persona 5 R domain spotted

Persona 5 R Spotted on the New Look Atlus Website

A new-look Persona 5 might be on the way in 2019 after a new Persona 5 R was spotted on the Atlus website after an update. The new title has led to rumors of an Enhanced Edition of Persona 5 or even a Persona Switch port.

Seeing that Persona 5 only released in 2017, the idea of the game getting an enhanced version of itself seems incredibly premature. Yet, that’s exactly what the majority of people are thinking after Atlus’ website was updated, and a mysterious “P5R” was spotted. Whether or not we’re close to an announcement of an updated or enhanced version of Persona 5 remains to be seen, and it could end up being that P5R is actually an entirely different game. Whatever the answer, Atlus is remaining pretty quiet on the matter at the moment.

But along with the P5R domain being spotted, some eagle-eyed fans also spotted a ‘P5S’ domain, something that’s led to suggestions that a Switch port of Persona 5 could be on the way. Seeing that Persona 5 was a Sony exclusive for the PS3 and PS4, it was a little strange when Joker was announced as a Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC character, yet it still happened. And it’s that announcement of Joker along with this P5S that have some fans thinking that a Nintendo port of the game is looking a little more likely now. Who knows? It could even turn out that the P5R is a multiplatform release of the JRPG.

Persona 5 received an overwhelmingly positive reaction after its release in 2017, quickly becoming the benchmark for modern JRPG titles. Though, that didn’t stop the game from being subjected to a review bombing campaign back in November. Fans of the series had noticed the overall Metacritic score of not only Persona 5 but the entire Persona series steadily dropping. The exact reason for why the campaign began still isn’t clear, yet it’s done little to sway people’s minds about the game.

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