Metroid Prime 3: Corruption FAQ/ Walkthrough

              Metroid Prime 3

100% Guide

Table of Contents

1)- Getting started

1.1)- Controls

1.1.1)- Control Options

1.2)- Options Menu

1.3)- Basic Gameplay

1.3.1)- Heads Up Display

1.3.2)- Interactive Devices

1.3.3)- Energy Tanks, Missiles, Gunship Missiles, and Energy Cells

1.3.4)- Field Items: Healing and reloading

1.3.5)- Hypermode

1.4)- Suit Upgrade Basics

1.5)- Samus's Ship

1.6)- Scanning Basics

1.7)- Medal Basics

1.7.1)- Extras Basics

1.7.2)- Friend Vouchers

1.8)- Metroid Timeline

1.8.1)- Summery of the story thus far

2)- Walkthrough

2.1)- G.F.S Olympus: Tutorial

2.2)- Norion: Prelude

2.2.1)- Generator A

2.2.2)- Generator C

2.3)- Bryyo: The First Phazon Seed

2.3.1)- G.F.S Olympus (PED Suit)

2.3.2)- Bryyo: Cliffside (Grapple Swing)

2.3.3)- Bryyo: Fiery (Ice Missiles)

2.3.4)- Bryyo: Cliffside (Gunship Missile)

2.3.5)- Bryyo: Fiery (Seed Shield 1)

2.3.6)- Bryyo: Thorn Jungle (Seed Shield 2)

2.3.6)- Bryyo: Seed (Final Boss / Hyper Ball)

2.4)- Elysia: Second Phazon Seed

2.4.1)- Elysia: SkyTown West (Boost Ball / Plasma Beam)

2.4.2)- Bryyo Revisited: Ice (Screw Attack)

2.4.3)- Elysia: SkyTown East (Ship Grapple / Seeker Missile)

2.4.4)- Elysia: Seed (Final Boss / Hyper Missile)

2.5)- Pirate Homeworld: First Landing

2.5.1)- Pirate Homeworld: Command Center (X-ray visor)

2.5.2)- Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility (Grapple Voltage)

2.5.3)- Elysia Revisited: SkyTown West (Spider Ball/Expansions)

2.5.4)- Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility (Hazard Shield)

2.5.5)- Pirate Homeworld: Mining Site (Nova Beam)

2.6)- G.F.S Valhalla

2.6.1)- Norion Final Visit (Energy Cell / Expansions)

2.6.2)- Bryyo Final Visit (Energy Cell / Expansions)

2.5.3)- Elysia Final Visit: SkyTown East (Medals and scans)

2.6.4)- G.F.S Valhalla (Pirate Passcodes)

2.7)- Pirate Homeworld: The Final Phazon Seed

2.7.1)- Pirate Homeworld: Command Center (Defense system)

2.7.2)- Pirate Homeworld: Seed

2.7.3)- Pirate Homeworld Final Visit (Battleship / Expansions)

2.8)- Phaaze: The Final Battle

2.8.1)- Phaaze: Landing site (Path to the final battle)

2.8.2)- Phaaze: Close Encounters of the Third Kind

3)- Expansion Locations

3.1)- Missile Expansions

3.2)- Energy Tanks

3.3)- Gunship Missiles

3.4)- Energy Cells

4)- Enemy Guide

5)- Logbook

5.1)- Research

5.2)- Lore

5.3)- Creatures

6)- Suit Upgrades

7)- Extras

7.1.1)- Gold medals and Friend Vouchers

7.1.2)- Red Phaazoids

8)- Tips, Tricks, and Cool little things

9)- Copyright/Contact Info

10)- Version History



1)- Getting started



Welcome to the wonderful world of Metroid! Er, Metroid Prime. You

control the female antagonist Samus in her quest to rid the universe

of the Space Pirates and Metroids. In the Prime series though, your

goal changes a bit and is more about the elimination of Metroid Prime,

and the eradication of Phazon from known space.


1.1)- Controls


Wii Remote:

A - Fire (hold to charge shots)

B - Jump (press again to double-jump)

D pad:

Down - Fire Missile

Up - Take Screenshot (if unlocked)

- - Hold to bring up visor selection screen

+ - Hold to active Hypermode

1 - Brings up map screen and options menu

2 - Gives you a hint at your current objective

Pointer - Aim/turn

Motion sensors:

When interacting with objects, twist/push/pull accordingly

When in morph ball mode, pull upward to jump


Joy stick - walk/sidestep

C - Activate morph ball mode

Z - Hold to Lock-on

Motion sensors:

When locked on to a grapple object, cast forward to throw lasso, pull

back to pull the object


1.1.1)- Control Options


- The functions of the A and B buttons can be swapped.

- The functions of - and + can be swapped.

- There are 3 different levels of turning sensitivity in the options

menu: Basic, Standard, and Advanced.

Basic makes you turn very slowly, having to point to the very edges of

the screen to turn.

Standard is a bit quicker, but can still be slow in some situation.

Advanced is by far the best for vets of the FPS genre. You turn very

quickly, but can be disorienting until you get used to it.

- Wii remote sensitivity setting can cancel out interference if your

targeting reticule seems to be jumping everywhere. This option can be

reached by pressing the Home button on the Wii Remote and selecting

Wii Remote Settings. The lower the sensitivity, the more IR light

needs to be present before the pointer will sense motion. If you sit

really far away from your TV, you should turn the sensitivity all the

way up.

- Free lock-on, unless you're a really bad shot, should be turned on.

Free lock-on means that if you lock on to an enemy, your screen will

turn to keep pace with him, but you are free to move your targeting

reticule anywhere on screen, allowing for more precise shots. If this

feature is off, when you lock onto a target your reticule will also

follow him and sometimes make boss fights a bit more complicated.


1.2)- Options Menu


Press the 1 button to bring up the options menu. You will be brought

to a map of your current location.

On the left side you have:





The right side changes depending on which category you're in.

--== Map ==--

Shows a 3D map of the area

Right side:

- Recenter on Samus (if you've been playing with the map)

- World Map

Shows you a large map of the planet you're on.

- Galactic Map

Shows you a map of the galaxy

--== Logbook ==--

Allows you to look over descriptions of scans you've made

categorized by type on the right side.

--== Inventory ==--

Allows you to see what current upgrades you have, and gives a

description of each.

--== Options ==--

Right side:

- Controls

Lets you change control options.

Rumble: On/off

Lock-on/Free aim: On/off

Reverse Jump and Fire (swap A and B)

Sensitivity (basic, standard, Advanced)

Reverse Visor and Hyper (swap - and +)

- Sound

Change the sound settings

Music volume (sound of the music)

Speech volume (sound of people voices)

Sound Effects volume (sound of effects, explosions, bullets, ect)

- Display

Change the display settings.

Brightness (change the brightness of the game)

Helmet Opacity (how visible the top and bottom of your helmet is)

Visor Opacity (how visible your HUD is)

HUD Lag (not sure what this does)

Hint System: On/off (good for your first play through, annoying

the second)

Bonus Credit Messages: On/off (whether or not you want to be

notified when you receive a new


- Quit

Exits your game and takes you back to the game startup screen


1.3)- Basic Gameplay


The basic gameplay in Metroid Prime is pretty much a free-roam FPA.

This means you are free to roam in any area, at any time, provided you

have the upgrades necessary to get there and the current mission

permits, and it's in the first-person perspective.

The main object is normally get to a certain location and activate

some device to help you reach the main boss and causing massive damage

to the Space Pirates while doing so.

To accomplish this, you use a variety of devices integrated into your

Power Suit, most of which you'll pick up in the course of the game.

This includes an arm-mounted energy cannon, missiles, bombs, and



1.3.1)- Heads Up Display


Otherwise known as a HUD, your heads up display tells you whats going

on with your suit and your surroundings. The HUD in Metroid Prime 3 is

pretty self explanatory.

Top left of screen ----------------------------------------- Top right


OO /

OOOO ************** 3 | 5 |

OOOOOO - 1 2 - 100 -------------- 4 | |




< O > - 6



7 ----

/ 10


Bottom left --------------------------------------------- Bottom right

1) Radar: Radar tells you if there are enemies nearby. You are the dot

in the center, while orange dots are enemies around you. Note that

the radar is indiscriminate to walls and such, so it may be picking

up an enemy on the other side of a door.

2) Current Health: Your health is represented by the number to the

right of the health bar. 100 is a full tank of energy, while 00 is

empty. If your tank hits zero and you have no extra Tanks left, its

game over.

3) Energy Tanks: while your health bar maxes out at 100, you can carry

even more via Energy Tanks. How many spare Tanks you have is

represented by small cubes over your health bar. A full cube equals

100 energy, while an empty cube means 0. If the tank your are

currently using hits zero, a spare tank will automatically be

loaded. Tanks can be refilled by collecting health. If you collect

more the 100 health in one tank, you will start to fill up the next


4) Health Bar: in addition to the number on the left, your health is

also indicated by a bar. It means the exact same thing as the

number, just in bar form.

5) Map: your map gives you a 3-D perspective of the room you're in, as

well as any surrounding rooms. The green arrow represents you.

6) Targeting Reticule: Marks where you're aiming.

7) Missile Ammo: Very simple. Top number is how many missiles you

have, bottom number is the maximum amount you can carry.


1.3.2)- Interactive Devices


Interactive devices are new to Prime 3. They allow you to "interact"

with them in other ways then just shooting them (as in more Metroid

games). They vary in use, but are normally found in 4 forms:

Hand Scanner:

Walk up and press A to place your left hand on the scanner. Normally

used to activate doors and lifts.

Manual Lock:

Walk up and press A to grab it. Pull the Wii remote back, twist either

clockwise or counterclockwise, then push back in. Most often used for

early locked areas and retrieving Energy Cells.

Password Terminal:

Walk up and press A to activate. The center will have a grouping of

letters. Point and press the letters on the outside in the same order.

Note that some of these terminals (especially Space Pirate versions)

are X-ray encrypted, meaning they can only be used when looking

through the X-ray visor.

Dial Lock:

Walk up and press A to interact. Twist the Wii Remote to line up the

notches with the protrusions on the twisty part. When one is lined up,

press A to insert, then move on to the next until the rings are

complete. Note, like Password Terminals, these can be X-ray encrypted.


1.3.3)- Energy Tanks, Missiles, Gunship Missiles, and Energy Cells


Oh my! >.>

Ok, four types of powerups in the game:

Energy Tanks, Missiles, Gunship Missiles, and Energy Cells.

Energy Tanks are greenish blue cylinders. When you pick them up, they

will add 100 points to your overall health (one square over your

health bar).

Missile Expansions look like large missiles in a tube and will add 5

to your overall missile capacity.

Gunship Missile Expansions are pretty useless, but needed for 100%

completion. They add 1 to the total number of missiles your ship can


Energy Cells are a pretty new way of thinking: they power things.

Energy Cells look a lot like Energy Tanks. They aren't a suit upgrade,

but instead are used to power thing in basses (doors, shields, ect).

for the most part, you will remove a cell to power down something. The

only time you really ever use cells to power something is on the G.F.S

Valhalla, which isn't until much later in the game.


1.3.4)- Field Items: Healing and reloading


There are only 3 types of field items:

Health, Missiles, and Gunship Missiles.

These randomly appear after defeating enemies and randomly blowing

stuff up. You can either walk through them or charge and hold your

power Beam to draw them to you.

Health is in the form of little round balls of Phazon. The color and

size of the ball tells how much it will heal. Purple heals 10,

Blue 25, Red 50, and Yellow 100 units of health.

Missiles come in 3 sizes, and the only way to tell them apart is the

size of the item. Small gives 5, medium 10, and large 25.

Gunship Missiles look like your ship, only small and glowing. The

restore 1 missile each. You only need to use your ship's missiles like

6 times in the game, so you wont be seeing many of these.


1.3.5)- Hypermode


Hypermode becomes usable just after your mission on Norion.

Hypermode is a very important, if not dangerous, part of the game.

After Norion, Samus's body starts producing Phazon (a radioactive

substance) all on its own. The Galactic Federation installs a PED

(Phazon Enhancement Device) into your power suit, allowing you to tap

into your Phazon reserves to enhance your abilities.

To activate Hypermode, press and hold the + button until it kicks in.

Hypermode drains 1 full Energy Tank (100 units of health), and

exchanges that for power.

When in Hypermode, everything looks blue and your power Beam is

replaced with the Phazon Beam. The Phazon Beam is MUCH more powerful,

but every shot will drain the energy bar at the top of the screen.

Damage will also reduce the bar. When the bar completely drains, you

will be forced out of Hypermode and will be missing 1 Energy Tanks

worth of health.

To end Hypermode on your own, press and hold the + button again. If

you willfully come out of Hypermode, some of your health will be


Beware though, if you stay in Hypermode for too long, you will become

corrupted, and the bar at the top will turn red and slowly start to

fill. If the bar fills up, you'll die. When this happens, rapidly

press A to vent all the Phazon.

Technically, you could stay in corrupted mode for a long time, so long

as the bar doesn't fill all the way up. But this isn't the case, as

when you are in corrupted mode your health will slowly drain. If you

stay in it for too long, all of your health will drain, and you'll

die. You don't have a bar to indicate how much health you have left,

so its best to vent the Phazon as fast as possible to avoid any


At start, the only weapon you have in Hypermode is the Phazon Beam,

but you get more with time.


Some Space Pirates will throw Phazon grenades at you. If one of them

explodes near you, your PED suit will overload and you will be put in

a corrupted state. Same rules apply as if you accidentally entered the

state: vent the Phazon or die.


1.4)- Suit Upgrade Basics


Suit upgrades are a very important part of the game, in fact, most of

the game you'll spend looking for new suit parts to access new areas.

You start with the basic upgrades, and unlike the other Prime games

don't lose any of your upgrades early on.

Upgrades marked with (Starting Upgrade) mean you start the game with


Note that a more complete guide to suit upgrades can be found later in

the guide.

Suit Upgrades:


- Power Suit (Starting Upgrade)

- Varia Suit (Starting Upgrade)

- PED Suit

- Hazard Shield

- Space Jump Boots (Starting Upgrade)

- Screwattack

Arm Cannon:

- Power Beam (Starting Upgrade)

- Plasma Beam

- Nova Beam

- Hyper Beam

- Missiles

- Ice Missiles

- Seeker Missiles

- Hyper Missiles


- Combat Visor (Starting Upgrade)

- Scan Visor (Starting Upgrade)

- Command Visor (Starting Upgrade)

- X-ray Visor


- Morph Ball (Starting Upgrade)

- Morph Ball Bombs (Starting Upgrade)

- Ball Jump (Starting Upgrade)

- Boost Ball

- Spider Ball

- Hyper Ball


- Grapple Lasso

- Grapple Swing

- Grapple Voltage

- Hyper Grapple


1.5)- Samus's Ship


Samus's ship is by far not new to the Metroid series, but being able

to actually get inside and use the ship is.

There are plenty of bright and flashy things in there; enough to keep

and idiot entertained for many days. Few of these gizmos are of any

use though.

To use something in the ship, point at it and press A, then point

again and press A (again). Here is a list of gadgets in the ship:

Left Side:

Left orange button: Game stats (enemies killed, shots fired, ect)

Right orange button: Activates attack mode (never used)

Big green thing: Thrusters. Only used once.


Lower red square: Map Brings up the map and lets you choose a

landing site.

Top green circle: Radio. Only actually used once, but several

secret messages can be heard with special combos

(see secrets section)

Right Side:

Right orange button: Biohazard scanner. Useless.

Left orange button: Activates lockdown. Useless.


1.6- Scanning Basics


Scanning is preformed by holding the - button and pointing at the top

third of the screen to select the scan visor. Then use the lock-on

button (Z) to scan an object.

Objects that can be scanned are highlighted by the scan visor.

Important objects are normally red (but sometimes blue), normal

objects that have some purpose or backstory are blue, while green

objects have already been scanned before (or at least an object the

same as that one).

You have to stayed locked on to the object for a few seconds for the

scan to complete. Once it has, the game will pause and a brief

description will come up in the bottom center of the screen. If the

object is one of importance, it will be added to the log book, at

which point you can press 1 to immediately view the full profile, or

look at it later.


1.7- Medal Basics


You earn medals throughout the game for accomplishing certain tasks.

These include scanning objects, completing special objectives, and

defeating enemies.

When a medal is earned, it will flash at the top of the screen for a

second. There are four different types of medals: Red, Blue, Gold, and

Green. The type earned depends on the task completed. Every task has a

set medal color associated with it.

Medals can be used to buy things in the extras menu.

For a full list of medals and their requirements, see the medals

section. For a list of extras, see the extras menu section.


1.7.1)- Extras Basics


When you first enter your profile, you can choose the "Extras" option.

In there, you can use your medals to buy extras. Most of these are

pretty useless, but there are a few neat ones.

The total number of medals you have is shown at the bottom of the

screen. Each extra costs a certain amount of medals.


1.7.2)- Friend Vouchers


Friend Vouchers are special. They can be traded in for a Green medal

(it's the only way to get green medals), but not in a conventional


First, you have to have Wiiconnect24 on in the Wii options menu.

Second, you need to have some Friends on your Wii Friend list that

have Metroid Prime 3.

Finally, get them to send you a Friend Voucher. When you start your

profile, you will have the option to convert any number of Vouchers

you've received from Friends into green medals.

Beware, as every profile in the game shares the same Friend list, and

as such the same Friend Vouchers received.

To send other people Vouchers, select "Friend Vouchers" then select

someone whose name is black (as opposed to gray) as that means they've

played Metroid Prime 3. You can send them as many Vouchers as you

want, but only one at a time. Remember, you don't have infinite

Vouchers, you have to earn them in game.


1.8)- Metriod Timeline


The order in which the Metroid games go chronologically.

- Metroid (Zero Mission)

- Metroid Prime

- Metroid Prime: Hunters

- Metroid Prime 2: Echoes

- Metroid Prime 3: Corruption

- Metroid II: Return of Samus

- Super Metroid

- Metroid Fusion


1.8.1)- Summery of the story thus far


The rest of the Metroid series doesn't really have much of a bearing

on the Prime series. All's you need to know from those games is that

the Space Pirates are bad, and Samus has foiled their plots time and

time again.

As said at the start of the guide, while most Metroids deal with the

Space Pirates, Metroid Prime has more to do with Metroid Prime and the

Space Pirates just play a bit part; just kind of an annoyance.

Ok, onward to Metroid Prime.

--== Samus's background ==--

Samus was orphaned during a raid on her homeworld (K-2L) by the Space

Pirates. She was rescued by a highly Advanced and philosophical bird-

like race called the Chozo, when she was then "infused" with Chozo

blood. Regarded as an excellent warrior by the Chozo, they gave her

specially designed battle armor: the Power Suit. Weather Samus knows

of her past or not is unknown, though some things do suggest that she

suffers from amnesia. However, just before the events of the original

Metroid, the few remaining Chozo on Zebes are killed (most likely

because of the Space Pirates). The Chozo themselves were spread out

across the universe, and are a highly regarded race before their


--== Metroid Prime 1 ==--

In Prime 1, you start out continuing your chase of the Space Pirates

from Zebes and land on a seemingly abandoned research frigate above

Tallon IV (IV = 4 in roman numerals). Inside, you find mutated

creatures from the surrounding planets and strange experiments

regarding a new highly-radioactive substance dubbed "Phazon." After a

few skirmishes and some rouge mutants, the space station goes haywire

and starts to crash into the planet. You escape just in time and give

chase onto the planets surface.

Once on Tallon IV, you discover that this was once a homeworld of the

Chozo. You (as the player) discover much about the Chozo during this

game. You also learn that the planet is slowly being destroyed Phazon,

and that the Phazon was originally brought to the planet via a meteor

(dubbed "Leviathan" in Prime 3) (this Phazon is also what killed the

Chozo on Tallon IV). Near the end of your journey, Samus's Power Suit

gets infused with Phazon. This infusion grants you invulnerability to

the radioactive effects of Phazon.

With the so called Phazon Suit, you can finally face off against

creature that is creating the Phazon: Metroid Prime, who still lives

in the meteor that originally brought him to Tallon IV.

After a long battle, Metroid Prime is finally defeated. Just before he

dies, he soaks up all residual Phazon from the planet; including

Samus's Phazon Suit.

--== Metroid Prime 2 ==--

You get a distress signal from Galactic Federation (good guys) troops

on the unstable planet of Ather. Some neat stuff happens, and there is

a lot background to the planet, but hardly any mentions of the Chozo,

and nothing really about Phazon.

However, you do learn that Metroid Prime is still alive, and is now

called "Dark Samus". He fused himself to Samus's Phazon Suit and

copied some of Samus's DNA, thus gaining human like form and some

sentient-like abilities. He also has access to several of Samus's

weapons, which he powered up through the use of Phazon. His main goal

still seems to be the same: absorb and spread as much Phazon as


--== Metroid Prime 3 ==--

Well, you'll have to play it and find out :P




















--== (Room) ==--

New Scans:

(New things to scan in this room)

Old Scans:

(Old scans are listed for two reasons: 1) to give warning of a danger

in the area, IE, pirates mostly 2) To make sure you got a scan that

may have been hard to get earlier in the game. Therefor, old scans

aren't always listed, reguardless of whats in the room).

New Medals:

(New medals you can earn)

New Pickups:

(New upgrades/expansions you can now get)





2)- Walkthrough





Alright, inside Samus's ship. Click on the blinking thing in front of

you (the map). HELLO! Now click on the green thing above the map

(radio). Click the symbols as follows:

Second from the left, second from the right, fourth from the right,

first on the left.

Look left. Click on the new blinky thing (thrusters), then push the

remote forward to active (as prompted).





2.1)- G.F.S Olympus: Tutorial





--== Docking Bay 5 ==-

New Scans:

Hunter-class gunship

Landing beacon

Federation Marine

Halberd-class turret

Fleet mechanic

Galactic federation crates

Heavy federation creates

Galactic federation door

Training drone

New Medals:

Red x4

Gold x1

Friend Voucher x1

Walk forward. Turn around and scan your ship and the small blue things

around it (landing beacons). Continue forward and shoot the targets as

prompted. Several things to do in here before we leave.

First, scan the Marine right in front of you (federation marine).

Next, scan the small blue object overtop of the large door in front of

you (halberd-class turret). Turn left and scan the small create and

the person in front of it (galactic federation create, fleet

mechanic). Walk around to the other side of the transport thing and

scan the large create (heavy federation create).

Turn around. You should see a blue plate on the ground (when in scan

mode). Walk over and stand on it. You should now see two small blue

things pop up, scan them (training drone).

Time for a mini game. From any angle, shoot one of the training

drones. It should pop up into the air. Fire at it again in air to

"juggle" it. Keep it up in the air for 10 hits to net you a gold

credit. Keep it up for 20 for a Friend Voucher.

With that done, go up the ramp on the left. Scan the door before

entering (galactic federation door).

--== Docking Bay access ==--

New Scans:

Female fleet Trooper

Male fleet Trooper

Galactic federation door

Old scans:

Halberd-class turret

Galactic federation crates

Heavy federation creates

New Medals:

Red x2

Turn left and scan the male and female fleet Troopers. Now turn around

and shoot the two large sparking cells with a charged shot. Up the

ramps and through the door behind you.

--== Docking Bay 4 ==--

New Scans:

Blast shield

Old scans:

Female fleet Trooper

Male fleet Trooper

Galactic federation door

First, walk and turn left to scan the door (blast shield). Now scan

the panel beside it to unlock it. Now turn around and scan the red

panel to unlock it. Walk up to the second panel and log in. It will

give you your access code for the door. While you're here click on the

4 pictures (2 on each side) and listen to the narrator.

Exit and walk back to the locked door. Click on the panel and input

the code 13576. Go through the now unlocked door.

--== Security Station ==--

New Scans:

Hunter Ghor

Lore: Olympus-class battleship

Old scans:

Female fleet Trooper

Male fleet Trooper

Galactic federation door

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Quickly turn on your scan visor and scan the specious person on the

left in the decam chamber (Hunter Ghor). Walk over to the lever that

pops out after Ghor leaves the chamber. Follow the instructions and

enter the chamber. Wait for the scan to finish, then use the terminal

that comes down. Line up the crosshair looking things by twisting the

remote, then hold it there. After, pull the lever at the opposite side

you came in on to get out. Before exiting this room, scan the terminal

by the door (Lore: Olympus-class battleship).

--== Security Access ==--

There actually isn't anything in here but some old scans. Just

continue through to the next room.

--== Command Lift A ==--

Activate the elevator by clicking the hand scanner. Walk into the

hologram. Door.

--== Flag Bridge Access ==--

Again, nothing new, so just continue through the right side door.

--== Flag Bridge ==--

Some more old scans. Walk forward, turn about, and go up either the

left or right ramp. Face the middle locked door. Go through the door

on the right.

--== lift Access ==--

New Scans:

Save station

Old scans:

Heavy federation create

Galactic federation create

Galactic federation door

Blast shield

Use a charged shot to blow away the large create then enter the door

it reveals. Scan the glowing object (save station) then enter and

save. Back out into the flag bridge.

--== Flag Bridge ==--

Talk to the marine across from you. He should let you pass. Enter the

door. Through the next hallway (meeting access) and through the door.

--== Ready Room ==--

While there are a lot of things to scan here, you don't get the

chance. A cut scene takes place and everyone leaves before you regain

control of Samus. It's ok, we'll get them later. :)

It's also worth noting that the Admiral stresses a few points that you

never really end up doing.

--== Flag Bridge ==--

New Scans:

Admiral Dane

New Medals:

Red x1

While you're here, scan the Admiral right in front of you.

Hop down and enter the door behind you.

--== Flag Bridge Access ==--

New Scans:

Pirate Militia

New Medals:

Red x1

Big fight right in front of you. Scan then kill the Pirates. Go

through the whole they knocked in the wall and into the door therein.

--== Port Observation Deck ==--

New Scans:

Space Pirate Boarding Pod

New Medals:

Blue medal x1

Red medal x1

Quickly enter and round the corner. Take out the two Pirates quickly

to save the GF Trooper (blue medal). Scan the thing the Pirates came

out off beside the door (Space Pirate boarding pod) and enter the


--== Xenoresearch Lab ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Scan and take out the two CrawlTanks on the wall. Go through the door

past them.

--== Lab Access ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher x1

Quickly run around the corner. When the wall blows up, save the

remaining GF Trooper by quickly shooting the red/yellow thing over the

airlock door. Turn back to Xenoresearch Lab.

--== Xenoresearch Lab ==--

New Scans:

Armored Pirate militia


New Medals:

Red x2

Ok, now the Pirates steal the Energy Cell and play keepaway with it.

Kill all three of them (while scanning the Armored ones) and retrieve

the cell.

Go put the cell back in the generator by walking up to it and pressing

A, then follow the instructions.

Great, excellent design GF >.>

Start killing the cralMines and CrawlTanks that come out. Eventually a

Crawltank will come out of the floor, revealing a space just large

enough for your morphball. Curl up and enter. Roll around until you

find a passage that leads out.

--== Ventilation Shaft ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

In here, you'll have to use bombs to blow away some propellers, and

eventually find an Energy Tank (T1). Roll past it and hop up to fall

into a turbo thing.

--== Disposal Chamber ==--

New Scans:

Bomb Slot

Uncurl and scan the red terminal. Now scan the newly opened slot (bomb

slot) then curl back up, hop in, and plant a bomb.

--== Repair Bay A ==--

Old scans:

Pirate Militia


Heavy federation creates

Galactic federation creates

That cutscene was just awesome wasn't it? Enter the door.

Take out the 3 Pirates that assault you (one up on the ledge). Then

look around for a ramp (opposite the door). Use this to jump to the

ledge in front of it. 3 CrawlTanks will attack as you work your way

around the walkway.

When you reach the end, jump to the next ledge. Another Pirate will

attack. Turn and face the docked ship. Two more Pirates will jump down

and attack from it. Kill them and jump up to where they were, then

onto the walkway beside that.

Another Crawltank will ambush you beside the door. Enter the door.

--== Munitions Storage ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Grab the missile and go back out. (M5)

--== Repair Bay A ==--

Remember the debris that fell down blocking the terminal earlier?

No? Well use the scan visor and look for something red. Hit it with a

missile and use the hand scanner. The bay doors should have just

opened. Walk through.

--== Repair Bay Shaft ==--

New Scans:


Old scans:

Save station

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Shoot the four glowing targets around the door to open it.

IF you completed your tasks quick enough, the GF Trooper will still be

struggling against the aroMines. Run over and save him for a blue


If not, the GF Trooper will die and a bunch of aroMines will assault

you. Scan them and either destroy them or use morph ball mode to

bypass them.

Enter the door on the left to save. Exit and use the hand scanner by

the large air lock.

--== Docking Bay 5 ==--

New Scans:

Berserker Lord

New Medals:

Gold x1

Red x1


!!Boss Fight!!

This fight may be hard to you now, but later in the game this guy

isn't even classified as a mini-boss. Be sure to scan him, just to get

it out of the way. Now for strategy:

Strategy: shoot the large red orbs under his arms until they blow,

then wait for him to shoot a large glowing blue orb out his mouth.

Fire at the orb to send it back to him, thus blowing up in his face.

After the armor on his head explodes, start shooting at the exposed

area until he goes down.


Phazon breath: spews phazon at you, very slow and easy to dodge

Phazon orbs: shoots blue orbs at you. Fire at them to damage him.

Phazon Beam: fires an arching Beam of phazon. Jump to dodge.

Fire balls: fires large balls of fire. Quickly dodge left or right to


Ground quake: pounds the ground creating a shockwave. Jump to dodge.


Red arms: 12 shots each

Head armor: 4 Phazon orbs

Head: 40 shots


With that over, save and enter you ship.

--== Samus's Ship ==--

Use you're map and land in Norion Docking Hub Alpha.





2.2)- Norion: Prelude







2.2.1)- Generator A



--== Docking Hub Alpha ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Hunter Rundas

New Pickups:

Grapple Laso

New Medals:

Blue x1

Let the GF Trooper yak, then continue past him toward the locked door.

shoot the red locks to unlock it. As soon as you pass through, your

should be able to lock onto something just ahead. You can shoot it

from this angle though, so walk up to it and hit it to open the door.

Inside is the grapple lasso upgrade and a terminal to scan containing

Lore (Hunter Rundas)

Exit and continue around the hall. Scan the terminal beside the door

to activate the manual lock. Use it to unlock the elevator. Enter the

hologram. Enter the door.

--== Hub Access ==--

New Scans:

Mounted blast shield

Old scans:


Pirate Militia

As soon as you enter, a Crawltank is waiting for you. Kill it and

continue down the hall where a Pirate and two more CrawlTanks wait.

Take them out and jump around to the next door.

Scan it first (mounted blast shield) then proceed to rip it off.

--== Cargo Hub ==--

Old scans:


New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Missile Expansion:

Take a few steps forward then turn right and scan the suspicious plate

opposite the dead marine. You cant do anything else just yet, but

remember where this is at.

Follow the hall around. You'll be attacked by 3 sets of aroMines. Take

out all three. Turn around and go back to that terminal. It's a hand

scanner. Use it. Use the morph ball to get into the space that opens


Roll right and blow up the fan. Continue right and let the jet push

you over the top. Carefully jump up the next set of jumps, as the air

jets can push you off. Once at the top, destroy the fan again.

Fall down and get blasted back up. Destroy the fan. Don't worry about

the thing shooting you. Navigate the jets right; one jet will stop you

from moving forward while it's on, you'll have to jump while its off

which isn't very long. Just after that jet, there is a small jet on

the ground. Stop over top of it and wait for it to blow. Destroy the

fan at the top and fall off. Another jet should push you right past

the Missile Expansion. Go back and get it.

Destroy the last fan to be back where you started. Roll right and ride

the jet back out. (M10)

Follow the path around till you get to some debris blocking your path.

Use the grapple lasso to pull it out of the way. Use the morph ball to

get through the gap.

Enter the door behind you.

--== Substation East ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Curl up into a ball and park below the Energy Tank (T2). Jump up

towards it. Now quickly try to get across. If the things push you off,

just uncurl and go back and try again. Enter the door.

--== Conduit A/Munitions Storage ==--

New Scans:

Red blast shield

Lore: Valhalla Incident

Lore: Hunter Ghor

Lore: Hunter Gandrayda

Map station


New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x3

Walk forward and watch the GF troops get utterly owned by a Pirate

militia. Take him out and turn right to find a missile-shielded door.

scan it, then use a missile to open it. Scan the hologram (map

station) and the three terminals (the three lore's) enter the hologram

for the map of the area.

Walk out and continue right. Around the next bend some debris will

fall in your way. Destroy it with a charged shot. Around the next

corner the same thing will happen.

Just past the second set of debris are some jumpMines. Scan them, then

shoot them to detonate them. Go through the missile door.

--== Cargo Dock A ==--

New Scans:

Pirate Troopers

Space Pirate ATC

Shield Pirate militia


New Medals:

Red x4

Ok, a real fight is about to break out! :)

Walk out into the bay to be ambushed by 2 Pirate militia and 2 Pirate

Troopers (be sure to scan the later). I would take out the militia

first, as they can get annoying.

After you've dispatched all four, look to the right and scan the Space

Pirate ATC while it drops off two shield Pirate militia. Take them out

by first pulling off there shields.

Phase 3: two AeroTroopers. Locking on, then firing a missile normally

works well.

Finally, you'll start getting shot at by an ATC. Find it and aim for

the glowing grill just above the cannon. Missiles don't work so well,

and charged shots can be to slow against the wobbly craft. Instead

just pour rapid fire into it.


Rundas is such a showoff....

Well, do as he says and use the command visor to call in your ship.

Save and reload, but don't enter.

Your next target is the door on the right.

--== Generator Access A ==--

Old scans:


4 CrawlTanks in the hall. Destroy all four. When you get to the end of

the hall, you'll see a strange locked door. When you approach it, one

of the lights should turn on. quickly shoot it, followed by the next

light and final one. If you don't hit them fast enough, it will reset

and you'll have to start over. After, a grappling target should

appear. Rip the lock off and open the door.

--== Generator A ==--

New Scans:

Jolly roger drones

New Medals:

Red x1

That's a whole lot of Mines O_o

Well, after everything blows up, walk into the center of the room. You

will be assaulted by 2 waves of 3 jolly roger drones. The easiest way

to win this fight is to let the bots circle around you while keeping a

close eye on your radar. As soon as you see one of the blips stop,

quickly turn in that direction and hit it with a missile.

After the fight, some debris should be blown away, granting you access

to that ledge. Jump over to it and use a charged blast to destroy the

rest of the debris. Use the manual lock to activate the generator,

then jump back to the handscanner you just saw in the cutscene. Use

that to turn on the generator.

Ok, we're done. Go back to your ship two rooms back.

Oh, and enjoy that awesome cutscene while you're at it.



2.2.2)- Generator C



--== Cargo Dock A ==--

New Scans:

PED Trooper

New Medals:

Red x 1

Ok, you probably just saw that Trooper demolish those Pirates. Talk to

him and scan him to learn how (PED Trooper). Save in your ship and

continue back to the Cargo Hub.

--== Conduit A ==--

New Scans:

Shield Pirate Trooper

Old scans:

PED Trooper



New Medals:

Red x1

Ok, as far as I'm aware, this is a one time scan, so no messing up!

Make sure you saved in your ship just before, as you might need to


As soon as you enter the room, activate your scan visor. As you come

up over the ridge in the hall, quickly look down the other side to see

the Pirate getting assaulted by a PED Trooper. Scan him QUICK! Theres

your shield Pirate Trooper.

Past him, there are some jump Mines and a hoard of CrawlMines. Take

them all out (or just wade through them) to reach substation east, and

finally the cargo hub.

Don't forget that in substation east you have to use morphball mode to

jump up into the right wall and reach the other side.

--== Cargo Hub ==--

Old scans:

Hunter: Ghor

Curl up into a morphball and enter the small opening on the left. As

you some through the other side, watch as Ghor kills the berserker


Scan Ghor if you haven't already, as this is the last chance you'll

get. Approach him to activate a scene. ... chicken.

Ok, the door on the left has a special blast shield. Shoot the four

locks on the walls to the left and right of it, then rip the shield

off and enter the door.

--== Maintenance Station ==--

New Scans:

White blast shield

Come around the corner and watch the PED Troopers take out the shield

Pirates (you don't have enough time to scan them). Look to the left

and scan the white door 9white blast shield). It just holds a Missile

Expansion, and you cant open it yet anyway, so move on to the next


--== Conduit C ==--

Old scans:

Jolly roger drone


Go around the left side. A jolly roger drone will come out of the gap

in front of you. After you jump across a bunch of CrawlMines will come

around the corner. Continue. Another jolly roger drone. Jump across

and enter the glowing hole (in morphball form of course).

Continue through the conduit until you drop down. Walk to and through

the door ahead on the left.

--== Cargo Dock C ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Go morphball and plant a bomb beside the morphball-sized plate up

ahead. Enter the tube. Follow the tube around, then jump into the next


** Gold Medal warning **

This is probably the hardest gold medal to get in the game. You have

to fight Ridley (see below), only you cant take any damage while in

the tube. This includes running into his claws. Good luck. Oh, and

it's not worth reseting over if you don't get it. Really.

Ridley will come down and land on top of you. His claws will block the

exits. He will try to hit you with lasers fired from his mouth, as

well as try to bit you. Dodge the lasers (though they don't do that

much damage) and wait for him to bit down a little too hard. When he

does, his mouth will get stuck. Quickly plant a couple of bombs beside

him to damage him. After a few rounds, his left leg will come up and

allow you to pass.

A little later in the tube he will be back, and do the same thing.

Repeat the above and continue. Through the door once you're out of the


--== Generator C Access ==--

Nothing really exciting here. Save station on the left, be sure to use

it. Watch out for the couple CrawlTanks and continue to generator C.

The door has another blinky light lock on it. Just quickly shoot the

lights in order then rip off the shield.

--== Generator C and Generator Shaft ==--

New Scans:

Meta Ridley

New Medals:

Gold x1

Red x1

Go go Gandrayda! Do the same thing you did in the last generator. Hop

across and use the manual lock. This time, a morphball puzzle


Hop back across and enter the tube on the right. Plant a bomb on the

glowy purple gas to send you high up into the air. Ignore the jolly

roger drone. Active the gas again in the middle here to land in a bomb

slot. Plant a bomb and continue right.

Don't cross till all the geysers are activated! If you fall down,

don't worry. Just go all the way right and wait for that geyser to

activate, then roll off right. Ride up again, right, and fall down.

Ride up again and go left. Ride up into the bomb slot, activate, then

go right, past another geyser bridge. Final bomb slot. Activate and

continue right, using three geysers on your way.

Roll out onto the bridge (you cant fall off... unless you do something

really stupid). Continue all the way across till you're back in the

tube. Two geysers later, and you're in another bomb slot. Activate and

prepare for a boss fight!


!!Boss Fight!!

Meta Ridley

This fight has a timer. You have to kill him before it hits zero.

Don't worry too much though, you should have plenty of time.

Don't forget to scan him!

Part 1: Freefall:

In this part, you are falling down a shaft with Ridley in front.

Ridley will fire lasers like before, and there will be some bits of

debris you have to dodge. Neither of these attacks do a lot of damage,

so don't worry about them.

Mainly, fire at his mouth (the only vulnerable part of him) (you cant

lock on either). You'll know when you hit him, as he'll flash red.

Don't bother with charged shots or missiles, as they'll probably just

miss anyway.

During this part you will have mild control overSamus, but not much.

Just try keep her from bashing into the walls.

Part 2: Melee combat:

To start this part, in the shaft Ridley will lunge up at you and grab

you. When this happens, you will be face to face with him (Eew, breath

mints much?)

During this part, Ridley has 3 attacks. The first of which he will

draw back his arm to the left, and try to slap you. Second, he will

draw his arm to the right and try to slap you. Finally, he will kind

of look up and charge his mouth to fire a laser at you.

Again, you cant lock on, so this part is kind of difficult. When he

goes to attack, that part of his body will start to glow. When this

happens, aim and fire a charged shot at said part. If it hits, his

attack wont go through and you'll damage him. If not, start pouring

fire on it in hopes you'll damage it enough.

Part 3: Great Balls of Fire:

After part 2, Ridley will throw you down and he'll be in front you

again. This is very similar to part 1, except he will fire fireballs

at you instead of lasers. Use the same strategy as part one, only be

sure to shoot at the fireballs and blow them up before the hit you.

They hurt!

After part 3, the fight will reset to part 2, then part 1, and

continue in this cycle until the fight ends.


Enjoy the awesome cutscene (again, Rundas is such a showoff), then

activate the generator (the hand scanner on the left).

Start running back to the Cargo Hub. You're on a timer now (its not on

screen, but every so often a voice will come up and say "X minutes

until impact"). You should have plenty of time though.

--== Generator C Access ==--

A couple of CrawlTanks. You can save if you want.

--== Cargo Dock C ==--

Roll into a ball and enter the same tube you fought Ridley in (plant a

bomb to get a ride up). It's a tube, so you cant exactly get lost,

just keep hading right until you find a door.

--== Conduit C ==--

Jolly Roger drone right inside the door. Go right and watch the Pirate

jump through the glass. Kill him and move on. Two CrawlTanks around

the bend. When you get to the top of the ramp, jump up then turn

around and jump across the gap.

--== Maintenance Station ==--

AroMines. Just roll up and go past them.

--== Cargo Hub ==--

Right we go. Morphball and go under the debris. Walk up and use the

hand scanner.

--== Tower elevator ==--

New Scans:

Hunter Gandrayda

Hunter Rundas

New Medals:

Red x2

Quickly switch to your scan visor and scan the above (the girl and the

big thing on the right).

One big and totally awesome cutscene to finally get this game started!





2.3)- Bryyo: The First Phazon Seed







2.3.1)- G.F.S Olympus (PED Suit)



You start out in the Olympus. According to the doctor, you've been out

cold for a month. She introduces the Hypermode to you. Follow her

instructions to continue.

There are only two new scans in this ship:

New Scans:

Lore: Phazon enhancement device

Lore: Phazon

New Medals:

Blue x2

The are both located in medlad delta where you first start out.

Use your map (and a little common sense) to get to the Aurora Chamber.

You will pass through:

Gunnery Station

Command Lift B

Lift Access (be sure to save while you're here)

Flag Bridge

Talk to the Trooper in the flag bridge standing by the barricaded

door. Continue to the Aurora Chamber. Walk up the panel that pops up

and use it to talk with the unit.

The gravy thickens....

In your ship, use your map and fly to Bryyo.



2.3.2)- Bryyo: Cliffside (Grapple Swing)



--== Cliffside Airdock ==--

New Scans:

Kashh Plant

Mature Kashh Plant

Bryyo Blue door

Walk straight forward off the landing pad ramp. Look right to see a

strange little seed on the wall (Mature Kashh Plant). Continue along

till you find a door. Scan it first (Bryyo blue door), then turn

around to see another mature Kashh plant, and a smaller Kashh plant

above it (Kashh plant). Now go through the door.

--== Gateway Hall ==--

New Scans:


Old scans:

Kashh Plant

Mature Kashh Plant

New Medals:

Red x1

Walk through the hall, noting the frozen natives. When you come to a

frozen bridge, you'll be ambushed by three Gragnols. Scan them and


--== Gateway ==--

New Scans:

Small Bryyo Coffer

Phazon nightbarbs

Gel Puffers


New Medals:

Red x3

Hop left. Scan the coffer and continue hopping. Once you're standing

on the red emblem, (adjacent from where you started) you should see a

rickety path up to a locked down door (with a green and red emblem on

it). Run across quickly, noting that it falls apart.

Look back behind you to see a grapple point. Latch on to it and pull

the ledge down. You're not going to use it just yet though. Turn left

and jump up on the ledge. Now turn right and jump over to the central


Use morph ball mode to go inside the pillar. At the end of the path,

plant a bomb. Note the Phazon Nightbarbs that just flew in. Now would

be a good time to scan them, but don't bother fighting them.

Turn about and look on your radar. See the door there? Go towards it

(by jumping to the ledge), but don't enter it. Follow the ledge around

until you reach a dead end. Jump up twice to reach the top. You should

see that red and green door again. Turn right and to up that path.

Jump to the next ledge, then to the ledge on the right. Finally to the

centeral pillar. Use morph ball mode again, and plant a bomb at the

end. A new path opens and some Gel Puffers come out.

Turn right and scan the puffers, then destroy them and use those

ledges to get to the newly opened door.

Straight ahead you see a small, well-lit opening for a morph ball.

Just to the right of that is a block. Lock onto the block and use the

grapple lasso to yank it a few times till it's out. With that done,

curl up and jump into the hole.

Go right. Two hoppers will jump down once you exit the pipe.

Scan them, then continue past through the door.

--== Reliquary II ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Bryyo: Golden Age

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

First, walk forward and pick up the tank (T3). Next, use the scan

visor to look around for a red section of wall. You don't have to scan

it, but use the grapple lasso to rip it off the wall. Scan the now-

revealed text. Ok, we're done.

--== Gateway ==--

New Scans:

Large Bryyo Coffer

Enter the pipe again, and this time go all the way left. As soon as

you come out, you will be assaulted by Bryyoian Shriekbats. Sadly,

they come at you to fast to fully scan, but scan them a little (it

will help later). Scan the coffer and go through the door (if you

don't remember, blast the door with a missile first).

--== Grand Court Path ==--

New Scans:


Old scans:


Small Bryyo Coffer

Large Bryyo Coffer

New Medals:

Red x1

As soon as you enter, scan the bug on the wall (shelbug). Jump up and

continue. Your path will be blocked by Phazon vines. To destroy them,

enter Hypermode and start blasting. Your targets are the blue bulbs,

not the vines themselves. Two hopper lay in wait through the tunnel.

Go through the door.

--== Grand Court ==--

New Scans:

Reptilicus Hunter

Lore: Bryyo: Age of Science

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Jump down to be attacked by two Reptilicus hunters. They aren't that

tough, just watch out for their boomerangs. Focus on one at a time and

they should go down quick. Continue ahead towards the statue that just


Turn left to see a strange plate with a glowing red dot. Shoot the red

dot, and 3 more red dots will appear. Shoot the new red dots quickly

and in order to open the plate. Scan the lore behind it. Through the

door behind you.

--== Hillside Vista ==--

New Scans:



Old scans:


New Medals:

Red x2

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Fall down again and turn about. 3 Gragnols. Look in the wall on the

left. Carefully scan the two creatures therein (Korba, Snatcher)

Turn back around and head towards the door. when you reach the bottom

of the first ledge, look for a strange cracked rock in the wall. Blow

it up with a morph ball bomb and roll inside.

Roll to the right and let the little bugs attach to you. After you get

so many on you, you'll start to float. Pull hard to the left with the

joy stick to float up the path there. You probably see the Missile

Expansion on the right by now, that's your target. When you get above

the ledge, lay bomb to drop and go pick it up (M15).

Jump up the ledge on the left, then jump to the right to land on a

ledge above the Missile Expansion. Follow that around till you drop.

Roll out and uncurl.

Lock on to the statue and pull the plate off. Now fire a charged shot

into the center of it (the yellow dot). Enter the door.

--== Reliquary I ==--

New Pickups:

Grapple swing

Walk forward and claim your prize.

--== Hillside Vista ==--

New Scans:

Grapple swing point

Scan the thing hanging over the gap (grapple swing point). Then lock

on and swing across. At the apex of your swing, let go to fly to the

other ledge. Back up the ledges and through the door.

--== Grand Court ==--

Out into the main courtyard, look for a small path on the left. Jump

up the ledges until you reach the end (and are outside again). Turn

left to see a row of grapple points. First, kill the gel puffers in

your way.

Now swing from point to point. It can be difficult at first, but

you'll get the hang of it. Grab onto the first one, then point at the

second one, keep pointing till you reach the apex again, the release Z

and quickly press it again to grapple to the next point. Keep doing

that till you're on the next ledge.

You'll land face to face with a bunch of metal plates. Rip them all

off, then use the morph ball to navigate through where they were.

Enter the door.

--== Grand Court Path ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Back through where the vines were. Turn right and in the wall you

should see another explody statue. Fire a charged shot at the center

to blow it up. Jump to where it was, then turn around and jump to the

next gap. Turn right and across the gap is the Missile Expansion (M20)

Hop down and go to the Gateway. Oh, and be sure to track down the

teleporting Reptilitcus before you leave. Just run around and keep an

eye on your radar.

--== Gateway ==--

Old scans:


Into the pipe, but this time come out in the middle. Walk out, then

jump to the ledge on the right, to the ledge to the right of that (in

the wall) and to the ledge to the left of that. Fall down onto the

ledge (not the floor). Follow it to the door.

--== Crash Site ==--

New Scans:

Bryyoian shriekbat


New Medals:

Red x2

Come around the corner, and HOLD IT! before jumping down, take out

your scan visor and look ahead for the shriekbat. Scan it, then hop

down. Use the grapple point to get across.

You should see a small cracked panel right in front of you when you

land. Use a morph ball bomb to enter. Hop left till you're out of the


--== G.F.S Theseus ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the atomic as soon as you enter. Now this thing is going to get

annoying, but you have no way to kill it, so bear with it. When in

scan mode, you should also see a large red panel. Scan it to figure

out what to do next.

Don't use a charged shot, instead, use missiles to destroy the locks.

Now you have to grapple the generator parts, but make sure you grapple

one on each side (left, right, left, right, or vise versa) or it wont


Use the manual lock on the machine to download a map. The door behind

you is now unlocked. Use it.

--== Crash Site ==--

New Scans:

Gragnol Adult

New Medals:

Red x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

We're not quite done yet. Go back into the morphball pipe.

Now you have to contend with electric bolts in your way. Jump through

them when they're off. This time, at the second jump, jump right

instead of left. Jump right again, then left.

Ok, now you are going to have to perform a double-bomb-jump. It's easy

for me, but it will be very hard for you, but it's good you learn it

now as you'll need it later. How you do this is easy on paper:

Lay a bomb on the ground and just before it goes off lay another one.

the first bomb will send you into the air. Just before you reach the

apex of your jump lay a third bomb. When you land, the second bomb

will explode and send you back up just in time for the third bomb to

explode and will send you even higher.

Continue right to get outside and get your Missile Expansion (M25).

Scan the Gragnol Adult while you're up here and head back to Gateway


--== Gateway Hall ==--

New Scans:

Alpha Hopper

New Medals:

Red x1

As soon as you enter, use the grapple to pull out one of the statues

allowing you to jump on them.

About halfway out onto the bridge and you get attacked by Alpha

Hoppers. One-time scan, so be sure to get it. Hypermode works best

here, as you can kill all five of them before it ends (normally).

Continue all the way back to your ship.

Save and enter. Use your map and select Fiery Airdock



2.3.3)- Bryyo: Fiery (Ice Missiles)



--== Fiery Airdock ==--

Noting to do in here. Just go through the door.

--== Imperial Hall ==--

New Scans:

Fuel gel

You see a large disk blocking your path. Aim for the thing spewing out

fuel and hit it with a charged blast. When the disk rolls away, scan

the liquid under it (Fuel Gel). Continue moving the disks till you

reach the door on the right.

--== Refinery Access ==--

Old scans:


Watch out for the two Reptilicus in this room. You're going to want to

kill them so they don't get in the way. After, jump across the gap and

turn left. Walk a few steps. See the door up ahead? That's your

target. Turn right. Some more things leaking fuel gel. Hit both of

them with a charged blast to raise the platform. Use that to rech the


--== Main Lift ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Age of schism

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Turn right and rip the plate off the wall. Scan to get your lore, then

go into morph ball and enter the hole directly in front of the door.

Roll right and let snatcher pick you up again. Go left, but go higher

then the first ledge, and above the ledge with the plant on it

(careful not to get eaten by the korba). Land on the ledge right

beside the korba. Roll left, jump, and enter the pipe.

Missile Expansion (M30)! Ok, roll back and destroy the plant with a

bomb. This time, ride the snatchers up to the ledge just under the

plant. Roll through and uncurl.

Theres an elevator on the left, but it doesn't look like one. scan it

to figure out how it works, then use the grapple lasso to pull the

leaver. Blow the blast shield off with a missile and enter the door.

--== Corrupted Pool ==--

Old scans:


Kill the two hoppers, then jump down and use Hypermode to destroy the


Congrates. You just entered corrupted mode for the first time. For

more info, wait for the Aurora unit to get back to you, or read the

Hypermode section above.

Also note that you can jump into the Phazon pool below and heal

yourself. With that done. Jump back up and use the grapple to swing


--== Gel Processing Site ==--

New Scans:

Warp Hound

Lore: Age of war

Grab Ledge

Phazon Pillbug

Old scans:


Gragnol Adult

New Medals:

Red x2

Blue x1

About the time you reach the center of the floor, you are attacked by

three Warp Hounds. They aren't a limited scan, but now is the easiest

time to get them. In short, they can breath fire, bite, and warp short

distances. Hypermode still works the best, as you can take down

several of them (though it's unlikely you'll finish them off). After

that, use more rapid fire, as a charged shot or missile isn't going to

do you any good if they warp right as it's about to hit them.

A gate opposite the door you came through should have just gone down.

First scan the red wall (Lore: Age of war), then turn to the morph

ball slot. It's not active. Shoot the fuel gel leaking out the sides

to turn it on, then use a morph ball bomb to activate it.

The platform in the center will rise and some Gragnols will come out.

take out the Gragnols, then jump onto the platform. Turn left and

grapple the pipe (use your scan visor to find it if you have to). Turn

around and do the same to that side. Jump onto the platform you should

now be facing.

Use the pump (press A and "pump" with Wii remote in and out) to

activate the fuel gel. Now step back and aim at the part that is

shooting the fuel gel, not the where the gel is hitting. Charged shot

or missiles will ignite it and force the barrels back.

To the right of the pump there should now be a slot big enough for a

morph ball. Enter and follow the pipe around.

Uncurl and activate the morph ball slot. Now go back through the pipe.

Jump up onto the raised platform. I would take care of the Gragnol

adults before continuing. Face opposite the door you came into the

room from (south, if you check your map) and pull the grapple point.

Use a charged blast to activate the fuel gel. Another fuel gel arm

will come out. Burn that one too.

Before continuing, look right and scan the Phazon pillbug in the wall.

Ok, jump over to the platform in the wall. Note the morph ball pipe on

the wall. Curl up and jump in.

Head right. Watch out for the pillbug. The first one you can just

pass, but the second one you'll have to kill (lay a few bombs to knock

it off the wall, then another one to kill it).

Jump up on top of the block the second bug was on, then jump to the

ledge above that. One more jump then lay a bomb to destroy the

sandblock. Another block should fall, blocking the fire below. Use

that to jump up and continue right.

Uncurl to find another bomb slot up ahead. Charged shots to the fuel

gel, then lay a bomb inside.

Lots of puffers. Destroy a few, but you don't have to get them all.

Walk over to the right side of the platform that was raised up. See

that glowing green ledge above it? Scan it first (Grab ledge), then

jump onto it. Enter the door.

--== Gel Hall ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Shoot the puffers, then notice the large head in the middle of ceiling

spewing fuel gel. Now notice the vine on the left overtop of the gel

pool. Wait for the head to cycle around so its facing the vine, then

fire a charged shot at its mouth to ignite its nose and burn the vine.

A platform will fall containing the Missile Expansion (M35). Use said

platform to jump across the pool and enter the door.

--== Save station A ==--

Finally, a save station. Save and heal, then continue on.

--== Cavern Entry ==--

Old scans:


4 hoppers. Nothing big. Continue to the next room.

--== Gel Cavern ==--

Old scans:


Couple of gragnols in here. Overall, just time your jumps in between

the oozing fuel gel.

--== Temple Access ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Be very careful with the explosive gelbugs in this room. Shoot them

ones to dislodge them, then again to detonate.

--== Temple of Bryyo ==--

New Scans:

Space Pirate Crate

Armored Pirate Trooper

Large Space Pirate create


Old scans:

Space Pirate ATC

Pirate Trooper

Pirate militia

New Medals:

Red x2

Gold x1

As soon as you come out of the tunnel, you will be assaulted by:


1 Pirate Trooper

1 Pirate militia

2 Armored Pirate Troopers

Take out the ATC first, then the militia and Trooper, then finally use

missiles to take out the Armored Pirates (Hypermode also works well,

though not recommended). Note that now would not be the best time to

scan the Pirate crates, but that's up to you.

After, Rundas will come down and "save" you. But he is actually just

saving you so he can kill you. How nice of him. >_>


!! Boss Fight !!


Start by scanning him. Now, Rundas has Ice Armor on. It can be ripped

off with the grapple lasso, but you have to stun him first. To do

this, hammer away at him with missiles and rapid shots. Eventually he

will come to a stop and look dazed. Lock on and rip his armor off as

if it was a locked door. Now he is vulnerable to fire. Hit him as many

times as possible before he creates new armor and you have to stun him


Rundas isn't defenseless, however. As we've seen in the past, he is

quite powerful.

His favorite attack is creating an ice belt in the sky and using it to

fly. From this position he will hail missiles down on you. He moves to

fast to keep a lock, so just dodge the missiles and wait for him to


When on land, he likes to shoot Beams of freezing air, usually in sets

of 3. If you don't dodge them all, you will become frozen. Rapidly tap

B to unfreeze.

His final attack is he will launch giant balls of ice at you. If you

are low on health or ammo, you can destroy the balls in mid-air and

collect the health inside. Otherwise it's best to hid from this


His final move isn't really an attack, but he will create large ice

pillars on the field. Not much you can do about this one.

After you get his health down a ways, he will enter Hypermode. Yes,

he, along with just about every other creature in this game, has the

ability to enter Hypermode. In this mode, his attacks are a lot more

powerful and he moves much faster.


After the fight, collect your prize: the Ice Missiles. Oh, and a gold

medal. Enter the elevator hologram that appears.

--== Temple Reservoir ==--

New Scans:


Gel Ray

New Medals:

Red x2

Turn on your scan visor. First scan the bugs on the opposite wall

(scorchbug). Fire a missile into the fuel gel to freeze a section of

it. Jump onto that, then fire another missile a little farther away.

Keep doing that till you reach the other side. Now turn back and look

down the hall through your scan visor. Wait for a fish to come flying

out of the gel (you may have to exit the room and re-enter). Keep

scanning it bit by bit till you have one of the most annoying things

to scan in the game. (Gel Ray)

--== Temple Hall ==--

Old scans:


Kashh plant

Mature Kashh plant


Small Bryyo coffer

Walk up to the pump on the right. Pump it, then turn to the left and

look across the ravine. The jets of fuel can be frozen with your

rockets, allowing them to be used as platforms. Fire at the first one,

jump, fire at the next, ect. until across.

--== Temple Generator ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Downfall

New Medals:

Blue x1

Scan the red panel on the right wall for your lore. Use the Space

Pirate hand scanner on the left. Walk around to the window scan

everything that's glowing until the Aurora Unit starts talking. Now

head back to Gel Hall.

--== Gel Hall ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

First things first, take out the gel puffers. Now jump onto the

central platform. Look right (opposite the white door) to see a path.

Use the ice missiles to get back there and claim your missiles (M40).

Back out into the main room, look across the way to see that white

door. White doors can be opened with ice missiles, and you can create

a path through the gel with the same missiles. You figure it out.

--== Gel Purification Site ==--

This is going to test your grapple prowess. To start, shoot the red

dot in front of you to activate the first grapple point. Latch on to

it, and while swinging shoot the next red dot for the next grapple

point. Wait to swing back, then forward again before jumping to the

next point. One more time and you're done.

--== Gel Refinery Site ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

HOLD IT! DON'T FALL DOWN!. Turn right and grapple the gate there. That

will reveal your Missile Expansion (M45) and provide you with a way

back up.

Now head back to your ship.

--== Imperial Hall ==--

New Scans:

Bryyoian Shriekbat

New Medals:

Red x1

I stop you here because if you missed the bats earlier, now is

probably going to be your last chance to get them. As soon as you

enter the room, turn on your scan visor and look left. Carefully edge

around the corner and quickly scan the bats on the ledge over the gel



Before leaving, make sure to scan all the indigenous creatures here.

By the time you come back, the Space Pirates will have taken over and

most of the original creatures will have left.

Now into your ship. Save and enter.

Your next stop is Bryyo: Cliffside Airdock



2.3.4)- Bryyo: Cliffside (Gunship Missile)



Alright. Your destination is the G.F.S Theseus. It's very easy to get

there, since you've already solved all the puzzles.

--== G.F.S Theseus ==--

Once inside, your going to want to take the door you've never been in

before. It leads to...

--== Falls of Fire ==--

Destroy the puffers, then use missiles to freeze the gel. Once across,

note the large golem with the bomb slot in its chest. Lay a bomb in it

and enjoy the ride.

--== Hidden Court ==--

Old scans:

Warp hound

Two warp hounds attack. Ice missiles work very well against them. A

bomb slot will open in front of the large statue. Lay a bomb in it.

Uncurl and fire a charged shot into the plate he pulled loose.

Next, go over to the right of the statue and fire a missile into the

stream of fuel gel. This will freeze it allowing you to fit through in

morph ball form. Hop up and around till you cant go any farther. Lay a

bomb beside the vine to blow it up. Exit.

Face the statue again and turn around backwards. There should be a

vine in front of a jet of fuel gel. Ignite the gel to break the vine.

One left. It's connected to his right arm. Trace it back to see it

goings behind a rock. Hit the rock with a missile then jump in and

ignite the vine again.

Finally free. Go back into the morph ball slot and lay a bomb. Enter

the new tunnel.

--== Ruined Shrine ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

First, scan the object on the wall ahead and to the left to find it's

a Gragnol hive. Hit it with a charged blast to destroy it. Fall down.

You should see a piece of an arm. Lay bombs all around it to blow a

hole in it and clam your Energy Tank (T4).

Use the arm and subsequent platforms to get back up. Face the gap

again. To the right you should see some large crystals. Hit them with

a charged blast. Swing across using the new grapple point.

Turn to the right and jump up onto the golem. Look to the left a

little to see (and destroy) another hive. Cross the bridge and

continue up.

Turn about facing the gap again. Fire at the crystals right across

from you. Look to the left to see another crystal just above the

destroyed hive. Shoot that one as well (you may have to jump).

Swing across and follow the cave around. Cross the bridge and destroy

the debris with a charged shot. Go through the door.

--== Federation Landing Site ==--

New Scans:

Energy Cell

Galactic Federation Orange Door

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile

Energy Cell

Wow, makes you wonder how they built this huh?

Well, go left and approach the panel across the platform (south on the


The whole place will go into lockdown because of a couple of warp

hounds. Stupid things. By now you should be able to take them out

quickly. After, some reptilicus hunters will come down. They're even

easier. Look around the ceilings to find two Gragnol hives. Destroy

them before they become a problem.

After everything is destroyed (except for the hives, which I recommend

you destroy), the panel should come back up. Go over and press the up


Across the platform is an elevator. Use the hand scanner to activate

it. Ride up. Turn around and jump across. See that glowing vent? Use a

morph ball bomb to blow it out. Hop in the vent to get shot up. Look

around in this room for a flashy thing on the wall. Scan it (Energy

Cell) then remove it from the wall (EC1). Exit through the other vent.

You'll likely get shot off the platform, so ride the elevator back up.

Jump across and turn left. Jump onto the platform there, but not onto

the green ledge. Turn left and grapple pull the glowing panel.

Now jump onto the green ledge, then onto the ledge you just pulled

out. Turn right and jump onto the ledge there. Turn back around and

jump back to the center pillar, only higher. Continue across by

jumping straight ahead into the nook with blue paneling. Curl into a

ball and jump into the glowing slot.

Roll left till out. Now use the red (when looked at through the scan

visor) system. Follow the instructions to engage.

Roll back out and fall down, back to the panel with the arrows on it.

This time press the down arrow. Now use your command visor to make

your ship land in the middle of the room. Go back to the panel and

press the missile button.

You now have three Gunship Missiles (GS1-3). To count how many

missiles you have left, look in the bottom right corner of the command


Before you leave, look around for an orange door to scan (GF orange


Enter your ship. We're going back to Fiery.



2.3.5)- Bryyo: Fiery (Seed Shield 1)



Since your return trip isn't much different from your fist trip (only

easier, as all the puzzles are already solved) I'll just list the

rooms you need to go through and any new enemies found therein (Note:

new as in "wasn't there before" not necessarily "new scan")

Your final destination is the Temple of Bryyo.

Fiery Airdock

Imperial Hall

Jolly roger drone

Gel Refinery Site

Shield Pirate Trooper

Gel Purification Site

Gel Hall

Jolly roger drone

Save Station A

Cavern Entry

Pirate Trooper

Gel Cavern


Temple Access

Pirate Trooper

--== Temple of Bryyo ==--

New Scans:

Armored AeroTrooper

Space Pirate create

Large Space Pirate create

New Medals:

Red x1

As soon as you enter, you'll notice that the Pirates have set up camp.

Time to tear then their tent.

Two Armored AeroTroopers will come at you first. Scan them, then take

them out with missiles.

You should see two objects with bright red disks above them. Ignoring

the incoming AeroTroopers, run up to each machine and latch onto the

front of it with the grapple lasso. Pull away to deactivate them. They

will reactivate before long, so after getting the second one quickly

take out your command visor and scan the large object in the center of

the area to call in a bombing run. Now would also be a good time to

scan the Pirate creates.

The elevator will come back online. Use it.

--== Temple Generator ==--

Old scans:

Pirate Trooper

New Medals:

Gold x1

Nothing much new on your way over here, cept for some AeroMines in

temple reservoir.

A Pirate Trooper awaits you in temple generator. Kill him, then walk

over to the window. Target the generator with your command visor.

--== Temple of Bryyo ==--

New Scans:

Advanced Shield Trooper

New Medals:

Red x1

Back out into the temple, Pirate reinforcements await you. One of

which is an Advanced shield Trooper. Be sure to scan him. kill him by

ripping off his shield then blasting him.

Back to gel hall.

--== Gel Hall ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher: use shortcut

After you jump the second puddle in gel hall, turn left to see a

continuous stream of gel. Aim up at the thing pouring it out and hit

it with a missile. The stream will dry up revealing a statue. Jump

across and use morph ball mode to enter the statues mouth.

Note that this shortcut is only one way.

Back to your ship.



2.3.6)- Bryyo: Thorn Jungle (Seed Shield 2)



The final landing site on Bryyo: Thorn Jungle.

--== Thorn jungle Airdock ==--

Nothing to do here, just enter the door.

--== Overgrown Ruins ==--

Old scans:

Pirate Trooper

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

As soon as you enter, the Pirate Trooper will enter Hypermode. Get

used to this, as most of your enemies will from here on out. The

easiest (if not only) way to (safely and quickly) defeat a Hypermode

creature is to use Hypermode yourself. Take out both Troopers.

Now, there are three walls with yellow crystals in them. Hit each with

a charged shot to blow it up. The first will provide health. The

second (on the right) leads to the Vault (locked with a missile

shield) and Energy Tank (T5). The final one is up off the ground, and

unearths a morph ball hole that leads to a manual lock used to

deactivate the shield around the door.

Enter the door after deactivating the shield.

--== Ancient Courtyard ==--

New Scans:

Assault Pirate Trooper

Advanced Pirate Trooper

Berserker knight

New Medals:

Red x3

As soon as you enter an ATC will fly off leaving behind 2 Pirate

militia. Kill them then deactivate the jamming device (the radar dish

thing, deactivate by pulling the leaver) and use your command visor to

blow up the wall beside it.

The berserker knight and the assault and Advanced Pirate Troopers will

come out from behind the wall. Be sure to scan the Troopers first, as

they are rare. The berserker knight might try to pick them up and

throw them. If this happens, they will die on impact and you wont be

able to scan them.

Use Beam attacks on the assault Trooper and missiles on the Advanced

Trooper. The berserker knight is pretty much the same as the berserker

lord, just weaker.

Enter the door behind them.

--== Enlightened Walkway ==--

Three CrawlTanks and some creates.

--== Jousting Field ==--

New Scans:

Pirate Hussar

Korakk beast

New Medals:

Red x2

Gold x1

To start, there is just two AeroTroopers.

After they are defeated, the korakk beast comes down. Be sure to scan

both the beast and the rider. To start, aim for the rider. He should

go down fairly quickly.

The beast is a little harder to take down. Stand in front of him till

his mouth starts to glow. Hit it with a charged blast. This will daze

him (just like Rundas) at which point you need to enter morph ball

mode and get underneath him. lay a few bombs then get out.

Repeat until he falls over. Once he falls over, get behind him and

quickly grapple and pull his tail. After, he will get up on his hind

legs and look dazed. This will expose his chest. Fire as many rounds

as you can into his chest until he gets back down.

Repeat the whole process until he goes down.

After the fight, some shield Troopers will attack (did they not see

what you just did to the thing that's three times their size? What

could they possibly be thinking?)

--== Field Access ==--

Some jolly roger drones in here. You're going to want to go right and

blast the white shield with a missile.

--== Save Station B ==--

Save, then head back through Field Access, this time to Jungle


--== Jungle Generator ==--

New Scans:

Lore: The hunted

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Right as you enter, play the little gong game with the wall (shoot the

red circles) then scan the wall for the lore and the Missile Expansion

(M50). Walk around and look through the window. Scan the generator

just like last time, but this time watch your ship get damaged.

Try to exit the room. The walls on either side of the room will open,

and out will come two Pirate Troopers. Take the door on the right.

--== Generator Hall South ==--

New Scans:

Remorse-class turret.

Space Pirate blue door

New Medals:

Red x1

Shoot the yellow things overhead, then jump to the green ledge. Turn

around and kill the two Pirates that attack. Jump across the gap and

go towards the door.

To turrets will come out from above the door. Scan them. They should

go down with just a charged blast. Now scan the door and go through.

--== South Jungle Court ==--

Another turret attacks in the hall.

The large ship-grade turret is a bit tricky to take down. First you

have to go underneath it and grapple a small dot on its underside.

After, one of the fuel gel canisters will temporarily pop out one of

the sides. Go destroy it with a charged shot or missile, then wait for

the big explosion in the center to calm down. repeat until all three

canisters are destroyed.

Don't worry about the Pirates in the room, as they will spawn


--== South Jungle Hall ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Fungus

One turret and a bunch of jolly roger drones. Don't even bother with

the drones and just head toward the door. Just before the door though

there is some Phazon fungus on the walls. Be sure to scan it.

--== Auxiliary Dynamo ==--

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile Expansion

Note right in front of you when you first come in the entrance to a

morph ball pipe. Go around the bend and look for a grapple point.

Lasso it and pull it down. Now quickly go back to that entrance, curl,

jump up and go left. Follow the path (and the piston) to the expansion

(GS4). Fall down, uncurl, and enter the door.

--== North Jungle Hall ==--

A group of AeroMines will attack as soon as you enter. Destroy them

and continue. Watch for round objects on the floor! Those are Mines.

Shoot them from a save distance. There are three of them along with

another group of AeroMines.

--== North Jungle Court ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher: pull all leavers without the Pirates interfering

This generator is a little different from the last. Your target is

three leavers up above the generator in their own little nooks. You

see the AeroTrooper pull one in the cutscene.

Your job is to get behind it and pull it from behind with the grapple

lasso. Simple enough, except that the AeroTroopers will come along and

pull them back if you take to long.

The trick here is that the AeroTroopers come in groups of two with a

few second delays in between defeated groups. Get behind the first

leaver and quickly kill both Troopers. Pull the first leaver and

quickly jump to the second one. Pull that one then wait. Two more

AeroTroopers should come down about now. Enter Hypermode and kill them

very quickly. Jump to the final leaver and pull that one.

If you did all of this without an AeroTrooper touching a leaver, you

get a Friend Voucher. After all the leavers are pulled, the fuel gel

canisters will be exposed. Destroy them all and move on.

--== Generator Hall North ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Kill the Pirate then walk around the path till you find some jolly

roger drones. Destroy them, then watch just over the wall ahead. When

you see some fuel gel canisters come directly in front of you, hit

them with a charged shot to blow the clamps off the draw bridge on the

other side of the gap. Cross the bridge and use the pump to gain

access to the Missile Expansion. Curl up and use the track that is now

right in front of you to reach it (M55).

Drop down and use the door.

--== Jungle Generator ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Couple of Pirate Troopers in here.

Use your command visor to take out the final generator.

Hike all the way back to your ship.



2.3.7)- Bryyo: Seed (Final Boss / Hyper Ball)



The final big boss of Bryyo. Fly to the Bryyo seed.

--== Landing Site Delta ==--

New Scans:

Leviathan door

New Medals:

Friend Voucher

Your first time in a Leviathan... well, unless you played Prime 1

or 2, then this would be your second time (if not third).

Only thing to do here is to kill all the little vermin running around

on the floor. Once you get all of them, you get a Friend Voucher!

Now just hop across the floating platforms to the door. Scan the door


--== Core Access ==--

The things blocking your path, just hit them in the blue eye with a

charged shot or two.

--== Leviathan Core ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1


!! Boss Fight !!

This is probably one of the hardest boss fights in the game, just out

of shear semantics.

To start, Mogenar will grab some red orbs and shove them inside

himself. These supply his power and are his weakpoint.

There are four of them (three in the front and one in the back). To

defeat Mogenar, you have to destroy all four orbs and the generators

that house them.

The ones in the front will go first. Keep locked on and every time the

flaps open pour fire onto one of them. Mogenar will switch the orbs

around like a card game, but you have to destroy them all anyway so

don't worry about it. After an orb is destroyed, the slot it's in will

glow bright white, exposing the generator housing.

The only way to destroy the generator housing is to use Phazon based

attacks, but since the housing isn't always open you'll find yourself

switching in and out of Phazon mode a lot, and that could get


The one on his back can only be reach when he charges you and you

dodge the attack. When this happens, he will be stunned against the

way for a sec, exposing the orb for just a few shots.

But wait, this fight gets even more annoying. Mogenar will sometimes

shoot out telekinetic hands to grab two orbs from nearby pedestals.

The hands will slowly bring the orbs back to him, and if you don't

destroy the orbs before they do, two of his damaged orbs will be

replaced. Now, if a generator housing is blown out, the orb can be

replaced, so blow those generators as soon as possible.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any more annoying, this thing

can actually fight back, and with the most annoying attacks known to

Metroid Prime.

The first of his attacks are shockwaves. He will stomp his feet

creating shockwaves that can damage you. Jump to dodge.

The next is he fires those telekinetic hands at you as if they were

projectiles. The good thing about this attack is you can destroy the

hands and sometimes collect health from them.

After his health is down a bit, he will absorb Phazon into his feet,

allowing him to run fast. You cant do anything to him like this, so to

get rid of the shoes use morph ball mode and lay bombs by his feet

when he stops.

After the above attack and after you've taken out at least two of the

orbs on the front, he will start trying to run over you. This attack

is only good in that it gives you a chance to shoot at the orb on his

back. When he starts to dash, lock on and jump to the side. Circle

behind him and fire at his back orb.

Again, after about two orbs on the front are down He'll start firing

energy-based tri-missiles at you. Not hard to dodge.

His final attack only happens once three orbs are down. He'll shoot

lasers from his mouth just like Ridley. And like Ridley, they are easy

to dodge.


After he goes down, claim your pirze (Hyper ball). You enter a state

of permanent Hypermode. Test out your new toy, then follow the

cutscenes and instructions to continue. Note that you cannot scan

anything while in this state, so don't bother.





2.4)- Elysia: Second Phazon Seed







2.4.1)- Elysia: SkyTown West (Boost Ball / Plasma Beam)



Do as the big brain says and head to Elysia Main Docking Bay.

--== Main Docking Bay ==--

New Scans:

SkyTown storage unit

Heavy SkyTown storage unit

Transportation drone

Aerial repair drone


Lore: creators

SkyTown blue door

New Medals:

Red x3

Blue x1

Lots of stuff to scan. The creates are easy, the transportation drones

are flying around overhead. Everything else is inside the complex.

Walk in and scan everything that moves. When you find something called

a databot, turn off your scanner and shot it, then scan it again. This

is how you get lore in SkyTown.

When you're done, scan the door and go through.

--== Main Docking Access ==--

Go into morph ball and jump into the hole. Enter Hypermode and hold A

to blast away the vines. Uncurl and shoot the window up ahead. Swing

to the other side.

--== Zipline Station Alpha ==--

New Scans:

Zipline cable

The only thing I hate about Elysia is the ziplines. >_<

Scan the grapple target to learn it's a zipline. Grab on and don't let


If something (say, a door or a bomb) gets in your way, blast it before

you run into it. if you don't, you'll fall off and have to start over.

Blasted Chozo. I think your architect needs new glasses, or at least a

new straight edge.

--== Arrival Station ==--

New Scans:


Lore: gift

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Scan the robots ahead before walking forward (tinbots). Very easily

defeated. Around the corner till your outside. Turn left to find more

tinbots. The databot with the lore is in the same room as the door.

--== Hub Access ==--

Just a hallway. If you're quick you might be able to scan the ghostly

steamlord, but I wouldn't worry about it.

--== Transit Hub ==--

New Scans:

Kinetic orb cannon

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Scan the glowing hologram (kinetic orb cannon). Morph ball into the


Upon landing, don't bother uncurling. Roll over to the right and get

inside the pipe. Jump up once. To get the Missile Expansion, you'll

have to double-bomb-jump (M60). Continue through the pipe. Uncurl and

jump across. Use the zipline, again watching out for obstacles.

--== Barracks Access ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Just ahead are several rows of lasers. Curl up and fall down into the

ditch under them. Go back towards the ledge you fell off of to get the

Missile Expansion (M65). Now go under the lasers and through the door.

--== Steambot Barracks ==--

New Scans:



New Medals:

Red x2

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Hand scanner and elevator. Morph ball to the right and enter the pipe.

Hop through avoiding pistons and using bombs to get rid of obstacles.

Yes, there is a Missile Expansion in here but you cant get it yet.

There doesn't appear to be anything to do in here, so head for the



Door locks and a bunch of animated tin cans appear. Scan he steambots

and the ghostly steamlord when he appears. The steamlord can revive

the steambots, so it's best to aim for him first. To lure him out,

take down a couple of bots. He'll come out to revive them. That's your

chance to scan and kill him. Missiles don't work on robots very well

by the way.

After the fight, the steamlord drops an Energy Tank (T6). Three of the

cocoons in the room holds a vent that powers the lock. Pull them to

unlock the door.

--== Barracks Lift ==--

New Scans:

Lore: discovery

New Medals:

Blue x1

Look around for your databot and lore, then find and use the hand

scanner. That should activate the elevator. Ride it up.

Enter the door at the top.

--== Zipline Station Bravo ==--

Another Zipline. You know the drill.

--== Aurora Lift ==--

New Scans:

Repair drone

New Medals:

Red x1

Rolling along the ground is the repair drone. Scan him and move on.

The hand scanner activates the elevator, but you're probably going to

want to use the save station first.

--== Save Station A ==--

Save and exit. Ride the elevator down.

--== Aurora Chamber ==--

Just walk through the hall. Nothing you can do here now.

--== Maintenance Shaft AU ==--

New Scans:

Sky Puffer

New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the puffers and jump across.

--== Spire Dock ==--

Ride the cannon to the spire. Go right and take that zipline across.

--== Junction ==--

You want the white door dead opposite from you. You'll have to battle

a few tinbots (like that's even worth mentioning)

--== Skybridge Hera ==--

New Scans:

Dragoon Battle Drone

New Medals:

Red x1

Friend Voucher: collapse the bridge with steambots still on it.

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Alright, time for some real action. Rip off the ornamental gate in

front of you. Doing so will call forth a couple battle drones. Scan

them first, then destroy them by using the grapple lasso (very fun to


Look around in the pillars on this platform. The one opposite the gate

ahead has a morph ball sized hole in it. Jump in (M70).

Now rip off the next gate. This bridge is unstable. DO NOT fight the

steambots on it. You have plenty of time, but you get a Friend Voucher

if you don't. Rip off the gate at the end to tear loose the bridge

(why does the steamlord fall? He can fly cant he?)

Three more battle drones before the door.

--== Maintenance Shaft GP ==--

Nothing to do in here but jump to the next door.

--== Construction Bay ==--

This can be tricky. First, jump up the platforms dead ahead. When you

reach the final one, look up at the large structure for a target. Use

a charged blast to tear down the ledge and jump onto the green part.

There's a morph ball sized hole on the right. Go in and trigger all

three bomb slots. Jump back down to the ledge you used to blast the

higher ledge down. Aim far off to the end of the large structure and

snipe the shriekbats (use your scan visor if you're not sure where to


Now, grapple onto the points below the structure. Be sure to line up

your jumps before letting go, you cant make it on the first swing.

Upon landing, use the morph ball to get through the small rigging.

Stay in morph ball mode to get inside of and jump up the pillar.

Couple of battle drones await you at the top.

Use the hand scanner to move the crane, then use morph ball to get


--== Ballista Lift ==--

New Scans:

Lore: slumber

New Medals:

Blue x1

Scan the databot and use the hand scanner. Ride the elevator down.

--== Ballista Storage ==--

New Scans:

Defense drone


New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

And there's the boost ball, right in front of you. Go get it!

Pfft, like anything in a video game is that easy.


!! Boss Fight !!

Defense Drone

As always, scan him first. His weak point are the antenna on its head.

Fire at them till they all retract, at which point he will become

dazed. Rip the plating off its head and start firing at its brain

(Hypermode works well). Eventually it will lock the plates back on and

its antenna will come back up. Repeat till dead.


Why does every boss have to have attacks? Why cant he just sit there

and let you kill him? >_>

First, he has a missile barrage. He will fire ~10 missiles

consecutively while following you around the room. Sidestep to dodge.

Another favorite is the ever-popular shockwave. He'll jump up, and

when he lands a shockwave will crease across the floor. Jump to dodge.

Sometimes he will shoot a fireball at you. It's very slow, but it

homes. Good luck dodging it.

Finally, a gooey bomb attack. He will jump up onto one of the nooks in

the room and fire several bouncing proximity gooey bombs. Don't do a

whole lot of damage, but they do cloud your vision.


Suck up all the extra health and claim your prize: the boost ball.

Use the boost ball in the hologram that appears to build kinetic

energy and power the lift. Get used to this, as you'll be doing it a

lot. It's pretty easy. Just press and hold the B button, then release.

Continue doing this till it stops you. Don't touch the joy stick or

you'll mess it up.

--== Construction Bay ==--

A few battle drones appear, I wouldn't worry about it. go left and

enter the morph ball pipe.

--== Skybridge Hera ==--

Another cannon needs kinetic energy just like before. Get going around

in circles.

--== Junction ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher: destroy three tinbots in a row with the boost ball

You heard the medals section. There are 6 tinbots in here, giving you

two chances. Note that you can get this medal later and in other

places if you mess up.

--== Aurora Chamber ==--

All the way back to the Aurora Chamber.

In the center raised section of the hall is a cylinder in the right

wall. Hop up in it via morph ball. It's just another kinetic device,

tough it's a little harder do to being vertical.

Go up and use the panel to talk to the AU. It opens the maintenance

shaft. Go through in morph ball form. Upon entering, you will be

attacked by 12 tinbots.

After they are all destroyed, look for a device in one of the holes

they were coming out of. Press A to upload the vaccine.

Stupid Ghor. Well, go back up (via morph ball) and talk to the AU.

Ok, exit and go back to the spire (left door).

--== Spire Dock ==--

After jumping the gap, take the left zipline. Just before you reach

the door, you'll get an alert from your ship. High tail it back to the

save station above the AU, then back to the main docking bay.

No matter how fast or slow you are, you always get there "just in the

nick of time" so don't worry to much.

--== Steambot Barracks ==--

New Scans:


Right as you walk in you'll notice another vertical kinetic energy

chamber like in the AU chamber. Hop in and build up some energy!

Scan the thing that pops up (half-pipe). If you've every been

skateboarding, or even know a little bit of the subject, you should

know what a half-pipe is for.

Jump into and curl up. Start rolling up one side of the ramp, then

charge the boost ball and release to climb higher. As soon as you

release, start charging it again. When you hit the center of the pipe,

release again. Keep doing this till you build up enough momentum to

carry you to the top where you can tilt the joy stick to get off on

the upper ledge.

Use the dial lock on the gate. Twist the Wii remote to line up one of

the rings, then press A to lock in place. Repeat till open.

--== Arrival Station ==--

New upgrades:

Energy Tank

Destroy the tinbots and jump up on the ledge. Go no where yet! Turn

around and hop up to the green ledge. Activate the kinetic cannon via

the spinner. This will launch you to your Energy Tank (T7). Ride the

cannon back and continue to the main docking bay.

Oh, and all those tinbots by the door make a good target for the

bowling Friend Voucher if you didn't get it earlier (destroy 3 tinbots

in a row with the boost ball).

--== Main Docking Bay ==--

Hopefully you took my advice and saved, cus we're about to enter a

boss fight.

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

Wander down to your ship, only to have it thrown at you.

(you know, if Samus can remotely command her ship like that, why

didn't she do it sooner, and have it shoot some missiles at Ghor?)


!! Boss Fight !!


Again, this fight is only challenging because of the semantics.

Oh, and watch out for the molten stuff your ship leaves on the battle

field. It burns.

When the fight start, Ghor will have a shield. To bypass this, wait

for him to ram you and shoot the glowing part of his back.

His shield will go down temporarily, and a weak point will flash on

his forehead. Aim for that flashing spot.

When his shield is up, his attacks are limited to ramming you and

creating shockwaves. Both of which we've dealt with many times before.

When his shield is down, he has a wider range of attacks. This

includes ramming you (side step), a strafing run (side step in the

opposite direction that he is moving), a mortar attack (side step

rapidly), and finally a laser Beam (jump).

Once you get his health past half way, the battle changes a bit.

A small disk will appear under him. Use bombs to hit it. Once you do,

the weak point on his head will reappear. Continue pounding it.

His attacks remain largely the same, except now he has a 360 degree

laser attack and his attacks are a little faster.

A little lower on health and he'll to Hypermode. The battle doesn't

change except that the weak point on his head is permanent and his

attacks are a LOT stronger. Phazon attacks work best, and you should

be able to take him down with just one Energy Tank.


After the battle, claim your prize: the Plasma Beam. It's a lot more

powerful, and it can melt things!

Call your ship back in so you can save, then go see the AU again.

If you're wondering how to get back to SkyTown, use your new Beam to

melt the metal plate blocking the way.

--== Main Docking Bay ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Go up the ramp towards the door. while facing the door, turn around to

spot a bit of metal plate in the window. Melt it and jump in for a

Missile Expansion (M75)

--== Main Docking Access ==--

New Scans:

Elysian Shriekbat

New Medals:

Red x1

As soon as you walk in, switch to the scan visor. Look just past the

first grapple point to scan the bats.

--== Transit Hub ==--

By now you've probably noticed just how much more powerful the Plasma

Beam is. I mean, you're able to melt battle drones in just a few


Anyway, in transit hub, after going through the morph ball pipe and

jumping to the platform with the zipline, look to the left to see a

cannon like thing with melty plates all around it. melt the plates

then jump in it via morph ball.

--== Aurora Chamber ==--

New Scans:

Aurora Unit 217

New Medals:

Red x1

Don't bother talking to the AU, just enter the maintenance shaft

beside him (where you first found Ghor, or rather he found you).

Now walk up to one of the plates Ghor destroyed. Press A to weld.

Start at one end, press and hold A and draw a line through the crack

to the other end. Don't take to long or the weld will break and you'll

have to start over.

Do this to all three panels then go back up. Don't talk to the AU just

yet, instead scan him (be sure you do! This will be pretty much your

only chance). Now talk to him.

Not done here just yet.

Go to the Spire dock and take the left on the main platform, just like

you were before you got interrupted.

--== Security Station ==--

New Scans:

SkyTown orange door

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile Expansion

Your ship should have repaired itself by now (dang, that was fast).

Right across from you is an orange door. Scan it (SkyTown orange

door), and continue around to the right.

Watch out for the puffers, and you might as well melt that plate. Now

use the lift thing to your right to reach a morph ball pipe.

Once out, turn around and use the dial lock to unlock the door. Melt

all the metal in this room. One of the plates hides a morph ball pipe.

Use to reach the Gunship Missile Expansion (GS5).

Now go back right, and this time you can use the doorway you unlocked.

Enter the door on the immediate right.

--== Landing Site A ==--

New Scans:

Lore: alone

New Medals:

Blue x1

Before using the elevator, scan the databot for the lore.

Walk forward and the AU will unlock the landing site. Use the bomb

slot to lower the roof. Call your ship in.

Save and enter. We're heading back to Bryyo.



2.4.2)- Bryyo Revisited: Ice (Screw Attack)



I know the title says Bryyo Ice, but you land at Bryyo Fiery. I know

this doesn't make any sense (Bryyo + Fiery = Ice?) but it will soon.

--== Gel Refinery Site ==--

New Scans:

Bryyo Orange Door

First take out the hunter, then blast the ice around the morph ball

track under the pillar you collapsed earlier. Enter the track.

Jump up and roll right to land on a fuel jet. Lay a bomb to be shot

upwards. Continue right and do this twice more till your in the

ceiling. Roll around and watch out for the two fire jets blocking your

path. Stop on another jet. Lay a bomb to go up, then lay a bomb by the

pillar to collapse it (its amazing anything in here still works >_>)

Drop back down to the right an use the jet again to be propelled to

the door, er, ice sheet.

Melt the ice and open the door. Oh, and scan the door for research.

--== Refinery Access ==--

New Scans:

Lore: prophecy

New Medals:

Blue x1

Why can the "refinery access" only be gotten to through the refinery?

Anyway, play Simon says with the panel ahead of you and scan the lore.

Continue till you find a door.

--== Imperial Hall ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Be careful here, as if you fall you have to start all back over again.

Enter the morph ball track on the right and come out the other side.

Uncurl and target the panels in front of you. Use the grapple lasso to

pull them down. Use these panels to jump across to the Missile

Expansion (M80). It doesn't look like you can make it, but you can.

Ok, back to the Main Lift

--== Main Lift ==--

Go into the morph ball tunnel and let the korbas pick you up and to

the left again. You want the first ledge.

Uncurl and turn right. Break all the ice on the statue there.

Go through the statues mouth and through the door.

--== Warp Site Alpha ==--

Look up and shoot the ice off of whatever is overhead.

Jump into the golem and lay a bomb.

Use the spinner to spin the room so that there is an opening in front

of you (where the gong is). Lay a bomb to get out then activate the

golem again.

Step though the mysterious glowing light.

--== Warp Site Bravo ==--

See? Ice. Oh, and you get a Friend Voucher for coming here. If you'll

notice, the music and scenery are from Phadronada Drifts in Metroid

Prime 1.

Anyway, blast away the ice to reach the door.

--== Imperial Caverns ==--

Blast away the icy floors and fall down.

--== Imperial Crypt ==--

No one has yet deciphered what that strange voice is saying on your

comm. unit. Blast away the floor again and enter the door.

--== Hall of Remembrance ==--

Whoa! Big Chozo and Golem. Scan them to find out what's going on.

Hop across the platforms to claim your prize: the Screw Attack.

For once, it really is that easy.

We're still not done here though. All the platforms get destroyed. You

better learn how to use this attack, and now. :P

You should be facing the door you didn't come through. Screw attack

over there and enter.

--== Tower ==--

New Scans:

Wall jump surface

What a creative name for a room >_>

Scan the shiny surface right in front of you, then screw attack into

it. continue the jump all the way up. Again with the strange voices.

I'm going to figure out what they are saying one of these days, you'll


--== Hall of Remembrance ==--

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile Expansion

Here we are again, only higher.

Fire a shot at the blue part of the Chozo's hand. Screw attack over

there. Now turn and face the Golem. Jump up onto his head to get the

expansion (GS6).

Jump back to the hand, turn left, and jump to the door. Pull the

leaver to unlock the door.

--== Imperial Crypt ==--

Screw attack across.

--== Imperial Caverns ==--

New Scans:

Lore: our plea

New Medals:

Blue x1

Technically you could have gotten this on the way in, but it's much

easier to see now. Scan it, then wall jump your way out.

Back through the light and back to your ship.

Note what the AU says.

Save and enter. We're going back to Elysia.

You're going to want to touchdown at Landing Site A. Take the elevator

up to Security Station.

--== Security Station ==--

Go back to the Orange door from before (or use your map). Remember to

watch out for the puffers.

Even though you went through a door, you're still in the Security

Station. Wall jump up to the top and enter the door.

--== Security Tube ==--

Same thing as when you first came to Elysia. Go into morph ball and

roll onto the slot. Enter Hypermode and hold A to destroy the vines.

Through the tube and through the door.

--== SkyTram West ==--

Use the spinner to activate the lift. Step in to ride to a new area.



2.4.3)- Elysia: SkyTown East (Ship Grapple / Seeker Missile)



--== SkyTram East ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher

Nothing to do here but soak up a Friend Voucher.

--== Concourse Access A ==--

Nothing to do here either. Note the Space Pirate presence however.

--== Concourse ==--

Old scans:

Armored Pirate Trooper

Pirate militia

Shield Pirate Trooper

This is probably the most confusing room in SkyTown. When you walk out

into the main room, you'll be attacked by several different types of

Pirates including Armored Pirate Troopers and Pirate militia. After

the battle, go back to the door you came in from so I can give you

accurate directions.

Follow the hall back out into the main room. Walk around the room

clockwise (right) (your map will also show it as clockwise). When you

reach a dead end, there should be a doorway on your left. Walkthrough

and head left. A gate will block your path. Use a charged blast to

destroy it and any more gates like it. Use the elevator to go up. Take

a left out onto the walkway. You'll probably be attacked by a couple

more Armored Troopers. Kill them, but don't fall off! Follow the

walkway around to the right. When you enter the next hall, turn left.

After a few steps, you will be locked in and attacked by three

turrets. Destroy them all and blow away the gates. There should be a

door right behind one of them.

--== Concourse Ventilation ==--

Old scans:

Space Pirate ATC

There is a morph ball slot on the left wall. Use it to remove the

floor. Do this one more time to reach the bottom. Walk forward and

through the doorway outside. Turn left and go towards the door.

You'll probably be attacked by an ATC, but you can just ignore it.

--== Maintenance Shaft 08 ==--

Just grapple across. A Pirate militia will come out the door, but like

he's a threat.

--== Chozo Observatory ==--

New Scans:

Advanced AeroTrooper

New Medals:

Red x1

Friend Voucher: rip the jet pack off an AeroTrooper

When you walk in, two A. AeroTroopers will attack. Use missiles to

break their armor, then hit them with one charged shot from the Plasma

Beam. Lock on and throw your lasso around them to rip off their jet

packs, earning you another Friend Voucher.

Note that you can earn the Voucher on any level with an AeroTrooper,

and that this is a very quick way to end a fight with an AeroTrooper

as well.

Hop down and use the hand scanner to activate the elevator. Enter the

door at the bottom.

--== Observatory Lift ==--

There is a panel in need of welding on the right. Weld it to activate

the elevator. Ride it up. Destroy the jumpmines on the right and enter

the door.

--== Gearworks ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the swarmbots, but don't bother trying to kill them as they will

keep coming back. There should be a platform out to the right. Screw

attack there, then turn left and screw attack to the door.

--== Broken Lift ==--

Old scans:


Cus, if the lift worked, the game would be much easier. >_>

Anyway, a set of AeroMines comes around the corner. Destroy them and

enter the door.

--== Turbine Chamber ==--

Old scans:

Remorse-class turret

If you weren't reading this guide, this room will make you scream

later in the game.

Take out the turret and look for an ornate window. Destroy it and walk

on the ledge where it was.

The large thing in front of you needs to not be in front of you. On

the walls to the left and right of it are cables linking to little

plates. Destroy the plates with a charged shot. Now you should be able

to jump across. Blow out the window and enter the door.

--== Maintenance Shaft TR ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Federation

Old scans:

Sky puffer

New Medals:

Blue x1

That look like an R on the map to you? It does me....

Anyway, scan the databot for your lore then screw attack across to the


--== Skybridge Athene ==--

Old scans:


Ok, if you haven't gotten the bowling for bots Friend Voucher yet,

now's your chance. Simply use the boost ball to take out three tinbots

in a row. That should be very easy on this bridge.

--== Landing Access ==--

Destroy the ornate glass panels in your way then screw attack across.

--== Landing Site B ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Agreement

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Ship Grapple

Right as you enter, look for the databot with the lore, then ride the

elevator up. The AU will unlock the landing pad. Use the bomb slot in

the middle of the platform to lower the roof.

Call your ship in then look around for a console somewhere on the

walkway between you and the door (should be on the left). Press the

blinking button to get a new upgrade: Ship Grapple.

Save in your ship.

Now to do some back tracking. We are going to go all the way back to

the Chozo Observatory.

--== Gearworks ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

On your way back to the Observatory, you'll pass through the

gearworks. Upon entering, a Pirate ATC will destroy the middle

platform, as well as the giant gears on the right. Bad news for

whatever those gears were powering, good news for you as now you can

reach the Missile Expansion (M85).

It will probably take you a few tries, but screw attack right through

the Missile Expansion and on to the platform on the other side.

--== Chozo Observatory ==--

New Scans:

Ship grapple point

Ride the elevator up. Jump up onto the ledge and scan the glowing

thing in the middle of the platform (ship grapple point). Now call

your ship in to pick up the block. After it's suspended in mid-air, go

underneath it and weld the plate. Jump back out of the hole and tell

your ship to drop it.

Use the now-activated morph ball bomb slot. A bunch of bomb slots all

over the room will activate, but don't worry bout them till you get

the spider ball (you can get a few now, but it's not worth it. The

ones you actually need you have to use the spider ball to get).

Jump up onto the newly arisen array to reach the doorway shown to you

in the cutsene.

--== Botanica ==--

Old scans:

Dragoon Battle drones

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

There is a save station on the left around the corner. I would

recommend using it.

Out of the save station, turn left and grab the block in the wall.

Pull it out and use it as a step. You will be attacked by 4-5 battle

drones. It's best to take them out. Pull the next block and jump up


Before entering the door, turn back around. You should see a small

nook across from you. Screw attack over there. Turn to the right and

you should see a Missile Expansion across the gap. Screw attack over

to get it (M90).

Fall down and jump back up to the white door. Hit it with a missile

and exit.

--== Broken Lift ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Aurora

New Medals:

Blue x1

See? This is why it would have been easier if the lift worked. Stupid

Chozo. They can build a steam-powered, utopian, self-sufficing city

and suspend it in the sky for all eternity, but they cant build a

simple elevator. >_>

Rants and all, scan the databot and go through the door.

--== Turbine Chamber ==--

Old scans:

Berserker Lord

New Medals:

Gold x1

While this is technically a boss battle, it's hardly challenging to

you at this point in the game. Aim for his glowing armpits till he

starts shooting blue orbs at you. Return to sender by shooting them

till his forehead armor breaks. Chip away at his brain till he goes

down. Should take all of thirty seconds.


Arms: 9 each

Armor: 6 orbs

Brain: 85

After the battle, use the spinners located around the room (four

total). This will activate a dial lock. Completing that will unlock

the Theronian Transport Module. Call in your ship to pick it up.

The dial lock will turn around to reveal a morph ball slot. Roll in

and down. enter the door in front of you.

--== Turbine Access ==--

Old scans:


Ignore the CrawlTanks and enter the door on the other side.

--== Piston Hall ==--

This room is very odd. Drop off the ledge in front of you and turn

right to see a rotating thing across the gap. You want to land inside

it. The trick is to start jumping when the gate is closed, by the time

you reach it the gate will have opened.

--== Concourse ==--

Here we are again... only lower... weld the plate to your left then

walk across the hall and weld the plate on that side. This should

activate an elevator, though we're not going to use it just yet. Enter

the orange door.

--== Maintenance Shaft CC ==--

Turn right to see a huge gap with no place to jump to. Look up a

little bit to see a green ledge. Jump to the ledge to pull your self

up and into morph ball form. Roll across and through the door.

--== Zipline Station Delta ==--

Old scans:

Armored AeroTrooper

Space Pirate ATC

Well, at least there isn't actually a zipline to use...

Target the flying Trooper and take him out first.

Look to the right for a platform. Screw attack to it. Turn right again

to find another platform. When you reach the second platform, and ATC

will fly down and attack. Destroy it, and you'll see a platform in the

distance behind it. This one is a little trickier to get to, as the

gate that is around the outside is spinning and may block your jump.

After a few tries and bit of luck you should be able to make it. Jump

to the final platform and the door. Open the door for an eerie site: a

Space Pirate vaporizes right in front of you. Be ready for more of

this later in this part of the level.

--== Transit Tube A ==--

On the right is a save station. Use it, then continue through the blue


--== Research Pod Lift ==--

Again, nothing in here.

--== Xenoresearch A Lift ==--

Use the hand scanner then the elevator.

Also note the large skeletal bioform in the wall behind the elevator.

It is not only still alive, but is a very similar to the first boss

battle of Metroid Prime 1 (Queen Parasite).

--== Xenoresearch A ==--

By this point you've probably figured out that "Xenoresearch" refers

to Metroid research. Anyway, walk around till you reach missile locked

door. Take a left and you'll still be stuck as the gate is locked.

Lucky for you there is a spinner in this area to lower the gate.

Continue on your way to the door.

--== Xenoresearch B Lift ==--

Use the hand scanner and ride the lift up.

--== Xenoresearch B ==--

New Scans:


Phazon Metroid

New Medals:

Red x2

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

Seeker Missile

In here, there is a morph ball hole in between the two Metroid cages.

Jump up into it and roll through. Look for a cracked section in the

circular room to bomb and drop through.

You're going to want to take the right path in this section. It leads

to a dead end, but there is a cracked plate in the wall. Bomb it and

roll through. Bomb your way out and follow the hall.

In the last room, look at the walls to find some very creepy

steamspiders roaming around. This would be a good time to get the

kills Friend Vouchers, as there is infinite of the spiders and they

only take one shot to kill.

Anyway, on the left of the room there is a plate you can pull off, and

an Energy Cell behind it that you can pull out (EC2). As the power

goes out, you can now destroy the shield around the seeker missiles.

The door is locked behind you. To open it, use the seeker missiles.

Press and hold the down button on the D-pad, then point to all the

little nodes on the door. An orange target should appear around ones

you've pointed at. Once all five of them are selected, release the

button. The gate should lower assuming all your missiles hit.

Get used to this, as you'll be doing it a lot.

Roll your way back out till you find another missile door blocking you

path. At this point, a Phazon Metroid should come down and attack you.

Scan him, then kill it.

After this, I recommend just ignoring all Metroid that attack you for

now. They are very hard to kill and there is a lot of them. Stay in

morph ball form as much as possible and just run for it. If one of

them attaches itself to you, lay a bomb to get him off.

Overall, you're going to take the same path out as you did in, except

now you can destroy the missile doors in your way.

--== Xenoresearch A Lift ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Just before the elevator is an Energy Tank in one of the storage

Tanks. Grab the Energy Tank and keep running (T8).

--== Research Pod Lift ==--

When you finally make it to the pod lift, turn right and blast the

missile door. Ride the elevator up.

--== Transit Tube B ==--

A Pirate is in here, but you can ignore him if you want.

--== Zipline Station Delta ==--

Here you are again. This time there is a zipline to use. Ignore the

Metroids and latch on.

--== Concourse Access B ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Rebellion

New Medals:

Blue x1

Blast the databot and continue through.

--== Concourse ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Turn right and blast the missile door. Now turn around and go through

the morph ball pipe on the ground. Missile Expansion (M95)!

Look out the window and seeker missile the locks. Go back through the

pipe, and this time take the elevator you unlocked down. Look through

the doorway and blast the seeker missile locks overhead.

Walk across the walkway to the left. go through the doorway and

turnabout to see the final set of locks. Blast them and call your ship

in (target the glowing thing in the center of the walkway).

Ok, we're headed back to SkyTown West via Skytram East.



2.4.4)- Elysia: Seed (Final Boss / Hyper Missile)




SkyTown West


One final bomb component. If you could use your ship, this would be

easy. Noooo, you have to do it the hard way. >_>

Your goal for now is to make it to the Junction. You'll pass through:

Security tube

Security Station Spire Dock

--== Junction ==--

Once in the Junction, take the northern door (right, if you entered

from the Spire Dock).

--== Hoverplat Docking Site ==--

By now you've probably noticed that the whole place is creaking.

No idea why.

Anyway, you've seen this before. Screw attack from platform to


--== Barracks Lift ==--

Take the elevator up to Zipline Station Bravo

--== Zipline Station Bravo ==--

After riding the zipline, turn left to see another cannon. This one

has to be unlocked using seeker missiles. Hop in the cannon via morph

ball and be shot to...

--== Transit Hub ==--

Hop across to the platform in front of you, then to the platform after

that. This should be a large platform with a glowing structure at the

end of it. Look up at it to see a seeker missile target. Shoot it to

disengage the locks. Call your ship in to pick it up.

Now that your bomb is assembled, go back to the Spire via the cannon

on your left.

--== Spire Dock ==--

Call your ship in to set down the bomb.

--== AU Chamber Area ==--

Note the above isn't an actual room, just a vicinity.

Now go back to the save station above the AU. MAKE SURE TO SAVE YOUR

GAME! Before talking to the AU, in the elevator room there are some

meltable plates (that you may have already melted) behind them are

some containers containing a large amount of missiles and health. Be

sure to pick these up as well. Finally, go down and talk to the AU.

Answer yes to his questions and head back to the spire dock.

--== Spire Dock ==--

New Scans:

Space Pirate Assault Skiff (SPAS)

Armored shield Trooper

Old scans:

Armored Pirate Trooper

Space Pirate ATC


Jolly Roger Drone

New Medals:

Red x2

Gold x1

A note before the fight starts:


get the Armored shield Trooper and the easiest to get the SPAS.

Once on the Spire, the cables will blow and the platform will start

moving. (Great, no more spire. As if getting around SkyTown wasn't

hard enough....)


!! Boss Fight !!

Pirate Assault Squad

Your main goal is to take out the SPASs. They are the only thing that

can actually destroy the Spire. Some ATCs will come in and drop off

troops. Don't worry about the ATC's themselves, and use Hypermode on

the troops to take them out quickly (the Spire is no good if you die


The SPASs are the same to take down as the ATCs. Just aim for the vent

above the main cannon.

If the AeroTroopers get too annoying, hit them with a charged blast

then use the grapple lasso to rip off their jet pack. Its very quick

and effective.

There really isn't much strategy to this battle, and no real tips to

give. Just keep an eye on your radar and health bar, the Spire should

be fine for the most part. AND DON'T FORGET TO SCAN STUFF!


After the battle, you'll need to use the terminal in front of you to


BUTTON! Your on quite the time limit, so you need to know what to do

before you head into it.

Once you press the button, the escape pod will come up. Hop inside and

try to use the terminal in there. There will be a malfunction and a

morph ball sized maintenance shaft will open outside the pod on its

stand. Curl up and roll down. Melt the debris right outside the pipe.

Inside there will be three panels for you to weld. The one on the left

is out in the open, one on the right you have to rip a panel off the

wall to get to it, and the one in the center is behind a door in the

pillar in the center of the room. These welds are the hardest in the

game, and you don't have all the time in the world. Don't panic, but

don't lollygag either.

After you're done, go back out and get in the escape pod. Use the hand

scanner to get out before the explosion.

After landing, get out of the escape pod bay and go to landing site A.

Call in your ship, save and enter. We're headed for the Seed!

--== Landing Site C ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Leech

New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the bugs wondering everywhere and hop across the platforms to the


--== Core Access ==--

You probably remember these things from the last seed, except these

have been upgraded a bit. They have seeker missile shielding on them

now. Destroy the shielding then the plant itself with a few charged


--== Leviathan Core ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1


!! Boss Fight !!


Helios is one strange boss. He uses swarmbots for protection, and to

attack with. Where he is getting all the bolts and water from is

beyond me....

After every form, he will reset to starting form.

Starting form:

At start, he will hover in the middle of the room with a bunch of

swarmbots around him. He doesn't attack in the form. Fire as rapidly

as you can, and a few of your shots will make it through the swarmbots

and damage him.

Bowling Ball:

He will use the swarmbots to form a semi-solid ball around himself and

use that to try to crush you. Do the same thing you did for starting

form, only this time while dodging.

Orchestra Barrage:

He will command his swarmbots to form two lines, each with about 7

rings of swarmbots. If you know anything about swarmbots, you know

they will spin in circles to build up energy for a large blast attack.

Wait for one of the rings of bots to start glowing, then hit it with a

charged shot to break it up before it fires.


In this form, Helios will get in the center of a giant ring of fast

moving swarmbots. Inside that ring are 5 sets of charged swarmbots

(and they are red for some reason). In this form he has two attacks:

he will either fire a giant laser using the power of all five red

orbs, or try to cut you with the ring moving in kind of a gyroscopic

manner. Your main target are the red orbs. Use seeker missiles to

destroy them. Once they are gone, Helios will become destabilized for

a few seconds. This is your chance to dish out some heavy damage.


Helios will get on the ground and spin, and his swarmbots will get

caught up in the wind and from a deadly sharp tornado of metal. The

force will pull you in as well. To get him out of this form, go into

morph ball mode and plant bombs around him. This can be hard as he

moves around a lot.

Human form:

If I only had a brain... er, heart, or something...

Anyway, Helios will use his swarmbots to create human like appendages

(re: two arms and legs). He will throw large orbs at you and create

shockwaves with his feet. Your targets are the glowing red joints

where the swarmbots meet Helios. After you take one out, Helios will

fall and be dazed for a few seconds, allow you to do quite a bit of



To actually damage Helios, you have to first hit him enough times that

he losses control over his swarmbots and his armor comes open. Turn

this time, he will go into a Hypermode of sorts. Go into Hypermode

yourself and aim for the exposed part of his upper half. He will try

to ram you, but it wont be very damaging. After just a few seconds he

will revert back to starting form, so deal as much damage as you can.


To the victor go the spoils: Hyper Missiles.

Test out your new missiles on the newly formed hyper missile crystals

that formed around the room. Note that in real Hypermode, the hyper

missiles take up almost half of the Phazon energy. Equally though,

they do massive amounts of damage.

Listen to the AU yak for a bit (the Space Pirates are supplementing

their forces with Phazon?! NO WAY! Hadn't noticed... >_>)

And yes, be on the "lookout" for Gandrayda... you're in need of new

abilities (here's hoping for a shapeshifting ability!)





2.5)- Pirate Homeworld: First Landing






In this section, you will be facing Commando Pirates. I have a habbit

of calling them Pirate Commandos. Don't know why (it does sound

better...), but just watch out for that.



2.5.1)- Pirate Homeworld: Command Center (X-ray visor)



We're landing in the Pirate Homeworld on the right side of the map.

Believe it or not, this place it actually slightly less convoluted

then Elysia... ON PAPER. It's much easier to read a map of the Pirate

Homeworld, FAR more complex to navigate.

--== Landing Site Bravo ==--

New Scans:

Pirate cargo drone

New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the cargo drone lifting creates to and from, then enter the door.

--== Lift Hub Access ==--

Old scans:


In here, there are two CrawlTanks. Not normally a threat, except they

go Hypermode right off. You'll have to go Hypermode yourself just to

keep from getting killed. Get used to it, as this is what you'll be

doing for pretty much the all of the Pirate Homeworld.

--== Lift Hub ==--

New Scans:

Space Pirate orange door

Lore: our mission

Old scans:

Remorse-class turret

New Medals:

Blue x1

As soon as you enter this thing will start firing at you. Of course,

for some reason it is more powerful then other turrets of the same

class, so watch out. look on the right wall for some lore.

You want the center, non-shielded elevator.

Use the console and select the highest button.

Take a left through the orange door.

--== Command Courtyard ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Energy Cell

Watch out for the acid rain. You want to navigate via dry spots on the

ground over to the right. Jump up onto the green ledge beside the

spinning blades of death.

Follow the tube around and through. Eventually you'll reach a fork in

the road. Take the left path for the Missile Expansion (M100), then

come back and take the right to get out.

Pull out the pulsating Energy Cell on the wall (EC3). This will open

up a new slot for you to roll in, as well as stop the spinning blades

of death. You land right in front of the blades. Roll underneath them

into the new pipe.

--== Flux Control ==--

This room gets complicated later, but for now just take out the

CrawlTanks and drop down the shaft at the end. follow that hall back

around and pull the grate beside the morph ball slot to reveal another

morph ball slot. Hop through that one right into....

--== Command Station ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

When the elevator lands, take a right for the Missile Expansion. Go

back around left to get out.

--== Command Vault ==--

New Pickups:

X-ray Visor

Get out of the morph ball pipe and look up to see a seeker missile

target. Blast it to claim your prize of the X-ray visor.

Turn it on to interface with the console in front of you. It's a

password terminal. Select the images shown in the middle.

This will divert the highly volatile Phazon capsules into this room.

Wait until one is overtop of the white wall there and blast it with a

charged shot. The cover on the morph ball pipe will explode, allowing

you to pass.

--== Defense Access ==--

Another password terminal. Use it to unlock the elevator. Ride it up

and into the Command Station.

--== Command Station ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Stowaway

New Medals:

Blue x1

Walk up to the window to activate a cutscene.

Scan the log on the left wall for the lore, then ride the lift back


--== Defense Access ==--

Back in here, you get attacked by two assault Pirate Troopers. Take

them both out with Hypermode and continue into the next room.

--== Security Air Lock ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

You get a message from a G.F.S Trooper.

Use the X-ray visor on the structure ahead to see a purple dot appear

and disappear. Shoot the dot when it appears. After five hits, the

spinner in the room will activate. The Missile Expansion is right in

front of you by the way (M110). Use the spinner to get out of the


--== Lift Hub ==--

This time select the lowest button.

Watch out for the turret again and use the password terminal to the

right. Step in for a map of the area. Head back to your ship.

Save and enter. We're going to the Research Facility.



2.5.2)- Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility (Grapple Voltage)



--== Landing Site Alpha ==--

New Scans:

Heavy Phazon canisters

Scan the Phazon canisters laying around and enter the door.

--== Scrapvault Lift ==--

Use the hand scanner and get on the elevator.

Blast the flap on the left and roll inside. Look out the window and

shoot the red dot. Roll back out and go through the door.

--== Scrapvault ==--

New Scans:

Urtragian Shriekbat

Phazon Grub

New Medals:

Red x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Turn on your scan visor and walk down the hall carefully. Some bats

will come down and attack you. Scan them while backing up to provide

more time for scanning.

Continue around left until the floor starts spitting out Phazon grubs.

Scan them, then turn right to see a platform you can jump onto. Turn

right again and jump to the next platform. Some more bats will come at

you from the right if you missed them the first time.

Jump across to the next platform. Through the tunnel and jump up

twice. Walk to the end and look for the green ledge. Don't jump to it

just yet, but remember where it is. Turn right a little bit to see a

platform off in the distance. Screw attack to it. Turn right to see

another green ledge and your Missile Expansion (M115). Jump up and

claim it.

Jump back off to the right (or in front of you if you had to turn to

get the expansion) and land on the platform there. Turn right again

and jump to the green ledge overhead.

Follow the morph ball pipe till you're in a Phazon room.

--== Scrapworks ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Jump up and go right. Jump into the bomb slot and lay a bomb. Now jump

left. Ride the elevators up to the right. At the end, jump up left.

You will see an Energy Tank hovering overhead just before you need to

jump right. Use a double bomb jump to reach it (T9). Jump up right,

then fall down. jump up into the final bomb slot and fall down left

and into the hole.

Follow this final pipe around into a command like room. Weld the panel

and use the password terminal. Roll back up and go out the way you


Once you're back in the Phazon pipes, jump up and right, past the

final bomb slot. This is one giant half-pipe. Use the boost ball to

roll up and down till you can reach the top ledge on the right side.

Fall down the first hole and use the bomb slot to open a new hole. Go

over left and through it. Use a bomb to get out.

--== Scrapvault ==--

New Scans:

Commando Pirate

New Medals:

Red x1

And we're back, with 100% more commando Pirates! Two of them will

attack you. They are fierce, and there is no escape. Even if you make

it to a door, they will warp into the room with you. Just use

Hypermode and take them out quick.

Your goal is the orange door on the east side of the room.

--== Processing Access ==--

New Scans:

Lore: First Disciples

New Medals:

Blue x1

In the center of the room, scan the lore. If some alarms start

buzzing, shoot the glowing sticks at either end of the hall and kill

the Commando Pirate that attacks you.

--== Metroid Processing ==--

New Scans:

Assault shield Trooper

New Medals:

Red x1

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

Missile Expansion

Yet more alarms and Pirates. Scan them this time for your new logbook

enter, then take them out like you would a normal shield Trooper

(though Hypermode helps).

After, look for a dial lock. You'll have to use your x-ray visor to

use it. Ride the elevator down. Weld the panel on the right and take

out the Energy Cell on the left (EC4). Ride back up.

Ok, the containment cell on the direct right contains your Missile

Expansion (M120). Grab it, and make for the morph ball slot in the

center pillar in the room. The machine will grab you and pull you up.

Uncurl at the top and use the orange door.

--== Airshaft ==--

New Scans:

Puffer mine

Lore: The source discovered

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Use seeker missiles to dislodge the green wall. Destroy the four

CrawlTanks that come out, then scan the puffer Mines floating around.

Then wall jump to the top. When you land, don't move! Jump straight up

then a little forward to get onto the next platform. Jump up one more

time. One the right wall is the lore.

--== Craneyard ==--

Walk around till you see some Pirates shooting. Before you duck for

cover, notice they aren't shooting at you (for once). Help out the "GF

Trooper" by killing them, then use the manual lock with him. Onto the


--== Proving Grounds Lift ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Grapple Voltage


!! Boss Fight !!


It's been quite a while since your last save, so try to conserve

Hypermode as much as possible. She moves to fast for it anyway.

Gandrayda doesn't normally fight as herself. This is actually a good

thing, as in her "normal" form she is to fast to hit very much.

Normal form:

In this form, she likes doing flips and moving around VERY quickly.

Just dodge her flips if she comes near you. Sometimes she will try to

jump onto you. If she does, shake the controllers to get her off

quickly. She will also create shockwaves and throw small bolts of

electricity at you. All and all, you can try to hit her with rapid

shots, but probably wont inflict that much damage.

AeroTrooper form:

*yawn* I'm sure you know how to deal with an AeroTrooper.

Berserker Lord form:

Same as the berserker lord, minus the armpits. Just shoot the blue

orbs (they are actually purple now) as they come, then shoot his

brains out.

Swarmbot form:

One of her strangest forms, she will turn into a pack of swarmbots.

They will only try to ram you, so just keep your distance and fire

wildly into them.

Rundas form:

This form fights a lot like Rundas, only with electricity instead of

ice. She'll mostly just use his "fly around the room while launching

missiles" technique. After a few hits, she will become dazed. Rip her

armor off just like Rundas, and start hailing her, just like Rundas.

Ghor form:

She takes the form of Ghor's battle armor. Her attack are, again, the

same as Ghors. She will fire lasers, missiles, and try to ram you. It

doesn't have the shield up, but instead starts with the target hanging

underneath the armor. Use bombs to hit the target then aim for the

glowing spot on its forehead.

Samus form:

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....

In this form she will mainly use your boost ball to bounce all around

the field. She will also fire a Beam that looks like Samus's final

smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They only way to hit her is when

she uncurls periodically.


After her health goes down a ways, she will enter Hypermode. She will

only copy you from now on, though that is rare. Mostly she prances

around the field extremely fast, and will sometimes go invisible (use

the x-ray visor to see her). When she goes invisible, she slows down a

bit. Use that to pummel her. If your visor goes all fuzzy, switch back

to the combat visor.


... I don't know WHAT made her think she could beat you by coping a

bunch of losers you've already beaten....

Well, absorb what's left of her into your suit: Grapple Voltage.

Not quite done yet. Still need to make it back to your ship.

Face the force shield and use the grapple voltage on the terminal.

Swing the grapple lasso around it, then pull back on the joy stick to

drain the energy from it. Enter the door.

--== Transit Station 1-B ==--

Let me explain how a transit station works. First scan the terminal to

unlock the hand scanner. Use the hand scanner to call the train. get

on the train and use the lifty thing to activate the train. Easy no?

--== Transit Station 1-A ==--

New Scans:

Lore: the leviathan

New Medals:

Blue x1

Scan the lore on the wall and exit via the door.

Drain the voltage terminal and get in your ship. (Save and enter).

Going back to Elysia.



2.5.3)- Elysia Revisited: SkyTown West (Spider Ball/Expansions)



--== Landing Site A ==--

Use the cannon in the Spire Dock section to jump over to Junction.

--== Junction ==--

After entering, your going to want to take the left (south) door.

--== Zipline Station Charlie ==--

Latch onto the voltage point and give it all the energy it wants (~20

points). Use the Zipline to get across. Unfortunately, it breaks half

way and you have to screw attack the rest the way.

--== Powerworks Access ==--

Suck the power from the grapple voltage point and roll through the


--== Powerworks ==--

New Scans:

Lore: defeat

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Spider ball

Missile Expansion

Use seeker missiles on all four targetable points on the wall right in

front of you. Roll through the hole.

The databot is floating around here somewhere...

After you find him, jump up on the ledge in the west. Target the gear

on the floor and use the grapple to pull it up. Once it's up to your

height, hit it with a missile (you would not believe how long it took

me to figure that out).

Grab the spider ball and fall down the hole that appears.

Fall down again till you're in a room with a morph ball pipe. Hold Z

and navigate the track. Release Z and quickly press it again to fall

short distances. When the track breaks, time your fall so you don't

get hit by one of the flames.

Once you reach solid ground again, turn back and look for a second

track (not the one you just came off of, the one adjacent to it). Jump

up to it and follow it around. When you reach a gap with more track

across from you, jump it using the boost ball. After you claim your

prize (M125), go back up to that nook you were in before searching for

the missiles.

There is a third track that leads straight up. Take that out.

Go back to Zipline Station Charlie.

--== Zipline Station Charlie ==--

New Scans:

Spider ball track.

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Screw attack to the platform on the right. Scan the spider ball track

ahead, then use it to go up using the boost ball when needed. When you

reach a section that you don't have to use the spider ball to hang on,

then you have to jump through sparking electricity. After the first

jump through the electricity, there is an Energy Tank over head. You

will see a small path overhead, use a double bomb jump to reach that

track. Circle around it, then drop down on top of it (T10). Continue

down the track (right). Once back on land, screw attack to the door.

--== Construction Bay ==--

New Scans:


Red Paazoid

Lore: phazon

New Medals:

Red x2

Blue x1

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Once back in Junction, take the left door, then use the cannon on

Skybridge Hera to get across.

A floating energy mass known as a Phaazoid will be there to greet you.

Easily one of the most annoying things I've every fought in ANY game.

Scan it first, then enter Hypermode to destroy it. BUT WAIT! It splits

into two parts. If you don't destroy the two parts fast enough, they

will merge and you'll have to start back over.

This time, it's actually worth kill it, as when this Phaazoid splits,

one of the offshoots is a red Phaazoid (be sure to scan it). Red

Phaazoids leave behind gold medals when destroyed. Just make sure to

destroy it in a reachable place.

There are several Phaazoids in this area, so that first one might not

have been the one carrying the red one.

Well, go back to the door and look for a grapple voltage poing. Give

it energy and ride up the morph ball elevator.

If that first Phaazoid wasn't the red one, there is another one on the

platform out behind you (you can probably see it) screw attack over

there and find out.

Now back at the door to the Ballista Lift. Turn around and look

overtop of the large structure out there. You should see a databot

floating over it. There lies your Missile Expansion (M130) and your

lore. Find a way to jump over there, then jump back and enter the


--== Ballista Lift ==--

Ride the elevator down.

--== Ballista Storage ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

Ride the lift down.

A bunch of steambots and a steamlord. This time, use the x-ray visor

to track the steamlord. Destroy him, and all the steambots go as well.

Look around for two fans with grapple voltage points on them. Give

them energy to overload the lock around the Energy Cell. Grab the

Energy Cell and leave (EC5).

Head on back to the Junction. From Junction, head to Hoverplat Docking


--== Hoverplat Docking Site ==--

New Scans:

Lore: invader

New Medals:

Gold x1

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile Expansion

Screw attack from platform to platform until you find the Phaazoid.

Destroy it, then the red one to get your gold medal. Look around for a

spider ball track on the same platform.

This track has some insane boost ball jumps, but bear with it and make

it to the end for a Gunship Missile Expansion (GS7).

On the same platform you roll off on, there is a databot with your

lore. Finish jumping across the platforms to get to Steambot Barracks.

--== Steambot Barracks ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Use the half pipe to get back up to the top. Roll past the elevator

and into the morph ball pipe. Past the pistons and the first three

obstacles. Right past the third one is an air jet. Hold Z and ride the

jet up. You'll catch on a spider ball track. Follow it up to get your

expansion (M135).

Now make your way back to the Main Docking Bay. Call in your ship,

save and enter.

Not quite done with Elysia yet, though we are for now.

Go back to the Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility.



2.5.4)- Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility (Hazard Shield)



--== Landing Site Alpha ==--

Head right to Transit Station 1-A and ride the train.

--== Proving Grounds ==--

From the Transit Station head to the proving grounds. Ride the

elevator down.

--== Craneyard ==--

New Scans:

Assault AeroTrooper

Old scans:

Assault Trooper

Commando Pirate

New Medals:

Red x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Hazard Shield

Once in the Craneyard, look for a spider ball track on the wall. Ride

it up and follow the tubes around till you reach a puzzle.

This puzzle consists of two spinners (one on the left controls the

lower portion of the pillar, one on the right controls the upper) and

you have to spin the tracks into place.

First, leave the bottom as is and spin the top one till all the steam

jets are lined up (three rotations) (to get out of a spinner, lay a

bomb). Ride the jets up to get your Missile Expansion (M140). Fall

back down.

Now line up the spider ball tracks. Spin the bottom one once and the

top one twice.

Ride the tracks up and into the next room. Use the hand scanner to get

your next upgrade: the Hazard Suit.

But almost no upgrade is without a boss. Some missiles will destroy

the glass, and you'll be attacked by two Assault AeroTroopers. Take

them out using your arm cannon, as missiles don't have any effect.

A hand scanner will activate by the central pillar. Use it to lower

some glass so you can escape. Sadly this also give an Assault Trooper

and some Commando Pirates access to the room as well. Use Hypermode to

take them out quickly.

Jump up to where the Pirates came from and take the door on the right.

--== Metroid Processing ==--

Skipping through the Airshaft, go back to Metroid Processing. There

should be a white door directly across from you. Quickly go through


--== Creche Transit ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Taking Valhalla

Old scans:

Jolly Roger Drone

New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

As soon as you enter, turn left and bomb the suspicious cracked panel

to blow it out. Enter the tube and follow it around till you reach a

spinner. Spin it so that you have access to the right path. Roll over

and jump up to get your expansion (M145). Now roll back out.

Turn left and walk across. Jump up to the green ledge. Turn left to

see some Phazon crystals. The only thing that can damage them is a

hyper missile. Well, blow it up and continue past it.

Beside the door is your lore. Enter the door.

--== Metroid Creche ==--

New Scans:

Metroid Hatcher

New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

In the middle of the room you should see a spinner. Use it to be shot

up into the air. Plant a bomb to activate another spinner. Use the

second spinner to unleash the Metroid Hatcher.

Metroid Hatchers are easier to take out then they appear. And this is

the only one you have to fight "fair" against.

Its only attack is to try to ram you with a spinning dash. Even if it

hits it doesn't do much damage. At this stage, use seeker missiles to

lock on to all of its tentacles (you don't have to use seeker

missiles, but it is easier).

Once all four tentacles retract, it will do one more spinning attack,

though it will likely go in the opposite direction of you. It will

then turn around and begin to suck in air. If you let it finish, it

will spawn several Metroids (hence its name). Fire a charged shot at

its mouth while it's taking in air. This will daze it and its

tentacles will come back out. Use the grapple lasso to rip off one of

the tentacles.

Repeat until all four tentacles are gone.

After the fight the final spinner will activate. Use it to be shot up

into the tube.

Roll right. BEFORE the first jump, there is a spider ball track

overhead. Jump up to it and ride it around. A few boost jumps, pipes,

and tracks later, and you have your Energy Tank (T11).

Use the spinner to get back up, then follow the pipe around. Use the

bomb slot at the end to turn on the wall jump plates. Use the screw

attack to jump up and reach the door.

--== Transit Station 3-A and Save Station ==--

Use the save station on the left, then ride the train to the Command




2.5.5)- Pirate Homeworld: Mining Site (Nova Beam)



Ok, technically you are in the Command Center right now, but that will

change very soon. Head strait across into the Command Courtyard.

--== Command Courtyard ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Disaster at Elysia

Old scans:

Assault Pirate Trooper

New Medals:

Blue x1

Upon entering, three assault Pirate Troopers will attack you.

Hypermode is your best bet.

Now before lowering the shield with the grapple voltage point, use the

green ledge and morph ball pipe on the right. Follow it back around

till your on top of the platform again.

This time head left, following the platform around. At the end you'll

find your lore. Jump back down and use the grapple voltage terminal to

lower the shield around the door.

--== Courtyard Passage ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

On your way through this small passage, be sure to scan the group of

scritters running around.

--== Skyway Access ==--

New Scans:

Lore: purification

Old scans:


Commando Pirate

New Medals:

Blue x1

When you enter, you'll trip an alarm. A couple Commando Pirates will

enter, and after them a bunch of CrawlTanks.

One of the CrawlTanks will destroy a hatch, opening a morph ball slot.

After the battle (which goes quick in Hypermode), use the morph ball

pipe the Crawltank opened. Oh, and your lore is right beside said


--== Defense Access ==--

Somehow you end up here. Anyway, drain the grapple voltage terminal,

then turn around and use the spider ball track.

A few jumps and a door later and you're in a transit station. Use the

train to finally reach the Mining Site.

--== Transit Station 4-B ==--

Make sure to use the save station before continuing.

--== Phazon Quarry ==--

Old scans:

Commando Pirate

Assault Pirate Trooper

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Another alarm, another ambush. Two of each this time. Hypermode them

and move on. If you need health, the Phazon canisters in the middle of

the room pay out petty big.

After the fight, look behind the shield for a terminal.

Press one of the buttons to lower a giant drill. Then select the green

dot on the right to claim your Missile Expansion (though you still

have to go pick it up)(M150). Choose the other dot to drill out a


Use the half-pipe to reach the door. And don't forget that Missile


--== Mine Lift ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Vanguard

Old scans:


New Medals:

Blue x1

When the elevator lowers, it malfunctions. Rip the gate off with the

grapple lasso and step in. Two CrawlTanks will attack.

Use the spider ball track to go up. At the top, go either left or

right. At the end drop down into a spinner. Use the spinner to lower

the floor. Go back up and do the same for the opposite side.

Fall a long way down. As soon as you land, you should be facing your

lore. Enter the door.

--== Phazon Harvesting ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Harvester Drone

New Medals:

Red x1

Scan the drone in the air then MOVE IT! start jumping across the

platforms. He will sometimes blow up the walkway. If he does, just

jump across to the green ledge. Continue this all the way up.

Yes, it's true you can get a Friend Voucher by defeating it, but you

can only do that after you take out the planetary shield, which isn't

till later in the game.

--== Drill Shaft 1 ==--

New Scans:

Lore: victory and loss

Old scans;

Jolly roger drone

New Medals:

Blue x1

Time your jumps so you don't get hit by the Nova Beams coming out of

the ceiling. Watch out for the drones, as you should probably take

them out before you jump.

Once you are facing the door, turn around to see a platform on the

right. Jump to it to get your lore. Now jump back and enter the door.

--== Main Cavern ==--

Old scans:

Several different types of Pirates

New Pickups:

Nova Beam

Continue around to the right until you find a hand scanner. Use it to

activate the elevator that will take you to the Nova Beam.


!! Boss Fight !!

Well, not really...

K, let me explain how this fight works.

The harvester in the middle of the room will go through two phases:

drilling and sucking.

During the drilling phase, you fight the Pirates like normal, BUT

DON'T KILL ALL OF THEM! Keep at least one alive.

After a bit it will change to the sucking phase. This will be

signified by the pillars around the room retracting. When this

happens, back up as far away from the center as you can get, you don't

want to get sucked in! The Pirate will do the same.

While fighting with the vacuum yourself, fire rounds (preferably

seeker missiles) at the Pirate. After a few shots he will lose his

grip and fall into the machine. When this happens, the machine will

malfunction and several orange cones will come out of the top of it.

Shoot one of the orange cones (it should only take a charged shot to

take it out).

The battle will now reset with more Pirates coming in and the machine

resetting to drilling mode. Repeat this process until all four cones

are destroyed.


After all four cones are destroyed, the platform will drop and give

you your new upgrade: Nova Beam!

Ok, use the X-ray visor to look through the Phazon looking door up

ahead. Now use the Nova Beam to shoot into the door at the locks (they

should show up as yellow). Use the dial lock that activates and ride

the elevator back up.

At the top, on the right is another Phazite door. Again, shoot through

it and use the dial lock that activate. Go through the door on the

other side.

--== Drill Shaft 2 ==--

New Scans:

Space Pirate Green door

Shoot through the Phazite on the malfunctioning drill to raise it and

allow you access to underneath it.

Find and scan the green door, then go through.

--== Phazon Quarry ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

To the right is an Energy Cell. Grab it (EC6) and head back to the

main cavern.

--== Main Cavern ==--

Use the green door.

--== Phazon Mine Entry ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Bryyo falls

Old scans:

Phazon Metroid


New Medals:

Blue x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

On the right is some more Phazite. Shoot through it to unlock it and

grab the Missile Expansion inside (M155) and the lore as well.

Oh, and try out your deadly new X-ray visor and Nova Beam on the

Phazon Metroid. You'll like what you see. :)

Now exit through the blue door.

--== Landing Site Charlie ==--

Before you can call your ship in, you have to clear the platform of

debris. Melt all the metal with your Nova Beam (yes, you can still do

that. You can also still weld).

Call your ship in. Save and enter. Time for some back tracking.





2.6)- G.F.S Valhalla





Before going to the Valhalla, you need all nine Energy Cells. Energy

Cells are scattered throughout the worlds, and so far you should have

6. One is on Bryyo, and another on Norion, the final is on the

Valhalla itself. We're going to Elysia to tie up some loose scans,

then finally to the Valhallla.



2.6.1)- Norion Final Visit (Energy Cell / Expansions)



--== Cargo Dock A ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Land here. On the west wall is a spider ball track. Ride it around to

your expansion (M160).

Next, head to Maintenance Station.

--== Maintenance Station ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

In here there is a white door. blast it open and claim the expansion

inside (M165).

Your next stop starts you on quite a little side quest:

Substation West

--== Substation West ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Rundas took care of this reactor for you when you were here at the

start of the game, so you've never been in this area before.

Before you can get into the substation, you have to weld the panel by

the door to unlock it.

As soon as you enter, curl up and jump into the morph ball track on

your left. Use the boost ball to avoid getting knocked off. Make it to

the end to claim your prize (M170).

--== Conduit B ==--

New Scans:

Liquid Phazon

Lore: Planet Bryyo

Lore: SkyTown

Old scans:

Phazon Grub

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x2

Inside conduit B you'll be exposed to Liquid Phazon for the first

time. It's relatively easy to kill: just use the hyper ball. Or you

can just avoid it. Up to you. You can also kill it by conventional

means, but it's a tad hard to hit.

After going down a ramp, look out for a white door on the left side.

Enter to get your lore.

--== Cargo Dock B ==--

New Scans:

Hopping Metroid

Lore: planet Norion

Multi-lock blast shield

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

That large Phazon biomass spawns hopping Metroids. To start, switch to

your scan visor as soon as you enter and scan the red terminal off in

the distance (straight ahead), you'll have to walk forward a bit once

your locked on.

Next scan and kill all the hopping Metroids.

Once they are all gone, the biomass will explode and some landing

beacons will appear. Call in your ship to mark the landing site, then

scan the scan the seeker missile door (this is your only chance!). Use

seeker missiles to unlock the door.

Use morph ball mode to get through the next room.

--== Generator B ==--

Old scans:

Metroid Hatcher

New Medals:

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

This time you can cheat against the Hatcher. Use the X-ray visor and

Nova Beam to take it out in one shot.

Use the revealed morph ball track to get to the Energy Cell (EC7).

Track back to your ship and fly to Docking Hub Alpha.

--== Docking Hub Alpha ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Once you land, turn around and go behind your ship. You should see a

small short walkway extending out past the docking area on the left.

Walk out on it and turn right to see your expansion. Either swing or

screw attack to get it (M175).

Get back in your ship, say goodbye to Norion, and fly to Bryyo:




2.6.2)- Bryyo Final Visit (Energy Cell / Expansions)



--== Gateway ==--

New Scans:


New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

New Medals:

Friend Voucher: Reptilicus commits suicide

Red x1

The nightbarbs appear after the Repilicus are dead. For some reason,

they weren't here the first time through but are now...

This is an excellent time to get a Friend Voucher. When you enter,

wait for a Reptilicus to get close to you. When he draws back his arm

to throw his boomerang, hit him with an ice missile. The boomerang

will come back and hit him, earning you a Friend Voucher.

Now for the expansion. Head up to the door to Reliquary II. Don't

enter. Turn around and look for some ice on the wall outside on a

walkway. Blast away the ice, then enter the morph ball pipe. Ride this

around to your expansion (M180). You should also get a message saying:

*75% of all pickups acquired!*

... it's a good thing.

Drop back down. Hike to the Grand Court.

--== Grand Court and Reliquary III ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Gold x1

Red x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Walk over to the head of the fallen Golem. Use the x-ray visor to

reveal a dial lock. Use the lock to make the Golem move. This will

reveal several Phaazoids, one of which releases a Red Phaazoid. Find

it for your gold medal. You can step in the Phazon pool afterwards to


Now take the path on the right and jump up to the grapple points.

Swing to the second point, then turn right. Jump off towards the white

door there. Enter for your Geemer scan and the Missile Expansion


You're not done here yet. Go back to your ship and fly to the

Federation Outpost.

--== Federation Outpost ==--

Head through the orange door.

--== Hall of the Golems ==--

New Scans:

Lore: victory

Fargul Hatcher

Fargul Wasp

New Medals:

Blue x1

Red x2

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Your lore is straight ahead after you play Simon says with the wall.

Your other two scans are up on a ledge behind you (just track where

the bombs are coming from). I would take out the hatcher if I were

you, as they can get annoying during the spider ball puzzle. To kill

it, just wait for it to open its mouth and pour in fire.

In this room, there are three Golems. Each requires a different

ability to use. The first one you want to use has a grapple voltage

point on it. Give it energy, then jump in and plant a bomb. It will

activate the spider ball tracks around the room.

This is probably the most complicated spider ball puzzle in the game.

One of the tracks even requires you use a double bomb jump to reach

it! I trust you can figure it out. The first part (with the lightning)

can be a bit hard, so I'll help with that.

When you reach the first bolt, wait for it go stop firing then go past

it. You'll circle around behind the pillar (it's a spiral) then come

around the next side. Another bolt blocks your path. Wait for it to

stop, go where it was and plant a bomb to reach the next part. On this

part, the bolts never stop, they just cycle around. Wait for it to

reach right above you, then start following it around till you reach

the end. drop down to the next track. Jump and boost your way to the

expansion (M190).

Alright. You should fall right in front of your next Golem: the ice

golem. Use a missile to crack the plate, then jump in and plant a

bomb. Use the falls he freezes to reach the next door.

We'll get the next Golem later.

--== Burrow ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Another morph ball puzzle. Roll all the way right and plant a bomb

next to the yellow crystal. Fall and plant another bomb next to that

crystal. Go left though, not through the path you just cleared. Jump

up to the ledge just past the fuel gel, then to the right. Jump into

the plant mouth and quickly to the ledge to the left of him. Jump

right till your on solid ground right below another crystal. Plant a

bomb and jump up. Roll left and fall down one time. Now plant another

bomb on top of the crystal there.

Kill the pillbug and jump onto the hand. You'll have to execute a

perfect double bomb jump to reach the missile (M195). Fall down and

plant a bomb to blow up the crystal and roll right. Keep going right

till your on a strange grey platform. Wait there for a sec and it will

drop you. Roll right to get out.

--== Hidden Court ==--

Shoot the two red things to lower the gate. Technically, there is a

Missile Expansion in here, but we'll save that for later. For now, use

the grapple point to swing across and enter the orange door.

--== Hidden Court Hall ==--

New Scans:

Lore: salvation

New Medals:

Blue x1

Follow the hall around and through the morph ball part.

After you get out of the morph ball pipe, look to the left to scan

some lore.

--== Fuel Gel Pool ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion x2

There are two Missile Expansions in here and a very important grapple

item. Hop to the right, then turn left and go through the tunnel and

onto the platform. Use your command visor to call in your ship and

pickup the head you just walked through. You'll need it later.

Now then, freeze the fuel gel jets and use them as platforms to get

across to the first Missile Expansion (M1200).

Jump back down to the door. Turn about and freeze the fuel gel jet

directly across from you. You should now see a small morph ball hole

under it. jump in and go through for your next Missile Expansion


--== Burrow ==--

New Scans:

Lore: struggle of the exiles

New Medals:

Blue x1

As soon as you enter you'll see a Simon says panel. You could have

gotten this earlier, but its easier to describe now.

Go back through the morph ball part and back to...

--== Hall of the Golems ==--

One last Golem. He is on the left side. Melt the plate and plant a


--== Colossus Vista ==--

New Scans:

Lore: decline

New Medals:

Blue x1

New expansions;

Gunship Missile

That's one big Golem O_o

Turn back around to scan the lore.

Call in your ship and have it set the head down on the Golem. Grab the

missile (GS8) and head through the door.

--== Machineworks Bridge

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

This is a very tricky room. Use the spinner to turn the gate and the

bridge. The wall jump plates in the center retract, making them hard

to jump off of. Time it right and use them to jump to the top to get

your tank (T12).

Now to get out of here. Turn back to where the spinner was and...

wait! We're trapped!!! ... well, not really, but that's what I thought

when I first came in here. There is a small morph ball sized hole in

the grates that is actually hard to see. Jump through and head back to

your ship in the Hanger Bay.

Save and enter. Not done with Bryyo yet though. Fly to Thorn Jungle.

--== Ancient Courtyard ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

This is your first stop in Bryyo: Thorn Jungle. Take out the Phaazoids

first. The wall your ship blew up before made a perfect half-pipe. Use

it to get your expansion (M210).

--== Jousting Field ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

And it comes from a Red Phaazoid. Go crazy, as there is a save (and

thereby heal) station in the next room.

Your next stop (after the save station) is North Jungle Court. BUT you

have go through South Jungle Court to get there. Have fun with that.

--== North Jungle Court ==--

Once in the court, jump up onto the old cannon and look around for a

large generator. Call in your ship and have it pick it up. Enter the

passage that is revealed.

--== Machinworks Bridge ==--

And here we are again. Neat huh?

Use the spinner to get across.

We're going back to the Hidden Court.

--== Hidden Court ==--

New upgrades:

Missile Expansion

Energy Cell

We're almost done.

Ok, assuming you took the Burrow to get here, turn left to see a half-

pipe. Jump over there and use the half-pipe to reach your expansion

(its on the right side)(M215).

While your still up on top of the pipe, look east (across the room).

Use your command visor to call your ship in and drop the generator.

That should cause a device to spin around and give you access to the

Energy Cell (EC8). There should be a path to it from the opposite side

of the half-pipe as the Missile Expansion.

Just one more stop and your done here. Go to the Falls of Fire.

--== Falls of Fire ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

On the right you should see a wall jump plate. Use it to get to your

expansion (M220).

Now go back to any landing pad (the closets is probably the Hanger

Bay), call in your ship, save and enter. You're done with this part of

Bryyo, but still have one more place to visit: Bryyo: Fiery and Ice.

--== Temple of Bryyo ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Get to the temple via Gel Purification Site.

Once in the temple, kill any and all enemies with a bombing run from

your ship (use your visor to target an enemy).

Look around for a Phazite panel. Use the X-ray visor to shoot the

targets on the other side. This will open a gate. Go into morph ball

mode and hop in. This can be a bit tricky to navigate, but there is an

expansion in this goop. It's on the east side of the room. Find it

(M225) and roll back out.

Next stop: Gel Processing Site. Get there through Gel Hall.

Might want to stop at the save station first though.

--== Gel Processing Site ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Jump to the platform with the pistons on it in the center of the room.

Two Phaazoids will attack. One of them splits into a Red Phaazoid.

Figure out which one to get yourself a gold medal.

Our final stop in Bryyo is Bryyo: Ice. To get there, you have to take

teleporter by the Main Lift.

--== Tower ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Your expansion is in the tower. Use your map to get there, and more

specifically the lower floor.

Once you enter through the lower door, turn left to spy a spider ball

track. Use it, along with bombs and boosts, to get your expansion


Ok. You're done with Bryyo. Go back through the teleporter and back to

your ship. Save and enter and say adios to Bryyo.

Next stop:



2.6.3)- Elysia Final Visit: SkyTown East (Medals and scans)



Land at Site B.

--== Chozo Observatory ==--

New Scans:

Tallon IV


There is a Phaazoid in here. You should probably kill it, as it can

get annoying.

Look for a small plate of Phazite near the elevator. Shoot through it

to lower a wall. Go in and use the hand scanner to launch a prob.

Now look around the wall on the south end of the room. You should see

two slots just above two separate platforms that are just big enough

for a morph ball (these holes will have a green rim around them). Use

both of these holes to roll around the room and activate the bomb

slots. Most of them will just give you scans of areas, but two of them

give you new scans. Note that not all the bomb slots are usable.

Final stop is Concourse Ventilation.

--== Concourse Ventilation ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

To start, destroy the Phaazoids for your medal. Next, go back to the

door you came from and look for a spider ball track on the wall just

around the corner. A boost and a bomb later and you have your

expansion (M230).

Ok, you're done. Hike back to your ship.

Save and enter, and say au revoir to SkyTown.

Next world is the Gaflar system, otherwise known as the G.F.S




2.6.4)- G.F.S Valhalla (Pirate Passcodes)



This is a pretty neat area to roam around and scan stuff, as some of

the deaths can be funny.

If you'll notice, this is laid out almost exactly like the G.F.S

Olympus only more beat up. You even land in the same hanger bay, minus

the walls.

--== Docking Bay 5 ==--

New Pickups:

Energy Cell

Walk across the bridge. Pick up the cell on the right (EC9) and place

it in the hole in the wall beside the locked doors. Use the hand

scanner to enter.

--== Hanger A Access ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Shriekbat

New Medals:

Red x1

Don't worry about the things that go floating by, just scan the bats

on the other side of the gap. Now either swing or jump across. Use the

hand scanner behind the dead marine to continue.

--== Repair Bay ==--

On the right side of the room there is a destroyable create. Blow it

up to get through the door behind it.

--== Stairwell ==--

New Scans:


Lore: Tallon IV Incident

New Medals:

Red x1

Blue x1

Two Energy Cells are needed behind meltable plates.

Once in place, you'll be attacked by some Phaz-Ing. You can just

ignore them and continue on up the ramps. Your lore is opposite the

door across the gap.

--== Weapons Cache ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Its just sitting there waiting for you to take it (M235).

--== Repair Bay ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

Back in the repair bay, look for ramps and walkways that will let you

jump up to the top. There are miniroids floating around in the center

of the room. Scan them, then jump through the electrical current (when

it's off).

--== Security Station ==--

You're going to want to kill the Phaz-Ings in this room. Just grapple

on to them and pull off their heads.

To start, shatter the broken glass. Jump through and shatter the

smaller section of glass on the left. Roll through and enter the door.

--== Security Access ==--

Turn left and go through the door.

--== Auxiliary Lift ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Pull the panel on the wall right in front of you to reveal an Energy

Cell station. Put in a cell to activate the lift. Press the up arrow

on the terminal to go up.

Once at the top turn left and look at the wall where the energy

station was. There is now a morph ball pipe. This pipe will take you

right to your expansion (M240). Use the lifts to get back out.

--== Port Observation Deck ==--

Use morph ball mode to get past the debris.

Enter the door. Now enter the first door on the right (it needs an

Energy Cell).

--== Junction A ==--

New Scans:

Galactic Federation Green Door

New Pickups:

Energy Tank

Use the first door on the right to get your tank (T14) (it's

technically in the Munitions Locker, but that's ok.) (Yay! Final

Energy Tank!)

Now go back out and scan the green door on the right and enter.

--== Aurora Access ==--

Nothing really to do in here.

--== Aurora Chamber ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

First off, walk forward and go up the stairs on the right. At the top,

turn around and fire a charged shot into the exposed part of the wall.

This will unlock the Energy Cell stations. Put a cell in each and a

Metroid Hatcher will appear.

Use your X-ray visor to kill it fast. Go back up the stairs and hop

from platform to platform till you reach the lift. Continue across to

the door.

--== Control Room Access ==--

Still nothing to do.

--== Control Room ==--

New Scans:

Lore: Anhur incident

New Medals:

Blue x1

Friend Voucher

A terminal on the right side of the room gets you your lore.

For the Friend Voucher, look for a terminal by the large energy

generator part sticking out of the wall. Use it and put in the

password 78356 (It is found by one of the dead marines in the room).

After listening to the AU talk, turn about and use the grapple voltage

console way back there. Give it some power, then use the password

terminal that comes down. You don't know what the code is for NOW, but

you will very soon.

Anyway, go back to the Port Observation Deck.

--== Port Observation Deck ==--

This time go right. Destroy the seeker missile panel and continue

through the door.

--== Xenoresearch Lab ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Hopper

New Medals:

Red x1

Walk around to the right. On the left wall should be a damaged metal

plate. Blow it out with a missile and hop down.

Your first target should be the Atomic. Next, kill all the Phazon

Hoppers (after scanning them of course). After the fight, look for two

panels on the small pillar in this room. They should be grapple panels

with Energy Cell stations behind. Pull them off, then power up the


That will open a morph ball hole. Go through and follow the pipe


--== Medlab Alpha ==--

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile

Missile Expansion

Without even knowing it, you'll pass into the Medlab.

Keep after the Gunship Missile (GS9) for now. Once you get it, blow

away the debris blocking your path and continue out of the pipe.

You'll end up in Security Access. Go back into the Medlab via the


At the other end of the room there is a large cracked panel. Use 3

missiles to blow it and the debris behind it away. Some Phazon Hoppers

will fall down and attack. Use Hypermode to dispatch them quickly.

Back to where the panel was. There is a hatch you can pull open with

the grapple lasso. Do so and roll in for you expansion (M245)

Alright, you're done with the Valhalla. Go back to your ship, save and

enter and say Auf Wiedersehen to the Valhalla.





2.7)- Pirate Homeworld: The Final Phazon Seed







2.7.1)- Pirate Homeworld: Command Center (Defense system)



To the Lift Hub!

--== Lift Hub ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

After taking out the turret, use the grapple voltage point on the

right. Give it some power, and the elevator doors will open. Step

inside to find out its broke. Jump back out and turn around. Shoot the

cable holding the elevator up. Jump across and grab your expansion


Ride the real elevator up.

Your next stop is the Flux control via the Command Courtyard.

--== Flux Control ==--

New Pickups:

Missile Expansion

Once in, work your way right. Fall down the shaft and to left down the

hall. Once you reach the morph ball pipe, look for a grapple hatch

beside it. Pull the hatch and go into the newly opened pipe. Roll

around and look for a spider ball track. Use the spider ball to go up

and get your expansion (M255)(Yay! Final Missile Expansion!), then use

a bomb to reach the track above it. Follow that all the way to the end

and drop down. Use the grapple voltage point to activate the elevators

in the room.

Go back to the morph ball pipe and the grapple hatch. Pull the hatch

so you can enter the original pipe (on the left).

--== Command Station ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Follow the pipe around and left. Up the elevator. Fall down to the

floor and enter the next pipe just to the right.

You should now land in the Defense Access. Uncurl and look for a

Phazite wall. Use the X-ray visor to disengage the locks and gain

access to the Command Station.

Once inside, you'll be attacked by an assault shield Trooper and some

turrets. Look for a grapple voltage point opposite the door. Drain the

power (though I'm not quite sure what this does) and jump up from

ledge to ledge all the way to the top.

You'll know when you're at the top as you'll be face to face with a

password terminal. Use the terminal to disable the shielding around

the Phazite. This will also call in a bunch of Commando Pirates. Use

your X-ray visor to not only shoot through the three Phazite panels,

but also to dispatch any Pirate that gets in your way.

After you destroy all the targets in all the Phazite panels, the

shielding around the morph ball slot at the top of the room will go

down. Go up and plant a bomb in it to disable the shield.

With that done, go back to the Skyway Access through the Command


--== Skyway Access ==--

New Scans:

Demolition Trooper

New Medals:

Red x1

This next part is very hard.

You can earn a gold medal by keeping all of the marines alive, though

I've never actually done it. Read each room's dangers before going in

so you know what to do and how to do it.

Also note that all twelve marines will not be following you around in

every room, rather every large room two to four marines will come

through the door behind you.

The minimum for completing the mission is four marines left alive by

the end. That's relatively easy.

ANY TIME you have to face anything that has even mild armor, use

Hypermode. You have more then enough health for yourself, so spread

the love for your demo dudes.

And make sure to scan the marines before you start.

To start, talk to the marine by the door.

--== Transit Station 1104 ==--

Use the grapple voltage point and give it some energy. Jump up to the

area above it. A Pirate Trooper will attack you on the right. Kill him

and go through the door behind him.

Two demo Troopers are already in this room. Take out the Armored

Pirate and Pirate Trooper on the ledge just ahead. At that point the

train on the left will finish going by, revealing two more Armored

Pirate Troopers on the ledge opposite the ones the other Pirates were

on. Some Advanced AeroTroopers will also come over top of the gate

that came up.

Sometimes, the demo troops will wonder out into the tracks and get

crushed by the next train. No idea why they do this, but they do

sometimes. After the second train goes by, go through the passage it

came out of. More Armored Pirates on each side of you. One on the

right and two on the left, plus one Advanced Trooper on the left as


After they are gone, this area is clear. Follow your troops up the

ramp to the next door.

--== Transit Station 0203 ==--

Couple of CrawlTanks in this first hall, as well as a Pirate Trooper

and a turret. You don't have any demo guys with you though, so destroy

all the creates you can find to heal a little. Don't dally to long


Though the next door there are two more demo Trooper come out. Quickly

follow them and try to get ahead of them. When the hall turns into a

tunnel, you are near the end.

As soon as you are out of the tunnel, turn right and kill the Advanced

Pirate Troopers (aren't they the ones that are resistant to Beams?

Well, the Phazon Beam still works well against them at the very


The door to the train will open on the left and an Armored shield

Pirate Trooper will come out. Kill him and quickly move through the

train. Turn left and look up to the ledge. Two more shield Troopers of

some type wait up there, though remember that the Phazon Beam can gnaw

through any shield, so don't bother trying to rip them off.

You'll hear some beeping. Something on the other side of that ledge

will blow, creating a hole for more Pirates straight ahead. Two

Advanced Shield Troopers, and the two Assault Troopers behind them. A

good Hypermode should take them all out quick. There is one more

regular Trooper guarding the door.

This area is secure. Moving on.

--== Transit Tunnel P68 ==--

Watch out for the Mines in the hall, and the two Troopers at the end.

Through the door and out come two more demo Troopers. Quickly turn

left and take out the two orange shield Troopers across the track.

Now a Berserker knight (note: no armpit orbs) will come through the

track gate. He isn't much of a threat to the Troopers, so focus more

on the Pirates behind him. If he fires an orb, shoot it back at him.

After that, and after you take out the two Advanced Troopers and

Assault Troopers behind him, three commandoes will appear. User

Hypermode to take them out, but be careful not to cross the threshold

of the gate the berserker took out. If you do, the commandos will get

behind you and take out your troops right quick. If you stay right in

the area where the gate was, you should be able to draw most of their


After they go down, the area is clear, and you get a cool cutscene

showing the marines blow the gate locks.

There is now a hand scanner to the right of the large door. Use it to

open the door.

--== Transit Tunnel P69 ==--

New Scans:

Lore: mistress Gandrayda

New Medals:

Blue x1

To open the next door, you need to fall down in either the left or

right side of the tracks. Down in the pit is the hand scanner to open

the door, but there is also a Phazon pool for you to heal in, as well

as some lore to scan

--== Transit Tunnel P70 ==--

New Scans:

Pirate Commander

New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

Upon entering this room, jump to the large structure in the middle

then to the green ledge beside that. Approach the terminal only to be

knocked off by the Pirate Commander.


!! Boss Fight !!

Pirate Commander

At first, the Commander will call in reinforcements in the way of

Commando Pirates. Use your X-ray visor to take out the Commandos

first, then focus on the Commander.

Overall, the Commander isn't that much harder then the Commandos

(minus the X-ray visor). He likes to teleport, but since it's such a

small room, it doesn't gain him much. If you get to close, he may try

to melee you, in which case back up quickly! It hurts! Hypermode

doesn't help much during this fight, as he teleports so quickly you'll

be constantly switching in and out. Just use rapid fire Nova Beams on

him and he'll go down... eventually....


The demo team will bring back the platform for you. Use it again to

reach the terminal.

Lower the roof to the area, then jump back down and call in your ship

for a bombing run on the door. It should also land while it's here.

Save and heal, then ride it to the Seed!



2.7.2)- Pirate Homeworld: Seed



The final Seed!

--== Landing Site Delta ==--

Jump across the platforms.

--== Core Access ==--

Use the X-ray visor to find the plants weak point.

--== Leviathan Core ==--

New Scans:

Omega Ridley

New Medals:

Red x1

Gold x1

New Pickups:

Hyper grapple


!! Boss Fight !!

Omega Ridley

If you ever fought Ridley in Prime 1, this fight is almost exactly the


Omega Form, Ground:

During this form, your main target is Ridley's mouth when it's

glowing. After you hit it a few times, he will become dazed and give

you a chance to pull the armor off his chest. Then go into Hypermode

and shoot his chest.


His favorite attack is shooting a 180 degree laser from his mouth.

Jump over to dodge.

Next is a missile attack fired from the mouth. It comes out really

fast, so be careful.

Third is his dash attack. He will dash forward and try to ram/bite

you. Sidestep to dodge.

Next he will jump into the air, float for a second, then come crashing

down creating a shockwave. Jump to dodge.

Finally he will shoot fireballs out his mouth. They travel slow, but

hone in really well.

Omega Armored Form:

After a few good hits, he will create Phazon armor around his torso.

Aim for his mouth as normal, but when he becomes dazed use the X-ray

visor to target the weak points in the armor.

His attacks stay largely the same as before, if not a little faster.

Though he does add a couple:

First he will go up on his hind legs and start forming large energy

balls in each hand. If you can destroy the balls before he fires them,

he will become instantly dazed.

Next is a 360 degree laser. He will also extent and drag his tail

behind him while he turns, forcing you to jump over two things in a


Omega Form, Air:

After both plates are gone, he will jump into the air. His main attack

here is that he will fly outside the seed, then come back in one of

the windows and fire off a barrage of missiles at you. They are hard

to dodge, though they are weak. He may also come in and stomp the

ground, creating a shockwave.

The only way to end this form (and the fight) is sometimes he will

land and use attacks similar to his Omega Form, Ground, only a little

more powerful. While he is on the ground, shoot his mouth to daze him,

then use Hypermode to attack his chest.


After the fight, pick up the Hyper Grapple.

Use it to destroy the grapple points that appear (it works the same as

the grapple voltage) then destroy the Seed.



2.7.3)- Pirate Homeworld Final Visit (Battleship / Expansions)



The final trek for expansions.

Also the final chance you get to explore freely.

--== Landing Site Alpha (Research Facility) ==--

Land here to start your trek.

--== Transit Station 1-A ==--

Take this to the Proving Grounds.

--== Proving Grounds ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Red Phaazoid. 'Nuff said.

--== Metroid Creche ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Take the path through the Airshaft and Metroid Processing.

Another Red Phaazoid awaits you in the Metroid Creche.

--== Processing Access ==--

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile

Here there is another Phaazoid. You'll want to kill it to get it out

of your way. Now use the X-ray visor on the Phazite panels in the

center of the room. Blast the targets to make a wall jump surface


Use this to reach the top. Once there, hit the shield with three

missiles to collect your prize (GS10).

--== Scrapworks ==--

New Pickups:

Gunship Missile

In the scrapvault, you'll have to use the platforms to jump all the

way back up to the green entrance to the scrapworks.

Once you have, jump till you find a spider ball track (should be just

to the left of the lift things). Fall down and jump into the half-

pipe. Use the half pipe to ride up the left wall and the spider ball

track therein.

Fall down to the platform below the track, then carefully jump to the

platform on the right in the middle of the air. From there, double

bomb jump to the expansion (GS11).

With this, you now have 100 pickups! Yay! But you still have some gold

medals to get, as well as a battle station to get to.

Head back to the landing site via scrapvault lift. Save, enter, and

take off.

--== Transit Station Landing ==--

Use the hand scanner behind your ship to open the door, same for the

door after that.

Quickly run through all subsequent rooms, as there are Phaazoids


--== Transit Station 0204 ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

There is a Red Phaazoid SOMEWHERE in here. Good luck with that.

After, hike back to the Transit Station Landing and fly to....

--== Landing Site Bravo (Command Center) ==--

You are headed up the Lift Hub, past the Security Air Lock, through

Defense Access, and into...

--== Command Station ==--

In here, go right to see a large Phazon crystal thing. Go into

Hypermode and pump it full of Phazon with the hyper grapple.

--== Transit Station 2-A ==--

Use this station to reach...

--== Leviathan Access Portal ==--

Go around to the right a bomb some cracked plating. Roll through and

drain the grapple voltage at the bottom. Walk back up and step through

the hologram.

--== Leviathan Battle Station ==--

New Medals:

Friend Voucher

Ok, first things first, shoot the eyes all around the area (if you

scan them they will say they are sensitive to weapons fire) like 50

times to earn a Friend Voucher. Now use the console to open the


--== Transit Station 4-A ==--

Back on planet... erm, Space Pirate Homeworld, go back through the

Command Station and into Transit Station 4-A. Ride the train to the

next station.

--== Phazon Harvesting ==--

New Medals:

Gold x1

Friend Voucher

Go through the Phazon Quarry, Mine Lift, and finally into Phazon


Once here, you will be attacked by many Phaazoids. One of them

releases a Red Phaazoid. Kill it, then go back out to Transit Station


Don't board the train just yet. Head back to Phazon Harvesting.

This time, the Phaazoids will be gone, and the Phazon Harvester will

be back. Call in your ship for a bombing run on the Harvester, thus

earning you a Friend Voucher.

Now get back to your ship any way you please. With the Red Phaazoid

defeated, and the Pirates gone, going through the Drill Shaft and to

Landing Site Charlie would probably be the fastest route.

A word of warning:


This is the last chance you'll have to freely explore the galaxy. At

this point, you should have:

100/100 pickups

Rooms Visited: 94% (press the far left orange button in your ship)



Galactic Federation: 13/13

Bryyo: 21/21

SkyTown: 14/14

Space Pirate: 40/42

Phazon: 14/18

Research: Missing 2

Lore: Completely finished (12/12 all round)

If you do NOT meet these specs, check the guide and try to figure out

were you went wrong and go fix it NOW! You can't once you join up with

the fleet.





2.8)- Phaaze: The Final Battle






See above to make sure you really want to join with the fleet at this


Ready? Alright, select Phaaze on your map above the Pirate Homeworld.



2.8.1)- Phaaze: Landing site (Path to the final battle)



Note what happens as soon as you exit your ship. You are forced to

vent your Energy Tanks, and go into a permanent state of corruption.

This is very similar to what happens to you when you defeat a

Leviathan boss, only you can still use your visors and this time it is

actually deadly.

The bar at the top will slowly fill. If it reaches full, you're dead.

Shooting things won't help. Taking damage will make it rise faster,

but collecting health will lower it a tad. There are also several

things on the planet that will suck the Phazon out of you, lowering

the bar.

Overall, be quick here on the planet, but don't miss any scans.

Old scans won't be listed, as if you need them you should rely on your

last chance.

--== Landing Site ==--

New Scans:

Phaaze Door

Walk up to, scan, and go through the door.

--== Entry Canyon ==--

New Scans:


New Medals:

Red x1

On the walls of this room is the Jelsac. Be careful not to let it

explode near you. After fighting through the hoppers, use the hyper

grapple to destroy the blob at the end. Fall down.

--== Cavern Alpha ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Shriekbat

Black Phazon Crystals

New Medals:

Red x1

Use morph ball mode to get past the tentacles. On the wall dead ahead

is the black Phazon crystal. Scan them and continue around the bend.

Fight past the Phaz-Ings. At the end use a missile to blow up the

crystals and jump across. Continue jumping till you reach the door.

--== Cavern Beta Access ==--

New Scans:

Phazon Puffer

New Medals:

Red x1

Use the morph ball to enter the hole on the left. Roll in and use the

hyper ball to destroy all the red flowers to clear a path. Continue

till you reach the end.

At the bottom, uncurl to notice your Phazon is being drained. This is

the work of the Phazon puffer. Scan it and move on (note: let it suck

out all the Phazon, but move away quickly! It will fire it back at you

and if it hits, will raise your levels back almost to half).

--== Cavern Beta ==--

Jelsacs and Phazon Metroids in here. Carefully jump down, using

missiles to clear your way.

--== Drop Shaft ==--

New Scans:

Tangle Weed

New Medals:

Red x1

Roll through the hole. Stay curled up and use the hyper ball to

destroy all the red flowers in this room. (Oh, but uncurl at some

point in this shaft to scan the tangle weed)

The large thing in the center will blow up. Enter the pipe that opens,

and continue doing this all the way down. In the final room is a

Phazon puffer to suck away that extra Phazon, be sure to tip him.

After the final hole, you fall a long way down and are then eaten by

some large thing. Use the hyper ball to destroy it.

--== Metroid Cavern ==--

Fall down and continue around. You'll come upon a strange door, kind

of looks like a seeker missile door but its not. One of the pods

around the outside will open. Shoot it quickly before it closes. Keep

doing this till the door explodes.

In the next section, a lot of hoppers will attack. You have to kill

them all to destroy the bioform.

--== Hatcher Shaft ==--

Drop down the shaft. Something will grab you. Fire at its mouth to

destroy it. Enter the door.

--== Hatcher Tunnel ==--

Not much to do in here. Just shoot out the red floor and fall down.

--== Genesis Chamber ==--

New Scans:

Leviathan Infant

New Medals:

Red x1

This room is a bit odd. To start, you'll be attack by infinite Phazon

Metroids. First rip off the hatch on the big thing in the middle of

the room. Scan the thing Crawling around inside. BE SURE TO SCAN THE

THING INSIDE, NOT THE SHELL! That a very common mistake. Make sure it

comes up and says "leviathan infant" not something else.

Now use your X-ray visor to get a good lock and fire away at the

infant. Sometimes he will retreat to the other side. Jump over there,

and rip the hatch off, and continue firing.

After a while it will blow up. Absorb all the energy here, as you need

as little Phazon as possible for the next room. Jump down the shaft.



2.8.2)- Phaaze: Close Encounters of the Third Kind



--== Sanctum ==--

New Scans:

Dark Samus

Aurora Unit 313

New Medals:

Red x2

Gold x2


!! Boss Fight !!

Dark Samus

Scan him first.

Basically during this fight, you want to fire everything you have at

him. Missiles and charged shots work the best.

His attacks don't vary that much. Mostly he will just create clones of

himself. When he does, use the X-ray visor to find the real one and

blast away at him.

His attacks pretty much consist of firing varying levels of Phazon at

you. Sometimes it will be seeker missiles, others it will be a rapid

fire blast.

A rarer attack is that he will fly up above the arena and come

crashing down in a huge ball of Phazon, creating a shockwave (very


One of his attacks will be to summon these giant pillars. This attack

won't damage you even if it hits, and he will constantly recreate

them. A good strategy is to continually destroy them, and fire at him

as he creates them. This will pretty much get you through the battle

without taking damage, though it can take a while to kill him.

On a final, more annoying note, he will also fly up and begin

absorbing energy to heal himself. Fire as many missiles at him as you

can to prevent this.

And of course there are the times were he turns invulnerable for

seemingly no reason.


After the fight, he will fuse with 313.


!! Boss Fight !!

Aurora Unit 313

Scan him again.

His favorite attack is to shoot a Beam that arcs across the arena.

It's very non-threatening. Sometimes Dark Samus clones will come out

and attack you, though they are weak. Kill the clones for health.

Tentacles will come out of the four holes in 313's head. These are

your main target. Hit them with charged shots, and be quick about it.

After they retract in pain, the hole they came out of will glow

yellow. Fire at that hole!

After a few hits, he will become dazed and fall over. Run over to his

head and use the grapple lasso to pull the plate off the top of it. He

will then get back up and flail around a bit. Use this time to fire at

the exposed part of his head, damaging him.

Head form:

After his health hits zero, his head will detach from his neck.

This form is even easier. I'm not even going to bother listing his

attacks. Just aim for the weird scanner thing that comes out from

under his head to stun him, then get around behind him and aim for the

pink spot where his neck was.

If he starts spinner during one of his attacks, just dodge him and

fire charged shots at him. Odds are you'll hit that spot enough time

to daze him and stop the attack.


Enjoy your ending, and be sure to watch till the end of the credits if

you got 100%!

So, lets go back to just before the walkthrough, where I gave you a

synopsis of the story thus far. We'll add Prime 3 this time:

--== Metroid Prime 3 ==--

The impacts that hit both Aether and Tallon IV are dubbed Leviathans,

and are meant to spread Phazon corruption across the galaxy. Metroid

Prime (AKA Dark Samus) was the original Leviathans guardian, and a

resilient one at that.

Working with the ever power hungry Space Pirates, Dark Samus puts

together a massive attack on the Galactic Federation. This includes

the kidnapping and corrupting of an Aurora Unit, the Galactic

Federations main means of communication and data storage. Using the

corrupted AU, he shut down the lines of communication by spreading a

Phazon-based virus through the network, infecting all other AU's in

mere minutes. Dark Samus then warps in three more Leviathans, bent on

corrupting the nearby planets.

After a tough slog through all the planets, defeating the Leviathans

and stopping the corruption in its tracks, Samus discovers the Pirates

Homeworld, and the origins of Phazon: Phaaze. Samus then strikes back

by working with the Galactic Federation to launch a massive assault

against the Pirates Homeworld. During the attack, Samus discovers the

location of the mysterious planet of Phaaze, and a means to get there.

Upon reaching the planets depths, Samus must once again fight Dark

Samus. But this time, it's winner takes all. After a fierce battle and

the destruction of the corrupted AU, Dark Samus finally falls. Trying

to save himself once again, he absorbs as much Phazon as possible. But

he is too badly injured this time. The Phazon levels on the planet

swing widely, and the planet collapses upon itself, taking all the

Phazon with it.

The Galactic Federations fleet, as well as Samus, manage to get out of

local space just in time. The universe saved once again, Samus

reflects on the battles on the serine world of Elysia before heading

off to the next fight. But a dark figure is shadowing her as she warps

through space....






















3)- Expansion Locations





Expansions and upgrades are the ONLY thing needed for 100% completion.

However, I don't think you can truly say "100%" unless you get all

scans as well. Anyway, here you'll find all the expansions listed out

in an easy to read format. If you think you've missed and expansion,

this would be the place to check and see where it's at.

Total expansions are:

255 Missiles (51 pickups, five missiles each)

15 Energy Tanks (the one you start with doesn't count as a pickup)

11 Gunship Missiles (8 pickups the first one gives you three missiles)

9 Energy Cells (yes, they count as pickups)

The expansions here only add up to 82 pickups. This is because your

suit upgrades also count as pickups.

Other Notes:

- The Nova beam can be used as a substitute for the Plasma beam.

- Even if an no upgrades are listed, you still need to be able to

access the planet and room that expansion is on. This could include

any number of upgrades.

- They are listed in order by plant, then by when you get them in the

walkthrough. Planet order is: Olympus, Norion, Bryyo, Elysia, Pirate

Homeworld, Valhalla.


Room: (name of the room it's in)

Number: (the number it's given in the guide)

Upgrades Needed:

(Any upgrades needed to get the expansion, see notes)

How to get:

(Describes step by step how to pickup said expansion)



3.1)- Missile Expansions




G.F.S Olympus


Room: Munitions Storage

Number: M5

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

You cant miss it. Really, you need it to get through the room.




Room: Cargo Hub

Number: M10

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Enter through the Hub Access off the Docking Hub Alpha. Take a

few steps forward then turn right and scan the suspicious plate

opposite the dead marine. It's a hand scanner. Use it. Use the

morph ball to get into the space that opens up.

Roll right and blow up the fan. Continue right and let the jet

push you over the top. Carefully jump up the next set of jumps,

as the air jets can push you off. Once at the top, destroy the

fan again.

Fall down and get blasted back up. Destroy the fan. Don't worry

about the thing shooting you. Navigate the jets right; one jet

will stop you from moving forward while it's on, you'll have to

jump while its off which isn't very long. Just after that jet,

there is a small jet on the ground. Stop over top of it and wait

for it to blow. Destroy the fan at the top and fall off. Another

jet should push you right past the missile expansion. Go back

and get it.

Destroy the last fan to be back where you started. Roll right

and ride the jet back out.


Room: Cargo Dock A

Number: M160

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Land here. On the west wall is a spider ball track. Ride it

around to your expansion (M160).


Room: Maintenance Station

Number: M165

Upgrades Needed:

Ice Missile

How to get:

In here there is a white door. blast it open and claim the

expansion inside (M165).


Room: Substation West

Number: M170

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

Before you can get into the substation, you have to weld the

panel by the door to unlock it. As soon as you enter, curl up

and jump into the morph ball track on your left. Use the boost

ball to avoid getting knocked off. Make it to the end to claim

your prize (M170).


Room: Docking Hub Alpha

Number: M175

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Swing

How to get:

Once you land, turn around and go behind your ship. You should

see a small short walkway extending out past the docking area on

the left. Walk out on it and turn right to see your expansion.

Either swing or screw attack to get it (M175).




Room: Hillside Vista

Number: M15

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

When you reach the bottom of the third ledge, turn about and

look for a strange cracked rock in the wall. Blow it up with a

morph ball bomb and roll inside.

Roll to the right and let the little bugs attach to you. After

you get so many on you, you'll start to float. Pull hard to the

left with the joy stick to float up the path there. You probably

see the Missile Expansion on the right by now, that's your

target. When you get above the ledge, lay bomb to drop and go

pick it up (M15).


Room: Grand Court Path

Number: M20

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Enter the room through the Grand Court. Back through where the

Phazon vines were. Turn right and in the wall you should see

another explody statue. Fire a charged shot at the center to

blow it up. Jump to where it was, then turn around and jump to

the next gap. Turn right and across the gap is the missile

expansion (M20)


Room: Crash Site

Number: M25

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Swing

How to get:

Go into the morphball pipe. Now you have to contend with

electric bolts in your way. Jump through them when they're off.

At the second jump, jump right instead of left. Jump right

again, then left.

Ok, now you are going to have to perform a double-bomb-jump.

It's easy for me, but it will be very hard for you, but it's

good you learn it now as you'll need it later. How you do this

is easy on paper:

Lay a bomb on the ground and just before it goes off lay another

one. the first bomb will send you into the air. Just before you

reach the apex of your jump lay a third bomb. When you land, the

second bomb will explode and send you back up just in time for

the third bomb to explode and will send you even higher.

Continue right to get outside and get your missile expansion



Room: Main Lift

Number: M30

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Go into morph ball and enter the hole directly in front of the

door. Roll right and let snatcher pick you up again. Go left,

but go higher then the first ledge, and above the ledge with the

plant on it (careful not to get eaten by the korba). Land on the

ledge right beside the korba. Roll left, jump, and enter the

pipe. Keep going till you find your expansion (M30)


Room: Gel Hall

Number: M35

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Shoot the puffers, then notice the large head in the middle of

ceiling spewing fuel gel. Now notice the vine on the left

overtop of the gel pool. Wait for the head to cycle around so

its facing the vine, then fire a charged shot at its mouth to

ignite its nose and burn the vine.

A platform will fall containing the missile expansion (M35).


Room: Gel Hall

Number: M40

Upgrades Needed:

Ice Missile

How to get:

First things first, take out the gel puffers. Now jump onto the

central platform. Look right (opposite the white door) to see a

path. Use the ice missiles to get back there and claim your

missiles (M40).


Room: Gel Refinery Site

Number: M45

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Swing

Ice Missile

How to get:

Enter the Refinery Site via Purification Site. HOLD IT! DON'T

FALL DOWN! Turn right and grapple the gate there. That will

reveal your missile expansion (M45) and provide you with a way

back up.


Room: Jungle Generator

Number: M50

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Right as you enter, play the little gong game with the wall

(shoot the red circles) then scan the wall for the lore and grab

the missile expansion (M50).


Room: Generator Hall North

Number: M55

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Enter through the North Jungle Court. Follow the path till you

reach a canyon. Watch just over the wall ahead. When you see

some fuel gel canisters come directly in front of you, hit them

with a charged shot to blow the clamps off the draw bridge on

the other side of the gap. Cross the bridge and use the pump to

gain access to the missile expansion. Curl up and use the track

that is now right in front of you to reach it (M55).


Room: Imperial Hall

Number: M80

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

Start in the Gel Refinery Site. First take out the hunter, then

blast the ice around the morph ball track under the pillar you

collapsed earlier in the game (via Gel Purification Site).

Jump up and roll right to land on a fuel jet. Lay a bomb to be

shot upwards. Continue right and do this twice more till your in

the ceiling. Roll around and watch out for the two fire jets

blocking your path. Stop on another jet. Lay a bomb to go up,

then lay a bomb by the pillar to collapse it. Drop back down to

the right an use the jet again to be propelled to the door, er,

ice sheet. Melt the ice and open the door.

In this room, just continue through the next door.

Be careful here, as if you fall you have to start all back over

again. Enter the morph ball track on the right and come out the

other side. Uncurl and target the panels in front of you. Use

the grapple lasso to pull them down. Use these panels to jump

across to the Missile Expansion (M80). It doesn't look like you

can make it, but you can.


Room: Gateway

Number: M180

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

Head up to the door to Reliquary II. Don't enter. Turn around

and look for some ice on the wall outside on a walkway. Blast

away the ice, then enter the morph ball pipe. Ride this around

to your expansion (M180).


Room: Grand Court and Reliquary III

Number: M185

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Swing

Ice Missile

How to get:

Take the path on the right and jump up to the grapple points.

Swing to the second point, then turn right. Jump off towards the

white door there. Enter for your Geemer scan and the missile

expansion (M185).


Room: Hall of the Golems

Number: M190

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

Grapple Voltage

Spider Ball

How to get:

Use the Golem that has a grapple voltage point on it. Give it

energy, then jump in and plant a bomb. It will activate the

spider ball tracks around the room.

This is probably the most complicated spider ball puzzle in the

game. One of the tracks even requires you use a double bomb jump

to reach it! I trust you can figure it out. The first part (with

the lightning) can be a bit hard, so I'll help with that.

When you reach the first bolt, wait for it go stop firing then

go past it. You'll circle around behind the pillar (it's a

spiral) then come around the next side. Another bolt blocks your

path. Wait for it to stop, go where it was and plant a bomb to

reach the next part. On this part, the bolts never stop, they

just cycle around. Wait for it to reach right above you, then

start following it around till you reach the end. drop down to

the next track. Jump and boost your way to the expansion (M190).


Room: Burrow

Number: M195

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

Ice Missile

How to get:

Another morph ball puzzle. Roll all the way right and plant a

bomb next to the yellow crystal. Fall and plant another bomb

next to that crystal. Go left though, not through the path you

just cleared. Jump up to the ledge just past the fuel gel, then

to the right. Jump into the plant mouth and quickly to the ledge

to the left of him. Jump right till your on solid ground right

below another crystal. Plant a bomb and jump up. Roll left and

fall down one time. Now plant another bomb on top of the crystal


Kill the pillbug and jump onto the hand. You'll have to execute

a perfect double bomb jump to reach the missile (M195).


Room: Fuel Gel Pool

Number: M200

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

Ship Grapple

Ice Missiles

How to get:

Hop to the right, then turn left and go through the tunnel and

onto the platform. Use your command visor to call in your ship

and pickup the head you just walked through. Now freeze the

fuel gel jets and use them as platforms to get across to the

first missile expansion (M1200).


Room: Fuel Gel Pool

Number: M205

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

Ice Missiles

Hazard Shield

How to get:

From the door, freeze the fuel gel jet directly across from you.

You should now see a small morph ball hole under it. Jump in and

go through for your next missile expansion (M205).


Room: Ancient Courtyard

Number: M210

Upgrades Needed:

Boost Ball

How to get:

Take out the Phaazoids first. The wall your ship blew up before

made a perfect half-pipe. Use it to get your expansion (M210).


Room: Hidden Court

Number: M215

Upgrades Needed:

Boost Ball

How to get:

Ok, assuming you took the Burrow to get here, turn left to see a

half-pipe. Jump over there and use the half-pipe to reach your

expansion (its on the right side)(M215).


Room: Falls of Fire

Number: M220

Upgrades Needed:

Screw Attack

How to get:

On the right at the bottom of the shaft you should see a wall

jump plate. Use it to get to your expansion (M220).


Room: Temple of Bryyo

Number: M225

Upgrades Needed:

Nova beam

Hazard Shield

How to get:

Get to the temple via Gel Purification Site.

Once in the temple, kill any and all enemies with a bombing run

from your ship (use your visor to target an enemy).

Look around for a Phazite panel. Use the X-ray visor to shoot

the targets on the other side. This will open a gate. Go into

morph ball mode and hop in. This can be a bit tricky to

navigate, but there is an expansion in this goop. It's on the

east side of the room (M225).




Room: Transit Hub

Number: M60

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Enter from Hub Access. Scan the glowing hologram (kinetic orb

cannon). Morph ball into the hologram. Upon landing, don't

bother uncurling. Roll over to the right and get inside the

pipe. Jump up once. To get the missile expansion, you'll have to

double-bomb-jump (M60).


Room: Barracks Access

Number: M65

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

In this room are several rows of lasers. Curl up and fall down

into the ditch under them. At one of the ends of the ditch is

the expansion (M65).


Room: Skybridge Hera

Number: M70

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Rip off the ornamental gate in front of you. Doing so will call

forth a couple battle drones. Scan them first, then destroy them

by using the grapple lasso (very fun to defeat).

Look around in the pillars on this platform. The one opposite

the gate ahead has a morph ball sized hole in it. Jump in (M70).


Room: Main Docking Bay

Number: M75

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

Go up the ramp towards the door. While facing the door, turn

around to spot a bit of metal plate in the window. Melt it and

jump in for a missile expansion (M75)


Room: Gearworks

Number: M85

Upgrades Needed:

Screw Attack

Ship Grapple acquired

How to get:

On your way back to the Observatory for your first bomb

component, you'll pass through the gearworks. Upon entering, a

pirate ATC will destroy the middle platform, as well as the

giant gears on the right. Bad news for whatever those gears were

powering, good news for you as now you can reach the missile

expansion (M85). It will probably take you a few tries, but

screw attack right through the missile expansion and on to the

platform on the other side.


Room: Botanica

Number: M90

Upgrades Needed:

Ship Grapple

How to get:

Another one you cant really miss, as you have to pass through

this room on your way to the first bomb component.

Grab the block in the wall. Pull it out and use it as a step.

You will be attacked by 4-5 battle drones. It's best to take

them out. Pull the next block and jump up again.

Before entering the door, turn back around. You should see a

small nook across from you. Screw attack over there. Turn to the

right and you should see a missile expansion across the gap.

Screw attack over to get it (M90).


Room: Concourse

Number: M95

Upgrades Needed:

Seeker Missile

How to get:

Definitely cant miss this one, as you have to run into it while

you are dislodging the second bomb component. Get to Zipline

Station Delta's upper door inside the Concourse. Roll into a

ball and go through the pipe beside the door.


Room: Powerworks

Number: M125

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Roll through the hole. Fall down the hole in the middle of the

room. Fall down again till you're in a room with a morph ball

pipe. Hold Z and navigate the track. Release Z and quickly press

it again to fall short distances. When the track breaks, time

your fall so you don't get hit by one of the flames.

Once you reach solid ground again, turn back and look for a

second track (not the one you just came off of, the one adjacent

to it). Jump up to it and follow it around. When you reach a gap

with more track across from you, jump it using the boost ball.

After you claim your prize (M125).


Room: Construction Bay

Number: M130

Upgrades Needed:

Screw Attack

How to get:

Go to the door leading to the Ballista Lift. Turn about and look

off to the left on top of the large structure. You should see a

floating databot and a small platform. Screw attack to it to get

your expansion (M130).


Room: Steambot Barracks

Number: M135

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Ride the elevator down and enter the morph ball pipe on the

right. Past the pistons and the first three obstacles. Right

past the third one is an air jet. Hold Z and ride the jet up.

You'll catch on a spider ball track. Follow it up to get your

expansion (M135).


Room: Concourse Ventilation

Number: M230

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

To start, destroy the Phaazoids. Next, go back to the door that

leads to the Maintenance Shaft and look for a spider ball track

on the wall just around the corner. A boost and a bomb later and

you have your expansion (M230).


Pirate Homeworld


Room: Command Courtyard

Number: M100

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

You want to navigate via dry spots on the ground over to the

right. Jump up onto the green ledge beside the spinning blades

of death.

Follow the tube around and through. Eventually you'll reach a

fork in the road. Take the left path for the missile expansion



Room: Command Station

Number: M105

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Enter the Command Station through the Flux Control's morph ball

pipe. When the elevator lands, take a right for the missile

expansion (M105).


Room: Security Air Lock

Number: M110

Upgrades Needed:

X-ray visor

How to get:

On your first time through the room, the expansion is sitting

right in front of you inside the device. Subsequent times, its

on the Defense Access's side of the room (M110).


Room: Scrapvault

Number: M115

Upgrades Needed:

Screw Attack

How to get:

Go up the series of platforms that leads to the scrapworks.

Before entering the tube with the green ledge, turn right a

little bit to see a platform off in the distance. Screw attack

to it. Turn right to see another green ledge and your missile

expansion (M115). Jump up and claim it.


Room: Metroid Processing

Number: M120

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

After you lower the shields on the containment cells, one of the cells

contains your expansion. It's just sitting there (M120).


Room: Craneyard

Number: M140

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Once in the Craneyard, look for a spider ball track on the wall.

Ride it up and follow the tubes around till you reach a puzzle.

This puzzle consists of two spinners (one on the left controls

the lower portion of the pillar, one on the right controls the

upper) and you have to spin the tracks into place.

First, leave the bottom as is and spin the top one till all the

steam jets are lined up (three rotations) (to get out of a

spinner, lay a bomb). Ride the jets up to get your missile

expansion (M140).


Room: Creche Transit

Number: M145

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

As soon as you enter from Metroid Processing, turn left and bomb

the suspicious cracked panel to blow it out. Enter the tube and

follow it around till you reach a spinner. Spin it so that you

have access to the right path. Roll over and jump up to get your

expansion (M145).


Room: Phazon Quarry

Number: M150

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Look behind the shield for a terminal. Press one of the buttons to

lower a giant drill. Then select the green dot on the right to expose

your expansion. Go pick it up(M150).


Room: Phazon Mine Entry

Number: M155

Upgrades Needed:

Nova beam

How to get:

Go through the green door in the Main Cavern, or enter the room

via the landing site. On the right is some more Phazite. Shoot

through it to unlock it and grab the missile expansion inside



Room: Lift Hub

Number: M250

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Voltage

How to get:

After taking out the turret, use the grapple voltage point on

the right. Give it some power, and the elevator doors will open.

Step inside to find out its broke. Jump back out and turn

around. Shoot the cable holding the elevator up. Jump across and

grab your expansion (M250).


Room: Flux Control

Number: M255

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Once in the Flux control (from the Command Courtyard morph ball

pipe), work your way right. Fall down the shaft and to left down

the hall. Once you reach the morph ball pipe, look for a grapple

hatch beside it. Pull the hatch and go into the newly opened

pipe. Roll around and look for a spider ball track. Use the

spider ball to go up and get your expansion (M255).


G.F.S Valhalla


Room: Weapons Cache

Number: M235

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Its just sitting there waiting for you to take it (M235).


Room: Auxiliary Lift

Number: M240

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Pull the panel on the wall right in front of you to reveal an

energy cell station. Put in a cell to activate the lift. Press

the up arrow on the terminal to go up.

Once at the top turn left and look at the wall where the energy

station was. There is now a morph ball pipe. This pipe will take

you right to your expansion (M240). Use the lifts to get back



Room: Medlab Alpha

Number: M245

Upgrades Needed:

Seeker Missiles

How to get:

From Security Access, go right into the Medlab. At the other end

of the room there is a large cracked panel. Use 3 missile to

blow it and the debris behind it away. Some Phazon Hoppers will

fall down and attack. Use hypermode to dispatch them quickly.

Back to where the panel was. There is a hatch you can pull open

with the grapple lasso. Do so and roll in for you expansion




3.2)- Energy Tanks




G.F.S Olympus


Room: Ventilation Shaft

Number: T1

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Cant miss it. Literally.




Room: Substation East

Number: T2

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Another one you cant miss.




Room: Reliquary II

Number: T3

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Its just sitting there, waiting for you.


Room: Ruined Shrine

Number: T4

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Fall down. You should see a piece of an arm. Lay bombs all

around it to blow a hole in it and clam your energy tank (T4).


Room: Overgrown Ruins and Vault

Number: T5

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

There are three walls with yellow crystals in them. Hit each

with a charged shot to blow it up. The first will provide

health. The second (on the right) leads to the Vault (locked

with a missile shield) and energy tank (T5).


Room: Machineworks Bridge

Number: T12

Upgrades Needed:

Boost Ball

Screw Attack

How to get:

This is a very tricky room. Use the spinner to turn the gate and

the bridge. The wall jump plates in the center retract, making

them hard to jump off of. Time it right and use them to jump to

the top to get your tank (T12).


Room: Tower

Number: T13

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

How to get:

Bryyo: Ice. Your expansion is in the tower. Use your map to get

there, and more specifically the lower floor. Once you enter

through the lower door, turn left to spy a spider ball track.

Use it, along with bombs and boosts, to get your expansion





Room: Steambot Barracks

Number: T6

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

After you defeat the Steamlord, he drops the tank (T6).


Room: Arrival Station

Number: T7

Upgrades Needed:

Boost Ball

How to get:

Enter the room from Hub Access. Destroy the tinbots and jump up

on the ledge. Go no where yet! Turn around and hop up to the

green ledge. Activate the kinetic cannon via the spinner. This

will launch you to your energy tank (T7).


Room: Xenoresearch A Lift

Number: T8

Upgrades Needed:

Seeker Missiles acquired

How to get:

Just before (or after, depending) the elevator is an energy tank

in one of the storage tanks (T8).


Room: Zipline Station Charlie

Number: T10

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

Screw Attack

How to get:

Enter through Powerworks Access. Screw attack to the platform on

the right. Scan the spider ball track ahead, then use it to go

up using the boost ball when needed. When you reach a section

that you don't have to use the spider ball to hang on, then you

have to jump through sparking electricity. After the first jump

through the electricity, there is an energy tank over head. You

will see a small path overhead, use a double bomb jump to reach

that track. Circle around it, then drop down on top of it (T10).


Pirate Homeworld


Room: Scrapworks

Number: T9

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Jump up and go right. Jump into the bomb slot and lay a bomb.

Now jump left. Ride the elevators up to the right. At the end,

jump up left. You will see an energy tank hovering overhead just

before you need to jump right. Use a double bomb jump to reach

it (T9).


Room: Metroid Creche

Number: T11

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

Boost Ball

How to get:

Use the spinner on the platform on the right of the room. Roll

right. BEFORE the first jump, there is a spider ball track

overhead. Jump up to it and ride it around. A few boost jumps,

pipes, and tracks later, and you have your Energy tank (T11).


G.F.S Valhalla


Room: Munitions Locker

Number: T14

Upgrades Needed:

Nova Beam

How to get:

Use the first door on the right to get your tank (T14).



3.3)- Ship Missiles



Note that I'm not going to organize these by planet like Missile and

Tanks. It's not worth it. I will tell you what planet they are on

though (in parentheses beside the room)


Room: Federation Landing Site (Bryyo)

Number: GS1-3

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

It's part of the main quest. Cant miss them. This first upgrade

gives you three missiles instead of just one.


Room: Auxiliary Dynamo (Bryyo)

Number: GS4

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Note right in front of you when you first come in the entrance

to a morph ball pipe. Go around the bend and look for a grapple

point. Lasso it and pull it down. Now quickly go back to that

entrance, curl, jump up and go left. Follow the path (and the

piston) to the expansion (GS4).


Room: Security Station (Elysia)

Number: GS5

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

Melt all the metal in this room. One of the plates hides a morph

ball pipe. Use to reach the Gunship Missile Expansion (GS5).


Room: Hall of Remembrance (Bryyo Ice)

Number: GS6

Upgrades Needed:

Screw Attack

How to get:

Start on the upper portion of the Hall, from the Tower. Fire a

shot at the blue part of the Chozo's hand. Screw attack over

there. Now turn and face the Golem. Jump up onto his head to get

the expansion (GS6).


Room: Hoverplat Docking Site (Elysia)

Number: GS7

Upgrades Needed:

Spider Ball

Screw Attack

How to get:

Screw attack from platform to platform until you find the

Phaazoid. Destroy it, then the red one to get your gold medal.

Look around for a spider ball track on the same platform.

This track has some insane boost ball jumps, but bear with it

and make it to the end for a gunship missile expansion.


Room: Colossus Vista (Bryyo)

Number: GS8

Upgrades Needed:

Must have grappled the Golem head in the Gel Pool.

How to get:

Call in your ship and have it set the head down on the Golem.

Grab the missile (GS8)


Room: Medlab Alpha (Valhalla)

Number: GS9

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Start in Xenoresearch Lab. Put the Energy Cells in the slots in

the center of the room. Enter the pipe that appears. Without

even knowing it, you'll pass into the Medlab. Keep after the

Gunship missile for now (GS9).


Room: Processing Access (Pirate Homeworld)

Number: GS10

Upgrades Needed:

Nova beam

How to get:

Here there is another Phaazoid. You'll want to kill it to get it

out of your way. Now use the X-ray visor on the Phazite panels

in the center of the room. Blast the targets to make a wall jump

surface appear. Use this to reach the top. Once there, hit the

shield with three missiles to collect your prize.


Room: Scrapworks (Pirate Homeworld)

Number: GS11

Upgrades Needed:

Boost Ball

Spider Ball

How to get:

In the scrapvault, you'll have to use the platforms to jump all

the way back up to the green entrance to the scrapworks.

Once you have, jump till you find a spider ball track (should be

just to the left of the lift things). Fall down and jump into

the half-pipe. Use the half pipe to ride up the left wall and

the spider ball track therein.

Fall down to the platform below the track, then carefully jump

to the platform on the right in the middle of the air. From

there, double bomb jump to the expansion (GS11).



3.4)- Energy Cells



Note that I'm not going to organize these by planet like Missile and

Tanks. It's not worth it. I will tell you what planet they are on

though (in parentheses beside the room).

Also, aboard the Valhalla there are floating terminals that will give

you clues as to where the Cell is right now. These are meant to help

you track them down. With this guide though, there is little propose

for those.

Good thing about most Energy Cells is that a lot of them you have to

pull out in order to complete the main quest. You can narrow down

which ones your missing just by looking at what ones you HAD to have

taken out.


Room: Federation Landing Site (Bryyo)

Number: EC1

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Across the platform is an elevator. Use the hand scanner to

activate it. Ride up. Turn around and jump across. See that

glowing vent? Use a morph ball bomb to blow it out. Hop in the

vent to get shot up. Look around in this room for a flashy thing

on the wall. Scan it (Energy Cell) then remove it from the wall



Room: Xenoresearch B (Elysia)

Number: EC2

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

You have to pull it out to get the Seeker Missile.


Room: Command Courtyard (Pirate Homeworld)

Number: EC3

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma beam

How to get:

You have to get it to open the morph ball slot on the upper



Room: Metroid Processing (Pirate Homeworld)

Number: EC4

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Ride the elevator down. Energy Cell is on the left (EC4).


Room: Ballista Storage (Elysia)

Number: EC5

Upgrades Needed:

Grapple Voltage

How to get:

Ride the lift down. A bunch of steambots and a steamlord. This

time, use the x-ray visor to track the steamlord. Destroy him,

and all the steambots go as well.

Look around for two fans with grapple voltage points on them.

Give them energy to overload the lock around the energy cell.

Grab the energy cell (EC5).


Room: Phazon Quarry (Pirate Homeworld)

Number: EC6

Upgrades Needed:

How to get:

Enter through the Main Cavern's blue door. To the right is an

energy cell. Grab it (EC6).


Room: Generator B (Norion)

Number: EC7

Upgrades Needed:

Seeker Missile

How to get:

Use the revealed morph ball track on the right to get to the

Energy Cell (EC7).


Room: Hidden Court (Bryyo)

Number: EC8

Upgrades Needed:

Plasma Beam

Ship Grapple

Screw Attack

Boost Ball

How to get:

This is the one most people miss. And rightfully so.

First, you have to go to Machineworks in Bryyo: Cliffside and

extend the bridge there. Now go to Bryyo: Thorn Jungle and the

North Jungle Court. Jump up on the platforms and look around for

a large generator to scan. Call in your ship and have it pick it

up. Jump into the hole created and follow it down in

Machineworks. Extend the bridge on this side and follow it

across. Now head back to the Hidden Court.

Ok, assuming you took the Burrow to get here, turn left to see a

half-pipe. Jump over there and use the half-pipe to get up on

the left side. While you're up on top of the pipe, look east

(across the room). Use your command visor to call your ship in

and drop the generator.

That should cause a device to spin around and give you access to

the Energy Cell (EC8). There should be a path to it from the

opposite side of the half-pipe as the Missile Expansion.


Room: Docking Bay 5 (Valhalla)

Number: EC9

Upgrades Needed:


How to get:

Walk across the bridge. Pick up the cell on the right under the

plane (EC9).





4)- Enemy Guide





Enemy guide is exactly what it sounds like. A place where I tell you

how to deal with the constant threat of death enemy by enemy (and

which ones are actually threats). This is in alphabetical order.


- Name: (Name)


(World / Room)


(Best way to beat it)


(Ways it can annoy you)


- Name: Advanced Aerotrooper


SkyTown / Chozo Observatory

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station 1104


As with all Aerotroopers, the best strategy is to use missiles

to break their armor (if any) then hit em with a charged Plasma

beam and rip their jet packs off with the grapple lasso.


Main threat from the Aerotrooper is its missiles. It also has

lasers that can be fired moderately fast. The most annoying

thing though is they can break your lock, meaning you'll have to

lock back on to accurately hit them.


- Name: Advanced Pirate Trooper


Bryyo / Ancient Courtyard

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station 0203


Don't get close to him, as he'll try to hit you with a scythe,

and it hurts! If you keep your distance and move around, they

wont hit you that much with their rifle. Use missiles to take

off the armor, then hit em with a few charged shots.


At close range, they'll use a lunging attack with a scythe. At a

distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers. These

troopers can also toss a Phazon grenade that will send you into

corruption mode if it hits.


- Name: Advanced Shield Trooper


Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station 0203


Either use the Grapple Lasso to rip off the shield or use

Hypermode to eat through it. After, they aren't very threatening

at all. A missile to break off the armor, then charged shot or

two and they'll go down.


Fires a very inaccurate rifle.


- Name: Aerial Repair Drone


SkyTown / Main Docking Bay


Not a threat.


- Name: Aeromine


G.F.S Olympus / Repair Bay Shaft

Norion / Cargo Hub

Bryyo / Temple Generator

Bryyo / North Jungle Hall

SkyTown / Broken Lift


Backpedal while waiting for one of them to drop its shield. One

shot will take it down. If you try to rush through them, they'll

all explode.


Fires a very weak but accurate laser. Will explode if you get to



- Name: Aerotrooper


Norion / Cargo Dock A

Bryyo / Jousting Field


As with all Aerotroopers, the best strategy is to use missiles

to break their armor (if any) then hit em with a charged Plasma

beam and rip their jet packs off with the grapple lasso.


Main threat from the Aerotrooper is its missiles. It also has

lasers that can be fired moderately fast. The most annoying

thing though is they can break your lock, meaning you'll have to

lock back on to accurately hit them.


- Name: Alpha Hopper


Bryyo / Gateway Hall


Your best bet here is really just to use Hypermode. It takes

multiple charged shots to take them down otherwise.


There attacks are relatively quick paced. They will spit acid at

you and try to ram you.


- Name: Armored Aerotrooper


Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo

Bryyo / North Jungle Court

SkyTown / Zipline Station Delta

SkyTown / Spire Dock


As with all Aerotroopers, the best strategy is to use missiles

to break their armor (if any) then hit em with a charged Plasma

beam and rip their jet packs off with the grapple lasso.


Main threat from the Aerotrooper is its missiles. It also has

lasers that can be fired moderately fast. The most annoying

thing though is they can break your lock, meaning you'll have to

lock back on to accurately hit them.


- Name: Armored Pirate Militia


G.F.S. Olympus / Xenoresearch Lab

Pirate Homeworld / Probably in one of the transit stations.


If you keep your distance and move around, they wont hit you

that much with their rifle. Use missiles to take off the armor,

then hit em with a few charged shots.


At a distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers.


- Name: Armored Pirate Trooper


Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo

SkyTown / Concourse

SkyTown / Spire Dock

Pirate Homeworld / In various transit stations


Don't get close to him, as he'll try to hit you with a scythe,

and it hurts! If you keep your distance and move around, they

wont hit you that much with their rifle. Use missiles to take

off the armor, then hit em with a few charged shots.


At close range, they'll use a lunging attack with a scythe. At a

distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers. These

troopers can also toss a Phazon grenade that will send you into

corruption mode if it hits.


- Name: Armored Shield Trooper


SkyTown / Spire Dock

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station 0204


Either use the Grapple Lasso to rip off the shield or use

Hypermode to eat through it. After, they aren't very threatening

at all. A missile to break off the armor, then charged shot or

two and they'll go down.


Fires a very inaccurate rifle.


- Name: Assault Aerotrooper


Pirate Homeworld / Craneyard


This trooper is a tad different from the rest. You have to use

beam weapons to break its armor... then set him on fire (charged

plasma shot) and rip off its jet pack (grapple lasso).


Main threat from the Aerotrooper is its missiles. It also has

lasers that can be fired moderately fast. The most annoying

thing though is they can break your lock, meaning you'll have to

lock back on to accurately hit them.


- Name: Assault Pirate Trooper


Bryyo / Ancient Courtyard

Pirate Homeworld / Defense Access

Pirate Homeworld / Command Courtyard

Pirate Homeworld / Phazon Quarry


Don't get close to him, as he'll try to hit you with a scythe,

and it hurts! If you keep your distance and move around, they

wont hit you that much with their rifle. Just used charged shots

to take them down.


At close range, they'll use a lunging attack with a scythe. At a

distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers. These

troopers can also toss a Phazon grenade that will send you into

corruption mode if it hits.


- Name: Assault Shield Trooper


Pirate Homeworld / Metroid Processing

Pirate Homeworld / Command Station


Either use the Grapple Lasso to rip off the shield or use

Hypermode to eat through it. After, they aren't very threatening

at all. A charged shot or two will break their armor.


Fires a very inaccurate rifle.


- Name: Atomic


Bryyo / Jungle Hall

Bryyo / GFS Theseus


Only way to beat it is with the Nova beam. And by that point,

you wont run into anymore of them, so it's kind of pointless.


It just hovers around dropping extra energy it generates.

Problem is this energy explodes when it hits the ground.

And don't use a charged shot near it, it will draw it to you

like a magnet and cause damage on impact.


- Name: Aurora Unit 313


Phaaze / Sanctum



His favorite attack is to shoot a Beam that arcs across the

arena. It's very non-threatening. Sometimes Dark Samus clones

will come out and attack you, though they are weak. Kill the

clones for health.

Tentacles will come out of the four holes in 313's head. These

are your main target. Hit them with charged shots, and be quick

about it. After they retract in pain, the hole they came out of

will glow yellow. Fire at that hole!

After a few hits, he will become dazed and fall over. Run over

to his head and use the grapple lasso to pull the plate off the

top of it. He will then get back up and flail around a bit. Use

this time to fire at the exposed part of his head, damaging him.

Head form:

After his health hits zero, his head will detach from his neck.

This form is even easier. I'm not even going to bother listing

his attacks. Just aim for the weird scanner thing that comes out

from under his head to stun him, then get around behind him and

aim for the pink spot where his neck was.

If he starts spinner during one of his attacks, just dodge him

and fire charged shots at him. Odds are you'll hit that spot

enough time to daze him and stop the attack.


- Name: Berserker Knight


Bryyo / Ancient Courtyard

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Tunnel P68


Same as a Lord, only without the armpits. Now just focus on

shooting the orbs back at him, then on his forehead.


Rarely gets to use anything other then the orbs.


- Name: Berserker Lord


G.F.S. Olympus / Docking Bay 5

SkyTown / Turbine Chamber



Strategy: shoot the large red orbs under his arms until they

blow, then wait for him to shoot a large glowing blue orb out

his mouth. Fire at the orb to send it back to him, thus blowing

up in his face. After the armor on his head explodes, start

shooting at the exposed area until he goes down.


Phazon breath: spews phazon at you, very slow and easy to dodge

Phazon orbs: shoots blue orbs at you. Fire at them to damage


Phazon Beam: fires an arching Beam of phazon. Jump to dodge.

Fire balls: fires large balls of fire. Quickly dodge left or

right to avoid.

Ground quake: pounds the ground creating a shockwave. Jump to



- Name: Bryyonian Shriekbat


Bryyo / Imperial Hall

Bryyo / Crash Site

Bryyo / Many places in Thorn Jungle (After Seed)


Try to pick them off while they are on the wall, but overall

just wait for them to assault you and take a couple steps back.


- Name: Commando Pirate


Found extensively throughout the Pirate Homeworld


Your best bet here is to use the X-ray visor / Nova beam combo.

If you don't have that yet, use Hypermode.


At close range, they'll use a lunging attack with a scythe. At a

distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers. These

troopers can also toss a Phazon grenade that will send you into

corruption mode if it hits. Commandoes will also teleport and

cloak themselves, making them very hard to track.


- Name: Crawlmine


G.F.S. Olympus / Xenoresearch Lab

Norion / Conduit A

Norion / Conduit C

Pirate Homeworld / Phazon Mine Entry


If you have health to spare, just wade through them. They don't

do that much damage. Otherwise, one shot will take them out.


Will explode on contact.


- Name: Crawltank


GFS Olympus / Xenoresearch Lab

Throughout Norion during attack

SkyTown / Turbine Access

Pirate Homeworld / Flux Control


Stay at a distance and hit them with a couple charged shots.


Fires a laser from its eye. Not very powerful, but it is



- Name: Dark Samus


Phaaze / Sanctum



Basically during this fight, you want to fire everything you

have at him. Missiles and charged shots work the best.

His attacks don't vary that much. Mostly he will just create

clones of himself. When he does, use the X-ray visor to find the

real one and blast away at him.

His attacks pretty much consist of firing varying levels of

Phazon at you. Sometimes it will be seeker missiles, others it

will be a rapid fire blast.

A rarer attack is that he will fly up above the arena and come

crashing down in a huge ball of Phazon, creating a shockwave

(very anticlimactic).

One of his attacks will be to summon these giant pillars. This

attack won't damage you even if it hits, and he will constantly

recreate them. A good strategy is to continually destroy them,

and fire at him as he creates them. This will pretty much get

you through the battle without taking damage, though it can take

a while to kill him.

On a final, more annoying note, he will also fly up and begin

absorbing energy to heal himself. Fire as many missiles at him

as you can to prevent this.

And of course there are the times were he turns invulnerable for

seemingly no reason.


- Name: Databot


Most every room in SkyTown


Not a threat.


- Name: Defense Drone


SkyTown / Ballista Storage



As always, scan him first. His weak point are the antenna on its

head. Fire at them till they all retract, at which point he will

become dazed. Rip the plating off its head and start firing at

its brain (hypermode works well). Eventually it will lock the

plates back on and its antenna will come back up. Repeat till



Why does every boss have to have attacks? Why cant he just sit

there and let you kill him? >_>

First, he has a missile barrage. He will fire ~10 missiles

consecutively while following you around the room. Sidestep to


Another favorite is the ever-popular shockwave. He'll jump up,

and when he lands a shockwave will crease across the floor. Jump

to dodge.

Sometimes he will shoot a fireball at you. It's very slow, but

it homes. Good luck dodging it.

Finally, a gooey bomb attack. He will jump up onto one of the

nooks in the room and fire several bouncing proximity gooey

bombs. Don't do a whole lot of damage, but they do cloud your



- Name: "Dragoon" Battle Drone


SkyTown / Construction Bay

SkyTown / Botanica

SkyTown / Skybridge Hera


You can melt them pretty quick with the Plasma/Nova beam. Before

that, use the grapple lasso to take them out in one move.


Will fire twin missiles at you.


- Name: Elysian Shriekbat


SkyTown / Main Docking Access

SkyTown / Construction Bay


Try to pick them off while they are on the wall, but overall

just wait for them to assault you and take a couple steps back.


- Name: Fargul Hatcher


Bryyo / Hall of the Golems


It's really not worth fighting this thing. Really. You have to

shoot it in the mouth (when it's open) like ten times before it

goes down. Just jump around it and don't worry about it.


It wont attack you, but it will spawn a great number of Fargul

Wasp that will divebomb you.


- Name: Fargul Wasp


Bryyo / Hall of the Golems


They just divebomb you. Backpedal and shoot them as them come.

You can also take them out as they spawn from the Hatcher with

rapid fire and good aim.


They divebomb you.


- Name: Gandrayda


Pirate Homeworld / Proving Grounds



Gandrayda doesn't normally fight as herself. This is actually a

good thing, as in her "normal" form she is to fast to hit very


Normal form:

In this form, she likes doing flips and moving around VERY

quickly. Just dodge her flips if she comes near you. Sometimes

she will try to jump onto you. If she does, shake the

controllers to get her off quickly. She will also create

shockwaves and throw small bolts of electricity at you. All and

all, you can try to hit her with rapid shots, but probably wont

inflict that much damage.

AeroTrooper form:

*yawn* I'm sure you know how to deal with an AeroTrooper.

Berserker Lord form:

Same as the berserker lord, minus the armpits. Just shoot the

blue orbs (they are actually purple now) as they come, then

shoot his brains out.

Swarmbot form:

One of her strangest forms, she will turn into a pack of

swarmbots. They will only try to ram you, so just keep your

distance and fire wildly into them.

Rundas form:

This form fights a lot like Rundas, only with electricity

instead of ice. She'll mostly just use his "fly around the room

while launching missiles" technique. After a few hits, she will

become dazed. Rip her armor off just like Rundas, and start

hailing her, just like Rundas.

Ghor form:

She takes the form of Ghor's battle armor. Her attack are,

again, the same as Ghors. She will fire lasers, missiles, and

try to ram you. It doesn't have the shield up, but instead

starts with the target hanging underneath the armor. Use bombs

to hit the target then aim for the glowing spot on its forehead.

Samus form:

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery....

In this form she will mainly use your boost ball to bounce all

around the field. She will also fire a Beam that looks like

Samus's final smash from Super Smash Bros. Brawl. They only way

to hit her is when she uncurls periodically.


After her health goes down a ways, she will enter Hypermode. She

will only copy you from now on, though that is rare. Mostly she

prances around the field extremely fast, and will sometimes go

invisible (use the x-ray visor to see her). When she goes

invisible, she slows down a bit. Use that to pummel her. If your

visor goes all fuzzy, switch back to the combat visor.


- Name: Geemer


Bryyo / Reliquary III


They can only be killed with missiles. Don't waist your missiles

though. They only appear once and are of no threat to you.


- Name: Gelbug


Bryyo / Temple Access


One shot will knock them off the wall, the next will detonate



Wont really attack you, just bounce up and explode in your face.


- Name: Gel Puffer


Bryyo / Falls of Fire

Bryyo / Gel Processing Site

Bryyo / Gel Hall


You'll want to take them out from a distance to avoid the splash



Explodes on contact.


- Name: Gel Ray


Bryyo / Gel Hall

Bryyo / Reservoir


Not a threat.


- Name: Ghor


SkyTown / Main Docking Bay



Again, this fight is only challenging because of the semantics.

Oh, and watch out for the molten stuff your ship leaves on the

battle field. It burns.

When the fight start, Ghor will have a shield. To bypass this,

wait for him to ram you and shoot the glowing part of his back.

His shield will go down temporarily, and a weak point will flash

on his forehead. Aim for that flashing spot.

When his shield is up, his attacks are limited to ramming you

and creating shockwaves. Both of which we've dealt with many

times before.

When his shield is down, he has a wider range of attacks. This

includes ramming you (side step), a strafing run (side step in

the opposite direction that he is moving), a mortar attack (side

step rapidly), and finally a laser Beam (jump).

Once you get his health past half way, the battle changes a bit.

A small disk will appear under him. Use bombs to hit it. Once

you do, the weak point on his head will reappear. Continue

pounding it.

His attacks remain largely the same, except now he has a 360

degree laser attack and his attacks are a little faster.

A little lower on health and he'll to Hypermode. The battle

doesn't change except that the weak point on his head is

permanent and his attacks are a LOT stronger. Phazon attacks

work best, and you should be able to take him down with just one

Energy Tank.


- Name: Gragnol


Bryyo / Hillside Vista

Bryyo / Gel Cavern

Bryyo / Gel Processing Site

Bryyo / Gateway Hall

Bryyo / Ruined Shrine


Lock on and shot it a few times.


Shoots a ball of energy at you. Not very powerful.


- Name: Gragnol Adult


Bryyo / Crash Site

Bryyo / Gateway Hall

Bryyo / Gel Processing Site


Quickly lock on and grapple its tail. Pull back to kill it.


Fire lightning bolts at you.


- Name: Helios


Elysia Seed



Starting form:

At start, he will hover in the middle of the room with a bunch

of swarmbots around him. He doesn't attack in the form. Fire as

rapidly as you can, and a few of your shots will make it through

the swarmbots and damage him.

Bowling Ball:

He will use the swarmbots to form a semi-solid ball around

himself and use that to try to crush you. Do the same thing you

did for starting form, only this time while dodging.

Orchestra Barrage:

He will command his swarmbots to form two lines, each with about

7 rings of swarmbots. If you know anything about swarmbots, you

know they will spin in circles to build up energy for a large

blast attack. Wait for one of the rings of bots to start

glowing, then hit it with a charged shot to break it up before

it fires.


In this form, Helios will get in the center of a giant ring of

fast moving swarmbots. Inside that ring are 5 sets of charged

swarmbots (and they are red for some reason). In this form he

has two attacks: he will either fire a giant laser using the

power of all five red orbs, or try to cut you with the ring

moving in kind of a gyroscopic manner. Your main target are the

red orbs. Use seeker missiles to destroy them. Once they are

gone, Helios will become destabilized for a few seconds. This is

your chance to dish out some heavy damage.


Helios will get on the ground and spin, and his swarmbots will

get caught up in the wind and from a deadly sharp tornado of

metal. The force will pull you in as well. To get him out of

this form, go into morph ball mode and plant bombs around him.

This can be hard as he moves around a lot.

Human form:

If I only had a brain... er, heart, or something...

Anyway, Helios will use his swarmbots to create human like

appendages (re: two arms and legs). He will throw large orbs at

you and create shockwaves with his feet. Your targets are the

glowing red joints where the swarmbots meet Helios. After you

take one out, Helios will fall and be dazed for a few seconds,

allow you to do quite a bit of damage.


To actually damage Helios, you have to first hit him enough

times that he losses control over his swarmbots and his armor

comes open. Turn this time, he will go into a hypermode of

sorts. Go into hypermode yourself and aim for the exposed part

of his upper half. He will try to ram you, but it wont be very

damaging. After just a few seconds he will revert back to

starting form, so deal as much damage as you can.


- Name: Hopper


Many places on Bryyo, especially after Seed.


One charged shot should take it down.


Shoots acid and tries to ram you.


- Name: Hopping Metroid


Norion / Cargo Dock B


The main danger here is they attack in hoards. One on one is

easy, but being surrounded by five of them isn't so. Stay quick

on your feet and target one at a time. Stay locked. One charged

Nova shot should take it down.


Fires balls of Phazon from its mouth. Will try to bit you. Can

also create shockwaves by jumping (when in Hypermode).


- Name: Jelsac


Phaaze / Entry Canyon


Pretty much the same as a Puffer, only on the ground. Stay at a

distance and fire into it until it explodes. If one gets close

to you, it will explode.


- Name: "Jolly Roger" Drone


Norion / Generator A

Norion / Conduit C

Bryyo / Field Access

Bryyo / South Jungle Hall

Bryyo / Generator Hall North

SkyTown / Spire Dock

Pirate Homeworld / Creche Transit

Pirate Homeworld / Drill Shaft 1


Your first encounter with the Jolly roger drones is very

annoying, as they circle around you at high speeds, forcing you

to use your radar to track them when they stop. After that time

though, they are really pathetic. They'll just come out of

nowhere and fire a round or two at you, just enough time for you

to charge up a shot.


Twin lasers cannons mounted on its arms. Moderately powerful,

but don't fire very fast.


- Name: Jumpmine


Norion / Conduit A

SkyTown / Observatory Lift

Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station P68


It's a mine. Shoot it before you get to close.


Jumps up and fires lasers in all directions.


- Name: Korakk Beast


Bryyo / Jousting Field



To start, aim for the rider. He should go down fairly quickly.

The beast is a little harder to take down. Stand in front of him

till his mouth starts to glow. Hit it with a charged blast. This

will daze him (just like Rundas) at which point you need to

enter morph ball mode and get underneath him. lay a few bombs

then get out.

Repeat until he falls over. Once he falls over, get behind him

and quickly grapple and pull his tail. After, he will get up on

his hind legs and look dazed. This will expose his chest. Fire

as many rounds as you can into his chest until he gets back


Repeat the whole process until he goes down.


- Name: Korba


Bryyo / Hillside Vista

Bryyo / Main Lift


Don't get eaten by it.


Relies on the snatchers to bring you to it, then chews on you.


- Name: Leviathan Infant


Phaaze / Genesis Chamber


First rip off the hatch on the big thing in the middle of the

room. Scan the thing Crawling around inside.

Now use your X-ray visor to get a good lock and fire away at the

infant. Sometimes he will retreat to the other side. Jump over

there, and rip the hatch off, and continue firing.


- Name: Liquid Phazon


Norion / Conduit B


Hypermode works well against them, as the charged shots kind of

hone in and you can spread fire it. Other then that, you'll need

to be a pretty good shot to hit it enough to kill it. And keep

it at a distance. Running into it hurts.


Rarely attacks you itself, though it can fire small balls of

Phazon. Mainly just spawns Phazon Grubs.


- Name: Meta Ridley


Norion / Generator Shaft



This fight has a timer. You have to kill him before it hits

zero. Don't worry too much though, you should have plenty of

time. Don't forget to scan him!

Part 1: Freefall:

In this part, you are falling down a shaft with Ridley in front.

Ridley will fire lasers like before, and there will be some bits

of debris you have to dodge. Neither of these attacks do a lot

of damage, so don't worry about them.

Mainly, fire at his mouth (the only vulnerable part of him) (you

cant lock on either). You'll know when you hit him, as he'll

flash red. Don't bother with charged shots or missiles, as

they'll probably just miss anyway.

During this part you will have mild control overSamus, but not

much. Just try keep her from bashing into the walls.

Part 2: Melee combat:

To start this part, in the shaft Ridley will lunge up at you and

grab you. When this happens, you will be face to face with him

(Eew, breath mints much?)

During this part, Ridley has 3 attacks. The first of which he

will draw back his arm to the left, and try to slap you. Second,

he will draw his arm to the right and try to slap you. Finally,

he will kind of look up and charge his mouth to fire a laser at


Again, you cant lock on, so this part is kind of difficult. When

he goes to attack, that part of his body will start to glow.

When this happens, aim and fire a charged shot at said part. If

it hits, his attack wont go through and you'll damage him. If

not, start pouring fire on it in hopes you'll damage it enough.

Part 3: Great Balls of Fire:

After part 2, Ridley will throw you down and he'll be in front

you again. This is very similar to part 1, except he will fire

fireballs at you instead of lasers. Use the same strategy as

part one, only be sure to shoot at the fireballs and blow them

up before the hit you. They hurt!

After part 3, the fight will reset to part 2, then part 1, and

continue in this cycle until the fight ends.


- Name: Metroid Hatcher


Norion / Generator B

Pirate Homeworld / Metroid Creche

G.F.S. Valhalla / Aurora Chamber


Nova beam + X-ray visor = one shot kill.

Otherwise: its only attack is to try to ram you with a spinning

dash. Even if it hits it doesn't do much damage. At this stage,

use seeker missiles to lock on to all of its tentacles (you

don't have to use seeker missiles, but it is easier).

Once all four tentacles retract, it will do one more spinning

attack, though it will likely go in the opposite direction of

you. It will then turn around and begin to suck in air. If you

let it finish, it will spawn several Metroids (hence its name).

Fire a charged shot at its mouth while it's taking in air. This

will daze it and its tentacles will come back out. Use the

grapple lasso to rip off one of the tentacles.

Repeat until all four tentacles are gone.


- Name: Miniroid


G.F.S. Valhalla / Repair Bay


Not a threat. If they get in your way, a single shot will kill



- Name: Mogenar


Bryyo Seed



This is probably one of the hardest boss fights in the game,

just out of shear semantics.

To start, Mogenar will grab some red orbs and shove them inside

himself. These supply his power and are his weakpoint.

There are four of them (three in the front and one in the back).

To defeat Mogenar, you have to destroy all four orbs and the

generators that house them.

The ones in the front will go first. Keep locked on and every

time the flaps open pour fire onto one of them. Mogenar will

switch the orbs around like a card game, but you have to destroy

them all anyway so don't worry about it. After an orb is

destroyed, the slot it's in will glow bright white, exposing the

generator housing.

The only way to destroy the generator housing is to use Phazon

based attacks, but since the housing isn't always open you'll

find yourself switching in and out of Phazon mode a lot, and

that could get dangerous.

The one on his back can only be reach when he charges you and

you dodge the attack. When this happens, he will be stunned

against the way for a sec, exposing the orb for just a few


But wait, this fight gets even more annoying. Mogenar will

sometimes shoot out telekinetic hands to grab two orbs from

nearby pedestals. The hands will slowly bring the orbs back to

him, and if you don't destroy the orbs before they do, two of

his damaged orbs will be replaced. Now, if a generator housing

is blown out, the orb can be replaced, so blow those generators

as soon as possible.


Just when you thought it couldn't get any more annoying, this

thing can actually fight back, and with the most annoying

attacks known to Metroid Prime.

The first of his attacks are shockwaves. He will stomp his feet

creating shockwaves that can damage you. Jump to dodge.

The next is he fires those telekinetic hands at you as if they

were projectiles. The good thing about this attack is you can

destroy the hands and sometimes collect health from them.

After his health is down a bit, he will absorb Phazon into his

feet, allowing him to run fast. You cant do anything to him like

this, so to get rid of the shoes use morph ball mode and lay

bombs by his feet when he stops.

After the above attack and after you've taken out at least two

of the orbs on the front, he will start trying to run over you.

This attack is only good in that it gives you a chance to shoot

at the orb on his back. When he starts to dash, lock on and jump

to the side. Circle behind him and fire at his back orb.

Again, after about two orbs on the front are down He'll start

firing energy-based tri-missiles at you. Not hard to dodge.

His final attack only happens once three orbs are down. He'll

shoot lasers from his mouth just like Ridley. And like Ridley,

they are easy to dodge.


- Name: Nightbarb


Bryyo / Gateway


Wait till they start to form a circle, then hit 'em with a

charged shot.


They will gather into a circle and start spinning to build up

energy, then will fire it at you.


- Name: Omega Ridley


Pirate Homeworld Seed



If you ever fought Ridley in Prime 1, this fight is almost

exactly the same.

Omega Form, Ground:

During this form, your main target is Ridley's mouth when it's

glowing. After you hit it a few times, he will become dazed and

give you a chance to pull the armor off his chest. Then go into

Hypermode and shoot his chest.


His favorite attack is shooting a 180 degree laser from his

mouth. Jump over to dodge.

Next is a missile attack fired from the mouth. It comes out

really fast, so be careful.

Third is his dash attack. He will dash forward and try to

ram/bite you. Sidestep to dodge.

Next he will jump into the air, float for a second, then come

crashing down creating a shockwave. Jump to dodge.

Finally he will shoot fireballs out his mouth. They travel slow,

but hone in really well.

Omega Armored Form:

After a few good hits, he will create Phazon armor around his

torso. Aim for his mouth as normal, but when he becomes dazed

use the X-ray visor to target the weak points in the armor.

His attacks stay largely the same as before, if not a little

faster. Though he does add a couple:

First he will go up on his hind legs and start forming large

energy balls in each hand. If you can destroy the balls before

he fires them, he will become instantly dazed.

Next is a 360 degree laser. He will also extent and drag his

tail behind him while he turns, forcing you to jump over two

things in a row.

Omega Form, Air:

After both plates are gone, he will jump into the air. His main

attack here is that he will fly outside the seed, then come back

in one of the windows and fire off a barrage of missiles at you.

They are hard to dodge, though they are weak. He may also come

in and stomp the ground, creating a shockwave.

The only way to end this form (and the fight) is sometimes he

will land and use attacks similar to his Omega Form, Ground,

only a little more powerful. While he is on the ground, shoot

his mouth to daze him, then use Hypermode to attack his chest.


- Name: Phaazoid


See Red Phaazoid Section


Phaazoids themselves are extremely annoying. They are small

balls of energy, similar to Atomics. They fire out large rings

of energy, either vertical or horizontal, that will spread

across the entire room. The only way to dodge it is to jump

(horizontal ring) or sidestep (vertical ring).

Killing them is even harder. The only thing that can damage them

is Phazon based weaponry, but not missiles. It takes half a tank

just to take out the original Phaazoid.

After, it splits into two parts. One of which may or may not be

the Red Phaazoid we are after (not all Phaazoids split into a

Red Phaazoid). If you don't destroy the the two mini Paazoids,

they will fuse back together. Each mini Phaazoid takes about a

quarter of a tank to destroy, while the Red Phaazoid takes

almost a full tank.

Enen after you kill the mini Phaazoids, they break into even

smaller parts. These parts are like seeker missiles and will try

to ram cant kill them, so just try to dodge.


- Name: Phaz-ing


G.F.S. Valhalla / Stairwell

G.F.S. Valhalla / Security Station

Phaaze / Cavern Alpha


Like Liquid Phazon, only easier. Wait for its head to pop out,

then rip it off with the Grapple Lasso.


Will fire small balls of Phazon from its head.


- Name: Phazon Grub


Norion / Conduit B

Pirate Homeworld / Scrapvault


Keep them at a distance and pick them off. A few shots should

take them down.


Mostly tries to bit you.


- Name: Phazon Harvester Drone


Pirate Homeworld / Phazon Harvesting


You cant destroy it till after you lower the shield to the base.

In the mean time, just run across the bridges as fast as

possible. It's not hard. If he does get annoying, you can aim

for that orb thing under it to stun it for a sec.


Will lock on with a spot light and hail missiles down onto its

target. Normally just targets the bridges, but it will try its

hand at you once or twice.


- Name: Phazon Hopper


G.F.S. Valhalla / Xenoresearch lab

G.F.S. Valhalla / Medlab Alpha


Keeping them at a distance is the best thing. Hypermode is also

almost essential to taking them out.


Will spit large balls of Phazon at you. Will also try to bite

you if you get too close


- Name: Phazon Leech


Elysia Seed / Landing Site C


Not a threat.


- Name: Phazon Metroid


SkyTown / Xenoresearch A and B

Found extensively on the Pirate Homeworld and Valhalla.


Despite what people say, Ice Missiles don't work well at all

against them. They just phase out of time-space and the missile

passed right through them. Anyway, Nova + X-ray = one shot kill.

Otherwise, you'll have to use many charged shots to take them

down. Try to hit them as they are charging for an attack to stop

them. If they latch on to you, curl up and lay a bomb to get

them off. Hypermode also works really wall against them.


Most annoyingly, they can phase through walls. Can fire

lighting. Will lunge at you and latch on, slowly sucking out



- Name: Phazon Nightbarb


Bryyo / Crash Site

Bryyo / Gateway


Wait till they start to form a circle, then hit 'em with a

charged shot.


They will gather into a circle and start spinning to build up

energy, then will fire it at you.


- Name: Phazon Pillbug


Bryyo / Gel Processing Site

Bryyo / Burrow


One bomb to daze it, another to destroy it.


Rolls around. Not its fault if you get in its way...


- Name: Phazon Puffer


Phaaze / Cavern Beta Access


These puffers are different. They are actually good for you. On

Phaaze, they will suck out your Phazon, thereby healing you.

Just be sure to move away after they get done draining you, as

they'll fire it back at you with like 10 times the power.


Will drain Phazon from you then fire it back.


- Name: Phazon Shriekbat


G.F.S. Valhalla / Hanger A Access


Try to pick them off while they are on the wall, but overall

just wait for them to assault you and take a couple steps back.


- Name: Pirate Cargo Drone


Pirate Homeworld / Landing Site Bravo


Not a threat


- Name: Pirate Commander


Pirate Homeworld / Transit Station Leviathan



At first, the Commander will call in reinforcements in the way

of Commando Pirates. Use your X-ray visor to take out the

Commandos first, then focus on the Commander.

Overall, the Commander isn't that much harder then the Commandos

(minus the X-ray visor). He likes to teleport, but since it's

such a small room, it doesn't gain him much. If you get to

close, he may try to melee you, in which case back up quickly!

It hurts! Hypermode doesn't help much during this fight, as he

teleports so quickly you'll be constantly switching in and out.

Just use rapid fire Nova Beams on him and he'll go down...



- Name: Pirate Hussar


Bryyo / Jousting Field


This is the Pirate that rides the Korakk beast. Aim for him

first. He'll go down before he can fire off more then two



Will try to spear you with his lance. Can also fire lasers from

said lance.


- Name: Pirate Militia


GFS Olympus / Flag Bridge Access

Throughout Norion during the pirate attack

Various sites on all planets, though are amongst other Pirates


I might as well put "not a threat" here. A couple regular shots

will take them down.


Even more inaccurate and underpowered version of the pirates



- Name: Pirate Trooper


Norion / Cargo Dock A

Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo

Bryyo / Entry Cavern

Bryyo / Temple Generator

Bryyo / Overgrown Ruins

Bryyo / Jungle Generator

Pirate Homeworld / Various Transit Stations


Don't get close to him, as he'll try to hit you with a scythe,

and it hurts! If you keep your distance and move around, they

wont hit you that much with their rifle. Use missiles to take

off the armor, then hit em with a few charged shots.


At close range, they'll use a lunging attack with a scythe. At a

distance they'll use a rifle similar to GF troopers. These

troopers can also toss a Phazon grenade that will send you into

corruption mode if it hits.


- Name: Puffer Mine


Pirate Homeworld / Airshaft


You'll want to take them out from a distance to avoid the splash



Explodes on contact.


- Name: Red Phaazoid


See Red Phaazoid Section


Phaazoids themselves are extremely annoying. They are small

balls of energy, similar to Atomics. They fire out large rings

of energy, either vertical or horizontal, that will spread

across the entire room. The only way to dodge it is to jump

(horizontal ring) or sidestep (vertical ring).

Killing them is even harder. The only thing that can damage them

is Phazon based weaponry, but not missiles. It takes half a tank

just to take out the original Phaazoid.

After, it splits into two parts. One of which may or may not be

the Red Phaazoid we are after (not all Phaazoids split into a

Red Phaazoid). If you don't destroy the the two mini Paazoids,

they will fuse back together. Each mini Phaazoid takes about a

quarter of a tank to destroy, while the Red Phaazoid takes

almost a full tank.


- Name: Remorse-Class Turret


Bryyo / Generator Hall South

Pirate Homeworld / Lift Hub

Pirate Homeworld / Command Station


These turrets will pop out of the ceiling with little warning.

Fast back-and-fourth movements should be able to dodge its fire.

They are actually really resilient, so prepare for a relatively

long fight.


Fires Nova beam-like lasers in three round bursts. Fairly

powerful and accurate.


- Name: Repair Drone


Seen in almost every room in SkyTown


Not a threat


- Name: Reptilicus


Bryyo / Grand Court Path

Bryyo / Gateway

Bryyo / Refinery Access


Ice missiles and the x-ray visor work best, though you wont have

those upgrades by the time you start fighting them. So just keep

your eye on your radar and use charged shots to take them out.

The Phazon beam and Nova beam actually have less effect on them

then the Power beam.


There ability to teleport gets annoying. As for attacks, they

will normally use a boomerang-like device called a "chakram." At

close range they will sometimes use a whip.


- Name: Reptilicus Hunter


Bryyo / Grand Court


Ice missiles and the x-ray visor work best, though you wont have

those upgrades by the time you start fighting them. So just keep

your eye on your radar and use charged shots to take them out.

The Phazon beam and Nova beam actually have less effect on them

then the Power beam.


There ability to cloak gets annoying. As for attacks, they

will normally use a boomerang-like device called a "chakram." At

close range they will sometimes use a whip.


- Name: Rundas


Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo



Rundas has Ice Armor on. It can be ripped off with the grapple

lasso, but you have to stun him first. To do this, hammer away

at him with missiles and rapid shots. Eventually he will come to

a stop and look dazed. Lock on and rip his armor off as if it

was a locked door. Now he is vulnerable to fire. Hit him as many

times as possible before he creates new armor and you have to

stun him again.

Rundas isn't defenseless, however. As we've seen in the past, he

is quite powerful.

His favorite attack is creating an ice belt in the sky and using

it to fly. From this position he will hail missiles down on you.

He moves to fast to keep a lock, so just dodge the missiles and

wait for him to land.

When on land, he likes to shoot Beams of freezing air, usually

in sets of 3. If you don't dodge them all, you will become

frozen. Rapidly tap B to unfreeze.

His final attack is he will launch giant balls of ice at you. If

you are low on health or ammo, you can destroy the balls in mid-

air and collect the health inside. Otherwise it's best to hid

from this attack.

His final move isn't really an attack, but he will create large

ice pillars on the field. Not much you can do about this one.

After you get his health down a ways, he will enter Hypermode.

In this mode, his attacks are a lot more powerful and he moves

much faster.


- Name: Scritter


Pirate Homeworld / Courtyard Passage


Not a threat.


- Name: Scorchbug


Bryyo / Temple Reservoir


Not a threat


- Name: Shelbug


Bryyo / South Jungle Hall

Bryyo / Temple Hall

Bryyo / Grand Court Path

Bryyo / Many placed in Thorn Jungle after Seed.


One or two shots normally take them down.


Will launch shotgun-like spin barrage from its back. doesn't do

a lot of damage, but it is hard to dodge.


- Name: Shield Pirate Militia


Norion / Cargo Dock A


Either use the Grapple Lasso to rip off the shield or use

Hypermode to eat through it. After, they aren't very threatening

at all. A charged shot or two and they'll go down.


Fires a very inaccurate rifle.


- Name: Shield Pirate Trooper


Norion / Conduit A

Bryyo / Gel Refinery Site

SkyTown / Concourse


Either use the Grapple Lasso to rip off the shield or use

Hypermode to eat through it. After, they aren't very threatening

at all. A missile to break off the armor, then charged shot or

two and they'll go down.


Fires a very inaccurate rifle.


- Name: Sky Puffer


SkyTown / Security Station

SkyTown / Maintenance Shaft TR

SkyTown / Maintenance Shaft AU


You'll want to take them out from a distance to avoid the splash



Explodes on contact.


- Name: Snatcher


Bryyo / Hillside Vista

Bryyo / Main Lift


Not a threat. They will pick you up and carry you (when in

morphball form)


- Name: Space Pirate Assault Skiff


SkyTown / Spire Dock


Doesn't attack you, they attack the Spire. Just aim for the vent

on its nose above the turret. Charged shots and missiles aren't

fast enough for this quick moving craft, so just use rapid



A very powerful tri-cannon mounted on the front. Good thing it

doesn't attack you with it.


- Name: Space Pirate ATC


Norion / Cargo Dock A

Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo

Bryyo / Ancient Courtyard

SkyTown / Concourse Ventilation

SkyTown / Gearworks

SkyTown / Zipline Station Delta

SkyTown / Spire Dock


Just aim for the vent on its nose above the turret. Charged

shots and missiles aren't *normally* fast enough for this craft,

so just use rapid bursts.


Mostly just used to air drop pirates to attack you. When they do

assault you, they have a small cannon mounted on the front. It

looks menacing, but it really isn't.


- Name: Steambot


SkyTown / Ballista Storage

SkyTown / Steambot Barracks

SkyTown / Skybridge Hera


Not that much of a threat, especially since they melt real easy

with the Plasma beam. Their aim is shoddy to, so fast movements

work well against them.


Carries a sort of energy gun you'd expect to find in an old

Sci-Fi film. Not very accurate, and not very powerful.


- Name: Steamlord


SkyTown / Ballista Storage

SkyTown / Steambot Barracks

SkyTown / Skybridge Hera


X-ray visor works well, but overall he's not really a threat.

Hit him with charged shots when you can. Watch your radar to see

when he appears (an orange dot will come out of nowhere)


They will rarely attack you, and mostly focus on repairing

steambots. When they do attack, they will do it with a short

burst of electricity. Not very powerful.


- Name: Steamspider


SkyTown / Escape Pod Bay

SkyTown / Xenoresearch B


Not a threat.


- Name: Swarmbot


SkyTown / Gearworks


Wait till they start to form a circle, then hit 'em with a

charged shot.


They will gather into a circle and start spinning to build up

energy, then will fire it at you.


- Name: Tangle Weed


Phaaze / Drop Shaft


You cant kill it. You just have to avoid it.


Wont attack you, but it will cause damage if you touch it.


- Name: Tinbot


SkyTown / Arrival Station

SkyTown / Junction

SkyTown / Skybridge Athene


Not that much of a threat, especially since they melt real easy

with the Plasma beam. Their aim is shoddy to, so fast movements

work well against them. Can also be destroyed with the Boost



Carries a sort of energy gun you'd expect to find in an old

Sci-Fi film. Not very accurate, and not very powerful.


- Name: Transportation Drone


SkyTown / Main Docking Bay


Not a threat


- Name: Vrtragian Shriekbat


Pirate Homeworld / Scrapvault


Try to pick them off while they are on the wall, but overall

just wait for them to assault you and take a couple steps back.


- Name: Warp Hound


Bryyo / Hidden Court

Bryyo / Gel Processing Site

Bryyo / Temple of Bryyo


X-ray visor works well, as you can track them in transit. But

before that the best way to kill them is with Hypermode. Ice

missiles also work well.


Will shoot flames at you mostly, but can try to ram you. Watch

out for its teleport ability.





5)- Logbook





5.1)- Research

5.2)- Lore

5.3)- Creatures





6)- Suit Upgrades





Upgrading your suit is an integral part to all Metroid games. Suit

upgrades grant you new abilities and access to new places.

If the name is marked with (starting upgrade) after it, it means you

have this ability at the start of the game.

Formatting is as follows:


Location: (world, room)


(A description, mostly made by me)

Actual Use:

(What you are actually going to use this for in the game)

How to Use:

(How to activate and use this power)


*** Suits ***


Name: Power Suit (Starting Upgrade)


Top of the line Chozo armor. Is completely air tight with

life-support features. Amplifies the wearers strength and is

equipped with a basic energy-based arm cannon. Can be outfitted

with many other Chozo and Chozo-like devices to augment its

abilities and attributes.

Actual Use:

Its your suit.

How to Use:

Always active.


Name: Varia Suit (Starting Upgrade)


An upgrade to the Power Suit, this adds a little more bulk to

the suit, as well as two large cooling units to the shoulders,

allowing the wearer to survive in extreme heat environments.

This suit is the one pictured on the cover of most Metroid


Actual Use:

Its your suit.

How to Use:

Always active.


Name: PED Suit

Location: G.F.S Olympus, Med Lab Delta


PED stands for Phazon Enhancement Device. It allows the user to

inject reserves of Phazon into the suit, thus amplifying its

power 10 fold. This is not a Chozo upgrade, rather the Space

Pirates invented it and the Galactic Federation refined it.

Actual Use:

Allows you to use Hypermode.

How to Use:

Press and hold the + button


Name: Space Jump Boots (Starting Upgrade)


By mounting air jets to heels of the power suit, this upgrade

allows the user to jump in mid air. This (or similar) upgrades

can be found in most modern standard-issue army equipment in all


Actual Use:

Allows you to reach high and far off places

How to Use:

Press B, then in air press B again.


Name: Hazard Shield

Location: Pirate Homeworld, Craneyard


By adding an external power supply to the back and modifying the

cooling units on the Varia Suit, this suit upgrade will allow

the cooling units to project a shield around the Varia Suit.

This shield activates when a corrosive substance is detected. It

cannot protect from physical or energy-based attacks, however.

Actual Use:

Allows you to walk around in Fuel Gel and Acid Rain without

taking damage.

How to Use:

Always active


Name: Screw Attack

Location: Bryyo, Hall of Remembrance


Erm, I don't even have any guesses on this one.

Actual Use:

Allows you to jump 7 consecutive times in air, and to perform

the wall jump off of green, shiny walls.

How to Use:

Press B to jump, then again to double jump, then a third time to

activate the screw attack. You can jump 5 more times before



*** Arm Cannon ***


Name: Power Beam (Starting Upgrade)


The power Beam is the main offensive weapon of the Power Suit.

It fires concentrated blasts of energy, and can be "charged" by

holding the fire button. Safety limits have been set, however,

so that it can only be charged so much and is then just held

there until the user fires.

Actual Use:

Your base weapon.

How to Use:

Press A to fire, hold A to charge.


Name: Plasma Beam

Location: Elysia, Main Docking Bay


Plasma Beam is an upgrade to the power Beam. It fires

concentrated blast of molten Plasma, burning opponents. It can

also be refined to work as a wielders tool or used to clear away

scrap metal. Like the power Beam, it to can be charged.

Actual Use:

Your (new) base weapon. Can melt certain materials.

How to Use:

Press A to fire, hold A to charge.


Name: Nova Beam

Location: Pirate Homeworld, Main Cavern


Nova Beam replaces the Plasma Beam as the next power Beam

upgrade. It fires ultra sonic blasts of energy that can

penetrate certain materials. It is mainly used in mining, as its

ability to gnaw through substances is unparalleled. Given the

high frequency of the blasts, it to can burn on contact. Like

its predecessors, it can also be charged.

Actual Use:

Your (new) base weapon. Can shoot through certain materials, as

well as melt things. Best used in conjunction with the X-ray


How to Use:

Press A to fire, hold A to charge.


Name: Hyper Beam

Location: G.F.S Oylimpus, Med Lab Delta


By using the PED suit to pump Phazon into the Power Suit, the

arm cannon functions as a cooling vent; blasting concentrated

Phazon from the suit to keep the wearer from becoming poisoned.

The arm cannon still retains its normal abilities, that is,

rapid fire and charging.

Actual Use:

Allows you to dispatch enemies very quickly and to destroy

certain Phazon-based substances.

How to Use:

Press and hold + to enter Hypermode, then pres A to fire or hold

A to charge.


Name: Missiles

Location: G.F.S Olympus, Munitions Storage


Not a Beam, but still a weapon. Missiles are exactly what they

sound like: and explosive warhead launched from the arm cannon.

But unlike energy which can be generated by the Power Suit, only

a finite number of missiles can be carried at once. Where these

missiles are stored is a mystery, but expansions can be found,

allowing the wearer to carry more. These are also smart

missiles, in that they can track targets... to an extent.

Actual Use:

Blast away heavy debris and causing charged-Beam damage to


How to Use:

Press down on the D-pad


Name: Ice Missiles

Location: Bryyo, Temple of Bryyo


And upgrade to the standard missiles, this adds a special

cooling agent to the missile once it's armed in the cannon. On

impact, the missile will explode, then release the agent and

freeze its target. It still retains all of the standards

missiles abilities.

Actual Use:

Freeze enemies, more damaging to Brryo creatures, and destroying

white blast shields.

How to Use:

Press down on the D-pad


Name: Seeker Missiles

Location: SkyTown, Xenoresearch B


This upgrade allows multiple missiles to be armed at once,

allowing for the near simultaneous firing of up to five

missiles. This will allow the wearer to hail fire down on

opponents with near unparalleled destructive capabilities.

Actual Use:

Mostly just used for unlocking seeker missile doors, though they

can be used rather effectively against slow moving enemies. Just

lock on, charge, and point. The longer you hold the reticule on

them the more missiles with arm.

How to Use:

Press and hold the down arrow on the D-pad. Point at the targets

you want to hit, then release the button to fire.


Name: Hyper missiles

Location: Elysia, Seed


By using the PED suit to pump Phazon into the Power Suit, the

arm cannon acts like a vent to protect the wearer. With this

upgrade, the Phazon can be routed into the missile compartment,

amplifying the missiles power by untold amounts.

Actual Use:

Causing MASSIVE damage to enemies and destroying Phazon-based


How to Use:

Press and hold + to enter Hypermode, the press down on the D-pad


*** Visors ***


Name: Combat Visor (Starting Upgrade)


The combat visor is the basic visor used in combat. It gives a

heads up display, that is, it tells you what is happening within

the Power Suit. This includes how much ammo you have, how much

damage you can take versus how much you have already taken, and

sonar to track enemies.

Actual Use:

Your main visor.

How to Use:

Your default visor. If you have another visor active, press and

hold - and highlight the center area before letting go.


Name: Scan Visor (Starting Upgrade)


This visor is made to download data into the Power Suit (this

includes shape recognition software). The Power Suit can then do

a number of things with the data, including decipher it, cross-

check it with stored records, or send asked-for information back

to the object.

Actual Use:

Allows you to scan things for the logbook.

How to Use:

press and hold - and highlight the top area before letting go.


Name: Command Visor (Starting Upgrade)


This allows the user to command his or her ship using spatial

coordinates obtained by the visor, and a command pad located on

the side of the arm cannon.

Actual Use:

Allows you to call your ship into a landing zone or to mark a

target for pick up/drop off.

How to Use:

Press and hold - and highlight the right area before letting go.


Name: X-ray Visor

Location: Pirate Homeworld, Command Vault


As its name suggests, this visor emits X-rays to see through

objects. The heads up display from the combat visor is still

visible, as this visor is often used in combat to locate an

enemies weak point.

Actual Use:

In conjunction with the Nova Beam, you can target an enemies

weak point and take them out in one hit. Also allows you to

interface with certain machines and generally see through


How to Use:

Press and hold - and highlight the left area before letting go.


*** Morph Ball ***


Name: Morph Ball (Starting Upgrade)


The morph ball upgrade, somehow, allows the wearer to curl up

into a ball not more them a foot or two in diameter. Technology

surrounding this ability is unknown, and all attempts to copy it

have failed.

Actual Use:

Allows you to fit in small spaces.

How to Use:

Press the C button


Name: Morph Ball Bombs (Starting Upgrade)


These bombs can only be used while in morph ball form. The

allow for some offensive capabilities while in morph ball form,

but are mainly defensive. They aren't actually explosive bombs,

per-se, but are more of an electrical bomb. This allows them to

be used as a power source for certain devices.

Actual Use:

Used to activate morph ball slots and attack enemies.

How to Use:

Press C to activate morph ball mode, the press A.


Name: Ball Jump (Starting Upgrade)


Concentrates the same electrical power that forms morph ball

bombs, then releases it in one burst to propel the user upwards.

Great for quick escapes or in navigating pipes.

Actual Use:

Jumping while in morph ball form.

How to Use:

Press C to enter morph ball mode, then pull the Wii remote up.


Name: Boost Ball

Location: Elysia, Ballista Storage


The boost ball upgrade is for morph ball form only. It allows

the user to store up energy, then release it to provide a burst

of speed. While aiding greatly in escapes, it can also be used

offensively, as well as to built up kinetic energy.

Actual Use:

Climbing half-pipes and activating spinners

How to Use:

Press C to enter morph ball mode, then hold B to charge


Name: Spider Ball

Location: Elysia, Powerworks


Using electrical power, this upgrade creates a magnetic field

around the morph ball. This allows the user to cling to magnetic


Actual Use:

Used to climb spider ball tracks. While climbing, use bombs to

jump up and the boost ball to jump across.

How to Use:

Press C to activate morph ball mode, then hold Z to activate the

spider ball.


Name: Hyper Ball

Location: Bryyo, Seed


The PED suit not only augments the Power Suit's arm cannon, it

also enhances the morph ball. The morph ball streams Phazon

through its electric outputs, creating a lightning storm of

electrified Phazon that can home in on opponents.

Actual Use:

Can clear away Phazon branches in areas only accessible while in

morph ball form. Also has great offensive power.

How to Use:

Either activate moprh ball mode then Hypermode or vise-versa,

then press and hold A to shoot Phazon.


*** Grapple ***


Name: Grapple Lasso

Location: Norion, Docking Hub Alpha


The grapple lasso uses a small generator attached to the arm of

the Power Suit to generate a Beam of malleable energy. The

"rope" of energy can be attached to an object and used to pull

things, though it is not powerful enough to pull anything large.

This upgrade is favored more by construction workers then


Actual Use:

Pull shields and locks off.

How to Use:

Lock on with Z then cast the nunchuk forward to activate, then

pull back to pull the object.


Name: Grapple Swing

Location: Bryyo, Reliquary 1


An upgrade to the grapple lasso's generator, this allows the

Beam to lift more weight, including that of the suit and the

wearer. This allows the wearer to use it as a grappling hook of


Actual Use:

Attach to a grappling point and swing across.

How to Use:

Point at a grappling point and press Z.


Name: Grapple Voltage

Location: Pirate Homeworld, Proving Grounds


Yet another upgrade to the grapple lasso's generator, this

allows for the exchange of power to and from the Power Suit;

making the Power Suit a sort of mobile battery charger. Caution

is strongly urged with this upgrade, as too much power taken

from the Power Suit can endanger the wearer.

Actual Use:

Drain power from / give power to machines, depending.

How to Use:

Lock on with Z, then cast the nunchuk to throw the lasso. Use

the joy stick to stream power: forward gives power, back takes



Name: Hyper Grapple

Location: Pirate Homeworld, Seed


With the PED suit pumping Phazon through the Power Suit, the

Phazon can be routed to the grapple lasso's generator as well.

This allows for not just the exchange of energy, but the

exchange of Phazon between the wearer and the target.

Actual Use:

To overload and destroy certain Phazon-based masses.

How to Use:

Press and hold + to activate Hypermode. Lock on with Z, then

cast the nunchuk to throw the lasso. Use the joy stick to stream

power: forward gives power, back takes away.





7)- Extras





First, a list. Then, some explaining.

Name Red Blue Gold Green


|++ Concept Gallery ++++++++++|++++|+++|++++|+++++|


| Samus Package | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Creature Package 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 |


| Creature Package 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 |


| World Package 1 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 0 |


| World Package 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 |



|++ Bonus Gallery ++++++++++++|++++|+++|++++|+++++|


| Ship Bumper Stickers | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 |


| Screen Shot Tool | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 |


| Mii Bobble Head | 3 | 1 | 3 | 2 |


| Diorama 1 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |


| Diorama 2 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |


| Diorama 3 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |


| Diorama 4 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |


| Diorama 5 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |


| Diorama 6 | 3 | 1 | 3 | 1 |



|++ Soundtrack Gallery +++++++|++++|+++|++++|+++++|


| Omega Ridley | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Helios | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Steamlord | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Bryyo | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Bryyo: Thorn Jungle | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| The Corruption | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| MP3 Title Music | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Gandrayda | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Pirate Homworld | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Metroid Battle Theme | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| GF Battle Theme | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| In the Cockpit | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| SkyTown | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Phaaze | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


| Valhalla | 4 | 2 | 1 | 0 |


Now for some explaining.

Some things you will not be able to buy right off. This is because you

have to experience what is depicted in the art before you can view it.

IE, you cant buy Diorama 6 until you fight AU 313 and Dark Samus.

In order to buy every extra in the game, you have to earn every credit

in the game, as well as get 14 green medals.

Explanation of galleries:

The "Concept" gallery is all concept art. Hand drawn, and most of it

colored. Kind of neat to look at, as you can see the original designs

for certain areas before they were edited into their final shape.

"Bonus" gallery contains the three most popular items (bobble head,

bumper stickers, and screenshot tool), and the dioramas. Note that for

the first three, after buying them you have to turn them on via the

same menu you bought them in.

- The bobble head bonus will add the head of the Mii use selected for

your profile onto Samus's Viara suit with the helmet off. This will

appear in the cockpit of Samus's ship.

- The bumper stickers will add various stickers to the side of your

ship equal to the save files you have on your Wii. The following is a

list of games that will make a sticker appear on your ship:

-- Zelda Twilight Princess

-- Wario Ware Smooth Moves

-- Super Paper Mario

-- Wii Sports

-- Wii Play

-- Excite Truck

-- Mario Party 8

-- Metroid Prime 3

- The screenshot tool will take a picture of the screen by pressing

the up button on the D-pad. This image will then be sent to your Wii

Message Board in the Wii channels menu.

- The dioramas are like concept art, only in 3-D like the trophies in

Super Smash Bros Melee. A list of the dioramas are as follows:

- Diorama 1: Samus falling after Ridley in the shaft.

- Diorama 2: Samus sitting on an alter with the Reptilicus bowing

before her, and one of them offering her a stone.

- Diorama 3: Samus zipping around Mogenar in morph ball form

- Diorama 4: Samus using the wreckage from the Defense Drone to jump

up and attack a Steamlord.

- Diorama 5: Samus climbing up Ghor's armor suit (similar to what she

did to Ridley), with several Chozo ghost on the edge.

- Diorama 6: Samus fighting AU 313

Soundtrack gallery just lets you buy and then listen to music from the

game. Really pointless, as you cant even listen to it outside the

gallery menu.



7.1)- Medals



Medals are used to buy things in the extras menu.

You earn medals throughout the game for accomplishing certain tasks.

These include scanning objects, completing special objectives, and

defeating enemies.

When a medal is earned, it will flash at the top of the screen for a

second. There are four different types of medals: Red, Blue, Gold, and

Green. The type earned depends on the task completed. Every task has a

set medal color associated with it.

Red: Scan a creature

Blue: Scan Lore/saving GF Troopers

Gold: Defeat a special enemy/accomplish an objective

Friend Vouchers:

Friend Vouchers are special. They can be traded in for a Green medal

(it's the only way to get green medals), but not in a conventional


First, you have to have Wiiconnect24 on in the Wii options menu.

Second, you need to have some Friends on your Wii Friend list that

have Metroid Prime 3.

Finally, get them to send you a Friend Voucher. When you start your

profile, you will have the option to convert any number of Vouchers

you've received from Friends into green medals.

Beware, as every profile in the game shares the same Friend list, and

as such the same Friend Vouchers received.

To send other people Vouchers, select "Friend Vouchers" then select

someone whose name is black (as opposed to gray) as that means they've

played Metroid Prime 3. You can send them as many Vouchers as you

want, but only one at a time. Remember, you don't have infinite

Vouchers, you have to earn them in game.

Below is a complete list of Gold medals and Friend Vouchers.


7.1.1)- Gold medals and Friend Vouchers


The medals are listed in order by planet. Note that you cannot always

get a medal the first time you enter a room.


1) for any medal with "Red Phaazoid" listed, see the Red Phaazoid

section below.

2) For medals stating "on Veteran" means you must be playing on the

Veteran or Hypermode difficulty setting. This means you have to beat

the game at least twice, once on Normal and once on Veteran, to get

all the medals.

3) There are a few blue medals on the Olympus that have special

requirements. These are listed as well.


Any Planet


- Any room

Name ### Kills

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Getting a total number of kills. Every 100 kills up to 1000 gets

you another voucher, that's 10 total.

- Any room

Name: Crash Landing

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Rip jetpack off an AeroTrooper. Set him on fire with the Plasma

Beam, then lock on and grapple him.

- Landing Site on any Leviathan

Name: Exterminator

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Kill all creatures at Landing Site


G.F.S Olympus


- Docking Bay 5

Name: Juggling Bonus 10

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Juggle 10 drones

- Docking Bay 5

Name: Juggling Bonus 20

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Juggle 20 training drones

- Xenoresearch Lab

Name: GF Trooper Saved

Medal: Blue

Obtained by:

Save the Troopers

-Port Observation Deck

Name: GF Trooper Saved

Medal: Blue

Obtained by:

save the Trooper

- Lab Access

Name: GF Trooper Saved

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

quickly shoot the emergency door button

- Repair Bay Shaft

Name: GF Trooper Saved

Medal: Blue

Obtained by:

Save Trooper by getting the missiles and getting across the

bridge as fast as possible.

- Docking Bay 5

Name: Berserker Lord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Berserker Lord

- Docking Bay 5

Name: Berserker Lord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Berserker lord on Veteran




- Cargo Dock C

Name: Flawless Escape

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Escape Meta Ridley without taking damage

- Generator Shaft

Name: Meta-Ridley Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Meta Ridley

- Generator Shaft

Name: Meta-Ridley Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Meta Ridley on Veteran

- Generator Shaft B

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher

- Generator Shaft B

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher on Veteran


Bryyo: Cliffside


- Grand Court


Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Bryyo: Fiery


- Temple of Bryyo

Name: Rundas Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Rundas

- Temple of Bryyo

Name: Rundas Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Rundas on Veteran

- Temple Generator

Name: Generator Destroyed

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Destroy eastern energy signature

- Gel Cavern

Name: Short-cut Discovered

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Use shortcut behind the Fuel Gel spout on the right side

- Any place in Bryyo

Name: Icy Reptilicide

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Reptilicus commits suicide. Freeze a Reptilicus with an ice

missile just after he throws his boomerang. The boomerang will

come back and kill him.

- Gel Processing Site

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Bryyo: Thorn Jungle


- Jousting Field

Name: Korakk Beast Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Korakk Beast

- Jousting Field

Name: Korakk Beast Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Korakk Beast on Veteran

- North Jungle Court

Name: Perfect Execution

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Throw all three switches without a Pirate resetting one

- Jungle Generator

Name: Generator Destroyed

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Destroy western energy signature

- Jousting Field

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Bryyo: Seed


- Leviathan Core

Name: Mogenar Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Mogenar

- Leviathan Core

Name: Mogenar Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Mogenar on Veteran


Bryyo: Ice


- Warp Site Bravo

Name: New Area Discovered

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Discover new area


Elysia: SkyTown West


- Steambot Barracks

Name: Steamlord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Steamlord

- Steambot Barracks

Name: Steamlord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Steamlord on Veteran

- Skybridge Hera

Name: Stylish Kill

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Drop bridge with Steambots on it

- Ballista Storage

Name: Defense Drone Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Defense Drone

- Ballista Storage

Name: Defense Drone Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Defense Drone on Veteran

- Main Docking Bay

Name: Ghor Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Ghor

- Main Docking Bay

Name: Ghor Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Ghor on Veteran

- Any room

Name: Bowling for Bots

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Bowl over three Tinbots in a row with boost ball

- Construction Bay

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid

- Hoverplate Docking Site

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Elysia: SkyTown East


- Concourse Ventilation

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid

- SkyTram East

Name: New Area Discovered

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Ride SkyTram West here.

- Turbine Chamber

Name: Berserker Lord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Berserker Lord

- Turbine Chamber

Name: Berserker Lord Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Berserker Lord on Veteran

- Escape Pod Bay

Name: Seed Shield Destroyed

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Destroy seed shield


Elysia: Seed


- Leviathan Core

Name: Helios Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Helios

- Leviathan Core

Name: Helios Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Helios on Veteran


Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility


- Proving Grounds

Name: Gandrayda Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Gandrayda

- Proving grounds

Name: Gandrayda Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Gandrayda on Veteran

- Metroid Creche

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher

- Metroid Creche

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher on Veteran

- Metroid Creche

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid

- Proving Grounds

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Pirate Homeworld: Mining Site


- Phazon Harvesting

Name: Harvester Destroyed

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Defeat Phazon Harvester Drone

- Phazon Harvesting

Name: Harvester Destroyed

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Defeat Phazon Harvester Drone on Veteran

- Phazon Harvesting

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid


Pirate Homeworld: Command Center


- Command Station

Name: Defense System Obliterated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Destroy defense system

- Transit Tunnel P70

Name: All Troopers Survived

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Keep all the Demolition Troopers alive [12/12]

- Transit Station Leviathan

Name: Commander Squad Defeated

Medal: gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Pirate Commander

- Transit Station Leviathan

Name: Commander Squad Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Pirate Commander on Veteran

- Transit Station 0204

Name: Red Phaazoid Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Red Phaazoid

- Leviathan Battleship

Name: Leviathan Humiliated

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Repeatedly shoot the large eye-like thing

- Any room

Name: 20 Commandos Defeated

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

kill 20 Commando Pirates


Pirate Homeworld: Seed


- Leviathan Core

Name: Omega-Ridley Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Omega Ridley

- Leviathan Core

Name: Omega-Ridley Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Omega Ridley on Veteran


G.F.S Valhalla


- Aurora Chamber

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher

- Aurora Chamber

Name: Metroid Hatcher Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Metroid Hatcher on Veteran

- Control Room

Name: Secret Message Discovered

Medal: Friend Voucher

Obtained by:

Activate secret Aurora 313 dialogue by using the keypad and the

code gotten from a pad beside a fallen GF Trooper in the same





- Sanctum

Name: Dark Samus Repulsed

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Repulse Dark Samus

- Sanctum

Name: Dark Samus Repulsed

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Repulse Dark Samus on Veteran

- Sanctum

Name: Aurora Unit 313 Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Aurora Unit 313

- Sanctum

Name: Aurora Unit 313 Defeated

Medal: Gold

Obtained by:

Defeat Aurora Unit 313 on Veteran


7.1.2)- Red Phaazoids


Phaazoids themselves are extremely annoying. They are small balls of

energy, similar to Atomics. They fire out large rings of energy,

either vertical or horizontal, that will spread across the entire

room. The only way to dodge it is to jump (horizontal ring) or

sidestep (vertical ring).

Killing them is even harder. The only thing that can damage them is

Phazon based weaponry, but not missiles. It takes half a tank just to

take out the original Phaazoid.

After, it splits into two parts. One of which may or may not be the

Red Phaazoid we are after (not all Phaazoids split into a Red

Phaazoid). If you don't destroy the the two mini Paazoids, they will

fuse back together. Each mini Phaazoid takes about a quarter of a tank

to destroy, while the Red Phaazoid takes almost a full tank.

Enen after you kill the mini Phaazoids, they break into even smaller

parts. These parts are like seeker missiles and will try to ram cant kill them, so just try to dodge.

Anyway, back to the Red Phaazoid. After the first Phaazoid splits, one

of its minis will have a red hue to it. That is your target. BUT BE

WARNED! After defeating the Red Phaazoid, a gold medal will appear in

the air (it wont give it to you automatically). This means you have to

go pick it up, so be sure to kill it in a reachable place.

Red Phaazoids *normally* appear after the Seed for that planet is

destroyed. Some of them have a couple other requirements for tracking

them down. They are listed in the walkthrough, but they can be hard to

track down. So here is a list of all the Red Paazoids in the game. A

few of them it is known how and when they appear, for these the that

time is listed so you can choose when to track them down.


Bryyo: Cliffside


- Grand Court

Can be found after: Obtaining the X-ray visor

To find:

On the Golem in the middle of the area, walk up to the top of

its head and use the dial lock when looking through the X-ray



Bryyo: Fiery


- Gel Processing Site

To find:

There are several of them in the room. It's best to work your

way back up to the top of the structure in the middle of the

room so you can get a clear shot at all of them.


Bryyo: Thorn Jungle


- Jousting Field

To find:

Several of them in the field. Watch your health carefully.


Elysia: SkyTown West


- Construction Bay

To find:

There are two of them. One right as you enter, and the other is

on the platform across from the entrance to the Ballista Lift.

If you go over to the door and look across, you should be able

to see it.

- Hoverplate Docking Site

To find:

It's a few platforms in, at the large elongated platform in the



Elysia: SkyTown East


- Concourse Ventilation


Pirate Homeworld: Research Facility


- Proving Grounds

To find:

Again, multiple Phaazoids, though only a few.


Pirate Homeworld: Mining Site


- Phazon Harvesting


Pirate Homeworld: Command Center


- Transit Station 0204

To find:

MAKE SURE YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT ROOM! All of the transit stations

are full of Red Phaazoids, and I mean FULL! Most of them have 5-

8 Phaazoids in it, and even just one can drain a full tank. The

actual Red Phaazoid is going to be hard to track down, so just

blaze away till something red pops up, kill it and RUN!





8)- Tips, Tricks, and Cool little things





This section isn't really in any particular order just yet. That may


Also note that some of them have the original author listed after them

(no, they aren't all mine).

- if a Pirate hits you with a Phazon grenade, it is actually

detrimental to the Pirate. It wont do much (if any) damage to you, but

you can now annihilate him with the hyper Beam.

- the screw attack isn't just for jumping, it is actually an attack.

When it is activated, you become pretty much invincible and can cause

massive damage to anything you touch.

- every time you fire a seeker missile, you have to fire one missile

before it starts charging, thus wasting a missile. To prevent this,

start charging you Beam weapon, then, without letting go of the A

button, press down on the d-pad to start charging the seeker missile.

At that point, let go of the A button and seeker missile will charge

without you wasting that first shot.

- equally, if you start charging your seeker missile but decide not to

use it, press and hold the A button to cancel the seeker missile's


- Once you get the Nova Beam and the X-ray visor, you can not only

shoot through enemies, but see through them as well; this includes

their weak points. Commando Pirates, Phazon Metroids, Metroid

Hatchers, and many other enemies can all be taken out in one shot with

this combo. Just lock on to zoom in and fire.

- scanning objects doesn't have to be done all at once. If you start

scanning something and get interrupted, you can scan it the next time

you see it and the scanning will pick up right where you left off.

- "Elysia" means "delightful place" and is often used as a name for

Heaven, which is often portrayed as a floating city in sky. The

overall feel of Elysia and SkyTown support this. - peteyboo

- the four light at the top of Samus's visor represent the battery

life left in your Wii remote. 4 lights for full, 1 for almost dead.

Both Prime 1 and 2 had these lights as well, but they weren't used for

anything and just faded on and off randomly.

- In the spire dock on Elysia after you've shut down the engines,

there is a digital countdown timer just outside the rear of the escape


- You really don't need more then three Gunship Missiles in the game,

making the expansions pointless. But you have to get them for 100%

completion, which is kind of annoying.

- The Power Bomb upgrade (a staple in Metroid games, and has been in

every one I can think of) doesn't appear in Prime 3. Reasoning behind

this in unknown, though there really isn't any puzzle that could have

been added to by implicating the power bomb.

- The Plasma Beam in Prime 3 is in the same shape (expanding the arm

cannon vertically) as the ice Beam from Prime 1 (the original Plasma

Beam elongated the arm cannon). Kind of humorous.

- Samus's ship, while not having a name, undergoes a major redesign in

Prime 3. Reasoning behind this is unknown, it is also unknown how her

ship gets changed back to normal before the next game in the series

(currently) (Metroid II).

- "Valhalla" is a Norse (religion) version of Heaven. It is said that

is where the spirit of warriors who are slain gloriously on the

battlefield go. Good name for the destroyed frigate, especially after

seeing the damage the G.F.S Troopers did to the Space Pirates, even

though the Pirates got a jump on them.

- "Olympus" is the name of the place the Greek gods were supposed to

reside. It's fitting because it's the ship that doesn't get its ass

kicked, and is also Admiral Dane's, a known god, ship. - night447

- If you scan one of the terminals in the "Metroid Research" room in

the Homeworld, it says "Metroid project 'Dread' nearing completion."

This is obviously an Easter egg. It hints at the long-thought canceled

Nintendo DS 2-D-sidescroller Metroid title. To date, the project has

yet to be confirmed as canceled, though no one has absolutely

confirmed its existence either. - Death_Born

- if you shoot someone on the Olympus, and destroy the first 2 turrets

that come out of the ceiling, the third one will explode a nuclear

bomb and kill you instantly. This is for plot reasons, and is exactly

like the original Halo (the Super Marines). - Death_Born

- If you look at the cliff opposite the Federation wreck when you

first exit (on Bryyo) you will see Rundas spying on you. Then he

quickly files away. - Death_Born

- In the area where you have to disable the giant shield in Pirate

Homeworld, there are screens with Ridley's picture on the walls.

- Death_Born

- When first arriving on Bryyo, those two Reptilicuses (Reptilici?)

who attack you just before you get the grapple swing can be seen

stalking you before the fight. For instance, when you get to the ice

bridge, one of them is hopping about to the right and the other is up

above. They dance for a few moments and then warp away. - 1shadetail1

- On the final planet, Phaaze, if you look skyward while at the

landing site, you can see flashes that represent explosions in the

space battle going on above. - 1shadetail1

If you stand in a pool of phazon, your PED suit absorbs it and

restores your life power. Scanning a phazon pool with the scan visor

gives you this little bit of information. - 1shadetail1

- As a note to the above, there are three pools of Phazon in the game.

One in the trench on the Pirate Homeworld just before the fight with

the Commando leader, the other two are on Bryyo: on in the "Corrupted

pool" and the other in "Ruined Shrine" (beneath the Golem).





9)- Copyright/Contact Info





Copyright 2007 Shawn Vernier (SPV999)

This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for

personal, private use. It may not be placed on any web site or

otherwise distributed publicly without advance written permission.

Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public

display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned

by their respective trademark and copyright holders.

In other words this is mine, don't steal it and put your name on



NOTE: Please do not send anything reguarding the Logbook section.





10)- Version History





Version 0.1 09/21/07

Yay! Another guide from me!

Unfortunately, school has started so I have very little time on my

hands (for once). That makes progress on this guide painfully slow >_<

Got the "basics" sections finished (more or less), and I'm up to

Bryyo: Fiery for the walkthrough. Started work on the logbook and

enemies sections, not much progress though. Got the chapters named.

Got the suit section done.

IF I actually decide to upload this guide somewhere at this point,

PLEASE don't email me with tips. This guide is very much under

construction, and odds are I already know what you're about to say and

just haven't gotten around to typing it yet.


Version 0.2 09/23/07

Ok, didn't do anything except walkthrough stuff. Made it all the way

up to SkyTown East

I also tricked, I mean, "recruited" a Friend, Starfox062090, to do the

logbook sections editing. Pretty happy about that, as it means I don't

have to do it ^_^

Pretty good day overall, especially since I listened to various music

(including GO!!, Ready, Steady, Go!, Scenario, and Re:member), ate

pizza and drank Coke all day while writing this. Hey, I deserve a lazy

day after what I've been doing the last three weeks. Tests pretty much

every day at school, and two (TWO!) book reports already >_>


Version 0.3 09/25/07

Got a day off school, though it was a sick day so it wasn't very

enjoyable *cough* *sneeze* :/

Though I did make great progress in the guide, making it all the way

almost past the final visit to Elysia.

Oh, and Halo 3 came out today. Not hearing very good things about it,

though I will get the Legendary Edition eventually (probably Christmas

so I don't have to pay for it. I could, I'm just cheap >.>).


Version 0.4 09/26/07

Zero work done on the walkthrough, but I got the medals section

finished (still need Red Phaazoids), reorganized the starting section

so that it actually makes sense, and added the tips and tricks section

that I've been working on for a while now. No word on how far along

the logbook section is, though SF claims to be working on it nightly.

Hope to get the Red Phaazoid section finished tomorrow, as well as the

enemy list OR expansions OR re-edit some parts in the walkthrough

(specifically the scans) by the end of the week.


Version 1.0 09/28/07

Well, got a lot more done then I thought I was going to be able to do.

Another sick day. Now I have a fever, so I cant just tough it out as I

had been. :/

Got the Red Phaazoid section finished, worked a lot on the enemy

guide (though it is in a separate document for now), and finished the

walkthrough ^_^


Version 2.0 09/29/07

Spent six hours working on the expansion locations. That took WAY

longer then I though :( I figured 4 hours TOPS. Also finished the

enemy guide and some editing.

This guide is finished, aside from some minor editing stuff and the

logbook. And the logbook is my fault for finishing WAY ahead of when I

told SF I would be. Logbook section will be another week or so.
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