Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn FAQ/ Walkthrough

                      Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn FAQ/Walkthrough

Walkthrough Version: 0.44

Created by: Andrea Petriella (gsninja)(e-mail:

Version Date: 12/5/2007


A. Introduction

B. Version History

C. Basic Controls and Commands

D. Stat Descriptions

E. Advice

F. Walkthrough

-I. Part One: The Silver-Haired Maiden

0. Prologue: Under Gray Skies

1. Chapter 1-1: Maiden of Miracles

2. Chapter 1-2: The Dispossessed

3. Chapter 1-3: A Faint Light

*. Base Description

4. Chapter 1-4: A Distant Voice

5. Chapter 1-5: The Lost Heir

6a. Chapter 1-6: Raise the Standard Part 1

b. Chapter 1-6: Raise the Standard Part 2

7. Chapter 1-7: A Gathering Hope

8. Chapter 1-8: Glory Unwanted

9. Chapter 1-9: One Survives

10. Chapter 1-Final: Daein, Rise!

-II. Part Two: Of Countries and Kings

0. Prologue: On Drifting Clouds

1. Chapter 2-1: Winds of Rebellion

2. Chapter 2-2: Tides of Intrigue

3. Chapter 2-3: Geoffrey's Charge

4. Chapter 2-Final: Elincia's Gambit

-III: Part Three: Intersecting Vows

0. Prologue: The Great Advance

1. Chapter 3-1: Laguz and Beorc

2. Chapter 3-2: Stormclouds

3. Chapter 3-3: River Crossing

4. Chapter 3-4: The General's Hand

5. Chapter 3-5: Retreat!

6. Chapter 3-6: A Reason to Fight

7. Chapter 3-7: Rivals Collide

8. Chapter 3-8: Incandescent Glow

9. Chapter 3-9: Marauders

10. Chapter 3-10: The Heart of Crimea

11. Chapter 3-11: Just Cause

12. Chapter 3-12: The Price

13. Chapter 3-13: Blood Contract

14. Chapter 3-Final: From Pain, Awakening

-IV. Part Four: Gods and Men

0. Prologue: Chaos Named

1. Chapter 4-1: Road to the Empire

2. Chapter 4-2: Silent World

3. Chapter 4-3: Distortions

4. Chapter 4-4: Revelations

5a. Chapter 4-Endgame: Rebirth(1)

b. Chapter 4-Endgame: Rebirth(2)

c. Chapter 4-Endgame: Rebirth(3)

d. Chapter 4-Endgame: Rebirth(4)

e. Chapter 4-Endgame: Rebirth(5)

G. Class Guide

H. Frequently Asked Questions

I. Legal Notes

J. Thanks




Here it is, the tenth game in the Fire Emblem series, Radiant Dawn, the

sequel to Path of Radiance. Seeing as I just got this game at the date

of its release, there will only be strategies concerning the NORMAL

MODE of the game. This is my second attempt at writing a walkthrough,

my first one at Path of Radiance. To my readers: I hope you find this

guide useful, since I hope this will invariably help you in completing

the game.



Version History


-November 7, 2007: Version 0.1

Finished the beginning component of my FAQ. The walkthrough is

completed until Chapter 1-3. I've played until Chapter 1-7, but I'm

going to put that off for tomorrow. :)

-November 8, 2007: Version 0.14

Completed the FAQ until Chapter 1-6. Currently played the game to

Chapter 1-Final.

-November 17, 2007: Version .2

Completed the FAQ until Chapter 1-9. I'm almost done with the game. :D

I also added more to the table of contents up to my current point in

the game.

-November 25, 2007: Version 0.35

I finally finished the game. ^.^ Completed the FAQ until Chapter 2-

Prologue. I also revised a little content in the walkthrough and added

the stat growths to the characters I described so far. I decided that

I'm going to write summaries of each part.

-November 26, 2007: Version 0.43

I completed Part II and added a couple things I missed.

-December 5, 2007: Version 0.44

Yeah, school and laziness are catching up. :P I just made the strategy

for 3-Prologue and a couple of character descriptions.


Basic Controls and Commands


Coming Soon! Take note that I will enter the information of the

Wiimote, not the Classic controller or the GameCube controller.


Stat Descriptions


Since this game is part RPG, there are, of course, stats to determine,

for example, what power an attack has. I'll explain them here.

Health/Hit Points (HP) - An incredibly important stat in this game. If

a unit's HP runs out, he/she will die and never come back. Therefore,

don't let your units die, since it'll put less strain on you and your

army; in other words, just don't let it happen. It's in everyone's best

interest. Still, high HP doesn't mean much if a unit has a low Defense,

which is explained later.

Strength (STR) - This determines the physical attack power of a unit

and how much damage he/she can do while equipped with a physical weapon

(swords, axes, lances, and bows). This stat is required for most of the

units in the game, since they use physical weapons. However, there are

certain magical weapons, like the Flame Lance, that don't run on

strength, but instead on magic. Strength also pertains to how well a

unit can deal with a weapon's Weight (WT). If the WT is higher than the

STR, then the amount of points the WT has over the STR is subtracted

from the unit's Speed.

Magic (MAG) - This determines the magical attack power of a unit and

how much damage he/she can do while equipped with a magical tome (Wind,

Fire, Thunder, etc.) or a magical weapon (Flame Lance, etc.). This stat

is very important to Mages or Bishops dealing damage and how well a

healer can...heal. Magic works exactly how Strength works, except it's

more important for magic users.

Skill (SKL) - Skill determines the accuracy of a weapon and it also

determines the critical hit rate of a unit. The higher the Skill, the

better the chance a unit will hit the enemy. The other factor Skill

determines is the chance a unit will perform his/her special skill. The

amount of Skill is the percentage of success that the skill will


Speed (SPD) - Speed is incredibly important. First, it determines the

avoidability of a unit, meaning how well he/she will be able to dodge

attacks. Second, it determines if a unit will be able to perform what

is known as a "double-attack" in one round. If a unit's Speed is 4+

points higher than the enemy's, he/she will strike twice in one round.

Third, and last, Speed pertains to the success of a Thief being able to

steal. A Thief's Speed must be higher than his target's in order to


Luck (LCK) - This stat determines the hit rate, the dodge rate, the

rate a unit can critical, and how much an enemy's critical rate will be

lowered by. Luck seems to affect dodging more than anything, but it

could be just me. :P

Defense (DEF) - Defense determines how well a unit can protect

him/herself from a unit's Strength. The higher the Defense the less

damage a unit using a physical weapon will do. If a unit's Defense is

higher than his/her enemy's Strength and weapon MT, then he/she will

take no damage. However, Defense in no way is able to protect one from

Magic attacks.

Resistance (RES) - Resistance pretty much works like Defense. However,

it protects from magic attacks and not physical weapon attacks. If

Resistance is higher enough than an enemy's magic power and weapon MT,

no damage dealt to the character. :)

Movement (MV) - Determines how many spaces a character can move in a

turn. If a mounted unit performs an action and he/she hadn't used all

his/her movement range, he/she will be able to move again in the amount

of spaces remaining.

Constitution (CON) - This is the unit's Build. If a unit's Build is

higher than another unit's Build, he/she will not be able to be shoved

unless someone with a higher Build than him/her comes along.

Also, if a unit's Build is lower than another unit's Aid, he/she can be

rescued. If it's higher, then the reverse holds true.

Aid - Aid determines whether a unit can rescue another unit or not. A

unit's Aid must be higher than another's Build to rescue him/her. It's

very handy if you want to pull someone out of a particularly risky

situation. There's a big downside, though. If a unit is carrying

another, the unit that is carrying will suffer a point deduction from

Skill and Speed. However, if a unit has the Savior skill equipped,

he/she won't suffer the penalty.

Weapon Level - Each unit has a certain Weapon Level, which in order

from lowest to highest, goes like this: E->D->C->B->A->S. The more a

character uses a weapon, the higher his/her Weapon Level for that

particular weapon grows.

Each weapon has its own Weapon Level as well. For example, if a unit

has a "C" in Weapon Level for swords, he/she will be able to use all

class E, D, and C swords, but not class B, A, or S swords.

Might (MT) - This is the power of a weapon. This in conjunction with

Strength and Magic determines how much damage a character will do. The

combined numbers must be higher than the enemy's Defense or Resistance

to do any damage.

Weight (WT) - The weapons Weight. If the Weight of a weapon exceeds the

Strength of the wielder, then the amount of points the Weight exceeds

the Strength will be deducted from the Speed stat.




I'm going to list some things you may want to be aware of:

The difficulty of this game is a bit higher than that of Path of

Radiance. The enemies are noticeably better, since they're stronger,

have better hit rates, and have higher Speed. Units that are falling

behind should not be included in the party whenever possible, as they

will most likely die when exposed to any enemy. The enemies attack in

groups more often; therefore, you should not leave a unit alone unless

you're positive he/she is really good at that point.

Radiant Dawn isn't really too hard by any means, it's just that, if a

unit makes one mistake, he/she will usually die. Plan everything a bit

more carefully than you did in Path of Radiance, since one wrong move

can spell the end for you.

As for one final note, be wary that the Dawn Brigade is, for the most

part, under leveled throughout Part I. Only select a few of the Brigade

is useful enough to fight with for the whole game.




Here it is, the walkthrough! The outline of each chapter will be

exactly the same as they were in my Path of Radiance walkthrough, which

goes like this:

Chapter Name

Victory: What you have to do to gain a victory (Defeat Boss, Rout,

Survive, Defend, Arrive, Escape, Seize).

Units Available: This is how many units you can use for the chapter.

Partners: These allies are labeled with a yellow circle underneath.

Micaiah can control them to an extent, but you don't have full control

over these units.

Others: These allies are labeled with a green circle underneath. You

cannot control them in any way.

Items: Items found in the chapter will go here. I will not list items

that can be stolen or found on the ground here, but I will mention them

during the strategy if I feel that they're important.

Strategy goes here. For now, I will just cover the Normal Mode of the

game. Later on, I'll write strategies for the Hard Mode.


The New Unit Alert will alert you to which units are joining in for the

first time in the chapter. I will give the name, my description, the

stat growths, the unit's master skill, and then a rating based on my

opinion. Because it's an opinion, don't go flaming me if you think it's

wrong. Just because I think a character is good or bad doesn't

necessarily mean you will feel the same way, too.


Part I - The Silver-Haired Maiden



Part I Summary

Part I is probably the most difficult part of the game. At the start,

the majority of the Dawn Brigade will consist of low level units

competing against enemies with Skill and Speed that are greater than

any, or most, enemies from Fire Emblem games before. You will be

getting several pre-promotes, two of which you don't want to start

using until near the end of Part I at the earliest. As for the other

one, you don't really want to use him except as a weaponless shield.

The Dawn Brigade consists of some pretty bad units. Only a few members

end up being good enough to use in Part IV. It's a bad idea and a waste

to focus on leveling up everyone; instead, focus on about four or five

units max to level up and promote.

There will also be two uber freakin' powerful units that will destroy

everything. DO NOT use these units, although Chapter 1-9 is...special.

Overall, though, don't use them because they'll steal experience from

the other units that need it far, far more.

Part I will introduce you to how Daein has fared since Begnion's

occupational army took over. Begnion's soldiers have been horrible to

the citizens of Daein while taking the Daein soldiers captive. Micaiah,

the "Silver-Haired Maiden", and the Dawn Brigade have been trying to

help the Daein citizens, providing help whenever they can. The prologue

will pit three members of the Dawn Brigade against bandits raiding a

town while Begnion soldiers overlook the chaos.



Prologue: Under Gray Skies

Victory: Rout

Units Available: Micaiah and Edward.

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Herb (Enemy drop)

You will begin in the northwestern corner of the map with two

characters: Micaiah, a level 1 Light Mage, and Edward, a level 4

Myrmidon. Since all the enemies wield Axes, Edward should have an easy

time wreaking havoc on these guys. Let Micaiah gather some kills too,

since she needs level-ups. In the main quad of the plaza, one of the

Bandits drops an Herb, which restores 10 HP.

On Turn 3, a level 3 Archer named Leonardo will arrive next to your

starting point. Let me just say now that Leonardo isn't a good Archer,

so try abstaining from using him as much as possible unless you really

want to use an Archer.

When you get within the boss's range, he won't stand still. Instead,

he'll move to attack. I suggest confronting him with Edward while

Edward heals himself with a Vulnerary after each turn the boss attacks

him, causing around 13 HP damage. Pretty nasty. Eventually you'll kill

the boss and complete this easy chapter.


Name - Micaiah

Description - Micaiah's one of the two main Lords in this game, so

you're forced to use her. She's a Light Mage, which is rather odd

considering she's a Lord. However, Micaiah's potential is great. Her

growths are really good, almost always increasing the Magic stat with

each level-up. Her Skill and Speed usually remain around the level

she's at and no higher, since her growths there are mediocre. Micaiah

also boasts massive Luck and Resistance growths, effectively making her

a beast against Mages, who probably won't do more than scratch her.

However, because she's a Mage, she has the typical low HP, Strength,

and Defense, putting her in a quite vulnerable spot against physical

attackers. Nonetheless, Micaiah's a badass unit, able to wreak havoc

the moment she's able to double attack. One last note to make is a

special skill of Micaiah's called Sacrifice. With this move, she

sacrifices her own HP to heal a unit adjacent to her as well as cure

his/her status effects. This move is too risky, especially in Part I,

so you should abstain from using it unless you have a healer present to

heal her right after using it.

Stat Growths - HP: 40%, STR: 15%, MAG: 80%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 35%, LUK:

80%, DEF: 20%, RES: 90%

Master Skill - Corona

Rating - 9.5/10

Name - Edward

Description - Here is a Myrmidon with plenty of the ability to kick

major ass. His Strength, Skill, and Speed, the three stats the

Myrmidons need most, all develop nicely. Edward's Defense growth is

really bad, though, so he's a lot like Largo in the sense that he will

cause good damage, but he can't really take more than one or two hits

before dying. Unlike Largo, however, Edward has great evasion, and he

will dodge many attacks. Edward is one of the few members of the Dawn

Brigade that is really good, while the rest pretty much suck. Edward

has the highest Strength growth of the three Trueblades in the game, as

well as the highest HP growth, which is pretty high for a Trueblade.

It's funny; I thought Stefan would be the most fragile Swordmaster I

ever played with; looks like Edward takes that spot. Anyways, Edward

will constantly double-attack and cause a good deal of damage. Just

make sure he isn't in range of Lances because, if he can't dodge them,

he'll take a load of damage.

Stat Growths - HP: 85%, STR: 60%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 65%, SPD: 60%, LUK:

50%, DEF: 35%, RES: 20%

Master Skill - Astra

Rating - 9.5/10

Name - Leonardo

Description - This is the first Archer that you get. Unfortunately,

Leonardo isn't that good. The two stats that Archers mainly use,

Strength and Speed, are nothing more than sub-par for Leonardo. While

he is a rather reliable ranged attacker for the first couple chapters,

he should be dumped no later than Chapter 4 or 5 in Part I. Honestly,

Leonardo is one of the many sucky members of the Dawn Brigade, although

not the worst. At least Leonardo's Skill and Luck growths are good

enough to help him a bit. Leonardo won't be having any accuracy

problems, that's for sure. His Resistance growth is better than that of

most non-magic units.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 40%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 75%, SPD: 35%, LUK:

65%, DEF: 35%, RES: 55%

Master Skill - Deadeye

Rating - 6/10


Chapter 1-1: Maiden of Miracles

Victory: Escape within 10 Turns

Units Available: Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo, Nolan

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Hand Axe (Middle House), Vulnerary (Eastern House), Steel Sword

(Boss drop)

You must escape through the two yellow panels at the north part of the

map, which are covered by a Fighter with a Hand Axe and the boss, a

Myrmidon named Isaiya. Move up the road, then cover the left path with

Nolan and the right with Edward. Make sure Edward heals accordingly as

he lures the Fighters to their deaths while Nolan destroys the enemies

before him. After getting the items from the houses, move everyone up

the north path to confront Isaiya and the Fighter. The Fighter is easy

to dispatch, as Nolan can drop him in two hits. Isaiya will move once

someone is directly in front of him. Anyways, since all Myrmidons are

fragile fighters, it shouldn't take too long to murder Isaiya and

escape. Make sure everyone but Micaiah escapes before she escapes

herself, therefore netting you more Bonus Experience to use.


Name - Nolan

Description - Nolan is a good unit on the team. His base stats are

pretty good, usually gaining Strength, Skill, and Speed at a good rate.

Usually. There are times when Nolan's Strength won't necessarily cut

it, so he won't dish out as much damage as one would expect sometimes.

Still, Nolan is an all-around good Fighter. Despite having a lower

Defense growth, Nolan will still get enough Defense to take just as

many hits as Boyd, although Nolan can double-attack and avoid a bit

better than Boyd can. Nolan is one of those few Dawn Brigade members

that's good, so use him, if not just to get through Micaiah's chapters

before Part IV.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 45%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 60%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 35%, RES: 40%

Master Skill - Colossus

Rating - 8/10


Chapter 1-2: The Dispossessed

Victory: Arrive with Laura

Units Available: Micaiah, Edward, Leonardo, Nolan, Laura

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Iron Axe (Enemy drop), Steel Bow (Enemy drop), Chest Key (Enemy

drop), Wind Edge (Top SW Chest), Thani (Bottom SW Chest), Energy Drop

(NE Chest)

As the battle begins, you'll have a level 1 Priest named Laura. Laura

is your first reliable healer, as Sacrifice is quite risky.

First off, notice the ledges. Allies and enemies alike can climb up and

down these ledges. Therefore, there will be a Fighter north from your

deployment zone that will climb down the nearby ledge and try to flank

you. Keep Edward and/or someone else near there to combat him and kill

him. As for everyone else, go east and defeat the soldiers in that

direction. You should essentially be heading into the top left part of

the map, then right.

On Turn 3, none other than Sothe will appear at the top left corner. He

comes as a level 1 pre-promote. He's a Rogue, the Thief's promotion.

Since he's a pre-promote, Sothe can hold his own for now. Being a

Rogue, he can open doors and chests without keys, so let him open the

chests in the room. Make ABSOLUTELY sure you get the Thani. This Light

tome, only meant for Micaiah, is super effective against armored and

mounted units. Micaiah can rape the boss in one shot with this weapon.

At the very north of the map is the blue Arrive square, where Laura

needs to stand in and Arrive to complete the chapter. However, before

letting her do that, you should open the chest near the boss, Zaitan,

which contains an Energy Drop. Zaitan doesn't move, but he fights with

a Javelin, so he can attack from two spaces away. Being a Knight,

though, he's really slow and can easily be double-attacked. Zaitan is

painfully easy because Micaiah can one-shot him with Thani.

Arrive at the square with Laura to complete the chapter.


Name - Laura

Description - Laura is the first Priest you get in the game. She's very

useful at the beginning due to all the damage the Dawn Brigade will be

taking. Like all Priests, Laura will almost certainly die if an enemy

quick enough engages her in battle. Her Magic growth is good, and she

gets decent stats all around except for HP, Strength, and Defense.

She's a much better attacker than Rhys, as she has twice the Skill and

Speed growths compared to those of Rhys. Laura is pretty much the

better Saint you can use because her attacking ability far surpasses

that of Rhys'. For some reason, though, Laura's Resistance isn't good,

only reaching the level of a physical unit's Resistance.

Stat Growths - HP: 45%, STR: 20%, MAG: 70%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 70%, LUK:

50%, DEF: 20%, RES: 35%

Master Skill - Corona

Rating - 8.7/10

Name - Sothe

Description - Remember that utterly useless kid thief from Path of

Radiance who was easily the most useless unit in the game? Well, he's

far from that now. Sothe is now a badass Rogue...with usefulness! Sothe

starts off with solid base stats including a base 18 in Strength.

However, since all Sothe can wield is a knife, he won't be doing as

much damage as he could do. Still, Sothe is very useful for whittling

down an enemy's HP so that the inexperienced units can get the kills.

Sothe has awesome Skill and good Speed, so he won't have trouble

double-attacking and hitting opponents. Sothe's rather fragile, so

he'll be taking decent amounts of damage. Even though Sothe won't

promote until Part IV, he's an all-around good unit, which is saying

something when comparing him to his former self from Path of Radiance.


Stat Growths - HP: 30%, STR: 60%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 80%, SPD: 45%, LUK:

65%, DEF: 20%, RES: 30%

Master Skill - Bane

Rating - 9/10


Chapter 1-3: A Faint Light

Victory: Escape

Units Available: 7

Partners: Aimee and Kurth

Others: None

Items: Door Key (Enemy drop)

At the start of this map, you get to use Ilyana, who starts off as a

level 12 Thunder Mage. She's an alright unit, but other magic users

trump her.

Two characters named Aimee and Kurth will be yellow Partner units that

you can indirectly command with orders such as Roam and Target, just

like in Path of Radiance.

Anyways, after taking care of the couple units around your deployment

zone, three Soldiers will appear out of an alley on the west part of

the map, one of them being a level 7 Soldier named Aran. Bait him

towards you, the let Laura talk to him to recruit your first lance


Let everyone run down the left path. Bait the boss, Burton, past the

Knights with someone like Sothe or Nolan. Burton is a mounted unit with

a ranged weapon, but he isn't a problem. Like Zaitan, Burton can be

one-shotted with Micaiah's Thani. Make sure you steal the Discipline

scroll from him beforehand.

Take your time killing the Knights, since they won't move. There will

be two more Soldier reinforcements from the alley and two from the SW

corner of the map. Be sure to kill them. Anyways, kill the Knights,

then proceed past them and east. There will be several units you have

to take care of, including an Archer with an Iron Longbow standing on

the escape square. Kill them all, then let Micaiah escape after

everyone else has.


Name - Ilyana

Description - Ilyana's back in your party. :D What's too bad is that

Ilyana seems to have gotten worse since Path of Radiance. Her Speed has

slightly improved only because it's become more RNG-blessed, as the

growth itself still sucks. Her Magic growth seems to have been stunted

a bit, though, making her somewhat less powerful, but a little faster.

It seems Thunder magic has been nerfed because the Thunder tomes don't

do as much damage as they used too. This is bad news for Ilyana,

because this makes her worse still. This is what basically destroys

some of Ilyana's skill; Thunder magic is now the weakest of the Anima

magic, so Ilyana isn't as good as she was in Path of Radiance based on

that alone. She can soften up enemies for other units to kill, but

other than that, not much more useful than Leonardo. She still has a

really good Strength growth for a Mage, though.

Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 45%, MAG: 50%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 30%, LUK:

40%, DEF: 30%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Flare

Rating - 6/10

Name - Aran

Description - I accidentally killed him, so I don't have any

information on him right now.

Stat Growths - HP: 50%, STR: 75%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 75%, SPD: 30%, LUK:

35%, DEF: 70%, RES: 25%

Master Skill - Impale

Rating - Pending/10


Base Description

From now on, at the beginning of each chapter, you get to explore your

Base. Like in Path of Radiance, you can manage your items,

purchase/sell weapons and items, witness Supports and Info

conversations, and give out Bonus Experience and Skills.

You can still customize your own weapons, which is neat. You can change

the Mt, Wt, etc. of the weapon you want to create and change the color.

However, it's still pretty costly to make a forged weapon.

Supports aren't conversations anymore. Each character can have only one

support with another at a time. If you want a character to have a

support with someone else, you have to delete that characters current

support before doing so.

Info conversations are the same. The number of stars next to the name

of the conversation indicates the importance of the conversation, three

stars meaning that you'll get an item or new character at the end of

the convo.

Bonus experience functions exactly like it did in Path of Radiance

except for one thing: whenever a character levels up using bonus

experience, he/she gains a point in exactly three stats, no more, no

less. Use Bonus Experience if you want


Chapter 1-4: A Distant Voice

Victory: Rout

Units Available: 9

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Chest Key (Enemy drop), Seraph Robe (NE Chest), 3000 Gold (NW

Chest), Pure Water (SW Chest)

Before beginning this battle, take Cancel off Leonardo and give it to

Edward. Eddie can make very good use of the skill himself.

Don't be intimidated by the Tiger laguz's high HP and Strength. They're

actually dispatched rather easily. The Cat laguz are faster, but also

sport less HP and Strength than their Tiger counterparts. There are

green healing jars scattered across the stage. When you a unit stands

next to one of them, he/she will restore a set amount of HP each phase.

Anyways, there are three places you can block off from the deployment

zone, but only two of them are going to be used by the enemy. The first

path is south of the deployment zone. Send Sothe and/or Nolan down

there with Micaiah for back up.

The northern path is blocked off by a gate, but a Tiger laguz will

start breaking through it right away. Send Edward to clog up the

laguz's entry into the area, while having Laura heal him every turn he

gets attacked. Don't attack with Edward and instead let the laguz

coming at him keep attacking him while he kills them with counter


The east wall of the deployment area can be broken, but the enemies

won't try to break through it themselves, so you don't have to spare

any units there.

Anyways, while Eddie stems the laguz to the north, send the southern

party out of the deployment zone and swing right. The first of the twin

bosses, Pain, should be there, untransformed. Rush up there and

slaughter him before he can transform. The laguz are much weaker in

their untransformed forms than they were in Path of Radiance, so

they're much easier to take down.

After killing Pain, run up, then to the left. Make sure to let Sothe

open the chest containing the Seraph Robe. At this point, Eddie should

have killed all the laguz coming his way, so let him and Laura proceed

north to meet with the rest of the party. Kill the other boss, Agony,

and the remaining laguz to complete the chapter.

Credit to for this info: in chapter 4 the SW

corner walk down one from the healing jar and left one w/ Sothe to find

Master Seal. same chapter northwestern corner go one left of the

healing jar to find Beastone to get Beastslayer skill.


Name - Meg

Description - You get Meg from an Info conversation at the Base before

the battle. I don't know what to say for Meg besides the fact that

she's the worst armored knight in the game, and easily one of the worst

characters overall. I was happy when I first found out that I had an

armored unit in my party, but Meg just sucks at her only purpose, which

is to wall. Completely refrain from Meg, and wait until you get to use

Gatrie and Brom later on. Those two are far, far, far more superior

than this fat little girl. Why is a fat little girl like Meg an Armor

Sword, anyways? And why is her Speed growth so good? Her Defense growth

is horrid compared to what it's supposed to be for an armored unit. I

feel sorry for Brom due to him fathering such a useless daughter for

the battlefield.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 35%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 65%, LUK:

75%, DEF: 35%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Luna

Rating - 2/10


Chapter 1-5: The Lost Heir

Victory: Defend for 6 Turns

Units Available: 10

Partners: None

Others: Tauroneo, Zihark, and Jill

Items: Vulnerary (Enemy drop)

Here are three familiar faces from the previous game. Tauroneo is an

uber tank, so you shouldn't worry at all about him getting seriously

harmed. It looks like Zihark is pre-promoted in this game. However, his

base HP is at a bad 30, so he can drop easily if he gets hit with a

couple well-placed hits. Jill can basically take care of herself, since

her movement is pretty good.

This is the point in the game when you want to start considering

dropping units that you're neglecting, as they won't help at all in the

upcoming chapters if you haven't been training them properly.

This is your first battle with Mages. They fall easily to physical

attacks, but they can cause some trouble for your low Resistance units.

Micaiah should be developed enough at this point to be an effective

Mage killer.

Anyways, send some units up to smash through the enemies in their way

and make it up to where the three Daein allies are holding their

positions. The sand will impede your progress a bit, but don't fret.

Right off the bat, there will be units coming down from the ledge to

try to attack you and a couple enemies coming from the south and trying

to outflank you. One of the enemies coming from the south has a Master

Seal that can be stolen, so make sure Sothe gets it. As for the enemies

on the ledge, make sure you can blitz and kill them in one round before

leaving them open to run after your weaker units.

Whatever, you do, keep Volug away from the Mages. All his stats are

lacking, and he takes a huge amount of damage from Fire tomes, so he

shouldn't be near any Mages.

After 6 Turns, you'll complete the map.


Name - Volug

Description - You'd think that the wolf queen would lend you someone

with more Defense. Apparently not. Volug's stats are lacking due to the

fact that he stays in Halfshifted laguz form all the time. He takes a

lot of damage for a laguz at the beginning of the game, especially from

magic. His experience growth is horrid too, and he will end up being an

experience hog due to the fact that he doesn't really gain anything

from the enemies he kills. He's pretty good at softening opponents for

the weaker units to kill. Volug is a good staller and softener, but he

lacks the necessary Defense and Resistance to remain on the front lines

for a long time. When you start using him in Part III, though, he'll

have the ability to transform normally instead of only staying in

Halfshifted form. It's then that Volug's usefulness will start to rise,

and he won't stay with mediocre stats. He'll also start gaining a bit

more experience, so expect Volug to be able to grow starting from Part

III. Still, nothing excuses Volug from a poor Strength growth and

horrid Defense and Resistance growths.

Stat Growths - HP: 95%, STR: 25%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 35%, SPD: 40%, LUK:

90%, DEF: 15%, RES: 10%

Master Skill - Savage

Rating - 6.9/10


Chapter 1-6: Raise the Standard (Part 1)

Victory: Rout

Units Available: 13

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Hammer (Enemy drop), Steel Sword (Enemy drop), Steel Lance

(Enemy drop)

This is the first part of Chapter 1-6. It isn't too bad, but it would

be a good idea to keep all weak units out of this match because of the

Pegasus Knight reinforcements. For several turns, Pegasus Knights will

appear at one or two of the cliffs around the area. This is where Jill

comes in. Since she starts with Axes instead of Lances like in Path of

Radiance, she can effectively combat the Pegasus Knights.

As for everyone else, proceed slowly through the stage killing the

enemies. Be careful that the Pegasus Knights don't get in range of a

low Defense unit, since their movement ranges are pretty big.

Everything in this chapter is easy to manage. Jill and maybe one other

unit can defeat the Pegasus Knights easily due to their low Defense

scores. Even Eddie can kill them in one round. The other reinforcements

are Soldiers and whatnot, so you don't have to worry about big movement

ranges from them. Kill everyone to complete the chapter.


Name - Jill

Description - Jill seems to have improved from her Path of Radiance

days. She starts with Axes instead of Lances now, which is good

considering Axes are more useful than Lances in the duration of Part I.

Jill's Speed has gotten better, but other than that, everything else

has remained the same. This is good, seeing as her Speed was lacking

before. Jill is a reliable unit that can be counted on in several


Stat Growths - HP: 50%, STR: 45%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 45%, SPD: 65%, LUK:

60%, DEF: 35%, RES: 45%

Master Skill - Stun

Rating - 9/10

Name - Zihark

Description - Zihark should probably have stayed unpromoted in Radiant

Dawn, too. Nonetheless, his bases are pretty decent, with the typical

low HP and Defense of a Myrmidon/Swordmaster. However, a base 30 HP is

pretty low, even for a pre-promoted Swordmaster, so Zihark has to rely

on his innate dodging abilities to survive on the front lines. Still,

he's quite fast and always double-attacks. Since he doesn't cause so

much damage from the start, he's another good unit for softening up

enemies. Zihark is a nice enough unit overall, although he would have

benefited a bit more from being unpromoted at the start.

Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 35%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 75%, SPD: 70%, LUK:

40%, DEF: 25%, RES: 35%

Master Skill - Astra

Rating - 8.4/10

Name - Tauroneo

Description - Tauroneo's stats are pretty low for his level, but he's

invaluable at tanking and walling in Part I. Since he's already a level

14 pre-promote, just take off all his weapons and let the enemies

attack him. Tauroneo takes no damage anyways, so he can lure enemies to

him while weaker units can kill them. Tauroneo's very powerful for Part

I, but as soon as you get to use him later on in the game, his

usefulness is pretty low. He'll lack enough Defense to wall units when

you use him again later on in the game. Resolve still makes Tauroneo a

beast, but Tauroneo needs to be below 50% of his maximum HP to activate

his skill. Anyways, Gatrie and Brom are better than Tauroneo.

Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 40%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 65%, SPD: 50%, LUK:

20%, DEF: 45%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Luna

Rating - 6.5/10


Chapter 1-6: Raise the Standard (Part 2)

Victory: Defeat Boss

Units Available: 13

Partners: None

Others: Eight members of the Maradan Army (Fiona and seven others)

Items: Paragon (Enemy drop)

The second part of Chapter 1-6 is a lot more tedious than the first

part, but still doable. Essentially, this is the one chapter of Part I

in which you want Tauroneo to attack as well as wall the slew of

mounted units converging on the western bridge.

Send one unit to bring down the archer handling the nearby ballista.

Let a couple of your other units take care of the enemies around the

ballista. Send Tauroneo and another capable unit like Sothe to the

western bridge to push back the mounted units and swing upwards towards

the big crowd of enemies around a second ballista.

As for the rest of the units, send them all up the north bridge. At the

end of Turn 1, Fiona and her seven other units will become allies. It's

quite difficult to save all the commoners, since the enemy cavaliers

will reach Fiona's group before you can. Since most of Fiona's group

are slow due to the people they carry, any enemy they engage will more

than likely kill them and the people they carry.

Anyways, kill all the mounted units, mages, and other units above the

north bridge, then swing west.

Tauroneo can easily mow down the enemies he approaches. Let whoever you

made accompany Tauroneo back him up.

Micaiah should be with the bigger group at the northern bridge. Let

another unit lure the boss close enough so that Micaiah can destroy him

in one hit with Thani. Once the boss is dead, the chapter is completed.


Name - Fiona

Description - Fiona's another really bad unit. Her base stats are

really low at the point in the game when you get her, so you need to

baby her with bonus experience to make her usable. Even then, I doubt

she's any better. Just wait for other much better mounted units like

Oscar, Titania, and Kieran to use. Fiona gets good Speed, Defense, and

Resistace growths, but those aren't nearly enough to save her.

Stat Growths - HP: 45%, STR: 40%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 60%, LUK:

55%, DEF: 55%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 3/10


Chapter 1-7: A Gathering Hope

Victory: Seize

Units Available: 13

Partners: None

Others: Tormod, Muarim, Lika, and several imprisoned Daein Soldiers

Items: Door Key (x2)

The goal of this chapter is to make your way to the shiny red-orange

square in the right hand part of the map, which is guarded by the boss.

Anyways, at the end of Turn 1 or 2, more familiar characters will pop

up from the southeast part of the map: Tormod and Muarim. They also

come accompanied by a Raven laguz, Vika. Talk to Tormod with Sothe to

recruit all three. However, since the three characters will come after

Sothe anyways, start by sending the greater majority of the party,

including Sothe, north. Send two or three reliable units up the stairs

near the deployment zone to take out the couple units there and to

swing upwards. As for the party that headed north, just take out the

enemies and head east. As you head up the stairs, you may as well let

Sothe wait for Tormod and his partners to catch up. Talk to Tormod with

Sothe and you have three new additions to your army!

Anyways, you should notice several doors on the map right off the bat.

Inside each of these rooms is an unarmed Daein soldier that was

imprisoned. Before you seize the square to complete the chapter, allow

Sothe to unlock each of these doors so that the Daein soldiers can

escape. If all the soldiers escape, you'll get a bigger Bonus

Experience award.

Anyways, as you cross the narrow corridor at the very top middle part

of the map, you'll trespass within the range of an Archer with an Iron

Longbow. Longbows have the ability to attack from three spaces, so make

sure characters like Laura are well away from that.

Another thing to be careful about is the ledges. Since anyone can climb

up and down them, so make sure no one from below the ledges can attack


The boss is armored, so, once again, Micaiah can easily destroy him

with Thani. Seize the square to win.

Credit to Stephen Burrell ( for this info: You

can gain a Master seal by standing on the right corner of the outside

of the northern prison. At least it was there for me twice in a row.


Name - Tormod

Description - Tormod comes pre-promoted as a Sage. Tormod hasn't really

changed from his days during the Mad King's war. His Defense ends up a

bit better than most Sages' and he has a decent Magic growth, but his

other stats are pretty much average. Tormod, as well as every other

magic user, is once again outclassed by Soren, but if you want a Fire

magic wielder, then by all means use Tormod. However, Tormod will be

gone for a long time after Part I, as he won't return until Chapter 4-

4, at which point he'll desperately need more Bonus Experience if he

can be of any use. It's a shame, because he would have been deadly

useful in Chapters 3-6 and 3-13, which are Beast laguz-heavy chapters

that could get their asses burnt by fire. If it weren't for the long

disappearance, Tormod would get a bit of a higher score.

Stat Growths - HP: 50%, STR: 55%, MAG: 40%, SKL: 45%, SPD: 55%, LUK:

25%, DEF: 35%, RES: 45%

Master Skill - Flare

Rating - 7/10

Name - Muarim

Description - Aside from the royals, Laguz were nerfed pretty badly,

but not this green Tiger. Muarim's still a beast but, like Tormod, he

doesn't make an appearance after Part I until Chapter 4-4. Muarim's

still a badass; just look at those stats. However, like all other

laguz, Muarim suffers from a transformation gauge that runs out faster

than ice on the sun. Anyways, Muarim's very powerful and has good

stats, but due to the fact that you don't even want to use him when you

get him, since he comes way over leveled, you won't even see much use

in Muarim during Part I unless you want to rescue a unit or kill a unit

that could murder in his range. 22 Speed doesn't help either in Chapter

4-4, when half the enemies will double-attack him. Nonetheless, more

Bonus Experience to baby him a bit will make him quite useable.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 55%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 45%, SPD: 20%, LUK:

55%, DEF: 35%, RES: 30%

Master Skill - Roar

Rating - 9/10

Name - Vika

Description - Vika, like Tormod and Muarim, will leave after Part I and

won't return until Chapter 4-4. Vika's actually not too bad. Being a

Raven, her Speed will naturally be her best stat, while boasting good

Skill and decent Strength. Vika's Defense isn't much to look at, so

Bows will most likely drop her in one shot, and other enemies will do

lots of damage. Anyways, Vika has no trouble double-attacking and

dodging, so she can cause some devastation on the front lines. Vika's

rather special because, aside from Naesala, she's one of only two

Ravens you get to play with in the game. Long story short, keep Vika

away from Bow users, especially ones with Bowguns and Crossbows, and

she should be able to survive. Beware, Vika's low Strength growth will

easily screw her over most of the time during one's playthroughs.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 25%, MAG: 50%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 60%, LUK:

65%, DEF: 15%, RES: 65%

Master Skill - Tear

Rating - 7.5/10


Chapter 1-8: Glory Unwanted

Victory: Rout

Units Available: 13

Partners: None

Others: Several unarmed villagers.

Items: None

In the battle, Nailah and Rafiel will join you. Nailah, being one of

the Laguz, Laguz Queen, has uber stats and will hog

experience that she doesn't even need for herself. Refrain from using

Nailah whenever possible.

Rafiel is a heron. Unlike Reyson and Leanne, however, Rafiel can't fly

around, so he won't have great movement. Still, he's deadly useful with


Anyways, split the group. Have a unit or two stem the several enemies

coming from the south. Send several units to the right of the

deployment zone, and several to the left. It would be a good idea to

have someone like Nailah save one villager before doing anything else.

It's not necessary to save all the villagers in the level; just save

one and you'll get an item at the end of the chapter.

There will be wyvern riders flying about, so make sure no weak units

are in range of their wide movement. They use Axes, so Edward can have

an easy time with them. Some enemies in this map wield Venin weapons,

so, hopefully, you have some Antitoxins on hand.

The boss is located on the east side of the map, so send whomever you

want to get the boss' experience to travel east. You can find an Arms

Scroll on the ground near the northeast corner.

Most enemies on this map use either Axes or magic, so Edward can

destroy the Axe wielders while Micaiah can deal with the magic users.

The boss is a Mage, so Micaiah would be the best way to deal with him.

Kill all the enemies in this chapter to win.


Name - Nailah

Description - Nailah is the second of the two wolf laguz you get to

play with in this game. Nailah is the queen of the wolf laguz, so her

stats are obviously on par with those of Tibarn, Naesala, etc. You

shouldn't even consider using her until late in Part IV, when she

becomes a necessity. Nailah is top class, and will not, cannot, die

reasonably at any time except by dragons or the final boss. Nailah is

useful for rescuing units if they're in danger of dying in Part I

without risking herself in any way. There's really nothing else to say

about her. She just rapes really hard, especially with Savage.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 30%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 20%, SPD: 20%, LUK:

45%, DEF: 30%, RES: 30%

Master Skill - Savage

Rating - 10/10

Name - Rafiel

Description - Unlike his brother and sister, Reyson and Leanne, Rafiel

can't fly, even in Heron form. This automatically makes him overall

less useful than the other two. However, Rafiel can always let up to

four people move at a time with Vigor, Heron form or not. I've yet to

really figure out what his Heron form does that's anything special,

though. Anyways, Reyson and Leanne are both better than Rafiel in more

ways than one, but Rafiel is still a Heron through and through, and for

that, he has a good deal of usefulness with Vigor.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 0%, MAG: 40%, SKL: 10%, SPD: 20%, LUK:

60%, DEF: 10%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Blessing

Rating - 7.7/10


Chapter 1-9: One Survives

Victory: Defeat Boss

Units Available: 2

Partners: None

Others: None


Micaiah should be at least level 18 by now. If, like me, you already

leveled Micaiah to level 20, then by all means go damn nuts with the

Black Knight. This chapter is absurdly easy, and with Micaiah at level

20, you'll have a lot of fun mowing down everything with BK. After all

the simple enemy units are dead, Jarod will appear at the southeast

corner of this small map. If Micaiah isn't level 20 yet, take Jarod on

with her. If she is, then just do whatever you want.


Name - Black Knight

Description - What is there to say about this monster? The Back Knight

will slaughter anything in his way with Alondite. He won't ever be

taking damage either. The Black Knight will indeed be playable for a

couple more chapters after Chapter 1-9.

Stat Growths - N/A

Master Skill - Eclipse

Rating - 10/10


Chapter 1-Final: Daein, Rise!

Victory: Seize

Units Available: 12

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: Reaper Card (West Chest), Unlock (East Chest; Top), Speedwing

(East Chest; Bottom), Coin (NW Chest; Left), Parity (NW Chest; Right),

Vantage (NE Chest)

Here are a couple notes before you start the chapter:

At this point, you should have several first tier units promoted to the

second tier. Edward, Jill, and Nolan are the best candidates to be

promoted. Micaiah will be promoted right after this chapter, so make

sure she's no lower than level 18 by the time this chapter ends. Not

only that, she should have at least Magic and one or two other stats

capped by that point.

Ilyana will be returning to Ike's group in Part III, so give her items

that the Dawn Brigade doesn't really need so Ilyana can transfer them

to Ike's group. Since Ike's group starts off with rather low funds,

weapons would be the best choice to give to Ilyana. Shade would be

another good item to transfer.

Here it is, the final chapter to Part I! The objective is to make your

way to the top of the map, defeat Jarod, and Seize the square. You can

choose to use Nailah and the Black Knight in this chapter, but I highly

suggest that you not use them because they will sap the much needed

experience that the Dawn Brigade really needs. However, I suggest using

Nailah or the Black Kngiht to drain the Mage with the Meteor tome

attacking from the NW corner of the map.

Thieves will appear at the end of Turn 1 or 2. Make sure that you

slaughter them before they reach the chests, as most contain very

useful items. Right off the bat, rush to the right with several units

so that they can climb the stairs and turn west to catch the Thieves,

provided they escaped from them climbing the stairs. Have another

couple units climb the ledges and ambush the enemies from there. Just

be careful of the Archers there. Anyways, have Sothe open all the

chests on this map.

Before proceeding to the top level where Jarod is, have Nailah, BK, or

any other resilient unit of your choice force the Mage to drain his

Meteor tome. Once that's done, start baiting the Archers one by one and

kill them so that they don't get in the way later. Have Sothe open the

remaining chests while sending units to kill the enemies around him.

The two Mages at Jarod's sides don't move, so you can take your time

killing them. As for Jarod himself, weaken him with several of your

units before finishing him off with another. Seize the square to

finally complete Part I. :D



Part II - Of Countries and Kings



Part II Summary

Part II is basically the intermission between transferring from

Micaiah's Dawn Brigade to Ike's Greil Mercenaries.

There are several good choices to make with the characters you're given

in Part II. Elincia, Haar, and Nephenee are among the several good

choices, Haar possibly being the best character given to you in Part

II. Part II isn't too difficult, so you'll be getting a bit of a break

from Part I. Part II will reintroduce many characters from Path of


Queen Elincia, the new ruler of Crimea, has been rather unpopular with

the aristocrats and with many of the citizens because of her decisions.

Because Elincia refused to secede Daein, instead letting Begnion do

that, rebels are starting to rise and begin to attempt to march on

Melior, Crimea's capital.

Most of Part II will be showing how the Crimean Royal Guard and other

familiar faces deal with the rebels that are now showing themselves...



Prologue: On Drifting Clouds

Victory: Survive for 8 Turns

Units Available: 4

Partners: None

Others: Haar

Items: None

Yay, now you have a Heron that can fly! Nealuchi will be here to help

out as well.

Elincia is a pre-promote at third tier, and until Haar arrives, she'll

be the only dependable unit on this map. Marcia only uses Lances, so

unless you want to have Elincia trade her Slim Sword over to Marcia and

let her use it, Marcia will be taken down rather easily, despite being

a Falcon Knight. Being a Raven, Nealuchi can attack with almost no fear

of being hit in return. However, since he's a laguz, Nealuchi can't

attack consistently, so he won't be entirely dependable. Elincia is a

beat, even with a Slim Sword, but that's due to being third tier.

She'll activate Stun a lot, too.

During a later turn, Haar will appear near the deployment zone. Have

Marcia talk to him and convince him that he should help to have him

join the team. Poor Haar...all he's trying to do is deliver mail, and

now he has to fight against Begnion's Wyvern riders. :P The boss isn't

too hard; he only attacks with a ranged axe. Kill him with Marcia or

Haar, then wait until the 8th turn and/or mop up the remaining enemies

to win.


Name - Elincia

Description - Elincia comes pre-promoted again, this time at third

tier. She's too good during Part II, as she can destroy anything once

she gets Amiti on the last chapter of Part II. After Part II, though,

you won't be able to play with her until Part IV's Prologue. At that

point, her stats are lacking and she needs Bonus Experience to raise

them back up a bit, but once they're up to scratch again, Elincia will

rape. Not only that, being a healer on a Pegasus makes her even better

as well, allowing her to heal as well as fight. She's a very good

candidate for hit-and-run tactics and can easily weaken the enemies'

front lines without hurting herself too much in the process. Elincia's

stat growths are insane, too, so don't be surprised to see her easily

cap Strength, Speed, and Luck. Too bad her Defense and Resistance are


Stat Growths - HP: 45%, STR: 65%, MAG: 40%, SKL: 50%, SPD: 70%, LUK:

60%, DEF: 20%, RES: 35%

Master Skill - Stun

Rating - 9.5/10

Name - Marcia

Description - Marcia has improved a bit since Path of Radiance. She

usually doesn't get too much in the way of Strength, but Marcia always

has a lot to offer with Speed and Luck, so Marcia will double-attack

and dodge a lot. Her Defense is typically mediocre, but her dodging

makes up for some of it. Bows will take Marcia down quickly, though, so

keep her away from those. Marcia has overall improved from her earlier

days, getting better growths and not appearing under-leveled. Excluding

Elincia, Marcia is the best Pegasus Knight in the game.

Stat Growths: HP: 70%, STR: 30%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 65%, LUK:

50%, DEF: 35%, RES: 35%

Master Skill - Stun

Rating - 8.4/10

Name - Nealuchi

Description - Nealuchi's the second Raven available to play with.

Nealuchi will end up a bit stronger than Vika and able to avoid more

often, but not end up quite as fast and will end up with much lower

Resistance. Other than that, Nealuchi has much in common with Vika:

good Speed and dodging ability, but a Strength stat that's usually

screwed and a defense so bad that he'll surely die in one shot from a

Bow or Wind magic.

Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 35%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 40%, LUK:

80%, DEF: 40%, RES: 15%

Master Skill - Tear

Rating - 7.1/10

Name - Leanne

Description - Leanne is a bit of a relief after Rafiel, since she can

fly. Therefore, she can reanimate a unit, then retreat with her extra

movement that she didn't use. Leanne, like the other Herons in the

game, is invaluable due to Vigor because having a very powerful unit

able to move again within the same turn can be devastating to the enemy

and/or life-saving for your units. Leanne, although not quite as good

as Reyson, is definitely better than Rafiel simply because she can move

after she animates, which can make all the difference.

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 0%, MAG: 40%, SKL: 10%, SPD: 20%, LUK:

80%, DEF: 10%, RES: 40%

Master Skill - Blessing

Rating - 8.8/10

Name - Haar

Description - No matter what anyone says about Haar, he's been cleaned

around the edges from the last game and is now a super tank. His

Defense growth is slightly better than Gatrie's and Brom's. Not only

that, his Strength and Skill are amazing. Too bad Haar's Speed growth

is still hampered, but Haar never seems to get screwed in that stat.

Aside from Thunder magic, much less any magic in general, it's very,

very difficult to take Haar down without extreme effort. Haar is still

better than Jill; he's slower, but he's still better due to all the

damage he'll be dishing out and absorbing. The loss of the weakness to

Bows makes Haar that much better. I strongly recommend using Haar, as

he's a very viable candidate for the final chapter.

Stat Growths - HP: 30%, STR: 70%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 30%, LCK:

45%, DEF: 65%, RES: 20%

Master Skill - Stun

Rating - 10/10


Chapter 2-1: Winds of Rebellion

Victory: Defeat Boss

Units Available: 2

Partners: None

Others: Heather

Items: Herb (Enemy drop), Vulnerary (Enemy drop), Antitoxin (Enemy

drop), Steel Axe (West House), Ashera Icon (NW House), Javelin (SW

House), ??? (South House; Left), ??? (South House; Right)

You'll start the chapter off with Nephenee and Brom. Start off by

leaving grabbing the items from the two houses nearest the starting

point before any Bandit can burn the houses. Once that's done, leave

Brom alone (He can take care of himself) while sending Nephenee down

the ledge to grab the items in the other three houses and to head east.

At one point, a hot chick named Heather will appear from the SE corner

of the map. Talk to her with Nephenee or Brom to recruit her. Once all

the items are taken and the first rush of enemies taken care of,

approach the boss, Yeardley. He won't move at first, but once you

attack him, he'll start to move and so will the two Soldiers flanking

him. Take care of the two Soldiers first, then attack Yeardley. Kill

him to win the battle.


Name - Nephenee

Description - Nephenee was probably the most overrated character in

Path of Radiance; however, now she's become one hell of a unit.

Nephenee has become better all-around, especially with great Skill and

Speed growths. Nephenee's base Strength and Defense aren't bad, but

once they start picking up, Nephenee will be a force to be reckoned

with on the battlefield. Nephenee is an absolute beast when you give

her a Wrath/Resolve combo, enabling her to deal massive damage below

half HP. Aside from Magic and sometimes Luck, Nephenee will make anyone

proud with all her stats and abilities. The fact that she will activate

Impale a lot once she becomes a Sentinel makes her even better.

Stat Growths - HP: 45%, STR: 35%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 65%, LUK:

40%, DEF: 35%, RES: 45%

Master Skill - Impale

Rating - 9.5/10

Name - Brom

Description - Brom has gone from beginning with Lances to beginning

with Axes, which helps a bit, as the first chapters you use him in are

mostly filled with Lance wielders. Anyways, Brom will be the first

useful General you get. Even though, like in Path of Radiance, Gatrie

usually turns out better than Brom, Brom is by all means an even better

wall than before. Brom dishes out some good damage and takes a lot as

well. With his naturally high HP and Defense, unnaturally high Luck,

and good Strength and Skill, non-magic users won't reasonably get past

him. Magic users, unfortunately, will have their way with Brom,

especially if they can double-attack him.

Stat Growths - HP: 80%, STR: 40%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 30%, LUK:

70%, DEF: 60%, RES: 25%

Master Skill - Luna

Rating - 8.5/10

Name - Heather

Description - If only she was just as good as her looks...Anyways,

Heather can steal anything possible due to monster Speed growths and a

base 25 Speed. Unfortunately, Heather will never be able to cause much

damage because of paltry Strength. Although her avoidability is

excellent, it won't completely make up for the weak Defense stat if

she's in the range of too many competent enemies. Still, Heather is a

speed demon; she will always double-attack, steal, and usually avoid

most attacks. Heather is an overall good thief, but Sothe nearly

outclasses her.

Stat Growths - HP: 40%, STR: 20%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 50%, SPD: 70%, LUK:

75%, DEF: 30%, RES: 40%

Master Skill - Bane(?)

Rating - 8/10


Chapter 2-2: Tides of Intrigue

Victory: Arrive with Lucia

Units Available: 7

Partners: None

Others: None

Items: None

Before this chapter begins, you'll be able to access the Base.

You'll be fighting in the dark during the chapter. Anyways, start by

sending Nephenee up north along with a Vulnerary pack and start

stabbing and slashing her way through there.

As for the other group, start by sending Lucia and Brom east to the

front and slowly push the enemies back. Make use of Leanne to move

around more easily. Once Nealuchi, Lethe, and/or Mordecai transform,

start using them to ease the pressure on the other three units.

There are doused torches spread across the map that you can light to

give yourself a better breadth of vision. By lighting them, you'll be

able to see enemies moving around more easily.

The Arrive square is at the northeast corner of the map, defended by

the boss, Maraj, and two other units. Once every other enemy is out of

the way, take down Maraj and his two guards and let Lucia Arrive in the

square to win.


Name - Lucia

Description - Yay, Lucia has much more room to grow than she did in

Path of Radiance. The bad part is that her Strength and Defense growths

are now bad, so she probably won't cap Strength unless you constantly

restart and she's even more fragile than before. Lucia still has the

essence of a Swordmaster, which is good Skill and Speed, but her

mediocre Luck will take a toll on her avoid, meaning Lucia will die

pretty easily. If it wasn't for the fact that Lucia's base Defense

amounts to a greater Defense than Edward's will ever be, she would be

the most fragile Swordmaster. Lucia is fast, yes, but she will be, and

remain, the worst Swordmaster in this game. Lucia will be taking magic

attacks better than the other three, though.

Stat Growths - HP: 50%, STR: 25%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 60%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 15%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Astra

Rating - 6.5/10

Name - Lethe

Description - Lethe was nerfed big time. Her Strength, Skill, and Speed

were gimped, Skill and Speed suffering the most. Lethe was a strong and

nimble fighter, but Radiant Dawn took her and messed her up so that the

only stats she can max out without being RNG-blessed are Speed,

Defense, and *maybe* Strength, maxing Defense before Speed on average

(Thanks to Phoenix_Kensai for that info). Lethe is good when you first

get her and will rip enemies apart, but that all changes quite fast

when her growths don't allow her to catch up with the rate the enemies

are improving. Lethe needs a lot of care if you want her to fight

alongside the rest of your units in Part IV, especially against magic

users. At least Lethe didn't worsen as much as Mordecai.

Stat Growths - HP: 85%, STR: 35%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 30%, SPD: 50%, LUK:

45%, DEF: 35%, RES: 20%

Master Skill - Rend

Rating - 7/10

Name - Mordecai

Description - What the hell did Mordecai do to make him so utterly bad?

His Speed will be almost literally non-existent very, very fast; the

only character with a lower Speed growth is Gareth, but he has an

excuse. Mordecai can barely double-attack a freakin dragon. Armored

units will have no trouble double-attacking Mordecai. Despite

Mordecai's big Defense, it means nothing compared to taking way too

many hits. If a Fire Mage/(Arch)Sage ever gets to Mordecai, he's

royally screwed. Mordecai has bad Skill, too, so he'll have trouble

hitting things in later chapters. The combination of horrible Speed and

Resistance alone makes Mordecai almost unusable, but low Skill just

tops one of the worst characters in the game. Use him as bait; that's

best use Mordecai gets in this game.

Stat Growths - HP: 90%, STR: 35%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 25%, SPD: 15%, LUK:

80%, DEF: 45%, RES: 15%

Master Skill - Roar

Rating - 3.5/10


Chapter 2-3: Geoffrey's Charge

Victory: Seize

Units Available: 6

Partners: Other Crimean Royal Guard units

Others: None

Items: Steel Lance (Enemy drop), Steel Blade (Enemy drop), Speedwing

(Enemy drop), Wo Dao (Boss drop)

Lots of cavalry. Anyways, the bottom half of this map is ridiculously

easy to get through; just rush north with everyone and kill everything.

Your units will have no trouble sweeping through. There more tedious

part of the map comes when you reach the middle, though. The Archers

manning the catapults will constantly pester you and chip off your

units' HP. Let your allies take the majority of the catapults' rocks

before sending a couple units into the castle area. Have Kieran run

through the east area of the castle and kill everyone there while

having Geoffrey run straight through the middle and break the door

leading to the boss. There will be several enemy reinforcements coming

from the trees in the middle of the map, so leave a unit there to help

your allies fight them and to gain some experience.

Makalov and Astrid are best played as supporting characters in this

map, hitting-and-running and weakening enemies.

As for the boss, he uses the Wo Dao, a sword that increases the

critical hit rate. Being a Swordmaster, this makes hit critical hit

rate rather high. Fortunately, if you go at him with Geoffrey, even

criticals won't do much. Skewer the boss and Seize the square to win.


Name - Geoffrey

Description - Geoffrey hasn't changed much since the Mad King's War.

His Speed growth, like a lot of other characters, has dropped to a

mediocre level. Geoffrey's Strength, Skill, and Resistance will all

develop nicely, though. Since his Resistance will grow healthily,

Geoffrey will be able to resist magic better than any other Paladin in

the game. Geoffrey's Speed will grow slowly, but once Geoffrey's used

enough, his Speed will rise to acceptable levels and he will mow down

most things in his way. Geoffrey hasn't really improved, but hasn't

gotten worse either. This is good news, but Elincia's bodyguard could

have been better. :)

Stat Growths - HP: 60%, STR: 50%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 35%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 30%, RES: 55%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 8.5/10

Name - Kieran

Description - Kieran has improved. He has great Strength and Defense,

so he'll deal lots of damage while taking little in return. Kieran

doesn't have much to offer in the way of avoidability, but he can still

open a can of whoopass with the best of them. His Speed only caps at 31

as a Gold Knight, so he can't double-attack Swordmasters or any Speed-

oriented classes in Part IV. Nonetheless, Kieran is a very reliable

unit. He's also a great candidate for the Imbue skill because his Magic

stat seems to get unnaturally RNG-blessed, ending up at around 15-19

during third tier. Kieran won't be able to handle magic well, so keep

him away from magic casters.

Stat Growths - HP: 75%, STR: 60%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 30%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 60%, RES: 25%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 9.2/10

Name - Makalov

Description - Hahaha, the lazy pink-haired drunk actually has the

biggest Speed growth in the game. Makalov caps Speed easily and grows

well in Strength, Skill, and Defense. Unlike in Path of Radiance, when

he had crap bases, Makalov's bases this time around are pretty good for

his level. Makalov has better avoidability in Radiant Dawn too, so

that's a plus. It comes in handy, as Makalov's Resistance still isn't

good and will make him suffer when surrounded by Mages. Anyways,

Makalov in a great Paladin, but third only compared to Titania and


Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 40%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 40%, SPD: 75%, LUK:

45%, DEF: 50%, RES: 25%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 9.4/10

Name - Astrid

Description - Once again, stick to Shinon or Rolf instead of Astrid for

a bow user. Astrid hasn't gotten any better, which still makes her an

average unit. Her good evasion is still there, but so are the average

stats and the sub-par Defense; however, Resistance has improved a lot,

so Astrid indeed does have one better quality. Still, I don't really

recommend Astrid, as she won't really do much the way she grows. Aside

from movement, Shinon and Rolf trump Astrid in every category.

Stat Growths - HP: 55%, STR: 40%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 45%, SPD: 40%, LUK:

70%, DEF: 30%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 6.3/10

Name - Danved

Description - Devdan's apparently been on crack, so now he persists on

calling himself Danved. Anyways, "Danved" doesn't have the excellent

Strength growth anymore, but his Speed and Luck have improved a bit.

Danved is well-rounded and useful in many situations, although

Nephenee's the same thing and her stats are better. Danved can take

some hits while delivering decent damage in return, but against armored

units, he falters a bit. Danved is basically a swiss army knife; send

him into a situation and he can usually handle it.

Stat Growths - HP: 75%, STR: 40%, MAG: 20%, SKL: 30%, SPD: 45%, LUK:

60%, DEF: 45%, RES: 25%

Master Skill - Impale

Rating - 7/10


Chapter 2-Final: Elincia's Gambit

Victory: Survive for 15 Turns or Defeat Boss

Units Available: 10. 15 after Geoffrey's group comes.

Partners: Crimean soldiers

Others: None

Items: Arms Scroll (Enemy drop), Enery Drop (Enemy drop), Silver

Greatlance (Enemy drop)

This chapter is pretty intense and exciting! :) This good, as it befits

the end to Part II.

Nephenee and Brom will be returning to Ike later on in Part III, so

give them weapons or stuff to sell so Ike's party won't have to suffer

from a low amount of money.

Elincia will use her Amiti, her unique sword from the last game that's

basically a Brave Sword with an infinite amount of uses. Since she's

already third tier and rapage at this point, don't let her get *too*

many kills. Instead, let her heal as much as possible so that she'll

get a lot of experience without having to leech kills from your other

units who needs it more. Let her hit-and-run occasionally, though.

Calill will join the battle. She carries a Meteor tome, but don't use

it. Instead, wait until later in the game to use it.

There are several nifty items to steal, like the Dracosheild. Bring

Heather along to steal that item safely before confronting

Ludvek...that is, if you want to confront Ludvek.

Anyways, you can either defend and hold your ground for 15 turns or you

can rush Ludveck with several powerful units and kill him swiftly to

quickly end this chapter.

Geoffrey's crew will arrive from the northeast part of the map at

around Turn 10-11. Use his units to bait several of the units from the

lower half of the map to relieve pressure from the guys at the fort.

Marcia will arrive right as the battle starts, so utilize her for hit-

and-run tactics as well.

If you want to stall Ludvek's army for 15 turns, what you must do is

send Haar along with Calill and Nealuchi (Once he's transformed) to

block the west corridor leading to the fort. There will be Thunder

magic users on that side, so lend Haar healing support with Elincia's

Psychic staff whenever his HP falls too long. As he attacks and holds

back the units there, let Calill attack from behind the barricade

whenever she's away from too much harm. Once Nealuchi transforms, he

can help Haar defeat the units there.

As for the east side, send Brom there to clog the passage of the bigger

brunt of enemies. He'll do an amazingly good job, but be careful of the

General with the Hammer. He'll cause a ton of damage to Brom, and if

you don't lend Brom instant healing after he's taken damage, he'll

probably die, so make sure Brom is fully healed each turn. If Nephenee

has Javelins, use them behind Brom and the barricade to pester the

enemy units.

There is one last area to block off: At the top level of the fort,

there's a ledge at the bottom middle where units can break the fragile

wall and climb up and down. Place one of the allied Generals in front

of it. He won't really be taking damage and he'll prevent passage to

the top of the fort.

The yellow units will do a decent job. One unit has Bolting, so he'll

drain it against the enemy for some damage. There's also a Sniper that

will cause some serious damage from the top, so he'll be useful, too.

As for the rest of the units, though, they're simply average. They'll

drop eventually, but some will still survive to fight. Geoffrey's crew

will arrive eventually. You can use them to lure several units

attacking the fort towards them and waste them there. After 15 turns,

victory is yours.

If you want to defeat Ludveck, get rid of the Archer with the Longbow

at his level with Calill's Meteor (Don't break it!) and the other Bow

users near the highest fort level. Once that's done, let Leanne eat

Olivi Grass until she transforms. Once THAT's done, send Elincia, Haar,

Marcia carrying Heather, and Leanne straight down, dropping Heather

just outside the enemies' ranges and Elincia just inside both Ludveck's

and the Dracosheild General's ranges. If you want to steal the

Dracosheild from the General next to Ludveck, let Leanne reanimate

Heather after she's dropped and steal the item. Since Haar will be

gone, let the beast laguz hold off the west side with a healthy supply

of Olivi Grass and healing items.

Anyways, once the Dracosheild is taken, beat the crap out of Ludveck

with Elincia's Amiti and Haar's Steel Axe. Once Ludveck's defeated, the

battle ends.


Name - Calill

Description - Calill's Speed growth is the highest among the Sages, but

her Magic is simply...good. The good news is that Calill still get's

the job done in the appropriate situations. Granted, her Magic won't

turn out like Soren's, but her magic still packs enough of a punch to

seriously harm enemies. At least Calill came back to join the fray in

Radiant Dawn; her husband Largo suddenly doesn't fight and won't be in

your party. Sorry, Largo fans! :P Anyways, if Soren turns out badly or

you just don't like him, Calill is the next best choice for a Sage.

Stat Growths - HP: 35%, STR: 25%, MAG: 45%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 55%, LUK:

55%, DEF: 15%, RES: 50%

Master Skill - Flare

Rating - 8/10



Part III - Intersecting Vows



Part III Summary

Welcome to the easiest part in Radiant Dawn. Part II basically features

Ike and the rest of the super powerful Greil Mercenaries slaughtering

everyone and everything with their awesomeness. I suggest taking the

time to raise Shinon, Soren, Titania, and Mia because they're some of

the best units in the game. Nonetheless, pick only the appropriate

amount of the Greil Mercs to level, including Ike, and ignore the rest

because they'll need the experience for the final chapter.

This is the longest part of the game, and for a while, Ike's group will

be quite short on funds at the Base. Hopefully, when Ilyana, Nephenee,

Brom, and Heather come join the party, they'll have weapons and stuff

to provide to the Greil Mercs to make up for the mediocre funds.

Oh, and don't think there won't be a couple chapters that won't be

absurdly easy; There will be three Micaiah chapters that are noticeably

more difficult than Ike's chapters. Hopefully, you've promoted several

first tier units and leveled them properly, because if you abused the

pre-promotes, Nailah, and the Black Knight, the chapters will be much

harder. You'll regret not leveling them up properly if you didn't when

the neglect comes back to bite you on the ass later.

After Ike and his crew save Lucia, he'll join forces with Ranulf,

Caineghis' nephew Skrimir, Tibarn, and the rest of the Laguz Alliance

as they rampage through Begnion, eventually clashing with the massive

Begnion Central Army, headed by Zelgius. Ike will also have to fight

against Daein when Pelleas unexpectedly sends the Daein army with

Micaiah at its head to fight alongside Begnion.



Prologue: The Great Advance

Victory: Skrimir Arrives

Units Available: 11

Partners: None

Others: Laguz Alliance

Items: Crossbow (Boss drop)

You'll see just how easy Ike's chapters are once you start fighting.

Anyways, you're fighting in the dark once again, but it's no big deal.

Just send all your melee units north while Rhys and Mist follow for

healing, if even needed. There are two ballistae that Shinon and Rolf

can use to take down some enemies in the laguz's route.

The General in front of the Arrive square, Septimus, will be a wuss and

run away shortly after the battle begins, leaving a crappy Sniper to

deal with. :P

Ike's group and the laguz will meet up soon enough, but try to reach

the boss and kill him before any laguz, especially Skrimir, can reach

him. Skrimir will destroy the boss in one round, so take the boss down

with powerful units like Ike or Shinon to get the Crossbow. After that,

just let Skrimir Arrive.


Name - Ike

Description - If Jesus were to be a video game character, Ike would be

a viable choice. Well, an Ike with a better Resistance, at least. Ike's

Resistance growth was virtually destroyed, so now magic users pose a

much bigger threat to him than they did in Path of Radiance, especially

since Ike starts off with a base 9 Resistance. This, however, will

hardly matter once you see Ike cap every single stat but Magic and

Resistance. Ike is very, very powerful, especially once he gets Aether,

which will keep him alive for a long time. He has great Skill and Speed

despite a lower Speed growth, good Luck, and plenty of HP. Ike can, and

will, mow down everything, even right as he's available, making him an

easy-to-use character. Ike will always double-attack and will never

have trouble hitting an enemy. Ike has an awesome avoid, too, so you

can't really expect him to be hit often. All in all, Ike is a unit that

will pretty much survive every round with ease while dealing

considerable damage, take very little to no physical damage, and avoid

virtually everything thrown at him. You have to use Ike anyways, since

he's required to get through the game.

Stat Growths - HP: 65%, STR: 55%, MAG: 10%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 35%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 40%, RES: 15%

Master Skill - Aether

Rating - 10/10

Name - Shinon

Description - Hehe, you won't have to worry about having to boost him

with quite a bit of Bonus Experience this time around. Shinon is such

an amazing and competent unit that he is sometimes called a broken

character. Shinon will cap Strength, Skill, Speed, and Defense with

relative ease as well as come close to maxing or just max Luck. When

Shinon promotes to the Marksman class and gains the ability to attack

from three spaces away with any Bow except Longbows and Crossbows,

Shinon will be unstoppable, especially against the powerful enemies in

the final chapter. Arm Shinon with a Crossbow and he can attack

adjacent enemies as well as enemies two spaces away. Shinon naturally

good Defense and great Avoid will enable him to easily survive the

front lines with little more than a scratch. Shinon outstrips Rolf and

Leonardo as a Marksman, so choose Shinon for a Marksman and an

excellent choice for the final chapter.

Growth Rates - HP: 50%, STR: 40%, MAG: 15%, SKL: 70%, SPD: 65%, LUK:

30%, DEF: 45%, RES: 20%

Master Skill - Deadeye

Rating - 10/10

Name - Boyd

Description - Boyd is still a powerhouse who will have no trouble

dealing a ton of damage throughout the whole game. Boyd can use Steel

Axes near the very end of the game and still deal a whole lot of

damage. Anyways, Boyd improved because he now gets enough Defense to

survive the front lines a lot better. Boyd will offer good Skill and

Speed, although he doesn't dodge attacks as well as he should. Boyd's

low base Speed means that he needs a little time before he picks up and

reveals his full potential. Until then, Boyd will have some trouble

attacking units with Swords, especially Swordmasters. Nonetheless, Boyd

is a destructive powerhouse and will always turn out as a very strong

character with plenty of HP.

Stat Growths - HP: 80%, STR: 65%, MAG: 5%, SKL: 45%, SPD: 45%, LUK:

40%, DEF: 50%, RES: 10%

Master Skill - Colossus

Rating - 8.5/10

Name - Mist

Description - Mist now starts off with a 1-2 range sword of her own,

the Florete. Too bad it doesn't run off Magic, or Mist would have been

better. Anyways, Mist is still a decent mage killer, although not quite

as good as before due to the absence of magic weapons. When Mist

promotes to a Valkyrie, she'll become a very good healer because of her

movement and Canto. She'll be able to cover a lot of ground across the

battlefield on a horse, easily reaching units that need healing.

Physical attacks cripple Mist quite easily, so don't let her stay in

the range of any physical attackers. Mist has good enough Speed to

prevent her from being double-attacked if her level stays on par with

the chapter she's in. Mist is still just a healer when all is said and

done, though, and is only able to kill Mages without being lucky.

Stat Growths - HP: 40%, STR: 25%, MAG: 45%, SKL: 55%, SPD: 50%, LUK:

70%, DEF: 25%, RES: 40%

Master Skill - Sol

Rating - 7.3/10

Name - Soren

Description - Soren is a badass. He is the best Sage in the game, hands

down. He caps Magic, Skill, and Resistance at a very fast pace and will

max out his Speed easily as well. Soren will consistently cause a lot

of damage as well as completely resist Magic and sidestep plenty of

physical attacks thrown at him. Soren can't really take a hit that

isn't from magic, though, so don't keep him in the range of a lot of

physical attackers. Once again, Soren doesn't really need to go beyond

"El" tomes to deal massive damage, but once he gets his hands on

Rexcalibur, he's unstoppable. Stick Soren behind your defensive lines

and he will be almost always untouchable while wreaking havoc on the

enemy. He's better than any other Sage in the game because he usually

ends up stronger and pretty fast. During the final chapter, giving

Soren the Blizzard tome to be blessed and he'll screw the enemy up

really badly with constant attacks from a long range. Soren comes

automatically with Adept, which will activate at least 50% of the time

with Soren because of his high Skill. It's quite useful when Soren

can't double-attack certain enemies or kill an enemy in one round.

Stat Growths - HP: 40%, STR: 25%, MAG: 80%, SKL: 60%, SPD: 35%, LUK:

35%, DEF: 25%, RES: 70%

Master Skill - Flare

Rating - 10/10



Frequently Asked Questions



A: Haha, no.

Q: IS <character name> A GOOD UNIT?

A: It's all up to personal preference. Some units are naturally better

than others, but it's up to you to decide whether a unit is good for



A: It's all up to you.


A: Yes. You can use the Wiimote, Classic controller, and the GameCube




A: If the Epilogue file is saved in Easy mode, it won't transfer. If

it's saved in Normal or Hard mode, there shouldn't be any problems at



A: ...No.


A: Yes, there are two: Pelleas and Lehran. However, you can only use

them on your 2nd+ playthrough.


Legal Notes


This FAQ is Copyright(c) November 2007 Andrea Petriella. You can always

use this FAQ for your own PERSONAL use. If you want to share some of

the info on this FAQ without actually posting it, at least give some

credit to me. If you want to post this FAQ on your website or whatever,

contact me via e-mail:

Sites currently allowed to host my FAQ:




1. Me, for writing this FAQ.

2. God, for giving me the motivation to write this FAQ. :)

3. Intelligent Systems and Nintendo for making this masterpiece of a


4. Any website hosting my FAQ with my permission.

5. All the people who e-mailed me about stuff I didn't know or forgot


6. YOU, the readers, for reading this FAQ and making use of it!

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