Biomutant 1.4 Update

Biomutant update adds ‘Extreme’ difficulty and less Narrator gibberish

Carbonatix Pre-Player Loader

Audio By Carbonatix

The new patch notes for the Biomutant 1.4 update are here, and it brings some big and welcome changes to the game. Some of the most notable inclusions are the brand new Biomutant Extreme difficulty level and some changes to the Narrator.

While currently only a PC patch on Steam, update 1.4 will soon be applied to consoles too. So, what’s in Biomutant patch 1.4?

What’s new in the Biomutant 1.4 update?

Biomutant 1.4 Update

By far the biggest part of the new Biomutant patch is the addition of an ‘Extreme’ difficulty setting. There are currently three standard difficulty levels in the game: Easy, Normal, and Hard. With the new even-tougher Extreme level, “enemy damage and attack rate is further increased.” Players will have to make sure they have the best weapons available before they take on the toughest enemies in the game. It’s certainly a welcome new challenge for anyone who’s completed the game on Hard and is looking to return.

As charming as they are, the Narrator received some criticism across the internet, mostly due to the way it slowed down the game. Developer Experiment 101 has added a load of Narrator tweaks so now narration kicks in far sooner into the spoken Gibberish, and there are now sliders so players can choose whether or not to get the Narrator or just the translation.

Beyond that, the patch also allows New Game Plus players to choose perks from all classes when they start, so they’re not locked into one. Possibly the most welcome PC-specific improvement, other than AMD CPU crash fixes, is the inclusion of a motion blur slider, which should’ve been in there from the start.

Full Biomutant 1.4 patch notes

PC Specific

  • Fixed crash with AMD-based CPUs with built-in graphics.
  • Fixed crash when device info contains invalid display data on AMD-based CPUs.

Tutorial Area

  • In order to improve the pacing of the early parts of the game, we’ve edited dialogues to be shorter. We’ve also added more enemies and loot to these areas to better represent the experience later in the game.
  • Added more early enemy encounters.
  • Added missing loot in empty trenches outside Jagni Fortress.
  • Added Item drop chance for Bunker 101 crates.
  • Updated Best-Before memory to decrease the distance between the Nonos and the Pensai tree.
  • Removed some parts of Out-of-Date and Best-Before’s dialogues to improve pacing.
  • Removed multiple dialogue fragments to shorten tutorial area length.
  • Removed some parts of Goop and Gizmo’s dialogues to improve pacing.
  • Removed multiple camera presentations to improve pacing.

Dialogue & Narrator

  • Reduced the amount of gibberish spoken before the Narrator starts translating.
  • Added dialogue setting toggles for “Gibberish” and “Narrator” allowing players to select if they want to hear the narrator, the gibberish or both when talking to NPCs.
  • Fixed narration and gibberish playing silently and producing an awkward pause when each corresponding volume setting is set to 0 instead of skipping the sound entirely.
  • Removed the text delay animation when either gibberish or narration is disabled.

Difficulty Settings

  • Added “Extreme” difficulty setting, where enemy damage and attack rate is further increased.
  • Fixed difficulty settings not being applied for already spawned enemies.

New Game+

  • Opened up all class perks for NG+ games. When starting an NG+ game, the player will now be able to unlock perks from all classes.


  • Added Motion Blur slider to the settings.
  • Fixed so the camera setting “Auto Adjust > Player” also applies for combat, if turned off the camera will no longer try to frame enemies while in combat.
  • Fix Depth of Field toggle not being applied in dialogues

Items & Loot

  • Increased chances that items found have a level requirements closer to the player’s actual level when found. Players will still be able to find items with higher level requirements, but player level is now taken into account.
  • Removed Common item loot drops from high level loot crates.
  • Reduced the amount of healing items that the player will find from crates and defeated enemies.
  • Increased base damage from melee bodies, handles and addons by approximately 5%.
  • Reduced base damage from ranged bodies, muzzles and grips by approximately 5%.
  • Fixed resistance stats not being applied for crafted gear when adding addons.
  • Reduced gear addon resistance and critical chance bonuses.
  • Ensured that quest reward “Diver’s Helmet” will no longer drop as random loot.
  • Removed slots from all protective suits.


  • Updated melee sound effects across the board.
  • Updated mount sound effects volume.
  • Added sound effects for tribe war trebuchet.
  • Updated sounds when the player lands inside HQ after being launched from catapult.


  • Fixed issue with abnormally high damage output due to consumable top mod applying meta damage multiple times during equip and unequip.
  • Fixed ability damage not being able to inflict critical hits.
  • Reduced Dead-Eye Sharpshooter perk damage multiplier from 2.0 to 1.25 to ensure that it is comparable to other perks.
  • Disabled end-of-combat slow motion camera for short combat scenarios.
  • Adjusted valid angles for combat targets to reduce camera movement in combat.
  • Disabled camera look-at when striking characters up in the air.
  • Fixed a few cases where airstriking would not complete its last attack.
  • Adjusted speed of some enemy grabs. It is now a bit easier to dodge them in time.
  • Fixed kick attack from smaller enemies being too difficult to parry. Parry window is now more consistent and enemies can be staggered out of it.
  • All Tribe Sifus and Lupa Lupin in the final encounter now react stronger to being parried, allowing players to parry and then counterattack.
  • Fixed issues with tracking on Jagni Staff attacks. First three hits will no longer overshoot targets and dodge attack is more reliable.
  • Fixed sometimes spawning double death particle effects on defeated enemies.
  • Fixed issue with Pichu Nanchuk not stopping its animation.
  • Fixed larger enemies with melee weapons animating too quickly at slow walking speeds.
  • Adjusted hit reactions for Morks to make melee more viable and satisfying to use.
  • Fixed issue with dodge shooting while reloading not moving the character correctly.
  • Fixed issue with Airstrike sometimes being canceled.
  • Adjusted the range for melee attacks to improve enemy tracking and reduce misses.
  • Fixed issue where melee gap closer would sometimes overshoot.
  • Fixed backwards attack for crush weapons resulting in a miss most of the time.
  • Adjusted animations for unarmed and glove attacks to be faster.
  • Fixed issue where the player would sometimes become stuck underneath larger enemies after being knocked to the ground.
  • Added ability to slide underneath legs of titans.
  • Fixed issue where the player would sometimes get stuck inside an enemy after a vault or legslide move.
  • Fixed issue where the player would sometimes get stuck inside an enemy after Airstrike.
  • Adjusted sound and rumble effect for successful parry to improve feedback.
  • Fixed issue where Airstrike would cause enemies to be launched very far.
  • Improved aiming for Jumbo Puff when throwing rocks.

Quests & Achievements

  • Fixed game progress not being able to reach 100% due to unavailable quest states within a single playthrough.
  • Fixed “Back to the Roots” quest sometimes not being completed.
  • Adjusted tribe war flow to be more robust.
  • Fixed the “Old World Gadgets” trophy correctly unlocking after finding old world gadgets.

Crash Fixes

  • Fixed crash when moving objects between areas using Telekinesis.

User Interface

  • New weapon Wung-Fu is now only unlocked when the player has crafted a new weapon instead of being unlocked when looting an individual component.
  • Added correct “fast travel locked” message when attempting to fast travel while climbing a ladder or falling.
  • Added Mercenary DLC indicator to the main menu.
  • Added dark backdrop to QTE prompts to improve readability on lighter backgrounds.
  • Moved Comic-book Effects to ensure that the counter QTE prompt is visible.
  • Reversed Hypoxia Warning percent value to be consistent with other zones.
  • Added fading to enemy & friendly markers at 30m distance to reduce HUD clutter.


  • Remove several area objectives from Suburbia, as they are tied to the Moog quest and could cause confusion.
  • Replaced a couple of NPC tasks that didn’t work as intended.
  • Added missing “No-Rain” volume to the sewer entrance at oil fields to prevent indoor rain effect.
  • Subnautica station is now fully covered by correct post-process volume.
  • Improved look for indoor puddles.
  • Fixed issue where the player was able to fall through the world in the Myriad Fortress.
  • Fixed issue where the player was able to fall through the world in an Ankati Outpost.
  • Fixed issue where big oil planes were possible to walk on.
  • Fixed Oil Field Monster’s presentation camera being triggered underground.
  • Fixed area objectives for Gutway 6G counting incorrect amount of Superb Loot.


  • Disabled fast travel when jumping from water.
  • Fixed issue where the “Unspeakable hand” Wung-Fu could cause NPCs to fall through water surfaces instead of drowning.
  • Fixed issue with rocket NPC being stuck in air after explosion.
  • Fixed issue with rocket NPC explosion particle effects popping when being removed.
  • Adjusted free-fall duration needed for Mounts to trigger hard landing.
  • Fixed attribute check labels in puzzles incorrectly being displayed as “Loot Chance” instead of “Intellect”.
  • Fixed infinite jump while using photo mode.
  • Fixed fireflies not spamming narration when caught.
  • Fixed child memories being auto-completed when opening photo mode.
  • Fixed some doors opening after using photo mode.
  • Fixed smoke from burning villages sometimes being rendered as stripes on AMD GPU’s.
  • Adjusted default camera pitch up a bit so it’s not positioned directly behind the player
  • Fixed resistance being reset after modifying appearance.
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