Zelda ROM Hack

Metal Gear Solid Movie Director Thinks Link Shouldn’t Talk in a Zelda Film

Jordan Vogt-Roberts, director of the upcoming Metal Gear Solid movie has had his say on a few potential video game films. Now, he has spoken out on how he would tackle a Legend of Zelda film. Nintendo fans worldwide would love to see a great Zelda movie, and it sounds like Vogt-Roberts would potentially create one that should please all sorts of Zelda fans.

Speaking to IGN at Comic-Con, Vogt-Roberts shared his thoughts on what would make a good Zelda movie. He argues that Zelda is a complicated game. A “quirky and bizarre” title. “The thing about Zelda is Zelda is not Lord of the Rings, right? You cannot forget how quirky and bizarre Zelda is.” Indeed, an epic, serious-natured Zelda film wouldn’t quite capture the tone of the series. These are quirky games, filled with strange characters and plots.

Zelda is a fantasy series, but it has featured plenty of tech in newer games. “I think you need to find a way to actually fuse the traditional Zelda and the very new Zelda.” Getting the best out of the likes of Ocarina of Time and Breath of the Wild sounds like a sure-fire way to winning fans over to us. It would be a difficult task, however, but one that Vogt-Roberts has thought about:

“I think you have to find a way to very intensely fuse the pure just sort of fantasy of The Ocarina of Time and The Link to the Past, but then I think you need to find a way to incorporate the newer pseudo-tech stuff — you know, the lasers and Tron lines that happen in the newer games, but in a way that’s not overwhelming.”

Perhaps most important of all for a Zelda film, however, is this: Can Link talk? Vogt-Roberts argues that Link shouldn’t utter a word. “I actually fully think Link should not speak the entire film. I would do a film where he’s a silent protagonist.”

While an action-adventure film starring a silent protagonist may sound odd, Link can never talk, surely? We think Vogt-Roberts might be on to something.

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