stardew valley switch multiplayer

Stardew Valley Switch Multiplayer Release Date Confirmed

Players have been asking for a Stardew Valley Switch multiplayer for quite a while now but it that request is about to get filled. The latest update to the Switch version of the Farm-PG brings a host of other curiosities along with some multiplayer goodness. And it looks like PS4 and Xbox One players will have something coming they’re way soon too.

The big news is that the Stardew Valley 1.3 update for the Switch will be bringing a long-awaited multiplayer function to the Switch. The update arrives on December 12 and will allow up to four friends to help out on a farm together. The multiplayer mode will allow voice chat using the Switch’s online voice chat feature or you can use the console’s new chatbox feature that will include almost 200 emojis based on the game.

Players can either start a new farm together or invade a friend’s farm and stay there. Each player will get their own cabin somewhere in the farm and you can all work together to make serious bank through farming, fishing, mining, and more. Or you could have a lot more fun by being the friend who traipses around the farm, destroying whatever food your chums are growing or stealing all the resources your group has gathered and then selling them.

Multiplayer isn’t the only new feature for Stardew Valley though. You’ll find a few new things around for the game’s single player as well, Players, for some reason, can now put hats on horses, while you’ll also be able to craft signs from the very start of the game now.

The update also introduces a handful of new character events. While some of these will be easy to trigger, others are hidden around the game and will only occur under specific circumstances. These events will give your little farmer some nifty permanent bonuses though, so it’s well worth having a hunt around for them.

And there’s a festive treat coming as well, with the traveling Night Market coming to Pelican Town. The market will only be around for three days but you’ll be able to pick up some unique items for yourself or the farm and take in some live entertainment.

With the 1.3 update all wrapped up, developer Eric Barone will be turning his attention back to the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game. Barone is working alongside Celeste developers Sickhead Games for these updates but doesn’t go into any detail as to what’s on the horizon. Instead, he signs off by saying that after “the Switch update has launched, I’ll have more to share with you very soon…” Why the ellipses, Barone. What’s your game!? Well, looks like we’ll have to wait and see what’s in store for other versions of Stardew Valley.

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