It’s a steal. Review

It’s a steal.

You name it, there’s a game about it. Skateboarding,

god complex, talking

; I mean, the list is just endless. It seems that if it’s a noun, it’s

a game, too.

We’ve all grown somewhat used to the idea that nothing is sacred when it comes

to video game design. Very few subjects are considered taboo, and those that

are often lead to cheap games that function more like snuff films than viable

pieces of interactive art.

So when Rockstar and DMA’s Grand Theft Auto 3 made its way into the

office, we weren’t entirely sure what to expect. Sure, I’ve played earlier builds

and wrote a

Sure, it looked technically amazing and fun as hell. Sure, it was

easily the most mature game we’ve seen for any console system released in America.

But none of that automatically means that the final retail product is as good

as the early builds indicate.

Except in this case, it is that good. Better, even. In fact, Grand

Theft Auto 3
is just about the best game yet released on the system and

one of the most impressive console titles we’ve ever seen. And I ain’t blowing

smoke up your tailpipe.

The game takes place in the wonderfully corrupt world of Liberty City, armpit

of America. You take on the role of a criminal who was recently framed by your

girlfriend during a bank heist. Luckily, your transportation to prison doesn’t

go as smoothly as the authorities would prefer, and you wind up freed from your

chains with only 8-ball, a demolitions expert, to give you some hope. He hooks

you up with a local mob bigwig named Luigi, giving you a chance to make some

bread, earn some respect, and eventually track down the bitch who turned traitor

in the first place.

Sound brutal? You have no idea. Grand Theft Auto 3 is as mature

as a video game comes, filled with foul language, ruthless violence and very

adult subject matter. So for the record, kids shouldn’t be playing this game.

And for perhaps the first time ever, I sincerely mean that.

But the rest of you should be playing this game, because it’s

incredibly fun. Liberty City is a technological marvel, a living, breathing

environment that captures the essence of gritty city life in amazing detail.

The game is all about freedom, and I don’t just mean that in the First Amendment


You can go anywhere and do anything. Though the game comes with a whopping

73 missions, you can play the game for hours without ever attempting one. Instead,

you can fill your time by carjacking vehicles and running amuck. Hop into a

cab and you can toggle mini-game missions where you pick up and drop off passengers

in Crazy Taxi fashion for money. Nab an ambulance

and save the injured for dough. Grab a firetruck and put out blazes to earn

some quick cash. Or if you’re ballsy enough, you can even grab a cop car and

run some very hard vigilante missions where you catch other crooks.

The combination of on-foot and in-car action is unrivaled – this is the game

Driver 2 was supposed to be. The

car physics change for the different vehicles (and there are TONS of cars),

but control remains tight and responsive the whole way through. It’s a seamless

transition from foot to car; simply stop a car by walking in front of it and

jack the poor sod driving it.

But Grand Theft Auto 3 provides you with more ways to travel than Marvin

K. Mooney.
You can hop a train at the various train stations, at which point

the camera cuts to a cool cinematic view of you riding through the massive city.

You can eventually take the scary subway as well, though you better be packing

heat. Very nice.

People complained about the top-down cheapo graphics in past Grand Theft

games. Well, rejoice as this version is in full 3D glory. Played from

a third-person angle, things look much better than the past, though occasional

clipping errors and weird character models stand out from time to time. Considering

the enormity of the programming, however (there are millions of people in the

city, as well as tons of moving vehicles), it’s really not a big deal. The damage

modeling on the cars is great and the framerate is rock solid. The game looks



also sounds terrific. Grand Theft Auto 3 features 9 preset radio stations

that you can listen to while you drive. Reggae fan? Try K-JAH. Want some local

talk radio? Try the Chatterbox. In a mellow mood? Then Double Clef FM is your

classical answer. The variety is great, the quality is top-notch and there’s

really no reason any other driving game should ever not do this.

Rockstar went all out hiring superb voice-talent. The game features stars

like Michael Rappaport, Kyle MacLachlan and even Joe Pantoliano from The Sopranos.

Might not be a REAL mafioso, but he plays one on tv, which is pretty cool.

I can’t stress enough how open-ended this game feels. While it’s necessary to carry out certain missions to keep the story moving and to open up two other parts of the enormous city, it’s really not at all required, and you can have all sorts of sick fun just wreaking havoc. You don’t really die in GTA 3 – you simply respawn at either the hospital or the police station (depending on if you die or get busted) minus some cash. The game ends up playing like these short, twisted vignettes, these mini-stories that begin when you respawn and end when you finally get shot by a gaggle of cops in the middle of a massive firefight.

Speaking of the fuzz, they’re very determined. You have a little arrest meter that starts to go up as you break the law. I have yet to actually see the thing get over 4 (there are 6 slots)…and at 4, I was being chased by about 6 cops and a helicopter.

There are a few mildly annoying issues, such as a generally difficult aiming device for shooting guns. The targeting is a little wily and it makes running and gunning a bit hard, which can spell certain death in the middle of a gunfight. Better auto-targeting would have done wonders.

But for the most part, this is about as cool of a game as I’ve ever played

and earns the first Game Revolution PS2 ‘A’ with flying colors. I could go on

and on trying to explain the plethora of intricate details – the realistic gang

rivalries, the things you can

do with prostitutes
, the hysterical ‘Rampages’ that allow you to go on mass

killing sprees – but I simply don’t have the words nor the space to convey the

fun. Just go drop 50 bucks on this gem and cherish your inner criminal.

  • Revolutionary sense of freedom
  • Fantastic gameplay
  • Good visuals
  • Great sound
  • Massive city
  • Some control issues


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Revolutionary sense of freedom Fantastic gameplay Good visuals Great sound Massive city Some control issues
Revolutionary sense of freedom Fantastic gameplay Good visuals Great sound Massive city Some control issues
Revolutionary sense of freedom Fantastic gameplay Good visuals Great sound Massive city Some control issues