Capcom Assures Fans That DMC Won’t Be Disappointing

If you're having second thoughts about DMC: Devil May Cry, Capcom would like a word with you.

DMC's Producer Manager, Karl Reader, has full confidence in the game being as compelling if not even more awesome than previous games in the series. He stated the following during a panel at NYCC 2012:

You won't be disappointed, I assure you.

Now you're probably wondering how he's so sure. Thankfully, he elaborated:

You're still going to get that aerial combat and combat chaining, but at the same time we've added a ton of new stuff. The new characters, Kat, being one of them, is a member of the Order – a vigilante group who, with the help of Vergil and Dante, are trying to take down the demons.

I spent some time with the E3 demo and I can say that he isn't far from the truth. The game has tons of fluid combos and weapon switching to offer the hardcore action types, and noticeable adjustments to dispel the monotony. Really, it felt great to play, but there was no way to tell if the entire experience will be well-rounded leaving us waiting until January to find out if Capcom is puffing smoke.

However, remember that Capcom said the same thing about Resident Evil 6, and look how that turned out. If you're a fan of the Devil May Cry series you may want to tread carefully with pre-orders unless you're 100% sold.

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