inside the resturaunt's storage room. The resturaunt itself
may contain Health Kits outside the Safe Room.

3.54 >The Quarter<

Difficulty: Hard.
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Parade Float.
Unique Panic Events: Car Alarms.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifle, Auto Shotgun, Scoped Rifle, 9mm Pistol, 4
Health Kits, Ammo Cache.

Kaboom! The military's not looking for Survivors any more! Don't worry though,
according to the climatic ending policy, none of the bombs will actually hit
the Survivors on their way out of this level.

Grab some guns and then head into the yard with the fountain. After exploring
the nearby buildings, head to the condo on the opposite end of this yard. Go up
the stairs and check the second floor for Weapons (they're hard to miss).

One Way Passage

At the top of the balcony is a road. Feel free to pick off every single
Infected on it (or use a Pipe Bomb), then hop down on the road. Check all the
open doors on this street. The one at the far end leads to the rest of the

Check the tavern's tables for goodies, and enter the bar. Go up the stairs and
across the billiards tables (checking for supplies on the way), and check the
room to the left (more Weapons).

One Way Passage

Hop down onto the boxes. Make sure everybody makes it down safely. Head on out
and cross through the alley. Enter the building and up the stairs. If a Tank
appears here, get back out to even the playing odds.

Collect the supplies on the second floor (and use the Ammo Cache), then go onto
more balconies and then hop down onto that black roof over there. The only way
to get across to the other buildings on the opposite end is to bring the Float
in the yard across (how convinient for it to have some scaffoldings the right
height on top of it!). There's a pair of Molotovs on the scaffoldings on the
dark roof.

Crescendo Event! Prepare to fight!

Contrary to popular belief, the dark roof is a terrible place to hold out while
the Float makes its way across. Instead, head to the stairwell connecting the
lower balconies to the ground. A single Molotov can easily cover the ground
next to the stairwell. When the Float stops, head across (watch out for Smokers
on the rooftops!).

Check the rooms and then go down the stairs. Check THESE rooms and then head
outside. Stroll across the alley and head into the building. There's a First
Aid Station here, and a couple of Weapons on the counter. Head across this lane
and enter the building on the opposite end (there's often supplies in the rooms
to the left).

Into this condo. Explore all the rooms in this building before going out onto
the porch of the second floor (I once found a Health Kit and a Grenade Launcher
in one of these rooms!).

One Way Passage

Hop down onto the alley and use the Ammo Cache. The Survivors are almost there!
Just cross the alley and to the parking lot. Feel free to take a look in the
rooms of the nearby building. Head towards the freeway and then turn right. The
Safe Room is straight ahead.

3.55 >The Bridge<

Difficulty: Insane!
Time of Day: Day.
Crescendo Event: Crossing the Bridge.
Unique Panic Events: None.
Safe Room Inventory: Assault Rifles, Auto Shotguns, Scoped Rifles, Pistol, 8-10
Health Kits, Pills, Adrenaline, Grenades, Ammo Cache.

This is it. The final showdown. There's a good reason for there to be this many
Health Kits in one Safe Room. Use as many Health Kits as possible while still
keeping a total of four on hand. Do the same with all the other supplies.

Head to the outdoors and answer the radio next to the dead body. The last
helicopter out of here is on the other end of the bridge. Get ready to cross
the Table Bridge, it's going to be a wild ride!

Finale! Prepare to fight!

Activate the switch to bring down the Bridge and then get across! Pick one end
of the Bridge to stay together on (left is usually the safest for now). Avoid
the gaps in the Bridge! As with all Moving Crescendos, Melee Weapons can help

There's a bunch of Weapons next to the 18-wheeler. The benefits of Adrenaline
can really help out here. Go up the "ramp". There's an ambulance behind the
upper floor of the ramp containing Pills and Adrenaline; use them. Keep
crossing the Bridge! Hop down onto the vehicles and keep moving forward!

Yikes! A Tank here of all places?! Stick to the scaffolding to avoid being
crushed by a tossed Car! Keep filling up that Tank with lead! There's a truck
with more precious supplies in it.

To get past this next obstacle, climb up the tanker truck and then hop to the
elevated portion of the broken Bridge. Try not to be disoriented by the slanted
part of the Bridge.

One Way Passage

The Survivors are nearly there! Hop down the trucks and cross the linear path.
There's an abundance of Pipe Bombs here; use them to fend off the Infected
while everyone heads to the helipad! Ignore the stupid Machine Gun and make a
beeline through the path leading to the helipad. Board the Helicopter and watch
the spectacular explosion of the Bridge! Yahoo!


The Survivors start at the Helicopter, which will not move. Establish a
foothold on the road leading to the Bridge. There's a couple of Weapons here.
Gather the Explosive Cans and set them up near the tent. When ready, activate
the radio and head back! The Infected always come from the front (away from the
Bridge), but sometimes appear on the opposite end of the road.

4.00 >More Tips<
Here are more tips that apply to every one of these Campaigns, since what will
occur during those times are extremely likely to occur.

4.01 >General Tips<
These are just some general tips to being a good Survivor.

-Don't hesitate to explore certain areas for extra supplies, but don't fall too
far behind! This is especially important in Versus mode.

-Don't waste ammo. Unlike most of Valve's shooter games, the enemies here don't
drop weapons.

-Aim for the head.

-While reloading, shoving doesn't interrupt the reloading process. Climbing a
Ladder does.

-The Survivors can only shove so much until they get tired (in this case,
they'll have to wait a second before shoving again).

-The more powerful weapons can penetrate through thin walls (this is effective
against Boomers).

-A dead Survivor will drop his or her items, so use them if necessary. However,
it's rude to take their supplies and then Defibrillate them. Let the revived
Survivor take their weapons back.

-The Flashlight is directly attached to the Weapons, so reloading or shoving
will decrease the efficiency of the Flashlight.

-Enabling subtitles helps greatly.

-Is there hardly any Infected wandering around here? A Boss Infected is likely
to be ahead!

-In Expert mode, a Survivor may be better off dying if he/she is low on Health
and the Survivors are near the end of the level. A resurrected Survivor will
start off with 50 points of Health!

-The same applies to Defibrillators. Make good use of them!

-Friendly fire does not apply to Helpless Survivors. Take advantage of this
when using the Grenade Launcher.

4.02 >Working Together<
One of the most important aspects of Left 4 Dead is teamwork. Don't even dream
that the name of this game is related to proper tactics here.

-Microphones are extremely useful in transferring vital information on the
battlefield. This includes a zombie-infected battlefield, so don't be afraid to
use the microphone for any means of communication when the need arises.

-Be sure to stick with at least one other Survivor, in case a Special Infected
drops by. Never go off into hostile areas alone!

-When in front, stay out of the line of fire from other Survivors. Crouching
helps a bundle.

-If the situation looks too convoluted to use bullets when crowded, shove away
those Infected to prevent any friendly-fire incidents.

-Who needs Health? There's the person who is low on Health, the one who only
has temporary Health, and there's the individual who ran out of first aid

-Bullets, Grenades, and Melee Weapons will hurt Survivors. Shoving doesn't.

-Try not to leave any Survivors behind. Try not to let any Survivors die

-Bile Bombs will never cover Survivors.

4.03 >Versus Tips<
Versus is much more different from Co-op, and it's much more terrifying. While
it uses the many factors of Normal difficulty, it should be treated as Expert.

-Be sure to know the terrain of the level before doing it on Versus. Nothing
can jeopardize a team more than a lost Survivor.

-Whoever slows down behind is often left behind.

-Survivors cannot be rescued from Closets after they are killed, making
Defibrillators much more valuable.

-No matter what happens, stay together! Should the team split up, split up in
groups of two.

-The Infected like to ambush Survivors when they are using their Health Kits.

-Due to the quicker pace and constant moving, Shotguns and Melee Weapons are
usually a good pick. Avoid using the Hunting Rifle except in Finales.

-Keep moving from room to room.

-Focus on reaching as far through the level as possible.

-Grenade Launchers can stun most Special Infected.

4.04 >Against Infected<
The biggest enemy of the Survivors is, of course, the hordes of Infected.

*Common Infected*

-See any dawdling zombies? Shoot them with the Pistol so that they cannot
attack the Survivors later on.

-Pipe Bombs work extremely well against Common Infected, whether if it's in the
middle of a Crescendo/Panic Event, or when clearing out a room full of

-Fires also kill Common Infected very quickly. If an Infected is on fire, it is
harmless and will die soon. Molotovs are useful when trying to massacre some
Infected that run through a certain choke point.

-Bile Bombs summon an extra Horde of Zombies if there isn't already one around.

-Only use primary Weapons on them if they're too numerous to be taken out with

-If a leg or head falls off an Infected, it's dead. Scoped Rifles will always
kill Common Infected in a single shot.

-Don't be afraid to shoot any Infected attacking another Survivor's back.

-During the last parts of the Finale, a Bile Bomb can distract the crowds of
Infected long enough to reach the exit.


-Always stay with another Survivor upon hearing or seeing a Hunter.

-Hunters will growl when they are about to pounce. They are completely silent

-Hunters scream when they pounce.

-A burning Hunter will deal more damage when pouncing.

-Try shoving a Hunter away when it is in the air to disorient it. Extra points
for shooting it in mid-air!

-If a Hunter is on a Survivor, knock him off, and kill him!

-A Hunter can easily be bludgeoned to death.

-Explosions can stun Special Infected, including Hunters.


-As with Hunters, pick a Survivor to stay close by upon noticing a Smoker.

-Smokers are often seen in the distance. They leave green spores around the
areas they recently have been standing in for a couple of seconds.

-If a Smoker is pulling a Survivor, shoot the Smoker, its tongue, or knock the
Survivor off the tongue. Even resort to shooting at the Survivor if necessary!

-If a Smoker failed to grab a Survivor with its tongue, approach it and shoot
it! This is guaranteed kill.

-A Survivor only has a second to react when being pulled by a Smoker before
losing control.

-Melee Weapons can cut the tongue.


-If the Boomer is trying to hide, try finding its large belly.

-When a Boomer is close, shove it away, and shoot it (make sure no other
Survivors are near the Boomer when this happens).

-When vomited on, try not to panic, and shove away at any Infected until the
slime clears up.

-If the Boomer vomited on another Survivor, use a Pipe Bomb or Bile Bomb to
draw away the new Horde. Take advantage of the fact that the Horde is going
after the slimy Survivor, so don't be afraid to get in the way and fight dirty!

-Protect any Survivors that are vomited on by Boomers.

-Try shooting through walls if a Boomer is attempting to hide.

-Male and Female Boomers emit different noises. Identify both of them.


-If a Charger is attempting to charge, get out of the way!

-Chargers cannot be shoved.

-Since Chargers can only charge in a straight line, avoid running into him and
kill him when he misses.

-Take out Chargers at long range.

-Chargers often just head straight for Survivors if they miss on their charge.
Kill him before he can do more damage!


-Upon hearing a Spitter, displace!

-Spitters are almost as fragile as Boomers, so use any long-range weapon to
take them out.

-Avoid Acid Puddles at all costs.

-Don't even think about using Melee Weapons against Spitters!

-Eyes out for their glowing drool.


-Like Hunters, Jockeys can be shoved in mid-air, and can be shoved off its
victims (albeit with greater difficulty).

-If leaped on by a Jockey, try to resist its movements! Also, turn around to
have the Jockey towards the rest of the Survivors so that they can kill it.

-Grenade Launchers are very effective against Jockeys.


-Listen for angry growling and snarling. Tanks do that.

-Stay away from cars, furniture, and other large objects when the Tank is
around and about.

-Light him on fire as soon as possible! Fire can make a considerable
difference! However, try not to throw a Molotov at him when other Survivors are
close to him (fire can hurt Survivors too).

-Tanks are faster when on fire in Co-op and Survival modes, but slower in

-When a Tank's climbing, he's vulnerable to any sort of attack. Same goes for
when he's throwing rocks.

-When a Tank's throwing a rock, try to dodge the rock and stay away from the
front of the Tank.

-Auto Shotguns, Scoped Rifles, and Miniguns are the best kinds of weapons
against Tanks. Assault Rifles and even Pistols can do their share of damage
against Tanks as well.

-If the Tank is on fire, try running away from him, and hope that he dies of
attrition (and the burning).

-Beware of Special Infected when dealing with a Tank.

-If a Tank is covered in Bile, don't attack the incoming Horde and focus on the
Tank. Only use a Bile Bomb on a Tank if a Horde is already around.


-A Witch can be heard sobbing a mile away. Upon hearing her, shut off those

-Even in the darkest areas, Witches are still visible due to a red glow around

-Tell any allies of her location.

-Avoid going near her at all costs.

-If she's in the way of an important path, try sneaking around her. Don't get
too close!

-If the Witch is getting angry, leave her be for a few seconds, and wait for
her to cry again.

-Shotguns are the only weapons that can kill a Witch in a single shot.

-Try burning a Witch. This will slow her down and hurt her.

-The Survivor who startled the Witch should run away immediately. Everyone else
should shoot at her before she can get at the Survivor.

-She can also be startled from a distance with a Scoped Rifle. Fast as she is,
a distance long enough should provide the Survivors some time to kill the Witch
on her trip.

-The Chainsaw is capable of killing the Witch safely (as the weapon is strong
enough to render her helpless if activated long enough). Do this from behind.

-Explosive Ammunition can stun Witches. A fully loaded Automatic Weapon filled
with Explosive Ammunition can kill a Witch safely.

-Whoever didn't startle the Witch should never use Incendiary Ammo on her.

4.05 >As Infected<
In Versus mode, players are split into two teams. Both teams will have to play
as the Infected at one point or another. Most of the time, the Infected team
will consist of two Hunters, one Smoker, and one Boomer (with the occasional


-Lonely Survivors are excellent targets for Infected, the same applies to
incapacitated Survivors and stragglers.

-Prioritize the weaker Survivors first (they are outlined in red).

-Try working together with other Infected.

-Try luring the Survivors to Alarm Cars and Witches.

-If there is a spot where the Survivors cannot go back (like holes), try
attacking the last Survivor to make it through that point (the other Survivors
can do little to help the victim).

-Try not to spawn too early. Noises will cause the Survivors to get all jumpy.

-Think of the worst times a Special Infected can appear as a Survivor.

-Special Infected cannot trigger Alarm Cars.

-Smash any Doors to bits.

-Survivors are defenseless when climbing ladders.


-Crouch, then fire in order to pounce. Wait for the Infected meter to fill up
before leaping.

-Pouncing from high areas will cause more damage.

-Pouncing can also be used for long-jumping and high-jumping.

-Upon being pryed away from a Survivor, run!

-Survivors covered in Boomer vomit are suitable targets.

-If a Smoker is pulling a Survivor, pounce anyone trying to save the victim.

-Or just pounce the victim to let the Smoker pull a different target.

-Pouncing on a Survivor on an Acid Puddle is very effective.

-Pouncing alone deals quite a bit of damage when done right. Aim a little
higher than the Survivor.

-When pouncing from high areas, try not to miss the Survivors to deal damage
on the first pounce.


-Select a Survivor to pull, aim, and then fire (the crosshairs will turn red if
the Smoker is able to pull the Survivor).

-If the Smoker misses, he'll have to wait a few seconds before firing again.

-If the Smoker is repelled, he'll have to wait a few moments before firing

-High points are the Smoker's favourite locations to visit.

-Try pulling Survivors towards a ledge, or towards Alarm Cars/Witches and other

-Work with Boomers, so that the Boomer can vomit on the Survivor once the
Survivor's close enough to the Smoker.

-Pull Survivors downward. Fall damage counts too when using a Smoker.

-Incapacitated Survivors cannot be pulled.

-Attack from long-range.


-When close enough to the Survivors, aim and vomit! The Boomer will have to
wait a long time before he/she can vomit again.

-If the Boomer manages to live after vomiting, run away! Try to vomit on the
Survivors a second time.

-Tight corners are suitable areas to ambush the Survivors.

-Feel free to vomit on a pounced, constricted, or downed Survivor.

-A Survivor on a ladder is completely helpless against the Boomer.

-Avoid thin walls.

-The Boomer Bile doesn't overlap, so don't bother trying to explode on a
Survivor after vomiting on him/her!

-The Boomer can also change the direction he/she's vomiting to cover more


-Chargers love narrow hallways, as they can bowl through the Survivors with

-Charge straight into a cluster of Survivors; anyone not caught by the arm will
be knocked down to the floor, stunned.

-Chargers can also bring Survivors to ledges.

-Charge from the front, not behind.

-Try to attack as close as possible.

-The Charger is essentially a reverse Smoker.


-See Survivors camping in a cluster? Spit on them!

-Try spitting on areas the Survivors MUST go in order to delay them.

-An incapacitated or trapped Survivor is delicious game for an Acid Puddle.

-Spitters can detonate dropped Fuel Cans.

-Acid Puddles do not damage other Infected other than the Spitter herself.

-Try to stay out of sight.

-Any helpless Survivor is doomed to an Acid Puddle!


-In addition to leaping on, Jockeys can take control of Survivors by landing on

-Think of whatever obstacle comes to mind and steer the Survivor there.

-Other Special Infected also count.

-Try to go for the healthier Survivors, as they will move faster.

-If there are no other obstacles available, bring the victim as far away as
possible from his/her friends.


-Act fast when controlling the Tank! Dawdle too long and someone else will take

-When someone else controls the Tank, make an attempt to use the Tank as a
distraction for a sneak attack (or try to help out the Tank in any way

-If the Survivors are far away, chuck a rock at them (the Tank can look around
and aim at a different area while throwing, but cannot actually move).

-Avoid the open, and avoid fire!

-Feel free to toss cars.

-There are some walls in some levels that can be destroyed. The Tank can get a
good clean ambush this way!

-When a Survivor is incapacitated, move onto the next Survivor and let a Hunter
or a Boomer finish him/her off.

-Try knocking a Survivor off a cliff.

-Avoid targeting Survivors that are helpless.

-Almost always go for Survivors covered in Boomer Bile.

4.06 >Supply & Demand<
In a zombie-infested world, the Survivors must make good use of every peice of
supply they encounter.

-Upon seeing any items, pick them up. Keep track of how many Grenades, Packs,
and Consumables every Survivor has in hand.

-Does someone need Consumables and are there any extra Consumables lying
about? Feel free to give some Consumables to the needy, and then take the spare
Consumables on the ground.

-Does everyone have Consumables, but there are still extra Consumables? Use
them and take an extra pack.

-See an extra Health Kit? Use it on the most injured Survivor (even if the
Survivor isn't too badly hurt), or save it in case of a bigger emergency.

-If everyone has a Health Kit and there is an Ammo Pack lying around, pick up
the Ammo Pack and deploy it, then take back the Health Kit.

-If not everyone has a Health Kit, take an Ammo Pack or a Defibrillator and
save it for later.

-Take a look at the spare item and use the "Look!" voice command in order to
tell the others that there's an item here. This also applies to Ammo, Weapons,
and people.

-Upon receiving Pills or Adrenaline from another Survivor, it's not always
mandatory to consume them right away (in fact, it's quite rude if the Survivor
doesn't really need to do it at all).

-Bots do not pick up, nor use Grenades, Chainsaws, Grenade Launchers, Ammo
Packs, or Defibrillators.

-Too many Defibrillators? Have a Survivor under 50 Health? Kill off that
Survivor and use a Defibrillator to bring him/her to 50 Health instead of
wasting a precious Health Kit.

4.07 >Environmental Tips<
The world of zombies is a hostile place. However, there are some parts of the
world that the Survivors can use to their advantage.

-Close any Doors upon passing through or by them. This will slow down any
Infected trying to pursue the Survivors.

-Shoot through Doors to create a hole in them, allowing the Survivors to open
fire on the Infected (don't damage the Door too much though, it can break).

-Corners are effective places to hide during a Panic or Stationary Crescendo

-During Panic or Stationary Crescendo Events, Survivors can use choke points to
gain the advantage against Infected. Choke points include narrow hallways,
rooms with a single entrance, or high areas with only one place to get to
there. Beware of Smokers, Chargers, and Spitters!

-ALWAYS stay away from Alarm Cars and edges.

-Try to reload before or after climbing a ladder.

-When going through a part in the campaign where the Survivors cannot go back
to (like a hole), make sure everyone passes through safely. Don't go through
such a passage alone either.

-Melee Weapons are a must for Gauntlet Crescendos.

4.08 >Survival Tips<
In Survival mode, the rules change quite drastically. Even though the Survivors
WILL get killed by the massing Infected, it is still important to live as long
as possible.

-Take plenty of time to decide where to stay and plant traps (Gas Cans, Propane
Tanks, etc).

-Use Secondary Weapons against Common Infected, and use Primary Weapons versus
Special Infected and Tanks.

-Fire is a precious asset against Tanks.

-If a Tank is absent, staying in one place is an effective tactic. Keep an eye
out for Spitters.

-When a Tank arrives, try to displace and scramble! Auto Shotguns work wonders
against Tanks. Tanks have less health in Survival Mode, but that doesn't make
them a lesser threat!

-Scoped Rifles also can deal loads of damage against Tanks from a distance.

-Most of the time, stay together. When a Tank comes, displace!

-Smokers, Hunters, and Spitters are top priority targets aside from Tanks.

-Feel free to establish all the Ammo Packs in the map in wherever the Survivors
plan to defend. But only use the Ammo Packs until the need arises.

-Try to use Grenade Launchers first.

-Pick Pills over Adrenaline.

-Bile Bombs can lure the Infected to Tanks.

-ALWAYS install Laser Sights onto every Weapon available. It's even possible to
transfer them over to certain locations for safekeeping.

4.09 >Scavenge Tips<
Scavenge requires more teamwork than ever before! Coordination is key to


-Always split up into two teams, or one. Each team must find Fuel Cans and
deliver them to the Generator. Try to put the Fuel into the Generator as soon
as possible!

-Defend whoever is pouring in the Fuel.

-When carrying Fuel, if the outline around the Fuel hole is red, the Survivor
cannot pour it in. If it is white, the Survivor can.

-Try not to accidentally toss the Fuel Can when trying to pour it in!


-Spitters are much rarer in this game, and much more valuable. Whenever there
is a dropped Fuel Can (outlined in orange), SPIT ON IT!

-If a Survivor dropped a Fuel Can, attack them and bring them away from it!

-Ambush the Survivors where the Fuel Cans and the Generator are.

-Always target Survivors carrying Fuel Cans first.

Here's a tip by Teh Thief:

"If you are a Spitter and there is a Survivor pouring Fuel, spit on him/her.
It can do several things, such as:
-Damaging the Survivor.
-Stopping the pouring process (They can't pour when apat on, the bar keeps
-Hopefully will make the Survivor drop the Can and it will explode from Acid."

4.10 Achievement Tips
Some people are willing to put their lives on the line to get every single
Achievement in the game (well, maybe not like that).

Campaign (Instant)
These can be obtained in any Campaign.

Acid Reflex:
Simply use a Sniper Rifle on a Spitter from long range. Easy as pie.

A Ride Denied:
Shoot a Jockey as soon as he takes control of a Survivor.

Armory of One:
Try to deploy an Ammo Pack on an area the Survivors CANNOT miss, like a choke

Burning Sensation:
Just keep shooting up Zombies and collecting Incendiary Ammo.

Chain of Command:
Use Chainsaws during Gauntlet Crescendo Events.

Shove Clowns in the face. It can be the same Clown over and over.

Club Dead:
Just grab Melee Weapons and kill at least one Infected with it.

Crass Menagerie:
Note that this doesn't include Riot Infected, Fallen Survivors, or Zombie Gibbs

Dead in the Water:
Pipe Bombs and Grenade Launchers are very effective against swimming Mud Men.

Dismemberment Plan:
If a Survivor is pounced, chances are that Common Infected will also be
attacking him/her. Use a Grenade Launcher on that crowd (it won't damage the
Survivor). Bile Bombs can also lure Infected to a single area.

Fried Piper:
Throw Molotovs at crowds. Chances are that a Clown is in there.

Gong Show:
Take Adrenaline, use it, and bash a Melee Weapon on the red cube to break the

Head Honcho:
Keep chopping off heads with Melee Weapons.

Level a Charge:
A Charger has 600 Health while Melee Weapons only take out 500. Weaken a
Charger by shooting it, then swing at it when it Charges. Swing true.

Robbed Zombie:
Hazmats only appear in the first two levels of Dead Center.

Septic Tank:
Just throw that Bile Bomb at that Tank.

Shock Jock:
If somebody is below 50 HP, they can be killed and Defibrillated to bring them
back. Sometimes better than using a Health Kit!

Stache Whacker:
Whack 42 moles in the Whack-A-Moustachio game.

Tank Burger:
Chainsaws are the most effective for this Achievement.

The Quick and the Dead:
If somebody is down, use Adrenaline and bring them back up. Shouldn't be more
than a second.

Campaign (Campaign Completion)
These can only be obtained in official Campaigns.

Price Chopper, Midnight Rider, Ragin' Cajun, Weatherman, Bridge Burner:
Just complete the Campaigns on any difficulty. Be sure to survive and play
through the entire Campaign for maximum success.

Confederacy of Crunches:
Do not even think of shooting a single bullet, even from a Pistol when
Incapacitated! Grenades are OK.

Guardin' Gnome:
The Gnome can be obtained by getting over 750 points in the shooting gallery.
Shoot the targets (but not Lil' Peanut) in order to win the Gnome. The Gnome
must be carried like an Explosive Can all the way to the Helicopter. Be sure to
hold the Gnome in between Safe Rooms. Even those who don't make it will get
this Achievement as long as the Gnome made it to the Helicopter.

Still Something to Prove:
Conquer all the Campaigns on Expert! Salute those who got this Achievement!

The Real Deal:
"Simply" defy all odds and complete a Campaign on Expert with Realism.

Campaign (Level Completion)
These can only be obtained in its according level. The Survivors can simply
start from that level and gain their respective Achievements.

Bridge over Trebled Slaughter:
At the beginning, try to stick to the left side, as it is the straightest.
Consider avoiding the first Tank to bypass the incoming Horde.

Sob Story:
Try not to startle, and try not to kill any Witches! If somebody startled one,
leave them to die (as long as they know the objective), and run straight to the
Safe Room! Don't do anything stupid.

Violence in Silence:
Use Melee Weapons only when inside the Impound Lot. Identify which Cars are
booby-trapped and get out of the Lot. Get into the Safe Room to get this

Wing and a Prayer:
There are some areas in the plane that allow Survivors to hold out safely.

The Infected Achievements can be obtained on Versus or Scavenge Mode. The
Survivor-specific Achievements can only be obtained in Versus.

A Spittle Help from my Friends:
If a Survivor is being choked by a Smoker, Spit on it.

Back in the Saddle:
If the Jockey managed to Incapacitate a Survivor, retreat and try to ride
another one!

Great Expectorations:
See the Survivors corner-camping? Teach them a lesson by Spitting on them!

If somebody got killed outside the Safe Room, shock them and bring them to the
Safe Room for more points.

Long Distance Carrier:
Falls also count towards this Achievement. Consider pushing Survivors over
ledges to their death in Dead Center.

Meat Tenderizer:
If someone was stupid enough to go solo, grab them and bash them into

Qualified Ride:
Same as Meat Tenderizer, just with a Jockey. Try not to bring them over a ledge
in order to ride them for twelve seconds.

Rode Hard, Put Away Wet:
If somebody is trying to get out of an Acid Puddle, bring them back in!

Scattering Ram:
If the Survivors are practically glued together, rip them apart!

Strength in Numbers:
Find a good and competent group of buddies and then beat the living daylights
out of the enemy team.

These can obtained in Survival Mode. Keep in mind that in order to obtain
Medals, be sure to wait until the round is reset after the Survivors have lost.

Beat the Rush:
Remember: This can only be obtained upon earning a NEW Medal. This means that
if someone got a Bronze Medal on a map without only using Melee Weapons, they
will have to get a Silver Medal on the same map if they hope to get that
Achievement there. Get this Achievement as soon as possible.

These can only be obtained in Scavenge Mode.

Cache and Carry:
If the enemy team is bad enough, try to collect all Fuel Cans.

Fuel Crisis:
Somebody carrying a Fuel Can? Attack them!

Gas Guzzler:
Play Scavenge over and over and over.

Gas Shortage:
Force or prompt the Survivors to drop their Fuel Cans.

Hunting Party:
Pray for a good team in Scavenge.

5.0 >And the Rest!<
All of this will cover up the rest of the guide.

5.1 >F.A.Q<

Q: Wait, Riot Cop Infected?
A: Riot Infected are not included in the "Censored" version of Left 4 Dead 2.

Q: Where else can I get Left 4 Dead 2 tips?
A: Left 4 Dead Wiki is an excellent place to get information.

Q: What's your Steam account name?
A: scottysimmer@hotmail.com. My Steam nickname is Newman (RM). Extra points for
finding out what the RM stands for.

Q: I only want to get a certain part of this guide! What can I do?
A: Select what's necessary and then right click and click on copy (or select
and then press control C). Then go to some other word document, right click,
and paste (or press control V). Print away!

Q: I want to contribute to this guide by writing some information for it!
A: Go right ahead. E-mail me at boocatcher5(@)hotmail(.)com (omit the

Be free to e-mail me some more questions. Rules for it are explained below.

5.2 >Email Guide<

Here are some ground rules for sending me e-mails.

1. Spell correctly with good grammar.

2. Don’t ask something that’s already inside this guide.

3. Try to make your strategy neat, because I will directly take your strategy
from your E-mail. Also, pressing enter at the end of each line would help.

4. Don’t forget about the subject (Left 4 Dead 2)! Then I will know what the
topic is about.

5. Don't ever try to contact me through a messenger program. Ever.

6. If there's an error or a vital note for the guide missing, please inform me
of it immediatley.

7. If you're going to criticize my guide, please leave some constructive

8. Don't forget to leave your nickname so that I can put it on the credits!

Just give me these things if you want to contact me about the guide.

1. Strategies on incomplete stuff.

2. Additional FAQs.

3. Other stuff to make this guide interesting.

Here's a list of things not to send me (I will block whoever sends me the
-Death Threats
-Invitations to Facebook, Myspace, any kind of blogging websites (because I
never use them)

5.3 >Website List<
This is a list of the Websites that this guide is available to:

-Game Revolution.
-Super Cheats.

5.4 >Credits<

-Me, the Author.
-Left 4 Dead Wiki for giving me vital information on the game.
-Teh Thief for the Scavenge tip.
-GlassGiant.com for providing an ASCII program.
-Valve for the game itself.
-GameFAQs for uploading this guide.

5.5 >Legal Disclaimer<

Copyright 2009 Brett Sim

This may be not rewritten under any circumstances except for personal, private
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without permission before so. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a
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Failure to comply with the above terms can result in a lawsuit.

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If you wish to get some information from this guide, they must be confirmed and
chosen by the author, Raining Metal.

If you do not agree with the terms here, you should not use this guide any

Thank You.
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Kindred Fates is an open world monster battling RPG, and a love letter to the monster battle genre. Our goal is to evolve the genre, and finally bring fans what they've been asking for.
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Atlas is an action-rpg with rogue-like elements where you use your ability to control the ground to fight the enemies and move through procedurally generated worlds.