Friday the 13th: The Game has had many problems since its launch, most of them technical, but it hasn’t been without its fair share of community-related problems, namely team-killing. The 1v7 asymmetrical multiplayer game that features counselors versus Jason Voorhees often saw counselors, for one reason or another, killing other counselors. Usually, their reason is because they’re terrible people.
For a long time, the developers at Gun Media have insisted that team-killing was a designed part of the game that created intense scenarios where maybe counselors would have to kill the other for a seat in a car, for example. Even after Gun Media increased the experience penalty for team-killing to 1000 per instance, making some games entirely worthless for team-killers, the problem still persisted, and this devolved into toxic trolls killing innocent counselors for the fun of it. Gun Media has now reluctantly seen the truth. In the next patch, Friday the 13th: The Game will no longer allow most forms of team-killing.
Public Games will no longer allow counselor team killing through weapons use against other counselor players. The shotgun, machete, and other assorted weapons will no longer have any effect on friendly players.
Announced today on Reddit, “Public Games will no longer allow counselor team killing through weapons use against other counselor players. The shotgun, machete, and other assorted weapons will no longer have any effect on friendly players.”
This does leave two potential forms of team-killing: if a teammate dies from stepping in a fellow counselors’ bear trap, and if a counselor is run over by a car. Gun Media did specify that only killing someone with a car would cause the -1000 experience penalty. Team killing will still be allowed in private matches.
Continuing, Gun Media wrote “Our team believes that the ability to hurt other counselors is something that this game should have as it adds tension and requires players to make tough calls. However, we do not believe this should be a mechanic that is abused by players to the point where the vast majority of our current communications from fans are complaints of rampant/unwarranted team-killing/griefing/trolling. We will include this mechanic in private matches for now, with the hope of better options in the future.”
There is no word on when this patch will drop just yet, but Friday the 13th: The Game will be much different when it does.