Fortnite Update to “Bring Parity” to Battle Royale and Save the World Controls

Currently, Fortnite players who dabble in both the Save the World and Battle Royale portions of the game, have to put up with different control schemes. Those using the popular “Combat Pro” Battle Royale controls, can’t take that over to the Save the World PVE mode. Having to adjust to the different controls, as you switch between BR and StW, can be confusing.

Fortunately, in a conversation with USgamer, Epic Games confirmed that it is working on a Fortnite update, which will “[bring] parity to the control schemes between the two modes.” Creative Director Darren Sugg explained the difficulties faced when trying to create one optimal control scheme that can be used for both modes:

“Because Save the World features class-based abilities that require additional buttons, it’s not as easy as simply adapting the default Battle Royale, “Combat Pro” control scheme. The team has some ideas, though, so players should see updates in the future.”

fortnite update

The mechanics used in Battle Royale differ greatly to those in Save the World, and so it’s easy to understand why controls can’t simply be copied across. However, with the confusion caused for players switching between game types, the incoming fix will no doubt be appreciated.

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