Bioware Celebrates Mass Effect Franchise With N7 Day Tomorrow

Bioware, developers of beloved role-playing games like Dragon Age: Origins and Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, will celebrate the Mass Effect series tomorrow on what they're calling N7 Day.

The event will offer fans the opportunity to ask questions about Mass Effect and their favorite characters, though we'll have to wait and see if it N7 Day represents an opportunity for Electronic Arts to show gameplay footage or at the very least new art.

Over the last 5 years we have seen Commander Shepard's tale unfold and it's been as much a journey for us as our fans. We are humbled by the support and passion of each and everyone one of you. Mass Effect wouldn't be what it is today without you, and sharing the experience with our fans was the first thought on our minds. We created N7 Day for you—an opportunity to unite us and our fans in a global celebration of Mass Effect.

It's a day for everyone, where we can put down our Omni Tools, and raise a glass of Serrice Ice Brandy (or soda for the younger crowd) while we relive our favorite memories from the series.

We'll update this page with the livestream tomorrow. Don't forget to read all of our Mass Effect coverage by clicking a game title below or visiting our Mass Effect tag page.


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