Plants Vs Zombies: Garden Warfare Shows Off Battlefield-Inspired Gardens And Graveyards Mode

This six minute video shows off another competitive multiplayer mode for Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, this time one inspired by Battlefield's Rush mode titled Gardens & Graveyards.

Like Rush, one team will have to capture points to move forward through a level. In the video, the zombies take over points until they have to blast themselves over to the final plant stronghold. You also get to see a ton of the unique abilities each character class has, including Chompers chomping, Engineers constructing, and Chili Peppers exploding.

Rush looks like another great way to organize the chaos and action in Garden Warfare, but I'm just dying to get further hands-on time. I'll happily trade all my brains for an early copy, but since I need those to play, it'll be a long wait until February 18th when the title lands on Xbox 360 and Xbox One.

We anticipate PvZ: Garden Warfare PC and PlayStation ports to land later this year.

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