GameStop Selling Supercharged PS3s, May Be Sued By Sony?

GameStop has begun selling "500 GB Supercharged Refurbished" PlayStation 3 that, according to the spiel, "Includes $160 in Added Value!"

On GameStop's site for the product, the enhanced bundle costs $399.99 and can be shipped anywhere in the U.S. in 24 hours:

Supercharge your gaming experience with 500GB of PS3 total awesomeness. This is the system recommended by gamers for its top-of-the-line hard drive. With 5400 RPM 8MB cache for big-time play, a media hub with remote control that provides up to 4 USB ports and controls Blu-Ray movies without game controllers, a charging stand that holds the system and charges 2 controllers simultaneously, and a 6-ft HDMI high-speed cable that supports 3D video and 1080p – it's the systems other systems envy.

Now, this is where it gets a tad dicey: modding. Depending on who you ask, and in particular The Courts, modding could be extensive as installing piracy hacks or as minimal as swapping out a hard drive for another one. It's hard to sue someone on eBay, though, for selling a PS3 with a different hard drive, especially when Sony says it's okay to swap the hard drive without voiding the warranty.

But when you start selling that product nationally as a company (not a user) in unofficial packaging, you can see how this can be grounds for a lawsuit by Sony. Still, I don't think Sony will – the first sale doctrine, other companies who sell used or refurbished PS3s, and really, suing over a different box that still makes your console look cool is silly.

I give GameStop a pardon on this one.


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