
Bloodstained and Former Castlevania Producer Says Single-Player Games Are Not in Any Danger

Many game developers and publishers have voiced out their views and perspectives on the notion that single-player games are supposedly dying in this age dominated by multiplayer games. Recently at PAX West, another games industry veteran spoke about the issue and it was Koji Igarashi, the current producer of Bloodstained Ritual of the Night and former producer of several past Castlevania games.

In an interview with, Igarashi explained his stance on single-player games, and that they won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. The underlying reason for this, he feels, is because different gamers play different games. That means single-player games will not die as long as there remain gamers who prefer them over multiplayer games.

“I think things won’t change because there is a difference between people who play single-player games and people who play multiplayer games, as much as there are differences between people who are introverts and extroverts.” he said. “There isn’t anything we need to do [to ensure single-player games can sustain themselves]. There will always be people who enjoy playing single-player games more than multiplayer games.”

Despite all that, Igarashi won’t dismiss the fact that multiplayer games are actually more profitable than single-player games. According to the producer, contrary to what most people think, a game doesn’t have to be profitable to be regarded as a success. “With the rise of multiplayer games, I don’t think single-player is in danger. A game doesn’t have to be profitable, it just has to break even.” he added.

This sentiment has been previously echoed by many other veterans in the games industry. The list includes former Uncharted franchise developer Amy HennigUbisoft North America head Laurent Detoc and Eidos Montreal Head of Studio David Anfossi. The massive success of recent single-player games like God of War also proves otherwise, indicating that single-player games can thrive in a world filled with multiplayer games.

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