Exit the Dragon, enter the freestyle wrestling kickboxers! Review

Exit the Dragon, enter the freestyle wrestling kickboxers!

I bet every single one of you has had the “Bruce Lee vs. Anyone Else” conversation.

Usually a result of one too many margaritas, this discussion is often prompted

from a commercial of the latest Jean Claude Van Damme movie. “Yeah, he’s pretty

tough,” your friend concedes, “but he couldn’t kick Bruce Lee’s ass.”

Back and forth you go, coming up with dream matches featuring Bruce Lee against

an assortment of modern day fighting masters. Inevitably, the conversation breaks

down, because it’s really hard comparing different fighting styles. A Jeet Kun

Do master vs. a Jujitsu champ? Who knows?

The UFC, that’s who. Started way back in 1993, the Ultimate Fighting Championship

brought the arguments of a million drunk college men out into the spotlight,

pitting world class fighting masters of every imaginable discipline in a series

of brutal, full-contact matches. Pretty much Bloodsport for the masses.

And if ever there was a “sport” just crying out to be made into a game, this

is it. Crave’s Ultimate Fighting Championship recreates the energy and

brutality of the event with brilliant graphics and innovative gameplay. While

not the ultimate fighter, it certainly has a winning record.

The gameplay is similar to other fighting games only in that your object is

to knock out your opponent. In every other sense, UFC represents a new

take on fighting by placing the emphasis on tension and timing rather than button

mashing and Dragon Punches.

This is due in part to the incredibly simple controls. You’ve got two punch

buttons and two kick buttons – and that’s it. You don’t use the triggers whatsoever,

a strange occurrence in a fighting game. The key lies within the button combinations.

Each fighter and each fighting style has a unique move list, and learning the

particulars is the only way to win.

UFC bears similarity to Dead or Alive

by utilizing a reversal system. But where the latter simply touched upon

reversals, the former moves reversals to the forefront. Every single move –

be it a kick, punch, throw or submission hold, can be reversed and turned into


Since a submission hold can win or lose the match in a matter of seconds,

the gameplay is built around tension (initially touched upon in the PSX Bushido

games). One slight error in timing can have enormous consequences.

If you try to catch a punch and miss, you’ll inevitably end up swallowing some

blood. In this sense, learning each fighter’s moves and really understanding

the timing is the key to victory – not who can throw the most fireballs.

The game features 22 different UFC fighters, including reigning champion Tito Ortiz, or as I like to call him, “Mr. Ortiz, Sir.” You can choose to play as any of the fighters in a variety of modes, from basic Training to your own custom Tournament to the grand UFC mode, which rewards you with a silver belt if you win. Silver belt winners can then enter the Champion mode, where they must defend the belt againt 12 contenders in a row, thereby winning the coveted gold belt and bragging rights.


there’s the Career mode, which lets you create a fighter and increase his stats

through 31 levels of sparring. But it’s really just a long training mode, a

place to beef out your fighter before taking him to the UFC mode. I was a little

let down by the somewhat paltry amount of options – you can’t change his look

at all, aside from different color schemes. Compared to the genius player creation

in games like WWF Attitude,

this one falls a bit flat.

However, the wide variety of fighting styles is nicely represented. You can

be a kickboxer, throwing knees and elbows around like a Muay Thai madman. Grappling

is your thing? Then choose a wrestler or submission fighter and try your best

to bend your opponent’s finger into a pretzel. There are also a million shades

in between, and the better balanced you are, the better prepared you’ll be to

take on the different guys.

To match the cool gameplay, UFC features some of the most impressive

character modeling in town. Fighters move with realistic fluidity and the facial

mapping is spot-on. Referee John McCarthy looks like the real guy and the ring

girls are actually kind of hot. A few clipping errors aside, the gameplay graphics

are really good.

The camera stays pretty stable when you’re both standing, but as soon as you

start grappling, it switches to a more cinematic view. This often looks cool,

but sometimes makes it hard to see what’s going on. Occasionally the ref completely

obscures the fighting, causing you to lose the match. Other times, the camera

zooms in too tight, making it difficult to see your opponent.

You are also treated to replays of the last moments of each fight, but these

are fixed and are not user-controlled. I would have preferred the ability to

control the playback speed and cameras of replays, a feature found in most sports


Considering how violent the real UFC can get, the blood is barely noticeable.

You can up the amount of gore, but it only results in brief, random blood splattering

that quickly fades away. It’s obvious that Crave is being sensitive to the current

debates over violence in video games, but c’mon – this is a UFC game. No one

watches the UFC to see the clash of styles; they watch it to see the clash of

red blood on white canvas. Some may call this nitpicking, but if you’re going

for realism, then, well, go for it.

Additionally, fighters don’t show any damage modeling – no bruises, no cuts,

nothing. If they can do it in Ready 2

(and even Knockout

), why not here? Smashing a forearm right between a guy’s eyes 6 times

should result in at least a bloody nose.

Also, UFC is hard. Really hard. Defeating the 12 fighters in a row

to get the gold belt is quite a task, even on the normal difficulty setting.

Not a game for the amateur gamer. But if the single player gets too tough, you

can always duke it out with a friend, as the multiplayer is plenty of fun.

UFC is an interesting game, one that should certainly be checked out

by fans of the fighting genre. It’s not a flawless victory, however, and in

the end doesn’t quite reach the plateau of a masterpiece like Soul

. Though I wonder if it could kick Bruce Lee’s ass?

  • Innovative gameplay
  • Great graphics
  • Reversal madness!
  • Weak Career mode
  • Camera issues
  • No damage modeling?!


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Innovative gameplay Great graphics Reversal madness! Weak Career mode Camera issues No damage modeling?!
Innovative gameplay Great graphics Reversal madness! Weak Career mode Camera issues No damage modeling?!
Innovative gameplay Great graphics Reversal madness! Weak Career mode Camera issues No damage modeling?!