Xreart Review

Xreart Review

Xreart takes dead consoles and gives them new life in the form of artwork. While it’s unlikely that you’re going into 2023 excited about playing a Game Boy Color, it’s certainly now possible that you’re excited about looking at a Game Boy Color, both its externals and internals. With the teal Xreart Nintendo Game Boy Color Frame now hung on my wall, I’ll be spending a chunk of the next year appreciating the very first handheld I owned. I think it’s great, but is it worth the price tag?

Stylish sentimentality

Xreart Review

Xreart’s frames look really stylish and can fit even a non-gamer space. Having the circuitry on display makes it seem more tech-focused than “gamery,” which has a more mature vibe.

Just as the consoles have grown older, so too have the players, so the more mature design works well. It’s only when you get in close and read the small details where the true nerdiness is revealed.

Lay it all out

Xreart Review

Looking at the Game Boy Color Frame specifically, the colored outer shell takes up about 50% of the space, with the front, rear, and battery cover. Then there are the various buttons and speaker. Finally there’s the motherboard, which has the volume wheel, power input, and headphone jack all clearly marked. It’s very well laid out.

The components are featured on a white background with a black frame. Tempered glass is used to protect the art and I’ve been pleased by the quality, overall. Much like Grid Studio, the frame isn’t the most premium, but users can always upgrade the it themselves later down the line.

Xreart vs Grid Studio

Xreart Review

Xreart isn’t the first company that I’ve dealt with when it comes to deconstructed video game console art, as Grid Studio took that honor earlier this year. However, Xreart differentiates itself with some unique DIY possibilities, in addition to product options that aren’t currently available on Grid.

Do it yourself

xreart review

The “DIY Series” gives more adventurous users the chance to do the deconstruction and placing of components themselves. DIY bundles include the frame and tempered glass, as well as the illustrated backdrop where components are to be placed. Finally, the tools needed to open and take apart the tech item are also bundled.

I think this DIY idea is fantastic, as users can take one of their old tech items and immortalize them within a frame.

Nintendo Game Boy Color frame review sample was provided by Xreart.

Final Verdict

Xreart impresses in very similar ways to Grid Studio and pricing is comparable, too. The Game Boy Color Frame I have comes in at $220. However, Xreart sets itself apart with its DIY Series, which can help bring the cost down. If I was shopping for a frame like this, I’d be visiting both Xreart and Grid Studio and making a choice based on pricing, as the quality has been equally high in my experience.

Positives and Negatives

  • They look fantastic in any room.
  • Pricing is competitive and discount codes are regularly available.
  • Lots of products to choose from.
  • "DIY Series" is great.
  • Frame feels cheaper than expected.


Upcoming Releases
They look fantastic in any room. Pricing is competitive and discount codes are regularly available. Lots of products to choose from. "DIY Series" is great. Frame feels cheaper than expected.
They look fantastic in any room. Pricing is competitive and discount codes are regularly available. Lots of products to choose from. "DIY Series" is great. Frame feels cheaper than expected.
They look fantastic in any room. Pricing is competitive and discount codes are regularly available. Lots of products to choose from. "DIY Series" is great. Frame feels cheaper than expected.
They look fantastic in any room. Pricing is competitive and discount codes are regularly available. Lots of products to choose from. "DIY Series" is great. Frame feels cheaper than expected.