Say what you will about the balding, chubby Max Payne as seen in Max Payne 3. I'm sure he still dives around in bullet time like no other. With the game well under way, it's about time we got a date for its release from Rockstar Games.
This just in, Max Payne 3 will launch on PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in March 2012. The game will take Max to Sao Paulo, Brazil to protect a family caught in the sites… of… bad guys. Have you played a Max Payne game? They're just… not nice people.
Joining the single player experience is a multiplayer mode with a "compelling experience that dynamically alters maps and mode progression for all players in a match. The game will feature leveling and load-out choices a la Red Dead Redemption, in addition to clan support and reward unlocks.
Rockstar boss Sam Houser said:
Max Payne 3 gave us an amazing creative opportunity to evolve one of our most iconic characters. We're excited to show fans a modern version of Max that pulls them back into his dark and twisted story.