Japanese Quake Shakes Xbox Live And PSN

Japanese citizens, alike, have been through a lot in the last few days. As much as the gamers in the far east want to get back to everyday life, console services are still feeling the effects of Japan's big earthquake and subsequent tsunami.

Microsoft has a repair center near Fukushima prefecture which has been shutdown. Fukushima is the location of the nuclear power plant issues Japan is facing. Reopening the repair center is really the least of the regions concerns right now.

Sony of Japan has stated and apologized for the difficulty users are experiencing when they try to connect to the PlayStation Network. Consequently, users are encouraged to back up their data. Customer service and repair centers have also had work interruptions and Sony does not yet have a time for when service will be back up.

Microsoft delayed their "Gold Member Starter Kit" and the PSN release of the latest Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood DLC has been delayed.


Upcoming Releases
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